#playing the anime gambling game
puppykat-the-asian · 9 months
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Since noone else has made this yet (to my knowledge)
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Animal Crossing does to me what gacha games do to normal people
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stayatsam · 2 years
apparently ppl on genshin reddit confessed to botting for player's pick at the game awards this year which is like, so funny/sad for Anime Gambling Simulator 2020 to win by virtue of people hoping they get a prize from the game if it wins
realizing this might ruffle a few feathers for any genshin fans following me but i have no love for gacha, i feel like the culture surrounding this game is worrying to say the least
wait it's not a 2022 game it shouldnt even be there
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resu-rlbmut · 11 months
just started playing alchemy stars again after a year long break (my phone ran out of space so i had to delete it but i downloaded it again on a tablet) and i was so happy to find out that my favorite himbo brock got a skin a while back. wow, that's great, i didn't think they'd do that for a 4 star character! especially since this is a gacha game that isn't specifically focused on hot dudes! wow he looks so good, this is a summer themed skin so maybe i can just wait for whatever summer event this is from to rerun
cue the horror when i read that it was only available via a battle pass last year.
... at least it was a free skin? (actually that almost makes it worse, knowing i could have started playing again that summer and just got the skin for free... never mind, i don't wanna think about it anymore)
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girl i am getting addicted to mobile gaming
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Ah raffles my beloved
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puppykat-the-asian · 1 year
I want yanfei for melt w ganyu
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yandere-sins · 20 days
I played Jiyan's quest today and I can't stop thinking about being Yandere!Jiyan's dirty little secret...
[Warning: Yandere, Sexual Content (dub-con), Dragon Behavior (a little bit like fangs, biting and snarling), Mention of war and all that comes with it, Stockholm Syndrom Reader]
Everyone got one of those, right? Some people overindulge in sweets, and some gamble 'just one more game' while their pockets are empty. But for someone like Jiyan, who is seen as great and respectable in the public eyes—a person who can do no wrong—it's you.
You are the dirtiest secret one could hope to never uncover behind the beloved general. It would be hard to turn a blind eye to your situation, so he does his very best so that no one finds out about it. You are only destined for his eyes, a splendid gift of Jué for sure. Why else would your paths have crossed, your fates intertwining as cruelly yet beautifully as they did?
You are hidden away in his mansion, locked up, and put through a very different hell than what he goes through. He loves you; he really does. That's why you can't leave. Never. You're the one thing that keeps him grounded in this world, the last spark of hope that keeps his sanity from accidentally killing himself on the battlefield as he realizes there's nothing more to fight for.
Jiyan doesn't return to his mansion to live in splendor and the luxuries of life. He only comes home to you.
You are not a willing participant in this secret of his. Not even the few servants he permits around him know of you. Everything must be under wraps and he used his salary as a general wisely to build you a palace that can house his madness in a beautifully twisted way. It's an illusion of the outside world, with technology and science providing the idea of being a little less captured and a little more free. And Jiyan doesn't regret spending every penny to keep up the illusion of being your lover, not your captor.
This way, he can ensure your safety and well-being far away from other people despite him being outside, fighting dangerous threats, and risking his life daily. He can ensure that you'll be fed and entertained for a long time after his death, and no one finding out long after your passing either. But he doesn't even think of this possibility. Not when he's the only one you can cling to.
Being isolated does something to one's psyche, and that's the one thing Jiyan cannot improve for you—and at this point, he doesn't want to anymore. Everyone outside the underground palace is a foe when it comes to you. They'd try to take you away from him. And after just shy of a couple of years of being imprisoned, he finally has you broken down enough that you won't fight his love constantly anymore.
Instead, you walk up to him as he finally returns, weeks having turned into months. But with no one else to give you attention and love, you open your arms to him, worn-out and bloody as he is. Your body is tense and wary, with a frown on your face, but when he moves forward, so are you. Both of you are so desperate for what only the other can give.
You let him sack into your embrace and allow him to reciprocate your hug, always just a little too tight for your comfort. It feels revolting to hold him even after all this time. Still, you claw your fingers into his clothes as if he were going to disappear again any second. He reeks of sweat, blood, and dirt, but you tolerate it, and he is ever so thankful for you loosening his hair tie and combing through his hair. It's the end of stress and despair for Jiyan. You are ringing in the peace into his life, and he wants to stay like this forever, but another part is threatening to take him over.
He had to hold back for so long, yearning and exercising patience. Now, the beast inside of him is starving.
He can't help but lose his composure a little, burying his face in your chest and smelling you like an animal. His snarls reverberate throughout your whole body, like the purrs of a cat, the need for you building rapidly inside of him. Fangs protrude from his lips as he drags them over your shoulder, searching for the taut skin above your collarbone to sink them into you. Your blood tastes sweet and exciting instead of the bitter and impure blood on his lips whenever he worries them in the barracks, thinking of you. You squirm, complain, wiggle—a part of you still resisting. But if he wants to have a taste of you, then there's nothing you can do unless you want him to accidentally rip your throat out. He's proving you're real—not another damn hallucination—and he licks up the wounds with fervor, knowing you are alive and well after having your taste spread over his tongue.
Jiyan loves the pouty look on your face when he topples you over, catching your arms with his hands. He chuckles as you resist vainly, his grip leaving the prettiest of bracelets made of bruises on your wrists. The last ones have already faded and tears well up in your eyes as he replaces them dutifully. He knows you don't want to spread your legs for him, your body resisting that until the bitter end, so he picks you up instead, carrying you to the bath to ease the tension you're feeling. He needs it, too, and Jiyan licks his lips as the sweet release of all his pent-up feelings draws near.
Your moans resemble a song of healing as they echo through the bathroom, filling the space with all the love and adoration he gives you. Jiyan worships the way your body twists in his grip, tightens around his cock, and lets him know the extent of how good he is making you feel. His thrust may be harsh, and your mouth may be begging for him to stop mistreating both your lips and body as he mauls you like a Spearback, water splashing everywhere as you two get rowdy in the bath, but you can't resist orgasm after orgasm shaking through you, your belly full of his warm seed. It takes a while to satiate Jiyan, but just like you took care of him when he returned, he washes your exhausted body afterward and takes you to bed to pepper you in kisses and to stroke you some more until you are a bawling, beautiful mess coming completely undone in front of him. There need to be no secrets, no shame between you two, and your beauty is unrivaled, especially after seeing you again after so many nights imagining this very sight in front of him.
It solidifies his life's worth when he can watch you sleep, bundled up and frowning since you are so sore. He wipes the tears from your face as you have nightmares of being alone and being with Jiyan. But hearing you say his name in your sleep—regardless in which context—is enough for him to finally settle into the soft pillows too. One arm around you, the other one for you to rest your head on. Because just like you'll never escape this prison, Jiyan won't let you be anywhere but next to him as long as he's home.
He falls asleep with dreams of domesticity. Cooking with you, feeding you dessert, taking walks in a park he'll never take you to. Massaging you, sharing your woes, and cuddling in front of the fireplace. A life he will never ever have with you, but which has kept him from death so many times. Knowing you were at home, waiting for him, angry, pouty, trying to scratch his eyes out, but you were safe and healthy, saved him from the despair of losing everyone he ever cared about in this cruel war. Your blood reminds him of life rather than death, and the warmth of your body in his arms is the comfort he needs after the endless cold nights outside of this dream he built for you.
So Jiyan doesn't even think about everything of yours that he sacrificed to get to this point. You'll be his dirty little secret forever, and he'll make sure of it no matter how many discords or people he has to kill or how much he needs to break you to make this possible. He can't continue living like the hero people make him out to be if he can't have you to compensate for his madness. Isn't it a fair price? Jiyan wouldn't know what to do with all the despair and anguish if he couldn't turn it into love. Jiyan isn't sure he could stop himself from and fight against becoming what he fears most—a mad monster.
He has yet to realize that, beneath his mansion, sleeping peacefully next to you, he has long lost that battle.
But it's his dirty little secret no one on the outside needs to know.
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making-you-in-spore · 2 months
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who are you?
i'm just a guy who likes spore [2008]
why do this?
i just really like spore and making creatures in spore. it helps me practice my creature creation abilities.
can you make my oc in spore?
as of right now i do not take requests. i generally find characters and creatures i want to make by them appearing on my dashboard. refer to the Request Beast.
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what is in your icon?
captain thunderhide, my main spore space stage captain.
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do you use mods?
i exclusively play this game with mods.
can i download the creatures you make?
only if the original creator of the design is okay with it and requests a png. please note that in order to successfully download the creatures, you will need to download every mod used to create them.
i will not always be able to say what mods i use to make something, so it's a gamble if you don't have all of the ones i use.
how do i mod spore/do advanced creature creation like you?
darkedgetv's FAQ is a very good resource to begin. i started there, and it's where i recommend you to start if you're interested in spore modding. it also contains many other mods i have not listed under the cut.
as much as i disagree with the process of using a discord server to contain vital information and resources, the davoonline spore modding community discord is also a good source of resources and mods that even i do not use.
what editor mods do you use?
a lot, so they'll be under the cut.
Dark injection
Universal Property Enhancer
DroneParts 2017
Himeric Engine
The Smoother
Spore Resurrection Next Steps
Dinosaur Parts
No More Creature Editor Animations
Sevan's TF2 editor animations
Mx3's Dance Animations
Tenebris's Creature Test Drive Animations
Strange And Beautiful
Delta Paints
[UPE] Infinite Part Scaling
Bionicle parts
Little Box Of Horrors
Pandora's Toolbox [1.0]
Project Skyncraft
Armoured And Dangerous
Spore Stacker
Subtle Rotations
Advanced CE
Every Part Costs Nothing
Rotate Anything
Advanced Creature Paint
Ambient Occlusion Disabler
Valla's Vanilla Style Parts
Wordsmith 2.1
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gacha-incels · 5 months
“Arknights/Limbus Company/etc is obviously very political, why are these incels playing it?” Here’s a longer answer if you’re interested.
If you haven’t been watching gacha communities for the past decade this might be confusing to you, but these guys see the games as just apolitical stories with a majority or all-female cast being there to titillate the male viewer. They are for his consumption. It’s why in both eastern and western “gacha game” communities you can see them talking about how these games are better for having “beautiful” anime women versus the hideous hags of western media. I’ve seen so many people asking “how are incels playing a game with so many strong female characters?” They see them not as “strong female” characters but rather “eyecandy made for me”. tbh when it comes down to it I wouldn’t call any of the designs in these games absolutely groundbreaking for the anime genre they’re aiming for. Arknights even follows the standard “fully animal faced-guy” and the female equivalent “small featured anime animal girl with some fur”. This doesn’t mean the designs are bad or you’re foolish for enjoying them of course, there are a lot of fun ones. Anyway, you can see the same sentiment in the majority of anime communities as well. Like do you think that stereotype of an anime nerd who “loves 2D women but hates 3D women” means he’s a feminist because the 2D girl is still female?
To be frank, after some of the actions taken by these companies (ex. the firing of women for posting anything vaguely feminist) can you honestly say an “apolitical game with anime babes” is not the way the games are often enjoyed? The company Yostar who publishes Arknights in Korea literally wrote a statement saying the game is apolitical and calling feminism a dividing force. If the publisher can say something so flippantly like this just to appease their incel fanbase, how can the game be making any meaningful, hardline progressive political statements? I am of course not saying this renders any positive message you get from these games moot nor am I saying it’s impossible for the writers to be passionate about their work, I’m just relaying the thoughts of the incels/“gacha gamers” playing them because there seems to be confusion. What I’m writing here doesn’t mean the worst interpretation of these games are their defining interpretations. I’m trying to explain how the games that many people see as being antithetical to incel beliefs can have these same men as high-spending fans.
Gacha games are unique in the world of consumer media in their extremely close and constant relationship with the consumer. You have to not only love each character’s design (and sometimes story) but also be willing to drop serious gambling money to “buy” them every single month. It’s like merchandizing on steroids. I think the term “whale” has been watered down since younger kids have started playing, but these people spend thousands per patch. Over the years I’ve heard about multiple games like this being sustained by just a couple of high spenders. In 2018 there was even a western news article about a man who had spent $70k+ on FGO. The publisher can’t rock the boat too much to displease the consumer too many times without risking EoS. Every character design and story of a gacha game is affected by this FIRST while any artistic intent comes second.
A Korean woman who had lost her job due to similar “feminist hunting” tactics wrote an article describing the way these incel men think. I posted it here and part of it summarized: the men that play these games see themselves as buying and “owning” the female characters in gacha games, who are often dressed and presented to them in a highly sexualized manner and will obey their commands. In the same way they “own” these 2D women, they also want to own the thoughts of the real live female illustrators who work on the games. Therefore, if these women have expressed ideas that the male gamers find upsetting, they will be angry she doesn’t conform to what they want like the servile 2D girl and do everything to get her fired (this is where she mentions Limbus Company as the most recent example of this happening).
You can argue for some of these games, maybe the girls aren’t dressed super provocatively and give (you) shit instead of being a simpering doll, but in the end it’s not like they can physically walk away or stop speaking to you. For the “waifu” hunter guy it’s just a different type of anime girl to collect.
The stories in these games are generally not what gets targeted as much by incels. In gacha “gamer” communities, especially the Korean incel ones, their main concerns are: how revealing are the summer swimsuits? How many women work for the company designing characters? and related, Are the male characters designed for women or for men and do they “look gay”? If you search through this blog, you can see them directly speaking about these things in regards to their hatred of Genshin Impact and Star Rail. All of these have also been encapsulated in the original Limbus Company incel attack: they hated that the summer female character looked more “clothed” (wearing a skintight suit instead of a bikini) than the male summer character. They thought the collar necklace and open shirt on the male summer character meant he was “a slave” for the female viewers, so obviously it was designed by a woman. When they learned a man designed and illustrated those characters, they searched to find a female illustrator who worked in the game and went after her instead. These guys WERE FANS that played the game beforehand and didn’t think anything in the story was upsetting enough to attack the company about. They were familiar enough with the works of Project Moon to name their little group after an antagonizing force in one of PM’s previous (non-gacha) videogames. And Project Moon saw them as such a significant part of their gacha fanbase that they wrote an immediate apology and fired the artist. How do these actions in reality inform their fiction and the interpretation of it? Getting this out of the way, they were NOT in any danger, the “fans” were not clamoring to get in their offices or camping outside, they were let in and calmly had a meeting with some employees at the office. You can still find photos of them goofing around, the ridiculous write up they brought with them and a transcript of the conversation. This was not a “guy shows up at Mihoyo’s offices with a knife” situation. In the end it was a financial and moral loss for the studio with many new and longtime fans completely dropping the games and Limbus Company taking one of the biggest financial and D/MAU drops for a gacha I’ve ever seen. You can read more regarding the ramifications of this here, this post is already pretty long for this website anyway.
Again I’m not writing this to shame anyone who plays these games, loves their characters or enjoys their stories. I don’t really care either way, and I obviously find the genre interesting or else I wouldn’t have been monitoring it and the fans for a decade. I just want to shine a light on the thoughts of the more “incel” gamers that play some of these games since I have seen a lot of genuine confusion as to why they would play them. In the future my aim is to write a more in-depth post about these issues, their history and the way antifeminists think.
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dreamwritersworld · 6 months
You can’t catch me now
y/n was Jake’s eldest daughter, his warrior. He made sure she was strong and walked her every step with power. No one would be able to touch her if she was trained, so that’s exactly what he did..
Those innocent eyes and childlike behavior stopped when he played the games with her, played the games she enjoyed to do with her siblings…he scared her.
Y/n ran giggling, excitement running through her. She had found a bush to hide in, taking deep breaths to catch her breath. Her smiled remained, excitedly waiting for her father to past by her figuring he’d never find her…until he did..
“Y/n! You can’t take breaks! You hear me? No breaks! You’re supposed to run, do you know what will happen if people find you like this? They’ll eat you up and spit you right out! This isn’t a game!”
Jake had shook her back and forth ensuring that she would listen to his raised voice
“I thought we were playing dad-“
“No dad! Just sir! You can’t play with your life in the forest! You’re not taking any chances.”
Y/n’s tears began to fill her eyes as she turned away, waiting to play the game again..
This time she ran, farther than she ever had. It wasn’t excitement that kept her going, she gave up on that when she realized it would get her nowhere. Y/n survived on fear.
She could hear her father catching up to her, climbing up the trees and jumping from one to another without making a noise became a skill she would perfect, something Jake never could.
somehow, in some way…Jake would always catch her. He cheated her, gambled the game knowing he’d always win. Jake would track her and yell at her when she was caught…he kept her adrenaline high.
However he didn’t treat the rest of his two daughters the same, he was kinder…sweeter…gentler. It was obvious to everyone that no matter how much training Y/n did, Neteyam was his star. He had set her up to fail every time she went against him. Maybe it had been his old mindset that got ahead of him, believing that men like Neteyem should be able to succeed more.
In the forest there was one deadly game of them all…Jake threw Y/n in it. Neytiri was furious, she smiled with tears in her eyes..struggling to maintain herself in front of the crowd as she watched Y/n prepare for the battle. She yanked Jake to the side and that’s where they argued in hushed voices away from the crowd..
“Get her out Jake. This is not worth it-“
“She is proving herself, she is second highest in her division compared to Neteyam-“
“He wouldn’t be able to survive either! We do not play with Eywa’s animals, and we do not play with our children’s lives either!”
“Don’t baby her! My daughter has more to her than just second place, she has something to prove-“
“To who? To you? She’s terrified! I can see it on her face!”
“she’s fine, and if she gets hurt? She’ll get right back up.”
Neytiri hissed, walking away showing her anger right to Jake..she didn’t fear him, she feared what he would do to their children…what he is doing to them.
The crowd called out for the fight, everyone watched Y/n from the cliff…her chest was heaving heavily and adrenaline ran through her…she was scared. Y/n was going against the biggest animal in the forest , all by herself. She was angry…angry that her dad put her in this situation…angry that no one fought for her…angry that they were all watching.
The angtsìk looked at her with the most challenging look..all she wanted to do was look away in search for the best place to run away.
The fighting went on for awhile and the crowds of the people were higher than ever…Y/n’s body was getting weak with each step she took..the last hit was irresistible as the animal threw her across the ground.
There’s blood on the side of the the mountain..
That’s when the panic set in, realizing their young warrior wasn’t getting up..
“Get her! Get my daughter now!”
Soldiers tasseled the animal as Neytiri and Jake swooped down to pick up their child. Jake had no shame in the way he roughly picked her up.
Y/n’s eyes opened up to her grandmother cleaning up her wounds..
“You need to take care of yourself Y/n-“
“I didn’t ask for that! I didn’t ask for-“
Whimpers escaped her mouth as the stitches pierced her skin..
“…I didn’t ask for that grandmother..I didn’t..”
Weakness took over Y/n’s body due to all the pain and she had fainted..
There’s writing all over the wall..
“Y/n! Stop doing that!”
“I want materials to write in like the other kids..Like Neteyam..”
“You don’t deserve it! You didn’t win-“
“So then I get to write on the wall. It won’t hurt anyone-“
“Stop it.”
Jake yanked Y/n’s crayons from her hands roughly, all y/n did was cry and throw a tantrum..poor child was set to fail in her division with Neteyam and yet he yelled at her.
“Y/n? Oh thank Eywa!”
Neytiri grasped Y/n as though it was her last, y/n reciprocated..knowing it’d be their last..
“Where’s father?”
I got up eagerly, ready to finally retaliate harder than ever…he signed me up for the fight moments before, I wasn’t even ready.
“He’s in-“
“You! You signed me up for that fight! Knowing I would never make it! How could you?”
“You needed to prove yourself to the clan! Show you were strong! You did good, you lasted awhile. We’re not arguing about this Y/n, I’m not like you.”
“No, you’re not Jake. And im not like you, Thank Eywa! As if I would ever want to be you.”
I made sure to make my words hurt and I looked him right in the eye, no hesitation in my voice.
“How dare you? I’m tired of this behavior, you act as though I do nothing for you. You are succeeding at everything because of me, and I could take away all the praise the people give you in a second!”
“Go ahead! As if I need their opinion! I know I sure as hell don’t need yours!”
“Jake! Y/n stop-“ mother had interrupted but her low voice, that small voice always failed to interrupt our arguments..
“You always say I need to train! I need to do more and maybe I’ll be able to lead the clan but you make promises that you don’t keep!”
“Because you need to be ready for whatever is to come!”
“You always say that and nothing ever happens!���
“Yeah! Nothing happens and you stay safe!”
Jake banged his hand on whatever was near him making sure Y/n heard him.
“Safe from what? From you? Yea that’s the best solution for me, because you make me sick.”
I walked away eager and Jake followed…he couldn’t even let me win in anything. It was almost as though the shadow of us were dancing.
“You think that’s ok to say to me? I am your father!-“
“Since when? Huh? I stopped calling you that a long time ago Jake. Just leave me alone. I hate you!”
For once tears fell from my eyes, pain from years of suffering fell…I never felt so vulnerable. All it took was a moment closer to death and knowing my father put me to it.
“What? Now you’re crying? Don’t cry! Own that, own what you just said! Now!”
Jake got closer yelling in my face, pushing me back and forth. In that moment I decided I wasn’t going to retreat and back away like I usually did as a kid..he knew how to push my buttons and I didn’t care to hold back anymore.
“I hate you. You’re the most disgusting person I’ve ever known. And to think you’re my father? You’re OUR father?..”
Both Y/n and Jake glanced at the three siblings who had just walked into the hut..there was no hiding how much pity they had for Y/n.
“…you think we want this? A soldier for a dad? As if. Life isn’t something to win! You want me out at war? You want me going against the whole world? So be it. Just know that if I burn, you burn with me.”
That was the last thing Y/n said to Jake and he never wanted anything more than to just correct her. Even when she was so frustrated, she always knew where to hit.
For once he felt..the bitter taste of my fury and all of the messes he made
Jake knew Y/n wasn’t coming home that night..but he wasn’t going to search for her, he knew she’d come on her own. So Jake had ordered the rest of the kids to go to bed while he pasted back and forth waiting for Y/n.
“Jake..? She still hasn’t come home, you have to search for her. You pushed her out..you pushed our daughter away.”
“don’t blame me Neytiri please, you know all I’ve ever wanted was the best for her.”
“Yet you don’t push the others like you push her. you didn’t train the other two girls like you do her, because you saw what was becoming of her. she won’t allow you to change her anymore Jake. That’s what scares you, so you keep tempting her…and now my daughter won’t come home. So go and find her!”
Jake listened, he searched for her alone in the dark..and there was no trace of her. That’s when he began panicking..crying to the winds of nothing.
His daughter was gone. The mocking jay as he would call her, she had the voice of a siren..and she was able to mimic anything that was given to her. She moved as though she was flying, gentle and silent. Y/n was the reminder that he had failed as a father, and she let him know..
Little did he know Y/n was watching him from the trees…she was no longer mad, just felt empty. She gave up on Jake a long time ago, but if he claimed he wanted her to be safe…why put her through such dangerous situations?..
you’ll see my face in every place but you can’t catch me now..
The next morning Jake had sent out the clan for Y/n..she was nowhere to be found. Far too skilled to be seen and far too smart to let them find her.
Y/n had resided in the restricted areas, she learned to survive on her own as the weeks passed. She knew about the clan and her family grieving her absence..but what could she do? Return?..Y/n made her choice and she wasn’t one to change it immediately.
Bet you’d never thought I’d do it. Thought it’d go over my head..
She spent her days hunting and killing any avatars she had seen. There was times where she would catch her siblings walking around aimlessly with no care in the world…she wished so dearly to go back to that part of her.
This was one of those times, Y/n stared down the trees, watching her siblings go deeper into the unknown parts of the forest..
Trees hid her as they hung. They were coming to her tree closer and closer, until she heard cracking that was in no way theirs. When she leaped onto the next avatars were beneath her, her arrow remained steady.
She was frustrated watching her siblings wait for their father to save them, so she aimed her bow and shot three men, as she called out a calling mimicking her mother knowing they’d realize quick enough to run. Y/n aimed a tassel around another man’s neck, hanging him up the tree and shooting another on the way out.
She was doing just fine until she was left out in the open, coming face to face with Quaritch and a couple of frustrated soldiers. He had yanked her hair back and forth, urging her to call for her father.
“Wow what a devil your father made of you! You just think you can waltz in here and ruin my plan! Call out for him and your siblings now-“
Soldiers fall and fire guns as arrows began flying around once again, Neytiri’s calling whistle out for her.
Quaritch however didn’t give up, he continued to hold up the gun against her head. The men surrounded him shooting in nearby trees.
“Come on out! Come by the hanging tree since your daughter wants to hang up our soldiers! Come on Jake! I’ll put a bullet right through her!”
Jake froze…she was the daughter he believed was gone because she left..
All those time he’d catch a footstep in the mud that looked all too familiar or those times he believed that he saw her in between the trees…that was all her.
“Let go of me!”
A hiss louder than before was released, representing how grown and mature Y/n had become as an individual. Y/n mustered the strength to flip the both of them over, chaos began once again as the solider panicked shooting the trees. Jake shot both solider while Neyitiri finished them.
They both watched Y/n murder Quaritch. Neytiri let out a cry as she went to stop her, worrying far too much that her baby had changed.
He couldn’t catch her now. Jake knew that and he had to sit in it even longer, his daughter would never treat him as an equal. She came like a storm, into his mind when he had tried so hard to forget her. For once, Y/n was higher than the hopes of failure Jake always brought down on her.
“My daughter! My daughter oh..”
Neytiri sobbed into the bloody body of Y/n, she didn’t pull away from her mothers hug. Instead she embraced it, her mother was the only one who grounded her.
“Mother..im sorry..im so sorry.”
Neytiri was the only one parent Y/n felt the need to apologize to, why should she ever feel the need to even speak to Jake again?..her mother who yes, at times failed to defend her daughter properly but still did her best. On the late nights Y/n came home Neytiri would sneak away to greet and relax her tired out body. So for Y/n, being away was the hardest part..
“y-y/n? Where have you been?”
Her hand had went up immediately pausing Jake’s questions and bothering. She was willing to tell him exactly what he needed to hear before he ever got anything again.
“I never asked for anything to happen to me back at home. I never asked to be your stupid mockingjay. I never asked to play your dumb games. I just wanted to be a good daughter…and yet you threw me away! Like I was nothing.
“Y/n..I’m sorry. I never meant to-“
“But you did! You did Jake! And I’m sorry but I can’t find it in my heart to ever forgive you, I refuse to.”
Jake’s tears of yearning for his eldest daughter built up even more and they had spilt out.
“I mean it Y/n. You can come home, everything is ready for you..just how you left it. Come home for you mother sake..please.”
The pair stared at each other and that moment confirmed it. Jake had finally looked into the eyes of his true creation, someone to never be broken and someone forever be loyal to. Y/n stayed there for awhile before speaking
“..I’ll go back. But mark my words…this is not for you, this decision is for my mother.”
Jake took that answer and eagerly cleaned himself up before taking them to return back home…that excitement surprised Y/n..maybe for once things will change.
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lunnybunny12 · 4 months
Husk X Daughter reader
Requests open
I've always been a gambling man
Husk was your dad when you two were still alive. He was at his bar in the Hazbin Hotel, when you suddenly fell from Heaven down, through the roof of the hotel right into the bar
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You died
Pretty simple right?
You died in a pretty normal way. No drink or drugs or pills just slipped away in your sleep.
At first, you felt weightless. like a balloon in the wind. Going up and up with no thoughts, just floating. The higher you went, the brighter it got. Brighter and brighter. It was all blurry.
You were so close. You felt warmth. You felt joy.
But then it stopped.
everything stopped when you felt something cold and heavy snap around your neck.
"OK, everyone. gather around were going to do another session" Charlie sang earning a groan from most of her guests.
It was an average day. Well ... as average as a hotel in hell could be. The Sky was red, the bar was full and Nifty was killing bugs.
"Seriously? What now?" Angel asked
"Yeah, do you need me to bring you some roaches to use as an example of what happens when they don't play nicely?" Nifty maniacally giggled with her knife.
"I appreciate the offer, Nifty, but maybe another time. No, today we will be doing 2 truths and a liiiiieeeee !!!! " Charlie cheered.
Another collective groan echoed through the lounge.
"Wiiiiithhhhhh alchoholllll !!!"
One by one everyone had their turn. some were relatively harmless and others not so much.
"And Alastor, It's your turn" Charlie smiled nervously
Across the room, a grumpy old cad was grumbled under his breath.
"As if you'll get that bastard to play this fucking game"
"Now now Husker don't be so quick to judge. that's what got YOU into trouble in the first place." Alastor chimed and walked to sit with the others in the lounge.
Husk growled.
"Now, let's see" Alastor grinned. " 1) I like dogs. 2) Jambalaya is my favourite food. 3) We will be expecting a new member of staff very soon."
Vaggie glared at the man " What?"
" A NEW PERSON!" Charlie beamed. "When are they gonna get here?"
Suddenly a loud crash was heard from the upper floors and came through the ceiling. Dust and rubble went flying everywhere leaving a thick cloud of muck in the air.
It smelled like fire and burning flesh. It made everyone caugh.
A claw crawled out of the mess. Large black eyes were darting around in panic. The creature stumbled to the bar, a mist of dust following close behind them.
"Ey! What the hell! My bar! Get away you fucker!"
"I just fell through your roof and you're giving me shit?" You hissed, trying to shake off as much dust as possible.
You erupted into a fit of coughs and wiped your eyes.
"Where the fuck am I?" you blinked. Your vision was hazy until a tall, red figure walked to meet you.
" Ah hello there my dear. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. My name is Alastor, and you are?" He asked extending his hand for you to shake.
"I'm (Y/N)?" you answered, looking around.
It was a bit of a dump. But you did just fall through the ceiling. A lot of circus imagery covered the walls and everything was dripping stem to stern in red and gold.
The more you looked around the clearer it got you began to see other faces. One was a young lady. Long blond hair and a huge amazed and excited grin on her face. she was practically jumping for joy.
Another was a shorter lady. She wasn't as excited to see you. More like suspicious.
And then there was... A cat? A very horrified-looking cat... and a spider-person? A snake?
You started to panic. "W-What the fuck is this place? Why are some of you guys animals?"
"Speak for yourself there toots. You look like poos in boots" The spider laughed.
You looked at yourself and almost screamed. You were covered head to toe in ash grey fur, with black paw-like hands and claws for fingers. A long tail wrapped around your leg making you jump almost 3 feet in the air.
Tears were welling up in your black eyes and your heart was going a million miles an hour.
"Ok, understandably you're a little freaked out. Come with me. Im Charlie by the way." She smiled, taking your hand and leading you to a chair.
The second you were sat down Husk practically flew over the bar and dragged Alastor into the hall.
"What. The. Fuck. Is SHE doing here?!"
"The Hotel needed a Receptionist. She has plenty of experience and-"
"Did you do this to her? Did YOU kill her?"
"Husker I can do a lot of things but killing the living, I can not. You know exactly why she is here."
Alastor walked over to the door and looked at you with an evil grin.
"I can't say I see much of a resemblance Husker. Must take after her mother."
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!aphrodite with muichiro!fem!reader headcanons
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Warning(s): aged up!reader [late twenties], anime spoilers, canon divergence from manga, references to mythology, obsessive behavior, violence, strong language, sexual references, established relationship, slight nsfw content.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only. The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution. You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
Collab work with @deathmetalunicorn1. Special thanks to @enryegotrip for providing feedback in the early drafting phase!
With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos that will unfold :)
You met Aphrodite through work. 
As a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, your main objective is to eliminate the nocturnal beings before they could set a single inch inside Valhalla and devour innocent humans. Thanks to the human named Nostradamus, they could slither their way through the Bifrost’s fractured ley lines rather than just taking a gamble to walk through the swirling miasma that lied beyond the stone double doors and come out on the other side still in one piece. Including information gathering and training soldiers in the organization, there was an occasional bodyguard job. 
That was the night you had crossed paths with the Greek goddess of beauty; the function had been a banquet hosted in the palace of a floating island, belonging to a god whose name you couldn’t recall except he was known for firing a silver bow and arrow from a chariot in the sky.  But that really wasn’t important. Your job had been to keep an eye out for troublemakers and give them the ol’ greet and toss when they were causing too much of a disturbance. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Aphrodite seem to be talking about things of great interest with Lady Persephone; they were too enraptured in the conversation to notice anything happening outside of their little circle of interest, including the incubus was shamelessly ogling the women of the Greek pantheon. 
And of course this buffoon would try to sneak behind your lady’s friend to grab her ass. You sighed in mild annoyance in having to intervene in such a lovely atmosphere, stepping away from your position behind a column.
You quickly glided across the crowded floor, pushing past through the guests and getting behind the incubus. You grabbed one arm and twisted it behind his back, then the other one before starting to pull him away from the goddesses. “What the fuck?!” He snarled, wiggling in your grasp. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“I beg to differ,” You said. “Lewd misconduct in a gathering that is hosted in a god’s temple is strictly forbidden. Especially if the perpetrator is someone who has not been invited to said gathering. Now, stop being so stubborn and come along quietly -” You were cut off in mid-sentence when you felt something warm and sticky land on your cheek.  
You blinked owlishly, unimpressed at the incubus’ false bravado and the stupid sneer on his face. Really? This asshole just spat on you? Fine, two can play this game. 
You slammed your knee into the pervert’s  solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him long enough to secure your grip on him, earning surprised gasps from the guests. You looked up and saw Lady Persephone and Lady Aphrodite staring at you with wide, doe-like eyes. You bowed your head to the lord’s wife.
“Forgive me for bothering you and your…acquaintance, Lady Persephone. Please enjoy the rest of the night.”  Having properly given your apologies to them, you proceeded to drag the piece of shit across the floor, walking in the back of the temple meant for security and the kitchen staff to slip through without being noticed. 
Himejima met you halfway and took the squirming incubus out of your hands, promising to deal with him. In the meantime, it was time for shift rotation; you’d be moving towards the outer perimeter of the island with two other Demon Slayers. 
Tanjiro greeted you inside, asking if you were okay with a worried look in his dark red eyes. Smiling at your old friend, you politely declined and reminded him to get a snack or drink water. This banquet is just getting started, it wouldn’t do him any good to keep working on an empty stomach. 
He nodded enthusiastically, racing back inside to the kitchens and shouting that he’d bring back something for you too. Your heart twinged at his words. Even after all of these years…how could he have forgiven you for surviving the war against Muzan when it should have been him and Nezuko? That the two of you, including Giyuu and Sanaemi, stayed with Master Urokodaki until it was time to go your separate ways? How the guilt gnawed away at you for years, knowing Nezuko would be all alone in her village despite keeping regular contact with you through letters and visits? How can he not hate you?
You shook your head. No…there was no point in dwelling on the past right now. You need to focus on the job. After you scrubbed off the area where the incubus’ saliva had landed, you washed your hands and left the restroom to join the others. 
In retrospect, you truly thought that was the last time you would ever meet the Greek pantheon’s goddess of love and beauty….not the beginning. 
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Persephone was bragging about her new bodyguard with the pride of a mother fawning over her child for the third time this evening. 
Aphrodite knew the queen of the underworld well enough that she utterly despised being treated like a child or an asset that is to be protected from even the smallest of threats. That was why it had been difficult for Hades to find someone qualified and met his wife’s expectations to protect his beloved. Personally, Aphrodite found the overprotective part of Hades to be…romantic. Dazzling even, the idea that such a stoic and cold-hearted man melted in front of the only woman he loves. 
Admittedly, Aphrodite was curious about this strong and useful mortal soul entrusted to protect her on-off friend, especially their appearance. Did they possess a rugged appearance, or dressed neatly for the job? Were they big or small? Experienced in bed or a virgin? These questions tossed around her mind right until she heard yelling right behind her. That was when she saw the incubus and a young lady dressed in black, the latter holding him down even though she was half of his size. She gasped in disgust when he spat at the mortal, and then felt her heart flutter when she retaliated with a swift kick to the stomach. Blank [Eye Color] orbs blinked owlishly at them before she murmured an apology, wishing them a good-night before dragging the incubus across the floor without another care in the world. 
Aphrodite gawked in shock, turning her attention back to the equally shell-shocked Persephone. “Is…Is that your bodyguard?” The brown-haired goddess merely nodded, her golden eyes watching the pair disappear into the crowd.
“Indeed…but how could she have sensed that rascal before we did?” It was true. As members of the Oympian pantheon, they were blessed with powers far beyond the others, and not just immortality and incredible strength. Persephone frowned. “Perhaps I underestimated the power of a Hashira?”
“A Hashira?” Aphrodite repeated. “You mean to tell me that Hades assigned the strongest members of the Demon Slayer Corps as your bodyguard and you didn’t mention any of this to me sooner?”
Persephone shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t think it was that important to you, in fairness. And they are supposed to be a secret, not public knowledge to spread across Valhalla.” She took a sip of her wine. “Fret not, if that  little pissant is in her hands, she’ll deal with him promptly.”
Aphrodite slowly nodded, taking another gulp of wine before her mind wandered back to the stoic mortal who possessed such a mesmerizing beauty she had not seen since Helen of Troy had been alive. 
In contrast to the innocence of the Argos queen, the Hashira’s eyes did not sparkle with neither joy nor love; nothing reflected in her gaze except exhaustion and irritation when she dealt with the incubus. Why does she seem so tired when she is a trusted soldier under the command of Hades?
That had been the initial spark of curiosity which struck Aphrodite’s mind, even after the banquet. By interacting with Persephone, she was able to persuade her dear friend to come out for an outing in Valhalla’s most popular shopping district with her precious bodyguard in tow. It is through this trip that the goddess of beauty turned her gaze upon the Hashira, and felt her heart pounding in her chest once more.
Yes…those eyes are mesmerizing. But other secrets could she be hiding? One question led to another, and then another until Aphrodite could not stop herself from sinking into the madness of morbid fascination. 
Why does she wear only the standard Demon Slayer uniform? What are her favorite foods? Her hobbies when she isn’t protecting the Bifrost alongside her comrades?
Aphrodite began using her doves to spy and receive daily reports on the Hashira whenever she went in Valhalla, relishing in what information they’ve brought back to the temple; they were almost seen by the overprotective and vain crow that is always by the mortal’s side, however, so her precious familiars needed to be a bit more discreet with their actions. Of course, Aphrodite would not be so cruel nor stupid as to send the doves to the gates of Helheim. 
That would draw too much attention, and she did not want to reveal herself to the lovely [First Name] just yet. 
Soon, she thought with a wistful sigh, lounging in the inner sanctum of her temple surrounded by the stone men Hephaestus created for her as a wedding gift. Soon, we shall be together my love, and nothing will stand in the way of our happiness. 
By pursuing the Mist Hashira, she neglected her longtime lover Adonis. He grew jealous when he heard that another mortal slithered their way into his goddess’ heart, and when he confronted Aphrodite about the rumors, an argument ensued. Adonis left the temple that same evening while she fumed quietly, alone in her twisted thoughts. 
Oh…she wanted to hold [First Name] in her arms. But she needed to be patient for just a little longer. She blinked, baby blue eyes narrowing with a contemplative frown. Now that she thought about it, it has been a while since she called upon Ares to her bedchambers. 
Perhaps until the Demon Slayer is officially hers…she should play around with the war god to satisfy her needs. Yes. That's a perfect plan. Oh, she is so beautiful and smart, no one can tear their gaze away from her when she enters the room. 
Moments later, however, she crushed her cell phone in half. Four times. She called him four times and not once did Ares pick up. HOW DARE HE IGNORE THE BELOVED GODDESS OF ALL THE PANTHEONS IN VALHALLA?!? WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HER WELL-BEING?!
As the human author William Congreve had penned in his book The Mourning Bride, “Heaven has no rage like love turned to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
It wasn’t hard for the Greek goddess to find him…but why in the world would he come to a floating island that belonged to Apollo, let alone the exclusive hot springs that the sun god owns and ran as a business for only the wealthiest and most beautiful clients? Why would that hulking brute disappear all of a sudden as soon as he walked through the forested area…oh! Aphrodite gasped.
Standing at the marbled archway leading to the hot springs was her Hashira, gazing up at the clouds overhead without a care in the world, sword sheathed at the side and a teal-colored cloth strapped to her back. It seemed to bulge from where the goddess hid behind a stone pillar…is that how Demon Slayers carried their belongings? Wrapping them up in a cloth and tying it securely to their body? Hm, perhaps a purse would make a good gift….but that isn’t important at this moment!
She wanted to see the Mist Hashira’s body. Oh, there is no doubt in her mind that it was a work of art beneath those shabby clothes! Aphrodite giggled, her voluptuous body wiggling in excitement. She watched as [First Name] blinked owlishly, then looked down at…her neck? There was a snake coiled around her neck! 
Aphrodite narrowed her gaze upon the creature, fury pumping through her veins as [First Name] smiled affectionately at it, pressing a soft kiss on the top of its head before turning around to walk inside the facility. Yes…there is no mistaking the pattern on the snake’s back. That filthy abomination was Ares. 
The Greek gods had the ability to transform into the animals that were sacred to them, though Zeus could become almost anything he wanted to be if it meant conquering another woman that his lustful heart desired. In Ares’ case, the vulture, the dog, and the snake were sacred animals enshrined in his temple. He preferred to be the latter when he wanted to pout or hide from others so that his reputation as a fearsome, powerful god wasn’t besmirched. 
He changed into a snake more than a handful of times when they broke up. But why was he with the Mist Hashira? Did he have some private Demon Slayer business with her that needed to be discussed where no one would dare to think they’d converse? Aphrodite wasn’t sure yet she was determined to find out. 
So, she took a page out of the war god’s book and transformed into a beautiful white dove, flying over to the building where an open window allowed her to enter the hot springs with no one none the wiser. 
It did not take the goddess very long to find the object of her affections standing in front of the hot springs, and looking quite annoyed, at least from her hiding behind a marbled column and still in her animal form.
“Ares, are you sure there isn’t another solution? I know Apollo said these waters will help accelerate the healing process….but this is your brother we’re talking about. A preening peacock who thinks only with his dick and bragged about how he had multiple relations in this…place.”  [First Name] asked, tilting her head to look down at the snake. Ares hissed, forked tongue poking out as his tiny head bobbed up and down. 
[First Name] sighed, then released a small hiss of her own as her small frame hunched over ever so slightly. 
Ares’ small form began quivering, no doubt panicking or trying to ask in snake language if the Mist Hashira was all right. Aphrodite watched worriedly as her love slowly walked inside, her soft voice bouncing off the walls as she spoke to the war god.
“I’m…okay. I guess my injuries were worse than I thought even with Shinobu’s treatment. There’s only so much wisteria solution that the body can handle at a time to flush the demon’s poison out. I think…I might have to rely on you a bit longer. I’m sorry.”
As soon as she sat down on a large obsidian rock and began taking off her sandals, Ares reverted back to his true form, kneeling by her side. He helped finish removing them before carrying her over to the smallest spring in the room where light filtered in from a nearby window, placing her on another heated rock. Aphrodite followed quietly, becoming herself again as well and ducking behind another pillar that allowed her to see them without the sun’s rays getting in her eyes. 
She had to clamp a hand over her mouth as she watched her old lover remove the Hashira’s uniform. The goddess’ fantasy of seeing her darling’s lovely, unblemished skin shattered upon seeing bluish-purple bruises and scabs, even a few open wounds. Who would do this to [First Name]? 
Furthermore, why is it that Ares can touch her body and not get kicked below the belt? And yet…seeing her so shy around him, arms trying to conceal her chest from his eyes as he carefully removed her lower garments, left completely bare…the expression was so arousing. Aphrodite wanted to see more. 
Ares slowly removed the bandages that were wrapped around her body in various places, carefully inspecting the wounds before he nodded. “Okay, let’s get your hair washed first.” He then leaned down, untying the clothed satchel and pulling out a circular shaped container. Aphrodite watched with a gaping mouth as he doted on her so gently, lathering up [Hair Color] tresses until there were soapy suds and used a cloth to wash her body too. 
When has he ever been this loving towards someone else besides the goddess of love? Sure, he’s had many lovers over the years…but he didn’t stare at them as if they hung the moon or stars in the sky as he gazed at the Mist Hashira. And that pissed Aphrodite off. A lot. 
Once her hair and body were rinsed off, Ares kneeled down and carefully cradled [First Name] in his arms by the edge of the spring, maneuvering her so that she could slip into the water without too much trouble. 
He laughed slightly as a long, dragged out sigh left the Hashira’s lips before he removed his armor and tunic. He cleaned himself up as well, washing his hair and body, before joining her in the water as well. 
Aphrodite considered showing up ‘coincidentally’ crashing the relaxing moment but she stayed back, choosing to watch them instead. She wanted…no, she needed to know what was going on between these two. Ares helping [First Name] undress and wash herself seemed innocent enough as she was heavily injured….she supposed she could forgive him if he was truly helping her darling out of courtesy for a fellow warrior.  
A comfortable silence fell between them. Time seemed to stand still before the Grecian deity said it would be best to get out now lest there is the risk of overheating. [First Name] looked up at him with a pout, but relented with a nod. 
Ares got out first. He kneeled down as his wet, steaming arms glistened in the sun, carefully lifting the Hashira out of the water. Perfectly innocent…until [First Name] released a soft squeak, face flushed when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, coiling an arm around her waist to pull her towards him, but being gentle so that he did not irritate the wounds. He then began to nibble her neck, mouth opening and moving downwards as he began to suckle the tender flesh.
[First Name] pressed her thighs together, raising a hand to stifle the noises she was making but Ares would not allow such a small mercy to happen. Instead, he stepped backwards until he sat on the larger heated rock, pulling her into his lap and smiling as she gasped out his name, [Eye Color] orbs blown wide with embarrassment and excitement.  
His calloused fingers caressed the bumps of her spine, maneuvering around the bruises that were still healing until his large hand stopped right above her rear. Ares used his other palm to tilt the Hashira’s face upwards, tucking a stray strand of wet hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek, sealing their mouths together in a kiss. 
Aphrodite’s nails broke against the pillar as her hand trailed downwards. This single moment defined the relationship between her darling and that bastard Ares: lovers, just as she had been his ‘nymph’ all of those years ago, now nothing more than a fleeting memory. Her eyes widened when she heard a mewl of pleasure leave her darling’s mouth as Ares squeezed [First Name]’s rear, alternating between the cheeks, kneading the flesh or lightly spanking it.
The goddess’ body was growing warm with arousal again. Oh, she wanted…no, she needed her to make those noises again, those delicious sounds which grew louder and more wanton through Ares’ touch, [First Name]’s body arching back -
That was when she heard it…she and Ares. A pained groan from the Hashira, who now quivered in the war god’s arms, the romantic tension between [First Name] and Ares evaporating in an instant. He immediately pulled his hand away. “Are you all right?” He asked. 
[First Name] pouted, trying to pull him back down to her height. “I-I’m fine!” 
But Ares was not convinced. He pressed his index finger to her lips, staring down at her with a soft smile till he turned away to grab a fluffy towel, wrapping it around her shoulders. “We can continue once you’re all healed. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He kissed her softly, silencing any arguments before she slumped against his frame, sweaty forehead resting against his chest with a pout. He chuckled at her childish attitude, gently stroking the crown of her head. She looked up at him and smiled. 
“This trip is certainly one way to celebrate your return from another war, isn’t it?” She said, “I had heard your opponent was someone not to be taken lightly.” Ares grinned, lifting up one of his arms in the air and flexing it. 
“Yes, but he was no match for me! He might have had an impressive army, but he lacked a Lady of Fortune to grant him a victory!”
“Ares, you promised not to dedicate your battle to me last time and you did it again!” [First Name] whined, smacking his chest with her palm, cheeks red with embarrassment. “I didn’t do anything to contribute to the war! You were the one who put the time and effort into improving yourself and your men!”
“Yet you were the one who criticized my footwork and didn’t stop swinging that practice sword until you were satisfied with the results.” Ares chimed in, wiggling his brow. “If I had been any lesser god, I would have not continued to come to your residence year after year to spare with you when Heracles wasn’t around, let alone bring gifts nor beg Uncle Hades for a chance to court you on the condition that it must never become public knowledge.”
“Well, you did make the practice arena collapse in on itself when my other students couldn’t.” [First Name] argued. “You proved to me that you weren’t just a clueless musclehead. You adapted to the battles much faster than I had anticipated, you did everything that I taught you. Your victory in that war…that was by your hand and your army, not mine.”
Ares tutted. “I’m afraid we will have to agree to disagree in this argument, my dearest.”
Silence fell between them for a short time until the war god stood up, placing the Hashira on the rock. Grabbing the satchel, he took out two opal-colored jars, a roll of bandages, and one labeled with the single word ‘cream’, setting them down on the cloth before he began patting her skin dry. Aprhodrite watched in envy as he cleaned and applied medicine to the wounds, being as gentle as possible before wrapping them up. 
In all the centuries she’d known him, Ares had always been gentle and kind….yet never to this extent, around the goddess of love and beauty. The one who listened to his victories in war, and had once been his Lady of Fortune. So why should an egotistical, self-centered man who only knew about strategy deserve to be around her Hashira? 
Aphrodite would give anything to be loved by [First Name], from the finest jewels and fabrics to experiencing the true joys of the flesh, not what he had done. Mediocre, Ares. She thought with a sneer. Mediocre. 
A little while later, once they were both dried off, a nymph came into the room and delivered a box into the Hashira’s hands, Ares grinning like a child who had a secret that no one else knew about. He urged her to open it. She did, and inside was a teal kimono embroidered with a wisteria pattern, a pale yellow obi, and a hairpin. 
Aphrodite hated it…and yet when Ares helped [First Name] put it in, she could not deny that her darling looked dazzling in it. The color of the kimono was a perfect match to the teal ends of those lovely [Hair Color] locks.
But if it were up to her…she would be in something….well, perhaps that would be best left to the imagination, shouldn’t it? 
Because one way or another, the Mist Hashira will belong to the most beautiful goddess in the universe, and her alone, even if Aphrodite would have to take a page of Zeus’ book to get what she wanted. And she always got what she wanted in the end. 
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projectcaramel · 27 days
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #8
The Brothers' Screentime
Average: 2 hours per day
Mostly for emails and texts; other work is usually on paper.
Occasionally spikes into 5 or 6 hours for R.A.D. projects or business trips.
Average: 6 hours per day
We know he's probably gambling and playing mobile games (*coughs in the emoji game*), but he also spends a fair amount of time gambling in person when he's frustrated.
Spends up to 14 hours straight if he's waiting for a reply from MC.
Average: 19 hours per day
Obviously a gamer, anime watcher, otaku. You can't get a better candidate for ridiculous screentime.
Cuts down on electronic use when going to cons or when his family demands that he does.
Average: 4 hours per day
For reading, why else? I kid; he's obviously binging funny cat videos in between reading novels and textbooks.
Can spend more than 36 hours straight reading if he finds a series he can't put down.
Average: 8 hours per day
For pure socials. He spends 8 hours per day updating his pictures and chattering with fans. Of course, this also supports his modeling gig.
Caps his screentime at 9 hours, since he usually hits the 8 hour mark around his bedtime. The last hour is exclusively reserved for MC.
Average: 45 minutes per day
Mostly to text his brothers, but there are the occasional sports matches and food prep videos mixed in there.
Sometimes leaves his phone on while looking at recipes. He already knows how to make the food, so the phone just stays on without him looking at it.
Average: 20 minutes per day
Like his twin, mainly uses it to text his brothers. Unlike his twin, however, Belphie has spikes of activity rather than a constant stream.
His average shoots up to 2 hours if MC texts him first.
-- Caramel: Friendly reminder not to do what Levi does and get some sleep. It's good for you. --
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anthracite-writes · 11 months
Obey Me! Dating Headcanons (SFW)
ft. The seven rules of the Underworld (The demon brothers) - SEPRATE Reader type - X GN! reader
NOTE: These are just my personal headcanons for the brothers I’ve had for the 3 years I’ve been playing this game and what I think I think would fit them, if some of the headcanons are may be very OOC - apologies in advance.
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔 !!: What it's like dating the 7 brothers + love languages NOT PROOF READ - APOLOGIZES IF THERE'S TYPOS OR SPELLING ERRORS!!!
Love language? Quality time, Acts of Service, and Words of Affirmation. He'll open doors for you, prepares you lunch, would occasionally ask if you need anything at random times.
Hands full? Don't worry, he'll take those off your hands. Sad? Boom, he made you your comfort food and got comfort snacks. You're busy studying? He'll come in and check on you every so often to ask if you want anything to drink or eat.
Invites you to spend time with him in his study while he works on the copious amount of paperwork or even to spend time with him in his bedroom as he listens to his music.
When you're together like in his study or his room, he'll pull you onto his lap. Just wanting you near him when it's just the two of you.
Constantly praises you - "You never cease to amaze me Y/N", "I'm so proud of you". Will acknowledge your achievements no matter how small they are to everyone else.
Dates? Long walks at night, listening party in his room, dinner dates, list goes on.
Man just loves spending time with you.
Probably in denial with how protective he is over you. "I'm just a little overprotective over you. That's all."
Out in public? Holding hands, hand around your waist. He's on a mission to let people know you're already taken.
Def. overworks into late into the night so you have to force him to to go to bed. Either he goes willingly or you have to drag him to bed.
WAYYY to prideful to admit he longs for your cuddles, hugs, and over all touch when he's in bed
Calls you 'my love' or 'my little angel/lamb'
Fav. areas to kiss? Hands, neck, lips for sure.
Love Language? Gift giving/receiving
Man's broke so, expect a lot hand made gifts.
Firm believer he’s a really crafty person, not the best but he puts a lot of effort into the handmade gifts
Gifts a lot of cool found objects he finds when he’s out and about (shiny stones, cool bottle caps, etc)
Ya know… because his animal is a crow.
LOVES to give "just because" flowers [Hand pick from the woods around the House of Lamentation]
Finds a cool rock? 'Hey! Y/N, I found this rock and I thought of you because it's cool!'
Calls you 'Human', 'Dummy', 'my lucky charm' list goes on.
No, really. You literally are his lucky charm when he's gambling - Well, that's what he usually says despite how much he loses.
Dang, he actually won? He'll immediately spend it on getting gifts for you. Clothes, shoes, accessories.
Extremely caring towards you, seeing you upset or just slightly down - he'll do anything to cheer you up, no matter what; he will cheer you up.
There is never a boring moment with him. There's just always something going on with him.
Someone is picking on you? Oh, don't worry. he will make a scene. And a big on at that.
'Oh no you don't! The only person that gets to pick on Y/N, is ME!' 'AYO! The job of picking on them is already taken! Scram!'
Fav. places to kiss? Cheeks, forehead, top of the head.
Love Language? Physical touch and Quality time for SURE
Always have imagined him to be such a sweet guy, just extremely nervous due to the fear of messing up.
Gently place and hold his face in your hands, he will MELT
Honestly, any kind of touch will send him blushing and stuttering - just something like your hand brushing up against his will make his face go red and unable to speak for 3-5 business days
He would want to do EVERYTHING with you
Anime Marathons, reading manga, playing the newest game he bought or reruns of games he's already completed but wants to experience playing it with you by his side.
Will ramble on and on about his interests, be sure to listen to him
Intimacy level up if you reference something he mentioned in his rambles - he'll be over the moon that you actually listened to him.
If he sees you upset, he wouldn't leave your side.
Def. doesn't know how to comfort someone but will give you hugs and cuddles - willing to listen to you and let you vent to him about what's upsetting you
Lets you sit on his lap and cuddles you when he's gaming
When he gets frustrated on a level, Levi would most likely rage quit (after saving) out of the game and cuddle you tightly as he de-stresses himself before returning to the game
No matter how long you have been together, he still cannot fathom the fact you're willing to spend time with him let alone dating him.
Would get a teeny tiny bit jealous if you're attention is one something else like one of his brothers, Henry 2.0, or even an inanimate object like his figures.
then usually rounds back to the thoughts you're just a genuinely caring person who looks out for anyone and genuinely finds what he likes interesting.
Calls you 'normie' or just by your name. He gets nervous if he deviates from what he's used to calling you
Love it when you reassure him, cheer him on, or just listening to him no matter the situation.
Fav. place to kiss? lips, cheeks, forhead, genuinely anywhere on your face, top of the head, hands.
Love Language? Quality time and Words of Affirmation
Reads poems and read passages in his books to you that remind him of you.
' Hey Y/N, There's this poem that reminded me of you, please let me read it to you' or 'This line in the book I'm reading made me think of you, would you like to hear it?'
Snuggles while he reads you stories for sure.
If you have a hard time sleeping or suffer from insomnia, he'll keep reading to you till you fall asleep in his arms/against him.
Loves it when you go outside with him to watch the wild cats around the House of Lamentation or let him lay his head on your chest or your lap while you read to him and gently play with his hair as you do so. It puts him at ease.
For dates he'll have reading dates, take you to cat cafes or coffee shops, book stores.
Holding hands? Yeah, a lot of that.
Def has a candid shot photo of you playing with the cats either in one of the cat cafes he took you to or when you two were out in the front of the House of Lamentation as his lock screen
Calls you 'love', some literacy reference like 'my rose' [Le Petit Prince Ref.] for example, and MAYBE 'kitten'
Fav. places to kiss? Forehead, top of head, nose.
Love Language? Quality time, Gift Giving and Physical Touch
He LOVES it when you two spend time together. That means lots of touching...
Like painting your nails, spa and self-care days, trying on clothes, list goes on! [... what were you thinking???]
Loves buying you clothes when he's off shopping, he sees something that suits your fashion taste? oh he's getting one in every colour.
Def. matching outfits for the two of you, like genuine matching outfits - not those tacky couple's shirts, tf?
Extremely PDA, so be ready for surprise kisses and hugs.
Be ready to be shown off! He'll be posting photos of you two together on his socials, takes you to his modeling gigs, parties, the whole nine-yards.
Out of all his designer clothes and belongings, you are the one he wants on his person 24/7.
Did you forget the man's also a musician? [I'm pretty sure it's actually canon in OG OM! might be wrong - don't hold me to this statement.]
He will write songs about you, you are his muse.
Makes sure you get VVIP treatment if you attend his shows and backstage privileges and just make sure the staff at his shows/events are treating you like the gem he sees you as.
In public, he'll hold your hand, link your arm with his, or even have a hand on your waist to keep you close to him at all times.
When you're sad he'll let you lay with him in his bed and spoon you, holding you close to him as he whispers sweet nothing to you but also will listen to you if you need to talk.
Respects your boundaries - Yeah, he's very physical when showing you how much he loves you but if you show any signs of being uncomfortable or tell him to stop, he will.
He never wants to upset you with his touching of physical affection.
Finds everything about you adorable
I mean EVERYTHING. You have parts of you you don't like and are insecure about? To him, every inch of you is perfect to him. You can't tell him otherwise.
He'll call you all the nicknames under the sun.
But, would mostly use 'babe', 'hun', 'cutie', 'gorgeous', and 'my beloved'
Fav. places to kiss? Everywhere and anywhere.
But most fav places to plant his kisses are your lips, shoulders and neck.
Love language? Acts of Service and Quality time.
Willing to cook you anything you desire [with a little of restrain and struggle to not gobble down the food he's cooking for you]
Memorized all of your fav. foods, comfort foods and snacks, food allergies, how you like your food.
Anything relating you with your relationship with food - he will remember it.
Sad? Beel's got you, he's cooking up your ultimate comfort food for you - in the meantime, please enjoy the comfort snacks he bought you while he cooks for you.
Food is his love language, you can't tell me otherwise!
uh-oh, you're having late night cravings? Most likely Beel will be in the kitchen when you get there and he'll be more than happy to cook for you - no matter what your request is.
Def. a lot of food centric dates - restaurants, picnics, food tours, street food, movie nights.
DW, not all about food when it comes to dates. Loves going for outdoorsy dates to like hikes, enjoys having you as his spotter when working out or having you sit on his back when he's doing push-ups.
If you're there with him and you're spending time with him, he considers it a date
If there's food, he wants to experience it with you.
Love just being around you.
Cuddling on his bed to going grocery shopping - he loves it.
The strong silent type but will be sure to tell you how much he loves being around you.
Would love it if you cook/bake with him
He aspires to be a chef [literally canon.], so he loves trying to make new recipes and cooking dinner with you when he's on cooking duty.
Would call you 'honey' or something... I feel like any food related nicknames he'd use
otherwise, he'd just call you by your name
Fav. places to kiss? The top of your head and forehead.
Love Language? Physical Touch.
Cuddles and snuggles in the Attic sleeping area Belphie set up when he was captive everyday after school, though he would want it to be 24/365 or till the end of time
Loves it when you gently play with his hair when he sleeps on you.
Loves waking up next to you, if your still asleep he'll just lay there admiring you while he plays with your hair or caresses your cheeks.
Would most likely use you as a personal body pillow.
Any sleeping position works for him - the closer your body is to his, the better.
Very handsy when he sleeps, he'll cling to you when you two are sleeping together - so be ready to never be able to escape his grasps till he wakes up.
Dates include a lot of night-time activities [yeah, I'm aware that the Devildom is in enteral night] include night walks in the surrounding woods and stargazing either outside of the House of Lamentation or in the Planetarium room of the house.
Would def. find a star close enough to his and Beel's and claim it as yours so no matter how far apart you are, you'll always be close to each other in the stars he loves looking at.
Loves getting pets on the head and when you caress/hold his face in your hands
You are now his personal pillow, he will lean against you anywhere at anytime to take a nap.
In more private settings, he'll lay down on your lap and fall asleep or just chat with you like that till he drifts off to sleep
You bed is now his bed, man would def. sneak into your bed in the middle of the night to sleep next to you
Calls you 'sleepyhead' or 'sleepy-sheep'
Fav. place to kiss? Forehead, back of neck, and shoulders.
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Tight Threads | Yandere Malleus Draconia and Idia Shroud
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With a tentative lick, you collected the remaining bits of your favorite gum from over your lips. Even so, you didn’t bother pulling your eyes away from the glowing monitor, watching the animated cards shift as the electronic dealer reshuffled. The game was currently a fair fight. 
“Yuck! I was hoping to get another lucky noob!”
You kept quiet. Refusing to move your eyes from the robotic shuffling of the cards; your significant other on the other hand pulled himself over to the adjacent monitor which finally finished its animated cutscene. He sucked his teeth clicking the buttons and notches of the matching console as a boss fight ensued. 
“Geez this game is as buggy as those reviews were whining about. What a disgrace to the Love Supreme brand!” 
He sneered out a couple more insults, defeating the enemy and accepting another side quest. A flashy graphic flashed on the screen initiating his turn, he sucked his teeth again complaining about the player’s speed before sliding to the original monitor again. Despite his eyes being on the other screen he easily completed the quest, letting the victory screen play in the background.
“Huh!? Betting already and so much there’s no way they have a bad hand! There’s only one choice in this case–”
He brought a blue painted finger to the keyboard with full intentions to press down on it.
And it would've if it weren't for your intervention. 
“Hold it.”
You barricaded the monitor with your body as you confirmed your suspicions. Continuing to hog the keyboard, you held your ground waiting for Idia to change focus. Post haste he moved his controller from his lap, wrapping it around your waist as you replaced it. The clicking of his controller rang once more as he watched you in bewilderment. You answered him with a sigh.
“They’re baiting you. The way the cards are dealt means that the other players most definitely don’t have the means. They’re just trying to trick you with the size of the bet.” 
You shuffled your (his) hand before upping your own bet. The clicking stopped as he rested his chin on your shoulder, squeezing his arms tight around you. 
“Are you sure this isn’t just because we just watched that gambling anime? I don’t think we’ll be allowed to go to that con if you lose this much.”
“I got this Iddy watch me!”
You pressed the button to raise the bet. Letting the graphics cue the 2nd player and all that was left was to wait. Idia’s tapping pattern became more frantic, a small change from his usual pattern. You nuzzled his face in comfort as he completed his quest. Both of you nervously stealing glances at the bouncing dots of the player deciding.
“They’re raising.”
“Wouldn’t need to if their hand is good.”
Pressing the button again. The dots reappeared and you lightly shifted in anticipation. Idia on the other hand tucked his head into your neck as he harshly focused on the other monitor, too anxious to watch with you.
“おめでとう GamblerofZunderworld667! You’ve won the bet and a balance of over 30 million tokens”
Idia shakily sighed into your neck, brushing his lips against it as he triggered another cutscene in his game. Smirking with pride, you stretched your arms above your head. You then went to reach for the keyboard again only for the desk to slide out of your reach.
You pouted at the man on your shoulder.
“I think that’s enough betting for you.”
“Heh? You of all people shouldn’t be talking about limits. How many hours have you got on your latest RPG.”
“H-hey off! Off!”
He wrestled the controller from your grasp, maneuvering it behind him far enough to be out of your reach. Thanks to your position it proved to be the most effective way to stop you from taking his controller. You giggled as you thought of something devious. 
“Oh, Iddy~! Why don’t we both stop playing and do something more fun?”
Idia let a blush take over his face as he thwarted another attempt of yours for the controller.
“No way! It’s you who’s playing a game that spends our allowance.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one who’s playing a game with voice chat. You- know-who isn’t going to like that~.”
“Who isn’t going to like what?”
You both stopped, startled at the new voice. You quickly straightened up as though you hadn’t been struggling just seconds before. Both of you putting on innocent smiling faces. Taking the lead you could practically feel the worry teeming off Idia.
“Hi Mal-Mal how was work today.”
“Irritating. I could only think about coming home to you two.”
“Awww Mal-Mal!” 
You got up from Idia’s lap to throw your arms around his shoulders, subtly taking in his scent. He seemed to do the same with you holding you close while supporting your back. Taking the hint you wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands cupping your butt, and waited for him to start walking. Idia watched you two leave into the adjacent room, golden eyes following before returning to the screen, quickly saving his progress and powering down.
“I don’t understand why you two stay cooped up in here when you have a full mansion at your disposal.”
“It's because that’s where Idia wanted our gaming set-up to be. Said he’s scared of the webcams getting hacked if we kept them in our room. Besides–” He arrived at your shared bedroom setting you on the bed while he removed his tuxedo in your walk-in closet. “He knows you’d never allow it.”
He smirked. “That’s absolutely correct.”
Now changed into his casual turtle-neck and loose jeans he returned to the bed. Kissing you multiple times on the eyebrow, your forehead, your cheek, and then your lips. Staying on that last part as long as he could before you lightly tapped at his forearm. Lightheaded you leaned into him, catching your breath while he nuzzled into your ear. Emerald eyes looked past your bowed head to the open door as Idia silently entered as well. Malleus hummed to himself as he watched his other lover disappear into the master bathroom.
“I’m sure we all will have so much to catch up on. Somehow a workday of seven hours feels like an eternity.”
“How did it go? Did any of the conspirators get into the meeting?”
Idia huffed as he took a lick of his raspberry popsicle, leaning against Malleus’ unclothed chest. The vibrations of Malleus' laughter reverberated against his back, a feeling that made his heart beat even faster. 
“What do you think? I wouldn’t be the heir to the Draconian bloodline if they even got into the building.” 
“Still though, usually there's always someone who drops the bag. I can’t imagine a public book signing not having at least one.”
“Why do you ask Idia? Did you find something?”
Under Malleus’ intense gaze, the gamer found himself fidgeting, swallowing a chunk of his aftercare treat in hopes of delaying the response. It didn’t help. It only encouraged Malleus to wrap his arm around him to firmly hold his chin in a subtle threat, letting him continue to nibble at the frozen treat.
“N-not necessarily. Most of what I was talking about was a generalization–”
He tightened his grip on Idia’s chin forcing him to turn his head. Idia faltered feeling the warm breath tickle his lips as he tried to look away from that fanged smile. Malleus chuckled at his expression but held firm.
“You’re lying again.”
“W-what makes you think I’m lying?”
Malleus moved closer letting his lips graze Idia’s as he spoke.
“I know everything about my loves, every expression, every sound, every moan. I know it all. I thought you’d respect that by now.”
“I’m not trying to challenge you–”
“I just want to make sure it's going well without you stomping on my info!” 
Idia let himself openly glare at the heir whose eye widened only for a second before he captured his lips. With reciprocated fervor, they each explored each other's mouth; savoring the taste of raspberry flavoring. Idia reluctantly pulled away tucking his burning face into Malleus’ neck. Malleus conceded.
“Didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”
“I-Its whatever. But there are a couple of really determined communities that are really digging to link you to the (L/n)'s disappearances and that turd’s family.”
Idia looked up at him, biting his popsicle for emphasis. Malleus continued to smile, his eyes holding an animosity at the mention of the former. Even when given the juvenile nickname it didn’t quell the furious flame Malleus had. 
“Well, rumors used to be a crime punishable by death for many.”
“No more deaths, it’ll be too obvious. Our best bet is to ruin them with something else. By someone else.” 
He was smirking again,” then I suppose the Shroud genius has a plan?”
Idia gave a toothy smile. “But of course. You’d really think I’d let those neets slander your name?”
Malleus didn’t need to answer. Gave a thankful kiss on Idia’s head before looking over to you, who was laying with your back towards them; arms and legs wrapped around a body pillow with some nameless anime character on it. It gave him that ugly feeling again. 
“Idia. Three things.”
Malleus pinched Idia’s side earning a yelp as Idia leans in closer to him. 
“1) I expect you to properly greet me when I return home.”
“With hugs and kisses?”
“With hugs and kisses.”
“Fine. It’ll be cringy though.”
“That’s fine with me. 2) I’m going to shred the next body pillow you gift (Y/n).”
“What?! But they love their body pillow!”
“If it's not gone by tomorrow I’m burning it in the furnace.”
“Okay okay!”
“And 3)--” Malleus snatched the popsicle stick from Idia’s mouth, flinging it perfectly into the trash can beside the bed. 
“No eating in the bed.”
Part 2?
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