#planet x is mari
blazingdracy · 3 months
Omori x Solarballs fanart I made for the pookies at discord at 3am
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For those who have not seen "The sign of three", I will briefly explain what happens in it:
1. Sherlock reveals his love for John
2. John, after Sherlock said those nice words, hugged him happily, VERY GAY
3. Solve a crime, something that both Sherlock and John wanted
4. Sherlock is jealous of John's ex
5. I don't know, but throughout Sherlock and John's wedding, there is Mary, John's girlfriend (if you remember her) dressed in a wedding dress, but sitting at the table where the best man sits.
That was the BEST gay wedding I have ever seen!!!
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was meaning to write a serious and thoughtful meta on this shot as the show's first use of metatextual framing (a story within a story) linking its premise to the war movie as a genre (the show as a fascist gothic work) but yknow what. scratch all of that lmao. the only thought that matters is: the moment you really start thinking about the show as a reactionary post 9/11 power fantasy, you can't stop.
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annamariedarkholmes · 2 years
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x-men + text posts (3/?)
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merrymorningofmay · 1 year
incorporating one trigun twt quote after another into my vocabulary except i can't use them anywhere
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
After a couple of days processing Path of Vengeance, here are a few conclusions I’ve drawn from Phase II as a whole. If this is all we’re going to get of the Nihil’s backstory (and it may not be; Yoda’s return at the end of Midnight Horizon suggests he’s found some answers on his quest with Elder Tromak and that we might get to hear some of them), then I actually find the story of the Nameless pretty satisfying in how few answers it actually gives. As one of Star Wars’ few forays into the horror genre, the Nameless always felt terrifying and narratively effective in how little they’re described, and yet how viscerally they’re evoked. It feels fitting that we get just a glimpse of their home planet but no real explanation of how or why they do what they do.
That being said, I did find myself piecing together a theory of my own as I read the Planet X segments. The planet is described as so rich and lush with the Force that forests grow back in the span of a year when destroyed, minor wounds heal almost immediately, and even non-Force-sensitive people like Bokana or Shea Ganandra begin to display light Force aptitude. In such a place where the Force is literally overflowing, it makes sense that a creature like the Nameless could evolve to be able to simply drink the pure Living Force from other life forms without unduly affecting the ecosystem. It’s only when they’re removed from the planet do they cease to be a mere animal, becoming something sinister and terrifying, since their normally abundant sustenance is elsewhere so comparatively scarce. On Jedha and Dalna, the creatures are repeatedly described as appearing starved and even bony. This idea would also fit with the recent one-shot comic Quest of the Jedi, which describes the origin of the jewels embedded in the Rod of Seasons and the Rod of Daybreak. They were originally a single gem on Angcord, where its power gave the people of that world Force abilities but as a result ended up draining the planet of its ability to sustain life. The parallels between Angcord and Planet X seem clear, and the common theme seems to be imbalance. The idea that too much life, too much concentration of the Force, can lead to darkness. Far from being a paradise, as it’s initially described, Planet X feels sinister and unhealthy, overloaded with (almost hoarding?) energy and resources and as a result creating something actually hostile to life and to the Force.
I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this. It makes sense, if I’m reading the thematic content correctly, but it also seems to rely on a scarcity mindset rather than one of abundance, which I feel is philosophically wrong as well as inconsistent with the philosophy of the Jedi and of Star Wars as a whole. It also feels vagely dualistic. I don’t know. I feel like I still haven’t fully thought through all the implications, and I need more time to digest all of this. There might also be more coming in Phase III that could shed further light and context on the whole thing.
Finally, it was interesting how the origin of the Path engines (the puns! I love it) seem to be connected to all of this as well. We know from Phase I that the Paths come from Mari San Tekka, so it makes sense that they have a connection to the Force, and that the origin of such an unusual Force ability also stems from Planet X. Shea says she is “rewriting the known laws of hyperspace” as she makes the jump calculations to leave the planet, and we learn at the end that her real name, as well as her mother’s and potentially her baby’s, is Mari. This begs a lot of questions. If Shea is an alias, then it makes sense that Ganandra might be, too. We already know that the Nihil kept Mari alive far beyond the span of a normal human life, so it’s plausible that Shea Ganandra is really the Mari San Tekka we meet in Phase I. Or perhaps her daughter? Or even her mother? We don’t know, and the fact that this is left ambiguous is interesting.
Overall, I’m really satisfied with Phase II. I can’t decide if I like these stories and characters better than the ones of Phase I, or if it’s just that I’ve read them more recently. It’ll be interesting to get back to the time of Elzar, Avar, Bell, and Marchion when Phase III starts this fall.
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fans4wga · 11 months
"The studios thought they could handle a strike. They might end up sparking a revolution"
by Mary McNamara
"If you want to start a revolution, tell your workers you’d rather see them lose their homes than offer them fair wages. Then lecture them about how their “unrealistic” demands are “disruptive” to the industry, not to mention disturbing your revels at Versailles, er, Sun Valley.
Honestly, watching the studios turn one strike into two makes you wonder whether any of their executives have ever seen a movie or watched a television show. Scenes of rich overlords sipping Champagne and acting irritated while the crowd howls for bread rarely end well for the Champagne sippers.
This spring, it sometimes seemed like the Hollywood studios represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers were actively itching for a writers’ strike. Speculations about why, exactly, ran the gamut: Perhaps it would save a little money in the short run and show the Writers Guild of America (perceived as cocky after its recent ability to force agents out of the packaging business) who’s boss.
More obviously, it might secure the least costly compromise on issues like residuals payments and transparency about viewership.
But the 20,000 members of the WGA are not the only people who, having had their lives and livelihoods upended by the streaming model, want fair pay and assurances about the use of artificial intelligence, among other sticking points. The 160,000 members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists share many of the writers’ concerns. And recent unforced errors by studio executives, named and anonymous, have suddenly transformed a fight the studios were spoiling for into a public relations war they cannot win.
Even as SAG-AFTRA representatives were seeing a majority of their demands rejected despite a nearly unanimous strike vote, a Deadline story quoted unnamed executives detailing a strategy to bleed striking writers until they come crawling back.
Days later, when an actors’ strike seemed imminent, Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger took time away from the Sun Valley Conference in Idaho not to offer compromise but to lecture. He told CNBC’s David Faber that the unions’ refusal to help out the studios by taking a lesser deal is “very disturbing to me.”
“There’s a level of expectation that they have that is just not realistic,” Iger said. “And they are adding to the set of the challenges that this business is already facing that is, quite frankly, very disruptive.”
If Iger thought his attempt to exec-splain the situation would make actors think twice about walking out, he was very much mistaken. Instead, he handed SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher the perfect opportunity for the kind of speech usually shouted atop the barricades.
“We are the victims here,” she said Thursday, marking the start of the actors’ strike. “We are being victimized by a very greedy entity. I am shocked by the way the people that we have been in business with are treating us. I cannot believe it, quite frankly: How far apart we are on so many things. How they plead poverty, that they’re losing money left and right, when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them. They stand on the wrong side of history at this very moment.”
Cue the cascading strings of “Les Mis,” bolstered by images of the most famous people on the planet walking out in solidarity: the cast of “Oppenheimer” leaving the film’s London premiere; the writers and cast of “The X-Files” reuniting on the picket line.
A few days later, Barry Diller, chairman and senior executive of IAC and Expedia Group and a former Hollywood studio chief, suggested that studio executives and top-earning actors take a 25% pay cut to bring a quick end to the strikes and help prevent “the collapse of the entire industry.”
When Diller is telling executives to take a pay cut to avoid destroying their industry, it is no longer a strike, or even two strikes. It is a last-ditch attempt to prevent le déluge.
Yes, during the 2007-08 writers’ strike, picketers yelled noncomplimentary things at executives as they entered their respective lots. (“What you earnin’, Chernin?” was popular at Fox, where Peter Chernin was chairman and chief executive.) But that was before social media made everything more immediate, incendiary and personal. (Even if they have never seen a movie or TV show, one would think that people heading up media companies would understand how media actually work.)
Even at the most heated moments of the last writers’ strike, executives like Chernin and Iger were seen as people who could be reasoned with — in part because most of the executives were running studios, not conglomerations, but mostly because the pay gap between executives and workers, in Hollywood and across the country, had not yet widened to the reprehensible chasm it has since.
Now, the massive eight- and nine-figure salaries of studio heads alongside photos of pitiably small residual checks are paraded across legacy and social media like historical illustrations of monarchs growing fat as their people starve. Proof that, no matter how loudly the studios claim otherwise, there is plenty of money to go around.
Topping that list is Warner Bros. Discovery Chief Executive Davd Zaslav. Having re-named HBO Max just Max and made cuts to the beloved Turner Classic Movies, among other unpopular moves, Zaslav has become a symbol of the cold-hearted, highly compensated executive that the writers and actors are railing against.
The ferocious criticism of individual executives’ salaries has placed Hollywood’s labor conflict at the center of the conversation about growing wealth disparities in the U.S., which stokes, if not causes, much of this country’s political divisions. It also strengthens the solidarity among the WGA and SAG-AFTRA and with other groups, from hotel workers to UPS employees, in the midst of disputes during what’s been called a “hot labor summer.”
Unfortunately, the heightened antagonism between studio executives and union members also appears to leave little room for the kind of one-on-one negotiation that helped end the 2007-08 writers’ strike. Iger’s provocative statement, and the backlash it provoked, would seem to eliminate him as a potential elder statesman who could work with both sides to help broker a deal.
Absent Diller and his “cut your damn salaries” plan, there are few Hollywood figures with the kind of experience, reputation and relationships to fill the vacuum.
At this point, the only real solution has been offered by actor Mark Ruffalo, who recently suggested that workers seize the means of production by getting back into the indie business, which is difficult to imagine and not much help for those working in television.
It’s the AMPTP that needs to heed Iger’s admonishment. At a time when the entertainment industry is going through so much disruption, two strikes is the last thing anyone needs, especially when the solution is so simple. If the studios don’t want a full-blown revolution on their hands, they’d be smart to give members of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA contracts they can live with."
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happy74827 · 8 months
Stay With Me
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[Sam Riordan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes all we need is a hug, or in Sam’s case, words of assurance. (GIF credits: @heronamedhawks || Thanks for letting me use your gifs 🫶)
WC: 635
Category: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
This is so short compared to my usuals, but I thought it was too cute to pass up. Plus, I’m a sucker for those first kiss moments 😌
You didn’t know what to expect when you opened the door with Marie. Your first encounter with Sam was a difficult one. And although you’ve come to know him as the sweetest man on the planet, there is still that one incident that made you uncomfortable when you thought about it.
As you enter the room, you realized that it wasn’t one of those days. It was just Sam… being Sam. His body shot up alert with the sound of the heavy metal door closing, but it was instantly replaced with a look that was both apologetic and exhausted.
Sam was at your side in an incident, practically shoving Marie to the side as he embraced you.
"I was so worried about you." he murmurs in your ear as you hug back.
He smelled good. It was a little odd, considering he was always covered in blood whenever you saw him, but he had the distinct smell of some cologne mixed in. It was one you didn't recognize, but it suited him well.
"I'm alright," you say, pulling away from the hug. You look him over, noting the way his eyes look like they have dark circles underneath. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, and from how he looks at you, you can tell he hasn't.
“I was out of line. I know I was out of line." His words were slow and careful, but he spoke them with such clarity. You couldn't deny the sincerity behind his voice.
You smile softly. "It's okay, Sam. I understand—"
"No! It’s not okay! I... I lost my cool and I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have said those things to you and you don't deserve that. Not at all. And I... I don't want you to leave. I can't stand the thought of it."
You place your hand on his arm, hoping to soothe him. You didn't like the way this was going. You could see how he was suffering, but you didn't know how to make him stop. He looked like he wanted to do anything to keep you from leaving.
"Hey, I'm not leaving. Sam, it's alright, you can relax. I forgive you." You rub his arm with your hand, hoping he would relax. You didn't like the way this conversation was going either.
He takes a deep breath and releases it, allowing his body to loosen up. He was so much taller than you, and his eyes always had a look in them like he wanted to say something, but he never did. Now, it seemed like he had so much to say.
He looked up at you.
“What’s on your mi—”
You were suddenly cut off by his lips meeting your own. They were warm, and they felt soft against yours, but they were also rough, as if they were cracked and dry. His hand immediately went to the nape of your neck, pulling your face closer to his as his other arm wrapped around you, holding you against him. It was a little startling, but it was a good thing the room was dark. The only light coming into the room was coming from the hallway, and that was just barely enough to illuminate the space between the two of you.
You didn't know what to do with your hands, and you couldn't help but kiss him back. You had never kissed anyone like this before, and the intimacy was new to you, but it wasn't unpleasant. The warmth radiating from Sam's body was enough to make you feel dizzy.
Sam slowly pulls away, but he rests his forehead against yours. His eyes are closed, but he's breathing hard. It's quiet in the room, and you're wondering if it's just you or if he was as winded as you.
"I'm sorry." he whispers after a moment of silence, his eyes opening slightly to look at you. He keeps his eyes closed for a moment before speaking again,
"I don’t… why did I do that?" he murmurs, opening his eyes finally. "I'm sorry, I just... I..."
You take a deep breath and smile at him. You gently place your hands on his cheeks, and he looks up at you in surprise.
"Don't be sorry." you say, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He instantly reacts, holding you by the small of your back as you press your body against him.
You pull away to look at him. You smile up at him, hoping that this is enough to ease his nerves. He's staring back at you with a look of confusion, and you can tell that he's overwhelmed by the way his cheeks begin to redden.
"Why are you... smiling?" he asks after a moment. He's obviously embarrassed.
You chuckle, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I just never thought you'd ever be this forward. I always thought you were more the sweet and quiet type."
Sam was quiet for a moment before chuckling. He placed a hand over his mouth as he laughed quietly. He shakes his head as he removes it. He then takes a deep breath and looks back at you.
"You think I'm a sweet and quiet person? I don’t think any of the guards would agree with that. Or the higher ups for that matter."
You laugh, resting your forehead against his. "Well, I've come to know you more than just the blood and death that surrounds you all the time."
He laughs again, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you close to him. He rests his head in the crook of your neck, holding you tightly.
"Thank you." he murmurs. "Thank you for... not leaving."
"I told you, Sam, I’m not going anywhere. I promise."
He doesn't reply to that, and you feel him relax against you. His breathing evens out, and you feel his body become lax in your arms. It seems as though he had finally calmed down.
For a moment, you had forgotten that Marie was there, but as you turn your head to look at her, she was smiling at you. She gave you a small thumbs up, and you felt a sudden blush form on your cheeks.
You decided not to say anything about it as you wrap your arms around Sam and close your eyes. You still didn't understand the situation you had gotten yourself into, but you felt at ease with Sam. You felt like you could relax around him, and that was all you needed right now. You would have to think about everything else later.
For now, you were content with just holding each other.
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jellys-compendium · 3 months
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Only, Minors DNI)
Pairing: Sinister!Vash x f!Reader Word Count: 7.9K Summary: You've been running for a long time, miraculously evading the destructive storm on your heels. But one fateful night you find yourself trapped and unable to escape the humanoid typhoon any longer. He'll make you regret running from him. Cw: blood, gun violence, side character death, noncon to dubcon, predator/prey dynamics, smut, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, semi-public sex, rough sex, p in v sex, gunplay, choking, vaginal fingering, oral (f!receiving), cumming inside, dacryphilia, yandere, obsessive/possessive behaviour, manipulation, mind breaking, pet names, degradation & praise.
A/n: This is a dark fic. Read the content warnings before proceeding. If this sort of writing isn't your thing, please don't read! I will have a softer fic for Vash coming in the near future. Also, just a quick note that for narrative purposes , I decided to interpret Sinister!Vash as Vash turning evil (not as a separate entity).
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The sharp scent of rust lingers in your nose. It couples with the muted dusty air and further serves to dry out your parched throat. Each time you swallow in an attempt to alleviate your thirst, it feels like sandpaper scrapes along your esophagus. Money be damned, you would trade every last double dollar you own for a glass of water right now.
Unfortunately for you, not a single one of the sheriff’s men had come to check up on your sorry state since you’d been caught, cuffed, and thrown into this dingy cell hours ago. They’d locked you in here and thrown away the key as it were. Guess you shouldn’t be surprised, given the bounty on your head.
Heaving a sigh, you lean back against the cold concrete wall of your prison, your movement causing the tattered and smelly cot supporting you to creak and groan. With little else to do, your mind wanders to the earlier events of the day.
How did you get yourself into this mess? 
You’d been so painstakingly careful to keep your head down and profile low in every town you had passed by for the last year. Not a single soul, let alone law enforcement, had ever suspected that you were the former partner of the legendary humanoid typhoon. So how is it that the sheriff of this backwater little town had you figured out the moment you’d set foot in his jurisdiction?
With a metaphorical fine toothed comb, your mind analyzes each and every interaction you’ve had since the morning, searching for clues on how you’d been discovered—but nothing clicks into place. You hadn’t spoken a whisper about your true identity, or about Vash, to anybody since you’d quit and run from his company of outlaws.
On top of that you were careful to cover your tracks, doing everything in your power to erase all that you were before disappearing into the night in a hail mary attempt at a better life—one that wasn’t tainted with lies and blood. 
A gnawing sorrow aches in your chest at the thought of your former lover, and you can’t help but reach up and rub over that hollow space under your breastbone. Deep down you still love Vash more than anyone else but…you will have no part in his cruelty.
You don’t know when it started, but Vash had changed into a person you no longer recognize. Gone was the kind gunman clad in red with a broken smile, and in his place emerged another person entirely. He was vicious, manipulative, and cruel. Taking lives without regard in order to get what he wanted. Within the span of a few months, Vash had truly transformed into the monster that the people of this planet fear him to be—and that had completely and irrevocably broken your heart.
For months you had feared that Vash would pick up on your trail and track you down in retaliation for your abandoning of his little group. But as the weeks stretched on, the suns rising and falling with each passing day, your nerves settled and you surmised that Vash must have had better things to do rather than chase you down.
‘He must have found someone else to warm his bed by now.’
The intrusive thought clings to your mind incessantly, and you desperately attempt to force it away with a shake of your head. No. You’d left that life behind, you’ve left him behind for a reason . 
Vash would have devoured you—consumed you whole and then spit out your bones if you hadn’t left when you did. The way Vash makes you feel is beyond anything you had ever experienced before. He’s intoxicating, addicting, seductive—a devil that beguiles you with sweet whispers in one ear, while holding the barrel of a gun against the other. 
For a time, you had lost yourself in his coils—exchanging your humanity for a burning desire that had scorched your body and soul. But before the humanoid typhoon could corrupt you completely, you escaped.
And…you ran.
And ran,
And ran.
Until that murderous, crimson eyed shadow that followed each of your footsteps surrendered to the sunshine above, and disappeared amidst the blistering sands of No Man’s Land. You were finally free, and although there is a dark and secret part of you that still longs for Vash, you know that you did the right thing.
Abruptly, a distant rumble captures your ear. Perking up, your gaze is led from the dark shadows in the corner of your cell towards the distant door leading out of the jailhouse’s cell room. Your body stills as the roaring commotion gets louder, your muscles sit taut as you listen and try to decipher the noises coming from beyond the bars.
You hear footsteps, shouts and— gunfire .
Gunfire, then screams.
Adrenaline kicks into high gear and you immediately get up from the stained cot, racing towards the door of your cell. Your cuffed hands grasp the cold bars of your prison as more blood curdling screams fill the air. Was it a robbery? Bandits? Or could it really be?
The monstrous possibility of what awaits just beyond that door sends you into a panic. Panting frantically, you use your entire body weight to rattle the bars in a foolhardy attempt to wiggle the cell door free. But of course, the iron door does not budge.
‘No.’ You ram your shoulder against the door.
Your arm screams out in pain as you use your entire body weight this time.
‘This can’t be happening! It can’t be him!’
“Sheriff!! Sheriff!!” You shout desperately. “Let me out! Let me out!”
The terrible thundering of gunshots and panicked commotion intensifies. Pounding footsteps race down the hallway and shake the floorboards just beyond the prison cell door. You shudder when you hear the terrified screams from the men warbling through the wood and concrete, sharp and horrifying but then—silence.
Oh god. They’re all…
Blood pulses in your ears, making you feel faint as the song of more bullets sings through the air. Even from your iron cage, you can tell the shots are precise—every single one effectively ending the lives of the Sheriff's men one by one. Within mere moments, the once lively jailhouse had become as silent as a graveyard. The only sounds you hear now are a single pair of creaking footsteps and…a song.
“Total slaughter~
Total slaughter
I won’t leave a single man alive…”
Oh god—it is him . 
Releasing the bars of your cell door, you frantically begin to look around the dim lit space. A bucket and the cot are all you have to work with. Shit.
The footsteps come closer.
“...La dee da dee die
La dee da dee dud
An ocean of blood…”
You detect a sound of heavy shuffling just outside and you look on, terrified , as the door leading to the jail’s cells creaks open. You freeze, legs nearly giving out from fear, but…it isn’t Vash.
Instead, into the room crawls a man—a man that you recognize as the Sheriff's deputy. He’s breathing hard, petrified little whimpers escaping his lips with each exhale. 
Trapped as you are you can do nothing but watch, wide eyed and horrified, as the man crawls into the room on all fours. His brown vest, white shirt, and slacks are covered with blood. More of it drips from his disheveled hair, leaving a gruesome trail of dark red as he shakingly makes his way across the floorboards and towards your cell. 
The deputy’s face is pale white and pouring sweat as he looks up at you…except he isn’t looking up at you. It almost looks like he’s looking through you.
“M–m–monster…h–he’s a monster.” The man whimpers, his red teeth chattering like tin cans in the wind. Trembling, the deputy reaches towards your cell door with a bloodied hand and his eyes finally lock with yours.
“H—help me.”
The sight of this man near death immobilizes you with terror, but as the man’s fingers wrap around one of the bars of your cell, the urgency in your gut magnifies, overwhelming the piercing fear inside of you. You have to try and save him. You have to.
Moving quickly, you squat down, reaching for the deputy’s hand, you grasp it tightly with yours.
“Give me the keys. Help me open the door so I can get us out of here.”
But the man doesn’t move. Instead he mutters and weeps, his voice strained and high with each incoherent syllable he babbles.
Frustrated and frantic, you bang your hand against the bars, hoping that the jolt will startle the deputy to his senses. 
“Hey! Are you listening?! Give me the keys or he’s going to—”
A piercing gunshot rings through the air and you leap up with a shout as the air rushes out of the deputy’s lungs. The deputy’s eyes turn dull, and you cry out in horror as his body jerks and then falls still at your feet.
“Let’s begin…
The killing time” 
It takes all the courage you have left to lift your gaze and follow the blood stains left by the deputy. Eventually, your eyes land on a black pair of leather boots. Moving upwards, your sight lingers along the familiar dark blue coat tails—their ripped and tattered ends doused with fresh blood. Your attention moves up that infamous coat and finally lands on the face of the humanoid typhoon himself.
Vash the Stampede.
The outlaw’s crimson eyes stare directly into your own, shackling you in place more effectively than the metal cuffs around your wrists ever could. His eyes are intense as they focus on you, possessive and all consuming. It was only a matter of time before he found you, and you were an idiot to think that you could evade him forever.
As if agreeing with that very thought, a sly grin spreads across Vash’s handsome face. Like a ravenous wildcat who had finally caught his prey, the humanoid typhoon exhales a breath of relief and holsters his gun. 
“There you are.”
Vash approaches your cell and all you can do is silently watch as he bends down and yanks the ring of keys off of the deputy’s belt. Vash is methodical as always. Moving like a serpent in water, he never wastes a single movement. Each and every action of his is calculated and designed to lead him towards his ultimate goal.
And tonight, his goal is you.
Vash never takes his eyes off you as he slips the key into its slot with a poignant click. Then with a flick of his wrist the door unlocks, and Vash swings it wide open.
Your body’s response is immediate. Trembling, you retreat blindingly backwards until your body hits the concrete wall of your cell. Vash tsks, following your movements with inhumanly long strides of his own. It only takes a second for him to catch up with you—his body towering over yours once he closes that distance you were so desperate to create.
You jolt as Vash’s hands reach up and grasp your own, leather clad fingers lacing around your trembling digits as he lifts your cuffed wrists to his face. He leans down, and brushes his lips along the cold flesh of your palm, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. 
“Oh my poor little lovebug.” Vash sensually coos, his deceivingly soft and gentle voice echoing along the iron bars. “What have they done to you?”
Gods, you should be repulsed and terrified, but instead of turning your blood to ice, Vash’s touch causes your entire body to instantly be consumed by a sweet and agonizing flame. The cinders that linger in your heart reignite and burn tenfold at the touch of the man that you love so dearly.
Like a siren, Vash’s hypnotizing whisper lulls away your fear—enchanting you.
“So frightened. You’re shaking like a newborn kitten. Come here, let me hold you.”
As if the choice were yours, Vash pulls your body flush against his. You gasp as the familiar sensation of his strong arms wraps around you and overpowers your resolve. His warm scent, the feeling of his lips as he so tenderly kisses your cheek, the weight of his hands as they glide up and down your back in a soothing motion. All of it brings tears of turmoil to your eyes.
No…this can’t happen again.
“I’m sorry, lovebug. If I had known they would treat you like this I would have come for you sooner.”
Come for you? As in, Vash knew where you’d been this entire time?
Your mind reels at the realization. You had never escaped Vash’s shadow. Instead it had grown so large and widespread that you’d failed to notice it all around you. 
The people who let you on your way and turned a blind eye to your identity, those kind souls who had given you food to eat and a bed to sleep in when you were weary, even the men of this town who had arrested you as an accomplice of the humanoid typhoon. Every single one of them had been an instrument of Vash’s own design.
Vash places a final kiss upon your cheek. Pulling back, he smiles at your dumbfounded expression.
“Let’s get you out of these cuffs.”
Vash lets your hands fall, his fingers flicking through the keyring until he finds the one he is looking for. How Vash knows exactly which key to use, you are not sure, but it’s no surprise when he selects one and slips it into the cuff’s lock. He frees you immediately with a twist of his hand.
The metal cuffs fall to the floor with a resounding thud and your breath leaves you in a hiss as the dry hair hits your raw skin. But before you can soothe your own pain, Vash takes your wrists in his grasp, thumbs gently gliding over the reddened skin as he pulls you closer once more.
Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest when you feel Vash lean in, the heat of his body encompassing as his lips brush against yours.
“Have you learned your lesson? You won’t run away from me again, right lovebug?”
Vash’s sinister words send a shiver down your spine. Goosebumps erupt all across your flesh as the skin on your fingertips tingles. This man has orchestrated every part of your life for the past year without you even knowing about it. What are the limits to his reach? His cruelty? His obsession? How far will he go to claim you as his own?
In your silence Vash releases a heavy sigh, then places a soft kiss on your lips.
“I asked you a question.”
The words catch in your dry and tightening throat. You swallow, lips trembling as you try your best to speak.
“Vash, I—”
Before you can finish, pounding footsteps vibrate through the jailhouse, and it’s not long before four men appear in the doorway with guns drawn and their expressions terrified at the massacre laying at their feet.
The moment the men lay their eyes on Vash, the four of them let out a roar of fury.
“The humanoid typhoon!”
“You bastard!” 
“Kill him!”
But before the men manage to aim their pistols, four gunshots whistle through the air in rapid succession. You didn’t even realize that Vash had unholstered his own gun before the four men dropped lifeless on the floor.
A fresh wave of despair courses through you and your head spins as the humanoid typhoon—the diablo —reholsters his gun and returns his attention to you. His face is calm and unbothered, as if he hadn’t just murdered an entire building full of people.
“Now, where were we?”
Panic stabs through your chest, kick starting your fight or flight. You have to get away, you have to escape him. Being a murderer, an outlaw on the run, isn’t who you are anymore. You’d promised yourself that you would leave that life behind, no matter how much you wanted the man who’d seduced you into that life in the first place.
Clenching your fists to try and subvert your shaking, you start to move your body to the right, readying yourself to pounce around Vash and make a break for the door. But Vash’s scarlet gaze sees through your every move long before you even conceptualize it. He sighs, rolling his eyes before slamming his palm on the concrete by your head, trapping you in his reach.
Your body jolts at the vibrations of the impact. Then Vash leans in, hot breath on your lips as he whispers a dark promise.
“Don’t run, lovebug. I’ll make you regret it.”
No sooner had Vash uttered those foreboding words, more footsteps pound through the halls of the jailhouse. An irritated growl rumbles in Vash’s throat as he unholsters his gun once more and aims it at the door, hissing between his teeth.
Two more men emerge from the doorway and time slows as you watch Vash’s finger glide seamlessly towards the trigger.
Against all reasonable sense, your body moves. Lightening fast, you launch yourself at Vash, grasping his wrist in your hands and pushing his arm upwards with all of your might. Your sudden movement takes the humanoid typhoon off guard, and the two bullets he had intended to place right between the men’s eyes whistle and lodge into the wooden roof above.
Using your body to knock Vash off balance, you bolt for the cell door, leaping over the bodies on the floor as the two men in front of you turn tail and run as fast as their legs can carry them. 
Your lungs burn as you follow them, racing out of the jail as if it were about to be engulfed in a raging inferno. Following closely behind the men in front of you, the three of you eventually manage to scramble out of the jailhouse. The cool night air hits your face and you pause. The street is dark and empty, and the two men who had just run out before you were racing towards the light of the neighboring town. 
You desperately want to follow them, to find sanctuary in the safe bustle of a populated town square. But Vash has his sights set on you, and you know you’ll only serve to put more innocent lives at risk if you look for help now.
The sudden sound of eerie humming echoes through the jailhouse behind you. You turn, body trembling and eyes wide as you search the darkness. Then almost as soon as that strange tune had started, it stops. 
A cold shiver of fear tingles down your spine at the foreboding silence. Then out of the darkness you hear Vash shout menacingly, his voice morphing into an inhuman two-toned scream that you’d never heard before. 
It curdles your blood.
You bolt, stray tears blinding your vision as you scramble like mad down the dirt dusted path in the opposite direction of town. Your breath rushes in and out of you at record speed as you rush towards the abandoned buildings lining the town’s outskirts. If you could just make it there and hide yourself in the shadows of broken and discarded concrete, you might stand a chance. 
But of course, much like a panicked animal with no sense of direction, your path twists and turns as you mindlessly try to find a good place to hide—only to wind up trapping yourself in a dead end. An empty alleyway illuminated solely by moonlight.
“No, no, no!”
You prepare to turn on your heel to retrace your steps but the moment you spin to face the other direction, your body becomes paralyzed with shock. Vash is standing right behind you . Somehow he had silently kept up with you, hounding your steps like a hungry dog from the depths of hell.
Vash smiles.
“Found you.” 
The unearthly flash of his red eyes shines in the darkness before a rush of wind gusts through the night. It’s then that you notice a single distorted, black feathered wing adorning Vash’s back. It stretches magnificently in the moonlight and you notice a gleaming, razor sharp talon adorning the juncture at the top of those cascading feathers. Your jaw drops. You had never seen Vash with wings before.
Vash takes a single step forward and stops when he sees you tremble. He watches you closely, both of you bodies still. And in that quiet moment, your soul is drawn into those deep crimson pools.
Mayfly…mayfly… lovebug …
Inexplicably, the tension eases from your body, limbs becoming still as if every part of you were surrendering to its fate. A devilishly handsome grin spreads across Vash’s lips as he watches your defiant spark finally simmer into nothing but harmless embers.
“Awww, trapped yourself again, little lovebug?” Vash chuckles darkly, his tone mocking. “Poor, sweet thing. You always seem to wind up in a cage.”
Your jaw clenches. How could Vash say that, when he was the one who drove you here in the first place? When he is the very cage itself?
“Y–you murdered those innocent people.”
Vash exhales a dramatic sigh, rolling his eyes as the large black feathers on his wing bristle with irritation.
“Innocent? I’d hardly call them that.” The typhoon's playful expression falls and then darkens, and his voice shifts into a tone of dead seriousness.  
“They laid their hands on you.”
Before you can even blink, Vash is before you—a great shadow that looms and blocks out all light except that of the eerie glow of his gaze. Vash’s hands wrap around your wrists, squeezing the raw skin and making you gasp with pain. 
“They shackled you and locked you up in that cold, dark place. They hurt you, lovebug.”
Your molars sink into the inside of your cheek as you try to combat your cowardice with pain. You glare at the man before you, and spit out your next words like venom.
“Only because you had orchestrated it. You’re the mastermind here, not them.”
The sinister grin that pulls at the corner’s of Vash’s mouth confirms everything you had suspected. He truly is…a monster.
With a swift movement, Vash yanks on your wrists and jerks your body closer to his. You gasp, straining against him in vain. The heat that radiates off of Vash’s body slams into your skin as his single black wing swoops down to envelop you further. He’s warm—so warm—an ambrosia unlike any other.
“Clever girl.” Vash whispers before planting a chaste little kiss on the tip of your nose.
You shudder.
“Are—are you going to hurt me?”
Your question isn’t meant to elicit any sympathy, but Vash’s red eyes soften once he hears them and his grip around your wrists loosen. As if apologizing with his hands, Vash’s fingers circle and soothe your abused flesh.
“Oh lovebug, never. I absolutely adore you. I’d never let any harm come to you.” 
Vash brings your wrists to his lips, pressing hot kisses against your cold skin. The flames in your belly coil, reigniting as they are fueled by the rhythm of your heart. Vash is weaving his spell again, coaxing you back into that syrupy sweet web of deceit and rapture. 
And…you’re falling for it. Falling for him all over again.
“But,” Vash murmurs. His hot tongue slipping out of his mouth to swipe along your bruised skin. 
“You should be punished for trying to run from me.”
Air gusts out of your lungs as Vash pushes your body backwards. He manhandles you with ease before pinning your form against the frigid wall behind you. The claw at the juncture of where his wing bends pierces into the concrete with a terrible scraping sound and pins your wrists to the wall above your head, rendering you completely helpless.
Then, Vash’s nimble fingers undo the button of your slacks.
Jaw dropping, you cry out with rage, cursing Vash and kicking your feet against his legs as you try to fight back. But it’s as if you are battling against a tornado. Nothing you do phases him, and in one single, practiced movement, Vash rids you of your pants, leaving you in nothing but your shirt and underwear.
“Vash!” You screech, nailing him with another swift kick to the shin. “How could y–”
Words are stolen from your lips and your body completely freezes when you suddenly feel the glide of cold metal between your legs. You look down, and your heart nearly stops when you realize Vash has placed the barrel of his gun flush against your panty covered pussy.
The sound of Vash’s dark laughter turns your blood to ice. He leans forwards and presses his burning lips against the corner of your mouth.
“Ever played Russian roulette?” He whispers.
Eyes wide with panic, you turn your head to look at Vash—silently pleading for him to reconsider, to show you mercy and let you go. But Vash’s expression is calm and resolute.
“How about I make you a deal.” He muses. You watch, tense and breathless, as Vash’s thumb caresses the hammer of his .45 long colt. 
“If you can come before I get to the last bullet in the cylinder, we’ll consider your punishment served, alright?”
No. No, no, no, no.
“Vash, please—”
Brushing aside your protest, Vash presses the gun harder against your cunt, grinding the top of the cold barrel between your folds. You gasp sharply, arching against the icy friction as Vash pushes the gun further between your clenched thighs.
The rear sight bumps against your clit and you whimper as a rush of heat gushes between your legs. Vash grins at your reaction, thrusting the gun harder against your tender flesh. 
“That’s it, lovebug” Vash coos. “Feels so good doesn’t it?”
The hammer of the gun clicks, and you have to stifle a pathetic squeal before it can escape. Vash’s smile widens, eyes alight with excitement—then he pulls the trigger.
Your body sags.
“One.” Vash purrs.
You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing yourself to focus singularly on your goal. You have to come before Vash gets to that last bullet. You have to.
Hot puffs of air leave you open mouth in desperate whines as you start to piston your hips against the barrel of Vash’s gun, rubbing your swelling clit and folds against the harsh metal at his command.
A pleased hum rumbles in Vash’s chest as the obsidian feathers above you shudder with delight.
“Yes,” Vash breathes, leaning down to sample your flesh. His sharp canines tease along the column of your throat, and the feeling of his hot breath fanning across your skin makes you shiver and mewl. Your pussy twitches, nipples hardening as you start to melt in his hands.
“Good girl.”
The cylinder of the gun turns and you groan, grinding your pussy harder along that metal length. All logical thought disappears as the intoxicating pleasure of Vash’s game overpowers your mind. Like a worm on a hook, Vash has you in his grasp—he always has.
Another click of the trigger, another blank.
Vash’s mouth latches onto your throat now, his tongue and teeth caressing and nipping your skin as his free hand rises up to grope your neglected breast, pinching and teasing at your puckered nipple with greedy fingers.
Lewd moans fall from your lips as jolts of pleasure ricochet through your body. A desperate plea of Vash’s name fills the air as you slick drips from your fluttering cunt, lubing up the gun between your folds.
“Mmmm,” Vash moans, pink tongue languidly licking at his bottom lip. His eyes are glued to the spectacle before him. 
“That’s it, rub that pussy, baby. You’re so fucking sexy.”
Vash’s gun clicks once more. Thankfully, it’s another blank.
Only three more changes remain, and one of them is deadly. Knowing this, your movements become more desperate, grinding yourself against Vash’s gun with fervor as sweat begins to pour down your brow and back. Your body trembles, and you try not to think about how you must look, humping Vash’s gun like a bitch in heat.
Oh god.  
You’re scared but you’re positively throbbing for Vash’s touch. You haven’t been touched once since you’d escaped his clutches, and despite everything that has happened and the new life you had chosen, you are still so foolishly in love with him.
The people of this land may have been the ones you have chosen to side with, but Vash is the only one in your dreams. Vash is the only one who can make you feel like this. He haunts you and corrupts you. Fucks you and devours you.
Vash is the diablo you just can’t shake.
Releasing your throat with a hungry growl, Vash’s mouth travels up to passionately kiss your lips. You moan wantonly, accepting his tongue with unrestrained lust as you attempt to arch your body closer to his. Vash’s tongue swirls in tandem with yours, groaning into your mouth as he readies another shot. You whimper against him, fingernails digging into his feathers.
“Four.” Vash pants, his tongue plunging into your mouth once more, matching in time with the thrusts of his gun. Paradoxically fucking you brutally and sweetly at the same time.
Vash angles his gun upwards, teasing the metal shaft against your entrance. And gods, you know you should be terrified—fighting him tooth and nail for not only your dignity but your life. But as the now warmed and lubed metal of his gun plays with your entrance, all you can do is arch and moan like a whore.
An alluringly dark chuckle rings in your ears as Vash’s grip on your breast tightens. You gasp as he pinches your nipple and rolls it harshly between his fingers.
“Wishing it was my cock, lovebug?”
You shake your head back and forth, and Vash’s grin widens.
“Don’t lie, of course you are. You’ve always been such a dirty little slut for me.”
Vash pinches your nipple harder—a punishment for your little lie—and you cry out as the cylinder makes another round. This time, Vash doesn’t wait, he immediately pulls the trigger, eliciting a yelp of fear from the depths of your lungs. 
Sure enough, it’s another blank.
“Five.” Vash chuckles. He releases your breast, and you watch as his hand travels down to the front of his pants, palming the thick hot bulge that sits just underneath his coat.
“Oh, one more baby. You’ve been sooo lucky so far. Think you’re gonna cum before this gun blows your pussy sky high?” 
Your words tangle in your throat, so you elect to nod rapidly instead. Your teeth sink into your lip as you furiously rub your cunt along the length of the gun, purposefully catching your clit on the metal grooves at the base with each thrust.
Fuck. Fuuuuck.
Almost there. Almost there!
The cylinder turns one final time as Vash’s finger glides sensually along the trigger. He kisses you again, his tongue diving deep into your mouth, drinking in everything you have to give him. Vash swallows your scream, and then pulls the trigger.
Both your hips and the gun still, and Vash laughs gleefully at your confused and near delirious expression. He grins like a cat who had just eaten the canary, and then presses a tender little kiss to your lips.
Vash pulls the gun out from between your legs, the barrel glistening in the moonlight with your slick as he brings it up to your line of sight.
“Hmm, soaked it right through your panties didn’t you? What a little slut.”
Vash's long pink tongue snakes out from between his lips, and you watch—mesmerized and aroused to high heaven— as he licks the barrel of the gun clean. Vash’s eyes never leave you once as he purrs with satisfaction at your taste. 
When he’s finished, Vash holsters his gun then wraps that now free hand around your throat while the other lands heavily on your hip.
Your breath stalls as the fingers on your hip snake around and down into the waistband of your flimsy cotton underwear, body jolting as they slip inside and reach all the way down to your messy pussy. 
“Vash,” You whimper as his leather clad fingers toy with your swollen clit. 
The wing that holds your hands captive disappears, and you sigh with relief as your arms fall and land on top Vash’s shoulders.
“Hold onto me little lovebug,” Vash coos, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your forehead.
“Fuck, you are so cute.”
Without reserve, Vash plunges two of his fingers into your sex. Your back arches, and you moan loudly as you wiggle your hips in an attempt to take his thick fingers deeper. You need him. You need him so desperately you feel like you’re gonna break.
Saccharine praise falls in hushed whispers from Vash’s lips as he curls his fingers inside you, hitting your g-spot as he thrusts into your sloppy pussy ruthlessly. The wet squelch of your flesh lovingly sucking his fingers echoes across the empty hallway—indisputable proof oh just how much you want him.
“So wet. Gonna come on my fingers, lovebug? Think I should let you?”
You nod your head frantically, legs straining as you stand on the tips of your toes, thrusting against his hand with a wild cry—your cunt pulses and then practically weeps into his palm.
“YES! YES! Vash—please, please, let me come. Pleeease. ”
Oh, fuuuck. You’re so close. You’re gonna cum, just a little more. 
Vash smiles that dazzling handsome smile of his as his fingers tighten around your throat, cutting off most of your air and making your head spin. Your cunt squeezes around Vash’s fingers as he thrusts them inside, only for him to bully your g-spot until you cry.
“So pretty when you beg, baby.” Vash coos, licking a fallen tear from your cheek. 
His fingers slip out of your puffy walls, and you cry out with frustration, fists banging against his shoulders like you’re a toddler throwing a tantrum.
But Vash just laughs at you, and before you can give him a piece of your mind, he slides off your ruined panties and hoists you up into the air. Your back presses against the crumbling wall as your thighs come to rest on Vash’s shoulders.
He’s so strong.
Without delay, Vash’s mouth dives between the twitching folds of your sex, and you scream up into the starless sky.
God, Vash always knows just how to pull you apart. He always manages to find that frayed and loose thread of your willpower, wrap it around his lithe fingers, and then pull it oh-so-gently. The reward of watching you as you unravel before him must have been the sweetest euphoria, because he kept doing it. Again and again.
“You taste so good.” Vash growls hotly against your sex. 
“Admit it, no one can treat you as good as I do.”
Vash’s tongue flattens along your pussy, red eyes making contact with yours and holding you there as he slowly and sensually circles his tongue around your clit.
“They don’t know how to worship this pussy properly.”
“Vash,” You beg, throat tightening as you choke on your tears. “Please, let me come. I’m aching.”
Wordlessly, Vash laps your clit into his mouth, giving it one harsh suck before snagging it between his teeth. You cry out, fingers burning into his white locks as he releases you.
“There, there lovebug. Spread your legs wider. You can take my tongue for just a little bit longer, right?”
Begrudgingly, you do as he says, and Vash groans as you spread yourself open just for him. The humanoid typhoon dives in again, lapping hungry stripes along your cunt—spitting on your little hole and then collecting every drop of his saliva and your slick that he can gather before readily swallowing every drop.
“I haven’t tasted you for a whole year.” Vash growls against your folds, the tip of his nose rubbing forcefully against your clit and making you see stars.
“It was torture being without you.”
Vash begins to thrust his tongue into your sex, sloppily eating then sucking your throbbing flesh into his mouth. With his body, Vash passionately coaxes out every hidden little secret you’d buried deep. You scream with rapture in his hands, more tears falling freely down your face as you rapidly unravel in Vash’s hands.
“Vash, don’t stop! Please, please, I’ll do anything! Anything you ask! Please!”
But just as you’re about to reach your climax, your pussy clenching sweetly around Vash’s talented tongue, the heat of Vash’s mouth slips away.
The wail of despair that is ripped from your throat echoes pathetically into the desert air.
Vash chuckles at your anguish, giving your pussy one last cheeky lick before lowering you back to the ground. 
The moment your feet touch the floor, your body sways, unsteady and dizzy from the unfulfilled pleasure that Vash had ransacked through your body.
But Vash holds you steady as he pushes his coat to the side and unbuckles himself. Your half hooded eyes fall to the place where he’s touching but before you can catch a glimpse, Vash positions you facing the wall, ass out and hands up—bracing yourself. 
You shiver at the loss of Vash’s warmth. Your trembling doesn’t escape Vash’s notice, but before he decides to comfort you, Vash gives your cunt a healthy slap.
You shriek, tossing a fiery glare at him over your shoulder. Infuriatingly, Vash gives you a flirtatious wink before pressing his body flush to yours and draping himself over you. His black wing and blue coat envelop you and shield you from the moonlight above.
“Cold?” Vash’s hands wrap around your waist. “You’re trembling.”
You don’t respond, your lips pressing together into a thin line as you push your body backwards, rubbing your pussy against his bulge with a wordless demand. You want Vash’s cock. You want him to soothe your ache, to fill you up and make you forget your own name. 
Vash exhales a pleasured sigh as you rub yourself against him, his hands moving from your waist to circle around your back. He traces your spine with the care a sculptor shows his masterpiece. Vash’s scarlet gaze drinks you in with awe as you arch needily under the pressure of his fingers.
“Don’t worry, lovebug. I’ll keep you warm from now on.”
The sounds of rustling fabric and the satisfying pull of a zipper elicit a flicker of heat in your core. You look back, a moan falling from your lips as you catch a glimpse of Vash’s perfect cock. He’s achingly hard, his beautiful pink head leaking a gorgeous, glistening trail of precum down onto the globe of your ass.
Licking your lips, your gaze captures his. Even in the dim light, you can see that Vash’s cheeks are flushed as he breathes heavily.
Then, without so much as a word, Vash leans back and shoves every single inch of his throbbing cock inside of you with a single thrust.
Your head flies back as you scream his name in ecstasy. Without missing a beat, Vash reaches forward to grab a fistful of your hair, and the two of you moan in unison as Vash begins to rut feverishly into your sex.
“V-Vash! Vash! Vash!”
Your bodies straining and hips trembling, Vash bears down on you like a storm, claiming every inch of your soft flesh with indiscriminate and unrelenting hunger. The slap of his hips forces your body forward, and you brace yourself against the crumbling wall with all your might as the typhoon ravishes you from the inside out.  
It’s not long before your orgasm builds up again. Fuck, you’re so close—twitching and milking Vash with each brutal thrust inside your walls. And Vash knows how turned on you are . He can feel how your slick insides squeeze and massage his cock desperately, the pounding of your heart under his fingertips, the delicious gasps of pleasure he pulls from the depths of your depravity.
And with one more savage thrust you finally come, screaming and quivering as your body succumbs to wave after wave of unimaginable, white hot pleasure.
But Vash doesn’t stop. He fucks you through your orgasm, holding your hips steady as he keeps pounding into you from behind, using you like a fleshlight for his pleasure.
“More.” Vash growls, fangs nipping sharply against the skin on your back. 
“Give me more!”
You gasp for breath, fingernails scratching against the deteriorating concrete as your pussy squeezes down on him, helplessly barreling your entire body into another orgasm even as you finish the last. The cry of pleasure you release is guttural, primal and sinful as your cunt pulses around Vash's cock once more—desperately sucking, wanting to milk him for all he’s worth.
Vash stills for a moment, moaning openly as he savors the sensation and sight of your helpless body at his mercy. Vash’s chest burns with satisfaction as he feels the pleasure rolling off your skin. Pleasure that only he can give you. 
With a jerk of his body, Vash pulls his cock out of you. Then in a swift series of movements he pulls you upright and turns you around to face him. Your legs are practically jelly and utterly pliant to his whims as he hooks his arms under them and hauls you up in his arms. In response, you wrap your arms around Vash's neck and bury your face against his chest.
Vash buries his cock inside you to the hilt again, and your toes curl as you wail from the overstimulation. Surprisingly, Vash’s thrusts start slow, grinding into you languidly as you whine. The humanoid typhoon hushes your mewling sobs while he fucks you, pampering every part of you he can reach with his tender kisses—like the calm before the storm. It’s not long before Vash grows impatient however, and his pace rapidly quickens as he gives in to the raging lust inside him.
His obsession.
His lovebug.
He’ll never let you go again.
“So good f’me.” Vash moans, fingers digging into your ass as he bounces your harder and faster on his cock. The lewd squelches and ring of cream that forms at his base the evidence of your sinful yearning.
“Gonna make you scream and squirt all over my cock, how does that sound?”
Vash’s unrelenting pace doesn’t falter as he chases your shared highs. You are powerless as you’re pulled into the undercurrent of his desire. Vash slams his dick inside you and his thick and demanding cockhead collides with your cervix. 
A surge of both pain and pleasure knocks the air out of your lungs as you’re sent tumbling into yet another powerful orgasm. Vash grins, utterly pleased with himself as he watches you cry and sing your anguished pleasure in his arms. Then, as if all this weren’t enough, a single large black feather slips between the two of your bodies like a snake, and begins to toy with your clit.
You scream.
“Come again.” Vash commands.
“Vash! S-stop!” You cry out, fat tears filling your eyes as drool falls from your lips from the overstimulation. God, he’s ruining you.
“I–I can’t come anymore! I can’t!”
Vash slams you against the wall, stabilizing you against it before one hand reaches down to pinch your clit, while his other hand wraps around your throat and squeezes.
“I’m not asking you. Come on my cock, now .”
Vash thrusts his shaft pitilessly inside you, the head of him ramming fiercely against your g-spot again before plunging all the way inside you. Your body can’t take it, the pressure between your hips releases, and you howl like an animal as your pussy pulses and gushes, squirting all over Vash’s cock as you come. 
An unabashed, obscene moan falls from Vash’s lips when he feels the rush of your pleasure in liquid form.
“That’s it, my perfect little slut. Sooo perfect. Look down and watch your pussy make a creamy little mess for me.”
And Vash still doesn’t stop. He continues to pound into you, fucking your through your orgasm yet again. He’s determined to thoroughly and irrevocably break you. And as you cling to him for dear life, the words that Vash had spoken earlier that night ring loud and clear in your mind.
“Don’t run, lovebug. I’ll make you regret it.”
You should have listened, but it was too late now.
Near delirious and exhausted, you practically fall limp in Vash’s arms, but Vash doesn’t let you tap out. Not yet. He pulls your head back, forcing you to look him straight in the eye, then he whispers,
“You are mine, do you understand? Your thoughts are mine. Your body is mine. Your pussy is mine…”
Vash slams back inside you with a force that nearly has you passing out. Then, he seals his lips with yours, tongue swirling and consuming everything he can reach.
When Vash releases you, you gasp for breath as his pace resumes.
“Your heart is mine.”
You swallow, your mind nothing but pleasured static and love drunk fog as you stare at him. That devilish smile returns to Vash’s face. He truly is incomplete without it.
“Admit it, lovebug.”
Your body trembles and in a desperate attempt to relieve yourself of this torture, the words escape you in a rush.
“Yes. I love you, Vash.”
Vash’s entire body shudders as he purrs at your confession. His dark wing drapes over the both of you as he claims your lips with yet another passionate kiss.
“Atta' girl.”
Surprisingly, Vash’s pace slows to a gentle grind. Slowly and languidly he rubs himself inside of you, as if he’s savouring you like a worshipper at a temple. The final orgasm that you share isn’t explosive like the ones you’ve had before.
It’s tender and sweet, washing over the both of you in gentle waves. Vash releases the softest and most beautiful moan as he comes, kissing you breathless as he fills you up with wave after wave of his hot cum.
For a brief moment, you wonder if this is the first time Vash had found release after you left. Had you been the only one to…
As your climaxes subside, harsh pants fill the air. Both you and Vash melt into each other’s arms, utterly destroyed and exhausted. Your sex throbs with a terrible ache, and to help relieve some of your tension you wiggle your hips, sliding Vash’s cock out half way in an attempt to get a breather.
But Vash growls, and shoves his cock all the way back inside you, grinding up against your cervix and making you whimper.
“Keep it all inside you, lovebug.” Vash murmurs softly. 
The humanoid typhoon claims your mouth with one more toe-curling kiss, and the two of you moan, slowly indulging in one another’s taste. Sucking and licking, until finally you have to pull away for air.
Vash pouts, but then he pulls back, electing to admire your love drunk expression instead.
“Didn’t you know?” Vash whispers, leaning back in to rub the tip of his nose against yours. 
“Lovebugs stay connected to their mates for life.”
You pause and digest those words. While they may seem romantic on the surface, deep down you see the foreboding promise they hold. Pulling away from Vash’s pampering, you respond.
“Lovebugs don’t live long. They die right after they mate.”
It’s Vash’s turn to pause, his expression quizzical as he looks into your eyes. But after a few beats, a sickeningly sweet smile spreads across his lips. It’s the kind of smile only a god of death could have.
“You’ll be the exception.”
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dividers by @/saradika
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starsainzjr · 3 months
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Southeast Asian!reader Faceclaim: Kelly Marie Tran Requested: Yes No
yourusername Colorado
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Liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, carmenmundt and 40,862 others
yourusername Unbelievable time in Colorado with the love of my life. Oh, and Lewis was there too
View all 10,972 comments
roscoelovescoco Yous the loves of my lifes toos!
lewishamilton I see how it is, you're just here for the Roscoe access
georgerussell63 I mean, can you really blame her? yourusername You're the real love of my life, Lew. Just don't tell Roscoe lewishamilton We can bribe him with treats
carmenmundt That looks like it was the best camping trip ever
yourusername Can confirm
lewismylove Wake up babes, Lewis and Roscoe content just dropped
l.h.eight Dude what the hell I just woke up. Let a girl be conscious before you attack her with Lewis and Roscoe content
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Liked by yourusername, carmenmundt, georgerussell63 and 704,936 others
lewishamilton Favorite place with my favorite girl. We'll be back and ready to race next weekend
View all 30,984 comments
yourusername Favorite place with my favorite boy 🥰
lewishamilton Best way to spend the last few weeks of peace
georgerussell63 @/yourusername Where did you find the horse????
yourusername I'll never reveal my tricks georgerussell63 Alright then keep your secrets yourusername 🧙🏻‍♂️
l.h.eight Seriously the most perfect couple on the grid
lewismylove I love it when he goes full fanboy with her
hamil10 He really is her biggest fan and it's absolutely adorable
yourusername Brackley, England
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Liked by lewishamilton, carmenmundt, mercedesamgf1 and 40,822 others
yourusername Team dinner!
View all 10,525 comments
lewishamilton Had a perfect date for a perfect evening
yourusername Three years in and you still manage to make me blush lewishamilton That's the goal, love yourusername ☺️
carmenmundt Such a memorable night! We'll miss you both next year!
yourusername Love you to bits Carmen!
l.h.eight I cannot believe this is the last time we'll get team dinner content from YN 😭
hamil10 I KNOW it really is the end times
lewismylove They are literally my comfort couple. The middle picture? They're so damn cute
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yourusername Bahrain
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Liked by lewishamilton, carmenmundt, mercedesamgf1 and 41,039 others
yourusername Almost time for lights out! Let's go @/lewishamilton!
View all 11,600 comments
lewishamilton My biggest cheerleader. I love you my darling
yourusername I love you too, handsome. Go knock 'em dead
roscoelovescoco Mys pawrents ares the bests
yourusername Love you too, Roscoe
mercedesamgf1 Lucky charm is here! Let's get it done this weekend!
lewismylove Stop he is actually so adorable. Like are you kidding? If that's what I saw picking me up from the airport I would never ask for anything again
hamil10 Real. So so real bestie
l.h.eight I'm sobbing I love them so much
lewismylove Seeing them in red next year is going to be so weird
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Liked by yourusername, roscoelovescoco, carmenmundt and 399,171 others
lewishamilton Amazing past few days with my two favorite people on the planet. Nice to rest, but it's back to work this week
View all 40,014 comments
yourusername I'm so honored to be listed with Roscoe
lewishamilton You have top spot, don't tell him I said that
yourusername 🤐
All photos from Pinterest, Instagram, or Google Images
212 notes · View notes
fluffyfantasticducky · 2 months
Mistakes and regrets
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is a prisoner that sees his way out through pretending to date you, but when he finds true love he doesn't know how to deal with the guilt of making a very similar damage to the one that had been done to him when he was used for what originally were selfish reasons.
☆ Word Count: 10.5k, I think that's my longest fic yet, and written in the shortest time lapse, not sure what that says about my mental stability rn.
☆ Notes: As I proofread I noticed this could be interpreted as generational trauma, sort of... given I made Loki sort of mirror what Odin did to him. But I wasn't trying to be deep, I just felt like shit during the week and used this to cope. The fic might be cringy as a result, I am honestly not sure.
☆ Warnings: Depression and guilt are the focus points of this storyline. Loki starts is kinda toxic his behavior here isn't meant to be romanticized or intended to be extrapolated to real life, I just wanted to explore a narrative surrounding poor decisions and the dealing of its consequences. The reader is kinda a Mary Sue of sweetness but I just wanted to hammer in Loki feeling bad and guilty. I don't know if this is a trigger but I touch the vault scene of Loki and Odin and Odin being forgiven is also handled, Idk if that's trigger warning worthy but I know most of the fandom hates him.
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“You’re not making it any for me brother.” Thor spoke through the glass.
“I want my freedom, brother.” Loki sighed, sitting down on the uncomfortable bench. “Don’t think of me as ungrateful, but as much as I appreciate not being executed, I can’t exactly call this a life.”
“Director Fury insisted, I’ve tried explaining to him that New York was a complicated situation. But he wants to be sure you are not a threat to Earth– uh, Midgard.”
“You've surely adapted well to living here” Loki rolled his eyes. “Pathetic.”
“Cooperate with me, I brother” Thor begged. “I want to help you, but I need you to help me first.”
“I’m not sure what I am expected to do from here” Loki huffed annoyed.
Thor sighed and gave his little brother a sympathetic look. Loki was frustrated, and he couldn’t blame him. He would be too if he got brainwashed, had all his anger, sense of betrayal and resentment exploited to torture an innocent planet, and still be the one to pay for said crimes… Sure he wouldn’t be all jokes and laughs.
“I’ve been negotiating a way to test your stability and get your freedom” Thor smiled hoping to cheer up his brother. And he made Loki look up. “It’d be a bit uncomfortable at first. But I know you can prove yourself. You’d have to wear cuffs or a while, but you’d be free to walk around with me and the others on trips to the city.”
“Hooray…” Loki rolled his eyes.
“Please brother, I’m trying, I just need you to be patient.” Thor spoke sadly as he made his way out. “I hate this as much as you do.”
“Do you?” Loki said. “As far as I know, you’re not the one in a crystal cell.”
“Alright, almost as much as you do.” Thor joked softly and Loki did chuckle weakly.
He agreed that Thor had been furious. But it all happened so fast.
Thor had managed to land a fatal blow on Thanos’ chest and soon Steve, Natasha, and Bruce had arrived to back him up and retrieve the Infinity gauntlet. They opened a portal to bring back Tony, Doctor Strange, and the Spider Ling… And surprisingly a weird group of space travelers.
When Thor realized they could travel to anywhere in the universe they opened a portal to rescue the Asgardian ship. There were a lot of severe wounds but surprisingly Thanos had failed, he underestimated the strength of Asgard, and most people could be saved.
“Thor!” Valkyrie screamed and rushed to hug the king.
“Valkyrie! You are alright! Thank goodness!” Thor smiled in relief and hugged his friend.
“Thor you have to come quick!” Valkyrie urged him. “It’s Loki!”
Thor’s heart sank, his heart couldn’t stand burying the only family member he had left. Thor had lost his parents… he had seen his whole planet die. But not his baby brother. Not Loki. Not again.
“Please… not now… Let’s treat the wounded ones first…” Thor spoke with a knot on his throat. “I want to focus on saving lives first.”
“Thor, you don’t get it! He’s alive!” Valkyrie scolded him. “But he’s in a critical state! We need to take him to a safe place to treat him.”
A tear streamed down the new king’s face, and he felt as if he had finally put down a enormous boulder he had been holding onto. He didn’t lose Loki.
“Take me to him!” Thor urged them.
Valkyrie took Thor to a damaged room in the ship that had been used as an improvised infirmary. In the corner laid a figure Thor knew too well being treated by healers.
“Brother!” Thor said. “Oh Gods… You’re alive…”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily thunder brain… ugh…!” Loki joked weakly as he groaned in pain. The healers begged him not to move as they tried stabilizing his condition. His neck had been nearly obliterated.
It was a miracle Loki hadn’t died and that the healers had managed to find him on time.
“We couldn’t abandon him” one of the healers spoke politely to her king. “After all, it was because of you and prince Loki that Lady Valkyrie managed to evacuate the survivors. We apologize for not finding you, my king.”
“It’s no problem at all” Thor laughed in an uncharacteristically quiet manner. He was breathless. “Thank you for saving my brother’s life.”
The lady healer let out a sheepish giggle and bowed. Loki rolled his eyes, earning a lecture from the healers that were still treating him. King or not, Thor still had that charm that seemed to make most people swoon.
The reunion was interrupted by a group of soldiers that broke in with a logo on their uniforms that made Thor’s blood boil when they pointed their weapons at Loki. SHEILD.
They picked up the stretcher where Loki was laying in and took him away to lock him up.
Apparently, the news travel fast, but SHIELD travels faster, and hearing Loki was alive was enough to mobilize and capture the injured God and lock him in a crystal prison cell in a SHIELD base. If Loki had a coin for every time that happened… he’d have two.
He couldn’t say Thor didn’t do anything about it. He could hear the thunders and enraged screams from his brother, demanding for an explanation and Loki’s immediate liberation.
“I demand my brother is released immediately!” Thor yelled.
“You should consider yourself grateful we’re allowing your witches to go and heal that world-level threat! He would be better off dead!”
“Don’t you dare speak of my brother like that! Me and all of my people would’ve died if it wasn’t for him!”
Loki wasn’t sure if he was amused or if he felt bad.
It did stroke his ego being called “Asgard’s hero” in the middle of the yelling. It shouldn’t have surprised him that Nick Fury was just as loud as Thor when angry. He couldn’t complain much. It made it much easier to hear what was going on, which was good, he was too weakened to use his magic to spy on them.
The healers tending to his neck sure seemed awkward overhearing the fight. It must have been uncomfortable to be doing your job in a high security cell. So, he tried entertaining the healers as he could. Although all he got was a lecture when his magic drained his energy, and they needed him awake to monitor him.
Soon he got better, he but wasn’t allowed to be out of his cell. It was a bit nostalgic, in some dark and twisted way. It even made him want to fix his old horned helmet, even if Thor would call him a cow for wearing it.
And when things couldn’t get worse… he met you.
“It’s lunch time” a voice said in a weirdly friendly tone before you head popped by the entrance as you balanced a tray of food on your head in an attempt to amuse Loki. He wondered if there were buffoons in Midgard, but you always tried to draw a laugh from him… Tried.
“Tough crowd, eh?”
Loki couldn’t not be baffled by the way you talked to him. Although he couldn’t decide if that was because you surely knew his reputation as Midgard’s terrorist or because you always talked in a friendly and goofy tone in a maximum-security prison in a super-secret spy agency. You also seemed to be awfully young to be here, but you couldn’t be much older than the girl Barton took as his protégée.
“What’s on the menu today?” Loki asked in a more formal tone.
“Why the hurry?” you asked, “don’t tell me you got somewhere else to be.”
“You think you are a lot funnier than you really are” Loki rolled his eyes. “And it’s not very nice to make fun of someone’s disgrace.”
“I hear you think I’m at least a little bit funny” you smiled as you kept balancing the tray of food on your head.
“Please don’t drop my food, I’d like to have at least something to eat” he rolled his eyes.
You tripped on your feet, and he saw the tray falling down, you caught it last second with your shins, and gave him a little sheepish grin.
“Alright, alright, I’m impressed” Loki groaned. “Can I eat now please? Or is having you torment me part of some attempt to break me?”
“Why are you so moody?” you asked. “More than usual, I mean.”
“I’m starving, and you humans eat way too little” Loki finally admitted. “But that is still better than nothing… Please.”
You stopped playing around and you looked at him as you got the tray into his cell.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were eating so little.” You admitted.
“I barely have energy to cast small illusions, which would serve to entertain myself.” Loki complained as he sat to eat and you sat by the table and looked at him, you didn’t seem afraid, curious at most. You watched him eat and took his dirty plates by the end.
You weirded him out.
You always did something along the same lines; you came to bring him food, teased him a little and then left when you were gone. Although this time you had asked more questions about him. And you seemed more pensive while he ate.
And later that day he got a surprise. Usually, he just saw you to deal with you while he ate. But today you returned with a brown paper bag on your hands and a backpack, you never carried personal objects with you.
“What now?” he groaned.
You said nothing but opened the door to pass him food and slid the bag inside. Loki opened his end and grabbed the bag, it was warm, and it had a strong smell inside, he reached and pulled out a weird soft cushion with a white cover.
“Bur…ger? What this?” he asked as he read the yellow letters.
“It’s food” you smiled. “Cafeteria is closed until dinner, so I thought bringing you something else might boost your mood.”
“This looks like junk” he snarled, making you laugh.
“It’s something like that.”
Loki looked inside the bag and looked at you.
“There’s no fork.”
“You eat it with your hands” you smiled and pretended to grab a burger and bite it. “Like a sandwich.”
“What’s a sandwich?” Loki asked, making you laugh again.
Loki tried to take a bit, imitating your gesture, but you stopped with a squeaky laugh.
“Unwrap it first!” you laughed. “The white thing paper is not edible.”
Usually Loki would’ve argued more. But he had been really hungry, so he agreed.
“The taste is agreeable enough.”
“Try the fries!” you said eagerly.
“These yellow sticks?” he asked pulling out one fry from the bag, and you giggle once again, he was learning you were quite easy to amuse.
“Yes, the yellow sticks, they’re potatoes with salt and soaked in hot oil to cook them” you smiled.
“That sounds unhealthy” he said, but he surely didn’t pass up the extra meal, and while he’d never admit it, but it was tasty.
“It is on the long run” you agreed. “But you don’t eat these every day. It’s more like… something you eat when you particularly crave it. Like a treat.”
“What’s on your bag?” Loki asked, a lot more agreeable now with a full stomach.
“Ah, you said you didn’t have much to do” you said and passed him bag. “It’s a portable DVD player and old movies.”
“I understood the word portable from that whole sentence” Loki said in an obvious tone.
He wasn’t new to technology, but unlike Earth, Asgard only used technology for practical purposes like travel and fighting. Never for entertainment.
“You can watch recorded over produced plays on the screen” you said adapting to what Loki might be familiar with. “Fury said you can’t have access to internet, so I thought since I don’t use this anymore it’d keep you entertained while Thor negotiates your freedom. And if you need something else, I could surely get it for you.”
Loki was trying to process it all while he followed your instructions to set up the devices you brought him. Now he’d finally give some use to the electricity plugins on his cell.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Loki asked.
“I don’t know” you shrugged. “You seem like you could use some kindness.”
“I’m a charity case?” Loki asked, not sure if he was thankful or offended.
“You wish. If I was charitable, I would’ve brought a fancy brand of fast food, and you’re a good junkyard to bring my old stuff” you snarled, making Loki laugh, for real this time.
Your cheeks flushed and were soon surrounded in a clod of silver mist. And when it disappeared you had vanished already.
Now that… Loki didn’t see coming. He had heard of your kind when he took control of some of SHIELD agents, humans with supernatural abilities. You were a mutant, and for the looks of it, one with teleportation powers. Now it made sense why someone seemingly so ordinary was in a place like this, flirting with a prisoner.
The next few days you kept bringing him food as usual, but two things had changed. One, the portions were bigger now, Loki now got to eat to a point where he was satisfied. Two, you joked around a lot less, in fact, you simply brought the food and stayed nearby in silence, and Loki had caught you staring at him with rosy cheeks.
So, you did fancy him… Truly interesting. And quite flattering too, he at least had to agree you were quite appealing to stare at.
“I watched one of your… Dee Bee Dees…” Loki started the conversation while he ate. “The one with the funny doctor…”
“That… doesn’t narrow it down much” you finally spoke. “Sarcastic asshole with a wounded leg?”
“He is sarcastic, but he treats patients with joy and laughter and goes against the rules. Like the pair of legs at the entrance” Loki specified. “It was a sweet story… I did feel bad for him when he lost his… you know.”
“Ah, yeah…” you said sadly.
For a few more days, the routine kept like that, you seemed a lot shyer than before and now Loki was the one pursuing your attention and with an arsenal of movies you had watched he always had a way to start conversation.
When he was sure he had properly understood your interest in him, he made his move.
While Loki wasn’t as flashy as Thor, he never had much trouble swooning anyone of his interest, with years of etiquette lessons and nourishing his mind with the most exquisite novels and books Asgard had to offer he knew how to charm anyone he desired.
And soon enough he was courting you. He recited for you the collection of the most exquisite verses he had memorized and casted his illusions of roses and butterflies for you to enjoy a romantic set up.
Soon Fury had two people demanding for his liberation. And since Loki had been in his best behavior Fury didn’t have an excuse to keep Loki locked up and while he had a tracker on his ankle and Asgardian magic bracelets capable of suppressing his magic.
You were there when they let Loki out and he made sure to hug you first. The more in love he seemed, the sooner he’d be truly free. You melted against his embrace and wrapped your arms around him in a warm hug.
Loki felt a light tug on his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time someone out of his parents and Thor been so eager and happy to hug him.
“I had been dreaming of this…” you spoke softly. “And your hugs are even cozier than I imagined.”
That felt like a dagger to his heart. Why were you so sweet?
“Alright, Bambi, if you try something your little sweetheart will let us know right away, got it?” Tony warned him.
You wrapped your arms around Loki’s bicep pressing yourself against him.
“He’s gonna be perfect” you defended him. “And if I’m wrong you can lock me up as well for helping a criminal out.”
Second dagger. What kind of idiot were you trusting him so blindly? Could you really not see he just wanted his freedom?
Loki finally had a proper room, or something like that. He would be staying in the Avengers Compound when the Helicarrier landed… until then there was a room where he, Thor, and basically everyone stayed.
Your bed the one right above Loki’s. Loki sighed. Just a few more days. Loki laid down and saw you looking down at him, peeking from your bed with big sparkling eyes.
“Yes?” Loki said in his best sweet loving tone.
“S-Sorry…” you mumbled as your cheeks got red. “I’m just really happy you’re here.”
“Aww, young love…” Kate cooed.
“SHUT UP! I’M OLDER THAN YOU!” you screeched and threw a pillow right at her face, making Loki smiled softly.
“You’re both babies…” Yelena grinned.
“Shut up, you hag!” you and Kate argued.
“You’re all babies…” Bucky corrected.
“DON’T STICK YOUR NOSE, YOU FOSSIL!” the three of you argued.
“I’m… not gonna join this argument being 1,500 years old” Thor laughed and soon eased the mood in all laughter again.
Meanwhile Loki wouldn’t stop thinking what you said to him. “I’m happy you’re here.” Third stab… How could you be so happy and attached to him so easily and quickly?
The next few days he had resigned to adapt to train with you. He had been a warrior all his life, but being a soldier was too boring for him. It was a lot of training, gym workouts, more training, and meetings. He saw you nodding off during the latter. Where did you pull the energy to play and joke around with him when you went to bring food to him while he had been locked up?
You yawned and rested against his shoulder as you dozed off during lunch once. You were so warm and trusted him more than he deserved. You seemed awfully comfortable around him.
Every spare moment you had was dedicated to him, you were awfully cuddly and touchy. Loki wasn’t used to this in the slightest. At first playing along seemed impossible. But your kisses were so gentle and tender, more often than not he found his eyes fluttering close and his hands wrapping around your waist in a loving way. Even sharing a room with a lot of people seemed more fun if he got to study your reactions.
“Take that!” you screamed as you and Kate smacked each other with pillows, but when a stray pillow hit Natasha in the back of the head, it was war.
Everyone was throwing and hitting each other with pillows until someone pushed you to Loki’s arms who had stayed out of the war as just a bystander. No one seemed to be paying much attention to him, but now you were.
Your face was beet red, and you were blabbering apologies if you had hurt him, (which, you hadn’t). But Loki simply smiled and grabbed your sides and started squeezing them, causing you to squeal and burst out laughing.
Oh, of course you were ticklish, he should’ve known. Hel, you irradiated this aura that just screamed “tickle me!” And as the God of Mischief, he was drawn to ticklish little things such as yourself, to make sure he could exploit every ticklish little inch of your giggly body. It had always been a pretty harmless way to ease his need to cause mayhem.
Soon the entire room was in fits of laughter since Loki had unintentionally inspired a tickle war.
“H-Hohohohoney! Pleahahahahase!” you begged Loki, “thahahahahat tickles!”
“So? I hope it doesn’t bother you, my dear” Loki purred in your ear as his fingers traveled up and down your ribs, causing you to screech. “I think I’d like to play with my pretty little toy some more…”
“Nohohohoho! Please! Hehehehehe! S-Stop it!” you giggled until you had proofed to reappear at the top bunk bed, right by the time someone else had surrendered and called truce.
Thor. His stomach was sore from laughing and he needed a break. But the big Asgardian was confident enough to not be affected by being the one to surrender in such harmless play fight.
“I’m nostalgic” Thor laughed. “Reminds me of the sleep overs with Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun and Sif.”
“I wouldn’t know, I was never invited.” Loki said.
“WHAT?!” you gasped and threw a pillow at Thor’s head in Loki’s defense. “JERK! TO YOUR OWN BROTHER!”
“What do you mean?” Thor asked. “You rejected us every time.”
“What are you talking about? You never invited me, brother” Loki explained. “By the time I had found out, you were all locked in your chambers.”
“Sif and the guys always said you said no” Thor said. “That’s why I always made smaller sleepovers with just you and me. I thought you hated big groups.”
Loki never thought Thor had been clueless, if anything he thought it had been him who rejected him, it never occurred to him it was the rest that orchestrated Loki’s exclusion. It made sense in retrospect, they were more Thor’s friends, not Loki’s.
“I enjoy time to myself,” Loki agreed. “But I’ve never been against big events. I always thought it was you who didn’t want me near your friends…”
“Of course not, brother…”
“Don’t feel bad, Loki” Yelena said in a tone that eased the mood. “Nat used to have sleepover with friends and ban me from her room the whole night. But we’re sisters, adopted or not.”
“I said I was sorry, and I was 11 you resentful crybaby!” Natasha argued with a laugh.
You noticed that had hit a sensitive spot-on Loki and went to sit behind Loki to give him a hug from behind. And it was unexpectedly comforting, he sighed as you kissed his cheek. Growing more and more used to your doting affection, you were also rather good to read his mood by now.
It just made him feel more guilty, so he tried changing the subject.
“You poof around when tickled, hm?” Loki chuckled. “Noted.”
“Not just when I’m tickled, when I get worked up by almost anything…” you explained. “I can’t always control it.”
“I see… so, I get you all worked up…” Loki flirted, making you jolt and squeak with a red face. “Heh… I’m flattered.”
“What about you?” you asked when you calmed down, resting your chin on his shoulder. “Does something like that happen to you?”
“Mmm… my magic is also very tied to my feelings is mostly surges of magic when I’m pissed off.” Loki shrugged. “In a way, the source of my magic abilities come from my control of how I feel. Which is why Thor could never learn sorcery… he couldn’t ever keep calm and focus enough.”
It felt a bit of a cheap answer, his guilt told him you were always vulnerable with him. There was another thing…
Alright, now that no one was paying attention to you two.
“When I was little, I used to have a lot of nightmares, and my mother stayed with me and taught me this spell… it allows you to invite someone else to your dreams, to put it simply. She taught me that spell to help me with the bad dreams… And sometimes I still cast it involuntarily while I sleep. It’s… what’s the word? Automatic, at this point.”
“You haven’t used it since we met” you pointed out.
“There’s these preventing that” Loki wiggled the magic cuffs on his wrists, and you shrank sheepishly. “Maybe one day I’ll have you sleep visiting… who knows…”
You smiled too eagerly at the idea… it was painful to see the adoration in your eyes.
The next night you were chatting happily, you laid on the floor with your feet hanging on Loki’s bed. Surprisingly he didn’t mind too much, he found himself much more engaged on the conversation. He simply rested his hand on your shin, caressing it with his thumb.
But at some point during the chat his hand brushed by your ankle, something that should’ve caught his attention way sooner. A location tracker like his. He brushed his fingers along the band, and you jolted, quickly making a bad excuse before rushing out. A terrible liar dating the god of lies. How ironic.
“I didn’t know… I thought I was the only one with one of these…” Loki pointed to his tracker.
“All mutants and non-SHIELD affiliated have one” Tony explained with a yawn. “Basically, if you have superpowers, you have two options, be an agent or an avenger.”
“Or locked up” Loki concluded, and the way no one answered, confirming his suspicion.
“You’re gonna be joining us, right, brother?” Thor smiled.
“Do I have a choice?”
Loki chuckled, he had been thinking about this prior to this information, the fear of actually losing his brother when Thor was ready to leave him forever in Sakaar had been too great.
But what about you? You didn’t strike him the superhero style, a were a fragile and sensitive little thing, and he couldn’t picture you in the battlefield, but being a soldier was clearly taking a huge toll on you. You seemed perpetually exhausted living like this.
“Has my darling decided yet?” Loki asked, he didn’t plan on the pet names, but it felt weirdly natural as it rolled off his tongue. It felt right.
“Not before meeting you, we had tried, but I’d say with you two together… things have changed for the better.” Steve assured him. “It’s a relief though, you two would be great assets in the future, and the life at the compound is bit freer and more independent.”
For some reason, Loki smiled at the sound of that.
“It’s gonna be for the best” Bruce smiled. “Fury can be quite severe, and the soldier life isn’t for everyone…”
Loki couldn’t see you long term here, you’d be overworking yourself for a lifestyle too demanding and that you didn’t even like. It would be for the best to be an Avenger… at least that’d give you some more freedom.
By then, the mood had died down and everyone went to bed, turning off the lights way before you arrived. A few more minutes passed… and nothing. Loki considered going to find you when you opened the door, guiding your way with your phone’s flashlight. You had a messy damp ponytail, and baggy pajamas. You arrived and sat by Loki’s bed and immediately collapsed right beside him, invading his bed. He was ready to climb and use yours when you he felt a tug on his shirt.
“Let me stay with you…” you mumbled with your eyes closed, it seemed you still had some consciousness.
Loki nodded and laid down beside you, wrapping his arm over you, and tucking you under the bedsheets. He had to keep appearances. Yeah… Of course.
He studied you for a while. Your hair was soft, and it smelled like wild berries, shampoo he had started using as well because it smelled so nice. Your skin was soft and smooth, it was addictive to trace his fingers along your body. He traced circles along your side.
“Nooo… thahahat tickles…” you giggled and shifted in your half-asleep state, making something stir within Loki. “You can tickle me all you want in the morning, okay baby…?”
“Ohoho! Is that so?” Loki chuckled. “That’s dangerous thing to offer to the God of Mischief don’t you think?”
“’s okay… I trust you…” you yawned snuggling against his chest.
“Y-You do…?”
“You’d never do anything to hurt me…” you assured him, even with your brain fighting with all it’s might to not succumb to exhaustion.
Once his eyes adapted to the darkness, he stared at your face. Your features were gentle, with a pureness that only a heart that hadn’t been corrupted with cruelness and malice would have. It made him feel weak.
“I love you” you mumbled, kissing his lips before finally falling asleep with the most peaceful smile he had ever seen on anyone that was this close to him.
“I… I love you too…” he whispered and kissed the top of your head.
Now Loki genuinely wanted to stab himself through the chest, he deserved nothing less.
The next morning was the last time he’d be in the Helicarrier for a long time if he could help it. Both of you got the trackers removed and he was officially free. The magic cuffs were taken off of Loki and he immediately summoned a huge illusion that had a radius of a few kilometers as he stretched and showed off.
A huge double rainbow, oh how he had missed using his magic like this. He noticed your eyes sparkling in admiration.
Thor helped him unpack and you two were assigned neighbor bedrooms so the lovey dovey couple could stay close. You seemed ecstatic, you set your room and invited him to see it.
It was very much what he expected from you. Cozy and cute, just being inside made him want to lay down on your bed and sleep. And of course you had a pile of stuffed animals. He laid back on your bed, sinking in the mattress and fluffy covers.
“Honey bunny, I’m gonna go to the city alone today… don’t follow me” you warned him and proofed away before reappearing for a second. “And don’t snoop around my stuff! Love ya!”
And you disappeared in a gust of silvery white mist. Loki napped on your bed for a while, but… he couldn’t resist, he was curious by nature. He walked by your desk and saw the mirror of had a bunch of photos of him stuck to the board, he wasn’t smiling in any of them, and most had been taken him by surprise. Loki would’ve thought it weird, but the two of you were dating. And you only did what was normal for someone in a relationship. He smiled softly at how purely infatuated you were.
“Loki!” you called for him, so you had returned. He went to find you.
You had smiled so brightly as you jumped to his arms and showered his face in loving smooches.
“I missed you!” you smiled between kisses.
“You just left an hour or so…” he chuckled.
“It’s still too much time away from you!” you snuggled with him. “I missed this pretty face.”
“Heh…” he chuckled.
“I bought us something.” You smiled and handed him a golden bracelet with a round item on the middle. You kept the silver one. “It’s a distance touch bracelet.”
You touched your bracelet, and he felt his buzzing. Oh. He knew this couldn’t have been cheap. And you still didn’t hesitate to get it for him.
“Now you can feel me close, even if I vanish, or if we can’t be with each other.” You giggled.
His heart fluttered. How could there be someone so overly sweet? To him, of all people.
“Thank you…” he smiled.
Days passed and Loki’s sanity was evaporating in thin air. Guilt was eating him alive.
You were in truly, madly, and hopelessly in love with him. You wanted nothing but the best for him and you always showered him with love, affection and the sweetest kisses he had ever tasted. And worst of it all, he was falling in love with you. He deserved no love from you, but he had it… And it filled his heart with a warmth he didn’t deserve. Oh, you poor lovely thing, if you only knew how cruel his intentions had been to start your relationship.
He did what you wanted now, trying to make up for it. He didn’t want you to feel like you did all the job in a relationship anymore. Soon the photos were more couple y, of kisses and hugs, Loki took photos of you more as well. He invited you to read and nap with him.
He tickled you lots, and making you giggle in his arms as he held you close. He hugged you tight, trying to squeeze in all the love he had develop for the kind soul that had been nothing but sweet to him. In a wordless pray for your forgiveness.
He did everything that occurred to him would make you happy.
“No way! You’re ticklish?!” you gasped with an ear-to-ear grin.
“Terribly so, I can’t stand being ticked in between my ribs” he smiled as he rested his chin on your head, with you sitting on his lap. “My magic acts up on its own if I get overwhelmed, like you.”
“Really?” you giggled and caressed his sides. “Can I try?”
“For a kiss…” he smiled and puckered his lips for a smooch, which you complied with a huge grin. “I adore you… Fine, you got one minute to tickle my ribs.”
“Just one minute?” you whined with that lovely smile of yours.
“Thirty seconds?” he smiled.
“Eh?!” you whined. “One minute!”
“See how convincing I am?” he grinned.
“Oh, you—” you said and turned around to start poking and prodding his ribs, Loki couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“Ack! Hehehehe!” he whined, you were too good at this, he was laughing his heart out. “S-Stohohohop! Hehehehe! I-It’s been a minute! Hahaha! S-Stop!”
“I’m not done with you, you pretty tease!” you giggled and kept prodding between his ribs.
“Oh yeheheah?!” he laughed and skittered his fingers along your belly.
You were squealing and giggling in the blink of an eye. But you didn’t stop tickling him.
“Hehehehe! Hic! G-Give up!” you giggled and squirmed as you prodded his sides.
“You give up! Hahahahaha!” he giggled squeezed your tummy and skittered his fingers along your armpits.
“Ack! Noohohohoho!” you whine and squeezed above his kneecaps, making him jump and ergo you fell off his lap and onto the couch.
“You’re in trouble…” he grinned and his fingers, poked, drilled, kneaded and scratch over every sensitive spot on your body, and it didn’t matter if you gave up. He didn’t stop until you were breathless.
Only then he stopped and held you in his arms.
“Remind me to not tickle you again, you’re sadistic” you smiled.
“You know it, darling…” he smiled and kissed the top of your head. “Did you have fun?”
“Mhm…” you smiled and leaned against him. “I love you.”
You were beyond ecstatic. You melted under all of his affection and more time he spent with you, the more he couldn’t deny his feelings for you.
He did it everything he could to make you happy. But nothing he did alleviated his guilt. He could only imagine the amount of heartache you would feel if you found out he had only used you to try looking better adjusted and be free, and that he had pretended to fall in love.
He couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep. He was going insane. He walked around the compound like a ghost during the night. He did a stop to throw up in the toilet.
“You’re awake,” you surprised him despite your gentle tone. “Is something bothering you?”
“N-No, love. I just wasn’t feeling very tired.” He assured you. “Don’t worry. Go back to sleep.”
You placed your hands on his hips and leaned closer to him the way you did whenever you were going to kiss him. But you took a little sniff—probably smelling his bad breath—you stopped and smiled at him with kindness.
“Mmm… Insomnia, hm?” you smiled and pulled him to the kitchen. “I know just the cure.”
You heated up water and prepared him a tea with honey. The warmth of the drink ran through him as the sweet drink got rid of the bad taste, and he sighed a tear streaming down his face.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, cupping his face.
“I’ve done so many awful things… And…” he spoke softly. “I don’t know how to fix them… I don’t deserve any forgiveness…”
“Oh Loki…” you hugged him. “No one blames you… you didn’t mean it… I’ve seen your pretty heart, and you deserve all the love in the world… Gosh, if I could take all the pain, you’re feeling for myself, I would.”
“Please don’t say that…” he begged. He couldn’t handle anymore guilt, but he didn’t know how to tell you the truth.
You gently guided him to your bedroom and tucked him in your bed, wrapping your arms around him in a protective way.
“Forgive me love... Please forgive me…” he begged between mutters. “I take it all back… please… Please don’t hate me… please…”
“Shh…” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair. “It’s all gonna be okay… I’m always gonna be here for you.”
               Between the warm tea, his exhaustion, the previous sleepless nights, your comfortable bed, and your loving touch… his body gave up on him and he fell asleep.
Everything was dark, and cold, covered in ice and a cruel wind. Loki had a good tolerance to cold, but he was freezing.
“Monster…” a voice echoed so loudly it made Loki’s ears ring. It was his own voice and it came from everywhere around him.
“Traitorous rat…”
“Frost giant…”
“We finally had someone’s trust…”
“Of course, you just play around with others!”
Loki was completely surrounded by copies of himself, all at least twice his size, blue skin, Jotun attire, and eyes red like blood. True frost giants.
Loki simply took every blow and insult. He deserved them.
“Loki…?” a different voice called. “Is this what you meant by inviting someone to your dreams?”
No please… you couldn’t be here.
“Darling… wake up… please don’t be here…” Loki begged you. “Please…”
“I’m not leaving you here on your own…” you spoke and kneeled beside him.
Loki felt his body change, every muscle vanished leaving him as practically skin and bones. Small. Weak.
“Loki… what’s going on?! What’s happening to you?!”
Loki tried to shapeshift back to his natural look, but he had no control of his own body. At this point in life, he should be desensitized to nightmares where his magic didn’t obey him… but…
“Please… leave me here…” he spoke as he could, but he could barely hear himself.
“Don’t say that... What’s… what can I do for you?”
There was something about dreams, and especially Loki’s dreams, that always seemed to be extra dramatic. It must have been so confusing to be in one as an outsider.
Loki’s body changed again, he grew twice his usual size, and his body was blue and muscled. Exactly the body of a Jotun.
What?! No! That wasn’t true…
Loki tried to take it back, but he was in autopilot. He was in the passenger seat of his own mind.
“No… no, you're not… You wouldn’t…”
The look on your face was heartbreaking. You looked crushed.
You curled up on the floor and Loki lifted you but your collar’s shirt.
“GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD! I COULD NEVER LOVE A MORTAL AS UNNERVING AS YOU!” Loki screamed at you before slamming you against the floor.
“NO!” Loki sat up with a gasp and his body drenched in sweat. He looked around and saw you curled up on the bed, your back facing him. “Love?! Thank goodness… I’m so— Love, w-what’s wrong…?”
You were stiff and you had a hand on the back of your head. Loki shifted and stretched a bit and saw your face. Your eyes were full of tears, yet he had never seen you with such a cold expression in your face.
“My love… and what’s wrong?” Loki placed a hand over your arm, and you slapped it.
“Why did you say that?” you asked him.
“I d-don’t know… I wasn’t… I didn’t…” Loki stuttered. “My dreams are like that…”
“No. I mean, what you said was really specific. Why…?”
“I don’t—I don’t know why I—”
“Tell me the truth, Loki.” You ordered him. “Did you, or did you not pretend to love me for your freedom?”
Loki stayed quiet. He didn’t have the courage to tell you the truth, but he didn’t have the heart to keep lying to you. With that confirmation tears started falling down your cheeks again.
“Y-Yes but I—that was before…”
“Get out…” you spoke.
“What? No, darling, listen… I…”
“I don’t want to hear you.”
“Please love… let me explain…” he tried holding you.
That made you snap. You started hitting him, being a human it was impossible for you to harm him, but not once in his life had he felt more pain.
“Darling please…”
He had no strength to fight you, he was defenseless as you kicked him out of your room, slamming the door on his face.
There were a few faces popping out of their door to try seeing what had happened and that quickly retreated back to their rooms. Loki had no choice but to go inside of his own bedroom.
The next morning, he nearly tripped on his way out with a box by is door. It was full of books, quills, a coat, photos of you together. And… the silver bracelet that matched his own. It tore his heart to shreds. He didn’t feel as guilty anymore. But remorse and the memory of how brokenhearted you looked was even more sadistic. He heard you crying often from across the wall.
A few days later the others started giving him dirty looks. Knowing you and considering that this didn’t happen right away he assumed they had found out after heavy interrogation and now everyone knew he had used you. Even Thor seemed upset, not angry, but he had this… disappointment in his eyes.
“I hate dealing with moving companies” Tony sighed as they all sat for dinner. “But Fury wants to have our little Houdini enlisted by the end of the week. It’s a shame… The kiddos enjoyed being around each other.”
“Tell me about it” Clint sighed. “Kate is devastated.”
“Speaking of devastated…” Natasha said as she stood up, and Loki would’ve sworn she was shooting daggers at him with that glare. “See if I can be more convincing about eating something, otherwise Fury will have a corpse enlisting.”
You were moving out? To become a SHIELD agent? But you hated being a soldier. Had he hurt you so bad that you preferred that lifestyle and ruin your life forever… than being around him?
This all felt awfully familiar. Loki excused himself and went to his room and lock himself inside. He closed his eyes, and part of him wished that they’d never open again.
“Am I cursed?” Loki asked, choked up by the last bit of hope.
“No.” Odin responded the worst thing he could've said him. A curse would've been better.
Loki placed the casket down, weakly, it suddenly felt like a very... very heavy thing to carry. And the weight stayed there, right on his chest even after the casket had been placed back at the pedestal.
“Then what am I?” Loki asked softly, afraid of the answer.
“You're my son.” Odin answered, and Loki doubted his own magic since he couldn't detect dishonesty in his father's words.
Clearly that was a lie. So why didn’t his magic detect that? Loki felt rage spiral out of control like a boiling pot.
“What more than that?” Loki growled, still trying to keep his composure as he walked towards his father that was by the stairs at the other side of the corridor. “The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?”
Odin looked him in the eye. Unable to deny it any longer. It had been to many years with that secret. As Loki walked closer, Odin just started at him in silence as Loki reached the stairs.
“No.” Odin finally said. “In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the Temple, and I found a baby. Small for a giant's offspring— abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son.”
That felt like a dagger piercing the young prince’s heart. Out of all the things he was insecure about, it turned out he WAS an outsider. Out of all the things he could’ve been, he HAD to be a Jotun, a monster. Out of all the Jotun’s in existence, he was the son of the worst of them all. And out of all the reasons he could’ve been adopted for, was because even his own biological family didn’t want him… and his adopted family never told him any of this.
“Laufey's son...?” Loki finally managed to gasp out, he was choking up on his own tears. “Why? You were knee-deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?”
“You were an innocent child.” Odin said, sounding more exhausted by the second.
“No!” Loki begged his father, knowing that Odin was a strategic warrior. There was always a meaning behind his actions. “You took me for a purpose, what was it?”
But Odin didn’t answer. The physical toll of delaying his Odin sleep to prepare Thor to rule, preventing a war, the emotional toll of having to banish Thor and now… having his youngest child doubt his love for him because of his foolish decision of not telling him the truth earlier were overwhelming him.
The All-King saw with pain how the little child that once smiled at him with love when he picked him in his arms after the battle now saw him with fear, pain, and resentment.
“TELL ME!” Loki demanded loudly, no longer capable of remaining calm.
“I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about a permanent peace... through you.” Odin confessed.
That was the final blow to Loki’s poor heart.
A tool. All he had been adopted for was as an instrument of peace between Asgard and a race that everyone saw as blood-thirsty monsters.
“But those plans no longer matter.” Odin clarified.
“So, I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up… here, until you might have use of me.” Loki inquired in pain.
“Why do you twist my words?” Odin asked softly.
“You could have told me what I was from the beginning.” Loki urged, desperate to makes sense of what easily was the worst day of his life. “Why didn't you?!”
“You are my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth.” Odin said softly, in a fruitless attempt to calm his poor child’s heart.
“Wh— B-Because I-I-I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?!” Loki asked, flooded by all the scary stories about the frost giants growing up. All those times he and Thor played heroes as kids fighting those monsters.
“Don't...” Odin begged as his strength slowly abandoned him.
But Loki couldn’t listen anymore. The grief was too great, and the feeling of betrayal didn’t allow him to trust Odin anymore.
“It all makes sense now! Why you favored Thor all these years.” Loki yelled as he started walking up the stairs to yell at Odin as the All-Father slowly lost his strength and started passing out on the stairs. “Because no matter how much you claim to “love” me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard!”
Odin kept trying until his last second of consciousness to beg his son for help, forgiveness… anything. But he had been too weakened to dedicate his young boy some kind of love or reassurance as he fell prey to the Odin sleep, he had delaying for so long.
Now Loki encountered a similar dilemma. He had been stupid, dishonest, and selfish to someone who offered him nothing but unconditional love. He betrayed your trust and there was no way now that Loki could prove that despite his original intentions his love wasn’t any less real.
He laid down on his bed, with his arm draped dramatically over his eyes.
“Troubled, my son?” a voice spoke making Loki sit up.
“Father” Loki smiled softly. “I ruined it. I had the most beautiful love in my life… and I was stupid and lost it because of my own selfishness.”
“That sounds familiar” Odin chuckled. “You truly are my son, after all.”
“You had always been will always be my father…” Loki said the words he had denied for several years. “I never understand your reasons. Cruel as they were…”
“Not holding back against your old father, hm?” Odin laughed.
“Sorry…” Loki smiled softly.
“My original reasons were foolish, selfish, and even cruel as you rightfully… but I always hoped to do what would be best for the 9 Realms” he spoke. “But that didn’t mean the love I had for you wasn’t any less real. You are my son, regardless of the kind of blood that coursed through your veins.”
Loki smiled softly; it was weird. He knew Odin would have never say all that. But now, after growing up so much, he understood it wasn’t because he didn’t feel it, he had always been too proud and formal, too much of a king. And while imperfect, it was still his father.
“That’s why you never caught me lying when I called you my son or said that I loved you.” Odin spoke. “In my heart, you’ve always been my son.”
“I know, father” Loki smiled. “I’m sorry it took me so long to understand it.”
“I’m sorry I never told you before… I feared you wouldn’t take it well…”
“Me? I would never” Loki joked softly.
“We always loved you as our own” a female voice added making Loki turned around.
“Mother.” Loki spoke breathless. “I know… I know… I knew, I was just too scared I could’ve been wrong, and you didn’t…”
“You were too much of a charming kid not to love you” Frigga said compassionately. “Your little human surely thinks so too.”
Ah… that… Loki wasn’t so sure.
“I ruined it, I deserve nothing but the hatred and disgust I’ve earned from my darling.” Loki huffed out. “I manipulated, lied, and destroyed the trust of my love.”
“Dear, there’s nothing final in these matters…” Frigga smiled softly. “If that loved blossomed once, you may rescue it and nourish it again. But first… you need to apologize.”
“I don’t think I’m wanted anywhere near hearing range.” Loki explained.
“Do you think the love between your mother, and I always had a perfect relationship?” Odin smiled.
“Your father was too temperamental for that” Frigga intervened with a smile and both parents looked at each other with love. “But when you truly love someone and you make a mistake, you swallow your pride and make up for your wrongdoings.”
Loki smiled softly, he remembered it well. When Odin’s temper got the best of him because of the stress of being a king, Odin made sure to make up for Frigga know how truly sorry he was, and Frigga who already knew her husband’s temper was an expert on not letting her affect her, knowing it was never personal. She had truly been blessed with infinite patience given she dealt with three men with bad tempers and yet her kindness and loving nature knew no end. It was not rare to see Odin gifting Frigga fancy gifts and spend long hours apologizing and dedicating the day to her. It wasn’t the perfect arrangement, but no relationship was.
Loki chuckled softly.
“Thanks…” he smiled and both parents tended a hand to him with a smile. “I know what I have to do.”
Ready to say goodbye, Loki placed his hands on top of Odin and Frigga’s, and with that, the figure of his parents faded under a green light as Loki’s palms stopped glowing. Loki let out a little laugh as he wiped his tears.
His illusions had never been so benevolent towards himself, they were either torturous or for a fake sense of gloating and dissociation. But your compassion had changed him forever. He could use them for closure and to guide him with the stuff he knew but needed to hear. And… you deserved that at least.
He got up and went outside and went to a trip. It took him around an hour to get to the city and a couple more hours to get his several stops get several gifts. A lovely white bouquet of flowers, a box of your favorite chocolates, a necklace with a cute silver heart shaped locket and got it printed with a small photo, a copy of a photo he had carried from one of your first “dates” you got where you were giving him a small kiss in the cheek and cupped the other one, a symbol of your shared love.
On his way back, Loki held the original photo close to his chest and sighed. He prayed this would work as he was on his way to see you. He knocked on your door and hid his gifts behind himself, not even remembering he could’ve concealed them with his magic from how nervous he was.
His chest tightened as you opened the door, your eyes and nose were red, and your cheeks were stained with tears. Oh Norns… He had hurt you really bad.
“Love… Please… let me explain” Loki spoke softly.
“What do you need to explain, Loki?” you asked and sniffled, practically murdering him when you called him Loki instead of one of your lovely cheesy pet names. “That I was just a toy for you to play with and pretend that you loved me, so you’d be a free man? I got that quite clearly.”
You were ready to slam the door on his face, but he reached his leg to stop you. He nearly dropped one of your gifts. You looked at him confused, eying him up and down before sighing in defeat, opening the door he walked inside of your little room. He saw the little night table covered with used tissues and the bed’s decorative cushions were all over the place. It broke his heart.
“What do you want, Loki?” you asked tiredly as you sat on the bed, placing a cushion on your lap and against your chest.
“My darling, I was the biggest, most cruel and inconsiderate imbecile of all 9 Realms” he said, kneeling before you as he handed you the bouquet of flowers. You gently placed the flowers on your lap, still looking at him.
“It is true, that I was looking to just find a relationship to pretend I had adapted to living on earth” he spoke. “It was a selfish, shallow, and dishonest reason to make you mine… But I did it. It was heartless and there’s no excuse or reason for you to forgive that. But I beg of you to stay here… never speak to me again if you need, but don’t settle to a life of misery just to avoid me. I will happily accept being locked up in a dungeon for a hundred years, so you don’t see the likes of me again…”
He handed you the chocolate, and your gaze softened for a second as you saw the chocolate, he remembered which ones you liked the most. You opened your mouth to speak, but a gentle squeeze to your hands let you know Loki still wanted to speak.
He had caused all of this for not telling you the truth, and now he wanted to fully bare his soul to you now.
“You offered me boundless kindness, patience despite my flaws, understanding to my pain and sins of the past, laughter like I hadn’t enjoyed before, you fed with the most delicious and warm foods I had ever eaten, you showed me the concept of dates and you bared me completely vulnerable to your touch and heart and you bared yourself completely to me without fear of me…” Loki continued, as tears streamed down his face, drowning in regret. “And all I did was play with you and betray the trust your selfless heart gave me without asking for anything in return.”
He placed his forehead on your knees and sobbed, completely ashamed of what he had done to you. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness, but he felt like he’d die without you. And he’ deserve it.
“I don’t care” you finally spoke, and he looked up, he saw the tears streaming down your face. “You’re the God of Mischief and Lies, there are countless stories of how you lied and manipulated to get away with anything you wanted… I should’ve expected I’d be just that.”
“No— No, darling!” Loki held your hands and pressed his lips against your knuckles. “No, my sweet, you— I was selfish. I wanted a cover up, yes, but what I found was love, I found the butterflies in my stomach you always speak of. I found the warm of your hands lingering on my skin after our dates. I found myself awake during the night sighing over those lovely eyes I’ve now so cruelly filled with tears…” Loki spoke softly.
You were shaking in your place as you did your best not to cry and interrupt him. He brushed his finger along your cheek as in appreciation of your effort.
“None of what you heard that night was true in my heart…” he assured you “I never felt so disgusted I wanted to vomit; it was guilt that was killing me from the inside… knowing I was hurting such a beautiful flower.”
He handed you the heart locket and you opened it, seeing the photo made you sob as silently as you could.
“I was selfish and a liar. I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me and want nothing to do with me again. But please know that my heart beats for and because of you only.” He spoke. “I fell hopelessly and irredeemably in love with you. I swear that on my life.”
You looked at him and smiled, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sobbed now freely and unrestrained. Time seemed to stop for Loki as he hugged you back, taking in your scent and caressing you. Tears fell down his face and he held you, afraid you’d disappear if he let go of you.
You forgave him. He didn’t think he’d ever be so lucky to find a kind soul that would forgive even his worst mistake. But he found it, you were kind enough to do so. Your wrapped your arms around him in a warm hug and Loki was able to let all the pain and guilt go… He couldn’t undo his mistakes, but he could be better, and he wanted to be his best self for you.
“Thank you… Norns, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” he repeated over and over between whispers and tears as he held you tight.
You sat up straight and cupped his face and laughed softly as you still cried happy tears.
“You’re gonna have to buy me a new box of tissues, you booger” you joked softly with a sniffle, and pressed your forehead to his and grabbed a tissue to blow your nose.
“I’ll give you the entire world if you so desire, my love” he spoke with a gentle smile. “Just say the word.”
“I don’t need the world” you smiled and kissed his cheek. “I have everything I need right here.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” he chuckled softly as he grabbed a tissue to wipe his tears and blow his nose. “I’m a disaster and somehow I still found the most precious little dove all for myself.”
You held him tightly in a hug… in silence for a few minutes before you spoke again.
“Did you think I was annoying when we first met?” you asked with a stern look on your face. “I want the truth.”
“Truthfully… you were a nightmare…” Loki admitted in a soft playful tone.
“HEY!” you whined and dug your fingers into the crevices of his ribs making him burst out laughing. “I said honest, not mean!”
“Ehehehe! Lohohohohove, let me finish!” he giggled, letting you have this, it was the least he could do. “P-Please, s-stohohohop that! Not there!”
You smiled and went to tickle his belly. Oh, you had really not liked that.
“Plehehehehehease, dahahaharling! I surrender!” he laughed and did his best to not squirm.
“Fine… what is it?” you asked, as you sat sideways on his lap, already happily cuddling with him.
Thank whatever superior force that was out there… Oh, you’re a wonderful blessing.
“You’re a nightmare turned into a dream” he clarified and he didn’t even bother fighting the urge to squeeze you tightly.
“You have 3 seconds to explain how that’s a compliment o I’ll tickle you until you puncture a lung.”
“Ihihi— I mean like, when you start having a bad dream… but it turns around as the most wonderful of dreams, those that you still think about after waking up.” Loki said, and as those words he was sure he had fried his brain because he didn’t make any sense.
But that was enough for you.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You grumbled.
“C’mon… don’t be mad at me for being foolish and wrong” he smiled as he squeezed you tight. “Surely you thought I was insufferable at first as well, we’re so different after all.”
You smiled and shook your head.
“I love my pretty prince” you smiled and picked a tissue yourself to clean your face. “Flaws, differences, and all.”
“Do you, now?” he grinned cheekily. “I sure am a lucky one to be called yours.”
“A Loki one” you giggled, and Loki made a scowl of disgust. “Sorry! I thought it too late when I said it and— hehehe!”
“Oh, that was awful— C’mere… you!”
As he made you laugh and held you against him, he couldn’t doubt how fortunate he was to be so undoubtedly yours.
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Unpredictable, Part 10-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: It's been a long time coming but it's here. The next part will be the finale. Thank you all so much for your support. I love reading all your replies and messages :)
Content warnings: Swearing and some violence
Word count: 6.5k
Series Masterlist
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Many experts are concerned with the pervasiveness of serial killers in a supe society. Some people propose intense ideas, like using AI or supes with predictive abilities to kill potential serial killers beforehand. Others…
I paused my fingertips over the keyboard and sighed. “It’s okay, just breathe and think of the words. Dr. Melrose is one of the nicer professors, anyway.”
Then, my fingertips started moving again.
Others think this is too extreme and argue that serial killers have a right to live as much as anyone else. Which is the dumbest idea on planet earth.
Nope, can’t submit that.
I punched my thumb on the backspace button and stared at my two semi-decent sentences. Then, I glanced down at the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen and sighed.
The essay had a minimum fifteen-page requirement and it took me an hour to come up with two sentences.
I groaned and leaned back against the swivel chair and stared up at the stark white ceiling. Last year’s campus library renovation included an impressive update of the study rooms, including making them sound-proof, power-proof, and equipped with the most state-of-the-art technology.
My textbooks and notebooks were sprawled around the table, each with color-coded highlights and meticulous notes that did nothing but make my head spin. Usually, I spent most of my writing time trimming down my page length, especially when it came to ethical issues around crimefighting. But my brain couldn’t focus despite the distraction-free environment.
No matter what I did, I kept picturing the looks on Jordan and Marie’s faces when I told them I couldn’t go to the town hall. They both looked like I had taken away a large chunk of their hope.
But I couldn’t have been that helpful anyway, I thought harshly.
Sure, I helped them gather information and connected some dots but anyone could have done that.
I clapped. “Y/N, you have to stop thinking about them and the town hall. You need to finish this paper.”
Just when I grazed my keyboard, the study room door swung open. I jumped and turned to ask the person to leave, but stopped when I saw Coco standing in the doorway. In her cropped black Tommy Hilfiger blazer and matching cigarette pants, she looked like a debate moderator. Her hair fell in perfect curls and her eyes slightly narrowed at me.
“Hey, you could have knocked,” I said as light-heartedly as I could.
Coco let the door close softly behind her before sauntering over to me. “My bad, I was in a hurry. I thought I’d find you here since you weren’t at the house.”
Coco’s tone was much shorter than usual and she kept her gaze on me. My stomach churned and I straightened up.
“Coco, it was a directive from Sydney, not me,” I explained.
Coco sighed. “I don’t know why I thought I could surprise you when you know everything.”
“Not everything.”
“Anyway, what the hell is that directive about? How does she want to ‘pursue our ambitions’ but not voice our opinions?” Coco scoffed. “I knew her whole I-care-about-all-women schtick was bullshit.”
“Did you talk to her about it?” The look Coco gave me made me shrink back into my chair.
“Why do you let her walk all over you? She made you do her dirty work.”
“As a secretary, I do have to send out communications about a variety of things; it’s part of my role. Besides, it wasn’t my decision.”
“Don’t hide behind your role, Y/N. You’ll do anything to stay good with them, even if it means missing out on a historical moment.”
I hesitated. This would not be the last time that two polar opposite politicians would face off on core issues, but it would be the first time that the main issue was supes.
“I get that you care about this since it’s your major and everything but, I have to set a good example for the other girls and the initiates.”
Coco rolled her eyes. “Do you know what the other girls and initiates are doing? They’re arguing with Sydney right now and some are trying to figure out if a shapeshifter can somehow change their appearances. Everyone wants to be a part of it; Sydney’s just scared of fallout and I know that you know that.”
While I did have many ideas about why Sydney made the decision she did, it didn’t matter. I tried to push back but it failed and I had to deal with the consequences.
“I know she’s trying to protect Si Chi’s legacy and reputation and even if I don’t agree with it, I don’t have a choice.”
“Damn it, Y/N, you always have a choice! You always choose to follow the rules but guess what? Rule followers get forgotten in history; it’s the people who stir up shit that gets remembered.”
I glanced at my laptop. “Not always.”
“Well, most of the time but that’s not the point.” Coco pulled the chair from the other side of the table around and sat next to me. “You could do some real shit in the real world if you weren’t so caught up in your own head.”
Her words made me pause. This wasn’t the first time that Coco tried to push me to “think bigger” and it was usually flattering. This time, I felt myself get more and more nauseous.
I sipped some water. “I don’t think you always have to rebel to create change.”
“There’s a time for everything.” Coco leaned back in her chair and glanced at her phone. “I have to start walking to the union before everything gets too crazy. I hope you’ll have my back at the house.”
She didn’t wait for a reply and slipped out of the room almost as quietly as she entered. Immediately, I slumped in my chair and pouted.
Not everyone could be like Coco and take risks like that. In her situation, rankings didn’t matter, she just had to graduate and network like crazy. It was different for me and anyone else who was trying to at least get a city contract; rebellion did not look good on a resume.
Coco isn’t the only one risking their reputation, my brain reminded me.
I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face. Even though Jordan was always hellbent on climbing to number one, they wanted to expose everything happening at GOD U. According to Cate, Jordan had a whole meltdown when Andre and Marie’s rankings forced them to number five. Despite all that, they wanted to do the right thing.
And then there was Marie. She’d unexpectedly received everything any GOD U student could want on a silver platter: a high ranking, backing from Vought, and promotions on social and regular media. But she never wavered when it came to the Woods.
And it’s not like I didn’t want to go to the town hall, I couldn’t. There would be cameras everywhere and the news would get back to Sydney faster than A-Train. Her icy glare sent a chill down my spine at the thought.
I shook my head.
I can’t focus on any of that, I had to focus on this essay.
Finally, I started writing:
Other people suggest that such practices are much too inhumane and that serial killers must experience early interventions as soon as possible. However, in such a situation, it is near-impossible to determine the best practices much less who would deliver them.
I smiled to myself as I kept writing and breathed a sigh of relief once I finished my thesis statement.
“Great, now all I have to do is----”
“Y/N, what the hell!” Emma demanded.
I jumped and turned to the study room door. Emma’s face was beet-red and she had detergent stains all over her sweatpants. The door slammed behind her as she stormed over to me.
“What?” I asked.
Emma shook her head. “You know what. I just got off a video call with Marie; what the hell happened?”
My stomach dropped and I almost let my head plant on the desk.
At this point, it was like the two of them were haunting me. After a couple of deep breaths, I explained Sydney’s order and how I had to break the news to Marie and Jordan. As I spoke, Emma’s expression became more solemn.
“Why would you do that? Things were going so well,” Emma mused.
“I have to keep my position in Si Chi, Emma, and I can’t do anything that messes with it.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
 I hesitated, wondering if it was a little bit of both. Emma plopped down in the chair and dropped her bag on the ground.
“I know that you’re a good-two-shoes but you’re not that way all the time. I mean, you do regularly sneak off campus with the others,” Emma pointed out.
“Not so loud. You never know who could be listening,” I insisted.
“Anyway, I get that your parents really screwed you up but, when do you get to live your life?”
The last part sounded like something a really good therapist would say. Even if those words did come from a therapist, I still wouldn’t know how to answer. Every move I made since middle school was to get me to be a successful (married/engaged) supe and that was always enough for me. Mom and Dad both seemed please with each stride I made towards that goal, but it was always limited and I never stopped to think about what I wanted.
All I knew was that I was dying to know why Shetty wanted Cate and me to be friends, how long the Woods existed, and why she created the virus. I also knew that the thought of Jordan or Marie getting hurt because of all this made my chest ache.
I fidgeted with my hands. “I am living my life.”
“Are you? Do you really want to be in the library while everyone’s at the town hall? Do you really want to give up on looking into all of this?”
I snapped my eyes up at Emma. “Of course, I want to go but I also have to play it smart. Why can’t anyone understand that?” I sighed. “I just got here, Emma, and I don’t want to lose it, I can’t lose it.”
Emma frowned. “You didn’t try to look into the future about this.”
She was confident and her gaze never left mine. I wanted to push back but, there was no point. Out of everyone, Emma knew me best and there was no point in hiding. So, I explained everything about my power loss to her. The words felt like I was digging my nails into an open wound and I could feel my throat constricting towards the end.
“Shit,” she muttered.
I nodded. “I really can’t do anything out of line now; I have no leverage for Si Chi and if they found out my powers are gone, they’d kick me out immediately. Plus, I’ll get expelled, and then what? Work for my mom or dad?”
“I’m really sorry about your powers, Y/N, but you don’t know that they’re gone for good. Plus, there are plenty of other ways you can be successful here and once you graduate. You could write a tell-all book, work in research, or model like I’ve been telling you to do forever!”
I snorted at her words, which made Emma burst out laughing. I don’t know how long we laughed for, but it felt good. However, when it stopped, a realization dawned on me.
“I don’t know, Emma, things don’t tend to work out for me if I don’t follow a plan,” I expressed.
Emma wiped some tears from her eyes. “Like what?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe my powers going away because Cate’s brainwashed or getting caught up in a conspiracy that could get us all killed or maybe having your new boyfriend attack me.”
Emma flushed. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
I rolled my eyes. “But that all happened because I was going off the plan. I was supposed to focus and crack the Top Fifteen this year.”
“But Jordan and Marie weren’t in your plan, and they were pretty good.”
I sighed and rested my head on the desk. At first, I thought our conversation was going so well but then Emma had to bring them up.
“And it’s over before anything really even started.” I propped my chin up on my hands. “But that’s probably a good thing since I need to stay on track. I’ve only gone up to Sixteen.”  
Emma pursed her lips and straightened up. Wordlessly, she stood and slowly made her way to the other side of the table. She paced back and forth for a second before slamming her hands down on the desk.
 “No, you don’t get to talk like that. In our fifteen years of friendship, I have never seen you look at or act the way you do with Marie and Jordan. You look so happy, and you deserve to be happy, I don’t care what anyone else says and you need to start believing that.”
For a second, I thought my vision blurred but it was the tears welling up in my eyes. I willed them to stay away for a second.
“But what about Si Chi?” I wondered.
Emma groaned. “If they’re going to kick you out because you went to the town hall to be with your girlfriend and partner, then they’re idiots.” Emma stood. “But you have to decide which is more important.”
The issue was that the thought of losing either of them made me nearly hyperventilate. Si Chi was a beacon of social acceptance, but Marie and Jordan made me feel accepted. No matter how uncomfortable I felt sobbing in front of them or not wanting either of them to see me in bad lighting or makeup-less, they made me comfortable.
“They don’t want me back. They’re both…unstoppable and I’ve proven to be the exact opposite.”
“Come on, Y/N, stop with the self-doubt. I can promise you, Marie and Jordan want to be with you too, they just don’t know how to reach out.” She smirked. “You should have heard Jordan ranting about how they’d knock Sydney out of her power trip; Marie had to cut the call short to calm them down.”
I laughed a little at that. “Jordan always said that Sydney was the most mediocre telekinetic on campus.”
“But the point is they both still care a lot about you. They’re obviously hurt but you’re not totally unforgivable.”
“Thanks, Emma.”
“And if they did break up with, you always have me whenever I’m not with Sam.”
“Gee, thanks. Where is he, anyway?” “Locked away in my dorm. Could you imagine him out there in the craziness?”
Emma opened her mouth to argue but got cut off by her phone alarm going off. “I have to go switch out the laundry. I hope one cycle is enough to get blood out.”
 When she left, I mulled over everything we talked about. Were she and Coco on the same wavelength or something? In both conversations, I could have started screaming at either of them but buried deep down, I knew that they both had good points.
Brink was always saying how we have to take calculated risks as heroes and it was important to minimize the damage. Even though he wasn’t my favorite professor, he did have some good points.
Maybe there was a way to minimize the damage with Si Chi and my relationship.
The thought made my hands shake as I packed up my things.
Fifteen minutes later, I was desperately trying to stop my shoulders from hiking up any further to my ears as I walked to the union. The protestors’ shouts all across the green were deafening and did nothing for my pounding head and heart. Throughout the crowd, several people were filming for social media and I did my best to avoid them.
After a few minutes, I spotted Jordan and Marie standing a couple of yards away from a side entrance that was guarded by two burly men. My heart skipped a beat as I watched their focused eyes on each other as they spoke.
Here goes nothing.
I slowly sauntered up to them, my mind racing with something, anything decent to say.
“…well, we have to figure out a way in,” Jordan muttered.
“Hi,” I chirped.
When they both faced me, I had to force myself not to try to run. Marie’s eyebrows raised and Jordan slightly narrowed her eyes at me.
“What are you doing here?” Jordan asked.
I swallowed. “I’ve had a couple of pretty intense conversations that helped me realize that you were both right: the Woods is bigger than GOD U and I should help expose it. I’m sorry about earlier, I was scared and I still am but, I want to help in any way that I can.”
The next couple of seconds felt like a million years. Finally, Marie smiled and relaxed.
“Does this mean that you don’t care about Si Chi anymore?” she asked.
“No, I’m petrified of all the cameras but I’m trying really hard not to think about it,” I admitted.
“Well, it’s a good first step. We’d love your help,” Marie declared.
Jordan paused before sighing. “Just don’t run off again.”
I agreed. “So, you’re looking for a way in?”
Marie nodded. “But we can’t get past those two without causing a scene.”
If I had my powers, solving that would have been easy but I was on my own. I glanced at the two burly guards and cocked my head.
“Did you try flirting?” I asked.
“No, and don’t even think about it,” Jordan threatened.
I turned to her. “You’re jealous about a suggestion?”
Jordan shrugged and Marie chuckled.
“Fine, that’s off the table.”
“Do you know a teleporter?” Marie asked.
“Well, there’s Gia Sharpe from Beta Ro but she’s probably inside already,” I offered.
Jordan started rolling her eyes but paused and grinned when she saw something. “That might not be necessary.”
Marie and I followed her gaze and I gasped when it landed on Justine and Renee. The two were standing on a nearby green and Justine was trying to direct Renee to hold the camera to really capture her dismayed expression. I slid behind Marie and put my head down.
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
I huffed. “It’s Justine.”
“Do you two have issues besides what she did to Emma?” Jordan asked.
“Sort of. She and her friend tried to rush Si Chi and after everything with Emma, I couldn’t let that happen,” I explained.
“And?” Marie prompted.
“And, I explained my concerns to the other sorority presidents, including Sydney and none of them wanted to promote her behavior.”
Marie smirked and Jordan’s grin deepened.
“You blackballed that bitch from every sorority?” Jordan teased.
“No, I just gave the other presidents information I thought they could use,” I defended.
“That’s pretty badass, Y/N,” Marie stated.
I smiled as my stomach flipped. “Anyway, I know that she doesn’t know that I did it but I have a feeling that she would take any opportunity to make me look bad.”
Jordan glanced at me for a second before turning her gaze back on Justine. Jordan’s jaw clenched and there was a new glint in their eyes that only appeared right before a fight. As she started approaching them, I moved to stand next to Marie.
“What are you doing?” Marie whispered.
“Causing a distraction,” Jordan called over her shoulder.
I gulped and stared as Jordan called Justine before delivering a right hook to her jaw. Justine stumbled for a second before straightening up, her jaw askew. She snapped it back into place with a flick of her hand and hissed something back at Jordan. Seconds later, Jordan was beaming in the middle of a full-on brawl.
“Does Jordan always get like this when they fight?” Marie asked.
“Yes. One time, they almost got us kicked out of a club because they sent a group of guys to the hospital.”
I smiled as Jordan dodged one frat boy’s sloppy left side kick only to spin him to collide with another frat boy that was approaching her from behind. “They look really good when they fight, though.”
Suddenly, the guards rushed past us, and Marie grabbed my arm.
“Let’s go before you start drooling.”
Victoria’s makeshift green room was immaculate and complete with various notes for the town hall and water bottles and snacks. She also looked immaculate in her navy-blue suit and perfectly coiffed dark hair. Her eyes were wide, eerily wide, and it felt like she saw everything. Those eyes watched Marie with intensity as she explained everything with the Woods and handed over the drive.
Victoria rubbed her thumb over the device and pursed her lips. “What you just expressed to me is a serious matter. Have you told anyone else?”
“We don’t trust anyone else,” Marie answered.
“Understandable.” Victoria’s slow head nod made my blood boil and I didn’t know why. “Of course, I will get this into the right hands as soon as possible.”
“And we won’t get in trouble?” I asked.
Victoria faced me. “Of course not. If anything, you and your friends should be heralded as heroes. However, I understand your concerns and appreciate your courage in coming to me.”
I nodded stiffly. “Thank you for your time. You probably have plenty of other last-minute town hall things to do.”
“Yeah, thanks for listening,” Marie agreed as she stood.
“I do but, I also wanted to speak with Marie for a moment, alone.”
Her words made my heart rate pick up and I could hear several alarms going off in my head. Something was off with Victoria but I didn’t know what and I couldn’t just drag Marie out of there with no explanation.
I turned back to Marie, and she nodded. Slowly, I stood and one of Victoria’s assistants guided me out of the room. I couldn’t stop myself from pacing up and down the hallway. There was no telling what they were talking about, and I hated not knowing.
If only---
No, that won’t be helpful. I just had to be patient and wait for her.
But patience was hard when my gut felt so uneasy like it was on a rocking boat. I’d never met Victoria until then and I knew Coco thought she was an acceptable candidate. So, I had no cause to feel the way that I was feeling.
Maybe it was paranoia or stress; both were known to make people perceive things differently.
But my intuition was never wrong.
Finally, Marie walked out of the green room, her eyes wide but she seemed okay.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she confirmed.
As soon as we were out of earshot, Marie started rambling but I got the gist: Victoria was a supe with the exact same powers as Marie, she and Marie were both in the same facility as kids, and Victoria was Marie’s benefactor.
“She even told me about how she can see people’s internal organs and that it happens when you focus enough,” Marie gushed.
“That’s cool,” I mused.
The sunlight was refreshing when we got outside but it didn’t distract from the rowdy protests in front of the union. Each “Supe Lives Matter” sign made me cringe but both sides were extremely passionate. It was hard to understand why people loathed finding a middle ground so much.
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
“Nothing, I’m glad that we handed over the information and she was receptive,” I stated.
Marie frowned. “You’re holding back.”
The last thing I wanted to do was start a fight and I could already feel the roots of tension appearing.
“I just…I don’t have a good feeling about Victoria,” I confessed.
Marie paused in her steps and I hesitated before facing her. “What do you mean? She was our best option and she’s the one who got me in here, she can’t be that bad.”
“I know and I’m not saying she is, I just feel like something’s off.”
“Don’t start that self-sabotaging bullshit,” Marie warned.
“I’m not. You and Jordan want me to be honest and that’s what I’m trying to do. I can’t ignore my gut, Marie.”
Marie opened and closed her mouth several times. The furrow between her eyebrows was deeper than usual and I wished that I knew the best thing to say. It was difficult to tell my girlfriend that I was happy that she knew who her benefactor was but that I was also suspicious of said benefactor.
“Let’s go find Jordan,” Marie muttered.
I quietly agreed and followed Marie to the protest area since that’s where most people were. Even though I saw a couple of Greek Life people I knew, I couldn’t find Jordan.
It’s hard to say what exactly started it but in an instant, I was caught up in a sea of protestors pushing and shoving each other. Then, the shoves turned into punches and kicks. I saw several teeth get punched out of heads and people resetting their broken noses before going back in for more. All I could do was my best to dodge all the mayhem and in it, my stomach sunk when I realized that I’d lost Marie.
“Marie? Marie!” I called.
I thought I was being loud but I quickly got drowned out by the yells and grunts of the protestors. A burly jock lunged for me but I grabbed the back of his collar used the momentum to send him flying into the people behind me. I kept trying to call for Marie but got distracted by all the jostling.
Breathe, just breathe, Y/N, I thought.
Then, someone grabbed the back of my right arm and yanked me through the crowd. I yelped at the strength but couldn’t fight back as I was finally pulled to a fairly clear sidewalk. The same someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face them and I sighed when I made eye contact with Marie.
“Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” Her eyes frantically searched my face and she felt all over me for any bruises. “You have some blood on your dress.”
I gasped. “Is it mine?”
Marie shook her head and hugged me.
“There you two are, we’ve gotta get out of here!” Jordan rushed as he approached us.
Marie and I pulled away and trailed after Jordan. After a few minutes, we stopped at a clear green and I slumped against a tree.
“You didn’t get in trouble for the fight?” Marie asked.
“They didn’t catch me,” he said with a wide smirk. “How did things with Neuman go?”
“Good, she actually listened to us and said she was going to hand over everything to the proper channels.” Jordan nodded. “Did she say what would happen to Shetty?”
“She wasn’t sure but probably firing,” Marie reported before glancing at me.
I huffed and pushed myself to lean straighter against the tree.
“How long will it take?” Jordan asked.
“She didn’t say,” I answered.
“But, she’ll do it; she actually wants to help, Jordan,” Marie insisted.
Then, Jordan looked at me and I glanced down at my shoes.
“What’s going on with you two?” he asked.
“Y/N’s suspicious of Victoria even though she’s willing to help us,” Marie said.
“I just have a bad feeling and I was trying to be honest,” I defended. “Plus, Jordan brought up a good question. She never gave us a timeline or the names of those she would be speaking with. There are kids still down there.”
“I’m sure Victoria will be as quick as possible. If she was willing to help me, she must be willing to help others.”
“Wait, what?” Jordan asked.
“Victoria’s my donor,” Marie explained.
“That’s amazing.” Jordan paused and looked at me. “I’m not gonna pick sides or anything but, you both have good points. Neuman is our best option to expose the Woods and have people listen. Y/N has sensitive intuition, and she might be picking up on something. But, no one should be fighting right now, especially since we just made up.”
“I didn’t mean to start a fight,” I pleaded.
“It’s not a fight, it’s a disagreement and I’m okay with dropping it for now if you are,” Marie offered.
I nodded.
“Good.” Jordan stepped closer to me and frowned. “You got caught up in the brawl.”
“I don’t think it was long, though, and I’m not hurt. Marie found me but I was able to evade several people; I even threw a guy further into the crowd.”
Jordan smiled. “That’s my freshie.”
I didn’t have long to bask in the praise since my vision was overrun with the clearest image I’d had in a long time. Cate was standing in Shetty’s pristine living room and the older woman was cowering against the wall, eyes blown wide with fear and shaking her head.
“Cate, please, don’t do this, you don’t have to do this,” Shetty’s voice echoed.
“Yes, I do, you gave me no other choice.” Cate’s voice was hollow and her eyes were bloodshot. Then, my gaze fell down to her hands and in one, she held a sizable butcher knife.
When I blinked, Jordan, Marie, Emma, and Sam were looking back at me. I flinched a little.
“Do you zone out a lot?” Sam asked.
“No, Y/N just had a vision,” Emma replied with a grin.
I slightly nodded and pushed myself off the tree. “We need to get to Cate, now.”
Shetty’s house was as pristine as any college dean’s would be: the houseplants throughout the house accentuated the ivory and pastel décor and the scent of chamomile filled the house. The space in itself oozed serenity but I felt my skin buzzing as I traipsed through the house with my friends.
Just like in my vision, Cate was standing in the living room, her back facing us. Across the room, Shetty cowered against the wall and kept trying to crawl to no avail.
“Cate, what’s going on?” Jordan asked.
When she turned to us, everyone else gasped except me. Cate’s pupils were dilated, and her eyes were redder than I’d ever seen them. Her arms rested at her sides and the butcher knife glinted in one of her ungloved hands. Cate’s loose posture would have been more concerning if I hadn’t seen what I saw.
“You were fast,” Cate commented.
“We were on our way when you called me,” Marie shared.
“I caught a glimpse of what was going on and thought we should all talk,” I added.
Cate smiled and walked over to me. “Your powers are back, that’s amazing.” She went to grab both of my hands, but I flinched.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
“Y/N, please, help me,” Shetty pleaded.
Cate whirled towards her. “Shut up! Only speak when I tell you.”
Shetty immediately closed her mouth but nothing Cate said wiped the terrified expression off the dean’s face.
“Cate, I think you pushed too much. Why don’t we sit down and you tell us what’s going on?” Marie offered.
“Also, where’s Andre?” Jordan asked.
“He had to go into the city and I feel perfectly fine. I realized that it wasn’t my powers that were making me sick, it was the prescription Shetty gave me,” Cate stated.
“What?” Emma asked.
If the prescription Cate took for her headaches somehow dulled her powers, then that meant…
“She gave you suppressants,” I concluded.
Cate nodded. “Exactly.” She turned away and started walking towards Shetty. “When Indira came home, I got her to admit to everything she’s been doing. Plus, the clips I saw from the town hall inspired me. We’ve been letting non-supes control us for far too long. They’re just scared of us because they know we should be the ones running things.”
While Cate was partly right about some non-supes being scared of supes, that didn’t mean the answer was to subjugate all of them. The situation was worse than my vision led me to believe and I wracked my brain for the best words.
“Cate, you don’t have to do this. We gave over all the information to Neuman and she’ll get it out soon,” Marie offered.
“Yeah, all of this will be exposed and Shetty and everyone else involved will face the repercussions that they should,” Jordan added.
Cate seemed unimpressed as she glanced at the knife in her hand. “That’s too good for Indira.” She faced the woman. “You brainwashed me and made me believe I was helping Luke when I was part of the reason he died. I should have reported you as soon as I got suspicious.”
Shetty shrunk away from her as much as possible and made some sort of noise behind her closed lips.
“Cate, that’s enough,” I tried.
The blonde turned to me. “Don’t you want to know why she wanted us to stay so close? Just ask and I’ll make her say.”
“You don’t have to do that, Y/N,” Jordan said.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Emma voiced.
 As I stared at the petrified dean, my curiosity didn’t matter. What did matter was that Cate was unhinged and I had to talk her down. She didn’t have her gloves on, which meant that she could peek into any of our heads at will. The best solution was to keep my head as clear as possible.
I took a deep breath and did my best to sweep away any annoying thoughts.
“I appreciate the thought but it’s okay. I don’t care about that anymore; I care about you.” I approached Cate like a zookeeper would approach a tiger. Her eyes never left mine and I forced myself to relax as I grabbed her free hand. “I’m still hurt by what you did but that doesn’t mean I hate you; none of us hate you. You’re one of my best friends and I know you have good intentions and Shetty took advantage of that.”
Cate nodded and breathed. “She did.”
“Yeah. So, why don’t we get out of here and let the police or whoever’s in charge of taking down people like her do their jobs? We can go get milkshakes at Vought-a-Burger if you want.”
Cate paused for a moment and mulled over my words. My heart rate felt like it raised with each passing second. Then, she eyed me. “Thanks for trying, Y/N but this is for your own good.”
“Indira, tell Y/N what your plans were for her,” Cate cut me off.
Shetty sat up and responded, “Upon receiving your application and seeing your powers, my plan was to admit you into the school but admit you to the Woods before the end of your first semester.”
“What?” The word felt like it was punched out of me and I took a step away from Cate.
Shetty continued, “A future probability supe with a ten percent margin of error is too dangerous. There is no way of predicting any of your moves or motives and I wanted you sedated and monitored. But Brink stopped me just before sending out acceptance letters; he insisted that you were much more useful in the classroom than you were in a lab.”
My stomach churned as I kept backing away from Cate, whose gaze never left mine, and Shetty. I could feel my neck and shoulders tense and I suddenly felt lightheaded.
“Stop,” I requested.
“Keep going,” Cate instructed.
“Cate, stop!” Emma pleaded.
“She needs to hear this.”
“I disagreed with him but set up check-ins with you in an attempt to get his perspective. On first impression, I knew that you were intelligent but anxious and you had no malintent in your power use. I paired you with Cate as a peer mentor because I knew she would be able to keep a close eye on you and make sure you were taking your medicine without being suspicious,” Shetty articulated.
“Did you put me on power suppressants too?” I asked.  
“Partly. In each session, I made sure to play upon your insecurities, which would heighten your anxiety. You had so much self-doubt that your attempts to strengthen your powers were limited. Also, the medication I gave you only included a minimal amount of anti-anxiety medication. It also included power suppressants that dulled your abilities but not so much that you would notice.”
For a year and a half, I aired out all my insecurities, fears, goals, and grievances with Dean Shetty. She’d always made me feel secure in her office and was quick to offer advice. She listened every time I cried about my parents and gave me ginger tea after each episode. The fact that she’d been manipulating me and drugging me this whole time made it feel like the floor fell out from under me.
When I remembered she wanted me committed underground, I had to take really deep breaths.
She never cared about me or Cate; we were the enemy. Everything we told her was just more ammo that she could use.
“You never helped me; you almost made me worse,” I hissed.
“You’re too dangerous, all you supes are! It’s just a matter of time before you kill us all!” Shetty snapped.
“So, you kill us first?” Jordan shot back.
Shetty didn’t respond but glared defiantly at Jordan.
“She’s the enemy, Y/N, they all are. We can’t let them control us anymore,” Cate insisted.
 “But hurting her doesn’t make us any better,” I whispered.
Cate nodded slowly. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
She turned on her heel and walked back over to Shetty and I couldn’t take my eyes off the knife.
“Cate, wait, I get that Shetty’s deplorable, but she isn’t worth killing,” I pleaded.
That and all my other pleas fell on deaf ears as Cate walked over to Shetty. She turned to me and glanced at the others behind me, all were similarly asking her to stop.
“Slit your throat, Indira,” Cate ordered, handing the butcher knife to Shetty.
The woman easily accepted it and obeyed the commandment in one swift motion. The gurgling noises were the worst and my hands slapped across my mouth as I forced myself to take deep even breaths. Then, Marie brushed past me, gently pushing me closer to the others as she approached Cate.
Marie stretched a hand towards Shetty but Cate grabbed her arm.
“Cate, let me help her,” Marie insisted.
“I can’t do that. This is what she deserves,” Cate said slowly.  
For a moment I froze. Part of me wanted to lunge forward and free Marie and the other wanted to get as far away from the bloody scene as possible. Either way, I knew that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the life slowly draining from Shetty’s.
Taglist: @gardenof-venus @badbishsblog @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @darksoul100 @simiinthemirror
116 notes · View notes
The Clink- prison guard!Javier Peña x f!inmate!reader
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Mood board is just for aesthetics, no reader description is given- moodboard made by @planet-marz1
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Javi P Masterlist
Word Count: ~1300
Warnings: DUBCON due to power imbalance (reader is an inmate and cannot legally consent), oral sex m!receiving, unprotected PIV, creampie
Author’s Note: this is just a silly little brain rot I was having. I would like to dedicate this fic to Mari @planet-marz1 , My Baby Love™️, for feeding that brain rot and for always being my biggest cheerleader. She is the light of my life and I am so lucky to call her my friend
After his resignation from the DEA, Javi thought that he could help his dad around the ranch and just live a peaceful life. He probably could have, if it wasn’t for those fucking boats. Day in and day out, they rode past his land, full of drugs. Gun-toting men, kids really, taunting Javi. Reminding him of his failures, his losses. Finally he couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to find a job. Something to get him away from  the house, if only for a few hours a day. Anything to keep his mind off the horrors he witnessed and even participated in during his decade of service to the drug war. His nights are still consumed by them. Nightmares plague Javi every night. The filthy mattress they found Helena on, the fate they saved her from. The kid Carrillo shot right in the fucking head, and his friend’s own death. It’s rare these days that Javi gets a full night’s rest. Even rarer still that he’s able to go back to sleep after waking, soaked in sweat, from one of these nightmares. 
And that’s how he found himself here, in the laundry room of the county jail, with you on your knees on the dirty concrete floor in front of him. His cock is shoved as far down your throat as it can go. His hands are curled around the back of your head as he pistons in and out. “That’s it baby, breathe through your nose. You can do it, mamita. ” He says quietly, hoping to avoid detection. You swallow around him as best you can and slip your hand down the stretchy waistband of your jail issued scrubs. You just need to get some friction before you lose your mind. The obscene sounds of Javi fucking your throat have your clit twitching beneath your fingers. It practically throbs when he praises you.
“You take me so well, baby. Doing such a good job for me.” You moan around his length and the vibrations have his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “Fuck!” He exclaims and quickly pulls out of your throat. “I’m not gonna last if you keep that up.” He explains. Your throat is thick with saliva that dribbles out between your lips. He swipes it away with his thumb and wipes it on the dark brown polyester of his guard uniform. His sweat-slicked curls stick to his forehead and the back of his neck. July in Texas is hot enough, but the jail doesn’t have air conditioning, and the humidity from the commercial grade washers and dryers make the air thick and warm, just like Javi. “Stand up.” He orders, motioning with two of his fingers. You stand and he twirls his fingers in a circular motion, indicating for you to turn around. You turn and place your palms flat on the stainless steel folding table in front of you.
Officer Peña had been observing while you and your fellow inmates washed and dried and folded. A scuffle broke out between two of the women and he sent everyone back to their bunks. By chance, you happened to be at the very end of the line. He placed his hand on your shoulder as you neared the door. “Not you. I’ve got a special job for you.” He’d said with a smirk on his face and a sparkle in his deep brown eyes. That look was reserved for special occasions. When he just had to have you, outside of your weekly pre-established time. All the guards were required to work one overnight shift per week. Once a week, he slips quietly into your bunk and your bunkie slips out. You don’t know where she goes for half an hour but she doesn’t ask any questions and neither do you. 
He presses his chest against your back and buries his face in your neck. He wraps his strong arms around your middle and hugs you tightly to him. “I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow night. I had to have you now, hermosa .” He whispers against your skin. Goosebumps cover your entire body with the vibrations and your nipples pebble against the cotton of your top. You bring your arms up to hug where his are pressed against you, but he grabs your wrists firmly, but not painfully, and places your hands on the table once again. He pulls down your pants to your ankles and over your shoes and a low groan leaves his mouth when he sees the wet patch darkening the tan fabric. “Why aren’t you wearing any panties?” He asks. “Waiting for someone else?” You shake your head.
“Of course not, Javi.” He reaches around and engulfs your mound with his large palm. The other hand snakes up your shirt and tweaks your nipples.
“Better not be. This pussy belongs to me.” He growls into your ear. You whimper as your knees get a little weak.
Javi grabs the back of your left leg and lifts it. The cool metal of the table stings your knee as it comes to rest there. He doesn’t waste any more time. You don’t have any to waste. Someone is gonna wonder why the laundry isn’t getting done soon. You moan loudly when his cock begins stretching you. He clamps his hand over your mouth. “Shh, baby. Don’t want anyone hearing us now, do you?” And he feels when your pussy clenches around him at the thought. “Oh, maybe you do. Would you like that?” When you nod slightly he gives his hips a sharp thrust.
“Maybe I can call a few of my buddies in here to watch. Let them watch me ruin this pussy.” Each snap of his hips brings you closer to the edge. The filthy words whispered into the shell of your ear, the feel of his breath on your neck, the thought of getting caught, being put on display, has you coming for him within a few minutes. When he feels you fluttering around him he picks up the pace. Ramming into you over and over until you are squeezing him. “You want me to fill you up, mamita ? Let you walk around with me dripping out of you all day?” His voice sounds strained, like he’s holding back. He removes his hand from your mouth. He wants to hear you say it.
“Please, Javi. Fill me up, baby.” His cock twitches inside of you and he gives you two more quick thrusts. He stills and you feel him pulse as he empties himself into you with a loud groan. You hope these old dryers are loud enough to cover the sound. As much as the thought of getting caught turns you on, the consequences would be bad, for both of you. Javi would go to prison himself, be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. You would get even more time added on to your sentence, likely in solitary. 
Once you’ve both come down from your respective highs, Javi places a soft kiss on your neck and helps you bring your leg back to the ground. He holds your pants so you can step into them and pulls them up for you. He stands and tucks himself back into his uniform and buckles his belt. He gives you a deep, but soft, kiss. When he parts his lips from yours he places a quick peck to your forehead. “Go on.” He says with a jerk of his head. When you turn to walk away he swats your ass gently. “See you tomorrow night baby.” He says with a wink. 
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pearlprincess02 · 2 months
playlist for: TAURUS EDITION
part 1 for more artist
"touch" - nct 127 / “warrior” - demi lovato / “dark side” - kelly clarkson / "impossible" - christina aguilera / "terrified" - childish gambino / “wait a minute” - the pussycat dolls / “confident” - demi lovato / "from home" - nct u / “pity party” - melanie martinez / "stand tall" - childish gambino / "find you" - nick jonas / “my life would suck without you” - kelly clarkson / "beautiful" - christina aguilera / “soap” - melanie martinez / "3005" - childish gambino / “give your heart a break” - demi lovato / "remember i told you" - nick jonas (feat. anne-marie, mike posner) / "walk away" - christina aguilera / “because of you” - kelly clarkson / “moonlight mile” - the rolling stones / “stone cold” - demi lovato / "bacon" - nick jonas (feat. ty dolla $ign) / "feels like summer" - childish gambino / "underappreciated" - christina aguilera / “dollhouse” - melanie martinez / “beep” - the pussycat dolls / “angie”- the rolling stones / "summertime magic" - childish gambino / “carousel” - melanie martinez / "teacher" - nick jonas / “i don’t need a man” - the pussycat dolls / “brown sugar” - the rolling stones / "numb" - nick jonas (feat. angel haze)
"adorn" - miguel / "golden" - harry styles / "harvest moon" - neil young / "latch" - disclosure (feat. sam smith) / "stay" - rihanna (feat. mikky ekko) / "best part" - daniel caesar (feat. h.e.r.) / "the weekend" - sza / "electric feel" - mgmt / "sedona" - houndmouth / "crave you" - flight facilities (feat. giselle)
“i will” - mitski / “as if it’s your last” - blackpink / “salute” - little mix / “be the one” - dua lipa / “no excuses” - meghan trainor / “drunk dialing…lodt” - summer walker / “the good side” - troye sivan / “first love / late spring” - mitski / “love me like you” - little mix / “dear future husband” - meghan trainor / “physical” - dua lipa / “playing games” - summer walker / “love to hate me” - blackpink / “sweet leaf” - black sabbath / “me too” - meghan trainor / “drunk walk home” - mitski / “levitating” - dua lipa feat. dababy / “i’ll kill you” - summer walker (feat. jhené aiko) / “move” - little mix / “lost boy” - jaden / “planet caravan” - black sabbath / "reflection" - christina aguilera / “a pearl” - mitski / “hopeless romantic” - meghan trainor / “girls need love” - summer walker / “new rules” - dua lipa / “i” - jaden / “secret love song” - little mix (feat. jason derulo) / “wild” - troye sivan / “fluff” - black sabbath / “better when i’m dancin’” - meghan trainor / “happy” - mitski / “thinking ’bout you” - dua lipa / "hurt" - christina aguilera
"ridin' solo" - jason derulo / "fancy" - iggy azalea (feat. charli xcx) / "royals" - lorde / "money" - pink floyd / "material girl" - madonna / "rich girl" - hall & oates / "billionaire" - travie mccoy (feat. bruno mars) / "gold digger" - kanye west (feat. jamie foxx) / "luxurious" - gwen stefani / "uptown funk" - mark ronson (feat. bruno mars)
taurus moon playlist (honorable mention : moon - venus aspects)
“and i love her” - the beatles / “breathin” - ariana grande / “change of heart” - cyndi lauper / “moonlight” - exo-k / “sativa” - jhené aiko (feat. swae lee) / "a&w" - lana del ray / “let it be” - the beatles / "purple rain" - prince / "panorama" - iz*one / “god is a woman” - ariana grande / “what is love” - exo-k / “love” - lana del rey / “when you were mine” - cyndi lauper / “comfort inn ending (freestyle)” - jhené aiko / “in my life” - the beatles / “love me harder” - ariana grande (feat. the weeknd) / “xoxo” - exo-k / “ride” - lana del rey / “i drove all night” - cyndi lauper / "l.a.love (la la)" - fergie (feat. yg) / "thats what i want" - lil nas x / "let's go crazy" - prince / “here, there and everywhere” - the beatles / “my turn to cry” - exo-k / “needy” - ariana grande / “true colors” - cyndi lauper / “blue jeans” - lana del rey / "clumsy" - fergie / "rodeo" - lil nas x (feat. cardi b) / “love me right” - exo-k / “positions” - ariana grande / “time after time” - cyndi lauper / "glamorous" - fergie (feat. ludacris) / “national anthem” - lana del rey / “i want to hold your hand” - the beatles / cream - prince / holiday - lil nas x / “money changes everything” - cyndi lauper / “born to die” - lana del rey / "big girls don't cry (personal)" - fergie /
"from the dining table" - harry styles / "make you feel my love" - adele / “sweetest thing” - lauryn hill / “so into you” - tamia / “love on top” - beyoncé / “crush” - yuna (feat. usher) / "liability" - lorde / "1965" - zella day / "lover" - taylor swift /
“no surprises” - radiohead / "otherside" - red hot chili peppers / “good old days” - macklemore (feat. kesha) / “neon lights” - demi lovato / “don’t know what to do” - blackpink / “all i need”- radiohead / "dani california" - red hot chili peppers / “hymn” - kesha / “blessings” - big sean (feat. drake, kanye west) / “cool for the summer” - demi lovato / “reckoner” - radiohead / "by the way" - red hot chili peppers / “forever young” - blackpink / “your song” - elton john / “woman” - kesha (feat. the dap-kings horns) / “savage mode” - 21 savage & metro boomin / “i don’t fuck with you” - big sean (feat. e-40) / “videotape” - radiohead / "californication" - red hot chili peppers / “don’t go breaking my heart” - elton john & kiki dee / “you never know” - blackpink / “bank account” - 21 savage / “boots” - kesha / “lotus flower” - radiohead / “skyscraper” - demi lovato / my last - big sean / “crazy over you” - blackpink / “out for the night” - 21 savage / “someone saved my life tonight” - elton john / “guap” - big sean / “sorry not sorry” - demi lovato / “whistle” - blackpink / “monster” - 21 savage & metro boomin / “single again” - big sean
“thinking out loud” - ed sheeran / “earned it” - the weeknd / “stay with me” - sam smith / “let’s stay together” - al green / “you are the best thing” - ray lamontagne / “lovely day” - bill withers / “i will always love you” - whitney houston
taurus venus playlist
taurus sun playlist (honorable mention : sun in 2nd house, sun - venus aspects)
taurus rising playlist (honorable mention : venus in 1st house, venus - asc aspects , venus dominants)
main masterlist
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natsvenom · 3 months
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Lost & Found - PART 2 | Kol Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
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SUMMARY: 10 years after becoming a vampire, you discover you still have the ability to siphon. No amount of research you do helps you discover why, and you were never able to do it again. You meet a girl named Mary Porter and she tells you there's someone who can help you, but he's the most dangerous man alive, and one of the first vampires to ever roam the earth. But what other choice did you have?
WARNINGS: Minor violence
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It had been 44 years ago when you became a vampire. For the longest time you hated yourself, you lacked the one thing you always seemed to have as a witch. Control. Luckily, you had learned the art of compulsion, managing to stop yourself from killing innocent people. Your favorite thing about being a vampire though, was the ability to heal.
Emily Bennett had told you when witches became vampires, they lost their ability to connect with nature. So why did you still feel so grounded to the earth? After ten years of being a vampire, you discovered something.
You were walking down the streets of New York City, it was 1874, and you were looking for your brother Stefan. He had gone off the rails and you decided it was time to give him a concerned younger sister talk. You weren’t sure he’d listen, but the least you could do was try.
You ran your fingers through the cracks and crevices of the dark bricks, humming the tune of an old song you hadn’t heard in several years. You gasp, suddenly being pushed to the wall, a man holding you tightly in place, his face monstrous, resembling something similar to one you often saw in the mirror.
You grabbed a hold of his arm, pinning him against the wall. He was clearly newer at this than you were. He groaned loudly, almost like he was in an immense amount of pain. You were confused, you weren’t holding on to him that tight. You looked down, noticing a red glowing light coming from your hands. That’s when you realized, you were siphoning him, something you hadn’t done in ten years. You pulled back instantly, and the man dropped to the floor, letting out heavy breaths. You looked down at your hands, then back at the man, and then you sped off, without any regard for the man who had just tried to make you his next meal.
After that day, you thought maybe something had gone wrong with your transition. Why else would you be able to siphon still? The truth was, you had no idea what was happening to you, and it freaked you out more than death itself. You tried siphoning again almost every day after the incident, but you hadn’t been able to. Maybe you were just seeing things.
You spent years after that researching siphoners, but you could never find anything. Not a single witch or vampire you talked to knew what you were, most of them just assumed you were crazy or seeking some sort of attention. It was exhausting chasing after what everyone thought was a fairytale.
In 1906, you met a woman named Mary Porter. She was the only person who believed your story and offered you her help. She hadn’t known anything about siphoners herself, but she said she knew a man who could help you, claiming he was an expert on all things witch-related. You had hoped she was right. She warned you though, that this man was anything but good. He was dangerous, and one of the oldest living vampires on the planet. He used and manipulated people, so if you wanted something from him, he’d most definitely expect something in return. Nothing he did for anyone else came for free.
Mary told you if you wanted to meet him, you’d have to be patient, saying he was almost impossible to find, not unless he wanted to be found. She took you to New Orleans, a place he had called home many moons ago. Mary seemed to have faith that he was there though, so you trusted her.
You had spent a year in New Orleans, searching for a vampire who didn’t seem to wanna be found was probably the most difficult thing you had done. How hard could it be to hide in a place like this? Mary seemed to have known a lot of people, and she said she was getting closer to finding him. What you hadn’t expected though, was that he would find you first.
You sat down at the bar in one of many clubs in the French Quarter, a jazz band was playing loudly from the stage across the dance floor. You weren’t really in the mood for dancing though. You order something strong at the bar, fully aware that your ability to get drunk vanished that horrible night in 1864.
A man sat down next to you, you paid him no mind though, your intentions for being here had nothing to do with socialization. He ordered a glass of whiskey, his British accent peaking your interest slightly. It wasn’t often you heard an accent like that, especially not down in New Orleans.
“Rumor has it you’ve been seeking me out.” The man said, his stare burning into the side of your head. You turned to face him and were shocked at how attractive he was, but you still had no idea who he was, so you kept your guard up. He held his hand out, and hesitantly, you took it. A feeling of something dark instantly took over your senses, and that was when you realized who he was. The man you’d been searching for for two years, the one who could supposedly kill you without even blinking, no matter how old of a vampire you were.
“Kol,” He introduced himself, his smile cunning and mischievous. You had wondered if you were making a mistake being here, he was intimidating, and that was a feeling you didn’t like.
“Y/N,” You said.
He picked up his glass once more, bringing it to his lips, “So, what do you want from me?” He asked, getting straight to the point.
Your heart rate picked up. It wasn’t out of fear though, it was excitement, after all this time you were finally gonna figure out what you were. At least you hoped, “I need your help.” You explained.
“Help from somebody like me comes with a price.” He said in almost a joking tone, but you knew he was serious. If you wanted his help, you knew you’d have to return the favor.
“A price I’m willing to pay.” You insisted. He could tell you were serious by that intense look in your eyes, whatever you wanted, must’ve been important.
“Very well then. What do you need that requires my assistance?” He questioned, looking at you very intently.
“Well, it’s complicated.” You sighed, “Before I became a vampire, I was a witch. I learned everything I know about magic from a witch named Emily Bennett.”
“You must’ve had an excellent mentor then. The Bennett witches are a very powerful bloodline.” Kol speculated.
“She told me that witches balance out the boundary between natural and supernatural. Which is why you can’t be both a witch and a vampire because it defies nature.” You added.
“All very true,” Kol said.
“Oh,” You murmured, disappointed.
“There’s been exceptions for certain individuals though,” Kol claimed, swirling the last bit of his drink in his glass.
“Exceptions?” You questioned, raising a brow.
“They’re not exactly well known in the witch community, they like to keep themselves hidden. They’re called the Gemini Coven.” Kol explained. You sighed in relief when you realized what you were experiencing was possible.
“They come from a long line of witches called siphoners, which means they have to absorb magic from other magical entities. Most people think that means they're weak, but that’s far from true. A siphoner can desiccate a vampire just from their touch, and rid the influence of compulsion from any person whose been compelled by a vampire. This power of course doesn’t come without a price. The leader of the Gemini Coven is determined by something called the merge. Every time a set of twins is born into the coven they must bind their magic into one once they turn of age, the strongest of the two wins, becoming the next leader of the coven. And of course, if the leader dies, so does the rest of the coven. Unless you’re a vampire of course.”
You implanted the new information into your brain, finally feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. But of course, you still had questions and concerns, “But if you’re a vampire how can you be a part of the coven?” You asked.
“That’s what makes siphoners so exceptionally powerful. They’re the only witches in the world who can become both a vampire and a witch, they’re referred to as heretics. After the transition the witch side has the ability to siphon power from the vampire side, making them quite unstoppable. There’s only one way to kill them, which would require you to rip out their heart, a stake won’t do it. I haven’t seen one in quite some time though, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’re out of luck, darling.”
At first, you weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him. If you did there was always the possibility that he would want to kill you, but you were having magic issues, and you needed help getting them back under control, “What if I told you I knew one?” You said, rather abruptly.
“Then I would ask why you’re coming to me for this.” He said, drinking the last bit of his whiskey.
“And what if I said she doesn’t know anything about heretics and hasn’t been able to use her magic since she’s transitioned? Would you be able to help her?” You asked rhetorically.
“Well, I would have to meet her first and figure out the issue. There are many reasons for magic being blocked.” Kol explained.
“Like what?”
“First tell me to whom you’re referring, and then maybe I’ll give you the answer.”
You looked down at your glass, taking a moment to think, then looked back up at him, “Me.” You said hesitantly.
“You?” He questioned.
You sighed, “Before I was a vampire I found out I was a siphoner, with the help of an old friend, I couldn’t figure out much about my family history, and all I knew was what Emily taught me. Then I became a vampire and I had no idea about heretics or anything, so I just instantly assumed I had lost my ability to do magic.”
Kol looked slightly surprised, but he tried not to let it show. He set his glass down and stood up, “If you want my help, it’s going to take a while. And that’s going to be a lot of debt, darling.” Kol asserted.
You stood up quickly after him, “Please, I’ll do anything.” You pleaded.
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tags | @multifandombliss
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only-horse-polls · 3 months
Fictional Horse Tournament (FHT)
Starting list - Group Haley
#Group Haley propaganda
All media of origin are listed in parentheses and sorted in alphabetical order. Character names are not sorted in any order.
The Captain (101 Dalmatians)
James Baxter (Adventure Time)
Widow, Spider-Horse (Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Vault of Spiders, Spider-Geddon, Marvel)
Amika (Amika)
Glory (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Honor (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Silver Mare (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Stranger (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Gaudior (A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Time Quintet)
Aurea (Aurea de wilde pony)
Philippe (Beauty and the Beast)
Jewel (Bella Sara)
Thunder (Bella Sara)
Bella (Bella Sara)
Fiona (Bella Sara)
Nike (Bella Sara)
Firewalker (Bella Sara)
Star (Bella Sara)
Arapaho (Bella Sara)
Lenape (Bella Sara)
Moonfairy (Bella Sara)
Starlight (Bella Sara)
Sunflower (Bella Sara)
Mustang (Bella Sara)
Elymyn (Bella Sara)
Pantheon (Bella Sara)
Amadeus (Bibi and Tina)
Sabrina (Bibi and Tina)
Black Beauty (Black Beauty)
Ginger (Black Beauty)
Merrylegs (Black Beauty)
Angus (Brave)
Kona (Breyer #100111, Wind Dancer)
Brisa (Breyer #100113, Wind Dancer)
Sirocco (Breyer #100112, Wind Dancer)
Sumatra (Breyer #100105, Wind Dancer
Casey (Casey the Utterly Impossible Horse)
Horse (Centaurworld)
Major (Cinderella)
Rafal (De ontsnapping van Rafal)
Pipo (De Bleshof, Het eerste optreden)
Isobel (De Bleshof, Alles voor mijn paard)
Tjitske (De Bleshof, Een echt paardenmeisje)
Pepijn (De Bleshof, Pepijn is de allerliefste)
Pico (De zoektocht van Pico)
Galupy (Diddl)
Unimon (Digimon)
Binky (Discworld)
Susan, Joshua (Doctor Who, A Town Called Mercy) - Round 1
Arthur (Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace)
Rocinante (Don Quixote)
Mary Lou, Primrose (Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride)
Peggy Sue (Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation)
Red Hare (Dynasty Warrior)
Leonard (Elden Ring)
Ixion (Final Fantasy X)
Kokuoh, 黒王, Kokuō (Fist of the North Star, 北斗の拳, Hokuto no Ken)
The Nokk (Frozen II)
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