#please read this!!!
feral-ballad · 8 months
I hate how people are pulling the antisemitism card out so quickly now that people support Palestinians. Like I’m sure there’s some people who don’t actually care about Palestinians and are just trying to hurt Jewish people, but majority of people on here are just pro Palestine.
They keep saying: “You goyim don’t even know what Zionism is!”
But we do. That’s why we’re decrying it.
It’s not antisemitic to be against actual Zionists. Nobody is saying that Jewish people don’t have the right to live in the Levant, but a Jewish state should not be established. No religious state should ever be established because there is no freedom within those states.
A quote from this article (which everyone should read):
“Zionism is not believing it's OK for Jews to live in the State of Israel; or that it would be cool for Jews to live together in our ancestral homeland; it's believing that Jews should control a State of Israel as a privileged class with a unnaturally maintained majority. Zionists believe Jews will never be safe unless we control the government to exclusions of everyone else.”
And just letting you know that the Zionists want control of the ENTIRE Levant. Do you think they’ll just stop at Gaza? Or the West Bank? They want all of Palestine and MORE.
[ Levant: Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus, and the current Israel]
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cat-s0ul · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Arthur Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour Additional Tags: Bring Back Black | Sirius Black Returns From Beyond the Veil, Fix-It, POV Sirius Black, POV Remus Lupin, Sirius Black as Padfoot, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, like omg he needs a hug SO BADLY, Magically Powerful Remus Lupin, Mating Bond, Soul Bond, Sex, Reunions, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Major Character Undeath, Shower Sex Summary:
Remus Lupin is never going to understand how he keeps the presence of mind to grab hold of Harry as Sirius falls. He manages it, but it feels like the last thing he may ever have the heart to get right.
Sirius Black comes to on the floor of the Department of Mysteries completely alone and stripped of everything - wand, tattoos, even his scars. Well. Except for the one left by Moony.
A Bring Back Black, set during Half-Blood Prince.
 Title is a reference to Birdtalker's "Better in the Morning," which is gorgeous, go give it a listen for *vibes*
CW: Sex, one passing reference to substance abuse, exploration of grief/guilt, Remus wrestling with a lot of internalized ableism, repeated panic attacks, biting (but like... it's very loving?), Dumbledore bashing, reference to early days of Remus/Tonks (does not include Tonks bashing), magical healing. If you think I missed anything that needs tagging, I'm very sorry, please let me know.
Thank you to the lovely January_First for her impeccable betaing!
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jayswing101 · 1 year
Y'all. I have just finished reading one of the most incredible fics I've ever read in my life. It was so good and hopeful and moving and thoughtful and I just. I don't know really how to describe it, or explain how I felt while reading it or how I feel now after having finished it, except to say that the world feels a little less grey, a little less lonely, and a little more hopeful.
The fic is a Guardian fic, and it's the story of Shen Wei's life told from the perspective of people who have helped him along the way. It's in seven parts, from the perspectives of seven different characters, and the whole thing is written from the pov of those characters looking in on what parts of Shen Wei's life they can see.
It's set in drama-verse and does follow the canon ending of things, but just like how the drama ends with that hopeful little promise to meet again, this fic also ends on a note of hope, even after everything that happens.
And it is told from the pov of several OC's which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea, it usually isn't mine either, but it's done so well and with so much care, that it genuinely feels like those characters were there all along, that they were always meant to be there, and the author integrates them so well that you can see how those characters could've influenced Shen Wei. Like, they weren't present in the show, their names aren't mentioned anywhere in the wiki page, but you can still somehow see where their hands have guided and supported and healed Shen Wei.
The fic is 68,662 words long, split over seven chapters, each chapter being a different part of Shen Wei's history and told through the perspective of a different character. The author is good at providing specific warnings before the start of each chapter, but please check the tags and archive warnings as well and keep yourself safe!!
Anyways, 100/10 would recommend!! Genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read, and also one of the best stories (or rather, collections of stories) I've ever read too. I will be thinking about it for days and weeks to come, and will be reading it again.
Title: a hand within a hand (holding light)
Author: @forerussake
Summary: Shen Wei doesn’t remember the face of every single person who’s ever helped him. He tries. He really does. Shen Wei tries to remember, but he doesn’t always manage. Perhaps it’s cowardice, or perhaps it’s his mind’s own way of trying to protect him. There are only so many memories a mind can store before it starts to fray around the edges after all. So he remembers the truly important faces. He dreams of them sometimes – Fu You, Ma Gui, Kunlun, not his own parents though, somehow never his parents – and others have faded away with time.
No, Shen Wei does not remember the names and faces of every single person who’s ever helped him, but he remembers some, and they remember him in turn.
or, a catalogue of unassuming strangers and their stories of helping Shen Wei.
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twisted-lover-boys · 2 years
I know I said this before but……
I’m going to take a break from requests and, instead, work on what I want to for a while since I have some creative flow going on right now and I need to let it leave my body through writing before I lose it.
This is literally stemming from the current Halloween event and the beans day event ending up on my fyp (thanks Rook) so now I’m on a journey to just write a bunch of stuff from the events and see how far I get.
Don’t worry, my box will be open just not for requests. You can suggest events ideas or check to see how my progress is going or even just talk and I’ll answer but I’ll delete any requests sent in (minus the ones already in my box which are now sitting in my drafts) (sorry not sorry)
Anyways, here’s what I plan on doing and don’t be afraid to say/suggest something!
Beans Day - Getting caught by opposite team (literally just dangerous flirting)
Halloween event 1 - Spending Halloween with them (just hanging out at their set and just scaring the shit out of people) // They scare you as a joke (both purposely and not purposely with flirting ofc)
Halloween event 2 - Possessed boys (probably a drabble on seeing them or fighting them or the ghosts being like “I like you” and the boys being like “hell nah”. It still has yet to be decided) — It’s been decided: Seeing them and fighting them
If you have any other events that you want fit suggest then don’t be afraid to say it!
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hemingwaysfifthwife · 4 years
“Despite the great scientific strides in diabetes care, the rate of amputations across the country grew by 50% between 2009 and 2015. Diabetics undergo 130,000 amputations each year, often in low-income and underinsured neighborhoods. Black patients lose limbs at a rate triple that of others. It is the cardinal sin of the American health system in a single surgery: save on preventive care, pay big on the backend, and let the chronically sick and underprivileged feel the extreme consequences.”
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thekillerqueenie · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Pacific (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merriell "Snafu" Shelton/Eugene Sledge Characters: Merriell "Snafu" Shelton, Eugene Sledge, R. V. Burgin, Tony Peck, Robert Leckie Additional Tags: well well well how the turn tables, these boys are kinda stupid but I love them, Soft boys being soft, terrible flirting, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut Summary:
Snafu flirts with Sledge cause he loves the attention, but he's in for a surprise when Sledge turns the tables...
*This is based on the actors' portrayal in the TV show, I mean no disrespect to the veterans.*
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amy-the-fairy · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yoosung Kim/Main Character, Yoosung Kim/Reader Characters: Yoosung Kim, Main Character (Mystic Messenger), Reader (Mystic Messenger) Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, coffee shop AU, sort of, hahaha, yoosung week, yoosungweek Summary:
[ Yoosung Week 2018. Day 2: Hobbies ] Yoosung shows you his skills as a part-time barista and you’re impressed at the rate of improvement he shows as well as the cheesy things he can incorporate in your drinks. You lowkey may be suffering from coffee overdose.
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I can't believe I have to fucking say this, but FAT BABIES ARE HEALTHY BABIES!!!! They need the extra weight in case they get sick. My mom, bless her, who has her own weight issues with her body, has never once tired to starve her babies. This woman has been affected by thin culture to the point that she sticks to 1200 calories a day for herself, but she always feeds her babies as much as they want because she wants them to have that weight buffer. Tiny babies can get sick and lose dangerous amounts of weight really easily. Don't take that buffer from them and make the risk more serious.
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matt-chan-blog1 · 8 years
A tip for improving your art
If you want to improve your art, try to watch cringe complications (bad art) as much as possible. If your art is there, it is a sign that you, of course, should improve your art. But please, don't be a bitch, aka copyrighting them for using a video in the complication/s aka harassing. Same with rants, criticisms, critiques, it can also help you improve your art, whether it's the body, feet, face, and the granddaddy of all drawing beasts, hands, you should improve and MASTER them. But if you feel bad about your art in a cringe comp., do not HARASS the ones who created it. Once again, please be mature about it, and improve. This is just a tip for beginning artists, of course!
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stuff-happened · 10 years
Nov. 13, 2012
I watched grey clouds roll across the night sky as a scream pierced the semi-peaceful night. A cheerful, girly, giggle followed, as if some kid had just won a game. I dismissed it as another one of my parents’ horror movies, until I heard-
“Tommy! No! How could you!?”
My father’s unmistakable yell was shortly followed by another chuckle. I raced down the stairs as fast as I could. As I reached the main floor, lightning struck, rendering all of the lights useless.
False daylight flashed through the windows as I reached the kitchen. In the quick blinks of light, I saw her mother’s lower half lying under the kitchen table. Her upper half was on top of the table with countless slashes in her torso. Lightning lit up the kitchen and blood reflected like diamonds in the short flashes. My father was backed in a corner in front of my younger 7-year old brother, Tommy, who was holding a carving knife; a smile of glee upon his face. Tommy raised the blood covered knife to his already cut up father. He giggled as he brought down the knife to his father’s heart, who screamed in terror and pain as the knife connected to his rib cage.
Tommy tugged on the knife, but the knife was stuck fast. Blood squirted around the knife, pooling at Tommy’s feet. My father jerked once and laid still, dead. Laughing Tommy clapped his hands and picked up another knife from the kitchen table. He turned around, looking at me with his big, chocolate brown eyes.
“Mommy and Daddy lost the game!” He exclaimed, sounding upset, almost disappointed. “Now I want to play with you!” He laughed and chased after me, swinging the blood covered knife.
Without thinking, I ran for it. I ran out the back door, through the mud, ran with tree branches cutting me up. Tommy’s laughing was the only thing that kept me going. Though I fell, and Tommy cut at me, I got back up and ran.
Seconds passed minutes, hours; who knew? I didn’t have time to keep track, a killer was after me, my own brother. At one point I really fell. Tommy took this opportunity to cut at me, succeeding in opening up my side. Blood gushed out, mixing with the rain, getting lost in the mud. Still I ran. I was getting woozy from the loss of blood, I started to get careless. Didn’t see the log ahead and I tripped over it…
…and down a pit.
I turned over painfully, unable to get up, and saw my little brother’s silhouette against the harsh night sky. Lightning flickered across the night sky, illuminating the knife, blood, and Tommy’s face. This time there was a frown on his face, he looked disappointed.
“I thought that we could play longer,” Tommy pouted, he truly thought that all of this was a game. “It’s a real shame that the game has to end now.”
Tommy climbed down towards me, an innocent smile spread across his blood stained face. “At least I win,” Tommy giggled girlishly, preparing to swing the raised knife. “Bye, bye Willow, see you next time,” he swung the knife down…
That was the prologue from my story Good Little Tommy on wattpad, my user is EllieGrenny, hope you read what I have so far 
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graviconscientia · 10 years
hello yes this is julia speaking! a little psa from me! i decided to run with the empress addie plot for my own enjoyment and because it's been in the work for a couple months now. i get that a lot of characters feel pretty strongly about this, and they're going to be vocal about their dislike about the situation. and yes, that does upset addie. the issue isn't in that-- the issue is that this plot, and honestly, this entire character has stopped being fun for me because of a lot of drama, and the fact that it's so many people at the same time. it's very frustrating for me to not feel comfortable with being on this blog and not being able to follow through with something i've looked forward to for a while. i can't tell you what to do with your character-- they are yours and you can do whatever you want to do with them! but i am going to ask that you please ease up on this whole plot, and just. dial down the intensity. addie is my main muse and it's difficult enough to get this damn girl in the right direction. if you feel like you honestly cannot pull your muse back from saying things, unfollowing and blacklisting would be an excellent idea.  thank you for reading this, and i hope everyone has a really great day!!
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fodiejoster · 10 years
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ogseitai · 11 years
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please note: jade and jane survived john's rampage
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justinbuber-blog · 12 years
Hiii, i just wanted to say that I will not be online much these upcoming few weeks due to exams. I really need to pass my GCSEs and everyone knows how addicting and distracting tumblr can be, therefore my mum will have my laptop because I will not do any revision because tumblr will just pop up in a new tab(if I do any maths revision) and I will fail. 
I finish my exams at the end of June but I will be on tumblr some days, most likely I will be online at night because I will be on my ipod so i can't edit. But yeah I hope you understand  :D 
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kasafusutan · 12 years
why aren't you so online these days? :/
Sorry, School is really stressing at the time! I'm really, really sorry! It's just. I've been ill permanently and have many things to do now. I'll try to come back soon but now at the time I can't risk to geat bad marks because of tumblr. I'm very sorry. I still love you all but there are just things at the time wich are more important than tumblr.
Here, a group hug! I still love you all!
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