#pixleberry studios
choicesprompts · 1 year
A blog for creative writing exercises. These activities are designed for the Pixleberry Studios Choices: Stories You Play fandoms.
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Welcome to Choices Prompts! If you've landed here, you're looking for something to spark your creativity or perhaps you're looking for something to read. Either way, we're glad you're here!
There is no standard format here, not anymore. It started as a story starter prompt blog, went on hiatus then came back and hosted a collaborative fic event and then a round-robin. I've decided to embrace my ADHD and let this blog just host whatever, whenever the ideas strike me or my co-host.
NOTE: People writing for other fandoms are more than welcome to use any and all of the prompts, but will not be re-blogged or added to the master list at the end of events.
Current and Upcoming Events:
Smutember: September 2024
Flufftober: October 2024
Angstgiving: November 2024
Creative Writing/Prompt Events:
Song Rewrite Challenge January 2024
Rewrite Challenge Holiday Edition Nov/Dec 2023
Flufftober Prompt Event October 2023
Smutember Prompt Event September 2023
Rewrite Challenge July 2023
Collaborative Projects:
Isle of Misfits: Round Robin 2. Feb, March, and April 2024
One Night in Cordonia: Round Robin 1. May and June 2023
Mardi Gras Mayhem: A work of collective fiction. March 2023
Story Starters (Prompts):
Prompt 5 finished stories January 15th-31st 2023
Prompt 4 finished stories January 1st-15th 2023
Prompt 3 finished stories September 15th-30th 2022
Prompt 2 finished stories September 1st-15th 2022
Prompt 1 finished stories August 15th-August 31st 2022
Housekeeping Things:
Interest List
Archive of Events
Archive of Prompt Lists
Initial pinned post (for posterity's sake or something)
Please direct any questions, suggestions or comments to this blog or @angelasscribbles or @dcbbw
Other fandom blogs that you should check out: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicespride @choicesholidays @choicesfandomappreciation
Appreciation blogs: @drake-walker-appreciation @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation @kingliamappreciationweek @hanaleeappreciationweek @kiaratheronappreciationweek @sloanewashingtonappreciationweek
12 notes · View notes
choicesholidays · 2 years
Choices Holidays
Holiday prompts for all Pixleberry Studios Choices: Stories You Play fandoms. Prompts are for fics and art, whatever you are inspired to submit!
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Rules and Information:
Prompts are for inspiration, they do not have to be used word for word, highlighted, or even referenced. (Of course, you can use them word for word if you like!) If the prompt inspires an idea, feel free to use it more as a theme. You can submit fics, art, edits, or whatever the prompt inspires you to create!
Event schedules, prompts, and deadlines will be included in the events themselves. Submit by the deadline and it will be re-blogged and included on the master list. That's it.
NOTE: People writing for other fandoms are more than welcome to use any and all of the prompts, but will not be re-blogged or added to the master list at the end of events.
Spring Fling 2024 Prompt list here
Valentines Day 2024 Prompt list here
Winter Holidays 2023 Prompt list here
Fics of Christmas Past Event Details here
Festival of Fears 2023 Prompt list here
Spring Holidays 2023 Prompt list here
Valentine's Day 2023 Prompt list here
Winter Holidays 2022 Prompt list here
10 notes · View notes
crystalwillow · 4 years
Truly. Madly. Deeply. - Ethan x F!MC
Tagging a few people in this one: @vibrantlyjaz @tsrookie @schnitzelbutterfingers @queencarb @mrsvanderlinde  
As the sun rose the next morning after they returned back to Boston, Ethan awoke as the sun streamed through the skylight above his bed, he smiled at Casey as he registered her sleeping peacefully next to him. Looking at the time on the clock he let out a small sigh. It was time to leave the blissfulness he had been feeling for the past two weeks, and go back to the chaotic world of Edenbrook. Gently he rubbed Casey's arm stirring her awake a little. "Cassie? We need to get up and ready to go back to work now." he whispered tenderly and was met with a tired groan in response to which he chuckled. "I know. I feel that way too. You've made me feel happier and open up more than I have with or to anyone in the past two weeks. I kind of hate you for reminding me what true happiness feels like. But the reasons I love you outweigh that one so..." he mumbled and kissed behind her ear softly. "Ethan..." she murmured, reaching for his hair and tangling her fingers in it gently. "Come on. Let's grab a shower." he smiled as he got up, pulling a sleepy Casey with him.
"You're going to have to open your eyes at some point in the next 5 minutes."
"No. Ethan's a comfy pillow. I'm tired."
"Casey.." he chuckled as he washed her body
Shaking his head with a smile, he somehow managed to wash Casey's hair and himself before stepping out and wrapping towels around both of them. By the time Casey had woken up properly, Ethan was dressed in his usual formal wear for the hospital, but there was something different about him. Casey looked at his side profile as he riffled through his wardrobe looking for something. "I do believe you accidently left- ah! Here it is." he beamed as he turned back to Casey, his favourite knee length blue dress of her's in hand. "What?" he asked at the quizzical look on Casey's face as she studied him curiously. That's when it clicked. It wasn't his clothes, hair or anything like that which was different. He was smiling a genuine smile. His trademark scowl had gone, along with the wrinkles that normally accompanied the look. "I love you." Casey grinned happily, "I love you too. Now hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late." Ethan said as he gave her a quick kiss before heading to the kitchen. When he came back, he left some toast and orange juice on the dresser for her, explaining that he was going to leave now as so to avoid any suspicion that would arise from arriving with Casey by his side.
"... So I'll leave you to lock up the front door yeah?"
"Yeah sure. ... Ethan?"
"Cinnamon roll."
"When are you picking Jenner up from the kennels?"
"Because your apartment feels empty without him."
"... Yeah... it does. I was hoping to get him after my shift tomorrow. I finish just after lunch."
"But that means you're working all morning today. Having a late nap in the on-call room and working all night."
"You know me and my work ethic too well. It's scary sometimes. ... Did you not want to meet me there? We could get him together. I'm sure he's missed you more than me anyway. You seem to have a knack of getting guys to stare at you and love you more than others."
"Honey... are you.. jealous of .. your dog?"
".. ha! When you put it like that it does sound ridiculous."
"Ethan Ramsey, I cannot believe you're jealous that your dog likes my cuddles."
"Well he used to love mine.. but you stole him from me."
Casey looked up from the mirror as she smoothed out the creases in her dress and laughed at the pout on Ethan's face. Walking over to him, she wrapped her arms round his neck, tilting his head so that she could see him properly. He smiled at her lovingly before giving her a quick kiss. "I guess I should get going before I'm the one who's late." he chuckled and gave Casey a few more pecks before he left out the door. "Oh! ETHAN!" Casey called out, opening the door and sticking her head out in the hallway, catching him at the end, just about to turn the corner. Damn this man and his giraffe legs. "Can I put my stuff in here from the car and pick it up later?" she called out, "Yeah sure!" he replied and with a wave he was gone. After moving the bags from her car into Ethan's apartment, Casey made sure she had the spare key she had been given and left, making sure to lock the door behind her. She drove most of the way to work, parking a couple blocks away and walking the rest of the distance. When she arrived, she stepped through the doors into the main atrium taking a deep inhale as a smile grew on her face. "Man it's good to be back." she said with a smile as she walked to her locker and started with her day. She crossed paths with Ethan a couple of times in halls, giving him a smile which he returned. Soon she stopped seeing him a knew he had gone to catch some sleep, and had clocked out before he woke up. She had just finished unpacking her bags in her room when her phone chimed with a text notification.
- 10:43PM –
Ethan: Didn't wanna stick around and say goodbye to me?
Casey: You were sleeping
Ethan: So? I wanted to see you before you left.
Casey: stop your pouting, E
Ethan: I didn't even..
Casey: I make it a habit to know my boyfriend inside out
Ethan: is that so... 😉
Casey: Get your mind outta the gutter Ethan xD
You have work to do. Which you should probably get back to, by the way..
Ethan: Yes ma'am.
Casey: God you're whipped..
Ethan: I'm what?
Chuckling to herself, she shook her head a little placing her phone on charge before going to the kitchen and fixing herself some food before heading to bed. The next day she spent her morning reading some old revision cards to keep her mind sharp on medical knowledge and before she knew it was leaving out the door and heading to work. She was halfway through her shift when her phone dinged in the back pocket of her jeans as she was talking with a patient. Once she was done, she stepped out into the hallway, taking her phone out and unlocking it as she closed the door behind her. She chuckled at the message Ethan had sent her, then aww'd at the next message that popped up. It was a picture of Jenner in his bed, looking sadly at the camera. She sent a quick reply and then pocketed her phone returning back to work.
Things slowly started to feel normal again as she got back into the fast pace things moved around the hospital with ease, and soon almost three months had passed since she got back from her parents house with Ethan. She hadn't seen him in a couple of days but that was normal, he was a busy in-demand man after all. One day she was standing in a small queue in the cafeteria when Dr. Harper Emery approached her. Concealing the eye roll she wanted to do so badly, she put on a professional smile as the woman stood in front of her.
"Dr. Valentine."
"Dr. Emery."
"I have a question for you."
""Uhh. Okay?"
"You're friends with Dr. Ramsey yes?"
"We have a friendship, yes."
"I see. So you'd have his personal phone number?"
"What's it to you?"
"Do you have his personal phone number? Yes or no, Dr. Valentine."
"I don't see why I should tell you, quite frankly. Not after the stunts you've been pulling trying to ruin the friendship we have."
"Look. He hasn't shown up for work in two weeks and he isn't answering his house phone or his work number. We've tried almost every phone in the hospital, which numbers he may pick up but nothing. You're our last hope to knowing where he is and why he isn't at work."
".... Okay, fine. Yes, I have his personal number. I'll give him a call and see where he is."
"Thank you, Dr. Valentine. Find me later to report on his status."
"Yeah. Fine."
Casey sighed and moved forwards in the line, frowning a little as harper stalked off, heels clicking on the tiled floor. She purchased her snack and a bottle of water, making her way outside and pulling her phone out as she sat on a wall. Unlocking her phone she dialed Ethan's number straight away and waited anxiously as it rang.
".... You've reached the voicemail of Ethan Ramsey. Sorry I cannot take your call right now. Leave a message after the tone."
Sighing she hung up and tried again. But every time she tried she always ended up getting his voicemail. Sighing and with a sudden loss in her appetite, she pocketed her phone before scooping up her cookie and bottle of water. Heading back inside to finish her shift. As the end of her shift drew closer and closer, she made a mental note to stop by Ethan's and check on him. She may not like Harper, but she had to agree that this wasn't like Ethan at all. He always informed the hospital if he was going to be late or off sick. Anything, he always picked up the phone and called the people who needed to know. As she was getting ready to head off, one of the nurses approached her. "Dr. Valentine! I'm so glad I found you." she said breathlessly, "What's wrong? Has my patient gone into cardiac arrest again?!" Casey panicked, but the nurse shook her head. "I was wondering if you could cover the last hour of my shift? I just got a call from my neighbor that my house has been broke into and the police need me there ASAP." she explained. Casey swallowed, she needed to check on Ethan, but this was important too. Smiling she turned to the nurse. "Of course. You head on home. I hope everything's okay. Let me know if you need anything." she responded, and the nurse thanked her before running off. The hour passed by slowly as Casey watched the clock on the wall opposite the nurses station. Soon the nurse that was to take over arrived and Casey clocked out. She headed outside on the phone, calling for a cab. Arriving at Ethan's apartment building a few moments later, she paid her fare and scrambled inside as fast as she could. She reached Ethan's door and knocked first, waiting for the door to open but 2 minutes quickly turned into 10. Which soon turned into almost an hour. Having enough, Casey took the spare key to his apartment from her bag and slowly opened the door, walking in to a mess of takeout cartons and bottles covering the floor. "E-Ethan?" she called out hesitantly, walking further into the apartment. "Honey? Are you... Home." Her voice trailed off as she entered the kitchen and saw Ethan slumped in a chair, head on the counter with his eyes closed. A glass of whiskey next to his hand. She quietly moved the glass and sat next to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Ethan.. Sweetie. What're you doing sleeping here in the kitchen? ... E?" she said softly as she continued trying to wake him and when he awoke, he startled at her presence. "W-what are you d-doing here? How.. How did you get in?" He exclaimed leaping up and away from her. She frowned at him. Something was definitely off here.
"Ethan it's okay. I'm here to make sure you're okay. Like all good girlfriends do."
"Yeah. We've been dating for almost 3 and a half months now. ...Ethan? Are.. Are you okay?"
She watched him cautiously as he looked at her, panic rising in his eyes and becoming more intense by the minute, until he eventually started shaking his head causing Casey to frown.
"Baby, what's wrong? You can talk to me."
"Y-You.. You're going to hate me. I-I can't lose you Casey. Please!"
The pleading in his voice and desperation that was now mixed in with the panic in his eyes pulled at her heart. He was in so much distress and what was he on about she was going to hate him. Knowing she had to calm him down, she stood up from her seat and slowly moved towards him.
"Honey.. I know you're scared right now but take deep breaths for me okay? I'm not going to hate you. I never could. ... We've talked about this remember? We'll support each other through everything. Regardless of whether or not we're together. ..Do you trust me?"
She stopped a few inches in front of him, looking up into his eyes with nothing but kindness and the want to care for him. Finally he rushed into her arms, hugging her tight as he sobbed into the shoulder of her jacket. She hugged him back trying to slowly the violent shakes of his body that accompanied the sobs leaving his mouth. But it was no use, this man was a wreck, the only thing she didn't know though was why?
Moving with Ethan to his couch, she sat down with him handing him a tissue from the box on the coffee table. Together they cuddled and Casey held him until he had exhausted his tears, and his throat was raw. When he looked up at her, she felt a sharp pang in her chest at the red circles round his eyes and the sadness that was in them. She wanted so badly to ask what was wrong but decided it was better to let him speak when he was ready. Remembering the unopened bottle of water in her bag, she took it out and gave it to him. "Here. Drink this." she said softly, "Th-Thank y-you." He hiccupped, sitting up as he took it, opening it to take a gulp before laying down in Casey's lap. A few more moments of silence passed as Ethan sniffled and coughed a few times. Then he turned on his back and looked up at Casey, swallowing hard.
"Are you okay?"
"No. I won't be for a while."
"Why?! Baby, what's happened? I've never seen you this upset before."
"I- It's Jenner.."
"What about him?"
"He's gone Casey... All because I was careless, and almost tripped over a plant pot, so I got distracted. ... Casey he got off his leash and ran into the road. I had to pay for him to be put down. He-He's gone."
Casey went numb at his words, but it wasn't Jenner being gone that got to her. He was blaming himself. She hugged him again as he sat more upright and whispered that things would be okay again soon. Ethan looked at her with a frown.
"Why aren't you shouting? You weren't there to say goodbye to him with me. You should be mad. Casey why aren't you mad?"
"Ethan. Why would I be mad at you? You were obviously in a state of shock after everything that happened. Plus, being mad would solve nothing, it would only hurt you more and I don't want to hurt you darling. I want to support you and make you smile, even if you don't want to. I love you Ethan and that's never going to change. I don't want you to be alone through anything. Especially something like this. You've lost your best friend that you'd known how long?"
"Almost 15 years. It would have been 15 years on September 4th."
"September 4th?"
"Yeah. I remember picking him up from the rescue shelter as just a little clumsy puppy. His ears flopped about like curtains in a strong breeze and he had the cutest of smiles on his face. When I held him for the first time after getting home he done nothing but lick my face and hit away anything that took my attention from him. Loose papers with medical notes on them were shredded to bits if I left the room for even 2 seconds. He was so adventurous, I done a lot of exploring with him in those days. But as he got older, he became more and more like me."
"What? Permanently scowling and calling any new dog a rookie even when they helped him save a woman's life on their first day at work?"
"I didn't know you then. You were just another annoying face in the crowd."
"Another ann- ETHAN!"
"What?! You were annoying. But only because I could see you had the potential to match my skills or be even better than me and I felt threatened."
"... Wow. Ethan Ramsey was threatened by a first day resident? That's got to be a first."
They chuckled quietly. The air almost felt lighter for a brief moment before their faces fell serious again.
"You know. September 4th is tomorrow. We should do something together in Jenner's honor. He wouldn't want his dad to be moping around the house, with takeout containers littering the floor, ignoring his work and what he's vouched to do for others. He'd want you to drag your butt to the shower, put on your best 'what seems to be the problem today?' face and continue to make good memories that you can share when you see him again."
There was still pain in Ethan's eyes as he spoke and the strain in his voice killed her inside, but deep down he knew she was right. Jenner wouldn't want him in the current state he was in. Every day when he saw a speeding car the images of that day would come back to him somehow, but he couldn't let that stop him from his work.
"By the way, Ethan."
"You should probably go and get that shower. You stink."
"Is that so huh? Cinnamon bun. Is that so?"
The two laughed and wrestled with each other as Ethan tried to shove his armpit in Casey's face. The carried on playfighting for a while before Ethan headed to the shower and Casey grabbed a black bag, picking up his rubbish and cleaning his living room up. She was almost done when she reached Jenner's bed. With a sad smile and tears stinging her eyes, she crouched down and made it up just how he always had it, placing it by the sliding door. "He always was a sucker for looking out at beautiful views." Ethan said as he lent against the doorframe between his bedroom and the living room. Casey turned around and looked at him. "Oh. Uh I hope you don't mind that I..." she said gesturing to the dog bed and Ethan just shook his head with a small smile in his lips. "No. it's fine. I wasn't able to bring myself to do it because it was too... painful." he grimaced as he crossed the room to the couch, taking a seat and patting the spot next to him. Casey smiled and sat next to him.
"Why don't you come and stay with me for a few days?"
"I couldn't. You already live with 4 other people."
"So? Ethan.. You need to be around people who care for you right now. Not festering in here alone."
"But Casey..."
"No buts. You're coming with me okay? We all care for you. Yes, Jackie and Aurora have emotions too. Don't look so surprised."
"There's no getting out of this, is there?"
"Look at you. Putting those smarts to good use."
"And what do you put to good use?"
"My ass. I hustle 24/7 baby."
They looked at each other before bursting out in laughter, falling on top of each other. As the laughter died down, Ethan looked up at Casey hovering over him and swallowed.
"How are you so beautiful?"
"The same way I got lucky with you."
They were about to kiss when Casey's phone rang, completely ruining the mood. With a sigh she sat up and dug through her bag, picking out her phone and answering it.
"Hel- Oh it's you. Hello Harper. Yes I called him. No he didn't answer. ... I'm debating on whether to cook a beef steak or a chicken steak for dinner. Why would I have a- You what?! That's stalking! I can have you done for that! I don't care if you're at home now! No Harper. You can- WE'RE FRIENDS. I'm outside his apartment door. I've been here for hours now. Well, one of his neighbor's let me use their bathroom. I'm a human with bodily fluids that need to be released you know. Because he isn't answering his door. You know I'm going to the police. I'm not comfortable with your actions. I'm going to the police and then I'm taking this to the board. You may give up on your friends Dr. Emery, but I don't. No. You don't get to dicta-" Casey shouted into her phone and then looked at it in disbelief as the line went dead. "That... That BITCH!" she shouted, throwing her phone back in her bag. "Hey. What happened? What did she want?" Ethan asked as he gently took Casey's hands in his own larger ones. "She fucking followed me here! Waited outside for 55 minutes then followed me up. I hope you have a nice neighbor who would be happy to cover for me because I wasn't out there when she passed, I just lied to her. I swear. It's like she doesn't want you to be happy!" she rambled on furiously and Ethan's eyes softened at her worry for him. "Look why don't I go and pack a bag, you call a for taxi and we'll go back to yours. You're right that I need to get out of here for a couple of days." he smiled softly, and Casey nodded with a small okay. After giving her a kiss on the forehead he went back to his room, and sorted out his things for the next few days, packing anything he would need into a backpack before joining Casey in the living room.
"Hey, Cassie. Are you okay? You're doing that thing where you chew your lip again."
"Hm? Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. The taxi's on it's way. We should go wait outside."
"After you."
Together they made their way outside and they waited for the taxi to pull up. When they arrived at Casey's Elijah and Aurora occupied the couches and gave the two puzzled looks as Casey turned round from closing the door. "Uh Casey?" Elijah asked, gesturing between her and Ethan. "You go head to my room. I'll catch them up to speed okay babe?" she said to Ethan as she pushed herself onto her tiptoes, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Ethan return her kiss and then Casey joined her friends as Ethan went to her room.
"So. Um.. You both know Ethan's been missing from work for a couple of weeks right?..." Casey started and told them everything that happened, Aurora scowling when Casey mentioned what her aunt had done, with regards to following Casey to Ethan's apartment. "That sounds exactly like something she would do." Aurora commented with disgust but her facial expression softened when Ethan came back into the room. He looked around awkwardly as if not knowing where to sit. Casey patted the space between herself and Aurora and he took a seat, cuddling close to Casey, and Elijah smiled at him in his usual friendly manner.
"You're welcome to stay as long as you need Dr. Ramsey."
"Thank you doctor..."
"Right. Dr. Greene. Thank you."
The two men nodded at each other curtly before Ethan settled back on the couch with Casey, Aurora and Elijah made their way to their room a few minutes later leaving the two others to cuddle on the couch before heading to bed.
The next morning Casey woke up before Ethan who was kicking his legs, whimpering in pain next to her. She was about to cuddle him when he suddenly bolted upright. "Jenner! NO!" he shouted, breathing and sweating heavily with tears streaming down his face. Next to him Casey pulling him to her chest, kissing his temple gently and rubbing his back. "Hey. Shhhhh, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. I'm here okay?" Casey cooed softly to calm him down whilst stroking his hair. She smiled to herself at how cute it was that this had always calmed him down. She remembers him telling her a story from his early teen years, where his father stroked his hair until he fell asleep because he was stressed over a test. Then she giggled to herself as she looked down at him, knowing it was something he'd never grow too old for or tired of.
"What's got you giggling?"
"It's just.. I find it cute that at 37 this still calms you."
"Well it is soothing."
They mumbled between each other until it was time for Casey to get up. After she had showered and gotten ready for work, she waited for Ethan in the kitchen with Sienna, Elijah and Jackie, cooking breakfast for them to scoff down before having to run out of the door. When Ethan came through, everyone gave him a weird stare.
"What are you all looking at me like that for?"
"Uh D-Dr. Ramsey your uhhh..." Jackie stammered
"Well um..." Elijah trailed off going back to his food
"Honey... are you feeling okay?" Casey said as she got up and walked over to him.
"I'm feeling as good as I can be."
"Okay well um.. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you that.."
She swallowed the leftover pieces of food in her mouth as she gestured for him to lean down and she whispered into his ear, "Your bottom half is naked."
Ethan looked down and his eyes widened in horror.
"Dr. Greene, Dr. Trinh, Dr. Varma. I am so sorry. I ah..." he apologized blushing profusely
"It's okay babe. Just go finish getting ready yeah?"
"Y-Yes. Of course."
Ethan covered himself with his hand and quickly returned to Casey's room to finish getting dressed. Later they were all at work when Casey pager beeped as she worked next to Ethan and Baz trying to solve a case. Peering at her pager, she rolled her eyes and groaned a little at the message. "Dr. Valentine?" Ethan said colder than intended as he looked at her from his desk. "Sorry. I've got to go. I've been summoned by the deeeeeelightful former chief of medicine, Dr. Emery." she smiled as Baz looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What did you say delightful like that for?" Baz asked. "Long story." Casey and Ethan said together. "Ookay then.." Baz commented and then got back to work with his research as Casey left the room. When she reached Harper's office, she knocked on the door and was invited in.
"What do you want?"
"I think you know what I want. Casey."
"Actually. You're right. I do. And it. is. not. happening."
"Oh Casey. You're mistaken. It will happen. Or I'll put your whole relationship on blast."
Casey swallowed harshly as she looked at the photo Harper slapped on the desk in front of her. For a brief moment in time she felt like she'd lost control but then she hardened her resolve and looked Harper coldly in the eyes.
"It won't. Ethan is a friend and a colleague. And like I said to you yesterday. I DON'T. GIVE UP. ON MY... FRIENDS."
And with that Casey stomped out of Harper's office back to the diagnostics room, gathered her stuff and stomped down to the cafeteria to be alone in her corner and continue her research. Ethan frowning at her in confusion as she left the room. Later that down Casey was lounging on the couch at home when there was a knock on the door, with an annoyed groan she got up and answered it to find Ethan standing there.
"Oh hi. I forgot you didn't have a key. Sorry. I should've waited for you."
"No it's okay. I've been dealing with a PITA."
"Lucky you!"
They shared a chuckle at Casey's sarcastic tone as they sat down on the couches. Well Casey laying back on the one she got up from and Ethan occupying the other. He watched her carefully and noticed the way her brows were pulled together in annoyance and anger but then he noted the sadness and pain in her eyes.
"What's up, my little cinnamon bun?"
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"I'm fine Ethan really. You should go change. I promised we'd do something for Jenner today, so let's head out before it gets too late to do anything."
"If you insist..."
Ethan got up with a sigh and made his way to Casey's room to change before returning to the living room and sitting back in his previous spot.
"I am."
"Then let's go."
Casey got up and put her sunglasses on before grabbing her keys and opening the door, but Ethan didn't move.
"Well let's move then, Ethan."
"Something's happe-"
"NOTHING. Has happened. Can we please just... go, before I change my mind."
With a sigh Ethan got up and walked outside, Casey following him, shutting and locking the door behind him. He went to hold her hand, but she stuffed the in her jeans pockets and walked ahead of him, taking a left and descending the and out main door of the apartment block. He felt hurt at her actions but tried to conceal it as he knew something must have happened at the hospital. She wasn't usually ever this cold with him. She'd always been warm and welcoming. Casey stopped a taxi and got in the front, leaving Ethan to sit by himself in the back as they went to their destination. When they got there, a small smile tugged at Ethan's lips as he noted the sign at the front of Jenner's favourite park. Casey paid the fare and they walked into the park, Casey's hands still permanently stuffed in her pockets as she walked a few paces ahead of Ethan. He stopped in his tracks causing her to stop and turn around, looking at him in annoyance that he'd stopped.
"Something's happened, and I'm not taking another step with you Casey, until you tell me what it is. and don't deny anything, you're not holding my hand. You're about 5 paces ahead of me, and you're being cold towards me which isn't you. So, what is it?"
"No! Don't give me that bullshit Casey Jane Valentine."
Sighing Casey turned her head and continued walking so he wouldn't see her hardened resolve crumble, but she eventually broke out into a run. "Casey!" Ethan shouted and broke out in a run to chase her. Somewhere along the way she'd turned down a trail and ran behind a tree. She was now sitting on the grass area surrounding it as she sobbed what felt like a million tears. She knew Ethan and Harper had a history together but why she being punished for him breaking things off with her? Why did Harper hate her? As her thoughts raced faster in her head, it got too much and she screamed into the void around her before laying on the ground feeling defeated, loud sobs emanating from her throat as she hugged herself for comfort. She felt so alone. Like such a bitch for treating the man she loved so coldly just to try and prove that they were 'only good friends' and that's when it dawned on her. She couldn't do this secret relationship thing anymore. She and Ethan either had to let everyone know and risk their jobs. Or it was going to be over for them.
As Ethan's feet pounded along the pavement to catch up with Casey, it took everything in him to not let the tears that stung his eyes, fall out and down his face. He had to give it to her when it came to running, she was the fastest person he knew, but he slowed to a stop as they turned onto the trail, bending over to catch his breath, supporting himself with his hands resting on his knees. He'd just stood upright again after catching his breath when he heard an all too familiar scream of pain that shook him to his core, as the worst scenario rushed into his mind. Casey had just been murdered by someone on the trail who was waiting in the shadows for the perfect victim. Adrenaline took over his veins once more, and he sprinted through the trail in search for his girlfriend. He was sure whatever had gotten her to act like this had to have been caused by Harper because she'd been in a super weird mood after going to her office after being paged. When he found Casey she was still laying in the grass sobbing so hard it was painful to watch, he approached her but didn't step on the grass just yet. "Cinnamon roll? Can I sit with you?" he asked, a little more hopefulness in his voice than he had intended to be there, sighing when he got no response. Pain coursing through him as he watched Casey there in the grass crying. He approached her and crouched down next to her, wrapping his arms round her shuddering frame tentatively, bracing to be rejected but sighed into her hair, pulling her close as she wrapped her arms round his torso, burying her head in the crook of his neck. "It's okay. I'm here for you." he soothed softly as he rubbed her back comfortingly. After a while Casey's sobs subsided and they made there way off of the trail holding hands. As they came upon the park café Casey had planned to take Ethan to, she let out a deep sigh, looking at the ground.
"What's the matter?"
"Can we... talk about it late? I-"
"Hey. Of course. That's fine."
"Thank you. I just want to eat now. And celebrate Jenner's life with you."
With a soft smile, Ethan opened the door to the café, and they took a seat inside, their usual drink order being brought over almost straight away, and they thanked the kind old lady who had become somewhat of a friend to them over the past year since Casey started joining Ethan in walking Jenner. They placed the order for their food, and made small talk whilst they ate it, before they left, Ethan headed to the bathrooms, and Casey went to the counter to talk to the kind old woman, who smiled at her with a fondness only a grandmother would.
"Hello dear. Was everything to your liking today?"
"It was outstanding as always Margret"
"Oh good. I'm glad. ... Now I would notice that look anywhere. What can I do for you darling?"
"Well, you see, the thing is. Ethan... he um... he had to have Jenner put to sleep after he got into an accident with a car. Today marks the 15th year since he brought him home from the rescue shelter and I'm helping Ethan remember him in the best ways possible. I don't suppose you have any of those biscuits he always liked spare, do you?"
"Oh of course I do my sweet. You know I always would keep one safe for the rascal."
Margret walked to the back and returned a few moments later, passing her the biscuit just as Ethan rejoined Casey by her side, lacing their fingers together. "Here you go. I hope whatever it is you have planned goes well. And my condolences for your loss Ethan, my darling." She said with a warm but sad smile as she briefly squeezed Ethan's shoulder with a tight nod. After some goodbyes, Casey and Ethan walked back into the park and down the path to the main gates. Once on the main street, Casey stopped a taxi and this time sat in the back with Ethan, which he had to admit, warmed his heart a little. When they arrived back at Casey's apartment complex, Ethan covered the fare and they walked up to the apartment together. Outside the door Casey knocked even though she had her keys, which confused Ethan.
"Sienna?! We're back!"
".... COMING!"
A few seconds later the door flew open and Sienna handed Casey a blindfold. Turning to Ethan, Casey jumped trying to put it on him which made him laugh.
"Baby, what are you doing?"
"Trying to blindfold you, duh."
"But why."
"So the surprise isn't ruined."
"... I'll humor you this once."
Ethan smirked as he took the blindfold from her and slipped it over his eyes. After checking he couldn't see, Sienna held the door open and Casey led him into the apartment.
"Okay... I want you to bear in mind that this was all very last minute so not everything is here but.... I do hope you like what we've put together for you okay?"
"Cinnamon roll, you know I'd like anything you put together for me."
"Okay, I want you to brace yourself, count to three and then remove your blindfold."
Casey placed the biscuit Margret had given them on the coffee table and picked up her gift, standing in front of the couch with her roommates in anticipation. When Ethan had counted to three, he removed the blindfold, letting his eyes adjust to the room, gasping as he took in the decorations surrounding him. "Casey... when did you have the time to arrange all of this?" he asked as he moved towards a picture frame with a picture of the three of them in together, all looking happy. "Well. It wasn't all me. I happen to have some very awesome friends who were down to help me and, well, you. All of us here have grieved a loss at some point in our lives so far, but we also all know how much Jenner meant to you. You were inseparable. And we want to help you through this difficult time." Casey spoke softly as he walked around looking at the decorations, appreciating the lengths they had all gone to for him. For Jenner. Suddenly emotion hit him like a train, and he started crying as he turned to Casey, pulling her into a tight hug. Everyone else in the room getting emotional too.
"Uh, Dr. Ramsey." Elijah said as he blew his nose.
"Please. Call me Ethan."
"Okay. Um, Ethan. Casey said it wasn't necessary for me to do seeing as I'm struggling with my money at the moment, but I wanted to get you a gift too. We all did. So well.. this is from myself, Jackie, Sienna and Aurora. It won't match Casey's gift but we uh... here." Elijah hesitated as he passed the wrapped gift, Ethan gratefully accepting it as he sat to open it. He gasped as he removed the wrapping upon seeing what it was.
"Is it... bad?"
"No Dr. Greene, uhm, Elijah.. it's perfect. Thank you."
"Casey mentioned you broke yours and it still hadn't been replaced, so we gathered the same pictures and had another made for you at this shop not too far away. Thankfully, they understood and fast tracked our order but.. the best addition is this.. May I?"
Elijah held out his hand and Ethan passed him the photo cube, watching as he flipped it around before turning it, to show Ethan a picture of Jenner that had wings and a halo added to it, with the caption, 'I'll be waiting for you dad. Love you always.' on it. Tears fell from Ethan's eyes again as he lent on Casey's shoulder, taking the cube back from Elijah. "Okay. My own roommates are out gifting me to my boyfriend now. I may just have to kick y'all out." Casey joked to lighten the mood a little and they chuckled as they dabbed at their eyes with tissues.
"This is emotional. I hate emotion." Jackie sniffled
"Come on Jack. If Ethan can cry then so can we." Aurora said
Ethan hugged Casey and the others took seats on the couches and in chairs as the mood settled back down before Casey gave Ethan her gift.
"Before you open this. I know you aren't one for jewelry, but, like we've said. I know how close you were and still are to Jenner, so I thought this would ease things for you. Because he can still be with you all the time."
Looking a little baffled Ethan carefully opened the gift, throwing the paper to the side as he opened the jewelry box to find a pendant inside. Carefully he opened it, instantly tearing up again as he saw a picture of himself, Jenner and his dad on one side, and a smiley Casey on the other. "Cinnamon roll." he cried as his voice cracked, pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her cheek. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much. I love you. So so much."
Emotion filled the room again as everyone cried at Casey's gift, and the matching pendant she had been wearing all day, hiding it under her sweater. "What did I do to deserve you all?" Ethan asked, as he dabbed and blinked the last of his tears away. They all shared a light chuckle, and Aurora cleared her throat to give an answer.
"You not only inspired us, but you pushed us in our first year to be our absolute best. You made our bond as friends stronger, for me, you mainly showed me that I needed friends. If I wasn't to end up at stiff as you that is. But most of all, you loved our Cassie. You gave her kindness, compassion, support. Everything you have here. Now. Is because you deserve the kindness and love you've given out. Back."
Jackie looked at her quizzically.
"When did you become so sentimental?"
"I could ask you the same damn thing right about now."
After talking about Jenner's memory, there was one more thing to do before they all headed to bed for the night. With the biscuit from Margret tied to a few helium-filled balloons, they headed out onto the balcony and looked up at the sky. Ethan taking the balloons from Sienna.
"Hey buddy. It's your dad. I hope they're looking after you up there, because if they aren't they'll be hell to pay when I get there. Anyway, you um. You don't need to worry about me too much. Your mom and her friends are looking after me down here. You should go ahead on more adventures to tell me all about when we meet again. Just like I'm going to for you. I uh.. Well both me and your mom went to see Margret today, and we've brought you your favourite treat. We thought we'd send it up to you so. Here you go buddy. Enjoy. And remember, small bites. Good boy. I love you. Goodnight for now."
He spoke with thick emotion before letting the balloons go as he tightly held Casey's and Elijah's hands, the others joining the chain as they watched the balloons carry the biscuit higher and higher until they couldn't see it anymore. They headed back inside and locked all the doors and windows, cleaning up the mess and going to bed. Casey and Ethan never spoke about where their relationship stood that night. Were they to remain a secret or not. Little did she know the next morning that question would be answered for her. But for now, her focus was sleep. And cuddling Ethan. 
------ The Next Day ------
Feeling refreshed still, half way into the morning at work the next day, Casey stood in a hallway marking a chart as the hospital's PA system dinged overhead. She expected it to be a trauma call or something calling someone to the ER, but she froze as the familiar voice filled the halls and heads turned to stare at her.
"Good Morning staff of Edenbrook. This is Dr. Ramsey. I sound ridiculously happy given recent circumstances in my personal life. But there is a reason and I no longer care if it costs me my job. I'm happy because of a certain doctor. She's probably blushing right now and untucking her hair trying to hide her face whilst it's scrunched up in embarrassment. Anyway, this is not the time for tangents. I'm in love with and dating Dr. Casey Valentine and I've finally stopped giving fucks to hide it. Casey. I love you. I fucking love you. That will be all. Please resume your days as normal."
Casey rushed to a nearby supply closet, a grin spreading on her face as she shut the door. He loved her.
Truly. Madly. Deeply.
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drakewalkerspixie · 5 years
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Lady Ida of house Rosario
I had to choose green for my slytherin roots 😅💚
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rain18rain · 4 years
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Me waiting for Blades finale be like :
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angelasscribbles · 3 years
Three Weeks In Ramsford: The Letter
Three Weeks In Ramsford: The Letter
Disclaimer: Characters represented here as well as the original story are owned by pixelberry. This content has been written by Angela Harrison based on those characters/stories For legal purposes, here is the official statement from Pixleberry about the production and sharing of fan fiction and fan art based on their original works: Our studio continues to respect and support fan works, such…
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queenmiranda-01 · 4 years
The Royal Couple                                              Chapter 9 - Spreading The News
Liam x Miranda (MC)
Hi and thanks for reading my story. I know this chapter has been a long time coming but with the pandemic, working from home, and home schooling it took me forever to find the time to write this chapter but thankfully I was FINALLY able to finish it so I hope everyone enjoys it.
I started working on Chapter 10 and I pray it does not take long to finish it.
Please know that I am not a professional writer so I apologize for any misspellings or improper grammar structure. As always I welcome all feedback both positive and negative. Thank you!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters as they belong to Pixleberry Studios. I’m just using them for fictional entertainment purposes
(It’s Saturday morning, the day of the party where Liam and Miranda plan to announce to their close friends that they are expecting a baby. Miranda awakes to the aroma of the grill and the smoker filling her bedroom. She lets out a yawn and looks at her phone and sees that it’s 8:30am. She then turns to Liam’s side of the bed and sees that he is not there which means that he is already downstairs which also explains why the smell of barbecue is coming in through the open windows and balcony doors. Miranda gets out of bed and heads into her bathroom to wash herself and brush her teeth. She then goes into her closest and puts on a cute casual sun dress and heads downstairs. She walks out to the patio and sees Liam who is wearing a short sleeve button down shirt and cargo shorts. He is at the grilling station marinating and putting a rub on two large racks of ribs. As Miranda approaches the grilling station Liam looks up and gives her a big smile.)
Liam: Good morning Sweetie!
(Miranda walks over to Liam and gives him a kiss)
Miranda: Good morning Pitt Master!
(Liam chuckles at Miranda’s comment and gives her another kiss. Miranda watches over Liam’s shoulder as he finishes putting a rub on the ribs.)
Miranda: What time did you get up?
Liam: Uh…around 6:00am I think
Miranda: How come you were up so early?
Liam: I had to start the brisket early if we want to eat by this afternoon? How come you’re up so early?
Miranda: (Playfully) Oh I smelled the barbecue from upstairs so I thought I would come down and taste your meat.
(Liam has finished his rub of the ribs and is now washing his hands at the grilling station’s sink with his back to Miranda)
Liam: Sorry Love but the brisket is still in the smoker and it won’t be ready for a few more hours.
Miranda: (Playfully & Seductively) Well that’s not the ‘Meat’ I wanted to taste.
(Liam looks over his shoulder and gives Miranda a sly grin. He dries his hands off and walks over to her, wraps his arms around her waist, and pulls her close to his chest.).
Liam: (Softly and seductively) I thought you got enough of my ‘Meat’ last night.
Miranda: (Softly and seductively) You know I can’t get enough of your ‘Meat’ Sweetheart.
(Liam giggles and gives Miranda a kiss. When he releases her lips, she rests her head against his chest and closes her eyes as Liam rubs her back)
Miranda: Mmmm! … I’m so excited about today.
Liam: I know I have been looking forward to telling our friends about the baby. They are going to be so happy for us.
(Miranda looks up at Liam)
Miranda: They are going to be more than just happy. I know Maxwell and Hana are going to explode with excitement when we tell them.
Liam: Wait to you see the reaction when we release the statement to the press, the whole country will be overjoyed. I believe everyone has been waiting for us to announce that we are having a baby since the moment we returned from our honeymoon.
Miranda: Oh you know everyone has been on the edge of their seat waiting for that announcement. Every time we do an interview or face the paparazzi the first question they ask is “When are you guys having a baby?”
(Liam looks down at Miranda, lifts her chin up with his two fingers, and gazes lovingly into her eyes)
Liam: Well they won’t have to wait much longer because very soon we will tell the world that you are pregnant, and it will be one of the happiest days of my life.
Miranda: It will be one of mine too
Liam: I love you!
Miranda: I love you!
(Liam lowers his lips to Miranda and gives her a kiss. He then lets out a little sigh)
Liam: We better get moving. We got a lot to do around here before everyone arrives.
(Liam gives Miranda a kiss on her forehead and goes to break from her embrace)
Miranda: Um wait a minute! (Miranda pulls Liam back into her embrace) Where do you think you’re going?
(Liam smiles at Miranda as he wraps his arms around her)
Liam: (Grinning) Yes my love? What can I do for you?
Miranda: I wasn’t kidding when I said that I wanted to ‘Taste’ your meat
(Miranda moves her hand down to Liam’s crouch, unzips his shorts, pulls his dick out, and starts to play with it. Liam smiles as he moves his hand to her breast and caresses them.)
Liam: (Apologetically) I’m sorry Baby I didn’t realize you were serious about that.
(Liam and Miranda move their lips closer to each other’s)
Miranda: (Softly) When have I ever joked about such a thing?
Liam: (Softly and slightly shaking his head) Never! I should’ve known better
Miranda: (Softly) Yes, you should’ve.
(Liam and Miranda close the gap between their lips and share a deep kiss that quickly becomes heated as Miranda jerks Liam and causes him to become erect. After a few moments they release each other’s lips and are slightly out of breath)
Liam: Do you mind if I check on my brisket first before you ‘Taste’ my meat?
(Liam and Miranda playfully smile at each other)
Miranda:  I would never dream of keeping a Pitt Master from his grill
(Liam grins as Miranda releases her hold on his dick, he turns toward the smoker where the brisket is cooking. Liam opens the smoker as Miranda stands behind him and watches. The strong aroma of smoke and the smell of the brisket overpower Miranda’s senses and she immediately becomes nauseous and realizes that she is going to be sick.)
Miranda: Oh My God!
(Miranda quickly turns to the nearby trash bin, leans over it, and gets sick twice. Liam hearing Miranda’s cry quickly turns around and sees her getting sick over the trash bin. Liam immediately grabs a clean towel from the grilling station and puts his hand on Miranda’s back. After Miranda finishes getting sick, she remains leaning over the trash bin for a moment. Liam hands her the towel and she wipes her mouth)
Liam: (Compassionately) Are you alright?
(Miranda takes a deep breath through her nose and slowly breaths out of her mouth)
Miranda: Yeah, I’m fine
(Miranda straightens herself up as Liam wraps his arms around her and she rest her head on his chest)
Miranda: Wow that came over me so fast
Liam: I’m sorry Sweetie I shouldn’t have opened the smoker so close to you.
Miranda: It’s not your fault! I didn’t think the smell would affect me like that.
Liam: Well I guess any strong smells or odors can set off your morning sickness.
(Miranda smirks as she pulls apart from Liam)
Miranda: Maybe I need to stay away from the grill and smoker for a little while just to be safe (Liam nods I’m agreement) besides I need to start preparing some of the other food in the kitchen.
Liam: I think that’s a good idea. Come on let’s get you inside.
(Liam moves to escort Miranda back inside)
Miranda: (Chuckles) I’m ok to walk back inside by myself.
Liam: Yes, but a Lady, not to mention a Queen, should always have a proper escort.
(Miranda slightly rolls her eyes and giggles as Liam puts his arm around her and walks her off the patio and back into the family room. Once they are inside Liam turns to Miranda and lightly caresses her arms)
Liam: Are you sure you’re ok now?
(Miranda sighs at Liam)
Miranda: (A little sarcastic) Yes I’m fine, stop worrying about me so much.
Liam: (Slightly shakes his head with a playful grin) Never! I told you, I am your husband and it’s my job to worry about you, because I love you (he leans in a gives Miranda a little kiss and places his hand on her  belly) both of you!
(Liam then warps his arms around Miranda and pulls her close as she looks up and smiles at him)
Miranda: And WE love you.
(Liam grins as Miranda gives him a sweet little kiss)
Miranda: Why are you always so good to me?
Liam: Because you’re my girl!
Miranda: I’ll always be your girl and you’ll always be my guy.
(Liam and Miranda share another sweet little kiss)
Liam: Do you want me to get you anything?
Miranda: No! Stop fussing over me! I’m not a china doll that can easily break.
Liam: Of course not, you are far more valuable to me.
(Miranda grins at Liam and slightly shakes her head at him)
Miranda: (A little sarcastic) Yeah ok, I’m good now so get out of here before all your ‘fussing over me’ starts to annoy the hell out of me.
Liam: Very well I’ll head back outside. (Liam gives Miranda a quick kiss) Try not to miss me too much!
Miranda: (Giggles and gets a little sarcastic) Ok I’ll try my best.
(Liam smiles and gives Miranda a kiss on her forehead and then turns to head out the patio door but before he leaves Miranda calls out to him)
Miranda: Um Liam!
(Liam turns around and faces Miranda)
Liam: Yes?
Miranda: (Gesturing to his crouch) You..uh...might want to ‘fix yourself’ before you go outside.
(Liam looks confused until Miranda points to his crouch. He quickly looks down and his eyes widen as he sees that his dick (which is now gone soft) is still hanging out)
Liam: (Embarrassed) Oh!  My apologizes, I completely forgot that I was exposing myself.
(Liam puts his dick back in and zips up his shorts as Miranda giggles at him)
Liam: Thank you Baby!
Miranda: You’re welcome Sweetie!
(Liam heads out to the grill as Miranda who is still giggling at Liam shakes her head and goes into the kitchen. Around 12:00pm Miranda and Liam are waiting for their guest to arrive. Miranda is in the kitchen baking and making up the side dishes and salads. Liam is on the patio at the grilling station keeping an eye on the brisket and ribs that are cooking while preparing the chicken that he is also going to put on the grill. Back in the kitchen Miranda hears Drake’s voice calling out from the hallway)
Drake: YO! …Where is everybody?
Miranda: (Calling out to Drake) In the kitchen!
(Drake appears in the kitchen doorway wearing an old ratty t-shirt, wrinkled cargo shirts and holding a bag in his hand.)
Drake: Hey Carrington
(Miranda smiles at Drake and walks over to him and gives him a hug as Drake hugs her back with his free arm)
Miranda: Hey yourself stranger! How have you been?
Drake: Eh same as always
(As Miranda hugs Drake she recognizes his normal scent of Old Spice cologne, stale cigarette smoke, and whiskey. She releases him from her hug and looks at the bag he is holding)
Miranda: What’s in the bag?
Drake: It’s for Liam. (Drake glances around the kitchen & family room) Where is he?
Miranda: He’s out at the grill.
(Drake looks out toward the patio in the direction of the grilling station and chuckles)
Drake: Really? He still thinks he knows how to barbecue.
Miranda: Hey give him a break, he is getting much better at it.
Drake: Yeah but he still has a lot to learn.
Miranda: (Sarcastically) Well no one can ever be the great Pitt Master that you are Walker!
Drake: Nah I guess not
(Miranda giggles and shakes her head at Drake)
Miranda: So where have you been? I hardly see you around here anymore.
Drake: I’ve been in Lythikos
Miranda: Again? Why do you keep going there?
Drake: (Shrugging his shoulders) I’m part of the Royal Guard now. I go where they tell me to.
Miranda: I get that but you seem to be there an awful lot lately. Is everything ok in Lythikos?
Drake: Yeah everything’s fine, just beefing up security.
Miranda: (Suspiciously) Really? So you’re only going out there for security purposes?
(Drake knits his brow and cocks his head slightly as he knows Miranda is getting at something)
Drake: (Sarcastically) Yeah just for security purposes.
(Miranda nods her head and looks at Drake questionably)
Miranda: Oh..ok then!
(Drake rolls his eyes at Miranda and sighs)
Drake: Alright Carrington what are you getting at?
Miranda: Nothing! I…. I just find it interesting that you have been spending so much time in Lythikos and every time that you’re there we don’t see or hear from Olivia.
Drake: Maybe she’s busy. Did you ever think that might be the reason?
Miranda: (Being coy) Busy doing what?
Drake: I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
Miranda: Oh I plan to ask her because she IS coming today (Miranda gets a playful suspicious grin on her face) but you already knew that. Didn’t you?
(Drake with a cocky look on his face leans in closer to Miranda)
Drake: Yeah, I did because she responded to your group text that she was coming.
Miranda: I bet you knew she was coming before she responded.
(Drake narrows his eyes at Miranda and takes a deep breath through his nose)
Drake: OK! I think I’ve had enough of this conversation. I’m going to go hang out with Liam by the grill.
(Drake leaves the kitchen and is heading toward the patio door)
Miranda: (Playfully) Bye Drake! Do you want me to let you know when Olivia arrives?
(Drake stops at the patio door and gives Miranda a stern look before he walks out onto the patio, Miranda laughs at Drake and goes back to fixing the food. Drake walks over to Liam at the grilling station and sees him putting barbecue sauce on the racks of ribs. Liam looks up at Drake as he approaches)
Drake: Those ribs need more sauce, you don’t want them to be too dry.
(Liam smirks at Drake)
Liam: I prefer my ribs to be a little dry Thank You! I find they tend not to cook as well if they are too wet.
Drake: (Sarcastically) Oh really? So you’re an expert on ribs now?
Liam: (Sarcastically) More like the King of ribs actually?
(Liam and Drake chuckle)
Drake: (Slightly shaking his head) Whatever.  Here you go.
(Drake takes a carton of cigarettes out of the bag he is holding and places them on the counter of the grilling station in front of Liam)
Liam: Oh ..uh ..thanks but it wasn’t necessary to get me a carton.
Drake: Yeah well, I’m not sure when I’ll see you next so I figured I would stock you up. I’ll just take my payment.
(Drake opens the carton and takes out three packs of cigarettes and puts two of them in the side pocket of his cargo shorts)
Liam: Why don’t you just keep the carton, I don’t need that many.
(Drake looks at Liam sternly and rolls his eyes)
Drake: Ah for Christ’s sakes don’t tell me you’re trying to quit, AGAIN!
Liam: Maybe I am and it’s something that you should consider doing Mr. Two Packs A Day!
(As Liam is saying this Drake lights up a cigarette and blows smoke in Liam’s face. Liam bats the smoke away and playfully shoves Drake)
Drake: Three packs actually and I’ll have you know at my last checkup the doc said I was as healthy as a horse
(Just as Drake finishes his sentence, he begins hacking which sounds like a smoker’s cough)
Liam: (Chuckles) Right? A horse with a bad smoker’s cough.
Drake: Ah shut the hell up! Here.
(Drake takes a pack of cigarettes out of the carton and puts it down in front of Liam. Liam looks down at the cigarettes and then back at Drake like he is contemplating whether he should smoke a cigarette since he is trying to quit now that Miranda is pregnant. Drake rolls his eyes at Liam in annoyance)
Drake: Will you stop being such a pussy and have a fucking cigarette…. You know you want one.
(Liam releases a small sigh, picks up the cigarettes, pulls one out of the pack and puts it in his mouth. He then takes his lighter out of his pocket and lights his cigarette. As he inhales, he savors the flavor and slowly blows the smoke out of his mouth with a satisfied look on his face)
Drake: (With a cocky smirk on his face) Your welcome!
Liam: (Sarcastically) Yeah thanks for always being such a bad influence on me
Drake: Fuck You!
(Liam and Drake chuckle and playfully shove each other)
Liam: Would you like a whiskey?
Drake: Do you seriously have to ask me that question?
(Liam chuckles)
Liam: What was I thinking?
Drake: You know on second thought I’ll have a beer right now. I’ll save the whiskey for later.
Liam: Ok let’s go over to the bar, I just put a new keg in this morning.
(Liam walks behind the bar where the tap is as Drake sits down at the bar. Liam puts his cigarette in his mouth, grabs two-pint glasses, and pours two beers for himself and Drake.  He walks around from behind the bar with the beers in his hands, puts them down on the bar and then takes a seat next to Drake. Liam takes his cigarette out of his mouth and holds his glass up to Drake’s)
Liam: Cheers
Drake: Cheers
(They both clink their glasses and start drinking their beers)
Liam: Were you in Lythikos again?
Drake: Yeah I just got back last night.
Liam: How’s the situation there?
Drake: It’s good. We’ve finished establishing all the new security protocols and provided training to the local guards. We shouldn’t have any more threats.
Liam: That’s excellent! Great job! I guess you’re happy that you don’t have to freeze your ass off in Lythikos anymore?
Drake: I’m heading back there next week
Liam: (Surprised) You are? Why? If you finished with all the security protocols, then I don’t see the need for you to return.
Drake: (Shrugging his shoulders) I just want to make sure everything is running smoothly, that’s all
Liam: (Looks at Drake suspiciously) Really? That’s the only reason you’re going back there?
(Drake narrows his eyes and gives Liam a stern look because he thinks Liam, like Miranda, is getting at something)
Drake: (A little annoyed) Yeah, that’s it. Why are you asking me this?
Liam: I’m just curious that’s all.
Drake: Curious about what?
Liam: Why you are going back to Lythikos again especially now that the project is completed, and I know how much you hate it there.
Drake: I go where the Royal Guard assigns me, you know that.
Liam: That’s not entirely accurate, and you know it. Bastien told me he never assigned you to Lythikos and that you originally volunteered to go, and you keep volunteering to go back. The question is why do you keep volunteering?
(Drake has now become frustrated with Liam and lightly bangs his fist on the bar)
Drake: What the hell Li! Am I going to have to do this shit with you too?
Liam: (A little confused) What are you talking about? Do what shit?
Drake: Carrington was just drilling me the same way you are when I saw her in the kitchen. (Drake becomes agitated) If you want to know so badly then just ask me for Christ’s sake!
Liam: Ask you what?
Drake: (Angrily raising his voice) IF I’M FUCKING OLIVIA?
Liam: (A little taken back) Alright then! Are you ..fucking Olivia?
Drake: (With a sarcastic tone) YES! I AM! Ok! …Are you happy now?
(Liam is completely shocked by Drakes answer. He slightly opens his mouth as his eyes go wide)
Liam: You are? Seriously?
Drake: Yeah, I’m serious.
Liam: How long has this been going on?
Drake: I don’t know about…. (Drake thinks to himself for a moment) …. three months maybe
Liam: Really? …Wow! I…I can’t believe you and Olivia. I never thought you two would end up being a couple.
(Drake is drinking his beer when he hears Liam refer to him and Olivia as a couple. Drakes eyes go wide and he almost chokes on his beer)
Drake: Whoa! Whoa!  Back Up! We are NOT a couple! Neither one of us wants any of that couples bullshit! This is just about sex, nothing more so DON’T go spreading any false rumors.
(Liam slightly rolls his eyes at Drake)
Liam: You know I of all people would never do such a thing.
Drake: (Sarcastically) Good! Then you don’t have to worry about me kicking your ass.
(Liam gives Drake a doubtful look)
Liam: So let me get this straight, your relationship with Olivia is completely sexual?
Drake: Yep
Liam: You’re have no romantic feelings for her at all?
Drake: Nope! NONE at all!
Liam: Then I don’t understand.
Drake: (Sarcastically) What the hell don’t you understand?
(Liam takes one last inhale on his cigarette and then puts it out in the ashtray on the bar)
Liam: Why continue to let the affair go on for so long if there is no possibility of you two forming a relationship.
(Drake finishes his cigarette and puts it out in the ashtray on the bar)
Drake: That’s easy there are three reasons. (Drake holds up a finger as he makes each point) 1, Olivia has a smoking hotter than balls body. 2, She gives an AMAZING blowjob. And 3, (Drakes pauses for a second) She is without a doubt THE FUCK of the millennium! It’s the BEST goddamn sex I have ever had in my life. (Drake chuckles as he lights up another cigarette) but you should know, you’ve fucked her before. (Drake give Liam a small smirk) Haven’t you?
(Liam is also lighting up another cigarette as Drake is speaking. He inhales on his cigarette when Drake mentions that Liam has fucked Olivia which causes Liam to lightly choke as he blows the cigarette smoke out of his mouth.)
Liam (lightly coughing with a surprised look on his face) Excuse me? What are you talking about?
Drake: (Annoyed) Don’t play that dumb act with me! I know you’ve fucked Olivia before so don’t even try to deny it.
Liam: I can assure you that Olivia and I have NEVER had sex together.
Drake: (Gives Liam a doubtful look) BULLSHIT!
Liam: (A little annoyed) I’m NOT bullshitting you at all, I’m telling the truth!
Drake: (with a doubtful tone to his voice) Really? Then what about that New Year’s Eve party?
Liam: (Liam knits his brow and slightly shakes his head in confusion) What New Year’s Eve party?
Drake: That one at the Beaumont’s a few years back! You two were making out most of the night and then I saw you guys sneak upstairs to one of the bedrooms.
Liam (Rolling his eyes and shaking his head) She and I were so drunk that night by the time we got to the bedroom we just passed out on the bed. Nothing happened, trust me!
Drake:  Ok then how about during the last Social Season? (Again Liam knits his brow and looks at Drake with confusion). When we were in Lythikos? The night of the ball? I saw Olivia leaving your room that night and her dress was…unzipped halfway.
(Liam now realizing what Drake is referring to has an almost regretful look on his face)
Liam: Oh…that
Drake: (Sarcastically) Yeah that! So you did fuck her?
(Liam looks down for a moment, and shakes his head in disagreement)
Liam: No, I did NOT…. (he sighs) but to be honest with you a part of me wanted to that night and I…. almost did.
Drake: Huh? What do you mean you ‘almost’ did?
Liam: Er….it was complicated
Drake: Complicated? How the hell was it complicated?
Liam: Er…it’s a long story
Drake: Well we got nothing else to do except to sit here and smoke, drink, and wait for the food to get done so you might as well just tell me to kill some time.
(Liam takes a sip of his beer and inhales on his cigarette)
Liam: Very well…(Liam sighs) Earlier that evening Miranda had been in my quarters, I had….
(Drake cuts Liam off with a sarcastic comment)
Drake: Oh there’s a shock! Another story that starts off with Carrington being in your room!
(Liam narrows his eyes and gives Drake a stern glare)
Liam: (Getting annoyed and slightly raising his voice) Do you want to hear this story or not!
(Drake has a playfully apologetic look on his face)
Drake: (Smirks) Ok, ok calm down! Continue
Liam: As I was saying, I had asked Miranda to join me in my quarters after the ball that evening. She arrived and we ended up in the hot tub and things got VERY heated as they usually do between us and we… made love. I hadn’t planned on that happening (Liam pauses for a second and inhales on his cigarette. As he blows the smoke out of his mouth, he has small grin on his face and a little gleam in his eye) but I wasn’t sorry that it did. Anyhow Olivia must have seen Miranda leaving my quarters and I assume wanted to know what she had been doing there so she knocked on my door. I thought it was Miranda returning, so I answered the door wearing nothing but a towel and was shocked when I saw Olivia standing there. She forcefully invited herself in and upon entering my quarters figured out that Miranda and I had made love and she was…well let’s just say that she less than pleased about it.
Drake: (Chuckles) Yeah I bet she was. Wait, how did she figure out that you and Carrington had sex?
Liam: She er…saw the condom that I had used discarded in the waste basket.
(Drake rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief at Liam)
Drake: You dumb fuck, don’t know you know anything? You’re supposed to wrap it in a tissue before you throw it away. (Liam gives a small smirk and shrugs his shoulders) So what did Olivia do after she figured it out?
Liam: She gave me a speech about how I wasn’t being fair to her and that I was only paying attention to Miranda and then proceeded to profess her love for me and tell me how she was the only woman who could truly make me happy. (Liam sighs and inhales on his cigarette) The next thing I know she takes off her dress and is standing naked in front of me. She then removes my towel and we were then in each other’s arms passionately kissing on the bed.
Drake: So what the HELL stopped you from fucking her?
Liam: Well like I said a part of me want to have sex with her and as you so colorfully pointed out Olivia is a very attractive woman with a gorgeous body.
Drake:(Sarcastically) Buuuttt?
(Liam looks down and then meets Drakes eyes)
Liam: But…I couldn’t help thinking about Miranda and how hurt she would have been when she found out, so I told Olivia that we had to stop and that it wasn’t right for us to have sex at that moment. She got angry with me, put her dress on and stormed out of my quarters.
Drake: How would’ve Carrington ever found out?
Liam: Come on Drake you know Olivia. She would have taken the first opportunity she had to gloat to Miranda and the other women that she had sex with me and that would have devastated Miranda
Drake: I guess she would have been a little upset, but it wasn’t like you two were engaged or anything. Carrington knew that other women were pursuing you at that time.
Liam: True but I knew how much it bothered Miranda when Olivia kissed me at the ball during the waltz. I could only imagine how upset she would have been had she learned that Olivia and I had sex only a short time after she and I had made love that same evening. (Liam inhales on his cigarette and slightly shakes his head as he looks a little remorseful). I can’t explain it but for some reason the thought of having sex with Olivia made me feel as if I was cheating on Miranda and couldn’t bare to hurt her like that…I loved her too much.
(Drake slightly turns his head away from Liam and mumbles under his breath)
Drake: You weren’t the only one.
(Liam not catching what Drake said looks at him questionably)
Liam: Sorry? What did you say?
(Drake quickly faces Liam and tries to change the subject)
Drake: Um you better go check on that brisket you don’t want it to overcook and dry out
(Liam looks over his shoulder at the smoker)
Liam: Oh you’re right! Thanks!
(Liam takes once last inhale on his cigarette and then puts it out in the ashtray that is next to him. He gets up from the bar and hurries over to the smoker where the brisket is cooking. Drake slowly gets up from the bar and walks over to the smoker and watches as Liam checks on the brisket. Liam glances up as Drake approaches)
Drake: Mmh! Brisket looks pretty good there (Drake gets a sarcastic tone) Maybe you do know what you are doing after all.
Liam: Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence.
(Liam and Drake giggle)
Liam: May I ask a favor of you?
Drake: What?
(Liam closes the smoker and then looks at Drake with a serious expression on his face)
Liam: Will you not mention to Miranda about what happened between Olivia and I at Lythikos?
Drake: Ok sure but why the big secret? You know Carrington isn’t the jealous type and nothing really happened between you two. Plus, it was well before you guys were engaged.
Liam. I realize that but I don’t want to risk upsetting her especially in her current condition.
Drake: (Looking concerned) What? What are you talking about? What condition?
(Liam goes silent and looks down like he shouldn’t have said anything. Drake is now worried that something is wrong with Miranda)
Drake: (Shouts) LI!!! (Liam is slightly startled and looks at Drake) What’s wrong with Miranda? Is she ok???
Liam: Yes she is fine! Nothing is wrong with her. I just meant that Miranda is stressed right now because she has a lot on her plate with the Children’s Hospital, the new charity foundation, and the education initiative that she has been working on. I don’t want to see her stress anymore then she already is.
Drake: Oh…um ok fine. I won’t mention it to her.
Liam: Thank you. (There is a brief awkward silence between them) I uh better get theses chickens on the grill.
(Liam takes the plate of chicken parts and starts putting them on the grill. Drake watches and wonders if Liam is being honest with him about what is really going on with Miranda.
Back in the kitchen Miranda is at the island cutting up fruits & vegetables when she hears a loud familiar voice from the hall and immediately gets a big smile on her face)
Maxwell: THE BEAUMONT PAAARRRRTY TRAIN IS IN THE……. (Maxwell appears in the kitchen doorway with his arms open) HOOOOUUSSEEE!!!!!!
Miranda: (Excitedly) MAX!!!
(Miranda rushes over to Maxwell and the two of them embrace in a bug hug)
Miranda: It’s so good to see you!
Maxwell: I’ve missed you so much little blossom!
Miranda: I’ve missed you too. (Miranda breaks from her hug and pulls Maxwell over to the chairs at the island.) Come here sit down, I want to hear all about the book tour! How was it?
(Miranda and Maxwell sit down on the island chairs and Maxwell beams with joy as he tells Miranda all about his recent book tour for his novel The Royal Romance, which is about her and Liam’s romance)
Maxwell: Ah Randy! (Maxwell’s nickname for Miranda is “Randa” or “Randy”) It was incredible! It was fantastic! The best tour of my life! The Royal Romance is going to be the GREATEST Romance novel in the world.
(Miranda puts her hands to her mouth and has an overjoyed look on her face)
Miranda: Oh Max that’s awesome to hear! I’m so happy for you! So the reception has been good from both the fans and the critics?
Maxwell: The reception has been unbelievable! Everybody LOVES the book! No matter where we went, Lythikos, Portavera, Fydelia, Paris, London, New York, Chicago, LA we got the same response from people saying how great the book is and how much they LOVE you, especially in New York! Your hometown is extremely proud of you.
Miranda: Well you’re the one they should be proud of not me. This is your creation and I’m just thrilled to be a part of it.
Maxwell: Ah come on now you know it’s your story. You’re the main character that everyone loves! I’m just the guy that decided to write it down and share it with the world.
Miranda: No, you’re the guy that made all of this happen. You took a chance on an out of work Broadway actress who was bartending and waiting tables and decided to bring me here. All of this is because of you and I can’t thank you enough. (Miranda gets off her chair and gives Maxwell a big hug) I love you Maxwell!
(Maxwell gets a big smile on his face and hugs Miranda back tightly)
Maxwell: Aww I love you too Miranda! Thanks! (Miranda and Maxwell pull apart and Maxwell puts his arm around her shoulder as the two friends smile at each other) You’re my best friend in the whole world, not to mention a GREAT money marker for me.
(Miranda smirks at Maxwell and playfully slaps his shoulder)
Miranda: You better remember to share those royalties with your friends!
Maxwell: Don’t worry everybody will get their share, just like I promised.
(Miranda releases herself from Maxwell’s arm and walks over to the other side of the island and continues with the salad that she was chopping up when he came in)
Miranda: I guess you’re looking forward to being back at Beaumont Manor. It’s been awhile since you were home.
Maxwell: Yeah I can’t wait to get back to the Estate, but I’m not going to be there long. I’m headed to LA in two weeks.
Miranda: Really? What do you have to go to LA for?
Maxwell: (Reluctantly) Well…It’s…kind of…. private
(Miranda slightly cocks her head and raises her eyebrow as she gives Maxwell a curious look)
Miranda: Maaxxweelll! (Maxwell flashes a playful grin) What’s going on?
Maxwell:  I’m not supposed to say anything.
Miranda: Well you look like you are about to burst. SPILL! NOW!
(Maxwell beams with excitement and gets giddy)
Maxwell: (Giggling) You’re right I am about to burst. I gotta tell someone!
(Maxwell gets off the chair at the island and rushes over to Miranda’s side. He quickly glances around to make sure they are alone and then lowers his voice)
Maxwell: I’m going back to LA to meet with a movie producer (Miranda’s eyes light up) He wants to talk to me about making The Royal Romance into a feature film.
Miranda: (Excitedly) OH MY GOD MAX!! (Miranda gives Maxwell a hug and they both laugh) That’s fantastic! Congratulations!
(Miranda and Maxwell release each other from their hug)
Maxwell: Thanks! Can you believe it? It’s going to be so COOL seeing yours and Liam’s love story play out on the big screen.
Miranda: That love story also includes you and the rest of our amazing friends so it will be cool seeing all of us represented on the big screen
Maxwell: Yeah but you and Liam are the stars of the movie, everyone knows that!
Miranda: Well just like in your book the so-called “stars” need a great supporting cast of friends in order to make the story successful. Let’s hope the movie stays true to the essence of the book.
Maxwell: It will be interesting to see how the meeting goes but, in the meantime, promise me you won’t say a WORD to anyone until it’s all official.
Miranda: I won’t say a WORD to anyone, I promise.
(Maxwell and Miranda share hug)
Maxwell: Thanks Randy! I knew I could trust you.
Miranda: Always!
(Maxwell gives Miranda another big hug)
Maxwell: Hey so where’s the Big Guy?
Miranda: He’s out at the grill with Drake
(Maxwell’s eyes light up with excitement)
Maxwell: Oh cool Drake’s here! I’m going to go out and say “Hi” to my boys.
Miranda: Ok have fun but stay out of trouble!
Maxwell: Can’t make any promises when I’m with my boys. Bye!
(Maxwell runs out through the patio doors as Miranda laughs at him. A few minutes later Miranda hears little feet running down the hallway. As the sound approaches the kitchen Miranda looks up and smiles as a little boy appears in the doorway)
Bartie: Ant Mawranda!
(Miranda quickly rushes over to Bartie and scoops him up in her arms and gives him a big hug)
Miranda: (Excitedly) Hello my little guy! I missed you so much! Look how big you got!
(Just then Savannah and Bertrand appear in the kitchen. Savannah smiles at the sight of Miranda and Bartie hugging but Bertrand has a shocked expression on his face)
Bertrand: Bartie! That is not the proper way to address her Majesty the Queen!
(Both Savannah and Miranda roll their eyes at Bertrand’s comment)
Savannah: Oh Bertrand! He’s too young to understand that.
Miranda: Exactly and besides (She holds little Bartie sideways in her arms and speaks in a cute playful voice) he’s not addressing the Queen, he’s hugging his Aunt Miranda (Miranda tickles Bartie and he laughs in her arms)
Bertrand: Never the less one is never too young to begin learning proper Courtly manners. Observe.
(Miranda puts Bartie down and looks at Bertrand)
Bertrand: Now Bartie (Bartie looks at his Father) Watch me. (Bertrand clears his throat and bows to Miranda) Good afternoon you Majesty! We are most honored and grateful to be in your presence today Ma’am.
(Bartie just smiles at Bertrand as Miranda and Savannah exchange a side glance and shake their heads)
Miranda: (Takes a deep sigh) Bertrand I am NOT the Queen today I am your friend so drop the formalities and give me a hug.
(Miranda walks over to Bertrand and gives him a big hug)
Miranda: It’s good to see you, I’ve missed you
(Bertrand returns Miranda’s hug and has a warm smile on his face)
Bertrand: It’s good to see you too Miranda, it’s been far too long.
(Miranda and Bertrand release each other from their hug, just then Bartie runs into the Family Room as Bertrand chases after him)
Bertrand: Bartie DO NOT touch anything!
(Miranda laughs at Bertrand and Bartie and moves toward Savannah and the two of them give each other a hug)
Miranda: Hi Savannah!
Savannah: Hi Miranda!
Miranda: It’s good to see you, I’m so glad you guys could make it.
Savannah: It’s good to see you too. We wouldn’t have missed this. Thanks for having us.
Miranda: Of course!
(Miranda and Savannah release each other form their hug and walk into the family room where Bertrand and Bartie are. When they reach the Family Room Savannah looks at Miranda and gives her a curious smirk because she notices that there is something different about Miranda, but she can’t put her finger on what it is)
Savannah: You really look great Miranda!
Miranda: Aww thanks!  You look beautiful as always.
Bertrand: (To Miranda) Has Maxwell arrived?
Miranda: Yeah he’s out at the grill or most likely the bar by now with Liam and Drake.
Savannah: (Surprised) Drake’s here already?
Miranda: Yep he just got back from Lythikos
Savannah: He was in Lythikos again?
(Miranda nods her head “Yes” to Savannah just then Bartie runs over to Savannah and she kneels down to speak to her son)
Savannah: Sweetie do you want to go out to the patio and see Uncle Drake, Uncle Maxwell, and Uncle Liam?
(Bartie darts out the patio door with Bertrand quickly following him)
Bertrand: BARTIE! Wait for me!
(Miranda and Savannah laugh at Bertrand and Bartie as Savannah stands back up and looks around the Family Room)
Savannah: Wow! The suite looks amazing, it turned out beautifully.
Miranda: Thanks! I forgot that this is the first time you are seeing it. I’ll have to give you a tour later but first I need to finish getting the food ready.
Savannah: Oh, do you need any help?
Miranda: Yeah sure. Can you make up the salad for me?
Savannah: No problem
(As Miranda and Savannah head toward the Kitchen Miranda notices Savannah smiling at her again with a pondering look on her face)
Miranda (Giggling) What are you smiling at me like that for?
Savannah: I don’t know…It’s just…You… You really look great, that’s all.
Miranda: Well thanks!
Savannah: There is something different about you.
Miranda: Different? What do you mean?
(Savannah slightly tilts her head to the side and looks over Miranda with a curious smile as she tries to figure out what is different about her)
Savannah: I don’t know I can’t put my finger on it but there is something different. It’s almost like you’re   glowing.
(Miranda panics a little and wonders if Savannah is able to notice a difference and fears that she will guess that she is pregnant. In order to keep the surprise Miranda decides to try and change the subject.)
Miranda: It’s probably because I’m just so happy and excited that everyone is coming today. It’s been so long since we were all able to get together.
Savannah: I know I think the last time we all saw each other was the day you and Liam left for your honeymoon and that was almost six months ago.
Miranda: Yeah I think you’re right.
Savannah: This was a great idea getting everyone together.
(Miranda smiles at Savannah and they two of them then concentrate of preparing the food)
Miranda: How are the wedding plans coming?
(Savannah releases a little sigh and gives a small shrug of her shoulders. Miranda stares at Savannah as she was expecting her to be a little more enthusiastic about her wedding plans)
Savannah: Um…they’re …. coming along.
Miranda: Is everything ok?
Savannah: Yeah everything is fine. Bertrand and I are disagreeing on where to have the wedding?
Miranda: I thought you guys were having the wedding at Beaumont Manor?
Savannah: Well that’s where Bertrand would like to have it.
Miranda: But you don’t?
Savannah: I did until my Mother called and said that she would like us to have the wedding take place at her Ranch in Texas.
Miranda: That sounds nice but I’m guessing Bertrand doesn’t want the wedding to take place in TX.
Savanah: (Shaking her head “No”) Not particularly. He wants a traditional Cordonia wedding and feels that it would be best to have the ceremony at Beaumont Manor.
Miranda: He can have a traditional Cordonia wedding anywhere, it’s doesn’t necessarily have to take place in Cordonia.
Savannah: That’s what I told him which he seemed ok with so I might be able to get him to come around. The other issue was that he wanted to invite the Royal Court to the wedding and he thinks that none of them will attend if we have the wedding in TX, which is probably true so I told him that we can have a reception back here in Cordonia sometime in mid-July after the Social Season.
(Miranda stops what she is doing and gives Savannah a surprised look because she realizes that Savannah and Bertrand having their reception in mid-July could possibly conflict with the baby’s due date.)
Miranda: Oh..um..You would have the reception in mid-July, really?
(Miranda has an uneasy look on her face which Savannah picks up on and thinks that Miranda and Liam won’t be able to attend the reception.)
Savannah: Would you and Liam be able to attend the reception if we had it in mid-July or do you guys already have something planned around that time?
(Miranda not wanting to raise suspicion with Savannah or have to reveal to her (at least not at this moment) about her being pregnant decides to play it off and puts a big smile on her face.)
Miranda: Of course we would be able to attend, that date should be fine. Liam and I wouldn’t miss your’s and Bertrand’s reception for the world.
Savannah: Are you sure? (Miranda smirks at Savannah and nods her head “Yes”) Ok then.
(Miranda looks down to avoid eye contact with Savannah and finishes with the food tray she is working on. Savannah gives Miranda a puzzling look as she thinks Miranda is not being completely honest with her. The two are silent for a few moments).
Miranda: (To Savannah) So um have you been talking to your brother much lately?
Savannah: Just a few texts here and there to check-in and see how he is doing.
Miranda: Has he mentioned why he has been in Lythikos so much these past few months?
Savannah: Not really, he said that he had some new security protocols that he and the other guards were working on.
Miranda: That’s all he told you?
Savannah: Pretty much, yeah. Why are you asking?
Miranda: I don’t know I just find it strange that he has been spending so much time in Lythikos when I know how much he hates it there.
Savannah: Well if that’s where the Royal Guard is assigning him then he doesn’t have much of a choice.
Miranda: (Doubtful) Yeah but I think there is more to it than him just being assigned there.
Savannah: What more could there be?
(Miranda seems a little frazzled and lets out a sigh as she knows that what she is about to imply couldn’t possibly be true.)
Miranda: I know how crazy this is going to sound but…. every time Drake has been in Lythikos we haven’t seen or heard from Olivia…so it just makes me wonder if something might be…going on between them?
(Savannah stares at Miranda with a serious doubtful look as she cannot believe what Miranda is indicating)
Savannah: Wait a minute! Are you saying that you think Drake and Olivia are……? (Savannah gets a disgusted look on her face) Oh My God NO! You CAN’T be serious! This is Drake and Olivia we are talking about! I mean they can barely stand to be in the same room with each other so there is just NO way my brother would……er I …. I mean it can’t be….it just CAN’T be!
Miranda: I KNOW! It’s Crazy!! Everytime I think about it and say it out loud it sounds even crazier but…. I just have this strange feeling that something is going on between them…I don’t know why I just do.
(Savannah is still in disbelief and shock over what Miranda is suggestion about Olivia and Drake)
Savannah: Have you confronted Drake or Olivia about…. your suspicions?
(Miranda sighs and gives a little shrug of her shoulders)
Miranda: Well I tired asking Drake if there was anything going on between him and Olivia when he first arrived today, but you know your brother when he doesn’t want to talk about something he clams up and walks away.
Savannah: Yeah that’s Drake for you, rather than confront something that makes him uncomfortable his solution is to just shut down and ignore it and hope it will go away.
Miranda: I guess I could always ask Olivia when she arrives
Olivia: (With a loud suspicious tone to her voice) Ask Olivia what?
(Miranda and Savannah are completed startled by Olivia’s voice. They both look over to the doorway of the kitchen and see Olivia leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded across her chest and glaring at the two of them with a smirk on her face)
Miranda: (To Olivia) JESUS CHRIST! You scared the hell out of me! …How long have you been standing there?
Olivia: I just got here
Savannah: (To Olivia) Why didn’t you say “Hello”?
Olivia: I always prefer to catch people off guard, it makes for a much more dramatic entrance.
Miranda: Yeah well spare us the drama and don’t sneak up on your friends like that.
(Miranda walks toward Olivia with her arms open to hug her. Olivia not wanting to hug Miranda gives her an uncomfortable look)
Olivia: Eh! Must you always do this?
(Miranda stops before she reaches Olivia and is annoyed by her reaction to wanting to hug her)
Miranda: Yes! I must! Now get over here.
(Olivia rolls her eyes and walks over to Miranda)
Olivia: (Displeased) Very well
(Miranda gives Olivia a hug and Olivia uncomfortably pats Miranda on the back but allows a small smile to escape her lips)
Miranda: It’s good to see you! I’ve missed you!
Olivia (Still with a little smirk on her face) Yes well, I’m sure I have missed your company on occasion over the last few months
(Miranda lightly giggles and shakes her head at Olivia because she knows that is Olivia’s way of saying that she really missed Miranda)
Olivia: Savannah, you’re looking well
Savannah: Thanks, you look good too.
Olivia: (Cocky) Yes, I know I do
(Savannah rolls her eyes at Olivia)
Olivia: (To Savannah) How are the wedding plans coming along?
Savannah: Great, thanks. I was actually just telling Miranda…….
(Olivia sharply cuts Savannah off in mid-sentence)
Olivia: Oh how wonderful, I’m so happy for you (Olivia turns her attention to Miranda as Savannah shakes her head at Olivia because she really isn’t surprised by her behavior) Now Miranda what is this ‘question’ that you wanted to ask me?
Miranda: (Trying to brush it off) Oh, it’s nothing important
Olivia: Really? From what I overheard It seemed rather important, like you really wanted to ask me
(Miranda and Savannah glance at each other which Olivia picks up on. She rolls her eyes in annoyance at them and takes an angry deep breath)
Olivia: For the love of Lythikos! Will you two stop acting like teenage girls and just ask me your damn question!
Miranda: Ok, FINE!...... It’s about you and Drake
(Olivia folds her arms across her chest and glares at Miranda curiously)
Olivia: What about Drake and I?
Miranda: (Hesitantly) Well I noticed that Drake has been spending a lot of time in Lythokis these past few months.
Olivia: Yes I know. He and the Royal Guard have been initiating new security protocols. (Olivia’s huff’s and rolls her eyes in annoyance) Not that its necessary! My guards are perfectly capable of creating their own protocols but thanks to that scumbag Anton the crown feels that Lythokis could use new security procedures so who am I to argue with the King’s Guard.
Miranda: Oh ok. So he is just working on security protocols when he is in Lythokis?
Olivia: I assume so. (Olivia knits her brow and looks at Miranda with curiosity) Why are you asking me this?  Shouldn’t you be asking Drake what he is doing when he is in Lythokis?
Miranda: I did, and he said he was beefy up the security there.
Olivia: Then you have your answer. (Annoyed) What does any of this have to do with me?
Miranda: I don’t know… it’s just that we haven’t seen or heard from you in the last few months
Olivia: (Sarcastically) Well I AM the Duchess of Lythokis! I do get busy from time to time. I don’t just sit around all day counting my daggers. I have lands to govern.
Miranda: I know that but..it..ah seems that you are only busy when Drake is in Lythokis!
(Olivia again folds her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes at Miranda)
Olivia: What are you getting at Miranda?
Miranda: (Hesitantly) Nothing…. I just thought that…. (Miranda glances at Savannah as she struggles to finish her sentence)
(Olivia finally loses her cool and release her annoyance at Miranda)
Olivia: FOR CHRIST’S  SAKE MIRANDA!!! Well you just ask me your goddamn questions already! I HAVE better things to do then to just stand here all day!
Miranda: Ok! Ok!....(Miranda pauses for a second) Are you and Drake seeing each other?
Olivia: (Looking confused) Seeing each other? You mean as in a relationship?
Miranda: Yes! Are you two in a relationship together?
(The expression on Olivia’s face quickly changes from confusion to amusement and she begins to laugh hysterically)
Olivia: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You actually thought that Drake and I? Oh my god!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
(Miranda and Savannah are not laughing and stare at Olivia as they don’t see why she sees this as being so hysterically funny. Olivia continues to laugh)
Miranda: (To Olivia) I didn’t realize the thought of you and Drake together would be that comical of an idea to you.
(Olivia begins to compose herself but still releases a few little giggles)
Olivia: Of course its comical! I’m the Duchess of Lythikos! I have extremely high standards when it comes to the men I wish to pursue, and I can’t be seen with just anyone. Frankly I don’t’ understand how any person of nobility could fall in love with a lowly commoner
(Miranda and Savannah hearing Olivia’s remark glare at her with annoyance)
Miranda & Savannah: (In Unison) HEY!!
Miranda: May I remind you that we (motioning to herself and Savannah) are commoners and I can fully understand why the men we love want to be with us.
Savannah: And there is NOTHING lowly about either us or my brother Thank You! He is a great guy!
Miranda: Yes, HE IS Savannah!
Olivia: (Slightly stammering) Well …I…I wasn’t referring to either of you of course and I suppose Drake is a good guy ….but
(Olivia shrugs her shoulders and goes silent. Miranda glares at Olivia expecting her to finish her sentence)
Miranda: But what?
Olivia: He’s….(Olivia pauses as she thinks of a polite way to say Drake isn’t good enough for her) Just not someone I could see myself having feelings for.
Miranda: (A little annoyed) Because you don’t think he is good enough for you. Right?
(Olivia does not respond. Savannah shakes her head in disbelief at Olivia. Miranda slightly nods her head, but you can tell that she is disappointed in Olivia response)
Miranda: Well I guess that answers my question then. You and Drake are NOT in a relationship together.
(Miranda walks back over the counter and continues to prepare the food and Savannah finishes making up the salad.
Olivia: No! We are not in a relationship! (Miranda puts a small piece of fruit in her mouth and Savannah takes a drink of water.) …..But we are fucking each other.
(Olivia’s comment shocks Miranda & Savannah. Savannah practically spits the water out of her mouth and Miranda begins to lightly choke on the piece of fruit she is eating. Miranda swallows the piece of fruit and clears her throat. Both Miranda and Savannah look at Olivia with wide eyes and their mouths open as they are both stunned by what she has revealed)
Miranda: WHAT???
Savannah: WHAT???
(Olivia can’t understand why Miranda & Savannah are so shocked and stares at them curiously)
Olivia: Drake and I are fucking each other.
Savannah: (Looking surprised and grossed out) Oh My GOD!
Miranda: What do you mean “you’re fucking each other” You just said that you two weren’t in a relationship together and could never possibly be in one.
Olivia: (Lightly chuckles) You think you have to be in relationship with someone in order to fuck them? Seriously Miranda? What are you a schoolgirl?
Miranda: (Rolling her eyes with a sarcastic tone) Well most people are in a relationship with the person they have repeated sex with.
Olivia: Maybe but thankfully Drake & I aren’t like most people.
Miranda: Clearly!.. So if you two aren’t seeing each other what exactly is your relationship then?
Olivia: We’re fuck buddies of course
(Savannah gets a disgusted look on her face)
Savannah: I’m think I’m going to be sick!
Miranda: (To Olivia) FUCK BUDDIES! You’ve GOT to be kidding me?
Olivia: (Shrugs her shoulders) What?
Miranda: Why the HELL are you two fuck buddies?
Olivia: (Sarcastically) Because we like to fuck each other! Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Miranda: Because I don’t get why you are continuing to have sex with Drake if you don’t ever see a relationship happening between you two?
Olivia: (Lightly chuckles) Oh that’s easy, it’s because the sex is incredible! It might be the best sex I have ever had in my life
(Savannah is even more grossed out by Olivia’s comment and looks like she just might puke)
Savannah: Alight I’m seriously think I’m going to be sick now.
Olivia: The other reason is because Drake has the BIGGEST Di………….
(Savannah sharply cuts Olivia off in mid-sentence as she can no longer stomach Olivia going on about having sex with Drake)
Savannah: OK STOP!!!!!!!!! THAT’S IT!!! I’m done, I can’t listen to this anymore so I’m going out to the patio before I throw-up and pass out.  Goodbye Ladies!
(Miranda and Olivia watch as Savannah walks out the door that leads to the patio. They then turn their attention back to one another but stand in an awkward silence for a moment)
Miranda: I’m sorry Olivia I don’t’ mean to drill you like this. I’m just shocked that’s all. I mean I suspected that you two were in a relationship, but I never thought it would be THAT of kind of relationship.
Olivia: Well not everyone can end up with the perfect fairytale that you and Liam have.
Miranda: You sure about that?
Olivia: What do you mean?
Miranda: Drake is a wonderful man. Underneath that gruff exterior is a kind, caring, sensitive, and loving guy with a heart as big as the world. He could make you happy if you let him and you deserve to be happy Olivia.
(As Olivia listens to Miranda’s words her face becomes sad and she looks down with her eyes)
Olivia: I know Drake is all those things and I have no doubt that he could make me happy but there is just one problem and NO! it has nothing to do with him being a commoner.
Miranda: Then what is it?
Olivia: (Olivia looks down with her eyes) The real reason I don’t have romantic feelings for Drake is because he’s …. (Olivia sighs) …. He’s….
(Miranda realizes what Olivia is trying to say so she finishes her sentences for her)
Miranda: He’s not Liam…Right?
(Olivia brings her eyes up and meets Miranda’s gaze. Miranda gives a small smirk as Olivia gives Miranda an apologetic look)
Miranda: You’re (Miranda pauses for a second) …You’re still in love with him? …Aren’t you?
Olivia: (Apologetically) I’m sorry Miranda but I can’t help the way I feel.
Miranda: I know and its ok you don’t have to apologize. I had just hoped you would have gotten over him by now.
Olivia: A man like Liam isn’t easy to get over.
Miranda: (Chuckles) No I guess not
(An awkward silence falls between them for a moment)
Miranda: Olivia I’m not going to tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel but I will say this. One lost love shouldn’t deny you your chance to find happiness. I know you feel you have to project a certain image to protect yourself and that’s fine but I’ve seen the loving, caring, and compassionate person that you are and It would be a real shame for you to not share that part of yourself with someone special. (Miranda takes Oliva’s hand) Don’t give up on love Olivia.
(Oliva’s face softens as she lets her guard down and gives Miranda a heartfelt smile)
Olivia: Thank you Miranda! You have no idea how much that means to me, I really appreciate it.
Miranda: Anytime!
(Miranda and Olivia warmly smile at each other until they see Hana, Kiara, & Penelope walk into the kitchen. Olivia quickly let’s go of Miranda’s hand and puts her normal cocky, stern expression on her face.)
Olivia (To Hana, Kiara, & Penelope) Well, well look at what the cat dragged in
Penelope: (To Miranda) Oh my goodness! Do you a cat now? You should have told me! I wouldn’t have brought Merlin & Morgana
(Miranda awkwardly smiles at Penelope as Olivia rolls her eyes and gets annoyed)
Oliva: Honestly Penelope! There is NO goddamn cat here! It was just an expression
Penelope: Ooooh right, thanks for clearing that up
(Oliva shakes her head in disbelief as Hana tries to change the subject)
Hana: So where is everyone?
Miranda: Oh they are all out on the patio. Everyone is probably getting hungry so I should start putting the food out. Can you girls help me take this stuff outside?
Penelope: Oh sure
Kiara: Absolutely
Hana: Of course, we would love to help you
Olivia (To Hana) Well I sure as hell wouldn’t
(Miranda and Hana both raise their eyebrows and stare at Olivia)
Olivia: Oh don’t look at me like that! You know perfectly well that I am much better at being served than serving, so I’ll be out at the bar. Ta!
(With that Olivia turns on her heel and walks out to the patio. Hana, Kiara, & Penelope help Miranda finish up with the side dishes and salads and a few minutes later the four of them take everything out to the dining table on the patio.
After Miranda and the girls finishing setting up the food on the patio Miranda looks around to see where everyone is. She notices that Maxwell is playing with Bartie over in the grass, Bertrand, Savannah, & Drake are having a conversation by the pool, and Olivia and Liam are drinking over at the bar. Miranda’s attention focuses on Liam as she watches him light a cigarette and realizes how incredibly hot and sexy he looks to her. She can’t explain it but at that moment everything about Liam is making her horny and turning her on, like the way he inhales on his cigarette and blows the smoke out of his mouth. The sexy way his upper lip slightly curls when he smiles. The way he runs his fingers through his hair, and the way his muscles flex underneath his shirt.  Miranda wants Liam, she wants him SO BAD she almost can’t stand it and has to fight the growing urge she has to rip his clothes off and make mad passionate love to him right there on the bar.  Miranda can feel herself getting hot as her loins burn with passion for her husband and her desire for him grows like a forest fire. She has forgotten that anyone else is there besides her and Liam until she hears someone call her name)
Hana: Miranda!
(Miranda is slightly startled and quickly snaps back to reality like she is coming out of a trance)
Miranda: What! What?
Hana: I asked you if you think Liam has the barbeque ready
Miranda: Oh..um…I’ll a…I’ll go ask him
Hana: Ok. Are you alright?
Miranda: Yeah fine, just fine.
(Miranda compose herself and walks over to the bar and she notices that Maxwell has now joined Liam and Olivia’s conversation. Liam spots Miranda approaching the bar and quickly puts his cigarette out in the ashtray and bats the smoke way that he is blowing out of his mouth. Olivia sees Liam doing this and looks at him suspiciously)
Miranda: So what are you three up to.
Maxwell: Nothing we’re being good, I swear
Miranda: (Sarcastically) Yeah sure
(Miranda walks behind the bar where Liam is standing and gives him a flirtatious smile as Liam smiles back at her. She wraps her arms around his neck and Liam warps his arms around her waist and holds her close to him. Miranda gives Liam a sweet kiss)
Liam: (To Miranda) Hi!
Miranda: Hi
Liam: Are you enjoying yourself?
Miranda: Of course I am
(Miranda gives Liam another kiss and it starts to last a little long. Maxwell smirks at them as Olivia rolls her eyes)
Olivia: Will you two stop it! May I remind you that you have patio full of guest, some of which don’t enjoy watching your CONSTANT public displays of affection.
Maxwell: (Teasingly) Yeah get a room guys or at least wait until we all leave.
(Liam and Miranda stop kissing and grin at Maxwell and Olivia but continue to embrace each other)
Miranda: (To Liam) I just put all the side dishes and salads out. Is the barbeque ready?
Liam: Yeah, I just took the brisket and ribs out, so we are all set.
Miranda: Ok then I’ll go tell everybody that we are ready to eat.
(Miranda and Liam seductively smile at each other and once again start to sweetly kiss each other)
Maxwell: Alright you two cut it out before I lose my appetite. Come on Randy lets go tell everyone we’re ready to eat.
(Miranda gives Liam one last kiss and then she releases herself from Liam’s embrace and walks with Maxwell back toward the dining table. Once they leave Olivia looks at Liam suspiciously again as Liam starts to clean up the bar area)
Olivia: So what was that all about?
Liam: What was what all about?
Olivia: When Miranda first came over you quickly put your cigarette out like you were trying to hide from her that you were smoking.
Liam: Oh that…Well I promised Miranda that I was going to try to quit smoking, so I didn’t want her to see me having a cigarette.
Olivia: (Lightly chuckles) Oh Liam you have been saying that you are going to quit since you started smoking but everyone, including Miranda, knows that you never do.
Liam: Well this time I’m going to do my best to try and quit for good.
(Olivia starts to grow suspicious)
Olivia: Really? How come you are so determined to quit this time?
(Liam glances at Olivia and realizes that she is getting suspicious, so he tries to throw her off and not ruin the surprise about the baby)
Liam: Because it’s not good for me and I also don’t want to get lung cancer like my father
(Olivia doesn’t buy Liam’s excuse, but she decides not to pursue it and lets it go)
Olivia: Oh..ok then
Liam: Olivia why don’t you go an make yourself comfortable at the table, I’m going to bring the food over soon.
Olivia: Sure
(As Olivia walks over to the dining table she starts to wonder if something is going on with Liam and Miranda)
(A few minutes later everyone is seated at the dining table on the patio as Liam brings over the barbeque brisket, ribs, and chickens. The food looks fantastica and everyone complements Liam on how good a job he did. As Liam is at the grill getting the last of the chicken to bring to the table Miranda walks over to him and whispers in his ear)
Miranda (Whispering) So should we tell them about the baby before we eat?
Liam: (Whispering) Let’s wait until after we’re done eating and then we will make the announcement together.
Miranda: Ok that sounds good
(Miranda gives Liam a kiss that starts to get heated until Maxwell yells over to them)
Maxwell: Hey you two come on! Food’s getting cold!
(Liam and Miranda smile at Maxwell and walk over to the table. Liam takes his seat at the head of the table and Miranda takes her seat at Liam’s left side. Everyone starts to enjoy their meal and give praise to Liam and Miranda on how incredible everything taste.
Miranda and Liam are cutely flirting with each other throughout the meal by feeding one another off their forks and wiping each other’s mouths with their napkins. The others start to notice their behavior and realize that Liam & Miranda are acting more cutesy than usual and begin to wonder what is going on with them)
Hana: (To Miranda & Liam) What’s going with you two?
Miranda: What do you mean?
Maxwell: You guys are being even more disgustingly cute today then you normally are. What gives?
(Miranda takes Liam’s hand and the two of them smile at each other)
Miranda: (To Liam) Do you think we are being disgustingly cute Sweetheart?
Liam: Not at all Baby
(Miranda and Liam giggle and share a sweet little kiss as Drake stares down the table at them)
Drake: (Sarcastically to Liam & Miranda) Baby?? ..Sweetheart??
Miranda: (To Drake) Yeah? So what?
Drake: When did that start?
Miranda: (Confused) Why does it matter?
Drake: I’ve never heard you guys calling each other by “those” names before?
Miranda: (A little sarcastic) Well we’ve always called each other by those names
Liam: (To Drake) We’re just usually alone when we do.
Drake: (A little Sarcastic)  Oh, didn’t know that.
(Drake looks at Miranda & Liam like he is annoyed by their nicknames for each other. He then glances at Olivia who is sitting directly across from him and the two of them share a strange look which Miranda picks up on.
After everyone finishes their meal, they all sit around the table relaxing and having conversation with each other. Liam thinks to himself that this is now a good time to make the announcement about the baby)
Miranda: Who’s ready for dessert?
(Everyone responds that they want dessert)
Drake: Well I’m ready for my dessert (Drake gets up from the table and reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cigarettes and looks at Liam) You wanna go grab a cigarette Liam?
Liam: No thanks Drake but could you hold on a moment (Liam stands up from his seat) Miranda and I would like to say a few words first. (Liam smiles at Miranda and offers his hand to her.) Sweetheart?
(Drake sits back down at the table. Miranda smiles at Liam, takes his hand and gets up from her seat. Miranda stands next to Liam and the two of them wrap and arm around one another.)
Liam: We wanted to thank all of you all for joining us here today.
Miranda: You guys are so much more than just friends to us. You’re our family and we love all of you and are so blessed and thankful to have each of you in our lives.
Hana: Aww thank you Miranda, that’s so sweet. We love you guys too.
Maxwell: Yeah we are the best group of family anyone could ever ask for.
Bertrand: (Smiles at Maxwell) For once Maxwell I completely agree with you.
Penelope: Yay! Friends forever!
(Miranda and Liam smile at each other and they know that the time has come to share their news)
Liam: And it because that we consider you all our family that we would like to share some wonderful news with you.
(Liam and Miranda look lovingly into each other’s eyes as Liam places his hand on Miranda’s belly. Hana notices Liam’s hand on Miranda’s belly and immediately figures out what the wonderful news is. Her eyes go wide as she covers her mouth and gasps with excitement!
Hana: (Excitedly with tears in her eyes) OH MY GOD!!! …Miranda are you….
(Before Hana can finish her sentences Miranda happily responds to her best friend)
Miranda: YES!!! I’M GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!!!
(Hana & Maxwell leap from their seats and rush up to Liam & Miranda followed by everyone else except for Drake & Olivia who remain seated at the table. They are both silent and glance at one another from across the table. Hana reaches Miranda first and throws her arms around her)
Hana: (Excitedly to Miranda) OH MY GOD!! I knew it! I knew it! The other day when you were nauseous, I knew you were pregnant, but you said it couldn’t be that, but I KNEW IT!!!
Miranda: Yep you were right! I should have listened to you.
Hana: Oh sweetie I’m so happy for you!
Miranda: Thanks Hana!
(As Hana & Miranda hug, Maxwell is hugging Liam and congratulating him)
Maxwell: (Excitedly to Liam) Congrats big guy! You’re gonna be the best dad ever!
(Liam laughs at Maxwell)
Liam: Thank you Maxwell!
(Maxwell walks over to Miranda as Kiara, Penelop, Bertrand, & Savannah give their congratulations to Liam.  Maxwell gives Miranda a huge hug.)
Maxwell: I can’t believe it! Our little blossom is going to have a baby blossom! Congrats Randa! I love you!
Miranda: I love you too Max! Thank you!
(Miranda and Maxwell release each other from their hug and smile at each other)
Miranda: You know this baby will be so lucky to have an uncle like you but let’s save your champagne bottle opening trick until he or she is older.
Maxwell: Ok I’ll save that trick for when he or she turns 5.
(Miranda playfully slaps Maxwell on the arm and the two of them laugh)
Savannah: (To Maxwell) Hey it’s my turn to congratulate the new Mommy-To-Be!
(Maxwell moves out of the way and Savannah gives Miranda a hug)
Savannah: Oh Miranda! Congratulations I’m so happy for you
Miranda: Thanks Savannah! I’m so nervous and I have so many questions for you.
Savannah: Everyone is nervous with their first baby but you’ll be fine don’t worry and I’ll be happy to help you with anything you need. (Savannah releases Miranda from their hug) You know I knew there was something different about you when I first saw you today, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Miranda: Oh my god I thought for sure that you were going to guess that I was pregnant that’s why I tried to change the subject.
(Bertrand then approaches Savannah & Miranda as he holds Bartie in his arms.
Bertrand: May we give our congratulations to the Mother-to-be.
(Savannah takes Bartie from Bertrand as Bertrand gives Miranda a hug)
Bertrand: Congratulations Miranda! This is a joyous occasion for Cordonia but more importantly for you and Liam. I couldn’t be happier for you.
Miranda: Thank you Bertrand! (She breaks from her hug) You know how much it means to me and Liam to have your support.
(Bertrand smiles warmly at Miranda)
Savannah: (To Bartie) Guess what Sweetie Aunt Miranda & Uncle Liam are going to have baby!
(Bartie smiles and points to Miranda)
Bartie: Baby? …Baby?
(Miranda smiles, takes Bartie from Savannah and holds him in her arms)
Miranda: That’s right my little guy I’m going to have a baby, so you’re going to have a little cousin to play with soon.
Bartie: Yay!... Cousin! Cousin!
(Miranda, Savannah, & Bertrand laugh at Bartie. With everyone up at the head of the table offering their congratulations to Liam and Miranda both Oliva and Drake (who are still sitting) decided to getup and make their way over to Liam and Miranda and offer their congratulations. Olivia approaches Liam)
Olivia: (To Liam) May I offer my congratulations to the new Father.
(Liam smiles warmly at Olivia)
Liam: Of course you may
(Olivia gives Liam a hug and holds him a little tightly. Liam notices but doesn’t say anything as Olivia releases him from her hug)
Olivia: So I guess this is the real reason you are trying to quit smoking?
(Liam smiles and nods in agreement)
Liam: Yes it is. I want to be around to enjoy my son or daughter for a long time and not have to deal with the effects of long-term smoking like my Father did.
Olivia: Well that just proves that you are going to be a better Father than Constantine was to you.
Liam: That’s my hope
(Olivia starts to get a little emotional as once again the harsh reality of Liam not being married to her and now not having a baby with her is a little too overwhelming. She gives Liam another hug)
Olivia: (Emotionally with her voice slightly shaky) This baby is so lucky to have a Daddy like you Liam.
(Liam is a little taken back by Olivia’s behavior and the emotional tone of her voice).
Liam: Um…Thank you Olivia! I really appreciate that.
(As Olivia release Liam from her hug Liam notices the slight look of sadness on Olivia’s face and becomes concerned)
Liam: Are you alright?
(Olivia quickly composes herself)
Olivia: Yes I’m fine. Congratulations again Liam
(Olivia smiles at Liam and then turns to walk over to Miranda. Liam smiles back at Olivia but wonders if she really is fine. As Olivia was offering her congratulations to Liam, Drake slowly makes his way over to Miranda.)
Miranda: (Smiles as she sees Drake approaching) Hey!
Drake Hey
(Drake gives Miranda a hug, when he releases her he looks at Miranda like he doesn’t know what to say to her)
Drake: Um…. Congratulations
Miranda: Thanks Drake!
(Drake stares at Miranda and an awkward silence falls between them. Drake looks uneasy like he wants to say something to Miranda, but he can’t find the words. Miranda is not sure what is going on with Drake and gives him a curious look)
Miranda: Are you ok?
Drake: Yeah um...I’m fine.. I just ….(Drake stops in midsentence. He desperately wants to tell Miranda how he feels but can’t bring himself to do it and gives her a troubled look. Miranda realizes that something isn’t right with Drake and becomes concerned.)
Miranda: Drake? Are you sure you’re ok?
(Miranda can see from the look on Drake’s face that he wants to tell her something but Drake can’t  bring himself to tell Miranda what he is feeling at this moment so he flasher her a nervous smile and acts like everything is ok)
Drake: Yeah I’m fine. I…just can’t believe that you’re going to be a Mom?
Miranda: Well I can’t believe it either and I’m the one having the baby
(Miranda and Drake share a small giggle then Drake looks at Miranda with a serious expression)
Drake: You’re going to be an amazing Mom Miranda. This baby is lucky to have you.
Miranda: Well thanks, that’s really sweet of you
Drake: Yeah…Well congratulations again.
(Drake turns and starts to walk over toward Liam. Miranda can’t figure out why Drake was acting so strange toward her)
Miranda: (Thinking to herself) (What was that all about. He’s acting really weird, I need to find out what’s going on with him)
(Drake walks over to Liam and claps him on the shoulder, Liam turns and smiles at Drake as Drake gives Liam a hug.
Drake: Congrats brother! You’re going to be an awesome Dad
Liam: Thanks Drake!
(Olivia makes her way over to Miranda)
Olivia: Well congratulations on fulfilling your Royal duty of producing an heir. Job well done Miranda.
(Miranda rolls her eyes at Olivia)
Miranda: (A little sarcastic) Thank you Olivia but this isn’t just about producing an heir it’s also about Liam and I starting our family.
(Olivia gets a serious expression on her face)
Olivia: I know, and I think you and Liam will make great parents. I’m really happy for the both of you.
(Olivia warmly smiles at Miranda)
Miranda: Thanks Olivia! That means a lot coming from you.
(After everyone gives their congratulations to Miranda and Liam they all gather around them and start to ask questions about the baby. Just then Madeleine walks onto the patio but no one notices that she has arrived since everyone is gathered around Miranda and Liam. Madeleine rolls her eyes at the crowd and makes her way over to all of them.)
Madeleine: Well I’m glad I arrived after you broke the news to everyone. (Everyone turns and looks at Madeleine) I don’t have to be bothered with watching certain people (She looks at Maxwell) make fools out of themselves with excitement.
(Maxwell looks at Madeleine confused)
Maxwell: Wait a minute you already know about the baby?
Madeleine: (Sarcastically) Of course I know
(Hana looks at Miranda with a surprised expression)
Hana: (To Miranda) You told Madeleine you were pregnant before you told me?
(Miranda looks at Hana apologetically but before she can respond to Hana Madeleine interjects)
Madeleine: She had to tell me.
Maxwell: Why?
Madeleine: (Annoyed) Because I’m her Executive Private Secretary! I must know things like this, its part of my job.
(Maxwell and Hana look at Miranda with slightly hurt feelings)
Miranda: (To Hana & Maxwell, feeling guilty) Guys you know I would have told you first if I could have, but I had to follow Royal protocol.
(Hana walks over to Miranda, smiles, and hugs her)
Hana: It’s ok we understand.
Maxwell: Yeah no hard feelings
Miranda: Thanks guys!
Maxwell: Well this definitely calls for real celebration! I���ll go get the champagne.
Miranda: How do you know we have champagne on hand?
Maxwell: Please! In this place. That’s like asking if you have water. I’ll be right back!
(Everyone laughs at Maxwell as he disappears into the house. Maxwell quickly returns with a bottle of champagne and a bottle of sparkling cider. Everyone has made their way over to bar by the time Maxwell returns. Maxwell sets both bottles down on the bar and opens them. He pours a glass of champagne for everyone except Miranda and starts to pass them out. Maxwell approaches Drake, who is standing in the back of the group, with a glass of champagne)
Maxwell: Here you go Pal!
(Maxwell goes to hand the champagne to Drake, but Drake forcefully bats the glass away which almost causes Maxwell to spill the glass. Maxwell is surprised and gives Drake a shocked look.)
Drake: (Angry) Get that away from me! You know I don’t drink that shit!
Maxwell: Ok jeez! Calm down!
(Drake turns away from Maxwell and walks behind the bar and pours himself a glass of whiskey. Maxwell finishes handing out the champagne as Liam and Miranda stand in the center of everyone with an arm wrapped around each other. Maxwell approaches them with a glass of champagne and a glass of sparkling cider.)
Maxwell: (To Liam & Miranda) Champagne for the new Daddy and sparkling cider for the new Mommy
(Miranda and Liam smile at Maxwell)
Miranda & Liam: Thanks Maxwell!
Maxwell: A toast!
(Maxwell raises his glass, and everyone raises their glasses)
Maxwell: To Cordonia’s future King or Queen, may he or she be a strong ruler and live a long prosperous life and to Liam and Miranda. You two are the best friends a person could ask for so I know you guys are going to be the best parents a baby could hope for. Cheers!
Everyone: Cheers!
(Everyone takes a drink and Miranda & Liam share a sweet kiss! As everyone gathers around Miranda & Liam to once again wish them congratulations and express their happiness about the baby Miranda notices Drake in the background. He has a stern look on his face as he forcefully gulps his whiskey down. He puts his glass on the bar and then walks off in the direction of the small garden that is down a short path a few feet off the patio. As everyone is engaged in conversation Miranda feels now is good time to go after Drake to find out what is going on with him. She quietly slips away from the crowd and heads toward the small garden. When she walks down the steps to the small garden she spots Drake over by the fountain smoking a cigarette. She approaches Drake who has his back to her)
Miranda: So this is where you ran off to
Drake: (Turns around a little startled) Oh..um…Hey Carrington. What are you doing down here?
Miranda: I was looking for you.
Drake: Well you found me. (He inhales on his cigarette and then looks at it in his hand) I guess I can’t be smoking around you anymore.
(Drake blows the smoke out of his mouth and bats it away as he drops his cigarette to the ground and stomps on it)
Miranda: Its ok, we’re outside
Drake: Yeah but its not good for you.
(Drake shifts around uneasy as he tries not to make eye contact with Miranda, which she picks up on)
Miranda: What’s going on with you?
Drake: I don’t know what you’re talking about?
Miranda: You’ve been acting strange since Liam & I told everyone about the baby.
(Drake starts to fidget with the leaves of a nearby bush. When he speak he doesn’t look at Miranda)
Drake: I was…just surprised to hear that you’re pregnant…I thought you guys wanted to wait a little while before you had kids.
Miranda: Well that was originally our plan but things don’t always go according to plan.
(Drake’s eyes meet Miranda’s and he stares at her with a blank expression)
Drake: (Sternly) Yeah I know all about things not going as planned.
Miranda: (Annoyed) What is that supposed to mean?
(Drake looks down and doesn’t respond. Miranda  has had enough of Drake’s games and gets angry with him as she wants to know what his problem is)
Miranda: Drake will you stop playing around and just tell me what your problem is?
Drake: I DON’T have a problem!
Miranda: Like hell you don’t! (Miranda sighs with frustration) I know your upset about something so just cut the bullshit and talk to me.
Drake: There is nothing to talk about Carrington so just drop it ok! You don’t need to worry about me, I’m FINE!
Miranda: No you’re not fine and I do worry about you.
Drake: Why?
Miranda: Because I care about you, you’re important to me. (Miranda and Drake stare at each other for a moment) I know you’re mad at something…. or someone?
(Drake looks at Miranda and then turns away)
Miranda: Are you mad at me?
(Drake quickly turns around to face Miranda and looks a little surprised that she would think that he could be mad at her)
Drake: Of course not.  I could never be mad at you.
(Miranda thinks to herself if he is not mad at her is it possible that Drake is mad at Liam)
Miranda: Are you mad at Liam?
(Drake glances at Miranda and then quickly looks away which confirms for Miranda that Liam is the one who Drake is upset with)
Miranda: It is Liam, isn’t it?
(Drake sighs and doesn’t say a word but has a conflicted look on his face)
Miranda: Why are you mad at Liam?
Drake: I’m not mad at Liam. He’s my best friend, he’s like a brother to me. (Drake runs his fingers through his hair) Carrington,  you just don’t understand.
Miranda: Understand what?
Drake: How hard it is for me.
Miranda: What do you mean?
(Drake has hurt look on his face)
Drake: Ever since we were kids Liam has always gotten everything he ever wanted and I was ok with it because it was something that I just got used to over the years and it didn’t bother me…until now.. (Drakes makes a big sigh) I just can’t do it anymore.
(Drake is scaring Miranda a little as she has never seen him like this and she is almost afraid to ask him what he “can’t do anymore”)
Miranda: What can’t you do?
Drake: I can’t be around Liam and pretend that it doesn’t bother me.
Miranda: Pretend ‘what’ doesn’t bother you? 
(Drake walks over to Miranda and looks deep into her eyes)…
Drake: That he married and is having a baby….(Drake swallows and takes a deep breath) with the woman I love.
(Miranda goes into to shock when she hears Drake tell her that she is the woman he loves. Her body is numb and her head feels like it’s spinning as she can’t believe what is happening. She looks bewildered and fumbles to try and form a sentence)
Miranda: Wha…Wha..What? …I..I.. Er…Er…No…You… You…
(Drake looks at Miranda with soft pleading eyes)
Drake: (Softly) Miranda
(Drake moves closer to Miranda and reaches out to touch her  but she steps back and puts her hand to her mouth)
Miranda: (Voice shaky) Oh God! …Drake!.....OH GOD!
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alleycat97 · 5 years
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Has anyone seen this woman ?
Her name is Victoria Fontaine
She’s been MIA
We are getting married but yet she isn’t around to help plan(she proposed to me)
We do not live together so I can’t keep up with her
She doesn’t respond well to Vic
She’s tall and has a model status body with amazing golden blonde hair
Can be very unapproachable so be cautious.
If you see her, please Call Pixleberry Studios to inform them you found their lost character and my fiancé
Reward is negotiable
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blznbaby · 5 years
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Marcella (MC)
Rating: G. Fluffy
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I'm just borrowing :)
Tag list: @museofbooks @callmetippytumbles @cocomaxley @hopefulmoonobject @pixieferry @i-choose-liam @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn
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Liam stared at his wife with adoration. She was beautiful, amazing, incredible...in the six languages he could speak he still couldn’t find the right words. He’d cherish the precious memory of her holding their son for the first time for the rest of his life. In his mind, Marcella had become elevated to something more than a goddess. Their love had created life and that fact alone was enough to render him speechless. Good thing, because he didn’t want to utter a word in fear of spoiling the perfect moment, but once Marcella looked up at him with so much love in her glittering chestnut eyes, the dam broke and the tears flowed freely down his face. He’d never been so happy, so proud, so humbled, or felt so blessed in his entire life.
That night, Marcella refused the offer to have the baby sleep in the nursery so she could rest; she didn’t want him out of her sight and honestly, neither did Liam. Even the amount of time he’d been whisked away to get weighed, cleaned, and checked had almost been too much for him to bear. He watched them like a hawk and asked repeatedly for his son to be brought back, much to the amusement of the staff. However, the king was not amused and commanded his son’s return. Despite Marcella’s fears, Liam knew she’d be a brilliant mother. She had a kind and caring nature about her and possessed all the qualities that made for a good mom, and the first night with their baby proved it. Throughout the night, Marcella had woken the instant their son stirred, having him already changed and fed before Liam could blink his eyes open. He offered to get up with him so she could sleep, but she declined. He didn’t want to be one of those fathers who just stood back while the mother handled everything. He wanted to help. He laid his head down hoping she’d be more willing to share him once they were back home.
It was strange and exciting, having a baby, their baby in the palace. Marcella had relaxed a bit and Liam had taken endless pictures of their son sleeping…because aside from feeding that’s all he did. Marcella watched Liam carefully as he cradled and fed Fabian Leonidas Yo-han Rhys. They’d named him after Liam’s role model, King Fabian, while his middle names payed homage to his brother and his mother’s Korean heritage. Afterwards, he laid the baby across his chest, telling Marcella to go to bed while he put Fabian down. Afterwards, Liam crawled into bed next to his wife, her body perfectly tucked into his. He smiled as he held her, grateful that life had given him a marriage and family based on love instead of duty. It had only been a dream until recently. “Love, are you still awake?”
“Hmmm…I am now,” she whispered.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I’ll get up with Fabian tonight so you can rest.”
“You don’t have to, Liam.  I can—“
“He’s my son, Marcella. I want to. I will handle it,” he argued, a soft note of admonishment in his voice. He’d been trying not to take her insistence at doing everything for the baby personally, but he was. She turned to face him. His face was serious…intent. She had to admit she really hadn’t given Liam much alone time with the baby, if any. Not that she didn’t trust him, she did…completely, but she knew her refusal would be taken as the opposite. “Okay.” She was met with his signature thousand-watt mega grin and she brushed a kiss to his lips. Liam fell asleep almost instantly with the corners of his mouth turned up and his heart bursting with joy. Everything he ever dreamed of, he had. He was a lucky man.
It was well past midnight and Liam slept as the baby cried. Marcella gave him a swift kick to the shin and told him to get moving. He stumbled from the bed and prepared a bottle before heading to the nursery. He took his time with the diaper change, savoring the moment, etching it into his memory, and then settled in the old rocking chair that once belonged to his mother and proceeded to feed his son. He studied Fabian’s dark hair that he inherited from both him and Marcella, but his jaw and chin were definitely from the Rys bloodline while the shape of his nose and eyes were identical to Marcella’s, much to his satisfaction. He remembered telling her on the balcony in Valtoria that he wanted children whose eyes looked just like hers. He was the perfect combination of them both. He counted ten fingers and ten toes and brushed his finger over his son’s impossibly soft cheek. Once he was done feeding, he laid the infant over his shoulder, patting his back gently to bring up any wind. When all was said and done, he looked down upon his son cradled in his arms looking so calm and peaceful and decided to stay and hold him a little while longer.
Marcella watched quietly from the doorway. She knew the point of him getting up was so she could get some uninterrupted sleep and her spying defeated that purpose, but she just wanted to take a quick peek to see that her boys were okay. But once her eyes caught sight of them, she couldn’t will herself to leave. She honestly didn’t think her heart could be any more full with love than it was in that moment. The picture of father and son together was so moving and beautiful, it hurt. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her amazing husband rocking their son in the same chair his mother use to rock him in. Feeling like an intruder on such an intimate moment, she began to walk away when she heard Liam speak. “I’ve been waiting for you, little one. Mommy and I love you so much already. She’s an amazing mom, and I promise to be a good dad. I will always be there to encourage and support you…and to challenge you. So just know that if I ever ask more of you than you think you’re capable of, it’s because I know you’re capable,” Liam smiled and continued to rock, his thought turning inward. “I can’t believe you’re here. Mommy said she wanted to wait a bit to have children, but I’m so glad she settled for sooner rather than later.”
Marcella bit her bottom lip at his words to keep from crying. They had it all planned out; they would start their family immediately after the wedding, but with all eyes on her and the constant pressure to produce an heir, Marcella had a change of heart. She told Liam children could wait and he seemed to understand, telling her he was happy to just have her, children or no children, but she saw the sadness behind the façade, a sadness that hadn’t been there before. He never pressured her, but the longing looks anytime they encountered a family, or the gentle smile that appeared on his face whenever he saw a newborn didn’t go unnoticed. Liam adored children and got on with them naturally, citing it was because he never had a real childhood and was still a kid himself in some aspects. It wasn’t until that day she’d been watching Bertrand and Bartie playing together in the hedge maze, she’d realized she wanted that for Liam…and for herself. She was terrified, excited, and nervous to tell him she was ready, choosing to do so after one of their weekly Netflix and chill nights when they were relaxing together with a bottle of wine.
“Everything all right, love?” Liam asked. His cool, calm, and collected wife had been stammering over her words the majority of the evening, which was very unlike her. Marcella was always so sure of herself. Something was definitely bothering her and he was growing more alarmed by the second. Marcella sighed, trying to pull herself together. “Well, there is something that’s been bothering me and I don’t know how to bring it up to you.” Liam could only think of the negative connotation that came along with her statement. “What is it?” he finally asked, his gaze never leaving hers.
“Are you…are you ready to try for a baby?” she asked him softly. Liam almost fell off the couch at the question before his eyes softened, welling up with emotion. He swallowed hard, trying to get past the lump in his throat. Marcella watched as he struggled to speak before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He exhaled and opened his eyes a moment later, much calmer than before.
“You’re ready?” he managed to choke out.
“I am.” And she was. Sure, she was scared, but with Liam by her side she knew she could conquer anything, including parenthood. They were ready. Liam couldn’t help the smile that formed across his face as his mind filled with thoughts of having a mini version of him or Marcella running around.
“Are you sure?” All she could do was nod from the lump now in her throat. He grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers. A cry escaping him as he kissed her deeply thought their intermingled tears, holding her so tight she thought she might break. He had wanted this so badly, and he had feared that it would never be the right time.
She smiled fondly at the memory of them “trying” for a baby. They both had a more than healthy appetite for each other and they’d joked that increasing the frequency of their lovemaking might leave poor Marcella unable to walk properly. She stopped taking her birth control and conceived in no time. Liam adored her pregnant body, saying that it made her even more sexy and beautiful. He’d kissed her belly every day, rubbed it every night and he even sang to it—terribly—but the gesture and the lullabies he crooned from his own childhood were beautiful all the same, and sometimes she’d look up to see him watching her with the softness expression of happiness, love, and admiration. He was fiercely protective. He went overboard on the nursery. He went overboard on the clothes. He went overboard on the toys. It was sweet until he started reading baby and pregnancy development books absorbing the information like a sponge. Much to Marcella’s dismay. She tried not to choke hear dear husband…one cup of coffee wasn’t going to harm the baby.
And even though she had her fears as a mother, she knew Liam would be an incredible father. Liam smiled down at his son, “you know, I’ve loved your mother from the moment I saw her. I was planning the wedding inside my head before I had even asked her to marry me,” he chuckled before his face grew serious. “I love her so much. And I love you too, little guy. I will stop the earth on its axis for you, if necessary,” he swallowed hard, and she knew he was fighting back tears. “Fabian…you are the greatest gift she could have ever given me.” Marcella’s tears overflowed; she could no longer stand by and watch. She pushed the door open. “No child could hope for a better father than you,” she said kneeling beside Liam, wrapping her arms around both of them. “I love you. I love you both more than anything.” Liam wrapped his free arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, amazed that his whole world fit in his arms.
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flowerpowell · 5 years
You mean the newsletter? There was an option on their website to sign up for the newsletters, I'll link it somewhere here!
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ladysophiebeckett · 5 years
pixleberry studios, u are a coward for not letting us romance fuck king fabian. 
im still gonna play...but i am disappointed nonetheless. 
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Chapter 3: Slow Hands
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Song inspiration Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixleberry studios except those unique to my story.
WARNING contains NSFW (Ok this was my 1st time ever writing NSFW so bare with me lol)
pairings: Liam&Aria (MC), Aria&Leo
Summary: Social season is in full swing and the gang is heading to Lythikos for skating, skiing. Aria is having flashbacks from her summer in Italy. Meanwhile Leo returns to the palace will he be sticking around?
If you would like to be added to the tag list let me know... 
Tag List @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @bobasheebaby
Time seemed to be flying by since Aria arrived in Cordonia . Her first run in with the press at the derby went really well.. they dubbed her the mystery woman, which was quite fitting considering that's exactly what Liam called her at the Masquarade.
Bertrand managed to get under her skin a bit. He was still pissed at Maxwell for bringing her there. He was always mumbling about "house Beaumonts reputation is at stake" and her personal favorite her "damning house Beaumont beyond repair". Maxwell was her sanity. His crazy antics and being super hilarious saved her from going off the deep end. He was like the goofy older brother she never had.
She was starting to learn about the ladies at court as well. Olivia was the court bully. She was always degrading the other ladies, but Aria knew how to handle her. Kiara was fluid in several languages which Aria thought was astounding and admirable. Penelope had an obsession with poodles, which she thought was cute and weird. Madeline was well, Madeline. She was raised and bred for courtly life, and was very cold to the other suitors. Hana was her favorite, she is so kind and naive, you can't help but love her. Aria hated that Hana let everyone walk all over her, she knew she would have to fix that. The worst part was the lack of time she had with Liam, stealing whatever moments she could when she did get to see him.
She was learning about everyone but one person. She didn't know much about was Liams brother. Ever since she danced with him she just wanted to know more. They were never formally intoruced, she didnt even know his name and had no idea what he even looked like. She never found the time to ask but this long ride to Lythikos was the perfect opportunity.
"Maxwell, tell me about Liams brother." She question as she scoots up in her seat. "Huh? Oh Leo? Maxwell says putting his phone on his lap. "Well he is the former crowned Prince of Cordonia. He abdicated the throne and broke off his engagement to Madeline. He has been dubbed by the press the play boy prince.. he's a really cool guy though."
 "Soooo prince Leo.... wait... He was engaged to Madeline? And now she's a suitor for Liam?" Aria shouts sitting straight up now. "Will you two keep it down over there! Bertrand scoffs "I am trying to figure out how to keep house Beaumont from completely falling from grace" Aria and maxwell exchange a look and smile.
 "Yes, during Leo's social season before he was to take over as king he chose Madeline to be his bride. I guess they felt bad for her and asked her to come back to court as a suitor." Maxwell says with a yawn.. Aria couldn't believe it.. Madeline was a previous suitor? That didn't sit well with her, but she shrugged it off.. the thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was his name, Leo... so if Liams last name is Rhys, that would make Leo, Leo Rhys... that's so crazy. she thought to herself rubbing her head. They share the same name comparing Liams brother and the Leo she met in Italy. All of this made her mind drift back to that night they attended the Masquarade in Italy.
They had arrived at Leo's hotel, since Ellie had company she would be staying with him. Her first thought was how much nicer his hotel was then hers. Her second thought was the fact they were staying in fricken Rome!
"Hey what do you say we stop in at the hotel bar and get a night cap before we go up?" Leo asked as they walked into the lobby.
Aria already a bit tipsy wasn't quite ready to end the night yet.. " What the hell, let's go!." They walk in and sat their selves at a table.
 Already aria was feeling the atmosphere. The music was great and there were people on the dance floor. "Let's do shots Leo" Aria insisted drumming her hands on the table.
"you really want to do this?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Absolutely!" She jumped up and went over to the bar returning with 4 shots.. "vodka?" Leo asked "we are in Italy and you get vodka?" He chuckled.
"when in rome..." Aria winks as she takes the entire shot , Leo follows suit..
" I'm pretty sure that's not what they meant by that." Leo laughs hysterically. "Eh whatever." She waves him off before downing her 2nd shot. "Were gonna need more." She declares running back to the bar.
When Aria is gone for quite a while Leo wonders what she's doing . He finds her at the bar laughing with the bartender. "Leo dear, please come tell this lovely man that I am American pop star Britana Fontain." Aria winks and motions for Leo to come. Leo shakes his head and decides to play along.
"What's wrong Britana?" Leo saunters up to the bar wrapping his arms around her. "You don't believe she's famous?" Leo cocks an eyebrow .
The bartender laughed "Oh no I believe her,Here your drinks are on house." He says in broken English. "Salud" leo says raising his glass. "Salud" Aria does the same as they quickly gulp down their shots.
"Let's dance." Leo grabs her hand and leads her onto the dance floor. She shakes her hips and moves her body to the music. He pulls her in closer, body's touching. She turns around grinding against him. Leo puts his hands on her waist and whispers in her ear "why don't we head up to the room?"
She was so lost in thought she didn't feel the car roll to a stop. "We're here." Maxwell bounces up and down in his seat. "Aria.. ARIA!" He waves his hands trying to get her attention. "Sorry, sorry." Aria apologises.
They get out of the car to see a beautiful scene. Everything was covered in white glistening snow. "This is where Olivia lives?" Aria asks taking in the sight. "This is one of the duchess' homes." Bertrand informs her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make a few calls." He says walking away.
 Maxwell dances in anticipation.. "Go ahead Maxwell." Aria laughs. Maxwell runs and throws himself down on the snow. He moves his arms and legs making a snow Angel. "This is gonna be soooo much fun." He laughs as he gets up to admire his work.
Olivia had planned skating and skiing before the nights dinner. Aria was able to steal a few moments with Liam thanks to Maxwell's quick thinking, he distracted Oliva with his Lord of the dance on skates.
After skating it was time to skii. At the top of the hill she met up with Drake. "Can you even skii Hale?" He teased. "Really Drake? Wanna race?" She enticed him, He was so easy to rail up. "Your on Hale." He accepted with a large grin. The both skii down the hill, weaving in and out of the other skiiers. Aria spots Olivia and Liam up ahead slowly making their way down. She can't help but be petty, as she zooms past and sprays snow all over Olivia. "ughhhhhh." She hears Olivia groan from behind her. Drake has a lead on her but she gains momentum. Aria zips past him and stops herself at the bottom of the hill. Drake comes shortly after. "ok, ok I admit defeat.. nice moves Hale, I especially liked the snow shower you gave ole livy there." he laughed pulling up his goggles. "I'm not sure what you are talking about." She feigned, trying to hold back a laugh.
As Olivia reaches the bottom of the hill. Covered in snow, Olivia almost looks like the abominable snowman. Drake and Aria look at each other and bust out laughing. Olivia scowls at them and announces "I have had enough snow, dinner will be in 1 hour."
At dinner Aria was pleased to find she was sitting with Hana and Drake, the disappointment was they were stuck all the way in the back.. They ended up being served last, the soup was cold and before they could even eat Olivia announced it was time for dancing. "But we haven't even ate." Hana sighed sadly.. "I don't think she cares."Drake mumbled starting eat the plate that was placed in front of him. Olivia had the upper hand here, her house meant she got the most time with Liam.
Having learned the Cordonia waltz through Hannah she danced flawlessly with Maxwell, before switching partners to Liam. "Lady Aria, I didn't know you knew the Cordonian waltz." Liam murmers taking her hand. "Yes, Hannah taught me last night." She twirled around. "we won't have much time before we switch partners again, but I wanted to see if you would meet me, tonight at my room." Liam inquired as they glide across the floor. "I have something I would like to show you." Before she could reply Olivia was back and Liam was gone. The last swell of the dance came as she looked over to see Olivia plant a kiss on Liams lips. Aria felt her stomach turn. Liam pulls away looking at Olivia sternly before escorting her outside the ball room.
Later that evening aria sneaks off to Liam’s room. As she reaches the door, she paused for a moment to gather her nerve. She exhales deeply before knocking softly.
 "I am so glad you came." Liam smiled stepping aside to let her in. "Well, I have to admit I was curious about what you wanted to show me." She said twirling her hair in between her fingers. He leads her through the room and out onto the patio to a hot tub, candles lit surrounding it. "Wow, this is.. this is beautiful." Aria exclaims taking in the site "did you do all of this?" "Well, yes.. I wanted it to be relaxing for you. I know how stressful court can be." He admitted as he places his hand in hers "So how about we get in" Liam said disrobing and climbing in. Aria does the same. "Ahhhhh, this feels nice." She sighed sinking into the water. "I am glad I got to share this with you." Liam looked at her, His eyes conflicted.
Aria smiles and moves closer placing a kiss on his lips. She felt him smile as he deepened the kiss. She climbs onto his lap stradling him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his hair. "Aria!" He says surprised. "Shh." She quiets him with her lips . He runs his hands along her side's and back removing her bra. She grinds her hips back and forth feeling the hardness in his boxers. "Aria, we shouldn't." He loosely protest. She stops kissing him. "If you don't want to..." she says as she climbs off his lap. He grabs her thigh.. He looks at her, licking his lips. "I don't know what's going to happen, truth is I have feelings for you, far more then I should.. but I have to do what's best for cordonia.. I don't want to hurt you.." He sighs running his hand down his face. "I'm a big girl liam." She says rubbing her finger in circles on his chest. "I understand you have to make the best decision for cordina." Liam rubs his hand up her thigh "fuck it." He says pulling off her underwear.
He leans over to kiss her as he sticks his fingers in her warm center. Aria moans quietly pulling at Liams boxers. She clumsily gets them off and climbs up onto his lap and lowers herself onto his cock. She rocks her hips slowly, watching his face with each movement she makes. Liam eyes roll back in his head as he lets out a soft moan. She picks up the pace and his hands firmly grab her hips. He starts to buck up thrusting himself into her, harder, faster, she matches his pace. She throws her head back and moans "Oh Liam, mmmm." It sends Liam over the edge he kisses her neck back down to her breast his hands firmly gripped on her thighs she can't hold back anymore as she lets loose and gives into the sensation. He moans loudly. "Oh fuck... Aria." She feels him tense up as he thrust into her deeply, her movements start to slow as he shoots his hot cum inside her.
She climbs off of him and kisses him gently. "That was amazing." Liam says " we should get some rest " aria gets out of the water and gathers her clothes. "Aria." Liam says leaning over the side of the tub "You are the most amazing woman I have ever met." Aria smiles at him "until next time my prince" She turns and walks away.
Aria sneaks back to her room. Once inside she takes a hot shower and puts something comfortable on. Settling into bed she hears a knock at the door. She opens the door to find Maxwell and let's him in. "Maxwell it's a bit late, did Bertrand send you?" She yawns and walks over to sit on her bed. "Yes, he did."Maxwell says as he walks around the room "he wanted me to tell you to be ready by 6am sharp tomorrow morning." "Why so early?! he is crazy you know that right?" Aria sighs throwing her slef back on the bed. Maxwell chuckles "yeah I know. But since the next event is at our house, he wants us to get an early start. "Ugh fine, I'll be ready.. good night max." Aria grunts still laying down. Maxwell turns to leave "Oh i almost forgot, we just received world that Leo would be attending the Beaumont bash, looks like you'll get to finally meet him." Aria sits up straight "LEO will be there?" "Yup, sounds like he will be around for a while." Maxwell says opening the door "Well good night little blossom." Aria could feel herself getting nervous. She tossed and turned for hours before falling asleep. In the morning they would head to the Beaumont estate.
Leo arrived at the palace late that evening. Palace employees carry his luggage to his quarters as he walks to the study. After his run in with Madeline the night of the Masquarade he kept a low profile. She was not happy about his being there and she didn’t want him interfering with her second chance at becoming queen. Once he told her she wasn’t the reason for his return she laid off and left.
A knock comes at the door "come in." Leos back turned to the door, looking out the window. "Do you have what I asked for?" Leo questions as he walks over to pour a glass of scotch and sits down in the chair. "I do sir" the man walks over and hands him a large envelope. Leo slides the man an envelop full of cash. "No one is to know about this, do I make myself clear." He raises his eye brow. "You may go." The man nods and leaves the office closing the door.
Leo plays with the envelope for a moment flipping it back and forth before opening the seal. He pulls out several papers and a photo and lays them across the desk his mouth slightly agape “I’ll be damned." He mutters "Sorry dear brother." downing the rest of his scotch. "This may get a bit complicated...."
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madrut16 · 7 years
Too Much To Ask (MattxMC)
Author's Note: I know RCD isn't everyone's favorite story right now (me included) but, I wanted to do an alternate version of Matt's apology. Hopefully you guys like it! I know I thought that it was totally unlike his character, so I reimagined what happened. Also, I want to start doing fic requests, and I finally figured out how to turn on asks so, send away! I’ll do a post w/ a couple prompt lists soon, but if you have anything you want now, go ahead and ask. :)
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixleberry Studios.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the initial shock, Matt realizes that Celeste couldn't possibly have been the leak and the truth comes out in an argument with his manager. But, is it to late to fix things?
Tell me there are things that you regret
'Cause if I'm being honest I ain't over you yet
That's all I'm asking
Is it too much to ask?
The amber liquid burned as Matt Rodriguez downed what seemed like the hundredth class of whiskey he'd had since the events with the film critics happened. Like a broken record the memory played in his mind over and over again. As if maybe eventually he would wake up and this would be all a dream.
He figured he would've been fine by now, a little more than week later. That was far from the truth. In fact, it was worse. He wasn't necessary angry any more, just heartbroken.
His scattered thoughts weren't helping. A couple days after everything fell apart, he started to wonder if Celeste really was the traitor they were so quick to paint her as. At first, he thought it was just his heart trying to convince him it wasn't so. Just like it had so many times before when he was taken advantage of. But, the nagging feeling that something wasn't right had lingered ever since.
He'd even wanted to hear her out when she was blowing up her phone earlier but his manager had answered for him and had quickly shut it down before Matt could protest. Maybe it was for the best. After all, he hadn't been wrong before, had he?
Suddenly he heard heavy footsteps on the marble floor of his mansion. Turning around, he saw Jonathan Spencer grinning ear to ear.
"Hey! Matty-o! Good news!" The man exclaimed, a large stack of papers in his hands, which he set on the coffee table.
Sighing, Matt replied glumly, "What?"
"Turns out this scandal hasn't hampered you're offers. In fact, they've only increased. Come, take a look!"
Begrudgingly, the actor made his way over. Flipping through them he saw action movie after action movie. Seriously? Did his manager ever listen anymore?
"They're all action movies. This isn't what I wanted," he grumbled, voice clipped, as he stared at the mountain of scripts blankly.
His manager shook his head. "I told you," Jonathan lectured. "You should stick to what you know and what pays. What you're good at. A fresh start is just what you need."
"What about what I want? What makes me happy?" Matt asked, abruptly. Maybe it was his muddled emotions, but his patience had finally worn thin. "I specifically said I wanted to do something else. I'm tired of you making decisions behind my back for me. Blatantly ignoring what I want, answering my personal phone calls.”
Jon let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you still hung up on...That girl?"
"Celeste," the actor snapped. "She has a name, you know. And to be honest, I'm not even sure that she’s the leak anymore.”
"Are you kidding me? She betrayed you, just like the others did. Why can't you just get over her, Matt! She knew that her stupid homecoming story wouldn't be used. That's why she said it-"
Matt interrupted him. "Wait a minute, how did you know about that?"
Taken a back, his manager floundered for a minute before replying, "You told me, after what happened in the desert, r-remember."
Suddenly the realization hit Matt like a ton of bricks. A feeling of shame and dread came over him. Celeste was innocent after all. The worst part was, deep down, he'd known it all this time, he just ignored what was obvious, not willing to believe it. The real culprit was right in front of him.
"No. I didn't tell anyone what happened in there. I didn't even tell you we went there. You planted something in there!"
He could see his manager start to squirm. Flashing a flimsy smile, he  urged, "Of course, I did! It was in your bag on the other side of the wall. I only did it to protect you. You're reputation. What do you think the press would say if they found out you were involved with a co-worker? Especially someone so below your league?"
Matt was barely listening, but the last line gained his full attention.
“Don’t...you...dare talk about Celeste like that,” he hissed. “I don’t give a crap about what the press thinks. She’s perfect exactly the way she is. Who cares if she’s not rich or famous. She’s genuine, down to earth, humble. It’s what I love about her. Unlike you, apparently.”
“Whoa, Matteo, slow down,” Jonathan stammered, quickly seeing he was losing influence. “This is all just a simple misunderstanding.”
“I threw away the best thing that’s ever happened to me because I trusted you. And after all these years, you betrayed me so that you can make more money! The only person I need protecting from is you.” His chest rose and fell heavily as his blood boiled. “I’m not letting you manipulate me anymore. Get out!”
His manager’s eyes widened. “B-but we’ve worked together for years!”
“Not anymore. You’re fired,” Matt announced. 
“Don’t let Celeste fool you into...” Spencer began before being cut off.
“I said...Get. Out! NOW!”
The older man stormed out fuming. Before he left completely, he turned and said, “You’ll regret this.”
The door slammed behind him, leaving Matt alone in his thoughts once more. It took a minute for him to process what had happened. 
Finally he mumbled, “Celeste,” as his he filled with pain filled dread.
She probably hated him, deservedly so. He should’ve known better than to believe she would sabotage them like that. Anyone who knew her even slightly would know that it wasn’t a part of her character. She was exactly who he thought she was. The hurt look she gave him that afternoon appeared in his memory, haunting him. Out of everyone there, he should’ve had her back. And he didn’t. 
“I have to apologize,” he told himself, his resolve growing every second.
His father would be ashamed of him if he didn’t. He needed to set aside his pride--whatever small amount was left--and try to make things right. To be the man she believed he was. That he promised he would be. Even if she rejected him in the end. He at least had to try.
With a new found determination, he changed his shirt and tried to fix up his appearance the best he could before bolting out of the mansion. He decided after already on the way, he decided to make a pit stop.  If he was going to do this, he was going to make sure that it was perfect.
Suddenly, as he climbed out of his Toyota, the nerves started to overtake him. He didn’t think he’d ever been as terrified as he was now. His legs wobbled as he went up to her apartment. Reaching her unit, he paused in front of the closed door. 
Taking a deep breath, he finally worked up enough courage to knock. Silence. That’s what he figured. He tried again. 
“Who is it?” he heard her muffled voice ask. 
His body filled with panic, but he was too determined to let it take over completely. He was done running from things that scared him. Specifically her. 
“It’s me. Matt.”
Another long stretch of silence. He decided to just start talking. It was worth a shot, right? “Look, I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to right now but...I was stupid. I know you didn’t betray us. And it took me way too long to finally believe that. I completely understand if you never want to speak to me again but, I need you to know that I’m so sorry I ever doubted you and that I didn’t trust you. I should’ve known better...”
The door opened partly and her face appeared in the entry way making him trail off. Her eyes landed on the giant bouquet of roses and then traveled up to his anguished expression.
“Do you...really mean all of that?” she asked cautiously, her eyes filled with hurt that he’d caused, making his heart ache even more. 
He nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. More than I’ve ever meant anything in my life.”
After a minute, she wordlessly opened the door all of the way and stepped aside, allowing him to enter the cramped apartment. 
“Thank you,” he told her. She took the roses from him and saw that there was a note on them. It said a lot of the same things he’d just uttered out loud and she felt her resolve melting away slowly. 
“Did you just realize this?” 
Matt shook his head. “No. I-I started to realize you had nothing to do with the leaks the day after, once I had time to process everything. I just...wasn’t willing to trust myself...in case I was wrong, and I was just thinking that to get my hopes up. I’ve been taken advantage of before and, I guess I was trying to protect myself. I wanted to answer you when you called but, my manager hung up before I had the chance. Probably wanted to cover his tracks.”
“Go on,” Celeste prompted, an eyebrow raised.
He sighed. “Then, about an hour ago he came in with a bunch of scripts. All action movies which is wasn’t what I requested he look for. I got mad and we started to argue. He let it slip that he knew about your homecoming story.”
“Wait...you didn’t tell him?”
“Are you kidding? I didn’t even mention Markus made us do the whole activity! I didn’t want him to think I was the reason the movie was failing. He planted a listening device on the other side of the steam room.”
Her eyes widened. “Does this mean...”
“He was the leak. Didn’t even try to deny it either. All he did was say he was protecting me and my ‘reputation’ because I shouldn’t be involved with an outsider like you. I didn’t let him get very far with that. Needless to say, he’s not my manager any more.”
“You fired him?!”
“Yes. He broke my trust,” he told her before looking her in the eye. “And he made me doubt the one person I should’ve believed this whole time. You.”
She looked at him in silent shock, although she still looked weary. 
Taking another deep breath, he took her hands in his before murmuring, “I’m sorry Celeste. For hurting you, making you cry. Those awful things I called you, you’re nothing like that. You’re everything I thought you were and more and I’m sorry I was an idiot and couldn’t see that. I want you to know that I loved every second we spent together. I’m falling for you harder than I have for anyone in my life and that terrified me and I took the easy way out and ran. I wish I could take that back but I can’t.”
He paused as he ran out of air before continuing, “But, if you’ll let me, I’d like to start over and attempt to make up for what I did. Because I know what I want and it’s to be with you, regardless of what anyone else thinks.”
His improvised speech over, he waited in agony for her response. Finally, as fresh tears began to prick on her eyes, Celeste admitted, “God damn you’re making it really hard for me to stay mad at you.”
Matt didn’t dare say anything as he waited for her to continue, his heart pounding out of his chest. 
“You’re telling the truth?” she demanded. 
He nodded. “I swear on my mother’s life. Please. Let me be the man I promised I would be.”
This seemed to be the last bit of persuasion she needed. Her expression softened and she ran into his arms, much to his surprise. After a minute, he closed the embrace. 
“Thank god. I was scared I lost you for good.”
“God I missed you Matt,” she breathed, her head buried in his chest. 
He prodded her gaze upwards. “I missed you too, Celeste. More than you’ll ever know.“ He placed a tender and sweet kiss on her lips, which she melted into. 
Several hours later, they were curled up on the couch watching Sherlock Homes, an empty pizza box on the coffee table. Any awkwardness left over between them was for the most part gone, which they both appreciated. 
“Matt?” Celeste asked, stifling a yawn. 
“Hmm? What?”
“Stay over?” she requested, not wanting to be alone that night. 
He gave her a tender smile. “I’d love to.”
Soon, Celeste wore a matching grin.
“This was how it was supposed to be,” she thought. She knew that no matter what happened next, that everything would be alright. 
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crystalwillow · 4 years
It’s taking me a little longer to write than expected, but I would just like to share with you guys a snippet from the next chapter/part two of the Oliver x F!MC fiction, Never Let You Go. Hopefully I’ll have it finished either sometime this week or next but I have a lot to juggle at the minute, but I am aiming to have it up before the end of this month :)
“I already love you so much. I’m going to be the best father to you. Spoil you with so many gifts as you grow up you’ll be sick of me giving you stuff.” He mumbles as he lets out a chuckle through his tears. You look down on your soon-to-be husband and newborn son, smiling at them as a feeling of completeness washes over you. In all of your years on this earth, you would never had guessed this is where you would now be. In a house with the love of your life, who you had to travel back in time to find, only to have to leave him again and have him follow you to the future then willingly choose to settle down with you, in the future and essentially throw away everything in his life so far. Everything felt surreal but it was perfect. 
I hope you enjoyed that little snippet and are looking forward to reading the whole thing when I post it later this month! Have a good day my loves! Remember to tell your family, friends and loved ones that you love and appreciate them, it could make their day! <3
Hugs, love & kisses 
tyrilsnightbloom xoxo 
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drakelover78 · 6 years
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Unexpected Love
Unexpected Love
This is my second attempt at fan fiction but only the 1st I’ve ever published:  based on TRR by Pixelberry publishing. Author’s Notes: Characters owned by Pixelberry studios, I have no claim to the characters in this story.
Though this story is loosely based on the same characters and my MC (Cindy Jo Beckett) also called (Jo or affectionately Jo Jo) the story comes through a little differently with my MC having had a dark painfully hard upbringing. Her past will unfold as the story is told. Main characters remain in this story and maybe later some new ones. Timeline of Choices: Pixleberry story will vary.
Summary: This Drake -x -MC AU will be focused on a chance meeting where Liam didn’t meet her in New York only Drake by chance…..later after this series is complete , I will rewrite the series where Liam becomes a LI as well. So prepare for a slow burn and some angst: I hope you like it……if the music hyperlink doesn’t open search Hannah Trigwell Stay with Me on youtube. Should really listen from the point it’s introduced in the story.
Chapter One:
Cindy Jo was sitting alone in her two bedroom apartment in Manhattan New York; her phone buzzed on the coffee table next to her. Picking it up she sees a message notification from Daniel her co-worker and best friend from the bar she currently waitressed at in downtown Manhattan and her Uncle Mitch from Texas. She decided to read Daniels first. The two had worked together for almost a full year now and had become quite close. She loved him like a little brother though he was only a year younger than her. Message Daniel-“Jo Jo I need a huge favor?” she replied “what?”  Daniel states “I had agreed to fill in for Michael tonight over at the New Blues Club downtown but I got a last minute date and she’s a total hottie and I don’t want to turn her down because she may not give me another chance!” “Can you PLEAAAASE fill in for me? It was as if she could hear the whine in his voice as if he’d been standing there begging her.” Cindy Jo sat there and thought about it and said why not….it’s not as if I had any plans or a hot date tonight anyway!” She sees the phones blinking dots awaiting his reply……. “I’m sorry JoJo and that’s a little your fault you are so shy and closed off.” Grrr she scoffs out loud without replying to his last comment he types back “I’ll call you when I’m close by …there’s a dress code and I took the liberty of getting you a dress on the off chance you’d say yes.” Fine she replies see you later.
She then opens the message from her Uncle Mitch “Hey sweetie just checking in you ok?” she simply replied “I’m fine Uncle I picked up an extra shift for Daniel tonight at the Blues Bar down the street.” Uncle Mitch immediately replied “another shift….you are 22 sweet pea when are you going to stop working so much and enjoy your youth?” It’s not like you need the money?” Cindy Jo replied “I know I’m just helping Daniel out tonight that’s all….stop worrying so much! I love you and I’ll talk at’cha later.” She nearly jumped off the couch as her phone loudly rang in her hands and Daniels face came across the screen; she swiped right to answer saying “Jesus Daniel you nearly gave me a heart attack!”....Daniel laughing loudly clearly amused stating I just love it when that sultry Texas accent of yours comes through!” I’m parking now I’ll be up in a minute.” She said okay see ya in a sec!
Minutes later he buzzes her apartment and she lets him in the building then also her apartment which was on the 5th floor of the building. Her mood instantly lifts as Daniel comes barreling into her apartment with his infectious smiles and giggles. “Hey baby-girl wait until you see this dress girl it’s to die for… you will definitely clean up in tips tonight!” She smiles stating as long as it draws tips and not unwanted hands on my ass then I’m all in. She opens the garment cover to reveal a beautiful blue sparkling tight fitting full length dress with a slit on the right side all the way up to her mid-thigh. Oh Daniel it’s gorgeous she exclaimed...I’m going to try it on right now. Hurry Daniel exclaimed clapping his hands chop-chop I want to help you get ready before I leave to pick up Charlotte. Cindy Jo asks why ya wanna help me get ready. You do know I’m a grown ass woman who can dress herself…right? I know Daniel states but tonight’s special and I want you to curl your hair and wear it down rather than up in an ugly ass ponytail!” Okay groans Cindy Jo returning to her room glaring at him with her hands on her hips and a bright white smile on her face…“Daniel you know I love you… but has anyone ever told you that for a cute straight guy you tend to have a wonderfully gay flare to your personality?” Daniel states… “Yes you do all the time and you know it’s only because I grew up with three sisters. Cindy Jo laughs and states “you know that I’m only teasing and I’m completely grateful for if it wasn’t for you I’d have no sense of style after moving here from Texas.” “Can you zip me up please?”  He zips her up and she steps away turning to say “There what’cha think?” Daniel lets out loud wolfish whistle as he watches her turn a circle giving him a full view of the gown. Girl you’ve got nice heels to with that right? Yeesss she huffs putting on her silver stilettos she walks to her make-up dresser and starts signing to the radio while she applies her make-up and Daniel starts rolling her hair with her fat curling iron from behind her. Both enjoying the music and her singing in silence until she’s about done applying her make-up; Daniel looks at her reflection through the mirror in front of her and asks “JoJo when are you going to stop being childish about your singing abilities and start preforming for everyone? I know that George has offered a dozen times to let you sing at the bar over weekends!” JoJo chides at him “you know I only sing for myself….and that I’ve always used music as more of a therapeutic outlet to deal with…you know as she trails off that train of thought. I know states Daniel with a sad little smile but truly if I had your God given talent I’d be singing from the rooftops of all New York he stated matter of factly. Well it’s a good thing you’re not me she laughed. Ok are you about done she asked. He sprays her head full of hairspray and says done. She stands and looks in the full view mirror hanging of the back of her bathroom door and says not bad….not bad at all. Daniel whistles loudly and says “Gorgeous simply gorgeous.” “Alright baby-girl let’s get this show on the road.” he says. They leave her building and Daniel gives her a quick peck on the cheek and says “thanks for covering for me doll and try to have a good time tonight.” Okay she says “and you enjoy your hottie Charlotte tonight.”
About a half an hour later she enters the club and speaks to Eddie the club Manger Hi I’m Cindy Jo I’m supposed to fill in for Michael she says. Eddie says “Oh you must be Daniels friend he’s told us a lot about you.” “Thanks for helping us out tonight, we should be really busy being Friday night and all.”  “No problem she states with a bright smile glad to help out.” Eddie thanks her for dressing up saying “Sorry for the short notice but you look great.” He instructs her to begin the shift helping out behind the bar and she can move to the floor as business picks up. She does just that serving all that enter and sat at the bar with a loving smile. Then a tall dark haired stranger catches her eye as he enters the club and walks towards her at the bar. He’s about 6’3 with a slender muscular physic sporting a denim button down with a white under-shirt and dark colored very nice fitting jeans…with little angry like scowl on his face he sits down and she crosses from the other side of the bar to greet him with a million watt smile “H i there I’m Cindy Jo what can I get for you tonight?” He glances up and notices her dress prominently hugging her body in all the right places and says “Whoa do all bartenders dress like that in New York?” He had a sexy accent she couldn’t quite place. She said well I really wouldn’t know this is my first night here I’m filling in for someone. Looking around the bar she notices the other waitresses and says now that ya mentioned it I do seem to be a little more overdressed than the others.” That’s odd she contemplated out loud. The handsome stranger says “that’s a thick accent you’re donning there, where do you hail from?”  “Where do I hail from she chides. I’m from Texas and you? Where do you hail from Mr.? “It’s just Drake he says Drake Walker and I’m from a country close to Greece that I’m sure you have never heard of.” with a slight smile on his face. Smiling shyly she asks “So what brings you to New York just Drake and what will ya have?” “Whiskey and then he mumbles something under his breath she failed to catch then clears his throat  akem I’m scouting accommodations to host my friends Bachelor Party next month.”  Oh she says and what do you think? “This place is a little more uppity for my taste I’m more comfortable in a simple bar with some pool tables, but they prefer the more prestigious or I should say portentous clubs like this.”  He dryly says. I duhnno this place doesn’t seem too bad at least it has live music she says warmly.”
It was at that moment the manager Eddie stepped on to the stage and announced that while the band takes a short break we have been blessed with the presence of the beautiful guests vocalists styling’s of Miss Cindy Jo Beckett as the spot light shone brightly on her behind the bar…..she mumbles I’m gonna kill that Sum Bitch!” loudly enough for Drake to hear her.  As the crowd cheers for her to join the stage Drake lightly laughs and says “well Beckett can you sing?” She gives him a side glance and bashfully smiles at him as she’s walking to Eddie on the stage she says “I’m afraid I’m unprepared I don’t even have my guitar on me so I’m afraid I won’t be singing tonight.” An Awe fell across the crowd, she turned on her heal headed back to behind the bar when Eddie speaks into the microphone no worries Daniel brought yours by earlier today!” She freezes in her tracks as the crowd cheers for her to rise to the intimate stage …She slowly makes her way to Eddie on the stage and she whispers did Daniel put you up to this? He says yes now get up there and kill em.” She smiles widely trying to hide her blush and steel her nerves. Ahkem …she clears her throat well since this was sprung on me at the last moment I will just perform one of my favorite songs by Sam Smith: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGs2f1ncMgA
 -Drake’s POV-
Oh my god she’s an angel…where in the hell does a bartender get that kind of talent? Is she looking at me? I would stay as long as she wanted me too….a blush crossing and burning his cheeks at the thought. He stares hard and listens intently as she continues to sing and though the entire club is still and silent as she sings he could only hear her even if they weren’t. The crowd cheers loudly as she finishes those that weren’t already on the dance floor stand from their seats clapping and cheering exuberantly. Eddie joins her on the stage once again… “Yeah Ladies and Gentlemen give it up once again for the voice styling’s of Miss Cindy Jo Beckett! Thanks babe that was just wonderful!” Eddie hugs her as she leaves the small stage.
She shyly walks back and shimmies behind the bar where she finds a smiling Drake as she approaches he says “damn Beckett that was awesome!” She kindly thanked him and boldly says you look much better with smile on your handsome face than that scowl you walked in with earlier tonight.”  Drake thinks-(Is she flirting with me?) “Well I guess I owe that to you Beckett…thank you truly this is the best I’ve felt all day.” You’re welcome as out of the corner of her eye she sees Daniel with his arm around a beautiful redheads waists presumably Charlotte walking up to the bar… “Daniel you ass-hat she states a little louder than she meant to…..you set this whole thing up didn’t you? “Well I knew I’d never get you up there otherwise he said with a hearty laugh!” JoJo this is Charlotte…Charlotte this is my best friend JoJo.  She leans forwards shaking the redhead’s hand it’s nice to meet you Charlotte. “JoJo Drake asked with his left brow raised?” “Yes she says it’s an affectionate name that only a few are given the privilege to use …though I’m seriously reconsidering your rite to use it Daniel she scowls at him with a meaningful glare.” Who’s your friend JoJo Daniel asked? She smiled and said Daniel this is Drake Walker he’s from somewhere close to Greece and likes whiskey! Nice to meet you he states and the two shake hands. Daniel says “Oh by the way come out from behind that bar you don’t have to fill in for Michael that was just a ploy to get you here, and by the way I recorded your performance!”  Uggh she gasps as she comes out from behind the bar.  Cindy Jo tells Daniel don’t go plastering that all over social media either and I mean it….It’s bad enough you bullied me on to that stage tonight.” Throwing his hands up in a mock defense he says ok I promise with a rueful smile.” “Well now what since I’m all dressed up and nowhere to go?” she asked to no one in particular.  Well Daniel started to say and was abruptly interrupted by Drake stating well you could show me around some proper Bachelor Party venues since you know New York and I don’t he pleaded softly in the form of a question?” She smiled as she thought over his offer…I guess I could, now let’s get outta here before Daniel gets anymore bright ideas for me in his head!” He offers her his arm and Daniels calls out “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do as she takes his arm and waves goodbye to Daniel over her shoulder they walk out of the club into the cool crisp air. Well where to Beckett? Drake asked. She motioned this way pointing down the street to her right. Why do you call me by my last name she asks?
That’s it for tonight lovelies hope you enjoyed, and I’d love any feedback you’ve got to offer.
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blznbaby · 5 years
Meet the Walkers
Book: TRR
Pairing: Drake, Olivia and their daughter, Zenobia
Audience: PG
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixleberry Studios. I'm just borrowing :)
The Walkers' baby girl goes on her first date. How will everyone deal?
Tags: @museofbooks @callmetippytumbles @cocomaxley @hopefulmoonobject @pixieferry @i-choose-liam @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn @blackcoffee85 @dcbbw
I don’t like him,” Drake frowned as he clutched his glass of whiskey, watching the strange boy that had just entered their home from the second story railing. Olivia smirked. “What’s there to like? He's taking out your baby girl. Although, I hear he’s very sweet.” Drake looked at his wife, stunned. “Sweet? Since when is ‘sweet’ part of your vocabulary? Geez, Liv, when did you start going soft?” he scoffed, taking a sip of his drink. Olivia rolled her eyes, “Our daughter likes him. So, let’s try to be nice.”
Be nice. Yeah, like that was going to happen. To Drake, Zenobia was still the little girl that liked to dress up in pink dresses and pigtails. She was not hitting puberty. And she was definitely not allowed to like boys yet. Especially boys, Drake hadn’t met. The boy (Alexander, Olivia would remind him) had been Zenobia’s partner in chemistry class. Here he was, not as her chemistry partner, but as her date.
Drake didn’t say anything as he and Olivia entered the sitting room, merely glaring at the boy in question. Olivia did the same, eyeing the creature standing before her, looking him up and down like a bug that needed to be squashed. She smirked to herself. “Hello, you must be Alex.” 
“Good evening, Your Grace,” he replied nervously. To his horror, Olivia’s face went from smug to sour, sending shivers down his spine. “She’ll be right down,” she continued.
“And Mr., err, I mean Lord Walker,” the boy nervously spoke, extending his hand. Olivia elbowed Drake in the ribs. Right, he was also expected to greet the boy and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you…Alexander.” He noticed the boy swallow nervously. “Wonderful to meet you, Your Grace.” Drake didn’t bother to tell him to call him Drake. Tonight, Lord Walker and Your Grace would do just fine, no matter how much he hated his title. He didn’t intend on getting that familiar with the boy.
Olivia gestured for Alex to have a seat as she and Drake did the same. Drake, Olivia, and Alex stared at each other for a long moment, the boy fidgeting under their intense gazes. It had been a while since Olivia had made someone squirm. She truly missed the feeling.
“So…,” the boy finally spoke, clearing his throat. Olivia held her hand up to silence him. It was time to get down to business.
“Zenobia’s father and I have one rule for dating our daughter. If you hurt her, we will hurt you. We have an armory of weapons that would make your head spin, as well as connections with the Royal Guard and the Black Asps. So, if I were you, I'd be mindful of who you’re dealing with here. You have no idea what I’m capable of.” Drake smiled to himself. Finally his wife was speaking like she had some sense. The fiery duchess had emerged. Alex felt his throat constrict. “We’re not worried about you taking care of our daughter. She can take care of herself. She is trained in three types of martial arts, the use of firearms, and knife throwing. And if we so much as hear a peep about any advances, my husband and I will be sure to erase you from existence. Have I made myself clear?”
Crystal. He wanted to say yes, but his voice escaped him. All he could do was nod. Olivia smiled back at him. Was this woman bipolar?  Luckily, Zenobia appeared in the room, saving his skin. “Are you two done terrorizing my date?”
"Of course we are," Olivia smiled. Zenobia turned her attention to Alex. “Hey, are you ready?”
Olivia and Drake raised their brows at the boy. “Uh, yeah. Let’s go,” he answered, “Lovely to have met you both,” he bowed before hurriedly leading Zenobia out the door.
Drake stared at the spot his daughter and her date had just stood. "Yup, still don't like him." He looked over at Olivia who let out a sigh. "And what happened to your whole 'be nice' bit? You almost made the poor kid piss his pants" he chuckled.
"Did you see how skinny he was, Drake?! I bet he wouldn’t last a single round of combat with Zenobia, or any of our children. The boy looked weak,” her words dripping with disgust.
"Yeah, but on the bright side, we have the house to ourselves. So, what do you say we get into a little one on one combat?” Drake smiled, mischief in his eyes. Olivia's gaze matched his.
“You’re on, Walker.”
The teenagers walked up to the movie theater, arm in arm. Once Zenobia leaned her head on Alex’s shoulder, he seized the opportunity, placing his arm around her and accidentally nudging one of the knives she had hidden on her person. Before he could even smile, Zenobia had grabbed him by the wrist and flipped him over, landing on the ground with a loud thud. A groan escaped him.
“Ohmigod, I’m so sorry,” Zenobia cried, realizing what she had done.
“Man, your mom wasn’t kidding,” he grumbled as Zenobia helped him up.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he managed.
“Good. Now hurry up, or we’ll miss the previews,” she cried, yanking Alex forward by his other wrist.
“Ouch, could you loosen your grip a bit?” He was beginning to worry about the pain in his other wrist.
Zenobia sighed in frustration. “Oh, suck it up. Be a man!”
Of all the girls—and boys—Alex had ever met, Zenobia was the most obsessed with war and action flicks. She managed to point out all the flaws with the weapons and fighting tactics. Who would have thought there was more than just loading a gun to show you meant business? He was amazed by her strange brand of intelligence and wondered how she was so knowledgeable. “So, you’re a fighter..?,” he asked. The thought of Zenobia possibly kicking his ass again both amused and frightened him.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. My parents put me in lessons as soon as I could walk,” she replied. “I know it might be kind of weird, but I seriously love them for that. It’s taught me independence. And I don’t ever have to worry about anyone messing with me.”
“And the weapons?” he asked, slightly unnerved.
“Same thing. At first, I thought my parents were just paranoid, but my mom encouraged me. She said a Nevrakis is always prepared for battle and that every daughter of a Nevrakis must know how to handle a blade. So yeah, I learned all that stuff when I was nine,” she said, smiling like it was the most casual thing in the world.
After the movie, Alex walked Zenobia to the door. “So, I guess this is goodnight. I had a great time.” Alex said nervously, weighing the risks of asking for a kiss.
“I had a good time, too. We should do it again soon.” An awkward silence stood between them before Zenobia finally spoke. “Well, okay then…Goodnight,” she said nervously, before turning to open the door. Alex drew a deep breath. Just go for it, man, he told himself. And he did. Alex grabbed Zenobia’s arm, thinking he could recreate one of those great first date movie kisses. Wrong. On reflex Zenobia spun around, her kick landing in Alex’s stomach, followed by a right hook to the face. Once again, she’d left the guy lying on the ground, but this time with a step to his groin before placing her knife at his throat.
The scream was loud enough to be heard across the grounds, including her parent’s bedroom. Olivia un-cuffed Drake and snatched her robe off the floor covering herself before grabbing her emergency dagger from the bedside table. Drake followed suit and grabbed his gun, both of them running out their bedroom and to the front door, flinging it open. “Honey, everything okay?” Olivia asked, concerned at the sight.
“And why the hell is Alex on the ground, Zenobia?” Drake added, slightly confused.
“He grabbed me! It’s not my fault!” she explained, dropping her knife and apologizing profusely.
“That’s my girl,” Drake smiled, ushering his daughter inside. Olivia looked down at the hurting boy and smiled in satisfaction. “Good night, Alex. Get home safe,” she grinned, shutting the door in his face before Zenobia had a chance to bid the boy a proper goodnight.
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