#piper o possum
clownngutzz · 1 year
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Childhood buddies
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hippopotamus-6kids · 1 year
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jordandoodlez · 1 year
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Childhood buddies 🌈🌼😊
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
happy april fools 2023 everyone the joke is i'm a companion react blog for this one post
I wrote this last july at 2:30 in the morning and scheduled it
companions and songs/albums they like fight me
old longboi; O the year was Seventeen Seventy-Eight - breathes in deep - HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOOOOOOOOOOW,
ada: deacon played kraftwerk once and codsworth and ada just fucking ascended
hancock; brockhampton saturation I and saturation III, 100 gecs, ODB, capone-n-noreaga
deacon; every sophie song ever produced, listens to windowlicker - aphex twin for hours on repeat. fave bad lou reed album is ecstasy because he'd take a 19 min guitar jam consisting of like 12 notes and fuzz called Like A Possum over all of lulu. his actual fave lou reed work is berlin
cait; say anything fan and that's between her and god, no one knows she knows every word to Is A Real Boy. She likes in Defence of the Genre but concedes where the album is messy and generally prefers the S/T say anything record. got fanfic brain about being in the band laden with awkward crush/work romance tropes when she dreamed away her real life as a kid. she doesn't daydream those stories anymore but, sometimes, when she's absolutely safe and no one is around to break her thinking.. late at night when everything and everyone is asleep, she still goes there to escape
rj maccready: 36 chambers, GZA Liquid Swords, ghostface killah fishscale BECAUSE WU TANG IS FOR THE CHILDREN, joyce manor, nirvana, code orange,
codsworth; he does like when deacon gets up to turn on the radio and put in one of his holotapes. deacon says "it's beep boop time" and he gets excited.
dogmeat; breakfast in america - supertramp
strong; its just mamamoo
piper; she's more like an og 2NE1 person, like she's the fan who yells about being a fan before CL's solo career but when she does it's the moment she reveals to absolutely everyone that she's massively into kpop when she was going to take it to her grave. she's absolutely one of those I WAS INTO KPOP BEFORE BTS eyeroll types but she knows to keep that to herself. it's her toxic fandom trait and she's had many come to jesus moments about it
preston; he'll stick with billie holiday what kind of band name is 100 gecs
curie; likes the "break necks I'm the chiropractor" line from boogie when hancock plays brockhampton, feels seen. since her personality was based on a prewar french woman, she listens to serge gainsbourg and wonders what france was like; what her life would be if she could have explored it. what was france? these things she mused late at night at her clinic office. literally cries to edith piaf because its like she's singing for curie and no one else in the room
nick valentine: ditto preston who starts a song with 'hey you little piss baby', this is why I never visit goodneighbour-
x86; music is just there if it's there as an element in the room. I'M SORRY I GOT NOTHIN
porter gage; listens to straight edge like minor threat and have heart but is nnnnnot sober (I'm projecting)
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ychcvygccy · 1 year
Piper O' Possum and The Wonder Pets On The Flysub by ehrisbrudt
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nsokolow · 4 years
Anyone else remember her?
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thisdayinphishtory · 5 years
2 years ago: Madison Square Garden - New York, NY - 2017
Phish • August 01, 2017 • Madison Square Garden • New York, NY
Set 1: O Canada[1] > Crowd Control, Sugar Shack, When the Circus Comes, Daniel Saw the Stone, Army of One, The Wedge, Guelah Papyrus, Maple Leaf Rag[2], Guelah Papyrus, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > Limb By Limb > Walk Away
Set 2: Golden Age, Leaves, Swept Away > Steep > 46 Days[3] > Piper > Possum
Encore: Rock 'n' Roll Suicide
[1] Phish debut; instrumental. [2] Phish debut; performed solo by Page. [3] With Trey on Marimba Lumina and Mike and Page on percussion.
This show was night nine of Phish's Baker's Dozen run at Madison Square Garden and had a maple donut theme. Donuts with a maple cinnamon glaze were given to fans arriving at the venue. This show featured the Phish debuts of O Canada and Maple Leaf Rag. O Canada was performed as an instrumental and the Canadian flag in the venue was illuminated at the conclusion of the song. Maple Leaf Rag was performed solo by Page. Swept Away and Steep were last played on July 8, 2012 (192 shows). 46 Days featured Trey on Marimba Lumina and Mike and Page on percussion. Trey quoted 46 Days in Piper. This show was webcast via Live Phish.
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doux-ciel · 6 years
Victim Chapter Four
Masterlist: If your new to my book, click here for the first three chapters to catch up. 🔪🔪🔪
Tagged: @ghost-possum @pazwrites @sugarmommamusings @bonewrites @erinisawriter @dolphin108 @debateflows @deathbyecholocation
Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud -Anonymous
It was Thursday evening and I just got back from my gocies, I think I got booked for at least 2 fashion shows, both of course local, while other people loved going out the country and experiencing the world. I loved the city of New York the different people, different ideas, different versions of fashion and I loved being apart of others people's creations. I was walking into my apartment building, living on the upper east side was a struggle it was 3 hours away from work and it was practically a ghost town, plus the rent here is ridiculous.
I go over to my mailbox checking for important letters or even letters from supporters who love to contact me. I look down and see a Manila folder, I look around to see if anyone maybe dropped it. I know my neighbor doesn't that much mail, he's some old man who stays to himself. Not saying he doesn't have had a social life but if he gets mail he doesn't forget any of it. I pick it up and turn the folder over, it has my name on it.
What the fuck?
I kiss my teeth as lock my mailbox back and I jog up the stairs unlocking my front door and sitting down on my black couch. I open up the letter when I look inside my heart stops.
I remember this day it was the last time I saw Joslyn.
It was getting darker and darker outside, a storm very obviously brewing. The soft hits of raindrops began to pick up against the window and started to fall steadily. I just got home from a long day of traveling. Usually, Leyla is with me during these rainy days but she couldn't make it to the airport, she and Melanie went off somewhere shortly after my plane had landed. She was probably at her place, I chuckle as I imagine her hiding under the comforters and Melanie is right beside her. She was known to be a wuss when some rain and lightning came. I should probably call her make sure she's ok. I called at least 2 times both went to voicemail, I shortly gave up after that, I sent her a quick text saying that I made it home safely through the storm.
I got a chocolate bar from my pantry put a pot in the stove turning the nozzle to 4 and broke the chocolate up into little pieces, added the milk, and whisk it until the chocolate melted. I could hear the wind picking up outside and a faint rumble of thunder.
A few minutes passed, I saw the steam rising from the pot. I poured a rather large cup and brought it out to the living room. Out of habit, I went to my bedroom to grab a blanket, a pillow, and phone charger. I prepped my couch with pillows and blankets, I was ready to take a nap, I turned the tv on in the background.
Trying to take my mind off of the storm outside, I turn my attention towards the television, a Telenovela was on. I was too lazy to reach for the remote so I kept it there. I barely made it 2 minutes into the show when there was another sudden flash of light, the clap of thunder, and sudden darkness.
I froze, looking up at my lights I see them flicker for a second and then nothing.
I sigh, getting up shuffling my way through the darkness, feeling my way to my kitchen and going into my drawer, I felt my flashlight. Turning the flashlight on, I make a makeshift lamp on my coffee table by propping it up against a few books.
After 10 minutes of just sitting in silence, I hear a knock at the door. It was so faint, I almost didn't hear it. When I opened the door to my surprise it was Joslyn.
She had water dripping from her hair, her pink rain boots squished as she walked in leaving a trail of water behind her. I was staring at her wondering why the hell she came to MY house? Didn't Luke give her a ride from runway practice? I mean they were in the fashion show together. It was a bit weird when she plopped down on the couch not saying a word. Just shivering, I sighed and went into my hallway closet getting a blanket out for her. When I walked back into the living room she had my flashlight in her hand, shining it toward the cupboard.
"Haven't even been here for 3 minutes and already going through my stuff eh?"
"You seriously aren't going to let me drink some hot chocolate, Grey you're being rude besides I'm a guest in your home".
"I didn't invite you," I say slowly.  I had to remind her. She's the one that showed up at my door at 7 at night.
As she grabs the mug, she turns her head towards me. Her face softens. "Luke couldn't drive me because he had to leave early...some emergency whatever that is, and I tried to get my driver to come but he said he couldn't because the rain was too much for him"
A large crack of thunder erupts from outside making Joslyn jump. She brings the blanket even closer to her, wrapping it around her body as if it's a protective shield. She sets the mug down on the counter. She continued. " I remember where you lived and I thought I could stay here until the rain let out." Her dainty hands take hold of the pot that has the hot chocolate in it and pours some in the mug.
I knew it was wrong to have my ex in my home with the lights out but I wasn't a horrible person. I didn't want her to go back out there, I bring my hand and rub it across my face sighing. "Well you're already here"
My eyes glance up at her, she gives a small smile. "Thanks"
We break eye contact as she takes a seat on one of my chairs sitting on the couch, blowing on the steaming liquid, and bringing her lips to the mug. I felt a buzz in my left pocket. I pulled out my phone and checked the caller ID.
Great....just great.
I pressed the accept button and brought the phone up to my ear.
"Hello? baby are you ok?" She asked I could hear the thunder booming on her side in the background.
"Hi, yes, well ... no. The power's gone out"
I hear her swear under her breath. "The power went out over here too"
"Are you there alone?" I quizzed wondering if Melanie was there with her.
"Yeah" she answers.
"I thought Melanie would be there with you?"
"She left before the rain got too bad."
There was a brief silence before I hear her sigh into the phone. "Are you?"
I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, I hear footsteps coming towards me, I look up and see Joslyn leaning on my tall wooden bookcase. Once again sipping on her hot chocolate. "Who's that?"  She questions. I quickly bring my hand over the phone, mouthing 'go'. Of course, that doesn't stop her at all as she gets louder. "Ohh is that Leyla, tell her I said hey"
I give her a look as I walk away. I walk over to the other side of my living room, standing near the windows. Bringing my hand away from the phone and placing it back towards my ear. "Yeah I'm here alone"
I hated lying to her, but what she doesn't know won't kill her right? Or at least she won't kill Joslyn.
I learned quickly that Leyla had the tendency to go a little overboard If I was around Joslyn alone. It's not like we were doing anything sexual, I mean when I look back, most of the time when Joslyn and I were together it was just us taking photos together for the photo shoots. I would ask Melanie why doesn't she just put Luke into replace me but she says I bring a type of spice to the photo, she says if she puts them together most of the time they end up looking like Ken and Barbie but with dark hair.
"Grey I don't know if I can stay here alone, maybe I could come over to you and just-"
"No," I say quickly, I pause. Clearing my throat. "No just stay there until this all blows over okay don't worry baby you'll be fine. I love you."
"I love you too."
End of flashback
I focus my eyes on the picture, it was me and Joslyn, someone took photos of that whole night.
Whoever sent these photos to me must have known that Joslyn and I were alone together because who else would have seen Joslyn come up to my building, no one actually knows where I live except Leyla and Joslyn.
So many thoughts were racing in my mind.
Was it the paps? I mean they were known for hiding in bushes and shit.
Was is Joslyn?
Someone else saw us that night.
                                   ¤ ¤ ¤
I walk into the police station and I'm escorted to a interrogation room, it was a different officer than before. A male. looked to be about 6'3, caucasian.with short brown hair. I sit on the opposite side of the table. He says his name is Theo but honestly I don't care I'm just trying to get this shit over with so I can go back home.
He looks at me with his dark brown eyes. "So you were best friends with Joslyn, correct?"
I nod my head "Yes I was"
"Were you ever jealous of her?" He questions.
"Who wouldn't be? I mean she's the most talented person I know and she's gorgeous"
"So you admit you were jealous"
I shrug pursing my lips, nodding "I mean a little bit"
"Jealous enough to kill her?"
I start to raise my voice. Rising up from the metal seat. "I didn't kill her, she's my best friend! The girl you should be asking is Leyla, that bitch practically threatened her the 2 days before the party...at least that's what I saw."
He raises his eyebrows, his mouth forms an O.
"Yeah we were at an event for Harp maybe a couple of days before the party and Vanessa told everyone she wanted some pictures of everyone, Joslyn switched places with me and was standing right next to Grey and on the other side of him Leyla was literally standing there glaring at Joslyn. A day before the party Leyla said she was going to scratch her eyes out if she ever pulled some shit like that again..... Leyla can be quiet and timid but when it came to Grey she was really jealous. She always suspected them of flirting, but it was mostly because Jocelyn would initiate the flirting with him."
He tilted his head with a confused look in his face. "I thought she had a boyfriend?"
"She does, I think Luke is just mad because Grey was the first one and he was her side piece."
"Were they seeing each other?"
"Oh you mean were they sleeping together? No."
"How do you know?" he questions
I straighten in the chair. "Because she tells me everything...well used to."
He takes a manilla folder out and places it on the table. My hands touch the cool silver metal as he slides the picture out, handing it over to me. "Can you confirm that this was the dress you were wearing that night?"
I smile looking at the dress. "It is, I got this back on my girls trip to Greece."
He leans back in the seat and sighs."Well I'm going to need it"
"We are asking all key witnesses to hand over the clothing they were wearing that night."
I smirk. "Ok fine, I guess it a good thing I'm not wearing it now"
Rolling his eyes he ignores my comment "Lets walk through the night of the party, about 3 hours of security footage was erased, even some footage from the night before."
I bring my left hand up to check on my manicure, glancing at my nails and then back at him. "Well that must make things a little difficult"
"It would if we already have a pretty good idea who's responsible" he says hinting his eyes over to me.
I shrug. "Why don't you talk to them?"
"I am...A witness saw you leaving the security office, can you tell me what you were doing there?"
I bring my left hand settling it on the table and resting my cheek on my palm. "That's the thing about witnesses, there never reliable"
"Not always" he says "So you better have a logical explanation"
I lick my lips slowly. "What I mean to say is your witness is mistaken, I was downstairs yes...but I was using the ladies room, not in the security office..they are in the same general area"
His eyebrows furrowed "You went down to the lobby for that? You could've just used the restroom on the 10th floor."
I scoff and roll my eyes waving him off  "All the toilets were disgusting and beside I really had to pee and maintenance had just cleaned the ones downstairs, you men don't have that problem do you?"
"Well if you weren't in the security room, then can you explain how your fingerprints were on the keyboard?"
I start to look anywhere else but his face "No I can't, I think I'm being framed...Not everyone likes me officer"
"How did you get along with Leyla and Melanie while you were working with them?"
"Very well" I say
"Is that so? I have several people tell me that you were actually-"
I cut him off. And start to grab my purse. "I'm the daughter of the man that signs their paychecks they all pretend to like me officer.....Are we done here?"
"For now." He says leaning back on his chair, I hope he falls and he breaks his head.
As I'm heading out I turn back around to see Officer Harrison watching me walk away, I wave her goodbye.
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colourtechs · 5 years
How to Draw piper O' possum | Easy drawing for kids
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ychcvygccy · 1 year
Piper O' Possum and The Wonder Pets On The Flysub by ehrisbrudt
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thisdayinphishtory · 6 years
12 months ago: Madison Square Garden - New York, NY - 2017
Phish • August 01, 2017 • Madison Square Garden • New York, NY
Set 1: O Canada[1] > Crowd Control, Sugar Shack, When the Circus Comes, Daniel Saw the Stone, Army of One, The Wedge, Guelah Papyrus, Maple Leaf Rag[2], Guelah Papyrus, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > Limb By Limb > Walk Away
Set 2: Golden Age, Leaves, Swept Away > Steep > 46 Days[3] > Piper > Possum
Encore: Rock 'n' Roll Suicide
[1] Phish debut; instrumental. [2] Phish debut; performed solo by Page. [3] With Trey on Marimba Lumina and Mike and Page on percussion.
This show was night nine of Phish's Baker's Dozen run at Madison Square Garden and had a maple donut theme. Donuts with a maple cinnamon glaze were given to fans arriving at the venue. This show featured the Phish debuts of O Canada and Maple Leaf Rag. O Canada was performed as an instrumental and the Canadian flag in the venue was illuminated at the conclusion of the song. Maple Leaf Rag was performed solo by Page. Swept Away and Steep were last played on July 8, 2012 (192 shows). 46 Days featured Trey on Marimba Lumina and Mike and Page on percussion. Trey quoted 46 Days in Piper. This show was webcast via Live Phish.
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colourtechs · 7 years
How to Draw Piper O' Possum from Nick Jr. Piper O Possum || Piper O' Pos...
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colourtechs · 7 years
How to Draw Piper O' Possum from Nick Jr. Piper O Possum || Piper O' Pos...
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