#please don't search it up. just listen to the song without knowing what it says i promise you're better off
fearandhatred · 5 months
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i really don't know what 'i love you' means. i think it means, 'don't leave me here alone.'
you know it's serious when you start pulling out the kpop song lyrics... caption quote by neil gaiman himself and song by got7
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offbrandkyoya · 1 year
03 todays the day
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cw: mention of drugs (weed)
Scaramouche regretted this.
‘What am I doing?’ He thought as he stood in front of the entrance. He wanted to go home right now. Still, the sickening feeling of just laying in bed to sleep or cry was tiring. It's an endless cycle that he's finally breaking, even though he hates singing with a passion, it's tied with memories that are blocked from his mind.
Scaramouche sighs and finally walks inside the building. He noticed the front desk and walks toward it. “Uh, excuse me,” He starts, with the lady looking up from her computer. “I'm here to see 5WIRL.” She lets out a small gasp and quickly searches for something on her desk. Scaramouche stares at her weirdly. Then, she hands him a clipboard. “Please sign here to enter.” ‘Seriously?’ Scaramouche took the object, and pen that was handed to him, and did what he was told.
He hands the clipboard back and the lady smiled, “Welcome, Scaramouche.” He just nodded. The lady gives him directions to where to go and off he goes to his new life. As he walks deeper into the halls, he hears songs blaring louder and louder. He couldn't help but cringe as he stood in front of the room he was told to go to. His ears perked up when he hears a woman shouting, “You're doing it wrong again! Are you even listening to my advice?!” Scaramouche listened for a response but he assumed it was quiet because the lady shouted once more after the pause.
“This isn't difficult!” Scaramouche wondered if he should enter or not. ‘Screw it.’ He opened the door without care and suddenly all eyes were on him. “Oh!” The woman changed her whole demeanor and rushed to him, holding his hands. “You must be Scaramouche! Please, come in!” She leads him more inside the room and places him at the center. The woman motions to one of them to pause the music before she can speak. “Boys, this is your new member, Scaramouche. Treat him right and no funny business.” She shot a glare at the boy with two braids. “Make him feel welcomed.” Then, she shoots Scaramouche an innocent smile. “If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.”
Another glare but towards all of the boys. Scaramouche felt sick at that. It reminded him of someone. The woman begins to walk off before saying, “Show him the basics. Don't screw it up, Venti.” Finally, she was gone. There was a long silence before the man with braids spoke, “Welcome Scaramouche! If you don't know, I'm Venti, the leader.” He then points at the rest one by one. “That’s Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, and Heizou.” They all said hi and Scaramouche responded with a hi back. “What's with the threatening get-up?” Scaramouche asked about the woman. Venti stared at him crazy then laughed. “She’s a bitch, isn't she? You'll have to get used to it.” “Why?” “Because she'll beat your ass if you don't listen.” Heizou joined in. Scaramouche hummed then crossed his arms. “So, what am I supposed to do?”
Venti clapped his hands, “Well, I was told to show you how we practice. It might not be interesting though.” “Show me.” Aether goes to play the music once more and the boys huddle for a moment, talking amongst themselves. Scaramouche raises a brow ultimately doubting their abilities. They part away, get into their positions, and start to dance while singing their parts. Scaramouche listened and watched intensely. Thanks to a certain someone, he knows what's good and what's not in the music industry. Looking at 5WIRL now, he can tell that they're basic. ‘They are losing their spark.’ Scaramouche closed his eyes for a moment as it was hard for him to watch. “Kay, I've seen enough,” Scaramouche spoke and stops the music. The boys immediately stop and try to control their breathing. Aether and Heizou plop down on the floor with Heizou leaning his head back. “Someone kill me.” “Gladly,” Xiao replied with a hoarse voice. “Xiao, please,” Aether says with a sigh from both exhaustion and disappointment.
Scaramouche shook his head, “If I'm being honest, you guys suck. Compared to DCKZ, you're all a lost cause.” “Wow, thanks, newbie,” Heizou rolled his eyes as he lay down on his back. “We already know all that, unfortunately,” Kazuha states as he fixes his ponytail. Scaramouche uncrossed his arms, “If you know then why don't you guys improve?” He got quiet and shivered since he sounded like the person who ruined his life. Venti raised a brow but answered, “Our manager sucks that's why.” “I can tell,” Scaramouche mumbled. “Srew DCKZ, honestly,” Heizou stated loudly as he tugged on a strand of Aethers hair. “For real.” The blonde agreed, pulling his braid away from his friend.
“Hi boys!” Scaramouche turned around to see some random he knew for sure wasn't from 5WIRL. Suddenly, the boys had a surge of energy as they yelled out, “Y/N!!” You grinned with a chuckle, “That's me!” Before you could talk to them, you noticed an unfamiliar face. You gasped then smiled, “You must be the new guy! I'm y/n, nice to meet you.” Scaramouche looked at you in confusion. “Are you their manager or something?” You laughed, “No sadly. I'm just a close friend.” He didn't respond and started at you completely uninterested. “I hope they don't bother you. They can be overbearing sometimes.” “Hey!” Venti pouted.
“Okay.” You continued to smile and reached your hand out, “I visit them sometimes so you might see my face a lot. It's a pleasure to meet you!” Scaramouche looked down at your hand and then at you with a weirded-out expression. “Why the hell would I shake hands with you? I don't know who you are.” Your friend's mouths dropped as they glanced at Scaramouche and then at you. Your hand twitched and you suddenly felt hot. Putting your hand down, you let out a huff. “No need to be so rude about it. You could've been polite to decline.” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, “Oh please, you got it easy. Like I'd bother to put in that effort for you, princess.” You gasped, “Princess?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” “Exactly what it means, dumbass.”
You balled up your first and angrily took something out of your coat pocket. “And here I was nice enough to get you some food too.” Venti rushed to you at the mention of the word food. “Omg y/n, you're the best!” You smirked, “I know.” The rest of the boys surrounded you, except for Scaramouche, watching you open the container of goodies. Kazuha looked at you worriedly, “Didn't they inspect you?” You shook your head. “No, I managed to convince them!” “How?” Xiao asked as he drooled over the food. “Simple, I lied and said that I'm just here to watch you practice.” Heizou’s eyes widened. “That worked?!” “Why are you doubting me?!”
Scaramouche watched you all from a distance with a frown. ‘They were just tired what the hell is this?’ You look in Scaramouches direction and made eye contact. Letting out a sigh, you walked away from your friends and handed Scaramouche a sandwich and juice. “I'm not that mean. This lady sucks so you should have this.” He had his guard up and looked at the items suspiciously. “How did you fit that container in your pocket anyway?” “Magic.” He rolled his eyes.
Still, “You just met me and made all that?” You tilted your head in confusion. “Well, yeah, is that wrong?” His heart tightened. “The food here is garbage so I'm doing you a favor.” You start to pull your arm back. “If you don't want it then that's okay-” “No.” Scaramouche lets out a sigh and took the food from you. “I'll eat it.” You smiled wide, “Yay!!!” “Watch out Scaramouche before they get to you too,” Heizou warned with his mouth full. You hissed at him. “Hey! I'm just being nice!” Scaramouche raised a brow before taking a bite. “What does that mean?” Venti leaned towards him. “It means that y/n is going to dream about you being their boyfriend.” He choked and you gasped dramatically, face turning bright red.
“That's not true at all!” Kazuha shakes his head disappointed. “Y/n, you've dreamed about being with all of us. You even told me once, ‘I don't smoke but for you baby, I will.’” You screeched and began hitting Kazuha on the head. “IDIOT! DON’T SAY THAT OUT LOUD!” Scaramouche didn't feel like eating anymore. “Yeah Kazuha, you could get caught,” Xiao comments as Aether wiped the food off his lips. Venti gasped with dramatic tears. “NO! MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!” He tugged on his pigtails. “I MUST BE FREED!” The six of you began goofing off, yelling and laughing. Scaramouche wondered how you all could be chill like that. The manager treats them all like shit and they continue to enjoy themselves.
Despite all the mistreatment, you had each other to confide in. Scaramouche felt his throat go sore. “Sorry, Scaramouche,” Venti called in between giggles. “Promise not to tell the boss lady?” Scaramouche just nodded. Your phone rang and you let out a groan once you read the caller ID. “I wish I could stay but I have to go.” The boys frowned, “Alright be careful.” Aether tells you, still upset. You smiled sadly at the boys, “Thanks.” Then you turned to Scaramouche. “It was nice meeting you again.” He glanced to the side. “Thanks for the food.” He said quietly and you couldn't help but blush. “Oh, it was nothing!” You waved your hand still flustered. “Stay safe y/n! Don't die!” Heizou pokes your cheek and you laugh. “I promise.” You bid your goodbyes and Scaramouche felt like he was watching a family wave their son off to war.
Once you were gone, Venti turned to him, hands on his hips. “Alright, Scaramouche. Finish your meal because you've got a lot of studying to do.” He gave him a monotone look. ‘Studying?’
What a long day this will all be.
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- i 🫶 snow days
- no school no work just sleep
- i had a presentation to do but it’s moved to Monday god bless 💯💯
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @aeongiies @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: You and Joel call a truce [3.8k]
Author’s note: dude I’m having so much fun writing this (PS this song is named after BWFW by Blunt Chunks)
Warnings: smoking (don’t smoke kids (drunk cigs don’t count)), Joel being an asshole momentarily, spicy thoughts (no smut), enemies to ???
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Joel Miller Caught Kissing Actress After Date: Everything We Know About Her
Hollywood's Newest Power Couple?
Joel Miller Has A New Boo, And We're All A Bit Jealous
Who is Joel Miller's Newest Girl? Everything Their Waitress Told Us About Their Secret Romantic Date
Pictures of you and Joel making out against your front door are everywhere. You can barely log onto Instagram without being bombarded with DM's, comments, and tags in news articles about you two. Melanie even texted you with several headlines attached and a "Great job, kid!" Even your mom texted you about it. Granted, it was a screenshot of a Buzzfeed post, and all she sent you was a bunch of question marks, but she texted you. You try to put it out of your mind by leaving your phone in your trailer when you go to set instead of handing it off to a PA.
You decide that Joel Miller isn't worth more brain power than absolutely necessary. He has his own life, and you doubt he's thinking about you, and if he is, it's probably plotting his next reputation-saving move. The only thing you can do is work, make the best movie possible, and move on with your life until he summons you for another contractually obligated date. It's only a few months. You can make it, right?
You were asking the director about a scene, script in hand, when Ryan strolled up to you with a mischievous look. You ignore him and listen to Greta give you notes and ideas for the next movie sequence. He waits for you to be done with the conversation, like a third grader, before grabbing your arm and pulling you toward him. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were seeing Joel Miller?" He asks, and you laugh. He walks you to a more secluded part of set, hiding from eavesdropping extras and chatty interns as they set the sound stage for the next scene. 
"It didn't seem relevant to work."
"Not relevant? This is huge," he says, somehow more excited about this than you are, and you cross your arms over your chest. "You haven't dated at all since you made it big."
"Okay, that's not true."
"Really? Before last night, when was the last time you went on a date with anyone? Famous or not?" He asks. You open your mouth to answer, but your brain short circuits as you search through your memories. You're ninety percent sure that your last date was with the guy you had a showmance with before you moved to California. He was tall, handsome, and full of himself just like every other actor. You vaguely remember telling him you booked your first movie with A24, and he said you didn't have the "right look" for A24. Last you heard, he was living with five other roommates in the Meatpacking District back in New York.
"Okay, so maybe it's been a while," you admit, and he raises his eyebrows at you. "Please, don't make this a thing. I've already had enough people clawing at me for answers about it, and I'm exhausted."
"Fine, fine, but you have to promise you'll go out for drinks with me and Carolina on Friday. She's been dying to make couple friends, and I need to make sure he's good for you." 
"You don't need to do anything, but sure. I'll talk to him and see what he thinks." You say, and he smiles. Before he can grill you any further, your names are called over the intercom, announcing that they're ready for you, and you silently thank whatever god is out there for getting you out of that situation. You and Ryan walk back to the sound stage and get flanked by people from makeup who need to touch you up and frantic ADs who repeat the same notes the director already gave you. You swear if their heads weren't attached to their necks, they'd run around looking for them at all hours.
You do several takes of the same scene, yet another scene of your characters arguing, this time about what they'll do now that your character is pregnant. Ryan progressively gets more despondent as he sinks into his character, frustrating you as his scene partner and the pregnant woman you're playing. After about two hours of running the same scene over and over again, you're at your wit's end and need to do something different. Everyone on set freezes when you shove at Ryan's shoulders and force him to look you in the eyes for the first time since you started filming. The entire scene shifts as you continue to push at him, tears unexpectedly falling from your eyes as you beg him to say something. It hurts more when he walks out the door without looking back. When Greta cuts, Ryan all but runs back in the door and wraps you in a big hug.
"You're gonna break my heart if you keep doing that!" He says, and you laugh as you wipe away your tears. You watch the scene back together, and jump up and down at how much better it flows. It feels like you're watching magic. Times like this remind you why you became an actor in the first place. 
You film a few more scenes before breaking for the night. Your body hurts from carrying so much emotion as you walk into your trailer to gather your things to go home. You barely grazed the door, dinner plans already filling your head, when your phone buzzed in your back pocket. It's a text from an unsaved number, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out who it's from. 
The lipstick on the collar was a nice touch, he writes, and you sigh. 
That almost sounds like a compliment, Miller, you shoot back.
You're not even halfway to your car when your phone buzzes with another text from Joel.
Paul is really happy with how everything's going. He said he wants us to see each other again before I go back to Texas.
Good timing because my costar practically begged me to go on a double date with him and his wife.
We're already in double-date territory? How official.
Har har. How's Friday night sound?
Sounds like Paul is going to be very happy.
That makes one of us.
The rest of the week flies by with you dodging the online chatter about you and Joel somewhat successfully, but Ryan keeps reminding you how excited he is to hang out with you and your new "boy toy," as he has affectionately nicknamed Joel. You hate it, but he thinks it's funnier that way, so he just keeps calling him that. You swear Ryan was your annoying older brother in another life. 
You're curling your hair when he texts you a cute picture of him and his wife in the car with the message, "Ready to interrogate JM." You laugh and return to messing with your hair, mentally going through every possibility that tonight could bring. You're wearing a pink tank top and jeans with pink heels. Nothing super fancy, but it's definitely more dressed down than your first date with Joel. You debate on which necklace to wear and wrap the final piece of hair around your curling iron when your front door opens.
Joel calls your name as he shuts the door behind him. You almost throw the hot iron down as you step into the hallway to face him. He's wearing a black shirt with a matching black leather jacket and jeans. He looks you up and down unapologetically, and you roll your eyes.
"Who told you you could just walk into my house?" You ask as you duck into the bathroom again. He leans against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches you spray your hair to help it withstand the California heat.
"Hello to you too, darlin'." 
"Don't call me that."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want you to."
"So, what can I call you?" He asks with a smirk pulling on his lips. You grab your bag off the counter and move to leave the bathroom, but he doesn't budge. You huff as you look up at him.
"Answer the question." He says. You think about pushing him out of the way, but he's broad and has those strong guitarist arms and probably wouldn't even flinch. You copy his stance as you rack your brain for an acceptable answer.
"Well, you could start with just my name," you say, and he laughs. "But other than that, I don't know."
"Baby?" He suggests, and you almost gag.
"Absolutely not."
"Which do you hate more? Darlin' or baby?"
"Alright, then, darlin'," he says, stepping out of your way. You scoff and walk past him into the hallway. "You know, you really should get a dog or somethin'. It's not safe for you to just leave your door unlocked like that."
"Oh, with all the psychos running around my neighborhood? I can handle myself but thank you for your input." You say, and he laughs as you do one last sweep of your living room to make sure you didn't forget anything. Once again, Joel opens your front door and the passenger side door of his car for you. You can say many things about Joel Miller, but one thing you can't say is that he's not a gentleman. You think it has something to do with his Texas upbringing, or it might just be a testament to the kind of woman his mother is. You don't say anything the whole way to the restaurant, saving up your mental energy to deal with him for the whole night, and he doesn't fight you on it.
When you get there, you can see Ryan waiting near the host stand through the windows, obviously ready to escort you and Joel to the table. You're surprised that the sidewalk isn't flanked by photographers, but you take it as a good sign. Joel parks the car and reaches for your hand as he locks it. You almost smack it away before remembering you're in public and take it in yours. The smooth ring on his middle finger is cool and smooth, a stark contrast to his calloused palms. Ryan lights up when you two step through the doors, and he quickly wraps you in a warm hug. He introduces himself to Joel and holds his hand out for a handshake which Joel reciprocates. 
When he walks you to the table set for four, Carolina smiles and stands to hug you and Joel in true Carolina fashion. Joel doesn't hesitate to pat her back and smile as Ryan jokes about having two of the prettiest women in the restaurant sitting at his table.
"Sorry, I'm a hugger," Carolina says as you sit across from them. Joel lays an arm across the back of your chair like this is a perfectly normal thing he does all the time.
"That's alright, ma'am. I don't mind." He says, and Carolina gives you a look.
"Ma'am? I like him already." She says, and you laugh. 
Joel settles into the dynamic between the three of you easily and listens as Ryan tells stories from set and press events. It's no small feat that you let Joel meet two of the most important people in your life, and even though you didn't tell him to be, he's on his best behavior. He doesn't try to annoy you or do anything inappropriate in front of them. He compliments Carolina, calling her ma'am even after she told him he didn't have to, and exchanges dude-bro stories with Ryan all night. Except for the arm on your chair, he doesn't make any affectionate moves which you're grateful for. 
With Ryan and Carolina there, it almost feels normal. It could also be your third glass of wine helping you relax too. Ryan makes a snarky comment about your drinking, to which you flip him off. "I'd be drinking too if I had to work with you all week!" Carolina says. Ryan feigns a blow to the chest, and she smacks his shoulder. "Did he tell you that Elizabeth started calling you Ryan's movie wife?" She asks, and you laugh.
"God, I hope she doesn't repeat that at school. Otherwise, you," you point at Ryan. "Are going to have a lot to explain to that poor teacher."
"Who's Elizabeth?" Joel asks as you take a bite of food. You hum to let him know you'll answer in a second, but Carolina beats you to it.
"Elizabeth is our daughter."
"And my goddaughter," you jump in. "She's the best kid in the world."
"Well, of course, you think that because you're not there for bedtime," Ryan says, and you roll your eyes.
"You're just mad because she's as stubborn as you are."
"That is... not entirely untrue." 
You spend the rest of the dinner laughing and messing with each other. You even catch yourself leaning into Joel's side because he's so warm and comfortable, and the wine is making you deliriously happy. When the bill is placed on the table, you all fight over who gets to pay until Carolina chucks Ryan's card at the waiter. Joel holds his hand over the table, and Ryan shakes it in a form of masculine affection. "You really didn't have to do that, man," Joel says. "Next dinner is on me, alright?" He could be saying it to save face, but the idea that Joel likes Ryan and Carolina makes something in your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
Ryan practically carries Carolina to the car so they can relinquish the nanny for the night, but you and Joel go upstairs to the rooftop bar. You reason that it's high enough to hide from paparazzi, and you also needed an excuse to get some fresh air. You both order water and perch on a couch in the corner. At first, you don't say anything. Not because you're mad at him but because you're worried you'll ruin the night if you do. However, you don't need to exchange words for Joel to see you shivering and put his jacket over your shoulders. You smile and turn to look at him.
"This is the second time you've given me your jacket."
"Want me to stop?" He asks, genuinely curious, and you shake your head. A soft smile takes over his features, and you have to look away before you get sucked in. 
"What'd you think of Ryan and Carolina?" You ask as you take a sip of water. His arm rests behind you again, and he adjusts to get more comfortable.
"I really liked 'em. They seem like good people."
"They are. Ryan and I were friends before I even moved to LA," you say. "I think they liked you too."
"Yeah?" He asks, and you nod. You meet his eyes again and hope he can see your sincerity.
"Yeah. Thanks for not being a total dick to them." You say, and he laughs. He puts his water on the table in front of you before reaching across you to dig into his jacket pocket. This close, you can smell the detergent he washed his shirt with and see the freckles faintly littering his skin. He doesn't break eye contact with you as he pulls a pack of Marlboro Reds and a lighter out of his jacket before relaxing into his spot again. Maybe it's the wine in your system or the joy from the night still filtering through your skull, but you don't take your eyes off him as he lights a cigarette. The ember glows brighter as he takes a drag and turns away from you to exhale. His jawline is sharp, and his neck looks especially pretty as he takes a breath.
"What're you thinkin' bout, pretty girl?" He asks, breaking your train of thought, and you smirk as you lean forward. His eyes drop to the neckline of your tank top, giving you the perfect opportunity to snatch the cigarette out of his hand and put it to your lips. He watches as you take a drag, your lipstick staining the filter, and exhale with a sigh.
"Thinking bout you."
"Me?" He raises his eyebrows as you pass him the cigarette back. His thumb traces your lipstick stain before he puts it back in his mouth. "What about me?"
"About how stupid this whole situation is," you gesture vaguely around you. "About how we really shouldn't be so mean to each other." 
"You're a sentimental drunk," he says, passing you the cigarette without acknowledging it, and you smile. It really wouldn't be that hard to pull another cigarette out of his pack for you, but he doesn't. Your fingers graze his as you take it, flicking the ash to the side. He waits until you blow smoke out of your nose to mess with the sleeves of his shirt and nod. "But, maybe you're right."
"Oh, say it again." You say, and he gives you a look. You pass the cigarette back even though about half of it is burned down from you two sharing it. His long drags don't help salvage it.
"I really shouldn't have said what I said bout you sleepin' with people to get famous. That was really fucked up, and I'm sorry." 
"It was really fucked up. And unoriginal. And fucking stupid. And completely untrue," you say, and he looks a little worried. "But, thank you for apologizing." He nods and offers you the last little bit of glowing cigarette. 
"Can we call a truce?" 
"A truce?"
"Yeah. We'll stop goin' out of our way to make each other's life fuckin' miserable and move on. Maybe at the end of this, we could even be friends." He says, and you take a deep breath as you take the cigarette from him. 
"You always make peace agreements with nicotine?" 
"You're my first, pretty girl."
There's that fucking nickname again. It's better than darling, and you should hate it, but the way he says it makes your head swim. You inhale the last drag and stub it out in the ashtray next to your water as you try to get your thoughts under control again. You catch the bartender looking over at you and Joel, and an uneasy feeling crawls up your spine. You swallow it down and look at Joel.
"I'll agree to a truce." You say, smoke leaving your mouth as you talk, and he smiles. 
"Should we shake on it?" He asks. You glance between him and the bartender and scoot closer to him. His eyes flick from yours to your lips and back up to your eyes.
"I would say yes," you whisper. "But, I think that bartender figured out who we are."
"So, what should we do instead?" He asks, his voice so low that you almost miss it over your own heartbeat. You want to roll your eyes at how stupid his question is but kiss him instead. His hands come up to your jaw, and you wrap your hand around his wrist to keep him there. There are traces of nicotine and tequila on his lips, but you can't focus on it too hard before his teeth graze your bottom lip. He swallows your gasp and soothes the sudden pain with his tongue. You would push him away and yell at him if it didn't feel so good. You can’t help but wonder what his mouth would feel like on your neck or your thighs. You wonder what pretty girl would sound like in between pants and broken moans. You wonder if he’d leave bruises on your inner thighs for you to find in the morning. The thoughts startle you out of the moment, and you pull away from him, turning to kiss the inside of his wrist. 
"'M getting tired. Can you take me home?" You ask. He looks like a kicked puppy but nods anyway. He holds your hand the whole way down the stairs, through the restaurant, and to the car. You make shitty small talk the whole way back to your house like nothing happened, but you're grateful to have moved past the suffocating uncomfortable silence. He taps on his steering wheel again and changes the station when his own song comes on the radio, making you laugh. When he pulls into your driveway, you linger for a moment and look at him through the darkness. "Thank you for being so nice to my friends." 
"I really did like 'em," he says. You pick at your nailbeds as you try to find a way to apologize for abruptly ending the evening. You feel bad for some reason. You were actually having a good time together, and then you made it weird. "Can I walk you to your door?" He asks, and you take a deep breath.
"I think I can get myself inside. Thank you, though."
"Welcome." He says as you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. Joel's jacket shifts around you, and you suddenly remember that you're still wearing it.
"Oh, here. Let me give you your jacket back before I forget."
"Don't worry about it." He waves you off, and you furrow your eyebrows at him.
"What do you mean don't worry about it? I'm not gonna steal your jacket, Joel."
"You're not stealin' it. You're just borrowin' it, right? I bet tabloids will eat it up if they see you wearin' it," he says. "Besides, it looks better on you anyways." You laugh and shake your head as you adjust your purse on your shoulder. 
"Goodnight, Joel."
"G'night, pretty girl." He says. You shut the door and walk up the sidewalk to your front door, secretly cursing that stupid fucking nickname and how weak in the knees it makes you. His car lingers in the driveway until he sees you unlock the door and flicker the front lights at him, letting him know you got in safely. He honks twice before pulling away and driving off into the night.
You make a point to lock your door behind you and lean against it. You let out a shaky breath like it will expel his voice from your head and jump when your phone buzzes in your back pocket. When you pull it out, a bright text from Melanie stares back at you.
Two dates in a row?! You're killing it! This will be over before you know it <3
And attached to her scarily cheerful text is a picture of you and Joel kissing. It's blurry and obviously taken from far away, but it's there nonetheless. You pinch the bridge of your nose and send her a thumbs-up emoji before sending Ryan a "made it home" text and turning your phone off. The image of Joel's teeth scraping your bottom lip burns into your eyelids as you close your eyes and try to figure out where the fuck you go from here. 
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The White Flame (Part 5)
[modern! rockstar • Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader]
[warnings: sex content, domination kink, smut, sexual tension, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is the bassist of the band whose leader and vocalist is his brother. The whole band decides to use the marketing and design help of their guitarist's friend. The story is an interweaving of domination, desire and slowly burning feeling.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
As soon as Aemond entered his family home, Aegon ran down the stairs to him, speaking while looking at him incredulously.
"Are you serious?!" He asked, clearly concerned and amused at the same time, as if he thought it might be a joke after all. Aemond took off his leather jacket and hung it on the rack without even looking at his brother. "How could you not tell me?"
Aemond rolled his eye.
"You're the last person I want to confide in." He said as he took off his shoes and headed to the kitchen. He saw Helaena standing there, listening intently. Apparently, she'd already found out too, but unlike Aegon she wasn't about to bombard him with questions. Aegon followed him.
"But when did this happen? You two practically don't talk to each other!" He said, apparently unable to understand what had led to such a sudden change in their relationship. "You slept with her and now you feel guilty? You're going to stay in a relationship with her for a week and then start fucking your cute fans again?"
"No. And no." He said indifferently, opening the fridge, searching for something to eat. He took plain yogurt out of it and searched the drawer for a clean spoon. He took the lid off the yogurt wrapper and licked it.
He shivered as he remembered how Bunny had licked his thumb. With the last of his strength he dissuaded himself from imagining her wet lips and pink tongue on another part of his body.
Aegon watched him, arms folded, leaning against the table top. He looked at his brother expectantly and sighed heavily as he realized that he would get nothing more out of him.
“I really like her. I wouldn't want you to screw it up and ruin the atmosphere in our band." He finally said what had clearly been on his mind from the beginning. Aemond ignored his words as he continued eating.
"I like her too. And I don't want to screw it up either."
The next day at rehearsal Bunny told Momo everything. Although Mathylda had a lot of doubts at first, she calmed down when she heard Bunny told him what she was afraid of. What worried her the most was that several female fans started writing private messages to Bunny. She only showed them to Momo, not wanting to upset Aemond and the others.
"You should show it to him. If you want to be with him, you can't keep secrets from him from the start." Mathilda said, adjusting her glasses impatiently. Whether Bunny wanted it or not, she had to admit she was right.
In the interval between two songs she approached him hesitantly and he immediately noticed that something had happened. He pulled the guitar over his head and took the cigarette out of his mouth.
"What is it?" He asked rather coolly, but Bunny knew him enough to know that he was most likely just nervous about what she wanted to tell him.
"Can we talk in private?" She asked quietly, and he gave her a surprised and concerned look. He nodded and they walked down the hall to one of the utility rooms where they had locked themselves.
Aemond looked at her expectantly. Bunny unlocked her phone and showed him the screenshots of the messages without saying a word. Aemond thumbed through them silently, his face tightening more and more in frustration.
There were several messages, but they all had the same overtones.
"You're just pretending to be so cute. We all know that you don't deserve him. 🤡🤡🤡"
"Don't waste his time, you don't suit him at all. 😒"
"Enjoy it while you can, he can fuck well, I know something about it. Enjoy. 🥵”
"Did you take him for pity or what? 🙄"
"Stupid cunts. Fuck!” He growled, turning his head impatiently, clearly not believing what he was reading. He was shocked that he knew pictures of each of the girls who were first in line for his autograph. One of them pestered him so long to fuck her that he finally did it. Now he wished he hadn't talked to them at all.
"Don't text them back. They're just waiting for your reaction. Don't give them the satisfaction." He said calmly and she just nodded, swallowing softly.
He finally looked at Bunny; he could see that it all hit her. He had guessed that being with him would be challenging for her, but he hadn't anticipated the results.
He wondered for a moment if he had done the right thing by announcing their relationship on social media. He thought after a moment that he had the right to do and see who he wanted and no one had the right to bully him or his girlfriend.
He extended his hand to her, and she, surprised, took it after a moment. He pulled her closer and she placed her hands on his chest. Aemond cupped her cheeks and lifted her face to look at him. They looked at each other thoughtfully for a moment.
“Tomorrow after our concert there will be an After Party at Black&White. Will you come with me?” He asked conservatively. Bunny looked at him in surprise.
Sometimes she stayed at their concert parties, but always with Momo. She never sat with the boys at the same table, at least not all the time. Bunny wondered if this was supposed to be some kind of date. She blushed at his proposal.
"Yes... yes of course. Very willingly." She said and smiled warmly. Aemond looked at her intensely. His thumb brushed the skin of her cheek.
"My sweet girl." He whispered and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. He leaned in and brushed her lips lightly, teasing her without kissing her fully. Bunny opened her lips in invitation, and for a moment they brushed their lips together, feeling each other's hot, quivering breaths. Bunny wanted to kiss him deeper, but each time he pulled away, not letting her. She moaned softly in helplessness.
"Tell me what you want, babygirl." He murmured, brushing his thumb against her wet lips, swollen with desire. She looked at him embarrassed and swallowed softly.
"I want you to kiss me like the first time we kissed." She said softly and moaned into his mouth as he immediately pulled her face close to him and slipped his tongue between her lips. Their lips pressed together in a lustful, hungry kiss, as if they wanted to devour each other.
They moaned into each other's mouths as their tongues licked each other's tips and touched, entwining in a shameless, wet kiss. Aemond dropped his hand down and slid it under her skirt. She took a deep breath but didn't stop him.
Encouraged, he touched the fabric of her panties, and she shuddered and moaned. He pushed the fabric away with his finger and moaned loudly, feeling how wet she was already for him. He felt his cock throbbing painfully in his pants, demanding attention.
"Do I affect you so much, my sweet Bunny? Do you want it that much?" He purred, rubbing her clit painfully slowly, spreading her wetness around her entrance. Bunny parted her lips slightly, moaning softly into his mouth, her whole body trembling under his touch. The thought of what he could have done to her was driving him insane.
Bunny clenched her hands on his T-shirt, apparently demanding more intense caresses, but he did not accelerate his movements, quite the opposite. He peeled away from her mouth with a wet sound, his fingers only slightly teasing her hot, wet cunt.
"Words, my little one. Use words. I want to hear it." He spoke calmly, his voice trembling slightly. It amazed him how much he was affected by what he saw. Bunny shivered all over, had trouble staying on her feet. She looked at him imploringly.
"I... Aemond, I want it so badly." She mumbled softly, desperate, feeling the heat spreading over her lower body and unbearable tension. A slight smile appeared on his face. His fingers pressed harder around her clit and began to massage her in an intense, steady rhythm. She moaned loudly in pleasure, surprised.
Aemond felt he couldn't stand it any longer. He removed his hand from between her thighs, grabbed her hips and lifted her, placing her on one of the couches. They both began to breathe louder, feeling that what they both wanted for so long was coming.
Aemond and Bunny quickly took off their boots. Bunny gasped as she felt him pull off her skirt and panties. Her heart was pounding like crazy, her juices were running down her thighs, she felt her whole inside tighten with thirst.
Aemond stared at her with dark, elusive eye as he unbuckled his belt. She lay in front of him only in her soft, large sweater and long, pale wool socks that fell to the middle of her thighs.
"Do you know how often I've imagined this? You lying in front of me like that?" He asked in a low, dangerous voice, his whole body quivering with desire. He knew that if he didn't get relief soon he would go mad. He leaned over her and she immediately pulled him to her. They kissed hungrily, their tongues dancing wildly together.
Aemond pulled away from her, breathing fast. "Do you take birth control pills?" He asked quietly.
Bunny blushed and nodded quickly. A smile appeared on his face that made her shiver. He unzipped his pants and slid them down. Bunny's mouth parted and she leaned back, feeling his tip pressing against her entrance, teasing her slightly.
"Do you want it, little one? Do you want me inside of you?" He asked in a low, guttural voice, and she clenched her hands on his back, spreading her thighs in front of him, unable to take the strain any longer.
"Yes, please, I need this…Ah!" She moaned loudly and threw her head back as she felt him enter her suddenly, deeply, almost to the end. She could feel him throbbing all over, he was so big he was filling her completely. She tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let her, holding her hips in an iron grip.
"Easy, little one. Just take it. You'll get used to it soon, I promise." He whispered softly, not moving an inch. How tight she was surprised him, and he had to wait a while to just not come inside her after a few thrusts. He stared at her with his mouth slightly parted, he tought that's how he imagined it.
He slid deeper into her, to the very end and found with satisfaction that he was completely inside her. He brushed her lips and she kissed him back, shivering with emotion beneath him, breathing heavily.
"Look how well you take me. How your sweet pussy clenches on me." He purred contentedly, their kisses sticky and chaotic.
He began to move slightly inside her, and she moaned into his mouth, feeling him rub against the spot that gave her so much pleasure. He moaned low as he felt her hips begin to respond to his movements, her hands tightening on his shirt. They both started panting loudly.
Aemond rose slightly, crouching on his knees, holding her hips, and set a faster pace that had both of them moaning loudly. His cock disappeared inside her and reappeared with a wet sound as their bodies slapped against each other.
Bunny gasped as she felt him lift her sweater slightly, exposing her small, soft breast. His thumb began to press and play with her nipple, and she moaned softly, feeling that she was close to fulfillment.
"You're gonna make a real mess of my cock, aren't you?" He panted, thrusting into her fast and hard, his hips setting in an intense, brutal rhythm. He felt he was on the brink. Her muffled moan answered him.
"Yes, Aemond, I'll make you feel so good, I promise, please" She sobbed loudly and leaned back, squeezing her eyes shut, her orgasm so strong she lost touch with reality for a moment.
"Oh, God, Bunny" He moaned low as she tightened on him with her orgasm. He leaned in helplessly and came hard inside her, his semen flowing out of him in hot waves of pleasure. He had never felt something like that with any other woman before.
"Fuck!" He groaned helplessly, moving inside her for a while longer, both panting loudly, relief on their faces. Aemond fell on top of her, and she hugged him tightly. They both felt their hearts pounding. Aemond, lying inside her, thought he no longer knew where his body began and hers ended.
"Everything all right?" He finally asked quietly after a few minutes, feeling that he fell asleep in her arms.
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Ask game for Chase?
The pupper ever!! Also two other people asked for Chase while I was already working on it XD I'm sorry it's taking me literally days to get them all done, I'm having trouble to think properly on what to say for some stuff in these
My first impression - I'm not tanking this. His car is blue and white, he's a cop and HIS NAME IS CHASE. HMMMM WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE, OH I WONDER--
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My impression now - He's precious. No, really. A+ for effort in everything he does but he should learn to relax a little more, just a liiiiiiiittle more
Favorite thing about that character - He's always willing to try new things out of his comfort zone and he always gives it his best, plus his loyalty levels are off the charts
Least favorite thing - He's too much of a people pleaser Istg-- Chase, sweetheart, you're supposed to be a figure of authority XD And this will sound like a dumb thing to dislike but I dislike the fact he's a German Shepherd. I think it's too obvious a breed for police dogs and he doesn't LOOK like one at all for me. When I first saw him without his gear, I was like "Wait is he a Belgian Malinois??? Omg please yes that would be cool to not have a German Shepherd as a Police Dog for ONCE" but yeah my dreams were crushed quickly on my first Google Search on him
Favorite line/scene - It's not specifically the line, but mostly the scene: Have you EVER seen Chase refuse a job or go against Ryder???
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I know he ended up changing his mind after that talk with Ryder, but IN THIS MOMENT, he stood his ground and said NO. It's even in his body language: His ears are slightly back, his expression is serious like "don't even try arguing with me on this", his tail isn't relaxed, his paw stomping on the floor to make his point. Notice his frown even deepens as the elevator door closes just before it goes down. This is SO IMPORTANT to me you have no idea, especially considering how much of a people pleaser Chase is and how he holds Ryder as the most important person in his life. We know Chase would do anything for Ryder. But at this exact moment? He was decided to NOT do something for Ryder. This is such a powerful, yet overlooked and underrated scene, as well as character development. It encapsulates perfectly how there's so much more to Chase than any of us knew so far.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - Mighty Movie Skase moment #2 (I think? I counted at least 4 big moments) when Chase goes to check on Skye when she was sulking on the back of the Aircraft Carrier. Her problems there are totally out of his league, he literally cannot relate to anything she's currently going or went through in the past- still he tries to show support the only way he can at the moment, by being there for her, by listening to her. He's a keeper, Skye, go for it XD
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Marshall and Zuma. They used to play a lot before, but now...? I'm still at the 8th season and I'm seriously missing those fun and slice of life moments
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Leonardo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, specifically 2012 series
A headcanon about that character - I think Chase was one of those kind of puppies who just didn't know when to fucking STOP. 24/7 playful baby. Also a natural explorer, always sniffing everything, licking everything, maybe biting, touching, scratching, growling, barking at anything new for a while. Ever curious, always being the puppy to go ahead of the others, "exploring the waters to open the way and make sure it's safe for the others to come after him". On a second note, I've seen one too many people returning adopted puppies for this reason here where I live, because "they're a handful and I wasn't expecting this" 🤦🏽‍♀️
A song that reminds of that character - "Nothing Can Stop Me Now"
An unpopular opinion about that character - Idk why all the hate, even if you're ACAB, it's not like Chase even does a cop job at all XD Have you seen him arresting someone outside from movie verse? If anything, you'd WANT your cops to be like him LMAO
Favorite picture - Y'know how in the first movie Chase was in absolute awe when he saw his new car for the very first time? YEAH, like, he KNOWS Ryder designs and gets them crazy cool stuff, and it doesn't stop him from getting UTTERLY AMAZED every time. Tbh I had the same reaction as them all when I saw that sick af Mustang-looking police cruiser like HOLY SHIT YOU GET THE COOLEST TOYS-- AND YOU GET TO CATAPULT THEM DOWN THE HOT WHEELS RAMP AT TOP SPEED TOO??? Win for life.
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darlingvernon · 2 years
odds. [M]
↳ and the cycle never stops… until it does.
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◇ kwon soonyoung x reader ◇ angst | suggestive sexual themes | toxic relationship ◇ 4.1k [1/1]
warning: this story is toxic as fuck, read at your own risk. this is a fictional work, i'm not claiming that hoshi is like this, he's just a muse, a face card if you will. please learn to separate reality from fiction.
note: if you do catch it, this is a repurposed piece of writing i did for another group. if there are any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!
another note (lol): the big chunk in the middle that's in italics is a flashback!
another one!! -> omg i can't believe i forgot to add that this is based on the song 'Odds' by NIKI so make sure you give it a listen for context!!
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Clinking your shot glasses together, you and your best friend Niki tip your heads back, letting the burning liquor course down your throats. Slamming the shot glass down on the oak surface, you wipe your mouth using the back of your hand without much grace and reach over the bar for a slice of lime. Biting into it, the citrus goodness soothes your taste buds and you discard the remnants in the shot glass for the bartender to collect.
“One more,” Niki holds a perfectly manicured finger up, smirking as you roll your eyes.
“In case you weren’t aware,” you point out, “that was already our fifth shot of this very short night and I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on walking out of here completely inebriated.”
“I don’t plan on walking out of here without a man between my legs.”
Snorting at the image she projected, you smack her playfully on the arm and remind her that she just recently got out of a relationship and should probably slow it down. Rolling her eyes, Niki leans into your space and flicks you on the forehead as she brings up the fact that you should be the one out there searching for a man. An available one, instead of pining for one who continues to slip through your fingers.
“That’s a low blow,” you pout, rubbing soothing circles on your forehead. Her statement unintentionally returns you to the thoughts that you’ve been trying to escape from since last week. Since you last saw him.
“I’m just saying,” Niki slurs, hands up in the air in defense. “You deserve better than this and you deserve more than this.”
Turning back to face the bar, you flag the bartender down for another drink, ignoring the way your best friend’s eyes sparkle in delight. “I don’t give a shit about what I deserve,” you retort. “He’s the one I want.”
With a sigh, Niki wraps her arms around you, peppering your cheek with kisses in apology. Grabbing the proffered glasses from the bartender, she hands one to you and raises hers in a toast. “May the odds be ever in your favour.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
As soon as you slam the shot glass down for the sixth time tonight, goosebumps begin to creep along your skin. Soon after, a familiar warmth surrounds you and it’s not hard to tell that it isn’t from the liquid courage flowing through your veins. It can only mean one thing. He’s here.
“Oh, would you look at that?” Niki leans over and giggles in your ear. “Lover boy is here.”
Whatever smart retort you had for her ends up stuck on your tongue when his familiar scent wafts through the air and you feel his presence within proximity.
“Well, if it isn’t the infamous Kwon Soonyoung,” Niki confirms your assumption as she greets him. “What brings you to our end of town?”
“Niki,” Soonyoung greets, voice invading your senses, making you feel too many things at once, and you definitely shouldn’t have had that much to drink. “I’m just visiting an old friend.”
Friend. Of course. What are the odds?
“Hey, Soonyoung,” you finally pluck up the courage to turn and face him with a smile, cursing the butterflies in your belly at the mere sight of him, and especially when he smiles back.
“Hi,” he says back with his perfect smile and perfect teeth that you wish he would sink into—
“I guess I’ll leave you guys to it then,” Niki breaks through your thoughts. Rolling her eyes once more, one of her hands gently squeezes yours as her other grabs her purse from the bar. With a sly smirk, she kisses your cheek in farewell and utters loud enough for Soonyoung to hear, “Don’t forget to call Jihoon tonight.”
With a wink, she disappears into the crowd before you can strangle her. Damn that cockblocking bitch—
Soonyoung clears his throat and you stiffen in attention, almost forgetting for a moment that he’s right behind you. For a moment, you pray that he didn’t hear but you know your chances are slim. Facing him, you’re proven correct when he teases in question, “Who’s Jihoon?”
Smirking, you flag the bartender down once more to ask for another drink before you answer Soonyoung with a question of your own. “How’s Codi?”
Soonyoung chuckles — a sound you’ve missed terribly — and reaches over for his own beer. With keen eyes, you watch as he brings the bottle to his lips and find yourself unable to look away, openly staring at the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he drinks. “I asked you first,” he smirks, catching you in the act.
Grabbing your vodka raspberry from the counter, you take a few sips before finally answering him. “He’s someone that I’m meant to be seeing,” you say truthfully. “We went on a date the other night and it was… okay.”
It’s hard to miss the way Soonyoung’s jaw tenses at your reply but he manages to compose himself after another swig of his beer. “Just okay?”
Shrugging, you draw circles with your index finger on the rim of your glass. “Yeah, don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy and it was a great date. But, if we’re being honest with each other, he and I both knew that neither of us are who the other wanted.”
“Hm,” he tuts, “are you still seeing him?”
“We’re just seeing how it goes,” you reply nonchalantly and take another sip from your drink. “Your turn. Who ended it this time? You or Codi?”
Rendered speechless, you turn to face him with a raised brow and his infamous chuckle meets you yet again. Soonyoung drones on about the boring details of why he’s off again with his on-again/off-again girlfriend, but his words just go in one ear and out the other. Not a single part of you cares; this is nothing new to Soonyoung and it’s nothing new to you. All that matters to you is the fact that he’s single again and that you are the first person he comes to see.
“You don’t really give a shit, do you?” Soonyoung scoffs when he gets no reaction from you. 
“I don’t,” you reply candidly before downing the rest of your drink, “and neither do you.”
Soonyoung smirks, following suit with his own drink. “You got that right.”
Everything happens so quickly after that admission and you’re not even sure who makes the first move or of anything else for that matter. When Soonyoung shoves you hard against the wall, bending to lap his tongue at the juncture of your neck, you finally gain your bearings, noticing the familiar set of pendant lights that hang in your kitchen over his shoulder.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he whispers in your ear, nipping at the lobe. He’s rewarded with a wanton moan and your tongue shoved in his mouth.
“Prove it,” you whisper against his lips, grabbing his right hand and placing it between your legs in challenge. 
Growling, Soonyoung grips your hips deliciously hard and knowing that it’s going to leave a bruise lasting for days almost makes you come.
Prove it, he does, with his hands and lips roaming all over your body. Articles of clothing soon litter the path to your bedroom, where you spend countless hours of the night with limbs tangling under messy sheets. At every high you reach together, he never fails to cry out your name, while his spill from your lips in wanton pleas.
“What’s on your mind?” Soonyoung asks through ragged breaths, barely mustering the strength to face you as he lies on his stomach.
With a tired laugh, you shift to lay on your back in an attempt to compose yourself, not just from the multiple sessions you’ve had with little to no rest, but also from the vulnerability of his question. “You don’t want me to answer that,” you reply, breathless for more than one reason. 
Soonyoung raises his head as it dawns on him. “Are you trying to figure us out again?”
Sighing, Soonyoung extends his arm to wrap around your middle, pulling you across the bed to hold you tight against him. “Why do you keep doing this?” he asks wearily, and you know it’s due to more than just the sex.
“You already know why,” you sigh, turning to face him to touch your forehead to his.
“I do,” Soonyoung closes his eyes and meets your lips in a languid kiss.
Moments pass as you both lay there, basking in each other’s presence, until he breaks the silence by asking, “Do you remember when we met?”
A wide smile plastered itself on your face, “How can I forget about the day the boy from the suburbs got lost on the coast?”
Soonyoung laughs earnestly, his eyes shaping into crescents as you both reminisce about everything the two of you have gone through so far.
Celebrating a friend’s birthday, Soonyoung and his friends came down to the coast for the weekend. They stumbled into the same bar where you frequented by chance, and as soon as he spotted you by the bar, he was a goner. He knew that he had to have you.
His charming approach had you reeling. One thing led to another and you both spent most of the weekend locked away in your apartment and got acquainted with each other through many different ways.
Everything had started off casual, with neither of you wanting to commit due to distance and your career — you were flourishing in a publishing company — but there was no doubt that the attraction and chemistry was there. The longer the situationship continued, the attraction between you grew into something more.
However, you were caught off guard when you found yourself on his side of town for a work conference, bumping into him with his arm wrapped around another’s shoulders. Soonyoung was as shocked as you were, not expecting to run into you on the night that he was on a date with Codi. Not in a place to complain due to the nature of your relationship, or lack thereof, you forced down the bile that had risen to your throat at the sight of him and swallowed your pride. Something like that happening was not meant to be a surprise to either of you.
Even though you were shattered, you were obliged to give him your blessing, informing him when you hugged each other in greeting, and went on your way. What you didn’t expect was for Soonyoung to run up to you, asking if you could remain in his life as his friend. It was only when you walked away from him that he realised that he couldn’t see a life without you in it.
In too deep and drowning in your feelings, you agreed to his dangerous request. You made yourself believe that this was better than nothing, but you couldn’t have been more wrong. 
You missed him. Terribly. So much so that as soon as Soonyoung showed up at your apartment door some weeks later with news that he and Codi had broken up, you ended up picking up right where you left off.
The new situation between you two started off almost exactly the same as before, except that time, Soonyoung was finally ready to take the next step with you. His attraction to you evolved into something more and he was willing to step over the line despite the distance. However, there was one thing that hindered him from doing so. You.
It wasn’t that you weren’t ready to take the leap, especially since you were falling as deep and fast as he was, but your career had unexpectedly taken off, leaving you with little time for yourself. Nor for Soonyoung, which started to take a toll on your relationship. The fact that you couldn’t make a trip to see him was something he understood considering he could always make his way to you. The issue was caused by your limited availability for him, physically and emotionally, even when he had put in the effort to come and see you.
Every time Soonyoung had travelled to the coast, you were too caught up with work and he was left spending most of his time alone within the four walls of your apartment. Whenever you did manage to finally spare him some time, it was usually spent with raised voices and arguments about who was letting the relationship down.
Was it Soonyoung who couldn’t understand the position that you were in with the opportunity that you’ve been given? Or was it you, who couldn’t see that he was finally trying to commit?
Truthfully, it didn’t matter whose fault it was, but Soonyoung was at breaking point. However, instead of talking to you about how he was feeling, he decided to break the news to you in typical Soonyoung fashion. He sent a text. While this was something that you had been used to, your heart ached a little more at the contents of his actual message.
[9:00pm] Soonyoung: codi’s back
The wine glass in your hand is quickly emptied and you could only laugh bitterly, knowing what his words truly meant. She wasn’t just back in town, she was back in his life. There was nothing more to say, so you settled for a short reply.
[9:05pm] Y/N: of course she is
The grip Soonyoung had on his phone tightened, afraid that he would throw it across the room and smash it to pieces. Taking a turn at being bitter, he taunted you further with another message.
[9:08pm] Soonyoung: is that all you have to say?
Did he expect you to fight for him? You would’ve. You should’ve. But, you were hurt and he’d pushed you far enough. 
[9:15pm] Y/N: does it even matter? [9:15pm] Y/N: you’ve already made up your mind [9:16pm] Soonyoung: you made it up for me
His reply was swift and pointed all the blame on you. With your pride damaged, the reply you sent back was scathing. He asked for it, so you gave it to him.
[9:20pm] Y/N: if i was in charge of your decisions [9:20pm] Y/N: you would still be here  [9:21pm] Y/N: beneath me as i ride you into oblivion [9:21pm] Y/N: instead of settling for someone [9:22pm] Y/N: who could never compare
Soonyoung bristled, knowing that you had him right where you wanted him. You always had and you always would.
[9:25pm] Soonyoung: you and i are through
With a laugh, you sent him one last taunting reply.
[9:30pm] Y/N: keep telling yourself that
Not even a week later, Soonyoung turned up at your door, cursing and yelling about how you had ruined everything. Not one to stand for it, you yelled just as much and hurled back all the blame he had aimed at you for his issues with Codi. Fuming, you asked him to leave and informed him that your date was on the way and would be there any minute now.
“You’re unbelievable!” Soonyoung spat out. “You? Going out on a date?”
“Yes, I am,” you replied, indignant. “You can have a girlfriend, right? So, the way I see it, I can go on a date.”
“But, you couldn’t go out on a date with me?” Soonyoung laughed sarcastically. “I waited months for you! To tell you that I was finally ready. To tell you that you were all I ever wanted and you couldn’t spare me one date.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked, confused. “You never told me any of this.”
“How could I? You basically had no time for me—”
“I would’ve made time for this—”
“Then, why didn’t you?!” Soonyoung yelled, frustrated. “God, you’ve made such a fool out of me. I’m out of here.”
With that, Soonyoung turned his back on you and made his way to the front door. Just as he was about to turn the knob, you said something that made him stop in his tracks. “What did you say?”
“I’ll make time for you,” you repeated, louder and stronger that time.
“When? After you realise that this date is no one compared to me?” Soonyoung threw your words back at you.
With a great need for him to understand, you raised your hands up in surrender. “I already know he’s nothing compared to you. I’ll make time for you. Right now.”
“Prove it,” Soonyoung challenged, and you were more than willing to answer.
With a nod, you grabbed your purse from the kitchen counter and fished out your phone, dialling your date’s number. “Hey Seungcheol,” you greeted, eyes locked on Soonyoung as you spoke. “Listen, I’ll have to take a rain check tonight. Something’s come up. Yeah, nothing I can’t handle. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
The word ‘goodbye’ was barely out of your mouth before Soonyoung pounced on you. He grabbed your phone and threw it carelessly behind him as he crashed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. Soonyoung’s impatience showed as his hands and lips got reacquainted with your body and it wasn’t long before he threw you over his shoulder and onto your bed, making up with you by making love to you.
The cycle began again. And again. And again.
Often, you wondered how much more of this toxic pattern you could take, but with one look at him, you knew. You would never give him up.
Back in the present, you find yourself still staring at the ceiling. “I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve done this,” you sigh, wistfully. “Sometimes, some part of me wants to let you go, but the part that wants to keep fighting is a lot bigger. A lot stronger. I know it’s pathetic, but I couldn’t care less.”
Turning to face Soonyoung, you find him sound asleep, snoring softly with his head resting on the crook of your shoulder. Brushing the hair away from his face, you study his profile and store it in your memory, knowing full well that there’s a high chance that he’ll be nowhere to be found in the morning. 
Mentally preparing yourself for the loneliness that dawn will bring, a thought crosses your mind; Niki’s toast at the bar. May the odds be ever in your favour, she said.
The odds.
The more you think about it, the more you realise that they have been against you this whole time. Worst of all, it dawns on you that you’ve done nothing to change your fate, choosing to be complacent and ride the waves instead.
The time Soonyoung told you that he was willing to step over the line comes to the forefront of your mind. You try to recall what you’ve done to show that you’re just as willing, if not more, but you come up short. Every time he leaves, you always remind yourself that it’s because your love for him is much bigger than his love for you and yet you’ve done nothing to prove that statement true.
Finally, you realise that you are the reason for the mess you are in.
If anything is to change about your current state of relationship with Soonyoung, the leap of faith required rests on your shoulders. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to change these odds?
You already know the answer without needing to think about it. When it comes to Soonyoung, it’s the only answer.
With renewed determination, you take the leap, even as he sleeps soundly in your arms, hoping that your words may reach him. That somehow, your words will be enough.
“I love you, Kwon Soonyoung,” you whisper and place your lips on his, in a soft yet intimate kiss. “I always have and I always will. I’m yours, in whatever way you’ll have me.”
A moment after your confession, exhaustion sets in and you allow it to lead you to slumber. As soon as your breathing evens out and you’re sure to have fallen asleep, Soonyoung’s eyes fly open, his heart thundering in his chest.
Little do you know, Soonyoung had been awake when you freely confessed your feelings, hearing every word you uttered and feeling the truth in your kiss. 
Sighing heavily, he understands that he has a decision to make, one that will forever alter the way things are between you both. Soonyoung can only hope that he makes the right decision.
It’s no surprise for you to wake up next to the cold and empty sheet beside you, nor to find the note on his pillow. This is Soonyoung’s signature move and you’ve grown accustomed to it by now. What is surprising though, are the words Soonyoung leaves on the note this time around.
I heard what you said last night when you thought I was asleep. Every single word.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, making you sit up, awake and scrambling to understand the meaning behind his words as you read the note over and over. He heard you. He knows. 
Breathing erratically, you flip the note over to see the back of it, hoping that something else is written there, a declaration of love perhaps, or anything at all, but there’s nothing. Unsure of what this means, your body sags back onto the mattress, and for the first time in a long time, your tears fall at the thought of not having Soonyoung in your life.
A month passes without any word from Soonyoung, especially with you deciding not to seek him out and letting fate play things out. Of course, it hurts like hell, but you are far too stubborn to quit, hoping that everything will finally work out in your favour.
Even when the thought comes to mind, Niki is there to remind you to stay strong. After you explained everything that’s been going on between you and Soonyoung, she finally discovered why you’re in the mess that you’re in and gives you the scolding you deserve. Knowing that you’re finally attempting to change things to improve your relationship, Niki reminds you that no matter what the world throws at you and Soonyoung, you always end up together. She firmly believes that this will continue to be the case and you wish to be as confident as her.
Sighing for the nth time, you adjust the clothes that you’re wearing for the day, especially with an important meeting on your calendar, one that you definitely can’t miss even though it’s on a weekend. Grabbing your hand bag from the rack, you take a deep breath to calm yourself before heading out the door.
Except you’re unable to exit because you find something blocking your path.
Not something. Someone.
Kwon Soonyoung, himself.
Standing outside your door in all his glory, Soonyoung flashes you his killer smile, one that you can’t help but mirror as you melt into a puddle in front of him.
“Hi,” Soonyoung greets with a smirk. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
Swallowing whatever’s left of your pride, you reply hesitantly, unsure of where the conversation is going to as the note he left flashes in your mind. “You’re right, it has. Um, you look… good?”
“Not as good as you.”
Neither of you make a move to speak after that, too busy staring and drinking each other in. Soonyoung breaks the trance first, his gaze landing on the bag that’s hanging off your shoulder before surveying the rest of your outfit.
“Off to work on a Saturday?” he asks warily. Having made up his mind already, Soonyoung decides to test you one last time, wanting to make sure that he’s making the right decision.
“I am,” you answer honestly, even though the thought of work and the meeting are far from your mind.
Soonyoung takes a deep breath and places the ball on your court. “Since I’m here,” he pauses, but forces himself to continue despite his nerves. “You should… I don’t know, like, call up your boss. Probably take the day off. Maybe we could change the odds?”
With a smile, you fish the phone out of your purse and call your boss without a second thought. “Hey Jeonghan, I can’t make it today,” you say with no hesitation in your voice whatsoever. “Something came up. Yes, I know it’s the most important meeting of my career, but trust me, it’s not as important as this.”
Just like all those times before, Soonyoung doesn’t wait till you hang up the phone before his lips crash against yours, barely able to contain himself as he ushers you back into your apartment. With insistent lips, he makes up for all the times he spent not kissing you.
“God, I’m so in love with you,” Soonyoung declares. Beaming, you pull him in and deepen your kiss.
“Prove it,” you challenge, laughing with joy.
Prove it, he does.
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Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think :)
© nonrevblr 2022
pls do not copy/repost my work
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dannystheone · 1 year
hi!! it’s lee kenny anon again, tysm for your sweet reply to my message!! you’re so kind 😭💗 i thought i’ll leave a request for when requests open back up again, if that’s okay!!  sorry if this is too much 😭
maybe kenny is trying to cheer up butters, and they end up breaking out into a tickle fight! they sound like they would be so cute together!! can be shippy or non shippy, whichever you prefer! i personally love bunny but i’m fine either way <33
tysm for reading, please feel free to take all the time you need! or feel free to change any part of this or just reject this, no worries!! thank you!! 💗💗
Sorry this is late guys, I've been a little busy! I hope you like this :0
WARNINGS: None! Just tickles :) they are 9 years old in this!!
He Loves My Heart-Shaped Sunglasses (Lee Butters/Ler Kenny)
Butters is having second thoughts about his appearance and how he feels about dressing up as Marjorine. Kenny cheers him up a little :)
"Hey Butterms!" Kenny McCormick stepped through Butters's bedroom door without knocking. They had grown close enough to where they could step into each other's homes and share each other's privacy. According to Cartman, they were best friends after all.
Kenny walked in on Butters at a bad time, however. Butters sat on his bed hugging a stuffed animal while wiping at his face. Kenny cocked his head in curiosity. The curtains were shuttered closed and his room was a bit untidy. It seemed Butters didn't hear Kenny walking into his room.
"Butterms? Youm omkay?" Kenny called out. Butters head whipped to the right as he cleaned his face up immediately. He sniffled as he put on a friendly smile, despite his pink narrowed eyes.
"O-Oh! Hiya Ken! I uh- I-I'm just listening to Taylor Swift again! You know she always gets me." Butters held up his phone, but no song seemed to be playing. Kenny didn't respond as he simply watched Butters fidget with his hands.
"Ahem- So! What do you wanna do? We can color, we-we can play trucks!" Butters suggested. Kenny walked up to the bed and put a supportive hand on Butters knee.
"Youm omkay Butterms? Youm can tell me anything." Kenny said. Butters turned his gaze down, his happy facade fading. He started to fidget with his hands.
"W-Well...I don't quite know how to say this..." Kenny waited patiently while Butters mustered up his courage. Butters knew he could share anything with Kenny, but how much was anything?
"Um, r-remember when I dressed up as Marjorine that one time? To go to the girl's sleepover?" Butters asked. Kenny nodded thoughtfully. Butters fidgeting seemed to get worse.
"Well, I-I've been thinking...um...I've been having thoughts about putting the Marjorine clothes on, just for myself, you know? When I was at the sleepover...it was the first time I felt confident in myself." Butters looked down at his hands, refusing to look at Kenny. Kenny moved his hand from Butters knee and placed it on his shoulder.
"Wellm, whym don't youm wearm them?" Kenny asked innocently. Butters' eyes turned to Kenny filled with fear.
"No! I-I couldn't! M-My Dad would find out right away and ground the heck out of me! I can't have that Kenny!" Kenny slid his hand up and down Butters back to calm him down. Butters took a breath and held his neck to ground himself.
"It's omkay Butters, tamke it eamsy." Kenny encouraged. Butters looked to Kenny, searching his eyes for any form of judgment. When he couldn't find anything, he cast his gaze back down.
"I just...oh hamburgers. I know I shouldn't have these thoughts about girl's clothes, I mean, I'm a boy! But...I keep thinking about how I felt when I had them on and...and I felt something I've never felt before. I feel like I was meant to wear them, but-but I know it's wrong!" Butters exclaimed. Kenny felt his heart tug. Butters should be able to wear whatever he wanted if it made him happy.
"Butterms, youm shoumld be amble to wearm whatemver youm wamnt. It's yourm hamppiness. If it mamkes youm hamppy, youm shoulmd be allowed to wearm it." Kenny explained behind his hood. Butters interlaced his fingers tightly as he looked up to Kenny.
"But Kenny I can't. They're girls' clothes! What if it changes me into a different person? And my parents will find out! Oh, Jesus-" Butters held his face in his hands. Kenny didn't know what to do. Butters seemed distraught, he could use a pick-me-up. A lightbulb dimmed above Kenny's head.
"Wellm, I donm't thimnk you'll turn imnto a differement permson, Butterms. No mamtter what youm demcide to wearm, you'll stillm be the same permson. Youm'll stillm be kind, and friendmly-" Butters wasn't looking at Kenny, like he wasn't believing him at all. Kenny took his hands and started scritching Butters' side gently. Butters side bent inward as he started giggling softly.
"And youm'll stillm be timcklish!~ No mamtter what clomthes youm hamve on, youm'll stillm be sooomm timcklish~" Kenny's hands traveled up and into Butters ribs as Butters started retreating into his pillows. Butters eyes narrowed as he lightly giggled.
"K-Kehehenny! Thahahat tihihihickles!" Kenny smiled behind his hood as Butters snickered and lightly pushed at his hands.
"M'yeah Butterms, thamt's the poinmt. Youm thimnk no mamtter what clomthes youm wearm, youm're gomnna run away from beimng this timcklish?" Kenny scribbled over Butters' tummy, which made Butters squeak and curl into a ball. Butters' knees kicked up into his chest, with Kenny's hands still folded into his tummy.
"I-hehehehee! I dohohon't knohohow! Ohohoho Christmahahas!" Kenny took the opportunity to scribble his fingers over Butters' upturned side. Butters laughed gleefully as he turned fully onto the attacked side to try and hide it, but Kenny took his other hand to scribble the opposite upturned side.
"And you'rme vermy funnmy, and smart, and remliable! You'rme a goomd frienmd, and emveryone likes youm! Thamt's not gonnma chamnge." Kenny explained to a giggling Butters. Butters hair fell into his eyes as he tried using his elbows to cover his sides. Kenny lightly dug into both Butters' sides simultaneously. Butters' eyes crinkled as he belted out heavier laughter. Kenny was trying to keep it light, but Butters was super sensitive.
"Teehehehehee! Kehehehen!" Kenny heard pleading in Butters voice. His fingers stilled for a moment, giving Butters a moment to breathe. Giggles petered from Butters lips as he came down from the tickles. "Hehe- hehehe- K-Kenny don't-" Butters felt Kenny's fingers on his sides still. He twitched to the left. "-stohop!"
Kenny grinned evilly as he raised his fingers above Butters' face and started wiggling them slowly. Butters started squirming and covering himself while Kenny started lowering his hands.
"Domn't stomp? Is thamt whamt youm saimd, Butterms?~ I didnm't knowm youm limked it som much~" Butters had a panicked smile as he tried scooting everywhere that Kenny's hands weren't, but Kenny was quick to track him.
"Nohoho Kennehehey! Nohoho no no! Dohohon't dohoho ihihit!" Butters laughed as he could already feel Kenny's fingers wiggling in his sides as they wriggled above his eyes. Kenny teased Butters by dropping his hands suddenly on Butters tummy without actually tickling. Butters jolted as Kenny quickly brought his hands back up. It made Butters laugh out earnestly.
"Gehehe-HEHE! Kenny- Kehehen STOHOP! Oh hahamburgers-" Kenny faked out Butters a few more times before his hands really did go in for the kill and started scribbling all over his tummy. The anticipation made Butters whole body tingle, which in turn made him more sensitive to Kenny's touch.
"Youm beliemve me yet Butterms? I'll keep it ump umntil youm dom..." Butters nodded immediately at Kenny's question, small tears of mirth in the corners of his eyes. Kenny slowly let up on his tickles and let Kenny recover.
Butters sat up slowly, the giggles petering out of his system. "Ahehee...oh jeez. I guess I had that coming, huh? Serves me right for being such a sourpuss." Butters held his hands together when Kenny reached forward and held Butters hands. Butters looked up into Kenny's eyes.
"Butterms...wearm what makes youm hamppy. Youm demserve to wearm what youm feel comfortable in. No mamtter what clomthing it is." Kenny reassured. Butters still didn't look convinced.
"But what if my parents find out, Ken? I can't go to school dressed as Marjorine consistently, they'll find out for sure!" By 'they' he meant his parents of course. Kenny wished they would leave the poor kid alone.
"Mmm, what if youm worme the clomthes in yourm room? So they wonm't finmd out and youm'll feelm goomd?" Butters had a questioning face on as he thought about it sincerely. It slowly dawned on him. Kenny watched as Butters face grew brighter and brighter as he realized.
"Oh- Oh Kenny you genius! I can wear the Marjorine clothes in my bedroom and-and they'll never find out! Oh, golly! I'll go try them on now!" Butters raced for his closet and slid the door closed behind him. Kenny waited on the bed silently, swinging his feet while singing a tune in his head.
After a few moments, Butters called out. "Okay Ken! You ready to see?" Kenny looked up from his legs and made an affirmative sound.
Marjorine came out of her closet, smoothing out her dress and brushing her hair out of her face. She applied light makeup and brushed her wig, with two braids on either side of her face and bows pleating the braids. Her eyes were light with complimenting blue eyeshadow and blushing cheeks. Her dress was a light blue with a poofy skirt and trailing ribbons. The dim room seemed to brighten with her presence.
"Well? Wh-what do you think?" Marjorine asked, her hands fidgeting as she waited for an answer. Kenny took her whole image in, and felt his whole face burn up.
Kenny jumped off the bed and removed his hood, to reveal his blushing face and star-lit eyes to her.
"You look gorgeous, Marjorine."
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wayward-river · 1 year
Dancing on Broken Glass
Part 2 of ?
Pairings : past Bradley Bradshaw x reader possible Jake (Hangman)x Reader
Summary: In this heart-wrenching story, a woman confronts the devastating reality of losing her husband. She visits his grave on the anniversary of his death and pours out her soul to him, wishing he was still there with her. But just as she starts to find some solace, Hangman, who had a rocky relationship with her late husband, shows up and disrupts her moment of grief. Tension rises as they exchange words, and Hangman apologizes for his past behavior. But can apologies heal the pain of loss? As Hangman leaves, he invites her to join him tomorrow, but the woman is left feeling conflicted about his role in her life. Will she find the strength to move on from her husband's death, or will she be haunted by his memory forever?
AN: Okay here is part two! Again huge shout out to @bradshawsweetheart for all the help! All errors are mine, I do not own any characters. Please be kind and enjoy!!
Warnings : Angst, language, grief, death
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You stood in front of the Hard Deck having a staring contest with the doors, should you go in? Did you even want to?
After so long of back and forth you settled for sitting outside of the Hard Deck, close enough to hear the music of the jukebox and the laughter filling the small place that once felt like a second home, but far enough for the flood of memories to stay at bay. Staring out into the ocean you sighed.
“I know you probably think I should be inside and not out here talking to you, but I can’t walk in and not search for you. I can’t listen to the jukebox play without knowing that it should be unplugged and the piano should be played with people surrounding it, surrounding you. I can’t stand this town anymore because you aren’t here… I can’t leave this town either because I feel you here. It’s the only place I do feel you and I won’t let that go.”
You closed your eyes listening to the crashing of the waves and the slight murmurs of sounds coming through when the doors of the Hard Deck opened. You wanted a sign, something, anything that he was still around you, that he was listening, that he hated this just as much as you did.
You stayed like that until you sensed a presence next to you.
“You made it”
Hangman again? Really Roo.
You rolled your eyes. “I know you aren’t the brightest but I didn’t exactly make it to the Hard Deck.” Your response seemed to come off as an invitation as Hangman settled in the sand next to you.
“I mean that is the Hard Deck behind you so I would say you did.”
You rolled your eyes. “I know you promised but it’s not like you have to see it through, I don’t need anyone’s help, I’m doing just fine on my own.”
You heard his scoff after the lies easily slipped past your lips. “What? Don’t think I am? Gonna tell the grieving widow she’s wrong?”
“I’m not going to walk on eggshells around you like everyone else is in this town. I tried that, but it clearly didn't work, so I’m trying a new method. You aren’t fine and you haven’t been and no one would expect you to be. You lost your person” he paused seeming to think before he spoke for once “I don’t believe in that crap or I guess I didn’t until I say you two together, he was your world Y/N, you are going to feel that piece that has been ripped out of you for the rest of your life, but you can’t let it swallow you.”
You looked over finally, the unshed tears collecting in your eyes. “You know sometimes…” you took a deep breath, your voice cracking “sometimes in the morning I forget and I expect to feel his warmth, or hear the shower going, or him singing some song I’ll have stuck in my head for the day while he makes us breakfast…but then, then it all comes crashing back into me at full speed so I don't think I can prevent it from swallowing me whole.”
You looked back out at the waves crashing and the sun setting “Thanks for the invite Hangman but I’m going home”
“I’m swinging by the house tomorrow.” He responds, a fact, he’s letting you know it’s happening. You sigh as you walk away from him leaving him on the beach in front of the Hard Deck.
“Can’t promise I’ll answer but go for it”
You awoke the same way you did every day for the past year, alone. However something had felt different. You slowly threw the covers off of you, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you swore you could hear faint music coming from the kitchen.
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fnhrtt · 8 months
ೃBetter man ⁀➷
pairing non-idol!jake x fem!reader genre angst warnings cursing, mentions of jealousy, lovers to exes (if i am missing any tell me) wc. 766 !!
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author's note. hiii, I'm back again with another drabble inspired on another Taylor's song, I really hope you enjoy it...even tho it's angst but yeah yk what I mean hehe also you can make request if you want to!! anyways thanks for the support and byee <3! drink water and stay safe !!
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It was a Saturday night when you stepped into your apartment, followed by Jake, your boyfriend, you just returned from a dinner with friends.
Your steps dropped tiredness and reluctance, an effect of your boyfriend's actions.
"Come on, baby…you have to open your eyes, listen to me" Jake said while he places both of his hands on your shoulder squeezing them a bit
You looked at him in a cold and annoyed way 
"No, now don't give me that look…I just want the best for us…for you…why can't you see it…?" He developed a gentle kiss on your neck
"I know…I know that you love me and that you care about me, but you shouldn't have done that…that was so impolite and immature of you, standing up on the table and decided we were leaving because you 'had things to do'...?"
"Baby…I-" Jake was cut off by you
"No, Jake, this isn't the first time you've done that, you did it a few dinners ago too…and I think I know the reason why…"
"Your jealousy" You said firmly and with confidence as you look into his eyes
"What?! what are you talking about now?!" He mocked "Jealous, me? Are you hearing yourself right now?" He left go your shoulders
"This is what I get for trying to be a good boyfriend now, right? being called a jealous and possessive man" He said 
"No, no, no I didn't say you were posses-" 
He didn't let you finish your sentences, his voice filled with anger and frustration.
"Are you listening to the bullshit you're saying right now? God…woman…you're unbelievable…" 
By now, you're sat in opposite corners of your living room, Jake paused for a bit and then he finally spoke again.
"You're helping him, right? you're on his side…yeah…you so fucking are…" He said looking at you with boiling eyes.
"What? what are you even talking abo-" You said, all confused.
"Your best friend, your little best friend…all of this was an idea of that friend of yours, right?"
"Now you're accusing him of senseless things?!!" You said, offended.
Suddenly, Jake stood up and began to pace the room, his fist clenched tightly at his side while he kept his angry gaze firmly on you.
"Him?!! You're the one who's taking me away from not just him, but from all my friends; you're the one who went to a party and searched for me to get me out of there! you're the one who prefers me being in the house than outside!" You said to him with your proud, cause everything else you had lost it in the process of your relationship .
"It's not me taking you away from everything we've built, it's him," he shouted. "He wants to take you all for himself...I know he does!!" 
"You're so blindfolded by your jealousy that you can't see how much you're hurting me!!" 
Jake stayed silent.
"Please…Jake, I don't like feeling whatever the hell this is." You said.
"But if you let me just-" He said gently as he started getting closer to you again
"No, Jake, leave" You said staring at the floor
You took off his coat, which was over your shoulders, as a signal of refusing his warmth if he still had it. You threw it at him.
"Fine, I'll come back tomorrow to talk abou-"
"No, Jake, you don't understand; we're done" You said not allowing him to finish.
Jake looked you up and down.
"Hah, I doubt you'd last long without me. You're probably just going to run right back to me after a few days, begging me for another chance. Don't bother. I've moved on to bigger and better things than you." He said before storming out of your apartment.
Even though you knew you were gonna be better without a man like him, sometimes you wished you could just forget him like if he was nothing in your life ever; but that's not possible at least not in this universe. You just get used and live with the wounds and marks that his passive-aggressive actions and words left on you but not before without recognizing your achievement of running away from him.
Sometimes in the nights, you miss him, yeah, it's normal, sometimes your mind just dives into an ocean of thoughts and you just wonder what would have happened if you gave him a second chance…maybe he would've the one.
Only if he had been a different man, a better man
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joeyschick · 5 months
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Chapter 2 Joe Gets A Surprise 😱
The bright sun peeping through my
window caused me to groan as I
opened my eyes.
Damn,my head is pounding.
Jesus, you would think i would learn from this bullshit but I never do.
I roll over and find that the other side of the bed is empty.
Hell,it figures.
No worries.
Blondie will be back when she needs some more action.
And who better to give it to her than yours truly here.😎
Wine,dine,69......it's what I do.
I slowly emerged from my bed and fell straight on my ass as I did.
"Damn it" I muttered.
Seriously, why the hell do I do this?
I was trying to pull myself off the floor when I heard my phone ring.
Okay...now the one question is......where in God's name is my phone?
I hear it but I sure as hell don't see it.
My phone keeps ringing as I search for it through the pile of sheets that went down with me as I fell on my ass.
All right ya little shit.....ya gotta be around here somewhere.
Finally I stood up (somehow) and staggered over to the night stand and there was the little noise maker that was not helping my aching head.
"Aha...there ya are." I smirked. "Now I'm gonna shut ya up."
With that, I picked up the phone and smirked as I spoke into it with my drunk,sultry voice.
"Hey there,sexy."
"Burrow? My God,are you all right?"
Awww shit....it's coach!
Isn't this grand?
Here i am trying to charm my way into my boss's pants!
"Oh yeah...Mr.Taylor....i'm fine as frog hair." I said,laughing a little while the biggest part of me is dying.
"Thank God, I thought you had went off the deep end." He said.
I laughed a little.
I think I might just he headed that way,sir.🤦‍♂️
"Anyway....listen....I forgot to tell you....awesome job on the field yesterday. I don't know what we would do without you,Burrow."
Me neither.😂😂😂😂😂😂ahem...JKJK.
Or am I?😏
Damn it,how the hell do I shut my brain off?
I know what some of you folks are thinking......what brain,right?
Well guess what????....you may be right. 🤦‍♂️
Luckily,with all of this shit going on in my head I was finally able to speak.
"Thank you,sir. I try. I really do."
Thank you Jesus for not letting me say something stupid!
There is hope for my drunk ass after all.🤞
'"Well, you are a blessing to this team. Behave yourself. We need you more than you know."
Oh shit he's onto me and my drinking playboy ways!
I gulped. "Yes sir"
"Get some rest today,Burrow. You deserve it."
"Thank you sir. See you tomorrow." I said.
With that,I hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh of relief.
I can NOT believe I almost hit on my coach.
God help me I really have no decency.
Fifteen minutes later, I am freshly showered and I'm now on the couch,trying to get my aching head to ease off.
Before anyone says anything...yes I have taken some freaking Tylenol.
It just sometimes takes it forever and a day to kick in.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep...the doorbell rang.
Damn it.
A dude can't get one little freaking bit of peace and quiet around here.
Sweet Jesus.
I groaned as I staggered to the door.
When I reached the door I opened it,only to find no one there.
Damn it. Probably some kids trying to prank me.
I groaned as was just about to shut the door when I looked down and saw something that I thought for sure would make me pass out right on the spot.
At my doorway sat a basket with a newborn baby laying in it.
I did a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
But then.....there was also a note which read....
‘Hey Daddy please take care of me. My name is Naomi Elizabeth.’
Oh hell's bells!
First a headache...now I think i'm gonna puke.
My God,what am I gonna do?
Song of the Chapter
Tequila Sunrise by the Eagles
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work wives: “Do you ever regret this, what we have?”
Listen… I audibly gasped reading that sentence and based on that gasp, this was created by my silly little brain while listening to this song. Also, I’m sorry it took me 3 business days to write this 😅
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Melissa huffs and kicks at the air at her last futile attempt at getting some sleep.
A single question running wild through her head as her mind replays the conversation she and Barbara had on the car as they made their way to Philly from New Jersey.
Do you ever regret this, what we have?
It was always like this when Barbara wanted to run away from her marriage or when Gerald was out of town. They would go some place where no one could recognize them -where no one could recognize Barbara- and act like the most perfect couple.
Melissa loved part of it; She loved to hold Barbara's hand without the fear of the older woman recoiling at the gesture, she loved to be asked how long they've been together and just say over a decade because it was the truth, this thing they had had started over a decade ago, Melissa loved how Barbara was with her in their blissful weekends of play pretend. But she specially loved that Barbara would tell her a million "I love you's" in public, not like the whispered ones she was used to when they were between the 4 walls of her room, late at night after a few too many glasses of wine and the excuse of how Barbara needed to stay at Melissa's house and not to worry because the guest room was set up for her.
Kicking the comforter off she decides to just leave the bed and sit by the balcony on her window. Her traitorous mind replaying the conversation that she’s trying to erase from her memory like a movie for her to dissect and criticize.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The car was parked outside Barbara's house, they had been sitting inside for almost 10 minutes now, letting the real world sink in: Their play pretend time was over.
Melissa refused to look at her lover as she gripped the wheel, afraid that if she looked at Barb leaving her car and entering her house as her husband greeted her, the memories of the weekend would fade away with her.
"Melissa" Barbara said softly, trying to gain the stubborn woman's attention.
"My darling girl” she tried again, this time with the term of endearment she knew Melissa loved the most “Please look at me”
And Melissa fell for the trap as her head moved in her direction.
"Do you ever regret this?" She gestured between them "What we have?" Barbara asked, meeting her eyes and holding her gaze the whole time, her eyes searching for any indication of Melissa's feelings.
Melissa gave her best fake smile while shaking her head 'no' before speaking the lie she no longer believed herself, the one that used to be her best lie when Barbara questioned if things were okay between them.
"I don't regret what we have Barb" she responded looking down to grab Barbara's hand and lacing their fingers "You're my best friend and I love you" she found Barbara's eyes to convey that her words were true -well, they were actually far from it but Barbara didn't need to know that- "This thing that we have is good enough for me" she nodded.
And somehow that was enough for Barbara. That was always good enough of a response for Barbara. Grabbing her bag from the backseat of Melissa’s car she gave her a quick kiss before getting out and entering her house.
Melissa let out a sigh and started her drive to her own house, praying for the kaleidoscope of memories flashing through her mind to never end.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
She chuckled bitterly as she recalled the lies she told Barb.
Melissa hated that after so many years, this had started to bother her. The timing wasn’t great but if she was true to herself, she wanted so much more from Barbara.
And in lieu of being true to herself, she knew that Barbara would not give her what she wanted.
So with a shake of her head to clear her thoughts and a few she’d tears being wiped off she went back to bed and reminded herself that being Barbara’s best friend was enough, being her lover was enough, that when they went away on the weekends and could act like a real couple was enough.
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Hihi, i hope my questions arent bothering you but I really want to get into evillious but im still confused so here are some questions i want to ask (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^ω^)✧⁠*⁠。
1. Do you only translate the songs or do you also translate the novels?
2. Where do you read the novels?? I tried searching on google but only the pride arc showed up.. :((
3. Lots of tiktokers who are part of the ec fandom recommended to check out your blog because it helps them understand better, im still a bit confused so please give me some tips to learn more abt the lore🫶
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Oh, wow. I'm not on tiktok, I didn't realize people recommended me over there.
1. I have translated almost everything there is to read about Evillious with the exception of the Daughter of Evil manga. So, that's the novels, short stories, album booklets, fanbooks, some creator interviews, and I also "infomine" some of the things I don't translate (ex, I've been reading mothy's personal blog and posting the occasional summary on what's in it).
2. Yeah, unfortunately Google is not very useful here. I don't know how well you know how to navigate tumblr or if you're using a browser or the mobile app, so please excuse me if I say something you already know--I have two different directories with my Evillious translations on them.
This >>[here] (It's linked under "Evillious" in my blog header) is the first one. It's a blog page that lists everything by medium and is pretty comprehensive. It includes not only Evillious stuff (and creator commentary for it), but also things related to mothy's newer series called E.A.T. It's my understanding that most mobile users can't access blog pages, though.
This >>[here] (it's linked in my "pinned post") is the directory I have set up for mobile users. Rather than listing things by medium, it lists Evillious content by the year it was released (the novels are in italics). This is my recommended reading order of the series (though it's more important you read the novels in order--a lot of the songs you can pretty much listen to in whatever order you want, just know that after a certain point they might not make as much sense without the novel context). Note that this particular list has only the Evillious stuff, and not the E.A.T. songs or creator commentary (save for what I've translated in the fanbooks).
3. In addition to all that, I have made a basic, spoiler-free guide to give a basic rundown of the series' setting and concepts for anyone who isn't interested in reading all of the novels. That's also linked in my pinned post, but I'll link it >>[here] too.
And, in general, feel free to ask me questions about anything you're still confused about. I genuinely believe that like. 90% of Evillious is actually very simple and easy to understand, but I do acknowledge that there is that 10% that's not.
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50calmadeuce · 6 months
Ch. 6: Mandolin Rain
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I also do not own the rights or copyrights of Mandolin Rain by Bruce Hornsby and the Range. I just happen to really like this song.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
Note: When I wrote this chapter, Mandolin Rain by Bruce Hornsby just happened to play on my Spotify account just as I was thinking of what to write next for this story. Listening to it while reading this chapter may help you to see it more or it may not. It's your choice.
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Moonlight poured into your bedroom, granting you some visibility as you sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Glancing to your right, you found Sean nestled in peaceful slumber in your bed. Sleep eluded you completely, the memory of Jake's pained expression when you mentioned "fiancé" still haunting your thoughts, tearing at your heart.
You carefully lifted the comforter and slipped out of bed, retrieving your cell phone and earbuds from the nightstand with hushed movements. Passing by the dresser, a glimmer drew your attention. You reached out, finding an old CD of Bruce Hornsby and the Range.
Stealthily, you made your way to the bedroom door, opening it with care, and gently shutting it behind you. Descending the stairs, you entered the living room. There, you seized the Aztec-style blanket from the couch and made your way to the outdoor living area.
The night air was perfect, hovering around a comfortable 65 degrees. Nestling onto the outdoor couch, you draped the blanket over yourself. Plugging in your earbuds, you accessed your Spotify account on your phone and searched for "Mandolin Rain."
You laid back and closed your eyes as a memory enveloped you:
The night enveloped the surroundings in darkness, but the carnival lights illuminated the area, casting a vibrant glow. You indulged in some cotton candy, savoring the sugary delight, when a distant rumble reached your ears.
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"I think it might be time to head home," sixteen-year-old Jake suggested.
"It's just a bit of thunder, Jake," you reassured.
"Yeah, but you know how storms can get around here."
Just as he spoke, rain began to descend, first in a slow drizzle, then picking up speed. Jake gently took hold of your hand, guiding you under the shelter of one of the game canopies and into his embrace. The two of you locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between you.
"Why Jake Seresin. What would people say?" you teased.
"I don't give a shit what they say," he said as he leaned in and kissed you. Gently. Lovingly.
As you separated, you discarded the remnants of your cotton candy into a nearby garbage can. Then, you slowly began to step backwards, separating yourself from Jake, from under the game canopy, and allowing the rain to embrace you.
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"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jake inquired, a smile playing at his lips.
"Something I haven't done in a long time." The rain started to drench your light blue floral dress as you twirled and let it wash over you.
Jake couldn't help but grin and chuckle. "You're crazy!"
You extended your hand. "Come on, Jake! It's just a little water."
He placed his hand in yours, and you pulled him close, the rain cascading down on you.
"You're crazy, but I love you," Jake declared.
You froze, meeting his gaze. "What did you say?"
He drew you nearer, his eyes locked onto your crystal-blue ones. "I said I love you."
In the next instant, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss, rain pouring around you both.
You drifted into sleep, a contented smile lingering on your lips, courtesy of that cherished memory.
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The gentle caress of light and warmth greeted your face as you shifted on the outdoor couch. Suddenly, something soft collided with your face, prompting you to sit up, eyes wide.
"What the fuck?!" you exclaimed, turning to find James chuckling. "You ass."
"Your fiance is on the lookout for you."
You flung the blanket off of you. "Shit. I completely forgot he was here."
"Could be worse. I didn't even know he existed."
You held a finger up to him. "I'll fill you in later." You stood up.
Just then, the door creaked open, and Sean emerged. "Y/N. How did you end up out here?" he asked, his blue eyes concerned.
"I couldn't sleep last night, so I came out here. I didn't want to bother you."
"I'll let you two be," James said as he walked back into the house.
Sean placed both of his hands on your arms and tried looking at you, but you couldn't look at him. "Are you okay?"
You pushed them off, grabbed the blanket off of the couch and went into the house. "I'm fine," you responded as you placed the blanket on the living room couch.
Just then, Griff came into the room. "Breakfast is ready."
"Thank you, Griff. We'll be right there." You said to him and then turned back to Sean. "I have to go shower and get dressed. We'll talk later."
You headed up the stairs, leaving Sean staring at you.
"She'll be alright. I think all of this is just getting to her," James said to Sean as he emerged from the kitchen.
Sean sat on the couch, looking at the floor in front of him. "She's been different since she's been here. No wonder she never goes home."
"As I said, she's got a lot on her mind."
Sean looked at James. "Well, I wish she'd talk to me about them."
"Tell me. How long have you known Y/N?"
"Since she's been in Alaska. Ten years. We've only been dating the last year. She was engaged to one of my friends who was a helicopter pilot, but they ended it. It took a bit for me to get the courage to ask her out. She's different."
"That she is," James agreed and then nodded towards the kitchen. "Come on. Let's get some breakfast."
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rainbowsuitcase · 8 months
Golden, First Impressions.
3D - I talked about that one here.
Closer To You - It sounds cool. I like that breathy-deep voice thing Jungkook does.
Seven - here and here. I made more posts, which you can all find if you search my blog for seven or jungkook, but these two feel like the main ones.
Standing Next To You - I actually really like the chorus on this one. I don't really get the deep "standing next to you" part (google said that's the post-chorus??) but it doesn't sound bad.
Yes Or No - It sounds so damn good. That's the one Ed Sheeran worked on, right? That guy definitely know how to make an earworm. (Seriously, I occasionally hum Thinking Out Loud and I don't think I ever listened to the whole song of my own volition. Also Bad Habits.)
Please Don't Change - It's nice. I could do without the repeated "I love you" part though.
Hate You - I don't usually say this, but knowing Shawn Mendes worked on the song, I can kind of hear him on it. Definitely not a favorite though, I'm generally not a fan of people singing about hating their exes for no reason. What a healthy way to deal with sadness.
Somebody - The second verse has a good rhythm. I don't hate it, but it doesn't stand out.
Too Sad To Dance - You know what, I do enjoy a happy sounding sad song. And I can imagine myself sitting on the bus after a long day, resting as I listen to this. It sounds soft.
Shot Glass of Tears - Again, a very soft and relaxing sound, but the lyrics are too obviously sad to make it a "relaxing on the bus home" type of a song.
Over all, as you can probably tell, this isn't my favorite release of Chapter 2, by far.
I don't hate mainstream pop relationship songs, but I rarely get obsessed with one the way I usually do with Bangtan's songs.
Honestly, I was just expecting something different when the Weverse announcement said the album is " inspired by the golden moments of Jung Kook, the golden maknae of BTS and a solo artist." I was ready for something more introspective than what is essentially a break-up album.
I also don't undestand why both versions of Seven are on there. Is it because the clean version is the official one but the explicit version is more popular?
I don't hate it. If any of the songs came up on the radio, I wouldn't change the stations. But I'll have to give it a few more chances to see if I would go out of my way to listen to it.
And of course, to end on a positive note, the visuals are nice.
EDIT: Apparently Jungkook said in an interview that the lyrics shouldn't be read as autobiographical, which I already suspected, but then... what the hell was that "inspired by the golden moments" bit about then?
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nathscalet · 7 hours
Another smut from my fanfic that will take forever to post
Minors do not interact please 🙏
Dracula x reader
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Warning: Pnv, vaginal fingering, oral sex, cum inside, female reader, submissive reader?, biting, drinking blood, small aftercare at the end.
Those who sat around Dracula could feel his possessive gaze on you, exuding an aura of danger. They didn't know if the anger was directed at them or at you. But his aura could certainly be felt from afar.
You didn't do a bourslesque show, which could made Dracula end up destroying the couch and consider kidnapping you from the stage.
Oh but you looked so sexy. Eternal even singing that lovely song. When you smiled at him, he felt his throat close, wanting nothing more than to join you on stage.
But there was no openings for him, you were the star of the show.
At the end of the night you drank more champagne, enjoying the frizzy taste. You went to say your goodbye to the king, but he, as a gentleman, and your friend, decided to accompany you home.
Walking you to your house, seeing how you walked bouncing through the light rain without worrying about getting wet and shaking the older man's hand. He was relieved that you accepted his company not wanting to let your vulnerable side on the show for the rest of those hungry wolfs at the club.
Dracula contemplated the cloudy night listening to you hum
Im singing in the rain 🎵 "
What a glorious feeling ...
Hum umm huh huh hum
He hated how your silliness affected him.
"Thank you for walking me home your majesty! The night was fun, you should go out more often." You were saying goodbye to the oldest until then he hadn't let go of your hand. Trapped in thought, wrestling with himself, wondering whether or not he should do this.
That feeling that he cautiously caged inside. Those shameful thoughts. And lonely longings for a grieving heart.
"Y/n... I... think... I like you." Dracula said, feeling his stomach fill with butterflies as he revealed his feelings.
"Haha haha ​​Awww how cute! This is the first time you've told me that. My friendship efforts would bear fruit I knew that deep down inside you had a little heart" you couldn’t help but laugh, so out of character of him express his feelings specially towards you, a human girl, a daring woman that “corrupted” his son.
"..." Dracula just squeezed your hand and looked at you like a puppy abandoned in the rain. And he moved closer to you "Y/n I like you a lot." Dracula tenderly brought his hand to your cheek.
"Ha... Wait- are you serious? like more than a friend?" Your heart dropped
"A thousand times more than a friend or student." The silence of the night allowed you to hear your fast heartbeat. How you felt your cheeks warmed
As the rain fell on you that night that hid the moon, you looked into each other's eyes and slowly got closer.
Dracula slid his hand from her ribs to her waist, bringing her closer, close enough for their chests to touch and they felt each other's breath, and they both slowly got closer until they pressed their lips together.
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The kiss had a strong taste of herbs and dry red wine, almost metallic.
The kiss was sweet, uncertain and curious. It started small to shy and progressed until they were both searching each other passionately, unbothered by the rain that was getting thicker by the moment.
You broke apart, panting, as you felt drops of water running down your skin.
"What are we?" You asked breathless
"Friends definitely don't kiss each other like that." Dracula pulled you into another kiss, a safer, more confident kiss.
Your heart racing as your bodies sought each other more fervently. The vampire picked you up and carried you without difficulty to your room, up the stairs of the inn to your room. They were both soaked leaving a trail of rain across the floor. Dracula kicked the door to his room, which he opened quickly and closed with his heel.
He laid her on the bed, placing light kisses on her face, tickling her lightly with his mustache. The vampire's hands went up to the collar of his shirt, they had an atypical lightness, taking off his wet blouse and undoing the belt of his pants. Leaving her in just panties and bra.
That man's predatory gaze appeared, seeing his body, there was no denial, he was mesmerized, looking at her imprisoned breasts.
You wasted no time, pulling the vampire back into the kiss, pulling him by the neck. 
You could hear a continuous sound, coming from the someone, resembling a purr.
"How adorable Drac! I didn't know you could purr." He stopped, like a child caught in a cat's jump, before relaxing his body and giving in even more. "And you'll find out more about what I can do. If you're willing?" He placed their foreheads together, looking into his soul. "Do you want to move on (name)?"
A lump formed in your throat, not expecting that question. You were even shy to respond, nodding your head.
"Use your words, dear. Tell me how much you want my touch." Your body vibrated, you couldn't identify if it was from the cold or the heat of your belly. "Don't tell me I finally caught cat’s tongue." He gave an even more dangerous smile than the one Astarion sent your way.
You snapped out of your trance "I prefer to use actions rather than words dear." You touched the volume between the vampire's legs
"Hmmm." Dracula ran the tips of his nails down your exposed back, causing goosebumps before unbuttoning the lock of the bra, throwing them on the corner of the room. "Aren't you a naughty one? But I won't touch you until I heard you said it, I want your full consent. For what I'm about to do will forever change our relationship."
It was strange. This whole development has happened before, so why did you feel butterflies in your stomach?
"I want you. I want this." You whispered in the vampire's ear
Your hands unbuttoned the dark-haired man's shirt, which revealed a carefully sculpted chest, the top garment falling, and the pants following shortly after.
Dracula's member was thick and long and with a low bush of hair that had a happy trail.
Before entering into the main act of the night, Dracula didn't just want a simple night of pleasure, this was special.
Dracula gently slid his hand all over your body, feeling and appreciating you from head to toe. You felt a firm, cold and heavy hand squeeze your breasts while a tongue wet your neck making you let out a ticklish moan.
"Don't hold back your voice dear. I want to hear all your sounds until the end of the night"
Dracula held your hands above your head, leaving your neck exposed to his fangs.
Your neck and chest were attacked by a thirsty mouth, you felt Dracula's fangs passing dangerously close to your jugular.
"Allow me?" Do you trust the vampire enough to offer your neck? Do you trust that it won't transform you? A shot in the dark in this moment
You nodded. 
Dracula licked your shoulder, giving you goosebumps, before piercing your skin and sucking your blood. You could feel his body getting hot and limp, and his mind hazy. Your blood also made Dracula even harder, tasting that delicacy, his mind closing in a curtain of pleasure.
You tried to get out from under the brunette, but he blocked your hips with his thighs and applied more force to your arms.
Stopping drinking blood, he licked the wound, like a dog.
"Not so fast. You're too hurried , you're not even ready to receive me.  Let me prepare you."
Drac let go of her wrists and bent down for well, you know 👅👅😺
Dracula slid his tongue out and teased her hole, sliding up and down her folds before moving up.  Dracula closed his mouth around her clit and ran his tongue along her bundle of nerves.  The sudden attention made her tremble even more with pleasure, her body feeling a current of shock run through it and her hips rotating, seeking more stimulation. 
He wanted to see how much you could take, so he began to suck her slowly, making delicious moans.  Soon his pace began to accelerate, sucking harder.  You spat out muffled curses, covering your face with one of your arms, feeling the blood rush to your head.
"You taste really sweet." The pussy was like new. Pussy tight ! pussy clean! pussy fresh!
Before you could come, he slowed down.  His tongue now slowly circled her clit, teasing gently, giving her enough pleasure to torture you but not push you over the edge.  You let out a small cry of frustration as your back arched, desperate for a release he wouldn't let you have.
Taking advantage of your restlessness, he snaked one of his arms around your thigh, pulling you up, pressing his face deeper, until your legs were wide apart, resting on his shoulder.
He pressed down feeling the walls of her vagina tightening around him, tasting another one of those lovely nectars that women produce.  He moved his finger experimentally, pulling it out and pushing it back in, making you squirm as he slowly stretched you.
"ah! Drac! Faster!"
"Magic word?"
"Please what?"
"P-please, sir."
"Good girl."
Dracula pressed another finger into her, filling her even more and feeling her walls suffocate his fingers. Meanwhile, he brought back her tongue, super heating her insides, her body on fire and her skin tingling, and everything was perfect.
Vlad was doing perfect, sucking and preparing you at a perfect pace. The orgasm started in the pit of her stomach and blossomed outward, clenching every muscle in your body as heat spread through you.  legs shook as he continued to fuck you with his fingers, enjoying your squirming
Dracula removed his wet fingers, admiring his work "Now you are ready to receive me." He licked his fingers clean, looking down at you.
This man would be insatiable. You concluded silently.
He closed the gap between both bodies, burying himself in your hot, wet pussy, going all the way in smoothly.  You groaned, finally feeling the inner emptiness being generously filled. Drac grabbed your shoulders, slipping his arms around your neck to pull you close.
He kissed your collarbone, tasting your sweat on your skin, feeling your pulse beneath your flesh. Your heart was beating like a drum, meaning he was doing a good job, his chest filled with pride knowing that he was the one giving him this pleasure, his heart then beat excitedly, the electrifying euphoria coursing through his body .
Dracula looked at yours expression, with some tears of pleasure, and mouth open, panting. The exact expression that intoxicated his dreams. One that he kept locked out of shame for his filthy thoughts, but now he had the pleasure of seeing it in person.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, her breasts bouncing, and that expression of ecstasy. His expression probably wasn't much different, He hadn't felt intimacy like this in so long, when was the last time he had held a woman so fervently? He was lost in ecstasy in her smell, her touch, her taste and muscles. They were so soft and at the same time hard under his hands, her muscular flesh, her pussy like warm velvet wrapped so tightly around him.
Your body was shaking, the carefully and paced movements with his hips weren't enough, Dracula was torturing you with this rhythm. Those pink eyes were twinkling with sadistic pleasure, but two can play. You slid your arms under your daddy's shoulders, letting out several moans in his ear, before biting his ear.
Vlad let out a hoarse moan, feeling goosebumps run through his cold body, he raised his head and looked into your eyes.  Your expression was one of lust, although the sparkle in your eyes was an emotion that no one dared to look at him, care. His eyes darkened, it was impossible to feel more desire than now, the brunette pressed his lips to yours in a frantic kiss, rocking his body inside you in long, desperate movements. 
Finally the pleasure arrived, you could feel each vein of the member pulsing inside you, crushed against the walls of your uterus.
The pleasure that grew was intense, viceral, it could almost burn him from the inside.  He coveted that feeling.  No one had made him feel this way in decades, since Lisa passing, maybe centuries, he’d never met a crazy lad like you before.  How long has it been since he unwind? How much self-control and restraint? How stressed this war made him? You were taking him so well, the perfect toy for reliving stress.
His balls contracted, an intense pressure building in the pit of his stomach that sent shivers down his spine.  He was so close, so close to release, so close to losing himself in this woman.  You felt a excruciating hug caging you as his thrusts became so desperate and sporadic. 
You pulled your lips away from his and let out a moan so filthy and low, warm breath hit his ear and he heard her.  That velvety, pleading voice... so he doesn't stop. How can he deny you if you ask like that?
Years of pent up lust and frustration released all at once came crashing inside you, his cock throbbing with load after load of hot semen inside your spasming walls.  When he came, he felt her legs tighten around his waist as he came, your orgasm adding intensity to his.  He didn't want to stop. Your walls milking him So heavenly, he beloved that was the closest he would get there.
He pulled out a little, letting the liquid drip out. Both of you were panting, the electrifying current still pulsing. Resting your legs on his shoulder, you looked at his disheveled hair, always so neat, now stick on his forehead and neck.
“Drac-“ bending you over. He pushed back in, his body hypersensitive after cumming, cried out in pleasure.
Once again the rhythm of a samba drum returned, this time much wetter, the air in the room was warm from this activity, the rain outside muffled your moans, while Drac held your leg, using it for support, then buried himself deeply, to discharge more cum, rutting into that mess he made inside.
You moaned in shock and the extra sensitivity. You couldn't believe how much there was.  Cum dripping from your pussy, staining the mattress.  He didn't want to stop filling her again and again. 
“Isn’t Thai what you wanted lad?” He whispered with that horsen voice “now you have all my undivided attention.” He trusted harder as he pronauced each phrase
“Drac” you whined feeling your strength leaving you
“So lovely. You’re just perfect. Taking me so well. How long have you thought about me filling you like this honey?”
“Drac!” You dragged your hands on his back
“Yes! Scratch me. Bite me. Moan for me love.” He held your cheeks as he kissed you in a final moment, reaching his own limit
He collapsed on top of you, breathing deeply and enjoying your touch. In his arms he realized he wouldn't let you go. You completed his broken existence. You had to stay with him.  You needed to stay. How long has it been since he felt alive?
You breathed in for a minute trying to assimilate what happened.  One of the most fulfilling sex you've ever had, you lost track of time, after a long time you were on the bottom of a relationship.
Drac turned around and put you on top of him after a few minutes of recovering. He guided his hips against your pelvis.
"Look into my eyes." Dracula commanded you to look into his eyes as you shared each other.
Dracula had a kinky, corruption fetish, he was euphoric seeing your expression when penetrated,that look of lust and surprise mixed with shame.
You let out weak moans as your bodies met.
"I can't do it anymore! Everything is shaking!" It’s was a mess your sex, his member making space spelling and pushing deeper his cum
"Do it honey, just a little longer! You're doing excellent!" Yours hip was left with marks from the brunette's claws. Dracula's chest was not intact either, looking like a crime scene.
Oh but he loved when you squished his pecs. Flustered, unable to control the pacing. Next time he’ll let you control the pace, use him to impale yourself.
You felt your eyes widen and your body fell forward as you felt him penetrating your cérvix.
“Ohh. Looks like I found it.”
You died in bed. Dracula laid there for a while, catching his breath, with you to laid on his chest.
You put your face on his shoulder, already making your way to the crib.
Dracula was stroking your hair and smelling you.
"I think someone needs a shower."
"Naaum! I'm tired, tomorrow I'll take. Let me sleep, you annoying parasite"
"Can you sleep with all your sweat and this coming off you?" Dracula pointed to the middle of your legs that was dripping with liquid.
"You know, I've slept with a gunshot wound to the rib and bleeding out."
Sigh. "Come, I'll carry you." You were taken like a plincesa to the bathroom
Dracula prepared the bathtub for you.
"What it was?"
“You got something on your scheming mind. Tell me”
"I know. You're looking at me like a dog.?"
"Dog face? What's that face?"
"That face right there. Those low ears, those droopy eyes." You imitated the dog face for him studying his air cheeks
"Ahahahaha. I look like that, do I?" Dracula hugged you from behind.
"Yes. What are you thinking huh?"
"I was thinking about how I managed to be  with someone like you."
"Fufuf kinda late to regret it. I already took your body muhahaha. You're mine now." You let out Machiavellian laughs as you squeezed the sides of the king's face.
"None. I don't regret falling into that fearsome dragon's lair. She's actually quite cute." Drac said, looking at you with eyes so gentle and full of tenderness that you blushed and turned around, sinking deeper into the bathtub. Which made him laugh.
"Am I yours now? Isn't it the other way around? Since I'm the one who captured the dragon?" Dracula pressed you against his chest, kissing your shoulder
"You may have entered the dragon's nest but- you turned around- don't forget that it has sharp claws and teeth, made to devour you whole."- you pulled the brunette by the neck and gave the Vampire a hickey, pulling his hair of the same forcing him to look up and making a humm in his throat.
"How cruel. I thought the dragon lady was docile and silly."
"She is docile when offered offerings. What do you have to offer?"
"All I can offer the dragon lady is my body and soul."
"Then I'll take both."
"How greedy! What will be left for me if you take both?"
One last request. I can make your wish come true."
"Hmm. Then I want the dragon lady to give me her heart."
"Aren't you asking too high, mortal?"
"I wish for a trade." Drac took her hands and kissed the back of them "an exchange of heart."
"Damn you, what makes you think I would give my heart to you? What makes you worthy of such glory."
"I fell in love with the dragon. I am in love with your beauty and intellect, they are as precise as a painitis, as magnificent as the garden of Eden. I would trade my kingdom to be able to spend a night with you, so I could tell the demons that I was in the heavens without never having set foot there."
"Damn you and your lip service for Shakespearean romance!" You pushed your lover's face
"Miss Dragon would not be interested in this exchange."
"My heart for yours. A dragon for a dark being. The exchange seems irrational. Denied!"
"Then... I'll steal it." Drac pulled you into a fit of kisses and tickles.
"BURGLAR!" You applied foam to his mustache. "You won't steal my heart. It is pure and valuable."
"We both know your heart is greedy and relentless."
"Do you think you can satisfy him?"
"I'll do my best." Dracula sealed his lips on yours
After a long bath, you finally got the rest you wanted. Blacked out in bed. The king was at peace and your mind was racing, going over what had just happened. The seduction plan ended up happening by divine will.
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The governess
Warning: this ficlet is not very nice to JC. Or JGY.
Based off this poll
"This lowly one," she begins, though there is absolutely nothing humble about her demeanor, straight-backed, tall, eyes shining with cold disapproval, "apologizes for interrupting sect leader Jiang, however I wish to relay to you some knowledge that would help A-Ling better reapond to your high cultivation requirements."
Jiang Cheng looks at her with the diplomacy of somebody about to stomp on a cockroach. "Since when are the servants of Jinlintai so loud-mouthed? Why would I listen to you?"
"I am not a mere servant, I am Jin Ling's governess. I spend more time caring for him and raising him than you do."
Her glare grows colder, and she takes full advantage of the few extra centimetres of height she has over Jiang Cheng, making it a point to lower her pupils to emphasize it.
"A-Ling responds best to encouragement, spoken in a kind voice. Threats and yelling do nothing but tense and clamor him. Would sect leader Jiang be so kind as to be softer around his nephew?"
It does not sound like a request. Jiang Cheng feels threatened by this woman although he knows he should not. She is not a cultivator, she is not even a Jin by blood. What she is, is audacious. Zidian sparks on his finger.
"You have a lot of nerve talking down to me like this. Are you forgetting who I am?!"
"I am sure sect leader Jiang allows nobody to forget." Her tone carries the slightest lilt of sarcasm. It is quickly replaced with a stern demeanor. "A-Ling's well-being is my top priority. I care about nothing else. And I am seeing him shaking and holding back tears because he cannot perfectly execute the steps to the Jiang swordplay that you've been screaming at him to follow for hours now."
"I will not have some lowly servant tell me how to raise my nephew!"
She nimbly avoids Zidian's hit, the whip knocking over a decorative vase and the chrysantemums in it. She lands graciously, sighing with disapproval, eyebrows knit together in a frown.
"Sect Leader Jiang, please calm down." Jin Guangyao steps in, seemingly out of nowhere. Jin Ling's governess does not seem to enjoy that fact in the least.
She bows, although there is no respect behind it.
"Reel your servants in, sect leader Jin!" Jiang Cheng bellows. The governess glares at him so venomously that for a split second, he almost thinks he sees her eyes turn red.
"Lady Ming is only looking out for A-Ling, I am apologizing on her part if she has been out of line..." Jin Guangyao says, ever so polite, just a tiny bit whiny, so very humble.
The governess can see through his act like glass. Lianfang-zun is just another one of those court snakes that slither up the stairs of Jinlintai in search for fortune and fame. He just so happened to beat all others to the game - which means he is most dangerous.
She needs to keep A-Ling safe. She still remembers what happened to A-Song...
"Dinner is about to be served. You should let A-Ling get ready, and do the same yourself." Jin Guangyao continues, and the governess almost feels sick with the way his gentlemanly manners are so theatrical and over-the-top.
Jiang Cheng huffs, withdraws Zidian and storms away, Jin Guangyao in his stead. He sends the governess a warning look, his eyes almost slitting like a snake.
But she has grown up beheading them in the tall grass of her childhood home. She bows, still without an ounce of respect for either of the two sect leaders. Then, once they're out of sight, she rushes to help A-Ling stand up and dust himself.
His quivering lips make her heart squeeze. "Jiujiu will never be proud of me..."
"That's not true, young master! Sect leader Jiang is just..." she pauses, trying to avoid any curse words, "...rough around the edges. He means well, he just does not know how to convey it. Don't put his words to heart. Even if he says some... outlandish things, he would never act on them."
"I know he won't break my legs for real, but it's not nice to hear it..."
"That's just how he is." The governess sighs. "And I don't think he'll ever change. But you will meet a lot of people that say rude things to you, so you must learn not to pay attention to them, alright?"
"And just so you know, your uncles are very proud of you. And I am too."
Seeing A-Ling smile again inevitably drew a smile from his governess as well. Maybe A-Ling never got to meet his mom, but he thinks she would have smiled at him exactly like that.
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