#platonic matt Casey x reader
poppadom0912 · 1 year
By my side
Characters: Kelly Severide x Platonic!Reader, Matt Casey x Platonic!Reader, Sylvie Brett x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: Toxic men, abuse, protective firefighters.
Summary: You should've been better but at least your family is by your side.
A/N: For the sake of this, there'll be two ambulances which means two PIC's.
This has been sitting in my drafts for months unfinished and I suddenly decided to finish it after work on the train. Also couldn't be asked to proofread so sorry for any mistakes!! And I know this aesthetic thing sucks but it's been a long day and I'm tired, so sorry again. 😅😅
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Being a paramedic had always been your dream.
Growing up in a first responder household: firefighter dad and patrol officer mum, paramedics were a constant presence around them. So, it was only natural that was were you gravitated towards.
Following this, working at firehouse 51 was a given since that was where your father was a Captain at till he became battalion chief and moved to another house.
Your family had history in this house, making it somewhat sacred ground for anyone who shared your family's surname.
Yes, there had been times when you had to prove your worth and that you weren't a nepo baby but your family in everything but blood were always somehow five steps ahead of you.
So it only made sense that when you started to skip going to Molly's and skimping on details about what you did during your day offs, that they were concerned and confused to say the least.
Six months later, after nearly holding an intervention, you introduced everyone to your boyfriend Mason.
It was safe to say, everyone had their suspicions, even after being together for a year. All of which you excused, diverting and switching blame.
You thought that you were finally happy with how everything in your life was settling but all of a sudden, fate decided that stability wasn't necessary for you.
Shouting and constant arguing should've been the first sign, blaring as bright as the sun, warning and shouting at you to break it off before reaching the one year mark but you briskly ignored it and marched on.
Then, the drinking problems, anger problems and impatience were made alight when you started living together. (he invited you to move in with him when celebrating one year together)
You found yourself not liking the man he started becoming the longer you were together. It irked you to no end and you constantly were skittish around him, finding it harder to have a civil conversation with him the more time passed.
It seemed that your feelings somehow transferred themselves over to your work life because you were suddenly snapping at the stand-in paramedic for Sylvie when she was sick for a petty reason.
The PIC in you forced you to immediately apologise before Kelly dragged you into his office, Matt following without a word.
Naturally, the three of you including Sylvie had a bond of 'commanding officers' as you were all in charge in some degree and over several years, the work relationship blossomed and the four of you were as thick as thieves.
It also helped that Matt and Kelly worked with your father and knew you from their pre-firefighter and your pre-paramedic days.
Under their concern filled gazes, you found yourself crumbling, eyes all of a sudden filled with tears from the stress of it all.
They couldn't help but confirm their fears which you tried to deny incessantly, for some reason defending Jason and explaining that this could all be fixed and everything would be back to normal in no time.
If only you didn't.
Over the past year, everyone found you changing.
The stern but loving PIC you once were had become but a memory. It was as though you were a shell of your past self, something of which you agreed with.
Mason was draining the life out of you and the only time you weren't losing yourself to him was during your 24 hour shifts before being surrounded by him for the next 48.
You tried your best to leave, you really did but at some point in your now two year relationship, things took an abrupt turn and Mason had become this toxic, controlling man who has a newfound urge to resort to violence when you were being your true self.
Being PIC meant you had an amount of power under your title and after many years of work, you had perfected your nature. It's why you and Sylvie were so good at what you did; you used force when necessary and compassion was always on hand.
Over the course of the past year, you found yourself on the end of many interventions held by Matt, Kelly and Sylvie.
With all the reasons in the world, they argued and argued with you, laying out the easiest ways to break you free. They were as desperate as you were at this point to get you to break up with Jason. They missed and needed the old you back.
Unbeknownst to you, they schemed behind your back, trying and failing to convince you to leave Mason for good but you found yourself pathetically laughing at them before going home to endure hell.
You struggled to understand your behaviour. Abuse to this degree was something you never you experience firsthand and you would never wish it upon your worst enemies.
On sleepless nights, you constantly contemplated why you wouldn't leave. You wanted to, you really did but then you could hear him whisper in your ear and you remained firmly glued to his side.
So badly did you want to rip your arm out his earth shattering grip and run back home, to the safety of love and familiarity.
Your final decision was set in stone when he finally made his mark a month ago, fingertips bruised into your wrist when he wouldn't let you leave his car in front of the firehouse.
"Alright then, thank you for dropping me off. I'll see you tomorrow." You said, pressing your lips together in a tight smile, hand reaching for the door handle while the other fiddled with the handle of your tote bag.
He replied with something, you weren't too sure because you were already out the car, closing the door with practised precision and gentleness.
Your expressionless face brightened at the sight of your colleagues/friends/basically siblings at this point. The firehouse and all its inhabitants were truly your saving grace and without it, you weren't too sure where you would be.
Just as you were going to walk up the apron to meet them halfway, you were being pulled back by a random force. It was so sudden that you dropped your bag, your things spilling out as they rolled away.
You yelped, attracting the attention of those who weren't previously paying attention to your arrival in their mortal enemies car.
Scrunching your eyebrows, you turned to Mason in confusion, your eyes following the hand gripping your wrist to his face you were once infatuated with.
"What the hell Mason?!" You said with gritted teeth, trying to escape but he wouldn't let go. "Stop, your making a scene."
Before he could reply, several shouts came from behind you and before you knew it, you were being pulled into comforting arms as big and bulky men dealt with Mason.
"Oh Y/N." Sylvie's heart melted for you while it ignited in flames because of Mason. With your bag in one of her hands, she somehow collected all of your things, she brought you into her arms and hugged you tighter than a koala.
"Let me see your hand." She muttered under her breath, unbothered by the fuming men huddling around you in a protective barrier, on guard as they watched Matt and Kelly deal with Mason on the street.
She sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth at the finger shaped bruise on your wrist, you copying her when she lightly touched it. Despite her angelic exterior, you saw a red glint flash across her eyes, one you rarely saw but had seen several times before on the rare occasion.
If this was her reaction, then you were dreading Matt and Kelly's.
And your feelings were very much justified because as soon as they sent Mason away, you found yourself being subject to a very strong worded conversation.
They played the role of overprotective brothers perfectly. With the help of detectives who you were lucky to call good friends, your plan was set in stone and would take a week to fully come together.
Despite how meticulously everything was planned, you somehow ended up in the emergency room. Surrounded by doctors and nurses you recognised, you felt their sympathy and felt nearly emotional with the care that greeted you.
Thanking Maggie, you smiled and watch the charge nurse leave but you weren't alone for even a minute before three certain people came barging in.
With wide eyes, they drank in your slouched figure.
Matt looked alarmed, Kelly disgruntled and Sylvie on the edge of a breakdown.
You choked out a watery laugh, harshly swallowing back tears as you shook your head and blinked repeatedly. Releasing a shaky breath, you felt your chest tighten as your oxygen was constricted before it was all treated when enveloped in the loving arms of your 'siblings'.
Had it not been for your intense emotional state, you would've barked out in laughter at the anger displayed by Kelly who imitated a caged lion, Matt who spewed words Hank Voight would find offensive and Sylvie who played parts of a mother comforting their daughter but also Satan prepared to burn and punish sinners.
Your pain was muted by their presence alone. With their constant love and never-ending companionship by your side, you were sure to heal.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 10 months
You’re The Best- Matt Casey
Summary: A couple years later, you find yourself in need of Matt’s help after an asthma attack starts while your home alone.
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Authors note: Part 2 in the asthma series!! I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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After Matt lost Hailie, he moved in with you and Kelly. You had moved in with Kelly as soon as you both moved out of your parents houses. Kelly joined the CFD and you joined the CPD.
You had become quick friends with Matt, who came around often. For a few months after Andy’s death, you only got to see Matt when you went to Mollys with Kelly. You refused to believe that Matt was at fault and could see past Kelly’s clouded view of reality. You became close with Matt, and played a vital role in getting Matt and Kelly to make amends.
You were home alone, taking your day off to clean while Matt was on a construction site and Kelly was fixing up a boat. You were just finishing up cleaning the bathroom when the asthma attack came on. You weren’t paying it much attention, having been completely focused on your task, until you got light headed.
You crawled into the hallway, afraid to stand incase you blacked out. All you needed to do was get to your rescue inhaler so that you could get enough air in your lungs to set up your nebulizer. It had been a while since you needed to use it, so you hoped you could remember where you stored it.
You made it half way to your room when you heard the front door open and Matt yell that he was home. Still gasping for air, you sat yourself up against the wall and tried to call out to Matt.
“M-Ma-.” You gasped out before breaking into a coughing fit.
“Y/n?” Matt called out, his heavy footsteps coming into the hallway. Once he spotted you, he rushed over and knelt at your side. “Y/n?! What happened sweetheart?” Matt rushed out, taking your face into his hands.
Your lips were twinged blue. “A-as-th-ma.” You struggled to get out, clawing at Matt’s arms in an attempt to get closer as you searched for comfort.
Matt nodded quickly. “Okay. Okay sweetie. Hang on.” Matt said, standing and pulling you into his arms before running to your room. Arriving, he set you up against your headboard and ripped through your side table drawer until he came out with your inhaler in hand. He immediately shook it and pressed it to your lips.
Once you had some of your breath back, you nodded at Matt, resting your head on his shoulder. “Thanks.” You whispered, clearing your throat.
Matt rubbed your back for a second before moving to stand. “Let me get you some water. Need anything else?” Matt asked, brushing your hair back from your face.
You nodded. “Can you go look in the bathroom, under the sink, and grab my portable neb, please?” You asked, sinking back into your pillows as you focused on relaxing.
“Absolutely.” Matt nodded, squeezing your shoulder before leaving the room.
You listened as Matt pattered around the apartment. Cabinet doors opening and closing, the water on the refrigerator turning on and off, and finally Matt’s soft voice as he spoke to someone on the phone. You were still trying to tap down your embarrassment when Matt walked back in juggling your nebulizer and water in his arms with his phone placed between his shoulder and ear.
“Yeah. I got her Sev. Don’t worry about her. Just figured you should know.” Matt said while placing the items he brought onto your bedside table. “Yeah man. She’s still a bit winded, but her color’s better. We will see you later on.” Matt said. Wrapping up the conversation and turning back toward you.
“Thanks Matt.” You said, picking up the glass of water first.
“No problem.” Matt replied, smiling sweetly at you. He then began to set up your neb.
“You don’t have to do that.” You said quickly, starting to sit up and settle the glass back on the table.
Matt chuckled, shaking his head as he gently pushed you back down. “I know I don’t HAVE to do anything. I WANT to help you.” Matt easily replied, continuing with his task.
“You did help!” You exclaimed, immediately breaking into a coughing fit afterwards.
Matt snatched the glass from your hands, placing it to the side so that you wouldn’t spill it everywhere. “Shhh. Deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth.” Matt coached, sitting against the headboard and pulling you into his side. He made sure you were upright and not at risk for falling over, using his other hand to switch the nebulizer on. Gently, he placed the mask over your face and the band behind your head. “There we go. Just relax.” Matt said, helping you to get comfortable as he handed you the remote to your tv.
You nodded slightly, immediately turning on the next STARWARS movie in the lineup. You pulled your throw blanket up to cover you and Matt as you tried to settle your racing breaths. You tried focusing on Matt’s breaths and the hand that he was rubbing up and down your arm.
Matt cringed inwardly when you began shaking from the effects of the medication. He knew this was a side effect, but it didn’t sooth his nerves. He held you closer, trying to keep your body from shaking so harshly as you both focused on the movie.
When your treatment ended, Matt shut off the machine and grabbed the mask from your shaking hand. He started to slide out of the bed, saying he was going to let you rest for a bit, but your shaking hand gripped his shirt.
“Please stay.” You whispered, shaken by how bad that attack was. You haven’t had one that bad since you were a child.
Matt smiled warmly before carefully detaching your hand from his shirt. “I’ll come back. Let me go change.” Matt soothed, quickly jogging to his room.
While he was gone, you slid out of bed and changed clothes yourself, not wanting to sleep in clothes you were just cleaning in. You were just getting comfortable again, water glass in your violently shaking hand, when Matt jogged back in.
“Woah. Let me help.” Matt said, quickly sliding into the bed and stabilizing the cup.
You allowed it, wondering how much was in that treatment. You voiced your question once you fully handed the glass back to Matt to set on your table.
“Two vitals. It seemed appropriate.” Matt said, settling in with you under the blanket.
You nodded in agreement. “Thanks again Matt.” You said, snuggling into his side.
Matt hummed in reply, letting you get comfortable before he let himself relax. “Take a little nap. I’ll wake you when Kelly gets home.”
You hummed in reply as well, causing Matt to chuckle. “Thanks. You’re the best.” You mumbled, quickly falling to sleep.
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Jay Halstead (& Platonic! Will Halstead): People You Love
Some stories just write themselves and that is what this one did. I’ve been in a writing mood lately and I have a whole list of ideas I want to go through. This isn’t super Jay x reader-focused. 
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD and anti Will/ Natalie content 
You took a sip of your drink listening to Will talk to his brother about his latest disagreement with Natalie. You had learned at the beginning of your relationship with Jay and first meeting Will that it was not a topic of conversation that you should chime in on.  
Will wanted to be with Nat and there was nothing that could change that to his and her own detriment. You stirred the brightly colored liquid with your straw, listening to the ice cubes click against the glass. It was a sweet drink that Gabby had made for you. You were one of the few who frequented Molly’s that didn’t drink beer and only ordered mixed drinks. You had gotten hell for it from a few of the blue-collar boys, but Gabby had taken that as a challenge. There was always a new drink she had found for you to try. 
You tried to hide your wince by taking a drink when Will went through some particularly low blows of the fight. The saying sticks and stones make break my bone never considered how cutting words could be. Especially from the people who were supposed to love you. “You want another babe?” Your eyes flashed between his eyes and your cup which you now found almost empty. You hesitate, but with the way Will is going, you will probably be here for quite a while yet.   
“Yeah, just one more,” You agree. You watch him leave the table and make his way over to the crowded bar top. He wouldn’t have to wait if not for your drink, but he never complained. You heard a sigh and the loud click of a bottle being set more forcefully on the table.  
“Alright, let's hear it.” You glance up at Will expectantly. You weren’t close but you had acquaintanceship because of Jay. You liked Will but it was hard to form a real friendship with someone when you felt like you had to edit everything you said because they couldn’t handle your honesty. Will had a strong alpha male confidence and ego. He needed someone who could call him to the carpet, but you weren’t willing to risk your relationship with Jay to be that for him. You tilted your head in question to his statement. “I know you want to say something, so let’s hear it.” You shake your head circling your straw in your cup again. The bangles that lined your arms clinked together loudly as they slid down to your wrists. “C’mon,” Will pressed. 
“It’s nothing you want to hear.”  
“But there is something you want to say.” His gaze held yours and he raised his eyebrows in question. There was a challenging spark in his eyes. He was looking for a fight. “You’ve been with my brother for almost a year and never had an opinion you wanted to share about any of my relationship problems? I doubt that. I’ve been trying and nothing has been working out. So, I’m up for a female viewpoint.”  
“What you want is a fight. I like my relationship with Jay, I’m not going to ruin it by fighting with his older brother.” Will sits up a little straighter in his seat.  
“Is that so? Well, this one can be on the house. No backlash or fallout. The way I see it-I asked, you answered.” You eye him up and down trying to determine the truth of his words and if he was able to abide by what he just offered. You looked at the bar. Jay was leaning leisurely against the bar top talking to Kelly Severide, Matt Casey, and Gabby. You could tell he was still going to be a minute. You look back at Will and nod.  
“You and Natalie are never going to work.” Will blows out a breath and leans back in his seat before scoffing and shaking his head.  
“You don’t-” You shake your head at him holding up your hand making all the bangles clank down to the bottom of your forearm, the loud noise effectively covering up his rebuttal.  
“Uh-uh, you asked my opinion and now you're going to listen to it.” Will mouth turns into a firm line but he stays silent. “You two are bad for each other. I know you want it to work, to figure it out, for the little rainbows and butterflies to flutter down to fix all your problems. But it’s not going to happen. You two are bad for each other. She is bringing out the worst in you and from what I can tell- from the very limited time I’ve spent with you together- you are doing the same for her.” 
“I love her,” You shake your head at the redheaded man in front of you. 
“What you're doing to each other isn’t love Will. I know you care about her. Want what’s best for her but that doesn’t make it you. Love is finding each other's soft spots, their weakness. It’s learning and knowing exactly what could destroy them. It’s having all that power and choosing to protect them instead of bringing them to their knees.” You play with a bangle on your wrist twisting it, “I’ve been in a relationship where we picked each other to pieces, and I promise you Will that isn’t what you want.” You feel your eyes mist over with emotion, “It’s hard letting go but when you find someone that goes out of their way to protect you...When you would do anything to protect them...You will know that you’ve made the right decision.” 
“I protect Natalie.” You shake your head at Will getting frustrated with his purposeful ignoring of the issues. “We just get heated sometimes, say things we don’t-” 
“That’s what I am saying, Will. It seems to happen every other week with you too. Over stupid things that don’t matter.”  
“Unlike you and Jay. Because I’m sure you too never fight.” Will shoots back and your frustration rises.  
“Jay has PTSD. I’m more worried about protecting his mental health than notching up our day-to-day bickering. He gets in this headspace sometimes and it is irritating and frustrating because I just want him to talk to me. For him to let me help him. But he won’t. I didn’t understand at first. How could I? Then he had a really bad bout of it after a case. He didn’t hear me come in and I startled him. He pulled his gun on me. Pointed it right at my head.”  
Will felt his own frustration turn into something churning in his stomach. He knew his brother struggled with PTSD from time to time. He knew that he had nightmares and that there were times when he was constantly on edge- hypervigilant. But Will had never been there to see the full extent of it. “When he realized it was me, I could see it all in his eyes. He was afraid that he could hurt me. That I would be afraid to be around him. If he had any idea how terrified I was, not that he would hurt me but that he would torture himself with it. Nobody can hurt Jay like Jay can. The fallout was awful. He struggled to get past it. I knew that it could never happen again.” 
“So, what did you do?”  
You looked at your arm and wiggled it. The bangles clank loudly together. “I made it so I can never sneak up on him again. When I went through my Bollywood phase and bought bangles my mom used to complain that the entire neighborhood could hear me when I walked around. I’m sure one highly trained soldier can hear it coming from a mile away.” You look over to meet your gaze with Will again. “Now when I see the signs, I wear them. That is what you do for the people you love.”  
A look of understanding and respect is clear in Will’s eyes. You give him a smile and feel the threads of friendship beginning to form on the strong foundation of honesty and shared love of another person. “If you ever tell him that-” Will mimics zipping his lips before taking the last pull of his beer. You two sit in quiet understanding, and you can see Will marinating on your words. Whether they are thoughts about Jay or his relationship with Natalie you were unsure.  
Jay returns a few minutes later, setting a vivid blue and green drink in front of you and two bottles of beer for the brothers. You eyed the drink thoughtfully, “Gabby said you had to try it. She called it sweet poison, I think.” You stir it before sipping through the straw. You could taste the rum. Gabby had a habit of being heavy-handed with your drinks. It was good though. You turned to look at Gabby and when she raised her eyebrows in question you gave her an enthusiastic nod. She fist-pumped her accomplishment before turning back to Matt. “That good?” 
His strong hand found your thigh under the table, and you smiled at him. You caressed his forearm with one hand while pushing the drink closer to him with the other. “Yeah, try it.” He made a face at you but took a drink from the cup, not the straw. He merely shrugged his shoulders when you asked what he thought. “Yeah, yeah it’s always too sweet for you.” Jay looks over at his brother. 
“You okay man?” He questions, Will was being too quiet.  
“Yeah,” He runs his fingers through his curls, “I was just thinking... Might be a good time to get away for a while. Maybe do a week trip at Gramp's cabin. Fish and stock up on some more wood for the winter. You want to go?” The offer seems to throw Jay for a second. Between Will’s struggling relationship and Jay being busy with a heavy caseload they hadn’t had much time to spend together. Jay looks over at you and you smile brightly at him squeezing his arm. 
“Yeah, I have some time saved up that I need to go through.”     
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v3n33rs · 1 year
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hi I'm a Transgender (FTM) fanfiction writer and I'm here to make people happy
Anyways lets get to the good stuff
And for !'s: F! = Fem M! = Male NB! = Non-Binary T! = Transgender(FTM only) P! = Platonic
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
M! Reader
T! Reader
Smut(I'm bad but hey, it's something)
Ask for specific kinks(I'll tell you if I'll write them or no)
AU's(Ex: Animal world, Mythical creatures, ETC)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Pregnancy(Ew children)
Incest\Tcest(Requeat this and I'm blocking you)
Pedophilia (Minor x Adult)
Scat or Piss(Ew)
F! Reader or NB! Reader(Sorry NB's)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
If you're Trans\Homophobic, Racist or a Pedophile Leave, Now.
If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
COD(Call of Duty)
ROTTMNT(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
MLP(My Little Pony)
HP(Harry Potter)
MID(My Inner Demons)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
HTTYD(How to Train Your Dragon)
DS(Demon Slayer)
The Maze Runner
Sonic The Hedgehog
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
John "Bravo-Six" Price
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Roldolfo Parra
Valeria Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Casey Jones
Splinter (P! Only)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Discord (P! Only)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Arther Weasley (P! Only)
Molly Weasley (P! Only)
Mrs Oates (P! Only)
Helluva Boss
Moxxie (P! Only)
Millie (P! Only)
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
Husk (P! Only)
Cherri Bomb
Lucifer (P! Only)
Ash(P! Only)
Marnie(P! Only)
Allister(P! Only)
Bea(P! Only)
Kabu(P! Only)
Opal(P! Only)
Bede(P! Only)
Melony(P! Only)
Hop(P! Only)
The Twins
Nezuko(P! Only)
Any of the Hashiras
The Maze Runner
Chuck(P! Only)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails(P! Only)
Blaze(My bbg)
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Request anything I'm bored as all hell
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ghoastixx · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
I am a fandom writer, some names you can refer to me by are Casey, Ghoast, Theseus, Ri,
Some things you should know about me are that fact that I beg for asks then ignore them. I’m sorry if I never get around to writing them, but I really try. I go on huge hiatuses. I’m sorry. Please don’t urge this to not request at all. I’m getting better.
My blog is 15+
My pronouns are he/they/ (she maybe)
What I’ll write:
X reader (self inserts)
Gn reader
LGBTQIA+ themes
Angst no comfort
Angst with comfort
Parental figures
Age gaps (legal)
Au’s (no alpha omega I’ll kms)
What I refuse to write
Underage relationships
Abuse as a kink
Anything with piss, shit, or vomit
Self harm as a kink
Huge age gaps
Real actual people- (I think it’s personally weird.)
The fandoms I write for/ characters
Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Ghostface (masked)
The Lost Boys
Micheal Myers (original)
A nightmare on elm street
Freddy Kruger
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Dr. Frank N’ Furter
Adam & Barbra
House of 1,000 corpses trilogy
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
The Boy 1
Creep 1
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar
Helluva Boss
To Kill A Mockingbird
Atticus Finch
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
Bill Cipher
Jareth the goblin king
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack sparrow
Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure
Veronica sawyer
Edward Scissorhands
The Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
Effie Trinket
President Snow (Coriolanus)
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Darry Curtis
The silence of the Lambs Franchise/ Hannibal
•Doctor Hannibal Lecter
•Clarice Starling
Hannibal NBC
Will Graham
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angywritesstuff · 4 years
Then I Met you- Part 3
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader / Matt Casey & Reader (siblings)
Warnings: angsts, age difference
Note: In this fic Matt and Kelly are 38, so Matt was 21 became a firefighter (2003). Matt and reader are 11 years apart, so the reader is 27. So be aware of the age difference, if it bothers you don’t read it 😊
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You were sitting on the bathroom floor trying to regain your breath. When you had decided to talk to Brett, you didn’t think you would end up having to explain yourself to everyone. But the deed was done and you didn’t have any other choice... this didn’t mean you weren’t going to postpone it as long as you could though.
You were so deep in thoughts you almost didn’t hear someone entering the bathroom. So when you heard someone clearing their throat, you jumped a little. Two feet were near you and, when you looked up, you saw Severide.
He was leaning against the bathroom wall and he was looking at you like you look at a scared animal.
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“Hey”- he said softly - “are you ok?” - he continued when you didn’t say anything
“Sure, I just know everyone is out there hating me because I lied to them and I, honestly, don’t know how to explain everything... it’s just, my life has always been complicated... let’s leave it at that. And now that I finally feel like things are changing for the best... ehmmm”- you groaned
“No one hates you and you don’t own anyone anything”
“Why, when you need a call, there isn’t one?”- you rhetorically asked
“Hey don’t jinx it. Beside are you seriously hoping for someone to get hurt”- he was smirking
“Thank you, now I’m feeling even worse. Beside I was hoping on a little scratch; you know people call for anything”
“Listen”- he said squatting down in order to be at your eyes level - “You have to deal with the guys out there sooner or later, you have just to go out there and if you don’t want to explain the situation you don’t have to. Matt has already pointed that out. It’s up to you”
You looked at him, his eyes were even more beautiful this close. You felt suddenly calm while looking at him and it kinda felt weird, because it usually happened with Matt.
Matt had always been able to calm you down with a simple look and you didn’t know how to feel knowing there was someone else who suddenly could do the same.
“Yeah it’s time”- all at once speaking with the other was easier than being alone with Kelly. You barely knew him and you refused to let this feeling overwhelmed you. Beside you had promised yourself you were done with man since apparently you weren’t good at choosing them.
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You and Kelly went to the common area and everyone looked at you in silence.
“You ok?”- Matt asked you once he came closer
“Yeah. It was bound to happen, right?”- you whispered while he hugged you. He squeezed you as tight as he could without taking your breath away, knowing it would calm you down.
“Ok... well, as you guys heard I’m Matt’s sister”- you said while looking at the 51.
Sylvie was looking at you apologetically and you smiled at her to let her know you weren’t mad. It wasn’t her fault, it was yours firstly for keeping it a secret and secondly because it was you that had started the conversation where anyone could hear you.
“How come we never met you before”- asked Herman
“And why didn’t you tell us when you started working here”- asked Ritter. He was the one you had bonded the most beside Sylvie
“As I was telling them, you dont have to feel obligated to answer their questions”- Matt said
“I know, but I think they deserve to know the truth. Ok well I should probably start with saying that Matt is my half brother, not that change anything for me, but yeah... we have the same father but different mothers. We didn’t know about each other for years, when my mom had me, his parents were still together so I grew up mostly with my mom and I have her surname. When I was 10 my mom died so I was put in the system and my social worker searched for relatives that could take me in. That’s when I found out about Matt and Christie, we had a couple of meetings but Matt had just finished the academy so he hadn’t a stable income and home and in the end I was put in a foster home”
“Why didn’t you go with Christie, she was older and had a home and worked already, right?”- Herman asked
“Christie and I... we don’t really get along. It’s a complicated situation, let’s say we had different relationships with our father. She has always put him on a pedestal and my presence was unsettling for her. The social worker asked her but she didn’t feel like taking me in would be the best thing for the both of us”- you shrugged a little.
You were uncomfortable with talking about Christie, saying that you two didn’t get along was an euphemism. She basically preferred to behave like you didn’t exist. You knew that finding out about you had been difficult for her, she had only known a version of her father, one that was very different from the version you and Matt had known. But even though you understood how difficult it had been for her, you still felt deeply hurt about her behavior; you had been 10, you had just lost the only person that had ever loved you in your life, so it hadn’t been easy to feel rejected by her. You had felt so alone back then.
You took a deep breath and stopped thinking about Christie.
“Matt and I kept in touch while I was with my foster family but when I was 12 a family out of state decided to adopt me, so we kinda lost truck of each other for some time”- you said
“When did you guys get in touch again”- Sylvie asked
“I was 19 and I came looking for him. I was trouble as a kid, I’m not gonna lie. So when I said to my adoptive family I wanted to leave they weren’t so sad about it”- you laughed bitterly
“But how come we didnt know about you before? I mean it’s been seven or eight years since you connected again right?”- Cruz asked
“It’s more complicated than that... I haven’t always been with Matt since I was 19, I stayed for a while and then I... I left again... listen I’m sorry... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s just I’m not that proud of my past and I just wanted to start fresh, but I knew that telling you guys I was Matt’s sister would bring a lot of questions. And Matt is a saint so he went along with it; so I’m sorry but I’m not ready to tell you the rest, I hope it’s ok”
“Of course it’s ok kiddo, just know we are a family and whenever you are ready, if you’ll ever be, we’ll be here”- Herman said before coming to hug you
“Thank you”
“But... for the love of God, stop avoiding the Molly’s”- he added and you laugh
“I promise”
You looked at Matt and he was smiling proudly at you.
You knew you had still a long way to go, there were still a lot of things about your past you were too ashamed to talk about, but it was a start.
Ambulance 61 man down
“You asked for it”- said Severide and you smiled at him before following Brett
“Listen I’m sorry I got you in this situation. I didn’t know everyone was there”- Sylvie said once in the ambo
“It’s not your fault. We’re good right?”- you asked
“We’ve always been ok”- she said
“Yeah sure... beside when you taught I was sleeping with Matt and wanted to kill me”- you laughed
“Oh shut up!”- she said blushing
You smiled looking out of the window ready for the call.
Ok... sorry if something doesn’t add up with the timeline of the show but it’s not that easy 😂
Forgive me if there are mistakes but English is not my first language
Taglist: @bestillmystuckyheart @slytherinambitious @graniairish @nocturnalherb16
Permanent taglist: @jwspiter
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. If I forgot to tagged you please forgive me.
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taliaaurora · 3 years
Let Me Help You - Matt Casey x Reader
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Pairing: Matt Casey x Reader
Word Count: 1124
Warning: SMUT +18, minors DNI.
A/N: English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. I hope you have a nice day/night and enjoy the fic! 💕
You were laid down on your bunk bed, tossing and turning while the improper thoughts flooded your mind. You and Casey have been sexting each other during the whole shift. All you wanted right now was to be trapped under his toned body, running your fingertips all over his back while he fucked you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
That was something you wanted but couldn't have. At least not right now, not here. What if one of your colleagues wakes up? It was too risky. But the thought of being caught only made you hornier.
You propped yourself on your elbows and looked around the room to make sure everyone was asleep. Seeing that it was all clear, you laid back on the bed and brought your covers up to your neck, covering your entire body. As you let out a shaky breath, you let your hand roam over your body until it finally reached your panties. Closing your eyes, you worked your fingers under the waistband and let them brush across your throbbing clit, bitting your bottom lip to hold back a moan.
You were startled by a notification popping on your phone. Using your free hand you reached from your phone under your pillow, seeing that it was a text from Casey you couldn't hold back the grin.
"Come here. Let me help you with that."
When you read the text, you couldn't help but lick your lips. He's been watching you this whole time.
Quietly, you slipped out of your bed and tip-toed to Casey's office. Opening the door without making a noise, you noticed that the lights were off. The moonlight peeking from the window illuminated Casey's figure on top of the bed.
Shutting the door as quietly as possible, you took off your shoes and loosened your hair, letting it fall back over your shoulders. Without saying a word, Casey sat up on the bed and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you to his lap so you could straddle him.
Placing his hand on the nape of your neck, Casey pulled you in for a passionate kiss. His lips were soft in contrast with your tongues that were fighting for dominance. As you rolled your hips, you felt his bulge through the fabric of his pants. The sudden friction made a moan escape past your lips.
"Shh! We gotta be quiet." Casey whispered, smiling against your lips.
"I can't make any promises." You smirked, looking deep into his eyes, then kissed him again.
As he bit your bottom lip he let his hands roam over your thighs, landing on your ass and grabbing it. You pulled his hair, making him tilt his head to the side so you could kiss his neck.
"Fuck, Matt.." You moaned in his ear, gently nibbling it.
Stripping each other clothes, Casey contemplated your naked body, completely mesmerized. He left a trail of kisses on your neck until he reached the valley between your breasts. He sucked one nipple while he played with the other, making you roll your head back in pleasure.
"Stop teasing." You muttered under your breath. "Just fuck me already."
"As you wish." Letting a chuckle fall from his lips, Casey pinned you down against the mattress so he was hovering over you. He held your arms over your head, capturing your lips in a desperate kiss.
"Matt, please. I need you inside me." You whined, breaking the kiss.
"Please, what?" He waited for you to say exactly what he wanted to hear.
Licking your lips, you looked at him through your lashes. "Please, captain. Fuck me." You whispered, your foreheads touching.
His lips curved into a smile and he got off of you. Grabbing a condom, he placed it on his hard cock after giving it a few pumps. Standing on top of you again, Casey propped himself on his elbows and capture your lips for a kiss.
Spreading your legs open, he brushed his cock over your sensitive clit, earning a small whimper from you. "Fuck, you're so wet." He whispered in your ear, slowly entering your dripping pussy.
As his cock stretched your walls, the feeling of the familiar sting earned a moan from your parted lips. Casey's lips brushed over your neck while your hands roamed over his back, finally landing on his hair, pulling it gently.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you could feel his cock touching your g-spot. As your chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, Casey left wet kisses all over your exposed skin.
Thrusting deeper inside you, his breaths quickened. "You're so fucking tight, Y/N." He whispered, meeting your eyes.
Reaching a hand between your bodies, he drew circles on your clit. The sight in front of him was making his cock pulse inside your walls.
Casey's hand landed on your neck, holding it tightly, while his thumb brushed over your lower lip. "Don't close your eyes." He ordered. "I want you to look at me while I make you come."
The pleasure combined with the lack of air was messing with your brain, you couldn't make out a word. So you just nodded your head and let your eyes roll to the back of your head.
His eyes were dark with lust. "Tell me how it feels." He whispered in your ear, almost like an order.
You tried to talk, but you couldn't. You were feeling too overwhelmed as tears ran down your cheeks. "Feels....so good.." You managed to whisper between breaths.
You were desperate for air. The feeling of his wet tongue on the sensitive spot of your neck while his cock hit your g-spot was enough to make your walls clench around him. Your stomach tightened and your knees trembled.
"Fuck, Matt...I'm gonna cum." You whispered, bringing a hand to your mouth so you could muffle your moans.
"Cum for me, baby. Let me feel your pussy clenching on my cock" He purred in your ear.
You were both reaching your climax at the same time. Casey raised his head from the crook of your neck and watched you ride out your orgasm, your eyes rolled back as your lips were parted, quietly moaning his name. His pace became sloppy and soon he spilled himself inside you, quiet curses falling from his lips.
Panting, he laid on top of you and rested his head on the crook of your neck while you gently raked your fingertips through his hair.
"Oh, wow." You whispered, smiling.
"Oh, wow indeed." He mimicked you, chuckling against your neck.
"You think someone heard us?" You quietly asked.
"Yeah, I heard everything!" Severide's voice came from the office behind you, separated only by a glass wall.
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azurethevampire · 3 years
“Dad, don’t leave me”
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Summary: ‼️Set in 3x19 "I Am the Apocalypse".‼️ Kelly Severide's daughter learns about the attack to Chicago Med and Firehouse 51's involvement. She rushes to the hospital but is it too late to tell him that she has accepted him in her life as her father?
Words: 3700
A/N: The reader is based on one of my ocs in the One Chicago verse. She likes to be called Tin because she hates her birth name. She is also Kelly Severide's daughter.
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The news reached your school fast. There had been some kind of explosion. Kid after kid spread different things about what had taken place. 
A boy who sat behind you in class declared that this meant a war had started. Whatever had happened must have been bad to cause this kind of havoc, but world war three? You didn’t believe it for a second. This was Chicago. There hardly went a day by without something bad happening. 
The teachers tried to keep the students attention on the teaching but few had luck in that area. Your class probably was one of the worst - your teacher was already shouting at you all to “please stay quiet and sit back on your seats!” But it didn’t do much. You wondered if he would give up soon. 
You felt bad for him. It must have been horrible to teach a bunch of hormone whirring fifteen-year-olds about something most of them clearly had no interest in. 
“Hey Y/N”, somebody whispered near you and you felt something poke at your side. You flinched, tightening your hand into a fist under your desk as you fought against the instinct to punch the other kid to their nose. 
“What?” you hissed quietly, making sure you kept your attention on the teacher who had gotten most of the class to calm down at least somehow. You already had a headache from the uproar, the last thing you needed would be a trip to the principal’s office because you had punched someone when you had mistaken their intentions for an attack. 
Besides, you couldn’t imagine Kelly being very happy either if he had to come to get you in the middle of a shift — again. 
“Isn’t your dad working at firehouse fifty-one?” the boy asked. 
Mention of the same firehouse that your father — not that you called Kelly Severide that — indeed did work in, made you turn your head quicker than was probably safe for your neck, to look at your peer who had been speaking. 
You think his name was  Colin and he had a strange look on his face as he slid something on his desk so that it was closer to you. A phone, you realised. You would have been surprised if it hadn’t been for what was on the little screen: 
“Explosion at Chicago Med's ER!” 
“As of yet the details are unclear but here’s what we know so far: something exploded at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre's ED about an hour ago. The section of the building has been put on lockdown leading us to believe that there is a contagious disease in there. 
We have yet to know just how many have died or were injured in the explosion but our sources say there were several people in when it happened including some firefighters from Chicago Fire Department’s firehouse 51.
Was this simply an accident or something bigger: is this a biological terrorist attack against Chicago?” 
Your heart started to beat faster the further you get reading the article that had been posted only minutes ago with the promise that it would be updated as new information got in. You couldn’t wait that long! 
Blood rushed to your ears as your mind focused only on one thing: you had to get to Chicago’s Medical hospital. Now. You sprang up from your seat so fast that your chair fell on the floor with a loud bang - efficiently silencing the rest of the class, not that you noticed. In a haste, you pushed your books and pens into your backpack and rushed towards the classroom’s entrance. The students in your class all stared at you with varying faces of admiration, shock, and judgement. 
“Miss Morgan, where do you think you are going? Sit back on your seat, I have not dismissed this class yet!” called after you but he was too late as you were already on the door. 
“I’m sorry!” you decided to call over your shoulder. “I have to go!” 
“Come back here right this instant!” Your teacher yelled after you but you were already running down the hallway. 
It took excruciatingly long for you to reach the hospital as you had to run the rest few blocks because the traffic had jammed up due to the crowd in front of the gates. 
You had to fight your way through countless people before you finally got to the gate - only to be stopped by a CPD officer guarding the gate. 
"You can't go in there kid", he said. 
"But nothing. You either back away on your own or I'm going to have you removed from here." 
You pushed against the officer in an effort to get past him. You of course knew that attacking a police officer didn't get you anywhere but you wanted to get to Kelly! Or someone else from 51 who could tell you what was going on. 
The thought that Kelly Severide, who was your father even if you had refused to call him that, was inside there… hurt… or worse, made your blood run cold. 
You couldn't lose him. Not now when you finally started to believe that he really wasn't the scumbag your mother had claimed him to be. 
Not now when you finally had begun to believe that he wouldn't abandon you. 
"Hey!" The police officer said firmly, grabbing both of your arms before you could cause any real damage.
Tears of frustration and fear filled your eyes as you tried to fight against him. "Let me go! My dad is in there! KELLY!" You screamed his name, not caring for the slightest that you got everybodys' attention - including the news crew - "Lieutenant Severide!" You yelled again, still struggling against the patrolman who tried to drag you away. 
"Hey! Patrolman, wait!" A familiar voice called out suddenly and you looked towards it to see none other than chief Boden jogging towards the gate. 
You immediately stopped your struggling against the police officer, allowing for him to grab your arm in a near-painful hold. 
Boden only glanced at you, but even with the gate between you, you could see the way his jaw tightened. Bad feeling settled into the pit of your stomach at that. 
"Let her through, officer. She's the kid of one of my firemen", Chief Boden said. 
"I'm sorry Chief but I can't let anyone through there." 
"Please!" You cried out, tears now streaming free as you tried to tug your arm free again but it was in vain; the patrol man's hold kept. 
"I will personally vouch for her and keep her away from harm's way, officer. Let her through." 
"Fine! But if anything happens to her it's on you, chief Boden." 
The man nodded. "I know. Open this gate", the gate was opened just enough that you could slip into the other side. Chief Boden was quick to put his arm around you and start walking you away from the gate. You had already had plenty of attention from both nosy citizens and news cameras, no doubt. 
As Boden rubbed your arm in a comforting gesture, you knew something was wrong. Your eyes roamed ahead of you, searching, but to your horror, you couldn't see your father's face among the firemen outside the ER. 
"What's going on? Wh-where's Kelly?" 
"Erin Lindsay tried to get you discharged early from school to bring you here but she missed you by a few minutes. Now, normally I would scold anyone for that kind of thing, but in these circumstances, I won't." 
"I had to come when the news said that fifty-one was in here - I'm not sorry for cutting school." 
"Damn social media", Boden mumbled, guiding you to a stop behind the squad 3 truck. 
The sick feeling in your stomach grew. Where was your father? "Boden, where is he?" You asked again, desperation and fear both clear in you voice and on the expression on your face. 
Chief Wallace Boden placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to be at an eye-level with you. He looked you right in the eye, and the raw and pure emotion of sorrow, pain, and worry you saw in his hit you with full power; this man didn't just feel these things for his wife and son. He felt them for all of the firefighters and paramedics working in his house. Because they were his family too. 
And that family had included you too for a while now. 
When you saw the unhidden tears watering Boden's eyes you felt your own eyes tearing up again. It was almost instinctive to grab Boden's arms. 
"Y/N, I need you to stay strong now, okay?" You felt yourself move your head up and down slightly even though you didn't know if you could do what he asked. "Your father was almost in the centre of the explosion. He was hit badly, Y/N." 
"But…", you swallowed against the lump in your throat. "But he's gonna be okay, right?" 
Boden's eyes seemed to sadden even more. "There is a doctor who's doing everything she can. Mills and Brett are with him… I'm not going to lie to you, kid. There is a chance that he might…" 
"No!" You cried out. Your eyes caught the sight of the ER's locked doors and your body seemed to work on its own as you suddenly found yourself slipping from the hold Boden still had on your shoulders and making a dash towards the doors. 
You didn't get more than a few steps in before an arm grabbed you from the waist and pulled you against a broad chest. 
"Lemme go! I have to go to him!" 
Boden pinned your wailing arms against your sides and held you firmly against his chest. "I'm sorry, Y/N, you can't go in there. Nobody goes in or out until we know what we are dealing with. Calm down!" 
"But Kelly's in there!" You protested, but a lot weaker than a few seconds ago. "What if… what if he doesn't…" you couldn't make yourself actually say the words. You didn't even want to think about it but the thought was now stuck in your head, repeating it all over again: What if Kelly wouldn't make it? What if he died? 
Sobs racked your whole being as you suddenly stopped fighting against Boden and instead turned around in his hold, grabbed a handful of his smoke-smelling jacket and buried your head against his chest. He changed his hold on you and hugged you tightly. 
He wanted to tell you that it would be okay but he couldn't. He couldn't promise that to you.
"I've got you", he whispered instead. 
After a moment you had calmed down a bit and pulled back from Boden. "I want to speak to him", you whispered. 
"He's unconscious - you can't talk with him." 
You shook your head. "No with him, to him, please Boden. I want to tell him something… and I know he probably won't hear it but what if he does?" 
Boden looked at you thoughtfully for a moment. Then he spoke to the radio attached to his shoulder. "Brett, Mills, I know you are doing everything you can to save Severide. Here's someone who wants to say something to him. Is that okay?" 
The few seconds of silence felt like hours to you before Sylvie Brett's voice came through. "Go ahead, chief, put her on." 
Boden nodded by himself, then he pressed a button on his radio and looked at you. "Go ahead, Y/N." 
You took a deep, wavering breath before starting. "Kelly…", it felt wrong to call him by name. He wasn't just Kelly anymore, was he? New tears burned your eyes as you tried again: "... Dad, don't leave me. Please… I know, I know that I'm a brat to you a lot of the time and I'm sorry, dad, I'm so sorry but please fight this…", now you sobbed again. "Please don't leave me alone, dad; I need you."
You didn't know if Kelly Severide heard you at all but you wished he did. And you wished he would pull through because you really did need him. 
You, and firehouse fifty-one. 
You weren't sure how much time had passed after your confession. You had never called Kelly your dad - hell, you had never wanted to call anyone your dad, but somehow Kelly Severide had managed to get that spot in your life that should have been his since the day you were born. You had been mad at him for a long time for leaving you alone with your mother. 
It hadn't mattered to you then that he had not known you even existed. In your mind, you had needed someone to blame for your life before and Kelly - a man you never even knew by name nor face - had been a perfect scapegoat to place your blame on. 
You had never dared to let yourself imagine a life with your father, but even you had had to admit that Kelly was trying to make up for the fourteen years he had lost, he really was. And he had been there in the past months, he had been there for you even when you had clearly seen that he had no idea how to deal with you. He might not be like the dads in the books you had read when you were just a little kid but he was a dad. He was your dad. 
Yet you had never called him that to his face; and now you had uttered that word, one you had always thought you would never address anyone by, three times. 
And you felt guilt gnaw at your insides, because what if your dad died believing that you had never accepted him? 
You had no idea how much or little time had passed. You were in some kind of haze. Everything was slightly out of focus, every sound slightly off-tune. 
You had been made to sit on squad 3 truck and there was a blanket around your shoulders. Mouch was sitting up there with you, telling stories about anything he could think of but mostly about things that your dad had done on the job, the saves he had made. You were grateful to him but couldn't focus on a lot of what he was saying. 
You ran your fingers along the rim of the helmet that sat on your lap - your dad's helmet - when the door next to you was yanked open. 
"Your dad is stable, Y/N." 
A sniff escaped you with those words. "He-He’s going to be okay?" 
"He is." 
"Thank God", Mouch breathed out, and you slouched in your seat as relief hit you so hard you were surprised the emotion didn't knock you off your seat. 
A hand came to rest on top of your knee and you placed yours on top of Boden's for a few moments. 
Then the radio on the chief's shoulder cracked to live again. 
"Chief, we are clear. Not contagious. They're opening up the ER now." 
You wasted no time jumping off from the firetruck. 
You were among the first people to go inside the ER from the outside. Christopher Herrmann was just inside the doors and when he saw you he was quick to pull you into a quick hug. "How're you holding up, kid?" 
You could only shrug. You just wanted to get to your father, and Christopher could tell that. 
"You can go, Herrmann, I'll take Y/N to Severide", Matt Casey's voice came behind you and you turned your head enough to give him a grateful look. 
Christopher tapped you gently on the shoulder, "Hang in there, kid. You're dad's a tough one to crack", he said before leaving you in the care of his lieutenant. 
Which was a relief actually. While you had spent a lot of your free time at the station lately getting to know everyone in the firehouse, you were most comfortable with Matt — after Kelly, of course. Mostly because you shared an apartment with him until Kelly could find you two something of your own. 
Matt guided you down a hallway and before you knew it, you two were outside a hospital room. There on the bed lay Kelly Severide. He had a couple of cuts on the side of his forehead, you could see from here but you had been told that the more serious wounds were on his side. 
"He's gonna pull through, Y/N", Casey said. "But Severide's going to need to stay in the hospital for a little while." 
You looked up at him. "Where do I have to go?" 
Casey seemed taken aback by your question. Then he turned you gently to face him. "What are you talking about? You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. It's just a couple of days, of course you're staying home with me until Kelly comes back", he said, and as you opened your mouth to answer, he held up a hand to stop you. "You're family now Y/N. What sort of friend would I be if I abandoned you now, huh?" 
You opened and closed your mouth a few times as you tried to figure out what to say but couldn't find the words. Then you acted on impulse: you stood up on your toes and leaned up to give Matt a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you, Matt", you whispered. 
He smiled at you. "There's nothing to thank for, okay? Now go be with Severide, I think he'll want to see you when he wakes up. Call me when you want a ride home, alright?" 
"Okay, I will", you promised. 
Maybe it was a combination of the stress and fear of the day finally releasing as you fell asleep sitting on a chair next to your father's hospital bed. You were holding his hand on your own, head resting on your crossed arms next to his middle. 
You weren't aware of a nurse coming in, smiling fondly at the sight of you two. 
April was leaning against the wall when Kelly stirred awake. He looked down at you when he felt your hand around his. His disoriented gaze softened as he watched the top of your head. He was sure your neck would be stiff sleeping like that. 
"You scared me", April Sexton said quietly. 
Kelly tried to remember what had landed him here but he couldn't. He knew only what he had been told when he had first come to after the surgery. "I don't remember any of it."
"Nothing", Kelly confirmed. His eyes trailed back to you. "How long has she been asleep like that?" 
April's lips twitched. "A while now. You know you should be proud of her; Goodwin tried to make her leave but she talked her out of it."
Kelly carefully tucked his hand out of your hold and stroked your head. "How's she?" 
"Scared", April answered. "But she's a tough kid. Like her father." A wondering look came over her features. "Do you remember hearing her during your surgery?" 
"Y/N was there?!" 
"No, no, of course not", April hurried to calm him down. "Chief Boden let her speak through the radio. We all heard it but I don't think she knows that part." 
"What… I don't remember. What did she say?" 
And April recited your words to him. By the end of it, Kelly's eyes were watered. He looked down at you, coming to a decision as he gently reached with his hand and shook your shoulder.
April slipped out of the room as you sat up wiping the sleep away from your closed eyes. It took you a moment to gather your surroundings, and a second more to realise your dad was awake. 
"Hey kiddo", Kelly said quietly, reaching out to briefly brush your cheek with the side of his knuckles. "I know we are both new to this whole father and daughter thing, new to being a father and a daughter, but you know I'm not giving up, right? No matter how bratty you sometimes get you're not driving me away— I need you too, you know." 
Your eyes widened. "Y-you heard me?" 
Kelly took a gentle hold of your hand as his expression saddened. "I wish I had, Y/N, but a little bird told me what you said." 
You frowned, wondering who had told him. Had his doctor stopped by when you were asleep? As far as you knew there were four people besides you who had for certain heard what you said: Chief Boden, the doctor doing the surgery on your dad, and Sylvie Brett and Peter Mills.
But in the end, did it really matter? You had wanted him to hear those words after all. You wondered why it always took something tragic for people to tell how they felt about someone. 
"I'm glad you're okay… dad." 
Huh, the word didn't sound as strange as you had feared. If anything it was almost… natural. Like you would have always said it. And in a way, you supposed you had always said it — in your dreams. 
"Wow", Kelly breathed out. "There's a word I never thought I would hear myself being called."
"Oh, sorry! I can- I won't call you that unless-" 
Kelly interrupted your sudden panic by raising his hand to your cheek. Surprised you looked at him. He was smiling, eyes shining. 
"I could get used to being called 'dad'", he said to you. 
"I could get used to saying it", you replied. 
He smiled at you and squeezed your hand, and you noticed his eyes were drooping. Leaning over, you shut off the lamp on the table beside his bed and then leaned back on your seat. 
"Good night, dad." 
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
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This list will be continuously updated, happy reading!
Soccer Practice |  Halstead!Sibling | Jay picks up his sister after soccer practice, but things don’t go as planned.
You Called The Police Before You Called Me? | Halstead!Sibling | The Halsteads are victims of a robbery.
When The Fever Breaks Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 | Halstead!Sibling | Y/N, sibling of Jay and Will has been struggling with their mental health, and it’s all coming to a pressure point.
Firefight | Jay Halstead x Reader | Jay and Y/N are in a firefight.
Hostage Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 | Kelly Severide x Reader | Y/N is a Firefighter at Firehouse 51, they get taken hostage inside the Firehouse with Casey’s niece, Violet.
Pony | 18+ | Jay Halstead x Reader | Jay is put in an unusual undercover position, Y/N is on the front lines of it, and the rest of Intelligence gets to watch it.
The Academy | Kelly Severide x Platonic!Reader | Y/N and Firehouse 51 respond to a call at the CFD’s Fire Academy. It’s a bad day, with good friends to see you through.
Valentine | Will Halstead x Reader | You’re a chef and Will drops in at the end of your shift on Valentine’s Day.
The Waiting Room | Kevin Atwater x Reader (Platonic or pre-romance) | As the team wait for news on Kim, the reader experiences some troubles of their own.
She'd Have Liked You | Kelly Severide x Platonic!Reader | Y/N finds herself caught in the moment of Ritter and Eric being harassed at Molly’s. [Lesbian!Reader]
Gossip | 18+ | Will Halstead x Reader | Some trouble with Dr Archer and crossed wires gets Will into trouble with the reader. How will it be resolved?
A Minute To Win It | Severide!Sibling | The Severide siblings are arguing again, Herrmann wants to know why.
Ears and Tears | Severide!Sibling | Time-rewind. A moment in the past where Kelly takes care of his little sister, Y/N, when she’s feeling unwell.
Jealousy, Jealousy | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader’s ex is Kelly Severide and Jay is jealous but the reader kind of laughs it off/teases him for it.
The Bullpen | Matt Casey x Reader | Reader works admin at the firehouse and Matt keeps interrupting her because he’s in a playful mood.
Heartbreaker | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader joins Intelligence and has a reputation for breaking hearts. The reader tries to warn Jay that she may not be the best relationship person.
Fooling | Kelly Severide x Reader | People think that you and Kelly have something going on when in reality you only hooked up once, and now you’re just super close friends.
Call It Love | 18+ | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader and Jay have to share a hotel room for a case but she forgets to bring pyjamas, so Jay offers his shirt.
2-Minute-Fiancé | Will Halstead x Reader | Reader is a doctor at Med and is hit on by one of the patients, Will gets her out of an uncomfortable situation.
Dead and Waiting | 18+ | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 (FINAL PART), EPILOGUE | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader gets caught up in an undercover case, and she's forced into faking her death.
We'll Always Need Each Other Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 | Halstead!Sibling | Jay and the reader have a big fight, and then the reader gets kidnapped.
Hard Day's Night | 18+ | Connor Rhodes x Reader | Connor and Reader are trying to spend more time together.
The Third Halstead Part 1 | Part 2 Part 3| Rhodes/Halstead!Sibling | The new doctor at Med is Connor Rhodes' sister, or is she?
I'll Take You Home Part 1 | Part 2 | Hank Voight x Reader | Intelligence goes out for drinks, Hank helps a drunk reader get home safely.
Home To You | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader returns home from service, she finally has the courage to face the one person she's been avoiding. (TBC)
The Thunder Rolls | Jay Halstead x Reader | Jay and Reader get caught in a thunderstorm.
Second Chances Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 | Connor Rhodes x Reader | Reader is in a car accident.
Moonlight Flit | 18+ | Connor Rhodes x Reader | Reader has a new job, she meets a stranger the night before her first day.
Best Friends | Jay Halstead x Platonic!Reader | The reader is having an anxious day, and Jay is there to comfort them.
Fri-yay | Jay Halstead x Reader | Reader has a bad day, but luckily Jay Halstead is the remedy.
Intruder | Will Halstead x Reader | Y/N gets caught up in a home invasion.
Rose | Will Halstead x Reader | Y/N and Will with their newborn daughter.
Team Severide | Severide!Sibling | Y/N is trapped in an elevator.
Lucky | Atwater!Sister | Kevin gets hurt on the job.
Believe Me | Severide!Sister | Kelly has a new girlfriend, it doesn't go well for the reader.
In Pursuit | Will Halstead x Reader / Jay Halstead x Platonic!Reader | Jay and Reader are partners, the Reader gets hurt on a case, and Will and Reader confess their feelings.
I'm With You | Antonio Dawson x Reader | Reader gets a cancer scare, and Antonio is by their side.
First Date | Hank Voight x Reader | Reader invites Hank on a first date, to a wedding.
Wrapped In Lace | 18+ | Will Halstead x Reader | Reader has new underwear to show Will, she gets creative with it.
Old Flames Can Still Burn You | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3 | 18+ | Jay Halstead x Reader | Ava Bekker is from Reader's past, now together with Jay, they must face the return of everything Reader wanted to escape from.
The Escape King | Jay gets into some trouble fighting an offender, Reader is there to help. Jay!Whump - Chicago PD S1 E11
In The Morning | Brian Zvonecek x Reader | Brian comes home from a shift, fluffy one-shot.
Your Hand In Mine | Jay Halstead x Fem Reader | Jay and Reader get some life-changing news. Pregnancy!Fic.
Counting Breaths | Halstead!Sibling | Reader has an asthma attack in the middle of the night, Jay's there to help.
Restless | Jay Halstead x Reader | Sometimes it's hard to sleep.
Dead On Your Feet | Jay Halstead x Platonic!Reader | The reader tries to save Hank Voight, but there are misunderstandings and regrets for all involved. Can things be healed?
Interstate Intimacy | 18+ | Jay Halstead x Reader | Sequel to Call It Love, The Reader and Jay make the trip back to Chicago, with a detour.
The Wrong Door | Jay Halstead x Reader | The reader opens the wrong door after a night out, but it turns out it actually might be exactly the one they should have opened.
Thinning Of The Veil | Jay Halstead x Reader | The Reader has a gift and it's not a welcome one.
Five Times and A Date | Matt Casey x Reader | Five times Matt Casey and the reader meet, and one time they go on a date.
I Only Want To Be With You | Jay Halstead x Reader | The reader is turning 30, and nobody seems to have remembered.
The Red Strokes | Jay Halstead x Reader | Wires are crossed and assumptions are made, can the reader and Jay resolve what has been left unsaid?
In Sickness and In Health | Kelly Severide x Reader | The reader is having an asthma flare, and their husband Kelly Severide is there for them.
Suspects and Surprises | Jay Halstead x Reader | Jay chooses a unique moment to propose.
Free Will | Will Halstead x Reader | Will makes a decision that throws everything the reader thought they knew into question. Where will the road take them?
Chasing Shadows Away | Jay Halstead x Reader | The reader dreams of their worst fears, and Jay is there to chase them away.
Figures | Halstead!Sister | The reader has a rough day of seizures, they are reluctant to go to Med until they have no choice. - but things are always easier with two big brothers by your side.
Beware Your Elders | Adam Ruzek x Reader | When Adam gets assigned to patrol for the day, he is reunited with an academy classmate and friend.
Thank you so much to everyone who has followed, supported, liked, reblogged and commented, it's so very appreciated!
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poppadom0912 · 10 months
Poppadom's Blog
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Hello! Welcome to my blog.
I'm just a normal mentally unstable girl who writes about her obsessions to cope. I love the one chicago series, f1 and all things literature.
My requests are open. I take almost everything One Chicago and may be venturing out further in the near future.
Under the cut is my Masterlist. Enjoy!
Jay Halstead x Reader
Will Halstead x Reader
Connor Rhodes x Reader
Kelly Severide x Reader
Matt Casey x Reader
Antonio Dawson x Reader
Halstead!Sibling Reader
Rhodes!Sibling Reader
Severide!Sibling Reader
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deanstead · 3 years
The Way Home Masterlist
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Pairings: Kelly Severide x Reader || Matt Casey x Reader (Platonic)
Series Summary: Reader returns to Chicago, getting posted to Firehouse 51 as a paramedic and finding, to her surprise, a familiar face in the Truck Lieutenant there. While struggling with finding herself and trying to return some normalcy to her life, Y/N has to navigate around rebuilding old friendships and developing new ones. 
A/N: Setting of first chapter is in late Season 3, early Season 4! I won’t be using all canon events, but I may use (some) as a general idea. 
Chapter 1: Hello, Chicago
Chapter 2: Reconnecting
Chapter 3: Stepping In
Chapter 4: Looking Out For You
Chapter 5: Roomies
Chapter 6: Your Place
Chapter 7: Got Your Back
Chapter 8: Reinforcements
Chapter 9: To Friends
Chapter 10: Realization
Chapter 11: Awkward
Chapter 12: Forward
Chapter 13: Feeling Real
Chapter 14: Future
Chapter 15: Crossfire
Chapter 16: Too Close For Comfort
Chapter 17: all in a day’s work
Chapter 18: Aftermath
Chapter 19: uneasy memories
Chapter 20: Ex Season
Chapter 21: Handled
Chapter 22: no one needs to get hurt
Chapter 23: Don’t get shot
Chapter 24: Home
This series is now complete!
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fandoms that i’ve written for so far: chicago pd, chicago fire, chicago med, marvel, harry potter.
(check tags to see who i’ve written for specifically)
i also have a wattpad: @/mehblahblahmah
reviews of one chicago and others
chicago fire
gabby dawson
motorcycle rides
girlfriend!gabby dawson. general fluffiness.
wasn’t enough
angst. angst. angst. gabby dawson x halstead!sister!reader
matt casey
y’know what’s funny?
pre-relationship!matt casey but ends with r and matt together. fluff, humor, light angst.
chicago pd
erin lindsay
like a b*tch in heat
smut with literally no plot. mean!dom!reader x sub!erin
hailey upton
domestic!hailey upton. tooth-rotting fluff and humor. that's it.
a thing for blondes
mutual pining. fluff and humor. first kiss and flirting.
jay halstead
distractions, distractions
needy!jay halstead. fluff and humor. feel good stuff.
boyfriend!jay halstead. fluff and humor. slightly suggestive.
wasn’t enough
angst. angst. angst. gabby dawson x halstead!sister!reader
random decisions
soulmate!jay halstead x reader. fluff and cutesy things
kim burgess
it worked!
short one shot/drabble with wife!kim burgess. tooth-rotting fluff. general happiness.
vanessa rojas
fruit loops
short one shot/drabble with girlfriend!vanessa. hurt/comfort. minimal angst. cutesiness.
chicago med
will halstead
wasn’t enough
angst. angst. angst. gabby dawson x halstead!sister!reader
harry potter
draco malfoy
a fun reunion
porn with absolutely no plot. kinda!mean!top!draco x whiny!bottom!hermione x kinda!mean!top!r
hermione granger
a fun reunion
porn with absolutely no plot. kinda!mean!top!draco x whiny!bottom!hermione x kinda!mean!top!r
bucky barnes
bucky x natasha x reader drabble
smut drabble with no plot. top!bucky x bottom!natasha x top!reader
to keep the monster alive
hurt/comfort one shots w/ platonic!bucky x reader. brother-sister relationship.
carol danvers
carol x natasha x reader drabble
smut drabble with no plot. top!carol x top!reader x bottom!natasha.
daisy johnson 
disobeyed orders
girlfriend!daisy johnson. smut w/ plot. kinky filth. grab the holy water.
layla el-faouly
more than you know
angsty. unrequited feelings. tears.
marc spector
language barriers
desi!tamil!r x marc spector. fluff, humor, tiniest bit of angst. slightly suggestive, little bit spicy at the end.
natasha romanoff
carol x natasha x reader drabble
smut drabble with no plot. top!carol x top!reader x bottom!natasha.
bucky x natasha x reader drabble
smut drabble with no plot. top!bucky x bottom!natasha x top!reader bottom!natasha x top!reader
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iamasimpingh0e · 3 years
I've had this idea to write, but I don't know where to take it. You can make it Matt Casey x reader or Kelly Severide x reader, but I think it's a huge oxymoron having firefighters smoke. Not trying to break up the manly way of how they talk their feelings out. I just find it humorous.
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A/n: to be honest this is shitty and don't really know if this is what you meant. I usually don't write my own stories, but I thought I would give it a go. I know it's short and has an abrupt ending, but I would love feedback on how to write better.
Kelly Severide x reader(gn) x Matt Casey(platonic)
TW: drug- (mariuhana) use
It was a slow day for everyone at 51.
The end of the shift was near and they barely had a single good call.
The only slightly exiting, or more like funny call they had, was only for the ambulance.
Silvie and y/n had to remove a peanut out of someone's nose. Why it got in there, was a question they wanted to ask, but they didn't.
But today was the last shift of the week, because the whole crew got a weekend off.
Boden said it was necessary, because they pulled a lot of double shifts and looked all really exhausted.
"Go home and relax for a bit": he told the crew.
Of course all of them were happy to do so. Hermann would be able to spend his weekend with his wife and his kids.
Mouch was going to drive away for the weekend, together with Trudy.
And y/n was excited to spend the weekend with Casey and Severide.
Kelly and y/n have been living together for a while now, and since Matt's apartment caught on fire about a month ago, they offered him a place to stay.
So at the end of the shift, they all said their goodbyes and went home.
--------at home------
"I don't care how cliché it sounds, but I need a really long bath to relax. You know? Like the ones in the movies, with all the candles and relaxing music.": y/n mentioned while the three entered the apartment.
"Why take a bath when there's another way to relax?": Kelly said suddenly.
"Okay that's my cue to leave": Matt was slightly uncomfortable that he had to hear his best friend say that.
Unknown to him, Kelly didn't mean what Casey thought.
"I didn't mean that, dummy. I mean we got the weekend off right?": suddenly he pulled a small bag of weed out of his pocket.
"Shit, where did you get that?" Y/n asked shocked.
Even though it wasn't really illegal to smoke Cannabis, y/n would have never thought that Kelly was the one, to suggest smoking it.
"I mean, if y/n is in, I'm in to." Matt looked over to y/n.
"I don't know if it's a good idea."
It wasn't like y/n was never high before. Back in high school, barely any student hasn't touched drugs.
But now that they're all adults, they carry more responsibility than before.
"Come one, it'll be fun. Also I know you loved to smoke back in high school. You told me yourself. So I thought it would be a good idea to relive the memories." Kelly knew he now got y/n to join them.
And with that, the three were sitting in the living room, sharing not only a joint, but also funny stories.
"Okay, okay. So when I was a junior in high school, there was this chick that I really liked. She was part of the cool girls, so I was thinking that I had to act super cool too. And of course I thought to be cool, you have to act like your life is all about partying and smoking." Matt started telling a story.
Kelly and y/n were listening.
"So I asked my buddy to get some stuff for me. He knew all the right people, you know?
Anyways I walked into the school, feeling really cool, straight towards the girl I adored.
I stopped in front of her and was like 'hey you wanna get out of here and have a little fun?' while showing her the weed."
"What happened next?" Y/n asked.
"She told me yes and asked me if her friends could come too.
So we were skipping class and let me tell you, I never smoked before.
I took a hit and embarrassed myself in front of them, because I started coughing. But that wasn't the worst that happened that day.
First I found out that she already had a boyfriend, who wasn't very happy that I was trying to get together with his girl. And second, I totally forgot that we were about to write a test, the next class."
"Shit, that must've sucked. I probably would have went home." Kelly started laughing.
"Yeah that's exactly what I didn't do."
"Please Matt, don't tell me-" y/n couldn't even finish the sentence.
"I'm exactly about to tell you, how I went to write this test while being high."
Y/n and Kelly shared a look and started laughing together.
"Laugh all you want." But even Matt couldn't really continue his story without laughing.
So the rest of the time, they continued sharing stories and y/n was happy, to have found such an amazing friend and boyfriend, to call family.
Also if anyone knows how to make a cut, please let me know<3
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angywritesstuff · 4 years
Then I met you- Part 2
Summery: your life has never been easy and then you met him
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader / Matt Casey & Reader
Matt was once again trying to convince you to go to Molly with him. You hadn’t spent much time with the guys after work, and people were starting to wonder why.
It was just so hard to pretend not to know Matt at work and you didn’t want to do the same in your free time.
“I’m just saying, it’s been a month. Everyone can see you are made for the job, why can’t we just tell the truth? So you can come to Molly with me and everyone is happy”- he said
“I just need more time. I don’t want to lie either Matt, but every time it doesn’t go well. Remember Gabby?”- you knew it was a touchy subject but you wanted to bring the point home.
“She liked you”- you couldn’t convince him otherwise, but you knew she didn’t.
“Sure”- you rolled your eyes- “listen I’m gonna go and have a shower. You don’t have to stay at home with me Matt, please go to Molly. Spend some time with your friends.”
“They’re your friends too”
You wanted it to be true but you knew people at 51 hadn’t a clear idea of you yet. The jury was still out and you knew it was mostly your own fault. You needed time to open up, to feel comfortable with new people and not everyone liked to wait.
“No they are not Matt”
“They could be”- he wanted you to become part of the family so much.
“Go to Molly and have fun”- you screamed while going to the bathroom to start your much needed shower
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You got out of the shower, put a towel on and went out of the bathroom.
You noticed the light of the kitchen was still on, Matt had decided to stay in after all. That guy... always sacrificing himself for others, it was clear he wanted to go to Molly but he didn’t want to leave you alone.
You had never been lucky but you sure lucked out with Matt.
“Hey Matt you didn’t have to stay”- you said while entering the kitchen, still in your towel- “I told you, I’m gonna be f_”- you stopped suddenly.
Sure Matt was in the kitchen but he wasn’t alone, Sylvie was there with him and evidently she didn’t know you were there. Of course she didn’t, why would she.
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“Sylvie I...”- she was so nice and you could see the sadness in her eyes and you knew it was your fault.
‘You destroy everything you touch. He’s gonna leave you, why wouldn’t he.’
You could hear your ex’s voice in your head and you were so taken by your thoughts you almost didn’t notice Sylvie leaving
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you guys” she said while practically flying the house
“Wait” said Matt but she was already gone.
You were in silent for a while waiting for Matt to get mad at you but he didn’t... of course he didn’t
“I’m so sorry Matt. I didn’t know she was here”
“Hey you didn’t do anything wrong ok? I invited her in without warning you”- he was smiling but you knew you had to fix it.
“I’ll talk to her, I’ll explain everything ok?”- you’ll fix it... for him
“I thought you weren’t ready”- he didn’t understand why you didn’t want people to know. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to, he just couldn’t. It had never been him receiving the ‘look’ once knowing about you, about your past. He was the good guy in the story, you on the other hand...
“You were right, I have to do this sooner or later, better be sooner right?”- and if everything went to shit at least you hadn’t been there too long to form proper bonds.
He hugged you because he knew you so well; he knew telling people the truth meant talking, at least in part, about your past. And you hated your past, but you had to... for Matt
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The next day at work talking to Sylvie proved to be more difficult than you thought.
Between the calls (during which it wasn’t professional to talk) and her clear avoidance was not happening.
So once you were back from another call you blocked her before she could leave
“We need to talk”- you said blocking her path- “please”
Matt had always said your puppy eyes were dangerous and you had never believed him, but you knew you had to try with everything you got, so you gave her your puppy eyes.
“There is nothing to talk about”
“Yes there is. Listen it’s not what you think. I swear, I...”- she stopped you before you could continue
“You don’t have to explain me anything. It’s not my business”- she was calm but you knew better. She was hurt, if because she liked Matt or because you didn’t open up to her, you didn’t know. But the hurt in her voice was very much clear.
“Sylvie Matt and I...”
“I don’t care if you sleep with Matt”- she didn’t scream but she was loud and you both hadn’t noticed the crowd forming
“You slept with Y/N”- someone behind you said
You turned over and basically all 51 was there, you looked at Sylvie again and you could see she was sorry. She hadn’t noticed them either
You could tell it had been Severide who had talked.
“I thought you had a thing for...” - Kelly started again but stopped before saying too much, but he was looking at Brett so it didn’t take a genius to fill the gap
“We didn’t sleep together”- Matt said while looking between Kelly and Brett
“It’s not my business but don’t lie straight to my face at least. She was half naked in your house Matt”- well the cat was out of the bag. And everyone was looking at you
You had to say something
“I live there too”- way to go Y/n, you told yourself.
“You guys live together?”- Herman said- “how long have you been together?”
“Oh my god we’re not together”- you tried again. When you promised Matt to fix it you didn’t think you would have to talk in front of all the guys.
“So you live together, sleep together but are not a couple”- Stella summed up
“I’M HIS SISTER”- you screamed and yup... everyone was looking at you like you were crazy.
You turned around and went to the bathroom ready to throw up. Damn it you hated confrontations and now, you didn’t have to explain everything only to Sylvie, but to everyone at 51.
Damn it.
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It’s been so long, I know and I’m so sorry. Sadly I can’t promise a schedule but I’m gonna try to post more frequently. Don’t give up on me please.
English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes.
Like always Feedback is always welcome
Also GIFs are not mine, so credit to the owners
P.S. You probably don’t care but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna change my name here on tumblr
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Never Stopped Loving You
Pairing: Matt Casey x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 2289
Author’s Note: YAY! My first Matt x Reader!
Trigger Warning(s): Jealousy, confrontation, break up, implied hooking up
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Matt and Y/N used to date but ended things because she was leaving Chicago for work, however they never quit having feelings for each other and would hookup whenever she was in town if they happened to be single. Well, Matt is dating Hallie when Y/N comes to visit, and Hallie isn’t too thrilled with how they act together. She ends up finding a box filled with pictures of Y/N and letters she wrote to him, along with what appears to be an engagement ring, which causes problems. Her insecurities only intensify when Y/N announces that she’s moving back to Chicago.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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You and Matt Casey had a very strange relationship. You started out as best friends, then became romantically involved. The transition from friends to more was easy. It probably never would have happened if it hadn’t been for you kissing him after a movie night.
It had taken him completely off guard, and when you first pulled away, you were worried that he was going to be upset. That is, until he pulled you back into a kiss, a very passionate kiss.
When the two of you finally broke apart, he rested his forehead against yours, a silence between the two of you except for soft breaths.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.” Matt breathed out, his blue eyes meeting your Y/EC ones.
You smiled some. “You should’ve, I was terrified to make the first move.”
“Well I’m glad you did, I’m not sure I ever would’ve gotten up the courage to kiss you.” Matt admitted softly.
After that, the two of you had a beautiful relationship that lasted a total of six months. Until you were offered a glorious job in your field of study in London. You knew you couldn’t turn it down. Matt knew you couldn’t turn it down. You knew it wasn’t fair to ask him to leave Chicago with you, and you also knew it wasn’t fair to keep him on the hook when you might never come back. So you ended things.
Once you spoke the words, breaking both his heart and yours, you kissed his cheek and left the apartment. You sobbed in your car, unable to drive off, and he got in the passenger seat and pulled you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head.
“I’ll never stop loving you.” Matt whispered into your hair. “And you will forever be my best friend, no matter what.”
You sobbed harder. “I can’t turn this down, Matt.” You cried into his chest.
“I know.” Matt whispered. “And I’d never ask you to. I understand that this is what you gotta do.”
So you left for London. You’d periodically come back to Chicago, and when you did, you spent the entire time with Matt. If either of you were in a relationship, it was strictly platonic. But if you both were single, it was a much friendlier time.
Usually, you both were single.
And then Hallie came into the picture.
You were respectful and didn’t say anything to her about you and Matt previously being an item, you were just his friend. You didn’t know why Matt never told her about the two of you having dated in the past, but you assumed it was because he didn’t want it to be awkward when you came to visit.
However, Hallie noticed how Matt acted around you. She could see the way he looked at you and it made her worry.
Matt continuously assured her that it was nothing, that he wouldn’t cheat on her.
She knew he wouldn’t cheat on her, but she was worried that he would leave her.
And then she found the box. It was an old boot box that he kept on the top shelf of his closet, pushed back in a corner so that no one would find it unless they went looking.
Hallie knew she had no right snooping, but his relationship with you just worried her to no end. She was waiting for him to get out of the shower so that way they could go out and she had started looking around, she didn’t really know what exactly she was looking for, just something to either ease her worries or solidify them.
Matt found her sitting on his bed, box in her lap and her hunched over slightly, snooping through the contents. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
Hallie jumped up a little and looked at him, her eyes locking onto his. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked him, clearing her throat and wiping at her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me that you used to date? That you were planning on marrying her?”
“I never-” Matt started only to stop when she held up the little velvet box.
“You had a ring.” Hallie’s voice was hollow as she stared at him. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you constantly tell me that I had nothing to worry about?”
“Because you don’t.” Matt told her, going over and taking a seat next to her. He took the box off her lap and gingerly set it on the bed behind them. “I’m with you.”
“And still obviously in love with her.” Hallie rolled her eyes.
Matt shook his head.
“Tell me one thing.” Hallie said and he nodded. “If she were to move back, who would you choose? Me or her?”
Matt didn’t answer.
“That’s what I thought.” Hallie went to stand up and walk out, Matt caught her by the wrist gently. She looked back at him, tears in her eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about us.” Matt spoke quietly, calmly as he stood up. He placed his hands on her shoulders gently. “I didn’t want you to worry.”
Hallie huffed a laugh. “You didn’t want me to worry.” She shook her head. “Did you ever think that if I did find out this would happen?”
“I’m sorry.” Matt told her again, sighing softly. “I should have told you.”
“Yes, you should have.” Hallie answered before walking out.
Things between them were tense after that, despite the fact that Matt was trying to fix things between them.
And then you came to visit again. You had no idea that Hallie knew about yours and Matt’s past, so once again you played the best friend role. You couldn’t understand why she was being cold to you until Matt told you when you finally had a split second alone.
“She found out about us.” Was all Matt told you.
You understood immediately. So when Matt was in the bathroom, you looked at her. “Hallie. I want you to know that I would never do anything to come between you and Matt.” You were trying to be nice, trying to be sympathetic. “We’ve been broken up for years now, long before the two of you got together. We agreed to be friends because we’ve been friends for years and didn’t want to lose that.”
Hallie nodded, although her demeanor didn’t change.
You sighed. “Matt and I are always going to be friends, and I don’t want him to feel like he has to choose between me and his girlfriend. I don’t want to lose him.”
Hallie scoffed. “Like he’d ever choose me over you.”
The conversation was cut short by Matt walking into the room and smiling at the two of you, sincerely hoping that he was misreading the situation and that there wasn’t as much tension in the room as he thought there was.
“So how long are you in Chicago?” Matt asked you after a few moments.
“For a while.” You told him. “I was offered a new job here in Chicago.”
Matt’s brows raised in surprise. “So you’re moving back?”
You could see how upset Hallie was, but you couldn’t change that you had already accepted the job offer. “Well I’ve been wanting to come home for a while now, so I jumped at the offer of a job here.”
Matt smiled wide. “That’s great.” He said, but there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t quite understand.
When you left, you went back to your hotel room and sat there for a long time replaying the night in your head, you had wanted to move back to Chicago since you left, but you couldn’t turn down the amazing offer all those years ago, it was the best way to get your foot in the door in your line of work. 
You thought about your conversation with Hallie, how she implied that Matt would choose you over her, you wondered if that held any truth. You hated to admit it, but you wished he would. Not because you wished anything bad against Hallie, but because you loved him. You hated that. You hated being the kind of person to wish for something like that. You wanted Matt happy over everything else, even if that wasn’t with you. It’s not like you’d ever purposely do something to split them up, and that wasn’t even why you’d accepted the job in Chicago, you actually wouldn’t have if you had known. You weren’t that kind of person.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knocking on the door. You got up to answer it and, looking through the peephole, were surprised to see it was Hallie. You pulled the door open with a confused frown on your face. “Hallie?”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything to come in between us?” Hallie asked and you could hear the heartbreak in her voice, causing you to feel even more guilty.
“I didn’t know when I accepted the job.” You told her, letting her come in the room. “I’m sorry, I honestly didn’t know. I thought he was over me.”
Hallie scoffed again and shook her head. “You’re like the one that got away, the one he’ll never get over.” She was crying now. “I don’t stand a chance.”
You shook your head some, trying to find the right words to say.
“Save it.” Hallie shook her head and before you knew it, she was walking out.
“Hallie.” You went to follow her but then decided to just let her go.
You avoided Matt after that, you didn’t want to be the cause of their break up. So you avoided him and avoided him and continued to avoid him.
That is until he showed up at your new apartment six months later.
You didn’t even know how he got your address. “Matt?”
He didn’t even say anything, just kissed you.
You pulled away, pushing at his chest and taking a step away from him, shaking your head. “No.”
Matt was shocked and hurt.
“You’re with Hallie.” You stated.
Matt shook his head. “No, I’m not.” He told you, causing you to look at him. “She broke up with me months ago.”
“Because of me.” You hated what you were feeling right now, guilt and heartbreak.
“She said she didn’t want to be in the way of true love.” Matt told you. “I tried denying it, I tried telling her that I wanted her, but she didn’t believe me and I realized that she was right.”
You shook your head, tears in your eyes. “I can’t be with you, Matt.” You said quietly.
His face fell even more than it had, not able to hide the hurt and heartbreak he was feeling. “Why not?” He asked quietly.
“Because you should be with her.” You stated, tears sliding down your cheeks.
Matt shook his head. “Our relationship was falling apart before you came back.” He told you softly. “We were never going to work, no matter what.”
You stared at him, silent, for a long moment, trying to figure out if what he was saying was true.
Matt took a step toward you. “I love you, Y/N. I never stopped.” He said softly. “And even if you didn’t move back to Chicago, that wouldn’t have changed.”
You swallowed hard.
“I would’ve been here sooner but it took me a while to find you.” Matt said quietly. “You’ve been avoiding me, afterall.”
You nodded, swallowing hard again. “Uh-huh, I have.” You said quietly, looking away from him. “Because I was afraid she was right. She said that you’d choose me over her, so I was trying to remove myself from the situation.”
Matt nodded slowly. “And are you still going to avoid me?”
“I don’t think I can.” You admitted quietly. “I never stopped loving you, Matt.”
“And I never stopped loving you either.” Matt said softly, his hands moving to cup your face, causing you to finally look at him again.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you looked at him.
“I want you and only you.” Matt told you softly. “I never stopped wanting you.”
“Matt.” You started softly.
“Let me finish.” Matt said softly, his eyes locking on yours. “I could never picture myself spending my life with anyone else, no matter how hard I tried. And I think you being back is the perfect time for our second chance.”
You were quiet, watching him as he spoke. “Do you think we’d still be together if I never left?”
He was taken back by your question but quickly nodded. “Yeah, I do.” He paused. “Do you?”
You nodded some. “Yeah. I always wondered that though, if we’d still be together. You have no idea how many times I imagined what our life would be like if I had stayed in Chicago instead of moving to London.”
“I know what you mean.” Matt said softly. “I always wondered that too.” He wondered if you would have said yes when he proposed, if the two of you would be married, if you’d be working on a family by now. There were a lot of ifs.
The two of you were quiet, just standing there. He was still cupping your face, your hands were on his chest. Neither of you were looking at the other.
“Stay.” He whispered. “Forever, please.”
You finally look at him to see him looking at you.
“I don’t want to lose you again.” Matt whispered.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whispered back.
Matt leaned in to kiss you again, and this time you didn’t pull away.
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taliaaurora · 3 years
If You Loved Me, Why Did You Leave Me? - Series
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Summary: Casey and Y/N have been best friends and colleagues for almost a decade. But everything changes when Y/N confesses her love for him. What she doesn't know is that Dawson is willing to do anything to be with Casey. He'll have to choose between Y/N and Dawson, and the consequences of his action will affect the whole Firehouse 51.
Warnings: mentions of death, grief, injuries, hospital, fires, smoking, alcohol, eventual smut.
Pairing: Matt Casey x Female Reader
A/N: Hey, loves! This is my first fic and my first series here on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy this series, there's gonna be a lot of angst and some heartbreaking moments, you might hate me for that lol, but I promise you there will be a happy ending.
Chapter One: You Can't Change The Past
Chapter Two: Just A Small Cut
Chapter Three: Why Can't You Trust Me?
Chapter Four: Confessions
Chapter Five: Don't Leave Me
Chapter Six: This Isn't A Goodbye
Chapter Seven: The Truth Always Comes Out
Chapter Eight: It's Good To Be Back
Chapter Nine: Back On Duty
Chapter Ten: It All Worked Out In The End
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