#platonic mikey x reader
popcat69 · 1 year
Incorrect Tmnt quotes
Mikey: What does 'take out' mean? Donnie: Food. Leo: Dating Raph: Murder Y/n: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD.
Donnie: Favourite horror movie?
Mikey: It
Raph: Saw
Leo: Annabelle
Y/n: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Leo: Croissants: dropped
Raph: Road: works ahead
Y/n: BBQ sauce: on my titties
April: Shavacado: fre
Mikey: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Donnie: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Y/n: Change is inedible.
Donnie: Don't you mean inevitable?
Y/n, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Mikey: Hey Donnie,
Donnie: Yes?
Mikey: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Donnie: Where’s Y/n?
Donnie: April isn’t answering their phone
Y/n: I’ll call
Donnie: Casey and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
April: Hello?
Y/n: Top 30 reasons why y/n is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Raph: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Mikey: I'm incredibly fast at maths.
Y/n: Alright, what's 30x17?
Mikey: 47
Y/n: That's not even close.
Mikey: But it was fast.
Donnie: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Raph: Nope, absolutely not.
Leo: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Mikey: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Casey: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Y/n: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Splinter: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Leo: ...I did. I broke it.
Splinter: No. No you didn't. Mikey?
Mikey: Don't look at me. Look at Y/n.
Y/n: What?! I didn't break it.
Mikey: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Y/n: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Mikey: Suspicious.
Y/n: No, it's not!
Raph: If it matters, probably not, but April was the last one to use it.
April: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Raph: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
April: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Raph!
Leo: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, person A.
Splinter: No! Who broke it!?
Raph: Splinter... Donnie’s been awfully quiet.
Donnie: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Splinter, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Splinter: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Splinter: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Donnie: I can help you with it!
April: Yeah, sure.
Y/n: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Raph: lol nope.
Mikey: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Leo: *Read 5:55pm*
Leo: bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
Leo, driving y/n and April: So how was your day?
Y/n: We almost got surprise adopted!
Leo: What?
April: We almost got kidnapped.
Leo: Oh, okay.
Leo: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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mysouleaten · 7 months
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PLATONIC! child! izana, kakucho x PARENTAL FIGURE! reader
summary ... kakucho was getting adopted! .. but that meant he had to leave izana--his king-- behind ... OH! never mind he's coming home with him too!!
warnings ... angst, fluff, small violence, injuries, reader is gentle and patient with her new sons, izana is untrusting at first, kakucho warms up quickly to reader ... more warnings later
an ... this is like a little snapshot of what I want to write.. maybe turn it into a small series?? if this gets enough love then maybe I will..
! this is also an au where izana found out earlier that he wasn't blood-related to shin
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izana's wide lavender eyes stared in horror at kakucho's new adoptive parent
kakucho--his devoted servant--was being taken away from him
and he couldn't do anything about it--legally at least
kakucho who stood by his new adoptive parent looked back at izana with tear-filled eyes, he didn't want to leave izana here.. he wanted to be with him by his side forever
how were they supposed to build their kingdom if.. he was away from izana?-- his king.
his adoptive guardian had gently taken his hand and started to walk away with him.... leaving izana behind, his kingdom. his-
why did they stop?
"izana? why aren't you coming with us? it's time to go home! its getting late, you two must be hungry!"
wait, huh?
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I might make a poll later and see if anyone would read this series?
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etherealising · 1 year
chapter three | lavender vanilla
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↢ previous chapter | next chapter ↣
pairings: platonic!mikey berzatto x fem!reader | carmen berzatto x fem!reader | platonic!richie jerimovich x fem!reader
summary: christmas dinner commences, you and carmy put your differences aside for a night.
warnings: language | angst | fluff | mentions of cancer | mentions of death | lee’s geriatric ass | carmy trying his best | donna’s mental health | talk of drug abuse | let me know if i missed anything please!!!
wc: 6.9k
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The sound of laughter could be heard through the door of Donna’s bedroom. The two women occupying it caught up with each other like no time had passed at all. You were laying down on the end of Donna’s bed, elbow propped up so your hand could hold your head up. Tiff laying in front of you sitting up slightly from you adjusting her pillows when you had first made an appearance in the room.
“Wait so Richie actually blew up your mom’s microwave?” The words coming out between the laughs that had been wracking Tiffany’s body. Eyes glistening with unshed tears as she listened to your account of the story.
You sat up rapidly head nodding to confirm Tiff’s question, “Exactly, Mikey volunteered to pick my mom and I up from her chemo appointment, and Richie bless his soul was trying to make dinner for us.” You paused as you couldn’t stop giggling at the memory, “He couldn’t find any plates, so he put fucking foil in the microwave, and by the time we got home the house was full of smoke and there were scorch marks on the wall.” You couldn’t help but to lean over clenching your stomach at the belly aching laugh the memory induced. Tiff doing no better hand gently cradling her bump as she tried to catch her breath.
Finally getting enough air into her lungs Tiff spoke up, “Wha-What did your mom do?” She searched your eyes waiting to hear your explanation. Your own laughter had finally settled down allowing you to finish your story, “Absolutely nothing! My mom was so sweet on Richie he could’ve burnt the house down and she would’ve thanked him for it!” The laughter in the room took over once again as the two of you imagined how much your mom’s little crush inflated Richie’s ego.
The two of you had finally calmed down sitting in the ambience that a memory from your younger years left behind. Tiff did her best to sit up, careful not to move too quickly in case it induced a bout of nausea. Her hands reached out gently clasping yours in her embrace, “I’m sorry she couldn’t be here with us today.” The slight squeeze she sent your hands conveying the raw emotion she felt, the small sad smile gracing her lips doing their best to comfort you.
You nodded, sending your own small smile her way, eyes quickly leaving hers to dart around the room, not comfortable enough to see the earnestness in her blue eyes. You cleared your throat trying to ground yourself, “Ahem, yeah…yeah it's a little weird, first Christmas without her and everything.” You let out a pathetic little laugh doing your best to not let the gloomy feeling settle over the room.
You squeezed Tiff’s hands back finally finding her eyes again, “Speaking of, she actually made something for you-well for the baby actually.” You motioned to Tiff’s stomach trying to move the conversation along to something much more light-hearted. “I’ll just go get it yeah, I want you and Richie to open it together.” Tiff nodded eyes misting at your mom’s selflessness in what must have been a debilitating time for her.
Smiling at Tiff one last time you quickly got up to make your way downstairs to where Carmy had hang your coat and bag. You made your way down stairs laughter and loud voices coming from the direction of the living room. You made it to the closet where your belongings were quickly grabbing your keys out of your tote bag you debated slipping your coat on before ultimately deciding it wouldn’t be necessary. You could hear Mikey’s voice as you made your way out the door, he and Richie recounting one of their many tales. You quickly slipped through the door making sure it closed behind you as to not let any cold air in.
Rushing to your car you popped the trunk reaching for the Christmas themed gift bag. You reached up to shut your trunk wanting to hurry and get back inside when your eyes landed on the large matte black box sitting in your trunk. A matching black bow and envelope atop of it, the white ink that spelled out Carmy’s name glaring back at you.
You let go of the trunk letting out an exasperated sigh. You hand planned on personally giving him the gift and watching as he opened it, wanting to see his reaction. But as your brain thought about the argument you had with him earlier, that hope quickly dwindled. You sat the gift bag on top of the box before reaching to pick up the box itself, shutting your trunk and locking your car. The sound of another car door closing caught your attention, Pete making his way towards you from across the street, hand going up in a little wave to greet you. You smiled racing your hand holding your car keys to return his greeting.
Deciding to wait for him so you could walk in together, your eyes took in the aluminum tray grasped in his hands, “Oh shit.” The expletive left your lips as Pete finally took his place by your side, his wide goofy grin drawing your eyes, he balanced the tray in one hand to give you a side hug that you willingly leaned into. “Baby you look great! How’ve you been?” You smiled, seeing Pete before re-entering the house was like a breath of fresh air. The two of you began your trek up the sidewalk.
“Doing my best Pete. Um what cha got in your hands there?” Your head nodding to the tray held in his hands. Pete followed your vision before smiling back at you “Tuna casserole! Couldn’t come empty handed you know.” Pete’s happy go lucky energy bringing a small smile to your face, the two of you stopped before entering the house. You adjusted the box in your hands, free hand reaching out to gently squeeze Pete’s bicep.
“Oh you poor kind soul, they’re gonna fuck you up in there.” The words cause Pete’s smile to falter as you send him a toothy one of your own before walking through the door and holding it open for Pete to walk through. As you both walked through the front entrance you caught the tail end of what sounded to have been a hostile conversation, Pete stealing the show by making his presence known. You had half the mind to leave Pete to defend himself, but a part of you would’ve felt bad for letting someone as sweet as Pete take the heat alone. You walked around Pete sitting on the arm of the chair Mikey was sitting in, his arm going to wrap around your waist unconsciously.
“You know it’s seven fishes, right Pete?” Mikey’s question drew the rest of the room's attention to the tray Pete was still happily holding. The room burst with voices as almost everyone took turns berating Pete. You leaned back slightly so you weren’t blocking Mikey’s view before turning your head in Richie’s direction hoping to gain his attention.
You reached behind Mikey’s back to pinch Richie’s arm his eyebrows shooting up an offended look on his features as his head turned to you, “What the fuck was that for Baby? Pete’s the one with the eighth fish.” You rolled your eyes hand grabbing the gift bag from its place on the box, maneuvering around Mikey’s imposing body before handing it off to Richie, “Merry Christmas Richie, its for you and Tiff so don’t open it without her,” You scolded raising your eyebrows to further cement your message. “It's from mom, she um, she didn’t get to finish it so I apologize if my knitting skills didn’t do it justice.” The last part quickly added on in a joking tone as you noticed Richie’s eyes taking on a solemn look to them.
He gently grabbed the gift bag out of your hand, a slight nod sent in your direction as he gave your hand a comforting squeeze. “Thank you Baby, means a lot.” You smiled back quickly, turning back to the conversation, not wanting to get caught up in any more unwanted emotions.
Carmy’s voice breaking through the onslaught of shit Pete was getting, “Hey, family. Come on, let’s sit. Okay dinner’s ready, alright.” Your eyes connected with his baby blues as you subtly tried to adjust the envelope sitting on the box so the bow could hide the recipient’s name. Your gaze was snatched away from Carmy as your attention was directed to Mikey who was whispering in your ear. Carmy did his best not to let the sight bother him, Mikey drilling his ass in the pantry earlier about what he accused the two of you of. It was hard not to though when you had so comfortably leaned into Mikey’s body whispering your own secret back into his ear, the sight of Mikey’s thumb rubbing gentle circles in the material of your shirt that was covering your waist causing Carmy’s head to spin, quickly removing his attention to Pete to ease his insecurities.
You hadn’t noticed Carmy’s eyes glued to you as you exchanged hushed whispers with Mikey, “What the fuck did you end up buying him?” Mikey’s words caressed your lips as his free hand tapped against the present sitting in your lap. You followed his hands before whispering back to him, “Something that I’m not even sure was worth saving up like 10 paychecks for this shit.” You scoffed feeling a bit miffed about the present since you and Carmy were still on uncertain terms. Mikey nodded a smile gracing his lips as he softly bumped his head into yours, “He’ll appreciate it Baby, I know he will.” You sent him a hopeful smile, you may have been annoyed with the youngest Berzatto and his antics, but you really did want him to like the gift.
“Yo Baby, Baby.” Your eyes found Carmy’s as he called for your attention, “What is that? What the fuck is Pete holding?” You quickly looked at Pete feeling bad that he was on trial before finding Carmy’s eyes again, a small smile finding your lips as you sent a shrug in his direction, not wanting to be the one to rat Pete’s good intentions out.
Carmy modded lips pursing as he wiped his hands down his face as he turned his attention to Steve knowing he’d give him a straight answer, “You’re gonna be upset, but his heart was in the right place, Carm. It’s a tuna casserole.” The slight flush you could see creeping up Carmy’s neck indicating the toll this mishap was taking on him.
You leaned into Mikey more, settling into a more comfortable position as you drowned out the rest of Pete’s trial. You were ready for the day to be over and you hadn’t even eaten dinner yet, you could feel your eyes slowly drifting shut as Mikey’s warm body pressed into your side, each rise and fall of his broad chest pulling you into the purgatory before sleep and consciousness.
The sound of Sugar’s voice jumping onto the tuna casserole bandwagon roused you from the little peacefulness you were beginning to find. You watched with drowsy eyes as she snatched the dish from his hands presumably disposing of it, you softly pat Mikey’s thigh before removing yourself from your seat intending to find somewhere to drop Carmy’s present off at. You stopped in the threshold of the door sending Pete a small smile, “If it makes you feel better Donna threatened to beat my mom’s ass when we showed up with collard greens and baked Mac n cheese our first Christmas here.” You gave a soft pat to his elbow hoping the anecdote helped him feel someone better.
You left the living room, eyes looking around for a practical spot to leave Carmy’s present. You debated leaving it on the small side table in the hallway, but you weren’t too sure if anyone would give it a second thought. Carmy stopped in the doorway of the kitchen as he found you standing in the hallway, the matte black box still clutched in your hands. He had half a mind to hide out in the kitchen until you left but knew he’d probably get shit from his mom about it.
He cleared his throat, gaining your attention as he took a few steps to lessen the distance between you. His hand raising up to scratch the back of his neck, eyes not meeting yours as he prepared himself to interact with you, “Ahem, I uh I overheard what you said to Pete. Is your mom doing okay? Was the trip out here too much for her?”
You stared at Carmen eyes cold and unwavering, you knew his question held no malicious intent but it still felt like a slap to the face. The silence from you finally caused Carmy’s eyes to meet your own, the soft color of your irises giving nothing away.
“She died eight months ago Carmen.” Carmy felt like his whole world had stop the voices in the background drowinng out as the bubble the two of you were standing in was filled with nothing but silence.
Carmy’s arm raised his head forcefully running through his hair, head darting to the side to compose himself. “Shit Baby, I’m sorry I-I didn’t know.”
You nodded eyes straying to the present in your hands swallowing the lump in your throat, “How would you?” An out of place laugh leaving your lips as you looked at Carmy, the kicked puppy expression on your face making you feel a little bad. Letting out a sigh you shook your head, “I’m sorry Carmy, that wasn’t fair.”
Carmy copied your motions, his own hand shaking as he reached out a gentle unsure hand to lay on top of yours, “No no, uh I think I deserved that one.” His boyish smile doing its best to offer you some form of comfort in this moment. Your eyes dropped to his mouth, the smile you hadn’t seen in so long unconsciously causing one to appear on your own lips, head dropping to the calloused hand gently on yours.
The hand quickly retreated to its owner, Carmy not wanting to push anymore boundaries, eyes looking at the box one more time a scapegoat from this conversation, “Uh so what’s in the box?” His hand gestured to the rather large decorative box that looked quite fancy now that he could see it up close.
You let out a shy chuckle, “It's uh actually for you. Merry Christmas.” You held out the box to him urging him to take it out of your hands. His eyes shot down to the box, surprised you had even thought about him, “If you don’t feel like opening it now I could just leave it in your room.” Your head motioning up the stairs.
Carmy stepped back nodding his head, “Uh yeah please if you don’t mind.” He sent you an awkward smile, guilt creeping up his chest. You smiled turning to head up stairs and drop his present off, he called out to you as made it halfway up the stairs. You stopped turning to face him, “I uh, I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything.”
Carmy watched as you drew your lips up into a broad smile. He knew it was fake though, that small sparkle wasn’t in your eyes, the edges of them not crinkling either the way he had once been used to your pretty teeth not making an appearance for him either. He watched as you sent him a small shrug, “It’s okay Carmy, I wasn’t expecting one anyway.” You resumed your journey upstairs to his room.
Carmen was left alone at the bottom of the staircase, eyes still glued to the spot you were just minutes ago. He closed his eyes trying to get a deep breath into his lungs. Carmy was trying to understand how he had ever deserved to once have you in his life, he was a grade A fucking asshole to you, and you still treated him with the same love and thoughtfulness you always had. Carmy made a decision in that moment, as soon as this night was over, he was buying you a fucking Christmas present.
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You closed the door behind you as you exited Carmy’s childhood room, the air of nostalgia pressing down on you while you were in there almost suffocating you. You had been in there entirely too long, easily getting caught up in how much easier life was when you and Carmy used to build pillow forts and tell ghost stories in there. You had meant to just place the present at the foot of his bed and go, but you found yourself getting caught up in the memories and flipping through the various culinary books that had been sitting on the nightstand paying extra close attention to the pages that had been tabbed.
By the time you made it to the dining room everyone had sat down and the only empty seat was to the right of Sugar and directly across from Carmy. You walked in brows pitched together at the commotion that could be heard, eyes locking with Carmy’s at the same time something aggressively hit your thigh.
A chorus of “Michael” could be heard around the dining room. You looked down at the sound of metal clanging against metal, one fork laying next to your foot another a little ways in front of it. Bending down you scooped the two forks up in your hand. You looked around the table even more confused than you already were eyes darting to Mikey as he threw his arms open in greeting, “Baby! Nice of you to join us, mind doing me a favor and handing me those forks?” Your eyes flashed to the forks in your hand before taking in everyone’s expressions around the table.
You had no clue what you had just walked into. You looked in Carmy and Nat’s direction, the two of them subtly shaking their heads. Your eyes found Mikey’s again a little unnerved by the look in his eyes, “They were just on the floor so I’ll just go wash them off real qui-.”
The sound of palms slamming against the table cut off your explanation causing you to flinch where you were standing, eyes still glued to Mikey, “Sorry Baby, I’m sorry,” his hands raised in a placating gesture. “Just hand me the forks alright, don't needa wash ‘em off,” You gulped your head nodding slowly as you took the few steps in Mikey’s direction. He carefully took them from your grip, a mocking smile pulling at his lips.
You gave him a small nod quickly retreating to your seat. You shuffled your chair in Stevie helping to push the back of it. All was silent for a moment as everyone looked at each other, you doing everything in your power to avoid anyone’s eyes. A quiet laugh broke the silence followed a whispered “Of fucking course.”
Mikey’s eyes snapped back to Lee eyes zeroing in on the older man, “What did you just say?” The question sounded more like a demand to your ears. Lee laughed again shrugging his shoulders turning his own eyes to glare at Mikey, “I said of course she’s gonna fucking do what you say the girl has no fucking backbone.”
An echo of “Lee,” and “What the fuck,” could be heard from both Richie and Cicero, one trying to the diffuse the situation, the other not settling for the unwarranted disrespect thrown at you. Your head shot up a frown decorating your features eyes locking on Carmy’s as he shook his a head a plea for you to ignore it and not further feed into the chaos
You ignored Carmy turning in your chair to face Lee, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean Lee?” Stevie’s hand reached up to lightly pat your shoulder trying to calm you down before aggressively being shrugged off.
Lee faced you with a sardonic smile pressing into his lips “Is somebody gonna tell her? Do I have to tell her?” He looked around the table looking for anyone to take the reins from him, “I’m sorry that nobodies honest with you sweetheart, but you’re just a glorified lap dog.” He shrugged his shoulders as if in apology, “Just a bitch he keeps on a leash.”
Your mouth opened a little bit confused as to how this conversation had become a personal attack on you. Everyone at the table had brought forth different reactions after that revelation, anyone who knew Mikey knew he didn’t take kindly to disrespect thrown your way. You felt a foot nudge yours under the table taking you away from the ensuing chaos. You turned to Sugar who was focused on the scene in front of her too worried about Mikey to be paying attention to you. You felt the nudge again, eyes finding Carmen's eyebrows raised in a silent question, eyes searching your face to catch any remaining emotions, you smoothed out the frown on your face sending him a small nod to let him know you were fine.
The two of you were drawn back to the argument before you as the two men began berating each other again, voices growing louder by the second. You watched Mikey’s face lose any sort of emotion as Lee took a shot at his drug use. You felt your heart squeeze in your chest at Mikey’s reaction, you couldn’t lie you thought both men were being extremely childish but you hated how that was one of the things people latched onto when purposely trying to hurt Mikey.
The table remained silent; the only sound filling the room was the ticking of a clock in the background, everyone doing their best to not cause any reasons to incite more violence. The anxiety caused you to bounce your leg up and down unsure as to where the rest of this night was going, you felt a foot gently tap the toe of your shoe, something Carmy used to do whenever you needed reassurance that everything would be okay and other forms of physical contact were impossible.
You watched as Mikey pawned Pete’s fork from its set place, an uproar going around the table pleading with Mikey. You sat there silently watching the scene if 10 other people hadn’t already gotten through to Mikey, you were sure and 11th voice joining the mix would be completely useless at this point.
Sugar’s voice cut through the chaos attention zeroed in on Mikey, “Michael. Please don’t do this.” You watched as Mikey focused his attention on Sugar, “I love you.” Being her final plea as Mikey seemed to be weighing his options. The discourse between the two continued as everybody watched with bated breath waiting to see what the next move would be.
Steve’s unwarranted giggle broke Michael’s focus, his rush of apologies being brushed off by Mikey all in the name of fun. Cicero decided he might be the one to finally get through to Mikey playing his hand at mediator. You watched Mikey’s erratic behavior in silence, you weren’t usually privy to this side of Mikey, never being in town long enough to catch one of his episodes. It scared you, and it wasn’t necessarily Mikey that was scaring you but knowing that his switch could be flipped in such a timely manner that had you worrying about his safety.
The argument being nowhere near resolved as Lee’s constant instigating kept fueling the fire. Mikey’s sudden movement to stand up caused your heart to race, you honestly couldn’t give two shits about Lee’s wellbeing, your only concern was Mikey and what was going through his head at that moment.
You held your head in your hands that were propped up on the table by your elbows, the impending headache beginning to make an appearance. The animal noises coming from Mikey’s direction doing nothing to ease the ache behind your eyes. Doing your best to drown out Lee’s constant attack on Mikey’s character.
The clapping around the table drawing your head up as Donna danced into the dining room, you felt so exhausted you couldn’t even muster up a fake smile to appease her. “What did I miss?” Donna laughed as she made her way to her seat, a quiet “nothing” being her answer. “I missed something,” she said while sitting in her designated spot.
Donna’s eyes met yours, letting out another laugh “Jesus you look fucking miserable Baby. I definitely missed something.” You let out a small chuckle forcing your lips into a pathetic smile, you hand coming up to play with your own fork that was sat on the place mat, “Nothing Mama D, just Lee being a fucking cunt.”
The table fell quiet any hope for a somewhat peaceful family dinner squandered by your remark. All eyes flocked to Donna as she let out a full belly laugh, hand coming down to hit the table. The same hand moving up to point at you, “Now that’s fucking funny Baby.” A shit eating grin stretching across your face, Carmy letting out an exasperated sigh at his mom feeding into your antics.
“Uh, Stevie, Stevie’s about to say grace, Ma.” Mikey interjected trying to stir Christmas dinner back on his rightful course, Donna looked appeased eyes happily finding Steve’s figure as she waited for him to begin. A small back and forth between Mikey and Stevie ensued before that latter began his prayer.
“Um..Hey. Uh.. that we’re all…” Michelle’s laugh interrupting her partner causing you to laugh but quickly stopping at the soft pinch on your thigh earned from Sugar. You fell silent as you listened to Stevie give what seemed more like an awkward ramble rather than a prayer.
You could feel Carmy’s eyes darting across your figure as Stevie gave his explanation of what he thought the seven fishes symbolized. “I think that spending time and using that time on the people that we love is how we show them that we love them.” You had looked up in that moment, eyes connecting with Carmy’s piercing blue ones. Neither of you gave into the urge to look away, instead drinking each other in like two plants feeling the first drop of rain after a drought.
Your attention both drawn away by Donna’s quiet sniffles a chorus of praises sent in her direction in order to calm her aching heart.
“You okay?” Natalie’s question causes you to flop back in your chair, eyes clenching shut. You knew all Nat had was good intentions and would always be the first one to put Donna’s mental well-being first, but you also knew what it felt like to feel so overstimulated that those two measly would send you in a downward spiral.
“Do you know how much I fucking hate it when you ask me that? Do I not look okay Natalie?” Donna’s mood shifted just as quickly as it had been the whole day. Her unknown limit was reached in the span of a minute.
“Not really.” Michelle’s subtle shade drew a hardly restrained laugh out of you, “Oh, fuck you Michelle.” Donna snapped before setting her sights on you, “Is something funny Baby? Hmm?” The question causes the lingering smile to immediately drop your back going straight against the chair, your head quickly shaking back and forth throat clearing before answering Donna, “No ma’am.” You admitted head still on a swivel to ease Donna’s agitation.
You glanced at Carmy, his whole being sunken in as he looked at you as if your existence was exhausting him at this moment. Regardless of Carmen’s look you know your mom would’ve crucified your ass for walking into Donna Berzatto’s house and feeling comfortable enough to disrespect her not only to her face, but with a bunch of her peers around.
“Are you motherfuckers okay?” Donna continued on letting her subdued rage out the table silent so as to not enrage her any further. “Fuck you!” The smashing of glass as the plate hit the ground causing you to flinch, leg knocking into Carmy’s from the sudden noise, his knee tapping yours twice to reassure you everything would be fine.
Donna made her exit while berating Sugar, who sat there speechless unaware of why her need to make sure her mom was well was taken as a personal attack. Lee’s unprovoked comment about Donna’s tirade irritating you along with Michelle’s comment about it being her worst moment.
It was funny to you how each and everyone sitting at this table would drag themselves here every year. To sit in Donna’s house, to eat Donna’s food. To reap the rewards of the countless hours of Donna’s hard work, only to dismiss her because she had become so overstimulated the only reaction she knew to give was unadulterated rage.
You saw Mikey’s hand move before the fork flew across the table narrowly missing Lee’s head. The older man jumping up no longer tolerating the eldest Berzatto’s antics, Mikey following suit the clattering of the dishes loud as he threw his side of the table. The two men trying to force themselves out of the arms of the people holding them back seemingly ready to tear each other apart.
Silence fell upon the room as a loud crash was heard, the screeching of tires following after. You stood up from your seat mouth dropping open at the Mercedes Benz now sitting in the dining room. Mikey’s voice screaming at Donna to open the door as Sugar tightly grasped your arm lingering on the table, trying to ground herself. The two of you are the only remaining guests still sitting down. Your eyes followed Carmy’s as he stared blankly at the fork lodged into a cannoli.
Your head was pounding at this point, the small headache from earlier now feeling more like a migraine. You slipped your arm from Sugar’s grasp removing yourself from the dining room table as quietly as you could, you quickly walked to the front door. Every bone in your body was screaming at you to walk out that door and not come back, to protect your own peace. You plopped down on the porch step head resting against your knees, as much as you wanted to leave, your heart wouldn’t allow you to leave the Berzatto siblings to this mess alone.
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“Are you sure you don’t want to come home with us?” Sugar asked one final time as her and Pete were standing in the open doorway. “Pete will take you to the airport in a couple of hours.” You smiled pulling Sugar into a hug, the two of you lingering in the other’s embrace a much needed hug after the day you had.
You pulled back, placing a kiss against her cheek, “Get home Nat, I’ll have Mikey drop me off.” You could tell she was ready to protest but Pete grabbed her elbow gaining her attention, “She’s right you need rest.” You nodded in agreement with Pete, happy that Nat had found someone who would always put her first.
“Listen to Pete Nat, I promise I’ll be fine,” You gave her hand a squeeze the uncertainty still clinging to her features before she let out an exhausted sigh head nodding as she pulled you into one last quick hug. “Call me as soon as you get home okay?” It was your turn to nod, urging the two of them out the door before closing and locking it behind them.
You leaned your head against the cool surface of the door, you had no desire to sit on a plane for four hours, but you also had no desire to extend your stay in Chicago for longer than needed. Sighing you made your way into the kitchen to make sure all the appliances were turned off before flipping off the lights and making your way to the stairs.
The closing of a door caught your attention, your eyes shooting up and landing on Carmy’s tired face, the bags under his eyes seeming to have darkened from the stress of the day. He stopped in his tracks looking at you as well, eyes not blinking for a moment, “You’re still here?” His question caused you to frown confused at the hostile question.
His eyes darted across your face, throat clearing, “No, I uh didn’t mean it like that. Just thought you would’ve been gone by now.” You nodded understanding where he was coming from. “I’m actually looking for Mikey, have you seen him? He’s supposed to take me to the airport.”
Carmy felt his jaw clench at the mention of Mikey, he was getting real fucking tired of hearing about the two of you together. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much but he hadn’t expected to be spending his first Christmas home in a while worrying about Mikey’s role in your life.
“Uh, Mikey took off a bit ago. I don’t think he’ll be home anytime soon.” You felt your eyes instinctively close a tired sigh escaping through your lips. The last thing you wanted to do was head to the airport this early and wait for your flight. You had hoped you’d be able to catch a quick nap before heading out.
“I could, ahem, I could drive you.” You watched as Carmy ran a hand through his hair, eyes looking everywhere but you, “I mean only if you want though you know?” You felt a small smile tug at your lips, Carmy's awkward behavior endearing to you, you could tell he felt self-conscious about even offering up such an idea, and you understood, it was kind of out of left field for two people who hadn’t been on the best of terms.
“Honestly Carmy I would fucking love that,” You smiled in his direction thankful that you could count on one of the Berzatto brothers. “Um do you think I can take a shower though, kind of just wanna wash the day off.” You gave a small chuckle to try and alleviate any tension your request may have caused.
You watched Carmy’s head nod rapidly, words failing him in that moment. He turned heading to his childhood room expecting you to follow in his footsteps. You entered behind him, the room feeling impossibly smaller with the two of you now taking up space. You watched Carmy frantically move around the room returning to your side with a stack of clothes in his hand, you smiled gratefully taking the clothes from his hand before making your way towards the en suite.
Carmy watched as you closed the door behind you, hands moving to run down his face as his brain tried to piece together how after everything that had gone down today, you were taking a shower in his childhood bathroom.
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You stepped out of the shower quickly wrapping the fluffy towel that you had found under the sink around your body. Your hand reached up to wipe the steam off the mirror, you stood there for a moment taking in your appearance grateful to have taken a shower but a little nervous about spending time in close quarters with Carmy after being apart for so long.
Your eyes turned to the pile of clothes sitting atop the countertop, you took inventory of the items. A white tee shirt that you just knew hugged Carmy deliciously, sweats that were sure to be baggy on your frame, a pair of socks and boxers you hoped had been washed prior to being offered to you.
The lotion bottle sitting next to the sink caught your attention, not giving it a second thought as you reached for Carmy’s signature scent lathering it on your body and quickly getting dressed. You exited the bathroom throwing your damp towel in the hamper next to the bathroom door. Taking a step into the room your eyes found Carmy sitting on his twin sized bed, legs propped up as a book rested on his knees, highlighter clenched between his teeth as he raptly read his book.
It wasn’t the position that kept your focus though. It was the tank top that showed off his toned biceps, shoulders sculpted just right. His signature gold chain complimenting the white tank top. You did your best to stop staring, eyes skating across his ink covered skin as an excuse to keep checking him out.
“You’re staring.” Your eyes shot to Carmy’s face, his eyes still stuck on his book. You cleared your throat gaining his attention, hand gesturing to the door behind you, “I hope you don’t mind I kind of used your shower gel…and your lotion.” Carmy nodded listening to you speak, “I drew the line at your 2in1 Head and Shoulders though, that was a real disappointment Carmen.” You sent him a teasing smile as you made your way to his bedroom door.
“Wait where are you going?” You stopped looking back at Carmy confusion washing over your face, “I was just gonna nap on the couch, I don’t want to intrude in your space any longer,” You calmly explained. Carmy stared at you for a few minutes, bright eyes drilling holes into your own, you watched as he moved to the opposite side of the bed before patting the spot he had just been in “Just uh, nap here okay?” You felt your heart rate pick up at the gesture, a little annoyed that basic human decency had your heart trying to race out of your chest.
Carmy raised his eyes in your direction waiting for you to take the spot. You quickly shuffled over, adjusting the pillow so you could lay down comfortably. You laid down on your right side, head facing Carmy, studying his face as he read. Watching as every few minutes he would highlight a sentence he probably found particularly interesting. His eyes so focused on what was in front of him you almost wondered if his body remembered how to blink. Your eyes traced down the side of his face, gliding down his neck and landing on his gold chain that caused your body to warm, your tongue peeking out unconsciously to lick your lips.
Continuing your path across Carmy’s shoulder your hand reached up to gently caress his ‘773’ tattoo. Index finger tracing every number before making its way down to what appeared to be a measuring cup holding the world.
Carmy’s head shot in your direction at the first touch of your soft finger against his skin, he watched your finger carefully tracing the ink lining his arms. He saw the concentration on your face doing his best to hold back a sigh at the feel of your skin against his. He had to convince himself to not reach out and push the hair out of your face to get a clear view of what you looked like at this angle. Carmy allowed you to continue your investigation, his own eyes darting across the visible side of your face, eyes falling to your pulse point imagining what it would feel like to place his hand there. His eyes were drawn to the medium sized ‘B’ in a typewriter-like font painted in the space behind your ear.
Carmy shakily reached out hand cupping the left side of your neck as his thumb gently ran back and forth over the single letter, “Baby?” You looked up at Carmy eyes meeting his as he tapped the ink behind your ear to signify what he was questioning. You gulped feeling the tension in the air as his eyes searched back and forth between your own.
“It could stand for Berzatto if you wanted it to.” You weren’t sure where the confidence to allow that whisper to leave your lips came from, but you weren’t going to pretend you regretted it.
You watched Carmy’s Adam's apple bob up and down. The grip of his hand tightening against your neck momentarily as he coughed before removing his hand. Eyes leaving yours as he shut the book still laying in his lap and placed it on the bedside table, “Ahem, It's late, get some rest I’ll wake you when it's time to leave.” You were given no time to interject as Carmy turned off his bedside lamp and turned so his back was facing you.
You sighed eyes now piercing the space between his shoulder blades. Leaning forward you pressed a small gentle kiss to the bare skin of his shoulder. “Goodnight Carmen. Sweet dreams.” You turned as well, not even being able to face his back.
Carmy’s breath caught in his throat, your lips feeling as if they had been branded into his skin. He took the chance adjusting his own body around, the size of his childhood bed causing the two of you to be pressed flushed together. The soft gasp you let out causing his heart to race his mind going a mile a minute, thoughts doing their best to talk him out of whatever the hell he thought he was doing right now.
His arm found its way around your waist pulling you impossibly closer to him, your backside pretty much in his lap at this point. Neither of you said a word. Carmy's face made its home in the crook of your neck. The faint scent of your lavender and vanilla perfume lulling him into a dreamlike state.
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a/n: goodness did i hate the first draft of this chapter : ( and i still hate this draft, but the carmy x reader fluff at the end made me feel better lol. the family dinner truly killed me though and i’m so glad to be done with the christmas arc. i hope you all enjoy please like/reblog/comment or interact in whatever way you feel comfortable. i appreciate you all so much thank you for the support! 💜
idk if this needed to be said or not but this is obviously and AU at this point lol
tag list: @hawkins-2000 @elliesbabygirl @allbark-no-bite @anakinswh0re3005 @rexorangecouny @thecraziestcrayon @fruitcupsworld @nishinoyahhh @lilylovelyxo @ridingthehotmessexpress @noas-ark @jadeittic @hellokittyever @luvr-bunnyy @sxgees @fandomhopped @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @kravitzwhore @chanluuvr @readingwiththereids @chims-kookies @ladygrey03 @ferida-kahlo @wanderlustnightwanderer @how2besalty @armydrcamers @gcidrvsh @fire-treasure-iii @frequentnosebleeder @kailyn-g05 @khena
i hope i got everyone, strikethrough means i couldn’t tag : (
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jellybelly-may · 1 month
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‎‧₊˚✧[a twin's promise]✧˚₊‧
sanzu x twin!reader [platonic!]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
cw: implied fem!reader, reader gets yelled at, slight angst?, takeomi
The evening air hung heavy with tension as Takeomi paced back and forth in front of Haruchiyo and you, his face a storm cloud of frustration. The two of you stood side by side, hands clasped tightly together, trying to brace yourselves for the scolding you knew was coming.
"Senju’s picking up bad habits from you two!"
Takeomi’s voice was sharp, his eyes narrowing as he glanced between the twins.
"She’s using male pronouns again! She’s a girl, for crying out loud! (Name), you should be teaching her to be more ladylike!"
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and frustration.
This was so unfair.
Senju was just trying to fit in with the boys, and now it was all your fault?
Haruchiyo squeezed your hand slightly, a silent attempt to reassure you, but it only made the lump in your throat grow.
Takeomi continued, his voice louder now, even as Shinichiro, Wakasa, Benkei, Mikey, and Baji looked on. Senju peeked from behind the kitchen wall, too scared to face Takeomi’s wrath or your tearful gaze.
"(Name), Haruchiyo, you’re the older ones. You should be setting an example! You should be responsible for her!" Takeomi’s words were a whip, each one stinging more than the last.
Your eyes welled up, and you tried to hold it in, but a small sniffle escaped, barely audible but enough to make Takeomi's anger flare even more.
"Don’t start crying! You know I’m right!"
Shinichiro, Wakasa, and Benkei tried to step in, their voices calm but firm. "Takeomi, let it go. They’re just kids," Shinichiro urged, placing a hand on Takeomi’s shoulder.
Mikey and Baji nodded, their expressions pleading.
But Takeomi waved them off, still fuming.
"Kids or not, they need to be responsible!"
His voice echoed in the room, and it was the last straw.
You let out a choked sob, unable to hold back any longer. Your grip on Haruchiyo’s hand tightened to the point of pain, your whole body trembling with suppressed emotion.
Wakasa frowned, his eyes narrowing as he noticed how you were shaking. "Takeomi, stop. Look at her. She’s terrified."
Takeomi turned back to you, annoyance still etched on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but Haruchiyo was faster.
With a quick, desperate move, he pulled you along, the two of you darting out of the house before anyone could react.
"A-ah wait!" Shinichiro called after you, but you two were already gone, disappearing into the night.
The two of you didn’t stop running until you reached a nearby playground, panting and breathless.
You crawled into one of the slides, pulling Haruchiyo in with you. It was dark and cramped, but it felt safe, a temporary shelter from the storm of emotions raging inside you.
You couldn’t hold it in any longer.
The tears flowed freely now, and you buried your face in Haruchiyo’s shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.
"I don’t want to stay with Takeomi and Senju anymore," you cried, your voice muffled against him.
"I hate it."
Haruchiyo bit his lip, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. He hugged you tighter, trying to keep his voice steady. "We’ll get out of here, (Name). I promise. I’ll take care of us, no matter what."
Exhausted, the two of you eventually fell asleep in the slide, huddled together for warmth and comfort.
Hours later, the sound of voices calling your name roused you from your fitful sleep.
Blinking groggily, you saw Shinichiro’s concerned face peering into the slide.
"There you are," he said softly, extending a hand. "Come on, it’s okay."
You hesitated, glancing at Haruchiyo, who was still half-asleep. But slowly, you reached out, letting Shinichiro guide you out of the slide.
Wakasa was waiting, his arms open, and he lifted you easily, cradling you against his chest. Benkei did the same with Haruchiyo, who clung to him, too tired to protest.
"Let’s go home," Wakasa murmured, his voice soothing as he carried you back.
"It’s all going to be okay."
Back at the house, after everyone had calmed down, Takeomi sat in the living room, his head in his hands. He looked up as you and Haruchiyo entered, the others watching from a distance.
Takeomi sighed heavily.
"I’m… I’m sorry," he said, the words sounding foreign in his mouth.
"I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I just… I worry about Senju... and you two."
Haruchiyo frowned but nodded slightly, still holding your hand.
"(Name) and I can take care of her," he said quietly.
"But we need you to trust us too."
You just held your head down, not wanting to burst into tears.
Takeomi looked at the two of you for a long moment before nodding. "Alright," he said, his voice softer.
"I’ll try."
Later that night, as you and Haruchiyo lay in bed, you whispered, "Do you think things will change?"
Haruchiyo squeezed your hand.
"Maybe. But if they don’t, we’ll still have each other. That’s all that matters."
And with that promise, you finally drifted off to sleep, feeling just a little bit safer in the world.
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gatitties · 2 years
Care and comfort
─ Yandere!bonten x motherly!reader (platonic)
─ Summary: you were just trying to help someone and you ended up being the obsession of a criminal organization
─ Warnings: obsession, stalking, toxic behaviors, kidnapping, slight mention of drugs and stuff related
Part two / Part three / Part four / Part five
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You turned on the light in your kitchen, almost tripping over one of the stools because your eyes were still half closed, you had fallen asleep correcting the last report that the newspaper where you worked had sent you. You had noticed that you hadn't even had dinner before, so you made a quick meal before heading back to work, but before you could touch your laptop you heard a crash at the front door, as if someone had collapsed and slammed against it.
It's not that you lived in one of the worst areas of the city, but it was strange that something happened in the wee hours of the morning, you walked slowly, opening the door, or trying to, because the body of a man was blocking the entrance, a few minutes of struggle was enough for the unconscious body to fall to the other side, leaving you to open the door completely and contemplate the man.
He had one of those mullets that were fashionable among young people, several earrings, some scars on his mouth and stains of what appeared to be vomit and blood, okay, you did not want to interfere with anyone who seemed to be a drug addict, but on second thought, it was better to help the man than to have to give statements to the police as to why there was a dead body at your door.
You dragged him home and laid him on the couch, laying him on his side so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if he ever did, though after further scanning you decided he needed a good shower. You did not feel self-conscious in doing this job, you are of an age and you have worked in many things, among them you had a position taking care of the elderly, all kinds of care being more specific, so no, you did not feel uncomfortable having to wash this man.
You changed his clothes and put his striped suit in the wash, leaving him back on the sofa, you continued with your work, reading and quickly correcting the errors you found, the night passed quite quickly and you fell asleep once you were completely done your work, sending it to the head of the newspaper.
The next morning you woke up with a gun pointed at your temple and that man's pretty eyes staring back at you, good way to start the day indeed.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Are you young people these days so ungrateful? It was you who passed out on the doorstep of my house at two in the morning."
He lowered the gun, seeming to remember some parts of his night, he sat still a little bewildered and with his head elsewhere because of the drugs taken yesterday, he looked at you in silence now noticing his change of clothes as well as the smell of his hair, it was not the smell of his usual shampoo.
"Did you…?"
"Yes, oh, don't be ashamed, it's been a long time since I stopped being interested in that kind of thing, at a certain age the only thing one looks for is economic stability and peace of mind, are you going to stay for lunch?"
He blinked contemplating your calm form, he didn't know if he was still under the pressure of narcotics, but he didn't reject your proposal, Sanzu was anything but embarrassing, however he felt like a little boy next to you being cared for by the mother he never had.
For your part, he was not the first brat you helped, you had married friends, with grown children or adolescents who did not stop getting into small problems, you acted like the aunt who drinks wine and criticizes everyone at family gatherings, for your attitude, they found it easier to access you when they had problems they didn't want your friends ─their moms─ to know about, you always had their backs unless it was something that was detrimental to their health, then you wouldn't hesitate to call your friends to give their children a lecture, even as adults.
That same attitude was the one that made Sanzu visit you more often than he would like to admit, although most of the times he left scolded for coming home drunk or drugged, you never closed the door on him, how could you? You weren't heartless enough to leave him lying in the street when he came desperately asking for help with some of his hallucinations.
Your kindness led him to an obsession towards you, you were like his little lifeboat, his conscious part about all the madness in which he was involved, he began to watch you from afar, observing your interactions with strangers and friends, it bothered him, it bothered him that you were just as kind to others as you were to him, he wanted all your attention just for him. He was also worried about you, he had seen the worst part of the rotten world in which he lived, someone with a soft heart like you could not survive against the predators of this society.
Of course, Bonten executives were not stupid, usually most of them lived in the headquarters, they had private properties where they spent a few days or weeks, but most of the time they were in that headquarter, especially Sanzu, that's why they started to noticing his absence more and more, it's not like he had to explain himself to anyone ─except if Mikey asked him to─ but his behavior was strange, didn't he arrive drugged? It seemed like a bad joke, clothes without a bloodstain? he was definitely doing something outside their radar.
Not that the others cared much, but the Haitani brothers were a bit nosy, like gossips who want to know why their partner seems happier when he comes back in the morning after a night of 'fun'. They discussed it a couple of times with the others when Sanzu wasn't around, and they all agreed that his behavior was unusual, so they began to investigate what he did in his leisure.
This led to an ordinary person like you being watched by two executives of the largest criminal organization in the country. At first they thought that you were a whore with whom he had fallen in love, but investigating more about you, they discovered that you were a lady with an established daily life, there was nothing about you that stood out and yet you seemed so interesting.
"Sanzu please, I need to finish correcting this report, I promise you that later you can have all the hugs you want."
He tightened his grip on your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, you were trying to do your job but Sanzu found your hugs too comforting after you once found him crying ─from being drugged─, killing people leaves obstacles in any person and as much as he loved it, certain deaths of innocent people always ended up flying over his thoughts like ghosts that tormented him from time to time.
The sound of the doorbell made you stop typing, moving the man slightly away to go to open, you were not expecting a visitor which was strange to you, Sanzu felt a chill when you opened the door, meeting the eyes of the youngest of the Haitani directly, he got up quickly without even letting you ask what those guys wanted, he pulled you back before Ran could drag you with him.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?"
"Make sure you don't have too much fun, are you so in love that you forget the meetings?"
They started a little discussion while you looked blankly, you and Rindou looked at each other in silence while the other two talked, you greeted with a brief nod, thinking they were Sanzu's coworkers.
Luckily just when the discussion was getting more heated, a 'ding' coming from the oven threw everyone off concentration, taking advantage of this you got out of the man's strong grip, walking towards the kitchen to see that the cookies you had been working on before were ready.
"There are plenty of cookies for everyone, Sanzu you can invite your friends."
"They are not my friends!"
"That's very kind of you, we'd love to meet our friend's friend."
So you ended up having lunch with the three men in an awkward silence between them, due to the tension of which you preferred not to take into account, Ran and Rindou were quite nice and understood that you were not a love interest, nor did you want it, nor did you seek it. Alarm bells of boys without a mother figure going off again, of course you caught their interest more than before, they knew your background but not your personality, and they ended up falling into that obsession towards you, as if there was something that made them gravitate towards you, was it because of your simplicity? for your kind words? They didn't know it, but they were jealous that Sanzu could snuggle up against you and they would have to keep more of their distance.
Now you had three of Bonten's executives constantly visiting your house, whether it was asking you for small favors or advice on nonsense to asking you to make them cookies or food in general, they just desperately wanted your attention, like babies crying out for their mother.
This cycle of obsession only made the others begin to suspect that they were up to something, whether it was harmful to Bonten or not, Takeomi was the first to notice, Kokonoi the same, he noticed how the brothers spent a certain amount of money, which they didn't used to do that often, followed by Kakucho, Mochizuki and lastly Mikey.
So it led you to be kidnapped by Mochi after doing enough research on you, because they didn't take much notice of it at first when the brothers first noticed. You were tied hand and foot, a blindfold was removed after consciousness returned to you, you found yourself face to face with a man with immense dark circles and eyes full of lifeless, on his right side another man with a large scar on his face, on his left side another man with a small scar on his left eye.
You felt something cold touching your temple, again you had a gun pointed at you, held by the same boy who had kidnapped you, you turned your head also noticing another man with long white hair.
"Who are you and why do you have my executives after you?"
"Executives…?" you looked at everyone carefully, connecting the dots when you saw their tattoos "Oh- so that's why they never wanted to tell me what they worked for… are you some kind of organization? Like arms smuggling, money laundering or something?"
You took the situation calmly, that your life was hanging by a thread right now was not one of your biggest concerns, you had lived a full and happy life up to now, you had no regrets, you were mature enough to understand the point at which you were, the more the years go by, the less afraid you are of the things that used to terrify you when you were young.
Everyone was surprised to see how Sanzu entered kicking Mochizuki so that the weapon flew out of his hands, away from you, the Haitani brothers followed closely untying you quickly while all those men had a discussion of looks, the dense silence was broken by your giggle, you were trying to control yourself as much as you could but it was impossible.
"My God, Sanzu, you just called me mom!?"
The boy's face was completely dyed in pink tones, all the attention was now focused on you while you let out a laugh at the slip that your child had, something made the hearts of others clench in pain when they heard your laugh, no matter how bad it sounded, whether it was asthmatic, uproarious, or silent laughter, it was like real music to the ears of all the executives at Bonten, including the leader. As if you had flipped a switch in the mind of their rotten minds, they now had a new interest in you, as if you had further triggered an obsession you were unaware of with the first three you met.
They began to understand why those three felt attracted to you, it was as if your mere presence was intoxicating for them, as if just listening to you or looking at you calmed their broken hearts, many alarms from boys without a mother figure, of course that was a triggering reason, all these men longed for that kind of love that they could hardly experience.
Now you had the criminal organization after you, not in a bad way, more like a bunch of men acting childishly because of your limited attention. One thing they were clear about without the need to speak, you were not going to leave their sight for a single moment from now on.
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cheesus-doodles · 10 months
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If only life was always so simple.
Because I'm a simp with a soft heart and @purarupu 's talent has no limits, please have another absolute heartwarming piece of Izzy and Boss! 🥹 Thank you for your hardwork on such a gorgeous piece! (click for better res)
Patting myself on the back for another chapter done, do check Swallow the Sun out!
Red Dragonflies Masterlist | Commissioned Art List
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umbrella-show · 3 months
Platonic Yan Rottmnt
「 ✦ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐘𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐭.𝟑 ✦ 」
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The final part of my short Yan platonic Rottmnt series :) THIS IS IN NO WAY APPROVING OF A ABUSIVE OR TOXIC RELATIONSHIP
TW: Kidnaping, Stalking
Words : 1661
“Here you go, birthday boy, enjoy!” You smiled kindly, placing a cake on the table where a young fish yokai sat with a party hat strapped around his head. He beamed at the cake excitedly, his friends gathering around his table to gawk and drool at the cake, eager to eat. You watched fondly, clasping your hands together behind your back. You watched as another yokai, made of green slime, hopped on top of the table. He shouted loudly from excitement, “Let’s get this party started!” Right at that moment you grabbed a spare menu from another table nearby, opening it in front of your face to shield your face from the sudden splat of Exploding Frankie’s famous party trick. The green goo clung onto the menu before it dripped off and all of the green slime came together to form him again. The kids cheered and you took that as a que you had done your job. 
You loved your job. You loved seeing the smiles on other mutant’s and yokai’s faces when you brought them their meal they had been eagerly waiting for. Your boss, Senior Hueso, was pretty cool. You are forever grateful for him. He took you in when you had nothing and gave you a job as a waiter. The pay was enough for you to buy an apartment in the hidden city. The hidden city was full of wonders. Shortly after you made your escape from the dreaded sewers you had made your way back to the city to find some form of refuge. You had watched, what you learned was a yokai, opening a portal to the mystical city through a graffiti drawing on a wall. You had followed after them and were amazed by the sight of other beings, like you, wandering a city full of mystic and magic.
It’s been 3 months since you escaped the sewers, and you haven’t seen those turtle brothers ever since. You supposed that was a good thing. You didn’t really want to see them ever again after they held you against your will. While living in the sewers wasn’t half as bad as you originally thought, it felt suffocating with all the attention you were given.
“Y/N,” you were snapped out of your thoughts when your boss spoke to you. “Mi amigo manchado, is everything alright.” You gave him a courteous nod, fiddling with the collar of your outfit.  He was always looking out for you. You were one of his most diligent employees, after all. He even told you himself. You did your best to put a smile on everyone’s face. Even the rude customers. 
“I’m alright.” You responded, “just thinking.” You watched your boss look at you with a curious expression as he patted your shoulder. He was always a little concerned when you spaced out to think. You weren't sure why.
“Well then, there are a few more customers you may serve before you clock out.” “I wouldn’t mind working overtime again.” You quickly responded right after he finished speaking. You could use all the extra money. Heuso frowned, shaking his head in disapproval. “Oh no, you, tortuga, need more rest. You have bags under your eyes.” He pointed out, causing you to deflate at his protective tone. However, you weren’t going to argue with him. You didn’t mind getting more sleep anyways. With all of the days you worked overtime, your sleep schedule was basically obliterated.
“Fine,” you muttered in slight disappointment, causing him to give you a proud smile and another pat on the shoulder before walking away and letting you go seat the new customers. You gave him one more glance as he walked. Probably back to his office to work on his miniature wooden ship. You dusted off your apron, making sure you looked presentable for the last customers you were going to serve before walking all the way back to your apartment and collapsing into bed. The more you thought about it, the more excited you were to get more sleep than you usually got.
You glanced at the entrance of the restaurant, about to greet the new customers. Your blood ran cold and you immediately turned around to hide yourself once you saw them. No. There was no way they found you. You dared to take another glance, begging that it wasn’t them. Maybe you mistook someone else for them. You were proven wrong when you took another glance.
The Hamato brothers. They found you. How did they find you? You left no sign that you were here? How did they know about the Hidden city? You thought this was a safe place. The only place they would never find you. You needed to leave. Now.
You began to walk away from them with your back turned to them. You tried to look as discreet as possible. You needed to get to Hueso’s office. Hopefully if you asked him if you could just leave a little earlier, he wouldn’t ask questions and let you. For now, you needed a distraction.
“Excuse me,” you quietly spoke to an unoccupied owl Yokai waiter. “Could you serve them?” You carefully pointed towards the turtle brothers who were already seated at a table. Luckily, by your nervous and uncomfortable expression, the owl nodded and didn’t say a thing as he walked over to serve them. You silently thanked him, standing there for a while. You didn’t realize how shaky your breathing was until now. Your palms felt sweaty and your hands and knees were shaking a bit. You closed your eyes and tried your best to take deep breaths and calm down. You had to keep calm. You needed to blend in. 
You felt a strong urge to check if the turtles were distracted so you could hurry to Hueso’s office. You slowly turned your head as little as you could so your eyes could see them. Leonardo seemed to be talking to the waiter, seemingly ordering for himself and his brothers. Donnie was distracted by his phone and Raph was idly sitting, listening to the waiter list out the food they ordered. Mikey looked especially happy, kicking his feet under the table. You could tell he was extra giddy, seeming excited to get pizza. 
You didn’t know why you continued to watch, most likely looking for reassurance that they were occupied and therefore wouldn’t see you sneak to Hueso’s office. However, just as you were about to turn away, Mikey’s eyes started wandering throughout the restaurant, and soon landed on you. You two engaged in a staring contest, you visibly paling as his face lit up. You tore your gaze away, turning around like it never happened and bolting to your boss’s office. Just before you turned the corner to where Hueso was, you heard a loud whisper from Mikey, alerting his brothers of your presence, you assumed.
You left through a different entrance of the restaurant, one you hoped the turtles didn’t know existed. You bolted to your apartment complex, weaving through the crowd of Yokai in your way. Hueso had graciously let you leave early. You mentally thank him for not asking questions, though he did look suspicious. You wondered if you should tell him some other time. If you did, that might cause the brothers to definitely know you were there. Though, you were sure it didn’t make a difference, considering Mikey already saw you. They all knew you worked here by now. Maybe you could quit and find a different job. Somewhere deeper in the Hidden City. The thought of quitting your job and leaving Hueso out of the blue made you sad. He was the one who took you in when you were desperate and in need of shelter. 
As you continued on to your apartment complex, there were less Yokai in your path and soon enough, you were alone walking through an alley between two other buildings. This was a shortcut you normally took, so you weren’t really on guard or alert. That was a mistake.
The floor suddenly felt as if it disappeared and you felt like you were falling. Your breath hitched, your eyes opening as your body braced itself for some kind of painful impact. Instead, you landed on your backside on what you thought was the floor. You snapped your eyes open and saw you were encased in some purple glowing sphere. You pressed your hands against the walls of your prison. 
“Hey, sib! I didn’t know you got a job at Hueso’s.”
Your blood ran cold at the sound of that voice from behind you, almost not wanting to turn around. However, you did, and stared with wide eyes wide in shock at the sight of the turtle in blue, followed by the rest of them as they stood around you. You pressed yourself against the wall of the round cage, shrinking down like prey to a predator. You watched Leo place his foot on the purple device trapping you.
“It’s a shame, I really thought you’d be able to get us free pizza, or at least a discount.”
You watched him playfully pout, faking looking hurt as he put his hands to his chest. Mikey suddenly hugged the sphere, pressing his face against it with no warning, making you harshly flinch and shrink away from them even more.
“Welcome home, Y/N! We’re so glad to have you back!!!”
You gawked at him, dumbfounded before finally registering his words. Home? You glanced behind him, seeing the familiar walls of Donnie’s lab with computers and machinery all around. You’re mind blanked, your ears catching onto bits and parts of Donnie speaking. Talking about new reinforcements being made to the lair to specifically make sure you don’t escape again. You stared aimlessly at the wall as the feeling of horror and devastation sunk in. 
You were right back where you started. Except this time, there really was no escape.
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cutielights · 1 year
If u see this, can you do Rottmnt boys x sister reader? And when I say she’s random, I mean RANDOM
Y/n: Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee i Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee
Donnie: WHAT!?!
Y/n: ……can I have APPY juice?
Donnie: No
Thank u
I’m just putting this as g/n so it can be read as anything and more people are comfortable reading it bc for a while I avoided F! Readers like the plague haha gender dysphoria go brrr
Tw: mild language
Nobody panic. It’s not lol-so-random-xD core.
Rise boys + Random sibling reader (platonic! tcest dni)
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Encourages it
You probably learned it from him let’s be honest
“Let’s poor soup on dads head.”
“Miso or Tomato?”
Giving Raph heart attacks with the shit you guys say
“You’re gonna do w h a t ?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“And afterwards we’re getting door-handles for April.”
“Does she need new door handles?”
“She will.”
He grew up with this
He is still panicking over the soup incident
He has you, Leo and Mikey sharing a braincell
Wishes you all had one brain cell each
Sometimes you say something that really just throws him off though
Waking him up in the middle of the night just to tell him something
“Crocs are like the Tumblr of footwear.”
“It’s literally five am, please go to sleep.”
“Like here?”
“No. In your room.”
Spending your free time annoying him
You guys are siblings that’s basically a free pass
In your eyes at least
“Do you think you could make like a cheap jungle, bigger than like Russia?”
“A, a cheap jungle?”
“Yeah that’s what I said.”
*cue a long rant on why making a functioning jungle wouldn’t be cheap in any way due to inflation and costs and buying the land and the seeds and creating a functioning ecosystem god forbid you want to put animals in there*
“Yeah but like, could you though?”
“Did you even LISTEN?”
He then kicked you out of his room
Matching each other’s energy
“I kinda feel like a soggy plate of broken pottery.”
“With cheese on it.”
“Just like a pizza.”
“Pineapple pizza? Nah, the next step is grape pizza.”
Embodiment of dumb and dumber
Both of you probably have adhd let’s be completely honest here
Getting distracted at least ten times during five minutes
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 5 months
hi! me again, i know it hasn’t been that long but i just rewatched one of my favorite anime’s, Komi can’t communicate, it’s about a girl named Shoko Komi who has extreme social anxiety or also known as social-phobia and has trouble speaking to others and making friends as well, i’m serious, anytime the girl tries to speak, she gets nervous and overwhelmed and just starts stuttering a LOT!
So! i was wondering if you could do lil something with the rottmnt boys and a reader who acts like that? you don’t have to! and don’t worry, i’m almost finished with the lil gecko’s design!
i also recommend watching the anime, it’s really good and funny!
have a nice day/night! ❤️
❝ dulcet vibes. ❞
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— ‧₊˚ 🎐✩ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐬𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❝l a/n !! : bro how many coincidences will we encounter ? I LITERALLY ADORE THAT ANIME SO SO MUCHHH AAAAA !!!! i binged the entire series over the course of time and finished it during the summertime last year ! such a wonderful anime. the slice of life feel to it, the equal parts humor and heartfelt, and not to mention the characters are all absolutely adorable and lovable !! especially komi. bro she's such a sweet cinnamon roll i just :(( my baby gorla :((( entire show is just *chef's kiss*
also darling this is like. YEARS late i hope u don't think i forgot abt you ?!!!! thank you soso much for your patience + i really hope you like this waaa !! also, psst. this is probably one of my favorite layouts~ the colors came together soso pretty !! ^^
ᝰ genre !! : fluff, a bit of crack, slice of life, platonic :)
ᝰ precautions !! : none, I don't think 🫡 if I am wrong however, pls pls let me know!! *smek* love y'all. hope you enjoy~
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i imagine the gentleness is which they all unanimously develop when interacting with you, developed on day one of meeting you.
they're all quite protective over you !! that much goes without saying, of course.
it started out with you becoming a close friend of april's :'))
seeing as she was the first to understand that you weren't some unreachable individual w/ some uppity "holier-than-thou" complex,
but rather, a kid. just like the rest of them. :')
she recognizes her peoplez. 😤✊🏾 probably finds a kindred spirit in you for feeling a bit like an outcast.
whereas you garner attention for your stoic, quiet demeanor and mysterious beauty, that's usually all people see you as.
some don't even see you as much of a fellow person at all. based on your aura alone — you've been described as an equal mix of cold, stuck up, unreachable, boring or flat out rude . . . as well as absolutely stunning, dark, debonair, sleek, attractive, godlike even.
whatever the case, you garnered the attention of all kinds wherever you went, whether you liked it or not.
they just ain't know you, babes. 😞
and april is all too familiar with being simultaneously judged (solely based on appearances) and ignored or pushed aside because you're different.
and homegirl don't run that way 🫡. she a real one.
i imagine she took/takes on the role of being your tadano at first !!
she was chosen as your guide to show ya around the school and upon seeing y'all's chemistry build instantly throughout said tour, you both were paired up for a project in your shared classes! ^^
at first she was a little off-put by your silence and sharp gaze, and even more so at the loud attention you were given the instant you were introduced into the classroom, but a little time is all it took :)
it quickly became apparent that that simply wasn't the case.
you had pulled out your phone, showed her a message typed out in a cinnamoroll-themed digital notepad,
" thank you for your help :')) i'm sorry i don't talk a lot! i'm just shy. thank you for being so kind to me. 💛🙏 "
yeeeaaah she knew you were a good egg.
and the rest is history!
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LEO gives me madddd najimi vibes, i'm gonna be so fr. so let's imagine that dynamic here !! as soon as y'all met, there was probably a little miscommunications at first :'] ofc april had told the guys beforehand that she was bringing you over, and he was positively stoked at finally being able to meet this "new friend" his best gal had been talking so fondly about !! and yes, she had given them all the rundown (but him especially. he was sweat-dropping at all the enunciations in her spiel being directed so openly at him. he ain't even met you yet 😔 why is everyone bullying him he is not that bad please he just wants a new friend this isn't fair ple- #justiceforleofr ✊🏾) but with leo, there's always something happening. (/aff /lh)
y'all know ts that najimi stayed pulling in the show? giving komi these complicated orders to go collect on her own in efforts to help her overcome her social anxiety? THIS HAS LEO WRITTEN ALL OVER ITTTTTTT. he'd definitely verbally note down the most diabolical pizza order and only gives enough time to make sure you even heard it before he's shoving the phone in your hands.
now if you start shaking and hesitate, he'll wait until like the very last second before he's chuckling and looking at you with gentle eyes. he takes the phone back into his hands, confirms the order, then pats your head. he's proud of you for trying!!
(he promptly dissolves into good-natured laughter when you start cuffing at his arm, face as red as a tomato.)
tbh thinks you're a cutie pie and tho he teases you, it's all in good nature !! let someone else try to come at you for your shyness. big "only I'm allowed to tease them" energy from this blueberry.
you know leo as your charming and obnoxious but fun-loving best friend who always smiles and jokes around you. but he can be brutal when he's upset. it's like a complete 360 when he's coming to your defense; his gaze turns hard and all traces of his bubbly self. GONE.
fiercely protective over you. whenever you're with him (or any of them really) he's your protector. and you can count on him to celebrate like it's the 4th of July whenever you manage to overcome your verbal barriers.
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RAPH. our red angel of preventing harm. the backbone of our society. he is such a mother hen when it comes to you awww :(( when y'all first met & you responded to his amicable greeting by beginning to tremble and stare up at him with wide, shiny eyes, not a word of reply, he thought it was most obvious that you were scared of him. of them. ☹️
it made his heart ache but it was a familiar hurt. this may be New York, but this whole situation isn't the exact norm. (well, not yet anyway!)
then april went and pushed you forward-- closer to him, enthusiastically encouraging you to "go on, say hi!!" like some excited mom with her shy kid 😭😭. it was a few moments of tense silence, you could literally see the ". . ." in the background. then finally, in a hushed but determined whisper, you respond in kind.
yeah. he's hooked.
you bring a sense of stability and tranquility; a welcome pace to the constant chaos of his everyday normal. he's so used to all things loud and rambunctious and completely fizzy pop frenzied on a great day, that when your sweet little molasses self shows up and becomes a regular part of their everyday lives, he finds a haven that he didn't even know he wanted. much more needed.
raphie carries you in his arms to make a quick getaway? you force urge him silently to rest his head on your lap/tummy when y'all chill in peace.
he's effectively babying you? you take it with a stoic grace and appease his ruffled mother hen feathers with gentle sympathy pats to his arms when he finally relaxes.
he especially loves when you both go on little best friend dates !!
you have a tranquil, 'insider' type outlook on life so when you share your vision with them, he can't help but feel honored. being who you are in the modern world has left you with devices that conspire of the affinity to finding very cool hideaway spots!! & the more time you guys spend with each other, the closer you get. it develops into a very wholesome and loving friendship :(( ICONS, THE BOTH OF YOUSE. 🫶🏾
he loves you sm bcuz he feels like he can truly be himself - you're not the type to judge. he feels completely at ease with you and goes the extra mile to put you at ease too!!
—and you can bet he's allllways keeping leo in line as well 😭☠ like, bro can barely breathe. he can, has, and will tackle leo in mid-air because he went to tackle you in a running hug. 😪
blue bro means well when he plays around with you, but raph can only take so much before he gets tense 🥹 he just wants you to be comfortable!! :(( like, always.
he's like your teddy bear. a safety blanket. teddy blanket?? mm ^^ he's got it all for you. would bend over backwards at so much as a slight breath from you. completely whipped and unashamed of it.
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DONNIE understands you on a spiritual level. he's your twin flame. your soul brother. bro's your down b, bro's your solider, he's got that thang-thang— *loud 16-wheeler horn passes by*
no but let's lock in. donbon becomes your saving grace, whether you like it or not (but i mean c'mon, who wouldn't like it? :] bro is him.) out of all the siblings, donnie understands your apprehension to socializing the best. it's not that you don't want to interact with others, it's just . . . hard. and scary. he gets that too.
donnie himself is sociable in the way that he's not afraid to interact with others nor is he scared to; he's just an introvert and if the feeling doesn't strike him, he won't. simple as that. 😆
but you're a bit of a different story. it's not that you don't want to, it's just significantly difficult for you </3. and donnie is nothing if not persistent and a fix-it felix in his own right, so! 👏 what does he do?? what he does best, of course!! he builds. he invents. he creates.
he would absolutely create different gadgets and such to try and make things easier for you. they can range from tiny things — automatic digital/magnetized notepads, tiny flying robots that have neurotransmitters embedded within so it speaks for you in the moments your voice croaks, to literal AI robots that do close to everything for you.
once he had gotten caught up in the excitement and pure influx of creative juices + had drawn up a prototype for a replicate robot of you — purely intended on doing the things that you couldn't in a way of helping out!! — and barely survived the crossfire that he was immediately subjected to by his siblings. he snapped out of it and locked tf in after that and, after a lengthy lecture from raph, he allowed leo to rip the blueprints to shreds & mikey to burn it. yes, he might've gotten carried away in his inventions, but it's all from a place of care!!!
he buys you snacks and gifts you a cute handmade keychain the next time you come over after that. you're confused but delighted. he sticks just a little closer that day, and you allow it.
i feel he'd see himself in you. as a result, he'd want to provide you with more things and protect you a lot!!! he ain't afraid to speak up on your behalf either. trust me, he's given such poetic lip to some stuck up assholes in the social world that it rendered you genuinely speechless. but they stay as inside jokes between y'all and best believe it makes the others so jealous 🤣😭.
also not afraid to tell his own brothers off if they're crowding you a little too much (*coughleocoughcough*) — he's a lot less lenient than raphie tho 😅
he cares. a lot. maybe. he's got a soft spot for you, what can I say?
when everything and anything starts to become too much for you, he's usually pretty good at recognizing it and offers you a place of solitude in his lab! it's cool and quiet (well. quiet-er than the wipeout episode that is his daily life outside those very walls.) and generally gives a very chill vibe.
he also loves the fact that you listen to his ranting and rambling without interrupting, not even once. sometimes he thinks it's because you can't, but when he pauses and goes to inquire as much, he's met with your warmed and focused gaze, a slight quirk to your lips as you nod along and. the message is there. i'm listening.
you're lowk his bestie and he can't really live without you from now on, he thinks. it's like the grumpy cat x golden retriever trope, but you're more of a cat too. two moons coexisting! two cats drenched in purple moonlight.
y'all just get each other i made myself sad. /lh + /hj
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MIKEY aims to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible !! at all times, all day, everyday. he even set up a cute little personal nook for you in the lair!! (he's such a sweetie pie y'all i'm 💔)
he was the most excited to meet you!!!! (you're his friend now. y'all are having soft tacos later!)
well, all of them were, but he was (and is) the most amicable and the most emotionally adept at understanding you and your shyness. apart of the "Save Y/N from Leo & His Shenanigans" pt 2. (i love the blueberry y'all i prommy bullying him is my love language). ofc he's just a bubbly glass of fizzy orange juice when y'all come face to face; he's all smiles and going "hi!! I'm Mikey!! what's your name??" even if april alr told them 🤦🏾‍♀️ HE'S JUST EXCITED OKAY???
hesitates for just shy of a second when you begin shaking, but then, you pull out your phone and shove the cute sanrio-themed greeting note in his snout and, the second it registers, he's beaming brighter than the sun and immediately welcomes you in, both physically and emotionally.
he makes you feel seen and heard, even when you try to chameleon your way through situations, as you've done countless times before. even when you assume your "better to be seen, not heard" posture, as you've done countless times before.
mikey being the most emotionally available of his family certainly comes with its perks!! he helps them navigate their individual friendships with you as well, and even tho there are a few hiccups along the way, you all develop a strong and lovely bond— & a large part in that is owed to mikey and his empathetic prowess.
particularly loves baking for/with you!!! it's always worth it to see your eyes light up, and he really does think you have a cute face. it's been described in a more debonair light by others, but to him, you're the sweetest little baozi and he just wants!!! to wrap you up in a blanket burrito and!!! keep you in his metaphorical pockets forever!!!!!!
he has definitely dedicated murals and different art pieces to you. sometimes you'll be minding your own business, just chilling together, and feel him staring at you. but before you can get self-conscious he always speaks up and sheepishly rubs the back of his head while pointing to the sketchbook in his lap. now, you're used to feeling his warm yet concentrated gaze on you, but your face still hasn't changed in the lobster red it becomes when he shows you the finished product :')) what can he say?? you're a one of a kind muse.
gives you cute nicknames. pinches your cheeks (if you're aiight with that.) soso affectionate with you, the fact that he loves you is unshakable and unquestionable.
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imababblekat · 7 months
Bayverse Tmnt X Goth Lesbian Friend; Hc's
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@ittybittytittycomitte ,"Hey may I please request the bayverse tmnt boys with a goth friend? Bonus points if she’s a lesbian (😚). If not that all good just have a good day and remember to drink water 😚"
the boys find you to be a breath of fresh air, seemingly normal if not intriguing to you upon first meeting versus the usual freak out they're used to receiving
they might not always get or understand some of your interest, but it doesn't mean they aren't interested
you're so different from the humans they have met, and are very open to hearing about your ideals and are especially a fan of your darker themed outfits
Mikey practically begged you to do his make up and make him look goth like you to which you happily agreed
before you knew it, you had the three other brothers following suit in trying out parts of your life style
if witchcraft is a part of your life, Leo definitely falls in love with it
while he might not identify as pagan or such, he's very interested in all that you can teach him in things such as the different properties of crystals, etc
you introduced Donnie to gothic opera music and he now has a whole new genera to listen to when he wants to get into a spooky scientist mood
Raphael, to no surprise, is all about the spiked jewelry you wear; as a gift you got him his own spiked bracelet and started referring to him as Bowser when he wore it
he'd act like he hated the nickname, but he never took off the bracelets and other spiked articles you'd gift him
if anyone knows what it's like to be viewed as something negative, it's them, so you have nothing to worry about when you tell them you're lesbian
if anything, you coming out to them brings y'all closer
Mikey is 1000% your wingman, whether you want him to be or not! he may or may not have tried to hook you up with April at one point
these boys are ready to throw hands for you, let some bigot give them the opportunity!
Donnie makes special pepper spray he calls "Bigot Away Spray, and pretty much any kind of self defense gadgets just for you
Leo becomes your sensei in a way, always up and ready to teach some new form of martial art that he knows
Raph definitely teaches you boxing, but he's also hanging in the shadows when you go out with friends, just waiting for some bigot to fuck around an find out
all in all, these ninja brothers love and embrace you for who you are and definitely take you in as a sister figure
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I love your bayverse siblings stories!! Would you write what they’d be like as uncles?
Aww they'd be the best uncles istg
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Most likely you're April and Casey's kid,
Wether biologically or adopted, doesn't matter.
They fucking adore you.
When April first brought you to see them when you were just a baby,
They were all terrified to hold you.
Raph straight up said, "Oh fuck no."
Mikey literally cried when April handed you to him, and there is a video of it.
He was just so happy and you were so cute and tiny 😭
Donnie was shaking so bad he had to let Leo hold you first,
Leo didn't want to let you go.
He did so, very, very, reluctantly.
They babaysit you all the time. No questions asked.
"Hey would you guys watch (Name), for afew hours? Casey and I-"
As you start growing up, they start competeing to see who your favorite uncle is.
Even though you're literally like, two.
Give you a juice box and they might as well be god.
Mikey gets in trouble sometimes for trying to be the coolest uncle,
One time, you guys were playing hide and seek, and you got the bright idea to wander into the sewers so you woukd be the ultimate winner.
For hours.
Mikey was literally crying because he couldn't find you for so long, then he went to Donnie, who panicked and got Leo and Raph.
Raph was ready to beat Mikey's ass.
Anyway, they found you sitting in the dark playing patty cake with a fucking rat.
Mikey scooped you up, still crying and even though you didn't know why, you just went with it in only the way a toddler can.
Patting his nose, and saying, "Is otay, Mimey, is otay."
No, Mikey was not aloud to watch you alone after that.
No, your parents will never know of the Patty Cake Incident.
(Turns out the rat was dead.)
Leo really likes it when you hang out around him.
You guys have tea parties and invite everyone.
Raph didn't show up one time, and as a punishment Leo makes him wear fairy wings everytime there's a tea party.
Jokes on Leo though because Raph fucking slays in those fairy wings, and you guys always match now.
Donnie lets you nap in his lab since the noise helps you sleep.
You literally cannot nap anywhere except your own room, or Donnie's lab. Literally can't.
And you can't sleep with out the blanky Uncle Raph made you.
Even when you're a teenager, you physically can't sleep without that little old blanket.
Speaking of being a teenager,
Your parents have problems with you sneaking out of school to go hang out of the Lair.
They were't supposed to know :p
Your teachers called April and told her you'd been ditching school,
Twas not a fun day when you got home.
Boom baby! I'm back at it with the requests! Although, just a little tid bit, I would appreciate it if you read my rules first. I get plenty of requests and I can tell they haven't read my rules (No nsfw asks thank pizza supreme) but still. I can tell.
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lulu-tutu · 2 years
Do you take platonic requests?
If so, could I request head-cannons, or anything you like really, of Splinter (can be 2012 or rottmnt) becoming a father figure for a reader who doesn’t have one? The reader becomes friends with the turtles and spends a lot of time at the lair, obviously because they want to spend time with their turtle buds, but also because they really like talking to Splinter and he kinda picks up on it after a while and decides “yep, I have a 5th kid now”.
Sorry if this is a bit of a strange request.
Father Figure ⭐️ Splinter (Platonic)
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A/N: This wasn’t a strange request at all, I love requests like this because they really pull at my heartstrings. Was super fun to write, and I tried my best not to tear up as Father/Child scenes make me emotional lmao
Pairing(s): Platonic!Splinter x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Like, two swear words, teeny tiny bit of angst? Overall very soft <3
Proof read :)
Spending so much of your free time down in the lair meant not only hanging out with the turtles, but also becoming close to their dad, Splinter.
So much time in fact that it started to feel like he was becoming your own dad.
The first time you had a proper conversation with him was when you were having a sleepover at the lair. While everyone else was knocked out cold in their own rooms, you couldn’t catch a wink of sleep, so you decided to check out the one place the guys spend most of their time; the Dojo.
You first thought was to just marvel at the range of weapons they had, but you weren’t even close to doing that when you spotted a meditating Splinter sitting silently in the middle of the room.
Breathing a sigh of relief that the sound of you entering the room didn’t disturb him, you went to back out when his voice startled you. “Cannot sleep?”
Ah, shit. You fucked up.
Not wanting to be rude, you sheepishly nod, “Yeah, I’m really sorry for disturbing you. I just wanted to try and tire myself out by walking around.”
It was then that he gently patted the space in front of him, inviting you over. With nothing else to do and honestly, why would you even decline, you complied and sat in front of him.
That night the two of you talked for a few hours. It started off a little bit awkward on your part, not knowing exactly what to say to him, but he was kind enough to lead the conversation.
You talked about the turtles, when they were younger and just learning how to defend themselves, about some of your future plans, if you had any that is, and if not, he would try and give you a push in the right direction with small ideas he thought would suit you.
At some point, your home life was brought up. You explained to him that it was just you and your mother when you were growing up. You never had a proper father figure, but you would never trade your mother in for the world.
He tells you that your mother did a wonderful job of bringing you up :’)
As time went by, you spent more and more time with Splinter. He’s shown you a few defensive moves in case anything were to happen when the boys weren’t around to help you, to which you profusely thanked him for. He was so proud when you managed to pin him down once (though he wouldn’t tell you that he was obviously going easy)
You two drink tea together a lot, and if you didn’t like tea, he would manage to find you something you would prefer.
At some point he begins to call you his child, it started off as ‘Okay, it’s because I’m a teenager, I understand’, but at some point to both you and him it starts sounding more like he’s definitely adopted you. And he has.
He tells you about Miwa and his past family, which you take in with watery eyes and a soft smile. At that point, you knew you were apart of the family.
Sometimes the guys like to tease you and Splinter, Raph often stating that “Well since you’re his favourite child-“
You would just grin with your hands on your hips, “I am the favourite child, thank you very much. Now if you excuse me, I’m telling dad that you ate my slice of pizza.” Just to be petty lmao
If you’re ever upset, your go to person would be Splinter. Something about the way he hugs you so tightly, with so much care in his embrace just makes you sob it all out until you felt better, his calming words making everything seem so little.
When Father’s Day arrives, you might or might not have actually celebrated it with him and the turtles. You bought him an actual cake that you all shared, and took plenty of photos to hang around the lair and in his room. It was a day to remember, especially when you could spot the little tears in his eyes.
Overall, Splinter is the best dad you could ever want, and you make sure he knows that.
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mysouleaten · 7 months
THIEF !! [part two]
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PLATONIC! pet shop owners! baji, chifuyu and kazutora x teen!reader
summary... lets see what our thief is up too today?
warnings... one cuss word?, weird girl talking bad about strays
[part one] [part two] [part three]
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it was a beautiful morning
you were feeding some stray cats near your apartment. you haven't been living with your parents for about a year now, leaving when you were fifteen and lived in your apartment ever since so yeah you are a sixteen-year-old teen going to high school, beating up delinquents, and working two jobs
what a life, right?
needing to eat and have a roof above your head was a priority, and so did the strays around your apartment complex need too
most of your money would go to the strays outside, but you were smarter with your money, making sure there was enough left for you and your basic human needs
looking back from your spot on the couch to the living-room balcony
a couple of stray cats are licking at their empty food bowls and meowing at you to fill it again
smiling softly and standing up to get the cat food bag that was strangely light and walking towards the balcony
some cats quickly jump off to get away from you, some were still new and hadn't gotten used to you, but others stayed, having been here much longer, and were used to you
pouring the cat food into the four bowls-... well only two
you look inside the bag to see it empty, frowning upon the sight and smell you look at the cats "sorry I don't have enough...ah I have to get more" you pause before clicking your tongue and standing up
but the cats didn't seem mad at the lack of food most instead meowed and two of them even rubbed against your legs and went to eat from the two full bowls
you roll up the empty cat food bag and go back into your apartment to throw it away into the garbage bin
you head to your room to get dressed and to thief some more pet food for your stray babies
damn...you also need to get dog food too...
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before actually thieving from the pet shop, you decided to stop at a convenience store to buy yourself some lunch
plus if the owners did see you come in they wouldn't find you that suspicious because you already had a bag with paid stuff in it! you're so smart, pat yourself on the back
walking into the convenience store, one of the employees greeted you, greeting them back and walking to the far back, you found a couple of snacks you liked and some hot food you can put in a microwave
picking up some cool water bottles from a fridge you made your way to the front to get your stuff scanned
"hello! will this be all for you?" a girl, around your age asked
"yeah, that's all" you nod and she gives a light smile and starts to scan your stuff and put them all in one bag
"1533 yen!" she said and you gave her the cash
"I heard there's a pet food thief on the loose," she giggled and you looked up from your phone "hmm?"
"yep, people around the area think is funny that someone is stealing pet food," she said and he scanned your hot food
"really? what about the owners?" you ask with a light smile
"one of them is losing his mind and the other two, I think stopped trying" she barks out a laugh
"re-" before you could say anything else, the girl cut you off and you didn't like what you heard
"but like seriously? how pathetic can you be to steal from a pet shop? it's really sad, but I bet it's for those stupid little strays! I wouldn't bother to feed those-" she went on a rant like she was your long-time friend, and it safe to say you were.. not her friend
"can I please have my change?" you ask and her face heats up and she quickly apologizes and bows her head
"you have.. a great day," you say and she nods
you leave the convenience store with a sour taste in your mouth
'she did not need to say all of that..' you thought, putting your hands in your sweatpants pockets and letting the bag hang off your wrist
you started to walk down the street with a deep frown on your face, you didn't even notice how you sped up your walking until you bumped into someone's shoulder
"sorry, my bad," you say
"it's fine, are you ok?" you look up at the stranger, he had white hair with two black streaks in his hair and a cool snake tattoo on the side of his neck
"your tattoo looks cool" you blurt out
he puts his hand on this tattoo "oh thanks! I know right?" he said
you nodd and then look away "uh mhm sorry again" you bow your head lightly and walk off
'that was a little awkward, damn me and my big mouth..' you thought
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you were just in time for some other people to walk into the shop and you followed them in, covering your entry with their bodys
you also noticed the same white-haired guy from earlier 'how'd he get here before me?' you furrowed your brows in confusion but didn't dwell on it for long, you needed that cat food
you looked at the new shelf stacked with cat food 'man I don't have enough..'
looking away from your wallet and looking back at the shelf and then looking around the aisle
a rush hour just hit the pet shop and it worked in your favor. you smiled and grabbed some of the cat food cans and started to take off the wrapper. no one noticed you do it, because they either were looking at the cats or puppies or they were also trying to find pet food themselves
'this is great' you thought, you grabbed a sticky note from your pocket, scribbling a note with your non-dominant hand, and stuck it on where the stolen goods were
you stuck out your tongue a little and walked away care-free
again following a small group of people out of the store, but this time you stayed near the shop and leaned on the wall next to the doors, waiting for the hot-headed owner to find your message
you needed a good laugh before leaving..
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"HOW?!- FUCK!"
well he found it alright, you gave a small giggle and kept leaning on the wall
you stayed staring at your phone for another couple of minutes before someone interrupted you, "hey kid.., there's a rain storm coming soon, you better start getting home"
you looked to your right to see one of the owners, he had his hair up in a bun with two strands in front of his face, and a small mole under his left eye
you raised your brows and looked up--dark grey clouds started to slowly drift towards your direction and the wind was picking up--..yep there's a storm coming, you looked back at the shop owner "thank you, sorry for standing here so long"
he nodded "its ok, just get home safe" he waved and left back into the shop, flipping the sign to 'closed' before walking further into the shop and hearing muffling voices inside
you leaned off the wall and started to walk back home, you needed to get your friends into your apartment before they all get soaking wet
this made you speed up in worry for your furry friends
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puppies!!! and happy valentines day!
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mintiicinnamonii · 3 months
Hiii! I was wondering if you can do rottmnt boys being friends with a fem!trashy y2k mcbling!reader?
ROTTMNT with a Y2K Friend
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oh you two are BESTIEEESS
hes gay, you’re y2k, its like adding one plus one
you guys have spa days and shopping sprees (totally not using donnie’s money)
leo has your contact as ‘girlboss’
you guys watch 2000s movie together while Leo crushes on the men in the movie
you ironically call each other ‘girlie’
you are each others wingman
you taught him how to do makeup ✨
its giving where u at by aeysha erotica
you two gossip about EVERYTHINGGG
hes… intrigued, to say the least
for one, he loves your love of nostalgia
but also.. how the hell do you have so much energy????
you give him pep talks ✨
texting him at 3 in the morning
actually enjoys your company but doesnt admit it
you watch mean girls and sing Britney Spears and other stuff in the turtle tank
you two love dancing together!!! you show up at a hidden city party and by the end of it you guys are BANNED from how crazy you are
he basically has a 4th sibling at this point
hes socially awkward and shy, so you speak up for him
no #1 bag holder
its giving girlboss x malewife but platonic
he probably worries abt you a lot
doesnt know a thing youre saying but tries to listen
hums britney spears because of you blasting it
you give his teddybears (and him..) makeovers
dont let these two get into the same room, they WILL blow it up
you guys make diy bracelets together !
Raph kinda thinks youre a bad influence, you teach mikey to be bold and that sometimes brings tension to the table
you get him stuff from malls, he keeps each one
listens to you ramble about the weirdest shit
makes you the most BOUGIE food imaginable
you back each other up when hes arguing with raph
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jellybelly-may · 2 months
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Mini preview!
"Pardon the intrusion, cleaning service is here!" she announced, her voice carrying a blend of professionalism and nonchalance. 
Bonten turned to her, skepticism etched on their faces. 
Sanzu stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the seemingly inexperienced girl before him.
"You? Clean this up?" he questioned, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You sure you're in the right place, kid?"
The girl smiled, unfazed by the skepticism. "Pretty sure," she replied confidently.
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Coming soon!
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gatitties · 2 years
Dye it baby
─ Yandere!bonten x motherly!reader (Platonic)
─ Summary: a special day with your boys, a day of memories and torture
─ Warnings: obsession, metion of bullying, toxic behavior, blood, mention of torture, yandere stuff
Part one / Part two / Part three / Part five
How the first two parts have 1000 likes ??? thank you very much!! 🫶🏻
Lil edit: sorry @boycigs it's been so long i forgot i had to tag you 😭
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You never knew how to measure quantities when cooking, because you didn't want to go short, you always ended up adding more ingredients than you should, which led you to make too much food, in this case, little strawberry cupcakes along with some other fruits.
You had time to do it on one of those rare days where you weren't being stifled by the presence of any Bonten executive, having you as their secretary made it easier for them to be accessible to you, but unfortunately they couldn't stop you from interacting with other people, more than anything because they also needed men to do their dirty work, men you seemed to talk to from time to time, which they didn't like.
For you, it was just small interactions, greetings, small talks with the guys who were hanging around, who came from missions or bodyguards who watched every corner in the barracks, nothing really important, you were just being nice like you would to anyone else, although most of them would only nod at your presence or words, they had already been threatened and knew the consequences.
But that didn't stop some clueless from enjoying your presence more than they would like, not to mention the fact that you want to distribute the leftover cupcakes among those men, they'd rather throw away your homemade food before those creeps could taste it, but they couldn't stop you, at least not most of the time.
You wanted to think that the disappearance of some people with whom you spoke or shared that leftover food was not your fault, after all, working with this type of criminal exposed you to many dangers, but you really did not know how far your boys could go for simply smiling at another person.
You put those thoughts aside, clutching the box full of cupcakes tightly, you reached the elevator in the main building, dialing the highest number, you waited patiently, humming the light music on hold, on your way out you simply walked a few more steps and knocked on the door already well known. It opened with a creak, as soon as you entered, being received by an arm hooking onto you in a loose hug, you smiled when you saw Mikey, anxious to see what you had prepared this time, despite not being his favorites, everything you did to he, would be a culinary work.
"By the way, today is dyeing day."
"Hmm? It is?"
You muttered at Rindou's words, noticing now, the boys who already had part of their natural color at the root of their hair, you shrugged smiling at the younger of the Haitani, nodding at his request, earning pitying glances from Kakucho, who was the only one who decided not to alter his original hair.
You approached him, rubbing his shoulders in a comforting way, trying not to let his kicked puppy look affect you, you offered him a smile that was enough to warm his heart, looking for a second at the expressions of his companions to silently boast of being the only one that received all your attention.
"Don't worry Kaku, I'll make sure that my next day off is just for you, we can make that recipe you told me about the other day, or visit some place you want."
The completely bitter and serious expressions of the others turned into small grimaces that were meant to be smiles as you turned to them, letting Takeomi lead the group out while you give a last silent wave to Kakucho, who simply nodded at your action, as soon as you were out of sight a frown on his face.
Kaku really hated 'dyeing days' because he was the only one not included in the bonding time with everyone, but then again he could always take advantage of it, just like now, he always got an extra day with you, and best of all It's just that it was just you and him, so he had your full attention.
Although he had to leave that for later, now, returning with the boys and you, you went out of the building to the crowded streets of Tokyo, everyone staying on the sidelines except Kokonoi, who was the only one who went with you to buy the hair dye, since the group itself would draw a lot of attention and he was the one handling the money, the others reluctantly agreed as he took your hand to guide you to the nearest store.
"Don't you want to dye your hair too?"
"I think not for now, my hair doesn't look so bad right?"
"Of course not! It's perfectly fine."
You laughed at how Koko was quick to make sure your hair was perfectly fine, knowing how delicate people your age could be because of the dreaded gray hair. You both walked out of there after choosing the appropriate colors for everyone, smiling at the packages you were holding in your hand.
It reminded you of your youth, you went through that stage too, you learned how to apply the dye on your own because going to a hairdresser would be a lot of work and much more expensive, although you stopped applying so many dyes to your hair because it started to get drier. When the boys discovered this —snooping through your old photos from your high school days— they asked you to apply the dye.
While everyone got used to being treated by a ridiculously expensive professional hairdresser, nothing could compare to taking advantage of this to spend more time with you, not to mention enjoying the feeling of being pampered by you, giving them a little scalp massage when you applied the dye to them, it was something that even the most experienced or expert hairdresser could not achieve.
"Who should be first?"
You all ended up in your house, because you continued to maintain that house even though the boys told you it wasn't necessary, but you hadn't spent most of your life working to buy this property and now just abandon it so abruptly, no, you weren't going through that, plus it was always like a refuge of your own peace of mind, although in the majority there was always someone who interrupted you on your day off.
You observed that everyone had impatient eyes, watching as you internally debated who should be the first to go through your majestic hands and head caresses, taking one last look at everyone you made up your mind once and for all.
"I guess we can start with Ran, since I'm going to take longer with him, you go after Rin, the rest of you shouldn't take that long so you can choose the order, oh, without any shouting or throwing knives."
You warned before taking the brothers to the bathroom, aware that the last time you told them to choose the order in which you were going to dye them they ended up fighting to see who would be the first to receive your attention. You started working with Ran, massaging his head while applying the dye, it took you half an hour to finish them both as they had two different colors, which complicated the process, luckily the others only had one color to choose from.
You weren't surprised that the next one to enter the bathroom was Mikey, after all he was the boss, and if the brothers had been lucky enough to go before him, it was only because it was your decision and he respected it. You took your time with him, knowing that he enjoyed more than anyone the reassurance that your fingers gave him, running over his skin in a firm but gentle way, it was refreshing for him, the only place where he could let his guard down and relax to the point where he almost falls asleep
The next one was Takeomi, he was the fastest since he only had a small part of his hair, that didn't mean that he didn't feel satisfied by the simple fact of being with you alone. He was followed by an impatient Sanzu, who was always very restless despite being with you, as if he were the rebellious and hyperactive son of the group, then Mochizuki entered and finally Kokonoi.
You sighed once you kicked Koko out of the bathroom, leaving you to relieve yourself while cleaning the dye stains left on your hands, you wet your face to cool off, feeling tired after a long day.
"Guys… can you tell me what the hell are you doing with my school album again? I thought I had hidden it…"
You stared blankly at the group of men who decided to deliberately ignore your words, one of the few times they did, more focused on gossiping about your past as a student.
"Who is it? You have many photos with this person."
Sanzu pointed, you approached to check who was, a smile tugging at your lips upon seeing that person, the boys silently stared at your expression, feeling an internal anger against the stranger despite not knowing anything about that person.
"That was my first couple, although we didn't end up very well."
"Cheated on me with someone else." you immediately noticed how the tension increased in the room, rushing to continue talking "Oh, but we were both very inexperienced, it was the first relationship for both of us and we had many ups and downs."
"Why would you keep the photos of this person? Seems useless."
"Mikey… that's rude, I keep them because it's a memory of my life, although I only keep the good times."
They continued to look at more photos —some embarrassing— and judge the people you had the closest contact with in the past, Takeomi making a mental list of the few names you inadvertently let slip as you remembered between laughs and blushes of embarrassment your adolescent adventures
Although there was someone who annoyed them more than anyone, a girl, an old classmate who decided to mess with you for something quite common in pubescence, pimples and early physical changes, her harassment was only verbal, small teasing so that her group of friends would laugh, luckily nothing physical happened, mostly because one day you decided to stand up to it and set the record straight, since teachers don't do much, you decided that sometimes taking control of the situation wasn't a bad idea.
The girl was embarrassed years later by her attitude towards you and apologized when you met her as an adult, you simply forgave her because she was not and would not be anyone important in your life, there was no point in hating her when you could just forget her.
But the boys did not like this at all, they heard from your own mouth ─because they begged you to tell them the whole story─ that many nights you cried, self-conscious about your appearance, forcing you to do things that were dangerous to your health, both mental and physical, you didn't go to extremes, but without a doubt that year was a bad time that you prefer to bury in the depths of your mind.
Oh boy, Bonten was going to dig up the shit for you to clear your conscience, rather his own under the guise of 'doing it for you', what better way to get over someone than to just wipe them off the face of the Earth? It's a pleasant job for them anyway, especially if they're people who had hurt their mother in some way. You may have taken it as a joke, but the idea of hunting down your former bad classmates, or teachers, were not empty words, it was a promise.
"Hello, Kakucho? Didn't we have an important meeting today?"
"Ah, we can always do without one or two, so don't worry, isn't it better to spend the day with me than listen to us talk for hours about business?"
"I suppose you're right, hearing about your companies is more boring than working as a cashier."
You smiled tightening Kaku's grip on your hand, leading you through a pretty garden full of different flowers, completely oblivious to the reasons why you hadn't been allowed to attend today's meeting. You let go of his hand when he had to take a call, seizing the moment alone you bent down to see a lovely red rose, touching the soft petals of it, going down to the stem just feeling a little prick.
"Ow, it has very sharp spines."
You muttered, a drop of blood falling onto the green grass, staining it slightly red, you immediately felt someone pull your shoulder back, meeting you with a worried look that caused you to laugh.
"Let's get you a doctor."
"Kaku, it's just a cut, some water and a band-aid will suffice."
"Oxygenated water, we don't know if more people have touched that."
"Okay big baby…"
As you spent the afternoon nonchalantly by Kakucho's side, the rest of the boys personally took it upon themselves to give proper torture to that girl who once messed with your appearance, all taking turns slowly draining her blood, letting her life slowly and painfully escaped from her body.
"This teach you not to mess with mom, you stupid bitch."
Sanzu smiled sickly, taking the last turn to finish at once, the others watching in silence, their faces, hands and clothes stained with fresh blood, feelings of pure hatred manifested with blows, stabs, cuts… it was the price to pay for messing with someone she shouldn't, and she had to accept it. Sanzu grabbed the trusty pistol from him, without thinking twice, drowning out the agonized screams that did not stop ringing for four full clock hours, the last drops of blood spattering the walls.
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"Where have you been? Arriving like this full of blood what the hell?"
Everyone ─except Kaku─ shrank from your angry gaze, ducking their heads like children scolded for doing something wrong, they already knew what they were up against when they arrived at your house completely covered in blood.
"Sorry mom."
They all answered in sync, avoiding your gaze at all costs so as not to feel worse, but they were too eager to see you after having disposed of yet another piece of garbage in the world.
"No 'sorry mom' do you know how difficult it is to get blood stains out of clothes? You're lucky I have my laundry hacks."
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