#please help ive been laughing at this for the past few minutes
behemobarisql · 2 years
the fourth period fanfiction is still happening by the way i guess ill be posting on ao3?
i would actually like to share a random thought i had of nemesis working at a 7/11 in this au
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rrickgrrimes8 · 1 year
Your Bear Part II
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summary: you are found (part I)
Joel Miller x daughter!reader, Tommy Miller x niece!reader
warnings: angst, reunion, violence, infected, happy ending :))
not sure if i like this as much as the first part but i hope yall do. i just want to thank you all for the response to my past few fics (especially your bear). its been unreal. i stopped writing for a while and these were my first ones back so this was an insane response to it! thank you so much for your love and appreciation it really does mean a lot!
also! i tagged basically everybody who left a comment asking for part 2 - sorry if thats annoying idk ive never done a taglist before. thanks for the comments tho :) 
request guidelines (new)
requests are open
word count: 2.3k
22 Years Ago...
The world around you screamed for help. People ran around, skin on fire, missing massive chunks.
You wailed as they passed, hands tightened around your ears. You just wanted to find help. You wanted to save Sarah. This wasn’t what you expected.
“D-ad,” You cried, hiccupping, “D-addy!” You missed his touch. You missed his voice and his face. His laugh. You just wanted your daddy.
But which way had you come from?
You stood, idle, in an alley way you didn’t recognize, a man lay a few feet beside you. Blood seeped from his neck, running to kiss the tips of your shoes.
He twitched.
Your breath caught in your throat, the hair on your neck stood high. “D-daddy,” You whimpered, quieter than before, “Please.”
He looked at you now. His face grotesque, the shape of jagged teeth marked his greyish skin. White, stringy tendrils extended out of his mouth as he crawled to you – his legs being left behind as he did.
You screamed when his nails scratched against your shoe. In the panic, your bear fell from your grasp, landing in the bloodbath.
You tried backing up from the monster, but his hand stopped you. His claws captured your ankle.
You didn’t realise you were falling until your back hit the wet ground. You let out a shriek as he trailed up your body. “P-please,” You sobbed, “D-ad! D-addy!”
The creature didn’t even flinch. He opened his jaws further, searching for your small neck, ready to mark you just as he had been.
But a shot sounded off and his weight settled on your petite body.
A strong force tugged him off you, the same force pulling you into their arms. You wailed, fighting against the stranger’s grip.
“It’s okay, sweetgirl, you’re okay,” She told you, rushing you away from the scene, “You’re going to be okay; I promise.”
You didn’t know what to make of Jackson. It was nice, you supposed. Weird though. It felt like what you imagined before felt like. Not that you remembered much. You remembered how loud cars were, how the TV remote worked, how to strum a guitar.
You remembered your sisters voice, her hair, how smart she sounded even if you didn’t understand a word.
You wished you remembered your dad. He was a blur to you. Like you had missed a chapter of a book and now a new character had no face. You remembered his laugh though. It was sweet, slow. Like a lullaby. You recalled being held to his chest and feeling the vibrations.
You wished you remembered your dad. 
Sarah had settled in quickly, at least that’s what you thought. She was happy to be around people other than her mom (you tried not to internalise it all that much).
In the week since you arrived Sarah had grown attached to the strangers that took you under their wing. You still weren’t so sure. But when Sarah made grabby hands to the older man and all she got was a dejected smile in response a part of you hurt. You didn’t understand why.
They’d kept their distance or rather he had. Ellie came round every day. She loved Sarah. She loved you, even if, like Joel, you were a little rough around the edges.
But for a reason unbeknownst to you Joel couldn’t be in a room with you for longer than five minutes. You didn’t let it bother you too much. You couldn’t. You didn’t want to make trouble and get the pair of you kicked out or worse separated. 
Ellie had come to you earlier that day, smile wide, cheeks rosy. She had a glint in her eyes, a plan. One you really didn’t want to know about nor be a part of.
Excitedly, she told you about the couple who lived across from her and Joel - his brother. Tommy and Maria and the somewhat new addition of Lily, their little girl. Ellie had told them about you - although missing out some of the major minor details. They agreed to have you over she had said. And despite the age difference between Lily and Sarah the older girl was excited to meet her.
So, there you stood, Sarah shielded from the cold into your chest. You raised your hand awkwardly, knocking a little harder than you expected.
A woman opened the door. She was beautiful, smiley, friendly. You couldn’t tell if that was a façade or not. That made the nerves in your stomach stiffen. “C’mon in, sweetheart,” Maria ushered you inside after she confirmed it was you.
You forced a smile for her, “Nice place.”
Maria nodded, looking around the room proudly, “Thank you.” She urged you to take a seat, letting you know her husband, Tommy, was just dressing Lily.
“So, you’re younger than I thought you would be,” She confessed, “Not to be rude or anything.”
“No, it’s okay,” You cleared your throat, sitting opposite her, Sarah making a home on your lap, “I’m 27.”
“Wow,” She smiled, “And what about her?”
You stroked the top of Sarah’s head, where her hair had slightly begun to grow, “Couple weeks now.”
Maria shifted ever so slightly in her seat, unspoken sympathy in her eyes, “And the father?” You stilled, escaping her gaze you looked towards the coffee table, taking inventory of the odd books they had. “I’m sorry,” She spoke quietly, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“N-no,” You cleared your throat sheepishly, “There isn’t... her dad did what he had to.” You still remembered his screams.
“I’m sorry,” Maria frowned, hands soothing over her jeans, wishing Tommy would appear to aid the situation.
“Don’t be,” You said earnestly, “He got us here, right? One way or another...” Maria wasn’t sure you really meant that. The lost look in your eyes told her what she needed to know. As did your shaking knee. You’d give anything to have him back. She bit her lip, somewhat guessing the rest.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” A males voice cut through the tension, “Wouldn’t stop squirming for the life of me.”
Maria chuckled opening her arms to grab Lily, introducing you as she did. He blanched hearing that name. He near screamed seeing that face - your face but so much different, so much more mature.
Tommy blinked a few times, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him. He whispered your name carefully, as if you were a wild animal, prone for violence.
Maria gave him an odd look, moving Lily over to you and Sarah. “And this is our sweetheart, Lily,” She told you as Lily began fussing relentlessly in her arms, desperate to touch the baby.
“Baby,” She cooed.
“Yeah, that’s right,” You mused, croakily, inching closer to the pair, “This is Sarah, Lily.”
Tommy wanted to throw up. He felt it dancing up his throat, teasing his uncertainty. He felt stuck. He truthfully didn’t know what to do or what to say. Should he straight out ask you? You didn’t seem to recognise him though. Maybe it was a clone? A doppelgänger? Should he run over to Joel’s for safety away from this confusion? 
Did Joel know? He had to know. He needed to know.
“Tommy what’s wrong?” Maria called to him. He choked a little, eyes trailing over to the plaque that watched over their new life. The plaque he knew had no place for your name. He knew it. You were here.
Maria followed his gaze, a weird feeling in her chest as she saw her husband so unlike himself. She read Joel’s daughter’s name. Sarah. Was he freaked out because they shared the same name?
She gulped - it wasn’t just the baby whose name was shared but yours too it seemed. You couldn’t be, right? No- You died. Joel was so sure you died and despite all Tommy had told her, all the hope he had for you, she always found herself on Joel’s side. Funny that. Any other situation she would’ve made a point to oppose the eldest Miller.
But now... You were just five. You couldn’t have survived on your own. You wouldn’t have had a life in this world.
But again, hadn’t you said you were 27?
“Go,” She told him, firmly, “Make sure.” Tommy nodded, failing to hide his tears as you watched in confusion and darted out of the room with a sense of urgency that unsettled your stomach.
“Is everything okay?”
Maria’s attention snapped back to you, “Fine... everything’s fine.”
A disconcerting feeling swam under your skin and a sudden resolve to flee hit you. “I- We should probably go,” You mumbled, bringing Sarah to your chest once more.
“Wait, please,” She attempted, “Just wait.”
You shook your head, apologising softly before rushing out of the house. You caught eyes with two men across the road - Joel and Tommy. They stood on his porch, seemingly arguing with each other.
You spotted Ellie watching through the window, a guilty look on her face - what had she done?
The brothers stared at you as you left the home. Their eyes didn’t leave you for a second. Tommy called your name, desperately but when he moved to catch up with you, Joel pulled him back.
He clenched his jaw as you rushed back to your home, out of sight. “She was my niece, Joel,” He scowled, “My fuckin’ family too.”
Joel shook his head, shaking off the shame Tommy was trying to force on him.
“You don’t get to keep this kind of thing from me,” He yelled, “You- You are unbelievable, Joel.”
“Unbelievable?” He mocked, “Is it so unbelievable that I didn’t want to advertise to the whole goddamn town that she was my daughter when, hell, I don’t even know if she really is!”
“Bullshit,” Tommy spat, “You’re not stupid. You knew. Of course, you fucking knew. You knew like how I knew. One look. That’s all it woulda took you. No… you knew. You were just too scared - like always. And that, your selfishness, takes us all down with you.”
“Fuck you,” He grunted, storming back inside.
“Christ,” Tommy mumbled, turning back to his own home. 
You had a baby.
You were here, alive.
You steered clear from the group for a little while afterwards. The whole situation made you heart clench. It felt like a game that you didn’t know the rules of, but they did. All of them did and they were careful not to reveal anything. But you wanted to know - you needed to.
You knew it involved Joel or at least you felt like it had to. The way he looked at you when you first met. The way he spoke. The way he shook. It had to be him. He had to be the answer.
You gave up on your attempts to avoid them when you came to that realisation.
The same realisation that brought you here, at his front door in the middle of the night. You shyly knocked a few times - no response. You repeated the action with a little more force, a little too much. The door creaked open on the contact, but no one came to greet you.
You sucked in a harsh breath as you debated entering. The door was open right? Fair game? Silently you forced yourself to step inside.
Their home was dark - one lamp lighting a whole room. You frowned looking over to it. Someone had to be here, right? Where else would they be so late?
And then you saw him. Joel. The contradictory man. He was asleep. His body was sprawled all over the couch, an empty bottle of God knows what lay beside him as did what looked like... a bear?
Shakily, you took a step forward, his name dying in your throat as you saw the bear in a better light.
It was... yours.
Why would Joel have your bear? The bear that when you were a child was essentially an extension of you. The bear that chased away all the bad dreams. The bear that your dad had gotten you - your dad.
You gulped - the bear you hadn’t seen since the night you lost everything. Since the night you almost lost your life.
Joel shifted in his sleep, pulling the bear close to his chest, careful of its head as if it was a baby. Your eyes burned. A gasp escaped your lips. You could read the chapter now. You can see that character’s face - your fathers face.
Different but the same.
“D-dad,” You whispered before you could stop yourself and backed away.
Your back met the door, slamming it shut. The man jolted awake, alarmed eyes frantically searching the room before landing on you. They grew small, weaker, like he wasn’t all the way there.
Joel watched you closely, taking note of your falling tears, he spoke your name. You choked on a sob, hand clasping over your mouth. “Baby,” He shot up before he had a moment to think and approached you.
You didn’t flinch away, like he expected. You didn’t stop crying either. You studied him now. The wrinkles. The scars. The grey hairs. The same look in his eyes.
“How long have you known?”
He flinched at that. Your voice so familiar, so broken. “Since we met,” He didn’t have to try too hard to understand what you were getting at. He felt shameful, though. This shouldn’t have been the way, right? This felt too casual, too unknown.
You wanted to ask more, yell at him. Beg him to tell you why it wasn’t the first thing that he told you. But you didn’t. Instead you put one foot in front of the other, until you were mere inches from him. “Dad,” You shuddered.
He hadn’t realised how much he missed being called that, how much he missed being your dad.
“Babygirl,” He took your face in his hands, “My baby grown up.” He watched you closely, tears welling up, “I’m so sorry, babygirl. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, slamming yourself into his chest, “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
“Oh, baby,” Joel wrapped his arms around you, hand cradling the back of your head.
“With me, babygirl,” He smiled for moment before letting it fall, “Don’t go away again, babygirl, never go away again.”
You smiled into his chest, whimpering softly, “I won’t, dad, I promise.” 
@meli-blacky @zaweashtonslover @3zae-zae3 @bbciwp @cloudroomblog @white-wolf-buckaroo​ @iguessweallcrazyithinktho​ @myboyfriendisbigfoot​ @mell-bell​ @hummusxx​ @sleepdeprived-barelyalive​ @dilfsaremyfavourite​ @specialagentmonkey​ @slutforstark @lizlil​ @unsaiduglywords​ @ellaprime7​ @aphrcdites​ @zynbsblog​ @imonmykneessir​ @mandowhatnow​ @tomorrowseverything @livelovemusic0996 @icarusthefoolish​ @b-bloop @leemirna​ @hexaecana​ @littleshadow17​ @sgt-morgan​ @adorreeabbie @abbiesxox​ @leviackrmnss​ @eternallyvenus​ @hai-kbai​ @daydreamerblues​ @abbyrxx12-blog @montenegroisr​ @chxosunbound​ @shqwqrma​ @littlemissporter @wonwoosthetic @riri53 @softsakusas​ @prettysbliss​ @katiemars @kik51199 @stupidthoughtsinwriting​ @ellele19 @newavenger @19891213​ @dgraysonss​
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evie-sturns · 8 months
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴄᴀᴍᴘ - ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ꜱᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ
part 2 (part 1 here)
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summary: you and your best-friend matt, have decided to sign up to be a summer camp counsellor for your school's summer project! will you two stay as just friends? or will this summer turn out different for you guys.
a/n: theres going to be smut in the next part, hope you guys like this, read part 1 first, linked at the top! fuck danielle
contains: swearing, fighting (physical at some points), kissing/making out
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abrubtly matt pulls away, he saw me. his face drops as dani stares at me. my heart thumps as i freeze. matt tries to walk over to me, but its too late, i've already took off in the other direction.
i've found myself in the empty staff bathrooms, hiding in the stalls. matthew wasted my time, i spent half the fucking roadtrip up here comforting him, then he goes and makes out with her a few hours later?
i can't even understand why im feeling like this, why am i so.. jealous?
the door to the bathrooms swing open, probably matt, coming to explain himself.
"hey, come out of the stall please." a female voice calls out, "who's this sorry?" i say, still on the verge of tears.
my breath hitches in my throat, before i swallow hard. "oh." i mumble, unlocking my stall. im met with her face, shes still wearing the same outfit she was wearing while kissing my best friend.
she suddenly interupts my thoughts, "look, i don't know who the fuck you think you are? but don't go snooping into me and matts personal business, unfortunately hes mine." she says while crossing her arms, i scoff.
"funny you say that, because the whole car ride up here matt's been dreading seeing you, his exact words were, 'fucking hate her' so if i were you i'd back away hm?" i say in a 'sympathetic' tone.
she clenches her fist, running her spare hand through her dark brown bob before smashing her fist into the side of my face.
"what the actual fuck!" i yell before jumping at her, throwing her to the floor. the next 5 minutes are a blur of screaming, punching, hair pulling before she gets pulled off of me.
its jessie, the owner of the fucking camp.
she looks pissed.
(15 minutes later)
ive been sitting alone in the nurses office for 10 minutes, its now 11:30pm, i have to be awake in 7 hours for breakfast setup.
the door to the room im in swings open.
its matthew.
"y/n, are you okay? i heard what happened" he says frantically, sititng down on the chair beside the medical bed.
"oh please matt, dont act like you care." i mutter out.
"what?" he says cluelessly.
"look, go find out how danielles doing, oh! or you could fuck her while your there, go back to your cabin with her!" i yell, matts eyes widen as he looks at me.
"we aren't sharing a cabin, im with lincoln, shes with paige." he mumbles as he fidgets with his hands.
i laugh out of disbelief before standing up, pushing past him out of the room im in before swinging open the door to the nurses office.
the cold night air hits my fresh wounds as i approach my cabin, the lights are on inside meaning Xavier is still awake. i swing open the door, xaviers face drops "babe what the fuck happened!" he says, running up to me and hugging me, "danielle happened." i sniff as he lets me go.
"you gotta get some rest, we're helping the kids do kayaking tomorrow okay? gotta be up at 6:30." he whispers, as he pulls the covers down on my bed, letting me crawl in.
(6:30am the next day.)
a loud honk blares through the campsite, before jessie on the megaphone starts "shark counsellers! the shark kids are lined up outside the breakfast hall, go help out in the kitchen"
i groan, my face still throbbing from dani's punches. xaivers sits up in the bed opposite me, "you feeling better.." he says, his voice raspy.
i nod, "mhm, not too excited about dealing with about 25 nine year olds." i mumble getting out of bed "you'll be right, theres 6 of us to control them we'll do it." he says optimistically.
i finish up getting changed, tying my hair into two braids. "you coming?" i say, looking at xaiver over my shoulder.
the hall is only a few hundred meters away from the staff cabins, which is now filled with 200 children. matt and lincoln are walking through the doors, dani and paige follow close behind them, too close for my liking.
i step inside, the smell of oatmeal fills my nose as i look around, theres countless tables filled with friend groups, in the back corner matts sitting alone on the last empty table, picking at his dry toast. i sigh loudly before walking over to him, he looks up at me, his eyes are puffy and red, he looks upset.
i sit down opposite him, his breathing picks up before he starts unannouced,
"dani and i.. have hated eachother since middle school. when i saw you get into your cabin with xavier i got fucking jealous. hate to admit it but i did. while i was walking towards my cabin dani approached me, she started touching up on my arms before pulling me off the path into the bushes. she kissed me, i don't know why i kissed her back, i think it was a jealousy thing, i wanted to get back at you?"
he sighs loudly as silence grows.
"look y/n, i really like you, and-" hes cut off by jessie on her fucking megaphone.
"helloooo campers! this is the first official day of summer camp and here are what each group is doing today!, crabs are doing rock climbing, which means it is mandatory to wear closed toe shoes. Sharks will be doing kayaking, please wear your swimsuit and your counsellers will take you down to the lake!"
i barely take in what jessie says, the only thing i'm thinking about is matt's previous sentence
look y/n i really like you.
look y/n i really like you.
(20 minutes later)
we've been sitting by the lake for a few minutes now, watching the kids attempt to kayak, im wearing a triangle white bikini with daisys printed on it, matt's sitting to my left, his eyes have been on me the whole time.
abrubtly he stands up, looking down at me. "come with me." he demands "huh?"
i stand up anyway, he takes my hand and starts to walk towards a shed, he opens the door and switches on the light. the dim warm lighting fills the room, revealing piles of wetsuits and life jackets.
he turns around and closes the door to the shed, locking it behind him.
he looks me in my eyes, his eyes dart down to my lips. "can i kiss you." matt asks, barely audible.
i gulp before nodding my head.
matt's hand holds my cheek gently before connecting his lips with mine. after a few seconds it turns into a makeout, his veiny hand holding my hair.
he pulls away slowly as his phone lights up, he scrolls through it before letting out a soft laugh "no way" he scoffs, rubbing his eyes.
"tonight were sleeping in the kids hall, like me and you, supervising.."
"you're kidding matt"
"nope, apparently theres a small cabin that connects off the kids hall, its got 1 bed that we share" he laughs
my cheeks flush, sharing a bed with matt, after this?..
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hope you guys liked this, like i said there will be smut in the next part!!
@iammattsturniolo @iloveneilperry @tatumrileyslover @chrisstopherfilmed
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reidsmouthbabys48 · 1 year
make your move baby
Summary: spencer and y/n have a complicated friendship, spencers imagination overpowers him one night and y/n teases him because what he was imagining made him hard.
Warnings: sub!spencer, virgin!spencer, nerdy!spence, sexual themes, leg humping, slight mommy kink, coming in pants, other small things.
18+ minors do not interact (unless you do I dgaf)
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"hi spence" y/n says, walking up beside me. I give her a hopefully subtle once over, she's wearing tight black dress pants and a pink long-sleeved shirt the sleeves are rolled up to her elbows, and her long black hair is pulled back in a ponytail, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever layed eyes on but i can't tell her that, we're to close and the last thing I want to do is ruin what we have.
"Hi, how'd you sleep?" I ask giving her a small smile, she ruffles my hair and I blush as I move my head away, she laughs "you are adorable" she says and i blush even redder.
"Hey guys" Penelope says as we sit down at our desks, "Hello sweetheart" y/n says, quickly looking over at me then smiling at Penelope, I almost didn't see the hint of, amusement? in her eyes.
Me and y/n are driving to my apartment to hangout and watch a movie, I want to ask why she looked at me like that but I know I shouldn't.
"Why did you uhm look at me like that when you were talking to Penelope?" I ask turning so sideways so I'm looking at her, she shoots me a questioning glance "what are you talking about spence?" She says, her tone is teasing. Maybe im just thinking to much about it.
"Actually N-never mind" I say moving to look back out the window but she puts her hand on my thigh, "what's up with you Spencer? You have been so short with me the past few weeks, did I do something?" She says looking at me, her eyes are filled with hurt and it breaks my heart because that's the last thing I want to do. I need to tell her, we've know each other too long for things to completely fall apart if I confess my feelings.
"No no, y/n you did nothing I would never be upset at you and not tell you why. you know that, it's just I've been trying to figure out my feeling for the last few weeks, I didn't think k I was being short or anything" I sigh, she squeezes my thigh tightly, i know it eas mean in a co.forting wat but its to close to whenr ive imagined her hands at, I grab her hand, "d-dont do that" I say trying to compose myself, she looks at me questoningly then looks down at her hand, removing it from my thigh.
I try my best to think about anything but her squeezing my thigh like that but my mind drifts off and I lose control of my thoughts, I imagine myself under her moaning as she kisses my neck, and rigid me. if only this shit would really happen- "spence?" I hear her voice ring through the air and I jump a bit.
"Y-yea" I mumble praying that she couldn't tell what I was just thinking, she looks at my crotch and a slight smirk appears on her face but she says nothing, I blush.
"Were here, I'll give you a bit to take care of that" the says still smirking, I let out a whine of embarrassment.
"No need to be embarrassed baby it happens to all of us it's natural to have dirty thoughts." She says winking at me, dammit.
"Unless..." she says moving her hand back to my thigh, "you want some help with it" she finishes squeezing my thigh roughly once again, I let out a whimper and bite my lip, embarrassed of the sound that came out of my mouth.
"Yes or no baby?" She asks and I nod "y-yes please, help me" I whine the end of it cutting off into a moan as she palms my bulge over my slacks .
"So responsive" she says and I whimper bucking my hips into her hand for more friction.
"No no baby, get out and go to your apartment" she says and I nod opening the door and immediately slide out of the car.
-3rd person pov-
You get out of the car a few minutes after spencer and slowly walk into the apartment complex, giving him some time to regroup.
Once you get to his apartment you knock on the door, "it's me baby open up" you say and the door immediately opens and you're being pulled inside and shoved into the now closed door, before you could protest his lips are on yours hungrily, you return the kiss, turning you both around and shoving him into the door, he moans at the roughness of your push and you grab his hair causing a low moan to rip from his throat.
You move backwards to his couch, your lips still on his, we both fall onto the couch, he moves to straddle your lap and he starts to kiss you again, "i-i uhm I haven't done anything like this before so I'm sorry if I'm not good" he says looking down at your lap, "baby it's ok" you say and he nods starting to hump your thigh, he moans loudly at the friction provided by your leg and you bounce your knee in time with him coming down on you, making the pleasure he feels almost unbearable, "f-fuck mommy I need to cum, please please I need it so bad" he moans and your eyes widen at the word 'mommy' mixed with his begging, his humping beame quick and frantic, his moans getting louder and louder, "come on be a good boy and cum for mommy baby" you whisper in his ear, moving down to kiss his neck. That's all it takes for the boy to fall over the edge, filling his boxers with his sticky release.
He leans his head into your neck, panting as you card your fingers through his soft hair "mommy?" You ask and he whines.
"Shut up" he says lightly kissing your neck.
"Hey no judgement here baby I just didn't think you were so... kinky" you say and he laughs, "you should see some of the stuff that I imagine when I'm wanking" he says, now you're the one laughing.
Ok I'm sorry this probably sucks I haven't had motivation for a long time and I wanted to write something before it left again lmao
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acherins · 7 months
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ft. Jing yuan x reader ✦ fluff
author note's , guys ,,, don't hold you pee while writing sappy cuz the giggles dont help hold it 😞 /j and omg first long ( kind of ) fic?? Dang im evolving im a pokemon
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"Stop looking at me with that smug face, just help me at once goddamit..."
A laugh ecooed in the room, alarming your ears about your menace of a boyfriend — what was supposed to be a simple and quiet break session of work, impressingly turned into your biggest hell.
You weren't sure how much time it had passed, but one thing was sure — you wanted it to end as fast as possible.
For the past minutes, you've been struggling to write something, a search you were doing for indulging in your own curiosity.
And things would've been easier, if your general puppy-like boyfriend, would finally help you instead of watching you struggle, a smirk plastered in his face.
"might help you, if you ask gently." A chuckle came out of his lips, a smile in his face while looking at you with certain fondness laced into his eyes.
"Ugh, please?" You gave him the best puppy eye you could, hearing yet another laugh coming from him, before finally hearing his reply.
"Alright, what exactly do you need help with, sweetheart?" A arm was quickly linked in your wrist, holding you close to him, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck.
"Theres this one question, ive been thinking about for a while..."
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It was right to say that, your question didn't last much longer than a few minutes with him, even if the subtle brat behavior was somehow making you want to smack him in the head.
The sheets of paper were neatly organized in your shelf, a sight of relief came across yourself when seeing all the hard work you did for the past few weeks.
It was merely for your own curiosity — but still managed to make some part of you proud of what you've learned so far in your stay in the xianzhou.
Your fingertips graced a blank paper, picking it up, yeah — you knew exactly what to search, as your eyes quickly looked at the peaceful figure of a general doing his work. You approach him silently, pressing a chaste kiss in his cheeks.
"Yuan, do you mind me asking a few questions to you?"
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@ SPARKLYSPRING , 2024. Don't repost, copy, modify or translate any of my works.
TAGGING. @thexianzhoujade
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seonghwaddict · 1 year
★ NEVER SAY NEVER. [ 005 ] coca cola mashita.
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synopsis. something about the eight most well-known boys of your campus just didn't sit right with you, so you never gave any effort to interact with them. but after a series of... interesting incidents, they can't seem to leave you alone. pairing. college students! vampires! ot8! ateez x fem! reader. genre. fluff, angst, eventual smut, college au, vampire au. chapter warnings. swearing. word count. 1.7k
        chapter iv // chapter v // chapter vi
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It had been a week since Wooyoung invited you to their party, with only a few hours left until the occasion. You met him nearly every day in the past week, sometimes at his house and sometimes at yours. You also met another one of his very interesting friends.
You and Wooyoung had been walking from the art department to the library, where he temporarily left his bag because he was too lazy to carry it all the way to the art department. Everything was fine and peaceful until someone came barreling into Wooyoung. They both fell to the ground and for a split second, all you could make out from this mystery person is his head of dark hair.
But as he stood up and helped his best friend up, you had to stop yourself from staring at how broad his shoulders were compared to his tiny waist as he towered over both you and Wooyoung—not to mention his gorgeous face. The two had a short conversation until he noticed you standing by Wooyoung, awkwardly rocking back and forth on your heels.
“Oh, hey,” he smiled, a stark contrast to his chic hair and sharp features. “You must be Y/N. I’m San!”
You smiled back, offering a handshake, “Hello, San.”
“Great to finally meet you.” He chuckled and accepted your hand, shaking it enthusiastically. San stepped between you and Wooyoung, slinging his arms on either of your shoulders. “So, where to?”
You had also seen Seonghwa a few more times. Since the two of you met in that kitchen and you sympathised over linguistics, he opted to sit next to you instead of his usual place on the bench at the very back row. At first, you were confused but didn’t question it, and eventually, you came to accept it, placing your bag at your feet instead of your side like you used to.
Currently, you sat in your room at home, staring at your closet opposite of you trying to figure out what to wear. You weren’t really one to go to parties, so you never really bothered buying clothes that would be suitable for one. As you sighed, your phone started ringing from where you had tossed it on your desk. As you stood up and glanced at it, Wooyoung’s name lit up on the top of the screen.
“Hello?” You held it to your ear, collapsing back into bed.
“Hey, is it possible to buy some Coke and bring it over here? San and Mingi just came from shopping and these dumbasses bought anything but that and now they’re complaining because they don’t wanna go out again because they need to help set up and- just… could you please do me this favour?”
The desperation in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by you as he groaned in frustration and suddenly you found yourself nodding along to his request, at least until you realised he can’t see you. “Yeah, sure. Just send me the address, okay?”
“Oka- actually never mind, I’ll just come get you. You don’t even have a car anyway.” You heard him laugh on the other line, any hint of stress melted away from his voice.
The grocery store was close enough to where you lived, so it took less than 10 minutes to walk there. As requested, you grabbed a cart and went straight to the drinks aisle, getting enough packages of canned Coke to supply what you assumed would be around a hundred people. The cashier looked at you as if you were a mad woman as he scanned each 8-pack.
As promised, Wooyoung was already outside of the store when you left, dragging multiple bags of coke so heavy you felt as if your arm would fall off. Seeing you struggle, he got out of the car and rushed over to take some bags. In fact, he took all the bags and you watched with mild fascination as he carried them without even a hint of struggle. His muscles tensed as you watched, you were surprised as you realised he wasn’t as scrawny as he looked.
“So, you rented a house just for a party?” You asked, leaning against the car as you watched him load the bags into the trunk.
He laughed, “Yeah, can’t have another thing breaking. Seonghwa was positively murderous when we found the remains of the chandelier.” You got into the car, strapping your seatbelt across you as you listened. “It was absolutely terrifying.” Wooyoung visibly shivered as he recalled the memory.
“Well, then I’ll make sure not to piss him off.” You let out a short, amused huff of air as you got comfortable in the all-too-familiar seat.
“Can we go back now–” You jumped in your seat, a small scream escaping you as you whipped your head to the backseats where San just made his presence known.
“San! Can you not?” You whined, collapsing your body into your seat before turning to glare at him. It was then that you noticed an unfamiliar person on his right.
Much like San, his features were also sharp. His nose seemed slightly sharper and pointed and his lips so very plump and pillow-like. He dressed himself in an oversized off-white sweater with a black turtleneck underneath and black straight jeans. You could tell he was taller than the other two men in the car, judging by how his knees were much more bent so he could fit into the seat.
“Mingi,” he introduced himself, a prideful smile lingering on his face as he noticed that both Wooyoung and San caught the way you scanned him with so much interest. None of them missed the way your eyes widened ever so slightly as he spoke, slightly taken aback by his voice.
You gave him your name and shook his hand, which felt so much bigger than yours. “Pleasure to meet you, Mingi.”
“Pleasure’s all mine.” He winked and your cheeks burned as you turned to face the road again.
You faced Wooyoung and narrowed your eyes at him. “I thought you said they refused to get out to get Coke.”
“When I told them I was gonna be picking you up they practically begged me to take them with me.” He rolled his eyes, ignoring their protests against his words.
The drive to their rental house was a lot shorter than the one to their actual house, a little over ten minutes versus nearly half an hour. The entire time the four of you sang your hearts out to whatever song was playing on the radio.
The house they picked was pretty much a regular house, nothing fancy like their mansion. The walls were white with two floors and a dark grey roof. Instead of having a grand driveway with a gate, the house was situated right on the side of the road.
Wooyoung pulled over on the side of the street and you all got out, the boys taking the bags of coke from the trunk and firmly rejecting your offers to help them carry them inside.
You followed them inside and the interior looked just as mundane as the exterior. Wooden floors covered with grey carpets, a single grey couch pushed to the wall to make more space, wooden stairs leading to the second floor, and the kitchen cupboards and cabinets made of even more wood.
You continued to follow them into the kitchen where they loaded all the cans into the already-packed fridge. Again, you offered to help but they told you to just sit and relax, and that they would take care of everything.
“Ah,” you turned and saw Seonghwa coming from down the stairs, “I thought it was you that I was hearing.”
He went over to you and engulfed you in a short hug, thanking you for getting the beverages that San and Mingi were too lazy to get (the two men in question nearly knocked him upside the head). You chuckled and stepped back from him, spotting three more men you didn’t recognise descending the stairs.
One of them was tall, you assumed as tall as Mingi or even taller and had dark and light brown dyed hair and wore an oversized dark grey hoodie with some lettering and a pair of grey sweatpants.
The one behind him was definitely a lot short, maybe around Wooyoung’s height, with dyed bright blue hair and a blue t-shirt over a long-sleeved white shirt, both tucked into his baby blue jeans. This one had an array of jewellery on him, from multiple earrings hanging from his ears and rings adorning his fingers.
The last one to come down wore black jeans, a black hoodie and a grey trenchcoat. You recognised him and his distinct red hair, he was a regular at the bookshop you worked at. 
They introduced themselves with kind smiles before excusing themselves again, saying they had to go buy some speakers and pick up some of Hongjoong’s equipment. Whatever that meant. The one with the blue hair—Hongjoong you’d come to learn—offered you to join them, but you had other plans.
“Oh, I’d love to but I need to go buy something to wear for tonight and–”
Before you could even finish your sentence, Yunho poked his head back in from the front door. “We’re going to the mall for the speakers, so you can go buy your stuff while we get the speakers and then we’ll meet and stop by the house so Hongjoong-hyung can get his stuff.”
You contemplated the options for a moment, though you didn’t have to think too long before you nodded. The boys in the kitchen bade you goodbye as you exited the house. Wooyoung flung himself on you and clinged to you as he begged to be taken with you, but Seonghwa quickly shut down his whines and reminded them they still had a lot to do before the party.
With a pout, he gave you his best puppy eyes but you only laughed and pinched his cheeks, assuring him that you’ll spend time with him later. You got into what you assumed was Yunho’s car as he sat in the driver’s seat. It was a sleek black Mercedes-AMG with tinted window you wouldn’t be able to see through even if you tried. Jongho got into the passenger’s seat which left you and Hongjoong to the backseats. Nodding, you appreciated the clean interior with an approving hum.
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  [ lilo's notes ... ] i think i'm gonna change my upload schedule to saturdays at 2-3 pm instead. i live in europe, so if you live somehwere else please go ahead and convert the time if you wish. i envision san as inception era san, because inception san has a massive chokehold on me and mingi's visuals is based on guerilla era. i was originally going to do halazia era mingi because that's my favourite hair on him, but for some reason i decided to go with guerilla gi. as for hongjoong, blue is the only right answer (oreo joong is an honorable mention).
  ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ taglist ... @atinytinaa @marievllr-abg @legohwas @moonsangie @kiss-hwa @cqndiedcherries @ateezourstars @kitty4hwa @hyukssunflower @aestheticsluut @neohyxn @mrowwww @darkdayelixer @itsokaytobedumb00 @hwa-sans @purplelady85 @meginthebuilding27 @stopeatread @mothworked @foliea @euphoric-emily16 @teezers99 @mulletjoonsupremacy @imalildelulu @sunukissed @blehhhidk @ad0rechuu @d1am0ndw0lfxd @strawberry-moonpies @bluehwale-main @stupefystudies @yandere-stories @seongwin @huachengsbestie01 @seongwin @galaxypox @moonminji @lilactangerine ​​@asjkdk @honey-lemon-goose @stayteezdreams @diorwoo @yunho0o0o0o @majestickitty @shookykookie30 @kyukyustar @seongfury @lightinyinthedark @skz-enthusiasttt
  NEVER SAY NEVER © seonghwaddict, 2023
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nucleo-bang-tan · 3 months
The Uisa's Daughter | Chapter 1v : Her Grief
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Jeon Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Warning/s: Grief and lots of it, King tries to sleep with her, the real Jungkook... And ofcourse, wouldn't be a nucleobangtan fic without shitty ass writing and really bad pacing.
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Chapter Summary: Curiousity did not kill the cat. Atleast not yet.
A/N: Not proofread!!! Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
Series Masterlist
Teaser Prologue Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
The morning sun rose, casting a gentle light on a world that felt colder without your lover. You sat quietly on the window sill, surrounded by memories, each one a bitter reminder of his absence.
The ache in your heart was painful, a silent testament to the love you shared and the deep void his death had left in your life. It had been exactly three weeks since your wedding day, but it felt like an eternity without him. Every day dragged on, the minutes stretching into hours.
You couldn't help but tear up. The syllables 'Taehyung' gave you flashbacks of your bloodied lover. The nights were sleepless and even if you did manage to close your eyes, the flashbacks didn't spare you.
Amidst everything, Yoongi's life was taken because he wanted to protect you. How you unapologetically wished it was your father who was slain.
The emptiness in your heart grew bigger and bigger with each passing moment. Every night, the King would visit your chambers. He hoped that you would give in to his demands, let him use you the way he had hungered for years.
But you never let him. You were always closed off and barely talked to him. He didn't wish to force you but you were surely making it difficult for him. King Jeon knew you never wanted him, but he never stopped pursuing.
"Why are you sad?" An endearing voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You smiled, wiping the tears on your cheeks.
"I just... I lost someone I loved." The little child climbed onto the window sill as well, sitting on your lap.
"I lost someone too, once. But I don't remember anything." He said, slightly frowning.
"Was it the Queen? Your mother?" You patted his fluffy, brown hair.
"How did you know, Y/n? Oh, I'm sorry! Father said I should call you my mother."
"We are barely 12 years apart. I'm more like your sister. You don't have to call me your mother if you don't wish to, Jungkook."
He giggled, "I love it when you call me that!"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Call you what?"
"'Jungkook' of course!" He said, slightly jumping out of happiness in your lap.
You figured not everyone called him by his name, either addressing him as Prince or majesty.
"I'm more than happy to call you by your name, Jungkook."
"Yes! It's my name! I am the great warrior, Jeon Jungkook." You laughed slightly at his excitement. His innocent soul found delight in the littlest of things.
Over the past couple of weeks, little Jungkook had been your source of joy. He had a lot of energy, whenever you didn't feel like getting up, Jungkook forced you to play with him. Unknowingly, it helped you to handle the grief a lot better.
Ofcourse, he was a bit spoiled, being the Prince of an entire country does come with a lot of luxuries. But the kindness and bright nature overtook his spoiled attitude. The kid was the type to throw a tantrum when the chef didn't make his favorite food but then apologize for his behavior in the cutest way possible.
"Oh! I have a letter for you." He said, pulling out an envelope from his hanbok.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "A letter? Did you write it?"
"No, that person told me to give it to you. They got it from your friend." He said.
According to Jungkook, there was a person in the palace worried for your well-being. It was probably a maid who used to work for your father, you thought. You weren't allowed to leave your chambers, so letters were the only mode of communication.
You took the envelope in your hand and carefully opened it. You hoped it was who you thought it was: your childhood friend.
Dear Y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this two days after your wedding with the King. But I would imagine it will take a few days to reach you considering all the security. But I was promised by my friend that it'll reach you, no matter what happens, and I trust that.
I cannot fathom the pain that you are enduring. Losing two people in a single day, seeing them lose their light in front of you. I am sorry I couldn't be there. I understand why you hate the King. I am sorry for the times I shushed you when you were speaking ill about him. He isn't kind at all.
Yoongi was a great person and my friend as well. And about Taehyung... I am writing this letter to tell you what he wished you knew. He had kept this in the past but I am sure he meant to tell you this in the time to come.
He was no ordinary farmer. Taehyung used to be an assassin in the royal army. He climbed up ranks as soon as he joined the army. Ofcourse his identity was and is a secret to the mass. He was a brutal man, assassinating whoever wronged the King. He was loyal to the Jeon family.
There were also rumors that wives and women of aristocratic families paid him to sleep with them, and that is how he knew a lot of the secrets of the royals and high class families. The rumors were proved to be true and that made King Jeon furious. He was eventually removed from his position and was sent back.
This is all I know about the matter.
Y/n, how I wish I could be there for you. Your parents have no maids and servants now after what your father did. Although I am trying my best to get work back at the palace to be closer to you, the King is stubborn. He is not taking any chances and his trust in me has dwindled due to your father.
I believe in you. There are talks of a revolution inspired by Taehyung and Yoongi, talks to save you. Until then, I believe you will hold on. My friend at the palace will treat you well.
For now, all I can say is keep safe and do not let the King get to your head. You have seen worse now, have you not?
Do not lose hope.
Jung Hoseok
You read the letter slowly, each word sinking in. Hoseok’s message was a lifeline, a reminder that you were not alone. He was out there, fighting for you, and there was a glimmer of hope in the talk of revolution. You clutched the letter to your chest, drawing strength from his words.
Jungkook watched you with wide eyes, sensing the importance of the letter. "Is it good news?"
You smiled through your tears, nodding. "Yes, Jungkook. It's good news. Thank you for bringing it to me."
He beamed, his innocent joy a balm to your wounded heart. "I'm glad!"
As you tucked the letter away safely, you felt a renewed sense of determination. You would endure this, for Taehyung, for Yoongi, and for the future Hoseok envisioned. You would not let the King break you.
You remembered Taehyung fighting the palace guards masterfully, his moments were fluid and graceful. He was formidable until that soldier 'defeated' him on King's command.
You remembered Taehyung often telling you a thing or two about the aristocrats and high ranking officials. How the husbands were unfaithful and all the wives could do was sit there with a smile, because if they held any other expression, they would be beaten and bruised. He also mentioned the wives paying men for some satisfaction as their husbands found solace in anyone but them.
You remembered the way he held you whenever he made love to you. His movements reflected clear experience. You never asked him why it was.
He hated the nobility and the privileged yet he slept with wives. You couldn't help but wonder what made him go through with that. King Jeon, who had several affairs, would not remove Taehyung from his post simply because of what he did. There had to be more to that.
"Who is the letter from?" The patiently awaiting Jungkook asked.
"A friend of mine, Hobi. He is the sweetest person there is." You smiled, patting his head, "Thank you for delivering this to me."
"Will you play with me now?" He asked eagerly.
"Do you have a game in mind, little Prince?" You were more than delighted to have Jungkook. He kept you busy and didn't let you think much about the happenings.
"Hide and seek? But your chamber does not have places to hide." He pouted.
"That's alright. We can play something else."
"Can we go play in the courtyard? Father is visiting the kingdom. He won't know of it."
Knowing what the King can do, you didn't want to put Jungkook in trouble. Even if a single soul caught you outside of your chamber, you could face the King's wrath. But you could handle it, the 7 year old could not.
"Jungkook, you know I cannot. Let us play something else, yes?"
"I am the Prince, I promise you father would never know." He said haughtily.
"But you would get into big trouble." You sighed, trying to convince the little boy.
"I have people to protect me, do not worry."
"Against your father? I don't think so, Prince."
He shook his head, "I have people to protect me against anyone in this world."
"No! You are playing hide and seek with me and I won't hear anymore from you."
You held the Prince's shoulders, trying to stop him from throwing a tantrum, "What if the King hurts you? What will I do then?"
He laughed, "He will be killed before he touches me."
You furrow your eyebrows, who would be foolish enough to kill a man like that? But then again, Jungkook was the future of the Jeon Empire. He must definitely have loyal guards.
"Are you sure about this? If we get caught, you say nothing. I would take the blame on me, alright?"
He nodded, "Yes! I am more than sure."
"Then let us play in the courtyard for an hour or so."
He jumped off of your lap in excitement, almost stumbling and falling. But he caught himself just in time.
"Try and catch me." You said, getting up from the window sill and running outside your chamber.
You knew the palace well enough to navigate through the confusing corridors. Somehow, it was exactly like the recurring dream you have about the non-existent prince and his dog, Bam.
The two of you laughed as you ran through the hallways of the palace. Mindfulness was long forgotten as your voices echoed. Everyone who crossed your paths didn't bother you when they saw the Prince running with you.
"Alright, do you want to hide?" You asked as you both reached the courtyard.
"Yes, but promise you won't peek." He said, clearly having experienced dishonesty while playing this game before.
"I won't, do not worry. I will count to 50, that is enough time for you to hide." He nodded as you closed your eyes and faced a large tree.
Time passed and you played with the child for more than an hour, after which you retired back to your chamber.
You were tired to say the least. Following a bath, you cuddled up to a large cushion, your hair still slightly wet. And as per usual, thoughts flooded your mind. Thoughts which made you cry out in pain.
Every single one of them consisted of your lover. The image of his smile as King Jeon pushed the sword deeper was etched into your brain.
You regretted meeting Taehyung. It was his fault you learned how to dream. It was his fault you dreamt of a better life, a life with just him and you. But it was your fault you held him with you. You were curious what love was, so you held onto him with everything you had.
Love always leads to misfortune. You never believed it existed until you met him. But seeing how the two of you ended, proved to be a constant reminder that it shouldn't exist. Love seemed much better when you thought it was a myth.
Your thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door opening. You looked out the window, it was dark outside. You knew who it was and you were ready to do anything to stop him from doing as he wished.
"Today was really tiring." He said, closing the door. You didn't move at all and stayed facing away from him.
You felt the bed dip behind you but you still didn't move. But you did visibly flinch at his touch on your shoulder. His large hand rubbed against your upper arm.
"All of my subjects adore me, tell me, why is it that you tremble at my touch? Perhaps the excitement?" He laughed.
"Stop being delusional." You whispered.
"What was that?" His aged ears did not pick up your words.
"I said, stop being delusional." You said in a firm tone, getting up from the bed and stepping away from it.
The King looked up at you and his laughter grew in volume. He was clearly entertained by your withdrawal.
His laughter seized and his gaze turned dark, "Delusional? My Queen, you are the one deluding yourself. You thought you could live a perfect life with that lad? He used you for money and pleasure."
"Get lost, I plead with you. Do not speak a single word about him. He never wanted me for my money. He was a real man, unlike you." You were agitated by his words. Your voice trembled with anger, yet you tried to keep a strong expression.
He got up from your bed and walked towards you, "You have not given me a chance to prove myself yet, have you now?"
"Leave." You gritted, hands clenched into fists.
His tall and wide frame towered above yours, "Oh, what if I don't, what if I..." He raised his hand to touch your cheek but you swatted it away.
"You are fucking disgusting."
The King turned his head to the side and let out a bitter chuckle. Without a word, he turned around and walked out of your chamber leaving you trembling with fear and anger all over.
Your labored breaths slowed down. You were supposed to hold on till someone rescued you, but he made it increasingly difficult to do so.
You laid on the cold bed. Hatred was boiling inside of you. How you wished Taehyung was there to comfort you, guide you through it all. You were tired but it seemed sleep evaded you.
On nights like these, you always imagined Taehyung was holding you tight and secure. You had never gotten a chance to sleep with him overnight, but your imagination proved to be a good companion.
You sighed, letting your tears fall once again, "I hate you so much for leaving." You whispered to your imaginary Taehyung.
You felt so broken, so cursed. Your own skin felt foreign.
"I suppose I have to hold on... for you."
"I am the undefeated Jeon Jungkook." The little child jumped around waving his wooden sword. His energy truly surprised you. Maybe you were just lazy but the boy played from sunrise to sunset and he still wished to play more.
You were sitting on a bench in the courtyard. The cherry blossom trees overhead provided enough shade for you to relax. Jungkook was fighting with the falling pink leaves.
It had been exactly 2 months since your wedding day. Spring had almost come to an end. The Korean Peninsula experienced a monsoon which seemed to be arriving soon considering the wind. You remembered when your father taught you about various seasons across the world. You didn't find the information interesting, always leaning more towards human anatomy and science.
You could see Jungkook's caretaker arriving in a hurry. You weren't afraid of being spotted by her outside of your room, she was the type to scold you for it but would never tell the King. The frail lady was Yoongi’s mother and you could see the resemblance in her cat-like eyes.
It wasn’t long ago when you had first met her. She had approached you with a stoic face, similar to that of Yoongi, but she was the sweetest woman you had met. She introduced herself as Mrs. Min, caretaker of the youngest child of the Jeon family.
Immediately you asked if she knew Yoongi, to which she hesitated to answer. After a bit of coercion, she admitted she was the mother of a traitor. She was ashamed of her son but knew he had his own reasons to rebel. You could tell she loved him dearly. She was taken aback when you embraced her and said that Yoongi was a brave person and fought for what he believed.
"My Prince, my Queen..." The old woman bowed.
You pressed your lips together and gave her a small nod in return, "What is it, Mrs. Min?"
"If I may, Eunuch Kang has requested the little Prince's presence." She said. Her small and wrinkly smile seemed the most trustworthy in the entire palace.
Eunuch Kang, though, always seemed a little too suspicious. Always keeping an eye on everything and everyone, supporting the Emperor's evil deeds and always advising him to do the cruelest thing possible.
"I shall be back Y/n, wait for me." Jungkook said, handing you his sword.
"You must not call her by her name, she is your mother." His caretaker gasped.
"Alright then, I shall be back, mother." Jungkook's tone made you silently laugh a little. He didn't want to call you his mother, but he had to in front of everyone.
You waved with a smile until Jungkook and Mrs.Min were out of sight.
It had been so long since you had been alone with nature. You decided to take a walk barefoot to feel the grass between your toes.
There were all kinds of flowers, trees and herbs in the garden. There was a tiny path amongst the herbs through which you decided to stroll.
You enjoyed the walk until you found yourself in an unfamiliar part of the garden. The palace grounds were vast and intricate, making it easy to lose your way. They were connected to various training areas, lakes and even a forest.
You had no intent to escape, though. Where would you escape to? All you knew was the capital city of Hanseong. Hypothetically, you would have to travel a distance of 150 km to escape the Jeon Empire. Even then, there was no guarantee that the border guards would let you pass.
Your eyes sparkled when you spotted a rare imported herb, saffron. These weren't naturally grown in your country, and this was the first time you saw a saffron plant. You squatted down to get a better look at the delicate flowers.
“You should get a better grip on the sword.” You heard a faint voice from a distance. The person was with someone else, you could tell. Your hands subconsciously touched the flowers as you heard their conversation. Maybe you could find some crucial information, you thought.
“How are you so good with the bow and not the sword, Jimin?” The same voice groaned.
The second person, supposedly Jimin seemed extremely annoyed, “I do not fucking care, I am leaving.”
You were so focused on the conversation, you failed to notice the increasingly clouded sky overhead. The clouds were already full and ready to pour.
You slowly walked to the direction of the voices, mindful not to step on dried leaves. As you drew closer, the figures came into view—a young man, possibly Jimin, and another whose face you couldn't quite see.
Quickly, you ducked behind a nearby tree, peering out cautiously. The branches provided a decent cover, allowing you to observe without being noticed.
Jimin was visibly frustrated, pacing back and forth, while the other person, a taller, stern-looking man, tried to reason with him. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves, but you remained perfectly still, straining to catch every word.
Your breath caught as the man turned around, revealing his face and his topless torso. His toned muscles glistened with sweat under the clouded sky. He held a sword with effortless grace, the weapon gleaming in the dim light.
You couldn't help but admire his chiseled features and strong arms, a testament to years of rigorous training. His strong jawline moved as he spoke to Jimin. His dark, obsidian hair fell in damp strands over his forehead, and his doe eyes, which reminded you of the little Prince, were focused on his comrade, a mix of frustration and concern evident in his gaze.
You tore your eyes away, feeling your cheeks warm. But curiosity killed the cat, and you were much like one. Your curiousity always led to trouble, you knew it. It was best to leave, you thought.
The downpour was relentless, you tried your best to see ahead. The smell of fresh rain filled your senses. The entire garden turned into a muddy mess not long after. You needed to find shelter, the trees weren't much help.
However, in your hurry, you slipped, and fell knee first on the ground, letting out a squeal. Not your best moments, you could say. Great, your hanbok was dirty, you were drenched and lost, and now you were probably bleeding.
“Fuck, what are you doing here?” A voice called out, concerned yet surprised. And now you were caught.
You looked up to see the topless soldier from earlier, his eyes wide with alarm. Before you could say anything, he swiftly picked you up, one hand under your knees and one around your back. You gasped, instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck for support.
“We need to get you out of this rain.” He yelled over the loud thrumming of rain. He carried you as if you weighed nothing. He moved quickly through the muddy garden, his steps confident and sure despite the slippery ground. Within moments, he reached a nearby stable.
He was barely panting as he let you down on your feet. You could sense him staring at you with his round eyes as you shivered due to the awfully cool climate. His presence, though casual, brought a strange sense of comfort amid the chaos.
"Who are you?" You looked at his drenched form, mirroring yours. The only thing that differed was his bare torso. A sudden realization made fear shoot through every nerve of your body. He seemed to be a commander of higher rank and you just made him save your clumsy self from the rain. What if he tells the emperor? You could be put to death for just being here.
"I am sorry but you need to be more aware of your surroundings." He said trying to sound nonchalant. He could see the fear in your eyes but chose to ignore it. Did he scare you?
"I-I'll keep that in mind." You bowed fervently.
"What?" You tilted your head in confusion.
"I am Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." Prince Jungkook?
You chuckled, “Ofcourse you are.” You rubbed your arms briskly to generate some warmth.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“You are not Prince Jungkook. But you do look like him, I must admit.” You removed the outer coat of your hanbok, the wet clothing being a bit too uncomfortable.
“Why do you think that, my Queen?” He was amused.
“Because, you are not Jungkook. He is the 7 year old Prince of the Jeon Empire.” You pressed.
His amusement reached new levels, “That little kid? You think he is Jeon Jungkook?”
“Yes! Are you jesting me?” You looked at his very, very familiar face. It was as if you had seen him a million times, but you hadn't. Keeping your eyes on him was dangerous territory, yet you couldn't help but continually glance at him.
“I need to have a talk with him.” He laughed.
You raised your eyebrows, “You sure do have some arrogance.” How could a soldier like him stand on equal grounds with the Prince?
“Why is it arrogant to have a talk with my baby brother?” He folded his arms over his chest, biceps flexing as he did so.
“B-Brother? He is surely not-” You had second thoughts, though. His eyes? “Oh, his cousin?” you asked.
He shook his head, “I hope not. We are siblings.”
Surely the man was lying. How did you not know about the existence of another Prince, who could be the heir to the Jeon Empire? But then again, you didn't know the younger Prince existed until a few weeks ago.
You cleared your throat, you were still the Queen, you had superiority, you needn't be afraid, “And your name is?”
“I was not lying when I said I was Jeon Jungkook.” The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.
“You are not Jungkook.” Your mind was processing a million things at the moment. If the man in front of you was Jungkook, who was the child you had befriended?
As if he could hear your thoughts, he answered, “I am the heir to the throne, Prince Jungkook. And the kid, he's my brother, Jeon Junghyun.”
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multistansimp4life · 2 years
We lost the summer ch.1
Kai and reader are childhood friends and they have this thing where they make a list of things to do for their summers during the school year. How will this summer end!
(Inspired by kissing booth 3)
“I wilL alwAys love yOu”
“Stop stop no more, please my ears” says the brunette laying on the bed with his ears covered. “Maybe you should put singing lessons on the list” he finishes laughing so hard tears are running down his face. 
“Well im sorry not everybody is as gifted at singing as you are” you replied rolling  your eyes. It was true his voice is one of the most clearest most angelic voices youve ever heard. But your singing was the exact opposite your voice always cracked and you couldnt hit a right not to save your life.  
“But how will we do that together” you asked
The list you were talking about is The summer To Do list. You guys made it when you were in third grade and kept the ‘tradition’ since. During the school year yall would fill the list up with a bunch of things you both wanted to do when summer came.
“I could still improve my singing so i can sign up to” kai responded now looking at his phone.
“But we would most definetly be seperated into different classes”
“Yea I guess your right that wouldnt work” he sighed. 
“I have an idea” you say excitedly “ ive always wanted to try acting class”
“That does sounds fun. Write it down.”
You grab the orange sharpie and wrote the number 1. Acting classes. The paper is like a long scroll and looks as ancient as one. You write down the year of the summer leave a space under it for when summer is over to name the summer. Then yall write down the list.
“Lets think of some more things another day.” Says kai yawning. I look over to the clock not noticing how much time has passed its now 11:37 and we both have school tommorow. 
“Ok ill head home goodnight kai “ i say while collecting my stuff to leave. 
“Bye y/n get home safe”
The walk home is like a routine. You live on the same street as kai and the amount of times youve walked to and from his house is to many to even try and count.
When you walk into the house you can hear your parents talking, well more like arguing but in a light voice. You just hope it stays that quiet and you can get some rest. Though its highly unlikely because their arguments always get loud and you barely can rest.
You walk into your room and flick on the lights. Your room was in pretty nice shape since you cleaned just a few days ago.
You go and flop on your bed and almost immediatly fall asleep. There was no need to change since you went to kais in your pajamas. 
“CRASH”. You were suddenly woke up by something fragile hitting the ground. You looked at the time and it was 12:06 you barely got 30 minutes of sleep. You dont know what you were expecting it happens almost every night for the past few months. 
Your parents have both been fighting with each other over every little thing and it was not healthy. You used to not be able to sleep at night because they were so loud but it started happening so often that you invested in some earbuds. 
It was pointless of you to go tell them to quiet down because then you would get yelled at by both of them. So eventually you stopped. 
You reached over in your nightstand and take them out and plug them, hoping you would get enough sleep to be ready for tommorow.
(a/n This is my first fanfic and if you like it pls comment. It helps motivate. Also dont know the update scheduling.)
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || part i
Stepdad Osamu x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: pseudocest, stepcest, cheating, wombfucking, semi-public sex (in an alley), extremely light dumbification, breeding kink, spit kink, Osamu has a dick piercing
4.5k words. thanks to @waka-chan-out and @vanilleswtmacaron for beta reading this and reassuring me that it doesn’t suck lol
ao3 link here (aha its not too long mobile just sucks!!) part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
You sighed as you tapped your fingers on the table. Your mom had decided it was high time for you to meet your new stepdad, who you had put off meeting for the past three years. You smiled as you remembered the perfectly timed appendicitis that had you missing the wedding. You couldn’t have planned it better if you tried. 
Your dad had only passed away a little under four years ago, leaving your mom to remarry only six months later. You’d opted to live with your grandmother, citing her health as a reason to live with her on her farm. Your plan had worked perfectly, and you hadn’t had to meet Osamu for three years.
Now though, with your grandmother in the hospital, your mom thought it was a great time for you to come and visit and finally meet the great Osamu.
“Osamu should be home any minute,” your mom said, smiling happily over the takoyaki she was making. “He’s bringing your favourite!”
“Yay,” you said, unenthusiastically. You glanced at the time on your phone. You were almost wishing Osamu to be here so you wouldn’t have to spend another awkward second with your mom.
You and your mom hadn’t been close to begin with, you always being a daddy’s girl from the day you were born. And after remarrying so quickly, you’d drifted even further apart. At this point, you had nothing to speak to her about.
“I’m home!” Someone called. The door slid shut behind them and you glanced around, waiting for them to appear in the kitchen. “And I brought umeboshi onigiri!”
The man who stepped into the kitchen nearly knocked you out of your seat.
He was handsome. Devastatingly, heartachingly, handsome. He was tall, with brown hair and deep grey eyes, and thick. His t-shirt was pulled taut over his broad shoulders and his thighs in his shorts were almost indecent. 
The next thing you noticed was that he was young. Probably only a handful of years older than your twenty-one, definitely closer to your age than your mom’s.
God, why had you put this meeting off? Had you known your mom was married to an actual god, you would’ve actually visited.
“Hey, honey,” your mom greeted, smiling at him. Your stomach twisted as she leaned over, puckering her lips for a kiss. Osamu pecked her lips quickly and turned towards you.
“Hey, I’m Osamu,” he greeted, smiling widely at you. Your heart skipped. “I heard ya like umeboshi onigiri so I made you some.”
“Th-thank you,” you stuttered. “I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to finally meet ya,” Osamu said. “Was starting to think ya were avoiding me!”
“More like she was avoiding me,” your mom said. “She was always a daddy’s girl.”
“Oh?” Osamu asked, looking at you. Your cheeks burned. “Well, I’d never try to replace yer dad, but if ya ever need some daddy/daughter time, I’m here for ya.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something stupid. 
“I really appreciate that,” you said. 
“Oh, I’m so glad you two are getting along already!” Your mom squealed. She carried the takoyaki to the table and smiled as she sat down. “Dinner is finally ready.”
“Itadakimasu,” you mumbled, already loading your plate up with onigiri and the other food on the table. 
“So, how is university going?” Your mom asked. 
You shrugged as you slurped up some noodles. “It’s going. Made nationals.”
“Oh? What sport do ya play? I don’t think yer mom ever mentioned,” Osamu said. You rolled your eyes. Of course she hadn’t mentioned volleyball, it wasn’t like you’d been playing since elementary school or anything.
“Volleyball,” you said. “I was on the Niiyama girls team in high school. Hoping to go pro after uni.”
“Volleyball? I played in high school! My brother, Atsumu, and I were on the Inarizaki team,” Osamu exclaimed. 
“Not Miya Atsumu, right?” You asked, excitedly. “MSBY Black Jackals Miya Atsumu?”
“The very one!” Osamu said.
“No way! They’re my favourite team! I have a signed poster in my room, it’s my prized possession!” I exclaimed. “I heard a few members are going to the Olympics this year.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me she plays volleyball,” Osamu said, glancing at your mom.
“Must’ve slipped my mind,” your mom said.
“We should go to a game sometimes,” Osamu said. “I can get an extra ticket to the MSBY, Adlers game later this week.”
“That sounds great!” You said, smiling widely.
Your mom ate in relative silence as you and Osamu traded stories about your volleyball times, only ever inputting something every once in a while. After dinner, Osamu found a Sendai Frogs match. 
“I’m currently in the nation’s top 3 setters,” you said, proudly. “I’m number two behind Takao Michi.”
“I’ll have to start coming to yer games,” Osamu said. “See ya in action.”
“I’d like that,” you said, honestly. 
“Why don’t ya come to work with me tomorrow? I can introduce ya to a few of my friends that are in town,” Osamu said.
“Absolutely,” you said.
“Don’t get me wrong though, I’m putting ya to work while yer there,” Osamu said. Your mom yawned.
“You all have me worn out from all this volleyball talk,” she said. “I’m going to bed.”
“Night, mom,” you said as she stood up.
“Osamu?” She questioned, turning back to glance at him.
“Oh, we’re going to stay up a bit longer,” he said. “The Schweinden Adlers have a match after the Frogs.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. You could hear the disappointment in her voice.
Osamu waited until you heard the bedroom door click shut before speaking.
“I know this is probably too much information about yer mom but she must think I’m some sex robot,” Osamu said, huffing. “A guy can only do so much.”
You crinkled your nose. “Gross, I did not need to know that.” You tried to hold steady but laughter bubbled up through your lips. Osamu laughed loudly and you joined him, holding your gut with how hard you were laughing.
“We need- we need to be- to be quiet!” Osamu laughed. “She’s trying to- tryin’ to sleep.”
You giggled a few more times before quieting down.
“So, how old are ya?” Osamu asked, standing up. “Old enough for a beer?”
“I’m twenty-one,” you said. “Old enough for a beer.”
“We got wine coolers if ya would rather have that,” Osamu said, stepping into the kitchen.
“Please,” you said. “So, how old are you? Can’t help but notice you’re quite a bit younger than my mom.”
“Twenty-five, twenty-six in October,” he said, grabbing a beer and a wine cooler out of the fridge.
“Follow up question,” you said, “and I don’t mean any offence, I’m sure she’s great in some ways, but why my mom? I mean, surely there’s no shortage of people your age that are wanting you.”
Osamu took a long drink from his beer before answering. “Ask me after I’ve drunk a few of these.”
You pursed your lips and took a sip of your fruity drink. “Fine,” you said. “Then let’s play a game. Every time the Adlers score, I’ll ask you a question and every time the Tachibana Red Falcons score, you get to ask me a question.”
“Deal,” Osamu said.
“Oh! Score!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up. “Another untouchable spike by Ushiwaka!”
“Shush, yer mom,” Osamu giggled. You rolled your eyes and chugged the rest of your fifth drink.
“You shush, it’s my turn,” you said, plopping down on the couch next to Osamu. “So, now tell me,” You hiccupped. “My bad. Now tell me, why my mom? Why not someone your age? Because I’m gonna- I’m gonna be honest, you’re hot and my mom is, like, she’s not, like, ugly, but, like, she’s, like, fifty.”
“I could just like cougars,” Osamu teased. You rolled your eyes and popped the top on your next drink.
“Tell the, the truth, ‘Samu,” you slurred. 
“Fine, but this stays between us, as best friends,” he said.
“Bee ef efs,” you slurred.
“Yer mom helped fund my restaurant,” he said. “So, I felt bad. She’s so nice and sweet. So, I married her.”
“Now you have a step kid that’s only four years younger than you,” you said. 
“Yeah, she didn’t really mention ya before we got married,” he said. Osamu leaned in close to you. “She didn’t mention how attractive ya were either.”
Your cheeks flushed. You turned your head away from him, looking back to the television.
“Oh, Falcons scored,” you said. “It’s your turn to ask a question.”
Osamu took a sip of his beer before speaking. “Why have ya been avoidin’ yer mom?”
You took a large gulp from your drink. “I haven’t been avoiding her,” you lied. Osamu blinked at you slowly. 
“Fine, fine!” You exclaimed. You sipped from your drink, then responded, “Mainly because she remarried so quickly after Dad died. And to someone only four years older than me. But we’ve never been close. She and I never really saw eye-to-eye. She was the love of my dad’s life and he was just another guy to her. Not to mention, she’s never been remotely interested in anything in my life, she’s always been so self-absorbed. I doubt she even knew I still played volleyball, that’s probably why she didn’t mention it to you.”
Osamu stayed silent as you chugged the remainder of your drink.
“I know it’s probably not comforting, but I’ll be there for ya if ya need me,” Osamu said. “Even if yer mom and I separate, I consider ya a friend now.”
Osamu’s words were oddly comforting. You nodded as you reached for yet another wine cooler. 
“I’m oddly comforted,” you said, popping the top easily. You fiddled with the top, thinking of what to say next.
“Another Falcons score,” Osamu said. “My turn again.”
“Question away,” you said. 
“Can’t think of any,” Osamu said. He yawned.
“Tired already?” You teased, elbowing him in the side. “Old man.”
“I’m twenty-five,” he argued, yawning again. “But I am going to bed. Let’s call a rain check on our game.”
“Deal,” you said, raising your bottle to him. “Might as well go to bed, too. Night, Samu.”
“Night, Y/n,” Osamu said, standing up. He stretched out before padding down the hallway to your mom’s room. 
You sighed loudly once you heard the door click shut. You gulped down your drink. “Good going, Y/n. You finally found a guy you like and he’s your stepdad.”
You finished your drink before gathering all the empty bottles and cans, throwing them in the recycling before walking towards your room. You collapsed onto your unmade bed and passed out before your head hit the pillow. 
“Two salted salmon onigiri,” you said, placing the plate in front of the professional volleyball player. “And onion soup.”
“Go ahead and join them,” Osamu said, placing a few plates on the same table. “I’ll bring you out some umeboshi onigiri.”
“Thanks,” you said. You could barely contain your excitement as you took a seat between Miya Atsumu and Bokuto Koutarou.
“So, yer a setter?” Atsumu asked, taking a bite of his onigiri. You nodded.
“Number two in the nation,” you said.
“She’s better than you were, Tsumu!” Hinata Shoyo exclaimed. You smiled widely.
“In high school, I was ranked number one under nineteen in my second and third years,” you said. “I even got to play in the junior Olympics in high school. We only won silver, though.”
“We’re playing the Olympics this year,” Bokuto said. “And a few of our friends from the Adlers.”
“Kageyama Tobio, Ushijima Wakatoshi, and Hoshimiumi Kourai?” You asked. “I’ve been keeping up with everyone considered for the Olympics.”
“Maybe you’ll be playing in the next Olympics,” Sakusa said. 
“That’s the goal,” you said, smiling. Osamu set a plate in front of you. “Thank you.”
“So our little star setter is here for the next week,” Osamu said, placing a strong hand on your shoulder. “We should play a game while she’s down, see how good she really is.”
“I’m game!” Bokuto exclaimed. “I wanna see those number two in the nation skills!”
“Probably nowhere near the level of you guys,” you said.
“We do have a few years on ya,” Atsumu said, ruffling your hair. 
“Literally only four,” you said, fixing your hair.
“Leave the kid alone, Tsumu,” Osamu said.
“Hey, she’s my niece now, I reserve the right to tease her,” Atsumu said.
“Uncle Tsumu,” you teased.
“That’s right, Uncle Tsumu and Daddy Samu,” Atsumu said. 
Your stomach flipped as the MSBY boys laughed. Osamu looked down at you and winked. You clenched your thighs together.
“All right, quiet down before ya disturb my payin’ guests,” Osamu said. 
“Lunch on Samu-kun!” Hinata exclaimed. Osamu rolled his eyes.
“Once yer finished, I want ya back in the kitchen,” Osamu said. He rubbed your back before walking into the kitchen.
“So, you plan on going professional after university?” Bokuto asked.
You nodded as the table fell into casual conversation.
“I already have offers to go play in France and Brazil,” you said, taking a bite of your onigiri.
“Brazil is fantastic,” Hinata said. “I played there for a while.”
“You liked it? I’ve been debating back and forth between the two. Can’t decide which one I would enjoy more,” you said. “Does Brazil have good food?”
“The best! Unless you’re looking for Japanese food,” Hinata said. “There’s no good Japanese food.”
“Noted,” you said, smiling.
“What are you studying in school?” Sakusa asked.
“Education,” you said. “If volleyball doesn’t work out I want to teach Japanese in another country.”
“Smart,” Sakusa said.
“So, any boyfriends? Girlfriends? Significant others?” Atsumu asked.
You laughed. “With what time?”
“Oh, come on, there has to be someone!” Atsumu exclaimed. “We all find time for a lil’ somethin’.”
“There was a girl,” you admitted. “On my volleyball team, but we both cared more about volleyball than each other.”
“Any crushes?” Bokuto asked. He winked at you and flexed his arms playfully.
You pursed your lips. “And why should I tell you if I do?”
“Because we’re all best friends now!” Hinata shouted, slamming his hand on the table. He ignored the looks from the other customers.
“There is this guy I have my eye on,” you said. “He’s tall, nice, and beefy as hell.”
“Ooo, tell us more,” Bokuto said.
You shook your head. “No use talking about him. He’s strictly off limits.”
“He’s gay,” Atsumu said, nodding his head.
“What?! No!” You laughed. “He’s taken.”
“Ah, university relationships aren’t always serious, you can probably still get him,” Hinata said, waving away your worries.
“He’s married,” you said. The boys all hissed in sympathy.
“Ask for a threesome,” Atsumu said. Your face must’ve shown your disgust because the boys all laughed at you.
“She must be ugly,” Bokuto said.
“We don’t get along the best,” you said. You sighed as you looked down at your empty plate.
“Better get to work before Daddy Samu grounds you,” Atsumu teased.
You rolled your eyes, but stood up. 
“It was nice meeting you guys,” you said. “I hope we can get a game together before I leave.”
“Oh, we definitely will,” Bokuto said.
“I’ll hold you to it,” you said, smiling. You waved bye to them as you entered the kitchen.
Osamu was leaned over the stove top, stirring a large pot of soup.
“Have fun?” He asked, wiping sweat off his brow with the towel thrown over his shoulder. You nodded.
“They were all super nice,” you said. “I feel like we’re actually friends now.”
“That’s good,” Osamu said, smiling at you. “Ya wanna start putting together a couple of onigiri?”
“No problem,” you said, washing your hands quickly. 
“We need five salted salmon and three umeboshi,” Osamu said. “And then out to table three.”
“Got it,” you said.
The rest of the day went by relatively quickly and smoothly. It was finally around midnight when the last customers finally left and you and Osamu could close down shop.
“Come into my office and I’ll show you how to count all the money,” Osamu said, locking the main doors. 
You followed him into his small office. 
“Okay, whenever you count the money, make sure the door is closed and locked behind you,” Osamu said, closing the door behind him. 
You held your breath as he slowly slid past you, your chest brushing against his.
“A lil’ cramped in here, sorry,” Osamu said, sitting at his desk.
“It’s fine,” you mumbled, sitting in the folding chair next to him.
“So, d’ya have a good day?” Osamu asked, casually thumbing through bills.
You nodded. “It was good! It was nice meeting your friends. I really liked them.”
“Ooo, any of ‘em catch yer eye?” Osamu teased. You rolled your eyes.
“I already have my eye on someone,” you said.
“Oh?” Osamu questioned.
“He’s taken though,” you said. “Strictly off limits.”
“Ask for a threesome,” he said.
You laughed loudly. “Funny, Atsumu said the same thing. But no, I don’t get along with his wife.”
“Wife? That sucks,” he said, placing a wad of cash in an envelope. 
“Yeah,” you agreed.
“Well, I, for one, think yer a catch,” Osamu said, sealing the envelope. “Anyone would be lucky to have ya.”
“Thanks, Samu,” you said, face burning. He patted your thigh.
“Anytime, princess,” Osamu said. You clenched your thighs together at the new nickname. “Well, we’re all done here, let’s get home.”
You trailed after him like a lost puppy as he double checked all the appliances were off and flipping the lights off.
You shivered as you stepped into the cool, night air. 
“Cold?” Osamu asked, already peeling off his Onigiri Miya hoodie.
“Yeah, a little,” you said, gladly taking the hoodie from him. You tugged it over your head and breathed deeply. “Smells good. Half expected it to smell like onigiri.”
“It will soon,” Osamu said, smiling. “It’s new. Just got the shipment in last week.”
“I’ll have to get one,” you said.
“Keep it,” Osamu said. “Ya look cute in it.”
You blushed deeply. You bumped his shoulder with yours gently.
“It’s like, way too big,” you said.
Osamu shrugged. “Oversized is in. Besides, I thought girls loved to steal guys’ hoodies.”
“Yeah, guys they like,” you said.
“Well, ya took it from me,” Osamu said, bumping your shoulder. “Ya must like me a little.”
“Whatever,” you said, cheeks burning. Osamu laughed.
“Someone has a crush!” He sang.
“Shut up! I don’t have a crush on you,” you said.
“Ya did call me hot last night,” he said.
“I was drunk, so it doesn’t count,” you said. He rolled his eyes obnoxiously.
“Ya have a crush on me, just admit it,” Osamu said. “I won’t tell anyone, pinky promise.”
“You’re my stepdad, in case you forgot,” you replied. “That’s basically incest, isn’t it?”
“So ya admit it?” Osamu asked. You shoved him playfully.
“I actually have a crush on Atsumu,” you said. “He’s the hotter twin.”
Osamu pushed you into an alley and caged you against the cool bricks of a building.
“Oh?” Osamu said. “Ya think Atsumu is the hotter twin?”
You nodded slowly as Osamu looked down at you.
“It’s the hair,” you squeaked.
“Oh, yeah, forgot that girls love a guy who doesn’t know what toner is,” Osamu said, leaning down. “I think yer lying.” His nose was nearly touching yours.
“I’m not,” you mumbled. Osamu’s hands moved from either side of your head to your hips. 
“You are,” Osamu whispered, lips brushing against your ear. You shivered.
“And if I am?” You asked.
“I don’t like bad girls,” Osamu said. “Lying is grounds for punishment.”
“Punishment?” You asked.
“I’d bend ya over my knee and spank ya until ya begged for mercy,” he said. You sucked in a sharp breath.
“It’s a good thing I’m not lying, then,” you said. By now, Osamu’s lips were nearly against yours, so close you could feel the heat from his breath on your lips.
Osamu ground his hips against yours, firmly pressing his hard on against you.
You bit your lip and glanced down. His cock was straining against his jeans, eager to be released.
“Tell the truth and I’ll think about not putting ya over my knee,” Osamu said, lips softly brushing against yours. 
“You’re the hotter twin,” you said, putting your arms around his neck. “And I have a crush on you. And I want you to fuck me in this alley.”
“There we go,” Osamu said. He finally kissed you roughly, like he wanted to devour you. You moaned as he ground against you.
“Samu,” you moaned, pulling back. He wasted no time, kissing down your neck, sucking and biting at your sensitive skin.
“Been thinkin’ about pushin’ this lil’ skirt up all day,” he growled, pushing your skirt up around your waist, revealing the pretty pink lace of your underwear. 
“Please,” you gasped as he shoved his jeans and underwear down, releasing his cock. You nearly moaned at the sight of it, long and thick and leaking precum from the swollen tip.
“Gonna wreck this cute little cunt,” Osamu said, tugging your underwear down and letting them fall to the ground. He dragged the tip of his cock through your wet folds, teasing your clit and hole.
“Is- Is that a piercing I feel?” You asked, feeling cool metal against your warm folds.
“I’ll give ya a closer look later,” he said, teasingly pushing the tip in and out of your hole. “Wanna be in ya now.”
“Fill me up, please, Samu,” you begged, digging your fingernails into his skin. Your walls fluttered around nothing as he lifted you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Good girl,” he muttered, lining his cock up with your hole. “Beg for my cock, princess.”
“Please, please, please!” You cried. “Want your cock in me, need it! Please, Samu, want you to fill me up.”
“Of course, baby girl, anything for my princess,” Osamu said, kissing you softly. He rutted his hips up into you, stretching you out suddenly.
You moaned loudly and let your head fall on Osamu's broad shoulder. 
“So big,” you moaned. “Hurts.”
“Shh, shh, yer takin’ me so well, baby,” Osamu said. “Squeezin’ me so tight, wanna bust just bein’ in ya.”
You whimpered as Osamu slowly pulled out. He pushed back in slowly, giving you time to adjust to each inch. Your walls clenched around him, sucking him in deeper and deeper until the swollen tip was kissing your cervix.
“Fuck,” he hissed. “Gonna ruin ya.” Osamu pulled out until just the tip was in and slammed back into you.
You gasped loudly as his cock breached your cervix, going deeper than anything had ever been in you and stretching you more than anything ever had.
“Samu!” You cried, throwing your head back and digging your nails into the nape of his neck. “Fuck, harder, please!”
“Feel that, baby? I’m so deep in ya,” Osamu said. “Fuckin’ past your cervix, yeah?”
You nodded as you bit back your moans as Osamu pounded into you. You buried your head into his shoulder and bit down, quieting your too loud moans.
“Next time, ‘m gonna have ya somewhere ya can be loud as ya want,” Osamu grunted. “Wanna hear yer pretty, little moans.”
You let out a soft moan in his ear and he snapped his hips up harder into you.
“Ah, Samu,” you moaned, struggling to keep your volume down. “Gonna cum.”
He pinched your clit as you gushed around his cock. You looked down to where your bodies met and watched as your juices leaked down his cock, dripping on his heavy balls. You moaned.
“Gonna fill ya up, baby,” he growled lowly. “Come ‘ere.”
He pulled your head up by your hair and squeezed your cheeks until your mouth fell open, tongue lolling out. He gathered spit in his mouth and spat it on your waiting tongue.
“Don’t swallow,” he said. He kissed you deeply, licking into your mouth and sucking your tongue. He kissed you messily, spit running down your chin and a thin strand of it connecting you two when he finally pulled back. 
“Such a messy, little slut,” he said, slamming his hips against yours. “Taking my spit so well. Gonna take my cum like that?”
You nodded, unable to speak beyond gasps and moans as his cock abused your cunt.
“Can’t speak? Fucked ya dumb, huh?” Osamu asked. He chuckled. “My cock makin’ ya dumb, little baby?”
You whined. God, you wanted him to fill you up so bad. 
“Cum. Inside.” You gasped out.
“Oh? Want me t’ breed ya? Make ya big and swollen with my baby?” Osamu asked, hips moving faster.
You nodded furiously. He rubbed your clit in tight, fast circles.
“Cream ‘round my cock one more time, baby,” he grunted. 
“Samu!” You exclaimed. Your stomach tightened as your walls fluttered like crazy.
“Yeah? Gonna cum again for me?” Osamu asked. You let out a high pitched moan as the coil in your stomach snapped.
“Fill me up, please!” You moaned as you came. Osamu’s hips stuttered as he pushed into you deeply before painting your womb white. You cried out, letting your head rest against his shoulder as he moaned.
“Fuck, yer still so tight around my cock,” he hissed. Your walls fluttered. “Perfect little cunt, princess. Milkin’ me dry like a good girl.”
You whimpered as he slowly pulled out. Your legs went limp, falling from his waist.
“Can’t stand,” you mumbled, legs shaking with the weak attempt you made. Osamu held you up as he pulled his pants back up and pulled your panties back on.
“Come here, baby,” he said, swooping you up bridal style. “Let’s go home, princess.”
You nodded lamely as he carried you. You must’ve fallen asleep, because the next thing you heard was Osamu talking to your mother.
“She was practically dead on her feet,” Osamu said. “Fell asleep while I was counting the money.”
“You could’ve called, I would’ve brought the car,” your mom said. You felt Osamu shrug.
“It was no problem,” Osamu said. 
“Well, go lay her down in her bed,” your mom said. “Then maybe she’ll be out for the rest of the night.” You frowned at her suggestive tone and cuddled deeper into Osamu’s chest.
“I’ll go lay her down,” Osamu said. He carried you down the hall and entered your bedroom carefully.
As he laid you down, you grabbed his arm and whined, “Don’t go.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered. “I gotta go to my own bed.”
“Don’t- Don’t fuck her,” you mumbled. “Please.”
“Don’t worry, princess,” he said, softly brushing your hair out of your face. “It’s only you from now on.” You nodded. Osamu kissed your forehead before leaving you alone.
You blinked once, twice, before you were asleep.
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Burnt Skies (Rick Flag x Fem!Reader)
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Requested by Anon: Saw this captain boomerang fanfic where he finds she's pregnant while they're on mission, I was wondering if you could maybe do something similar for Rick
Author's Note: He would be so protective of the reader fr fr, also this is gonna be angst angst angst so just beware
Warning: Death, pregnancy, language, blood, major character death, spoilers
“Hey (Y/N), you ready to go?” Rick’s voice echoed through the room before he halted, seeing you on the floor, head in the toilet.
“Yeah, give me a minute,” you replied weakly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and flushing the toilet.
“Are you sure? Are you feeling alright?” He asked, rubbing your back as you looked up at him with a small smile.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you there,” nodding his head, he walked out the door with guns strapped to his body on his tac vest. Looking at your reflection, you noticed a slight greenish tint to your face. Ignoring the wave of nausea, you made your way out of the base and to the plane. Walking up the ramp, you took a seat next to Rick who looked at you with concern in his brown eyes.
“Baby, maybe you should sit this one out. You aren’t looking too hot,” he whispered in your ear as you brushed the notion off. After all, you did have a really bad gut feeling about this mission.
“I’m here. I’m going,” you stated firmly as he looked you over one more time before shrugging his shoulders, knowing it was of no use to argue with you.
The plane ride was hell. With the criminals being loud and Harley’s non stop chatter accompanying your periodic bouts of nausea, you were ready to get the hell off of the plane and right into combat.
“Alright guy, get ready to drop,” Rick shouted as the cargo door opened to reveal water beneath you. Once he gave the signal, you jumped into the cool water and began to swim your way to the mainland, waiting for the rest of the team to catch up to you. After everyone, save for the Weasel, had made it to the shore, you glanced over to your boyfriend who was laying next to Harley.
“Hey guys, it’s me. I’m the guy who called you and I brought my friends,” Blackguard shouted into the open, raising his hands while ignoring the shouts coming from the rest of the team and your boyfriend, Waller’s distant cursing ringing in your ear. Next thing you know, there was gunfire in every direction and things went to chaos. You quickly sought shelter behind a rock and shot off a few rounds into the woods, hoping to take down some of the Corto Maltese soldiers. “(Y/N), watch out,” Rick shouted at you as you turned to see what he was talking about, but it was too late before a large piece of debris from one of the trees knocked you out cold.
You woke up to machines attached to your body. Feeling the bile rise in your throat, you tried to get out of the restraints and look for a place to dump the contents of your stomach. Suddenly a pan was placed in front of you and that was all you needed to release the bile. Groaning at the light, you looked around the room and was surprised to see a cleanish room which plenty of nurses occupied.
“Ah good, you’re awake,” a voice commented as a rough hand pulled your head back, forcing you to look up at one of the generals you were tasked to take out.
“What the hell are you doing to me?” You asked, squirming your body against the bed, trying to loosen some of the restraints.
“Mi amore, we are treating you. Seems you have caught a parasite,” he replied before summoning the nurse over to you, carrying a plate of food and some juice, “you’re government must really be struggling if they’re sending pregnant women into the field,” he mentioned as your blood ran cold.
“That’s impossible,” muttering to yourself, your head went fuzzy at the concept of you being pregnant. With Rick’s kid.
“On the contrary, when we brought in your friend and you, we noticed certain things,” motioning down to your stomach only brought awareness to the fact that you were practically naked in a room full of the enemy.
“Let me go,” you pleaded, pulling your arms as much as you could.
“I think not,” he replied before nodding to one of the nurses who moved to turn on a machine and attach it to your head. Screams of agony soon left your lips, blocking out the sudden spurts of gunfire in the halls.
Harley laughed maniacally as she gunned down multiple soldiers, enjoying the way they were dropping to the floor. She needed to get out of there. She needed to find the others. After the last one dropped to the floor, she moved toward the door before hearing a piercing scream echo down the hallway.
“Sounds like someone’s having fun,” she ran her tongue against her teeth before skipping toward the scream. Slamming open the door, she raised the guns in her hand, ready to fire, until she saw you laying on the table surrounded by nurses.
“No one messes with Flag’s girl,” she muttered to herself before unloading the magazine in the room. All of the nurses slinked to the ground, covered in a pool of their own blood. Rushing over to you, Harley unstrapped the restraints and head piece before taking out the IV and looked for your clothes.
“Where the hell are ya clothes?” She asked, searching high and low before she found a bag filled with your bloody uniform. Helping you sit up, she noted the way you looked super frail but practically glowing at the same time.
“Harley,” you whispered out to her before passing out on her shoulder. “Awww, this would be really cute if not for the circumstances,” she stated out loud to herself, peering out of the window and seeing a guy in a helmet run across the street with Flag. Wait a minute, Flag! Running out the door, she ran around the corner before stopping in front of the two men.
“Hiya guys! What’s up?”
“We’re here to save you, is (Y/N) with you?” Rick asked with hope in his voice as Harley nodded, wrapping pale fingers around his wrist and dragging him back inside and through the pile of bodies she had claimed. At the sight of you, Rick ran to your side and hugged your limp body.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked, fighting the tears that were beginning to surface.
“Don’t worry puddin’, she’s just asleep,” shrugging her shoulders, she left the room as you stirred, fluttering your eyes open.
“Rick?” You questioned as he rapidly nodded his head, placing kisses all along your face.
“Thank God you’re ok. I thought I lost you.”
“Rick, the doctors found something,” memories of the conversation you had moments ago replayed in your brain. You’re pregnant.
“I’m pregnant,” you whispered, mind still not comprehending the fact that you were pregnant. After all, you had been infertile most of your life. Avoiding his gaze, you waited for his response.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m going to be a dad,” he whispered, causing your head to snap up and see a smile play against his face.
“You want this? I don’t know if it’ll carry to term. You know that I’m infertile.” Placing his lips against yours, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you as close as he could to his body. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed back before a throat clearing interrupted you.
“This is sweet and all, but we have a fucking monster to kill,” DuBois stated as you looked up at Rick who smiled.
“Stay here, I’ll come back and get you.”
“I’m not leaving your side,” you replied as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“You’re pregnant. No way in living hell am I gonna allow you to do this. You’ll stay here and that’s an order,” you and he both hated when he had to pull his rank, but you realized it was necessary in cases like this.
“Just come back to me,” pulling his lips down against yours for what feels like the last time, you encoded this moment into your brain, remembering the way he tasted.
“For you? Always.”
He should’ve known you were going to follow them into Jotunheim. Not only were you stubborn, but you still had that nagging feeling that something was going to happen. Sneaking past the military, you found a window and busted it open with your elbow before entering the building. Landing with a soft thud, you looked around the room and noticed Peacemaker going down a dark tunnel. Running after him, you made sure to stay hidden by the numerous pillars. Peering around the corner, you saw Ratcatcher standing next to Rick, however Peacemaker was pointing a gun at Rick.
“Nobody is saying what they did was right,” Peacemaker stated, hand unwavering.
“They experimented on children!” Rick yelled as more explosions went off in the distance.
“That information gets out and it causes an international incident. Keeping the peace is worth any price, including the life of a hero like yours, sir, so please. Don’t make me do this,” your stomach churned. You knew that Captain America wannabe was no good, and now your love might just pay the price. Suddenly, rocks collapsed all around you, obscuring your view of Rick and Peacemaker.
“No,” you whispered to yourself, picking up rocks and trying to make a hole for you to get your body through. Your efforts became faster the more you heard the two men grunting. After successfully digging a hole big enough for you, you crawled through as you heard something like porcelain shatter and choking.
“You mother fucker,” Rick stated through gritted teeth as you watched in slow motion, Peacemaker’s hand grasping a large shard.
“Rick!” You shouted out before tackling him off Christopher’s body, not getting out of the way soon enough as Peacemaker lodged the porcelain into your lower abdomen. “No!” Rick shouted as Peacemaker threw you off. In the distance somewhere, you heard a gun go off before hands wrapped around your body. “(Y/N)? (Y/N)?” Rick called to you but you couldn’t hear him, your mind venturing off.
The sun lit your face through the blinds, dancing in your eyes and creating a multitude of hues, a warm body pressed against you.
“Morning sweetheart,” voice deep from slumber, Rick rubbed his eyes as he let out a yawn. Stretching in bed before your 5 year old daughter came running into the room.
“Mommy, daddy. It’s Christmas!” She squealed excitedly, waking up the baby that was next door.
“Yeah it is baby, you excited for your presents?” You asked as she rapidly nodded while Rick slid out of the bed.
“I’ll go grab little Digger,” he commented, kissing your forehead and your daughter’s head. Getting up, you went to grab a coffee before the doorbell rang. Moving to open it, you saw Harley’s painted face waiting for you with Nanaue, Cleo, Robert and Abner carrying presents.
“Merry Christmas dollface,” she exclaimed, pulling you in for a hug before running off to see her god daughter.
“Come in guys,” you motioned for them to enter as Rick rounded the corner, your 10 month old in his arms.
“So this is the little guy, huh?” Cleo asked as Sebastian waved a hand at the newborn, earning giggles from the baby.
“Yep, Digger Anthony Flag, meet your family,” Rick lifted up the baby’s arm, making him wave to everyone.
“I’m proud of you guys,” Robert commented, slapping a hand on Rick’s back as everyone shuffled into the living room, Nanaue taking up most of the space.
“Thanks man, it wouldn't have happened without you.”
“Alright, everyone ready for presents?” You asked the room with Harley by your side, Harleen in her arms. Rick placed Digger in Cleo’s arms before walking up to you and bringing you into his side.
“I love you, Mrs. Flag.”
“And I you, Mr. Flag.”
Groaning, you felt an excruciating pain in your abdomen and a feeling of loss?
“(Y/N), baby, you’re awake,” his tired voice resonated in your ear as he leaned down to kiss your forehead, his hand not leaving yours.
“I feel like I got hit by a truck,” you commented as he sniffled, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to escape.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he noted, petting your hair and placing another kiss on your forehead.
“And leave our kid without a father? I don’t think...”, realization dawned on you at that moment. The sudden feeling of loss and the pain in that general area washed over you as you began crying. “Oh God, the baby is gone, isn’t it?” You asked through tears as he let a couple slip down his face, nodding and trying to smile through the pain. Choking back a sob, you turned your face away from him as tears continued to fall.
“Hey, look at me,” he whispered, squeezing your hand. Shaking your head, you refused to meet his hazel eyes, “(Y/N), look at me.” Turning your head, your eyes locked onto his as he continued to smooth down your hair.
“We’re alive. We’re both alive. That’s all that matters,” he replied, crawling into the hospital bed with you and pulling you against his chest as you cried into his shirt.
“What if I never get pregnant again?”
“We will. I’ll make sure of it. I’m done with the fucking task force. Waller can find someone else to puppet. But I’m done. You’re done. We’re gonna get married and have a nice house. I’ll get a new job and we’ll figure it out. I promise.” Kissing the top of your head, he wrapped his arms around you as you calmed down.
“I love you,” you whispered against his chest as he hugged you closer.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
Author’s Note: Well this was way longer than I intended it to be. But hope you enjoy!!
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Stay Away
Pairing: Reader/Jason Todd
Genre: Smut
This fic is about a young Robin!Reader with a much older Jason. Mentions of past sexual abuse. This started out as a drabble lol, I got carried away. Anyway, Hope you enjoy! I love reading comments, so don't be shy!
Edit: Due to this fic being my only controversial one, I’d like to update the warnings by giving a brief description of what happens. Reader is adopted by Bruce at 14, she has a small innocent crush on Jason that isn’t explored until she is older (Jason has ZERO feelings for her at this stage because SHE IS JUST A KID HERE). At 16, she becomes more aggressive in flirting with Jason. At 17 (Gotham’s legal age of consent- I based this on New York’s age of consent), she has oral sex with Jason. At 18, they have sex (Jason is 27).
I wrote this a while back, and now that I’ve learned a few things along the way, I realise that a sexual relationship between a 27 year old and an 18 year old is still highly problematic- even though legal. I do not condone these actions in real life, and I doubt Jason would as well. This is purely fictional, an outlet for my fantasies when I was younger. I still do not believe in creative censorship and I want people to enjoy this fic even if it has no place in the real world. We are all allowed to escape into fiction and our own fantasy and enjoy them privately without guilt. 
“And this is Jason,” Bruce introduced you to him.
Another one?, Jason thought, though he felt slightly guilty for thinking it. He had many problems with Bruce, but deep down he knew that Bruce adopted all of them out of kindness and good intentions.
“Hey,” he grunted, holding out his hand.
You just looked at him with big, frightful eyes, still sticking close to Bruce’s side. You looked young. You couldn’t have been older than fourteen. Your hair was cropped messily short, and it made you look almost like a young boy.
Jason raised an eyebrow and dropped his hand when you didn’t take it.
“Who’s he?” you whispered to Bruce with a soft voice that the average person wouldn’t have been able to hear.
“He, well,” Bruce hesitated, “He’s Red Hood.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up.
“I decided to tell her everything,” Bruce explained to Jason, “So she can make an informed choice since young.”
“When you’re that young,” Jason glanced at you then back to Bruce, “Anything would sound cool. Even something dangerous that will rob you of your childhood. It’s not an informed choice, you’re basically dangling a cookie in front of her.”
“I’m not young,” you squeaked, “You’re just old.”
Jason scoffed at that.
Though you had voiced out your comeback, you were still shaking in nervousness, refusing to meet his eye.
Jason couldn’t blame you for that. He knew how his eyes looked.
“All of you were younger than her when you chose this life,” Bruce said softly.
“Did we really choose, Bruce?” he argued back.
“I’m not encouraging her,” he defended, “In fact, I’m doing the exact opposite. This time, I’m telling her the truth and nothing but the truth. The good, and the ugly.”
Jason saw how you didn’t like the way the conversation was going, talking about you as if you weren’t there. You had a deep frown on your face that made you look older than you were, but also, paradoxically, a cute pout that brought out the child in you.
“Whatever,” he finally shrugged, “Your kid. As if any of us had a say in anything anyway. If this was the only reason why you asked me to come here, I’ll be leaving.”
He turned to leave the manor, to go back to his safe house.
“Good riddance, old man!” you called out after him in a shaky voice.
Jason looked back and raised an eyebrow. You immediately blushed and avoided his eyes. In the back of his head, he thought about how he could recognize your accent anywhere.
The next time Jason visited the manor, which was about two months after the initial introduction, he found Bruce training you basic self-defense in the Cave.
Your hair had grown slightly, and you probably fixed the cut to suit your features better.
“What happened to being discouraging?” he said out loud.
You jumped at his voice, but Bruce looked at Jason knowingly.
“It’s just self-defense,” Bruce explained, “Useful regardless of Robin or not. She’s a fast learner.”
Jason saw how your face lit up at his praise.
Great, he thought. You weren’t even Robin yet and you already got that Robin complex every one of them seemed to have had.
The constant need for praise and emotional connection from Bruce, as well as a sense of delusional idolization of the man who adopted all of you.
“Where’s Grayson?” he huffed.
“Right here, Jay,” Dick’s warm and bright voice came from behind. Jason resisted the urge to jump just like you did.
Dick was already in his Nightwing costume, and walked towards you.
“Hey little sis!” he greeted, arms open. You flung yourself at him for a hug.
Jason rolled his eyes.
“Don’t the two of you live here?” he scoffed.
“Just because you’re emotionally constipated doesn’t mean the rest of us are,” you shot at him.
Jason smirked. You were feisty, yet still wary of him.
He found that adorable.
“She’s right,” Dick chuckled, “You wanted to see me, Jay?”
“Later,” he mumbled, and changed into his alter ego.
Once Jason and Dick were alone on patrol, he brought it up.
“Don’t you disagree with this?”
“With what?”
“Her,” he said, “Or more specifically, him bringing her into all of this.”
“I did at first,” Dick frowned, “But you’ve only met her once, Jay. You don’t live with her. She’s been through a lot, and her being Robin, well, I think it’d be good for her.”
Jason felt his chest tightening. Bruce had always used the excuse that he made all of them into Robin to help channel their emotions into doing good, to prevent them from falling into darkness.
Yet, Jason still did. And he fell right into an abyssal void that he was still trying to get out of.
“Maybe,” Dick continued, “You should get to know her. You’ll see what I’m talking about, and what Bruce sees in her. Tim disagreed at first as well, but after a while, even he warmed up to the idea.”
He frowned at Dick, and then looked away, sighing.
A month later, Jason had agreed to meet Dick and Tim at a diner.
The food wasn’t that good, and the service average, but it held many memories for him. Dick used to take him there after patrol when he was still Robin. When he went rogue, Dick had brought Tim there. Post-rogue, all three of them would meet up.
He was early, because he was closer. He waited about ten minutes before he saw Tim walking through the door, with Dick behind him. Following Dick, he saw you.
He frowned.
He supposed that he had to get used to you being around, since you were already in the picture.
He didn’t know why he felt like distancing himself from you. With Tim, he had a good reason. A personal reason that he had moved on from.
But you? He had no reason to push you away. Though, Jason had the tendency to push everyone away.
Dick took a seat next to Jason at the booth, and across from him were Tim and you. You were dressed simply in an oversized hoodie he recognized belonged to Dick. It made you seem smaller and younger than you really were. Your hair was in a short bob now. So you were growing it out after all.
Fine. He decided to give you a chance. He had been unfair to you, after all.
“Isn’t a bit too late for you to be out, kid?” he poked at you, “Don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“Fuck you, you colossal freak of nature,” you cussed at him.
Jason was taken aback.
And then he started laughing out loud.
You weren’t so bad after all. The shyness and wariness that you displayed the earlier times almost all gone, and then there was that familiar accent that he somehow felt at ease listening to.
Dick let out a loud groan.
“You owe me twenty,” Tim suddenly said to Dick.
“Come on,” Dick addressed you, “I had faith in you! What happened?”
“It’s just in my nature, okay?” you pouted, “I can’t help it.”
Dick fished out a twenty and threw it at Tim.
“What is happening?” Jason asked, confused.
“I bet ten that the first thing she says to you would be an insult, twenty if she threw in the word ‘fuck’,” Tim grinned.
“And I,” Dick enunciated dramatically, “Thought that she would at least hold it in until after we finished eating.”
“What, you a potty mouth or something?” Jason smirked at you.
“Unless Alfred or Bruce is around,” you grinned.
It was the first time you smiled at him.
“Coward,” he shook his head, “I used to say all sorts of shit even in front of Bruce and Alfred. You gotta step up your game, kid.”
“And Alfred got you bankrupt, didn’t he?” Dick reminded, “You had to put so much of your allowance in the swear jar.”
“I believe in freedom of expression, alright?” Jason huffed, “I had to stand by my principles.”
“Principles?” Tim scoffed, “You?”
“Yes, me, Timbers,” Jason reiterated, “I’m a man of my word. If I’m gonna swear, I’m gonna go all the way.”
“You’re an old man of your word,” Jason heard you mumble.
“I’m only twenty-three, sweetheart,” he responded, “Dick’s the old man here.”
“Am not!” Dick protested.
“Yeah, Dick’s not,” you agreed.
“How does that make any sense?” Jason challenged.
“Because Dick doesn’t treat me like I’m a kid,” you shrugged, “He brings me up to his level, so I don’t see him as an old man. You on the other hand…”
“But you are a kid!” Jason argued back, “What are you, twelve?”
“You know for a fact that I’m fourteen!” you growled.
Jason grinned at you, and expected you to continue defending yourself. But for some reason, you just remained silent, and he saw a blush of red settling on your cheeks.
“Whatever you say, kid.”
The time that passed between that night and the next time he came back was shorter. He watched you train with Dick, and saw that you had already improved a lot.
He went back, and came back again, three weeks later. Your moves were faster, cleaner, more efficient.
He went back, and came back again, a week later. You landed a blow on Tim.
Soon, he realised that he was looking forward to his visits, because he wanted to see how much you progressed during the short time he was gone- and you never disappointed.
“She must be training nonstop,” he casually said to Tim one night on patrol. Bruce still didn’t allow you out with them yet, because you were still too new.
“Dude, she wakes up at four every morning to train for two hours before going to school,” Tim told him, “After she gets back, she does her homework and studies for a bit, and then trains again for another three hours before going to bed. She’s borderline crazy.”
Jason frowned to himself.
He knew that pattern. Training relentlessly to lose himself in the physical exertion, to feel like he had some sort of power every time he landed a punch, to regain some sort of control.
You were either running away from something, or towards something.
“I never asked,” he started, “But how did he end up adopting her?”
“Uh,” Tim rubbed the back of his head in hesitation, “I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you. You should ask her yourself.”
“Oh, come on,” he groaned, “You mean to tell me that you asked her yourself? Dick or Bruce didn’t tell you?”
“Of course!” Tim grumbled, “We’re friends, Jason. We hang out. We talk. You’re the only one missing from the circle.”
“Fucking whatever.”
He really wanted to ask, he really did.
If not out of care, then out of curiosity.
But honestly, a heart to heart talk with another human being? That wasn’t him.
Yet, he really wanted to know.
He had tried to sit down next to you when you were just watching TV alone in the living room, he had tried to knock on your door while you were blasting shitty music out loud. He had even tried to call you up and see if you wanted to meet him for dinner somewhere.
But he never got to it.
In the end, a year had passed since he first met you, and it was your big night. It was your first debut as Robin.
“Stick to at least one of us,” Jason overheard Bruce instruct you in the Cave, “Don’t go off on your own, don’t act first, and always listen to orders.”
“Yes, sir,” you rolled your eyes, then put on your domino mask.
Jason smirked at your attitude. You had come out of your shell and he learned that you were really a feisty, sassy, annoying little brat.
He thought the Robin uniform suited you. It was more modern than his was- the colors more muted- and he saw that you probably had demanded Bruce to include designs of your own. Like how your black cape sort of shimmered in the light, and how there was fucking lace at the lateral sides of your legs.
Your hair was long now.
All of you split up during patrol, and Jason had found himself panting on a roof after taking down a dozen guys who thought it was a good idea to seek revenge for the time he pissed on them from the edge of a building while they were doing a drug exchange.
It had been pretty funny, the way they were so furiously humiliated.
Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a movement. He turned to look at the building from across the street, and saw that you were sitting there on the edge, legs dangling, overlooking the alley below.
He grappled to where you were and silently approached you from behind.
“I thought he told you to stick to someone,” he said.
“Jesus, fuck,” you jumped, “Stop doing that, you asshole.”
“Think of it as training for your ears,” he chuckled, and sat down next to you.
“I was with Bruce, then Dick, then Tim, then I ran away from Tim to find you,” you explained, “Looks like you found me first, though.”
“Why did you want to find me?”
“Dunno,” you shrugged, “It’s my first night. Just wanted to see everyone in action.”
“Well, you missed one big fight,” he said, “Took out a dozen guys in under five minutes.”
“Not bad,” you smirked, “Wish I could have seen it.”
“You will eventually,” he hummed, “It’s not a big deal.”
“Yes, because you obviously have done worse,” you poked.
“Is that why you were so afraid of me in the beginning?” Jason wondered, “Because you knew I killed people?”
“I was never afraid of you,” you frowned, “What gave you that idea?”
“You couldn’t stop shaking the first time I met you,” he reminded.
“Fine,” you conceded, “You looked pretty big and scary. And when Bruce said that you were Red Hood, that shook me up a bit. But it wasn’t because you killed people.”
“That’s a first,” he scoffed.
“But now I know that you’re just a massive prick who pretends to be badass to cover up the fact that you’re just a sad, fragile being- well, it’s hard to be scared.”
“Oh, we’re throwing shade now are we?” he snickered, “What about you and your obsession with training just to compensate for the fact that you feel small and weak inside with no control over your life?”
He had expected you to retort, but you just frowned and looked down towards the alley.
Jason always had that problem where he didn’t know when to shut up, or what not say to people. Granted, most of the time he didn’t care if the other party got offended or not.
But he didn’t want to hurt you.
He was just going to open his mouth to apologize until-
“I’ve been here before,” you started, “This alley. A long time ago. My big brother- he dragged me here away from my dad so he could beat me up.”
Jason remained silent in shock.
“Not that my dad was any better,” you added, “I guess my brother was like that to me because my dad was like that to him.”
He didn’t know how to respond to that. Was he supposed to comfort you? Or tell you something funny to distract you from the sadness?
Instead, he asked, “What about your mom?”
Jason’s mom had been there, yet not fully there. But when she was, he was grateful at least, to know the warmth of a hug in a run down apartment with no heater during the winter.
“Died giving birth to me,” you explained, “Dad always blamed me for it. He’d tell me that he wished I was never born- that he wished he wore a condom when he fucked mom, that at least if she was alive, he didn’t need to fuck whores.”
“And fuck whores, he did,” you continued bitterly, “But they weren’t enough, I guess. He- he even- I-”
You never finished your sentence, but you didn’t need to. Jason was smart enough to put two and two together.
He felt his blood boil, his rage seeping in. It was like he was that Red Hood again. And for the first time since he came back to Bruce, he didn’t try to push that memory away.
He could go rogue again. Just one more time.
“Where is he- they- where are they now?” Jason managed to grit, tasting blood in his mouth.
“Dead,” you snorted, “Thanks to you.”
That took him out of his burning anger.
“Turns out dad was working with Black Mask,” you elaborated, “He dragged my brother with him as well. It’s how he managed to afford all those prostitutes and heroin, I guess. I think they were at one of those shipments you crashed or something back then. You left twenty dead.”
Fuck, he remembered.
Black Mask was at the docks, waiting for a shipment of weapons, drugs, and girls. He remembered feeling frustrated that Black Mask slipped away before he got to him, so he took out his anger on everyone else working with Black Mask.
“Lived in the streets after that,” you continued, “Fend for myself. Cut my hair short so people would think I was a boy. I had to stay tough, you know? When Bruce found me, I was doing an odd job for one of the local gangs. Small one. Was supposed to recruit people my age. Start them young, he said. I guess Bruce had been following me for a bit. He approached me and that scared the shit out of me.”
You paused to smile sadly at the memory.
“But he just asked me for my name, and age,” you stared into space, “And he told me that I could do better than that. That I had potential. He asked me if I wanted to help people rather than drag them into dangerous stuff. And how could I say no? Especially after wishing for so long that someone would come and help me when I was with my dad and brother living in a run down apartment with a leaking roof near Crime Alley.”
You finally looked at him.
Jason was glad that he was wearing a helmet, because he wanted to hide from the stabbing guilt he felt. He didn’t want you to see him that way.
“So you’re right,” your blank white lenses pierced his own, “I train because I want to feel strong, because I’ve felt weak my whole life. I train to feel as if I have control over my own body, my own movements. Hell, even the fact that I grew my hair long gave me a sense of control.”
“I’m sorry,” Jason finally managed to croak, “I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine,” you dismissed, “Plus, you did me a favour before. I kind of owe you one.”
“You got rid of my dad for me,” you stood up, “Thanks.”
And for the first time, looking up at you as you were looking down, smiling at him, he didn’t see you as a kid.
“Sure thing, kid.”
Jason started dropping by once every two weeks. Sometimes he would even come around twice in a week.
He had warmed up to you after you told him your story, though he was kind of frustrated that Dick, Tim, and Bruce were all right, and he was the wrong one all along because he didn’t know you.
But then, you also started warming up to him.
And that became the major issue.
Since you donned the Robin uniform, your ego had spiked up. Your confidence and arrogance came with every progress you made. A year into Robin, Jason couldn’t see a semblance of that frightened little girl with the short hair, voice shaking as she tried to insult him.
No, now you were just so fucking annoying.
And for some reason, you started to be more aware of your sexuality as your confidence grew.
At the age of 16, you had started coming onto Jason strong.
“Jason,” you pouted at him, “Why don’t you come stay at the Manor anymore?”
“Because you’re there, kid,” he joked, staring at Gotham’s skyline from the rooftop where you, him, and Batman would occasionally stop to catch a breath.
“Jasooon,” you whined, high pitched and long, “I miss spending time with you.”
Jason raised an eyebrow, because you were touching his arm, squeezing his biceps. Not that you could see his face, given the helmet he wore. He kind of missed how you were back then. All you had were insults and swear words for him, and you definitely didn’t whine.
“Don’t you have Tim to annoy?”
“He’s always busy,” you huffed, “And when he’s not busy, he’s sleepy. Tim’s boring. You’re more fun, in an assholey cocknose dickweed kind of way.”
Ah, there it was, your colorful language. He had to admit, your creativity impressed him.
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” he chuckled.
“So why don’t you come over some time and we can have some fun?” you purred seductively.
Jason was taken aback.
He wasn’t sure whether you meant it innocently, or whether you had hidden motives. He glanced at Bruce who was minding his own business, ignoring the two of you.
He didn’t think you would flirt with him in front of Bruce, so he dismissed it and blamed himself for thinking lewd things.
“My idea of fun involves a bottle of whiskey and B-Grade horror movies, kid,” he patted you on the head, “And you’re too young to drink.”
“Hmph,” you slapped his hand away, “That’s not what I was talking about, but whatever.”
You strutted away.
It wasn’t that he didn’t find you attractive, it was that he shouldn’t find you attractive. What was a 16 year old doing flirting with someone his age? Weren’t you supposed to have crushes on the quarterbacks in your school?
Hell, even if you wanted someone who knew of your nighttime activities, there always were the Teen Titans, whom you regularly joined. That Aqualad wasn't a bad kid, but for some reason he didn't like the thought of you dating just yet.
But still, you had no business with someone like Jason. Age wise, or personality wise.
*** Two weeks later, he dropped by again for movie night.
When he walked into the living room, the only person who quirked up when they saw him was you, probably because the rest had already heard him coming.
“Jay!” you squealed, and ran to him, flinging your arms around his neck in a hug.
“Hey- oomph,” he slightly stumbled. It was the first time you hugged him.
And now that you were so close, he was hyper aware of you. You were wearing shorts and a tank top- with no bra. He could smell your vanilla lotion and your chocolate spice shampoo.
He could feel your strong arms, your heavy weight, your burning heat against him.
And for the first time, he actually got turned on by you.
Fuck, he thought. He shouldn’t be thinking of you like that. As if the age difference wasn’t vast already, you were still underaged.
He awkwardly patted you on the back, in an attempt to respond to the hug. He could make out Tim and Dick snickering at him at his obvious discomfort.
“You’ve gained weight,” he gruffed, trying to break the hug because he was dangerously close to popping a boner.
As expected, you let go of him.
“Yeah, I did!” you grinned happily, “I’ve gained about five pounds of muscle mass!”
You started flexing your toned biceps comically.
“Maybe you can gain five pounds of brain mass next time, kid,” he smirked and ruffled your hair.
“I’m pretty sure that’s a medical condition, you twatwaffle arsebadger,” you shot back at him.
“Jar,” a chorus of lazy mumbles from everyone else rose.
You grumbled and walked towards a coffee table, where a clear mason jar almost filled to the brim with folded notes sat. You shoved in five dollars.
Jason took off his jacket and sat next to Dick on the long sofa. You then hopped towards him and started snuggling next to him.
Jason looked at Dick in question.
Dick merely shrugged.
Jason had a hard time concentrating on the movie that night, because you leaning your head on his chest, and playing with the denim of his jeans absentmindedly.
He wasn’t used to it.
Human contact.
And he knew how you were. You were probably the same with Dick and Tim. You just chose him that night to snuggle up to.
But then you made a comment about how hot the guy in the movie was. Jason didn’t think much of it until you leaned up to press your mouth on his ear and whispered, “Not as hot as you, though.”
That made him jump out of his seat in panic.
Everyone else looked at him suspiciously, but you were just looking at him with a knowing smirk.
“Toilet,” he mumbled, and left.
“What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck,” he paced in small circles in a washroom down the hall.
He looked at his reflection only to see how red he was at his ears. He gripped the edges of the sink and took deep breaths, trying to play it cool.
Now, it was obvious that you were flirting with him. There was no denying it.
But why on God’s planet were you?
Jason groaned quietly to himself.
Whatever. He thought that you’d probably just drop it eventually.
Half a year later, and it didn’t.
And it got bad. Real bad.
Jason still kept visiting regularly, and every single time he did, he would get almost sexually harassed by you.
He was just sitting down in an armchair in the living room, reading a book, when you came along, and with the most arrogant, most entitled smirk, sat on his lap.
“Get off,” he grit, eyes never leaving his book. He was scared of what you were wearing this time.
“But you’re so warm,” you hummed, swinging up your legs across his lap, so that you were being cradled by him and the armchair.
“The fire’s right there,” he pointed to the fireplace, “If you need help, I can throw you in it.”
“I’d rather you throw me in bed,” you purred.
He snapped his book shut and squeezed the bridge of his nose.
“Just. Get. Off,” he growled.
It was dangerous. Your smell was intoxicating, and you were shifting and shuffling against his front. His mind started to wander, and he hadn’t even looked at you yet.
“But Jasooon,” you whined, “You’re nice and soft.”
He glared at you.
And regretted it.
You were wearing an almost see-through white loose t-shirt that exposed your shoulders. The thin fabric clung onto the curves of your breasts which were- thankfully- covered by a pink bra. You had a pair of satin booty shorts on which hardly covered your ass, which was sitting on top of his crotch.
“Actually, no let me take that back,” you pretended to wonder, “You’re pretty hard.”
And you gave him a wicked grin.
His eyes widen in panic and he stood up suddenly, causing you to fall flat on the floor.
“Fuck!” you cursed, “What's the big deal, jizzcock?”
He left the room and rushed to the toilet. He looked down, and found his penis was normal, flaccid, non-erect, unfilled.
That bitch fucking tricked me, he thought.
And he fell for it.
He went to look for Bruce who was in the cave, in front of the computers.
He took a wheeled chair and sat behind him.
“Bruce,” he started, “I need to talk to you.”
“What is it?” Bruce asked without sparing a glance at him.
That ticked him off a bit.
“It’s about your daughter.”
Jason saw Bruce pause, and then turned around to finally face him. “What about her?”
“She’s been flirting with me,” he grumbled.
Bruce raised an amused eyebrow.
“She’s sixteen, and she’s flirting with a twenty-five year old man!” he complained, “If she’s doing this to me, God knows who else she’s been doing this to!”
“And?” Bruce questioned.
“And? And?” Jason repeated, “And aren’t you worried?”
“She can take care of herself,” Bruce stated, “She’s mature. She won’t let herself be taken advantage of.
“Look, Bruce,” Jason squeezed his temples, “It’s great that you trust her and all that, but don’t you think it’s kind of fucked up? Christ, she’s sixteen!”
“And she’s well aware of that,” he said, “What would you have me do? Do you want me to talk to her?”
“Forget it,” he gave in, and left for his safehouse without saying goodbye to you.
Because that night he laid on his bed in the dark, guiltily thinking about your ass on his dick earlier. But thankfully unlike earlier, he had allowed his cock to fill up.
He knew he shouldn’t, but he thought of that time when you and him went jogging around the manor. You wore just a sports bra that showed off your cleavage, and sports shorts that rode up your ass. He couldn’t resist looking at the way your tits bounce with every step, and when you ran in front of him, his eyes darted down to check out your ass before he realised what he was doing and excused himself.
Excuse himself because he needed to stop looking, to stop thinking.
But now, he let his thoughts free.
He thought about how that one drop of sweat trickled down between the valleys of your breasts, how your muscular back glistened in the sun, how flushed your cheeks were.
He glanced down at his cock, which was already hard and leaking precum onto his stomach, twitching in need of attention.
“Don’t touch it, don’t touch it,” he muttered.
He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering, but he could try to resist from touching himself.
He owed you that at the very least.
He gulped loudly.
It really wasn’t fair. You didn’t look sixteen, or act sixteen. You were far mature even at a younger age.
But you were still sixteen.
And it wasn’t fair how you could tease him and get away with it.
“Fuck,” he groaned in frustration.
The way you swore sort of turned him on as well, oddly. He loved your use of language, and how dirty your mouth was.
How even dirtier your mouth would be if he shoved his cock in-
“No,” he whined, and he touched his cock.
He stroked it once, twice, three times, and then he came hard, long ribbons splashing onto his chest.
“I am a jizzcock,” he whispered to himself in shame, and then cleaned himself up.
Three months later, Jason had just come back from a mission in Mexico. Throughout his trip, he’d been bombarded with texts from you.
The topics spanned from the usual banter about training, Dick, and how you’ve been annoying Alfred with “ok, boomer” memes, to you sending him mirror selfies of yourself in fitting rooms trying out clothes that made Jason almost drool and you attempting to flirt with him.
Jason responded normally to the former, but sent short uninterested texts to the latter.
But when he came back to his safe house, he found his spare handgun on his bed- which was not where he last put it. On it, was a sticky note with a written message:
Try not to lick. R.
“What the fuck?” he muttered. R must have stood for Robin, and then suddenly Jason gulped, wondering what the fuck you had done to his gun.
He opened his phone to check his conversation with you, only to find that you had sent him a ten-minute length video.
His thumbs were shaking when he clicked play.
The video started with a closeup of your face in an awkward position, setting what Jason presumed to be your phone, on a surface with an angle you had in mind. Jason looked behind him and saw that his chair had been placed right in front of his bed, where you must have put the phone on.
“Fuck,” Jason realised. He did not like where this was going.
Or did he?
In the video, you then strolled to his bed, fingers touching his sheets. You were wearing nothing but a white flowy sundress that Jason thought made your skin look absolutely radiant. But instead of sitting on his bed, you had gone out of the frame, and then came back with the gun.
He swallowed hard.
You sat on the edge of the bed with a naughty glint in your eye. And then, you started to caress yourself sensually, squeezing your breasts as you made your way down to between your legs.
Jason realised he had started sweating and panting, getting aroused as his cock slowly started to fill out.
You spread your legs and dipped your hand beneath your dress, but Jason still couldn’t see anything because you had taken the fabric and hid what was going on under. He saw your mouth fall open and you let out a long, loud moan.
Jason’s breath stuttered. His cock was aching in his jeans, begging to be touched.
Your hands were working underneath the fabric, teasing Jason with only an idea of what you were doing.
“I’m so wet, Jay,” you purred at the camera.
And then, your other hand went to take the gun.
You brought it up to your lips and flattened your tongue against the gun and licked all the way to the muzzle. Even in the low quality, he could see your saliva wetting his gun. Then, you gave him a wink and brought the gun to where your other hand was, between your legs.
Jason stopped the video then and squeezed his eyes shut, breathing hard through his nose at an attempt to calm himself down. Once he did have a semblance of control, which took almost five minutes of just trying to steady his breathing, he opened his eyes and dialled your number.
“Hey, Jay,” you picked up.
“What the fuck?!” he roared, “How the fuck did you get into my safehouse? Hell, how did you even know where it was?!”
“Oh, Jason, please,” he could hear you roll yours eyes, “You’re overreacting.”
“Over-?” he growled, “Overreacting?! You came into my house and then started to- started to-”
“Fuck myself with your gun?” you giggled.
His dick twitched.
“You need to stop this, kid,” he tried to bring his rage in, “Stop it, before you regret it.”
“Or what?” you teased, “What would you do to me, Jason? Spank me?”
He couldn’t. Jason just couldn’t with you. So he ended the call and threw his phone across the room.
He sat down at the edge of the bed and buried his face in his palms. His cock was still aching, and he was dying to touch it.
He glanced at the gun next to him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, and then unbuttoned his jeans, letting out a hiss of relief when he could finally take it out.
He started to furiously stroke his cock, just staring at the gun laying there. He wanted to smell it. He wanted to lick it. He wanted to see if he could still taste you on the metal.
“God fucking dammit,” he cursed, and then he came in pulses.
*** “What’s up, fucktrumpet?” you poked.
Jason let out a long and heavy breath from his nose, the sound becoming static as it went through the voice scrambler of his helmet.
It was a week later, and Jason had joined patrol with you, Bruce and Tim.
“Fuck off, kid,” he walked away from you, pretending to be looking out for something from the ledge of the roof.
“Oh, come on,” you whined, coming closer to him anyway. “You enjoyed it.”
“Tim,” Jason turned away to approach the younger man, “How’s things?”
“Don’t ignore me!” you ran after him.
“Leave me out of whatever this is,” Tim sighed. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Pfft, you’re always in the mood for me, Timbers,” Jason nudged his side with his elbow.
“No, she’s always in the mood for you,” he pointed to you, “For some reason.”
“Well, I’m not in the mood for her,” he grit.
“Meanie,” you pouted, “All I’ve ever been is nice to you, Jay. And what do you do? Act like an absolute thundercunt.”
He wanted to laugh at that, but he couldn’t. He had to keep up his appearances.
“Listen here, you brat,” Jason finally turned to you and poked your shoulder hard with his finger, making you wince. “You stay the fuck away from me.”
“Hey, Jay,” Tim suddenly interrupted, “You don’t need to do that, man.”
“This little bitch broke into my house and started defiling my things, Tim,” he growled, “Yes, I need to do that.”
“Defiling your things?” Tim repeated.
You let out a soft giggle.
“Forget it,” Jason threw his hands up in the air. “I’ll patrol alone.”
Jason saw the slight disappointment in your eyes when he left which made him feel a little guilty, but he ignored it.
Whatever, you were basically just asking for it.
Another half a year went by, and Jason found himself at the Manor for Dick’s barbecue and pool party. He was already dreading it, because he knew you would be up to no fucking good, especially when you had the excuse to wear a bikini in front of him.
He had contemplated about not going, but Roy was going to be there, and Roy was making him go.
The first person Jason looked out for was you, because he had to be on his guard. He was standing at the glass sliding door of the manor that opened to the pool to survey the crowd. He spotted you in the pool, laughing at who he assumed was Aqualad- Jason didn't bother to learn his name- wearing a dark red bikini top that fixated behind your neck.
“Jaybird! You made it!” Roy’s voice boomed all the way from the other side of the pool and came running to where Jason was standing awkwardly.
He knew many of Dick's friends, but he was never particularly close to any of them besides Roy and Kori. Now that Kori was gone, Roy was all he had left.
“Don't call me that,” he grumbled back.
“Aw, come on,” Roy groaned, “You came to a pool party in a t-shirt and jeans? Seriously?”
“I wasn't planning on swimming,” he shrugged.
Roy was sporting a horrible bright yellow swimming shorts with green palm leaves.
“Well, I was, so I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”
“Yeah,” Jason nodded and decided to head to the pool chairs and put on his sunglasses. He even brought a book to bury his nose into to avoid social interaction.
He heard a splash of water and from the corner of his eye, saw you coming towards him.
“Don’t even,” he snapped at you before you could get a word out.
“I wasn't even going to do anything, fucking dipshit,” you shot back.
Jason forced his eyes back to his book to avoid getting caught looking at how the water trickled down your glistening skin that looked oh so soft-
“What do you want then?” he huffed, turning a page.
“Well,” you began, taking a seat on the pool chair where Jason's feet were, “I was going to ask you about Roy.”
Jason glared at you, peeking from the top of his book.
“What about Roy?”
“You guys are close, right?” you hummed.
“I guess so.”
“Like, best friends?”
“What are we, twelve?” he scoffed, “Why are you asking me so many questions?”
“Well, since you're close to Roy,” you started, “I was wondering if you knew his type.”
“His type?”
“Yeah, like what kind of girls does he like?” you grinned.
“Ones who aren't underaged,” Jason growled.
“Jason I'm already seventeen,” you reminded, “Which is the legal age of consent in Gotham.”
“It doesn't matter,” he grumbled, “He's older than me, which makes him way too old for you. Forget it.”
You pouted, and then stood up. He had to redirect his gaze back to his book.
“It’s like you don't even know me, Jaybird,” you snickered, and with a flip of your wet hair which splashed droplets of water onto him, you strutted away.
He was gritting his jaw so hard he could feel his teeth ache.
Fuck, why can't you just stop?
“I need a fucking drink,” he muttered to himself and left for the kitchen where he rummaged through the refrigerator to find a stout.
He popped open the bottle cap on the marble edge of the kitchen island.
“Alfred would kill you if he saw you do that,” a voice laughed.
Jason rolled his eyes at Dick, who was sipping on a can of beer behind him. “I’ve gotten in trouble for worse.”
“God, I forget how similar you guys are,” he leaned against the counter.
“You know who. Her,” he pointed out.
“We’re not the same,” he denied, heading back outside.
“No, she deals with her issues better than you did,” Dick followed him, “As a matter of fact, you're still dealing.”
“Get to the point, Grayson,” he snapped.
“The point is, she’s not a kid, Jason,” Dick told him, “Why don't you give her a chance?”
Jason stopped in his tracks, standing still before exiting through the glass door. It was quieter inside the manor.
“A chance for what?” he grit.
“To prove herself to you,” Dick explained, “I've noticed how you treat her, Jay. Tim as well. It's like you're trying to push her away. Why? You don't think she's good enough?”
“Holy shit,” Jason started laughing humourlessly, “You think this is about me simply not liking her? You guys think I'm just being angsty?”
“Isn't it?” Dick cocked his head to the side.
“She's been fucking flirting with me, Grayson,” Jason said.
“Okay, I get that, but she sort of flirts with everyone,” he shrugged.
“She comes and sit on my lap, whispers stupid shit in my ear, sends me pictures of herself trying on revealing clothes, makes vulgar motions with her hands, fucking tries to seduce me,” he listed down, “Don't tell me she does that with everyone.”
“Okay, maybe not,” the older man frowned.
“Let me tell you, then,” Jason walked closer to Dick, “She broke into my fucking house, sat on my fucking bed, and started recording herself on her phone, and then sent the video to me.”
“Wait, what?” Dick sputtered, “Recording herself doing what?”
“You fucking know what,” he stated.
“Oh, Jesus,” Dick ran a finger through his hair, “Wow, she's ballsy.”
“That's your reaction?” Jason scoffed, “She's ballsy?”
“I mean-”
“She's sexually harassing me, Grayson!” he argued.
“But,” Dick began, “What did you really think about it? I mean, really?”
“What do you mean?” he hissed.
“Did you watch it?” Dick persisted. “The video?”
“What- I- no, I just-” Jason spluttered, caught off guard.
“You can't lie to me, Jason,” Dick gave him a mischievous smile, “You like her, too. That's why you're pushing her away. Because you don't think you're good enough for her.”
Fuck Dick and his fucking superior detective skills.
“She's too young for me,” Jason simply stated.
“Well, apparently not too young for Roy,” Dick smirked.
“What-” Jason turned around and looked outside.
You were in the pool, standing in the corner. You had a hand on Roy’s chest, looking up at him and laughing. He had a hand on your waist, and was whispering something into your ear.
Jason went into a fit of rage when he saw Roy touching you.
“Mother fucker,” Jason swore, and without thinking, went straight to where you were. He stood there at the edge of the pool, arms crossed, and looking down at the two of you who were both unaware of his presence.
“Roy,” Jason growled.
Roy jumped and looked at Jason in panic, and as if you electrocuted him, immediately jumped away from your touch.
“H-hey, Jaybird,” he awkwardly laughed, “I was just- I was- uh- I was telling her about what a great friend you were.”
“Oh, really?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah!” he nodded vigorously, “Jason here is super good with his aim as well. Could even rival mine.”
Jason ignored Roy, and glared at you, who was looking up at him with obviously fake innocent eyes.
“Out,” he commanded.
“I said out,” he repeated. “Out of the pool. I need to talk to you.”
“Oh, come on, Jason,” you started to whine, but then stopped when you saw his expression.
You climbed out of the pool, and again, Jason had to avert his eyes. Without sparing a glance at you, he gripped you by the arm and pulled you to go inside.
“Ow! Jason, let go, fucking cocksucker!” you cried.
He snatched a towel from Tim’s grip as he walked, ignoring Tim’s protests and stares from others, and then threw it on top of your head.
“Ugh- Jason!” you complained. He continued to lead you inside the manor, up the stairs, and to his old room.
He slammed the door shut behind him.
“What's the big deal, you shitpouch?! Who do you fucking think you are? Fucking cumwipe, pisswizard, cuntpuddle...”
That wasn't the end of your swearing. You went on for another good minute of words that could make Batman blush, before stopping.
You were fuming. Your face red, your expression twisted into a scowl, water dripping all over the wooden floors, the fluffy towel around your neck that you hadn't used.
God, you were so hot when you were angry.
“You done?” he deadpanned. He sensed that you were going to go into another stream of name calling, so he cut you off.
“I told you to forget Roy,” he grit.
“And since when have I ever done what you told me to do?” you shot at him
You had a point.
“Look, kid-”
“I'm not a fucking kid, Jason!” you yelled at him for the first time, “I haven't been a kid since my dad- since I was twelve!”
Jason suddenly felt pain in his chest.
“I know you've been through shit,” Jason acknowledged, “What happened with your dad and your brother- I’m fucking glad I killed them. And even if I hadn’t back then, I would have broken every single rule and hunt them down and make them suffer before ending their lives after finding out what they did to you. Hell, before you told me that they were dead, I was already ready to turn every single rock to find them.”
Your expression softened at that.
“And I know you had to grow up fast,” he continued, “All of us who lived there did. But you're out of that now. You don't have to fucking try so hard to act older than you are anymore.”
Your eyes shone with anger once more.
“That's the thing you never got, Jason,” you spat, “I'm not trying. I never did. This is who I am.”
You were looking at him with such fierce intensity that Jason almost forgot how to breathe.
Because you were right. He had gone through the same process where he was made to grow up fast, where he couldn’t afford to act like a kid.
He looked at you, trying not to show much emotion on his face.
Somehow in the heat of the argument and you yelling cusses at him, the two of you had gotten closer to each other, and Jason could even see the tears brimming in your eyes that were threatening to spill.
He immediately felt like a piece of shit, like every word you called him. He never wanted to hurt you.
“Whatever,” Jason huffed, looking away to avoid your glare, “Just stay away from Roy.”
“Why, you two dating or something?” you smirked.
He simply glared at you. You obviously had recovered from your anger and was now back to your usual snarky self.
“Or,” you began, “You were jealous.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” Jason objected, “Why would I be jealous?”
“Because,” you drawled, walking closer to him, “You like me.”
Jason had backed up each time you walked to him, and before he knew it his back was hitting the door.
Fuck, he hated how much you affected him. You had him backed up against the fucking door, for fuck’s sake.
To get a semblance of power back, he stared at you straight in the eye, unblinking, and leaned closer to you.
“You wish,” he said coldly.
He noticed that your breath stuttered, and a blush creeped up your cheeks.
Then, he leaned back and smirked.
“Oh, no you don't,” you shook your head, “You think you can win this game, Todd?”
“Unlike you, I'm not playing a game.”
“But yes you are, Jay,” you placed your palms flat on his chest, “You’ve been playing hard to get with me.”
“Playing hard to get is only used when the other person actually wants you,” he scoffed.
He didn't know why, but he was sweating. His respiratory rate had gone up, and shit.
He could feel his dick getting filled up.
Maybe it was how close you were to him, maybe it was the fact that you were half naked in front of him with all the privacy he could have asked for.
Maybe it was the fact that it was you who had him in a corner instead of the other way round.
“I'm not a fucking idiot, Jay. Batman trained me, too. I've seen how you look at me and I’ve seen how you tried not to.”
“Your pupils dilate, your breathing gets faster, you start to sweat,” you went on, “And then suddenly you excuse yourself. You run away.”
Your hands went up to his shoulders, and your body was now against his, getting his clothes wet. He could smell the chlorine on you when you leaned into his ear and whispered.
“You fucking coward,” you breathed.
Jason's breath hitched and he had to squeeze his eyes shut. He pressed his palms against the door behind him to restrain himself from touching you, grabbing you, squeezing you, slapping you.
Jason knew he was fully hard now, because it was getting painful.
Suddenly, the pressure and heat of your body against his own disappeared. He opened his eyes.
But sucked in a breath when he saw that you were on your knees in front of him, eye level to his crotch, the tent in his pants mere inches away from your lips.
“What the fuck are you- mmpf,” he threw his head back, hitting the door.
You had gripped his shaft hard, sending a pulse of pleasure through his body.
No. Jason had to stop this. He couldn't go through with this. He shouldn't.
“You want me to suck your cock, Jay?” You purred.
Jason swallowed hard, just trying his best to restrain himself.
He remained silent for a beat. And then-
“Do whatever you want,” he managed to choke out.
You showed him a winning grin, and then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling down his jeans.
You started to mouth his length through the fabric of his boxers, getting it translucent with your spit. He had never been so horny in his entire life.
As much as Jason’s head was screaming at him, telling him to stop you, telling him how inappropriate it was, he didn’t have the strength to voice it out.
He wanted to tell you to stop teasing him, to hurry up and put your mouth around his cock already, but again, it was like he had lost his voice.
He was utterly conflicted, so he opt to just stay silent.
You hooked your fingers in the waistband of his briefs and then pulled it down, revealing his cock to you. He hissed slightly at the relief.
Jason wanted to remember your expression the minute you saw his cock forever, he wanted to burn it in his brain and immortalize it. Your eyes had gone rounder, your mouth popped open with a gasp, and your excitement grew.
“It’s everything that I’ve dreamed about and more,” you fluttered your eyes dramatically before gripping his shaft and licking one long, steady stripe from the base to his tip.
Jason bit his lip to muffle his groan.
You licked him again, and again, and then started to swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, tracing your tongue around the sulcus underneath his head.
Fuck, you were so fucking good at teasing him, and making him squirm.
He looked down at you, and you were looking up through your long lashes, eyes almost innocent. And then, you took him in his mouth, going all the way down.
“Fuck,” Jason gasped.
You immediately built a rhythm, the most perfect rhythm that he liked. It was suspicious how you knew his preference, and at the back of his head he made a mental reminder to check his room for hidden cameras.
You provided him with the right amount of tongue, the right amount of suction, the right amount of teeth gently grazing him from time to time that he swore could have drove him insane.
Your mouth was soft, and warm, and wet, and before he knew it, he was ready to fucking explode.
As if you were familiar with his expressions, you picked up the pace and started sucking even harder each time you bobbed your head. Jason felt his balls tighten, the heat spreading to his toes and making them tingle.
“Fuck- I’m gonna- I’m gonna-” he rasped.
And then he released with sudden explosion into your mouth, going through a sensory overdrive because as he was releasing, he could still feel you sucking him dry and swallowing.
When he was done, you released his cock with a pop and a grin.
Jason had to catch his breath for a while, because it was the best head he had ever received in his entire life, and he had managed to keep his hands off you the entire time.
“You made me jealous on purpose,” he panted.
“Duh,” you stood up after politely zipping him back up, putting your hands on your waist so fucking proudly, like a power stance.
“Where the hell did you learn how to suck cock that good?” he interrogated.
“You’ve lived in Titans Tower before,” you winked, “You should know.”
He didn’t like that. He didn’t like that statement and implication one bit.
“This can’t,” he started, “We can’t-”
“This can’t happen again?” you finished for him, rolling your eyes. “Typical. Just get over yourself already, Jason. It gets tiring.”
“I’m no good for you,” he avoided your eyes.
“You say that right after coming into my mouth,” you scoffed, “Sure.”
He clenched his jaw. You were right. He was trash for doing that to you, defiling you like that.
Jason must have let his emotions leak, because you suddenly added, “What I meant was, we’ve already crossed that line. We don’t have to go back to how it was before. I like you, Jason. And I know you like me, too.”
“That doesn’t matter,” he muttered, “This was a mistake. We can’t do this again. I’m sorry. Just stay away from me.”
He left.
He had avoided you for a long time after that.
Months went by, and he ignored your texts and your calls. Even the knockings outside his door. He had made sure to upgrade his security, with both Tim and Roy’s help so you couldn’t break in again.
When he went on patrols with everyone else, he made sure you couldn’t catch him alone, so he arrived at the very latest, and left at the very soonest, never exchanging more than a few words with you.
And every time, it killed him. He saw the hurt flash in your eyes every time he left quickly, he noticed that you had texted him less and less as the months went on, and eventually came to a complete stop.
You had even stopped calling him those weird, creative swear names that he loved so much.
Jason finally won. He had managed to get you to give up on him.
But hell did it make him feel like absolute shit.
Eight months had passed by, and he was getting ready for the event he had absolutely been dreading. It was your 18th birthday party that Bruce had used as an excuse to host a charity gala at the manor.
Jason thought it was a dick move for him to take advantage of your birthday for the sake of his own gain, but apparently you had been more than supportive over it, understanding Bruce’s position as one of Gotham’s elite.
He didn’t want to go. He couldn’t bear to face you again where you could pull him somewhere private to talk to him. But Dick and Tim had convinced him.
It was your birthday after all.
When he arrived, everyone was staring at him.
Well, he was wearing just a leather jacket over a black shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans after all.
“You couldn’t have dressed for the occasion, Jason?” he heard Tim approach him from behind.
Tim was sporting a suit, just like everyone else.
“Couldn’t be bothered,” he shrugged, “What’s the agenda?”
“Mingling, dinner, speeches, more mingling,” Tim listed down, “Typical charity ball. The others are at the tents. We should get going.”
“I’m the dead son, remember?” he pointed out, “I don’t need to sit with you guys.”
“We’ll introduce you as Dick’s boyfriend or something, come on,” Tim gestured.
“Oh, the media would love that,” Jason muttered under his breath and went along.
The banquet area was set outside in the backyard of the Manor, where tents with clear plastic canopies were propped up, decorated with fairy lights. Since it was spring, the weather was cool enough for suits and warm enough for strapless dresses.
The main tent had a stage where a band was playing classical music- typical tunes you would hear at any other fucking gala.
Each table seated ten, and Tim had brought Jason to a table closest to the stage where he saw Dick, Bruce, and you were already seated with four others. He recognized the Mayor, the Commissioner, Lucius Fox, and a middle aged woman with greying hair he didn’t recognize with who Jason presumed was her husband.
Jason avoided looking at you, but he knew that you were staring right at him. Tim took a seat, and Jason cursed softly when he realised that the only other seat available was in between you and Dick.
Looking straight ahead, he calmly sat down. From the corner of his eye and from a portion of what he could make out, he saw that you were wearing a midnight blue dress, and a silver bracelet around your wrist which you rested on the table.
Bruce had started to converse with the guests, and Dick and Tim were having a banter amongst themselves.
“Hey,” he heard your voice.
“Happy birthday,” he mumbled.
“Thanks,” you replied.
And that was that. The two of you remained silent, with Jason occasionally checking his phone and still avoiding looking at you.
“It’s time for our speech,” Jason heard Bruce whisper to you.
He heard you get up and shuffled to the stage. He was hardly paying attention during Bruce’s welcome speech.
“...and then, the woman of the hour, my lovely daughter,” Bruce introduced you. The audience broke out in applause. Jason still hadn’t turned your way.
“Hello, everyone,” he heard your uncharacteristically nervous and shy voice over the sound system. He took a sip of wine. “T-thank coming for you all- uh- I mean-”
The audience laughed, but not in mockery. Jason couldn’t help but look at you now.
He accidentally inhaled his wine, and ended up trying to cover his coughing fits.
Up on stage, where the spotlight was on you, he had noticed your midnight blue dress had small sparkling stars on them, making you seem like you were wearing the clear night sky. Your hair was done in a simple graceful updo, which exposed your neck that he noticed was flushed, a blush creeping up to your cheeks at your own embarrassment.
Your eyes were wide in panic, and you kept on playing with your thumbs subconsciously.
His breath stuttered, because he thought you were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on.
You were usually so snarky, so full of confidence, and wit with a mouth that could make a sailor blush- but there you were spluttering all over the microphone, a blushing mess. And hell, did that make Jason’s chest tighten in yearning for you.
“I’m sorry, I’m not used to crowds like my father is,” you tried to laugh it off, “Here, let’s try again.”
Despite your fumbles, you had a certain charm on stage that made everyone just like you.
“Thank you all for coming to my eighteenth birthday party,” you started, “I must admit, at first I wanted my party to be small and intimate. But I realised that this celebration could be used for something good instead.”
Another round of claps.
“I come from a very… humbling area in Gotham. I’m sure we’re all familiar with Crime Alley,” you stated, confidence growing as you got used to being on stage, “It was hard, living as a child in the streets. But I got lucky. Bruce Wayne found me.”
“Being the daughter of Bruce Wayne has taught me a lot about understanding and acknowledging my own privilege and using it to help others. Growing up there, myself and many other children were faced with the harsh reality of poverty and abandonment. Therefore, I would like to announce that I have started a foundation called Wayne’s Foundation for Children of Hope, where all proceeds will go to the development of Crime Alley.”
You paused and smiled at the flashing cameras of the media and waited for the applause to die down.
“Our first initiative is to build a home for lost children aged eighteen and under, to provide shelter, basic healthcare, food, and education. The primary goal of these shelters is to help kids find a place where they belong, and to help set them back on the right track. These kids also have the option to maintain anonymity for cases that involve abusive environments.”
Jason was looking at you in awe. You were standing proudly at the podium, graceful in your posture, a fierce intensity in your eyes- all previous nervousness completely gone.
Next to him, Dick leaned in and whispered, “It was all her idea, you know. Every single plan for this foundation, even the future plans she hadn’t mentioned. All hers.”
Jason remained silent and watched as you continued your speech.
“But the truth is,” you smiled sadly, “It’s still not enough. The situation in a lot of areas in Gotham is painfully swept under the rug. But hopefully with this, people like us can make things a little better for them. If you’d like to donate to the foundation, it would mean a lot to me, and to the other kids who had to grow up too fast.”
You made eye contact with Jason at that last statement, causing his heart to suddenly drum faster.
The crowd broke in a loud applause and you thanked them graciously, waving as you stepped down from the podium to take your seat.
This time, Jason didn’t take his eyes off you.
“That was great!” Tim gave you a thumbs up, “You did great!”
“Well done,” Dick grinned.
Jason took your hand and gave it a little squeeze, just smiling at you in silence. You looked at him with obvious shock, and then grinned back.
“Beautiful, Ms. Wayne,” the Mayor sitting across from you beamed, “You’ve taken after your father’s charms.”
“Thank you, Mr. Mayor,” you nodded, “But I’d like to think that my charms are my own.”
Jason had to bite back a laugh when he saw the man turn red.
He was somehow more relaxed now, even sparing occasional glances at you as you conversed with others. The dance floor was now open, and the guests had left their seats to mingle with others. The MC also announced that the bar was open.
“That’s my cue,” Jason winked at you, and then went straight to the bar to get himself something strong. From there, he just leaned back and watched how the disgustingly rich people made themselves feel better about themselves by donating the occasional couple of million dollars. Soon enough, he got sick of the pearls and diamond earrings, the solid gold watches.
He checked his own battered and scratched Swiss Army watch he had lifted from a drug lord many years ago. He should be going back soon. It wasn’t like he was needed there anyway. He had already wished you and made peace.
“What do you think?” he heard your voice approach him.
He turned and saw you come up next to him.
“Too fancy for my taste,” he started, “Looks like it took you a whole hour just to get into the damn thing. And those shoes? Looks like the crowbar was less painful than walking around in that.”
It took you a couple of seconds before realising that he was talking about your outfit.
“I meant the foundation, you fucknugget,” you hissed.
“Be careful there, sweetheart,” he raised an eyebrow, “Don’t want these people hearing you speak like that. You’ll lose your charm.”
“I don’t know how Bruce does it,” you shook your head, “It’s so exhausting.”
Jason hummed back at you as a comfortable silence fell. The two of you leaning back against the bar and just watching the crowd.
“I think it’s a great idea,” he finally said.
“Thanks,” you pursed your lips, “I kept on thinking of you, you know? When we were coming up with the plans. Was wondering what you would think of it.”
“You’re making it sound like I’m the only one from there.”
“Well, you’re the only one who would understand,” you explained, “The others, of course they empathized. But they wouldn’t understand. Not like how you and I do.”
And Jason realised that it was that factor that probably drew you close to him when you first came to them, the fact that Jason understood at more than just a superficial level how shit your life was before coming to the manor. It was a painful past that only the two of you shared, and only the two of you could talk about.
Silence fell again.
“I’m sorry,” you suddenly brought up.
“For what?” he frowned.
“For making you uncomfortable for so long,” you whispered, “I don’t know why I did it. I guess I liked your reactions. And I guess I just wanted your attention. And during that pool party- I- I thought-”
Jason waited for you to finish your sentence.
“Nevermind,” you looked away, “Forget it. I just wanted to say sorry. I crossed the line. After you stopped talking to me, I just. I don’t want that. So I’ll stop, okay? You don’t have to avoid me anymore.”
He turned around to face you.
“I stopped talking to you not because I was mad at you,” he told you, “I stopped talking to you because I was mad at myself.”
You faced him with curious eyes.
“I thought- well- fuck,” it was Jason’s turn to splutter. He took a deep breath and started again. “I thought that it was a real shit move for me to do what I did to you.”
“Wait, what?” you questioned, “What you did to me?”
“Yeah,” he grumbled, “You know. That.”
“Jason, I was the one who practically jumped you,” you scoffed, “I basically forced it on you. Why are you blaming yourself?”
“Force me? Pfftsh, you couldn’t force me to do anything.”
“I liked it, okay?” he threw his arms up, “I didn’t stop you because I liked it, and I shouldn’t have liked it. I was taking advantage of you. It was wrong of me to do so.”
“God, you’re so fucking stupid,” you laughed, “I’ve been pining over you since Bruce told me you were… You know who.”
You lowered your voice.
“Want to talk inside?” he offered.
“Good idea,” you agreed.
The two of you made your way past the garden and into the manor.
“Is it okay for the birthday girl to disappear from her own party?” he smirked when he closed the door to Bruce’s study, which was the nearest room that offered privacy.
“Oh, please,” you waved your hand and sat on Bruce’s desk, “The whole party was never about me. I’m just another excuse for those cuntflaps to show off their new diamonds.”
He chuckled. “Anyway, you were saying? Something about Bruce telling me I was Red Hood?”
“Yeah,” you bit your lip in nervousness, “I’ve had a crush on you since then.”
Jason knew that you obviously had a crush on him, especially because of the neverending teasing and seductions, but he didn’t know it stemmed from that long ago.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I remember thinking to myself, like wow. This is the guy who killed them. And you know what? You looked exactly like how I thought you would.”
“What? How so?”
“Huge,” you started, “Scars everywhere. Grouchy as hell.”
“I’m not as grouchy as Bruce,” he defended himself.
“Still,” you chuckled, “You looked exactly like how I imagined my hero to look.”
“Super hot, sexy, and good looking?” he joked.
He had expected you to roll your eyes and throw an insult at him, but you just tightened your lips and looked away.
“Look, k- sweetheart,” he stopped himself from calling you a kid. From what he saw on the stage earlier, you were already so much better than he was. “I’m going to be honest, alright? And you better damn well appreciate it, because I’m never honest.”
You giggled softly. He walked to stand in front of you at the desk.
“I think you’re great,” he stated, “And I think you’re beautiful, and sexy. And…”
He hesitated, thinking of whether or not to continue.
Fuck it. He might as well.
“And I like you,” he forced out, “More than you know. Fuck, I like you. I like you so much it fucking hurts sometimes.”
You looked up at him with hopeful, glistening eyes.
“But I’m no good for you,” he repeated what he said all those months ago, “I can never do what you just did. Start a fucking charity on your birthday and announce it to the world as if it was nothing. Fuck, I don’t think I should even be seen walking around next to you when you look like that. I’m a fucking mess, sweetie. You don’t want that.”
He saw as you digest what he had just said. Then, you looked up at him and asked, “What do you think I want?”
“What do I think?” he repeated.
You nodded.
“I think you should be with someone who’s closer to your age, for one,” he rolled his eyes, “And someone who doesn’t have scars all over their face. Someone who isn’t grouchy. Someone charming who can stand next to you on stage wearing a proper suit and tie.”
“You’re right,” you nodded, “I should be with someone like that.”
Jason felt a pang in his chest at your agreement.
“But I don’t want to be with someone like that,” you continued, “I want to be with someone who was ready to hunt down and hurt the people who terrorized me for years. I want to be with someone whose face is littered with scars as proof that they went through just as much shit as I did and survived.”
You hopped from the desk and stood up straight, stretching your hand up to cup Jason’s face. He leaned into the warmth of your caress, his breath hitching at the close contact. His hands automatically went to rest on your waist, still respectfully high.
“I want you, Jason,” you whispered, pulling him down to your lips, “I want someone who can handle my bites.”
To demonstrate, you sucked in his lower lip, eliciting a low moan from him.
And then you bit down hard.
He gasped at the stinging pain, and then sighed when you massaged his lip with yours. Heat suddenly spread throughout his body, particularly at his member which was growing hard fast. He could smell the wine on your breath that you must have snuck a few sips from, the vanilla lotion you always wore, and a new particularly enticing perfume that you must have gotten for the occasion.
“I want someone who can call me a little bitch straight to my face,” Jason felt you grin against his lips.
The two of you were kissing now, harsh and forceful, as if deprived of touch. Fuck, he loved how you were nipping at his lips and his tongue, tugging his hair lightly.
Both of you gasped for air, and just stood there foreheads against each other, his erection pressed against your stomach, your hands around his neck.
“I want someone who is resourceful enough to enhance his home security to make sure I don’t break in and fuck myself with his weapons again,” you chuckled.
“Was it…” he started, “Was it loaded?”
“You bet it was,” you smiled.
“Fuck,” he swore and then crashed his lips against yours again. He lifted you up to sit on the desk, and then stood in between your open thighs. At the slightly elevated level, he could properly grind his erection against your pussy, still covered by your dress.
“You liked that?” you giggled, “I thought you weren’t into that. I got a bit worried.”
“Hell yeah, I liked that,” he rasped, “What kind of sane man wouldn’t?”
He started to nibble on the skin on your neck, sucking and biting and licking
“I’m pretty sure not everyone is into the thought of fucking a loaded gun into a pussy,” you laughed, “Which proves my point. You and me? We’re perfect, Jay- fuck, don’t leave any marks, dumbass.”
“Point taken, baby.”
“Mmm, call me that again,” you moaned.
He stopped nibbling on your neck, brought his eyes to yours, and with a defiant smirk, he said, “No.”
It was like Jason saw the switch in you flick on, because you suddenly pushed him away aggressively. He stumbled, not expecting it.
“Oh, you think you’re in control, Todd?” you purred, twisting your fists in his leather jacket. You were shorter than him, and your frame much smaller. But Jason just loved the authority that radiated from you.
“You think you’re the one who has power over me?” you drawled, pulling him to the side where Bruce had set up a leather sofa and a coffee table.
“When all this while, I’m the one who had you wrapped around my finger?” you snarled, and then pushed him down on the sofa.
Before Jason could even register what was happening, you were already on top of him, straddling him. He looked up at you, the pressure of your weight on his crotch making him pant with want.
“So are you going to call me baby again?” you asked sweetly, tugging at his jacket to remove it.
“Maybe in due time,” he gasped when you bit the flesh that connected his neck and shoulder hard.
Fuck, he was throbbing in his pants.
You took off his shirt and ran your hand down his body. Jason smirked when he saw you bite your lip as you took in his figure.
He still had a bit of fight left in him, and he wasn’t going to beg.
“Why must you be so stubborn, Todd?” you breathed, teeth catching at his earlobe and biting. You were rocking your hips against his erection, and he swore that if you didn’t take it out, he was going to rip a hole in his pants with it.
“H-hey, you’ve always been the pushy one,” he stuttered.
“That’s because I like to get what I want,” you pinched his nipples hard.
“Fuck!” he yelped at the sudden pain, and then glared at you as you just grinned cheekily. “I don’t know why I never took you for a sadist before this.”
“Because you’re an idiot, Jay,” you teased, “All I did was torture you.”
“Yes, you did,” he rested his hands on your hips, motioning for you to grind on him harder, “You made me so fucking hard on purpose, and then I had to go back and jerk off to you, which made it worse because I felt so fucking guilty after.”
“That was your own fault,” you frowned. You were finally, finally unbuckling his belt. “You saw me as a kid when I wasn’t.”
“You were still underaged, you brat,” he laughed, “It didn’t matter if you were wise beyond your years- ah, fuck yeah.”
You had finally unzipped him, releasing him from the constraints of his denim.
“Take everything off for me, Jay,” you demanded, sitting up on your knees to give him room to do so.
He listened to you happily, glad to be rid of his clothes. His cock slapped against his lower abdomen, already leaking so much precum.
“Why am I the only one naked?” he voiced out his displeasure.
“Because it took me twenty minutes to get into this dress, and I’m not undressing for anyone before the night is over,” you announced.
“But, baby,” he pouted, rejoicing at how he made your breath hitch, and rested his chin between your breasts, “I want to see your tits.”
You frowned and bit your lip as you looked down at him, considering his plea. He made a mental reminder that you must like dirty talk.
“Then make sure you don’t go home so early tonight,” you managed to choke out.
Jason thought that you also must have liked to be the submissive one, as well.
You leaned into him and kissed him again, this time less rough. He moaned into your mouth, slipping his tongue in as he grabbed your hips and tried to rub his cock against your pussy, underneath your dress. He gasped when he felt that you were already bare, and leaking.
“What happened to your- your panties?” he rasped.
“Long gone,” you winked.
“Fuck, you fucking nymph,” he chuckled, and then groaned when you started to slide the head of his cock between your wet lips.
“Jason, I’ve wanted your cock so bad,” you muttered into his ear as you rubbed your slick all over his length, “You’ve no idea how many times I’ve fucked myself with- with whatever I could find, pretending it was you.”
“Fuck, baby,” he whined, throwing his head back against the couch. Your dirty mouth was doing so many things to him, he was worried that he was going to come right there and then.
“After that time I sucked you off?” you continued, “All I wanted was to choke on it, Jay. I just want your dick in my throat.”
You lifted your hips and sank down onto him. Both of you groaned lowly in pleasure. Fuck, you were so tight, and warm, and wet, and oh so soft.
“Ah! Jason!” you cried out when he bottomed out, “Fuck, I’m going to feel you for fucking days.”
“Shit, baby,” he choked, “Baby, please. Please, move.”
“You want me to move?” you teased.
“Yes,” he whispered.
“How would you like me to move, Jay?” you smiled.
“Any- I don’t care-”
“Nice, and slow like this?” you lifted your hips up, and Jason could feel the torturously slow drag of your walls against his shaft, even as you sanked back down you were slow.
“Hnng- fuck-” Jason mewled, lost for words. “Please.”
It was all he could say.
“Or hard and fast like this?” you slammed your hips down, and started bouncing on his cock at a brutal pace that knocked his breath out.
“Fuck!” he yelled, “Fuck, baby, fuck!”
You weren’t being any softer as well. Through tear-filled hazy eyes, Jason saw your eyes fluttered close in pleasure, your mouth falling open as you cried out wanton moans, and gasped, and groaned for him.
“Jason! Fuck, Jay, fuck!”
He couldn’t take it anymore.
He gripped your hips hard, and then started to fuck himself up into you, matching your pace, making you fucking scream.
He could feel your walls tighten around his cock, the same time you started whining, “Jason, Jason, I’m gonna- I’m gonna-”
“Me too, sweetheart, me too,” he gasped.
“Come inside me, Jason, please!” you sobbed.
“Just- just- please, please, please,” you squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back.
Jason felt your pussy clench tight onto him, triggering his own orgasm. He released inside you while still fucking you hard, trying to prolong both of your highs.
Soon, he was oversensitive, the feeling of your walls almost painful. You calmed down, still panting above him, and he just couldn’t help but stare at you in amazement.
“Holy shit,” you giggled above him, “Holy shit, that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Uh- I,” he panicked, “I came inside of you, fuck!”
“I’m on the pill, don’t worry,” you smiled, “Fuck, I just. I just wanted to walk around after this with my panties soaked in your cum.”
“How the fuck are you eighteen and already so fucking kinky,” he groaned.
You only laughed and slowly lifted yourself off of him. He hissed at the movement, feeling hypersensitive at every touch.
You went to look for your panties, which Jason noticed were a lacy black, and then put them on under your dress.
He was still sprawled out on the sofa naked, sweaty, and well spent.
“I also didn’t want any of your spunk to get on my dress,” you told him.
“S’pretty dress,” he mumbled back to you.
“You should get dressed, Jay,” you walked towards him, hands on your hips.
“Do I need to get back out there?” he complained, “Can’t I just wait in your room?”
“If you get dressed and attend the party, I’ll let you fuck me with one of your guns,” you promised.
“Really?” his eyes widen, and then he jumped back up to put on his clothes.
“I gotta tell you something, though,” you started.
“What is it?” he hummed, tucking his black shirt into his jeans.
“The safety was on,” you said, “On the gun, I mean. It was loaded, but the safety was on.”
“Oh, baby,” he looked at you seriously, “If you told me the safety was off, I would have shot you myself for being so stupid.”
You giggled.
He gave you his arm. “Shall we?”
“Yes, we shall,” you took it. “By the way.”
“Are you going to switch back to a more lax security?”
“And have you breaking in again? You wish, kid.”
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bokutosweets · 3 years
Hold Onto You w/ Kuroo
warnings: angst, gn!reader, happy ending
an: ive never written angst but i am sad rn
You and Kuroo rarely ever fought. Most of the time when you two did, it would always end with laughter, none of the bickering ever being serious. But when it was serious it stressed him out more then he’ll ever admit.
You were one of the only things in his life that he was always sure would be permanent. Deep down though he couldn’t help but be afraid that a few careless words would be what took you away from him. That’s why he was always sure to listen, to hear what you have to say, and to get it resolved as quickly and as peacefully as possible. However, this fight was different. It was worse and not so easily fixed.
There had been some tension over the past fee days. The volleyball season had just started up again, which meant Kuroo was at work later than usual. The two of you had always had your own way of managing this together, but he was just so much more busy than he had been in the past. He was coming home tired and late all week, and you found it hard to reach him. He made promises to you that it was just a one time thing and that it wouldn’t happen tomorrow night. And he had every intention on keeping those promises, but his job made it impossible.
You knew it wasn’t his fault but it was just so hard being so suddenly knocked out of your routine. You wanted your time with him back. When he got home late again, around 11pm, he arrived to you waiting in the living room. It’s not like you were trying to start a fight, but both of your voices gradually got louder until the whole thing erupted into something so much bigger. In the end, Kuroo had nothing left to say to you, which resulted in you sitting on the porch.
Almost 45 minutes had passed and you were still out there. It was 12:22 and Kuroo had only just now gotten a chance to take off his jacket and tie. Anything else had to wait until he figured out a way to make things right with you. He dropped himself onto the couch with his face in his hands. He hated fighting with you. Raising his voice at you. It made him feel horrible, causing a harsh empty feeling in his stomach. To see you so upset with him put a lump in his throat.
He stepped outside of the door to see you resting your head on your knees that you had pulled up into a chair. When you heard him come out, you lowered your legs but made no move to get up. You didn’t even spare him a look. For a moment he just stood there. There was a horrible silence that had settled between you. He looked at his shoes before he sighed and approached you. You were still looking at the ground.
He longed for you to look at him. To look him in the eyes even if it was with anger. He kneeled down in front of you and spoke much gentler than he had before.
“Kitten…y/n I’m so sorry. You were right about before. I know that for the past few days I haven’t been home much…”
Slowly, he watched you raise your head and he could finally see your eyes. They were red from being rubbed at too much, a bad habit that he was usually around to stop. He saw also that your cheeks were damp. He sighed and placed his hands on your knees.
“I don’t want things to be like this either. There’s nothing more that I want at the end of the day than to come home to you. I know how hard this is for us and I shouldn’t have yelled at you for it…I’m sorry. Please work with me through this.”
The tears that you were trying to keep in started to come out again. You put your hands in his and apologized as well.
“I’m sorry too, Tetsu. This is just as hard for you- I shouldn’t have- have yelled either.” You didn’t want to but you started to cry even harder, small sobs coming from your mouth.
Kuroo lifted you out of the chair, sitting down himself and placing you in his lap. He held your hand as you cried into the side of his neck.
“Shh..shh. It’s okay, love. It’s okay.”
Every fight and argument couldn’t always end with laughs, but as long as they were the only thing ending, Kuroo would be okay with it.
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ghostiesimpilton · 3 years
Pt 2 Of Are You Gonna Cry?
Fluff +angst at first
930 words
Based off of  pebble brain by love joy
Ive had most of this written when i posted the first part but thanks to christmas brake i got mottivation to finnally finnish it 
Later that afternoon Y/N and the guys went down to Nick's apartment, it was actually quite a nice place, it had a pretty good view, it was close to everything, and for a london apartment it was for the most part cheep, of course he might not be able to afford it now that Y/N is not paying most of the rent. She walked up to the door and knocked. “Well isn't it the queen and her entourage” Nick pouted, Y/N, and maybe even a few of the guys could tell he’d been crying. They’d almost feel bad if they didn't know what he put Y/Nthrough for the past three years. “ Can you please just give us her stuff so we can leave'' Simon piped up “ I'M NOT GIVING HER SHIT TILL SHE LETS ME TALK TO HER'' There were many objections from the guys but all Y/N said was a small, but strong “ alright” “ I already gathered her things in boxes  by the way” Nick replied scarily calm”you lot can just grab em’ while we talk'' the two walked down the small hallway as the guys gathered boxes from around the flat. “ ya know I can't really blame you for falling for Harry'' Nick chuckled off puttingly “ but I miss when it was us kissing in the back seat of MY car” Y/Ns stomach dropped, she quickly tried to get away, but was slammed back against the wall by Nick. The sound alerted JJ, who wasn't really helping the guys, and quickly ran over punching Nick in the nose, most likely breaking it. Harry also ran over trying to comfort Y/N. “ I can smell her FUCKING perfume on you, you fucking bastard, did you do more then kiss her in youre car” Nick said, blood gushing out of his nose. No one said anything, afew of the guys helped Nick onto his couch and made sure he stayed there, Y/N and Harry did a final sweep of the flat, finding a few pairs of underwear and shirts left in the dresser, whether he left those on purpose or not it still freaked both of them out. They walk out of the bedroom listening to a conversation between the guys. “ Nick really, how can you look at yourself and not want to hit yourself like c'mon man” JJ said practically laughing “ you can't blame me really” “ yeah you kinda put this on yourself dickwad” Ethan said, the rest of the boys erupting in laughter. Y/N looked at the guys and they got the message all grabbed something and began walking out, Harry being the last one in line flipped Nick off before hastily closing the door. “Just put them in the car, me and Harry can take it all into his flat ourselves.” Y/N said. “OoO living at Harry's,” Simon mocked. Y/N shoulder checked him, almost knocking boxes out of both their arms, “Hey now!” he replied in a joking manner.
As Y/N and Harry were carrying boxes into the flat, Harry asked “ Hey would you maybe want to be part of the next sidemen shoot?” “Yeah of course” Y/N replied swiftly “YES” Harry looked so excited Y/N couldn't help but smile at the goofy man. “Bog?” “yeah” “I love you” “I love you too Y/N'' the pair touched their foreheads together smiling, suddenly Harry pulled Y/Nin for a kiss. It was a very beautiful moment until, “well well well what do we have here”, “FREEZY KNOCK NEXT TIME!” Harry snapped “ WHAT DO YOU MEAN KNOCK THIS IS THE FUCkING KITCHEN BOG” Cal snapped back “and i would really like a snack so if you two could take this to your room that would be great” Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Y/Ns hand and scampered up the stairs to his room. Almost immediately they began making out; they stumbled over Y/Ns unpacked boxes trying to reach the bed. They made out for a few more minutes before deciding they were done for now. “ let's unpack your stuff now that you're home” harrold said “ I think that's just a wonderful idea bog” Y/N replied they beagan unpacking boxes harry occasionally making fun of Y/N shirts and or stuffed animals “ Y/NN you are just so cute” Harry said adorably “ well obviously” Y/N smugly replied Harry ran over and picked her up from behind her legs flailing “HARROLD LET ME DOWN” She said giggling “ NOT TILL YOU STOP BEING ARROGANT PRINCESS” Harry said trying not to laugh (and ultimately failing) He then proceed to carry her over to his bed and threw her onto it. Then jumping in himself. They were both laughing messes. Harry opened his phone to check the time. “ holy shit!” “ what” Y/N responded at the end of her giggles “its fuckin 2 am” “ HAVE WE REALLY BEEN AT THIS FOR THAT LONG” Y/N replied absolutely amazed.
 “ I guess we should be getting to bed then, '' Harry said looking lovingly at Y/N. “ I guess we should,” Y/N replied, smiling giddily at him. Harry turned off the lights and they both snuggled into bed together. Y/N fell asleep first of course, hugging Harry as if she was going to lose him. Harry never wanted this moment to end, he was in pure bliss. He loves soft breaths on his chest, the feeling she gives him. At that moment it was solidified that he would do absolutely anything for her. With this thought he slowly drifted to sleep, ready for whatever life had to throw at him, knowing that she’d be right there by his side.
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thrndlngs · 3 years
three times shinsou misses the opportunity to kiss you + the one time he seized the moment.
── pairing, shinsou x fem!prohero!reader ── request: x times shinsou wants to kiss fem reader??? pLZ I NEED IT ── author’s note: this was super dope & cute to write. tysm for sending this in. i hope i did this justice and it wasn’t to out of character.  also reader has a water quirk & the two of you are in your early twenties.  ♡ 
     "'toshi,” you whispered, chest against his as the two of you currently hid from the group of villains. your two agencies had partnered up in attempt to take down a new gang of villains who were transporting drugs from the city to the waters, the two of you were partnered because of how the two of you excelled in your respective agencies, shinsou was sent to aid in your patrols of the waters  ──  which is why the two of you are currently hiding in a storage closet on a ship. 
  “shut up.” you don’t take it to heart, you’re sure he means it as nicely as possible - he just lacks a few pages in the ‘vocabulary’ department. 
  “we need to do something.” you tell him, trying your best to meet his gaze in the tight space (which was nearly impossible because he’s towering over you at the moment). he doesn’t reply, not at first at least, if you looked hard enough you would probably see the gears in his head turning. 
  “──stop talking, it’s distracting me.” 
  your mouth quickly shuts, fidgety hands are now at your side, you were starting to get antsy and there was practically little to no room to move around without being heard - or seen for that matter. 
  “they switch the guards every ten minutes, in the middle of the switch, we run.” the purple haired male explained, taking a peak at the time on his cellphone. the two of you had to endure this for three more minutes. just three more minutes and you would be free.
  “three minutes,” you repeated, more to confirm this for yourself. you’re sure you wouldn’t last that long, after all, this was shinsou, the male you’ve had a crush on for quite some time now. how were you expected to last that long?
  “──think of it like seven minutes of heaven.”
  “we haven’t played that since── “
  “yeah, yeah i know, but just think of it like that. don’t think about the closet, just the game.” 
  you nodded quickly, meeting his gaze as the two of you stood there in silence. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about kissing him. it seemed like the perfect moment - it was just the two of you. if it were the last day on earth, you at least wanted to go out with a bang. you know?
  “let me get comfortable, you can do the same after.” you watched as he places either hands besides your head, slouching a bit against the wall so his back could have some sort of support. he nods to you, signaling for you to do the same. 
  it takes you a moment, the position shinsou is currently in causes your heart to skip just a few beats. were you disappointed in yourself for letting your mind drift.. elsewhere during a mission? for sure. did you care right now? absolutely not.
  you cleared your throat, widening your stance and trying to balance the weight in between your legs to help ease some of the weight  ──  but there wasn’t really much you could do.
  “two minutes.” 
   this had to be the longest three minutes of your life.
   “i think i just tasted my own sweat.” he complained. it feels like he’s sweating in places he shouldn’t produce sweat in.
  “i feel like a fish out of water,” you added.
  “──gonna start passing out if i don’t throw you in the water soon?”
  “says the one whose sweating to death.” 
  “and you’re dehydrated. guess we’re both shit out of luck aren’t we?”
  “yeah, but, i think this isn’t the worst way to die.” 
  he takes another peak at his cellphone, noting that there’s a minute left before the two of you could finally get out of this damn storage closet. “you’ve got a minute to tell me anything worse than dying like this.” 
  in hindsight ── there’s a lot that could happen in a minute, that’s the only reason you said something to begin with. “alone, i could die in this closet, alone and then you know, it would be lonely.” 
 “are you serious?” 
  “oh come on! that’s pretty serious!”
  “it ── it really isn’t,” he’s trying to laugh as quietly as possible and you playfully slapped him in his shoulder. 
 “okay, well, i wouldn’t want to die alone.”
  “mhm, scaredy cat.” his smile is infectious and for a moment, he forgets that the two of you are stuck in a storage closet. maybe now would be the perfect time to kiss you, when it’s just the two of you, waiting to make your grand escape, when the two of your are just centimeters apart. 
  “now’s our chance,” he whispered, straightening himself to get out first just in case. he doesn’t want to act off of impulses. if he kisses you, he wants to make sure it’s because you want him too.
     “good to see you when you’re not acting like a goldfish who just hopped out of it’s bowl.” the familiar voice teased from behind you, hands folded behind his head. if it were anyone else, you might have tripped them.
  “──don’t you have to go buy hair dye now or something?”
  “no that was after i made sure a fisherman didn’t take you on the way home.”
  “is this what do you do on your spare time? think of jokes that revolve around my quirk?”  
  he rolls his shoulder lazily, leaning against the apartment railing across from your front door. “they come naturally, no extra thinking required.”
  “and here i thought all the hair dye went to your brain.”
   this wasn’t out of the norm for the two of you, he would make the first jab and then you would follow suit. sometimes, the bickering could go on for hours  ──  regardless of task at hand (like the time the two of you were trying to detain a villain and shinsou had told the woman you were a water sprite), it’s an old nickname of yours, he had given it to you back at the sports festival when you were kids. you had earned it when you had almost drown mineta because he wouldn’t stop making inappropriate jokes and you had brought the entire water fountain down on him. 
  as the two of you stood there in silence, you, had your back against your door, hands folded behind you while he stood parallel, arms against his chest he wonders: is this the time he kisses you goodnight? 
  “d’ya want to come inside? i have leftovers? we could pull an all nighter like we used to do back in the dorms?” there’s a hint of hopefulness in your eyes and he would feel like absolute shit if he declined the offer.
  “only because you have food.” 
  he doesn’t kiss you goodnight then. and he doesn’t kiss you goodnight when you fall asleep on his shoulder after the second horror movie either. if you were anyone else, he would’ve left without a care in the world, but it’s you and you are different. 
  so he stays and tells himself that tomorrow will be a new day and tomorrow, he can try again.
     “i don’t dance,” shinsou tells you as you so desperately tried to bring him onto the dance floor. it’s a hero’s gala, everyone from your respective classes at U.A. were here, pro heroes from all around the world and some of your old instructors as well  ──  these aren’t his thing, you know that. you remember his attitude during the first two hours of the third year’s ‘goodbye party’ - not much had changed. he’s taller, a bit more handsomer and smiles more often. 
  “you do tonight, come on.” while you had dragged him by one hand, the other desperately tried to loosen his tie because it feels like he’s suffocating. 
  “──you’ll be the death of me woman.” he’s mumbling under his breath, one hand resting in yours as the other found its place at your waist.
  “because i asked you to dance? might i say this is on your list of horrible ways to die?” you teased, offering him that infectious smile that makes him go weak in his knees. he hates to admit the pull you have on him  ──  he might even go as far as saying you might have him wrapped around that finger of yours and you don’t even know it yet.
  “if it’s by your hands i would say it’s a merciful death.”
  “a merciful death? i’ll keep that in mind.” 
  “don’t test your luck,” you know he’s only messing with you  ──  
  you’re to busy enjoying the moment to think of some witty comeback. it’s something about the way your hand seems to fit perfectly in his. or how the two of you are able to move in sync without any words spoken in between the two of you that’s driving you insane.
  if you would’ve told your past self that you would be slow dancing with the hitoshi shinsou at a hero’s gala while the world around you disappeared you would’ve laughed at the idea. it would’ve seem silly to you  ──  stupid even. shinsou and you weren’t rivals like you and bakugou were, but, you had always found yourself trying to one up him. 
  yet here you were, swaying to the slow tune as you managed to snake your arms around his midsection and rest a head against his chest. maybe this was his chance: with the little distance in between the two of you, dim lighting and dressed to the nines. surely, this would be a good memory to relive later down the road wouldn’t it? 
  but he wanted to savor the moment. so he decides it against it  ── despite the ache in his chest.
     "we did it.” shinsou muses, an awkward hand offered in your direction for you to shake. it’s been six months but your agencies had finally shut down the smuggling operation and you could finally take the break you had so desperately needed. you weren’t sure what to do with the outstretched hand, but, you give in anyways, resting your hand in his as he gave it a firm shake.
  “pleasure doing business with you.” you tell him, lips curving into a bittersweet smile. teasing, bickering and ‘playful’ sparring aside, you were going to miss him. you were used to patrolling and doing missions on your own but this was different. 
  “try not to end up on the other side of fishing hook, yeah?” it’s his way of telling you to be careful in shinsou’s teasing nature.
  “make sure i’m the one to grant you the merciful death.” please be careful, is what you want to say. though you couldn’t bring yourself to say it aloud - if you did, it would only confirm that you care about the purple haired pro hero more than you should. 
  he shakes his head with a laugh, “you’re the only one who gets the satisfaction.” 
  “it better stay that way ‘toshi.” 
  he doesn’t know for certain if your agencies would cross paths again. your agency was closer to the waters and he was closer in the city, the chance that you would run into one another again would be slim to none. 
 he clears his throat for a moment, retreating his hand from yours and placing them at your waist instead. he’s pictured this a thousand times but now that he’s in the moment he couldn’t manage to find the right words. it’s frustrating, really.
  “──hi.” you’re holding your breath in anticipation, was this another one of his games? was he going to kiss you? tell you a secret? use his capture weapon and tell you that he’s not letting you go until you admit something embarrassing?
  he doesn’t care anymore. doesn’t care if it makes him look like a love sick idiot when he kisses you like it’s the last thing he’s about to do before he dies, he doesn’t care if anyone’s watching or for the wrinkles you’ll cause since you’ve got a fistful of his shirt in a desperate attempt to close whatever little distance the two of you had between you. 
  you pull away first causing him to pout (which was actually cute but you’d never give him the satisfaction of knowing that) but you do laugh.
  “you know,” he muses, a hand reaching up to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly, a habit you hadn’t seen in years. “──i didn’t want to let you walk away without something to remember, my little water sprite.” 
  you rolled your eyes at the choice of nickname but were flattered nonetheless, your own arms finding their way around his neck, “who said i was walking away?”
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luminnara · 3 years
It’s Been a Long, Long Time | Ch 6
Summary:  When HYDRA had their prized asset, the Winter Soldier, they did something no one ever thought was possible: they gave super soldier serum to an omega. With the sole purpose of tending to him during his ruts, she spends decades living in HYDRA facilities, denied her humanity and her life. Now, years later, Bucky Barnes has his mind and his own life back...and the last thing he ever expects is to see a familiar omega again. Bucky/OC, a little angsty but mostly smutty/fluffy/romantic!
Part One | ... | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Tags:  @kyrah-williams @oceanmermaidwitch @shawnie--jo @super-cape @ferxaniti @namjoonwatcheshentai @fandomsstolemylife00 @youngblood199456 @nightlygiggless @darlingely @ bluemoon-icecream @kaz11283 @jenjen8675309 @dollfacev8 @witchinpractice @mystical-b3ar @sukeraa
Bucky refused to leave the omega’s side while she stayed in the lab. Bruce had to stop him from trying to crawl onto the bed with her, and after about the third time, he convinced the super soldier to just pull up a chair like a civilized person and hold her hand while she drifted off to sleep again. Now that she was with her alpha, she had settled down for another nap, more interested in resting than answering any more questions so long as Bucky stayed and kept an eye on her. 
Steve had to admit, it was endearing. He had never seen his friend so absolutely enraptured like this. Whenever the omega, or Ten, as Bruce was still calling her, shifted in her sleep, Bucky’s eyes were snapping over to make sure that she was okay. Whenever she let out a little whimper, he was purring and stroking her hair. Whenever she seemed like she might wake up again, his attention was completely on her.
“So...sure you don’t remember her?” Steve asked, pulling up a chair. He had left for a few hours to work out, and after a lack of updates from FRIDAY, he headed back down to check on everything. They were exactly as he had left them, which was a good sign. At least nothing was getting out of hand. 
Bucky shrugged, rubbing the back of the omega’s hand with his thumb. “I dunno. It’s...foggy.”
“Well, it seems to me like you’ve either got a history together, or she’s mistaking you for someone else.” Steve said. “Quite frankly, it’s hard to do the latter.”
“I’ve dreamt of her.” Bucky said quietly. 
“It’s not much, but...I’ve seen her face.” Bucky looked down at her. “I think that no matter how many times HYDRA wiped my memory, she’s always been in there. Kinda like the one constant that was always around, the one thing I could always count on being in the base with me.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Steve asked.
“Never knew if she was real or not.” Bucky sighed. “I thought...maybe she was just something my mind made up to fill some of the gaps. But she smells exactly like I remember.”
Steve sat back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his friend. Bucky wasn’t snarling anymore, most of his attention trained on the omega while she slept. Now that he was close to her, he had calmed down significantly, though he still wouldn’t let Steve within five feet of her bed. 
“Just got off the phone with Tony,” Bruce announced, walking in. “He and Pepper will be back tonight. Pepper’s having some clothes and personal items delivered for our new omega friend here. They also asked about renovating a more permanent room for her, but I, uh...told them I wasn’t exactly sure what the situation would be.”
“She’s staying with me,” Bucky said immediately. 
“Now hang on, hang on,” Steve leaned forward. 
“Steve,” Bucky growled. “I want her with me.”
“Buck, you don’t even know her—“
Bucky interrupted him with a loud snarl, the omega in question whining and squirming in her sleep at the sound of it. 
He immediately shut up, brushing a thumb over her cheek and shushing her until she was sleeping soundly again. Fuck, he felt so stupid. What was wrong with him? She could have woken up, or been scared, or upset, all because he couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. She needed her rest, and he needed to stay quiet. 
Steve almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. 
“Oh, Buck,” he shook his head. “You’re in deep.”
Amoretta woke feeling well rested, and it wasn’t until she tried to stretch and felt the tug of her IV drip that she remembered where she was. Opening her eyes revealed the bright lights of the lab, and as she started to sit up, a few faces came into view.
“Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty,” Bruce said. “How are you feelin’?”
She licked her lips. “Juice box. Now.”
“Way ahead of you. Had this one waiting as soon as you started waking up.” He tossed one to her and was pleased when her hand shot up to catch it. “Reflexes look good. Vitals are all reading normal. I’ll have to run another test to see what’s going on with those suppressants, but I’m willing to bet you’re metabolizing them fairly quickly now. How are you feeling?”
She pulled the little straw off the back of the carton and jammed it into the top. “Nauseous. Like usual.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Side effect of the suppressants?”
“Always has been. Other than that...I feel great, actually.”
“Well, as soon as these wear off, we can figure out something nicer and more modern for you. If you want to use them, I mean.” Bruce shrugged. “Your choice.”
She smiled. “Choice. I like that.”
“Hey, we’re all about independence here,” Steve said happily. He was glad to see she was awake, even though Bucky wasn’t.
The other alpha was still at her side, but, as of about half an hour ago, he was napping. Steve made a mental note to never let him forget the way he slept straight through the one moment he had been waiting for all day. 
“What time is it?” She asked. “There’s no windows in this damn place.”
“Just after dinner,” Bruce chuckled. “You slept most of the day. Bucky hasn’t left your side.”
She looked over to her soldier, smiling warmly at the sight of him sleeping. He was even snoring softly. “I haven’t gotten to see this in forty years.”
“Did you two, uh…” Steve cleared his throat. “Spend a lot of time together?”
The omega laughed. “You always this awkward around girls?”
“That’s not—“
“Relax, I’m just giving you a hard time.” She sucked on her straw. “But...yeah, we did.”
“So...you were just kept for his ruts, or…” Steve was so awkward it was almost endearing. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I think.”
“It’s okay. I know my lot in life.” She kept her eyes trained on Bucky as she spoke. “But if I’m going to answer more questions, I want to get out of this bed. And I want real clothes. Then I’ll talk.”
And so, only several minutes later, Bruce was handing her a sweater and some shorts he had grabbed from a little stash of extra clothing, and Bucky was startled awake by Ten stepping past him. She was finally free from all the tubes and cords that had been sticking out of her during her little hospital stay, and she was all too eager now to explore the tower.
She stood on wobbly legs, almost falling onto him when she tried to take a step. Bucky was up in a flash, ready to catch her, and as she fell against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. Despite just waking up, he felt fully alert, completely ready to tend to his omega’s every need. 
His omega...he liked that train of thought. 
“We can head up to the common area. It should still be quiet.” Steve said, leading the way out. 
Bucky kept an arm around his omega’s waist as they followed, Bruce bringing up the rear. He wanted to be touching her at all times, constantly in contact so that he couldn’t lose track of her. His instincts were roaring to life, demanding that he do everything in his power to make sure that she was safe and in his line of sight. The elevator ride was tense and full of possessive growling, Bucky constantly shoving Ten behind him to keep her in the corner and as far away from Steve as possible, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the doors slid open and they could step out of the cramped space again. 
The common area was empty, thankfully, FRIDAY informing them that the other Avengers were all either working out or in their private quarters. 
“Good,” Steve said, heading towards the couches. “No interruptions. Got it, FRIDAY?”
“Understood, Captain Rogers.”
“C’mere,” Bucky mumbled, pulling his omega down to sit on one of the couches with him. Part of him was feeling a little sheepish and self conscious of his behavior...but the rest of him didn’t give a shit. The others could stare and shake their heads all they wanted, but he’d be damned if he let Ten slip through his fingers again. 
Or whatever her name was. 
Steve and Bruce sat across from them, making sure that they left as much space as possible between themselves and the new omega. Neither of them had ever seen Bucky behaving quite like this--he was on guard, hyper aware of everything around him. He made sure that she was pressed up against his side, an arm draped possessively over the back of the couch so that it was unmistakable that she was with him.
Christ, what had gotten into him? He couldn’t remember ever acting this way about an omega before. 
“So…” Steve cleared his throat, sitting with his elbows resting on his knees.
Bucky didn’t really like the way his posture made him lean forward towards his omega, but he could deal with it for now. “So.”
“What do you wanna know?” Ten asked, plucking at Bucky’s shirt. She seemed to be even clingier with him than he was with her, perfectly happy to be hanging off him or tucked up against his side. “You met my demands. I guess I’m an open book now.”
“I don’t want to overstep my bounds,” Steve said. “We just need to know as much as you’re willing to share.”
“Then ask a question.”
“...Alright.” he cleared his throat again. “You said HYDRA used you to help with Bucky’s ruts?”
Ten nodded, her expression remaining even and cool. 
“Could you tell us more about that?” Steve glanced at Bucky. “Were there ever any other omegas, or anyone we should know about?”
“There were omegas before me.” she answered. “When I first got to the compound, there were a lot of us. They kept us all in big cells, so everyone talked. People said things about how HYDRA was grabbing omegas off the street for their super soldiers, and how the one at our base was the biggest and scariest.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow at her tone. He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected her to sound like while she regaled them with her life story, but he definitely thought there would be a tad bit more apprehension in her voice. She seemed proud of herself, and more matter-of-fact than a lot of omegas would be while talking about their alpha’s previous partners. Or...whatever you called prisoners whose only purpose was to help during ruts.
“And I bet he was,” she sighed, leaning her cheek on Bucky’s chest and looking up at him adoringly. 
“Well, I don’t know about that…” Bucky said, an almost shy smile on his lips. And...was he actually blushing?
Steve was going to lose his mind. 
“You said the other omegas couldn’t handle it? That’s why you were given the serum?” he prompted, trying to keep them on track before he drowned in the sticky sweetness of her happy pheromones. 
“Right.” she turned her attention back to Steve and Bucky let out a quiet huff. “HYDRA didn’t really like to take care of us. And the soldier--I mean, Bucky--would wear them out. So...HYDRA would just kind of let them go. Or put them down, maybe. I never saw it.”
Bucky’s expression dropped. His blush was gone, and he almost looked like he was going to be sick as he listened to her talk.
“But it wasn’t his fault,” she said quickly, glancing between him and Steve. “I don’t think it was ever on purpose, you were just...demanding.”
He gave a groan, leaning his head back against the couch. “You don’t have to sugarcoat it, doll. I’d rather know what I did, at this point.”
She offered a small shrug. “I don’t really remember it being that bad, but I don’t think I ever met you before they gave me the serum.”
“That’s something, at least.” he mumbled, dragging a hand down his face. 
“Why you?” Steve asked. “Did you have any prior military experience, any ties to something the others didn’t?”
“No.” she laughed. “I never even got in fights before HYDRA.”
“Then why’d they use such an important resource on you, specifically? Not trying to take a dig at you, it’s just...well, omegas don’t usually…”
“I know,” she said. “Omegas aren’t supposed to be tough, right? That’s why they only ever let alphas become super soldiers.”
“That’s not what I…” Steve trailed off and then sighed. “Sorry.”
“I told you, they gave me the serum so that I would be strong enough to hold my own. It also ensured I would always be around, no matter how many years passed.” Her fingers found Bucky’s free hand and she took it, absentmindedly playing with the smooth vibranium knuckles. “Having me as a constant meant they could stop spending so much time and effort on always having a new omega around for him. Plus…well, I wasn’t really there, but I heard something about it once…”
“What?” Bucky asked. 
“They let you choose who was going to become your omega.” She said, looking up at him. “They gave you a bunch of scents, and you chose mine. I guess it was the only reason they didn’t, uh...humanely euthanize me.”
His eyes were wide. The thought of HYDRA killing his omega brought a low growl to his throat, his chest rumbling with the vibrations of it. “No.”
“Well, clearly they didn’t!” She said brightly. “My file said I was a kicker.”
“So they gave you, an already aggressive omega, the serum, but never gave you any trigger words or fished around in your brain?” Bruce shook his head. “Surprisingly sloppy, considering who they are.”
“It’s not like they ever sent me out into the world. I stayed in my cell all day, unless I was needed for a rut. Then I went and stayed in a different cell.” She sighed. “And if they ever needed to, they could just use the alpha to grab me.”
Bucky clearly didn’t like the thought of that. He made a frustrated sound, leaning his head back again. “Great.”
“It was never bad.” She let go of his hand, moving her fingers to cup his jaw. “You never hurt me. You wouldn’t. Sometimes, when I acted up, they would make you go retrieve me, because they knew you were the only one who could do it. If they didn’t send you, they would just knock me out.”
“So...that was it?” Steve asked. “Ruts, serum, cryo?”
“For thirty years!” She chirped. “The last time they froze me, they were freezing him, too. They always tried to keep us in cryo at the same time so that I could be thawed out and ready when he needed me. But...I guess they just...left me there?” She frowned. 
“See, that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.” Steve said. “I didn’t see any signs of a struggle at that base. I’d say they left in an orderly fashion, but the fact that they didn’t take you along makes me think they were in more of a hurry than they made it seem.”
“Natasha might have a better idea,” Bruce suggested. “We can talk to her, try to figure out—“
“FRIDAY, open the damn door or so help me God I will rewrite your entire personality.” A voice interrupted from the other side of the door. 
“I’m sorry, Tony, but Captain Rogers asked me not to.” The AI said. 
“Well, is it an emergency?” The man scoffed.
“No emergency measures have been executed. No security breaches have been identified.”
“Then I’m sorry, but Captain Rogers does not outrank me when it comes to my own robots. Open the door, beautiful.”
She seemed to sigh. “Very well, Mr. Stark.”
Ten perked up, leaning forward slightly. She was watching the door curiously, tilting her head a little when she heard it slide open. Bucky rolled his eyes, grumbling to himself quietly and pulling her up against his side as another alpha strode in. 
“Really? Having a party without me?” the man asked, a smooth, casual air about him as he walked in and looked at everyone on the couches. When his eyes landed on the omega cuddled up next to Bucky, he stopped. “Ah, is this our new guest?”
“Go away, Stark.” Bucky growled. He didn’t like how long the other man’s gaze was lingering on his omega, not when there weren’t any scars on her neck to show who she belonged to.
“Always such a charmer, Barnes.” Tony said, flopping down next to Steve. “Lovely to see you, too. Care to introduce me to your friend? ….No, you’d rather just snarl and forget your words? I knew you were old, but I didn’t realize you were actually a caveman.”
“Tony,” Bruce groaned. “Don’t aggravate him. Please.”
“Why not?” Tony leaned back against the cushions, completely at ease and totally happy to be pressing every one of Bucky’s buttons. 
“Are you Tony Stark?” Ten asked, wiggling out of Bucky’s grip to sit on the edge of their couch. 
Bucky caught her around the waist before she could get very far, though, and dragged her onto his lap. He loomed over her, sneering dangerously at Tony as the other alpha flashed a smile. 
“Bingo.” he said. 
“I never thought I’d meet a Stark,” she admitted. “I always heard about Stark Industries, but I lived too far away from any big cities to ever get to see any of his exhibitions.”
“Ah. You’re from my father’s time. Of course.” Tony shot a pointed glare in Bucky’s direction. “Seems like Bruce left out a few teensy weensy important details on the phone today.”
“Well, it’s been, uh...an ongoing learning experience.” Bruce said sheepishly. 
“Lots of developments, huh?” Tony raised an eyebrow. 
“You could say that.” Steve said under his breath. “We came up here so Ten could be more comfortable while we talk.”
“Oh yeah? What’re we talkin’ about?” Tony asked. 
“They were asking about my time with HYDRA,” she answered, cutting in before anyone else could. “And with...Bucky.”
Saying his name felt odd. Her tongue wasn’t used to it, and her mind wanted to call him alpha, or Winter Soldier. Bucky just seemed so…casual, such a strange thing to call a deadly super soldier. When she heard herself, though, she decided that she definitely didn’t hate it. 
Bucky’s heart gave a little leap at the sound of his name falling from her lips. He wanted her to say it over and over again, in whispers and in screams, for nobody else’s ears but his. 
“...Buck?” Steve asked, pulling him away from his thoughts. “You, uh, kinda zoned out there.”
It wasn’t until Bucky looked at Steve that he realized his eyes had been trained on the omega in his lap. “Yeah?”
“...Is this seriously how you’ve spent the past day and a half?” Tony asked. “Steve, I’m sorry, and I’m sure you’re just trying to be as helpful as you can be, like always, but I think you should let these two get a room.”
Steve looked at him incredulously. “Tony, really? I’m trying to get to the bottom of why exactly HYDRA would abandon the omega they pumped full of super soldier serum. They can get a room later—“
“Yeah, uh, wonder boy? I don’t think your pal is gonna last much longer before he tries to rip our heads off.” Tony nodded towards a very disgruntled Bucky. “You can resume your interrogation tomorrow, Cap.”
Steve looked to Bruce for help, but he only offered a small shrug and stood, heading towards the door. “He’s right, Steve. They deserve some alone time.”
“But—hey!” Steve protested as Bucky picked his omega up, striding past the two alphas sitting on the opposite couch. 
“Thanks for everything, Steve.” Bucky said over his shoulder. 
Ten squirmed, peeking around Bucky’s arm as she was carried away. “Bye, Mr. Stark!”
“Don’t look at him,” Bucky growled as they walked out the door. 
“Did his father really make hoverboards? I heard once that Howard was promising hoverboards—“
“No.” He said flatly. 
“...oh.” She huffed, slumping against him. “Where are we going?”
“My apartment.” Bucky stepped into the elevator, his grip still tight around her. 
The omega perked up. “You have a whole apartment?”
He puffed his chest out a little. “Course I do. Gotta have a nice place for you, don’t I?”
“So I can stay?” Her eyes were bright and happy. “I can stay there, with you, all the time? Not just when you rut?”
He felt a sad little pang in his heart. When he spoke again, his voice was low and soft. “Of course, sweetheart.”
Then, his eyes widened as he realized what he was saying. “I mean, uh...i-if you want to, that is. I know it’s fast and all, and maybe...would you rather have your own room? Or I can stay on the couch—“
“Bucky,” she cut him off with a laugh, a soft hand cupping his jaw. “You’ve been my alpha for seventy years. I’d say we’re actually moving pretty slow.”
His expression relaxed again, lips stretching into a small smile. “Right. Yeah. You’re right.”
They spent the rest of the elevator ride in comfortable silence, Bucky rubbing his scent glands all over her hair. He wanted to make sure that the next time they encountered anyone else, she smelled exactly like him.
Like her alpha.
When the elevator came to a gentle stop at Bucky’s floor, the doors opened, and he stepped out in front of his apartment door. It opened for him, having already scanned his biometrics, revealing a small, but cozy, living room. 
He set his omega down on her feet, watching anxiously as she stepped into his quarters. Did she like it? Fuck, was it too small? It was too small. She probably hated it. Fuck, fuck, fuck...he had to salvage this somehow. 
“Well, uh…” shit, he sounded too nervous. He wanted her to think he was a strong, capable alpha. 
He cleared his throat for another start. “Welcome home, Omega.” 
Wait. That wasn’t right. Should he be calling her that? No, probably not, it sounded too possessive, too uncaring. He wished he just knew her fucking name, or something. 
“I mean…Ten?”
Shit, he sounded so stupid. He wanted to impress her, not...do whatever this was.
She just laughed, though, turning and looking at him with those eyes that sparkled like starlight. “Amoretta. My name is Amoretta.”
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
The Praetor
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◐ Series Masterlist ◐
◐ Part I ◐ Part II ◐ Part III ◐ Part IV ◐ Part V ◐
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Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Jimin x Omega Reader
Rating: Hard Mature 18+ (for this installment)
Warnings: sexual content including grinding and marking, some light (and totally consensual) manhandling, ABO sexual dynamics including discussion of scenting, marking, mating, and claiming. Violence and discussion of violence relating to ritual combat, possessive behavior, injuries and discussion of injuries
Special Note: Yoonji and Yunli are NOT the same person. Yoonji is Yoongi and Yunli’s cousin. She is sometimes affectionately called “Ji-ah.”
Word Count: 5500 (wow)
Author’s Note: Life has been really hard. I won’t beat around the bush. It was hard to do anything... but your kind words and support really kept me going. Truly you guys straight up manifested this chapter with your incredible support. As always, my angels @ppersonna​ @xjoonchildx​ @untaemedqueen​ and @underthejoon​ were the best betas and the best friends anyone could ask for. My thanks to ALL of you for helping me bring this story to life!
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Namjoon’s voice echoed through the clearing with profound resonance. 
There would be no more fighting. 
There would be no more doubt.
It was a complete surrender, the kind only a true Alpha could compel. 
A frantic whimper suddenly split the air, drawing every eye to you-
 But you saw only him. 
“Untie me,” you pleaded, struggling impatiently against the restraints. 
One of the elders moved to release you, but before she could, Jin produced a knife and cut you free with the kind of terrifying precision expected of a man who was every bit as deadly as he was beautiful. 
Then you were running - and this time, no one could stop you. 
Your body crashed into his and fiery joy shot through you as he pulled you into his arms. 
His scent wrapped around your senses like a warm blanket, covering the fear and pain of the past days in unimaginable relief. 
“I’m here. I have you,” he whispered. 
Your entire frame seemed to shake as you sobbed against his chest. It was as if you could not draw close enough - could not hold tight enough - to be satisfied. Part of you was still terrified that you would wake up and discover that all of this had been a dream...
Then you heard it.
Another set of knees hitting the ground. 
Then another-
And another 
Till the air was filled with hundreds of voices, all speaking the same word.
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Namjoon remembered very little of what happened after his surrender...
Just pain. 
His limbs seemed oddly disconnected from the rest of his body. There was blood everywhere (and he was reasonably sure it was his). 
He knew he should feel defeated, broken - ashamed even.
Instead he felt strangely...
As if a great weight had lifted from his shoulders. 
The last thing he saw before losing consciousness entirely was Yunli’s tear-stained gaze - still fixed on him - even as the others turned to face their new Alpha. 
He breathed out her name in a quiet, desperate plea as the darkness overtook him. 
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Jimin was only in your arms a few moments before healers and half the elder’s council came rushing forward on all sides. 
You snarled instinctively at the first elder who tried to collect him, but a healer eventually got close enough to reason with you after pointing out that the wound on his shoulder could possibly become infected if left untreated for much longer.
An Alpha’s injuries always took the highest priority, but Jimin directed them all toward Namjoon, brushing away anyone who attempted to tend to him. 
By that point Jin and your mother had found their way to your side and were gently trying to pull you back - even as more elders reached for your mate. 
Everyone was speaking at once - words about preparations and plans and ceremonies - but none of it registered over the waves of frantic adrenaline still pounding through your system. 
You didn’t know what they wanted or why they were so close-
just that they were trying to take him away again. 
Suddenly a senior elder placed his hand on Jimin’s forearm and your wolf snapped entirely. 
Omegas were known for their speed and as a Luna, yours was unparalleled.
Two council members and a healer went flying into the dirt within the space of a single second as your body instinctively assumed a defensive stance. The remaining elders stumbled back in alarm and your mother fainted dead away forcing Jin to catch her rather inelegantly. 
Your canines began to lengthen as you pressed your back to the Alpha, letting primal rage guide your movements. 
They had tied you up. 
Forced you to watch as he was attacked again and again and again-
An omega would defend their mate to the death and you had spent days knowing he was in danger...
Feeling powerless, feeling paralyzed- 
Your wolf had simply had enough. 
“Luna please-“ the chief elder began cautiously, but you cut him off with warning growl and lunged - fully prepared to end the next person who attempted to separate you from-
Strong arms closed around you, pulling you back to the comforting warmth that enveloped you moments ago.
“Luna,” he whispered against your skin and you shivered, letting your eyes flutter shut. 
Then you felt it. 
The gentle pressure of the Alpha - your mate - nosing softly at your neck. 
It was a gesture of soothing affection. 
Of gratitude. 
Slowly he turned you in his arms till you were facing him once again. The fire in your blood began to fade as you simply took him in, struck by the sensual beauty of his face and the possessive heat in his gaze. 
“So fierce,” he hummed, tilting his head so you could bury yourself in his scent once more. His hands brushed soothing circles over your back, leaving delicious sparks of pleasure in their wake. 
“I’m safe,” he promised as you nuzzled into him needily. “You can rest now...” 
The pleasant pull of his command wove heavily through your senses. You felt your feet leave the ground as he lifted you fully into his arms...
Then you slipped into a blissful sleep. 
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The healers worked for hours on Namjoon. 
Some betas were blessed with minor healing abilities - a valuable gift stemming from a type of energy transference. He could feel the heat of their hands as they poured themselves - literally - into mending his battered body.  
His ribs were set and wrapped tightly and the swelling and bruising were already beginning to fade due to the assortment of vile tasting herbal concoctions they insisted on ramming down his throat. 
Accelerated healing and potent herbal intervention truly went a long way, but it would take time and rest to restore him fully.
Despite his lingering soreness, Namjoon was finally lucid enough to think for the first time since the fight and there was certainly a wealth of things to think about…
Yet his mind kept going back to that moment-
To her. 
“Kim Namjoon.”
Every hair on his body raised to attention. 
He struggled to pull himself upright, but Jimin placed a hand on his arm to still him. 
“Please,” he spoke softly, “let me sit. I’ve caused you enough trouble for one day.”
A painful chuckle stuttered out of Namjoon and he shook his head. 
“Shouldn’t I be the one saying that? We both know this is entirely my fault.”
Jimin’s eyes dropped in reluctant amusement.. 
“You think rather highly of yourself,” he said with a barely perceptible grin, echoing his words in the chief elder’s chambers a day - a lifetime - ago. “I believe I had something to do with it as well.”
Namjoon laughed and winced immediately. He rubbed gingerly over the binding on his ribs before voicing the question that had plagued him from the moment he awoke. 
“How quickly?” 
The Alpha tilted his head in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand.”
“How quickly,” Namjoon grunted, pulling himself to an upright position, “could you have killed me?”
There was a strange sort of acceptance in his eyes, a profound and untainted respect that Jimin was wholly unused to receiving from a man like him. 
It was equal parts humbling and overwhelming. 
“The first hit... a little to the left - at full force -  would have fractured your sternum and penetrated your heart.  You’d have been dead in a matter of minutes.”
Namjoon was silent for a long time. 
“Why did you spare me? ...I challenged you, threatened you, intended to lay claim to your mate which-” he rubbed idly at the back of his neck, “I’m beginning to understand is enough to enrage any man… So why am I still here?”
“Because,” Jimin sighed, “apparently I think very highly of you too, Kim Namjoon.”
“Well… I’m flattered, but I - I still don’t understand… I’ve done nothing but underestimate you. Most wolves would have made an example of me.”
“Oh I intend to make an example of you,” Jimin smiled and Namjoon felt his blood run cold for the briefest instant, “but not in the way you’re thinking.” 
The Alpha’s eyes took on a strangely solemn light. “I have no intention of ruling through fear and violence.”
After a moment, his gaze met Namjoon’s again. 
“You were right… Without your challenge, the pack would never have trusted my leadership. You were the obvious choice to be Alpha and without defeating you decisively, they would always look to you as an alternative.”
Namjoon eyed his collection of injuries sardonically. 
“Something tells me you won’t have that issue now.”
“And I have you to thank for that.”
“So … you spared my life in gratitude?”
“I spared your life because it was well worth sparing. You have always led your clan with honor and dignity. You don’t strike me as someone who enjoys killing, yet you were willing to do so for the good of our people. Such a man is a far better example alive than he is dead.”
Namjoon could not help but be impressed by the younger alpha’s insight and perception. 
Our goddess has chosen well. 
“I am grateful for your mercy, Alpha... Though I’m sure there are some who believe I should have chosen death over the disgrace of defeat.”
Jimin’s jaw clenched. . 
“Defeat is not a disgrace. I have learned some of my greatest lessons from it. Defeat is often a vital stop on the path to victory.”
The elder alpha grinned. 
“I wouldn’t know. This is the first time I’ve lost.”
Jimin laughed and Namjoon’s impish smile suddenly became oddly serious. 
“I want you to know…  You have my loyalty - without question - and not simply because you spared me. It is clear that you were meant to lead.”
A subtle hint of awe crept into his tone as he continued. 
“Honestly… I’ve only ever heard stories of primal alphas. I never thought I’d meet one,” he snorted, “or be foolish enough to fight him.“
Jimin drew back in confusion. 
“I’m not familiar- ...I’ve never heard of a primal alpha.”
“Really?... Well ...I suppose that makes sense. I forgot how often you skipped camp.” He sighed and shifted into a more comfortable position before answering. 
“A primal alpha is goddess-blessed. They cannot be compelled. Their command is powerful enough to compel members of other packs and even non-wolves. It is a rare gift.”
Jimin’s face easily betrayed his shock. 
“I-...That’s-” he shook his head. “Why do you believe I have such a gift?”
“I suppose the first hint should have been your coloring. Silver wolves are never born to mundane destinies... But the real proof is in your eyes.” Namjoon leaned back against the headboard, quietly reliving the moment he discovered the depth of Jimin’s ability. “When you commanded me to yield, your eyes flashed gold. It’s the true sign of a primal alpha... of a king.”
The word fell heavily between them. 
A human king was a politician, a figurehead whose power became more symbolic as the ages passed. 
But to the wolf nations, a king - an Alpha - was the heart of their pack. A warrior who bore the burden of leadership alongside his Luna. 
The power of a wolf king was quite real. 
The Alpha shifted uncomfortably 
“I never thought I would be a king.”
“And I never thought I wouldn’t be.” His eyes dropped to his hands. “I’m not quite sure what I am anymore.”
“Perhaps I can help with that.”
Namjoon’s gaze met his with cautious curiosity. 
“You said yourself I skipped Alpha camp every year. I may have been destined to lead, but I won’t pretend that I’m completely prepared for it.”
All at once Namjoon realized why Jimin was there. 
The transfer of power was a long and intricate process that should remain essentially uninterrupted until its completion. 
There could only be one reason the Alpha had come to his bedside. 
He was here to appoint his Praetor. 
A Praetor wielded nearly as much authority as the Alpha. In terms of pack hierarchy, only the Alpha outranked him (or her). The commitment required was immense. Their role encompassed everything from ‘chief advisor’ to ‘the last line of defense.’
Praetor were expected to cut all obligations to their own clan and serve only the Alpha. They were an extension of his authority and vision. It was a lifetime appointment which could be extremely dangerous (depending on the number of territorial disputes one’s pack might be involved in). 
If anything were to happen to the Alpha, a Praetor would assume the responsibility of protecting the Luna and ruling by her side (without any romantic obligations as Praetor often had their own mates) until their death. 
“What about Taehyung?”
Jimin shrugged. 
“What about him? I assure you, he has no interest in this at all.” A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Besides, he serves me well as a best friend... A Praetor must be willing to disagree with me from time to time without worrying too much about my feelings. They must be in tune with the needs of the pack. Kim Taehyung is a good man… but he isn’t the right one. Not for this.”
The elder alpha considered his next words carefully. 
“What you’re asking is no small request.”
“True,” Jimin nodded, “but how about this…” he grinned mischievously, “I promise to put in a good word for you with Min Yoongi when he finds out what you’ve done to his little sister.”
“I haven’t done anything to his little sister.”
Namjoon cleared his throat guiltily. 
“You realize this means we’ll have to talk every single day.”
“It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for the good of the pack.”
Namjoon laughed and Jimin smiled back, more sure than ever that he was making the right choice. 
After a moment the Alpha held out his hand in an age old ceremonial gesture and finally voiced the question he had come to ask. 
“Kim Namjoon, will you forsake your place in the clan of your blood to serve your Alpha and your pack as Praetor. Will you protect my blood as your own and fight by my side till the paths of our lives be complete?
Namjoon’s gaze locked with his as their palms met, letting the force of his resolve color each word. 
“I swear it shall be so.” 
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It was well past noon when you stumbled from your bedroom to find Jin spread luxuriously over your kitchen island, popping berries into his mouth like a debauched satyr. 
“I feel very odd…” you yawned, “almost like I-”
“Attacked half the elders council in a fit of horny rage?”
Your jaw dropped. 
“I did no such thing!” A few choice memories began to flood back and your staunch defensive tirade stuttered in shock. “Wait...Did I-”
“You did.”
“I wouldn’t call it horny rage,” you muttered, massaging your temples as you struggled to process your own actions. 
“I don’t know, the whole thing looked very horny to me.”
“Everything looks horny to you.”
Jin grinned but didn’t bother denying it. 
“What do you remember?”
“I remember…” you pulled a water bottle from the fridge and took a long drink before answering,”...Jimin’s victory... People kept trying to take him away and then-”
Heat streaked across the back of your neck as you recalled the press of his lips on your skin.
You shivered deliciously.  
Jin sighed. “Yes, you were quite the spectacle. Who knows how many throats you would have ripped out if the Alpha had not intervened.”
“Oh goddess,” you moaned, burying your face in your hands. “He probably thinks I’m a lunatic.”
Jin rolled his eyes. 
“I wonder if there is a celestial punishment for smacking the Luna upside the head.”
“Punishable by death - for sure,” you pouted, “and why would you even want to do that?”
“Because you’re an idiot. The man risked his life for you in ritual combat and then carried you home in his arms all the way from the sacred circle like a fairy tale princess.”
“He... he did?”
Your cousin nodded and tossed another berry in his mouth. 
“The whole scene was so disgustingly romantic. I would have swooned if I wasn’t left to haul your mother back. Honestly I think I threw out my back.”  
“And - and the pack?”
“They were free to swoon since they weren’t carrying your mother and most of them did. The man has become a bit of a legend already. Namjoon is one of the strongest alphas in the mountain kingdoms and Park Jimin dispatched him like it was nothing.” He paused to dab berry juice off his absurdly full lips. “I’d be surprised if every pack for a hundred miles hasn’t heard about it by now.”
“How is Namjoon?”
“Alive. He will make a full recovery.”
You sighed in relief. Truly, you had no desire to mate with the Kim alpha, but (despite the grumbling of your bloodthirsty wolf) you never wanted him dead. 
Not to mention the loss of Namjoon would have cast a heavy shade over Jimin’s leadership. He was wise to spare him. 
“Where is he? I want to see him.”
“Namjoon is with the healers-”
“Kim Seokjin,” you bopped him with your now empty water bottle. “I am obviously not talking about Namjoon. Where is my mate?!”
“Calm down, cousin. You’re getting that throat-rippy gleam in your eye again and I’m far too beautiful to go out like that.” 
He reached for another berry. 
“I need to see him.”
You were already marching toward the door when Jin yanked you back. It was always a surprise to see how fast he could move when he wanted to. 
“My dear sweet Luna, you have one murderous rampage and forget all about our tedious traditions. The elders will be drowning him in the preparations and expectations of leadership for at least another ten hours.”
None of Jin’s sensible reminders mattered the least bit to your wolf. She was already suggesting all sorts of reasons you should just march into the council chambers and take him. 
Park Jimin was yours. 
You’ve waited long enough. 
Your hand tightened on the doorknob. 
“He left something for you.”
Kim Seokjin really was a wickedly clever man. He knew exactly which cards to play and exactly when to play them. 
Your heart stuttered wildly in your chest as Jin nodded toward a small box on the table. 
“He sent Taehyung to drop it off not long after the elders dragged him away from your bedside.” 
If you had even an ounce of dignity left, you might have been embarrassed by how quickly you scrambled over to the gift, but you were well past caring about such things when it came to him. 
Your cousin shook his head as you eagerly tore into the wrapping, impatient to discover what he could have possibly-
You gasped. 
There, laying nestled in an ornate wooden box with a lavish blue satin interior, was the most beautiful pair of gloves you had ever seen…
Your fingers reached out to brush the soft white leather, custom stitched with intricately embroidered vines that wound around a beautiful silver wolf. 
“They’re exquisite.”
Jim’s brow furrowed in confusion. 
“They’re not just exquisite, they’re one of a kind.” His fingers traced over the emblem on the box. “This is the mark of the Bangtan Leatherworkers Guild. Every one of their pieces is unique.” 
Your head tilted curiously as Jin began to lift back the satin lining.
“What are you doing?”
“You can only buy their merchandise directly from the shop in Seoul. There’s no way he could have gotten these today.”
Jin nodded. 
“I’m about to find out for sure. Each piece produced by the guild comes with a certification. It includes the date of manufacture and the date of sale.”
After a moment he withdrew a small card embossed with gold writing. 
“Well... what does it say?” you pressed impatiently. 
An odd little smile drifted across Jin’s lips as he considered the information in his hands. 
“These gloves were sold to Park Jimin three years ago... a few days before your 17th birthday.” 
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Min Yunli slept for most of the day after Taehyung brought her home. 
The Alpha ordered his second to secure her and see to her safety not long after lifting the Luna into his arms. 
In the end, Tae had to compel her again.
She fought to stay near Namjoon, but he needed medical attention and there was no real reason to allow her any access to the fallen alpha. 
She had no claim on him. 
She was nothing to him. 
Nothing at all. 
When she finally opened her eyes the sun was already dipping low on the horizon and the world around her was dim. 
Aching emptiness sat heavily in her chest. The Change was another six days away which meant the connection between her consciousness and her wolf was not fully solidified…  but she could still feel acidic pain of rejection festering in both halves of her heart. 
Tears fell silently down her cheek as she considered her actions and what the consequences might be. 
Namjoon probably hated her now. She had ruined everything for him. 
An angry growl rumbled up from her stomach. 
Yunli snorted humorously and shrugged off her dirty clothes, throwing on an oversized t-shirt before trudging out to the refrigerator. 
Of all the problems she was facing, hunger was the easiest to fix. 
“Do you normally walk around without pants?” 
She just barely bit back a scream. 
There - sitting on her couch (and looking significantly better than he had the last time she’d seen him) - was Kim Namjoon. 
“How did you get in here?!” Yunli squeaked. 
Namjoon held up a key. 
“Yoongi gave it to me years ago.”
Though I doubt he intended for me to use it like this. 
Her fists clenched and unclenched reflexively at her side. 
“Have you… come to yell at me?” she whispered.
Namjoon didn’t respond right away, he was too distracted by the shapely curve of her legs and the soft glow of her skin under the warmth of the living room lamps. 
Yunli, however, took his silence as confirmation of her worst fears. 
“I’m so sorry...” she trembled, her beautiful eyes glistening poetically with unshed tears. “I don’t - I don’t know what came over me - I know I cost you the fight and I-”
Namjoon felt a chuckle bubble up in chest and winced. 
“Yunli...your screams, however affecting, could not undo the will of the goddess.” He shook his head, “Park Jimin was born to be the Alpha.”  His fingers rubbed idly at his chest. “I’ve never come across anything like his power.”
Her eyes traced over the damage to his body with obvious remorse. 
“Are you ok?” she asked finally. 
He had four cracked ribs, several critical lacerations, a concussion, two sprained elbows, countless contusions, and a split lip. 
“Ah, it’s nothing,” he shrugged, barely suppressing a groan. 
Yunli grinned, helplessly endeared as always. She opened her mouth to ask again why he was here, but he cut her off with a surprisingly curt question. 
“Has Taehyung seen you like this?”
Yunli blinked. Twice. 
“T-Taehyung? Like Kim Taehyung - your cousin?”
“Second cousin,” he growled, “I was told he brought you home.”
“Well. Yes. He did… I’m really grateful to him actually. I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t caught me and calmed me down.”
A loud ringing was building in Namjoon’s ears. 
“Do you have an understanding with him?” he snarled. 
Yunli’s jaw dropped. 
“An understanding? With Yoonji’s Taehyung?!” She snorted. “I don’t have a death wish.”
“What’s Yoonji got to do with this? Isn’t she in Europe?”
“Never mind that. Why would you think Tae and I-”
Yunli’s eyes narrowed. 
“What’s going on in that busted up skull of yours, Kim Namjoon?”
Namjoon was off the couch and pressing her against the wall faster than she would have thought possible in his condition. 
“What’s going on is that for the past year you’ve been a real problem for me, Min Yunli.”
Yunli gasped as the muscled lines of his body weighed firmly into her own. Deep curls of pleasure flared up at every contact point. 
Yes. Oh goddess, yes. 
The force of his desire burned hot in the air between them. She had waited years for him to see her like this - to touch her like this...
“I wasn’t supposed to feel anything when you looked at me with your heart in those pretty brown eyes,” he murmured, brushing the tips of his fingers up over her arms till he was cupping her chin. 
Yunli’s wolf keened in delight as she melted helplessly into his embrace. 
It felt good. It felt so so good. 
“I was convinced you were a challenge - a divine temptation put in my path to test my resolve-” his jaw clenched, “or simply an endless source of torment because you wanted me so badly and I could never have you.”
The sound of ripping fabric split the air as Namjoon clawed through the neckline of her t-shirt, baring her pert little breasts to him like an obscene feast. 
“I was supposed to want the Luna,” he growled, squeezing the soft mounds roughly in his palms till she was whining and writhing against him, “-not Min Yoongi’s sweet little sister.”
Her gaze was so open - so trusting. Adoration shone through every inch of her regard and it was intoxicating. 
She was intoxicating. 
His hand slid down to grip her thighs, lifting her body till she was forced to wrap her legs around him for balance. 
“Namjoon,” she whimpered as the sensitive folds of her core ground into his growing hardness. 
“You just kept pushing and pushing-” he hissed, punctuating each word with delicious thrusts till the maddening pressure in her center was nearly unbearable. “Then last night you offered me a taste and it nearly destroyed me.”
His mouth finally descended on hers again and she opened to him eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck with wanton desperation. A tortured groan slipped past his lips as he dragged her away from the wall and onto the sofa where she first discovered him. 
“Is this what you wanted, Min Yunli?” he rasped between the fervent mating of their mouths. “To make me desperate? To take me apart until I’m half-mad with wanting you?”
“Yes,” she sobbed as he sucked mark after mark into her flesh, painting her body with the evidence of his passion.
She slipped her hands greedily under his shirt, aching to feel more of his skin against her own. Needy whines and moans fell from her mouth like a siren’s call, beckoning Namjoon to lose himself in the lush warmth of her body. 
“If Kim Taehyung puts his greasy hands on you again, I’ll kill him.”
Yunli mewled in primal gratification at his bold words. She had waited far too long to hear them. 
“All those months I suffered because my wolf recognized what I was too ignorant to see.” 
The last shreds of her shirt flew across the room and Namjoon pinned her wrists above her head like a pagan offering, allowing his free hand to explore her curves with impassioned reverence. 
“You are mine, Yunli,” he swore. 
And she was. 
She always had been. 
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Following Jimin’s victory, the pack exploded into a chaotic storm of gossip and ceremonial preparations. The story of his unlikely path to power had already spread beyond the borders of the mountain kingdoms. 
“-messages are coming in from the high packs of Delhi and Beijing requesting to meet with him-“
The rise of new pack leaders typically brought with it a buzz of excitement, but the Luna and her newly victorious Alpha were anything but typical. 
“-he’s a silver wolf. I always knew he was meant for more than just heading up the Park clan-“
The last Alpha king (the current Luna’s great-grandfather) died peacefully in his sleep nearly thirty years ago and the elder’s council ruled in the interim while they waited for a new Alpha to rise. This was the first (and likely the only) coronation most people would see in their lifetime. 
“ - my friend from Seoul is begging me to invite her. Outsiders aren’t allowed to attend unless they’re the guest of a pack member- “
Preparations to transfer power were every bit as tedious and time consuming as the rest of pack law. 
“-the council just announced that he’s chosen a Praetor. I’m sure it will be Taehyung-“
Aside from sneaking out to secure his Praetor (who was not Taehyung), the new Alpha had been holed up with the council, the heads of the ten major clans, and an army of envoys from other packs for nearly twelve hours. 
“ -grandfather worked with him all day. He claims that the future king has already impressed the council-”
Park Jimin’s name echoed through the mountain kingdoms. People could speak of nothing else. 
But there was one member of the pack who had not yet heard the news...
Yoongi took a deep breath as he waited for the woman on the other end of the line to accept his call. He was mentally and physically exhausted, but he had promised to tell her what happened as soon as he could.
Silence lingered eerily in the first few moments after she picked up. 
“I really debated answering this,” Min Yoonji whispered at last. “I don’t know if I can bear to hear you say that Park Jimin is dead.”
She sighed heavily as she ambled down the stairs of her tiny apartment in Paris. 
There were too many happy memories connected with him. He was Tae’s best friend... His loss would tear her former lover apart. 
And she could not be there for him when it did. 
She could never be there for him...
Several thousand miles away her cousin smiled. 
“Park Jimin is not dead, Ji-ah.”
Yoonji missed the last step and crashed down inelegantly on her tail bone. 
“WHAT?!” Her fingers scrambled to hold the phone secure in her precarious position. “You mean to tell me that Kim Namjoon lost - to PARK JIMIN?!”
“You sure picked a wild time to move to Europe,” Yoongi chuckled. 
“I didn’t really move here per se... I just relocated temporarily but indefinitely.”
“Yes, I’m well aware. Your mother is still howling about what a disgrace it was to go through the Change away from your friends and family. So thank you for that.”
Yoonji sighed. 
“What’s done is done... I know you don’t understand, but I promise to explain someday.” Her eyes drifted shut as she forced the pain in her heart aside. “... I can’t believe I missed all this. You have to tell me how he did it.”
“I will later, but I need to head back to the council chambers. We had a brief recess and I figured I’d call since it’s still early over there. However… I do have one last shocking revelation for you before I go.”
Yoonji rolled her eyes at her cousin’s dramatics. 
“I’m not sure anything could shock me after finding out that Park Jimin is our new Alpha.”
“Jimin just made Namjoon his Praetor.”
Apparently I was wrong. 
“WHAT!? So wait - that means Jinwook is now head of the Kim Clan?”
Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Jinwook? No, how could - ah never mind. You were already in Europe when he left.”
“Jinwook left?!”
“Yeah, he was finishing up a consultation in Bangkok when he met his mate in one of the packs up there. It's an older pack with almost no alphas so they asked him to stay. He’s lived in Thailand since August.” Yoongi yawned. “Believe it or not Kim Taehyung was just sworn in as the Kim Clan alpha.”
Dead silence met his declaration. For a moment he wondered if the call had been disconnected but then-
“...What... did you just say?” 
Yoonji’s voice had taken on a strange hollow quality that had her cousin frowning into the receiver. 
“I said Taehyung was just sworn in as a Clan alpha.”
“That... no that can’t be right... You’re saying Kim Taehyung - my Taehyung-”
“What do you mean your Taehyung?!”
“- is a Clan alpha?”
“Yoonji. I can’t believe I’m repeating this a third time. Yes. Tae is the new head of the Kim Clan. I watched him take the oath twenty minutes ago and I have to say-”
A heart wrenching sob cut him off abruptly. 
“Oh goddess what have I done,” she gasped. 
Yoongi’s eyes widened in fear and alarm. 
“Ji-ah? What’s wrong?... Ji-ah?... Ji-ah?!”
But the line was dead. 
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Don’t Miss Chapter VII: The Luna… Coming Soon!
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Guys I cannot emphasize enough how much your support has meant to me these last few weeks. 
Your comments and your love kept me going. I truly value it so much and it fuels my creativity. Please let me know what you thought? It is incredibly rewarding and motivating to hear from you!
I really struggled with this update. It was much longer and took a lot out of me... I hope you love the final product as much as I do…
Bonus: The gloves Jimin sent his Luna...
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