#please enjoy my brainrotšŸ˜Œ
silverformymonsters Ā· 1 year
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Eyes don't lie.
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lemonlover1110 Ā· 7 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well šŸ˜Œ you are my fav writer and I just wanted to to throw out this crazy brainrot request to u bc I am SICK over it
So Florence nightingale syndrome right? Toji is like a professional boxer or whatever something athletic bc he's a fucking beast and he gets hurt, like his leg or something, and you become his at home occupational therapist. So you're like taking care of him and he's getting feelings for you while also being a stubborn ass bc u push him constantly so he can get better. and he's super hesitant to accept his feelings bc he's a Playboy of course.
I'm just picturing this one scene where you're helping him up and he's leaning on you and he says something like "are you sure you can handle me princess?" Idk I'm insane I'm sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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Pairing: boxer!Toji Fushiguro x f!caregiver!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, frustrated Toji, Florence nightingale syndrome, Toji has an injured leg and is a little bitch for a bit
*This was so fun to work on and now I'm having thinking a little too hard about boxer toji (I'm ovulating) sofjsof enjoy!
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Toji never really thought heā€™d be dependent on someone, yet now he canā€™t even take a shower standing up. After an unlucky boxing match, Toji ended up in a cast and crutches. Thatā€™s what he gets for not listening to his son who told him it was around time to retire.
ā€œIā€™m not a fucking skeleton, Iā€™m good in my field. I can do this for a couple more years.ā€ How he wishes he could swallow his fucking words. He thought that after getting the cast off heā€™d go back to normal, and heā€™d have no issue with mobility. He shouldnā€™t have an issue moving his fucking leg again, heā€™s been moving it for more than thirty years, why should three months of not moving it change much?
Apparently he canā€™t do anything, which is why he has someone with him all day every day, helping him so he can get better. Tojiā€™s main issue? He gets frustrated when someone tries to help him.Ā 
ā€œBe careful, itā€™s hot.ā€ You smile at him as you put his dinner in front of him. He has a scowl on his face as you set it down in front of him. He tried to help make dinner but he couldnā€™t stand for too long. Heā€™s mad, but not at you. He could never be mad at you.Ā 
Toji wasnā€™t necessarily fond of you when you started working with him; he hates being dependent on someone else, and he knew that he would have to depend on you for pretty much everything. You try to help him though, and he should be more appreciative of you because of it, but in reality he feels like a fucking baby. Heā€™s grown to like you thoughā€¦ A little too much for his liking.Ā 
You leave him to eat, going to wash the dishes since he canā€™t do the task yet. Perhaps his own bowl and spoon, but not everything that needs to be cleaned. You watch him from the counter, watching his refusal to pick up the spoon and eat the soup you made him. Earlier he was so prideful, telling you that he would help you every step of the way during dinner, and he couldnā€™t even finish one third of it. You were proud of him regardless.
ā€œItā€™s really good, Toji! The potatoes you helped peel really added a touch to it.ā€ Youā€™ve gotten close enough to be on a first name basis. You see each other every day, you stay in the same house, of course youā€™re close enough to talk to each other so casually. It doesnā€™t mean you should though. Youā€™ve always managed to keep a very professional relationship with patients, but thereā€™s just something about him that makes it hard for you to be normal around him.
ā€œDonā€™t talk to me like Iā€™m a fucking kid.ā€ He says, pushing the bowl of soup away. Heā€™s not hungry anymore. Toji stands up, his hands holding on to the table to support himself before grabbing his crutches.Ā 
ā€œToji, if youā€™re not eating it, can you try to bring it over to me, please?ā€ You ask. You know the soup has cooled down, if he spills it, heā€™ll be fine.
ā€œIf you want it, pick it up yourself.ā€ Toji is clearly mad. You donā€™t take it to heart though, because you know itā€™s with himself and not you.Ā 
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ā€œHow about we go to the park tomorrow? Itā€™s supposed to be a nice day out.ā€ You talk to Toji who tries to watch a documentary. Heā€™s not all that interested in what he put on, caring more about what you have to say. He might not show it, and he tries to deny it, but he has the biggest soft spot for you. ā€œWe can also get some ice cream, if youā€™re in the mood!ā€
ā€œHeyā€¦ Iā€™m sorry about earlier. I was justā€”ā€ Itā€™s hard to get an apology out of him, but sometimes he knows heā€™s in the wrong and he feels the need to apologize. He doesnā€™t want you to be mad at him, even though youā€™re clearly not upset with him. Youā€™re so understanding and patient with him, he feels like he doesnā€™t deserve that.
ā€œYouā€™re fine, Toji.ā€ You reassure him with a smile, your hand going over his balled up fist. You feel your heart skip a beat as you touch him. Youā€™ve crossed the line past a professional relationship, and you should set some boundaries within yourselfā€“ But his other hand goes on top of your own before he brings it up, softly kissing your knuckles. Itā€™s hard to set boundaries when he feels the same way.
ā€œIā€™m tired.ā€ He tells you, and you stand up to help him get up. Toji usually denies your help, but this time, he has no problem accepting it. You just want the best for him, and thereā€™s some things that he canā€™t do completely alone. He has to take baby steps. Heā€™s using you for support, and heā€™s scared that heā€™s too heavy for you. He asks you, ā€œAre you sure, princess? Can you handle me? I know Iā€™m pretty big.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re fine. I can handle you.ā€ You reassure him, and you begin to walk to his bedroom. His room was previously on the second floor, but ever since his injury, heā€™s moved his bedroom to the first floor. You get him to his bedroom, helping him on the bed. You smile at him before saying, ā€œLet me grab your crutches. You left them in the living room, right?ā€
Before you can walk away, he grabs your sleeve. Tojiā€™s slowly realizing that he canā€™t fight off the feelings that consume him when you help him, and heā€™s usually not a fan of them. Tojiā€™s been tied down once before, he certainly doesnā€™t want that again. But with you, itā€™s different. He doesnā€™t mind the idea.
ā€œWill you lay down with me?ā€ He asks, and you suck in your bottom lip between your teeth. You shouldnā€™t. He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand before he prompts himself up to kiss the corner of your mouth.
ā€œToji, you know this isnā€™t something I can do.ā€ You tell him as he looks lovingly into your eyes. ā€œIā€™m here to help you get better.ā€
ā€œYou can help me get better by laying down next to me.ā€ Toji responds. You grab the hand that so lovingly touches your cheek and kiss it, before bringing your lips down to meet his momentarily. He swears he hears fireworks when your lips meet, even after you pull away.
Heā€™s most definitely in love with you.
ā€œIā€™ll go get your crutches. Good night, Toji.ā€
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drathe Ā· 7 months
i just need you to know that it was your durgetash art that started my brainrot. against my will. but now I'm entrenched here and never leaving ā¤ļø that fucked up little tyrant will be rattling around my head til the day i die and i have you to thank/blame (mostly thank)
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Me @ you reading this (Iā€™m gort)
Iā€™m so glad you got into Durgetash or Tavtash or -tash, weā€™re here to enjoy awful men (and women and people), please enjoy your stay šŸ˜Œ
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jeonqkooks Ā· 1 year
isn't it romantic? | myg (prologue)
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Many things in life have a polar opposite: left and right, night and day, yin and yang, you and Min Yoongi... Hopeless romantic meets gloomy cynic. The only thing you seem to share is a magazine column but even then, you still canā€™t seem to understand how Yoongi can be called ā€˜The Love Doctorā€™ when he is the antithesis of everything love represents.Ā 
pairing: yoongi x f!reader; past taehyung x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: coworkers to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut; crying, central themes of cheating, that's pretty much it for the prologue
word count: 777
note: the yoongi brainrot is real y'all. he's really wreaking havoc on my life and forcing me to drop everything to focus on him when i have no much other shit to write šŸ˜© but anyhow, this is exciting !! my first yoongi fic aaaa !! please show her some love y'all cuz this may or may not be a deeply personal story to me šŸ’• i wanted to say more but i forgot just as i sat down to write this a/n lmao. ANYWAY, massive thanks to @daechwitatamic and @luaspersona for beta'ing this for me on such short notice (and jo for telling that there's stuff in here that i should go to jail for bc that's always the best thing to hear šŸ˜Œ) y'all are awesome and i love you <3 and @jeonwiixard for being hurt by this šŸ˜š
ā€” as always, iā€™d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ā™”
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You are 7, and life is good, as life should be for all children.
You have two parents who adore you, and a sister with whom you constantly bicker but thatā€™s okay, because itā€™s how siblings love each other. You have constellations hanging from your bedroom ceiling, someone to read your bedtime stories every night, hot meals on the table every day. Every summer, your family takes a trip somewhere beautiful and a week feels like forever when it's just the four of you together, surrounded with only warmth and laughter. You donā€™t know any other way to live life.
Love is abundant, because thatā€™s what love is supposed to be.
You are 7, and you donā€™t know how to accept that everything can be different in just a blink of an eye.
When your father comes back from a business trip, the first thing you do is dig through his bag in search of his phone, to look for that video game that you donā€™t understand but love playing so much. What you find instead, is a picture he took with a strange woman, on a beach somewhere, wearing straw hats and tacky shirts and bright smiles. You show it to your mother, and life forever changes.
Children can be nosy sometimes. Itā€™s inherent to being kids.
You don't know what it means. It's just a picture. You just want your game.
You are 7, and how is a child supposed to react when their world is turned upside down?
No one reads you bedtime stories anymore. Your mother rarely goes out of her room. Your sister has to grow into an adult when she herself is still a teenager, to take care of you, to make sure that youā€™re fed and clothed and have all of your books when you go to school.
You donā€™t know that people can be sad even as theyā€™re smiling and laughing. People can be sad even as theyā€™re telling you that they arenā€™t, and that everything is just fine. People can be sad even when theyā€™re happy.
Your mother doesnā€™t have that same light in her anymore. You canā€™t tell if sheā€™s just tired, or if thereā€™s something else bothering her, a secret gnawing at the back of her mind that she doesnā€™t let you in on.
Answers to simple questions like ā€œWhen is dad coming home?ā€ used to be ā€œIn an hour,ā€ or ā€œHeā€™ll be back to read to you before bed.ā€ Now, she answers you with tears in her eyes before she turns away, and you have yet to discover that words have the power to hurt, and hearts are things that can break even when they're healthy and beating.
Your sister learns to be more careful with her words because she knows things that you donā€™t, things that youā€™re too young to understand. She knows of burdens that you have yet to bear but will inevitably have to.
You are 7, and your parents arenā€™t holding up the sky anymore. Occasional late nights at the office turned into a constant absence at the dinner table. Laughter has since dulled into taut silence that never relents, only stretches on and on and on, until it forces you to adapt to the absence of joy in your home.
If someone were to ask you what envy was, you wouldnā€™t be able to tell them the definition, but you can describe to them what itā€™s like. Itā€™s a foreign concept, yet so familiar at the same time. Before, you used to feel envious when you see another kid holding a cooler toy or wearing a prettier dress. Now, youā€™re envious when the other children at school have parents waiting to take them home after a long day. You donā€™t want your sister to be the only one who shows up. You want love to be abundant again.
You are 7, and you havenā€™t yet learned how to hold back tears. You miss your father because he rarely comes home anymore. When he does, your parents would argue. Yell at each other. Sob until screams turn into hiccups. Slam doors. You cry because the house feels like itā€™s going to collapse.Ā 
You still remember the picture on your dadā€™s phone, or at least, you remember the color of the water. It was blue, like the color of the sky on a beautiful sunny day. Blue, like the cover of your favorite fairy tale, splattered with golden sparkles. Blue, like the walls of your parentsā€™ bedroom. Blue, like the feeling that no child should experience. Blue, because thatā€™s all you have to remember your stolen childhood by.
You are 7.
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ā€” all rights reserved Ā© jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.04.2023]
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lipglossanon Ā· 1 year
IM SOOOO glad u liked the stepmommy stuff i sent it literally makes me ecstatic! i love love love ur writing and i know youā€™ll write those stuff SO GOOODDDD !!!!! my brain just kept rotting about it,,, like just imagine leon taking a shower and freezes when he feels that his cute stepmommy is right behind him! her excuse is to wash his body really well (she just wants to feel his body) and she makes sure that no spot is left untouched, she takes an extra long time to clean his dick just because itā€™s so big! rubbing up and down while her soapy body is right behind and pressed up agains leon..! poor leon has to have a steady hand against the wall so he doesnā€™t pass out from feeling lightheaded from the warm water making it all foggy and the touch of his stepmommy! maybe after the shower they will be having a nice family dinner and leon is being super needy! he blames him being needy for what happened in the shower but also for stepmommy wearing such a tight and a lowcut dress..seems like heā€™s not the only one who canā€™t keep his eyes off her (her husband who hasnā€™t been able to keep his eyes off his beloved wife!) leon feeling annoyed at the lack of affection for him (and attention?) but also finds it a little hot? stepmommy enjoying her food until she notices the tent in leonā€™s pants..! decides to relieve the pain by feather light touches but turns out it makes it worse..now poor stepmommy has to jerk leon off under the table while not looking suspicious as she talks to her dear husband!
could i also be šŸŽ² anon if itā€™s not taken! šŸ©·
Hi šŸŽ² anon! (and yes! šŸŽ² is free for you! šŸ¤­)
AGAJFL all of the teasing!! šŸ™ˆ and Leon just being so needy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
But yes! Please feel free to continue to send in any of your thoughts!! šŸ¤­ I love reading them!!
And I love love love the stepson Leon brainrot šŸ˜Œ like Iā€™m seriously thinking of writing something for him as soon as my break after October is finished šŸ˜
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ddarker-dreams Ā· 2 years
Itā€™s crazy that Iā€™ve been following you for quite a while now! I canā€™t remember when I did start to but your works have me floored! I love the way you write itā€™s so immersive and always has this touch of melancholy that makes it flow so well!
I think one of my favorite works of yours is Old Friends! Real OGs remember Nikolay, rest in peace Nikolayā€¦
AAA thank you so very much for sticking around all this time!!! it's definitely been a long journey since the nikolay era... i'll never forget the outpouring of love he received when that story was first released htjekmgr old friends holds good memories for me, so i'm glad you enjoyed it!! i actually ended up baking the dessert i mentioned in the story for funsies... it was very yummy. not too complicated of a recipe either.
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iā€™m so happy to hear that my fics can help some ,, i know writing/reading is where i turn to when life sees fit to plow me over with a tractor trailer. iā€™m glad to hear it sounds like a comfort for you too! thereā€™s no shortage of things to read on this blog so read away to your heartā€™s content. iā€™m wishing you all the best in recovering and managing things until then! please take good care of yourself šŸ’–
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thank you very much sweet anon !!! iā€™m almost scared to say it because i donā€™t want to jinx anything, but things have been going pretty good lately and iā€™m most grateful šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ i hope youā€™re doing good in your corner of the world too!! thank you thank you!!
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WELCOME ANON ... to whatever it is that is happening here... i hope that the scaramouche brainrot overflow in the few days since i received this ask hasnā€™t scared you away. thank you very much for coming to check things outĀ !! i appreciate it šŸ’–
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iā€™m falling to the ground... i know this ask is a bit old, but i hope you were able to function decently off so little sleep HEJKRMG i promise the stories arenā€™t going anywhere, be sure to take good care of yourself!! still, thank you so much, especially reading the stories twice... omg... iā€™ve been trying to add little details so that thereā€™s value in coming back and rereading it!! so hearing you say that makes me happy šŸ˜Œ thank you very much!!
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THANK YOU VERY MUCHĀ !!! please have a wonderful day as well <33
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stuck-in-a-mushroom Ā· 2 years
sooooooo my stranger things discord server but this time i tag it properly? lmao
if ur interested it mostly steve harrington and steddie brainrot but theres a channel for every character and every ship i could think of
were inclusive šŸ˜Œ
again, please be 21 or younger to join
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don-quixotine Ā· 3 years
DIY Writers' Retreat brought to you by: the ml fandom
Hey y'all what's goodddd. lol ik i haven't been super active in the last few months. honestly the end of 2021 was An Experience lol and i really can't hang here as i used to before bc of work. boo f in the chat. anyway.
So a lot has happened since I last was here like proper full of brainrot here, BUT one of the really really GOOD things that happened to me last year was the creation of The Gamma Squadā„¢ who have enabled me to pursue my feral dreams ever since i got to meet every single one of their little angel baby faces šŸ˜Œ and one such ways it has done this is by infecting them with my oc brainrot by āœØinspiring āœØme to pick up my crusty 10 year old novel again and FINALLY finish it and prep it up for query.
and like it all started with @dandelionrumpancake really, who single-handedly started a creative revolution šŸ˜Œand now there's like, 12 people writing their books in the server. i guess you can say,,,,,,,,, that's,,,,, pretty,,, miraculous
anyway so. we were talking and i was ranting about how I've always wanted to go to a writing retreat but they're always SO expensive and like,,, catering to retired white women from the hamptons or something. fun fact tho, i organize creative events for work all. the. time. SO i just. decided to try and do a writing retreat for anyone in the fandom or like, people i know here in tumblr and discord and the like, that might be working on an original project. howEVER before i spiral and hyperfix on budgeting 15-room airbnb's or something, i just want to do a little interest check. So, I'm leaving the description below and if it looks like something you might enjoy doing, there's an interest form right at the bottom of the post. (also if you know anyone who might want to join, even if they're not like fandom-versed or anything, please help me spread the word šŸ™)
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Interest Form
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woosansang Ā· 3 years
yes yes yes nice to see you too go insane over hyunjin šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ my brainrot was on hiatus for a few months but it's back now šŸ˜µšŸ˜… you should have seen me (my tags) when red lights came out, I was a mess for days šŸ˜‚ please don't stop tagging me in stuff
I think I remember u yelling at me when I said I hadn't watched the red lights mv..... which I still haven't.... BUT I HAVE LISTENED TO THE SONG AT LEAST AND I ENJOY IT A LOT. You and another online friend r huuuuge hyunjin stans and u guys are being very persuasive about me giffing him finally...... so I might, soon.......... and then it'll be all over for you šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰
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augustinewrites Ā· 3 years
GIRL I- hold on lemme breathe
iā€™ve been following for like 3+ months now ????? and every time you write smth new i fall in love with your writing all over again šŸ˜­šŸ’• like damn.. you really have my heart in every single one of your fics and drabbles - ok fine, literally every post - AND THE FACT THAT YOU ALSO HAVE DAD HQ BRAINROT?? PLSSS THATS ME 24/7 WHATSNHDKSJDJC gimme that dad hq pls iā€™m on my knees
iā€™m lyssa btw (16/17 ish) nice to finally meet the author of so many of my favourite works :) iā€™m a shameless simp for atsumu and iwa <3 idk if youā€™ve seen me around before hahahdhc but yeah hi hope youā€™re doing well ??? howā€™s your day / night ? ily and ur blog sm pls know that i appreciate you being here and writing for so many of us on tumblr I LOVE YOU (*smacks self* lyssa stop it itā€™s creepy)
also i hope itā€™s okay for me to interact with you here :ā€)
brb SOBBING this is so sweet šŸ˜­
youā€™re so kind, thank you! iā€™m glad you love all these silly fics of mine! i am also very much in love with atsumu & iwa šŸ˜Œ they own my heart
and YEAH i got dad!hq on the brain pretty much 24/7. (i swear one day iā€™m gonna grind through all 56 dad!hq prompts in my inbox and will any of you survive the flood of fluff of your dash? NO.)
also itā€™s absolutely okay to interact with me here! i love when people hop into my inbox just to chat šŸ„ŗ iā€™m doing pretty good, just getting ready for new yearā€™s eve! i hope youā€™re doing well too and enjoying the holiday season! and please, i love writing here and being able to share it with you all!
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winxys Ā· 3 years
first: oh my god an ooo blog, rlly good gifs!!!, the taeyeob brainrot is real
now: A GG STAN TOO,,,,immaculate taste, junji appreciator šŸ˜Œ, one of the best ooo blogs
please this ask šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ u r so sweet thank u sm love that u love my blog and u enjoy my junhyung appreciation he's dear to me šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ’ž
ur first impression of me vs now
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saintobio Ā· 4 years
i love angst so much and i have trouble finding good angsty fics (esp long ones coz i tend to get super invested). I mean like when i read ur fics, it feels so familiar and enigmatic at the same time coz its like the scenarios i often daydream about but like manifest it into different contextsšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ so im glad i found ur blog like 5 months ago (i had severe tobio brainrot back then and i came across rf and that fully convinced me to buy all of kagsā€™ jerseys from karasuno to ali roma coz i wuz contemplating af). now im waiting for your weekly update in my suna jersey with a box of tissuesšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ im broke af but i have no regretsšŸ˜Œ How r u so amazing ur work is literally exactly what i have been searching for šŸ¤©šŸ„° please please please please please stay healthy babe i love love love you from the bottom of my hypothalamus heart
wait fr?? omg i love u sm šŸ„ŗ that honestly made my heart full! iā€™m sooo glad iā€™m able to contribute a lil to ur love for kags and suna!! hopefully youā€™ll enjoy more of my fics in the long run <3 ilysm anon
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miyasann Ā· 2 years
omg same??? like, I acknowledged the fact that all these characters were hot but I never simped hardcore for them till ā€” I don't know till what, but probably after a while bcz I started haikyuu after mha and I was still in my bakugo brainrot, please don't ask what started that one bcz i, myself don't know, it's just something between that season 3 end fight and me discovering i kin him ā€” my first anime crush, I still love him, he's so <33
omg babe, i hope u enjoy it, and yes thank god I finished studying before i started it, those poetry lessons were a pain in the ass
omg babe, may 30th? thank god I'll be done with my exams then, omg babe, u better give a list of the characters you most like becaUSE WE GON CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY BIG TIME <33
omg same i started hq after bnha too bc i saw bakugo & todoroki's VAs played characters in hq too šŸ˜© THE BAKUGO BRAINROT HAHAHAH PLS I LOVE HIM SM
sobs me realising i have sm work to do ill save it as my reward to read tonight before i go to sleep šŸ˜Œ
omg poetry... pls i havent taken literature in years thank goodness HAHAHAH
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