#pitt stop
non-plutonian-druid · 2 months
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[ID: A drawing of all the Hargreeves plus Lila riding in Diego's van from season 4, wearing the outfits they usually wear in the promo posters. Diego is driving and using a fist to mime singing into a mic. Five is reading a newspaper in the passenger seat. In the row behind them, Klaus is dangling his arms out the window, Lila is throwing snacks at Five's head, and Allison is sharing headphones with Viktor who is sitting behind her. Ben is in the same row as Viktor and is staring straight ahead looking shaken. Luther is taking a nap in the trunk. End ID.]
Family Road Trip!!
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gracecantdopoetry · 2 months
No but did Brad actually act out a scene with a fake interviewer or did he just wander around like a roomba in the middle of the valley of tears while several people around him were having the worst day of their lives
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unhinged-waterlilly · 1 month
Literally the entire tua fandom watching Season 4:
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morfitties · 10 months
The weird thing about being a dead poets society fan is that none of us wanted Neil to die, but he HAS to. It’s so weird that we’re drawn to the greatest tragedy that we don’t understand to push a message; would seizing the day and trying to be creative and yourself in a broken system actually move any of us to tears if I didn’t end in the death of one of the boldest characters?
Also, would it hurt this much if it wasn’t suicide? If he had been murdered, would it feel different? Would it feel more like he was robbed rather than left with no other option? Would the meaning of the movie mean less without his suicide? I think the answer is clearly yes, but from a narrative standpoint even though it would change little with how the movie ended (I think) it would be such a different experience as a viewer
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giolovesyousm · 4 months
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beanpodz · 1 month
This is pointless but here’s what I would have done for each member of the umbrella academy during season 4:
1. Luther would still be a dancer in this for me but he wouldn’t live at the academy. He’d live with an elderly old man that he helps to take care of in exchange for a room. I want Luther obsessing over a father figure in every season. Sue me. His room would be full of abandoned hobbies (think knitting needles, a guitar with a broken string, a bookshelf filled with *blank* for dummies books). He’d have spent the last few years trying to discover who he is. Besides all of his hobbies he’d have a whole section of his wall dedicated to finding Sloane. If we couldn’t get the actress maybe we have a quick photo of her married to someone else or have that be discovered in the plot. I don’t necessarily think Luther has to have a happy ending with Sloane but he could have it in terms of getting over his daddy issues and discovering who he is as a person. He puts a lot of effort into his family (especially sparrow Ben) through out the season but he able to become a figure outside of his family this season.
2. Diego’s whole deal before this point is vengeance and vigilantism. The life of a UPS worker is so far removed from this but I’d keep it. I’d really want to highlight that this is something Diego does because he thinks this is what he has to do to be a family man. I’d also spend a lot more time this season on his family. Like him cooking breakfast or something while Lila (who I’ll come back to) is dealing with the twins while looking ready to pull her hair out. Lila’s parents would also have a lot more to do to. Maybe they nitpick Diego or maybe Diego isn’t sure how to behave around his new family that actually seems to be healthy. I’d also keep his lil dad gut but I wouldn’t make it a point of humor. It’d just be a thing to highlight the image of the dad he is. His storyline this season would deal with him wanting to be something (a father, a husband) while not really knowing how to do this and still having dreams of his previous life of excitement and action. Also would show drama with Lila and him navigating their new lives and maybe not in the healthiest way at first.
3. Allison would still be attempting to be an actress. But she would be hyper vigilant of Claire. She fought so hard and betrayed her whole family to get back to her. She might even be overbearing. Her emotional arc this season would have a lot to do with learning to allow Claire to become her own person. I also would have included Ray because he would NEVER just walk out but if we can’t get the actor I think maybe I would have killed him off (I’m sorry). Maybe the realization that her new timeline is not perfect helps to enforce the idea into her that Claire is not invulnerable. We’d also spend a lot more time talking about this. Ray would have a picture on her bedside table and maybe her and Luther could have some closure by talking about their loved ones. She would also have to work a lot harder to gain acceptance from her family.
4. Klaus’s would NOT get his powers back so early in the season. We would also not have any of his plot from the real season beyond the fact that he is now a hypochondriac. I really liked that detail. I liked Uncle Klaus loving Claire to death and them both learning to enter the big scary world would be a staple in his season 4 arc. Klaus would definitely talk about Dave more too. He’s so afraid of losing others because of his loss of Dave but he still has these worries about his own death. This could be his big moment this season. Him having to accept his powers, despite his sobriety and fear, in order to save his family in some way. The choice should be his. It would be his ultimate sacrifice and it would finish off his arc in a more satisfying way that doesn’t leave him as someone incapable of saving himself or others. We could also get his ghost army and levitation. As a treat.
5. I would have kept Five as a teenager. He’d be 17 at most and having to live with one of the other siblings (I’m leaning towards Luther). He’s ‘homeschooled’ at this point and spends his time trying to find inaccuracies in the timeline that could suggest another end of days. He’s obsessed with the apocalypse and a safe world can never feel safe for him. Lila still does not like or trust Five because of what he did to her parents in the OG timeline. But because he and Lila are still searching for danger (for different reasons) they end up attending the Keeper meetings together. The whole subway things happens but NOT the romance or the choosing to stay. Instead they both go through the timelines trying to solve the end of the world and we spend like 2 whole episodes on this. They see the apocalypse again. Five gets soft over Delores. Lila sees what Five went through to get back to his family. To save Diego. They eventually learn to see each other as family. And they’re only gone for a year before they both find the Five Deli. They’re dirty, injured, and have just spent the last year trying to get back and save they’re family. They do NOT accept the other five telling them to just die and give up. Maybe Five contemplates but now that Lila and Five are bonded and besties (please I just want friendship from them) she is able to convince to try ‘one more time old timer’. They get an exit found by another five and find a way to save the world (need more thought on how). Also after the world ends and Five no longer has a purpose like before, he finds a new one in his family and this adorable ( absolutely ugly) little dog that was eating trash in an alley.
6. Ben would still have been a crypto scammer because I love that. It’s sparrow Ben so there is still a huge disconnect from him and the rest of the family. I don’t think he gets a romance with Jennifer but he meets her. And it’s learned that Jennifer is not of this timeline but was in a squid that came from another one. I’m thinking the squid is what lives inside Ben and it’s escape is what killed him ( not the dumb as hell thing that really happened). The squid eats Jennifer as she is a hostage in whatever situation (mission by the beach idk) but she is one of the other 43 kids. She has powers similar to Viktor in the way that they are world destroying. The fact that she from another timeline is what gives her extra interest to Jean and Gene. Ben begins to gets realize he’s not exactly a great person compared to Umbrella Ben but begins to bond with them over the course of the season. Also the jar isn’t given to the umbrella academy by David Cross (already forgot his characters name) but instead found by Jean and Gene in the opening scene. They intend to give it to Jennifer once they get to her but instead are intercepted by five and Lila. Maybe they give it to Jennifer at a meeting as a ritual and Five steals it and takes it to the family. Now Jean and Gene are after them and they know Jennifer is gonna end the world. Plot with lots of moments for cool fight scenes and music numbers.
7. Viktor could be living Canada still. He still feels so isolated from the family that he struggles to be around them. I like the joke of him being someone incapable of maintaining a relationship but we know he could do it with Sissy so I would instead have him have a rocky relationship with a girl who maybe also isn’t in the healthiest spot. Since Viktor doesn’t get kidnapped in this version, his trouble involves introducing the new girl to his family and not knowing how to navigate these two worlds that have always been separate in his life. He gets to play violin still too because that was such a big thing in the comics and the violin is something that he learns to harness his powers with once they get their powers back. For what seems like the first time, Viktor isn’t ending the world but saving it. And he is fighting with his family as a powerful unit. Think early scene in s2 where they all realize their full potential.
8. Lila is struggling with her new life. She has a family, her parents, and a calm life. It was supposed to be a life only meant for her dreams but she finds it dull. Diego is showing off a facade of being happy in this life so she doesn’t want to talk about how it’s affecting her. She forms a tentative truce with five when she gets a dose of excitement by involving herself with the keepers. When she realizes she is once again in an apocalypse situation she has conflicting feelings about what this means for her and her family. She wholeheartedly joins five on the subway adventure not realizing how long it would be before she could see her family again. She bonds with Five and they both commiserate about loving their family so much but not knowing if they will ever have the ability to be happy. Her arc revolves around finding equilibrium between her two worlds and saving the world with Five. Someone she now sees as family and who she knows would do anything to save her because she’s family. She and Diego would talk and learn they both have issues with their new lives but they are dedicated to helping each other find what the other needs to at least be content. She also doesn’t ever cheat on Diego and the little Greek guy comment makes her laugh so hard she almost pees.
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i kind of think the writers didn’t know how to resolve the five/lila/diego storyline, so they just decided to kill everyone off.
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stupidfuckingwindow · 5 months
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journalofabird · 4 months
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<///3 A scene from the 4th season that is officially burned into my brain
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apothesized-moth · 5 months
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The Girls are FIGHTINGGGG... Inspired by the Stream, the Monroes vs. the Sweetlys and my own personal wish to see them both covered in blood for.... reasons.... hehe..
Might make this into a Full Drawing sometime wuah
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bproccoli · 2 years
Tapes found at a garage sale in Vermont.
caution: will include deleted and behind the scenes footage.
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I feel like a lot of fandoms need to learn that certain characters function outside of their ship. Not everything they do and not all their motivations and actions need to be related to their love interest
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cimacally · 6 months
Dead Poets Society headcanons: what do they do when they can't sleep
Neil starts reciting theater lines in his mind because he remembers all of them. Sometimes he obviously can't recall some and he gets angry at himself cause he can't read the script without turning the light on, and he doesn't want to wake up Todd. Eventually, he falls asleep, after mumbling the line he was stuck at for 20 minutes.
Todd usually thinks of poems which he won't remember in the morning either way. When he really can't create any good work, he gets frustrated and doesn't sleep all night, thinking about his parents and Jeffrey, drowning in insecurities.
Charlie aggressively wakes up Cameron and complains to him. At first, it was really annoying to Richard, but he got used to it and now they both enjoy it (they will never admit it tho).
Cameron just stares at the ceiling and lets his mind wander off. He thinks about pretty much everything, and sometimes it leads to very weird conclusions, so he tries to sleep every night (he even stopped drinking coffee) (it does not help).
Meeks quietly hums some melodies and imagines various scenarios. He likes making stories so he often doesn't sleep on purpose, just to create them in peace.
Pitts almost never has problems with falling asleep, but when he does, he wakes up Meeks and they talk about everything and nothing. He feels guilty doing so, but Meeks assures that it's not a problem.
Knox gets up and walks around the room until he's at least a little tired. If it doesn't help, he thinks of Chris till morning. The Poets told him that it's kinda creepy but he doesn't give a shit.
I know it's not great, I have never written headcanons before and English isn't my first language but I always wanted to try it so here we are <3.
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morfitties · 10 months
It’s so weird to think about what would have happened if Mr Perry wasn’t such a fucking dickhead. If he was a more distanced father like the others. Mr Perry started a domino’s effect that changed the lives of 8 peoples and probably some of the other students at Walton (Sticks, Spas, maybe even the Latin teacher).
What would have happened? Charlie wouldn’t have went to military school, Mr Keating would still be teaching at Walton, they would still have the meetings and go to university; would they keep in touch? Reminisce? Fight the long distances to stay family? Would any of them lead the lives they ACTUALLY wanted to live?
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fiivela · 16 days
Sorry for being inactive. I am not having a lot of fun in the fandom right now. I still love Fivela but wow the fandom space is really toxic and all I see is hate for the season, the ship and Five's character and it's just a lot. But you guys are great!
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breadraccoon · 1 month
I’m trying to watch season 4 of TUA. It’s painful. I’m struggling to get through right now. I just hate how they’re treating Diego, Lila, and Five
I just want to throw my fix-it season 4 idea into the ring. Why couldn’t we get a season of struggling but happy new parents Diego and Lila. That still can be interesting plot line. They both lived very action packed lives. I can see why the transition to domestic life would be a struggle. So why can’t Lila’s family play a bigger role in them figuring out their family dynamic.
One, how did they find out Lila’s family is still alive? They just kind of showed up. That really bothered me honestly. Anyways Diego always talked about struggling to find his place in Lila’s family. But what about Lila. There could have been a huge discrepancy between who Lila’s family think she is and who she actually is. Lila didn’t grow up with them. She doesn’t know them. But she wants to learn how to navigate and be a part of their lives. She could talk learn to open up more and that it’s ok to rely on others. Maybe she could talked to her mom about her insecurities of being a mom.
And Diego. He came from a really broken and abusive family. He’s never had relatives who try to look out for him. I guess Pogo counts, but it would have been nice to show him trying to bond with Lila’s newly alive family. Maybe during Diego’s lowest point in their marriage, Lila’s Dad comes out to help him. Or maybe Lila’s parents come to Diego because they don’t understand why Lila is so different. I would have love to see Diego awkwardly try to make small talk with her very judgmental aunties. Maybe he could learn to be less hash on himself. He’s doing his best. He thinks he needs to be this picture perfect father, husband, and a hero. But maybe Lila’s father goes and sits down with Diego. He look at Diego and say he is enough. He can’t see anyone better than Diego to be Lila husband. And for the first time in Diego’s life he gets a father figure who see him and sees how big his heart is. Lila’s Father heals a hole Diego didn’t know he had.
My outline for this little subplot:
Lila’s parents aren’t there from the start. Lila and Diego are trying to wing it on their own. They are struggling to make means fit. There is a growing distance forming in their relationship.
Lila is struggling to fit into the life this Timeline’s Lila was apparently living. Maybe she is a botanist(I just want to make a Lila can’t stop getting her plants killed joke. Her parent did own a flower shop). Diego is still working a life draining job.
Maybe Diego family is still around like they are in season 4. It’s still awkward though
For Lila’s parents, Lila just went straight missing. One days she was around and then the next she was gone. For six years they’re left wondering where she went
Her family hires a detective to find her and that detective’s snooping around freaks Lila and Diego out. Why is this person following them around? Are they a spy?
Hijinks ensue :)
Eventually they capture the detective and they quickly tells the couple why they were hired.
Lila is floored. Her family is alive and has been looking for her. She immediately wants to find them. Diego agrees. He understands the importance of this to her.
They find Lila family and Diego talks Lila out of backing out. She scared and doesn’t know how to act around them
The first meeting is awkward and goes horribly. Lila and Diego come up with an amnesia excuse for why Lila is so different. Lila and Diego are quickly overwhelmed by her family.
They still joke about them meeting in a mental asylum, and it doesn’t land. Not everyone believes Diego’s intentions are true. The timeline of their relationship is not great. And the cracks in their relationship are showing
But they spend the night, and Lila gets some time way from Diego to defend him in front of her family. She explains why he’s so important to her and her family decides to give him a chance(especially since they have a kid together)
Oh yeah they only have one kid. Why have multiple kids if you just call them the twins? I hate when writers give pairings kids and then give them no personality. Kids are people too.
Que montage of Diego trying and failing to impress Lila’s family. Diego is really upset. He wants so hard to be able to fit in to Lila’s family. But he doesn’t know how to turn off his tough guy act.
Diego’s family show up and they are no help. The in-laws are all side eying each other.
Lila had to go do timeline shenanigans with five(NO CHEATING SUBPLOT) maybe five has a one side-crush on Lila. Lila turns him down. But Five does take an active roll in protecting Lila’s family. You know positive healing (Everything doesn’t need to be so depressing)
While Lila is gone, Diego is primarily looking after grace. And Lila’s family see how good he is with their kid. Lila’s father has a heart to heart with Diego. They talk about how Diego can potentially fix the distance slowly coming between him and Lila.
Lila comes back. She hugs the shit out of her family. She comes out with full honesty of who she is and why she is so different. Five helps explain too
Her family is stunned, but they still see Lila as family. They want to help her. They are very wary of Five. They embrace Diego’s weird family though.
No one dies in the end. And they all go on breaking the cycle of abuse.
I get why they potentially couldn’t do this kind of subplot. Six episodes is a really short run. This kind of plot line would have been really condensed, but I feel like this would have been significantly better for their characters.
This is me just making up ideas off the cuff. If you want to use this idea, go ahead. I’ve got too many fics I’m already working on right now.
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