#pitaya that kills people
uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (134/?)
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feerdelor · 6 days
Ok ok ok so here it is
A Mute Dragon is a Dead Dragon
Explanation probably under cut?
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Basically in this au Dark Enchantress somehow manages to kidnap Snapdragon and use it as leverage against Pitaya.
Something like a 'join me or it dies' kind of thing and obviously Pitaya doesn't want Snapdragon to die so they do as she says which leads to this au
So Pitaya is forced to join the COD, and is forced to do many not so nice things to other people (like kill them haha)
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Pomegranate really likes to torment Pitaya and is always the one who punishes them by hurting Snapdragon in front of them especially when they know they can't do anything about it.
They get dark power buff too so thats cool
If you have any questions you can ask in the askbox
And if there isn't... uh... i'll answer them anyway!!
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fan-coty-tourney · 2 months
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today is a new day!! sorry in advance if any match ups seem unfair, I generally try and pair cookies fairly in terms of popularity.. but l've also been out of touch w/the cookie run fandom for MONTHS. This matchup was just me going "people love twinks. okay twink meet nonbinary dragon now kill eachother"
Character Tags!! (Starting today, they will be simplified more!)
#Pitaya Dragon COTY
#Eclair COTY
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arandomexistantbeing · 7 months
So ... About that cookie run kingdom au I was thinking about ... Let's start ...
*clears throat*
... So basically , everything is upside down in this au . No body is truly kind , sweet or caring . There is no light Magic or dark Magic , there is no difference . The ancients cookies are all kings and queens exept for White Lilly Cookie , but the twist is that they're all mercyless people and each one of them have their own cruelty . The cookies of Darkness are no thing in that dimension, Gingerbrave and his friends are not alive ( maybe ) , and the relations between cookies are all different.
Here is a look for the ancients :
Dark Cacao Cookie
So first , he's a cold and heartless king . He never truly cares for his kingdom
The Dark Cacao Kingdom is a very cold place , so he basically lets his people die of cold.
He gets mad easily , and when he's not satisfied , he starts yelling constantly and rages .
When someone says something that upsets him , he executes them instantly . He doesn't care
Well for Dark Choco cookie ... He killed him ... " He is a disgrace and useless ... " . He mostly didn't want his son to take his place on the thrown...
Everyone is scared to upset the king , they all know the conseconses and they're not willing to suffer more than what they're already are
Hollyberry Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie is said to have waved her kingdom in the past , and this is why she became a queen and got the citizents' respect .
Something that I see for her in this au is that she made gladiators fights in the kingdom
Like every week , there will be a gladiators fight tournament where she makes multiple cookies fight each other to death and even get tigers inside the fighting scene .
And of course all the kingdom has to watch the fight and Hollyberry Cookie will laugh at the scenes while drinking alot of berry juice .
And what will have the last gladiator standing's price be ... *drums roll* ... They will have to fight Pitaya Dragon Cookie in his dragon form . The dragon became a slave of the queen's entertainment because she caught him .
But ... if the dragon is somehow weakened to a point where it can no longer fight . Hollyberry Cookie will have a great pleasure is jumping into the battle feild and fight the gladiator by herself .
And Princess Cookie didn't like her grandma's attitude , so she decided to run away from the kingdom . So she's living with Tiger Lilly Cookie in the jungle .
Golden Cheese Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie's kingdom is based on encient Egypt. And Encient Egypt was also known for slavery.
So Golden Cheese Cookie treats everyone like slaves and at least half of the kingdom is enslaved
She keeps all the gold for herself
Everyone worships her like a Godess and praises her for some mercy
She is a very feared emperess
She is a very unfair person and her life , well being and priorities are always a priority
And when she's bored , she probably kilos people for fun
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Yes , this sweet and kind cookie always willing to help the weak ... Don't let this vision fool you . He's a very cruel person
Pure Vanilla Cookie has this kind of Idea of creating a perfect world that he's rulling by himself . And he's willing to destroy anything that he doesn't find fitting in his world.
Black Raisins Cookie works for Pure Vanilla Cookie but only to protect her village . They both made a deal , he would spare her village if she works for him .
He despise the other ancients cookies, but he keeps it secret and tries to keep a good relation with them and waits for the perfect moment to put his plans in order.
Pure Vanilla Cookie sends Black Raisins Cookie to kill people he finds unfitting in his world
Healways keeps his staf looking behind him , he's not fooled easily by words
White Lilly Cookie
White Lilly Cookie does not have a kingdom , but that doesn't mean she's not a danger.
She's very manipulative , she attracts people to do dangerous things for her and when she doesn't need them anymore , she throws them away .
But people can't get rid of her easily , she uses a kind of personal charm and the kind of kidness that comes out of her to keep people under to serve her
So her full lore isn't out yet but I can add that that's how she managed to put the fairies under her authority and make them at her service
Thank you for reading , I wrote this late at night ... So I might update it one time . Goodbye !
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optimusprime3000 · 9 months
Pitaya: We'll kill anyone who getsss in our way!
Hollyberry: No, not kill anyone!
Pitaya: Kill a few people!
Hollyberry: Kill no people!
Pitaya: Kill one guy. One ssstupid guy who no one lovesss!
Hollyberry: Now you're just making it sad!
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sleepingdeath-light · 7 months
chubby s/o hcs ; pitaya dragon cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (28/11/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pitaya dragon cookie
outline ; “I’m feral for Pitaya dragon cookie but I haven’t seen him in a “x chubby reader” post I’m thirsty for him (aaaaauuuughhh)”
warning(s) ; some slightly suggestive bits, but mostly just fluff!
having a chubby partner is, to a dragon like pitaya, an incredibly appealing thing — not only is there more of you for them to dig their claws into, but you have the body of an ideal mate which makes you all the more likely to catch their attention (and to be paraded around in front of their fellow dragons as their prized treasure — something that they can observe and desire but never touch)
they’re even touchier with you than they would be otherwise, always having a clawed hand latched onto your waist or thigh when you’re sat with them on their throne just to emphasise that you’re taken to anyone who may see you — and if you happen to enjoy that possessive streak of theirs and lean into this behaviour then you’ll be quite heavily rewarded in private
they definitely encourage you to wear clothing that accentuates your body and will discourage you from hiding yourself in baggier outfits — they think you’re the most enchanting creature they’ve ever laid eyes upon and won’t hear anything to the contrary (not from outsiders, who they have no qualms about quickly silencing, or even from you)
they have been known to fall asleep with their head resting comfortably on wherever you’re the softest — be that your stomach, your thighs, or elsewhere — because they can’t help but drift off when they’re surrounded by your presence, your scent, your voice, and your touch (bonus points if you happen to be playing with their hair)
… just don’t bring that up around anyone else — especially not hollyberry cookie because she will never let them live that down and they have a reputation to uphold!
has killed people for making degrading or cruel remarks to or about you and would do it again without hesitation — they have no remorse about that and just see it as them fulfilling their duty as your mate
beyond all of that, your body type doesn’t really impact your relationship: they’re plenty strong enough to pick you up to carry you off (or even to fly with you in their arms) no matter how heavy you are, they still spoil you rotten with gold and jewels and clothes/armour in their colours, and they still get jealous and argumentative/snappy whenever someone is stealing your attention and focus away from them
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innovatorbunny · 8 months
by far the worst consequence of Kingdom was many people's insistence on misgendering certain cookies. i should be legally allowed to kill anyone who refers to Pitaya with he/him.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
so unfortunately being one of those people who jumped into cookie run when the hype train happened back in late 2021 (and happened to never get off), the only experience I had with Ovenbreak was playing for a few months primarily during the ghost lesbians event because I got sick of the gatekeeping against Kingdom-only players and wanted in on the Ovenbreak action despite not liking the gameplay loop that much, then *that* happening which completely killed any chance of me getting back into Ovenbreak after the fashion event briefly sparked my interest again, and in general really not being willing to sift through 6+ years of cutscenes just to understand the stories of a couple characters who’ve crossed over to Kingdom the only details I actually have on Pitaya through what Kingdom has shown me is A. they talk a lot of shit, B. they fight for shits and giggles, C. they hate Cookies despite having the word ‘Cookie’ in the name (Black Pearl got a lot from them clearly), and D. they and Hollyberry have possibly the weirdest sexual tension I’ve ever seen in any piece of media ever and also they have a very thinly veiled abandonment complex regarding her 
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abundanceoflol · 2 months
Hey can I show you a knight dragon au my is inspired by yours but it's a different storyline you see for mine knight cookie is kidnapped wa'll he and princess were on an adventure in the forest and taken to an icy mountain by snake cookie who basically put a spade shaped dragon stone on his chest turning him into an ice dragon he remained in the cell for months when one day longan appeared and killed snake cookie for scheming behind his back (longan woke up years prior to the events of the story) longan than saw knight cookie in the cell knight cookie was afraid that he would hurt him but longan freed him and told him that this place was now his (knights) lair to protect knight cookie then met the other dragons Pitaya, lychee, Ananas, lotus and Shiro Sifa Dragon (one of my OC's but this isn't the original her this is just the one in this au the original is for another day) and knight cookie became Akebi the ice dragon and he became cold his heart turning to ice he hords different types of clothes and banners to try and melt his empty ice cold heart.
(what happened with princess) when princess cookie realized knight cookie was gone she tried looking for him she found someone else instead she found her long lost sister the family was finally back together but knight was thought to have died 2 years later princess cookie is going through the market with white Choco cookie they then run into gingerbrave's group who are there to stop one of dark enchantress's schemes
And that's basically the story so far here's a picture for what Akebi's cookie form looks like. P.S the gem in the center is supposed to be a spade but they didn't have that in Gacha life 2 I'm not really good at drawing.
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I'm honestly always so touched when people come up and shows off their ideas and it turns out Abundance of lol inspired them, thank you -Q
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rottenkadaver · 1 year
Royal Margarine Cookie's hand's are soft, but muscular and calloused at the same time. Small scar's littered from wear and tear he's experienced over the decades. Knuckles protruding slightly odd - a worn example of aging, the gentle hiss of burns and cuts from accident's and wounds long ago. Yet his palms still stay young despite all of the respire inside of him, outside of his control and willingness.
But Pitayas hands, nothing could compare or describe them. There rough, scratchy even. The claws that edge just at the tip of their fingertips, the scar's stacked over scar's like poker chips from battle's of old and new, there isn't one spot where a small - large, hard scar isn't present. Unkept, draconic - the same hand's that have been used to kill, to destroy and burn home's, cities - people to nothing but ashes of what they once we're. Each healed wound tells a now forgotten story, a firing example of the immortality dragon's possess.
Royal Margarine Cookie should fear them, cower and shake in the presence of the great greenish-red dragon. And yet, he clasps their hand like he is one of their own kin, a friend, a lover perhaps. He trace's his thumb over the scar's individually, not missing a spot on any. Silently retelling the legendary tales of the dragon who sits across from him. He's gentle, like Pitaya Dragon Cookie could break like glass - but they are practically unshakable in power to these lower life forms, there was no reason for Royal Margarine Cookie to do this, to do any of this for them, even after their identity was revealed. And yet, here they sit, slowly leaning into the touch they so 'horridly' loathed not so long ago. He would've been crumbled under their hands for that back then - but now they can't help but allow his own hand's to grasp their own in a gentle, yet firm and familiar grip Pitayas heart craved like the deep, harrowing sugar waters of the Lotus Palace.
It's stupid, it truly is.
They shouldn't be feeling this way, but they want more, they want to follow that Margarine to the end of earthbread itself ten times over, even if it means their feet might hurt, or the leg's they used to run and prance - kicking the rubble away from their nest get sore. Perhaps this is what they needed, their breathes syncing up with Royal Margarine's.
Oh my fucking god I just gave you a fanfic snippet what the fucj guys OLD PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BEING GAY!!!
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Choco: *curious baby
Knight looks around. "Where am I?" he huffs.
"In my cave." Bugtrap said. "I just want to tell you this. I spent a majority of the past, like, hundred years living as a cookie under the radar because Pitaya hurt me. Hurt me to the point where I almost died."
"And you still trust them enough to be on your island?" Knight questioned
"I believe people can change." Bugtrap said. "The only one of my siblings that would be hard to change is Longan, and honestly I think what Longan did was more unforgivable than getting too rough in a fight, remember that apocalypse where a buncha cookies turned into stone? That was them. They're the only one I wouldn't be mad if you hurt, but even then you'd have to get to them without getting yourself killed. The only other one I didn't trust is Lychee, but when they got sick, and even though they pretended to not want the care Pitaya offered, I could tell that they appreciated it."
Knight clenched his fists. "But you still knocked me out. How long can you keep acting so nice?"
"Here's the secret." Bugtrap said. "I'm not acting."
Knight groaned, clearly not believing Bugtrap.
"And if you don't believe me, ask people in that nearby Kingdom I lived in. The only acting I did was pretending to not be a dragon. I always thought cookies were to be treated as equals. Old Pitaya didn't believe me but ended up loving cookies, old Ananas said I had no pride but ended up basically adopting the whole mango tribe, Lotus turned down my offer to work in cooperation but ended up relying on cookies for their land, and Lychee saw you guys as nothing but toys but ended up being shown true will and actual love can break their twisted little spell." Bugtrap said
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dragonsofunity · 11 months
Mod Longan here, there are HORRIBLE war crimes being committed by Israel in Palestine. These poor people are being killed on mass and it's pure evil! Me and the other mods will not stay silent about this so we're helping to spread the word.
Mod Pitaya. There's a sickening amount of heinous actions going on towards the Palenstine people. Some longtime sites are in full swing with the support of Israel's crimes. Spreading awareness in such serious issues are vital...
Mod Lotus, I had been gone for quite some time but as I have been caught up on recent happenings, I.....am genuinely appalled by the horrific acts and war crimes. While it is best to stay safe, many others are not so lucky or fortunate, and the fact that these people are being mercilessly slaughtered for no good reason...it's not just appalling, it isn't just completely and utterly immoral, it's sickening that there are those out there who would do this to others for no good reason at all...It makes me feel sick! Spreading awareness is also for the best, as it is vital to be aware of such horrific issues...
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star-felled · 1 year
what if we just straight up like. made a fucking swsh cookie run au or something. for the sake of fun im not gonna bother trying to make it cr story canon compliant like At All because i dont even remember any of the shit that went down with rhem LOL.. i only have 3 properly settled on for now, being allister as squid ink, raihan as ananas dragon and piers as espresso .. piers is like, there might be a cookie that fits him better ?? but idk its been a WHILE since ive been into cookie run so i dont know any of the new ones from either games. and espresso just .. feels like piers to me?? i guess he probably COULD fit as licorice too (to some extent) but i think espresso just works better for him. feels more like piers to me. leon also feels like madeleine which wasnt intentional bc i didnt choose them based on shipping and ik espresso/madeleine is like . most popular ship for both of them (or at least was when i was in the fandom) but its completely coincidental i promise </3 i just went off Vibes and what Feels Right
mixing two of my special interests now this is DANGEROUS /silly
my analysis under the cut bc thisll be Long
hmmmm lets see . for starters i really like leon as madeleine overworked guy whos trying his best to protect people fits him well <3
piers ... im actually thinking either werewolf or red velvet ! very mentally ill and introverted but cares deeply about those around him
raihans a tough one ! id agree w ananas but raihans pride seems to mostly be for public appearances. im thinking royal margarine cookie —— connections to dragons as well as caring about his appearance, while having his pride be primarily a farce. that, or pitaya, due to their competitiveness !
i did a lil thinking on it and i REALLY like allister as pumpkin pie . introverted spooky child who likes fucking with people on halloween who also has a doll-like critter that can and will kill you
bede !! hes giving strawberry crepe kinda :) genius orphan child whos snarky and has temperment issues . post-opal he definitely ends up being more like clotted cream though like that man is EXACTLY how i imagine bede to grow up being ,,, though i think espresso also fits him and his idea of being flawless at what he does ! if to a lesser extent
i could go further and start to analyze the other characters and bring ovenbreak cookies into it . but ill spare your time /silly
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nawnda · 5 years
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1am is fireknight angst hours
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emo-firespirit · 3 years
purecacao is honestly so weird as a crk ship because it’s like. it’s fine, I guess, in theory. it’s cute, I suppose, if you wanted to make it work. the art people make of it is neat (sometimes). but the level of popularity it has as something a large collective of people have put time and effort into when pv and cacao have literally never been shown in canon speaking is indicative of a larger problem within the cr fandom. a problem which is that people can and will ignore women and wlw as hard as they physically can to ship two men who have never spoken together. and that’s not even mentioning the barrage of other issues present as to how people portray cacao and pv
it was just...bound to happen. pv is shorter, more feminine, and lighter (although he is not white). cacao is taller, black, and also much more masculine. do I even need to explain how fetishized a ship like this is gonna be become in the larger conscious fanon? not only is pv already sexualized to hell and back for being a gnc man as is, we also have to pile the way people hypersexualize cacao in relation to him and I’m so sick of tired of seeing purecacao art that does this kind of shit.
the cr fandom is already hideously racist enough as it is and also notorious for trying to pretend the devs don’t have a long history of the same issues, of villainizing their dark skinned characters, of rampant orientalism and just overall shittiness. I’ve seen so much stupidly disgusting art of these two on twitter and tumblr, where so many fans insistent on portraying cacao as domineering, almost aggressive and suave. you know who you are, people who only talk about cacao in hypersexualized terms and call him d/lf and act like pv is his personal toy. do you know who the fuck you’re talking about? mr. “I don’t know how to laugh”, the guy who would rather isolate himself than deal with his problems, the guy who has depression and literally lives off the principle that wanton destruction is dishonorable and a blasphemy to the cause to protect others?
(none of this is even taking into account the way people portray pure vanilla when they do whitewash him—it’s pretty obvious yall wanna indulge in some white savior fantasies when you do that)
if we’re going solely off theoretical ideas as to why the ancients would be compatible, hollyberry is a far more acceptable symbolic pair for cacao than pv is. she has kids, she suffers from the same flavor of moral hang ups as he does (she was also ensnared by the burdens of family and desired to escape such things, only to realize in the end that she needed to take up her mantle again and that she was overall worthy of doing so) and she also has like. A rivalry with a dragon? like c’mon, you can’t deny how funny it’d be for pitaya to whine to hb about how cacao refuses to engage with them and their dumb stupid dragon desires of being hit in the head by a really Large weapon. like he’s tired of dragons. if pitaya was a real threat he would have killed them already
that’s not even mentioning another reason why so many people ship purecacao besides what I already said here—so many of you hate white lily and have the most misogynistic takes on her character (insisting she’s abusive, manipulating pure vanilla, etc.), or just, like, refuse to engage with female characters in media because they get in the way of your precious yaoi mlm gay ships. like I’m sorry, she’s not evil, she’s a victim of circumstance at best and a morally grey person who killed a few headmasters at worst. cacao has arguably caused more harm to others than she has because he’s been letting his entire kingdom starve and has been neglecting those who have trusted him to protect them (but that’s a post for another day, but it’s not like cacao isn’t a deeply sympathetic character otherwise. it’d be untrue to say the story is not set on making him out to be a good person). you just want an excuse to demonize a female character for doing what the male characters have always been doing and you’re not being slick about it! (This is specifically aimed at the not insignificant number of people who want to or have tried to write white lily out of the story and give cacao her role. like, I’m sorry but none of the ancients hate white lily, pure vanilla doesn’t hate white lily and cacao sure as hell does not hate white lily. stop trying to pretend that this is the case)
(and yes, I’m aware cacao is black and white lily is. well, lol, white. my point here isn’t on how the fandom treats white lily vs how they treat cacao outside of shipping dynamics, it’s on how (mostly nonblack, mostly fujo) misogynistic weirdos will go out of their way to ignore her to fetishize the fuck out of cacao. just because cacao is being shipped with another man of color does not mean he is being treated well by the people doing so—don’t try to fucking argue that lmao, fetishization is not representation. there’s another conversation to be had on the status of ships with black characters in cr but that’s not what this post is about.)
it’s just. yall, I’m tired. I’m tired of this fandom and your consistent and persistent ignorance of wlw. im tired of y’all pretending women shouldn’t exist if you don’t like them, im tired of your racist bullshit and I’m tired of decent ideas like two old men being in love being twisted into something in furtherance of fetishizing mlm, black men, and feminine gnc men. im tired of how much you all hate women and refuse to make content for them or even acknowledge them as complex people worthy of the same introspective dissection and character depth as the fanon personalities you’ve made up in your minds for your favorite male characters. it’s pretty obvious why pv x cacao is the premiere ancient ship that involves two characters who haven’t talked to each as compared to, say, golden cheese x hollyberry, you know?
this isn’t a post on why I hate purecacao or think it’s a bad ship btw, because I know there’s gonna be people who will not read this entire thing and pretend like I hate the ship when I dont. I don’t want this to be seen as such, I just want to finally get this off my chest. I just want to finally get off my chest the feelings I have on the hideous amounts of racism and misogyny present in one of the most popular crk ships, which is only growing more and more popular with the recent update.
so like? if you ship purecacao, fine. more power to you. congrats. but maybe ask examine yourself (especially if you’re white and/or male aligned) how you are most likely being influenced to produce subtly racist content, and how your discussion (or lack thereof) of the women in cr is most likely indicative of the fact you have misogyny to work out.
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legendary-cookies · 3 years
I forgot I had these sitting in my notes for awhile so here you go lmao
DE: Pizza should have poison in the sauce and the antidote in the crust to kill off those weird people that don't eat the crust.
Frost Queen: What the f*ck are you thinking about in that shower
Fire: You know those lawn mower robots? Vegetarian roombas.
Sea: The implication in that statement that regular roombas consume meat is frankly kind of terrifying.
Moon: Big portion of dust is in fact human skin so regular roombas consume mostly human skin.
Fire: Past tense of William Shakespeare? William Shookspeare.
Moon: Wouldiwas Shookspeared.
Sea: Delete this.
Moon: The moon is proud of you.
Moon: And so are the stars.
Moon: And so is the sun.
Moon: The aliens are watching you, a little confused about your life choices, but are proud of you too.
Moon: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Fire: That would suck because you can't microwave metal…
Wind: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
Wind: How does one turn their emotions off?
Moon: Okay, so first go to settings-
Moon: I'm a f*cking idiot. I thought you said emojis.
Wind: No, I'm still willing to try this. Go ahead, I'm at settings. What do I do next?
Fire: What if you woke up one day and you were hot?
Wind: I don't know. I would probably open the window or something.
Fire, wheezing: I CAN'T BREATHE-
Wind: You should probably open a window or something.
Timekeeper: You meet a man on the Oregon Trail. He tells you his name is Terry. You laugh and tell him, "That's a girl's name!" Terry shoots you. You have died of dissin' Terry.
Frost Queen: How did you make me listen to this with my own two ears
Probably the origin of DE's staff
DE: Do you ever just turn your candy canes into prison shanks?
DE: Perfect for killing your enemies with a little holiday flair.
Timekeeper: Ho-ho-homicide.
Moon making dinner for the Four
Fire: What's for dinner?
Moon: Can't tell you, it's a soup-rise!
Fire: Is it soup?
Moon: I soup-pose it could be, ha!
Fire: Stop that.
Moon: Stoup what?
Fire: Saying soup puns.
Moon: No.
Moon: Soup.
A few hours later
Timekeeper: What did you do with [some cookie I dunno]'s body?
DE: What didn't I do with the body?
DE: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Ananas: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Lotus: Wasn't Pitaya with you?
Pitaya: In my defenssse, I was alssso left unsssupervised.
Millie: What does 'take out' mean?
Pitaya: Food.
Frost Queen: Dating.
DE: Murder.
Timekeeper: It can be all three if you're not a coward
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