I chose the literal worst fucking time to decide to join Ao3 to post my fics & create again.
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queencatherynerhys · 2 years
Taken - Part 13
A/N: It has been a really LONG time since I updated, but now I am pretty much finished with college. I recently moved to Italy with my husband for our new duty station. I am not working. I am completely bored. I recently replayed The Royal Romance, and here I am. If you are still following along, if you are new, thank you for your interest. I feel that the next chapters are more like a different section of the story. We will be exploring in detail what happens to Catheryne as she left Cordonia. We will not forget Liam’s perspective during that time either. This is completely turning into a longer story than I originally planned. As for the tag list, it’s been a long time since I posted on Tumblr, so I am just going to use the tag list that was already pasted on past chapters. Simply let me know if you would like to be added. I am also thinking of adding my stories on Fanfiction.net, Archived of Our Own, and ChoicesFanfic.com
Summary: On the night of the Homecoming Ball, Duchess Catheryne was taken and kidnapped. What will result from this devious plan? In this Chapter, we will explore what Catheryne has been doing since she left Cordonia after being rescued.
Tag List: @devineinterventions2​ @madaraism​ @theroyalweisme​ @drakewalkerwhipped​ @laniquelove-blog​ @hhiggs​ @hellospunkiebrewster​ @mrswalkerreynolds​ @mfackenthal​ @simplyaiden-blog​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @blackcatkita​ @cocomaxley​ @boneandfur​ @lizeboredom​ @crayziimaginations​ @umccall71​ @zarina-x-zig-blog​ @ranishajay​ @heatherfilliez​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @mom2000aggie​ @ao719​
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. They solely belong to Pixelberry. Also, credits for the image used for the book cover.
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2 Years Later
Catheryne sits atop a quiet temple on top of a mountain, concentrating on feeling her breath and connecting to the nature around her. She relishes the rare, short vacations before heading to take on another job for her employers.
With her eyes closed and mind focused on meditation, she feels the reality slip away and find her center. She has had to fight, literally and figuratively, to achieve where she is now regarding her state. Here at the peak, she breathes in crisp, fresh air and finds peace within her mind. She enjoys this time she rarely gets to herself. It shocks her still when she finds herself enjoying meditation since there were constant battles and demons clawing their monstrous influences in her mind. As she breathes deeply, she recalls the time she spent wandering after leaving her heart’s home.
When she decided to leave Cordonia, Catheryne thought the best way to find healing was to travel the globe, visit various temples and sites of enlightenment. After 3 months of wandering, she ends up in a female monastery in Romania. The nuns were initially suspicious of her. She couldn’t blame them, really. Any girl who shows up at the doorstep of a monastery dirty and with nothing to give should be given some level of skepticism and curiosity. She was just thankful that after a week the sisters let her stay.
The first month there was an adjustment, but not impossible. The nuns could be harsh at times, but she enjoyed the rigidness and routine she was subjected to live accordingly. Her day always began at 6am and ended at 10pm. Her schedule consisted of her meals, physical exercise, prayers, meditation, religious studies, and her work chores. She was grateful for the distraction. It took her away from the problems she didn’t want to face.
It was at night after her long day when her troubles would plague her. She found it hard to sleep when she always saw his face behind her eyes. It made her heart ache in ways she did not know was possible. She missed him terribly. Every night all she wanted to do was pack her things and come home to him, but she knew she could not because her horrible memories would follow.
She painfully remembered all that she had endured being trapped and tortured in that hellish cave. She remembered coming home thinking she was free, and that thought soon became her nightmare. She became enraged knowing Amir is dead, yet he won at the end. He poisoned her mind and turned her into his weapon. She wondered if she will ever be free of it.
It was at the monastery where she first learned how to properly meditate. The sisters taught her that healing and enlightenment can only come when we can find our center. During those first few months, it was horrible. Every time she tried to concentrate and let her walls down, the memories of hurting Liam would come back, and she would begin to feel the first symptoms of a panic attack. Some of the sisters tried to help by suggesting she talked about it, but how could she? How could they understand what she went through and what she continues to fight through?
When talking about it was not an option, they suggested to learn how to forgive herself for things she could not control. It took her a long time to come to terms with that lesson, but soon she was able to see the truth behind it. All that had happened to her, and the results afterward were not in her sphere of control, she was not to blame. Six months of long hours of meditation & rigorous schedules would prove to be the start of her journey to healing, until one day a face would walk into her sanctuary of peace. A face that she thought she would never see again.
“Uncle Johnny?” she was shocked to see in the head mistress’ office. She could not believe he was here. Her only surviving relative was here. How did he find me here?
“Hello, Catheryne,” he said nonchalantly as if he had been in her life all these years. She did not know what to say or think about his presence here. How could she? She had not seen her uncle for more than a decade!
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“Sister, may I please speak to my niece in private?” he asked the head mistress, ignoring her. The older lady nodded curtly and walked out of the room giving the small office to themselves.
When the door clicked close, her uncle finally got up and walked slowly closer to her. He circled her as if she was a specimen under his scrutiny and she glared at him.
“You’ve grown taller, squirt,” her uncle observed.
“What? Did you expect me to stay the same after my parents died?” she angrily spat back as he came face-to-face with her. She saw her father’s feature in his uncle’s face. She saw the same hazel eyes and brown hair. The same smile lines that lined his face. Her father and uncle could practically be twins in the similarity of their features. It tugged painfully at her heart. It’s just another reminder of what life had taken from her. She saw her uncle’s mouth begin to form the words of reply, but she didn’t give him the chance.
“Where were you, Uncle Johnny? Why weren’t you there to take care of me when Mom and Dad died? Why did you leave me all alone? Why?” she tearfully screamed at him. She hated herself for crying in front of a man she barely knows, but she could not contain the loneliness and resentment that she felt inside after being in the monastery for such a long time with no one who knew her.
When she blinked the tears away, she saw the first sign of genuine emotion in her long lost relative. She saw pain and regret behind his honeyed eyes. Then, he did the unexpected and closes the distance between them and enclosed her in a tight embrace. An embrace that when she closed her eyes and allowed her other senses in the forefront, reminded her of her father’s loving hugs. She gave in and wrapped her arms around her uncle. She had forgotten what it felt like to have family, and she was grateful that at least she still had someone left to care for her.
“Would you take a walk with me?” Uncle Johnny asked after he had let go. She nodded as she wiped her tears away. She led him out of the office and into the gardens. They walked silently to their destination. All around sisters of the monastery glanced at her uncle. It is rare for men to step foot in this enlightened piece of earth.
Most of the sisters that found their way here were to escape the clutches of men’s wrath and influences. Most have found forgiveness and healing and didn’t hold grudges toward the opposite sex. But there were still those who were rather new at the monastery that had anger, and their eyes showed it. If her uncle saw the glare, he did not show it, but stoicism always did run in their family. One learned to hide their thoughts and emotions when working in the clandestine field.
When they arrived at the gardens, they sat at a bench overlooking the valleys below the mountain where the monastery is perched. The sun rested at its peak and bathed them in its bright rays. Even though the last of the spring is upon them, a cool breeze still remained where Catheryne lived, high above the altitudes. She will not miss the winter weather here. It was harsh and bitter. She had to live off of endless, bottomless cabbage soups for weeks on end because it was all that could grow in their small garden. Yet, she was still grateful for the minimalist lifestyle. It was a good contrast to her previous life where she almost became queen. The thought brought with it the never-ending sadness and heartache. She needed to forget.
“So, what are you doing here, Uncle Johnny? And how did you find me?” she asked to distract herself. Besides, she needed to know how her relative found her all the way here in a remote mountain monastery.
“I came to recruit you. The Shadow Order could really use your talents. Our resources are global and it’s how I found you here. Agents are everywhere and nowhere. Shadows for a reason.”
“Recruit me? What makes you think I would go? Or want to live the life my parents died for?”
“I…I saw what happened to you in the news. I heard about the…lingering side effects. You need help and resources to properly heal. The Order has been experimenting on counteracting the brainwashing methods that Amir similarly used on you. Besides, it would be nice to have my niece again. We’ve been far apart for too long. Family should stick together. I regret not being able to be there for you after your parents died.”
“Speaking of, why were you never there? I thought you would have custody of me after my parents passed away, but instead I went into the foster system!” she asked, the previous anger rising back from deep within her. She watched as he thought of the right thing to say. His face showed hesitancy before finally releasing a deep sigh.
“After your parent’s passing, I was determined on leaving the Order. I knew that your father would never forgive me if I did not take care of you. But I did not want to have part of the Order if I was going to take you in. I wanted to leave it all behind, and I was almost finished in the transition before I found out the truth,” he explained.
“Oh, you mean the truth, that my parents were murdered instead of the lie that they died in a car accident? I never thanked you for finding the people responsible and making them pay for it,” she casually said as she stared at the expanse of the landscape before her. She quickly glanced at her uncle’s shocked expression before he fixes it back to his stoic demeanor. He did not need to say anything else, so they both just looked down at the grasslands below and reminisced on their loved ones.
After a while, her uncle turned to her.
“I think it’s time to discuss the other reason why I came to find you,” he says.
“What is that?” she replies.
“Like I said, I would like to recruit you to the Order.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot,” she finally looked over to her uncle to reject his proposal, but before she could her uncle interjected.
“I know what you went through, the reason behind why you sought refuge here in the monastery, but The Order can help you. We know about the faction that took you. We know about their…unorthodox methods, and we have been experimenting on countermeasures. We would like you to join so we can study it, and we can continue helping with the healing process and cure. We also have another reason we think you would like to join. I don’t know if your parents explained what The Order really was about,” he waited for her to acknowledge.
“Not really. Mom and Dad trained me, but they really only told me that it’s because they gain a lot of enemies from the work they did.”
“Well, The Order is a shadow organization tasked on protecting world leaders by taking down their enemies quietly. Recently, we have heard chatter of a sub-faction of the group that Amir was part rising out of the ashes you, quite literally, burned and exploded to the ground,” he explained.
“So, you mean, that if I join The Order, I will be tasked with protecting…” she could not quite say his name.
“Well, usually, The Order is careful about assigning agents to projects they have personal relations, but your dear uncle has some connections in the organization. It doesn’t hurt that you are a prodigy born from two of the best agents The Order has produced. You have been trained all your life. You will have no problem with the transition. Although, you would still have to go through the recruit program. The favoritism can only get you so far, but I am confident you can sail through that with flying colors. So, what do you say?” he asked.
Thoughts flew through her mind. She loved the peace and enlightenment she had found living here in the monastery for the past six months. Yet, joining her uncle could help her find healing and provide her an opportunity to protect her loved ones. To protect Him. She could put the skills her parents ingrained in her to good use. She could step back into the light by hiding in the shadows.
“I’ll do it.”
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zigsexual · 5 years
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i’m blocked (not a new fact), but i’m posting these screens because i did want to make sure this is seen by my followers. this isn’t an apology for me, it’s an apology for the people who were personally hurt/offended by the aforementioned racist themes, so i want to be clear that i’m not the person to go to in further discussions on this. there are so many bloggers of color in this fandom who can provide a response stemming from their actual lived experiences, so please look to them right now.
that said, what i will say is that i appreciate the self awareness in this post and i’m grateful to the people who were able to have those real constructive conversations that ultimately brought this to fruition. it’s a step in the right direction.
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blackcoffee85 · 5 years
Looking at you, Drake "Tell It Like It Is" Walker. @drakewalkerwhipped Yes, Yes, I am calling you out.
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indiacater · 5 years
A weekly support group made to rant/rage/vent/and theorize @drakewalkerwhipped ongoing soap opera Autumn Blues
Dialogue: Raging hard. How low is too low for Drake and his little slut? What is Windsor planning to do?How will Drake handle the aftermath of his most recent stupid actions? Is this the true price of freedom? Is something any of us are willing to pay?
As always open discussions on current and past chapters.
Taglist: @bobasheebaby @carabeth @penguinintuxedo @nikkisha16 @blackcoffee85 @umccall71 @regina-and-happiness @queenlorelaiwalker12 @lynne1993 @yukinagato2012 @saivilo @jenp02cutie-blog @aworldoffandoms @boneandfur @ladynonsense @ehkw1989 @innerpostmentality @choicessa
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harperemery · 5 years
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hey so we all know @sterlingbitch is a stank ass pig but so is chelsea @drakewalkerwhipped for supporting them!
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
No one:
Drake: I checked out of my marriage years ago because I couldn’t handle what it meant to be married to the woman I claim to love. I decided instead of telling her I had issues I would retreat and now I blame her for the destruction of our marriage.
Also Drake: I am jealous that someone else is showing interest in my wife even though I’m sticking my dick in someone else. I blame him and her for everything that went wrong in our marriage because I am perfect and do no wrong.
Again Drake: I can’t sit by the side of my healing wife the way she did for me because of our children and I’m going to blame Liam who I used to consider my best friend when really it’s me. Also I’m going to ignore my children as I throw myself a self pity party because I’m forced to be in the home I left.
@blackcoffee85 @indiacater @drakewalkerwhipped @nikkisha16
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anonsensicalthing · 6 years
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My MC:
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catsdaydreams · 6 years
Appreciation post.
My feeds been hella quiet and I don’t know why all (300 wtf) of you still follow me but I appreciate you all the same. Since Im not as active as I’d like to be Id like to recommend my top three authors for you to go and connect with:
I read NSFW stuff consistently, however I recommend these three because of the intricate writing styles that they have, and the plots that they create. Their NSFW section is pretty lit too. these are mature blogs.
@boneandfur : Her crackships and stories are basically cannon if you ask me. (Or PB outside of the office, we see you). I adore the dark twist she gives her stories, and she created DarkDrake TM.Go give her a follow and check out her amazing writing skills. When it comes down to words I dont know who to choose for top spot, because both bone and walkerwhipped take my BREATH away every time I read their stories. 
@drakewalkerwhipped : Chelsea. I see you. My heart cant take reading your fics but I do anyway. Hands down GOD TIER writing. She captures emotions better than most of the things I have ever read. Check her out. but bring the tissues for sure.
@drivenbyfantasy : The first friend I made on Tumblr. And an amazing Freshman writer. Her stories are very fleshed out and surprisingly accurate. Shes the swweeetttest, and makes me re-fall for Chris every time I visit her blog. 
Just a side note, I am a little biased on these three because they are among my favorite internet people but it should fill your dash with some amazing reads.
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pixelburied · 6 years
Are you keeping up with Autumn Blues?? Because if you’re not, you’re missing out! I aspire to be that good at keeping up a series!
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Since I've finally got some things all set: my Ao3 account is up and running and I will be posting remastered versions of my fics soon on Ao3.
My Ao3 profile explains things in more depth (click link) about what I plan to post and addressing how I will go about Autumn Blues. But, I'll briefly explain here.
While I am very lucky to have had my health and a relatively good life during the pandemic, I fell into a huge ass writing slump. I feel that it stole my late 20's and to learn having and balancing a life outside of being in school for the past 20 years.
I failed at Autumn Blues and lost control of the story it wasn't supposed to be-- but the characters haven't left me, nor the need to correct my mistakes. And now, my writing slump has ended and I've just embraced the fact that I want to write and finish and in addition, ADD to the characters that PB set a base for, but I made my own.
So, fics on tumblr will remain here! But I will post them on Ao3 (remastered and edited) and will be making huge ass edits to Autumn Blues, along with adding to the best fucking universe: Polyverse of Liam x Jaela x Drake (and Damien on occasion). They're really fun and cute and I'm literally just writing drabbles on their saga right now.
Anyways, I know the Choices fandom went poooofffff, but I still want to edit and re-post and post new content for nobody by myself. If you want to follow along, you can on Ao3. I'll likely post links here, but not the stories. Everything will be tagged correctly and warnings will be applied. My account is very much 18+.
Basically, I wanna write for fun, for me, and want to use it as an outlet for the ultra smutty and dramatic shit that doesn't my original fiction doesn't have (yet, considering starting a dark romance novel lmao). If you want to read, follow along on Ao3. If not, literally ignore me, idc.
But for those who might want to revisit fics easily or new content for TRR tales, you know where to find my dumbass.
Feel free to say hello again to Jaela Abdi (sometimes) Walker and co.
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The Beloved Prince
Hey guys,sorry for no posts lately.Been a bit busy with work.This is going to be a small story where our Grumpy Drake and Prince Liam see and then meet each other.This a small story from their childhood.
"The teachets are annoying,school is annoying,Ughhh that beloved Prince Liam is in our class and everyone just fawns over him.Teachers give him attention,boys lick his boots and girls keep throwing themselves in his arms.", Drake sighed to himself." I am a lone wolf,nobody is my friend here,all are from noble houses or are rich people.Status based friendships....are never true...that's what my father says." Drake was now heading towards the school canteen for lunch.He took his plate and dumped some bread and butter.Payed for it at the counter.Went to a corner and made himself comfortable.
He was able to look at the entire canteen from this place and no one giving a damn about his cozy corner.He saw Prince Liam at the centre of his group and everyone just going crazy about him."We(Prince and I) have never interacted,but he surely doesn't seem that guy who craves for attention or gives order.He talks politely with the teachers,he does his homework at time and even manages to score good.Ahh,be must be some wizard to pull everything.His brother Prince Leo is a trouble maker and a prankster.He even pranked me by filling my locker with cotton fuzzes."Drake now chewed on his bread and butter.
He got up and kept the plate at disposable counter leaving the canteen as soon as possible.He always felt out of place here.But,he was a good boy who stayed out of trouble,did his homework and scored highest in his class.On every parent teacher meeting, he was praised for performing well in athletics,activities which he participated and academics .His parents meant world for him.He loved to go back home and play woth his little sister Savannah.His mom made sure their homeworks were upto date.
One day at school,during a small break:
Drake went to washroom to answer nature's call.Liam too was there doing the same.Drake looked at him.The prince looked at him too, Liam smiled but Drake didn't reciprocate the same smile to the prince and zipped up his pants,washed his hands and zoomed his way out of washroom.In the lunch break,Liam was glancing back at Drake from time to time.Drake felt he should have atleast said hi.Then a thought occured ,"just because he is a prince, that's why I should say hi?I am not interested in being his friend at all."
The days dragged on.Olivia came to my desk and threatened me,"You better have a conversation with Liam or else I will drag ypu out by your tie infront of entire school and make you talk."I scoffed and muttered,"Now I know Prince is thirsty for attention and has sent you.You know what Olivia, that sort of talki g job is better for you.Do whatever you want,I won't have any conversations with him."Olivia raises her brow ,"You know a commoner like you needs him more than Liam,he just wants to be your friend.But you aren't worth it."Olivia fumes out of class."Such jokers our class has."Drake sighed and moved towards his bus.
At home he git to know that their entire family was called for a gala at the palace.Savannah had her best gown adorned,Drake was dressed quite casually.He knew he was going to get bored at the event.Anyways they accompanied their parents to the palace.Drake wondered,"A person only needs a cozy ned and blanket.Why does royalty have to have everything extravagant?".His dad held his hand and instructed Drake to be out of trouble.
Savannah had a big gang of friends,Drake came out of the palace and wandered near tge maze.A glistening black object caught his eyes.It was a taser like the one his dad had.He took it in his hands felt like a hero.He pretended aim the taser at the imaginary bad guy.Few minutes passed.Drake clicked the taser nothing happened.He thought it may have been a toy of prince.He fiddled more with the taser for alot time.A guard came running and snatched the taser ot of Drake's hands and scolded him,"How did you get that taser.Have you stolen it?Tell me about your parents?I will tell them what you were doing with it."Drake was nearly in pool of tears a d embarassed.He kept mum at that time.
Soemone interrupted their conversation.Drake looked at his saviour and to his utter shock it was Prince Liam.The guard bowed and asked Liam ,how was his day going?Liam answered clamly,"I am enjoying gala with my friends.We were playing the police and the theif.I gave my friend Drake this taser as he was the sheriff this time. "The guard was shocked and replied,"Prince this is a real taser and not toy,I must report about your friend."Liam nodded and said,"No,it was my fault,you should tell my dad about it,not his parents.I gave hime the taser so I must be the one serving consequences."Guard was taken aback as he couldn't report this small thing to king.The guard smiled,"Prince Liam please be careful with these weapons.There will be an appropriate time when you both will learn to use it in a safe regulated environment.Please go and continue your game.Sorry for the inconvenience.The guard left with the taser.
Liam faced Drake now.Drake muttered under his breath,"Thank you"and started to leave.Liam held the corner of Drake's shirt ,"My name is Liam.....ummm...would you like to be my friend?Everyone here is my friend because I am a prince.You were the first person not to treat me any different.Will you be my friend?I wanted to be your friend from a long time......Liam stretched his hand for Drake to shake it.Drake smiled and shook hand with Liam.They both went to the gala where he introduced Drake to each and every child of their class present there.Drake hated the attention but he felt nice to have Liam as a friend.
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This was the building block of a strong friendship of a lifetime.
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zigsexual · 5 years
I’m late to the gossip mill, but how did you and dww become enemies? I know you used to read her fanfics and comment too, and you used to tag each other in posts (or maybe not, but there was this one time that I remember seeing you two converse in a friendly way). So what really happened, so I know why and whether to unfollow
skdfjls “enemies” is such a dramatic word but i will break it down for you since i know there’s a lot of back and forth. first of all, i did used to be cool with her! i try to support fic writers in this fandom as best i can since i am one, and even though i don’t reblog all the fics i read (idk it just makes me feel weird to reblog smutfic), i definitely comment or like when i can. but then a bunch of stuff she did became impossible to ignore.
to sum it up: she acts like she is a big proponent of social justice, but she only is when it benefits her.
for example, she started to really dislike me i think around the time rod came out (or maybe before because she claims to ‘love’ driam but never reblogged my fics 🤔) because i was making posts and answering asks poking fun at people who ripped pixelberry to pieces and judged the book before it was even out. which she was one of, like literally losing her goddamn mind on tirades about homophobia and pedophilia (these are only a FEW examples, she literally never shut up about this).
this is all despite the fact that SHE DID NOT PLAY THE BOOK HERSELF and many LGBT players enjoyed the game and there was no pedophilia at all, except from @lilyofchoices shipping the detective with the mc, which dww apparently supported.
she wrote fetishy fic that made me finally decide to stop supporting her, refused to apologize for it, refused to even answer asks about it publicly, and then just now accused LGBT women in this fandom of invalidating her sexuality even though there is literally no evidence of this because it NEVER HAPPENED. much like all the shit dww said i did that i proved was not true.
what is there evidence of, besides the above? her reaction (or lack thereof) when a group of people in this fandom very publicly invalidated my sexuality (for the second time, i might add).
‘well maybe she doesn’t want to talk about drama on her blog!!!!’ you say. hm, interesting, considering she literally doesn’t seem to have a problem with it any other time at all. but that aside, she could have reached out privately to me like @walkerismychoice or @a-whore-of-rome did, even though i’ve publicly not seen eye-to-eye with those blogs in the past. they still had common decency to say something and check in, which they were absolutely not required to do, but did anyway. she could have said my name or used my url. but nope! she hates me so she conveniently ignored all that by saying people “should see both sides” ( :
all that said, you’ll forgive me when i see her making all these posts pretending to be some LGBT feminist advocate targeted by a ‘mean cult’ and roll my eyes, knowing that she has never once done this because it matters, but because it looks good for her.
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blackcoffee85 · 5 years
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The quote reads: "before you meet up with your ex "for closure", ask yourself why you shaved your coochie"
Jaela going to meet with Liam. @drakewalkerwhipped
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indiacater · 5 years
A weekly support group for the story Autumn Blues written by sub fandom icon @drakewalkerwhipped. This a place to rant/rage/vent/and theorize over both current and past chapters.
Dialogue: The shit has hit the fan. Drake is now seeing the devastation of his actions in his family, his wife is angry and in pain, his kids are pissed and indifferent and he doesn't know what to do other than leave. Thoughts anyone? As usual discussions for current and past chapters.
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drakelover78 · 6 years
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Unexpected Love
Unexpected Love
This is my second attempt at fan fiction but only the 1st I’ve ever published:  based on TRR by Pixelberry publishing. Author’s Notes: Characters owned by Pixelberry studios, I have no claim to the characters in this story.
Though this story is loosely based on the same characters and my MC (Cindy Jo Beckett) also called (Jo or affectionately Jo Jo) the story comes through a little differently with my MC having had a dark painfully hard upbringing. Her past will unfold as the story is told. Main characters remain in this story and maybe later some new ones. Timeline of Choices: Pixleberry story will vary.
Summary: This Drake -x -MC AU will be focused on a chance meeting where Liam didn’t meet her in New York only Drake by chance…..later after this series is complete , I will rewrite the series where Liam becomes a LI as well. So prepare for a slow burn and some angst: I hope you like it……if the music hyperlink doesn’t open search Hannah Trigwell Stay with Me on youtube. Should really listen from the point it’s introduced in the story.
Chapter One:
Cindy Jo was sitting alone in her two bedroom apartment in Manhattan New York; her phone buzzed on the coffee table next to her. Picking it up she sees a message notification from Daniel her co-worker and best friend from the bar she currently waitressed at in downtown Manhattan and her Uncle Mitch from Texas. She decided to read Daniels first. The two had worked together for almost a full year now and had become quite close. She loved him like a little brother though he was only a year younger than her. Message Daniel-“Jo Jo I need a huge favor?” she replied “what?”  Daniel states “I had agreed to fill in for Michael tonight over at the New Blues Club downtown but I got a last minute date and she’s a total hottie and I don’t want to turn her down because she may not give me another chance!” “Can you PLEAAAASE fill in for me? It was as if she could hear the whine in his voice as if he’d been standing there begging her.” Cindy Jo sat there and thought about it and said why not….it’s not as if I had any plans or a hot date tonight anyway!” She sees the phones blinking dots awaiting his reply……. “I’m sorry JoJo and that’s a little your fault you are so shy and closed off.” Grrr she scoffs out loud without replying to his last comment he types back “I’ll call you when I’m close by …there’s a dress code and I took the liberty of getting you a dress on the off chance you’d say yes.” Fine she replies see you later.
She then opens the message from her Uncle Mitch “Hey sweetie just checking in you ok?” she simply replied “I’m fine Uncle I picked up an extra shift for Daniel tonight at the Blues Bar down the street.” Uncle Mitch immediately replied “another shift….you are 22 sweet pea when are you going to stop working so much and enjoy your youth?” It’s not like you need the money?” Cindy Jo replied “I know I’m just helping Daniel out tonight that’s all….stop worrying so much! I love you and I’ll talk at’cha later.” She nearly jumped off the couch as her phone loudly rang in her hands and Daniels face came across the screen; she swiped right to answer saying “Jesus Daniel you nearly gave me a heart attack!”....Daniel laughing loudly clearly amused stating I just love it when that sultry Texas accent of yours comes through!” I’m parking now I’ll be up in a minute.” She said okay see ya in a sec!
Minutes later he buzzes her apartment and she lets him in the building then also her apartment which was on the 5th floor of the building. Her mood instantly lifts as Daniel comes barreling into her apartment with his infectious smiles and giggles. “Hey baby-girl wait until you see this dress girl it’s to die for… you will definitely clean up in tips tonight!” She smiles stating as long as it draws tips and not unwanted hands on my ass then I’m all in. She opens the garment cover to reveal a beautiful blue sparkling tight fitting full length dress with a slit on the right side all the way up to her mid-thigh. Oh Daniel it’s gorgeous she exclaimed...I’m going to try it on right now. Hurry Daniel exclaimed clapping his hands chop-chop I want to help you get ready before I leave to pick up Charlotte. Cindy Jo asks why ya wanna help me get ready. You do know I’m a grown ass woman who can dress herself…right? I know Daniel states but tonight’s special and I want you to curl your hair and wear it down rather than up in an ugly ass ponytail!” Okay groans Cindy Jo returning to her room glaring at him with her hands on her hips and a bright white smile on her face…“Daniel you know I love you… but has anyone ever told you that for a cute straight guy you tend to have a wonderfully gay flare to your personality?” Daniel states… “Yes you do all the time and you know it’s only because I grew up with three sisters. Cindy Jo laughs and states “you know that I’m only teasing and I’m completely grateful for if it wasn’t for you I’d have no sense of style after moving here from Texas.” “Can you zip me up please?”  He zips her up and she steps away turning to say “There what’cha think?” Daniel lets out loud wolfish whistle as he watches her turn a circle giving him a full view of the gown. Girl you’ve got nice heels to with that right? Yeesss she huffs putting on her silver stilettos she walks to her make-up dresser and starts signing to the radio while she applies her make-up and Daniel starts rolling her hair with her fat curling iron from behind her. Both enjoying the music and her singing in silence until she’s about done applying her make-up; Daniel looks at her reflection through the mirror in front of her and asks “JoJo when are you going to stop being childish about your singing abilities and start preforming for everyone? I know that George has offered a dozen times to let you sing at the bar over weekends!” JoJo chides at him “you know I only sing for myself….and that I’ve always used music as more of a therapeutic outlet to deal with…you know as she trails off that train of thought. I know states Daniel with a sad little smile but truly if I had your God given talent I’d be singing from the rooftops of all New York he stated matter of factly. Well it’s a good thing you’re not me she laughed. Ok are you about done she asked. He sprays her head full of hairspray and says done. She stands and looks in the full view mirror hanging of the back of her bathroom door and says not bad….not bad at all. Daniel whistles loudly and says “Gorgeous simply gorgeous.” “Alright baby-girl let’s get this show on the road.” he says. They leave her building and Daniel gives her a quick peck on the cheek and says “thanks for covering for me doll and try to have a good time tonight.” Okay she says “and you enjoy your hottie Charlotte tonight.”
About a half an hour later she enters the club and speaks to Eddie the club Manger Hi I’m Cindy Jo I’m supposed to fill in for Michael she says. Eddie says “Oh you must be Daniels friend he’s told us a lot about you.” “Thanks for helping us out tonight, we should be really busy being Friday night and all.”  “No problem she states with a bright smile glad to help out.” Eddie thanks her for dressing up saying “Sorry for the short notice but you look great.” He instructs her to begin the shift helping out behind the bar and she can move to the floor as business picks up. She does just that serving all that enter and sat at the bar with a loving smile. Then a tall dark haired stranger catches her eye as he enters the club and walks towards her at the bar. He’s about 6’3 with a slender muscular physic sporting a denim button down with a white under-shirt and dark colored very nice fitting jeans…with little angry like scowl on his face he sits down and she crosses from the other side of the bar to greet him with a million watt smile “H i there I’m Cindy Jo what can I get for you tonight?” He glances up and notices her dress prominently hugging her body in all the right places and says “Whoa do all bartenders dress like that in New York?” He had a sexy accent she couldn’t quite place. She said well I really wouldn’t know this is my first night here I’m filling in for someone. Looking around the bar she notices the other waitresses and says now that ya mentioned it I do seem to be a little more overdressed than the others.” That’s odd she contemplated out loud. The handsome stranger says “that’s a thick accent you’re donning there, where do you hail from?”  “Where do I hail from she chides. I’m from Texas and you? Where do you hail from Mr.? “It’s just Drake he says Drake Walker and I’m from a country close to Greece that I’m sure you have never heard of.” with a slight smile on his face. Smiling shyly she asks “So what brings you to New York just Drake and what will ya have?” “Whiskey and then he mumbles something under his breath she failed to catch then clears his throat  akem I’m scouting accommodations to host my friends Bachelor Party next month.”  Oh she says and what do you think? “This place is a little more uppity for my taste I’m more comfortable in a simple bar with some pool tables, but they prefer the more prestigious or I should say portentous clubs like this.”  He dryly says. I duhnno this place doesn’t seem too bad at least it has live music she says warmly.”
It was at that moment the manager Eddie stepped on to the stage and announced that while the band takes a short break we have been blessed with the presence of the beautiful guests vocalists styling’s of Miss Cindy Jo Beckett as the spot light shone brightly on her behind the bar…..she mumbles I’m gonna kill that Sum Bitch!” loudly enough for Drake to hear her.  As the crowd cheers for her to join the stage Drake lightly laughs and says “well Beckett can you sing?” She gives him a side glance and bashfully smiles at him as she’s walking to Eddie on the stage she says “I’m afraid I’m unprepared I don’t even have my guitar on me so I’m afraid I won’t be singing tonight.” An Awe fell across the crowd, she turned on her heal headed back to behind the bar when Eddie speaks into the microphone no worries Daniel brought yours by earlier today!” She freezes in her tracks as the crowd cheers for her to rise to the intimate stage …She slowly makes her way to Eddie on the stage and she whispers did Daniel put you up to this? He says yes now get up there and kill em.” She smiles widely trying to hide her blush and steel her nerves. Ahkem …she clears her throat well since this was sprung on me at the last moment I will just perform one of my favorite songs by Sam Smith: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGs2f1ncMgA
 -Drake’s POV-
Oh my god she’s an angel…where in the hell does a bartender get that kind of talent? Is she looking at me? I would stay as long as she wanted me too….a blush crossing and burning his cheeks at the thought. He stares hard and listens intently as she continues to sing and though the entire club is still and silent as she sings he could only hear her even if they weren’t. The crowd cheers loudly as she finishes those that weren’t already on the dance floor stand from their seats clapping and cheering exuberantly. Eddie joins her on the stage once again… “Yeah Ladies and Gentlemen give it up once again for the voice styling’s of Miss Cindy Jo Beckett! Thanks babe that was just wonderful!” Eddie hugs her as she leaves the small stage.
She shyly walks back and shimmies behind the bar where she finds a smiling Drake as she approaches he says “damn Beckett that was awesome!” She kindly thanked him and boldly says you look much better with smile on your handsome face than that scowl you walked in with earlier tonight.”  Drake thinks-(Is she flirting with me?) “Well I guess I owe that to you Beckett…thank you truly this is the best I’ve felt all day.” You’re welcome as out of the corner of her eye she sees Daniel with his arm around a beautiful redheads waists presumably Charlotte walking up to the bar… “Daniel you ass-hat she states a little louder than she meant to…..you set this whole thing up didn’t you? “Well I knew I’d never get you up there otherwise he said with a hearty laugh!” JoJo this is Charlotte…Charlotte this is my best friend JoJo.  She leans forwards shaking the redhead’s hand it’s nice to meet you Charlotte. “JoJo Drake asked with his left brow raised?” “Yes she says it’s an affectionate name that only a few are given the privilege to use …though I’m seriously reconsidering your rite to use it Daniel she scowls at him with a meaningful glare.” Who’s your friend JoJo Daniel asked? She smiled and said Daniel this is Drake Walker he’s from somewhere close to Greece and likes whiskey! Nice to meet you he states and the two shake hands. Daniel says “Oh by the way come out from behind that bar you don’t have to fill in for Michael that was just a ploy to get you here, and by the way I recorded your performance!”  Uggh she gasps as she comes out from behind the bar.  Cindy Jo tells Daniel don’t go plastering that all over social media either and I mean it….It’s bad enough you bullied me on to that stage tonight.” Throwing his hands up in a mock defense he says ok I promise with a rueful smile.” “Well now what since I’m all dressed up and nowhere to go?” she asked to no one in particular.  Well Daniel started to say and was abruptly interrupted by Drake stating well you could show me around some proper Bachelor Party venues since you know New York and I don’t he pleaded softly in the form of a question?” She smiled as she thought over his offer…I guess I could, now let’s get outta here before Daniel gets anymore bright ideas for me in his head!” He offers her his arm and Daniels calls out “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do as she takes his arm and waves goodbye to Daniel over her shoulder they walk out of the club into the cool crisp air. Well where to Beckett? Drake asked. She motioned this way pointing down the street to her right. Why do you call me by my last name she asks?
That’s it for tonight lovelies hope you enjoyed, and I’d love any feedback you’ve got to offer.
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