#please do not reblogge this
rainbowhouseplant · 4 months
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Commissions are OPEN, head on over to Ko-Fi (click here) to secure a spot!
a few of these examples are in a traditional medium, but the images will be done and delivered digitally as a .png either through email or discord.
not willing to do: children, lizard-folk/scalies, mecha/machinery, avians willing to do: humanoids ( humans, elves, tieflings, people-with-vague-animal-features, etc), furries, adults
have an idea for something but not certain where it falls in either of those lists? reach out to me either on here or over on ko-fi and we can think it out!
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stargloom · 3 months
hey. i dont like doing this. and i dont want to be a tumblr bitch who's wrote a callout before. but i cannot in good faith continue posting in the same community as this guy and allow him to pretend to not be genuinely a sicko. but @/bloomingduskk (who im sure will change urls after i post this is. a prosh.ipper radq.eer trans.d alongside a plethora of unfavorable unethical things. most of which being too personal to share, but enough left for me to be uncomfortable with my own silence. tw for like fucking everything lol
I never wanted to be in this position, or ever have to be the author of something like this. I am not a confrontational person or someone who enjoys drama, i’m entirely someone who goes out of his way not to get involved in such things, but due to my past public friendships with this person, and his tendencies of covering his tracks and lying about me and my friends, i feel as if it would be cowardly of me not to at least issue a warning about this user, and hope my message is conveyed well. If this was solely a personal gripe, I would not come out with a doc publically, I have no intentions of being petty, and am purposely leaving out a lot of petty issues and things that have been done to harm me personally. I only intend to talk about the actual dangers he promotes, and provide counterclaims to the narratives he tends to enjoy putting out. 
Before going further, i will be addressing him by his url, or nothing at all, as i will not be calling him by the japanese name he chooses to go by as a white person. It is against my morals. I hope that my decision doesn’t make this document more confusing than it needs to be. 
--- bloomingduskk uses Japanese names as a white person, and has done so for a while. He currently uses the name “maki” , and for the last half of 2023, went by Kaede, despite the fact that i firmly told him not to due to it being cultural appropriation multiple times, and each time he gave me an excuse, before continuing to do it. This is not a targeted attack against him, as he has said before in regard to being told not to use a japanese name, but something that i would condemn no matter who the person was. He identify(s)d as transracial. No matter the mental health issues you may have, the entire concept of “transitioning” into an ethnic minority is racist and entirely unacceptable. Here was his response to that.
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And here is him self describing as transracial, and his pinned post on his old radqueer blog
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^^ his discord at the time, which i and many others have personal dms with, matched exactly with his radq.ueer blogs. he cannot fucking say this isnt him i will go insane if he tries to deny this shit. He has spoken about me under the guise that I am stalking him, despite never having me blocked on anything but an old art account, and also the fact that I have gone out of my way, due to having severe morality ocd, not to scroll through or look at his content. All screenshots were provided to me secondhand, and not from my own devices, due to how severe this situation was for me, a person with ocd who he knew has ocd. At the time of these screenshots, i specifically requested my friends to block out his usernames so i didn't obsessively compulsively make myself feel sick scrolling through his blogs. (the screenshots in question here are not mine, i own a samsung galaxy, this ui does not match. I added my own annotations to the second image though.) VV his self identification as a proshipper + some stuff he had on his propara blogs (heavy tw)
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^^ the first image here is in repsonse to an extremely long and thought out message my friend sent him during this period to this specific blog of his when it still existed.
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his response to this was full of lies and empty promises and excuses, and plenty of vapid words he has taken back. i dont see a point in including what he had to say about this purely because he was lying through his teeth.
his twt account was probably the worst thing of his that was shown to me. i do not want to include screenshots of the things he would retweet as they were all sexually explicit imagery and posting of pedophilia, rape, beastiality, severe abuse, loli/shota content, and general dangerous and exploitative philias. i do not want to make that content more reachable to anyone than it already is . this account has been deleted. but i have been given screenshots of him posting his art there. along with the most tame thing i think he posted there. yeah
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a lot of the harm he has done to my friends and i is extremely personal, far more personal than i feel comfortable airing out on a public blog that i've worked hard to distance a public personality from. so, i am not willing to spend time slowly outlining every single lie and harmful action he has done. that would make this post impossibly long, and i dont have the stomach to retrigger myself in this way. this has taken me two months to write, as i am deeply bothered by it and this entire event with him made me the sickest i'd been in a long while. do not fucking harass him. block him. im certain he's going to send himself anon asks pretending to be stargloom rabid fans or pretend to be my friends or whatever but all i want is for him to stay the fuck away from me and my friends and spaces where he pretends he isn't into vile shit. block him. dont interact. dont send him anything. just be careful of this cunt . i refuse to let him walk around as if he hasn't happily and enthusiastically promoted the most vile content one can enjoy.
im sure he's gonna scramble after this and probably start spewing revolting shit abt me which hes done at every single turn after me being upset. but he cannot pretend like nothing happened forever. thanks.
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
i love when ppl have furries that get you invested in an animal you probably never thought about very often. shout out to every techno fan who has a deep appreciation for pigs now
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deluzionalfantisea · 8 months
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Hehehe pretty wife
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blinkpen · 1 month
i made a semi-facetious joke about kabru dungeon meshi but then it turned into a long ramble oops
kabru is so weirded out by laios' inscrutable vibes and lack of interest in other people (including kabru which he totally doesn't take personally or anything) that he immediately descends into paranoia and assumes malevolence
what i'm saying is laios is autistic rep, this we know, but kabru is also autistic rep, for equally traumatized autistic people who think their hard-learned mastery of people pleasing, social scripts and masking translates into unilateral skill at reading people of all types and assuming they are right on the money about it every time (**despite obvious cases of this not being true) and now call themselves Dark Empaths and have that one person who didn't wrong them but also didn't notice them or immediately become their friend and so said Empath is waiting desperately for another, actually valid reason to call them out and claim this weirdo was evil all along and be 'dealt with' and feel reassuring closure over not being able to connect with what is now clearly proven to be just an obvious error of a human, whatever that even means,
and tragically not grappling with the irony of this being the exact fate they've merely defensively trained their way out of facing at the hands of others
i say this as someone who likes kabru and think he and laios should kiss btw i just wanted to see how many people read all that and Flinched, happy tuesday
**something something:
Worthy Contrast i think, between A) kabru assuming average joe adventurers laios and falin are sinister people hiding something... after seeing their honest generosity be pretty blatantly taken advantage of, without them ever catching on or at least never causing a fuss, and kabru assuming laios could only ever be corrupted by the forces of the dungeon because laios doesn't care enough about people or what people think, which must mean he doesn't value human life enough to not do evil things one day
B) kabru having misguided trust for the town's literal crime lord, who he knows is a crime lord, entirely bc of how friendly the guy is and how clean and orderly he runs things (because it's functionally pragmatic to not be as evil as possible about it) and oohh they're so well acquainted! kabru knows he's a ultimately a good dude who'd do the right thing and care about the community whose seedy underbelly he oversees, and look at him, he even looks like santa claus...! after all the cordial interactions they've had, surely "leave money on the table to prevent a calamity that could leave hundreds dead" is a favor he won't mind kabru asking of him at all!
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kabru said he wanted to see a mask fall,
he got exactly that
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chai-berries · 11 months
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credit to spaceswifty
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snixx · 6 months
can i say something that might get me cancelled if i said it irl. why are we (indians but more specifically the indian governement) so obsessed with border and military disputes our country is literally twice the size of the entire continent of europe and/or the cumulative size of oceania and the americas put together population wise. as far as i know most of the people from these territories aren't really begging to be a part of india either why do we need such a massive fucking military budget over this shit "they can't stay independent pakistan or china will pounce if they don't belong to us anymore" don't you think that's THEIR choice and prerogative. they aren't asking to be a part of india. "if pakistan gets kashmir they will keep taking and taking and india will be in ruins" you sound like a conspiracy theorist. kashmir has never unanimously wanted to be a part of india. don't we have enough problems to worry about people are literally starving and homeless everywhere in our country. decentralisation isn't the worst thing that could happen to a territory right now we're too big and diverse a country is an indian identity we're forcing on them really the most important thing right now
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essektheylyss · 1 year
World Wizard Entertainment: After Hours
I did want to write a little thing now that I am done making a vicious mockery of Vince McSam, because this was really a WILD week and I do love a debrief.
Honestly, when I sat down to make a bracket last week, I was not committed to posting it, I was not going to make any graphics, and I definitely was not planning to run a tournament.
....Obviously that changed, but you already know that.
Really I just wanted to figure out how hard it would be to properly seed a tournament in fandom. I've already talked about that elsewhere so I won't get into it, but when you're building a tournament, you want it seeded for intrigue in later rounds, even if round one match-ups are very lopsided.
But once I had it, I was thinking about how different polls have gone in the past. Specifically, I had written a post during some earlier polls with Laerryn and Essek competing that was commenting, you know, if we're talking duel, Essek loses, 100%. He'd have a prayer in hell of winning, and there are no gods here or whatever. And the poll in which Laerryn and Essek were matched up, which Aabria made a very funny joke about, wasn't even a wizard poll! It was just sexiest character or something. But the thing is, a lot of polls have been really vague about what criteria to vote on, and there's a reason for that! A lot of polls like that are going to have an obvious winner. And because of how these spread, you are going to have a lot of people voting purely on popularity or name recognition, including plenty of people who are not super engaged in fandom since there are lots of lurkers (and we love them! hi, lurkers!), and also random people outside the fandom who just vote on any poll, so you have to account for that.
But we have polls now, and fandom is fun and chaotic, so I wondered... could you game it for an unexpected result?
I cannot turn down a challenge once I've come up with it for myself, so at that point, I actually built a tournament.
For a lot of the week, in all but the most meaningless and random of situations, I thought the answer was no! We got Ludinus kicked in the first round, which I mostly did to stir up a little drama, because round one was pretty calm and quiet.
By the quarterfinals, it got tougher. At that point there were more folks engaging, but a lot of the tags were, "Didn't we already decide this?" and I was like, well, no one is watching March Madness year after year going, "Well, Gonzaga* is the best and that's decided I guess," (except maybe Gonzaga fans, but knowing some of them, they are really serious about their basketball). They're there because there's chance involved. A great team can lose to an underdog in an early upset. Also, there's always the bracket contest, which is another layer of gamification that adds some interest. (Sidebar, can you tell yet that I wrote a paper on gamification when applying to grad school? Lulz.) But like I've mentioned, fandom polls are highly stacked to be popularity contests. How do you introduce some chance and intrigue?
As it turns out, you call the Veth stans, which I sure wouldn't have guessed, so I'm glad they turned up anyway.
But in all seriousness, with a poll like this, it's really not about deciding who is The Wizard. (For the record, with my url fully visible, the answer is absolutely Laerryn Coramar-Seelie. She is seeded first for a reason!) It's about seeing if you can be weird and wacky enough, or maybe just heartfelt and sincere enough, to turn the tide of what's expected. But it's only fun if it's collaborative.
And here's where I say it all comes back to collaborative narrative and storytelling, because when does it not with me, but seriously—I seeded Veth pretty high because she was a PC, but wasn't sure if she was going to hold that far through the polls. By the time she was, I wasn't asking, "Why is Veth beating Yussa, the most no-brain cell wizard in the northern Exandrian hemisphere, with one wizard level?" It was clear that the Veth fans had decided to make this their mission.
So I do hope the takeaway, based on everyone making content and giving speeches and doing a fun kayfabe, is that you can make a really interesting and fun tournament by committing to the bit. You have to get ridiculous and you have to stick with it, but that's... really what fandom is. It's really not about "is my fave gonna win," and it's honestly not even about who wins (you may have noticed that the winner section of my results post is... small, which is intentional), it's about building a little story together.
And I'm really glad we all did that. I feel like I need to go around and do a virtual 'good game' high five to the Veth stans, and the Caleb stans, and Aabria herself, and everyone who wrote in defense of someone and put on a kayfabe and ran with a bit, because it really was a fun roller coaster of a tournament.
And if you didn't join in this week, but kind of wanted to, I hope the next time someone runs a tournament you just go for it! I was also a lot more timid about fandom participation as a teen, but honestly, if you are really excited about, I don't know, Realmseer Eskil (who is super cool by the way), don't take it too seriously and write an overwrought defense of them! Make a funny meme! Be sporting about it, come up with the most ridiculous reason you can name to vote for them, and run with it.
(Also, my other takeaway is that it is really easy to ape the overblown wrestling host voice. Please do it, it's literally so funny.)
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djsangos · 3 months
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swore i didnt have any pics of me as a kid but somehow found this hiding in an old jacket that doesnt even fit anymore and thought id show tideblr
look its me age like 9 with the family shrimp chowder and my ass is NOT holding him very securely
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communistkenobi · 1 year
the thought I am about to voice is going to be very messy and rough and probably overly generalised, but I’m coming to the point in my education (& I’m picking out Fanon, Said, Cesaire in particular here) where I feel like empiricism as a system of thinking is at a crisis point for me. rationalism and positivism and scientific discovery broadly as a way of systemising information and thinking about the world has been so deeply bound up in projects of capitalism and empire, legitimising the “civilising efforts” of colonial occupations of various “irrational” societies across the world, producing “The West” as a political entity that is seen as ultimately rational, and creating this body of secular authority (“scientific knowledge”) that is imbedded in the maintenance of “The West” and its component states, an authority that can only be understood and contributed to as an academic via the same capitalistic market logics that govern everything else - that to be “empirical” about the world, to present myself as someone whose beliefs are informed by provable discoverable “facts” about reality, feels very similar to an allegiance to capital-E Empire in general.
And Marxism has been very clarifying for me in this regard, to be able to use empiricism and make empirical claims that are fundamentally counter-hegemonic to capitalism, but it still comes out of this same European enlightenment tradition. But absent that I don’t know what else there is lol. Like empiricism feels like the only game in town but it’s a game with so much blood on its hands that I don’t know if it’s something you can export out of capitalism. To use an example, is eugenics a “misuse” of science? My answer to that question is both yes and no - yes in the sense that a belief in eugenics is not backed by evidence, that when you put the idea that some “gene pools” are “better” than others and that you need to get rid of “the bad ones” to scientific tests, this does not stand up to scientific scrutiny because the categorical bins you use to define good and bad gene pools are also not biological or scientific (eg race), as well as a bunch of other issues, so eugenics fails the empirical smell test. But eugenics is also effectively “true” because the belief in it has produced unquantifiable amounts of imperial violence. It’s “true” in the sense that it has become a rational logic by which empire justifies itself, and so imperial powers behave as if it is true. And because eugenics emerges out of enlightenment scientific thinking, a project itself that emerges from capitalism/colonialism, can it really be called a misuse if it’s accomplishing exactly what European imperial powers need it to?
Like I guess basically what I need clarified for me is, is it possible to believe in empiricism as an epistemic authority without it being ultimately used for imperial ends. If you believe that capital-T Truth is discoverable, and that the more that Truth is used to inform the organisation of society, the better off society will be (which, as a communist, I generally do believe), does that lead you to fundamentally imperialistic conclusions?
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
Finished the first season of Netflix's Avatar the Last Airbender live action adaptation - and I enjoyed it, despite it being imperfect in many respects. I liked that you can really tell the creators were trying to capture the animated show (in comparison to the live action movie which felt almost completely alien to the source material). It felt earnest. And that's what kept me watching. Yes, the pace felt rushed, the dialogue clunky at times, and in condensing the story for the format some key aspects of character arcs were glossed over or changed. But it has its moments, and I still cried in the finale. They still got me.
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alexis-royce · 9 months
Thoughts on Mask of the Rose? I've been considering buying it for the Pages romance and as the Resident Pages Lover I value your opinion
Pages’ dialogue is very charming, and as you might’ve guessed, I enjoyed getting to spend a little time with it.
That’s the nice stuff I have to say. Rest under the cut.
I can’t, however, give an in-depth review, because I did not enjoy the game. It is designed with rather a lot of systems to engage with, and they very much got in the way of me being able to place myself in London, instead of allowing me to express myself and connect with the cast.
These distinctions might not be important to a lot of players, but in case you share my specific tastes: I would not call this a visual novel; it’s much more in the vein of a time management sim, or an old school IF game. Those are both great genres! But I specifically was really looking forward to a Fallen London game that allowed me to really sink into the world, something that was way less segmented than the browser game. But this is a game that you’re supposed to replay over and over and over, and the player character ends up becoming very disposable, which is not conducive to emotional engagement, for me.
This all uh, really hurts to have to type, and I haven’t talked about it because I don’t want to be a bummer. I hope none of the MotR devs are reading this, because I love that they made a weird little game! There’s literally no other game like it, and that’s rad!
My recommendation is to play the demo. I found the full game to be no more juicy or compelling than the demo, so if the demo gets you excited, you should go for it!
(I did love Pages’ furniture obsession showing up as a kink thing, though. I definitely backed the game for too much on kickstarter, but I am a weak man and Pages sending my MC out to stare a carpenter dead in the face and ask for the upside-down fuck cabinet was almost worth buying the game for.)
(I’m weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaak.)
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joyfuladorable · 14 days
Tagged by @redstringraven! Thanks, Hannah!!
"the rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url."
Took me a hot second (and by second I mean months) cuz I throw whatever songs I like into a single playlist and also my url is LONG.
Jolene - Dolly Parton - Truly enjoy the chorus of this it's so fun to sing Over the Rainbow- Israel Kamakawiwo’ole - There's a live version of this that I used to listen to all the time where you can hear the crowd cheering at certain points and it fills me with so much joy You & I (Nobody in the World) - John Legend - The music video for this is so beautiful I dunno I really enjoy it Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru - When this song DROPPED with the KH3 trailer I screamed with my sister about it cuz it felt like and Ending (and it sure was a close to a saga it sure Freaking WAS) Unknown/Nth - Hozier - Trying to vary the songs, so instead of having two Sonic songs on this list, here's Hozier with all his good vibes Let’s Kick it Up - Paul Gordon (Digimon Movie) - I love Digimon! My favorite season is 02, and the amount of SKA in the original dub compilation of the first movies has imprinted itself in my brain forever and the way they played the music with the action sequences was SO GOOD Alterlife - Rina Sawayama - Every single Rina song SLAPS without questions. This is no different Deadlock - Go! Child - One of those songs that feels so easy to sing in the best way. Lovely little earworm One Way Dream - Nathan Sharp (Sonic Frontiers) - Okay, Here's the Sonic song. The amount of songs they fit into Frontiers was Incredible and I love every single one of them Rainbow - Noel Shiri - If you haven't listened to Noel Shiri's album Dirty Calender, y'all need to do it Right Now A Girl Named Tex - Trocadero - Buddy got me into RvB a few months ago, and now dozens of those songs are in my big honking playlist, this one included. Oh Tex, one of my absolute faves... Bet - Rio Romeo - Ohhhhh this song is now solidly hand in hand with a relationship in the Roadtrip AU and it makes me emotional whenever it starts playing Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar - Steven Universe songs my BELOVED. I love how this one got revealed overtime and how it ties in with Rose's story Eye Know - De La Soul (Mutant Mayhem) - Who else downloaded the entirety of the MM soundtrack upon exiting theatre raise your hand
Gods, I have to tag FOURTEEN people?? ERMMMM!! @ccomilk @ditzyblues @kiwiwikiartist @beanmaster-pika @vadfannypack @mrsleepytello @thebeetledude @toonzxy-side @topperflop @harpyrinth @raphtism @lesbianturtle @cwissanthemum aaaand (looking through my mutuals) @telemartus and really anyone else who wants to do it. Obviously, no pressure!!
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Well, I'm starting anew in Faerûn, so I think I will try and share the journey here this time around :) I'm still trying to get the hang of the cam to get nice screens, but I'm playing with mods on a Dark Urge playthrough and quite like her. I've adapted an old one-shot character of mine because I never got the chance to play her in a campaign setting. For now, I want to build her story anew, as a Redemption Durge, because I feel that arc will suit her really well :)
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This is Dysnomia Mossgrove (Nomi for short), who I had built as a lvl 7 shadowcaster back in the day. Her clan had expected the birth of a half-elf girl who was to be named Amber and then become archdruid someday. Instead, they found themselves with a tiefling babe who cast no shadow, and they did not welcome her. Her and her mother were cast out and, by the time she was 4, her mother passed from an unknown illness. The local Inkeeper, an old dwarven woman who called herself Ma Flora raised her then. No one ever got used to the kid who moved about the tavern unnaturally silently and seemed to cast no shadow, yet moved like one herself.
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Of course, that was before. Or maybe it was a dream. Ever since she got out of that Nautiloid she's had really strange dreams. Some involving a life where she helped smuggle people to safety under the cover of shadows, where the night lent her the power to control the shadows that surrounded her in this distant land. But most of her dreams are of a much more violent nature. Bloody. Not quiet like shadows, but drowning in screams of agony. Not hers- others' agony. And in the dreams she relishes the sound, wants more of it. More warm blood on her hands.
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When she wakes, she feels sick. These urges are vile, but something in the depth of that depravity calls out to her like an old familiar friend. It takes her considerable effort not to give in to the urge to slash, maim, kill when she first meets Astarion. Granted, he did attempt to hold a blade to her throat, so. Well, at least she's not the only one who seems blade-happy around here.
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Meeting Gale went much better (than it could've). Despite the condition of her memory, Nomi was certain even wizards were supposed to be a bit better at controlling magic and their portals. Thankfully, she'd suppressed the urge to slice his hand clean off when he first reached out to her for help. He seemed friendly, even a touch too friendly. And, as is typical for wizards, believed his ties to magic better than those of a sorcerer born to it.
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They found Lae'zel a short ways from Gale's malfunctioning portal, hanging from a cage and staring daggers at a pair of tieflings below. Luckily, they fell for a quick lie and went on their way (much to Lae'zel's displeasure). The githyanki is too hungry for battle, and the last thing Dysnomia wants is another voice urging her to kill. It might not be the wisest thing, to keep her company. But until they have a better lead than her creche for a cure, it might just be the best choice regardless.
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Thankfully, they came across a few crypt-thieves before long who gave them no choice but to fight, and they were the perfect target for her shadow and death magic. She could only hope her companions didn't notice the twinkle in her eye each time she struck true, each time the thieves winced, each time another fell lifeless to the ground.
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While fighting scribes of undeath didn't satisfy the sick urges within her, Nomi was glad for the opportunity to test her skills without battling the constant whispers in her mind as well. Unfortunately, nothing in the crypt brought them any closer to finding a cure, or to her lost past. She still couldn't understand why she seemed the only one among the group with such particular symptoms.
Oh, and an elderly undead was about as cryptic as you'd expect before he shuffled along his merry way.
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At camp, she wasn't quite certain if Astarion was making fun of her, or if he genuinely wanted to discuss what she thought the best way to be killed was. A quick blade, to be sure, painless. Though her hands ached as necromantic magic threatened to surge and show him a different way during the conversation.
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Should she be wary of Astarion? Should he be wary of her (he probably should)? Or were they actually getting along? Well, at least they seem to get along well enough.
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Gale, too. Though she could do without the wizard's typical displays of hubris. It was bad enough to keep from slicing things open at every other turn, but this petty rivalry between wizards and sorcerers would turn to more than simple bickering if she lost control of her own unsightly urges. But by the gods, he does realize he has a mirror right in front of him, does he not? he set up the tent himself, Night's sake.
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Oh, and the elder undead from earlier joined them at camp tonight. Seems he will be joining the crew. No, not Astarion (though his complexion is nearly as pale as Withers', but that's besides the point).
Whoo, ok that's what I got for the first session of play, lol. Not certain if I want to do these updates for every session or find a different way to tell the story as it evolves. I want a way to flex my atrophied writing muscle as well so we will have to see how this turns out. BUT here's some extra fun bits: Her name comes from the greek deity of lawlessness and chaos, a daughter of Eris (and Dysnomia is now one of Eris's moons too!). In her original backstory she had no knowledge of the source of her powers, or why she has no shadow of her own, but can control any shadows near her. Her powers lean towards darkness and death (necromancy) but she strives to help others even though they often fear her. She was a smuggler in a time of war, helping civilians relocate safely and ferrying goods between and behind enemy lines. I also love the fact that another meaning for the word Dysnomia relates to anomic aphasia, though! This is, in tldr, a memory issue affecting word retrieval and problems recalling words, names, numbers and nouns in general. So the memory tie-in seemed perfect for a Durge playthrough! :) You guys I'm even more excited for this playthrough than my first one.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
i wonder if any one of these people telling me i'm so awful for suggesting Rhaenyra was acting selfishly when she endangered everyone on the basis of prioritising her own desires (aka Harwin) has ever actually had to keep their relationship a secret out of genuine fear. because i have. and the idea of prioritising my desire for them over them being safe was not an option. we ended things and i would do it again because it was the right thing to do even if we both wanted differently. i just dont understand rhaenyra's perspective and i never will. sorry.
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
admins are allergic to patch notes
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