#please do and i’ll send you videos of me using it 🥺🥺
needytboy · 1 year
i just bought a violet wand since they’re on sale right now oh my god i’m so excited and so nervous for it to get here!!!! i got the bundle one so it has four different electrodes so that should be very fun to play with
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seungisms · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff and so much dumbassary 
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: more stupid tiktok trends, hyunjin and minho being haters in the comments, shy!seung 🗣️🗣️🗣️ chan and felix being the most perfect boyfriends ever <3
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: based of this tiktok! (making me feel so single fr) so in love with this trend, i just had to write it! felix and jeongin are shorter than the rest cause i’m just one (dumb) woman and incapable of thought 👍 this took me like two hours to write please forgive if it's absolute dog. reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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as we’ve already established this man is a whole ass boomer and doesn’t know what tf you’re talking about half the time
so when you come to him chatting away about another stupid tiktok trend he’s only half listening
humming along occasionally and going ‘that sounds fun sweetheart’ but as soon as the words ‘kissing trend’ hit his ears his interest is 📈📈📈 and you have his full attention
will be soso useless when you’re trying to find the right lipstick shade cause every time you ask his opinion he’ll just go
:) they all look pretty on you :)
and you’re just like chan that’s so cute and all but yOU’RE NO HELP RN
finds it so hard to concentrate while you’re leaving the lipstick stains all over his face cause you just look so cute giggling between every kiss and he’s so <333
just really wants to kiss you :( and gets all grumpy when you tell him to focus :( 
takes his role very seriously when the camera is on him though
will take your face in his hand after wiping away your lipstick smudge, turning your face towards him and this mf is looking at you all 🥺 with your red lipstick covering his face
and you’ve never seen a prettier sight
cue the comments going wild over how dreamy ur boyfriend is
and he just laughs straight in ur face when you get all huffy
the type to repost it all over his socials, like this tiktok will be his whole personality for the next three months 
probably has it pinned on his insta and linked in his bio or some shit 😭
down so bad and it shows
expect to be clowned in the comments by the rest of the guys
they just don’t wanna admit how cute the both of you are though <333
takes a good full week of nagging for him to finally give in
he just really likes to see u beg :(
will be soso moody at the start and sits on the edge of ur bed feeling sorry for himself as you choose out ur lipstick
and every time you ask him what colour you should use he’s just like ‘🙄 idc what you wear let’s just get this over with 🙄🙄’
and you would’ve punched him straight in the teeth if he wasn’t essential to ur plan 
pls he’ll literally melt once you sit on his lap and take his face between his hands
kissing you is definitely one of his fav hobbies so he’ll come around as soon as your pretty lips come in contact with his skin
will be all <333
you end up having to re-film it so many times cause this guy gets so carried away
every time you think he’s finally gonna do what you asked he just ends up planting his lips on yours again
you can’t even count the amount of times you had to reapply your lipstick cause this mf was busy kissing it off you
you’ll probably end up with so many drafts of the two of you just making out
you just look so pretty with your lipstick all smudged, he can’t help kissing you :(
will take a good hour of filming before this guys finally gets it right
cutest couple on the internet istg
gets so smug when he sees all the comments swooning over him the next day and you’re just like :/ stfu or else i’ll delete it 
if only they all knew how hard he made the whole process for you 😭
ends up being one of his fav videos 
so much so that’ll he’ll send it to everyone he knows and is like
heart, comment and share or die
thinks tiktok trends are stupid af but he doesn’t mind this one ig 🙄
down so bad that he’ll agree right away 
but you bet your ass he’s gonna be complaining the whole time about how he’s ‘putting his reputation on the line’ for you
but he’s sitting on your bed blushing, twiddling his thumbs and kicking his feet like a fucking teenage girl while you apply lipstick to your lips
suggests you kiss him on the lips first and you’re just like ‘yeah bro not gonna happen 🙄’ cause you j u s t know as soon as your lips meet his you’ll be pulled into making out with him for the next hour 
he’s just very bad at focusing on the task at hand so every time you plant a kiss on his face he’ll be chasing after your lips with his own and pouting all cutely when you refuse to kiss him
likes watching you reapply your lipstick 
ur just so pretty to this guy 
can’t stop fucking laughing when you finally get to it
when he sees his face in the mirror he’s like whAT HAVE YOU DONE?? THIS IS GONNA TAKE FOREVER TO WASH OFF????
every time he turns your face towards him and you pan the camera over to him he’ll just go sdhisjdidjdAHAHAHAHA
and now half your drafts are just you shouting at him to f o c u s and hitting him with a pillow and he’s just cackling like an idiot 
you end up having to post one of those cause this mf is useless and can’t follow a simple trend 
first to comment is minho cause he has ur notifications on just to clown u
literally just a ‘look at these pussies’ and somehow it has 40k likes in three minutes
you’re surrounded by idiots  
your lipstick stain is his fav accessory so you bet he’s agreeing right away
doesn’t mean he’s gonna make it easy for you though
argues with you about what shade of lipstick you should wear
and has no problem taking his sweet ass time going through your shades
‘what colour lipstick do you think would suit me the most? 🤨’
‘bro idc you’ve been at this for the last half hour, just piCK ONE?!’
‘-idk i think pink will go with my hair the best but all the pink shades you have are ugly af’
probably records you while you’re leaving the kisses on your face and posts it
don’t be surprised when it ends up getting twice as much likes as your original tiktok :(
puckers his lips all annoyingly and makes kissy noises when you’re done with the rest of his face
and you’re just like 🙄 c’mere idiot 🙄
when you finally film the tiktok he takes is soso seriously that it gives you whiplash
swipes at the smudge stain all lovingly and turns your face towards him, thumb tracing over your bottom lip and eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth and you’re just like?????
how??? tf??? is this man able to turn from the most annoying brat you’ve ever met to an actual dream boat within the span of 10 seconds???
you have half a mind to post the bts just to show everyone what he’s really like (aka a little asshole)
just knows tiktok is gonna go crazy over you guys
and sure enough it’s filled with
‘you mean OUR boyfriend’ 
‘[name], where did you find him again? 🧐 for science ofc’
‘the smudges are meant to be all around his face [name] not just his lips 🙄🙄’
and he just comments ‘she can’t resist me guys <333’ just block his ass already 
nodding his head and agreeing before you even finish your sentence
‘hey babe, wanna film this kissing-‘
‘…bro i didn’t even tell you what we were doing??’
‘idc as long as i get to kiss you idc … i get to kiss you right!? … [name]?!’
very enthusiastic 
just likes showing you off so he gets really into it
picks out some random red shade cause it ‘brings out his eyes’ 🙄
and you’re like okay whatever but you can’t help but agree he looks so cute all smiley with your lipstick smudged all over his face 
gets distracted so easily 
demands you kiss him on the mouth before moving onto his face and before you know it you’ve just been making out for the last half hour
‘but jisung, what about the tiktok trend?’ ‘the what????’
goes back to kissing you cause he’s so love drunk and can’t think straight once he’s had a taste of your lips
good luck getting him off you
can’t keep a straight face while you’re filming istg
knows the actual trend doesn’t involve kissing but as soon as he swipes your little smudge stain away and turns your face towards him he just finds himself leaning in again
and the rest of the tiktok is just him giggling against your mouth
and before you can even think about cutting that part out he’s already posted it
all the comments are so in love then there’s just hyunjin with ‘🤮🤮’
his lockscreen is 100% a selfie of the both of you covered in lipstick stains
one of his fav videos ever and will have no problem shoving it in peoples face out of nowhere
‘hey jisung, haven’t seen you in awhile-‘
so whipped for you and this trend didn’t help that fact
probably the one to suggest it tbh
saw it on tiktok one day and was like ‘…me and [name] would slay this’
you only agree to do it cause he’s so cute when he’s excited over smth <333
looks up at you so 🥺 as you kiss all over his face
hold his chin in your hand and he’ll melt
forgets the trend as soon as your soft lips make contact with his skin and can’t help but kiss you every now and then while you’re marking his face 
can’t keep the smile off his face when you’re recording and he looks so damn lovesick and whipped for you that it breaks tiktok for a good week
all the comments will be
‘he’s so in love with her 😭’
‘wish my boyfriend would look at me the way felix looks at [name] 💔’
‘girlie pls drop a tutorial on where to find a guy like this 🙏’
definitely the type to forward it to everyone he knows
and their mother
probably becomes his lockscreen and everytime he holds his thumb against the screen and replays it he’s just so :)
acts like it’s so inconvenient to him and his life 
but really he’s so giddy at the mere thought of your pretty lips all over him
won’t catch him admitting it though
when you first ask him he’ll just be like
🤨 no?? i’m not doing that?? 🤨
and when you say ‘oh okay i’ll just get jeongin to do it with me’ he’s straight into fight or fight mode and hot on ur tail
sitting all >:( on your bed as you go through your makeup looking for a good shade 
but he’s blushing so hard and fiddling with his fingers cause he always gets so shy when he’s about to kiss you
another to try to chase your lips when you’re leaving your lipstick mark over his face 
and you’re just like
‘excuse me?? i think i deserve some compensation for agreeing to this dumb trend?’
punch him
right in his pretty face
falls in love with the sight of your lipstick stains all over his face and can’t stop looking at himself in the mirror cause the shape of your lips is just so pretty
but as soon as you catch him smiling at himself in the reflection he’ll go straight from :) to >:( again
has to keep his little tsundere act going you know
surprisingly focused when you get to it 
only takes you around three tries before you get the perfect shot
(he just wanted you to hurry tf up so he could finally makeout with you)
comments go wild 
and he’s just like ‘see, told you the people loved me’
so shy
plays it off though and tries to act cool but really he’s melting on this inside
looks into the mirror every time you leave a kiss on his face and is like 
:) you missed a spot :)
but really he just wants you to keep kissing him
before you know it his whole face is stained in your lipstick
takes a good hour before you can even start to think about filming
he’s just too pretty and distracting
especially when he’s looking at you all 🥺 with his lips puckered
gets so nervous once you whip out your phone to record and doesn’t know what tf to do
‘okay … what’s the plan again? does my hair look stupid?? do i look directly into the camera or-‘
gonna have to talk him through this one 😔✊
probably needs a full step by step tutorial to get though this stupid trend 
once he gets it down though he’s a natural
tilting his head all cutely after swiping away the lipstick smudge and smiling at you with so much love that it almost made you forget about the recording 
can’t help but kiss you anyway and it makes tiktok go wild <333
changbin probably sends it into the group chat not even a full minute after it’s posted and clowns tf out of you two
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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sebscore · 1 year
Please write something with drivers praising female f1 driver during March because it’s womens history month. Anytime something bad happens to her on the grid she’s like someone hitting her car “how could they during womens history month 😞😧”
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pairings: daniel ricciardo x driver!reader / lewis hamilton x driver!reader / sebastian vettel x driver!reader / small lando cameo
warnings: none?
author’s note: I know it’s not the entire month, but I saw lewis’ post for Stephanie and I couldn’t shake the thought of him making a special post for our gen z driver 🥺 I hope you like it, my darling!
• • • • • • •
“Have you seen Daniel’s new post on Insta?” Her performance coach asked her, scrolling through his own phone while they took a break.
Y/N shook her head, not having been on the social media app that day. “No, why?”
“He talks about you.” He grinned, handing his phone over to her with the post ready on the screen.
Daniel had updated his Instagram with a clip of an interview he had done, where he’s asked about which women in his life inspire him.
He starts off by speaking about his grandmothers and their move from Italy to Australia. Daniel also mentions his mother and the support she has given him.
“From an athletic point of view, there’s 2 people that come to mind. My, uh, former colleague and friend, Y/N Y/L,” he laughed, “her entire story on how she came into Formula 1 is very inspiring and she has brought a lot of positive change into the sport,”
“But she’s also a great person and she always has something incredible to say,” Daniel teased his younger friend, “so, yeah, Y/N is definitely an inspiration to me.”
The woman had a soft smile on her face throughout watching the entire video, touched by Daniel’s words.
She gave her coach’s phone back and grabbed her own from her bag, deciding to leave a comment under Daniel’s post.
YourUsername I didn’t even have to force you to say this 😭 thank you, Dan! 💙
A mere hours later, she had seen multiple notifications of people tagging her in a post Lewis had made. She opened the app again and saw an entire post dedicated to her made by the World Champion himself.
lewishamilton Beside Stephanie, I also want to highlight the journey of @/yourusername. I’ve been privileged to watch her make history as the first female driver to stand on a F1 podium, to grab pole position and to win a Grand Prix. Y/N, thank you for all the work you do and continue to do. You use your platform well and I can’t thank you enough for standing by me in the causes that I feel passionate about. I’m excited to continue to follow your journey. Happy #InternationalWomensDay to you, thank you Y/N.
Y/N felt emotional reading Lewis’s message. She had idolized the driver ever since she was a little girl and to have him appreciate and acknowledge her hard work means the world to her.
YourUsername thank you so much, Lewis! 🖤 not you making me cry on international women’s day 😭 this should be illegal
— lewishamilton ❤️
The official F1 Instagram account had also made a post dedicated to the female driver which had been reposted by several drivers on their Instagram stories like George, Carlos, Valtteri, Esteban and even Lando.
The McLaren driver had called her “my goat 🐐” in his caption, something that had made her chuckle.
The best message she had gotten for the special day, came from none other than Sebastian Vettel.
It was a shock to her when the German send her a text message as she hadn’t heard from him in a while, she figured he wanted the time for himself and his loved ones.
Happy International Women’s Day, Y/N! Congratulations on P2 in Bahrain, a great start to the season. I hope you’re doing well and that you had a good winter break!
Today I was reminded of the amazing journey you’ve had since your karting days. I am honored that I have been able to watch you grow as a woman from so close. I’m very proud of you and I’ll keep supporting you, even if I’m not there as much anymore.
I hope you have a great day and I wish you the very best!
Big kiss! X
She send him a message back, thanking him for his beautiful words and asking him how he’s been doing. They send a few texts back and forth, updating each other on their lives.
Y/N also decided to pay a tribute on social media, posting several pictures of herself with the caption:
YourUsername happy international women’s day to myself, cause I’m the best woman I know ❤️‍🔥
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
Long distance with Taemin
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- [ ] He loves his busy schedule and trips abroad but hates being away from you; he’d sulk all day not understanding why you won’t come with him
- [ ] The night before he has to leave is always spent with endless talking, cuddling and make out sessions until you both pass out from exhaustion
- [ ] He would always text you good morning, no matter how busy he is; he’d often call you, too, just to hear your sleepy, raspy voice that feels like home to him
- [ ] He’d be glued to his phone every free minute to talk to you; getting impatient when you don’t reply fast enough or leave him on read
- [ ] He’d always have the shiniest smile on his lips when something reminds him of you
- [ ] He’d always post a story on social media of things that are just typically you - a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a piece of the red velvet cake you like so much or a book you used to read with him
- [ ] Even though he looks innocent and pure, he is very in tune with his body and its needs
- [ ] Would never pressure you into anything, he’d rather give you time to evolve on your own
- [ ] Blushes heavily every time he gets a naughty selfie from you; excusing himself instantly to praise you properly in the space of his confined hotel room
- [ ] Always asks if your voice memos are safe for public after he had accidentally listened to you moan in a room full of people
- [ ] Will ask you hundreds of times if you’re really okay with phone sex; „only if you want to, baby. I’d never made you do something you don’t want. Let’s be comfortable around each other, ok?“
- [ ] He’d be rushing into his hotel room after ditching his crew and producers, to call you and listen to you rambling about your day
- [ ] Taemin always leaves you with a present to remember him by when he’s gone: a scented blanket, a giant teddy, a vibrator
- [ ] „Baby, can you turn it on? I want to hear you fucking yourself. Please let me hear you. Please?🥺“
- [ ] He’d be over the moon when you’d send him videos of you being needy - for him, his plush lips and massive cock
- [ ] He’d send you the dirtiest voice memos describing exactly what he would do to you right now -„… and then I will strip you out of your clothes and bend you over the table, admiring your juicy ass from behind before I’ll go down on my knees and lick you from behind. Would you like that, baby?“
- [ ] Those memos would typically come in the middle of the day
- [ ] He‘s a happy person by nature but staying away from you for more than a couple of weeks would be heavy on him; making him feel blue
- [ ] He’d often talk about quitting it all and running away with you; his one and only runaway bride
- [ ] „Yeah okay, I can keep going a little bit longer. But once I’m back it’s only me and you! You got that?“
- [ ] After living like that for years he’d be sure that you were the one; his partner in crime
- [ ] He’d be shopping rings in hopes that soon you won’t be long distance anymore
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Clay Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
Surprise to my Clay girlies 🤪🤭 I did this one for y’all 🫶🏻
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Liked by cozane, nemoachida, jackharlow, and 6,677,356 others
claybornharlow I love her 🤭😍🤪
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yourusername CLAYBORN!!!!
yourusername No, no & no
yourusername Why would you do me like this 😢😭
claybornharlow My baby’s so pretty that’s why
yourusername Oh don’t you sweet talk me mister! Just watch, payback is a bitch and she called.
jackharlow 💀💀💀
bestie1 Lmaooo ohhhh she’s going to beat you up.
bestie2 omgggg hahahahaa little baby 🤭
bestie2 & ummm you better hide little brother, I may or may not have invited her over for dinner.
claybornharlow 😱 IM NOT GOING THEN
jackharlow mom said you better be here or else.
druski2funnny Damn pulled the mom card
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Liked by claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, bestie2, and 7,677,345 others
yourusername The pic I send him, the one he sends me. See if I were a mean girlfriend, I would’ve posted all the embarrassing ones I’ve taken of him, but since I’m such a wonderful loving girlfriend, I’ll save them for when he really pisses me off 🤭🤭🤭
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urbanwyatt Should’ve posted them if you ask me
claybornharlow good thing she didn’t ask you then
yourusername Baby leave Urby alone, he’s right I should’ve posted them.
urbanwyatt 🤪🤪🤪🙊🙊🙊
claybornharlow @ bestie1 come get your annoying man
bestie1 LMAAO more like I’ll cum for my man 🤪
urbanwyatt 😋😋😋
@ claybornharlow added to his story
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@ yourusername added to her story
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Liked you jackharlow, bestie2, urbanwyatt, and 8,567,345 others
claybornharlow 😍😍😍 my babyyy
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jackharlow You’re just asking for it at this point 💀
yourusername He really is 🙄
bestie1 Why you doing her like this? 😭😭
claybornharlow I’m not doing anything wrong other than showing off my girlfriend 😍
yourusername 🤨 I’m going to remember this!!!!!! All those videos and pictures I have of you from our recent trip.
claybornharlow baby noooo pls
yourusername Or the video Urban and I took after you met Fergie !!!
urbanwyatt Ohhh ohhh I forgot about that one lmaooooo let’s post it
claybornharlow NO PLEASE DONT
jackharlow Wait what happened
bestie1 Is it the one where he says he thinks he came or shit in his pants after meeting her?
yourusername 🙈 🙊
claybornharlow NO
urbanwyatt  definitely that
claybornharlow @ bestie2 you’re my sister in law you’re supposed to be on my side, why are you asking for the video? I’m telling my brother on you
jackharlow She’s asking for me lol I want to see it too
yourusername I’ll send it in the group chat
claybornharlow BABYYYYY 🥺
yourusername suck my toes or something because there’s no way out of me not sending that video to everyone 😈
jackharlow 🤮 ight I’m out
bestie2 lmao same ✌🏼
bestie1 💀 🦶🏼
claybornharlow 👀 come here then
yourusername Ew, I was joking 🙃
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, cozane, nemoachida, bestie1, and 7,667,355 others
yourusername It’s international boyfriends Day 🥺 & I wanted to show off mines. I would’ve posted all the embarrassing ones but I’m playing nice. Ilyyyyy babyyyy, thank you for bumping into me and laying my ass out, it’s been such an amazing journey.
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claybornharlow Well now I feel bad for posting those other pictures of you
yourusername You better 😏 lol jk
claybornharlow I love you baby 🥺😘
yourusername Ilyyyyy
jackharlow 💜
bestie2 no babies anytime soon though pls
jackharlow I second this ⬆️
claybornharlow Na your kids are enough for us to be safe lmao
jackharlow HEEEYYYY NOW 😟
yourusername 😬 he said it not me
bestie1 Caption is too cute - yes even the part where he knocked you off your feet.
yourusername 😭😭😭😭
claybornharlow You guys do know it was an accident right? Like I didn’t push her on purpose 😞
urbanwyatt na you tackled her down
claybornharlow lmao no I didn’t
druski2funnny damn you pushed her and she’s in love with you
yourusername LMAAO STOPPP. It really was an accident though.
claybornharlow @ druski2funnny GO STIR THE POT ELSEWHERE!!!!
druski2funnny Now you know damn well I stir the pot with everyone. You’re not safe from it. Get used to it
yourusername 😂😂😂😂 🫡🤝🏼
claybornharlow that’s your pay back huh babe? Having him be annoying and instigating
yourusername Idk what you’re talking about 😇😊
druski2funnny 😈😈😈😈
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
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balloontoy · 1 month
Hi! I’m Sprout!! I’m 21, trans masculine, t4t and use he/they/it pronouns>:) I’m autistic and disabled, but don’t think that means I can’t fuck good. Welcome to my horny transgender blog!! Sub bottom f@g toy<3 (just a disclaimer i chose the user because i fucking love five nights at freddy’s,,,,, i dont like balloons except for fun and whimsy)
DNI minors, no age in bio (“18+” or “adult” are not ages!!) racists, transphobes/homophobes, fatphobes (i love my big tummy and my thick thighs!!), chasers, cisgenders (just a personal preference!! I am t4t and do not want cisgender people commenting on my body) war-enthusiasts, pro-Israel, “DNI men” blogs (I am a dude!!!! I’ve got quite the swangin hog if I do say so myself!!) You will be blocked if you don’t follow these guidelines!! It’s violating my consent!!
Loves: free use, gangbangs, somno, breeding, worshipping, edging/overstim, sensory play (especially blindfolded!!!), degradation (please be mean to me it gets my dick so hard), praise, rope play/restriction, dp/tp, (to be continued lol), body writing, nipple play, begging (i’d do it all day!!), exhibition, cockwarming
Likes: public play, hypnosis, rough play, water sports, pet play, service topping, intox, piss control :)
No’s: ageplay, impreg, forced masc, fauxcest, scat, feederism, detrans, inflation
Names you can call me!! Fag/faggot, toy, slut, whore, cumdump, cumslut, any creative thing related to these things!! Also always feel free to ask me if I’m game for a different name and I’d love to answer you:)
I’ll be reblogging text scenarios and my fellow hot people, but also posting pictures of myself:) send me any asks/dms and I would love to answer them!!
Let me know if you jerked off to me:)
Poly and partnered!
Will be starting an onlyfans for things that timglr will snipe me for posting, but I’m only one boy!! Send me any asks/dms for any suggestions:) And if you wanna buy me anything to use/wear then just send me a dm and we’ll work it out! I’m sure I’d love whatever you send me🥺
So far my tags are:
#me - pictures/videos of me!
#🦟 - thinking about my partner critter <3
#zzz - somno!!
#teehee - piss control!!
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tddyhyck · 1 month
*cartwheels into ur askbox* BLUEEEEEE HOW ARE UUUUU!!!!!
clearly u are talking to urself because u (🫵 YOU!!!) are precious.
u are so right, every song is beautiful and has a different vibe. i didn’t expect to like smoothie in its entirety at first, i liked the vocal parts but the smoothie, smoothie, smoothie chanting in the chorus was unexpected and i was NOT put on this planet to maintain eye contact with lee jeno (or anyone actually…) while he looks into the camera and i was CERTAINLY NOT put on this planet to have na jaemin talk in my ear jkhksjsa but it grew on me afterwards. i cried when i listened to icantfeelanything and unknown on 2 separate nights so maybe i’ll pick those 2 for my favourites… i rlly liked breathing too, but unknown kinda wiped my mind clean. how about u?? i’m not even talking about the performances because they’re *insane*. i just think jaemin would look nice leaning over someone on a table u know… 😞 i remember being so lost when i first saw him holding a sword like jaemin honey why do u have a sword in a song with fruits. then i saw him fighting the fruits and suddenly it all made sense 🙇 (can i just say i found the bubbling sound at the start of second verse so weird on the first listen, before it grew on me? it’s such a funny lil sound, it adds so much character to the song 🫶)
what u said abt jeno is so sweet i will simply cry till the end of time. “he’s very yes to me” such a valid assessment.
ajhdehjgajha ok well u see i don’t remember much about the day… just that i was living life and suddenly had renjun on the mind. specifically dom renjun staring someone down when they’re bratting, and i had a moment like oh, that’s a Thought. (i’m not even much of a brat, where did that come from?) coupled with dumbification 😅 n u’re right the purple looks so pretty on him!!!
all these renjun thoughts of urs ended all of MY thoughts ever. i am WEAK. please always keep getting carried away because i don’t know how to tell u how much i liked everything u said here omfg. (i might take another 100 words to express my feelings and that would be such a shame…) i think i recently stumbled across something to do with rope play (the past couple days have been tiring and i can’t remember much of anything) nd omgg i was gonna bring it up with u cus,, u know how they sometimes tie it in a way that there’s a knot right over,,, anyway 😵‍💫 so glad to see that u mentioned rope here because now i’m going to Think. hah, time to stop thinking.
panty stuffing is that one insane guilty pleasure that i never see enough of and i’m ALWAYS blindsided whenever it comes up anywhere. (is it cursed if i’m thinking of that with our precious kink because of which we started talking…? i promise i don’t have a one track mind 🫶)
gah, how many times do i tell u, U’RE THE SWEET ONE 😭🥺💞🥳 i’m glad u’ve been good 🥰 small font because i didn’t want to clog up ur (or anyone else’s) screen, let me know if u’d rather it stay big haha. i always talk too much but i don’t quite wish to stop 😔 (unless of course u ask me to 😂❤️) sending u another ask wait—
OMG did u see the recording video for smoothie 😵‍💫😵‍💫 jaemin all up in my ear and i’m okay with it 🤭 all the songs are so good i can’t stop listening i have unknown and icantfeelanything on my heavy rotation playlist they’re TOO GOOD (chefs kiss) LMFAO jaemin needs to lean over you at the table just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/ jaemin is our fruity fighter protecting us all and making us get our vitamins
renjun + dumbification oh i am SO here for that,, that would change my mind real quick,,, i feel like he would be so good at that too like just fucking you into oblivion,, no thoughts head empty and he’s just taunting and teasing the entire time like “are you sure you can take it?” “you were begging for this earlier” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i think renjun is def tying ropes over ur cunt like sry he is ,,, i think he would tie it like idk how to explain this but two pieces on your cunt and then tie the ropes so your legs are spread,,, and he’d talk about how pretty the ropes look against your skin but he can’t wait to see the pattern afterwards 😵‍💫😵‍💫
i think panty stuffing should be the norm i don’t make the rules but i will enforce them 🤭🤭 ALSO AGREE
omg you changed the font size how do u even do that LOL i’m good either way and ALWAYS chat with me i love it 🤭🤭
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foofsterwolf · 1 year
Hazing FBI academy story. Lgbt hate crime. Stiles saves the bad guy, bad guy frame stiles. s6 scalia fix-it (im soooooo crazy for them!!!). The education of mieczslaw stilinski. witch stiles. Stilinski twins au
please, please, im so curious 🥺🥺🥺
Oooh, okay. This is gonna take me a hot minute since I’m currently watching The Last of Us.
Okay, FBI Hazing: I just have the whump tropes for the bad things happen bingo but tropes for it are (Non-Consensual Body Modification: Feud/Rivalry: Attacked in their Sleep: Blindfolded: Tears of Fear: Hazing: Locked Up and Left Behind:) so the idea is, Stiles gets woken up by him being kidnapped out of his place by people who aren’t his biggest fans, branded, then left behind to be found or to break himself out.
this one is written and not edited. I think I wrote it all but it’s been a while since I checked. LGBT Hate Crime: A couple teens from a rival Lacrosse team spotted Stiles (they are pretty much all about Stiles.) leaving a gay bar. After Stiles’ team won. They attacked him, then recorded a video of him forcing him to put himself. Posting it to the whole school. Stiles gets rescued by Scott. And it also follows him up to and after his court case. I’ll insert a snippet now. :)
<“You are going to tell the camera where we found you, and why you were there. Or we go back to beating that face of yours in, okay?” Stiles lets out a small yes through gritted teeth. He wants this to be over with sooner rather than later. He’d do just about anything they’d ask of him right now. He feels weak and pathetic. He just wants his dad. The man turns on the camera, the bright light of the flash blinds Stiles in the dark.
“Is was-“ Stiles pauses for a moment to wheeze from the pain. “I was at a gay bar, I was there with my friends. I just wanted to spend time with my friends.” Stiles chokes out. The man kicks at Stiles' leg. Behind the bright light, the three mens expressions are indiscernible.
“We are restarting. Tell them about your little boyfriend. I saw you kissing him goodbye. Tell the truth or we’ll show you real pain.” The short man commands.>
Stiles Saves the Bad Guy. This one is another bad things happen bingo where I only have the prompts written dow. They are (No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Stiles lets a bad guy live. Bad guy runs to the cops and accuses Stiles of murder. Wrongfully Arrested: Stiles gets arrested. Framed: the bad guy plants evidence at Stiles’ place before the cops get there to investigate. Leaving Stiles panicking in the interrogation room. After that, make the POV Scott trying to get Stiles out of prison.)
Scalia fix-it: this one I actually thought of because of that list of ways to say I love you. I didn’t write down what exactly I was thinking. But I can surmise it was something along the lines of (“Stiles wasn’t necessarily okay with Scott dating Malia. But he still approves of Scott dating Malia. They have a conversation about Scott dating Malia. Stiles hears about how much Scott likes her and he encourages Scott to ask Malia out.”) I included the love prompts ("you are all I can think about." "can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it." "you deserve to know." "it's you. it's always been you.") I think it was meant to be an unrequited love Sciles with requited Scalia.
The education of Mieczsław Stilinski. This is a reimagining of the movie Flashback that I had while watching it. Wondering what about if Stiles was pacified in his mind by the Nogitsune by sending him into a dream like acid trip of him skipping around from false memories to false memories. What I have written down is this (Stiles is possessed by the Nogitsune, this is what he sees. Cue Flashback level fuckery and confusion with constant back and forth between multiple stories. To the point that Stiles starts to catch on that there is something wrong with his current reality. Stiles is an adult with a kid that he has partial custody of. Stiles is a little kid while his father is sick. Stiles is a teen with a very much alive mother. Stiles slowly loses custody of his kid due to horrible blackouts he keeps having where he loses time. Stiles’ father dies leaving Stiles alone with a neglectful mother. Stiles slowly succumbs to peer pressure to start breaking the law.)
Witch Stiles: I mostly am in a heavy research stage of plants for this. But it’s a Sciles AU where Stiles grew up completely separate from Beacon Hills. Frees up surrounded by witchcraft. Is morally grey. Marries someone (possibly into a Romani family until they kick him out for being too much of an ass) and then when he is divorced and running a witchcraft store. Deaton suggests Stiles as someone who can help them defeat an evil witch. Looking to him for guidance. Scott shows up at Stiles’ place asking for help.
And lastly. Stilinski!Twins AU: I’ll just post it with a screenshot of the plot I have written down.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
If it’s still open if not you can completely ignore and delete this message butttt can I get a
MW2 Pairing Please 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Pronouns: she/her 
Race: I’m Hawaiian, Filipino, German and Italian (I’m a lot more things but these are the one I know by heart.)
Appearance: Recently I buzzed cut my hair so I don’t have my curly hair anymore, Hazel eyes, I would say I’m average height for a female (5’5), I’m more on the curvy size, glasses and light tan skin. 
Personality: Oh boy where do I start, we’ll for staters I can be very goofy and very serious at times, I have a very dry and dark humor when it comes to my jokes, ENTP, usually at work I’m very bubbly and always being a motherly type figure to my kids, but I will add that I am Bipolar so my personality tends to change whenever I hit a manic episode but nothing to hurtful or mean just more of tired and hardly energetic which usually leaves me in bed for a few hours during the day usually on my off days I’ll let it sink in I’ll never bring that type to things to work.
Things I Like to Do: Reading and Playing video games is usually what I like doing on my free time if not I usually go to the gym to get out of the house if I don’t want to be around family, if not I’m usually drawing or doing a bit of voice acting for my friends series she has going on. If not I love a good hike or driving around very late into the night or star gazing.
Job/Interests/Education: I currently work as summer camp group leader which is me helping the kids learn new things, and play fun activities with them. But right now I just signed up for National Guard as a combat medic so I’m hoping I can head to training sometime later this year for my training. As for my education I actually have a associate degree in Digital art…yea 😅 I don’t know how my job or me joining the military even fits in with my degree 😅
Fun facts: I love tattoos and have a few of my own, I have two tarot cards (sun and moon), a ghost face knife and a Star Wars quote, I can speak a little Hawaiian, Spanish and German, I’m also bipolar, bisexual, I’m the only girl and youngest out of 6 kids, little bit autistic usually if I stim I like to trace or hold one of my friends hands or arms (usually my best friend bc he has tattoos on his arm and lets me color it in).
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
How you met: Military After years in the National Guard, you would think as a combat medic you would have seen it all. But now you had an interesting story as you helped to patch up Johnny Mactavish. After a joint US and UK op, he presented to your tent with not 1 not 3 but 10 shallow knife wounds. The most you had ever seen was maybe 7? "This is a new record," you said as you cleaned his wounds and applied antibiotic ointment. "What can I say, lass? I am a record breaker," he smiled at you as you examined his extremities for any remaining cuts. You grabbed a variety of bandages and went about applying them to the necessary areas. Soon he looked like a child who fell off his bike with the amount of bandages on him. "Alright I think I got all of them," you smiled before taking off your gloves, "just be sure to let them heal and you can replace the bandages in the next few days if they fall off." You made sure to hand him a few extras as you knew combat and traveling would inevitably cause some of them to peel. "And try not to get any more cuts, I don't want my new record to be 11," you said before signing off the appropriate documents and sending him on his way. "Okay, bonnie but I might be seeing you around," he started as he got up, "gotta find more excuses to see your pretty face."
A peek into your relationship: You anxiously looked at your face in the mirror and adjusted your glasses. Today was the day your family would meet your boyfriend. "Nervous?" Johnny asked as he snuck up on you and nearly scared you have to death. "Yes!" you exclaimed before playfully hitting him on the shoulder. You had made sure everything was perfect, preparing some dishes from your childhood and relentlessly running through all the characteristics of your family with Johnny. "I come from a big family, sweetheart, don't worry" he said in an attempt to reassure you. But as you waited at the door, your nerves were unmatched. When the door opened, you saw your 5 older brothers and parents standing there. Your parents were overjoyed to see you but your brothers looked like they were about to eat your boyfriend alive. Your mother quickly ushered you to put down the trays of food and your brothers took Johnny aside for a little talk. As you chatted with your mom about some of the more recent events in your line of work, you could hear a mix of languages happening in the next room. You and your parents peaked your head in to see Johnny and your brothers fully engrossed in a conversation about the nuances of languages. "No you tube, its 'Pishin’ it doon out here'" you could hear your boyfriend say. Your brothers laughed before the oldest one replied, "why wouldn't you just say 'it's a downpour'?"
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
crystal gem 🥺🩷 today we called for more than ten hours and a part of it was a video call >\\\< we got to see each other, even if it wasn’t in real life i still had such a great time being with you 🥺🥺🩷
it was so cute that we just started our call giggling on and on about being girlfriends >\\\\< sometimes i still can’t believe we were both in shock cause obviously considering how we’ve been acting for months now 🥺🩷 and at the same time it feels like a dream and i don’t want to wake up from it if it is a dream 🥺🩷
you were with me while i was having breakfast but also lunch >3< 🩷🩷 i would like to have a day with you too 🥺 like where i just lay in bed and get to see or at least listen to what you’re up to 🥺🩷 we had so much fun playing question games and discussing everything and anything i always love doing that with you 🥹🩷
seeing you was really something else 😳🩷 you’re so beautiful mommy ;////; and so cute you were so shy 🥹🩷 i was pleasantly surprised cause sending pictures is your specialty and yet i think i was a little less shy during our video call hehe~ 🤭🩷🩷 but when you got more secure i was so happy 🥹🩷 you’re so beautiful and hilarious i really loved how cozy you felt (i know you were so sleepy ;///; please sleep well my sweet… you deserve to sleep lots no matter what <33) 🥺🩷 i need my cuddles with you 🥺🥺
i hope you liked me petting your hair and helping you fall asleep because that’s what i’ll think about when i do fall asleep too my sweet girlfriend 😚🩷🩷 my crystal gem i love you so much 🥺🥹🩷 please always be well and take care i want you to always be happy and healthy and i hope i can bring that into your life 🩷🩷
(ps: why does your poster keep attacking you >_<)
my cherry bear 🥺🥺🩵 i can’t believe we called for so long 😭 but at the same time i’m not surprised at all considering it’s us djshshsh getting to see you made me so so happy you’re SO beautiful you have the prettiest eyes and the prettiest smile and the prettiest voice 🥺🥺🥺 literally the prettiest everything <33
pls we were so giddy and giggly about being girlfriends >///< i’m still in shock like omg?? i’m your girlfriend!!! and you’re my girlfriend!!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 we’ve basically been acting like a couple for a hot minute now but still!! it feels like such a sweet dream 🥺🥺🩵
i loved spending the whole day with you my love 🥺🥺 as you were eating today i wanted to eat with you so it could be like we were having breakfast and lunch together 🥹😭 the way we couldn’t even get through the most recent question game bc i couldn’t stop falling asleep 😭😭 (though what we did instead was even more fun 🤭🤭) but i always love talking to you about anything and everything under the sun~ i love that we always find something to talk about and even sitting in silence feels so right 🥺
gosh i loved seeing you so so much i haven’t stopped thinking about your beautiful face you’re so so pretty 😭😭🩵🩵 sending you pics is always so fun but there was something about video calling that made me so shy and nervous >///< you were a lot less shy than i thought you would be!! you made it so easy to feel more comfortable my love 🥺 you were so soft and cute and cozy and so funny djshsh 🥺🩵🩵 i got a good amount of sleep after our call ended but i’m still kinda sleepy >< i wish i was cuddling with you 🥺🥺
you petting my hair made me so soft i was melting into my snorlax plushie 🥺🥺😭😭 i wanted to pet your hair since you looked so cute and soft :(( i wanted to lean in and kiss your forehead ;; 🩵🩵 stay healthy and happy always, my love 🥺🩵 you’ve brought so much light and love and happiness into my life 🩵 i hope i’m doing the same for you!! 🥺🩵🩵 i’m always here for you~ 🥺🥺 i love you so so much!!!
(my poster keeps attacking me bc taehyun is tired of our bs 😭😭😭 and so is gyu i guess??? he’s an enabler)
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comfortfrogblog · 2 years
I had a dream where I was scrolling through your blog at a concert. why? who knows. but it made me wonder, do you like to listen to music? if so what kind of music do you like?
PLS ANON this is so adorable (im shocked my blog was in your dream tho omg)
also thank you so much for being curious as to my music taste, that makes me so happy🥺music used to be a really vulnerable thing to me and i was so afraid to share it with anyone (like. i would tremble if anyone gave me the aux cord), but recently i’ve become more solid in it and i love to share and exchange music with people!!
cut bc omg this got long😭i am so sorry i got kinda carried away (if you cant tell i love music)
i listen to lots of different music—i could probably listen to anything you put on and enjoy it (though my limit would be like. hard screamo metal. but i can endure that genre with the songs that aren’t quite as hardcore haha!! and even then i do appreciate them, cause i have a friend who’s really into metal and i’ve learned that the scream singing takes a lot of voice skill!!)
but my favorite genres are alt/indie rock, 80s, and 80s inspired music :D idk what it is about the sound of 80s music but it just flows through me and feels so ,,, idk. it’s so dreamy and synthy and i just love love love it. i can’t get enough of it.
some of my favorite artists for dreamy 80s inspired vibe music are dayglow, yot club, strawberry guy, WOAH, mac demarco, castlebeat, djo. and then for actual 80s music, i am obliged to list kate bush <3 and then also thomas dolby hhrjhrhrh
for alt rock and stuff, hippo campus, the neighborhood, HUNNY, wallows, COIN, half•alive, girl in red
other miscellaneous artists i listen to: surfaces, gorillaz (sometimes), mitski, yaeow, mimi bay, vansire, boy pablo
i also love classical music (favorite is debussy, im learning several of his pieces rn bc oh my gosh he just Gets it. he gets it), video game music, and honestly? i listen to kpop occasionally. and im not afraid to say that anymore >:) sometimes you get sick of american music and kpop is so good and it really slaps and there’s no shame in listening to it and appreciating it as music. (i mean.. i did go through a phase in 7th grade but let’s not talk about that!)
also,,, this might be shameless self promo,, but since i mentioned video game music, i actually started posting compilations of vgm on youtube, mostly for myself, but a few people end up finding them every now and then and thats super cool. if you ever want to listen, here’s my channel :) there’s not that many but i have sooo many in the works im just too lazy to compile them properly😭
anyways holy crap i think i got everything?😭im so sorry i wasnt expecting it to be that long!! this made me realize that even though im more comfortable with sharing than i used to be, i still really,, haven’t done it. like at all. so thank you anon, this gives me courage to tell more people about the music i like!!
if anyone wants to send in music recs or just share the music you enjoy, please please do🥺i just love to talk about music and i’ll listen to anything you give me!!
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💌message to jamie🐺: miss u💗
💌message to jamie🐺: yay :) something to look forward to, yeah? u look so so handsome lovey🥰✨
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe :) i really realllly love u baby!💗💗💗
💌message to jamie🐺: u look so handsome!! maybe u can buy a pair for fun hehe
💌message to jamie🐺: thank u honey :) u look so so adorable too!🥰💗 buckling in bunny, sooooo cute *sends a picture of bucky bear on top of my suitcase, holding him in a car, him buckled into a seat*
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbsnd hehe :) glad u love how crazy i am🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: oh good!🥰🫶✨i loveeee using them🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: is a nickname for him👍
💌message to jamie🐺: good :)
💌message to jamie🐺: that’s good ! will still give u kissies all over ur face regardless
💌message to jamie🐺: sounds good lovey🥰 i’m excited for that!
💌message to jamie🐺: silly for saying u wanna wear my clothes hehe :)
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends a video of me in a bathroom, sitting on a toilet, my pants down to my knees, whispering* h-hi w-wolf… *blushes deeply, biting my lip* t-traveling so… t-that’s why ‘m in a bathroom… mmm… *moves my hand down, slowly rubbing at my clit, whimpering softly* i w-want your cum s-so bad in m-me… mmm… i-i’m a good girl… y-your good girl… all y-yours… and you’re mine baby… all mine… yeah? p-promise? *whines softly, rubbing at my clit, slowly fingering myself slowly* i love b-being yours… i love having y-you as mine… i love you so m-much… i’m g-gonna c-cum for you… i c-can’t wait to see you… w-wanna h-have s-sex with y-you so bad jamie… p-please… *whimpers* ‘m g-gonna cum… c-cumming… i l-love you james… *moans loudly, releasing, panting heavily, pulling my finger out, cum dripping out of me, blushing deeply, smiling and giggling softly at the camera, turning it off*
💌message to jamie🐺: EEK omf djfnsnd u look so hot😍 *sends a mirror selfie of me after a shower, naked*
💌message to jamie🐺: wannnnna kissss n hug hug hugggggg uuuuuu🥰💗🥰💗🥰💗dreaming about uuuuu🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: mhm ofc🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: thank uuuu🥺💗ur my favorite person too🥺💗djfnsnd eek ur the coolest ever jamie🥺💗💗💗
💌message to jamie🐺: tech nerd eeeeeek
💌message to jamie🐺: i love uuuuu💗💗💗ur mineeeeee and i’m ursssss mhm🥰🥰💗💗💗ur myyyyy baby babyyyy🥰💗💗💗love u lotssssssssss!!!
💌voice message to jamie🐺: h-hey honey…. i m-miss you too… mhm… wish i was taking care of you… *sighs softly* be safe, okay lovey? take care of yourself for me… mhm alone time together with you is so important to me… *sighs softly* w-we’ll be together soon… just ummm… w-we— erm— the jet has some technical issues… so i-i’m delayed a day… *sniffs quietly* i t-tried to f-fix it… and d-do everything i c-could to come back… but i c-couldn’t… ‘m s-sorry… *sniffs* i-i’m all safe… just a technical issue… but i’m all safe, i promise… i miss you so much jamie… i’m giving bucky bear lots of loving… extra kissies n hugs n cuddles… *kisses my bear* y-you hear the kissies? mhm… pressing my bracelet now… hug… *hums softly* you’re doing more than enough for me too baby… all your messages n talking to u on the comms… and your voice messages… can’t wait to see you in person though… mhm… i can’t imagine being with anyone else either… i wanna spend my life with you jamie… i want you… thank you for wanting me… i’ll never get tired of you… you still give me butterflies… *hums, chuckling softly* mhm jump on you… mmmm looking forward to it too… mmmm i’ll give you my bestest hugs n kissies… *chuckles softly* mmm… my big strong wolf… *hums* you’re so amazing jamie… i’m so so in love with you too… i can’t wait to hug n kiss you… n take shower with you… mhm wanna cuddle after too… so so soon… *chuckles* thank you… i’ll press mine too… i love you so much my sweetest jamie… i love you so much… see you soon… i love you…
💌message to jamie🐺: i miss you… i love you so much and and u can’t wait to see you…
💌message to jamie🐺: mhm i promise will take care of them👍💗
💌message to jamie🐺: love n miss you baby…
💌message to jamie🐺: soooo cheesy :)
💌message to jamie🐺: dhdhdhdhd thankkkk uuuuuuu cuddles just for meeeeee🥺🥺💗💗i’m addicted to ur cuddles toooo
💌message to jamie🐺: ur very adorable, i love u very much💗
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends a sleepy selfie, closing my eyes, cuddling with bucky bear* so sleepy
💌message to jamie🐺: love u so so much💗💗love u my sweetest jamie… love you to the moon and to saturn🥺🪐💗 my whole heart🥺💗
💌message to jamie🐺: love u love u love u love u love u
💌message to jamie🐺: i’m the luckiest of them all💗💗love you so much, really love you
💌message to jamie🐺: nighty night 🥰💗
💌message to bunny: miss you too baby
💌message to bunny: mhm :) I’ll make a reservation when we’re back home. Thank you baby :)
💌message to bunny: really really love you too
💌message to bunny: buy a pair for fun lol?
💌message to bunny: of course, bunny’s gotta be safe. You buckled bucky bear too :) *sends a picture of bunny plushie tucked in next to me, me smiling*
💌message to bunny: I can tell you love using them baby lol
💌message to bunny: do you have lots of nicknames for Bruce?
💌message to bunny: I request lots of kissies when I come back
💌message to bunny: So many kissies
💌message to bunny: I wanna smell you baby lol but I can’t wear your clothes lol
💌message to bunny: when I was missing you at home I’d just put your clothes on my pillow or use your pillow
💌message to bunny: *sends a video of me on my bed, setting the phone up on the nightstand and grabs the bunny plushie, shaking my head and chuckling* if anyone but you ever sees this I’ll fight them till they don’t remember okay? *looks at the camera and chuckles* you’re such a needy bunny…havin’ to get yourself off in the bathroom like that…fuck *strokes my cock a few times then holds my cock against the bunny, slowly rubbing myself up and down against it* I promise ‘m all yours bunny…you’re all mine…my fuckin’ bunny…w-wanna use my bunny…*moans and throws my head back a little rubbing myself a little faster* mmm I-I wanna fuck you so bad too…g-got your wolfie so fuckin’ desperate he’s grindin’ on his bunny plushie *chuckles, then moans, looking down at myself* I love you too…’m gonna fuck you so good, bunny…need to feel your pussy and…j-just wanna stay inside of you all day…makin’ you cum over and over…j-just be my little slut for the day…my good girl…s-shit…’m gonna c-cum…f-fuck you wanna see my cum baby? *reaches over and grabs my phone, showing my pov, grinding myself onto the bunny slowly as I release, groaning* fffuck…’s so much…*continues grinding until I’m finished then turns the camera back to me, smiling softly and brings the bunny plushie closer to me and licks off some of my cum, chuckling and then sticks my tongue out before ending the video*
💌message to bunny: me? I think you look super fucking hot baby :)
💌message to bunny: *sends a picture of the cleaned bunny plushie, holding it right up to my cheek and smiling big with my eyes closed*
💌message to bunny: By the way, seeing your cum on your fingers and pussy was so sexy
💌message to bunny: Wanna suck on them :(
💌message to bunny: dreaming about me? That’s so cute baby :) wanna give you the sweetest kiss ever :)
💌message to bunny: you’re cooler techy nerd :)
💌message to bunny: I love you❤️❤️❤️mhm am all yours and you’re all mine :)
💌message to bunny: Each other’s babies yeah? :)
💌message to bunny: Love you a lot too :)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💌voice message to bunny: hey baby…can take care of each other soon…I miss you as always…’m all safe, honey…you be safe with travelin’ okay? Oh baby…’s all okay…out of your control hm? *sighs* it’ll be okay…I have to stay a day later…so…we’ll still be gettin’ home same time okay? No need to apologize honey…I know my smart girl tried her best to help out, ‘s all okay…I heard the kissies *chuckles and kisses the bunny plushie* kissed bunny…she’s all safe with me and soon you’ll be all safe with me, baby…gonna press my bracelet two times okay? Two good fuckin’ hugs…*chuckles* okay, that’s good…you’re doin’ good too baby…I know I keep sayin’ it but we will be back home soon…both of us…together…I wanna spend my life with you too…lucky you, you absolutely get to do that *chuckles* mmm ‘f course…I want you so much baby…*chuckles* I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you either…you can jump on me all you want *snorts* ‘m not amazin’ baby but thank you…and you know what? You’re my little strong bunny…*chuckles* I love you…we’ll do all the sweet stuff when we’re back okay? Shower, cuddles, kissies all of it…mm really lookin’ forward to the cuddles *chuckles* haven’t been able to sleep super good since started this mission…think ‘s easier with you…I love you so much my baby…call me if you have any time…I’ll see you soon…love you…
💌comms: my bunny…I miss you too…I love you…
💌message to bunny: I like being cheesy with you and only you :)
💌message to bunny: love you❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: Mhm cuddles just for you :) wanna hold you sooo bad baby
💌message to bunny: how am I adorable?lol, I love you very much too baby❤️❤️❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: aw my baby :) you’re so cute
💌message to bunny: *sends a sleepy selfie of me with my head on my pillow, my eyes like half open*
💌message to bunny: love you so much❤️❤️❤️to the moon and Saturn! I love you to the moon and Neptune❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️lol
💌message to bunny: you got my whole heart, always
💌message to bunny: love you love you love you love you
💌message to bunny: I really love you too my baby❤️❤️❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: Night❤️
0 notes
breadhao · 1 year
hello aya! it's your monbebe secret santa here!🎅🎄
thank you so much for answering my questions so thoughtfully! i really appreciate it! and i love your bias line, i think it suits you, even if it does vary! it's good to know who your favourites are. thank you. i'm here to ask you even more questions now, though! i hope you don't mind!
i'd love to know about your comfort monx songs! songs that put you at ease when you hear them, songs you turn to after a hard day, etc. and maybe some songs that pick you up, put you in a good mood, lift your spirits and give you energy? how about your absolute favourite monx song?
for me, beast mode always makes me feel so much better, it gets me hyped for whatever i'm doing so i listen to it while at the gym a lot. i also love watching the dance practice on youtube (i bet i'm a great number of the views on that video!). as for comfort songs, i love the soft ones, like sorry, i'm not sorry! and my favourite monx song has to be fantasia (at the moment, i change my mind a lot hehe!)
i hope you're having a good week so far, and that december is treating you well! sending you all of the love and good wishes for the holidays as always! 🫶
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this has been sitting in my inbox for like days already and i’m so sorry. i got your other message the other day, too, so i’m going to answer both here. i had finals, then work got hectic, then i got sick. it was just a rollercoaster. i hope you’ve been well though, please take care always 🤍
i tend to go a little overboard with answer omg which doesn’t make sense because i’m your friendly neighborhood introvert, but i need to know who your bias line is too? also, how did you get into monsta x? i always love hearing how monbebes discover them. if i remember correctly, a friend of mine showed me a picture of changkyun and it just went downhill from there, but in a good way. a few days later, i found myself in tears at 3 am because they’re so bad at playing the whisper challenge 😭 i discovered them last year and a lot has happened since then, i went to see them in concert in may 🥺
i feel like you can never go wrong with beast mode though?? i have that for my gym playlist too, also stand together, but my pick me up song while working, working out, or running around would definitely be hero, it just hypes you up and gets the job done 😭 sorry, i’m not sorry is sooooo good ??? like give us a full album when shownu gets back, thank you ❤️ i think my comfort song is one day. it makes me nostalgic about something and i can’t tell what. that was my most streamed song last year and it was still part of my top 5 this year. another comfort song of mine is from zero, it’s just a feel good song. and for my favorite song, i would say it’s gambler, but like you said, it changes a lot. it’s hard to choose when they release nothing but bops 😇
i hope we can catch up soon again, i’ll be around this time 🤍
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dearsnow · 2 years
hii ! aaaa i hope i'm not disturbing you or anything but i was wondering if i could get a male genshin impact matchup ?? if you're not taking any requests or so, please disregard this and i'm sowwy uwu 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 ( the last part is ironic PLS HAJAHSJWNEKNWJW 😭 )
i'm 19 ( turning 20 in a few months ew ), an architecture student, pansexual with a more male preference, libra, and my mbti is enfj if you need all that jazz ! hehe
appearance-wise, i have dark brown eyes, long layered wavy-curly hair that's dyed brown. i am short ( 4'11 - 5'0 😭 ), i have tanned skin, and long black nails as of the moment ! i also wear these transparent-rimmed glasses, though they're mainly used when i use gadgets or read.
for hobbies, i like to create art ( mainly sketch and paint using watercolor now bc of my major ), watch anime, do makeup, play video games, and read books ! i love anything horror, stephen king and junji ito are my favorites in the genre. i also love true crime and psychology !
personality-wise, people would say i am very sociable, outspoken, and friendly. they also say that i'm funny and very loud ( in a good way! ). i join a lot of organizations in my school and my friends and classmates would always joke about me being the next president or vice-president of our organizations. i call everyone 'babes' or 'babe' and i can easily make friends or joining in the crowd/bond with someone because i am bond to have at least one similarity with the person, may it be from our likes, dislikes, or experiences. my friends also say that i am a 'motherly' type of person; someone who loves love, who is protective, who tries to help in anyway they can, and who will love someone with all of their heart.
when it comes to love, i want someone who is lowkey in public, like people are surprised that we're together ( either they're too quiet about the relationship or acts more like a best friend in public ) but at the same time, aren't surprised bc we're already close friends or so. behind closed doors or when no one's around, they're clingy and very romantic HAHAHAHA. also, i want someone who can handle my happy and sad days and makes sure that i'm okay and is just physically there UGH the trauma and issues are peeking HAHAHAHAHA.
ig that's that HDKSJDKD i'm sorry if this is long but i hope you have a great day, babes ! mwah 💋
- 🍞 anon
I’m so sorry bread anon but my matchups are closed :( when they do open again though, feel free to send one in 🫶
Just a psa but I have been deleting the matchups that were sent in after I closed them up, so when they open again, send one in with a note that says yours was deleted in the past and I’ll do yours for sure
0 notes
💌message to jamie🐺: miss uuuu 💗 can’t wait to be with u soon!🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: aw okay, u’ll take me out on a proper date soon, yeah? so we can get all dressed up🥰✨
💌message to jamie🐺: love u most most mostest ever in the whole wide world n universe
💌message to jamie🐺: meeeep i wish i could have ur kissies right now nowwwwww i love them soooooo much💗
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbsjs plsss don’t break them🥲i like these🫶
💌message to jamie🐺: awwwww i wish that were me poutttt
💌message to jamie🐺: here 🥰 *sends a picture of me hugging bucky bear close to my face, smiling brightly, then sends a picture of me kissing bucky bear*
💌message to jamie🐺: ahhhh i misssss uuuuu!!! so. stinkin. much. grr.
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbdn hehe yes we doooooo
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbdndn i’m glad u are bc i’m insane jamie🥰💗✨
💌message to jamie🐺: but don’t u like themmmmmmm🥺💗 just wanna convey my enthusiasm through the phone!!!😁💗✨🫶
💌message to jamie🐺: bdbfnsnd
💌message to jamie🐺: awww i know🥺 i wish was sleeping on u🥺 ur sooooo much more comfy than brucey!
💌message to jamie🐺: awww that’s good baby!! looks a lot better!!!
💌message to jamie🐺: oh yes please! a nice hot shower with u sounds like exactly what i’ll need when i come back!
💌message to jamie🐺: shdbsjdjsj eeeeek🫶 uhhhhh yes yes u do🫣
💌message to jamie🐺: djfnsnd oh ur so silly baby :)
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends u a video of myself in the shower, rubbing soap all over myself* mmmm mhm… y-your smell helps g-get me off sometimes… *moves my hand down, rubbing at my clit, moaning softly* mmmm… w-want you to b-breed me wolf… p-put it all inside me… *whines, slowly fingering myself* mmmm i-i’m all d-daddy’s… j-just yours james… w-want y-your cum s-so bad p-please… *starts fingering myself faster, clenching my thighs, whimpering* p-please… b-breed me… *whines softly* m-make me as y-yours wolf… c-cause i-i’m all yours… and y-you’re all m-mine, yeah james? a-all mine… o-only for y-your bunny… *pants, pushing another finger inside me, whining a little louder* s-shit… o-oh god… mmm… j-james… i l-love you… s-shit i-i’m g-gonna cum… *gasps softly* ‘m c-cumming *moans loudly, releasing, taking my fingers out, looking at the camera, sucking on my fingers slowly, blushing, then giggles, turning it off*
💌message to jamie🐺: u look cute👍 *sends a mirror selfie, my hair up in a towel, in one of ur shirts and boxers, bruce brushing his teeth in the back* hope u think i look cuteeee🥺
💌message to jamie🐺: mmmm wanna hug n kiss u tooo🥺💗 u really realllllyyyyyyy wanna hug n kiss meeeeeeee? lil’ ol’ meeeeeeeee?
💌message to jamie🐺: i’ll pick up cute bandaids for u👍
💌message to jamie🐺: cute !
💌message to jamie🐺: awwww thank u nat :) 💗 wish i could be as pretty as her though!
💌message to jamie🐺: and as talented and tough and coooool as her sighhhhhh🥲🥲🥲 pout shfbdndj
💌message to jamie🐺: good :) i love u lots!🥺💗
💌voice message to jamie🐺: hi jamie… mmm yeah, hope you’re taking good care of yourself… i’m not there to take care of you… *pauses* b-but ermm, i g-guess y-you have n-nat there so erm, t-that’s good… s-she can help l-look after y-you… *clears my throat* y-yeah? j-just us right? *breathes softly* our alone time… *hums softly* i-it’s important… but erm, w-we’ll be home soon… just us… so we’ll get to have lots of time just m-me n you, yeah? i miss you so much… *chuckles softly* mhm, is hard to be away from you… even with all the texts n messages… awww yeah, i’ll keep giving bucky bear lots of love… n you make sure to give scout bunny tons of love… s-she needs it *chuckles softly* mmm pressing my bracelet now… hug… *hums* you show me your love… i really really love your texts honey… and your voice message… so sweet, makes me feel your love for sure… you’re doing more than enough… *chuckles softly* any time alone with you is a yes from me jamie *chuckles softly, sighing after* time to go home… hope it comes soon *chuckles* oh gosh, i miss you so much… y-you’re the most perfect person in the world for me… i can’t imagine having anyone else… i h-hope i’ll stay b-being e-enough for you… cause wanna g-give you the best… *giggles softly* oh man, i sure hope so! i want all your loving… and trust me, you will get tons of loving back… gonna jump on you and give you so many kissies and i won’t let you go… *giggles* i’m gonna be so blushy when i see you jamie… *squeals softly* mmm… y-your sweet little baby… ‘m g-good girl… *hums* i miss it too jamie… miss our bed… our couch… alpine… eating with you… all of it… *hums* mhm, we can take turns making each other food! that sounds good baby… *sighs contently* i love you so much james… cuddles ASAP… *makes kissy noises* will give you my kissies soon honey… mmm pressing mine *pauses to press my bracelet, then speaks in a sing songy voice* i love youuuu… my sweetest jamie… oh how i love youuuu… *chuckles softly* i love you… see you soon, okay? i love you
💌comms: hi wolfie… hope your face doesn’t hurt you… bunny misses you very much… so so much… i love you… i love you soooo much
💌message to jamie🐺: ur face looks better!🥺👍 glad to see it healing good❤️‍🩹
💌message to jamie🐺: i know u do :) i love them! :) i’m glad u like the ones i have for u
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbsnd love n miss u oh so veryyyy much
💌message to jamie🐺: oh i absolutely love it!🥰💗ur bunny bear n ur my honeybear 🥰🫶
💌message to jamie🐺: mhmmm! cuddles are only for ME ! mmmm i think i dooooo know herrrrr…. sounds like a lucky girl🥰💗i love my sweetest jamie… he’s soooo adorable n i love him sosososo much:)
💌message to jamie🐺: cute :) *sends a selfie of myself in bed, the blanket covering my face except my eyes*
💌message to jamie🐺: i love u sooooo much jamie💗i love u!!! my sweetest jamie💗ur my whole heart !!! i love u !!!💗💗💗
💌message to jamie🐺: i love uuuuuu
💌message to jamie🐺: iloveuiloveuiloveuiloveu
💌message to jamie🐺: i really really love u so much james💗💗💗so so much my baby i love uuuu💗💗💗💗💗nighty night💗💗
💌message to bunny: miss you too baby❤️will see you soon
💌message to bunny: yeah I’ll take you out :) let’s get dinner at some fancy place so we can get dressed up, this is from that event *sends a pic of me in the suit, smiling*
💌message to bunny: wow I can’t really beat that but I do really really love you baby
💌message to bunny: I know baby, I wanna kiss you so bad
💌message to bunny: I promise I won’t break them :) *sends a pic of me in glasses* saw these at the store
💌message to bunny: you look so cute with Bucky bear, baby :) *sends a picture of me kissing the top of the bunny plushie’s head and then the bunny sitting in the passenger seat, buckled in*
💌message to bunny: I know baby, I really really miss you
💌message to bunny: well then I love my insane little bunny so fucking much :)
💌message to bunny: I can definitely see your enthusiasm through the emojis baby lol, they’re very you so of course I like them.
💌message to bunny: brucey?
💌message to bunny: you can fall asleep on me all you want when we’re back
💌message to bunny: yeah it’s mostly healed now :)
💌message to bunny: okay baby :) hot shower with me is on the menu for when I come back :)
💌message to bunny: oh that’s good :) I’m silly? How so?
💌message to bunny: *sends a video of me in the shower, rubbing my hand down my chest and tummy to my cock, slowly stroking it* f-fuck I wanna give you my cum so bad too baby…w-watchin’ you finger yourself like that…s-shit I can never get tired of it…bet it was so hard to stay standin’ *moans and strokes myself faster* you’re such a good girl…told you I wanted you to beg and you did…fuck…I’ll give it all to you okay bunny? You’ll get it all once I have you in our bed…*moans a little louder and leans against the wall* mmhm ‘m all yours bunny…I love bein’ yours…I l-love you too…I love you so much…s-scout, fuck *groans and bucks into my hand as I release, slowly rubbing myself and then smiles and sticks my tongue out at the camera before turning it off*
💌message to bunny: you look so cute my baby :) *sends a picture of me after a shower, naked*
💌message to bunny: lol yes my baby
💌message to bunny: I wanna kiss you so so so much and hug you so so good
💌message to bunny: dreaming about it
💌message to bunny: thank you :) can both wear matching bandaids
💌message to bunny: you’re prettier than Nat, baby
💌message to bunny: babydoll
💌message to bunny: you’re my favorite person
💌message to bunny: you’re so fucking cool lol
💌message to bunny: my little tech nerd
💌message to bunny: I love you❤️❤️❤️❤��you’re mine and I’m yours yeah? My baby❤️❤️❤️love you lots :)
💌voice message to bunny: hey baby…I miss you…mmm yeah, I guess Nat is here to help but I want you takin’ care of me…mhm is just us…’m alone…cause I left where Nat and I, and a bunch of others were to see Stevie so…’m in a shitty motel by myself *chuckles* mhm our alone time is important to me too baby…we’ll be back together soon…mhm I just wanna be with you when we’re back…I miss you so much…’m givin’ scout bunny lots of love, honey…she’ll cuddle with me tonight…I’ll give her some kissies right now, here *kisses the bunny close to my phone so you can hear* press in’ my bracelet now…mhm is a little hug…*chuckles* you’re doin’ more than enough too baby…have loved reading all your messages and listenin’ to your voice when I get breaks…but I really just can’t wait to see you in person…oh baby, I’m very sure you’ll stay bein’ enough for me…you’re so good to me…and I absolutely love spendin’ my life with you…I can’t imagine bein’ with anyone else either…I want you, okay? But uh…hope you also don’t get tired of me or anythin’…*chuclkles* jump on me? Okay baby…lookin’ forward to it…I’ll give you really good hugs and kissies okay? *chuckles* mhm…you’re my sweet little bunny hm? You’re really fuckin’ great scout…’m so…so in love with you…I love you…we’ll cuddle after a shower okay? ‘S so soon baby…*chuckles* fuck your singin’ is so cute…I’ll press my bracelet now…love you so much too my sweet scout…love you always…I’ll see you really soon…love you…
💌comms: my face is okay bunny…I love you too…you know I miss you *chuckles* love you so much…
💌message to bunny: thank you baby :) make sure all your little cuts are cleaned good
💌message to bunny: Love and miss you too baby❤️❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: yes exactly :) we’re so cheesy
💌message to bunny: you got that right :) it’s you and the cuddles are allllll for you okay? I’m addicted to your cuddles
💌message to bunny: I’m not adorable
💌message to bunny: I love you so so much
💌message to bunny: you look snuggly :) *sends the same picture, only showing my eyes, the blanket up to them, then sends another of me cuddling bunny plushie*
💌message to bunny: love you so much too❤️❤️❤️
💌message to bunny: This is an I love you attack :) good one of course
💌message to bunny: love you my sweet little baby❤️❤️❤️you’re my whole heart too❤️love you to the moon and back :)
💌message to bunny: Love you love you love you love you
💌message to bunny: I’m so lucky :) love you so much too scout, really really love you :)
💌message to bunny: Night❤️❤️❤️❤️
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