#ok time for me to wake up in (at the time of scheduling this)… 6 hours to do my silly little uni work I hate everything ^__^
la-galaxie-langblr · 1 year
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bugsoda · 1 year
hehe hi 👋 it's me :3
for the ask game:
27. What's your favorite book? (or just one you've read a few times?)
26. What are some seemingly childish things you like?
43. Do you have siblings? if so how many?
34. What's your favorite flower?
9. When is your birthday?
19. Do you have a best friend? how long have you
been friends?
50. Wild Card. any question, ask away!
did you listen to the new Hozier album yet?! :3
21. How was your day today?
28. How are you, really?
- girl-hobbit 🤎🌿
ow wow ok!!
27. six of crows is so good. so good.
26. i love cartoons, games like 4 square, coloring books, climbing trees, popping bubble wrap, splashing in puddles, doing carwheels. uhhh a lot of things :]
43. i have a sister 2 years older than me and a brother 6 years younger than me :p
34. just wildflowers i guess???? like fields of them <3333
9. october 27 :D its the best birthday
19. sort of? i have two friends ive known since like 2nd grade and we are really close but we’re also close with other people. i guess yes??
50. ok dont hate me but i listened to the first like 5 songs the day it released and then i kept gettinf distracted and forgetting so i havent listened to it in full yet :(( i will though i promise!! ill do it today >:3
21. good! i got a root beer float at school :DD
28. tbh i keep getting really upset about school and its Not Fun. more in tags
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crowcryptid · 1 year
Thank you to my professor for having common sense and ending the class 30 mins early cause no one who is willingly taking a class at this time is memorizing chemical formulas past 9 pm
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chrisbangs · 1 year
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rockoblanco · 2 years
first night deliberately tryna stay sober bcs weed is ruining my life nd making it impossible to wake up when i go 2 bed & it is DOFFICULT !!!!!!!! lol
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fruitgummies01 · 26 days
Vibes for Episode 5 - JUST FOOD!!
Lets Get Into It… Episode 5 of Are You Sure
Gonna try and write down my thoughts as I watch the episode this time and things that stick out to me, since I have time haha.
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The episode is only 56 minutes, boooooo!!!
2. Tae saying "It's not just the meat, but the chef that's amazing" and JK giving a sorta half way thumbs up and going back to what he was doing lowkey took me out.
3. Jimin always looks great, but he looks particularly great in these Jeju episodes. His hair is really hair-ing lol.
4. I like that Jimin and Jungkook take care of their staff and make sure that they are also eating. No matter where they are, that always stays the same.
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5. Jimin and Jungkook talking about enlisting together. Soooo happy to see their joy in that moment and what it must've meant for both of them, and how they were already imagining what it would be like waking up together and sleeping arrangements and all. Didn't realize it at the moment, but waiting for that finally decision must've weighed heavily on them, which kind of recontextualizes the first two episodes in the US/NY/Connecticut. Also the amount of empty bottles on the table, they both must've been feeling pretty loose at this point lmaoooo. [ Sidenote -- I was slightly annoyed that we finally got to see them having this conversation, and Tae was nose deep in his phone during most of it at the table. Appreciated the editors trying to frame him out of the scene, but still. ]
6. Speaking of, Tae coming in and out of scenes was soooo noticeable, especially in this episode for some reason. Sometimes felt like he was either not there, or when he was, he was on his phone off to the side.
7. Interesting that both Jimin and Tae thought the dish was ham, instead of pink sausage (even though Jimin knew it wasn't he was just supporting Tae), but even though Tae was way more insistent on it being ham, Jungkook only pretended like he was going to "punch" Jimin lol. Kinda felt like he took it personally that Jimin didn't side with him.😂
8. So they took footage from while Jungkook was in New York on a separate schedule, thinking about what to make in Jeju. Cute that he was thinking about what Jimin would love. Head full of Jimin, SAME!
9. I know that Jungkook gets a lot of pushback about how he sometimes treats Jimin (I personally don't get that), but he seemed really focused on him this episode. Like it's super obvious to me that he cares A LOT about him, and not just on a surface level because cameras are there. It's really in the little things that leave an impact on me.
10. Jungkook really loves to cook and watching him figure out recipes is so endearing, and Jimin sitting near him/falling asleep while he works to make the stew he thought Jimin would love days earlier was actually really wholesome and touching.
11. Jimin taking off his shirt mid way through eating the stew JK prepared, while everyone else standing around the table is fully clothed made me laugh so much. And not one explanation in sight. Ok cool Jimin is just here nips out and everything, love that for him lol.😅
12. The wrap up at the end was cute. It was nice that they made Tae feel welcomed, and told him how grateful they were that he was there. It really was such a positive note to end on.
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All in all it was an enjoyable episode, that focused mainly on food and driving from spot to spot. Very happy for a change in scenery though.
My personal rank of episodes so far… 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 5 -> 3
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WIBTA For Snitching On My Brother?
tl;dr at the end, the submissions a bit long. sorry if this sounds like stupid teen drama, but i needed outside opinions. (tw for mentions of attempted suicide)
so for a bit of context here, me (14nb) and my brother (14m) both have Parental RestrictionsTM on our phones. In my opinion they are way more severe than they need to be. i am not allowed to have any social media at all, my mother barely tolerates discord. I cannot text anyone who is not my direct sibling or parent from 9pm at night to noon the next day and i cant use any "nonessential" apps during that time frame too. my brother has the same restrictions on his phone, but he has safari removed because my mother said he was playing "random internet games". however, he has found ways around this and ways around the app restrictions. i know how he does it. i really dont have any intention of telling our mother, its none of my business and i honestly dont care that much.
I recently moved to a new school. My brother and i were homeschooled prior to this during covid. And it was fine. We went to a homeschool co-op twice a week. A year ago we were both enrolled in Local Community College as dual enrollment students. A semester into that i was Not Vibing Well and ended up having a breakdown and getting a therapist. I would talk to her directly about this but i havent been able to see her in weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The workload seemed too much to me, there was no longer a distinction between School and Home. i felt like i was constantly on the clock, and i barely saw my friends. In addition to other factors at my co-op, I got very lonely. At that time the limits on my phone were 9pm-3pm (it was later edited to 9am to noon) . I cant remember exactly what happened, but i asked my mother to at least change the communication limits so that i could talk to my friends during the day. She said no, stating that I Do Not Need to Communicate With Friends During The School Day. i do not have a real “school day” i am at home basically 5/7 days of the week. And normal kids see their friends every day at school. The argument got dropped then.
Fast forward half a year, i felt increasingly lonely, out of place, bothersome, etc, at my co-op and have decided to try going to Local Public Highschool. This meant leaving my best friend (14f)  whom i love dearly (for the purposes of this post i will call her Z). Z is one of my favorite people in the whole world, we got platonically married, I lovingly refer to her as “my wife”, and i would genuinely die for her. She got a phone over the summer which means we have a better way to communicate, replacing discord as the primary communication system. Also at that time one of my best online friends fucked up their discord account somehow and the whole online group moved to text. there's about four of them? J, Other J, B, and L (ages vary from 12-16). I believe only B is directly relevant to this story but the others are worth mentioning. Additional context (tw for mentions of suicide from now on), all of those four are varyingly suicidal. B has attempted before, at least twice I believe. out of the group i am probably the most mentally stable.
School starts! I am already feeling a bit lonely due to leaving Z but we stay positive. I wake up for school at like 530 and check my phone at like 6:45. Woohoo a message from B! It was sent at 4 am. This is concerning. There is a glitch that i can use in order to view texts for between half a second and four seconds, it depends, and i use it. B’s message reads “Bye”. theres no fucking reason that they would be texting me goodbye at 4am in the morning unless they were going to kill themselves. I cannot properly view or respond to that text until noon, so eight hours. I wait to know if my friend is ok for eight hours, and at noon i check my phone again. In that time i’ve received messages from the groupchat. J, Other J, and L all received “bye” texts from B at around the same time period. After a few messages, we know B is ok, i dmed them privately and they responded both in ims and the gc. So they are ok. But i had to wait for eight hours to know that. Later that day i asked my mom if she had considered my proposal (i asked her a day or two before if she would at least turn off communication limits because it is also rather embarrassing to be honest to have to tell other people that oh i cant respond to your message right now, sorry my mom has limits on my phone :D. In addition i get anxious when i send a message that im nervous abt and it doesnt get responded to for hours so i hate leaving messages for longer than two hours). Once again, she said no. it goes against her Views As A Parent for me to have “unrestricted access” to my phone. She offered to add only Z to the list of people i can contact during the limits. This is better than nothing but Z texts more in the groupchat than she does in private messages so it wouldn’t work that well. We argued, it didnt work out, i got pissed off and we both went to bed. i very strongly feel that for like my mental health i need to be able to communicate with my friends better than i can at the moment. And i dont want to wake up to a message from a friend, have it be the last one they ever send, and not be able to respond for hours. 
Heres where the part where i could be an asshole comes in. (so sorry that that was really long i didnt know what parts would be needed as context and what were not so i just typed everything i think might be relevant). This isnt something that i am very strongly considering, as i truly dont want to fuck up my relationship with my brother and i love him a lot. I just want opinions on whether it would like be going too far i guess. I am considering offering a trade. I tell my mother how my brother has found ways around his limits, and she turns off the communication limits on my phone. WIBTA if i did that?
TL;DR: would i be the asshole if i snitched on how my brother got around some restrictions in exchange for me being able to communicate with my friends?
What are these acronyms?
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cafecourage · 5 months
Speaking of sleepy, caring for sleepy Chain
We worked on this on stream long ago. I also made this also one bed. Part 1 has Time, Twilight, and Warriors
There was a common issue among some of the chain where most all of them have the fatal flaw of not being able to sleep. Some had issues waking up like Sky, Wind, Four and Wild. You quickly found that Legend was among that group but given the incident he went into the latter issue. Which was annoying when dealing with. It was completely opposite problems.
It was always hard to tell if the Old man was tired as he seemed to be always absolutely exhausted. Which was fair enough since he was dubbed the dad friend in the group thus making him the main person to go to for everything. It’s a wonder how he hasn’t just slept for 7 more years yet.
Still the Hero of Time was probably 3 days in without sleep and thats what you observed. Granted you should have stopped him by day 2. But you weren’t sure if he slept on the days you seen him take first shift and wake up with him being on last shift.
The other boy’s notice it too and while they all appreciate the extra sleep it’s unfair for Time. Warriors is typically the only one that speaks up about it since he isn’t phased by the Older Link’s tough exterior. While it would be embarrassing in hindsight you had to drag Warriors aside to push for you and Time to be in the same room. “I have a plan” is what you tell the captain not letting him know that you in fact, dont have a plan.
Truly the plan is fist fight the old man until he actually sleeps, or lecture him whatever you feel like. At least you will be here in town for a few days to gather supplies and information. So you can at least fix Time’s sleep schedule.
You’re plotting came to an extreme halt as you step into a room with one bed. “This can work.” You say out loud as you dropped your stuff in a corner of the room. “We can share the bed.” It’s not even up for debate at this point.
“Can we?” Time asks as he closes the door “wouldn’t that be uncomfortable?”
“Uncomfortable?” That wouldn’t be the word you would use. “Nah. Unless it makes you uncomfortable. Then I can take the floor.”
The hero gives you a look, one to even dare you to say that again. “If you don’t mind, then I don’t see why fight over it.”
“It I am being real.” You stand up and stretched “you do need it more.” It has been decided. You are lecturing him. “When is the last time you slept a full 8 hours? Heck 6 hours I would accept.”
An eyebrow was raised as he heads inside “I have been fine with the sleep I’ve been getting.” He takes his armor off putting each piece down carefully before finally sitting on the bed. He pats the spot next to him.
You follow his lead as you prepare a long argument. “Ah, yes the zero hou- Ack!” What you didn’t expect was Time to drag you into his lap and lay down.
Your face exploded in a blush as you were now basically his teddy bear. “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed you also have trouble sleeping.” He whispered as he was already in the process of wrapping the both of you in the blankets. “Let’s take a nap for now…”
Well… This backfired successfully.
Twilight was one of these Links which, made sense but also didn’t when you found this out. He tries to older brother everyone, he makes sure everyone is asleep before he does. Which takes forever to do and your patience for this man is thinning.
After stopping in a town from a long trek. The group decides to go to the Inn to set up shop. You were already on Twilight to take a nap before dinner. “No. We are going to eat in like 30 minutes.”
He isn’t getting out of this and you don’t care you’re in the middle of the lobby. There was something that the chain has yet to learn about you.
You might be short.
But you are strong.
So you marched up to Twilight and despite his struggling you throw the hero over your shoulder and went directly to the room angrily. “Let me down!” Twilight demands of you. However you couldn’t care about it as you open the door kick it close and threw him on the bed. “That was unnecessary.” He said getting up.
“It was very necessary!” You argued back crossing your arms. “When is the last time you properly slept?”
Twilight stays quiet and looks away. He looked like a kicked puppy. “I get enough.”
“According to who? Because everyone else can make an argument that you’re barely getting any to function.” You let out a huff as you should probably be more lenient with him because it’s not really like he is doing something bad. You know from experience that the body could function with little sleep if it’s used to it but it’s not healthy! You didn’t go through classes with a clear mind but you should have! “We are just worried about you.”
The Hero stays quiet but sighs “ok. I understand.” He seems to give up at this point. But he reaches out to take your hand finally letting himself looked exhausted “but… can you stay with me?”
Your eyes soften as he seemed to be more tired than you thought. “Of course I will. Someone has to make sure you stay put.” He teases you.
After a long day of traveling an inn was a welcoming sight. Since there were ten of you now each room had to have 2 people. Which was sometimes unfortunate for some, but for you in this current moment?
You couldn’t ask for a better opportunity since you (forcably) asked to be Warrior’s pair, only to have there only be one bed. 
It was instant that you had grabbed Warriors tunic and almost thrown him on to the bed. “Didn’t know you wanted me on the bed that badly, doll.” He was laughing. This man was laughing and he looked like hell. Probably felt like it too as the ever polished captain was showing dark circles under his eyes. His smile was sluggish and his eyes weren’t as sharp as they normally were.
“Very funny.” You rolled your eyes as you headed towards him again to help him out of his armor. “You should take better care of yourself. 3 days of barely any sleep? What were you thinking?!”
“That the other boys need some sleep.” There was no hesitation as the stubborn man is proud of himself for killing his sleep schedule. “It’s fine.” “It is not fine.” You didn’t mean to throw his shoulder plate on the carpet. “You better take your chainmail off before I do it for you.”
“What if I rather you do it for me?” The captain fire back without missing a beat. Instantly his face paled “wait-“
“Nope to late come here.” You take his tunic and just… thew it off of him. “Do you want to continue?” This was a threat.
“no…” Warriors voice was silent as he finally got out of what armor he had left. “I should sleep on the floo-“ that suggestion was instantly silent as you glared at him.
Finally when both of you were ready for bed you had put your self on top of him. Cuddling but also if he was going to escape he will have to wake you up first. “this is so you don’t escape.” You said.
“I wont. I wont.” Warriors was a bit hesitant to wrap his arms around you “Thank you.” He whispered as he finally started to relaxed.
“Don’t rely on me to fix your sleep habits.” You said poking his cheek “good night Captain.”
“Good Night Sweetheart.”
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ceriisetheflower · 4 months
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Self Care (M)
wc: 4.8k
synopsis: renjun decides to take on his first heat the best way he knows how, as luxuriously as possible.
cw: smut...a lot of it. in immense detail. sex toys, pornography, multiple orgasms, unrealistic amounts of cum, stomach bulge, male squirting/watersports (depending on what you consider squirt to be lmao), overstimulation, cum eating, dildo sucking, mentions of fictional heat related illnesses, america-centric world building, a bitch with no friends attempting friendly dialogue.
a/n: well here it is! first full fic. believe it or not this was meant to be no longer than 1k, then i realized i get kinda pissed when fics don't include enough context for elements in the fic so i'd be a hypocrite if i didn't paint a likely unnecessarily vivid picture. feedback is much appreciated!
we love u very dearly junnie B💛
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The sound of the dryer finishing its freshly washed load of delicates interrupted his fifth run through of his checklist. “Ok, let’s see….lube? Check. Waterproof blankets? Check. Three hour long Alpha on Alpha porn playlist? Check.” Renjun finally sighed with relief. It’s not everyday he obsesses over the amount of lube he has in his arsenal (he restocks his eight oz bottle of sliquid sassy every eight weeks on the dot), but it’s a special occasion. The special occasion.
He rebukes the term “late-bloomer”, despite the average age for an omega’s first heat occurring around eighteen. Renjun has always justified his lack of mating cycles with his ever present practicality. “You were absolutely ridiculous for a week straight until your heat broke.” He recalls to Donghyuck during their semi-regularly scheduled facetime catch-up they’ve adopted post grad school.
“I had so much going on freshman year, it would’ve made no sense for me to have to deal with a heat. Twenty-four is a way better age anyways, my prefrontal cortex is like eighty-five percent done, I can actually handle my brain being scrambled eggs for five days”. He says passively, ignoring the unimpressed look coming from the boy on the other side of the phone.
He unfortunately remembers the horrors of hearing Donghyuck’s first heat through their paper mache dorm room walls when they were eighteen, and the next heat three months later, and the next eighteen heats he endured as Donghyuck’s roommate. He’s convinced the boy has had enough heats for the both of them, especially considering Renjun was held solely responsible for ensuring his dear friend didn’t die of hunger or dehydration through them. It's a thankless job, but someone had to do it.
“Right, so I guess twenty-four is also the age where you’re finally gonna finish growing huh? Prime time to finally reach big boy height.” Donghyuck quips back, taking a break from grading assignments to goad the blonde boy giving him a deadpan stare through the phone.
“Bitch you’re literally 5’6 1/2 what are you talking about?” Renjun retorts, “it’s no way you’re calling me short when you just complained about how you cant find shoe lifts in canada.” Donghyuck widens his eyes in shock. “Talking about shoe lifts when you just begged me to ask Doyoung if he could hem those jeans 6 inches shorter is crazy work Renjun.” 
They continue their childlike bickering over their similarly petite frames for an unreasonable amount of time, before Donghyuck remembers the real reason for today’s meeting. “Ok but seriously, how are you feeling about this whole thing? I know it’s kinda a lot at once, be honest with me?” Donghyuck starts. He woke up two days ago to Renjun’s frenzied calls, knowing his friend was well aware that waking hours for him in Atlanta were still Donghyuck’s “dead to the world” hours in Vancouver, he was for certain there was an actual emergency.
Renjun had woken up with a pounding headache, abdominal cramps, and the unsettlingly wet mouth feel that comes right before vomiting. He knew what that meant, but refused to actually confront what was happening until Donghyuck got a look at him and convinced him to go to the omega urgent care. Donghyuck sat on the phone with him while he waited for the doctor, cheered as Renjun got the confirmation he was in pre-heat (much to Renjun’s dismay), and helped him pick the best painkillers to aid his cramps and headache. It was the best he could do from another country, fighting the urge to book a flight to go support his best friend in what’s easily the most important event in an omega's life. His husband only barely managed to convince him it was unnecessary and that they could just send him a nice care package in the mail on expedited shipping, Mark was always the level headed one in the relationship.
Renjun sighed before he could answer. “To keep it one-hundred percent real with you, I’m terrified. Like am I gonna be okay? What if I fuck up somehow and I end up never being able to have kids or something insane? Anything could happen?” Renjun said, ever the worrywort and full of trepidation about new experiences. Donghyuck scoffed, rolling his eyes at the catastrophization of the world’s most natural activity. “Friend, how could you possibly fuck up jerking off? You’ve had a solid twelve years of experience for this, relax!” Renjun shut his eyes and huffed in annoyance, “Obviously that’s not what I’m worried about idiot. I’m worried that I won’t be able to actually satisfy myself through the whole thing, and you know what happens if I can’t be fully satisfied.” Donghyuck sighs in acknowledgement.
Continuous Heating Syndrome, colloquially known as a heat frenzy, is a rare but unfortunate side effect of a heat that goes unsatiated. Nonstop migraines, vomiting, loss of motor function, seizures, or shit...even worse. Donghyuck has heard horror stories of omegas having perfectly normal heats that turn into three week stints at the hospital after they couldn’t break. Scary shit. Rare for all omegas, but increasingly likely for an unmated omega without consistent access to a knot, a category which Renjun unfortunately falls into. “Look at it this way” Donghyuck starts, “It’s not like you have no options at all. You don’t necessarily have to do this alone.” Renjun grimaces. He knows exactly where Donghyuck is going with this, and he’s not even remotely here for it.
 “I’m not calling the heat hotline.” Renjun was scared, not desperate. He had no reason to hire a random Alpha who needed extra money to come fuck him for five days straight, he could figure something else out for sure. “Oh girl please!” Donghyuck exclaims, “That’s literally exactly what you need right now! They’re super strict about testing so you won’t have to worry about that, plus it’s covered by your insurance? What is the issue?” Renjun rolls his eyes, ‘The issue is that you think i’m supposed to just randomly fuck the first alpha who doesn’t look like he snuck on the planet just to stop myself from going into a coma, I have options bitch!” 
Donghyuck scoffs, “Sure you do. Is now the time when Jen and Jae finally jump through the screen of their newest edging scene to keep you company through your heat? Porn only takes you so far, friend.” Renjun hates that Donghyuck knows him well enough to know he’s been anxiously scouring his favorite alpha pornstars’ onlyfans to find some semblance of relief through his rapidly approaching week of agony. “I have toys! So many toys! I don’t need an alpha at all, I have like six different vibrating cocks to choose from” Renjun grumbled. He was a fully self sufficient twenty-four year old omega who doesn’t need an alpha! Or so he continues to force himself to believe.
“If you’re gonna be stubborn about it, the least you can do is be safe.” Donghyuck says, his worried expression softening the defensive stance Renjun has adopted. “You do have someone nearby right? Just in case you need someone to check in on you in person?” “Of course, Yangyang and Chenle are in the building down the street, if I need a restock on anything or if I start overheating and dying I can call them.” Renjun replies, in an attempt to calm his friend from his concerns. “You’re not gonna die girl. Especially since I found the perfect thing to help you out!” Donghyuck beams, giving Renjun his signature “I’ve done something I know you won’t like but I’m smart enough to know it’s what you need" look.
“Is it a dick? Don’t buy me a dick Hyuck I swear to god.” Renjun says, “Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time? Dick shopping instead of feeling sorry for me? I can't believe this.” “If it makes you feel better it’s not a dick, you have so many other ones another would be excessive, even for me. You’re gonna love it though! All those fears of heat frenzy are gonna go right out the window!” Renjun eyes the brunette through the screen suspiciously, Donghyuck’s odd enthusiasm has been the catalyst to multiple cautionary tales Renjun is saving for his grandkids. Now might be the worst time to let his guard down. “I swear to god, if it’s something weird i’m sending it back and getting a restraining order.” Donghyuck giggles in nefarious delight, “It’ll be at your doorstep in two days!” Renjun groans in horror.
Renjun is shaken from his daydream riddled with Donghyuck’s alarming cackles by the sound of the doorbell being rang for the fourth time. “Oh! Coming, coming, so sorry!” He yells out, rushing to the front door to see his instacart delivery driver struggling to hold Renjun’s last minute groceries. The poor guy takes a deep breath and tries not to look nearly as phased as he is by Renjun’s sweet bergamot scent. “I-I wasn’t able to find the caramel pecan cookies, so I got you an extra box of kitchen sink cookies, I hope that’s ok?” The man stutters, clearly fighting the urge to comment on what smells like the sweetest omega he’d ever met. “Oh no worries! Thank you so much, they always go out of stock pretty quick.” Renjun replies, now increasingly aware of the alpha’s growing nervousness and intensified teakwood scent.
He hurries to grab the groceries from the boy and set them on his kitchen counter. “Here you go!” Renjun says, handing over his nice ten percent tip for the guy’s troubles. “T-T-Thank you!” he replies, after making a horribly obvious attempt at trying to inhale as much of Renjun’s residual scent on the ten dollar bill. Renjun awkwardly waves him goodbye, and closes the door of his apartment asking whichever deity that watches over him why he couldn’t have already been mated to avoid having to endure that. The plights of a single omega, he thinks to himself, now rapidly moving towards his kitchen to take final inventory. 
His heat is scheduled to begin sometime tonight, made clear by his overwhelming scent and his unbearable body temperature. He’s already considered turning his air conditioner up higher, but realizing that his poor plants would hate to live in a house that’s fifty-five degrees for a week straight, he suffers in a scantily clad haze. He’s stocked up with seven cases of water, four boxes of cookies, six frozen pizzas, and three family sized bags of chicken nuggets. His poor air-fryer will be working overtime this week, Renjun is fully prepared to only have twenty minutes of energy between heat spikes to keep himself semi-sufficiently nourished. He grabs an armful of waters and sports drinks he’d picked up earlier that week to carry them to his room. He placed them next to the other small snacks he’d put in his mini fridge conveniently sitting next to his nest, there was no way he’d be able to make it to the kitchen after the first few rounds and immediate hydration was a non-negotiable.
Renjun took a moment to be proud of himself. He was a single omega preparing for the most intense and important event of his life. All those incredibly awkward sex-ed lessons he endured in middle school, and the trauma-inducing nights spent handing Donghyuck and Mark bottles of gatorade and fruit snacks while trying to avoid  seeing any genitals had finally led up to this moment. Renjun was fully prepared. Renjun was gonna be okay. 
His doorbell rings again. This time unexpectedly. He opens the door to find another delivery man, this time an omega, Renjun can tell by the soft lavender scent. “Order for Renjun Huang?’ The man asks. Renjun grimaces at the horrifically American butchering of his name, giving a pleasant but unsure smile. “Yes! That’s me” Renjun replies, taking a look at the ominously large box the man is holding. "Great, sign here please” He grumbles, trying to make quick work of what Renjun can only presume is his last delivery of the day. Renjun makes quick work of scribbling his signature on the dotted line, before mumbling a quick thank you and grabbing the box. It’s oddly heavy, which wouldn’t be too concerning, until he took a closer look at the label and read ‘From: Mark and Donghyuck ♡,” in Donghyuck’s messy half cursive half print handwriting.
“Oh dear god” Renjun thinks, now the weight of the box is a genuine cause for concern. He heaves the box to his counter and takes a deep breath before cutting it open. Much to his surprise, it’s all normal nice things. He pulls out a box of the maple cookies Renjun became obsessed with when Mark brought them back a box after returning to campus from his thanksgiving break in Vancouver, the ones Renjun was pissed to find out aren’t available in Atlanta. He sees a stuffed bear and stuffed cheetah wrapped in plastic, Renjun pulls them out to admire the resemblance to his dear friends before he realizes they were both scented like Hyuck and Mark. Renjun could just cry. He felt so loved and cherished by his best friend, how loving and thoughtful Donghyuck always was despite being a smug piece of shit ninety percent of the time. He’s been wanting nothing more than to experience one of their “cuddle puddles”, that while Renjun would always protest, he secretly loved. He pulls out a lovely soft yellow blanket with pretty little ruffles on the ends, perfect to go in his nest for added comfort. Wrapped in the blanket is a little note: 
 “You’re gonna have a great time Junnie! Don’t overthink things, just relax and enjoy the ride! We love you so very much! - Hyuckie and Markie”
Renjun is tearing up, his friends love him so much, he’s gonna be okay! Then he sees another box at the bottom, hidden by the blanket and other gifts before it. He shimmies the black box out of the larger brown one and places it on the counter, now able to get a full look at what the picture on the box is displaying. The tears instantly dry. The feelings of love and admiration are replaced with immediate annoyance.
In a scary showcase of friendship telepathy, his phone rings, lighting up with the picture Donghyuck took of his flared nostrils freshman year. Renjun sighs, then answers the phone. “Why would you buy me a fuck machine?” Renjun stares into the phone, hoping to look as menacing as he can in a hello kitty headband holding his blonde strands from his face. “I see you got our present.” Donghyuck replies, shit eating grin so intense his lips were threatening to split apart. “I told you I had just the thing in mind for your heat girlie!” Renjun huffs with the full intent to call Donghyuck everything but a child of god, but he’s getting hotter and the throbbing between his legs is getting more intense. Tonight he chooses peace. “In seven days you’ll begin to cough” he says, and hangs up the phone to let out a loud exasperated grunt. 
Now the real preparation begins. Renjun walks over to his dryer and pulls out his satin robe he’d freshly washed for the occasion. He makes his way over to his bathroom to begin the most intense shower he’s had since his last failed date with an alpha he met on Wolfr. “Nice dick, horrendous vibes.” Renjun shudders at the memory. “Maybe that’s just how guys from Connecticut are? Connecticut is barely a real place, who cares.” He pauses his internal monologue for a moment to place a vanilla scented shower steamer in the corner of the tub. He lights himself a few overpriced indie candles he got from a small business bazaar in the city, and starts easing himself out of his tiny shorts.
He takes his time pulling the silky fabric of his briefs, gently coaxing his dick out of the fabric. He shudders at the cold air hitting his half-hard cock, sending shivers up his spine and another light stream of slick out of his tip. “Fuck,” He moans softly, entirely too aroused for his own good. He pulls his shirt over his head, shuddering again when the air hits his puffy swollen nipples. He takes the time to get a full look at himself in the full size mirror. “Fuck I’m hot. No wonder that Alpha almost popped his knot earlier,” Renjun smiles to himself confidently.
He makes his way into the shower, taking a deep breath of the warm vanilla scent circling him, meshing wonderfly with his own light citrusy aroma. The hot water of the shower electrifies Renjun’s body, he takes a moment to soak in the amazing feeling of the heat comforting his aching limbs. He starts with his favorite lemon and honey scented body wash to begin carefully massaging his arms and chest with the warm and fruity bubbles.
The sensation of the lather was already driving him crazy, absolutely loving the way his hands gilded seamlessly over his hips and ass. Renjun wasn’t normally the type to be so turned on by his own body, he guesses it’s just the excess hormones making any sight of bare skin immensely arousing. He snaps out of his hormone induced stupor to remember that he has a whole shower routine to get through, so he gives his soft chest a final squeeze, then moves back under the welcoming stream of the water to rinse himself clean. He grabs his body scrub and locks in for the remainder of his shower. 
Renjun emerges in a cloud of sugary citrus air, intoxicating even to himself. He wraps himself in his gold satin robe, and makes his way to his vanity for his finishing touches. Renjun digs through his copious amounts of products to find the expensive body oil he’s been saving for this very occasion. He strips off his robe, and starts massaging the oil into his skin, starting at his legs. Every dip his fingers make into his skin brings him closer to ecstasy. Closer to what he knows is gonna be the most intense feeling of his life. He’s just barely finished rubbing himself down when he starts leaking a new stream of slick from his puckered asshole.
“Oh shit, that must mean it’s about to be time huh?” He figures, moving to wrap his robe around him yet again to avoid his neighbors getting a free show through his open blinds. He draws the curtains, dims the lights, and connects his television to his laptop for an optimized viewing experience. He already has his nightly entertainment pulled up, three hours of Jen and Jae’s best material. Nothing that riles Renjun up more than seeing an alpha take a eleven inch dick like he was made for it.
He settles into the spot he carefully carved into his nest, when he lays his eyes on the pretty yellow blanket Donghyuck sent him in his care package. Then he thinks about what else was present in the care package. He pauses for a second, thinking about how he actually hadn’t even taken the fuck machine out of the box. “Well obviously I didn’t take it out the box, I’m not giving Hyuck the satisfaction of knowing I used a toy he gave me,” Renjun thinks to himself. Then again, it’s not as if Hyuck has to know Renjun used it. Then again, it’s not as if using it could be a bad idea, Renjun considers.
He drags himself out of bed to collect the box from the kitchen counter, setting it down on his bed as he begins to actually open the machine. He definitely recognizes the machine, it’s pretty famous among omega content creators due to its lightweight build and convenient suction cup base to accommodate any dildo the user pleases. He looks over at the extended assortment of toys he’s curated for tonight’s events:  a vibrating fleshlight for his cock and three different dildos in ascending length and thickness for his differing stages of need. Renjun felt his hole flutter with excitement as another gush of slick slid down his thighs.
He thinks about it for a moment, considering how much nicer it'd be if he didn’t have to be responsible for thrusting his toys in and out of his slicked hole. He decides to use the suction cup base of the fuck machine to attach it to the headboard of his bed, checking the height of his placement to ensure it would be the perfect height for him to comfortably get backshots from the toy. If he’s desperate enough for it he, reasons, first choosing to hold off from letting Donghyuck be right about something for as long as possible. With the machine firmly secured, Renjun settles back into his comfy spot in the nest. He takes off his robe, presses play on his laptop, and reaches for his fresh bottle of lube to start massaging his warm cock. 
He’s 10 minutes into watching Jae eat Jen’s ass when Renjun finally has his first orgasm. His little heaves and moans fill the room as he milks himself of his well deserved release. “Ooh…ahh…ahh...fuck!” He shouts, pulling himself further into overstimulation as his vision starts to haze over. He’s laying in a puddle of hot slick, constantly pumping out more and more as he keeps toying with his cock. He’s using his other hand to pump his fingers furiously in his asshole, loving the searing sensation of his hole stretching over his digits. “Mmm fuck...fuck, ooh make him cum Jae” he moans, picturing himself as the pornstars’ third wheel in their bedroom.
He realizes his hands aren’t gonna cut it though, he releases his cock from his vice grip and winces as he pulls his fingers from his ass to grab his fleshlight and the smallest dildo from the pile. “Oh shit,” he hisses, feeling that same intoxicating stretch to the next degree as he tries to slip the seven inch toy deep inside. He needs another large squirt of lube to get the job done, a sign he hasn’t completely gone into heat quite yet, letting his semi-delirious brain know he still has some semblance of self-control.
He pours another squirt of lube directly into the fleshlight, giving it a few pumps with his fingers, and then using those same fingers to pump his cock, before squeezing his drained but solid dick into the tight slippery hole.  He’s fully entranced in the sensations of his body now, leaking so much slick his toy keeps slipping out of his hole. The throbbing between his legs is reaching an ungodly peak, rushing his second orgasm into him like a train. “Ahhhh FUCK,” he screams, feeling the pulse of his prostate send him into overdrive. His cum and slick is pooling at the base of his dick, overflowing the fleshlight and adding to the lewd sounds deafening his ears.
He makes a move to turn up the vibrations on the toy, barely getting a chance to move his hand from the button before the pulse of his third release shakes him to the core. Renjun is completely lost at this point, barely aware of anything around him other than his seemingly never ending fountain of cum and the hypnotic sights and sounds of his favorite muscle bottom getting dicked within an inch of his life. God he wishes that was him taking alpha meat. Then he remembers it totally can be him. He grabs the biggest dick he owns, neglecting any more prep that the fifteen minutes of intense pounding hasn’t provided, and sticks the heavy dildo to the waiting base of the fuck machine.
He positions himself comfortably in front of the plastic cock, taking a moment to admire his mess on his satin sheets. “S-Shit…ohhh fuck,” he hisses as he shoves the toy into his ass. He barely gives himself a moment to adjust before he reaches for the remote to start the lowest thrusting pattern, desperate for the feeling of his hole getting stretched to its limits. Renjun lets out a low groan while the toy picks up speed. He clicks it up to the second level and jolts as the tip of the cock starts hitting his prostate. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” he groans, spilling more slick onto his sheets and sliding into his fourth orgasm, leaving his mind completely broken. He sets his fleshlight to its highest vibration and suction level, and shakes himself into another release.
If he had any ability to think critically he would be concerned for the amount of fluid leaking into his mattress, considering he’d completely forgotten to lay down the waterproof blankets he was so intent would save him a massive cleaning bill, especially since the cock in his ass causes another surge of slick to shoot from his hole. Nearing delirium, Renjun decides the dual stimulation still isn’t enough. He wants even more, he needs even more.
The smell of his slick and cum is intoxicating, leaving his brain just as fried as the underpaid alpha that nearly sprung a leak at his door earlier. He grabs the smaller dildo that he used to work his ass open at the start of his playtime, and gave it a slow lick from the balls to the tip. Tasting himself on the toy made his next orgasm even harder, sucking the head of the dildo like it was an actual alpha. Throating the cock to it’s hilt like Jae himself was fucking his throat. Renjun was officially in heat, too spent to think, and too horny to care. 
With the last bit of his reflexes he has left, he manages to switch the fuck machine to it’s highest setting, and prepares himself for the ride of his life. “Ohhhhh Shit! Oh Shit! Fuckkkkkk,” he stutters, forming the last coherent phrases he’ll be saying for a while. His head is absolutely pounding, reality is bending, and all he knows is fact are the loud moans he and Jen are churning out along with the surge of energy rushing through his ass and cock. “Ahh oh my god, oh my god,” he screams, ushering himself into otherworldly realms of pleasure.
His cock is being milked to extremes he didn’t know were possible, the pumping motions of the fleshlight sending streams of cum all over his balls and thighs from where the toy could no longer hold his load. He groans as the cock in his ass pounds into his prostate, sending him further into the orgasmic spiral he has no intention of leaving. He’s coming down from his tenth orgasm when he finally decided to give his dick a break, pulling the toy milking him for the last two hours off his cock and throwing it to the side, in the interest of laying face down ass up, fully submitting to the plastic cock he’s worshiping with every fiber of his being.
He can barely make any sounds other than small gurgles when he starts craving his own musk again, grabbing the fleshlight and sticking his tongue as deep as he can into the sopping wet hole, basking in the scent of his pleasure. He slurps up his essence as he feels his ass getting tighter, the dildo seemingly rutting rougher and rougher to break through his grip. He slides himself back even further on the toy, taking all eleven inches impossibly deep, crying out at the feeling of his stomach bulging from the cock mixing up his guts. Renjun is lost in the vortex of his heat, unable to do anything but scream in pleasure in between licking his fleshlight like it’s a real asshole, when he feels it.
His eyes go wide, his ass locks up around the plastic knot completely, the overwhelming pleasure forcing his body to mate with the cock rearranging him. The toy stops moving in and out, too suffocated by Renjuns slick walls to complete a full cycle of motion, instead sending deep thuds of pressure directly on his prostate. His eyes start rolling back as his body starts convulsing, unable to control his movements. His loud moans turn to deafening screams when a long stream of clear liquid shoots from his cock. He cries out in pleasure as he lets out endless gushes of liquid, soaking through whatever parts of his mattress weren’t already sticky with slick. His voice starts to taper off into quieter whines, soon after, Renjun’s vision goes black. 
Renjun wakes up thirty minutes later, slightly less attached to the toy. Its batteries must’ve died sometime between him squirting and passing out, but Renjun has little recollection of anything that occurred once his first heat spike hit. He hears the faint sound of his pornstars giving each other aftercare from what must’ve been a similarly intense scene in the background, figuring he should follow in Jen’s footsteps and have a bottle of water.
He rolls over in his nest, taking in the absolutely ruined state of his bed, along with the extremely satisfied feeling in his body. “Woah,” he thinks, “I gotta get Hyuck a Waffle House gift card or something.”
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ukit4m4 · 9 months
How would bi han confess to reader and what would he's type be(Sfw or nsfw)
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my Bi-Han is cold ok I'll try to keep his canon personality 🙏🙏🙏 slight warning for cursing. not too much though :P
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Tbh I don't think Bi-Han would actually, like, meet you in person or confess face to face ??
You've been friends with Bi-Han for a few years now, and he DOESN'T admit it, but you kinda caught his eyes. Your personality, the way your movement is always full of grace when you're training. You also catch up quickly if there's a new combo or somewhat. Bi-Han.. is surprised.
This feelings has been bothering him ever since he saw you interacting with Madam Bo. You were helping Madam Bo with retrieving some vegetables, and you seems.. so.. beautiful/handsome while smilling even though the day was hot that sweat trails down your forehead.
At first, Bi-Han tried to ignore the feelings, but you KEPT. APPEARING. IN. HIS. MIND. while he's training, about to sleep, showering (😊), when he's doing paper works, etc. Your smile is literally buried in his mind. Your voice.. fuck.
'K!ll me already...' Bi-Han thought to himself as he rolled over in his bed, still unable to sleep. He knows he have to do something about this. After counting sheeps, crocodiles, birds,.. he finally fell asleep at like 4 A.M.
That morning, He was all grumpy, because he's NOT morning person, and he only got 3 hours of sleep because he had to wake up at 6 A.M to continue his training routine. As he walked to the training hall, he'd walk past you. You made eye contact with him, but didn't really say anything, and continued talking with your friend. Bi-Han, on the other hand, wanted to smash the wall. Why? He didn't even want to know.
As he enters the training hall, he'd lean against the wall, waiting for his brothers and other warriors. He'd close his eyes, his jaw clenched as thoughts about you appears in his mind again. In the hallway, his hand almost touched yours, and his fist clenched once again. Why the fuck can't you just leave his thoughts alone ?????
After that, he'd make a decision to ignore you for as long as it can, until this weird feelings finally leave him. He'd purposely use another route just not to find you. He'd purposely eat a bit late in the cafeteria so that he won't bump to you. He'd purposely walk away from his brothers if you walked up to them.
Still, and of course, he still can't put away the feelings. He knows now's the time. He overheard that your schedule is empty today, so he wrote a letter to you. Too flustered to talk and confess to you face to face.
" Dear Y/N. It is Bi-Han, and I want to talk about something that has been bothering me for a few.. months, for now. It is about you. The thing is, I've been getting weird feelings everytime you're around, and I do NOT like it. Though I am not sure what you think of me, but it is what it is. I like you. That's all, I guess. And don't even think about showing this letter to my brothers. I'll be waiting for a response soon."
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note : I'll try my best to be accurate as possible and idk no offense to anyone ok !!!!!
Personally, I'd think he like, like...... submissive partner??? like, some1 that will obey his commands without no question. I mean, he's the grandmaster after all. He expect obedience from everyone, especially his partner.
ehh probably he'd prefer having short partner. not that heights matter much to him, but he'd make sure and will always know that the dominance in the relationship is his.
if he really loves u, he doesn't rlly care if you're a loud ass person, as long as u don't bring down his reputation and annoy him when he's working or sumwhat
he's THOSE typa husbands.. expect u to cook breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. he expect u to wait for him at home after his training with your arms open, greetings and such. (and maybe open your legs too idk)
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iveantive · 1 year
Prompt: Chaewon and Kazuha indulge in something new
three part adventure of self discovery through watersports
TW: g!p, watersports like heavy tw on WATERSPORTS, blowjobs, dirty talk, degradation, shower sex
The first time it happened, Chaewon was sure it was going to be a one-time thing. She could just shove the underlying feeling of need aside and never think about what happened again.
It was morning in the Le sserafim dorn, and Chaewon, as the leader, always had to wake up first and be ready before the other girls had even begun to wake up. At first, it was one of the many downsides of being the leader, having to wake up earlier before all the other girls. But as time went on, Chaewon began to enjoy it. She had learned to enjoy her alone time in the mornings. It was always peaceful, serene, and quiet in the morning, in contrast to her daily chaotic schedules, jam-packed full of all things that left her no time alone. 
Everything was going how it usually did, Chaewon had woken up at the sound of her alarm bright and early at 6 am and gotten out of bed. Then made her way to one of the two shared bathrooms they had in their dorm. And she went about her normal morning routine, brushing her teeth and washing her face. Before a familiar feeling hit her, she needed to pee. 
So, after washing her face and putting on her moisturizer. Chaewon flipped the toilet lid up and pulled down her pajama shorts and panties, and just as she was about to start going, Kazuha burst through the door. 
“Uh-oh, shit. So-sorry, unnie,” Kazuha muttered before turning around. Chaewon, in a panic, had folded her hands in her lap in an attempt to cover herself. 
“You can look, Zuha. ” 
As Kazuha turned around, Chaewon, in her scramble to cover herself, hadn’t noticed that she had her hands holding her crotch with her thighs together. 
“Ar-are you almost done? I need to go, really bad,” Kazuha stammered over her words, trying to be as sane as possible, like she didn’t feel like her bladder was about to burst at the seams. 
For some reason, Chaewon couldn’t put her finger on it. She liked seeing Kazuha like this. She looked so helpless and desperate, her eyes pleading with her. Something in her wanted to see how long she could keep this sort of game up with Kazuha.
“Why don’t you use the other bathroom?”
“Sakura unnies, awake showering in that bathroom, and she locked the door, please unnie, I really need to go,” Kazuhas voice filled with desperation, as she begged the older girl. 
“Why don’t you go in the sink or something? You got that thing down there for a reason” 
“You’d really be cool with if I just pissed in the sink, where all of  you guys wash your hands?” Kazuha questioned with an eyebrow raised, her hands still holding her crotch.
Chaewon thought about it for a few seconds. Before she realized no, that probably wouldn’t be best. Having the lingering smell of piss in their sink, and even if they cleaned it. There was no way that she’d be able to wash her hands normally in that sink again. Without thinking about how it would be the very sink the younger had pissed in. 
“Uh, no, I guess not. Let me think for a second” 
“Oh- ok, please hurry up though, I- I really have to go,” Kazuha whined, stomping her feet lightly on the ground, trying to calm herself down. 
Chaewon thought for a few seconds about the best possible solution. Before settling on what was probably a good enough solution. She scooted back on the toilet seat, far enough that she would still be able to piss in the toilet, and proceeded to spread her legs. Enough for Kazuha to guide her stream into. 
Kazuha, frozen in her place, just looked down, not able to focus on anything besides Chaewons bare pussy in front of her. With her mouth agape, she seemingly was trying to say something, but no words came out. 
“Come on, I thought you had to go,” Chaewon said with a smirk on her face, 
“O-oh yeah, right!” Kazuha stuttered over her words. Finally, she uncovered her crotch with her hands before using one of her hands to lower the waistband of her sweatpants and boxers. Her soft cock flopped out, then holding it with one of her hands. She took a step forward, with barely a few inches between her and Chaewon. 
“I- I don’t wanna miss,” Kazuha said in a tone that was almost as low as a whisper. 
Chaewon couldn’t help but stare at Kazuha's every ministration. And how could you blame her? The younger girl really did have a nice dick. Of course, she’d gotten a couple of glimpses here and there during outfit fittings, but she’d never seen it this close up before. Along with that, the younger always did her best to keep it hidden, always purposefully turning away from her and the other girls. So, she’d never seen it this close up before. As far as she could tell, she wasn’t even hard, but if Chaewon had to guess, she was already sitting at a good 5-6 inches. Her pubes were neatly trimmed, a vein traveling from the base to the tip, and circumcised. Hmmm, she wouldn’t have ever guessed. 
Not to mention how the younger seemed to be in deep thought, with her eyebrows furrowed. Chaewon wondered what could be going through her head right now. Was she enjoying it as much as me? she thought to herself.
She watched as Kazuha directed her cock between her legs. Expecting a trickle to echo throughout the bathroom any moment now. But, after a few seconds, she was met with nothing but silence. 
“Ca-can, you look away,” Kazuha said as a blush of red began to creep its way up her cheeks. 
“Oh yeah, sorry”
So, Chaewon looked to the side, trying to look at anything else, trying to ignore Kazuhas dick in her face, which was harder for her than she’d like to admit. When suddenly, she felt a hot liquid splash her clit, making her turn her head back to Kazuha. 
“I-I’m sorry, it’s just like that. Sometimes I don’t know,” Kazuha stuttered over her words. While simultaneously aiming her stream lower to avoid any further incident. 
“It’s fine, Zuha. Don’t worry about it” 
Chaewon, for some reason she, didn’t understand she liked it. She liked the feeling of the hot liquid hitting her clit. Although she knew that Kazuha hadn’t done it on purpose, she couldn’t help but wish she would do it again. 
Remembering the reason she was sitting on the toilet in the first place, her own sense of needing to piss had come back. So, she let go, a sense of instant relief coming over her. She let out a relieved sigh. Catching Kazuha's attention, who just stared down between them. Chaewon noticed how her gaze was looking down between her thighs.
The sound of both of their streams steadily flowing began to echo throughout the bathroom. Leaving both of the girls entranced. Chaewon, looking at the liquid flowing from the younger girl's cock in front of her, and Kazuha, whose gaze was fixed between them in her trance of just watching both their streams flow. 
Kazuhas stream was the first that started to dwindle in intensity. Her cock let out a few last spurts of piss, a couple of which hit Chaewons clit, and she had to actually hold herself back from letting out a noise that wouldn’t be appropriate. Finally running out, Kazuha quickly ripped a couple of pieces of toilet paper from the roll beside them and dabbed her tip dry, dropping the toilet paper between the older girl's legs. Before slipping her dick back into her pants, and quickly washed her hands.
“Umm, thank you, and sorry for pissing on you,” Kazuha squeaked out before opening the door. Not giving Chaewon any time to reply, she quickly left the room. 
Leaving Chaewon, who had finished up just a few short seconds after Kazuha did, to sit and ponder what the fuck just happened. And more importantly, why she liked it. 
Now, the second time it happened was really no accident. Chaewon saw an opportunity to indulge in her new fantasy, and she decided to take it. 
Since that fateful morning a couple of weeks ago, Chaewon couldn’t stop thinking about it. There was just something that left her wanting more. She couldn’t put her finger on it, maybe it had something to do with the hazy headspace she was in during that quiet morning, but something about her and Kazuha just pissing together felt oddly soothing and intimate. Not to mention the pleasure she felt when the younger girl's stream hit her clit. It was something she had never experienced before. And truth be told, she wanted to experience it again. 
The next time the opportunity presented itself was while they were at a photoshoot. The group had been split up into units: Sakura, Yunjin, and Eunchae in one, leaving her and Kazuha in the other. 
The main director had decided she and Kazuha would be going first, seeing as they had fewer pictures between them to take. As it was only the two of them as opposed to the other group, who had the three. And just their luck (mostly for Chaewon), their photoshoot would be taken outside. Meaning the other members wouldn’t be there to question the actions she was planning. Knowing the three remaining members would much rather sit inside the nearby building that was serving as their waiting room.
Throughout the entirety of the photo shoot, At any slight second, they had a break. Chaewon was right next to the younger to hand her a bottle of water. 
Whenever Kazuha or someone from the staff questioned her, she always replied with something leaderly. Saying things like “I'm looking out for her,” “ It’s hot today,” and “She needs to stay hydrated.” And Mother Nature was on her side today because it was actually a pretty hot day outside, and they were shooting in direct sunlight for hours, so what she was doing wasn’t totally out of the norm. 
But Chaewon could tell that the water she had basically been force-feeding her the entire time was wearing down on the younger girl. Chaewon could see the slight awkwardness in her poses and the strained smiles she gave to staff as she stood from the sidelines when it wasn’t her turn. Even more so when they were taking pictures together, Kazuha would always flinch whenever the director would instruct her to keep her hands near Kazuha's waist and how her finger would graze below her toned stomach.
As the photoshoot went on, Kazuha struggled to keep herself sane. Whenever they had to move to a new location, she was hobbling with her thighs clenched while she walked from place to place. When a staff member would question her, she’d tell them she was simply getting tired of standing. 
And after a long, grueling five hours, the photoshoot had finally come to an end. 
Kazuha was quick to bow and give the staff a thank them for their hard work before proceeding to book it as fast (which at this point was barely a speed walk)  as she could back to the nearby building that housed their waiting area. Which just so happened to be where the nearest bathroom was. 
And with Chaewon, who quickly bid the staff goodbyes as well, she was quite easily able to catch up with Kazuha and was able to trail just a few feet behind her. 
She watched the younger girl push the door to the building open with so much force it hit the wall behind it with a loud crash. Catching the remaining three members who were waiting by surprise. But Kazuha, in such a rush, didn’t even bother saying anything before making a beeline toward the nearby bathroom. 
As Chaewon made her way into the building just a few short seconds after Kazuha, she was slightly taken aback at the way the three girls stared back at her with their eyes wide. 
“She had to piss that bad, damn,” Yunjin remarked.
“You’d think with that dick between her legs, she’d just duck behind a tree or something,” Yunjin said between laughs before she got a light slap on the arm from Sakura. 
“Ya, Yunjin, don’t use words like that,” Sakura scolded her.
“What? It's true, though!” Eunchae smirked.
“Yes, it’s true, but the proper anatomical term is pen-”
Chaewon loudly cleared her throat before Sakura could finish her sentence. Despite how amusing the entire exchange was, she had a plan to complete. So, she informed the three that she and Kazuha had finished, and the director was ready for them.
She watched the three file out the door and waited till she was sure they were out of view before she made her way down the hallway where the bathrooms were.
Stopping in front of the door, she reached her hand out to the doorknob and found that it hadn’t been locked. 
That idiot 
Chaewon scoffed in disbelief to herself. But she stopped and thought for a moment. Did Kazuha leave the door unlocked on purpose for her? Did she want her to come in? 
She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Whatever, It doesn’t matter why the younger left the door unlocked. All that matters is that it was, and it happened to be making things much easier for her. She initially thought she was going to have to bang on the door till Kazuha gave in and would let her in. 
Chaewon took a deep breath before turning the door handle and pushing the door open.
There was no going back now. 
Upon barging in, she took notice Kazuha had yet to start doing her business, much to her delight. Followed by the younger starring at Chaewon with wide eyes, stuck in a bewildered state. With her hands frozen in place, settled atop the belt around her waist.
“O-oh shit, Ch-Chaewon. S-sorry I- forgot to lock the door,” Kazuha managed to get out. 
“It’s okay, Zuha, I just really have to go.” Chaewon looked at the younger, trying her best to put on the best pleading eyes she could. 
To be fair, Chaewon wasn’t totally lying about needing to piss. She had also drank a substantial amount of water during the photoshoot. Not nearly like the amount she was force-feeding Kazuha. But, definitely enough for this moment. 
Kazuha just nodded her head. Chaewon, however, could tell that she needed to go by the way she was playing with her fingers and taking deep breaths. If Chaewon had to guess, she was doing it as a way to keep herself from losing it. 
Chaewon walked over to the toilet and sat down before pulling down her skirt and panties. At the same time, Kazuha had opted to simply turn around. 
However, due to the small amount of space in the bathroom, the younger was barely, if even a couple of feet in front of Chaewon. This led to her reaching one of her hands out and ever so slightly hooking one of her fingers onto the back of the loop of Kazuha's pants, definitely doing the trick of getting her attention. Kazuha whipped her head back around and looked at her expectantly.
“I know you need to pee, too, I saw how much water you were drinking”
“Well, yeah, but-” Kazuha rebuttled before getting cut off. 
“We’ve done this before. It's okay,” she reassured her. Not failing to notice how her cheeks began to flush a red shade.
“Ar-are you sure?”
“More than sure, Zuha.” Chaewon reached her hand to one of the front belt loops and tugged the younger girl closer. 
She looked up at the Kazuha. She couldn’t quite tell how the younger girl was taking all this in. But, by the way, she didn’t push her hands away as she kept her fingers hooked on the belt loop of her pants. She had to assume she was doing something right. 
That was until she actually started to undo her belt buckle, of course. 
“H-hey, w-woah, what-what're you doing?” Kazuha tried to make a feeble attempt at pushing away Chaewon's hands. 
“Just helping you,” Chaewon shrugged. 
“O-oh, okay” 
Chaewon had to keep herself from cracking a smile. Was it really this easy to convince Kazuha to continue her movements?
She carried on where the younger girl had previously stopped and unbuckled the belt. Her eyes fixated as she delicately maneuvered her hands to unbutton Kazuha's pants and unzip the zipper. Her white boxers, peaking out, were really leaving nothing to the imagination. 
“Is this okay, Zuha?” Chaewon looked up. The younger girl's eyes were fixated on her, glimmering with something she hadn’t seen before since their first encounter like this. 
That was all Chaewon needed to hear to continue moving her hands. She stuck one of her hands through the hole in her boxers, fishing the limp length out from its confines before aiming it between her legs. 
She looked up at the younger girl expectantly.
Catching the hint, Kazuha let out a deep breath. And after a couple of moments of silence, the first trickles of piss left her cock. Well, it’s good to know she got over her piss shyness Chaewon internally laughed at her own thought. She thought she was just going to have to hold the younger girl's limp dick in her hand till she had built enough courage to let herself go in front of her. 
Chaewon was back to feeling just as entranced as she was the first time they did whatever this was. Something about what they were doing just felt so comforting, so right, so arousing. 
From the start, Kazuhas stream was building momentum. Without a doubt, due to the copious amount of water she had been drinking at the courtesy of the older. And as it got stronger, Chaewon felt herself growing even more aroused. 
Ever so slightly, she angled Kazuhas stream higher, resulting in it hitting her clit straight on. Making her let out a yelp. Catching the attention of the younger, who said nothing but whose eyes were wide and staring so intently at where her stream was heading.
Chaewon doesn't know what came over her at the moment. Perhaps it was her brain clouded by her own want of pleasure. But, she snaked her hand between her legs, her fingers getting coated in Kazuhas piss. She used her finger to spread her folds, making her clit peek out from its hood. 
“F-fuck,” Chaewon moaned. The strong stream the younger girl was providing just felt so fucking good on her exposed clit. And at that same moment, she let out the fluids she had been holding during this moment.
The pleasure felt different. She doesn’t know why it felt so good. She’s had her fair share of hookups in the past, and the partners had various successes in making her finish. Yet, this combined pleasure was feeling better than all her past hookups combined. And with the Kazuha stream seemingly not letting up, she was approaching her orgasm quickly. 
The constant flow of fluid aimed directly at her clit, with her own pleasure of releasing the held-in piss. Was sending her closer and closer to the edge. Until she came with a high-pitched moan, her eyes closed tightly. Her hands were slightly trembling, causing the stream of piss that had been steadily weakening for some of the warm fluid to end up splashing onto her lower stomach.
By the time she had recovered from her orgasm, the younger girl was somehow still letting out a stream of piss, alibi, it being much weaker than before. She was still going. Chaewon gave a mental pat on the back to herself for shoving water down Kazuha's throat during the entire photoshoot.
Chaewon looked up at Kazuha, who had her eyes hooded and a coat of red coating her cheeks. 
As Kazuha squeezed out the last few drops of piss, some of which hit Chaewons sensitive clit in the process, led her to let out a whimper.
They stared at each other for a couple of moments, not knowing what to say to one another, Before, Kazuha made the first movement and was reaching her hand to the nearby roll of toilet paper. 
Chaewon didn’t know what was coming over her. Perhaps it was her post-orgasm-clouded mind or her body instinctively going for what it really wanted.
“W-wait,” Chaewon barely got out before she proceeded to lunge forward, taking the head of Kazuhas cock in her mouth. Letting her tongue rest on the underside of her cock, before she pulled away and licked the tip. The last remaining drops of Kazuhas piss coated her tongue. 
She didn’t have time to think about the slightly bitter taste in her mouth. As she looked up at Kazuha, her face contorted from a look of complete and utter confusion morphing into her eyes being filled with lust. Waiting for her next move. 
Chaewon parted her lips, taking Kazuhas cock deeper. Feeling her length growing harder in her mouth. She continued to bob her head up and down the length till the younger girl's cock had reached its full mass. Even so, she just wasn’t quite able to take her fully hard length. And she needed to pull away as she felt the tip of Kazuha's cock pressing on the back of her throat, making her eyes start to water. She let out a few coughs, trying to catch her breath. 
Pulling away, she tugged Kazuha's boxers down just enough for her length to spring out. She took one of her balls into her mouth, lightly suckling on it and letting her tongue swipe subtle licks around it. Hearing the subtle grunts of pleasure from the girl above, she continued her movements, swapping sides and doing the same to the neglected one. 
Suddenly, she felt Kazuha's hand on her scalp, combing her fingers through her hair. She let go of the sacs in her mouth before looking into Kazuhas eyes and taking her cock back into her mouth. 
“I-im close,” She heard Kazuha say barely audibly.
She continued to bob her head up and down the length the farthest she was able to go. She used one of her free hands to make up for the length she wasn’t able to take in, her small hand barely able to wrap around it fully. She bobbed her head sucking her cock, working in tandem as she moved her hand up and down the thick length. She reached her other hand up to Kazuha's balls, massaging the sacs with her fingers. When she felt the younger girl tug on her hair, to which Chaewon braced herself. 
A few moments went by while she continued her ministrations till she heard Kazuha let out a loud grunt, followed by her load spilling into Chaewon's mouth. She tried her best to swallow it all, with only a few stray drops leaking out from her mouth.
“Oh- fuck I’m so sorry, i-i-don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Kazuha stuttered over words. The younger girl cussing, catching Chaewon off guard, as she wasn’t really ever one to curse, made her come to her senses. 
“It’s okay, Zuha, you didn’t do anything wrong” She tried to comfort the younger girl, seeing her hands shaking as she had slipped cock back into her pants, and was buttoning them back up. 
“Really?” Kazuha asked as she reached her hand towards the aforementioned toilet paper next to them, ripping off a few squares and dabbing up her own semen that had escaped Chaewon's mouth. She looked at Chaewon with nothing but concern in her eyes. 
“Really, Zuha, I wouldn’t have given you a blowjob if I didn’t want you to cum in my mouth,” Chaewon said matter-of-factly while ripping off some toilet paper off herself to wipe herself.
“O-oh,” Kazuha muttered. Backing up a bit so Chaewon could pull up her pants.
“We should do this again,” Chaewon said with a smirk on her face as she turned her back to the younger girl, making her way to sink.
Kazuhas eyes widened at her words.
Chaewon isn’t sure how this. You could say “arrangement” had started to become more and more frequent. At first, it was she who would be the one to drag Kazuha along with her to the restroom, or she would follow after Kazuha when she heard the younger girl tell someone she was going to take a bathroom break. 
But, as they kept up with their little arrangement, it was Kazuha who gave her a knowing look whenever the particular need arose. 
Thankfully, to their staff and other outsiders, it wasn’t too out of the ordinary for the girls to visit the bathrooms in pairs. Whether it be because they thought it was a safety thing whenever they had a schedule in crowded buildings or simply wanted to talk to one another alone, nobody ever questioned them.
They would head off into the bathroom together, and it usually ended with her sitting on the toilet while she had her hand between Kazuha's legs, grabbing ahold of her length and guiding her stream between her thighs.
It was odd, really. Sometimes, both of them had the absolute clearest mind whenever they did this. Neither of them had their head clouded with lust over the other; it just felt nice. It felt like something that was just their little secret, like a child sneaking a cookie from the top shelf. Since people constantly surrounded them, they enjoyed just having this one thing for themselves. 
But, Chaewon had to admit when their encounters were more on the heated side, she no longer cared if her light moans could be heard throughout the bathroom or the sighs of relief Kazuha let out whenever she was pissing. 
Chaewon didn’t know if she should be happy. People were blissfully unaware or turned on by the fact anybody could catch them in the act at any given moment. Most of the time, their encounters would be in public restrooms that had barely an inch thick walls guarding them from the other stalls. Not to mention, if any dared to even peak under the stall, they’d see her and Kazuha having what to them was their little secret. 
However, Sakura, being the observer she was, did notice the frequent disappearance of the two. One day, when she and the older girl were the only ones home at the dorm and were both lounging on the couch, she brought up the topic in passing and questioned why she always went to the bathroom with Kazuha. 
Chaewon had to turn away to hide the red heat that rose up her cheeks as she thought about their “arrangement.” She had let out a fit of coughs as she made a futile attempt to compose herself. 
Before she turned back and shrugged, saying, “I don't know. She can scare weirdos away”. This wasn’t totally untrue since, on more than one occasion, the pair had been stopped in the hallways of a music show by a random male idol who always made an attempt to flirt with her. 
Although to Chaewon, the younger girl was nothing but a puppy. She could actually be quite intimidating when she wanted to be. Kazuha always stepped in and stared them down till the guys got the hint and scampered off. 
In response, Sakura simply nodded and turned her attention back to whatever random show was playing on the TV. With Chaewon letting out a sigh of relief at the fact the older girl hadn’t bothered to press the matter any further. 
Between her and Kazuha, It was a bit of an unspoken rule to never talk about their little arrangement beyond asking if things were okay in the moment or the couple minutes that proceeded with one of them washing their hands while the other waited. The air is always a bit tense during those moments, with each of them not really knowing what to say to the other. 
Not that Chaewon expected Kazuha to bring it up outside what seemed to be the sanctioned bathroom walls anyway. She knew the younger girl was too timid to ever confront her about it.
She could tell that Kazuha was enjoying herself just as much as she was. Chaewon never failed to notice the way Kazuha's gaze was always fixed between her legs. Always staring so intently at the way their streams would flow in tandem. 
She even noticed the way that the younger, even without prompting her to do so, would drink copious amounts of water. Chaewon couldn’t help but wonder if it was because she wanted to extend the amount of time she was able to spend with her. Or she knew her stream would be stronger, and Kazuha wanted to satisfy her. Because Chaewon saw how Kazuhas face would light up when she would let out a little whimper when particularly strong spurts of piss would hit her clit straight on. 
Kazuha, usually the one to finish first, would reach for toilet paper and pat her tip dry. Chaewon saw how without a doubt, her cock always began to twitch in her hands, just wanting to be touched even more. And by the time the younger slipped it back into whatever undergarment she was wearing that day, Chaewon could clearly see how hard she was. 
Due to their busy schedules, they hadn’t time to indulge in the newfound kink, I guess you could say, as they did on that day a few weeks back at the photo shoot. As much as she would like to suck the younger girl off after every one of their “sessions,” they simply just didn’t have the time.
Leading Chaewon to today. She was getting tired of seeing Kazuha walk out of the bathroom every time they were together like things were perfectly normal. Knowing damn well, under her pants, Kazuha was hiding an absolute hard-on. 
They were overseas in Japan doing album promotions. And currently, they were on their way back to their hotel after their last schedule for the day. Their manager had warned them as they were gathering into the car that the drive back would be a long one. Earning groans of defeat from all of them, it was only 10 pm, but they had been up since 4 am going non-stop, bouncing from various schedules until now. All they wanted to do was settle into their beds and sleep.
However, Chaewon had other plans. She knew that this night would literally be the only time she had alone with the younger girl. Knowing, they had a flight early the next morning back to Korea, where they’d no doubt have their schedules full for the coming weeks. 
They had gotten settled into the car, with her in the backseat in between Kazuha and Yunjin, along with Sakura and Eunchae in the middle row. 
Kazuha had been making herself comfortable, having a blanket thrown over her lap, with a pillow to the side of her, pulling out her phone, putting in her airpods, and throwing on whatever Netflix show she had recently downloaded. 
Chaewon had been waiting for this moment to play with her puppy.
Was it really a good idea to have half of her backpack's contents being water bottles? Probably not. And it proved to be just that for the majority of the day, having to lug around all these water bottles. 
But as she handed Kazuha a water bottle, watching her practically inhale it without a second thought. She knew it was the right decision. 
Their last schedule of the day had been at a music show. And right after their performance, they needed to leave. Making no room for them to even have a sip of water before being rushed by staff. Which tracked with how Kazuha had downed the first bottle of water in seconds.
After Kazuha had finished the first bottle, Chaewon was quick to hand her another one, to which she drank it just as fast as the first one. 
At this point, Chaewon knew Kazuha's body, honestly probably better than the younger girl did. Based on how she was downing the water like she had been trapped in a desert for a week.
All Chaewon had to do was be patient. She knew it was only a matter of time before the water would start having its effects. So, she tried to keep herself busy, pulling her phone out and mindlessly scrolling through her various social media. 
And after about another thirty minutes, it was finally time to have some fun. She started to feel the subtle way Kazuha had started to shift in her seat. Followed by just a few minutes later, one of her legs started to bounce up and down. Looking over at the younger girl, she had her eyes still fixated on her show. She’s probably trying to distract herself, Chaewon thought. 
Chaewon ever so slightly reached one of her hands up and pulled out one of Kazuha's airpods. 
“Something wrong?” Chaewon put on an innocent voice. Kazuha turned around, her eyes shifting from confusion to softening her gaze.
“Y-you know what you’re doing,” She pouted. To which Chaewon couldn’t help but smirk and let out a giggle. 
“And, what exactly am I doing, Zuha- hm?” Chaewon hummed before placing one of her hands beneath her blanket onto the younger's thigh.
“G-gave me too much water.”
“Well, you’re a big girl, Zuha. You should know how to control yourself. Right?” She dipped her resting hand lower on Kazuha's thigh, letting her finger graze the inside. 
“Y-yeah, r-right,” Kazuha muttered. Trying to shake Chaewon's hand off her, only to backfire on her. Any movement she made was just making her need to piss more evident. 
“Just hold on a bit longer, for me, okay?” getting a nod in return from the younger. 
“We’ll have some fun when we get to the hotel. Just have to be good till then.” She continued to use her fingers to caress Kazuha's inner thigh. She watched as the younger girl's eyebrows raised as she spoke.
A few minutes went by as the pair sat in comfortable silence. Chaewon popped the airpod she had stolen from the younger prior into her ear and started watching the drama with her. And she had to be honest. It was boring as shit; she didn’t know how Kazuha could watch these sappy romance dramas. 
So, of course, to up the ante even more, Chaewon reached the hand that wasn’t still under the blanket below her to where her open backpack lay and pulled out another water bottle. Tapping the younger girl on the shoulder and forcing it into her proximity. 
“N- no” Kazuha muttered. 
“Just one more, for me? Please.” Chaewon had to hide the smirk growing on her face, covering it with a pleading tone and begging eyes.
“W-we’ve never done it this close to the others. I- I don't want-” Kazuha couldn’t finish her sentence, not even being able to bring herself to say the words. 
“What? Don’t want them to know you’re a freak,” Chaewon scoffed. 
“You think I don’t know you get off this.”
“Use your word.” Chaewon moved her hand till it was resting atop the younger girl sweat pants.
“Y-yes. I- I mean. I-its embarrassing.” A blush of red made it up her cheeks. 
“Good, that's the point. Now drink up,” Chaewon spat, She uncapped the bottle, forcing it into Kazuha's hand. 
She reached the hand that had been resting atop Kazuha's bulge beneath her t-shirt, with it now settled on her lower stomach, just in time for the younger girl to start taking a few gulps of the bottle. She could feel the way her tummy would get slightly more bloated with every passing gulp.
“Just a bit more, Zuha,” Chaewon praised her. And as the bottle started to near its end, she could hear the slight whimpers coming from the younger. 
Kazuha finished the bottle, setting it next to the other empty water bottles she had finished. Letting out a sigh of relief. Until of pang of discomfort hit her, and she let out a groan. It was only getting harder and harder to hold. Chaewon once again reached her hand back down to Kazuha's sweatpants. Feeling that her bulge had only grown. 
“I can’t believe you’re getting off to this,” Chaewon said in disbelief. 
“B-but, I-I’m doing what you said.” Kazuha's eyes began to water. 
“I didn’t tell you to get hard.” Chaewon had to stifle a laugh. 
“What if the other girls woke up? Yunjinie is right next to us. One nudge, and she's awake. She’ll get to see you squirming around all hard like that, How shameful would it be?” She berated the younger as she rubbed her hand softly over the clothed bulge.
“N-no, p-please. I’m being good.” The tears in her eyes began to pour over. 
“Yes, you are, baby. Just hold on till we get back to the hotel. Hmmm?”. She used her free hand to reach up and wipe away the tears that dribbled down Kazuha's cheeks. Getting a shaky nod in response from her. 
To which Chaewon grabbed Kazuha's phone and opted to turn on some more soothing music, rather than that shitty romance drama Kazuha had been watching to distract herself from her increasing need. At this point, Kazuha's hands were probably making holes in the fabric of her sweats with how hard her nails were gripping them. Along with her squirming in her seat only have gotten worse, she could barely hold still. 
Only a few more minutes passed before the car came to a stop. Indicating that they had finally reached their hotel.
Due to them sitting in the furthest backseat, they had to wait for Eunchae and Sakura to collect their things, and to Kazuha, it seemed to be taking longer than usual. She gritted her teeth, letting out a huff of frustration. In an attempt to keep herself together, she closed her eyes and tried to focus on her own breathing. 
Chaewon swears she can hear the younger girl's heart beating out of her chest. She did feel a bit bad for Kazuha, It was her fault that she was in this situation anyway. Even so, she couldn’t help but enjoy the way her breath was hitching with every breath, squirming in her seat with her legs crossed, her eyes closed, and biting her lip. She took one of Kazuha's hands into her own, immediately hearing her breathing start to slow down and return to somewhat normal. 
She continued to hold Kazuha's hand as Eunchae and Sakura finally made their way out of the car. She lightly tapped the younger girl's hand.
“Zuha, we’re here. It's time to go.” Chaewon's tone was soft.
With Kazuha's hand still in hers, she guided the girl out of the car on wobbly legs before changing their position so she had her arms around her waist to keep her stead. They had just barely made it to the lobby. 
“Is she okay?” Chaewon heard Yunjin speak from behind them. 
She was so thankful that Eunchae and Sakura had already left and went into the hotel without them. She really didn’t know how she would be able to explain this one to all three of them. But thankfully, this time, it was only Yunjin. 
“Oh- Yeah, I think she’s just a bit tired. She was in a really deep sleep when I woke her up,” Chaewon tried to sound as convincing as possible.
“Do you need help? I’m probably stronger than yo-” Chaewon cut her off before she could even finish her sentence. 
“That’s okay! I got it. You can head to your room.” 
“Well, alright, unnie! I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Yunjin said before she sped off to her own room. 
And after bidding Yunjin goodbye, the pair made their way to their own room. Kazuha was just barely keeping it together anymore. With every stride they made, she was letting out a whimper.
Upon finally making it to their hotel room, Chaewon was practically carrying Kazuha through their room into the bathroom. Somehow, on their trek to the room, the younger girl had decided to rest half of her body weight on the much smaller Chaewon. It was tiring as hell lugging Kazuha all the way here, but Chaewon just knew it would be oh-so-worth it. 
Chaewon stripped herself of her own clothes before turning to Kazuha, who had her eyes fixated on the ground.
“Come on, I thought you wanted to have some fun when we got here, right?” 
“Mmm, right,” She whimpered.
Chaewon reached down and untied the knot that was keeping Kazuhas sweatpants up, pulling them down, while the latter had lifted her shirt over her head, unclasping her bra before tossing them to the side. Now, standing in just her boxer briefs, Chaewon could see the full effect the water had had on the younger. Her tummy was bloated, sticking out every so slightly. Along with the way, Kazuha was wobbling on her feet with her legs crossed. 
She took Kazuha's hand, stepping into the shower with her. The shower itself was on the bigger side, making it easy for them to stand in it together comfortably. 
“You need to go, Zuha?” Chaewon dragged a couple of her fingers down Kazuha's chest, down her toned abs, till they were resting on her bloated lower stomach. She just barely pressed on the area before she heard the younger let out a loud groan.
“Yes! I really need to go so bad,” Kazuha whimpered, her voice full of desperation.
“Aww, Zuha, I know you do. So beg for it.” Chaewon's tone grew sinister. 
“I- I need to pee, pl-please, unnie,” She begged, tears welling in her eyes. 
“Since you were so good today, drinking all that water for me,” Chaewon maneuvered herself so she was standing directly in front of the younger girl before she began to press down on her bladder.
“You can go, Zuha.” 
After a couple of moments of silence, Kazuha had stopped holding and let go. The sound of piss starting to trickle from her cock could be heard. She let out a string of moans as her stream started to gain momentum.
Chaewon reached one of her hands down and grabbed ahold of the younger girl's length. Hearing Kazuha let out a sigh of contentment as she did so. Chaewon slightly spread her legs before she directed the length directly at her clit. She could already feel the wetness beginning to grow between her legs.
“Fuck, Zuha,” Chaewon moaned. It felt so good, the hot stream being sprayed directly at her clit. Partnered with the way she could feel some of the liquid ricocheting back onto the skin of her inner thighs, trickling down her legs. It’s so wrong, so disgusting. 
She doesn’t understand why it made her feel this way. So, satisfied. 
She looked up at Kazuha, who was looking down at her. Or more so between them, where her hot stream was hitting her clit. The younger girl was letting out strings of content whimpers every so often. 
As Chaewon followed Kazuha's gaze in between them, she was suddenly reminded of that fateful incident a couple of weeks back that escalated into something more than just pissing together. As she watched the steady stream of liquid leave Kazuha's cock, she couldn’t help but crave the taste in her mouth again.
This time straight from the source.
She wasn’t sure how much more Kazuha had to piss. So she needed to make her decision quickly. 
And that she did, Before she knew it, she dropped to her knees in front of Kazuhas stream. Feeling the hot liquid splash onto her body. Despite how warm the fluid was, feeling it spatter on her skin made her flinch as it began to run down from her chest down her stomach. She felt so dirty, letting the younger do this to her, but how could she tell her to stop when it felt so good?
Now, on her knees, she looked up at Kazuha, whose expression read nothing short of a combination of confusion and shock, but nevertheless, she stared intently at what she was going to do next. 
Still looking directly at the younger girl, she reached one of her hands up and took her length back in her hand before she guided the stream directly into her mouth. The warm liquid began to fill her mouth, coating her taste buds in the slightly bitter taste before she swallowed it, only for the liquid to start filling her mouth up again.
She straightened her back so she was sitting up taller. She leaned forward, making sure not to spill a drop of the warm liquid. As she took the head of Kazuhas cock deeper into her mouth. Swallowing the fluid that had filled her mouth, she now felt a new sensation.
Kazuhas piss was spraying directly into the back of her throat; the stream was still strong. She had begun to start choking on the liquid. Despite that, she didn’t want to lose any of the fluid, so she swallowed it through the burning pain in her throat. It was wrong to say, but she was falling deeper and deeper into this new sensation. She couldn’t help but let out small whines around the younger girl's cock. 
This is what Chaewon wanted. She felt content. The head of Kazuhas cock in her mouth, she had started lightly suckling on it as the warm fluid spraying from it filled her mouth. Along with the confusion on Kazuha's face was long gone, replaced with contentment and pleasure. Her eyebrows furrowed, her pupils blown wide, as she stared at Chaewon. With little moans falling from her mouth with every suckle on her cock head. 
And as Kazuhas stream finally began to falter, Chaewon let the last few spurts of piss fill her mouth, the last few trickles of it, unfortunately, dripping out of her lips down her chin. 
She doesn’t know what got into her, but as she releases Kazuha's head from her mouth, still carrying the last of her piss in her mouth. She looked up at the girl before opening her mouth and showing it to Kazuhal before she closed her mouth and swallowed the last of the piss.
It took a few moments for them to get back to their senses. Both of their heads are still hazy from the previous actions. 
Kazuha was the one to move first, reaching for the knobs on the shower and turning them on, fiddling with the faucet till it was a comfortable, warm temperature.
“A-are you okay?” She heard Kazuha ask. Chaewon's eyes were still very much glossed over. Her vision was hazy. Her eyes were still open but not looking at anything in particular. Till she felt the warm droplets of water hitting her skin, garnering her attention. 
“Y-yeah,” Chaewon managed to get out. Feeling the hard tile of the shower pressing into her knees, she reached out to grab onto one of the railings and tried to get up. Her legs wobbled as she tried to stand up, only making it up a little more than halfway; she felt her hand slip. 
She let out a yelp, preparing for her knees to be met back with the hard tile. She instead was met with Kazuhas hands meeting her own.
“Heh, you sure? Kazuha grinned at her with that stupid smile. 
It didn’t take long for Chaewon to stable herself and drop Kazuhas hands that still had a firm grip in her own, ignoring the fluttering in her stomach it gave her. Even throughout all the debauchery they’ve done in the last couple of hours, the younger girl still cared for her wellbeing. 
Chaewon coughed, clearing her throat before speaking.
Chaewon reached for a bottle of soap that was on one of the shelves and proceeded to lather her body. Before, she handed the bottle off to Kazuha in front of her. The subtle smells of citrus and floral began to fill the close quarters of the shower. 
Chaewon kept her eyes closed as she began to rinse herself of the soapy suds. She can practically feel Kazuhas eyes on her as she did. Maybe a part of her liked it. Maybe a part of her liked that Kazuha was focusing on her. Maybe it was the reason she was washing the soap off her skin slower than she usually would, putting on a show just for the younger girl to watch. 
She stepped back from the water of the shower head and opened her eyes. And it was just as she expected, better even. 
Kazuha's eyes were boring into her. The younger girl's eyes were hooded and dark before she snapped out of it, feeling Chaewon's gaze on her again. But, as Chaewon’s gaze trailed lower down Kazuhas body, she saw her cock was hard. The hard length beading with precum dripping from its red tip that was pointed up at her stomach. 
“S-sorry,” Kazuha mumbled, making a weak attempt to bring her hands down to cover the bulge. To which they did little to hide her large member. 
Chaewon let out a laugh.
“It’s fine, Zuha. It's good to know you’re enjoying yourself as much as I am.” She smirked. Watching Kazuha's eyebrows raise before furrowing, seemingly sending herself into deep thought. 
Chaewon reached for the faucet and turned the water that had gone a bit too chilly for her liking off. Proceeding to take a step closer to the younger girl, so horribly close to one another. Chaewon knows that Kazuha can feel every breath exhaling from her onto her skin. 
Chaewon looked up at Kazuha as she trailed her hand down Kazuha's toned abs before her hand met what it wanted most. She took ahold of the Japanese girl's shaft, giving it a few languid strokes, feeling Kazuhas breath hitch in her throat. She drew her hand from the base of her shaft to the tip, dragging her thumb over the slit. Kazuha shuddered at the actions but didn’t ask for Chaewon to stop. Making Chaewon continue her actions, she rubbed her thumb rougher against the sensitive tip. Chaewon could feel her own sense of need between her legs start to grow; she wanted Kazuha, and she wanted her now. 
She wouldn’t admit that to her, though, well, at least not yet. 
“Just ask, Zuha, it's not that hard,” Chaewon tutted. Before she abruptly stopped her movements on the younger cock, eliciting in Kazuha to let out a groan of frustration. Chaewon stared up at her, waiting for her to say something. 
“Pl-please c-can I cum, unnie. F-feel so g-good.” Kazuha looked down in shame, a blush of red going up her cheeks. How Kazuha was only feeling a bit ashamed now, after all they did today, was a bit uncanny. But Chaewon shrugged it off. 
Chaewon smiled. 
“Just what I wanted to hear. Of course, you can cum” She watched Kazuha's demeanor immediately change. She couldn’t quite decipher the change. But, it was evident Chaewon had gotten her complete attention. 
“You just have to make me cum first,” Chaewon smirked. 
Before she knew it, Kazuha had taken a few steps closer till her back was met with the cold wall of the shower. Somehow, despite how slick their bodies were due to the water still coating their skin, Kazuha was able to slink her legs underneath her thigh and lift her up. Her time in the gym very clearly paying off at this moment. Seeing as she showed no signs of faltering under Chaewon's weight. 
Saying Chaewon was turned on would be an understatement, the stickiness between her legs only growing even more now that Kazuha had her arms under her thighs, her back pressed up against the wall. The younger girl spread her legs further apart, her eyes dark like she wanted to devour her then and there. Which, Chaewon definitely wouldn’t be opposed to, but quite frankly, she wanted to feel Kazuhas cock inside her even more.
“G-god, Z-zuha, pl-please fuck me already” Chaewon wiggled her hips, only to be stopped by Kazuhas nails digging into her thighs. 
“Getting impatient, unnie,” Kazuha remarked. 
“You made me hold for hours today; why can’t you wait a little bit, unnie?” 
“J-just need inside,” Chaewon whined. She wriggled against the younger girl. 
“Yeah?” Kazuha smiled as she started to edge her blunt tip closer to Chaewon's hot core.
“Starting to sound like slut” 
“Wh-what’d you say?” Chaewon sputtered in disbelief. Her movements simultaneously came to a complete halt.
“Y-you don’t like it? Th-that's okay, i-its just came out,” Kazuha started stuttering, her grip on Chaewon's thighs starting to loosen. Thinking that she might have stopped their little moment. 
“N-no, it’s fine. Just wasn’t expecting you to say something dirty like that.” Chaewon felt a blush of red starting to coat her cheeks. 
“Yeah?” Kazuha's tone was low; her grip on Chaewon's thighs was back and feeling more rough than before. 
“Ye-yeah, pl-please, Zuha.” Chaewon whimpered. She could feel the slick leaking from her pussy. Kazuhas tight grip on her, with her cock so close to her core, she needed the younger girl inside, and she needed it now. She started grinding her hips down again, making an attempt to aim Kazuhas cock where she desperately needed it most.
“Unnies, such a slut” Kazuha tutted. She rubbed the tip of her cock against Chaewons pussy lips, only making her hips squirm in anticipation.
“Want me inside that much?” 
“Ye-yes, pl-please Zuha, i- i ne-” 
Chaewon's pleas were cut off as Kazuhe teased her tip into her. Making her let out a yelp. Chaewon hadn’t ever seen the younger girl's eyes as dark as they were right now, and to be honest, she liked this side of her.
Kazuha didn’t give Chaewon more than a few seconds to get used to the tip, stretching her out before she sheathed herself into the hot cunt of the older girl. In the midst of the mix of pain and pleasure intruding on her pussy, Chaewons hands had found their way onto Kazuhas back.  With every movement, every inch that was stretching her out, her nails dug into the younger girl's back, no doubt leaving harsh marks to deal with later. 
“You’re so tight around me, unnie” Kazuha looked up at Chaewon, smiling with that stupid grin on her face still. God, if she didn’t feel like she was about to explode if she didn’t cum soon, she would have brought her hand up and slapped that dumb smile off her stupid face. 
“Pl-please, Zuha, move,” Chaewon whined. 
And that she did, Kazuha pulled her cock out and left just the tip inside before plunging her length right back into Chaewons hot cavern. Thrusting up into the older girl, who was letting out a guttural moan every time she bottomed out inside her. Kazuha started a slow yet rough, harsh pace, enjoying every moan that fell from Chaewon’s lips. 
The sounds of Chaewon's moans only grow needier and needier due to the slow pace. She began to make a futile attempt at grinding herself against the thick length. 
“So, needy unnie. Such a cute slut grinding while grinding on me.” Chaewon can practically feel the smirk in Kazuha's voice. 
“Pl-please, Zuha g-gonna cum” Chaewon whimpered. 
Deciding to have some mercy on the older girl, her thrusts started to quicken. The new pace had its desired effect on Chaewon, as she had gotten impossibly wetter and tighter, with her pussy starting to choke Kazuhas length. 
Staying true to her word in making Chaewon cum first, Kazuha changed their position,  keeping them connected together, Kazuha let go of Chaewon gently. Much to the dismay of the older, till she felt her hands meeting the glass door of the shower.
“Hold on,” Kazuha rasped into Chaewon’s ear. 
Before she could process what was happening, she felt Kazuha thrust into her harshly. Forcing her to be pressed up against the glass door of the shower, her cheek pressing into the hard glass, she let out a loud whimper. She could hear Kazuha’s deep groans in her ear, with her hot breath tickling the shell of her ear with every thrust of her hips.  
Kazuha’s thrusts began meeting the same rough pace as before, but the new angle made her feel even deeper inside of her. Along with the younger girl's balls hitting her clit, with every harsh thrust making her shudder. She was so close. The loud sound of their wet skin hitting against each other filled the enclosed space. Their moans bouncing off the walls at the same time were like music to her ears, making her feel insane. 
And Kazuha knew it too. She could feel Chaewons cunt tightening around her. So, she changed her pace, her thrusts getting more harsh and intense. As her hands met Chaewons ass, she dug her nails into the soft flesh. 
They could both hear the wobbling of the shower door off its tracks with every thrust of the younger, but she just wasn’t letting up. Kazuha spread Chaewon's legs farther apart, trailing one of her hands over the older girl's stomach, down to her clit, just barely touching the sensitive bud. But it was enough to make Chaewon shriek.
‘F-fuck!, Zuha. I’m close, s-so close, Chaewon whined. 
The hot walls of Chaewons cunt, squeezing Kazuha's dick only urging her to thrust impossibly faster. Strings of moaning fell from Chaewon's lips as she approached her orgasm. 
“Who knew you were such a slut. My slut. So disgusting, I know how much you liked getting covered in my piss. But to the point of drinking it? God, if only people knew how much of a whore you are,” Kazuha berated the older girl. 
The words from Kazuha's mouth only pushed her closer and closer to her orgasm. As if it was on cue, she felt Kazuha’s finger back on her clit, rubbing the sensitive nerves in fast circles while keeping up her harsh pace. 
“O-oh fuck, Zuha!” Chaewon moaned, and her orgasm hit her like a ton of brick. She felt her arms going limp, and before she knew it, her entire body began to feel like jelly. The only sensation she was able to feel was Kazuha's cock still pumping in and out of her, the younger girl now in need of her own orgasm. 
The harsh pace continued for a few more moments until Kazuha's thrusts started to dwindle in consistency but not in roughness. The loud slapping of skin together echoed as loud as ever off the shower walls. 
Moving her hands back down to Chaewons ass, her tight grip back on the soft flesh. Chaewon's body felt limp against her own, and it was easy to move Chaewon's hips like she was her own sex toy, except better. She could still hear the soft mewls Chaewon was letting out. 
Fucking into her, moving the tight heat against her own length as she pleased. Until, Kazuha came with a loud groan, She somehow managed to pull out of Chaewon fast enough to release her seemingly never-ending amount of cum onto the tile floor below them.
Kazuha's body was slumped over Chaewons, trying to catch her breath while still having enough strength to keep the older girl from crumbling to the ground, in her own post-orgasm limp daze.
Breaking the comfortable silence between them, Chaewon cleared her throat. 
“Um, you’re kinda heavy, can you-”
“Oh, yeah- yeah, sorry.” Kazuha immediately let go of Chaewon, taking a few steps back. 
They both stood frozen in their respective spots for a few moments. Each takes in the scene around them. Their skin was wet, not just from the water of the shower, but with a light sheen of sweat coating them. Their cheeks flushed and red. They could both feel the scratch marks that lingered on their respective bodies. Chaewon's lower back and ass with the nail imprints of the younger girl that had broken skin. Leaving red marks to remind her of who left them there for the days to come. And Kazuha felt the tingling of scratches that littered her back. Still practically able to feel the way Chaewon had been clawing at her back. 
Chaewon is the leader in most situations, and evidently, she supposes this one too. Decided to speak again.
“We should talk about this, right?” She looked at the younger girl.
“Uh, yeah. I guess,” Kazuha said awkwardly.
“We don’t have to talk about it right now.” She gestured towards both of their current states.
“But, just know I really enjoyed it,” Chaewon smiled. That stupid grin plastered on Kazuhas face once again. 
“Me too” Kazuha beamed. 
It was a couple of hours later now, and the pair had finally taken a normal shower. Well, normal for them had it taken a bit longer because they just couldn’t help their lingering eyes and lingering touches, maybe. In spite of that, they somehow managed to keep themselves sane and finished their shower. Each of them changed into their pajamas and did their other nightly routines, getting ready to go to sleep.
They both lay on the bed in comfortable silence. Haven’t really needed to say anything to one another since stepping out of the shower. 
Chaewon was lying on her side, scrolling through her phone, looking at nothing in particular. She looked at the time, God, was it really already 3 a.m.? How long were they in that damn shower? She was so thankful they were in a hotel and not at their own dorm. Where she’d know damn well, she’d get the questioning of her lifetime from their agency questioning why their water bill was up 20% this month. 
As she lay there, she began to think. What did this entire thing mean to her? What did it mean for Kazuha? Sure, it felt good, really good, actually. Disregarding that, was there something more to their relationship than just lust, she isn’t sure. She’d never thought of the younger girl in that way before. It was Kazuha, for crying out loud. Her bandmate, with that stupid smug smile, who followed her around like a lost puppy. Always making her laugh at her stupid jokes and even dumber actions. 
But, as she thinks deeper about it, being together just started to make sense. Over the past few months, Kazuha showed her a new part of herself (whether she intended to or not is up for debate), one that she would probably never discovered if her stupid ass didn’t barge in on her pissing that one fateful morning how that one encounter spiraled into the mess of whatever their current situation they're in, was unprecedented. 
It wasn’t ever talked out or mentioned, but she felt all of Kazuha's long-drawn looks, and she’d definitely had her fair share of lingering stares at the younger girl. Whenever they shared a hotel room together, when Kazuha thought she was asleep, she’d wrap her arms around her, with them waking up the next morning in the same position. Always mocked it up to Kazuha, claiming it was an accident. All of her actions, though they, made her feel safe. Knowing that Kazuha was the only one who had made her feel this way.
“I think I like you”.
Chaewon eyes widened, realizing the words falling from her mouth before she could stop herself.
“What do you mean? I like you too,” she could hear the confusion in the younger girl's voice. 
“Th-that not what I mean, forget about it.” Chaewon tucked herself deeper into the soft fabric of the blanket. In the process, she inches farther away from Kazuha. She was still punching herself, wondering how the fuck she let herself slip like that. 
“You like me. What's wrong with that? I think you’re pretty cool, too,” Kazuhas laughed.
“No, not like that Zuha”
“Well what do you mean, unnie? I want to know?” Kazuha, being the excited puppy she was, just closed the gap between their two bodies. Her arms around Chaewon, holding her close. Resting her chin atop of her head. 
They’d been in this same position a hundred times over. Except for this time, it felt different. There was a sense of tension filling the air. 
“I like you a lot. I think more than a friend”
Chaewon held her breath, anticipating the impending response from the younger girl. 
“Oh,” Kazuha's eyes widened in shock.
“When you’re around, I always feel safe. I love going to bed next to you and waking up to you still beside me. Your skin always feels so warm against mine, I just want to be near you all the time.  I don’t know.” Chaewon let out a huff, followed by a sigh. 
‘R-really?” Kazuha's eyes widened in disbelief. Feeling Chaewon nods slowly. 
“I-I think I like you too” 
“Ah, Zuha, you don’t have to say that if you don’t really mean it.” Chaewon looked down, seeing Kazuha's arms still clinging to her waist. Her heart wrenched.
“N-no, unnie, I really mean it. I-I’m not sure how to put it into words”
Chaewon perked up, hearing those words come out of Kazuha's mouth. It wasn’t exactly what she was hoping to hear. However, it was much better than she could’ve anticipated.
“We don’t have to figure it all out right now, Zuha. This is comfortable for us now, right?” She took her hands, settling them on Kazuha's own, rubbing the soft skin of her hands in slow circles with her thumbs. 
“Y-yeah, I like this. This is comfortable.” Kazuha closed her arms tighter around Chaewon, keeping her close. Both of them lay in contentment, Kazuha's chin resting atop Chaewon's shoulder, dozing in and out of sleep. 
Till Chaewon broke the silence. 
“By the way, next time, I want you to cum inside me” 
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ihateapbiology · 3 months
happy birthday
You rubbed your eyes and before you had even situated yourself you were peppered with kisses. “Happy Birthday baby” Julien whispered into your ear “I love you”.
“I thought birthdays were a capitalist ploy.” You groggily joke.
“Not yours.” she smiles.
You cuddle into her your eyes still crusted over with sleep. “I love you too babe.” You then detect the smell of coffee and bacon which perks you up a little more.
“I made breakfast” she grins “your favorite.”
“Ughhh I just wanna lay here with you but thank you baby” you say slowly sitting up clutching her bicep with your hand.
You stretch and fully wake up, Julien then pulls you in for an actual kiss. She darts to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on the food she made and pour the coffee into a mug as you put yourself in some actual clothes and brush your teeth.
“Aw babe this looks perfect thank you.” You hug her “you’re always so good to me.”
You laugh seeing the candles sporting 2 and 6 on the omelette she made. She pulls out a chair for you “oh my gentle lady” you laugh.
You spend the morning eating and cuddling on the couch watching a bit of a show you two had been loving.
You sigh “ugh we gotta get up for the lunch” you had scheduled a birthday lunch for yourself and your friends at noon.
As you put the finishing touches on your hair you feel soft kisses on your neck “you look so beautiful y/n I’m so lucky.” You blush and grab her hands to drape them over your shoulders. “You’re beautiful too hon.”
“Sh Sh Sh it’s your day” she laughs.
She drives you guys to a cute lunch place a bit more downtown and you find your friends quick. You have a great time being with the people closest to you and when it gets time when everyone’s full you fumble around in your purse for your wallet.
“That’s gonna be a futile search” Julien grins.
“Huh” you look confused.
“I’m paying babe” she says firmly.
“Jules you don’t have to I mean it’s lunch with my friends” you start to try to persuade her.
“Nope” she grins “I won’t hear anymore.”
She pays and you all chill for a bit walking around before they all head back to their respective homes. As you turn on your heel to go back to where you two parked you feel her gentle hands turn you by your waist.
“Babe we parked over there” you say confused.
“Yeah I know but I’m taking you somewhere else” she smiles.
You walk in complete ignorance of where you guys are going all the way down to the harbor (ok I know that Tennessee wouldn’t have one but for the sake of the story let’s say it’s LA or like NYC.)
She leads you to this growing line of people onto one of those sunset cruises that feeds you and just takes you on a loop.
“Oh Julien thank you you didn’t have to.”
“I know I didn’t have to.” she smiles kissing the side of your head.
It’s a beautiful cruise and you have a perfect time watching the sunset in the love of your life’s arms. Once you eventually get home you have to call your parents. While you’re upstairs talking to them Julien finishes up your cake. When you come downstairs she starts singing (in her beautiful voice) happy birthday. You blush so hard.
As you sit she takes some frosting and lovingly puts it on your nose.
“Babe” you giggle.
At the end of the day she makes you a bath with some salts and such.
She sits in next to you and puts her head on your shoulder. “everyday I thank whatever gods up there that they brought you into my life. I never thought that someone so beautiful inside and out, so full of life and love, would be here with me. You amaze me everyday as you continue to fill my life with light. You’re so smart, so funny..”
At this point you kind of disassociate into pure love and you stare at her lips moving.
“Thank you my love. I don’t know a safer place for my heart to be than with you.” You quietly say.
You settle into bed and wait for her to settle next to you, but she settles between your thighs with a smirk.
“Time for your final present” she smiles cheekily. “If I may.”
“Yes yes please.”
She pulls down your shorts kissing all over your thighs. “So beautiful” she mumbles.
She gently discards your panties and kisses the crease between your thighs and center. “I love you.”
Finally she kisses your aching core, “mmm so wet for me huh?”
“Yes” you whine.
She expertly navigates around your folds, changing up the pace of her tongue.
She grins as she feels your legs spasm and squeeze around her. She holds them open with strong firm hands.
She gives your clit a hard suck and that sends you. You finish in her arms, filled with safety and love.
You guys fall asleep in each others arms.
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
Good Sleep - LaMelo Ball
Summary: hate writing these, so just read and find out.
A/N: This man is the love of my life (and his brothers).
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It was hard, dating an NBA player. Not that it was Melo's fault. He tried to make things as easy as possible. He called whenever he could, making sure to at least check in on me once a day.
It wasn't like I made things any easier. I took a lot of pride in my job and it felt like a lot of the time when he was home, I was busy working.
Which is what I am currently doing. Its around midnight, when I hear the garage open, I know it's Melo. His team was supposed to get back earlier tonight, but their flight got delayed due to weather.
After a few minutes he enters our room. I moved in with him a 6 months ago, since I practically lived there full time anyways. We both also thought it would be a good way to spend more time together.
"Hey, babe." He says walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He heads into our bathroom, getting ready to shower. He hates how he feels after plane rides, always complaining about being dirty. "What are you working on?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Just work stuff." I respond, not having the time to explain. I have to have these reports ready by Monday. I'm a CFO for a major clothing company in the US. We are currently working on expanding to European countries.
Melo showers while I work and before I know it he's climbing into bed. "Babe," He whines, "when are you going to bed?"
"I don't know, soon." I answer, dismissively. He frowns, looking up at me from where he's laying.
"You work to hard. Your not even 22 and your the CFO for a major company. I worry you're gonna work yourself to death." Melo's always hated how hard I work. We've been dating since we were both 19.
I was getting ready to graduate college, when he was getting drafted into the NBA. Being born a genius helped me fast track my schooling and career.
I started interning with the company I currently work at when I was 17, the summer after my junior year. I started working with them when they were just a start up, but in the past four years they have rapidly grown and I've been a part of the process the whole way.
This company is like my baby and I'm the one that has to track everything to make sure we are achieving our goals. I never intended on working here this long, but I love the people I work with (the pay isn't bad either).
They promoted me to CFO when their old one left to work for a bigger company. What an idiot, they didn't have believe in the company and soon ours will be bigger than the one they are working for.
Three hours later and I'm still working, Melo's passed out. After he fell asleep I headed to the office he set up for me, not wanting to wake him.
I have a blanket wrapped around me, with my headphones in and a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the desk. Once I get this done, I'll be on Monday and present to our investors I will be on vacation for the next 9 days.
I haven't told Melo yet, wanting to surprise him since our schedules rarely line up.
I look up from my computer, when I see the hallway light turn on. I take my headphones out, knowing it's Melo. He walks into my office, frowning. "Babe, go to bed." He groans.
"Ok, just give me a few minutes."
"Nope, you always say that and then a few minutes turn into another hour or two and then you're only getting like 2 hours of sleep before you head into the office." He walks over and shuts my laptop, before pulling me out of the chair.
I whine and protest the whole way back to our bed, but he doesn't seem to care. He makes me lay down and tucks me in like I'm a little kid, before climbing in bed next to me.
Once he's in bed his, arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach. "Finally, I can sleep now."
"You've been asleep this whole time." I argue.
"Yea, but now I'll get good sleep. I only get good sleep when you're with me." I smile, even though he can't see me. I continue playing with his hair, before we both drift of to sleep in each other's arms.
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riptideripley · 1 year
Heyyy! Could you do Rhea Ripley x piercer!reader (spelling?) Love your work <3
Her Body
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summary:Rhea has a desire to get a tongue piercing and who better to do it than her girlfriend.
a/n:something short & sweet!
You were sitting in your office,going over the schedule for your employees. You were interrupted by the sound of your personal phone ringing,making you answer it. “Hey Dems,what’s up?” “Hi darling,I was wondering if you could uh..give me a tongue piercing?” she asked sounding nervous. You giggled softly,”Of course honey,I’m not booked today until my 4pm appointment so you can come in anytime” you told her hearing her squeal with excitement. “What time can you come in baby” “Hmmm..I can make it around 12” you heard her say,writing down her name for a 12:15 appointment. You told her what time you scheduled and told her you love her,hanging up the phone.
_time skip_
Rhea showed up,waiting for you to call her back. “Rhea baby! Come on” you called for her,watching her get up nervously and walk into your piercing room. “So just a tongue piercing? or do you wanna do your septum too?” you asked her,grabbing a few things. “Um..yea let’s just do both!” she spoke smiling. “Alright let’s do the septum first then take a small break,ok?” you asked and she nodded in response,tilting her head back. You smiled and kissed her cheek,beginning to do the piercing.
Once you finished doing her septum,which she almost cried,you kissed her lips softly. “You did good baby” you told her making her smile. You handed her a mirror to look at herself with,she smiled satisfied. “Alright let’s relax for 10 minutes then we’ll get that tongue” you told her crawling onto her lap while she laid back on the bed,cuddling you.
10 minutes slowly went by,taking a small nap with her. You woke up first and checked the time,waking her up. “Alright let’s get the tongue,here choose one” you gave her a tray with tongue piercings,smiling as she chose the all black one.
“It’s gonna feel like a small pinch ok? Here hold my hand” you grabbed her hand. She squeezed your hand as soon as you did the piercing. Tears formed in her eyes as you screwed the other end of the piercing on. You lifted her tongue to do the same on the other side,wiping her tears. “Aww baby it’s ok” you said giggling,kissing her forehead. You hand her the mirror again,watching her check out the piercing. “I love it..but my tongue hurts” she said pouting making you giggle. “It’s gonna be like that for a few days baby,but it’s ok because you have me to help you” you told her making her smile. “I wanna stay here till closing” “Alright that’s fine,we close at 6 so you can stay” you told her planting a soft kiss on her lips.
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pommpuriinn · 9 days
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Tubatu In Disneyland
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𑁥౿ ⊹ ‧₊˚ synopsis - coming back to the states for schedules Joohyung decided to ball out and get the group Disneyland tickets for the day to finally let loose and not worry or stress about anything
𑁥౿ ⊹ ‧₊˚ a/n - I kid you not I had this in the drafts for 2 years? maybe… so here’s a little present double posting 🫶🏼
hair | makeup | outfit | nails
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Joohyung planned this whole trip out. Since she knew they were going to have a schedule in the states and since the members performed at Disneyland back in November for New Years, and they really wanted to go to see the rest of the park. She decided to buy the most expensive tickets so they can experience a bit of everything without wasting time.
It was the day after they performed at the James Corden. Joohyung woke up really early because everyone that goes to Disneyland always says; ‘you have to wake up early so you can experience as much as you can’. So that’s exactly what she did. It was 5:30 am Joohyung woke up and just stared out of the window. It was too early for her brain to comprehend anything and once the gears started turning she finally got up and started her morning routine. Joohyung wanted to give some more time for the members to sleep in since they all slept late not by force but by choice. They spent all night playing games with each other in her room.
The clock hit 6 am which meant it was time to wake them all up. The thing is, since it was Joohyung’s room and there was only one king size California bed they all slept on her bed. Joohyung decided to just smack all their butts to wake up. “Wake up! I have something planned for us!” All the members groaned and started stirring around. “Noona it’s 6 in the morning.” Yeonjun had one eye open. “I know, but I have something for you guys. Wake up please!” Joohyung begged since she saw some of them go back to sleep. “Come on guys,” Kai was the only one who was waking up. “Noona seems excited.” Kai started shaking his hyungs by their shoulders. It took a bit of time but she got them all to sit up with their bed hair going everywhere and their eyes still adjusting to the light. “Ok hold up,” Joohyung ran to get her phone which had all their tickets on there. “Look what I got us!” She placed her phone close to their faces.
Now their gears started working and they finally saw the Disneyland tickets. “We’re going to Disneyland?!” Soobin took her phone out of her hand to look at the tickets himself. “Noona don’t play with us!” Kai gasped, taking the phone away from Soobin. “Oh my god~” Taehyun looked at her phone with Kai. “We can finally be those people that buy and wear the Mickey ears.” Beomgyu said while mimicking the ears with his hands on his head. “We have to start getting ready. I heard you have to be there early!” Yeonjun jumped out of the bed. “Thank you noona~” They all said, as they headed out to their rooms getting ready. “You’re welcome~ now hurry up!” Joohyung said before closing her door to get dressed.
Those Disney people were right when they said get here early because once they got there the lines were huge. “While it gives us time to decide what’s priority and what’s not.” Taehyun said seeing all the families around them. “I can’t believe we’re here!” Soobin was very giddy, as he looked around him constantly. “I’m glad you guys are happy because these tickets weren’t cheap at all.” Joohyung said remembering the checkout price and seeing the money getting taken out of her bank account.
“Ok priority for me is going on as many rides as we can, especially the roller coaster over there.” Beomgyu pointed at the California Adventure side. “For me it’s trying all foods I always see people eating in those videos.” Yeonjun even pulled up some pictures on his phone to show them. “All that sounds good but I don’t think I have anything that I’m dying to do yet.” Soobin was thinking really hard about something he needed to do before the end of the night. “Maybe take photos with the characters?” He shrugged. “I want to go on a water ride to see who gets the wettest.” Taehyun beamed a smile. “That sounds fun!” Kai smiled at him. “After that we have to get matching sweaters or shirts and I have to find a plushie that I can take home.” Kai shared what he wanted to do. “What about you noona?” Beomgyu asked as everyone had eyes on her. “I of course want a new Baymax plushie for my collection and try all their sweet treats, and take lots of photos.”
After establishing what all their priorities were the line finally started moving quickly which got them all excited. Once they all passed the workers and scanned their tickets, and got their map they were ready to go explore. “Look, they got a Star Wars section!” Soobin pointed at the map. “We have to go.” Looks like the person who didn’t have a specific thing they wanted to do immediately found something and directed the whole group to that section. Luckily, Joohyung got them fast passes for the rides and they were able to skip all the big lines.
After they experienced Star Wars Soobin walked out of that section with his own custom R2D2. The group went to buy some snacks on their way from one ride to another. Of course they also stopped at places that look photogenic to take photos at.
“Ah…Jooie noona can I ask you something?” Beomgyu gently held back Joohyung from the rest of the group. Joohyung hummed at his question waiting for his reply. “Can we take…couple pictures?” Beomgyu whispered that last part so low that Joohyung almost missed it. Joohyung wanted to giggled at his blushed expression and how he didn’t want the other members knowing because they would instantly tease him. “Sure, puppy.” Beomgyu’s eyes lit up and immediately intertwined his hand with hers and got up with the group.
“We should get our Mickey ears already since we rode a couple of rides.” Kai suggested to them which they agreed and headed straight into the gift shop. They broke up and started looking at the huge variety of different theme ears on the wall. “Noona should get these since their kid sized and won’t fall off.” Instead of the traditional ears Yeonjun pulled out a Mickey hat with a string that sits under your chin for support. “Ya! Stop making fun of my small head size~” Joohyung whined, as the members laughed. “Plus I prefer the Oswald hat more.” Joohyung grabbed the Oswald hat instead. “It’s cute.” Joohyung looked at herself in the mirror and pulled out her phone to take pictures.
Each member picked a set of ears that suited their taste and paid at the front and walked out with their new Disney merch on. “Ah capitalism strikes again.” Taehyun said while they walked to the next destination on their list.
As they somewhat finished what Disneyland had to offer they moved to California Adventure which Joohyung was more excited for since they had Cars Land, Toy Story, and the Ferris wheel. Also it was a big chance Joohyung could find her Baymax plushie on this side. So the group skipped over to Cars Land and had funny interactions with the cars that were out meeting people. They finally got on the car ride which Joohyung had been dying to get on, but the thing she didn’t know was at the end it was a race between their car and another car and that it would go fast.
“Ah!” She clinged on to Beomgyu who was sitting next to her enjoying his time with his arms in the air. They quickly ran to the photo section and once they saw Joohyung face in the photo it was a must buy purchase. “Look at her face!” Soobin was basically on the floor laughing at the picture. “Ya! That’s so unfair I didn’t know it would go fast in the end.” Joohyung smacked Soobin’s arm making him wince at the pain. “Ok, ok you two stop fighting and let’s finally eat a proper meal.” Yeonjun stopped the two.
They stopped to sit at a table outside and started to share the food around. You could tell they were hungry because no one spoke a word as they ate and drank their special Disney drinks. “I forgot to take a photo!” Yeonjun gasped, as he saw all the empty plates and half drunken drinks on the table. “Well until next time. Come on, we have to ride the Toy Story ride.” Beomgyu got up with the others following him. They cleaned their table and made their way to Toy Story. Unfortunately for them it was a pretty long wait and the fast passes sold out in minutes, but with a cute aesthetic of toys all around them some of the members kept themselves occupied with taking many photos.
“Hey, I got us this Disney drink.” Beomgyu was the only one that left the line to get something to drink. “I thought you were going to get a water bottle?” Joohyung asked while looking at the pretty drink. “Well I was l, but it was a bit expensive for a water bottle so I decided if it was going to be expensive why not get a Disney drink.” Beomgyu tried to justify his decision, making Joohyung laugh. “Can I try it?” Joohyung looked up at him. “Of course! Here.” Beomgyu led the straw to Joohyung’s lips. It only took a little sip of Beomgyu’s drink for Joohyung to love it instantly. “Ya! It’s so good.” Joohyung smiled up at Beomgyu.
After waiting for what seemed like hours they finally went into the ride and went crazy since it’s a shooting game. Joohyung was getting whiplash with all the turns the cart made. “Ya! Stop moving!” Joohyung yelled, as she was trying to hit the bullseyes. Joohyung came out dizzy holding on to Yeonjun who was experiencing the same feeling, causing the members to laugh at the two trying to walk straight.
“Let’s go on the roller coaster.” Beomgyu pointed at the only real roller coaster Disney has. The group went closer to the ride and Joohyung, Taehyun, and Kai already made up their minds on not going. “You guys go, we'll go see the shops.” Taehyun said, while hugging Joohyung and Kai’s arms pulling them away from the entrance of the line. “You babies!” Yeonjun teased them before following Soobin and Beomgyu in the fast lane.
As they entered the shop Joohyung was on the hunt to find Baymax plushies in the shops around the new San Fransokyo section. “Oh my god,” Joohyung sped, walking to the big Baymax plushie which was leaning against the wall waiting for her. “Look how cute he is!” Taehyun and Kai had to jog to catch up to her. “Noona he’s like half your body.” Kai chuckled, as he caressed the top of baymax’s head. “Do you really want him?” Taehyun asked even though he already knew the answer with how big Joohyung’s eyes got when she spotted the plushie. “Yes! He will be perfect for my collection.” Like a child Joohyung tightly hugged the plushie while swaying side by side. Kai and Taehyun gave each other the look and nodded, “ok I’ll buy you the plushie.” Taehyun smiled at Joohyung’s shocked face. “And pick something else too, I’ll pay for it too.” Kai took hold of the big Baymax plushie so Joohyung could look around. “Really?! Thank you so much.” Joohyung pulled the two into a hug and kissed their cheeks, causing a flush of pink on the tips of their ears.
Joohyung ended up completing her mission which was finding a new plushie for her collection along with getting a new oversized sweater, which came handy just in time for the cold night ahead of them. The three went back to the Incredicoaster where they found Soobin, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu barely coming off the ride. “It was so fun! You guys should’ve gone on.” Yeonjun smiled, while fixing his hair. “Nah, we're cool. Plus we were spoiling noona.” Taehyun pointed out the obvious. Joohyung held Baymax out towards Yeonjun so he could see the said ‘spoiling’. “I should have known.” Yeonjun was happy that Joohyung found what she was looking for since she loves the character so much. “Noona looks so cute.” Soobin pets her head affectingly.
Before the fireworks started at Disneyland they went on the Ferris wheel and it was not the normal one, it was the one that swings back and forth. It was the group’s fault for letting Beomgyu convince them that it’s “not as bad as people think”. No, it wasn’t bad. It was WORST! Joohyung was screaming, hugging Baymax tightly while Soobin waa clawing his fingers through the cage they were in along with hugging Joohyung’s right arm. Yeonjun on the other side of her was fully hugging Joohyung’s head screaming with her. “Beomgyu I’m going to fucking kill you!”
Beomgyu who was across from them was laughing his ass off while recording the three enjoying his time seeing everyone freaking out. Taehyun on Beomgyu’s left side had both hands holding on to the cage while making his little side effect noises, no one could tell if he was having fun or was equaling shitting himself. Kai on the other hand was gripping the fuck out of Beomgyu’s arm while closing his eyes yelling with everyone else.
“Did everyone have fun?” The kind worker asked the group. “Yeah~ thank you!” Beomgyu was the only one who answered while the rest of the group groaned. To cheer everyone up Beomgyu bought them all ice cream, as they walked back to Disneyland to watch the fireworks.
The group got a pretty good spot plus the boys’ height gave them an advantage to see the castle better. As the show started Beomgyu stood behind Joohyung with his arms wrapped around her shoulders, and resting his chin on top of her head. It felt good to the couple doing coupley things without worrying about people recording or criticizing them like how people get back at home. Soobin thought the couple looked so cute and took a photo, but at a 0.5 angle. Soobin bursted out laughing, showing them the photo. “What the fuck.” Joohyung almost started crying laughing at the picture.
After trying not to disturb everyone around them from taking funny pictures of each other the tiredness started hitting everyone. From waking up at 6 am and being still awake at 10pm without a nap was finally hitting. “Let’s go to the shops one more thing and then go back to the hotel.” Taehyun took charge. The final shopping was for everyone’s family and getting them little souvenirs.
They all purchased their things and finally headed to the trams where Joohyung ended up falling asleep on Soobin’s shoulder while hugging her Baymax plushie. Of course the members couldn’t hold back and take pictures of her from different angles. Since they didn’t want to wake Joohyung up again to drive back to the hotel Yeonjun ended up driving, but without doing a quick stop at in and out to grab some food. Once they made it to the parking lot of the hotel Beomgyu carried Joohyung bride style while Kai took a hold of Baymax.
The group ended the night eating and talking about little moments they had throughout the day while giggling at the half asleep Joohyung slowly munching on her burger. “Thank you noona. We had fun.” Kai whispered while tucking her back in her bed.
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be-good-to-bugs · 11 months
bleh im upset i burned myself out from work but alas i had no choice
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