#pla fictive
pokemoncanoncalls · 11 months
Hello, I'm a fictive of Volo who was reincarnated as Cynthia! And I'm looking for pretty much anyone who wants to chat, but I would like to meet Rowan and Augustine again, even if you're not the one I knew. I can be found @researcherofmyths if you're interested, thank you!
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ingoappreciation · 2 years
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It’s hot. I’m not pleased.
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ghost-of-a-system · 1 month
About your comic + the response to it ;; Our troubles have also been with other systems. I still remember one of our headmates whos sourceself was like, hard to find stuff for, found another fictive of the same source.
They were friends until the other one realized ours is non-canon and stuck with his "abuser" ( he isn't in his canon ).
I've also become really paranoid and really self aware of our system due to other systems Behaviors. I don't mind systems that talk to each other via pk in public servers but the way some of them went about it made us double down on doing it ourselves.
I've had too many introjects say "are you crushing on me". No. Its already weird for me to have an introject myself of that person/character, don't make it harder on me /nay
HOWEVER on the plus side my friend/partner group is systems and have been very helpful and kind so. Not all is lost.
these are definitely understandable & valid feelings! we can imagine how it might've felt to have someone you called a friend basically tell you (whether outright or through actions/words) that their friendship and care for you is only dependent on your shared source. (i hope it's okay if we share our experiences, we do so because we see it as an "i can understand how you feel, you aren't alone"; we never mean to try to 'one-up' anyone! :'))
for the first, we have had a similar experience in the past. it was very hurtful and made the alter in our system involved very uncomfortable and self-conscious. the relationship mattered a large amount to them, and they didn't want to lose it. so, after that, they literally started lying and practically gaslighting themself into believing they had the same pseudomemories as their friend whenever they came up. this lasted almost all the way up until they went dormant over a year later (for unrelated reasons) and was a very unhealthy and damaging cycle. i don't want to get too into how it affected them in the long-term, but i'll just say it was very hard and painful to watch.
as for the public servers bit, we definitely understand where you're coming from, i think? i'm going to assume you're referring to systems using pluralkit to talk to each other, as in, other alters in their own system, and not other systems in general. but i think i know what you're referring to with that. i'm not really sure how to put it into words, though. i think we're (personally) just very particular about our own behavior, as well as what we're willing to share. we are not comfortable speaking to our other alters with pluralkit publicly, but it's hard to say whether that's simply because we don't want to, or because we're conscious of others' judgement and/or comfort. like, even not online, we're comfortable talking out loud to each other (when we're alone) because we find it easier to communicate that way. but we would never do that around someone else, system or not. but we've known other systems who are comfortable doing it around other people, and like, that's cool too. whatever helps ya, at least in our opinion, but i get what you mean.
the introject thing you mention is kind of complicated for us, because we all have different views on source separating. we all believe in the same definition of it (the one susie described in its comic), but at varying intensities, if that makes any sense. at the end of the day, we personally couldn't care less about another system's stance with source separating their introjects. like unless something happens where it somehow directly affects us, in that case which we would probably say something, but just to whoever was personally involved. our overall main issue with introjects publicly treating themselves as their source is the influence it has on those interacting with or reading the discussion. i think it reinforces this simply false idea that we are confined to our source, to not just singlets/non-systems, but even to other systems. being in, especially servers, places where that is taking place makes us reluctant to involve ourselves in the conversation, in fear that everyone will then apply that ideology to us, which we just aren't okay with.
i'm glad you're able to at least have a few people/spaces you feel comfortable in, though! they are definitely there, even if sometimes it takes a bit of digging.
sorry for the huge essay. poke us with a subject and if the right alter is fronting, your ask will be answered with a book x) hope anything i said actually applied to the original ask haha, i can go on huge rants, so i am sorry !! -skye
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fictionkinfessions · 5 months
Looking back on it, I can't recall if Ingo ever made it back to present day. I know I did, but I'm not sure if he did. I hope so, it would feel very unfair if I worked so hard to get home and for him to just.... stay there. Maybe it's what he would've wanted, I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. -PLA protaganist fictive
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celestialediting · 1 year
Hey there! Gl on your new blog :D we just had a new fictive get here last night. Hes Brady Hartsfield from the Bill Hodges trilogy (Mr. Mercedes/Finders Keepers/End of Watch) by Stephen King. Hes specifically from the books, not the show adaptation (at least I dont think so because we havent seen that lol) anyways i just wanted to ask for a few things for him to hopefully feel more welcome?
First things first, can I have some neopronouns for Brady Hartsfield (Mr. Mercedes)?
yes you can! my information and inspiration came from the villain's wiki here. also you might've just convinced me to read the book, it sounds interesting! I stuck with some technology-related ones for this
also your other ask mentioned performing arts so here's some pronouns based off that!
i hope these work for you! here's a link to the pronoun dressing room so he can give them a try!
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inkyantace7 · 1 year
I absolutely adore playing Pokemon and having fictives, because we have my starter in PLA (a Typhlosion named Ritz [I forgot that's a cracker company but I love them]), a Hisuian Zorua, the creation siblings (Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina), my starter in PV (a Sprigatito named Sprig), and my Fletchinder in the same game named Talo, who showed up directly after sweeping the bug gym with said bird.
Oh and also Ingo and Emmet
Edit: And a Banette, my Mimikyu in Violet (named Disguise), a Magnemite named Zap, and a Haunter who named themself Hallie.
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emmet-appreciation · 2 years
Three seperate systems doing the Spider-Man point in your askbox. This is funny to me.
-The host of the system with an Ingo fivtive
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E: “I think there are too many systems to do the spider point. We are having a party now.”
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kristalpepsi · 5 years
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Friend draw dump!
( @stripedsystem, @cinnacola, and @let-it-snow-or-perish !)
Don’t tag as kin pls! We’re all Fictives!!
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spaceystation · 2 years
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header art by karrraska. pfp art by daysneezes.
Hello, welcome to the Space Station! If you’re followed by this account, it’s probably because of one of the members who has a side-blog attached to this account! 
More info on each of the conductors can be found by reading the pinned posts on their sideblog. Others might post here, but they will tag “post by (name)”. 
The conductors of this station:
Posts by Beishang are tagged with “#eye.doc”. His personal blog is @eye-train . Ingo fictive. 
Posts by Nanxia are tagged with “#mouth.doc”. His personal blog is @mouth-train . Emmet fictive.
Posts by Warden are tagged with “#warden.doc”. His personal blog is @comfy-train . Ingo fictive (PLA aligned).
Posts by Spencer are tagged with “#spencer.doc”. His personal blog is @zap-train​ / @perpetualemotionally​ . Luca Balsa fictive.
Posts by Emil are tagged with “#bandaid.doc”. His personal blog is @bandaid-train​ . Emil (lDV) fictive.
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poetrex · 4 years
I was tagged a while back by the very lovely @pinehutch to list 10 niche interests. I hope she will not regret asking, because—brace yourselves—I am 98% nautical-themed niche by volume, and I will pounce like a pistol shrimp on every chance to infodump! If anyone fancies frothing at the mouth about nuclear SLCMs or New START or whatever, I encourage you to visit my Twitter—I'm not very active there but it's peak esoteric. I've also tacked on some "Ask Me Abouts" in case anyone wants even more specific infodumping! Consider this the Internet Sleepover Journaling Party: Extra Niche Edition—tagging all prior ISJP participants to list 10 of their own niche interests, ask me about one of these, or ignore this tag completely with no hard feelings! @wordrummager @definegodliness @drearydaffodil @viola-cola @lunaragent and @caffeinatedkaboom and anyone else who wants to join in!
1. Weapons proliferation, international collective security, and arms control agreements. I.E. missiles, missiles, and more missiles—except ideally, fewer missiles. Also the history of 19th and early 20th century naval arms races and treaties—especially the 1921-22 International Conference on Naval Limitation and how it affected ship design. Contemporary arms-racing behaviour with regard to anti-ballistic missile systems, anti-ship ballistic missile systems, artificial intelligence, and hypersonic weapons. Autonomous nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missiles and torpedoes (I hate them, thanks!). Cruise missile proliferation is of particular concern as it tends to fly under the radar (I know I know, bad joke). Ask me about strategic ambiguity, nuclear posture, and why "escalate to deescalate" is a fever dream of western analysts and not actual Russian doctrine!
2. Open-source intelligence and geolocation. Adding to this the buzzwords "citizen science", "crowdsourcing", "hiveminding" etc. (deceptive terms—the "crowd" is increasingly atomized and unrepresentative). I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole a few years back where I spent a lot of time on Google Earth, wikimapia.org, marinetraffic.com and flightradar24.com watching areas of interest, and assisting some patriotic Taiwanese in locating PLA rockets and radars across the Strait using historical satellite imagery and other sources. Ask me about Strava Heatmap, or the Red Bird Express!
3. Military applications of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in the maritime domain, including: the early history of naval radio communications and signals intelligence (SIGINT); the effects of sonar on marine mammals; the military use of marine mammals to detect mines using biosonar; LIDAR seabed mapping; ELF and VLF radio waves as a means for communicating with submarines at sea; high-frequency direction-finding using circularly-disposed antenna arrays or CDAA (one of the last two AN/FRD-10s in operation is in nearby Gander, Newfoundland!); but especially the history of the Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), still extant in a reduced capacity called the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS). Ask me about Soviet submarine shenanigans on the eastern seaboard!
4. Civil Wars in media and memory. And here I count the American Revolution and the War of 1812 as a kind of 3rd and 4th English Civil War transplanted to the New World. I'm fascinated by the political dimensions of Civil War reenactment, particularly in the United States but also English and Russian Civil War reenactors. Ask me why I loathe the "Lost Cause" mythology!
5. Old English, Old Norse, and Medieval Icelandic prose and poetry. I loved Old English in university and even thought about taking a Masters in Medieval Icelandic at Reykjavik University (my grades weren't good enough). Ask me about Grendel's mom and monstrous femininity in Germanic lore!
6. The environmental and ecological history of warfare. The lasting scars of conflict on terrestrial and human geography: craters; minefields; cemeteries; demographics, etc. How "an army marches on its stomach" and its fighting capacity waxes and wanes with the produce of the land. Ask me about Abandoned Military Installations of Canada!
7. Civil-military relations and the history of military coups and revolutionary naval mutinies. I'm especially interested in the intersection of civilian academia with professional military education, and the public outreach of institutions such as the Royal Military College of Canada, US Naval War College, US Naval Postgraduate School, and the Office of Naval Research. Ask me about US vs Canadian Officers' Oaths, or the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny of 1946!
8. Fin-de-siècle music hall performers, drag kings and queens, circus strongwomen, and bearded ladies. Also, historical ideals of feminine and masculine beauty, gender roles, and the modern history of fashion design in western Europe. Corsets and stays, crinoline, stockings, etc. The fetishization of various body types and parts over time and across cultures. Um, there's a lot to unpack here. Ask me why I have Mixed Feelings about Eugen Sandow!
9. Canadian maritime territorial and economic disputes: Arctic sovereignty and the northwest passage; The 'Turbot War' between Canada and Spain; the Hans Island dispute between Canada and Denmark. Ask me why that last one is Really Dumb!
10. Reading and writing fanfiction. This is a new one! There's so much great stuff out there, and it's been a good way to test the waters of fictive prose using ready-made characters and settings. Just the Dragon Age series so far—I’m such a romantic slut for these characters—but I’d like to branch out into some Good Omens or maybe even indulge some nostalgic TNG daydreams. Ask me how fandom Changed My Life!
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pokemoncanoncalls · 2 years
Hello! I am an ingo fictive (from pokemon arceus) looking for my brother!
Im still piecing memories together, and all i really remember is emmet and the station (and of course memories of hisui), but some notable (i think) memories are that me and emmet had heat insulated coats- emmet's was fur lined on the inside because white doesnt absorb heat like black does
Emmet had a lot of joltik, and i accidentally kept adopting exotic pokemon (all i remember right now is an eevee that evolved into sylveon and an alolan vulpix)
My partners were my chandelure and exie the sylveon
Please contact me!! Either here, or my discord is OpalStation#1318
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theensignsystem · 2 years
so it turns out that ive always been a partial introject of ingo pokemonbw and somehow never realized it
but then we recently started splitting off a pla!ingo fictive but then he re-fused with me before he had the chance to split off fully
so now im like. 2 parts ingo instead of 1.
partial introject with an extra helping of introjection
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pokemoncanoncalls · 2 years
hi, i am nobori/ingo from pokemon legends arceus and i am looking for my brother kudari or lady sneasler. or anyone but i dont have many memories at all. i do remember me and my brother were both autistic and maybe trans but i cant be sure.
i am a fictive in a system and i am bodily 17, you can either interact with this post or find me on discord at sporecore_#0211 or here on tumblr :>
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emmet-appreciation · 2 years
I'm an Emmet fictive! This is a very nice blog, thank you for being normal about Ingo and I's characters. Don't feel pressured to reply to this, I just wanted to give my own thoughts. :D
Ahhh of course I'm going to respond to this, it's so sweet ahhghfsdgbshdbf 😳😳😳!!
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Thank you so much!!! I'm so happy you think that way, ehe ;w;!
I know there are some... creepy people in the fandom but it's so good to know you consider this a safe space <3!
// I try my best to reblog from like-minded people too, but if I interact with a weird post please don't hesitate to let me know!
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pokemoncanoncalls · 2 years
Hello! This is Irida from PLA, and i'm looking for really anyone, but especially Adaman! I remember us becoming very close after the incident at Spear pillar, and even dating. I'm 19, and turning 20 in august, and would prefer it if you were 17+ at least. I am part of a system, as well, but my indicator is 💫.
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emmet-appreciation · 2 years
Congratulations! You have attracted my Emmet's attention too! He also just wanted to say hello :D its rlly cool that youre system-friendly 👍👍 sorry if this is a lot comin at ya law. Keep being awesome
🚝opinions on lagtrain by Inabacumori
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Ahh- I’m being visited by so many fictives ;w;!! This makes me really happy, ya’ll are the bessst 🥺🙏  // I decided to take a shot at drawing your emmet, too! I hope he doesn’t mind ehe, this probably would’ve been a lot better if I didn’t have this stinkin art block ;w;
Ohohoh 👀👀🙏 and Hi Emmet! 👋👋  I really really reaaaaaaaally love Lagtrain, actually (the melancholic melody captured my attention, but after my brother told me the name of the song I absolutely feel in love with it haha ;w;). I even sent an ask to @/chipsncookies awhile back because I just. Heavily. Heavily associate this song with PLA. Which only made me even more obsessed with the song (oops). I’ve been trying not to listen to it so much because I know if I keep listening to it I’ll get bored of it eventually. And then I won’t be able to make that animatic I’ve been planning :<
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