#pinnochio spoilers
kicksnscribs · 2 years
Tried to get my mom interested in watching GDTs Pinocchio (she refuses bc she thinks its “creepy”) and when I tried to explain the plot to it and what happens in the movie all I got out of the deal was “maybe you should lay off of that sort of thing” and it’s taken me a full day to figure out why that fucking bothered me so much
Like these ppl watch movies and shows that have high levels of gore, violence, murder and whatnot without even batting an eye but heaven forbid they come face to face with a literal childrens movie whose main themes involve (among other things) life and the inevitability of death and how each of us should cherish that singular life that we have been given and to to do good whenever we can despite the pressures around us and to enjoy the things that life has to offer, but nooooooo suddenly that’s “too much?”
((Bonus: I found out the reason why she never let me finish the Golden Compass:
Me: why did you never let me read that crap?
Her: oh It was because they kill God in it. *this was said in a hushed whisper btw as though my delicate constitution would suddenly crumble away from the mere thought.*
Me:*stares blankly in JRPGS* mom…mom that ship sailed when I was like…ten…I literally haven’t stopped since!
(She was legit shocked when I started telling her about the God of War series lmao) ))
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thelittlemermage · 2 years
I like the part where Pinocchio compares himself to Jesus.
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box-dwelling · 2 years
Honestly i love that destinys children genrally is pretty low chasima but try to make up for it by having a high charisma face, the only issue being that said face is played by Lou Wilson a man cursed with a never ending dedication to the bit that means he ends up saying stuff so wild that a high charisma character could never roll high enough to not let his antics cause complete chaos
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lowryland · 2 years
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that was something, wasn't it?
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whinniebee · 1 year
oouhh something something the princesses sacrificing the whole world to give themselves the endings they want vs destiny's children destroying their own chances at happy endings to save the world
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artemisfangspeaks · 2 years
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[ reality shatters ]
this episode literally chemically altered my brain i can’t stop thinking about it
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maybeimmac · 2 years
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"You do not open the door to me, child."
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glowing-starlight · 1 year
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jackklinemybeloved · 2 years
I fr think Lou’s dice from leviathan are not balanced correctly. How do you roll five nat ones in one session, continue to roll poorly with them for years, and then finally they come through when you NEED to roll low and it comes up as ANOTHER nat 1.
sir I know you argued against dice superstition but I believe at this point you just straight up have defective dice.
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galactic-murmaider · 2 years
So ummm I tried to look up picture of the black psychopomp rabbits to show my friend…and turns out those things were from the book and not just something del Toro and McHale made up
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I mean this research expedition has been quite a rabbit hole (pun fully intended because I am terrible) of finding out how different the original 1940 Disney film (can confirm, I’m a dumb American LOL) is from the source material…and just how plain weird the book is to be frank. Like I would love to see an episode of Lost In Adaptation cover this.
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lobstermigration · 2 years
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Once upon a time…..
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radiocrypt-id · 2 years
I think there's something poetic about Pinnochio that's crushing some of us more than others. Like, this little kid, this sweet baby was given life and from day one, minute ONE, was given a short list of rules to follow to earn his fathers affection. Because his father wanted a son, but a son cannot be made of wood, he must be a "real boy" to be a son. He's had to fight tooth and nail, splinter and varnish, to be what his father wants and the tiniest mistake? the ittiest bittiest littlest mistake? BOOM! wood.
By the end of his Story, Pinnochio figures it out. He's found the limitations, the hard lines of the laws of his life. If he is good, and kind, and doesn't ever lie, he gets to be loved, he gets to be a son. It's a solid box, small and ill fitting for a child, with no sign of what it will do to him as a grown up but that's not in his Story, so it doesn't matter. Maybe in his world, in Amanti, with his father, if The Times of Shadow never came, he would have been fine staying in that box. Being a good boy, and later man, and never once telling a lie lest he become unlovable wood.
But the Times of Shadow did come. And Pinnochio looked into the eyes of the Wicked Fairy, after hearing the screams of his friends fathers dying in the night, drowned and eaten and bled by rats and birds and all manner of critters of shadows. He saw the very thing he'd always been questioning stare him in the face with a sweet smile and screams at his back.
He saw the rules c h a n g e.
Before anyone else, Pinnochio saw a damned if he did situation and chose to be wood. He Chose to be an Unlovable, Bad, Little Wooden Boy, because he loves his father more than he fears being unloved. He'd rather be a puppet and with his father than be Real and be alone.
He loved his father so much, he made a deal with the Wicked Stepmother because she promised to take care of his father for him. After he lied to keep his father alive, safe from the Wicked Fairy and knowing he's just a little wooden boy, how could he possible keep his father safe, especially when he won't listen to pinnochio? Of course he'd agree to help the stepmother it it meant his father would be safe. Of course he'd take that sacrifice. Of course he'd die.
Pinnochio loves his father. Enough to be wooden forever. To be unloveable, bad, mischievous, foolish, left behind. Because Pinnochios life has always been harder than other children. He's used to it now. But now it has purpose. Now that repetitive hard line he'll never escape has given him the strength to survive. He's smart, fast, powerful in his own right and growing everyday. He's his own patron now. He wasn't built for the world he was forced into, but he's built for this one.
And isn't it terrible? To be in a world not made for you? Or rather, specifically designed to hurt you and only you? so that the actual end of the world isn't that big a deal at all?
"Sometimes, you have to lie... You have to lie to protect the one you love..."
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so um. the neverafter finale had me rolling and for some reason I spent my evening making this even though it’s a bit shit. ylfa and pinnochio are cute and so funny and bless this cast for making the past twenty weeks more bearable than before.
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asha-mage · 7 months
I think one of the smartest things Lies of P does is that it refuses to answer the question of 'Is P truly Carlo reincarnated in a new puppet form, or is he his own independent being?' not because it wants ambiguity or mystery on the subject- bur rather because Lies of P is fundamentally disinterested in that question and it's answer.
The only person obsessed with this question in the game is Gepetto who is driven by a need to resurrect Carlo. But what's obvious by game's end is that he is chasing a person that never existed in the first place, and he is doing it out a sense of guilt and failure, not love. Resurrecting Carlo is not an act of compassion and care but one of control- getting a second chance at being a father after he realized, to late, how badly he had screwed up with Carlo. His first attempt was a monstrous failure (the Nameless Puppet) that he locked away- while his second is seemingly 'perfect' and yet still not good enough. It's not enough to build a Puppet that looks like Carlo, has his Ergo, his heart, his memories, his skills as a Stalker- and it will never truly be enough, not until he has the version of Carlo he has idealized in his head- mischievous but obedient, willful but loyal, deadly with his blade but sweet for his papa, ready to do whatever it takes- even slaughter his friends- to make Gepetto's perfect clockwork world a reality. That's the 'Carlo' from the Real Boy ending- and the version of P that is farthest from what we know of Carlo as he was before he died.
In contrast in the Rise of P ending, the game just...side steps the question of P's soul entirely, because it really doesn't matter, so it's better for the player to decide for themselves. What matters, the game essentially argues, is the connections we build and the things we are willing to do for them. Weather P is an entirely new being distinct from Carlo, or Carlo returned in a puppet body but transformed by his experiences and struggles since that awakening, or (as I suspect personally) some middle ground between the two what matters is the bonds P has managed to forge, with Sophia, Gemini, Antonia, Polendina, Eugine, Vignini- all the people Gepetto is so willing to callously toss away and replace with automatons without a second thought. P's willingness to fight for them, to lie for them, to care for their struggles and their pains, to give them aid when they need it most- that's what grows P's humanity to the point that he can defy Gepetto. That, the game argues, is what complicates is simple truths and easy rules with nuance and depth and grayness- our compassion for others and our willingness to recognize their humanity through our own. That's why P chooses to try and give Sophia new life in this ending and what makes it different from Gepetto's obsession with resurrection for Carlo- it isn't coming from the desire for control or absolution. It is motivated by pure compassion and connection- by a wish for Sophia to be free and to live her own life.
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da3nam · 4 months
why cant you remember me
what we once were
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alt version
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this took wayyy too long and I'm glad that it's over!! and I'm actually satisfied with how this piece turned out, the exporting phase of this drawing was a nightmare💀 it took the whole day to do some of the finishing touches because whenever it autosaves (i use clip studio) its gonna freeze for such a long time because: the drawing file size is actually over 10gb now, and i barely have any more storage LOL but enough of that, hope you guys like this👀 sorrey for not posting that much often though.. im still trying to find my art style (though im proud of this style i guess and looks workeable) and the time to make more pieces like this...
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arainywriter · 1 year
pinnochio and ylfa did not come out of nowhere for me, cause i really felt that emily and lou were leaning into a bit where two teens had weird crushes on each other, making everyone uncomfortable
as someone who works with preteens, every moment they had with each other was just uncomfortable teen flirting where you don’t really know if they are flirting with each other, but it’s weird and it makes you want to be anywhere but there when it happens
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