#please don't expect this for a while this is a longer undertaking
sollucets · 2 years
im winteaming again :’)
“P’Team,” says Wiew, the third time Team fumbles and drops a Gundam piece to the floor completely unprompted. “Is something on your mind?” 
“Why would you say that?” he asks immediately, making to attach the retrieved part to its proper spot on the wing. 
“That’s upside down,” Wiew points out, not unkindly. 
Team stares down at the small red-and-white piece in his hands. Very carefully, he sets it on the table, folds his hands in front of him, and composes himself. Then he glances sidelong at Wiew, who has his chin propped on one of his hands and is watching him with the kind of knowing look that would make Team consider throwing something were this a different brother.
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thlayli-ra · 7 months
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner but it came to me the other day and I just had to write it down. A wee fic to dip my toe back into the Valetverse again.
When Hell Froze Over
Characters - Seth Rollins, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, others mentioned
AU - Valetverse (created by Syreina)
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Swearing
Words - ~1,577 words
Background Info - In a world where women no longer exist, society is split into two; dominants (the ruling class) and valets (who possess the 'inualidus chromosome' that allows them to bear children). Stripped of basic human rights, valets are expected to be entirely subservient to the dominants that claim them and few are prized higher than the valets of the WWE. Seth Rollins and CM Punk are both such valets and are married to Roman Reigns and The Undertaker, respectively.
Summary - Seth Rollins had it all and was convinced nobody could take it away from him. Until the static hit!
***Please note; the author of this fic is a Punk girlie (ng) so everything written here, including the hate, is done with loving affection. I have no problem with Punk haters interacting, so long as we all keep it civil. Thank you!😘***
He was the Visionary! He was the Revolutionary! He was Seth Freakin' Rollins!
And he was on top of the world!
Standing in the cage, he closed his eyes and savoured the sound of the crowd chanting the sweeping notes of his entrance music long after the TitanTron had gone quiet, waving his arms to encourage them to carry on and on and on. Precious gold hung heavy around his waist, the World Heavyweight Championship, symbolising his position as the top dog on Monday Night Raw. The headliner, the main-eventer, the face of the brand. Even backstage, he was looked up to and respected, acknowledged by all as the valet locker-room leader.
Meanwhile his husband Roman Reigns, the Tribal Chief and dominant locker-room leader, was making headlines with his historic reign as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion over on Smackdown, proving once and for all that he was the Head of the Table, while his other husband, fellow valet and recently re-branded Jon Moxley, was dominating the 'other company' with his faction, the brutal Blackpool Combat Club.
The Shield may no longer exist in paper, but nobody could deny their stranglehold on the current wrestling landscape. Sweeter still, nobody came close to challenging them for it.
Not even the Judgement Day! Chasing their newest runt, JD McDonagh to the top of the cage, Seth and his team mate, Sami Zayn, grabbed hold of their foe. Ignoring his pleas for mercy, they threw him towards a waiting Randy Orton below who executed a picture perfect RKO to finish off the Irishman, adding him to the list of his fallen brothers. All it took was a Cross Rhodes for Cody to metaphorically cut off the head of their leader, Damian Priest, and going in for the pin, the ref counted the one, two, three.
The bell rang and the crowd went wild for their victory. Grinning from ear-to-ear, Seth lapped up the applause, his body wracked with the pain and exertion of the brutal War Games match. Below him, Cody was embracing his husband, Randy, who had triumphantly returned from an eighteen month absence due to a back injury. Seth gazed warmly at the happy pair but beneath his smile, his cogs were already turning. Randy was no push-over in the ring, and Cody, the prodigal son, had a way with the crowd that almost rivalled his own. They were potential threats, ones that could prove dangerous in the future. However, as of that moment in time, they were on the same team and on the same wavelength. Seth wasn't worried. He was too engrossed in relishing his fresh victory, cherishing the noise of adoration from the WWE Universe.
And then the static hit!
Somehow the noise grew, a jet engine roaring in his ear.
'No! No fucking way!'
And there he was! Sauntering in with a plain white shirt and the smuggest grin on his face. As if he had any business being there at all!
CM Punk! Phil fucking Calaway, himself!
Seth couldn't believe his eyes, this couldn't be happening. Punk was finished, washed up, done! He'd been fired from that pissant company, branded a thug, a bully, a locker-room cancer. He'd had his character, his reputation and legacy dragged so viciously in the dirt that he'd never clean his slate again. Never!
So, how the fuck was this happening?
Seth saw red! Pushing back his stunned teammates, he stomped out the cage door, heading for the ramp. His path was blocked by refs and production crew, sensing the rage pulsing through the champion's veins. Seth didn't care. He saw the so-called Best in the World posturing at the entranceway, taking selfies with fans, teasing them with taps on his wristwatch.
And they were lapping it all up! They should have booed him out of the building like they were doing on those other shows, blowing the roof off with chants of 'CM Sucks! CM Sucks!' Not welcoming him back with open arms like some conquering hero. This wasn't fair! This wasn't right!
He had walked out on them nearly ten years ago. He had abandoned them all; the company, the valet division, the fans, even those that needed him most. Right when they'd finally given him the ball, he'd dropped it and never looked back. Not only that but he had done everything in his power to tear it all down since.
So now, he could just... walk back in?
NO! He wasn't having it! Not in his company!
'Woah, woah! Easy there.' He had more people around him now; Cody and Sami, even Michael Cole and Corey Graves had left the commentary table to try and calm Seth down, force him back. It only ignited the fire further.
It was all caught on a fan's mobile phone. How he had repeatedly stuck up his middle fingers at Punk, swearing bloody murder at him with the foulest language he could muster. It would become viral, as much a talking point of that night as the return that proved hell had truly frozen over.
CM Punk was back in the WWE.
While everything else; the War Games match, the victory, even Orton's return all fell away into the background.
Even for Seth, who now had only one focus, one vision. Hearing Punk spew his empty apologies, prattling on about conquering his white whale of main-eventing Wrestlemania, saying that he was finally 'home' before signing that dotted line that tied him to the red brand - Seth's brand! - caused that wrath inside of him to bubble into a boiling froth until he could stand it no longer.
His music hit and he stormed out to the ring. Standing toe-to-toe with his former friend, now his bitter enemy, he stared down the older valet without fear. Eyeing up the deeper lines in his face, the grey in his beard, the new scars marring his skin. Behind those pursed lips, he knew a tooth was missing. Punk had changed in so many ways.
But so had Seth. He was no longer the kitten, and he had outgrown the Architect. He was now the veteran, the top guy, the champion, and Punk was beneath him in every way possible.
'Don't you dare call this place your home!' Seth warned the older man. 'This is my home! This is our home and I will do everything in my power to protect it from people like you!'
Punk looked on, his arms crossed across his chest, blinking slowly like a bored cat. Never once making a move to grab a mic himself.
'I'm going to say this plainly, with every fibre of my being,' he paused, ensuring he could see the look on Punk's face as he uttered, 'I hate you!' It stung him, the older valet ducking his head. 'The truth always comes out, pal, and I know, you know, everybody here knows... this is your last chance.' Another pause, letting the significance of his words set in. 'So one of two things is gonna happen; you either expose yourself and self-destruct like you always do. Or if, by some miracle, you have changed, and you've got any gas left in this old tank? Maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to stand across the ring from me, in a World Heavyweight Championship match and then I will expose you for the fraud that you are!'
Finally, finally, Punk grabbed a microphone and Seth readied himself. The other valet was notorious on the mic, it had been what had propelled him above the rest, that had broken down barriers and glass ceilings, that had changed the entire culture of wrestling as a whole. He knew that whatever was coming his way was bound to be brutal.
'Are you done?' the older man asked, patronisingly. Seth tried to keep calm, hide his ire. 'That's your one free pass to stand here and speak to me disrespectfully without me coming after you.' Pass? A free pass? Seth didn't need a fucking free pass! But he had no time to argue back as Punk went on, announcing that he was entering the Royal Rumble. 'And when CM Punk wins, maybe, Seth, it's you, he's coming after!'
The confrontation was over, and even though by all standards, it should have been another victory for Seth, it felt hollow. What good was winning a war of words when his enemy refused to fight?
But he was coming for him, he knew that for certain now. He wanted that main event at Wrestlemania, he wanted that shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.
He couldn't let that happen.
But then, as a Scottish poet once said, "the best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft a-gley." Seth injured his knee a few weeks later. He would not be able to fulfil his promise himself.
So he took inspiration from another Scot...
There had been another who was equally enraged at Punk's return. That same night, at Survivor Series, he had stormed out when Cult of Personality hit. A towering, hulking brute who had grown jaded and angry. Who had a knack for putting other superstars on the shelf. Another, who had entered his name into the Royal Rumble.
'Drew McIntyre,' Seth accosted the Scottish Warrior backstage.
'What do you want?' the huge dominant snarled down at him.
Seth was unfazed. 'I believe we both have a common enemy.' McIntyre's eyes narrowed, a sparkle of intrigue in the intense blues. Seth knew then and there that he had the dominant's attention. 'You say you want to redeem yourself?'
He leant in close, whispering conspiratorially.
'How would you like to be the saviour of Wrestlemania?'
Tags; @my-intrests @selamat-linting
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universaltribalsimp · 1 month
Tumblr media
It's the night following a tremendous battle at WrestleMania 40. In the words of the American Nightmare, when one story ends, an even better one begins. And one of the individuals that played a part in that epic ending is none other than the Undertaker. Some music plays in the background as the Deadman sits on his throne, reading a book. I don't know what he's reading, but considering it's the Deadman, it's probably something dark or grotesque. However, the peace doesn't last much longer. A few seconds pass until the front door slams open, hitting the wall hard enough for the doorknob to put a hole in it. The Undertaker looks up from his book, looking mildly annoyed at worse, and sighs because at his front door stands the former Undisputed WWE Champion...
Roman Reigns. And to say that he's pissed would be the biggest understatement to date.
​​"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" he screams at the Phenom, his fists balled up tight enough to turn his knuckles white.
All the while, the Undertaker just sits there and stares, hardly fazed by his guest's rage. His eyes stay locked on Roman as he puts the book down, and before he responds, his annoyed expression turns into a mild but firm glare. Roman, if I were you, I would close the door and try again.
"Look, Roman, I understand that you're upset. Albeit rightfully so," he states, "But if you're going to get pissy with me - something I strongly advise against doing, then the least you can do is KNOCK!!"
That last word echoes throughout the mansion with the strength of thunder from a severe storm. The echo replaces Roman's rage with a moderate fear as evident by his wide eyes and uncalled fists. As pissed off as he may be, he knows better than to disrespect the Undertaker in his own home. As calm and quiet as a light breeze, Roman pulls the door out from the wall and gently closes the door in front of him. A few seconds later, he knocks on the door, for you but cautiously and the Phenom just smiles. However, it's not a happy, relaxed, or even a pleased smile. It's a teasing smile because, with a sing-songy tone in his voice, he answers the door.
​​​​​"Who is it?"
Hysterical laughter erupts from the Deadman's lungs to the point of him clutching his stomach. But Roman? Well, let's just say that he doesn't find the joke that funny. "IT'S MEEEEEE!!" the formerly undisputed Samoan screams in a deadly combination of pure annoyance and frustration.
"C-Come on in this house, boy!" the Undead Texan manages to get out through the last of his chuckles.
A mild glare is given to the macabre mansion owner as Roman steps inside and closes the door behind him. Calmly and gently, of course. Afterward, he walks over to where the Undertaker sits and stands a few feet away from him, his hands balled up but not as tightly as before.  "What the hell was that, Taker?" Roman repeats himself, then decides to add to the question, "John Cena? Seth Rollins? Unfortunately Jey Uso? I expected that sort of nonsense from them. But you? I thought we had something!" At first, a dead silence fills the large house. Pun slightly intended. The men just engage in a glaring contest and for a minute or two, neither of them are backing down. In due time, the silence is broken by the Deadman.
"We do have something," Taker retorts, "I went after the Rock, not you."
"But just the fact that you, of all people, got involved in the first place!" Roman retaliates. His voice now sounds like his heart is shattering with each passing second. "Are you still pissed that I gave your second 'Mania loss?!"
And it is that moment when the Phenom decides that it is his turn to get mad. Like, of all the things to mention at a time like this, Roman just had to go there, huh? A deep breath is inhaled and exhaled as the Undertaker stands up and slowly paces towards him. All the while, the Samoan male stands strong along with his deadly glare. By the time Taker is done, their chests are less than millimeters away from touching. Personally, I think they should just kiss and make up, but that's just me. Anyway, let's see where this goes.
"First of all, I thought we agreed to never speak of that match again," the Deadman states somewhat annoyedly, earning a quick eye roll from his guest, "And second of all, my interference didn't matter in the end."
The face of the former Undisputed Champion barely changes apart from one of his eyebrows being cocked up. A myriad of questions flood his mind, wondering just what the hell his partner is talking about. Luckily for him, he doesn't have to guess because that Undertaker is more than willing to clear all confusion. "You didn't lose because of me. You didn't lose because of Jey, you didn't lose because of John, and you certainly didn't lose because of Cody..." All the while, the Deadman remains calm for the most part with hardly any reaction on his face. It's what he says next that brings on a voice that could freeze cities and a fiery glare to match Roman's.
"No. You lost because you refused to get over Seth."
Another moment of silence falls. The Samoan-Texan duo continue with the glaring contest with the former in particular having a slight twitch in his nose. I'd say the atmosphere is colder than the surface of Pluto. However, it should be noted that within the walls of the Deadman's domain, he sees all and he sees something very interesting in the eyes of the former champion. Although Roman is still glaring away and his fists are still balled up firmly, the firestorm within his eyes has dwindled to a mere campfire. Blink and one will miss the Undertaker cracking the slightest of smirks. He knows that he's right, but more importantly, Roman knows that he's right. He's just not willing to outwardly acknowledge it... 
But the Deadman keeps on pushing. With every point he makes, his tone gets sharper than a thorn of a rose. And with every point he makes, he can see that little campfire in Roman get smaller and smaller.
"Ten. Years. For ten fucking years, you let that man live rent-free in your head. Meanwhile, all that time, he was sleeping like a baby. Yes, you got your revenge, but it cost you the match and the title. Now look at you..."
His voice echoes once more as the Undertaker concludes with a trio of arrows to the chest.
"A man with no family. A Roman with no reigns. A Chief without a tribe."
Those last few sentences were the same words Cody told Roman before WrestleMania 39. Who would've thought that at the following 'Mania, those words would come to fruition?
With his face softening into a neutral one, the Undertaker steps back and folds his arms, anticipating some kind of reaction from the former Undisputed champion. And a reaction he gets. Whatever fire that was left in Roman's eyes is dead and gone, and in its place is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a tiny sparkle of life. His fists unball and his fingers just dangle without a dare in the world. His shoulders are slumped and his head hangs low as a heavy sigh escapes his mouth. His head stays that way for a minute or two until he forces himself to lift it and stare down the Deadman once life. His shoulders stay slumped, but now his eyes barely see anything...
Water. And lots of it.
That's the only verbal response he can manage to get out. Even then, his voice is faint and has the consistency of a shattered mirror. A storm surge streams down his face as Roman nods his head and leaves. Or, at least he attempts to leave. A head shake is made as the Phenom lifts his hand and the Samoan is lifted off of his feet. A flex of his fingers and the guest slowly comes back to the Undertaker. Roman opens his mouth to say something but is promptly silenced by that same finger pressed against his lips.
"However..." Taker resumes, "There is a brighter side to this."
A sparkle of curiosity twinkles in his eyes as Roman cocks up a confused eyebrow once more. Just what brighter side is there to this situation? Honestly, I couldn't agree more with the former champion. He lost the Undisputed title to a patriotic Freddy Krueger. He lost his family, which is arguably worse. He lost his position as the Tribal Chief, which is bullshit because Solo is not TC material. I have some love for him, but still. Anyway, like Roman thinks, what bright side could there possibly be? But once again, the Deadman has all of the answers. 
"1,316 days as champion. I'm sure most people in the locker room would kill to have a decent title reign even half that length," he explains, brushing some of Roman's hair out of his face with his free hand, "Yes, you lost... but the fact that it took John and I to even the playing field must mean something to you. Think about it."
Once again, a hush falls on the duo and those words linger in the cool air of the mansion. With each second that passes, the Samoan storm surge slowly stops. His hand wipes away the last of the tears as Roman looks off to the side. The Undertaker remains as silent as ever as he sees the gears turning in his mind. After a few more seconds of silence, a light chuckle escapes his mouth as the Samoan looks the Undead Texan in the eyes. That sparkle goes from curious to conceding, bringing out a smile from the Deadman.
"I... I suppose I did go down swinging, huh?" Roman remarks with another chuckle at the end.
"Exactly..." With a final flex of his finger, the former Undisputed champion lands in the Phenom's arms. "Although you may never sit at the head of the table again, I... will always acknowledge you, my Tribal Chief."
As the Tribal Chief and the Deadman share a smile, the latter carries the former deeper into the mansion. Roughly an hour later, the sounds and scents of what could be best described as a barbecue party emanate from the house into the dead of night. Yet, there's only two in the house. Well, if my presumption is correct, I suppose it pays to have friends in literal low places.
I couldn't stop thinking about ReignTaker after WrestleMania 40, and I hated how badly I drew them. Therefore, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. In all seriousness, does Roman looks funny from the side, or is that just me? I used an image of him and Taker as well as my figurine for reference, but it just looks odd. Could someone please tell me if it's just me? Also the eyes in the dark were really just added for some extra color, because goddamn it did it need it.
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moon-meerkat · 4 months
dying horse
my only theory is i pushed him away each time i tried to pull him closer.
i set the phone down and push two fingers down my throat, til i think the stimulant pills came out. i won't have a panic attack so bad i feel i'm dying.
but i am, really. dying, that is. i lived for him. i'd never let him know but i counted down the days to see him every week. sometimes the hours, even.
i walk around the neighbourhood searching for somewhere to cry and scream til i feel like i could puke out the feeling. it takes a few tries. i settle on the side of a highway.
i am reminded of having heard this is what horses do when they know there's no coming back from an ailment. slipping away unnoticed, seeking a place desolate enough. a place to die.
i sit on the grass and try to scream my heart out of my chest. i sit there and wail and cry and sob and i think there's no coming back from this. i think, i'm like a dying horse.
my only theory is i pushed him away when i kept everything to myself trying not to scare him off.
it takes me some days to formulate this and say it to him. i pace my street for over two hours recording audio messages. the first version is eighteen minutes long. the final one is six. i say i don't expect him to reply that night; actually, i tell him not to. he does.
i beg him not to throw this out, and to believe me when i say there's an explanation as to why he felt things change, and to hear me out, but please, please don't let that be an ending.
we set a time and day.
unusually, i'm the one most busy. it's exam week.
in the last few days, i mull over a song lyric. "i'm here on your doorstep and i planned it out for weeks now but it's finally sinking in" -and it is, before that point arrives- "right now is the last time i can dream about what happens when you see my face again". i convince myself he'll see my point and agree. i fantasize he'll see me and he'll kiss me and he'll hold my hand and lead me to where we're going. like we've been doing for a couple months. like standard procedure. no, like fate. like nature. like what we were born to do.
i actually decide to believe this. there's no point in anticipating suffering, and i want a couple days with hope still attached to our memories together. besides, i decide no one gets to break my heart through the letters of their keyboard. anyone who decides to will have to see the tears on my face. they don't get the luxury of removing themselves, of staying comfortable on the beds and couches we used to keep warm together.
the day comes. i stand on his porch a little longer before informing him of my presence. "right now is the last time i can dream about what happens when i see your face again". i paint a picture of his hello kiss with my sighs.
he comes and greets me. no kiss. no hands on mine. i don't know what to do with my body when it's not an extension of his.
i sit and stare at him and chat and can't start my story before an hour has passed. he looks at me with pity. yeats once called it "the exultation of love". i didn't know the word. i'm still trying to understand that one.
as i finally tell him everything, and as he tells me he made us up in his head, he looks at me not only with pity, but dread. not for me. for the task. he's known for a while that he needed to do this. it's... unpleasant. he has the look of an experienced farmer who knows what he needs to do. kill the dying horse. it's pragmatic, and it's what he's supposed to do. but it's a grisly undertaking. it's a horrible affair, and to put it simply it is what must be done.
he holds me in his arms again.
he shoots the dying horse.
i plead like a dying woman.
0 notes
Hello author!
Could you do prompt ii with Riddle please?
Take care of yourself!
Hello Anon, you take care too!! Riddle this time!! 👀 How about something like this...
ii. a cool breeze, cloudless skies, hands twisting flowers into your hair, butterfly kisses, laughter, the sun reflected in their eyes, the taste of honey, soft grass tickling your feet
The soft click of tea cups was not an unusual sound in Heartslabyul. Tea Parties were a staple in the Queen of Hearts' dorm, and so it wasn't unusual to see any of the dorm members sitting at the many tea tables within the sprawling gardens designated for tea time.
You, however, were not so often seen in the tea gardens.
Even less so with Dorm Leader Riddle.
Still, you could hardly turn down such a request from Riddle. Though he had begun to unwind his stranglehold on rule keeping in the dorm, he still wasn't one to take time to relax often.
So when he offered to have tea with you one day, you could only answer with an enthusiastic Yes.
"{I know roses are the pride of Heartslabyul, but it's nice to see other flowers around too.}" You say, gazing at the flowerbed that the tea table had been sitting near. You can't name all of the flowers, but you recognize several; daisies, daffodils, forget-me-nots, and several others.
"{I had thought you would like it. You did express a fondness for them, and I heard you were trying to start a garden at Ramshackle?}" Riddle inquires politely, sipping at the honeyed tea that he had prepared.
"Oui!" You clap your hands together in excitement. "{It's going to be hard, seeing as I won't be able to do a lot of actual planting right now, but the fairies from the Botanical Garden and Professor Crewel are helping me figure out how to go about it in the first place.}"
You chatter on about your project; about what you need, what you're hoping to grow, the prep work...
Riddle simply sits and listens, a small smile on his face.
"{You seem to have this well under wrap. Starting a garden is no small undertaking.}" He compliments, and you chuckle at it.
"Merci, Riddle. {My mother liked to keep plants on the house, but her attempts to keep them alive were spotty at best. I hope I can do decently well with how much help I'm getting.}" You wistfully think back to the small Hibiscus tree that had been your mother's most successful project in keeping alive. Your heart aches, and you have to fight the longing sadness from showing.
(You don't catch the brief frown that touches Riddle's lips, hidden behind his tea cup. You'd have know he would do something otherwise.)
"{What's your favorite flower?}" He asks then.
"{My favorite...?}"
You blink at the question. You hadn't particularly thought about what flower might be your favorite. You like all flower in general, and like food, it was difficult to pick just one. You sit back and gaze over the flowerbed in thought.
If you truly had to pick, you think it would be...
... Nah, you can't pick.
"{I suppose my favorite are any kind that attract butterflies.}" You decide on, seeing as that was probably the best answer you could give. Riddle only sighs and rolls his eyes lightly, making you laugh.
"{I should have expected that.}" He shakes his head, but smiles once more, something warm in his gaze. "{You are someone with a very large heart, so you not being able to choose just one thing to love is understandable.}"
You can't stop the pink beginning to line your cheeks at that. You try to hide it behind a sip of tea.
The tea party last a while longer after that, and Riddle sees you off at the mirror with a promise of another party soon.
It had taken him nearly two weeks to accomplish it, but he had finally succeeded in a manner he could be satisfied with.
Riddle looked over the section of the tea gardens that had been called the Butterfly Corner, for it always had butterflies coming and going. While no tea table resided near the corner, a simple stone bench did.
With the help of Trey and Cater, he'd managed to set up a picnic-style tea party, with a blanket in front of the bench and said bench an impromptu table for the tea set.
It was a perfect day for a picnic in Heartslabyul too. While the weather in the main school building is following the seasons of the school year, the dorms exist in separate places with their own climate. Heartslabyul was in a constant warm temperate climate, meaning a picnic in the middle of the coldest seasons was very much possible.
He can't wait to show Kallisto.
Speaking of...
"{What is this?}" They ask in astonishment,
"{A picnic.}"
"{I can see that, but I don't think I've ever seen this part of the tea gardens!}" He watches them take in the multitude of fluttering butterflies that named this part of the gardens. The multitude of particularly colorful and dainty looking flowers all seemed honed to attract butterflies, bringing the insects in multicolored swarms.
It really looked like something out of a storybook, and it was one of Heartslabyul's prized hidden gems. He stated as much to Kallisto.
"{It's beautiful...}"
"{It really is. Now, sit before the tea gets cold. I want to hear about the progress of your own garden.}" Riddle gestures to the blanket, and with a delighted squeak, the brunet plops down on to the blanket and returns to watching the butterflies in wonder.
The two of them pass the afternoon just as before, Kallisto chattering away about their garden and Riddle listening intently, asking questions here and there.
(He could hardly believe this person had been through so much because of this school. The way they so purely talk about the things they like, Riddle only ever notices the briefest of the most obvious cracks.
Even so, for everything they've done, he wants to return that kindness, fill in those cracks with what he can no matter how temporary.)
As Kallisto begins to reminisce again in the middle of their chat, Riddle takes action. While they talk, he slowly reaches for one of the flowers in the flower bed.
"{-and really, even if I had the capability, we only had a little patch by the porch I could have used for a garden. It wouldn't have been a very impressive 'garden,' so I would have just stuck to potted... Riddle?}" He notes Kallisto's confusion when they finally notice the flower now in his hand.
"{You always look sad when you mention your home, and I understand why. You must miss it immensely.}" He twirls the flower slowly, nervously, between his fingers. "{Even so, as your friend, I don't want you to be sad.}"
He shifts closer and carefully tucks the flower behind Kallisto's ear. They sit frozen, starstruck by the gentle action. Kallisto's hair isn't long enough to braid any flowers in to, and he's hopeless with flower crowns, but he thinks this could be enough.
"{It isn't much, but you're welcome to come to the Butterfly Corner whenever you wish. You said you liked these kinds of flowers, after all.}"
Kallisto hesitantly reaches up to softly touch the flower, and Riddle's heart nearly stuttered to a halt at the glassy look in their eyes. He looks away, suddenly nervous again, his hand going to smooth out the blanket and instead gets his palm tickled by grass from missing it. He's still not the best at this, so he can only hope he didn't overstep any boundaries.
"{... And what flower is this?}"
The question warbles, but the shaky smile offsets it. He smiles in return, nerves easing.
"{This is an Annual Aster.}" He explains quietly, "{Their scientific genus is Callistephus. It made me think of you. Or, your name, in specific.}"
That brings a startled laugh out of Kallisto, even as the sun makes unshed tears sparkle faintly in their lashes.
"{Mom said I was actually partially named from Calla Lilies. But I think I like the Aster more right now.}"
At that moment, a butterfly flits between them, before landing briefly on Kallisto's cheek. Stunned, Kallisto freezes as more begin to flutter around them, landing so long as they held still.
The two can only laugh at the sudden situation.
"{It seems even the butterflies wish to comfort you!}" Riddle chuckles as one tries to land on his tea cup.
"{And I thank them for it!}" Kallisto then beams brightly at him, and his heart flutters in time with the butterflies.
"{And, thank you too, Riddle. For all of this.}"
"{Any time.}"
The afternoon passes slowly, in the good company of honeyed tea and colorful butterflies.
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waywardscorpio · 3 years
His Queen & Her King
Taglist: @callmekda @braunstrowmangirl @phoenixoffiretwo @luna-loo @scuzmunkie @fanfiction-san​ @superdakotawinchesterus​
Chapter 2
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Pissed off Jeff, Readers Dad Triple H, Godfather Shawn Michaels and Uncles Kane and Undertaker, Pregnant!Reader kidnapped.
*Third Person POV*
*A month after the road trip and Jeff, putting another bundle of joy inside his mate*
Y/N was walking through the hallway of the arena while she had one hand on her belly and the other carrying her bag of food and drink. Her baby belly was a little more noticeable now. "Hey Y/N" Undertaker said. "Hey, Uncle Taker." She said looking up at him. "How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm doing fine. How are you and the little ones doing?" She looked up at him confused; because she thought she was only pregnant with one. "The doctor only said, one baby." She said softly. "You don't know do you?" He asked her. "Know what?" She asked. "You're a very rare type of human omega that can get pregnant even though you're already pregnant. It isn't dangerous to you or the babies. But it will put you in danger. Some Alpha's will do whatever it takes to have you and that includes holding you captive and breeding you to make soldiers or a small army" He said. He's older than some people actually know. "But I won't let any harm you." Taker said to her before walking down the hallway.
Y/N, let the words from Undertaker go around and around in her head as she walks to Jeff's locker room. "Hey, Babe." He replied as she walked into the room. "Hey, Darlin'," Y/N replied back to her as she was looking at him from across the room. "We need to have a talk tonight after work." She said to him as she looks at him. "Are you okay? Is the baby hurt? What is wrong?" Jeff said standing up and moving swiftly towards his love. "I am okay. The baby is okay. We just need to talk. I'm not leaving you before you even ask that question next." She said as she looks up at him rubbing his cheek. Jeff relaxed into her soft gentle touch.
"I think you should stay near Undertaker for my match. I have a feeling something is off and it gonna get ugly tonight." Jeff said getting an unsettling feeling that something isn't bad is going to happen and Jeff trusted Undertaker with Y/N's life more than anyone besides her parents. "But I'm supposed to go out there with you tonight Baby," Y/N said to him as she looked at him. "I know Babe, I want you to go out there too. But I have an uneasy feeling that something is going to happen tonight and I don't want you getting in the line of fire or our baby." Jeff said walking to her and carefully rubbing her belly. "Alright, I'll stay by Undertaker tonight." She said looking up at him.
Jeff walked Y/N to where Undertaker was at so, he knew she made it there safely and unharmed. "Hey Taker. Is it okay that she stays with you? I have an uneasy feeling that something is going to happen." He said looking at the taller male. "Yes, she is more than welcome." He said as he looks at a very reluctant Y/N. "As soon as my fight is over Baby, I will be right back here before going anywhere else." He said kissing her lips gently rubbing her cheek and her belly. "Please be careful out there tonight" She said resting her head against his chest. "I will Baby." Jeff said promising the love of his life he would be careful.
Jeff, walked out to the ring getting ready to fight tonight. "This match will be turned into 4 on 4 tag team match. It will be Jeff, Matt, Triple H and Shawn Michaels Vs Edge, Christian, Sheamus and Finn Balor." Lillian announce to the crowd and viewers at home to hear. Y/N's head shot up looking at the tv wide eyes. "No, that wasn't the match he was supposed to be in. Who changed it?" She exclaims looking up at Taker who grabs her hand and heading towards Stephanie's office. "Momma, Dad can't fight and Uncle Shawn can't either." Y/N held her belly on instinct. "I tried to stop the match before it was made. Someone changed it before consulting with us first. Nothing I can do to change it." Steph was furious that someone did this and was about to rip someone a new asshole. "Uncle Taker and Kane please take Daddy's and Uncle Shawn places. They can't fight and the person knows that. They'll be at a disadvantage." She pleads at the two males. Kane looks at Undertaker. "I'll fight tonight." Taker was having a internal battle with himself because he told Jeff, Y/N wouldn't leave his side till the match was over. "Please Uncle Taker" Y/N began to cry in desperation. "Okay Lil One. I will do it. But on the condition you stay by your mother at all times no mater what. Jeff will just have to understand." He said walking out with Kane, and heading to the ring. "I promise" She called out. She hugged her mother tightly. "I got you Baby Girl" She said hushing her Childs cries.
Lightening rang through the arena as Takers music came on and fire surrounds the ring. Jeff sees Kane and Undertaker walking down the ramp. "I have been informed that Triple H and Shawn, will be taken out the match and Undertaker and Kane will be put into the match instead." Lillian announce but silently sighs in relief. "Y/N is supposed to be with you" Jeff said to Taker quietly. "Calm Jeff. She begged us to come out because she knew you'd be at a disadvantage since her Daddy Triple H and uncle Shawn are still healing from two weeks ago. She didn't want you guys to take a chance yourselves considering you two have a tag team title match coming at WrestleMania." Kane said. "I much rather my pregnant mate be safe than myself." Jeff said. Kane and Taker understood his point but also couldn't leave their fellow wrestlers defenseless. "She is safe I promise you. She is with her mother and her momma's ready to rip someone a new Asshole." Undertaker said to him.
Jeff didn't fight with the older man. He knew Y/N, was safe either way. As the match got started Matt and Edge started it off. They didn't hold back on each other either. Lefts and rights were thrown hard and on purpose. "Come on Matt" Kane holler holding his hand out for Matt to tag him in. Matt kicked him Edge in the ribs which gave him the leverage he needed to get away from him so he can tag in Kane. Kane steps over the ropes and started hitting Edge with right, Lefts and wasn't giving him any breathing room. Edge uppercuts Kane when he gets the chance which stuns him and Edge is able to tag in Balor. He has a advantage for a few seconds before Jeff was tagged in and went to town on Balor. Jeff was letting his anger out on his opponent. "You got this Jeff come on" Matt said cheering on his brother. Jeff had twisted his arm behind him and leads him to his corner to tag in the Undertaker.
The match was drawing to a end when Undertaker was tagged back in. He hit Christian with the Tombstone Piledriver and with a count of three Jeff and the others got in the ring raising the Undertakers hand who won them the match. After the mini celebration in the ring everyone walked out. Edge stops Jeff to give him a message. "Hey look I know we aren't the best of friends but I wanna let you know that I saw someone watching your car earlier after you guys got here and someone was following Y/N. It is someone new because I don't know the persons face or scent." Edge said. "Thank you, Edge. I have an uneasy feeling tonight's not over with. whoever made this match done it on purpose but didn't expect Kane and Undertaker to step in." Jeff said to him. "Lita has been uneasy all night worried saying they're coming but didn't get to see their faces when she had a vision. Just be safe." Edge said before walking over to Lita. Jeff mouths a thank you to her. She only nodded her head in response.
Jeff walked to his mother-n-laws office and walked in. "Hey Baby. How are you and the baby?" Jeff asked his mate as he rubbed her back and belly knowing she is tired. "We are perfect. Just tired. How much longer till we can go home?" She asks her mate. "We will be staying with someone for a while. Just got a message from a friend that someone has been watching us and following." Jeff said to Y/N. She whimpered a little in fear. "What?" They heard Steph say. "Baby go get your stuff while I talk to your mom and dad okay?" She nods her head softly. Undertaker was in ear lengths and stayed near her walking her to the dressing room to get her things while Jeff talked to her parents. "Edge stopped me after the match to let me know that people have been following me and Y/N since we been here, and that the scent is unfamiliar and not known around here. He also mentioned Lita had a vision that someone is coming but she couldn't see their faces." Jeff said to Triple H and Steph. "Why are they after you or her or both of you?" Steph asked. "I don't know but I think is has something to do with her being pregnant by me." He said to her. "Whatever it takes you protect her, you here me?" Triple H said to him. "Yes Sir. I'll give my last breath to protect her if that's what it take for her to live." Jeff said unknowing that that statement was about to be put to the test.
While Jeff is taking to Steph and Triple H, Y/N is getting her stuff ready to go when the lights in the building suddenly shut off and came back on. In a blink of an eye Y/N was gone. Jeff ran down the hallway to his dressing room. "Holy hell. Taker are you good?" Jeff asked helping him up. "I was hit over the head after the lights went out. When they came back on she was gone." He said to Jeff, holding the back of his head. "It is newbies trying to rise up through the business so, their going after one of the top dogs here. Y/N's going to be their pawn to use as an advantage. They know no, one will do anything to harm her but they know you will go looking for her. If it comes down to it they'll do unspeakable things to her. Especially since they know she is able to get pregnant multiple times at once. She is a Human Omega it is rare for ones like her to be able to carry more than one baby at a time." Undertaker said to Jeff. Jeff paces thinking at what way he can approach this with out his Omega Mate getting hurt. "Jeff you aren't in this alone." Shawn said walking in the room with Kane, walking over to his brother and checking the back of his head. "We will fight with you over her" Triple H said. "Just be ready for a battle to start." Steph said.
"The battle started the minute the took her." Jeff said calm and deadly. Steph smiled to her husband knowing they picked a good man for their daughter. Jeff walked out to the ring and grabbed a mic. He was careful and tactical with his words even with how angry he was. He won't give the kidnappers the satisfaction to see his pain because once he does they have the power. "You come here" He said to a camera man. "Sir?" he said stepping in the ring with Jeff. "I want you to tape this live." He said. The male nods his head in fear sensing the anger and absolute power dripping off the man. He put the cam on his shoulder and began to tape. "I hope you sick fuckers are listening. You think it was wise for you take a mans pregnant mate. Especially a dangerous man like me who will stop at nothing to get her back. You wanted a battle? A battle you can't possibly come out standing on top. We will see who is left standing when I am done with you because you opened the gates of hell and stepped into my cage!!!" He said looking into the cam. "I won't be alone when I get my hands on you."
"Just know if she has so much as a scratch on her.. Well I show just how sadistic I am when I'm provoked or pushed." Jeff said. "Oh one more thing. Y/N Darlin' I'm coming for you." He adds. She heard her Alpha on the tv and she smiles to herself knowing the men that took her are about to know why Jeff is one of the most feared men in the Wwe besides Undertaker and Kane. "What are you smiling about whore?" One said. "You fucked up. You'll see just what he is going to do to you
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my-aria-nails · 3 years
9 Concerns About Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregon
The significance endeavor has apparent the entire parcel with perceive to lashes—further developing mascaras, "wonder" improvement serums, warmed stylers, and so on In any case, no example could be very as polarizing as eyelash will increment.
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At the component while developments in the first place showed up on the norm, that they'd every one of the reserves of being an ordinarily straightforward methodology for undertaking wispy, shivering Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregonwith out the utilization of falsies or mascara.
What are Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregon?
Eyelash will increment are semi-enduring strands connected with your customary eyelashes to show up longer, additional full, and hazier. Individual lash extensions are situated utilizing a semi-solid mortar to every one in the entirety of your natural eyelashes (one improvement for every home grown eyelash). The material activities starting with one studio then onto the following, however lash extensions might be manufactured from planned mink, fake mink, or silk strands. Likewise, most extreme studios give a gathering of progress lengths, twist models, and tones so clients can control their appearance.
How's the Application Cycle?
Oregon's home grown eyelash extensions are fastidiously carried out consequently (for the most part 80-one hundred forty for each eye) the utilization of a marvelously outlined, semi-truly stable paste with the goal that it will currently don't really deteriorate or hurt the customary lash. What's extra, the lash is executed to a state of the art lash, presently no longer to the skin. So particularly even as the particular association adjustments starting with one salon then onto the following, that is the component that you could anticipate:
Going sooner than utility, the grip should go through every last one of the risks and benefits of having Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregon past to utilizing them. Also, get a couple of realities around any Condit past to making eyelash extensions prohibited for you. They'll in like manner call for which you kill your contacts, tolerating you put on them.
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Pick Expansion Length and Wind Strength:
Your lash proficient should start the cycle through raising what sort of appearance you are going for, whether or not or presently at this point not that be extra charming or extra ordinary. Then, at that point, you will pick a truly wonderful period and twist power for the developments, given your surest appearance. Recall that your expert may likewise furthermore utilize 3-four specific development lengths, focusing in longer characteristics at the external corners and extra limited extensions at the internal eyes.
Filtration of the Eye Locale:
Your lash skilled worker will have you at any point rests and guarantee which you are in a pleasing position. Then, at that point, they might purify the spot to kill any quality consideration product, oil, and microorganisms from the space. Your expert expects which you show up wonder care stock loosened for your way of activity.
Applying the Tape and Eye Gels:
The eyes live close for the time span of the joint effort, which as a rule calls for 1-2 hours relying on the wide assortment of will expand your lash specialist is performing. Then, at that point, your lash expert will notice an under-eye gel for your reduction lash line to devise for the genuine utility, so you can safeguard your diminishing lash line from transforming into irritated and recommendation an isolated set up request to kill. It's additional clean to look your lashes contrary to a fresh out of the plastic new white set up request. The eye gels will then, at that point, at that component, be carried out with clinical-grade tape on the 2 features of the eye (this tape doesn't contact your lashes, and it doesn't hurt while required some investment later).
Your lash skilled worker will plunge the finish of every Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregonwithinside the lash stick and later on use tweezers to get a handle on it for your unmarried lash. If all else fails, one eyelash augmentation is carried out in accordance with ordinary lash; in any case, extra voluminous appears can require different developments in accordance with man or lady normal lash. The utility isn't continually astonishing, regardless the truth that you can encounter unpleasant having tweezers canvases so close to your eyes even as they are shut.
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The lash stick dries rapidly. In any case, your lash proficient will greatest probably have you at any point sit down for cycle 10 mins when every one of the developments has been carried out. Some lash experts like to utilize a touch hand-held fan to help up the drying framework, even as others need to allow the paste to dry naturally. Your eyes are as however close at this point.
Taking out the Tape and Gels:
At the point when your lashes are dry, your lash proficient representative will take out the under-eye gels and tape. It doesn't hurt the utilization of all possible means, yet permit your lash succesful perceive whether or not you may as a favored rule revel in affectability round here to practice more noteworthy alerts. When cleared out, your lash proficient representative will most extreme more then likely brush through the lashes with an unpleasant; then, at that point, you might be drawn nearer to squint your eyes open advance through advance.
Reach out to Us!!
Contact Hybrid Lash Extensions Hillsboronow to notice Natural Eyelash Extensions Oregon in your eyes.
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