#please i want to finish IA
doodlekoo · 1 year
OUCH | pjm
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Summary: you hurt your foot and Jimin thinks your gonna die
Pairing: boyfriend!jimin x fem?reader (mentions pronouns a few times)
Word count: 2.4k
Rating: PG
Genre/Warnings: established relationship, injury, pain, implied?verbal abuse, explicit language, kissing, FLUFF HEH (my favourite), oc is so in love with Jimin
Note: hello fellow fluff lovers, i’m so sorry i’ve been ia for 10 months i was focusing on finishing my final year for college. tbh creative writing isn't my strong point it’s more of a side hobby so please understand i won’t be updating regularly i’ll probably be posting more so when I'm bored and feel like it ahahaha. I do want to point out thanks to all those who liked my previous stories. I really do appreciate it it’s great motivation!! anywho this story was based on when i hurt my foot (it was a more gross story but still hurt like a bitch) i tried limping home but the entire time i wished someone would carry me and care for me the way jimin does in the ff (sad i know). i originally wanted it to be longer going into detail about Jimin’s backstory but i thought short and sweet was better SO ENJOY i hope you all like it :)
and as always please let me know what you guys think and if you want more stories like this! please also leave a like and/or reblog if you enjoyed reading! :D
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A warm sensation spreads through your body, engulfing you in a comforting embrace. You couldn't help but smile as a sense of contentment washed over you. The day had been a success. You followed every command and every instruction that your superiors had asked you to follow. Starting a new job was a challenging experience, one you hadn’t gone through before. The memory of your previous employment still haunts you, the echoes of your coworkers' voices reverberating in your mind as they berated you for the slightest of missteps. Not only was it stressful to deal with that every day, but you would also feel even more drained coming home after the endless regrets ran through your mind.
The more you worked at that god-awful place, the more your thoughts grew—were these issues truly insignificant, or were they looming large and you simply lacked the perspective to see them?
Your boyfriend, Jimin, was constantly begging you to quit the job since the sight of you so wrapped up in absolute guilt crushed him every day. Jimin only wanted what was best for you. The stubbornness he had over you was often a hard take but it was only ever going to be beneficial. As the begs increased in volume, your guilt scaled high, resulting in an endless cycle.
You knew you had to do it. Gathering yourself mentally and emotionally to utter those two liberating words took a great deal of courage.
"I quit."
You said it slightly quietly, still unsure. but you were stern about it with an attempt at a demeaning stare. In your head, you felt pretty confident with the way you delivered it, only to have that confidence descend with the sudden scoffs followed by the classic response, "Is that supposed to impress me?"
Perhaps Jimin was right. The testosterone in the room was unbearable at this point, and that slow, excruciating deterioration of your brain was just really not worth it. Staring back at your manager, you remained undeterred.
"I'll be handing in my notice tomorrow."
It was never worth creating an argument with your manager or anyone who lacked basic brain cells, in fact. That simple interaction only changed you for the better, and slowly but surely you felt you had a little more respect for yourself.
As you navigate the bustling street after your third shift, a palpable aura of rejuvenation surrounds you, causing your steps to take on a playful bounce. The faint aroma of coffee lingers on your clothes. The joy felt completely surreal, almost like time and space had been warped. Though the relentless bombardment of verbal abuse made your mind gradually deteriorate, it now made even the most challenging tasks a mere cakewalk.
The rain had been hammering down on the cafe windows for most of the day, so when you were met with the fortunate sun slowly peeking out from the clouds, you felt enveloped with its warmth, feeling it gradually filling your mind up with a little extra dose of serotonin.
Several metres or so away from your workplace, in a small back alley, you could smell the damp brick encroaching on your senses. Looking farther ahead, you saw the recent confrontation you were only slowly getting used to. It was amusing to you that a couple of steps were the only thing you had to worry about in your new day-to-day life. It was a sign that you were at least doing something right. You braced yourself for the steep steps that lay ahead while keeping in mind the wet, slick concrete.
And at that moment, the serotonin vanished. As the calmness of the moment dissipated, a surge of anxiety and adrenaline took over. Your heart plummeted as you failed to catch those final steps. Your foot barely brushes the step's edge. As you stumbled, your ankle gave way beneath you, sending you tumbling to the ground.
You squealed, trying not to make any noise, as a wave of pain shot from your foot up through your body when the weight followed.
You hissed in pain as you sat at the foot of the steps. Looking absolutely helpless. The surrealness seemed to slip away as the situation unfolded before your eyes. Your mind wandered in silence. As you glanced around, a wave of relief washed over you as you realised that no one had witnessed your mortifying disaster.
I'm fine. I'm fine. You managed to convince yourself that you could make it home since the distance to your house was less than a mile. I can limp; it's fine. You reached for the railing and attempted to pull yourself up, only to be reacquainted with the searing pain you'd felt before.
You personally don't like to worry excessively about pain and injuries because you've always considered it a waste of time to acknowledge the warnings your body gave you. As the numbness set in, you realised that the situation was far worse than you had initially thought. Your body lay still and unresponsive, leaving you with only your thoughts to keep you company.
Along with the overwhelming urge to get up and leave, you also had the nagging fear that someone could hear a small person yelping at the bottom of the steps and decide to make a huge deal out of it. You know one person, Jimin, who would take his time over an insignificant issue. He would be the one to hire a golden carriage and transport you in grandeur, as the conclusion to convincing you that you needed to rescue yourself from those said scary steps. That was the worst-case scenario in your mind. However, it reached the point where you would rather have him make this big of a deal than a complete stranger who would have thought you were weak, whereas Jimin was certain that you are not.
A soft, sad sigh escapes your lips as your hand instinctively reaches for the back pocket of your jeans. With fingers trembling in anticipation, you searched for Jimin's name. As you raised your phone to your ear, you sensed your heart rate accelerating. Your nerves were on edge, and you did not want to burden Jimin with any additional worries. Making Jimin anxious was punishment enough. Every day, catching a glimpse of Jimin's radiant smile was like a burst of sunshine, flooding your world with a second dose of serotonin. But the thought of not being able to bring that smile to his face or turn it into a beaming grin was gnawing at your insides.
"Hey, ___, I’m so sorry. I’ll be home soon! I’m just out with Namjoon and Hobi!" Jimins' amplified voice, together with the distant chatter in the background, echoed through the alleyway. "No, Jimin i-"
"It was just- Hobi wanted us to come see designs after work, and naturally we all piled into the bar! We are finishing up now!"
"Jimin, that's not why I'm calling…" You replied with a low tone.
"Huh?? Sorry babe, I can't hear you that well!" You chuckled to yourself at the agonising situation. Oh Jimin..
"Jimin, I fell.."
"Sorry, what was that??"
"I don’t know Jimin. I fell down these steps, and I can't get up. It's so embarrassing. I don't know what to do.."
"Shit. Stay there. I'm coming now. Where are you?" The way Jimin's entire demeanour shifts over the phone, it intimidates the hell out of you.
"I’m just outside that alleyway from my work... Do you know the one?"
"Yes, I do. I’ll be there in five minutes." And with that, Jimin ends the call.
"Fuck. That was my girlfriend. I’m so sorry guys, I have to go" Jimin, on the other hand, was shitting it. Hearing your frightened voice over the phone was enough for him to travel day and night to you.
"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked, apprehensive. He'd only see Jimin's expression like this when something was seriously wrong.
"I'm not sure, I think she’s hurt. I'll see you guys soon." Jimin said, frantically stuffing all his things in his bag. "Aw, alright, I hope she’s okay," Hoseok chirped.
"I hope so too. Bye!!" And just like that, Jimin literally flew outside the bar door. Foot harsh on the pedal. On his way: to you.
You kept your eyes on the cracks along the walls, waiting for Jimin. In the end, a few people did come by, but you covered it up by sitting on the floor and talking on your phone, and they didn't seem to notice. It's currently quiet as the sun is descending. But eventually you could hear faint, sporadic panting in the distance. It was the said saviour of the day.
"___!! Oh my god, oh my god, are you okay?? What happened?!?" Jimin gasped, looking at you like a precious gem that had cracked.
"I’m alright, just a little stumble. But I can't stand up, and it’s annoying." With a faint chuckle, you replied. You looked up at him, hoping to see his gaze soften and persuade him that it wasn't such a major issue, but his anxious expression didn't fade.
Scrambling towards you, he examined your ankle carefully, gently touching it in the process.
"Hm, I’m not a doctor, but I think maybe you sprained it. We should go to the hospital." He announced it sincerely.
"NO. I mean- no Jimin, no hospital, please; it’s not a big deal."
"Are you sure? I mean, you said you couldn’t even stand up?" It was endearing that Jimin tried to convince you, but because you didn't want to feel even more embarrassed, you simply scowled at him and hoped he understood what you were trying to imply.
"Okay, okay, let’s go home then." Jimin let out a little giggle at your silliness. But he now knew it was time for him to take on the doctor role and oh how Jimin would take that role very seriously. "Right, I need to carry you to the car then, can you try and get on my back?"
Jimin crouched in front of you after turning around. You used your entire upper-body strength to push yourself onto Jimin's back by reaching for his shoulders. His arms came back around and supported you from behind before he stood up and repositioned you.
"You okay?" Jimin asks once again. "Yes. Thank you, Jimin."
You scoot closer to his back, not just so he can carry you, but also so you can embrace him. Jimin carefully made his way back up the steps and onto the busy street, attempting to find his way back to the car park. You felt embarrassed by the many stares so you cuddled your face closer into the back of Jimin's neck.
It felt safe there, and you could smell his perfume's mild flowery scent mingled with the peppermint notes of his shampoo. Oh, how he always smelled so good. You smiled into his neck and pecked him lightly. This elicited a slight chuckle from him.
Jimin gently places you in the passenger seat and carefully rearranges your legs. He tightens the seatbelt and ensures you're safe and secure. You glance up at him, speechless. After the manner in which he's been treating you, the decision to call him for assistance felt extremely justifiable. As your gaze lingers on Jimin, he catches your eye, and a soft chuckle escapes his lips once more.
"Is this okay?" Jimin asked with a grin. "Yes, Jimin, this is perfect." As your gaze met his, a rush of warmth flooded your heart. The way he looked at you with such tenderness and affection was a feeling beyond words. To have someone who cherished you so deeply was truly a gift beyond measure. A rosy hue crept up Jimin's cheeks, causing his smile to widen even further.
Closing your door and driving back to the house was quite quiet, but it also felt soothing and safe at the same time. Jimin carried you on his back once again while fumbling to retrieve his keys from his pocket to open the door. Making his way to the sofa, he plopped you down softly.
"Okay, wait there. Don't go anywhere; I’m going to find a bandage." You laughed and shook your head at his stupid yet endearing joke.
When Jimin returned 10 minutes later, he did not only return with a bandage but also with half the house. Blankets, pillows, comfy clothes, a big bowl of snacks, and on top, the said bandage. You couldn’t even see his concentrated face through the massive mountain of love.
Your laughs echoed throughout the room once again while Jimin dumped everything beside you. He then carefully helps you undress into your loungewear and, following a YouTube tutorial, attempts to wrap the bandage around your foot. Watching him all focused on you made your heart flip around the room. He is so adorable.
"Okay, I think that’s good. Now do you want a pillow under your foot as well?" Jimin asked you politely. "I think it’s alright like this." You look at him, smiling.
"Hm, scratch that, I’m getting you a pillow."
When Jimin returns from getting a pillow, he gently lifts your feet to place it beneath them. He then throws various fluffy blankets over you while tucking in the sides, making sure once again that you don’t go anywhere. Looking back at you, he moves in close, giving you a soft peck on your forehead. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he momentarily retreats before leaning back in, peppering your face with a flurry of playful kisses. The two of you erupt into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, your heads thrown back in pure love and joy.
"Now what should I put on the TV for you?" Jimin sits beside you after grabbing the TV remote. "Anything I don’t mind."
Jimin then proceeds to put on your favourite film. Pressing play; he looks at you with a soft smile. "Please be more careful; I hate seeing you hurt like this." He pats your head gently while wrapping his arm around you.
"I’ll try not to Jimin ''. You say as you move closer to him, resting your head on his chest.
Paying close attention to the rest of the movie, your sixth sense tells you Jimin isn't watching it at all; he's staring at your ankle, hoping nothing will hurt it any further.
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brotrustmeicanwrite · 7 months
✨ Library Tag Game ✨
Let’s make a little library of stuff you made that you want others to see so there’s a list to choose from for anyone who’s interested ( because we kinda forgot how to reblog each others writing )
Add one or more of your projects, finished or WIP, text or other media as long as it tells a story
Add a link instead of text or images so everything stays neat and organised
Add a short description (feel free to use mine as a template)
Add TWs where necessary; If the tag would spoil too much add „TW proceed with caution“
Tag at least 3 other people for every link you add
If you weren’t tagged please still participate!
If you don’t want to participate you can still tag other people you’d like to see here
I’ll start with my mini comic :D
The Flower Spirit Who Became The Guardian Of The Dead
In the forest of spirits a crimson flower grows under an ancient tree. One dark and stormy night a human child finds shelter by their side. As they return to visit day after day, they grow beloved by the spirits of the forest, until one day they don’t return….
Genre: Fantasy
Media: textless short comic
Vibe: Why must you hurt me
Status: Ongoing (prologue & EP 03/15 completed as of Feb. 26th)
Length: on average 2 pages/ Episode
TW: child abuse
Tagging @stellar-man-ia @illarian-rambling @caxycreations @velvethopewrites @sleepywriter00 @revenantlore @vi-timepiece @aziz-reads @melobro29 @riveriafalll @infinnative @lexiklecksi
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trolagygirl2022 · 2 months
Hello everyone! I'm at the airport right now. I just want to let you guys know I'll be quite ia for a bit. I'll be working on the finishing readings but I'll just be enjoying my vacation. Please understand! :)
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ladysomething · 6 months
Just letting you know please do expand the whore-y omega prince ia into a whole 10k fic, otherwise I’m standing with 10 tons of fire powder in front of the Empire State building
Please! Please! Please!
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haha but in all seriousness, I would if I could. Maybe once Where You Go, I Go is finished! or if there were more hours in the day/I didn't have to have a real job.
p.s. if there's any lestappies out there who want fund my outrageous lifestyle so I can write fic all day, slide into my DMs.
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queenshittt · 1 year
Vonnyyyyy. Mau bubslix car sex abis balik dari nontonnn midnight >.< bubs mendadak gelisah banget terus casually bilang "lix, panties aku basah deh" terus dia nyantai aja gitu masukin tangannya ke panties buat ngecek. Bubs ga niat teasing lix, emang dia udah senyaman itu aja sm lix. Pas bubs gitu si lix langsung melotot tp terus ngakak, masih sambil nyetir. Ketawa lix langsung brenti pas bubs bilang "tuh kan basah" sambil ngeliatin jari2nya yg udah ada cairan lendir beningnya. Bubs ambil tisu di samping kanan, terus again casually, dia masukin tisu ke dalem skirtnya buat lap2 lendir. Lix makin ga fokus nyetir, tiba2 deg2an, udah ga karuan pokoknya. Wahahaha. Bubs kaget waktu pergelangan tangan kanannya tiba2 dicengkram lix pake tangan kirinya lix. Lix bilang "don't wipe. leave it like that". Bubs: "tapi aku ga nyaman lix, ini basah banget. Oh atau mau kamu aja yang lap?" Wkwkwkwkwk. Instead, lix nyuruh bubs nurunin pantiesnya, terus bubs difingering lix sepanjang perjalanan pulang >.<
Oh yeah, sometimes it’s just happened like that! Girls can get wet for just spending time with their partner without any sexual interactions or intended, it’s just a sign that Bubs is really really into Lix, her boyfriend.
Bubs just doesn’t know how it got her like this, why is she always wet when she’s spending time with Lix, even in public spaces?! Oh’ they just finished watching a movie at a theater in the night time and it’s time to go home.
It’s starting to feel uncomfortably wet and sticky down there, Felix is still talking while driving, eyes focusing on the road.
“Lix.. aku kayaknya.. basah”
Suaranya terdengar gelisah membuat kekasihnya memelankan laju mobilnya, pahanya dilebarkan. Dengan tangan kecilnya, gadis itu memasukan tangannya ke dalam rok, menggeser sedikit celana dalamnya yang lembab.
She sticks her finger into her slimy hole.
“Bub-Do you want me to park somewhere and stop the car?” He interrupts, eyes wide open, stealing glances to the girl who’s sitting beside him.
“-Hh no just keep going”
Lix nods in silence, continue the trip to their home. Hopefully they’re getting home as soon as possible.
Jarinya dikeluarkan, dan benar saja. Cairan bening yang lengket itu melumuri jari telunjuknya.
“I-I honestly don’t know why am I like this.. I don’t know if it’s bad— I should prob-“ Mulut gadis itu meracau, wajahnya sudah merah padam.
“Don’t worry Bub- you’re okay. That’s normal” Jawabnya tenang.
“Apanya yang normal… aku basah tiap deket kamu. Even though we’re not doing anything. We’re not even kissing or doing sex”
“It just means you really really into me- haha”
He chuckles, she doesn’t even know at this point Felix was just joking to calm her down or it is scientifically proved like that.
Nafasnya menghela berat. Ia melepas sabuk pengamannya untuk meraih tissue yang ada di kursi belakang penumpang. Rok pendeknya alhasil ikut naik. Memperlihatkan celana dalamnya yang berwarna putih terlihat corak basah di tengahnya.
Ia kembali ke posisi duduknya, kembali melebarkan pahanya. Kekasihnya kembali mencuri-curi pandang ke arahnya yang memegang beberapa lembar tissue.
“What’s that for?” Tanya pria itu.
“I’m just gonna wipe it”
“Don’t” He sternly replies.
“.. Kenapa.. Gak enak banget basah. Celana dalam aku juga udah lembab Lix” Confuse with his reaction.
“ Pull down your panties then- leave it like that”
She does what he says and surprisingly he sticks his fingers in her wet folds causing her to moan. Grabbing his hand.
“ I’ll take care of you okay Bubs? Place your hand to the headrest. Let me handle this okay?”
She nods, in a minute she gets even wetter til the slimy sounds can be heard while Lix fingering into her cunt.
He’s good at multitasking. Eyes still focusing on the road while one of his hand busy fingering her in and out in a stable pace.
“ Do you want me to take care of you after this too? “
“ —Please Felix, ah- yeah”
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sillyromance · 1 year
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Good day everyone!
As I promised, here is an uncovering of my OC's personality. Please, meet Sara Branton (pronounce: she/her)!
She is a character for my "Transformers: Prime" AU. Sara ia a middle-aged woman, a widow (her first husband died during the war they both took part in) and a retired field medic who works as a surgeon in Jasper. She is a half-German; her mother Gretchen married an American and moved to New-York many years ago, although the old lady still owns a great house in Europe. Sara has an adult daughter Alexa - they are very close, although the girl wasn't able to live with her mother during the childhood because of Sara's first job and post-war recovering period (Sara's PTSD is still too deep; often nightmares don't let her sleep). Friends and ex-comrades sometimes call the woman Bagheera (like a panther from Kipling's "Jungle book") - it was her code-name on the buttle field; she doesn't mind that. Sara is very good at medicine, chemistry and mechanics. Moreover, she is an eager learner who is always ready to study something new.
As for my AU, one night Sara was driving home after an exhausting surgery in a neighbour town when she got into a car crush - unconscious and bleeding, she was found by Bumblebee and delivered to the Autobot base where Ratchet took good care of her. Two doctors who had a lot in common got attached to each other sincerely and made strong friendship which later grew into love. Of course, Sara met other Team Prime's members as well; as soon as she recovered, the woman started helping new alien friends in their war, combining her rich experience with knowledges she could get, digging into unusual nature of strange metal creatures she was bound to co-work with. Although, she had never chosen a side; after everything Sara had seen in her life and everything she had discovered about the new battle she participated in, the woman only wanted peace and, while fighting with bots against 'cons, she did her best to fix the conflict. At last, she managed to return Starscream (he became her confidant) and Megatron on a bright side what ment the dissolution of his army - unfortunately, it led Sara to the end of her existence...
Ratchet was in pain; he didn't want to believe it was over for his human "wife". In order to that, he created a new metal body for Sara and succeeded to translate her personality in the electronic mind. The woman turned into a transformer; nevertheless she had never forgotten where she belonged and continued introducing herself as a human.
Some facts:
Favorite songs: "Black Velvet" Alannah Myles, "Ironic" Alanis Morissette
Favorite color: Brown
Languages: English, German
Hobbies: Singing, playing the guitar, cooking
Favorite clothes(when she was biologically a human): jeans + shirts/blouses/sweatshirts. (She loves earrings).
Alt-mode: Jet/Big Bot (Optimus Prime's size)/ Small Bot (human size)
Best friends: June Darby, Optimus Prime, Starscream.
Enemies: the American officer who is guilty for her first husband's death.
1) "It seems the old panther is in charge again!"
2) "If a life of a one human is enough to finish an entire war - I'm ready to give mine..."
3) (To Starscream) - "Thank you for teaching me to fly..."
Vore position: Always prey
P.S: On the second photo there is an Autobot symbol on Sara's shoulder; unfortunately, it was added by me long before I built the story completely, and such detail is inherently wrong. How I said, the character doesn't belong to any fraction - she is just a diplomat who tries to bring harmony to this world.
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further-from-maths · 7 months
28th Feb 2024, 12:24
I'm back lol sorry for dropping off the face of this blog. that's what IB does to you I guess
Some very cool things have happened since I was last here in writing. I got all five offers back, and I've accepted a firm and insurance choice to two wonderful places!!! Their creative writing departments were wonderful, and the lecturers at my firm were genuinely inspiring to listen to. To get in, I need a 6 in English, and 36 points overall. I think I can do it. My current goals/predictions are:
HL English LangLit: 6 needed for uni, and I managed it in my one mock since switching up. If I get a 5 I can still get into my insurance just fine, but I REALLY want to get into my first choice if I can.
HL Psychology: 7 is the goal. I really want a 7, and there's no excuse barring a lack of revision to not get one. My psychology department is genuinely incredible, and I've done very well in all my mocks. I really want to make them proud so I'm hoping the essays they give us are kind.
HL Global Politics: 7 suggested by the mocks so far, but I'm not the most confident in my politics abilities. I do want a 7 in it if possible though because I really like my politics teacher and also want to make him proud lmao
SL CompSci: 7 almost certain considering my mock grades thus far. I'm not worried tbh.
SL Maths Analysis: 7 PLEASE Maths is so easy to revise and it's easy points!!
AB German: 6 is probably more realistic than a 7 because too many minor slip ups can sink the grade completely, but I really want a 7 too.
Core: 2 is what I'm expecting tbh. My EE and TOK were both fine but I don't think they were WOW yk. I'm expecting a B for my EE hopefully and a B for my TOK, but if I've made my corrections well then hugely maybe I can get an A, which would give 3 points????? That's assuming my EE is in fact B-worthy which I really have no clue about.
Obviously I want to get as high as I can, but if I get a minimum of a 6 in everything, that's still more than enough with Core. I know I'm extremely likely to get a 7 in at least CompSci, so at a minimum I'm thinking I'll get 39 unless core flops?? My goal is to get over 40 though:))))
I'm terrified of making some kind of mistake that gets me disqualified. I know that's irrational but the fear is still there. My English teacher kinda spooked me by saying someone once failed their diploma because they didn't put page numbers in their EE so uh.......................... woooooooo. I'malso terrified about AI writing affeciting me. I haven't touched AI for anything I've done for school ever, but I'm nervous that the AI checker will be bad:( And what if I haven't cited something correctly?????? aaaaaaaaaaaa:(((((((((( Also as a heads up, for this exact reason, I won't be liveblogging my exams lol. I don't want to risk saying anything I'm not supposed to regarding the exams, so I'll make notes and post about them after results day or so. If I post anything during exam season, it'll probably be good-luck posts and nothing more lmao.
We've finished content in pretty much every subject now, which is exciting!! IAs are nearly done -- just waiting for final confirmation that a handful of them are ready for submission, and I've got my computer science IA to finish correcting. The end is scarily close.
Feeling terrified, but as long as I keep my head down and work hard, it'll be alright. Less than 11 weeks left. Let’s do this.
75 days until.
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medicdoodles · 1 year
(Chapter 1)||(Chapter 4)
After a year or so I finally finish this little fic. It was going to have angst but nope thia ia pretty much fluff.
Drift finally admits his feelings and gets a laughing Ratchet.
Safe and warm, feelings that Drift hasn't experience together, or at all. Even when he has the chance to sleep here aboard the lost light, sleeping in his own room never gives him this kind of peace.
Managing to open optics he catches a face next to his, that face. However, it was so serene, truly at peace. Even in Drift's dreams, Ratchet is never this relaxed, peaceful.
It wouldn't make sense if this scene was real though. Having Ratchet so close, seeing him so vulnerable and relaxed, it couldn't be anything but a dream. The medic then shifts closer, rubbing his helm against him, and that's what confirms to Drift he's dreaming.
Since he is dreaming it wouldn't hurt to give him a kiss. First a small press of the lips, more of a sample to get his mouth wet. Then he digs in, opening the mouth, dragging his fangs to barely scratch his lips. Pushing his glossa in to lick his partner, trying anything to taste him.
Drift was so into it that he fail to notice Ratchet's optics turning on. Missed how his hands were moving to push him off. He especially didn't see Rodimus get up from the desk chair and ask what the hell was happening.
So it was a hard wake up call when his back hits the ground hard. Looking up he sees Ratchet sit up trying to make sense of what happened. Putting one hand on his helm, bitting his littlest digit, trying to avoid contact with anyone.
"Ratchet-" Drift sits up, moving one arm up to try to smooth him with his touch.
"Please don't." His voice is shaking, no, all of him is shaking. "I- I need some time to think."
"Let me just explain it-"
"Drift please."
"Ratchet, I-"
"Please just stop."
"Ratchet I love you!" The room is silent, but Ratchet is finally looking at him. This is his chance to explain himself. If Drift fucks this up he will lose him forever. To be honest he doesn't want to, he's scared, but losing Ratchet is a worse thought.
"I love you." He starts again, this time he reaches to touches his fingers. "So when I woke up next to you I thought I was dreaming." He places himself to sit a bit closer to him, trying to feel the other bots field, wanting to understand him.
"I have something to get off my chest too." Rodimus' voice comes from the other side of the room. The two of them shifts their gaze to meet his. Ratchet grips his fingers together, for support, and he was going to give him. "Truth is, I- didn't mean to ask you out."
Sneaking a glace at Ratchet, he can see disappointment in his eyes. Drift gives his hand a squeeze in an attempt to show his support. Letting comfort and sympathy fills his field, he wants the medic understand that he will be there for him.
"See...", Rodimus rubs the back of his head and gets off of the chair, making his way towards them. "Drift had ask me if I could ask you out for him." Rodimus puts his hands down and starts twiddling his digits. "Then we started going out. I meant to tell you about it, but then I say you smile and you were happy. And-"
Ratchet let's go of Drift to stand next to Rodimus. The two of them gaze back to each other. Whatever is going on was enough to calm them down. "I want to ask of Drift can join us too? That is if you still want to have, whatever it is that we have."
Something in the mood shifts, lighter and the tension between them lifts. Then the most unexpected sound hits his audio fins, Ratchet bends over and Rodimus flinches back. He's laughing, Ratchet is hurled over side ways and is laughing without a care. It sends a shiver down his spine and Rodimus' hands hovers around him.
"If Roller were here he would be breaking his hydrolics." He settles down, dragging Rodimus down to sit down on the mat on the floor. "But I think we should ask Drift?", he looks back at him, hopeful but not desperate. "So how about Drift? Want to join us?"
"Yes." Drift shoves his head to go on his lap, trying get Ratchet to pet him.
"Us, huh?" Rodimus reaches over to pet him too, fragger gives him a slag eating too. "Does that mean you still want me?"
"Do you want to break it up?" The two of them look back at each other, Rodimus face drops to neutral but something about him is waiting for, something, rejection maybe.
"No... but-"
"Don't dwell on it to much then." Ratchet effectively shushing him with a digit in his lips. "Unless Drift has something to say."
"We'll work it out." Drift let's his engine purr, "I'm okay with sharing, but are you sure you can handle it?" He can't help to tease, "After all you are to old for this kind of scrap."
"Hey-", Rodimus jumps in before Ratchet can answer. "If he can handle Pharma and whatever he and Optimus had with Megatron. The two of us are practically sweet wells and carbon fiber."
"How did you know about those?"
"Uhhh forget it. I never said anything, okay?" Rodimus grabs Ratchet's face and kisses him. "I promise to give you more if you just let that go."
They kiss again, until Ratchet breaks it off to give Drift a peck on his helm. "Okay. Consider the deal made." Ratchet gets up and makes his way towards the door. "With that statement, I better get back to 'Aid. He's been ping for me about a minute ago."
"Bye Ratchet." Drift gives him a small wave. However, Rodimus knows that to get to Ratchet, you have to make him flustered.
"May you honor us by bring havoc to the Medbay." The prime then stands up and bows when Ratchet looks back at him.
"How about I honor you tonight?" Ratchet blows a kiss to the two of them. "That is if you two have the energy to see me at my place that is."
"Yes." They may get into trouble again but it would be worth it. Entering this together will be worth it even if they need to learn to share.
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zadien · 5 months
I don't have time to write a Chenford Fanfic but I have an idea - Part One
I do not have the time or the energy to write a Chenford Fanfic (I have an 800k behemoth to finish instead) but 6x06 got me thinking things. So if I were to write one, it would be this (under cut because it's LOOONG and this is only part one):
Lucy gets some distance by taking some PTO and goes to visit Rachel in NYC. This gives her a friend that she can talk to who knows the players in this story but isn't involved with them and is fully on Lucy's side.
They drink, they have fun, they cry, they examine every sentence of the conversation from multiple angles.
Rachel helps her think things through, applying her own experience and knowledge
Lucy goes through the stages of grief - but doesn't quite hit acceptance.
But she's in a more solid place when she goes back.
While she was away Tamara moved out. Unfortunately Tim happened to arrive to pick up his stuff from a neighbour just as a moving truck leaves with Tamara following in her car.
Timothy throws a wobbler, goes to Grey demanding to know if Lucy's left (she's not been at work, she's not answering her phone, she's not answering the door).
Grey explains, with a certain pointedness that Lucy is away on PTO and that she let everyone who needed to know.
Tim vents to Angela - Angela points out that Tim doesn't have a leg to stand on since he went AWOL for 36 hours and only let Lucy in when Ray showed up. She suggests that maybe he should figure out what he wants while she's away.
He goes to Genny, pretty much gets the same talk and a gentle prod to consider therapy.
When Lucy comes back, he tries to talk to her but she's civil and to the point.
After rollcall he sees Lucy and Nolan leaving the war room and overhears Nolan asking if she'll be okay to work with Tim and Lucy tells him that she's worked with an ex before, she'll be fine. Nolan laughs and says that they were a bit different. Lucy makes a face but the job's the job right?
Besides, she was planning to break up with Nolan anyway, he just jumped the gun.
Tim is staggered, he puts it together that she and Nolan were together. He stews all day on this, Thorsen is on egg shells beside him, hand locked in a death grip around his seatbelt.
Other things fall into place and Tim has a timeline of their relationship and, running on self righteous temper, he goes to Lucy's apartment and challenges her on lying to IA when Nolan had the officer involved shooting. Lucy shoots back that he wasn't exactly toeing the company line himself.
This rocks him because his already shaky foundation is crumbling. She points out that he taught her that some things matter more, that there's ethics involved and the world isn't black and white, but he, getting emotional, retorts that their job is black and white. Realising this isn't getting them anywhere, she backs down and tells him she'll see him at work and if he wants to report her to IA, go ahead.
Leaving her apartment, Tim heads home to Kojo and reruns through those moments Lucy talked about and realises that he does need to figure out what he stands for. He starts therapy.
Time passes.
Noah Foster returns. Needs some help. Offers Lucy a comforting ear, and suggests a move to his location if she wants one. Lucy considers it.
Later that day Tim comes across Aaron and Celina in the bullpen speculating on whether Lucy is leaving since she's been in Grey's office a while and they heard Noah's invitation. His heart sinks because why wouldn't she avail of that opportunity.
Grey talks to Lucy, checking in with her after EVERYTHING
Lucy tells him that things have been tough, that she feels like she's stuck going nowhere.
Grey admits that while he was disappointed FOR her not getting detective, secretly, selfishly, he was a little pleased he got to keep her around. That maybe he doesn't say it enough but she earned her hotshot status but that because she's set the bar so high, that they expect her to do better than the others but that a failing on his part. That she's one of his most competent officers, the kind that he can assign to any task and know she'll complete it. That other departments ask for her specifically because she's got a reputation for being good. That she shouldn't let anyone's actions deter her from continuing to strive to go higher and that he'll start exposing her to other departments, get her name out there so that if anyone tries to black mark her again, there'll be enough people who know her to veto it. (because I need Lucy to get some kudos)
Grey asks if Lucy’s going to take up Foster on his offer and transfer to a different department
Lucy says no, that her family is here, and while things aren’t going how she expected, she doesn’t want to give up. Not yet. Besides, there’s a petty little part of her that wants to show Tim what he’s missing
Also side note but this would involve pining across the bullpen and Tim spending time staring at the curve of Lucy's cheekbone, the purse of her lips, the endless fidgeting with her (their) travel mug.
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Escaping the Cocktail Party--Elsa & RC3
@iloveitxwhenaplanxcomestogether (RC3)
Mr. Knight standing in the corner and irritably pulling at his tie might find these fundraising parties irking, but Elsa can hardly see why. Certainly, an endless calendar of fundraising dinners, benefit galas, and charity cocktail parties can be a bit tiresome, but they also are part of operating non-profit organizations. The money has to come from somewhere, after all. They are also staples on her own calendar—one of the dangers of having a tremendous fortune in the bank and a familial history of philanthropy. She used to let Anna handle these kinds of events, but her dear sister was a bit too softhearted and free with her checkbook. She soon sent Anna back to PR parties for the company while she took charge of the charitable angles. Admittedly, however, this party is a bit dull. Though she is loath to admit it, this fact falls on the head of the Foundation’s venerable leader Devon Miles. A wonderfully charming and witty man in small groups and one-on-one conversations, he becomes a bundle of nerves when he has to deliver official speeches, resulting in slightly long-winded and rather tedious ones. Unfortunately for all of them tonight, the Foundation ias giving an overview of their work for the last year, and handing out several awards to various charitable endeavors in Southern California. That means poor Mr. Miles has had to make multiple speeches, and the rest of them have to listen to them. It made for an uncomfortable evening across the board. Finally though, the last award has been given and the last of the speeches have been made. A general air of relaxation moves through the crowd as they shift into the ‘cocktails and mingle’ portion of the evening. Mr. Knight promptly disappeared with Dr. Barstow, the two intently discussing something with their heads tilted close together as they vanish through a side door.   Elsa finds herself moving into ‘small talk’ mode where she makes polite conversation with various familiar faces, is introduced to a few new ones, and starts plotting the opportune time to make her farewells. She probably has another hour or so here first though… while Mr. Knight can blow in and out as he pleases, a woman of her position can never appear to be rushed even if all she wants to do was get back to her apartment, slip out of her heels, and slink into bed with a good book. She makes her first circuit of the room, ending by the bar where she gratefully accepts a refill on her seltzer water. Spotting a new man leaning awkwardly against the bar in a tux he is clearly not comfortable in, she acknowledges him with a polite headtilt. As she greets the stranger, she spots another figure bee-lining toward her—one she wishes to avoid. Mr. Standforshire has been after her for months with an unsound business proposition that she suspects he is trying to use as an overture toward a romantic relationship. Desiring neither from the odious forty-five-year-old, she turns fully toward the stranger. “Hello,” Offering her hand politely, unable to fully hide a sense of urgency, she finishes her introduction.  “I don’t believe we’ve met before. I am Elsa Arendelle. Do you work for the Foundation, Mister… ?”
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tiredassmage · 2 years
raise or fold
May I uhhhhhh [bangs on some flipped over pans and sends my cheap plastic sunglasses flying] interest you in more agent feelings?
Aka, I finished Chapter 2, time for Tyr to start his habit of not working through all of his feelings!!! [F]. (Spoiler alert, he’s still not sure what the hell happened in this conversation.)
Cipher Nine checks in with the Minister following the conclusion of the SIS investigation. They’ve got ten minutes.
Spoilers for those of you who haven’t done IA bc this builds on Chapter 1 things, and only warnings for this one are some (surprisingly, given the circumstances) mild swearing and mentions of brainwashing/mind control.
(The spoilers start like, instantly, so enjoy a really early cut for this one lol)
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“Broadcast mode: white noise for ten minutes. Then leave.” The Minister frowned as his arms folded neatly behind his back. There might’ve been a time Cipher Nine would have teased that it’d draw deeper, more permanent lines across the man’s face if he kept it up.
But he braced. And he met the Cipher’s gaze unflinchingly. “I preface with this: I know about the stolen files, I knew about your keyword, and I approved it. If I hadn’t, you’d be dead.” He paused a moment, gauging the stillness of the operative watching him with steeled eyes. No reaction. “The Dark Council was not as pleased with the outcome of the Dominator. I warned you there was only so much I could do to protect you. If you have anything you want to get off your chest, Nine, now is your time.”
A bark of dry laughter shook out of Cipher Nine. Fight, flight, observe - a mess of jumbled signals sparking and spluttering, wires crossing, too much information and too little time. His hands flexed briefly into fists before one raced up to drag across his jaw. “I put that much together, Minister.”
A growl of frustration broke his lips as he shook his head. Restlessly, he paced the length of Keeper’s desk - more akin to a caged Tukata than the calculated young officer he’d sent to Hutta. “Their little stunt nearly compromised the whole mission!”
“Report, Cipher Nine.”
Nine huffed, but stilled back in place across from the Minister. “Imperial codes, Imperial brainwashing, yet a Republic SIS agent held my leash. Fine. I searched the records. I orchestrated the blackout. How the hell does that happen?”
That frown only deepened. As if being Keeper of Operations Division hadn’t been enough on the poor bastard, now they had a war on their hands. “A fantastic question,” he drawled. “The Shadow Arsenal destroyed. Ardun Kothe’s shuttle recovered with no record of this weapons cache in its logs. No recoverable evidence that your ‘codename Hunter’ even exists.”
“Are you implying something, Sir?” Nine’s eyes hardened like the Hoth ice fields. Then he blinked and puffed out a breath with another shake of his head. One hand came up to his temple briefly. “I’m… sorry, Sir. Out of line.”
“Cipher.” Nine cleared his throat and settled back into parade rest. “I believe you. And that’s why I need you back in the field.”
There wasn’t enough time to afford extensive recovery from even the physical strain of such an extensive operation, to say nothing of the psychological distress. Even now, he wouldn’t admit it. Nothing was physically holding him back and they had the privacy.
He had an operative run ragged. But this had started with him. To reassign this to someone else would likely only bog him down in wartime operations - equally no time for proper turnaround, not with the Citadel under nigh-on constant operations as they already were.
This was the best outlet he could provide under the circumstances. And it was a bloody shame.
“Sir?” Nine cocked his head inquisitively.
“The trail isn’t as cold as you might think. I’m sending you to the Isen Four Mining Colony. I believe you’ll find this of interest.” They turned to the droid as the Minister played back the surrender notice from the Colony.
Nine watched the playback silently in a mask of focus. One hand rose to his chin as his other arm crossed his chest, supporting the other. The Minister waited.
“Relevance?” Nine inquired.
“Yesterday, a man fitting your description of this ‘Hunter’ boarded a shuttle to this colony. We received this message nine hours ago.”
Nine’s eyes narrowed. “You believe they are connected?”
He’d always been good at thinking on his feet. “Unknown,” he replied. “But our forces are due to arrive tomorrow. I’m sending you after Hunter.”
A grim, determined frown settled across the Cipher’s features. “Understood, sir.” His fingers dug along his jaw. “Any ideas about why he’s heading there?”
“Watchers are still correlating the data, but I think you can tell me our deeper suspicion.”
Nine’s eyes narrowed. “That the bastard is playing both sides?”
“It would appear there’s much more going on than we had suspected. Someone with access to Republic and Imperial resources and interested in manipulating both sides for an as-yet-unknown purpose.”
A breath of a laugh broke the Cipher’s lips. “Well, isn’t that old hat?” Fine. “I’ll do it, under one condition.”
A barely perceptible trace of a smile appeared at the corner of the Minister’s mouth. “I don’t intend to tell anyone about your… inquisition.”
“Then we have an understanding.”
“Nine, for what it’s worth-”
“Save your breath, Minister,” Nine said. He briefly patted the older man’s shoulders. “For what it’s worth, Sir? It’s been an honor and privilege.” His grip tightened as they locked eyes. “You did what you could. And I’m sure we both understand that I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The Minister sighed quietly. “I was worried you’d say that.”
Nine released him. “It’s the job, Sir. I don’t intend to let anyone stop me.”
“Stars help whoever tries,” he muttered. Nine made to leave. “You’re dismissed. Get on that next flight out and, Cipher-”
Nine stopped and looked over his shoulder.
“Keep your eyes open. You may be on your own. This is the best I can do for you.”
“Of course, Sir.” Nine frowned faintly. “That bastard is going to pay for what he did.”
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A "nice and calm" walk on the park, with our loud boy, Sebek!
Wholesomeness, a bit of anger but just a bit and floooooffff!
<its my first frfr fanfic so please ignore my terrible writing <3>
-Class finishes, man it was ALOT to take in.
-Feeling tired, you decide to go to your dorm. Maybe have some snacks and binge watch a series.
-Well your plans were ruined.. by your crush.
"Hello y/n."
"Oh sebek! How are you? Do you need anything?"
"Well i'd like too.. take you out and walk in the park for a bit.. with you."
(Ears colored with a slight red... isnt that cute???)
"Oh!.. Ofcourse! I would love too! Right now?"
"Well yes thats why i asked you now, since all classes have finished"
-So here you are, with your crush, in the park.. ALONE.
-This is kinda awkard.. he usually is the one talking he looks... fidgety?
-And where ia he taking you? He just told you to follow him
-And ofcourse you followed him!
-As you walk to a tree thats decorated with flowers and.. a malleus photo?.. Dont question it.
"...we arrived, i hope you like it Y/N"
"Me? Why would you ask me that?"
"Well.. i just want to say that for a while i-"
(Why is there a kid looking at us wierdly?)
"Uh excuse me sir?.. i- i lost my mommy.. can you help me?"
-Obviously the kid starts crying
-Sebeks mad <af> because he FINALLY had the courage to confess to you only to be cut off by a mere child
-So he lost his mom during a small carnaval and he spotted us and came to seek help
"Sebek! Please calm down! Its just a small child"
".. AH"
-Looking into the crowd, you see a woman nervous and looking for something or someone
-Ah so it IS her, your glad to see them so happy together
-You turn around and smile at the green haired fellow admiring you
-He looks away.. in shame and red starts to spread his face
-Walking up to your boyfriend...
"Hey sebek, lets enjoy this small carnaval"
"I.. want to go back just a bit.."
"Oh why?"
"I was in the middle of.. confessing my love to you"
"Ah you little silly knight."
- You give him a peck in the lips
"I already accepted it!"
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thewalrus-said · 2 years
For the ask game, I'd like no. 2, 22, 42 and 62 please!
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
see, i don't think this has ever really happened in a notable way. the thing i have firmest in my mind before i start writing is the characters, so they rarely surprise me once i'm actually drafting. i learn things about them, to be sure, i can't think of everything ahead of time, but in minor ways, not by going against something i had planned.
the most recent time a character looked me dead in the eyes and told me something about themself, though, was when i decided to rewrite my nano novel to add the love interest's POV, and he promptly told me what kind of sex he most liked to have. which was very helpful!
22. describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
oh lord, ace, you don't go easy on me, do you? 😅 it's so variable. usually, for origfic, i come up with a character (or, often, a version of chris/mat that i want to play with that's new, whom i later adapt into an original character) and a world, and then i daydream about that character/world for...a long time. like i said in another answer, weeks/months/sometimes years. this is for gathering a more complete picture of the character(s), fleshing out worldbuilding, and coming up with a list of scenes that would most interest me, to "see" and to write.
then i outline. i outine meticulously. the outline for my nano novel first draft, which was 15 chapters, was 6000 words on its own. add in scenes, descriptions, and lines of dialogue verbatim as i want them in the outline.
then i write. i'm a very fast writer, and i do very very well in a nanowrimo format (i'm a toddler and like the badges), so sometimes i'll save it for whichever nano event is next, or if i'm too eager i'll just set a personal daily word goal (usually 2k) and go for it.
once it's drafted, it goes to ia/patreon for initial feedback, and we go from there.
fanfic requires less character-building for the most part (unless it's a new-to-me fandom/blorbo), and i'm much more likely to write short and off-the-cuff, without an outline or sometimes even a plan.
42. describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
i guess if you want me to pick one, i'll go with orig!OUAJ, and say "canadian frontier, emotionally honest, pining." let me know if you have one in particular you want me to do, though!
62. what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
i was ~13 and it was frank denouement/beatrice from ASOUE and i honestly can't remember how it started, but it persisted for as long as it did because crack (the fandom kind, not cocaine, i was not on crack at 13).
thanks ace!!!
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extensive writing ask game
thank you for this tag crest, how exciting! @crestfallercanyon
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
54 (5 of those are translations though, so 49 original fics)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
read more under the break
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
The Maze Runner
Harry Potter
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Sag es mit Blumen (Thominewt)
Gorgeous (Newtmas)
I May Do No Harm (Thomesa)
As Long As I Watch Over You (Thominho)
The Heartbreak Prince (Newtmas)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
next question
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh no. that's a three way tie between
footprints in the sand
a story
safe & sound
someone who's read all 3 please tell me the answer
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i was gonna say i don't but HEY i think i have one: what if good looked the other way
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
laughing bc yes i do write so much smut :) <3 what kind????? i think the question's more like, what DON'T i write *wink*
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
no. i was gonna say yes, for the translation exchange, but then remembered the translation of my fic never came through ToT. it's on my list to get myself a replacement translator though. (@dunne-ias you still in?)
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! daddies are made not born with @manako-no-yami
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
(check out last year's thomesa week blog for content &lt;;3 @thomesa-week-2022 ) (and stay excited, because the next one's coming upppppppppppppppppppppppppp *demonic screeching*)
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
from the ones that already have posted parts i'll finish all of them.
from the ones i *haven't* yet posted... i'm afraid i'll never finish and post TNT fic (thomas/newt/teresa) and bookverse thomesa fix-it :(
waaaiiittt.... does that mean maybe i just need to post the first chapter of each????
15) What are your writing strengths?
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
sometimes i think a story would work well for a chronological multi chapter fic, but those are just... they just don't vibe with me. moment of silence...
17) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter
18) What are your five favourite fics you’ve written?
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Teresa left, and never told him why. What happened, and will they find their way back to each other again?
2-A Story
This is a story about Thomas and Teresa. About a boy who loved too much, and a girl who could never allow herself to do the same.
3-Des Étoiles Filantes
because it made momo @thominho-incorrectquotes so happy
4-this is what makes us girls
girl get that wlw trauma
5-I May Do No Harm
Teresa survives, she jumps from the burning building into the aircraft. Everyone is hostile towards her, and Thomas has to convince them to let her live.
They move to a removed place on the island, try to settle into their new life and find their place in the community.
19) what are five fic recs?
i did a seperate post for this, here.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sun[day] 2 October 1836
11 3/4
No kiss ready at 10 when Mr. Jubb ca[me] - my a[un]t’s pulse 96 – rath[e]r bet[ter] this morn[in]g? A- [Ann] h[a]d still a
gr[ea]t deal of fev[e]r – h[a]d giv[e]n h[e]r the oth[e]r 2 pills and a saline dr[au]ght at 9 1/2 - if the bow[e]ls n[o]t act[e]d up[on] by 2 p.m.
to s[e]nd to Mr. Jubb’s for so[me]th[in]g to prod[uce] immed[ia]te eff[ec]t – luck[il]y this aft[er]w[ar]ds prov[e]d unnecess[ar]y - Mr. J- [Jubb]
th[ou]ght it n[o]t necess[ar]y to co[me] this ev[enin]g on my a[un]t’s acc[oun]t – h[a]s k[no]wn a lady ta[ke] as lit[tle] nourishm[en]t as my
a[un]t does now, and live 4 y[ea]rs - my a[un]t may contin[ue] so[me] ti[me] – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 1/2 – b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds w[i]th my
a[un]t or A- [Ann] at 12 1/4 r[ea]d pray[e]rs to my a[un]t and Cooks[o]n and Oddy and the h[ou]sem[ai]d in 1/2 h[ou]r, and sat w[i]th my a[un]t
wh[ile] Oddy din[e]d – r[ea]d now and aft[er]w[ar]ds when w[i]th my a[un]t Rennie’s alphab[e]t of nat[ura]l geog[raph]y  the first
50 p[ages] then b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds – fr[om] 3 to 5 stood read[in]g the H[alifa]x Guard[ia]n of Sat[urday] partly al[ou]d to A- [Ann]
then in the b[lue] r[oo]m skimm[e]d ov[e]r last night’s Lond[on] pap[e]r - a few min[ute]s w[i]th my a[un]t - then ag[ai]n w[i]th
A- [Ann] ga[ve] her the 5th saline d[rau]ght s[in]ce last night she h[a]d noth[in]g b[u]t 2 cups of tea for br[eak]f[a]st and at 7 h[a]d a lit[tle] veal broth and dry toast w[hi]ch
last she th[ou]ght disagr[ee]d w[i]th h[e]r st[oma]ch - she h[a]s a good deal of fev[e]r ag[ai]n tonight – din[ner] at 7 10/..
in 35 min[ute]s - made tea for A- [Ann]  and coff[ee] for mys[elf] and wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today till 8 10/.. – ver[y] rainy
morn[in]g and rainy day – so[me] ver[y] heavy show[e]rs in the aft[ernoo]n so that none of the serv[an]ts c[oul]d get to ch[ur]ch –
bef[ore] I h[a]d finish[e]d br[eak]f[a]st this morn[in]g h[a]d Charl[otte] Booth - she ca[me] to ask for a merinos gown, and
want[e]d 2 chemises - the term of her apprenticeship expires on Fri[day] – s[ai]d she sh[oul]d ha[ve] the gown –
she m[u]st do for hers[elf] aft[e]r Xmas - or fr[om] 1 Jan[uar]y next – ga[ve] good advice, and spo[ke] of a lady’s m[ai]d place for
her - £10  a y[ea]r as m[u]ch as she sh[oul]d exp[ec]t at 1st – spo[ke] ver[y] gently to h[e]r - she w[oul]d do wh[a]tev[e]r
I lik[e]d, b[u]t I f[oun]d she w[oul]d rath[e]r ‘be in bus[ine]ss’ than in a lady’s m[ai]d pl[a]ce - Miss Hebden had
told her she w[oul]d ha[ve] to sit up ver[y] late - it end[e]d in my say[in]g I w[a]s g[la]d to ha[ve] f[ou]nd out wh[a]t
she lik[e]d best - my only wish was for her to do well - I w[oul]d therefo[re] gi[ve] up inq[uirin]g for a place, and she
m[u]st consult w[i]th Miss Hebden, and manage for hers[elf] – ask[e]d wh[a]t her gown w[oul]d cost – ans[we]r
ab[ou]t a pound – wh[a]t the chemises? ab[ou]t 5/. - I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght she w[oul]d perh[aps] like best
to provide these th[in]gs for hers[elf], and do for hers[elf] fr[om] this ti[me] (to w[hi]ch she seem[e]d to gi[ve] gl[a]d assent)
and that I therefo[re] begg[e]d she w[oul]d do so, and I ga[ve] her 2 sov[erei]gns for this purp[ose] - I hop[e]d she w[oul]d alw[a]ys
be grateful to Miss Hebden, and nev[e]r calculate pennies and twopences where they were
concern[e]d b[u]t do all she c[oul]d for them - and be sure to please th[e]m - if she d[i]d n[o]t, they w[oul]d do
no mo[re] for her, and th[in]k no mo[re] of her - I s[ai]d she must so contrive as n[o]t to put her fath[e]r
to any exp[ense] – b[u]t must stay w[i]th Miss Hebd[e]n or be here till she g[o]t so[me] place, and as for being
here, there w[a]s no r[oo]m at pres[en]t and I sh[oul]d n[o]t now like her to be here if I w[a]s away (allud[in]g to my
hav[in]g nobod[y] to leave her w[i]th as Mrs. Cookson (I s[ai]d) w[oul]d go away of course, w[i]th Miss W- [Walker] and
mys[elf] - I th[in]k the girl w[a]s pleas[e]d to be thus soon put up[on] her own managem[en]t - I ha[ve] giv[e]n her
a trade - I ha[ve] surely done en[ou]gh - she w[oul]d nev[e]r suit A- [Ann] and me - she w[oul]d rath[e]r be
independ[en]t - I am gl[a]d to ha[ve] g[o]t thus happ[il]y rid of her - and hope she will do well for hers[elf] –
writ[in]g the ab[ov]e till 8 25/.. p.m. then w[e]nt for A-  [Ann] who g[o]t up and ca[me] and lay on the sofa (in h[e]r dress[in]g gown and cloak) in the bl[ue] r[oo]m
she w[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] tea I h[a]d made for her - I h[a]d my coff[ee] - then whi[le] Oddy g[o]t her supp[e]r sat w[i]th my a[un]t 3/4 h[ou]r till n[ea]r 10, at
w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 38° and fair - rainy day w[i]th high wind in the aft[ernoo]n -
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Como havia te mencionado, caramba eu ando nostálgico! Pensando de como a gente começou a engajar nesse modo romântico, nas minhas tentativas e falhas e tentar te conquistar e nos inúmeros esforços que pareciam que não iam dar frutos mas deram, eu fico besta!
Eu mais me declarei por meio que querer me livrar dos meus sentimentos, se eu tomasse um fora eu ia me livrar deles mais rápido mas, você me deu um teco de esperanças e você, sendo a garota que é, me deus energias o suficiente para continuar tentando pois estar seu lado valeira a pena (e vale).
Eu ainda fico bobo pelo fato de a gente estar namorando, tipo, você sabe o quão OUT OF MY LEAGUE you are? Garota você e mais incrível do que eu em todos os aspectos, eu estar do seu lado agora me faz invencível, me sinto mortal.
E por isso não vou poupar esforços para continuar te conquistando, provando que eu ser sua escolha não é um erro.
Você me faz muito feliz, obrigado.
I wrote this part after I had already finished the one above but I don't want to make a new post just about that. So... Maybe it felt like I treated you like a child or that I was embarrassed to talk to you about it after you refused to make a joke about my balls. hehehe, balls.
But like you said, I'm gifted, a joke about them would be too heavy >:^D
The point is, I know you're not exactly a child or even an angel, but I know it bothers you when the subject is brought up in a strange way or when you're disrespected around the subject. And I'm really afraid of disrespecting you! But the truth is that I want to talk about naughty things with my girlfriend, you're kind of the age and not to mention you imagined yourself freacking me in the wrong HOLE (get the joke with role?).
I'm not asking us to *GF* or anything like that, I wouldn't even like that, just that it would be interesting if we stopped beging cringe before saying something like that or that I'd like to suar with you, we are a coupleeeee
Again i'm not asking to be safados all the time i just wanna say that i'm confortable with you so if you think its okay to be with me, we can be. Cause i kinda tired of *(not in a weird way), cause like, WHAT IF IN A WEIRD WAY HUH? YOU HAVE A DIRTY MIND SO GET THAT JOKE WITH DOUBLE SENTINDO AE DOG, VC SABE QUE FOI NA ZOEIRA ANYWAY MAS VAI PENSAR SOBRE DE UM JEITO ESTRANHO >:^D And I want to remind you, I respect you and I never want to fail you, you have the right and control over me whenever I cross a limit. I also want to remind you that I made two promises when I declared myself, the first is that I would not interfere with your experiences as a teenager (as I almost did about role-playing but I came back with my mind(but please dont go nuts D:) and the other is that I would never be disrespectful to you.
So yeah, i would like to say naughty things with my gf, shes one of my bros after all.
And yes, i would like to suar com você, with all respect but yeah i would like yes, you thinked about that too so i dont think is as heavy thing to say
Se a calça rasgou cmg de boa, imagina com o monstro na forma final, its not funny but eu sei que você deve ouvir uns absurdos ai tbm
ai jesus cristo eu misturei um post fofo e com um topico contrario, me perdoa eu ainda me sinto besta por seu seu namorado e como andar nas nuvens aiaiaiaiiaia
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