For the voice ask meme! What is your go-to comfort food and/or drink?
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gohvar · 5 years
It’s been an interesting Spring, rather wetter than usual, so we really appreciate when the sun comes out. That’s especially true when the forecast said clouds and rain, but outside the window we have a perfect blue sky! So it was on Thursday last week, and we took ourselves up to Pitve to hike the trail to the top of the island. There’s a lovely graded path, specially built as a donkey path to get to the vineyards on the southern slopes, long before the tunnel was built.The trailhead is signed “to Srakinj“, carved on a large lump of stone. Wonder where that is/was? As we climb, there’s a lovely view of the valley above the Pitve tunnel, covered with clumps of yellow broom.
U Srakinj
Trail zig-zags up
Yellow broom
The path is covered in wild flowers, and we’re on the lookout for any different orchids, or indeed any other flowers that we don’t already know. At altitude, it’s possible they may still be in flower at the end of May. In this relatively untouched area, it’s a good hunting ground!
Grassy bell
Orchis rhodostephane
Common centaury
Wild mignonette
It appears to be thistle season! This particular variety, the musk thistle, is striking as the bud starts to open, with that deep pink heart set in a green rosette. The leaves are also painfully jaggy, as I discovered to my cost trying to get into the undergrowth to take photos!
Musk thistle flower
Coming into flower
Covered in seeds
Towards the top of the switchbacks, there’s a fine view back the way we’ve come. The start of the road across the top can be seen snaking its way up on the other side of the valley. That is the “up and over” alternative for vehicles that can’t fit through the tunnel, or when that’s closed for maintenance. Our walking trail will meet up with the road shortly, as it comes round to join us on this side of the valley.
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Valley view
As we meet the road, we turn left and follow it up the hill. It’s really only a single track and it’s not as if there are many cars. Only one truck passed us in the time we were there. There’s more flowers at the top of the trail, and swathes of glorious blue sage everywhere! I was taking lots of photos as some of these plants were new to me, and I would have to look them up.
Lesser calamint
Grass lily
Sage bushes
Burnt candytuft
Golden drop
There’s been some buildings up here at one time, and fields marked out by drystone walls. Now it’s left to the wild plants, the aleppo pines and the flowers, particularly the cheery pink of rock roses. Looking north towards Brač, we’re high enough to glimpse the mainland mountains behind it.
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View towards Brač
Even the road is covered in flowers at this point! Looking east(ish), you can see the tail end of Brač, and the high mountains of the mainland with Biokovo behind a line of clouds. Now, isn’t this an inviting road to follow!
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Road over the top
It’s clearly not always peaceful up here, though. This is hunter country, as shown by this hide by the side of the road. Fine views from there, and the patchwork construction makes for an interesting photo!
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Hunter’s hide
The views are glorious from up here, especially on such a clear sunny day. Here’s one of some impressive rocks showing how the sedimentary layers are now pushed up vertically.
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Vertical rocks
That’s about as far as we went on this day, but you can follow the road down the other side towards Zavala, back down to the Pitve tunnel by the long way round, or head further east towards Humac. Options to try another day! After our picnic, we headed back down the way we came, by the donkey trail.
Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering. ~ A.A. Milne
Taking the high road – a wet May means lots of wild flowers! It's been an interesting Spring, rather wetter than usual, so we really appreciate when the sun comes out.
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visitjelsa-blog · 7 years
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photo © Romulić & Stojčić
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hadestigers · 4 years
wait pitv*pers still alive in 2020 holy shit
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pitv · 7 years
e r r o r 4 0 4
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chorwacja24 · 7 years
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Tunel Hvar Island, Pitve #croatia #hvar #chorwacja #pitve #adriatic (w: Pitve, Hvar)
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whereinchelsea · 6 years
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Made in Chelsea Croatia - Episode 6
Interactive Map
1. Mojito, Jelsa - Sam is back with Louise and Ryan in tow for moral support. Jamie greets them at the marina and takes them out for afternoon drinks to get the sisterly perspective on events. Sam reads texts that Habbs sent to her ex boyfriend that indicate she was not happy to be produced into a relationship.
2. Garden Beach Bar, Zaraće - Mytton, Diana, Habbs, Sam Prince, and Miles discuss Harry and Melissa and the manipulation. Miles continues to insist that he and Tabitha did sleep together recently. Sam Prince isn't sure if he can trust her, though he wants to. Habbs hems and haws about her future with Sam.
3. Split - Ollie and Liv go horseback riding. Liv shares that she's less sure than Digby about their future together.
4. Konoba Dvor Dubokovic, Pitve - Louise and Jamie catch up with Liv and encourage her to seek true happiness in her relationships. If it's not working with Diigby, stop beating the goddamn dead horse. Louise is less than impressed with Diana. Perhaps her experiences with American interlopers colours her response...
5. Villa Jasmin, Dol - Tabitha joins Sam Prince poolside to discuss their future. Sam Prince gives her another chance. Which makes sense because they weren't exclusive before when she was dallying with Miles.
6. Hotel Antica, Stari Grad - Digby and Ryan get together to chat about next steps in their relationships. Harry joins in for a dressing down.
7. Vintage Bar, Hvar - Habbs and Sam reunite. Sam drops the bomb that he's seen her texts to her ex. Habbs sobs as Sam reads her texts back to her.
8. Villa Poseidon, Jelsa - Sam and Jamie share a bath and commiserate over their loneliness. Jamie encourages him to seize the moment, despite the fact that Louise disapproves.
9. Hula Hula, Hvar - Digby tells Liv, Ollie, and Miles about the way Ryan went in on Harry. Liv tells Digby she's not ready to move in together.
10. Gariful, Hvar - Melissa meets Habbs to kiss and make up. Melissa gives her a stern talking to about womaning up to go for what she wants.
11. Some Island - Everyone turns out for a party at a nearby island. Habbs and Sam decide to let bygones be. Digby is exhausted after a summer living with Liv, but still wants to be with her. Harry wants an apology from Sam, and makes it all about his own "hurt" feelings. Looks like Harry is afraid his "happy" relationship will make him irrelevant back in London, so he's refusing to be reasonable with his "best mate." Digby approaches Liv about her sudden reticence to shack up. Liv ends their relationship.
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devotoharekrisna · 6 years
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PiTV Documentaries: Hare Krishna Published on Jan 27, 2016 (Youtube) PiTV takes a look at Hare Krishna's free lunch. Producer: Lucy Logan Green
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watchkins · 4 years
Hey guys! I've been playing around with my raspberry pi for over a year now and I'm finally doing something with it. I'm doing a series where I install it into an old black and white TV. I only know what I've learned from the internet and personal experience. I will also be intoxicated the entire time I am working on this project. I'd love to get feedback from you guys, as well as suggestions and recommendations.
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gohvar · 5 years
We’ve been enjoying the springtime sight of Hvar’s wild flowers for many years now. I’ve taken lots of photos, diligently looked up their names and created flower guides (Spring, Summer, Winter) to keep track of what we’ve learned. But until recently, I’d never seen any wild orchids on our wanderings. They are quite seasonal, so you have to be on the lookout in April and May, and know what you’re looking for. So the first few orchids had to be pointed out to me, after which I got the idea, and started to look more carefully. It’s amazing how many of these delicate flowers are there among the greenery, just waiting to be seen!
Here’s one!
Name that orchid!
Searching in the grass
So here we have the first of our guide to wild orchids on Hvar, to be expanded as and when the opportunity arises.
Limodorum Abortivum – Violet bird’s-nest orchid (Croatian: Ljubičasti Šiljorep) Single plant, seen on the Vrbanj to Dol path.
Limodorum Abortivum 29/4/2019
Limodorum Abortivum 7/5/2019
Limodorum Abortivum 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane – Pink-crowned orchid Seen near Vrbanj. Lots of them, and look at the variations of the patterns on the flowers! This species is limited to central Dalmatia (including the larger offshore islands) down to north Montenegro. It’s rare except on Hvar, where it comes into contact with the similar O. Pharia.
Ophrys Rhodostephane 29/4/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Ophrys Rhodostephane 7/5/2019
Orchis Italica (maybe) Italian orchid or Naked man orchid Seen near Dol when I was looking for the Orchis Morio again. The flower was faded, and I didn’t catch a good sight of the wavy leaves which would have given a definitive ID.
Orchis Italica 7/5/2019
Orchis Italica 7/5/2019
Orchis Morio or Anacamptis morio, Green-winged orchid. Also known as Orchis Picta. Seen near Dol. Single plant, which is quite unusual, apparently, as elsewhere in Dalmatia they appear in clusters,
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Orchis morio / Anacamptis morio
Orchis Quadripunctata. four-spotted orchid Seen near Vrbanj, and several plants in a field near Pitve.
Orchis Quadripunctata 10/5/2019
Orchis Quadripunctata 7/5/2019
Serapias Parviflora, small-flowered tongue orchid Seen near Pitve, 3 plants.
Serapias Parviflora 10/5/2019
Serapias Parviflora 10/5/2019
Serapias Parviflora 10/5/2019
Serapias Parviflora 10/5/2019
Many thanks to Vivian Grisogono of Eco Hvar for taking us orchid hunting, and Frank Verhart of the Netherlands for his expertise. Both of whom have been extremely helpful as they know far more about orchids than I will ever know!
“Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some useful references on European orchids and the folks who seek them:
Eco Hvar article: Orchids – Dalmatia’s Secret Treasure
John and Gerry’s Orchids of Britain and Europe
Frank Verhart’s Orchid Observations in Croatia 2016 and European Orchids Photographed
Mental Floss blog – The Dangerous and Highly Competitive World of Victorian Orchid Hunting On the fascinating subject of Orchidelirium  when orchid collecting was a serious business! “…many orchid hunters met a grisly end. For example, in 1901 an expedition of eight men entered the jungles of the Philippines in search of orchids: one was eaten by a tiger, a second was doused in oil and burnt to death, and five more were never seen again.” Yikes!
  In search of Hvar’s wild orchids We've been enjoying the springtime sight of Hvar's wild flowers for many years now. I've taken lots of photos, diligently looked up their names and created flower guides (
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cassiopsicanalista · 5 years
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http://g1.globo.com/pi/piaui/pitv-2edicao/videos/t/edicoes/v/mpe-tenta-reduzir-violencia-com-projeto-que-dissemina-paz-nas-escolas/6320991/ (em Teresina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJ-_ltDO_J/?igshid=1pn1f2i9re41t
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Stay tuned...
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pitv · 6 years
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ckknirsch · 4 years
La Specola
Vieš ako sa vyrábali v 18. storočí voskové lekárske figuríny? To sa dočítaš priamo v článku. A jedno takéto múzeum je aj vo Viedni!
V 18. storočí vyrábali umelci vo Florencii anatomické modely z vosku, aby študenti medicíny vedeli, čo sa nachádza pod kožou. Výroba to bola zdĺhavá. Začínala tak, že umelci ihneď po pitve prikladali na orgány sádru a vyrábali formy. Do tých sa potom lial vosk a odliatky sa následne pomaľovali a nalakovali. Všetky umelé orgány sa potom naskladali do voskového tela a zakryli svalovinou a žilami,…
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lebebounet · 4 years
#tiktok @tiktok_it https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-wr-pItVE/?igshid=1fkij1rqv44ok
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jornalbelem · 5 years
Fonte: G1
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