#plato repulsed alloaro culture is
Plato repulsed alloaro culture is every other alloaro post making you want to throw up because it mentions friendship
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Because not many people are talking about it, I'm making a post on what constitutes platonormativity!
Platonormativity here refers to the idealisation of friendship and viewing friendship as essential and mandatory.
Im putting this under the cut as this is a long post
[If this personally offends you or you're an exclus or think I am not aware of how friendship is also deprioritised, etc. honestly this post is not really for you lol]
Things that can be platonormative:
-Assuming that everyone has friends, and viewing it as a red flag or a sign of mental illness if someone doesn't have friends, and/or expecting them to be actively looking for friends
-Claiming that one must be 'friends first' before a romantic or sexual or other relationship in order for it to work out
-Treating friendship as inherently more stable and long-lasting than other relationship types
-Using the term friend for people without considering whether they actually are okay with that term or whether they actually want to be your friend, or otherwise considering someone your friend when they are not explicitly okay with that
-Claiming that aros and aces must "at least have friends" or experience platonic love or platonic attraction because of their 'lack'
-Claiming that everyone should have friends
-Profiling people who don't seem to have friends as a "suicide liability"
-Being ableist towards people whose ability to make or keep friends or want friends or otherwise engage in social bonds is diminished by their (physical or mental) disability and/or neurodivergence
-Assuming that everyone is alloplatonic and friending and plato-favorable
-Assuming that no one is monogamous for friendship
-Considering it inherently "unhealthy" or "increasing risk of abuse" if someone has a partner(s) but not friends
-Forcing friendship as something mandatory even when people are toddlers or very young children
-Assuming a couple/other partners are solely "friends" due to them being polyamorous, queer, or other reasons
-Assuming that people who interact in certain ways must be friends
-Treating friendship as something inherently more "wholesome" or as something that can never be used for harm unless it was a pretence
-Blaming a lack of friendship rather than the harmful behaviour itself when it comes to 'pickup artists' and other people who act entitled to sex, romance, or other things
-Calling aplatonics with a connection to romance "amatonormative" for existing
-Treating the dismantling of amatonormativity, relationship anarchy, and aro activism as an excuse to enforce friendship as something that is mandatory
-Claiming that 'aro culture' is basically (insert alloplatonic and/or plato favorable experience)
-Assuming that ALL demiromantic and/or demisexual people must require friendship as the bond after which it is a possibility for them to experience attraction
-Assuming that every alloaro must want a 'friends with benefits' type of relationship
-Assuming that anything thats nonromantic and/or nonsexual has to be platonic(friendship)
-Reinforcing a platonic-romantic binary
-Claiming that friendship cannot involve sex or romance ever
-Assuming that queerplatonic relationships are friendship or always involve friendship
-Looking down on others for not giving priority to friendship or not engaging in friendship
-Media being saturated with friendship and not many media existing without having friendship in it
-Not understanding that people can be repulsed by friendship and/or platonicism
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Plato repulsed man culture is wishing people would stop thinking you're "emotionally closed off" because of toxic masculinity or the "boys don't cry" attitude. I am literally just like this
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Plato-repulsed alloaro culture is not being able to use interest in friendship to make people see your orientation as less "harmful", because you don't want to engage in friendship to begin with. And being tired of some alloaros acting like we have to like friendship to "make up for" being both aromantic and allosexual, or as if friendship is required in order to respect someone you're sexually involved with.
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Alloaro plato repulsed culture is aquantences with benefits. Guy I Kinda Know with benefits. Person I Don't Hate with benefits.
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romo favorable plato repulsed culture is not wanting be friends with people but having the vague understanding that thats how people typically get together.
yeah.. I think the main reason I don't have this issue currently is because my partners are apl and Im sexuromantic alloaro and was sexual partners w two of my partners before we started dating. But this was a worry I had when I didn't have partners, and I just want to add that there are other people who don't require friendship in order to date someone. It is frustrating that ppl act like being friends first is the only 'healthy' way to date someone, when thats not even required for mutual respect or respecting boundaries or proper communication, etc.
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