#platonic percico
milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico, holding up a half-eaten slice of pizza: Percy... Help...
Percy, taking the pizza: what the fuck? What's wrong with you?
Will: *trying and failing miserably not to laugh his ass off*
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un0peia · 2 years
We all know Nico loves MCR but so does Percy
Apollo gets Percy two tickets to an MCR concert hoping they’ll go on a concert date, but Percy takes Nico instead
Apollo only pouts a little (so Will takes his dad to a movie to cheer him up)
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this is the kind of gift Nico always gets Percy for his birthday (plus some kind of blue trinkets) (this works as both platonic or romantic)
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twofacedtitan · 5 months
Does anyone have good fics of Percy and Nico being friends and kind of brotherly??? I need some dose of that before going back to real life
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
The werewolf Niko makes Percy's old cardigan the object of his affection, he refuses to part with it, constantly hugs and hugs the old thing, rubs his face against it and growls and bites at everyone who tries to take it away.
the smell of his older brother, sea salt and freshly baked cookies, give Di Angelo a sense of security and love, as if Percy, affectionate and with a warm smile is still next to him…
Every turn in this ask has been a left
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silvermistyy · 1 year
Percy wearing this shirt one time when he goes to Hades’s palace in the Underworld with Nico is so fucking funny to me like IT’S TOO GOOD 😭😭
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Uncannily perfect lmao
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sayv3vs · 7 months
I'm going crazy with this. If these three were friends they would be idiots.
By the way, if you think Nico and Jason have gray hair, it's because they do.
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Percy dyeing Jason: the Aluminum foil is for aliens Jason: do you think Nico likes my hair like that?
He let his hair grow→
-Percy collects the friendship bracelets that Grover gives him.
-Tyson has similar colorful ones made by Percy.
-Percy and Jason dyed their hair the same (later Nico also wanted to do the same).
- Percy is missing an arm (and Jason is missing a finger). They make jokes about a competition of who was left with the least or who still has the most body parts (their traumas, their jokes).
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happyk44 · 1 year
Everyone else says, "There you are!" like it's a pleasant surprise to see him, but Percy always says, "Found you!" like he's been looking. Like every moment Nico is out of sight is a search to bring him back.
"Found you," he says softly as he pushes the door closed behind him and crawls into Nico's bed. He's a mess of dirt and sleepless nights, but Percy just cleans him off as he doses in and out until the world stops moving and his head hits the pillow again.
"Found you," he says loudly, wrapping lean arms around Nico's center. Chatter burns across the other tables, but eyes still flicker curiously over in their direction.
"Found you," he says, when the monsters are gone and water floods the ground. It ignores Nico's own feet. He is bloody but otherwise dry. Percy's own shoulders relax as he jogs over. Riptide glistens at his side.
"What, were you looking?" Nico mutters. He kicks a monster arm out of his path.
Percy bares his teeth in a predatory smile that doesn't scare Nico. Just sings something hot and sweet in his veins. He tucks a curl behind Nico's ear. Pulls blood and exploded monster flesh off his skin.
"I'm always looking," he says, like it's a fact. A well-known secret. Not something that freezes the air in Nico's lungs, like he was pushed headfirst underwater. If he inhales, he'll drown in the beat of his pounding heart.
"Oh." He doesn't know what else to say.
Percy's fingers are gentle. Comb through his hair. The river water is cold on his feet. Warm on his head. It dampens and dries. The sky blusters dark. Beautiful stars glisten and disappear as shadows curve across Nico's skin. Percy grits his teeth and holds tight.
He doesn't let go, even when pavement hits their feet. When the sky comes back into view. When the stars glitter. When people pass them second views as they meander down the street of the cul-de-sac.
"Nice place," Percy says. He touches pictures on the walls and releases Nico's hand. "Whose it?"
"My brother's," Nico says, pulling off his shoes and socks and filthy pants. "He has a lot of homes. In a lot of places."
Life is everywhere and so is Zagreus. People welcome him with open arms. They don't think for a second that he is made from dirt and darkness. But he is. It's obvious in the plants growing from skulls and the shadows that breathes even in well lit spots.
Nico wanders into the kitchen. Opens the fridge. Examines the contents inside. Percy is still in the living room as Nico cooks a quick dinner. He plates it all, leaves it on the counter, and dips to the bathroom, calling out to Percy to eat.
His hands are washed clean. He opens the door and Percy exhales.
"Found you," he says.
Nico blinks. "Wasn't missing."
Percy shrugs and pulls him along, wrist in hand. "Don't like when you're gone."
"Oh." He doesn't know what else to say.
Food is food. Percy is Percy. They eat. They sit in quiet company. Nico details his latest job. Recovering a stolen artifact from between pantheons. He'll deliver it tomorrow. Percy wrinkles his nose and laughs when Nico says he can come.
He won't. Gods, even ones that aren't his own, stress him out. Crawl into his skin and refuse to leave. Has to yank out a knife and cut them out. Has to pound his lungs with water, so they'll drown and he can breathe.
Nico's the opposite. Finds them attached to his body like pretty jewelry instead of biting bugs. He can peel each piece off and set it aside for later. They are not unwanted presences.
Zagreus has three bedrooms in this house. Percy follows Nico into one and sets up camp on the floor with spare pillows and blankets from the closet. Nico lays down on a plush mattress and living bedframe.
He doesn't sleep easy, never has, not when the dark makes him feel alive in a way the sun never could, so hours pass and Percy's breaths are soft before he stops trying. He slips up and out. Sits in tall grass in a fenced in yard. A chicken coop is tucked up into the corner on the porch. Inside a dozen fluttering souls.
He picks himself up and settles on the swings.
The cold air brushes his skin. The earth rises with every skim of his feet against the ground. It curves up the flat of his soles, over toes, and around his ankles. It tugs him down gentle.
Don't fly, it says. You'll fall.
Both neighbours are still awake. Light flickers in and out of windows as people pass from room to room. Voices filter softly on cool winds. Nico wonders what they're saying. Wishes Jason was swinging here to tell him.
But it's not Jason who settles on the swing next to him. It's Percy who breathes out October frost as he bumps into Nico's side.
"Found you," he murmurs.
Nico tilts his head back to the sky. Stars twinkle and whisper secrets he can't hear. "Wasn't missing."
Percy loops an arm around his waist. The earth scuffs Nico's feet, keeping him grounded. Centered. They swing in tandem. Warm breath cools against his cheek.
"I know," Percy says. "But I'm always gonna look for you anyway."
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Ranking pjo ships cause why not :
1.Percebeth: 9.5/10
They're so cute, and I loved watching their relationship develop through out the percy jackson series like they have the I don't like you to ig we're friends now to besties who have obvious crushes on each other to lovers like this is the only slow burn that didn't make me wanna pull out hair. I love that these two would do anything for each other and are mostly supportive of each other and the seaweed brain and wise girl nicknames that went from insults to terms of endearment and I also love that they're not afraid to call each other our on their bs like I've seen stuff where percy doesn't say shit to annabeth and like have we Been reading the same books cause in MoA and HoH percy stands up for what he believes and even before that he doesn't bend to annabeths will and wishes like in botl and literally all the time in tlt like bro stands up for himself and expresses his opinions and so does annabeth and I love that ?? It's a balanced relationship in which there are years of getting to know each other and then getting together like they are bffs before lovers
But it has some issues, tho like they're wayyyy too codependent on each other which isn't that healthy but this is my opinion and I could be wrong
2. Solangelo: 8.75/10
I love them ok they're so cute like they're all about balance , acceptance, and understanding which is something nico needs in his life he doesn't need someone who'll worship him or sugarcoat stuff for him he needs someone who will be real with him about stuff like will has always been real towards nico and he has always taken care of nico wether you like it or not. Nico has always had issues that people are creeped out by him and afraid of him and will is someone who has never been afraid of nico and has treated him normally like he jokes with him and isn't walking on eggshells around him and makes him realize that not everyone hates that he can find a home in chb and nico says this tsats and even before that you can tell how nico feels and is extremely supportive of him and reminds nico that he's safe and is extremely understanding of nico . In tsats, we see that they complete each, like nico is the warrior and will is the healer, and both roles are important like nico protects will from physical harm and will patches up nicos wounds and protects him from mental and emotional harm. It also shows that no one is perfect, like Will isn't always able to understand nico so he asks for advice and this shows that trying is the best you can do for someone you love , trying to understand them and support them . They also have alot of potential in general as we've only seen them in their honeymoon stage and their developing stage we haven't gotten the established stage and sure tsats isn't perfect in the adventurous sense but the point of this book was to show healing , moving on and making peace with stuff and it did that pretty well .
The only bad points about it is that one scene in boo which shows that will had good intentions but bad execution in expressing his pov and I want them to talk about it cause what he said wasn't nice and it was quite rude ik he didn't intend it but still it was not OK . Next, I want nico to set up boundaries for himself because Will isn't a mind reader and can not know what to not do unless he's told . I want rick to tell us more about Will as a person like we know more now, but still I want rick to flesh out as a character even further
3. Jasiper: 6.5/10
They weren't well developed, and it was kinda forced by hera even tho I know that at one point they truly loved each other but it wasn't well executed and they were bad as showing it I honestly wish that they had more time to understand themselves and then into a relationship like it would have been much better that way yk
4. Frazel : 8/10
They're cute together, they make each other happy they're comfortable around each other and they trust each other hence they're a good ship
I don't see why the age gap thing is a problem because it's just 3 years and where I'm from, that's a pretty normal age gap between lovers like my grandparents have a 10 year age gap but they're happy and love each other but ill add it since some people see it as problematic. They're underdeveloped and kinda rushed, and whole I get that they knew each other before SoN but still
5. Caleo : 4/10
It came outta nowhere dude like they were together for 2 chapters and then kiss kiss fall in love like wth 🤦‍♀️ but they have potential to be good ship ig I'm being generous with 4 because of that also the age gap thing isn't a problem because mentally and physically calypso is like 15-16 but if you see it chronologically calypso is older than apollo who is 4 thousand five hundred years old and that's 🚔🚨👈😄
6. Valgrace : 7/10
So so much potential they would have been soo cute and the most un problematic 🤧
7. Percico : 3/10
No, just no percy literally strangled nico when he was 12 even though he knew that nico didn't mean to betray him and honestly just wanted to know about his mom which percy should have understood because his mom means the world to him and it was clear that nico didn't expect hades to double cross him and percy had a right to be mad but strangling nico is too far . Bro also implied that nico doesn't belong in chb at the end of botl, and bro was silent during the negotiation of whether to save nico or to let him suffocate inside a jar which un excusable he also kept giving nico responsibilities like dealing with hades's wrath which could result in death during tlo and then the whole doors of death thing when nico was extremely weak. so yeah, no, they'd be toxic asf oh and I forgot mention percy never apologized for anything and never thanked him ( from what I remember, it's been a min since I read tlo ) also nico had a case of hero worship crush on him which would make a power imbalance in that relationship soooo
8. Jasico : 5/10
I see them as bros and so does rick and it's written in a way that people would see them as friends like it's clear that nico doesn't like jason like that and in tsats it's said that he missed the feeling of Jason's protective arms around him because he trusts jason and if he was to say something about Reynas hug it would be the same thing or even hazels hugs because that's how he sees them In a platonic/ familial way ( not saying that jason is his brother here ) and he also said something like a part of him died when jason died and that's because he cared about jason like he was his 1st actual friend and he felt him die so this is understandable he's allowed to grieve his friend and miss him . Also, jason is kinda unfortunately dead 😕 😔 so it's outta the question. And if he ended up with jason the whole I can belong thing wouldn't happen because it was will who made him realize that he can have a place in chb jason tired to tell him that but nico didn't really believe him . But hey, I understand the jasico shippers and respect the ship. I don't ship it, and I never will, but I can see why people like it because jason does care about nico and nico cares about jason .
Wait, I think it's canon that nico heard the sevens debate on whether he should be saved or not in his dreams, and if it is canon, then nico saw jason vote for him to die in a jar sooo
9. Jercy : 6/10
I don't ship it ship it but it's a fun thing to think about. It's my crack ship, but I could not see it happen in Canon at all
10. Pipebeth : 6/10
Annabeth was definitely pipers queer awakening, but same as jercy, it's my crack ship
11. Reyna with anyone is not my thing because rick said she's aro/ace, but if you ship theyna or jayna, you're cool because her sexuality isn't confirmed in the books, so you can interpret it in anyway you want
12 . Nico x any girl is ew because he's gay it's confrimed in the books and multiple times by rick himself and if you ship him with any female gtfo
13. Valdangelo : 2/10
I don't know how leo views nico now, but when we do get his pov, he always has something bad or rude to say about him and as much as I love leo it makes me wanna hit him
I'm sorry for the typos and mistakes. I still don't have my glasses, and if I'm wrong about something, please correct me
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wild-flowerhoney · 3 months
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had to check that i'd tagged percico tbh. cousinly? not under my goddamn watch. not in my HOUSE.
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itspipesmclean · 2 years
percy: shouldn't get so worked up, it's not good for the baby
dionysus: what fucking baby
percy: *slowly begins to raise his hand to point at nico*
nico, straight-faced: me
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico: sometimes I just look at you and think 'when people say they don't like teenagers, they mean you and you specifically'
Percy: the feeling's mutual
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un0peia · 2 years
Percy and Nico are the type of friends who share clothes because they’re almost the same size, Percy’s just a few inches taller
Percy wears Nico shirts and his belly button peeks out the bottom
Nico wears Percy’s sweatshirts and the sleeves are too long, but his hands are always cold anyway so he likes it
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Not My Type by Blue Flannel is such a Percico song. Platonic or romantic it works either way. It just encapsulates their relationship so perfectly in every way. (Especially from Nicos pov if you going by cannon) and it can also be from romantic Percico Percy’s pov when he’s realizing he likes Nico romantically. Or it could be in a platonic way that they just randomly think about each other sometimes even if they’re not really close. Or in a brotherly way that they are close. The song is perfect for them regardless of their situation.
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lemondrop-orangetop · 2 years
Some CHB camper: If you ship Percico, you have daddy issues
Percy pulls Nico close to him: Um yes and??
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
there're angels landing on the shore
Featuring: Nico as the Elsa I once mentioned. Percy’s POV because Nico’s dead. what else do you expect from me? 
Written in a whimp so obviously i dont know if this is couple-y or not. Feel free to interpret it as you’d like. 
Read on AO3
Or read here:
Percy didn't know what he had expected when a naiad had come rushing to him in the middle of his and Annabeth's chat, half spluttering and half shouting to him about  something in the Lake. Maybe a monster attack, sure - considering how the water nymph had appeared utterly frightened and her water dress, usually so flowy, had looked like a cat had practiced scratching on it. The poor naiad had borderline begged Percy, stuttering words all jumbling together. 
So, although fighting monsters wasn't something he enjoyed doing in his rare summer holidays at Camp - now that he managed to escape the University, Percy had followed her without much hesitation, Annabeth hot on his heels. All their nerves were strung up, ready for a threat like usual. 
What greeted him at the Canoe Lake was not a monster, though.
The first thing Percy noticed was the chill. It hit him in the face and trickled down his spine like a spider weaving webs of dread. Percy had half a mind to chalk it up to the battle sensors he'd acquired throughout two great wars, now activated with the new alarm. 
That was until they burst through the trees and finally set feet down the familiar lake bank.
At first, Percy couldn't believe what he was seeing. 
What should have been green grass and blue waves lay in front of him in white and grey - just a shining, glinting pale blue of something transparent that had spilled over the patch of land where they stood and onto the water. Time seemed to still just then. 
"How..." Behind Percy, Annabeth gasped quietly.
Percy breathed in the fresh scent of rime, reeling with the freezing sensation it brought.  Ice  , his mind supplied, utterly confused,   in the middle of July . 
Far away, in the middle of the lake, the waves were still running, yet there was no lapping ripple where the water met the land that Percy could see. The muddy soil under his feet felt  unnaturally  cold and rough. The air prickled his skin like thousands of needles. Every breath clawed at his throat and lungs. It didn't feel like July, now, but more like Khione had decided to grace them with her sunless December magic. No wonder the naiad was scared.
Percy watched the sunlight shimmer iridescent across the spiky crystals. The frozen water stared back. Black smears fleeted through the cracks. They looked like lingering shadows, hiding and blinking up at him behind the pieces of mirror-like ice. 
And then, Percy saw  him.
Lying not far from them, a shade of ebony in the middle of icy diamonds, was one Nico di Angelo. 
He lay there, eyes closed and legs disappeared under the now frozen water, reclining against the gentle slope of the lake bank as if merely taking a nap under the blazing sun. Ice surrounded him, blooming from where he lay unmoving and spread across the lake as ink spilled. Its frigid touch turned everything brittle and frigid. Alone in the middle of ice blocks and thorns, the son of Hades looked not that different from an angel in the white clouds - if those clouds were also nails that impaled him on the glass, wings severed and waiting to be hung up.
Blood ran cold in Percy's veins.
"C-Call--" He choked back a guttural cry, "Call Will." He said and sprinted away without a reply from the daughter of Athena.
There was a lot of things 
The coldness cut at every step he took. Percy stumbled as he threw himself into ranges of glittering tiny mountains. There was more than one particularly spiky ice thorn that managed to pierce through his shoes and slash at his jeans, drawing blood. His breaths came out in white puffs. Percy barely registered his own reflection mingled with the fleeting shadows behind the frozen walls, those that seemed to be swirling around the son of Hades in a frantic dance. All of his survival instincts were screaming at him to turn back, getting louder the more verglas Percy nearly slipped on, trying to reach Nico. 
The son of Hades was so close, and yet the distance between them felt so vast, so impassable. 
He tried to use his power. Surely ice was also a form of water, right? Percy focused on the glaciers that trapped Nico's legs, finding the familiar pull in them and pushing them away from the son of Hades with all the determination he could muster. The ice groaned - a hauntingly frail cry - and shook. A piece broke away, and Percy had less than a second of relief before the mass of coldness nearly dragged Nico away with it to the water whereas the rest creaked ominously. He tried to push at them, but Poseidon's reign could do so much to Khione's creations. The rime seemed to swallow Nico. 
Percy managed to grab him before it did. He held onto the son of Hades and hauled him up the bank, pushing at the glaciers by his feet. Nico's jeans and shoes came up soaked. The water splashed at Percy and he couldn't help himself from cursing, shuddering. There was something in the coldness that bit at his skin and tugged at his veins. The looming shadows had yet to left. The icicles shattered into million pieces underneath them as Percy dragged Nico and himself up the bank. There was blood smeared on the glassy surface. Percy ignored that.
Instead, he examined the son of Hades. Nico didn't wake up. His eyes remained closed in an oblivious sleep. There was frost on his eyelashes and his dark hair had been nearly bleached white with all the ice stuck in it (Percy tried not to think about how it was similar to his own white streak, and how it made Nico look so much more ethereal. more unreachable ). His lips were bluish. Fractals blossomed on his cheeks. 
Nico was cold. Nico had always been cold. Percy couldn't remember touching the kid without at least two layers of fabric between their skin, and yet Nico's touch had always remained chilling in his impression. The Underworld clung to him like another skin. The kid was as close to a corpse as he could get. Now, though, when the only thing Percy could find in whatever patch of skin he managed to touch was a lifeless lack of heat, the fact terrified him more than it should.
Percy heard his heart drop. 
Shaking, he pressed his hand on the side of Nico's neck and searched. His senses sent ripples across the small body. Percy called out to the hot flow under the frozen skin and listened.
There was nothing.
The only thing he found was his own searing tears - drop by drop splattering before freezing over on Nico's pale cheeks.
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