cedar-glade · 1 year
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Juglans cinerea, elongated furrows similar to common ash species Fraxinus spp. White bark, 11 leaflets, unlike ash in respect to alternate apical whorls of leaves, unlike pecan, Carya illinoinensis with 15 leaflets and plate like exfoliating bark. Unlike black walnut, J. nigra, brownish purple bark thats squared off over time with leaflets at 16 with abortion of apical leaflet 17.
Ive never seen white with minimal cankers, smooth upper that has its first branch at the 65 ft mark. Tallest ive seen, healthiest too at 80 ft. Butternut or white walnut suffers from two pathogens as of late
The worse being an airborn lenticil junction pathogen called Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum. The other is a less known beetle vectored genera specific thousand canker complex fungus. A triple threat of bacterial wet wood occurring later preventing bullet callus formation or any callus. In the first pathogen the fungus causes massive cankers that eventually lead to failure or girdling. It caused primary death of 90% of white walnuts. Refugiums in fens are your best bet for disrupting/ beating the pathogen triangle. In this case we see a rare example of rocky calcaric talus hillsides, dolomitic rock hills of eoa nc at wilderness preserve in Adams co. Ohio; The original non-refugial habitat. Some are preserved via propizol and sterol inhibitor injections in arboretums. The other pathogen complex starts with a twig killing beetle at the crown in smooth wood. The beetle is vectoring a fungus Geosmitha morbida which causes many small cankers. walnut twig beetle, Pityophthorus juglandis is targeting young branches and lays larva that chews threw sap wood from slip into the growing season spreading the fungus in mass. The crown dies first then the tree after the vascular system aids the fungus. Bacterial aggregates occur in the wounds preventing any callus. This triple threat is why its not a single pathogen but a complex called TCD. Seeing this walnut was like seeing a surviving chestnut.
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enlibertadco · 22 days
Cada día de mi vida, y ya son muchos ! (Tumblr me acaba de recordar que estoy a 93 días de mi cumpleaños 47, soy un adulto en toda la plenitud de lo que eso significa), he tratado de expresar lo que constantemente está en mi cabeza, creo que más bien sería como vomitar los que ers en mi cabeza, bueno, vamos a ver como me va. No es el tiempo de los blogs pero no lo hago por popularidad, eso nunca va a pasar. Lo hago por terapia.
Soy agrónomo , y hoy dando paseo, o un una vuelta, como llamamos por acá, por el centro de Bogotá vi un árbol enfermo, es mi naturaleza, a eso me dedico, concretamente a diagnosticar enfermedades en plantas.
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#yarumo #Chorrodequevedo
El Yarumo es una planta que se da muy bien en Bogotá, a 2600 metros sobre el nivel del mar, o 2600 metros más cerca de las estrellas (lema institucional se se uso hace algún tiempo). Y me gusta particularmente el color de las hojas a esta altura. Pero este no tenía hojas, en un lugar con tanta vida en Bogotá, este parecía estar muriendo. Me acerqué literalmente tratando de buscar la raíz del problema con una ligera sospecha, que se confirmó con este letrero:
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#noorinar #noorine #dontpissmeoff #nopee #nopeeing
Efectivamente no era un caso muy complicado, la posible causa del malestar de YEMURO es la solución: a mear a otro lado!. Y creo que está dando frutos, o por ahora más bien hojas la intervención: hay esperanza!.
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Yo amo a Bogotá, tengo la suerte de vivir en uno de mis lugares favoritos del planeta, pero uff, encontrara un baño público o gratis, es casi imposible: "solo para clientes". Y eso es una tragedia realmente por que aguantar un uno o un dos es una cosa complicada.
personalmente tengo una vejiga pequeña y si me preguntan por un superpoder, diría que soy muy regular, en otras palabras soy muy cagón y puedo hacerlo donde sea: en las casas de mis amigos, en el trabajo, en centros comerciales, en restaurantes, en bares, literalmente donde sea. Y puede que no sea nada especial, pero la mayoría de gente que conozco, se enorgullece de solo cagar en sus casas, como si eso fuera un gran hito, hito para sus higiénicos escrúpulos, y una verdadera cagada con sus aparatos digestivos, en fin, allá cada uno.
De hecho, ahora que recuerdo, siempre que paso por el Parque de Lo Hippies, tal vez el sitio más emblemático de encuentro fraterno de cuanta tribu urbana existió, existe y existirá en el mundo, incluyendo todas las diversidades sexuales existentes se encuentra allí, y no no hay baños públicos, lo cual es triste teniendo en cuenta que el edificio donde vive la ex-alcaldesa, para mi., tristemente célebre Claudia Lopez, está en el marco de ese parque.
En fin, la apuesta sería la unión de lo público y lo privado (los vecinos) para construir o adecuar baños en los lugares de reunión de la gente para tomarse sus tragos, hey, la gente no va a dejar de hacerlo. Seria un gran paso para que las paredes no se caigan y los árboles no se sequen a punta de meados.
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katiajewelbox · 2 months
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Plant Immune System Part 3
The plant immune system is the topic of my PhD thesis, which I'm currently writing following several years of lab-based research as a PhD student at Imperial College London under the supervision of Professor Colin Turnbull.
Here's an introduction to my research, which focused on how certain plants defend themselves against aphids.
Aphids are an important insect pest that threaten agriculture worldwide. As we learned in the previous post, plant resistance (R) genes control resistance to specific pests and pathogens through interaction with effectors from the invaders. Since examples of R gene-dependent aphid resistance have been documented in different plant species, aphid-specific R genes may enable the development of resistant crops.
In the model plant Medicago truncatula, there are some varieties that are resistant to aphids and other varieties that are susceptible to Pea Aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum). Whether the plant is resistant also depends on the variety of aphid. In my project, the A17 plant is resistant to PS01 aphids but not to N116 aphids, while the DZA plant is susceptible to both aphid varieties.
What is the key difference in the resistant versus susceptible plants? Resistant A17 plants have a portion of their genome “Resistance to Acyrthosiphon pisum 1” (RAP1) which determines resistance to PS01 aphids, but the genes controlling the defence response and physiological defence mechanisms remain unknown. Two candidate R genes located in RAP1, designated “RAP1A” and “RAP1B”, may control resistance.
My main objective in my PhD project has been to determine whether RAP1A and RAP1B control aphid resistance, and to investigate the RAP1-mediated defence response. I look forward to sharing the findings in publications and in talks next year!
Image credit: Original diagram by Katia Hougaard with images from the Turnbull Lab.
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piotropoka · 4 years
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Czasem z niektórymi ludźmi czujesz nietypową więź ...czujesz że jesteście połączeni w jakiś niezrozumiały sposób i wyróżniacie się od tła które was otacza...gdzieś ponad schematem... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #leaf #deciduous #autumn #annualplant #plantpathology #wood #green #leafs #scenery #autumnscenery #nature #forest #forestphotography #naturelover #przebudzenie #przebudzenieświadomości #jesień #polskajesień #natura #liście #portretynatury #las #czasprzemyśleń (w: Pychowice, Krakow, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJAoPipMyY2/?igshid=mrmogsrf3gpy
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dubeed84 · 4 years
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After Rain #leaf #water #green #plant #botany #terrestrialplant #plantpathology #organism #flower #tree #adaptation #branch #photography #forest #dew #moisture #flowersofinstagram #instablooms #flowerporn #petal #blossom #botanical #plants #instapic #beautiful #floweroftheday #bloom #love #floral #dubeedphotography (у месту Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCSKSGpFoQ/?igshid=1gnh37lzkazol
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mlpazlima · 5 years
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Meus filhos futuros fitopatologistas participando do 51o Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, daqui dois anos em Brasília estaremos cada vez mais juntos. #ifgoianourutai #fitopatologia #doençadeplantas #protecaodeplantas #ppgpp #phytopathology #plantpathology #congresso #51cbf #gratidao (em Laboratorio De Fitopatologia E Microbiologia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1xXW7LpfVQ/?igshid=9hrwnu3d140y
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shelcywalters-blog · 6 years
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Hurry! Books your slots before the date @ surgicalpathology.alliedacademies.com
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agrariacad · 2 years
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#artigo Germinação de feijão de asa Psophocarpus tetragonolobus em diferentes substratos e espectros luminosos Para ler o artigo na íntegra acesse o link em @agrariacad Rev Agr Acad, v. 4, n. 6, p. 153-160, 2021 10.32406/v4n6/2021/153-160/agrariacad ISSN 2595-3125 #biologia #agronomy #plantas #agronomist #agro #botânica #agri #botanic #plant #plantpathology #agrotecnologia #biotecnologia #microbiologia #inpa #agronomia #botany #biotechnology #agropecuaria #botanical #cienciasbiologicas #biology #posgraducao #mestrado #doutorado #ppg #engenharia #hortaliça #existepesquisanobr #googleacademico (em Amazônia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbkoqjwuFw2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The common hackberry. It's not sick...
Celtis occidentalis.
Life span: 150 - 200 years. Avg. Height: ~30-50 ft. (9 - 15 meters)
The bumps at the base of this tree are natural. I love how they remind me of topographic maps - specifically the limestone karsts in Southeast Asia. This tree is a host and food source for a plethora of insects, butterflies, and birds. In the summer, it's common to observe nibbled on leaves and birds enjoying the berries on this giving tree.
You'll also see unsightly nipple galls on the leaves of this tree.
"After adult psyllids come out of hibernation in the spring, they lay eggs on emerging leaves of hackberry trees. After the egg hatches, the young psyllid starts feeding, and the leaf responds by growing abnormally. It develops a small pocket that surrounds the insect, forming a "gall" (photo above). The psyllid spends the rest of the summer sucking on tree sap safely within the small gall. Several species of gall-making psyllids infest hackberry trees. Infested hackberry trees do not seem to be harmed by these galls, but their abundance makes hackberry leaves look pretty ugly."
So, spotty, galled, ugly leaves do not likely indicate a sick hackberry tree. hm
From: https://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/resources/hackberrypsyllids.shtml
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dr-devdhawal · 3 years
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तरकारीमा झुल/ जालीको प्रयोग: अपडेट सहित फल्दा फल्दैको घिरौला, लौका, भेन्टा, काक्रो आदिलाई किराले टोकिदिएर कुहिने समस्या सबैकोमा होला। बाहिर राम्रो तर भित्र किरा पर्र्यो,कच्याकुचुक्क परेको, कही सुकेको कही फुकेको फलिरहेको छ वा कुहिएर झरेको छ भने सम्झनुस किराले टोकेर चुस्न पल्किएको छ। घरमा पुरानो मच्छरदानी (झुल)छ भने काट्नुस र थैलौ बनाउनुस। फलको टुप्पाको फूल झरे सगै सानोबाटै थैलों मैं हुर्काउनुहोस।यो पुरै सफल तरिका हो। म यस तरिका बिगत ३-४ बर्षबाट गर्दै आएको छु। यो बिषयलाई हामीले छलफलमा ल्याएपछि नयाँ तरिकाहरू पनि सतहमा नआएका हैनन्। जस्तै प्लास्टिकको थैलोमा वरिपरी धेरै वा टुप्पोमा प्वाल पारेर पनि गर्न सकिदो रहेछ। जे जस्तो अनुकुल हुन्छ त्यसै गरेर यो तरिका अपनाउन सकिन्छ। फोटो हेर्नुस त... #DevDhawal #agriculture#rice#ricediseases #paddy#paddydiseases #ricepest #IRRI #pestinrice#ricepests #tungro #tungrovirus#rtsv #rtbv #pathologyjrf #plantpathogen #plantpathology #plantpathologycy #entomology#leafhopper #leaf #indianentomology . . @agricos_stop 💚 @ Hyderabad (at Farmers Leader कृषक अगुवा "Dev Dhawal") https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSxI9jnXBj/?igshid=17vc3x6vtlhfx
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brittanyeburgard · 6 years
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A normal individual and a crested or fasciated individual- I believe these babes to be Sempervivum. In crested plants, a mutation occurs in the meristematic tissue where cells actively divide and differentiate to produce new growth. Instead of forming the typical dome shape, the mutated meristem flattens and grows along a plane. Cresting has been experimentally induced using X-ray or chemical mutagens, but in nature is associated with pathogens. Most commonly, phytoplasmas cause cresting in the wild. These obligate bacterial parasites of also cause other abnormal growth patterns like phyllody, (the production of leaf-like structures in place of flowers) and virescence (the development of green flowers due to pigment loss). #Crassulaceae #Sempervivum #NAU #greenhouse #horticulture #houseplants #botany #botanize #plants #naturephotography #nature #flowers #succulent #succulentplants #plantpathology #plantpathogens (at Northern Arizona University)
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div-exo · 6 years
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Almost skeleton . . . #bugs #plantpathology #plantbugs #disease #plantdiseases #plantsofinstagram #redbugs #photography #skeletonleaf
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piotropoka · 4 years
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Czasem z niektórymi ludźmi czujesz nietypową więź ...czujesz że jesteście połączeni w jakiś niezrozumiały sposób i wyróżniacie się od tła które was otacza...gdzieś ponad schematem... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #leaf #deciduous #autumn #annualplant #plantpathology #wood #green #leafs #scenery #autumnscenery #nature #forest #forestphotography #naturelover #przebudzenie #przebudzenieświadomości #jesień #polskajesień #natura #liście #portretynatury #las #czasprzemyśleń (w: Pychowice, Krakow, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJAoPipMyY2/?igshid=mrmogsrf3gpy
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vulturehill · 5 years
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Orchard amber. #Gummosis, oozing sap from infection or stress produces these Solid 1” jewels on the old plum tree. . . .#orchardantagonists #plantpathology #orchardtreasures #amber #vulturehill https://www.instagram.com/p/B39dx6ml1Lq/?igshid=18oom19ccqfne
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mlpazlima · 4 years
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Oídio do fedegoso (Senna obtusifolia) causado por Oidium sp. Existem registrados infectando espécies de Senna spp. 33 registros, não havendo nenhum registro S. obtusifolia. Somente Oidium cassiae-hirsutae encontra-se registrado, sendo a maioria identificado a nível de gênero (Oidium sp.) #oidium #fitopatologia #doencasdeplantas #doencadeplanta #fedegoso #oidio #conidioforo #conidio #biotrofico #bioherbicida #plantpathology #ifgoianourutaí #ifgoianourutai #phytopatologische #phytopathology #phytopathology🌾🌽🌿 #identification #fungi #powderymildew #sennaobtusifolia #phytopathology (em IF Goiano Campus Urutaí) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAY5PtppLHe/?igshid=12snfgalnqqh2
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shelcywalters-blog · 6 years
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New #diseases and changes in existing #pathogens remain a constant threat to plants.What will be the new and innovative ways to control it? #plantpathology
Know more @ http://surgicalpathology.alliedacademies.com/
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