#please lmk if this doesn't work
khianat · 5 months
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                  @vienrose ; receives a closed starter ; from haoyu
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"I've been busy babysitting for half the day, and I feel like you'll see the deep shadow of stress underneath my eyes for the next two weeks," Haoyu joked, allowing the sunglasses to slip down. "Now, I called you because there's a favor I wanted to ask you, or maybe just to see if you would be interested. You know the group I founded is mostly active during the summer months, with lots of cultural events where we get to perform, and the theater tends to focus on heavier plays during that time as well, giving me more time, so it always adds up nicely. Anyway, we used to have a member who usually helped out with makeup, since not all of them do this for a living. She moved away a few months ago, and I haven't managed to find a long-term solution yet. I was wondering if you'd be up to help out? The budget's small as always, but I promise it would only be on maybe four weekends, and you'd get all the information at least two weeks in advance. You could come to training if you want to by chance; we meet once a week, so I can show you the concept we're working with this year."
"I need somebody I trust for this, not only in skill but also with people." Haoyu leaned over. "Now, I rambled a lot for a simple question. Do you want anything to drink? You know, I have a wast tea collection but I added some more coffee options too, if you feel more for that one."
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stergeon · 5 months
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And so your PLANT shall henceforth be known as FERDINAND II.
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The thought of needing to inform FERDINAND I of his having a namesake makes you a bit ill, but you are already hard at work devising several plausible excuses for the gesture. Something about how you've named it after the one most invested in its naming, or how it is similarly prone to drooling. Yes. Yes, you will be able to deflect quite easily, should the need arise. It has nothing to do with your fondness for FERDINAND or your desire for a substitute in his imminent absence, no—again, you are not so prone to sentimentality. It's about the drool.
Well, anyway. Best to move on with your day and think about something else, lest you grow maudlin or cultivate further affection for the PLANT. May the GODDESS be merciful and never cause you to develop inclinations that could be described as paternal.
Now that your plant has received sufficient care, it is time for COFFEE. You set to making your morning brew. By CHANCE, there happens to be sufficient water remaining in the kettle for FERDINAND I to have TEA, should he wish it.
Per your TIMEPIECE, it is now a quarter to eight. You have made excellent progress on your PRE-BREAKFAST TO-DO LIST thus far: the only remaining task is to remove FERDINAND. You are starting to get rather peckish and would like to be rid of him quickly, but over the past week, you have found that extracting the man from YOUR QUARTERS is a more arduous task than it ought to be.
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Alright everyone, I've done it
I made a tally of Dan vs. Phil that delves into the truth of ALL OR NOTHING— what kind of difference did it make? Who suggested it more? Who is the true winner of Dan vs. Phil?
What you find may not be what you expect, but I promise you that the truth is there, waiting for you to discover it
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linagram · 5 months
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i guess even they had someone they could say they loved.
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opera-ghost · 2 years
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phantom of the opera broadway audio gift - 3/2/23
ben crawford, emilie kouatchou, greg mills
[untracked audio]
CAST: ben crawford (phantom), emilie kouatchou (christine), greg mills (u/s raoul), nehal joshi (andre), craig bennett (firmin), maree johnson (giry), janet saia (u/s carlotta), carlton moe (piangi), kelly loughran (u/s meg)
notes: click here for thoughts/visual notes. pic of playbill insert in folder with all the understudies. audio is pretty clear, may hear some rustling/sniffling during the final lair because :')
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hearth4days · 2 years
Help me move out! 👉👈
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Payments currently through paypal only (Hearth4days is my account, please ignore my deadname)
All information subject to change
0/5 slots taken
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dreampedia · 2 months
WHERE: single carrot theatre WHEN: 19th june, late afternoon WHO: ziv boo ( @scyboo )
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Mio could have waited until Ziv was home. She could have waited until they had gotten home and settled down for the day, when they might have had ample time to hear her out. But Mio was never much good at waiting, and all the less so when the circumstances were as urgent as they were now. She had hardly been able to think straight since she'd heard the news either. It didn't feel real. Mindy was in jail, implicated in a crime Mio was certain they had not committed. And it had been about a year since the very same thing had happened to Rei! It had to be an unfortunate coincidence but, oh, how cruel it felt! How twisted! Once she did made her way into the theatre, it took her a few too many minutes to even find Ziv. With a thousand frazzled thoughts shooting through her brain, setting her whole nervous system alight, it was surprisingly hard to focus on anything. In fact, it had taken her crashing headfirst into Tomo Katsumura, effectively winding him with her skull, and blurting out 'WHERE'S ZIV?' for her to finally find them. (She'd have to apologise for that one later.)
"Hiii, it's just me," said Mio, waving with both hands as she stepped through the door, chipper as ever despite the knot of anxiety tangling itself in her gut. Any onlooker might be surprised to learn she'd been running up and down the halls of the theatre, as frantic as a headless chicken -- although, if she were unlucky, Ziv might have heard the desperate squeak of her platform sneakers against the theatre's varnished floors and known someone was coming. "I hope this isn't a bad time." She looked around the room, just to be sure that nobody else was around. Something about this felt private. It was nobody else's business and it was only because she wholeheartedly trusted Ziv that she was sharing this with them at all. "'Cause I've got kind of a, uh, serious question," she said, trying to cut a confident figure, her shoulders straight and level. Alas, her struggle to find the right words betrayed her awkwardness. "Do you know anything about...uh, what is it...lawyering up?" Sure, she'd pulled that phrase from some schlocky procedural drama but what mattered was this: Mio had promised Mindy she'd help in any way she could. Mio did not break her promises.
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ruinouss · 7 months
@ryusokcn said:
"Could you give me a hand with this ?"
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In the village of Stillgrove, south of the mountains, several people of varying ages had started going missing over the past few months. But without any bodies resurfacing or evidence of foul play, the authorities were reluctant to open up an investigative case. It was only when the only doctor in town went missing that the people finally took things into their own hands hiring two separate entities. The first had been the mercenary rogue, Sabo, and the second a ranger, Faye.
It was the people's hope the two would be willing to work together considering their reputations. With neither opposed to the idea the pair quickly got to work and soon discovered a common factor among the missing individuals. Loved ones mentioned that days before their disappearance they had experienced peculiar dreams that dissipated by the time they awoke but kept the inflicted shaken throughout the day. The one thing they all could remember was the word "ave ga" which the rogue and ranger soon realized may have been Haven's Gate, an abandoned outpost north of the village. Without any other leads, they set off to investigate.
They'd traveled together to the derelict outpost — little more than a crumbling ruin — and discovered the only standing tower was tightly boarded up except for a back door. A large wooden beam pressed against the door, pinning it shut but new earth had been exposed from where it'd been moved not too long ago. It was a good sign for them.
"Oh, shit, sorry," she shook her head. An ominous shiver had crept along her spine as a cold gust of wind whispered warnings not to enter in her ear. Ignoring the sudden urge to turn on her heels and walk away, Faye positioned herself to assist in dislodging it.
"Hells, this is heavier than it looks," she grunted, pushing harder until they could lift it up and out of the way. "Would ya like the honors?" her hands gestured to the door.
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kellm4n · 8 months
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her manicurist is going to have a fit when she sees this, her thumb nails chewed far too short for the work he'd done. gerri knows @lavenderrpages has been under that same stress. the amount of bullshit the roys have put her and karolina through in the past week alone has given her more than her fair share of grey hairs, let alone the last few decades.
gerri drops her phone on the table, letting out a slow breath, leaving work at the office is not a skill she's picked up in her thirty years at waystar, and she isn't about to start now, but the point of this meet is to de-stress.
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how much proof do you think he's got ? question itches in her throat, like a food allergy. stupid, it's stupid and she knows it, but there is always the urge to ask, gerri isn't afraid of the answer of course, she knows it, is more than sure that she does, but reassurance is something craved all the same.
“ i can't imagine what that was like.” it is no secret that kendall is her least favorite of the children, and really she's been alone in a room enough with him to know exactly what it's like, but the statement it meant to open the door for complaints or comments in a . . . vaguely safe space.
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Some sketches of my wizard Peri as I (slowly) work my way through Act III
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flockrest · 1 year
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♡ / @sageospirit
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     There's a whole lotta things about Master Mineru that Tulin still can't wrap his head around. Both in the wow, that sounds UNBELIEVABLY COOL sense and the wow, that kinda means nothing to me sense — but he can at least appreciate how welcome she makes his curiosity feel an equal lotta the time!
     It's a bit funny, really. With how much it's like she's holding her words close to herself, carefully picked and carefully shared, and the way some of those words sound — maybe it's just 'cause she's really, really old, but each of her answers to the questions she's willing to tend to is like she's an elder telling him a story from the Songs, and he's gone back to being a chick who fervently believed every line.
     "—You can fly?" Awed wonder clings and lingers here, too: so much so that he rocks forward from where he's perched upon her shoulder, practically looming over her head. He pats at that Zonai-construct head and shoulder with incredulous, playful wings. "This can fly?"
     Some distant part of him squawks over how, y'know, not very polite he's being right now, and hopes Master Mineru won't make him get down from where he's probably making a feathery mess of her super cool body. All the other parts of him are too busy thinking things like no way and no WAY and MAGIC?? to care.
     That last thought in particular has him trapped in trembling excitement — a delight he eagerly crows to the skies as he laughs and tries to imagine what this feat would look like. "You've gotta show me!"
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khianat · 1 year
› ₊ ˚ ⊹  closed starter  ›  feat. HAOYU + @cinnamcroll
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'did you buy it in the end? i know you kept telling me about how much you wanted it but how the price seemed a little unreasonable.' hayou had been curious about it for a while but he thought it was nicer to wait for them to meet rather than being noisy on phone.
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ripely-pines · 2 years
“Did you seriously buy that?” for robin? — @sumbolus . re : random questions , accepting.
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𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓, she turns in mock surprise. ❝ what, you don’t like it ? ❞. the ancient porcelain mask sits on the second shelf from the top — behind it, a vase overflowing with drapes of ivy acts as makeshift hair, turning it into some sort of caricature of medusa herself. the theatrical set up is unnecessary — the mask itself carries its tragedy. known as one of the darkest and most obscure artifacts known to man, traveled from hand to hand across the globe, its story spreading just as easily: rumors say those who touch it fall prey to a dark, consuming power, and those who stare at it too long eventually know the true face of insanity. but professor swann nods towards it casually, like she would greet an old friend. ❝ i find it compliments the carpet’s shade of quiet desolation and academic despair ❞, she sighs, arms crossed. ❝ i was thinking of hanging it on the door, actually: a warning for the students. ❞ then she turns, her flimsy, pensive expression now one of more vivid amusement: a smirk, this is just a joke. ❝ sadly, it’s just a replica. but i’d sure love to get my hands on the real thing. e-bay just doesn’t seem that suitable for macabre curiosities these days … though i’ve had to fight gothgal98 for hours to get my hands on it ❞. her sigh is just as theatrical as the display itself, but when she steps away to the back of her desk she seems to step into a more professional role, though the smile remains. ❝ so, how can i help ? you hardly came here just to argue with my choices in decor ❞.
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polaroidevidence · 2 years
“where were you yesterday?” simon asks. he leans over the desk, all curious eyes, hiding concern behind a playful tone. “i didn’t take you as the cutting class type. what was so important that you skipped out on your lab partner, huh?”
he isn’t angry, he couldn’t give less of a fuck about his grade in this class, but he can’t help but pry. maybe it’s silly, but he’s grown to somewhat care about the popular boy after a few months of chemistry together.
@tremblesigh | ♡
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brittlefcrged · 2 years
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( present for @coinquinatvs ; <3 )
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prismagpie · 2 years
WHERE: tunnel of love ride, carnival of time WHEN: 14th february WHO: sarai chaimongkohn ( @vibesfm )
It's hard not to feel a little guilty when you go out of your way to drag someone onto a stupid pirate-themed tunnel ride, all because you're just a little too embarrassed to ride by yourself (or admit that you're secretly quite intrigued by the goofy theme), only for it to break down and get stuck halfway. The second the ride stopped, he let out an exaggerated sigh. What else had he expected? The carnival's been around for years, it shouldn't have been a surprise that their rides were old, rickety hunks of junk. He was about to turn to face Sarai and offer her a lazy shrug, the kind said oh well, my bad, I guess we gotta wait for this now, but was quickly distracted by the haunting red light that flooded the space. Then there was that strange menacing laughter. Bullshit. This was bullshit. Ash wasn't sticking around for this. He yanked on the safety bar, figuring that they were too old and cheaply made to put up much of a fight, but it was jammed in place. Any other time, he might have hunted for the keyhole for the locking mechanism and tried to pick at it. He was an excellent lockpicker. But, today, he'd left his bag outside at the entrance ride so anything he could have used as a tool was several feet away and he was left aimlessly tugging at the bar in some attempt to fidget himself calm. Ash might have considered himself well-accustomed to general fuckery of being an Anchorage citizen before. He'd been there his whole life, after all. But the past few months had been different. Worse than normal. It was hard for him to divorce whatever was happening right now from that.
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"Uh," said Ash, finally looking at Sarai. Not facing her, because it was a little hard to move, although he, perhaps baselessly, suspected he could try and wriggle free if he really, really tried, but certainly looking her way He was trying to come up with something to say that wasn't stupid. It was harder than he thought. "You okay?" he asked, uselessly and at long last, "I kinda feel like you being here is my fault?" Arguably, it was his fault. "So it'd be really cool if you were, uh, okay. I have no clue what is going on here though." The nerves were making him ramble. He paused for a moment before adding, "Can you see anything?"
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