weirwoodking · 3 years
I honestly don’t see the major appeal behind it, ‘cause it feels kinda one-sided imo. I feel like Marg is just Sansa’s first baby gay crush. She’s just like “Oh wow Loras is really pretty! And Margaery looks just like him! I really want to be friends with Margaery!” and it’s like 👀... okay girl. but I don’t think of it as a couple ‘cause it just works so well as a first crush moment
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angel-deux-writes · 4 years
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Ummm well for GOT it’s def jon and dany. Never could get into that. I WANTED to, but then it was such a letdown for me re: actual chemistry of the actors. I also have noted discomfort with That One Big Straight Star Wars Ship. and, god, the sapphic The 100 ship that I was desperately excited for let me down by the end of season 2, and while it WAS ABSOLUTELY HANDLED BADLY IN SEASON 3, I never understood the attachment to the actual dynamics, because I thought the whole thing was super badly written lmao. 
3.  Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not so much a single opinion, but I’ve unfollowed people for consistent opinions that don’t line up with my own in terms of long meta about things I don’t agree with lmao. It has to catch me in a period of time when I’m on tumblr a lot, though, because I rarely am these days. My most common reason for unfollowing people is not tagging things that I have blacklisted. just like, reblog sprees of That Star Wars Ship art/gifsets. 
5.   Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Actually, yeah, 2/3 of my main ships on the 100 were ruined for me back when I was actually watching the show because both fandoms were horrible and annoying lmao. I dipped in and out of that fandom QUICK. and then the constant backpedaling/pandering that the show’s writers constantly gave That One Ship. like “oooo she was the love of my life” you’re 27 years old and you knew her for like 2 weeks tops when you were 18. this writing blows. the gays aren’t gonna forgive you for burying a lesbian after sex in fucking 2015, guys. you fucked up.
Salty Asks 
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brienneevenstar · 3 years
Because I’m cruel, for the unpopular reverse meme: game of thrones (tv)
askdnfasjdf the moon door being a giant hole in the floor was awesome. roose was a daddy. i also think most of the actors were talented, and if the writing was at least mediocre instead of shit tier, their characters could’ve been great, even if they were different from the books.
reverse unpopular opinion meme
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wickedjaime · 3 years
Sansaery: In this house we stan lesbian Sansa and yeah they’re good! I’ve read a few fics and wrote a ficlet for them upon request but it’s not really my thing generally speaking
Daensa: Best wlw Sansa ship don’t @ me
J*nsa and J*nerys: Imo J*nerys was poorly written in the show and the actors had no chemistry, so I’m not currently a shipper of it as I never really found it compelling, but I’m not an anti, either! I’m curious to see what their dynamic will be in the books, and if I like it, I might become a shipper. 
As for J*nsa, it’s not my cup of tea at all and I don’t really ship Sansa with any man tbh, I headcanon her as a lesbian.
Also, I ship Jonsatin. Let Myrcella and Dany fight over Sansa lmao while Jon continues his bi journey with Satin lmao
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swordmaid · 5 years
Tumblr media
under the moonlight.
for the oathkeepers secret santa. as per usual , make sure you click for details. for the lovely @plavapticica i hope you like it ! <3
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scoundrels-in-love · 3 years
Ship wars
What a theme! There’s definitely been great many essays written about it and I am not sure what fresh and interesting take I can offer, but well, let’s try to organize some thoughts.
I think Ship Wars hail from the very fundamental way that people in large groups grow very confident that their truth is the only one that matters and that they have right to bully anyone out of theirs.
It is natural that different people care for different ships and different dynamics. It’s completely alright, to have the canon OTPs and to find these rareships created by maybe few sentences exchanged, based only on the potential what these two could have. It’s unavoidable that someone will think their interpretation of the character is more accurate than someone else’s - and they might even be right in a way. Such as they are paying attention to a nuance another group isn’t (and they might be missing out on some other) because of their unique perspective. It’s okay to just go hogwild and project wildly and run with a fanon or personal headcanons you love.
The problem comes when you decide to be hurtful and righteous about it, instead of accepting the other opinions, headcanons, projections and ships also have right to exist. That there will never be One Unique take and, gasp, even if there was, it might not be yours. Even if stuff goes canon, because as we all know, writers aren’t infallible.
I am not going to lie and pretend that I am not a snob about some ships, downright frustrated about some concepts that are prelevant in some of my fandoms or that I find some ships unpalatable, problematic or some such.
In fact, sometimes it is born from the way some people treat their favorites, going on offense even if there’s no negativity towards them, or how aggressive they are towards actors and so forth, which completely poisons my view of the ship and shippers alike over time.
Yes, I am a salty, opinionated bitch. But I know where to express it and where not to. If I talk about my opinion with likely minded individuals, don’t go to send anon hate or write meta that puts down another ship and then slap it in specific tags, I think it is within my right.
I think that when people are too caught up in their own passionate dislike of some ship and try to support their own, it can be actually harmful to themselves/their side of fandom as well, because it basically reduced the ship to the ship war, dragging your own content through mud of bitterness and annoyance.
I have been in a situation where I ship one ship and some old time mutuals ship an absolute NOTP and the absolute effort to find my ship content that doesn’t bash on their ship or character involved in it, to reblog was an absolute mine field. Exhausting. Annoying. Eventually enough to actually make me stop engaging with my OTPs content, because I was too tired of the negativity and the sifting through to not accidentally be a dick to my mutual (even if I agreed with some of the takes, in private).
I think the mob mentality that takes over people when ship wars arise is quite, quite scary as it would be in any other case and when it’s a widely known fandom with people all over the world, throwing their weight behind it... It can be absolutely horrifying and showing the worst people can do. It’s not pretty and I don’t think there’s universal advice to stop it. There will always be people who just Have To Do It Like This and they will find another person like that and grow in numbers, emboldened.
So, if you’re growing tired of it all, just try to curate your social media experience with what you block, who you follow or don’t. Find people to talk with about things you think in earnest, maybe post a carefully tagged rant or two if you must about your take on character or ship without going out of your way to bash other characters or ships to find more likely minded individuals. And, in the end, even if you fundamentally disagree about some things in a TV show or a book, it doesn’t actually mean you always have to throw the whole person (friend) out.
I could talk some about purity culture here, but I feel like much smarter people have spoken a lot better about these topics, so I will refrain, but it is a thing that also links back to ship wars, with this self acclaimed ‘moral superiority’ mentality that often comes with some shippers and ships. Things that make ship wars turn personal on some people.
Essentially, TL;DR is to not be a shitty person and let other people ship what they ship and vent your salt with people in private, if it really gets on your nerves so much and, hopefully, the other people will stick to their spaces as well. But in the end, ship wars are inevitable, so just do your part in not being casualty to them if you can.
Also, this is written at 1am so some errors in my logic or otherwise might occur.
Send me ☕️ for a rant on topic of your choice?<3
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twelvemonkeyswere · 3 years
Tagged by @plavapticica thank you so much for tagging me!!! glad I made you smile :3
reblog with the meaning/origin of your url, your favorite color, and tag at least 5 people who put something on your dash that made you smile
Meaning/origin of your URL: okay so - back in 2011 when I made this blog, I was still learning English. at the time of me creating it, I had been thinking about the Barney song “12 little monkeys jumping on a bed”. I had never heard it in English before, and I had been thinking that maybe the lyrics in English were going to be “12 little monkeys were jumping on a bed”. For reasons that I cannot comprehend now, I thought that that could be shortened to “12 little monkeys were”, and so when tumblr asked me what to name the blog, I put the thing that had been on my mind, which was “twelve monkeys were.”
Favorite color: GREEN!!! i’m wearing a green tshirt right now
Five people: @icecreamsavant , @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined , @albatrossisland , @nire-the-mithridatist , @alighterwithlove
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villainanders · 3 years
Chloe what is going on with that daensa/jonsa post
didnt you see george is making jonsa canon tomorrow :(
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Ship ask: Sansa/Margarey?
Honestly, I feel, like, exactly in the middle for this one, to the point where I don’t know whether to answer “Ship it!” or “Don’t ship it!” I really liked the little shared screentime they had in GoT, and I would’ve liked to see them interact more for sure, but overall I just exist in a place of *shrug emoji??* for this pairing! Man, it’s so hard for me to recall specific GoT things as time goes by. The memories grow dimmer every day!!
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weirwoodking · 3 years
Character ask: Lannisters
Push off a cliff: Kevan
Kiss: Genna
Marry: Cersei (for the divorce settlement money, and just the experience)
Set on fire: Tywin
Wrap a blanket around: Jaime
Be roommates with: Tyrion (really want this one, he’d cover all the rent and in return I’d let him rant about his daddy issues to me)
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sdwolfpup · 4 years
I will tell you about the hottie in the gifset you just reblogged if you want.
Sure! You can reblog this if you want if it includes images. 😄
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lesbiskammerat · 4 years
18. rant about your favourite musician
Sometimes I honestly do think all those pearl-clutching British parents were onto something when it comes to The Black Parade. Obviously they are just suburban Daily Mail reader reactionaries lashing out against new forms of music that doesn’t reproduce their value set and trying to place blame anywhere but themselves but like. There is some stuff on that album (and TCFSR to an extent, maybe even more so depending on how you look at it) that I can definitely see pushing someone over the edge if they’re already vulnerable and thinking about suicide. I don’t know that that’s what happened to Hannah Bond, and frankly I think it’s extremely insulting to her to simply blame emo culture or MCR when there is obviously something very, very wrong if she was at that point in the first place. If anyone can be said to have blood on their hands when emo girls kill themselves it’s people like these outraged parents who abuse their children or let it happen. But I do think the album flirts with some ideas that can be dangerous to people in certain circumstances (although you can just as well argue that it’s helped a lot of people deal with those ideas healthily and come out alive, so does it even out?) and whether or not Danger Days’ change in tone is a coincidence or actually a response to that controversy, I am actually glad they went in that more positive direction while still maintaining the underlying theme of like, telling the world to fuck off or however you’d describe it.
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wickedjaime · 3 years
Reputation: bi jaime rights, rarepair champion, has thought through the Lannister’s family dynamics more than 90% of fans
If I’m not repping bi Jaime, talking about the Lannisters, or shipping something that has like 15 fics on ao3 assume I’m dead 
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bxlldog · 4 years
Magenta and white
jingle jingle
Tumblr media
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turtletotem · 4 years
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Ah, toot-my-own-horn time, I see. Okay then, with the reminder that I was specifically asked to do this:
1. I do (usually) feel like I’m a pretty good writer, and that means a lot to me.
2. I can make my sister laugh when she’s upset.
3. I am surprisingly good with my nephews? I did not expect to be very good at handling babies and small children, but my sister has told me more than once that she’s impressed at how good I am with them. I’m sure it helps my patience that I think they’re endlessly fascinating and adorable.
4. I’ve been told more than once that I am good to have around in an emergency. Despite being an anxious, fluttery sort of person, when stuff really gets real I have an ability to get laser-focused and ruthlessly practical that has served well in some situations.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 4 years
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
oh no i am immediately stumped by the first question
This is such a hard one, really, because there’s fics I’ve written this year that I enjoy for different reasons... some that I think are well-written, some that I like the fic as a whole, some where I enjoy one or two lines particularly and some where I just like the general vibe of a fic without thinking its necessarily the Best Thing Ever Written.
So - purely in terms of fics that give me the warm and fuzzies, I think one I’m really fond of (and, ironically, forgot to include on the five fic thing) is Stargazer, which is set in my Modern house sharing AU. 
Link on Tumblr | Read on AO3
Ask me a question about my fanfic in 2020!
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