achapnamedtom · 3 years
40, 35, 18, 39!
Lydia my beloved ❤️ thanks
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
OOo tough one! I do love a great big weeping willow especially near a river or lake, what a gorgeous sight with the bright green dangly leaves. Big shout out too for Cherry Trees, Oak Trees and Pine Trees especially if there's mist about.
Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
So I used to sleep every night with two stuffed animals, one was a rabbit and one was a bear. Teddy and Rabbit were their names, they were both a sort of dirty-cream colour and I think Rabbit has a hand puppet. Both not sit on a shelf at in parent's house and I give them a nod as I pass by every time I visit.
What’s the last thing you ordered online?
Why it was tickets to see Caroline flipping Polachek in October!!!! ;-)
What was the best part of your day today?
About 30 minutes ago when I was tucking into a pizza and drinking a pint. I've got a bit of a routine of making a pizza on a Friday (base and all) and although I did burn my moth because I was hungry this week's effort of just lovely.
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weirdchristmas · 5 years
Absolutely LOVING #frogtime, what was it about the late 19th/early 20th century that made advertisers go absolutely buckwild for frogs?
Anthropomorphizing (morphOzing?) animals was a huge trend. There are also a ton of birds, rats, cats, etc. In the bigger picture, I’m not sure that frogs were more prevalent than other animals. I just like ‘em. :)
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thismustbetheblog · 5 years
plastic-tulips replied to your post “why isn’t business pronounced busy-ness i own a small busy-ness”
none of your busy-ness
ok sorry I’ll mind my own busy-ness
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raining-starshine · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, your (dead) husband
(Click for quality!)
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2, 9, 12,18, 29!
Hi, thanks for the ask!
2.  do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
A combination of both. I’m from Europe, so everything is tiny and close to each other. Each year I usually go on one bigger holiday abroad. It’s also quite cheap cause I travel by hitch-hiking a lot. And I also travel a lot on the weekends and shorter holidays, I go hiking in the woods and mountains a lot, visit castles and other towns and that’s usually just within the Czech Republic. 
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
I apologise to the other three of our amazing and endlessly interesting neighbours, even my dear, dear Slovakia, but I have to pick Poland. I was there last summer and it was one of the best holidays I’ve ever had. I love so much about the country, the folklore, people, the food. Gdańsk is the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen (followed closely by Toruń). The night I spent by the Baltic coast on Hel was one of the best ones of my entire life. I am such a massive fangirl of Poland. Oh and their folk costumes are to die for. And their language is both incredibly hot and incredibly hilarious.
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
To be honest, I’ve never read any properly. I make a point of trying to read everything I’m able to in the original language. But some that you can find online and aren’t bad are poems from Ivan Blatný, Václav Hrabě, František Gellner, J. H. Krchovský and Jan Skácel (The Song of Proximate Blame). And of course Franz Kafka but he doesn’t count as his works were originally written in German.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Yes I do, sort of. My family comes from Southern Moravia, which can be easily identified by other Czech natives because of specific pronounciation and some words. Also my mum was raised in Brno, which is a big city that has it’s own slang, sort of comparable to London cockney, and she uses it a lot and so do I.(When the musical My Fair Lady was translated to Czech, Eliza spoke this way). 
So my speech is sort of a mix between rural South-Moravian dialects and this Brno thing which is called Hantec. It’s not that rare though, a lot of people come from similar backgrounds here in Brno, but I’ve been told my accent is pretty strong and I use a lot of the region-specific words. I confuse people from the western part of the country on regular basis.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Oh yes, yes we do. Brno is the second largest city in the country, so naturally there’s a lot of competition with Prague. You know how this sort of rivalry goes though, there’s no actual hostility, it’s just fun. But Prague is the butt of the joke in most regions as it’s also the capital, and I think it’s more or less the same in most places. The typical japes about Prague include: they’re all perfumed wusses, they have ridiculous accents, their beer is shit, they can’t drink, they don’t know what snow looks like, they know nothing about wine. Of course all of these are just stupid, envious jokes and not actually true (apart from the beer one, come fight me)
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lionfloss · 3 years
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Darío Toscano
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kiradrinkalot · 2 years
One of my biggest fictional role models growing up was Xena the Warrior Princess
Because she was a fucking badass
And it feels kinda weird when some people now say female fictional characters who have similar clothing are too sexualised.
Like looking back as I'm older yeah she was hot. She had thighs that could crush a head and was dressed in leather and showed some skin.
But she was a force to be reckoned with.
And she was hot and she was super strong.
And as a little girl I wanted to be her. Not because of how she looked but because of how she was.
A badass fighter with cool weapons compassionate where it needed to be
...and the series may have started my obsession with swords and knives..
(which eventually lead me to LOTR and to join a historic swordsmanship club...and I still have my old wooden sword at home and still know how to use it)
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iwatch-thebees · 7 years
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@rock-n-rollin-bitch @plastic-tulips @thequeensmaries @strikingchords - ah got it thank u all !!! :)
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danismm · 5 years
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A white plastic and cast-aluminum pedestal table and chairs designed by Eero Saarinen in 1957. Picture 1968
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sameboot · 6 years
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ah, let me explain,
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achapnamedtom · 3 years
I don’t think I could ever express our joint disdain for this ghastly practice as well as you have in the past Lydia, in fact the time I idly broached the topic to you and then stood back in wonderment as you launched into a complete verbal assassination of this will live with me as one of many stand-out moments of our friendship.  But try I will...
Cake decorating is an amazing skill and I want to make it clear that what I’m talking about is a specific trend, a movement if you will, which has crept into this fine art.  Fondant also can be a perfectly nice material on a cake when used in *tasteful proportions*.
What I’m talking about is this bullshit:
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I see an increasing number of cakes like this pop up on instragram and, worryingly, in the lives of real people who I know. People will comment that these are AMAZING or EPIC or, if they're really pushing it, YUMMY. Maybe a five-year-old would be forgiven for coming to this conclusion, but grown adults should know that what we're looking at here kilogram of sugar with some sort of cake reportedly buried deep underneath, no doubt cowering in fear.
The thing about a good cake is, it should be a good cake. "This cake tastes nice" you would say, when you eat the cake - because the cake is the thing you are eating when you eat cake. You may have some iceing, some decoration as a finishing touch, but a cake is mostly made of cake. These are not good cakes, what we have here is closer to a bag of sugar emptied out onto a slice of bread. All this fondant and icing and food colouring might *look* tasty to some, but only in the same way that a tin of wood varnish looks tasty. We should know enough about the world to understand that it won't be, the same thing stopping you from chugging a jar of honey or snorting vanilla extract should step in.
But people continue to make these things, and then as a final insult make a further mockery of the cake by dumping an entire supermarket isle of chocolate, biscuits, doughnuts and god knows what else on top. As if we haven't suffered enough. As if these people haven't made their complete contempt for the very notion of cake clear to everyone. I don't know why they wage this campaign against us true cake lovers, but somebody needs to put a stop to this now.
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weirdchristmas · 5 years
Absolutely LOVING frogtime, can you tell me what it is that made advertisers in the late 19th/early 20th
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thismustbetheblog · 7 years
I was tagged @plastic-tulips thank you  👍 👍
1. Name: Avril
2. Nickname: Azz
3. Sign: Here?
4. Height: Either 5′4 or 5′5 but I’m gonna say 5′5
5. Orientation: Straight
6. Nationality: Anglo-Irish??
7. Favourite fruit: Raspberry (when they’ve not destroyed themselves before you can eat them) or passion fruit
8. Favourite season: Spring
9. Favourite book: Emma
10. Favourite flower: The ones Morrissey swings about
11. Favourite scent: Perfume wise Alien. Other: Yorkshire teabags
12. Favourite colour: Pink
13. Favourite animal: ALL
14. Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Tea at least 10 times a day
15. Average sleep hours: between 5-7. Dreaming of getting 8 hours
16. Cat or dog person: ALL
17. Favourite fictional character:  Ted Hastings. Like the battle (at the moment fella)
18. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 duvet...yeah effing posh I am
19. Blog created: May 2010 when we were all trying to work out the ending of A2A. #GALEX5EVS
20. Number of followers: 2120 
YOU LOOKED!! So I tag you. Unless you don’t want to which is fine. Just tag me if you do!
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illfollowtomorrow · 5 years
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tulip II, 2019
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mentallytrill300 · 5 years
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kael by me
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thedailymobile · 2 years
“Tulips of the Trade”
“Tulips of the Trade”
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