#please spread cooper enjoys his pancakes
spoonsisland · 1 year
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for a very long time this specific image from the flipline wiki consisting of Cooper just standing there with the caption “Cooper enjoys his pancakes” was an inside joke with me and a friend and i still think about it constantly. here are some highlights during the peak of us quoting it constantly
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mx-writer · 5 years
Bruce Banner (Hulk) x Reader
WARNING(S): mature content: cussing and slight sexual tension
You Should Know: The reader - you - is written as gender-neutral, so no matter your gender, you can be Bruce's lover!
Prompt(s): Just something I thought up. Read to know what it's about! ;P
If these themes and ideas make you uncomfortable in anyway, you really do not have to read.
Thank you!
Tony Stark had hired you nearly five years ago to work as a lab assistant. Being experienced in mechanics and biochemistry, you were an excellent candidate for the job. However, at the beginning, you were pushed to do grunt work: coffee runs, managing shipment orders, file away paperwork - the boring stuff. You hated it, and you didn't get to apply your skills often, but you knew it could become the foundation of a huge, successful career.
Slowly, you gained Mr. Stark's trust, and he took a liking to you. He showed you every aspect of his technology and how to use it. The job was hard, but at least you were finally enjoying it.
And, of course, you've made some friends: The Avengers. You had grown rather close with Tony, Thor, and Bruce. And while you, Tony, and Bruce got into many fights over blue prints and such, the three of you had a high respect for one another. Every once in a while, the fights would be so bad, that you wouldn't talk to each other for days or even weeks, but someone would always give in and try to see eye-to-eye. After all, you all were coworkers, partners, friends... If no one would cooperate, the job doesn't get done, and relationships are shattered.
Looking down at your calendar to see the upcoming anniversary of your job at Stark International, you let a small grin form on your face. Another year, already? You laughed internally, feeling light and happy.
After grabbing a cup of coffee, you stepped into the elevator, a bounce in your step. When you first started working, you'd wear a formal work outfit, but that was always so stuffy and uncomfortable. So, since you finally started getting your hands dirty, you now put on some worn-out jeans and an old tee - much more comfortable. You no longer had to act so stiff and professional around your boss. Of course, you still have to wear those stuffy clothes for meetings and public appearances, but those are few for you.
You head straight for the lab - JARVIS lets you in with a, "Good morning, Dr. __________." you reply back in kind, always happy to speak with the AI.
You set your coffee down on your desk, sighing as you collapse in your seat. Spinning the chair to face Bruce's desk, you notice slumped-over figure in his chair.
"Did you pull an all-nighter?" You huff out a laugh before adding, "Again?"
You don't get an answer. Concerned, you walk over to his desk to check on him, "Bruce?" You place your hand on his back, relieved to feel it rise and fall with every breath. A soft snore leaves him, causing you to smile.
You lean down, planting a gentle kiss to the top of his head. At least you're getting some rest.
When you stand straight to return to your own desk, you spot a silhouette standing in the corner of your eye, so you turn to see who it is. It's Tony - he's standing there, arms crossed, with a huge smirk on his face.
"'I'm not infatuated with him' my ass." He spoke, clear cockiness in his voice.
"Shut up!" I whisper-yelled back. I felt a blush creeping up my neck as I sat back down at my desk.
He walked over, leaning forward on his elbows, "So, when's the wedding?"
I smacked him lightly on the arm, "You're an ass." I sighed, "Fine. I give, I give. I admit it - I like him. A lot."
His smirk grew, "I already knew that. I am a genius, after all."
I rolled my eyes before glancing back over at Bruce's sleeping form. He looks pretty peaceful. Good. He needs the rest.
"Y' know," I jumped when Tony suddenly spoke up again, "you should make a move."
Your eyes widened, snapping your attention back to Tony, "As if I could!" I slapped a hand over my mouth, realizing that I had talked to loudly.
A low groan came from my right, and both Tony and I turned to see Bruce slowly sitting up. He let out a long, loud yawn. He rubbed his eyes, then turned to see us.
His voice came out heavily and gravely, "Oh, hey, guys..." he looked around for a moment, "What time is it?"
Tony stood straight, stretching his back, "Almost seven."
"Please tell me you mean in the morning."
I chip in, "Yeah. Good morning, Bruce."
He only grumbled in response.
Getting up, again, you head back over to Bruce's desk. You ruffle his messy hair, "Exactly how late were you up last night?"
He sighs, "No idea. Last time I checked the clock, it was ten... then I was working for a long time after that."
You lean on his desk, "You should head up to bed - after getting a bite to eat. You've been slaving over this project for othe past month. You're overworked."
"No, this really needs to get done. We go on a mission here soon, and there might be something that pops up before then - it's not ready yet. I need to - "
You cut in, placing your hand on his shoulder, "I will personally drag you out of here and throw you into bed, if you don't do it yourself."
He lets out an even heavier sigh, "Fine! Fine... I'll go to bed."
You offer him a victorious smile, "Great. C'mon, I'll make you some breakfast."
After getting Bruce fed and into bed, you head back to the lab to continue your work.
Only a couple hours later, Bruce rejoins you and Tony. He takes a seat at his desk, starting up his computer.
You waltz over to him, giving him a side-hug, "You know, two hours aren't going to do much for you."
He looks up at you, "It's enough to get me back on the ball."
"You really should take better care of yourself."
He chuckled, "Says you. You've lived down here on nothing but coffee for a whole week before Tony and I kicked you out so you'd get some rest."
You rolled your eyes, "Okay, I admit I'm pretty bad about that, but you're worse. You really need to learn to think about yourself more."
He smiled, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm always too focused on someo - " he faltered, stuttering, "s-something else."
You decide not to question his fumbling, and instead say, "You're far more important than whatever you're working on, Bruce. You come first. Okay?"
His smile dropped slightly, nodding, "Yeah, okay..." he stared at his computer screen for a moment before, "But I'm not going back to bed. At least let me finish this section in the project; I can get that done before midnight."
You contemplated this for a second, "Alright. When clock strikes twelve, you're back in bed. Deal?"
He held out his hand and you shook it, "Deal."
The next morning, when you walked into the common area, you took a seat at the kitchen table. Steve was already there, as always, making breakfast for everyone.
"Sleep well, Cap?"
He groaned, "I kept tossing and turning."
"I feel your pain..."
He nodded before bringing you a cup of coffee, "I'm betting you need this as much as I do."
You smile gratefully up at him, "Thanks, Steve. You're the best."
He sent you a wink, returning to the food.
Soon enough, most of the team started settling into the lounge and at the table for breakfast. The only ones that really looked awake were Strve, Natasha, and Thor. Bruce was slumped over in his seat, and Tony was nowhere to be seen.
You lean into Bruce's side absentmindedly, closing your eyes. You feel him lean back against you. You start nodding off and scoot closer to nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck, letting out a soft sigh. An arm weakly wrapped itself around you as you dozed.
A loud voice startles you awake, and you can feel Bruce jump as well, "Won't you look at that? A couple of lovebirds openly expressing themselves around us! It's about time you two do something."
You look up to see Tony with a big grin on his face, plopping in a chair across from you. You feel the arm around you quickly leave, cold air now replacing the warmth.
You turn to look up at Bruce, nothing a dark red tinting his ears and realizing how close you were to him. You immediately sat up straight, face heating up. Bruce was looking everywhere but at you or Tony - or anyone else, for the matter.
You could hear muffled snickers coming from your left. You recognize them to be Clint's, so you glare at him, but this only causes him to start to actually laugh. You sighed, slouching in your chair. You just really wanted to disappear in that moment.
The rest of breakfast is spent with everyone talking and laughing and eating, but you just sit there quietly, poking at your pancakes with a fork. Your mind was swimming.
Should I tell Bruce? How would I even go about it? He would appreciate something pretty small, no grand gestures... 'Hey, Bruce! I've sort of been obsessing over you for the past few years, and my brain won't quit it. Want to go out sometime?'
You shake your head as if to shake out all the thoughts of Bruce. Instead, you try to think about the upgrades you've been working on... Ultimately, you fail, and you start to imagine things you could do with - and to - Bruce.
Biting your lip, your eyes fog over as you stare into the void.
Then, suddenly, you hear a voice pierce your thoughts, "Hey, __________, you alright over there?"
You sit up straight, almost stuttering, "Yes, I'm fine! Just - just thinking about the projects I've been working on. There are... many upgrades needed and - "
Sam jumps in, jokingly saying, "Hey, no science talk at the breakfast table! Now is the time to talk about stupid shit. I hear enough of that crap from you guys on the daily."
You thanked him internally, grateful for him stopping your - what was bound to become - rant. You forced out a light chuckle, rolling your eyes at him, "Oh, hush, Birdbrain."
He scoffed at you, trying to keep an offended look on his face, but ended up giving in, a grin spreading across his features. He then returned to his meal.
When everyone was finished eating, you offered to do the dishes - to which Steve insists that he would do them, but you tell him to just go about his business.
Most of the dishes can go in the dishwasher, but you decide to do them all by hand, which gives you some time to think and clarify your thoughts.
You scrub away at the plates, slow and gentle. Staring at the dish in your hand, you zone out. Bruce is far too good for me, anyway. It wouldn't matter if I said anything or not, there's no way he would reciprocate those feelings. I doubt he'd even accept them, and we'd just grow super awkward around each other like teenagers. We wouldn't be able to hang out and talk and work with each other the same anymore. I would ruin every -
Your thoughts are interrupted by Bruce himself, "Want any help?"
You snap your head to look at him, "Huh?"
He gives you a smile, repeating himself, "Want any help?"
You look to the dish that's still in your hand. You had forgot you were even doing the dishes. You look back at him, noticing him staring. He quickly averts his eyes. "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts... Yeah, you can help. You dry and put them away?"
He nods and waits for you to rinse the dish and hand it to him. "Why are you doing these by hand, anyway?"
"It gives my hands something to do while I think."
"What were you thinking about?"
You. "Nothing that needs to be said."
He chuckles, "You like to keep secrets, huh?"
You frown at the dish in your hand as you pass it over, "Some things in my head are better left unsaid."
He gives you a weird look, "Well, these thoughts appear to carry some weight. If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me."
You smile at him, "Thanks, Bruce."
He smiles back at you, "It's no trouble, really."
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you continue to wash the dishes. Every few seconds, your arms would graze each other, and you yearn to lean into his warmth. You know better, however. It would ruin your current relationship.
Suddenly, he speaks up, "You know, I really care about you, __________. You're important to me," your heart speeds up at his words, "and I'd like to continue to work by your side and be your companion."
You side-glance him, seeing a nervous smile. Your face heats up at the cute expression on his face. Looking back to the dishes, you let out a shallow breath, "I could easily say the same you you. I enjoy talking with you - professionally and otherwise. I like having you for support, and being your support. You're... a good guy."
He grows silent. You tap your fingers on the last dish before handing it to him. He puts in away, and you dry your hands. Suddenly, a body is pressed against yours, your hips and waist being pushed into the edge of the counter.
"I'm so sorry for being so forward, but I really need to say something."
Your breath hitches, trying to turn around. He holds you, not allowing you to face him. "Bruce, what're you - "
"I've been really angry with myself lately." he starts, "I want to express my thoughts with you. And I completely understand if you don't like what I have to say. If you never want to talk about this again, then can we pretend like it never even happened?"
You sigh, leaning back into him slightly, "I promise not to get upset or let things get weird between us, no matter what it is you have to say. I'm all ears."
He inhales a sharp breath, "I want more than this."
"What do you - "
"I know that makes me sound extremely needy. I just... there doesn't need to be more. I'm just saying - I, uh - "
"Bruce." you stop him, knowing he'll probably freak out and run off if you don't interfere. You place your hands on top of his that are pinning you to the counter, "Define more."
He hesitates, "Well, I - I mean... between us. More, as in... romance. I'm sorry, I know it - "
You laugh, "Can I turn around now?"
He stiffens, not moving.
"Bruce, let me turn around."
He hesitantly steps back. You turn to him, and he looks like he's about to bolt. But before he can, you quickly step forward, placing your hands on his cheeks, and leaning in to kiss him. It takes a second, then he's kissing back. His muscles relax and he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
You let out a content sigh as you pull back, "I'm glad you want more, Bruce. I want more, too... much more."
He grins, kissing your cheek, mumbling to himself, "Good. Great. Fantastic."
You giggle, harshly pulling him into another kiss. You're quick to heat it up, excited and longing. You've waited for this for far too long, there's no way you're wasting a second more.
He groans into your mouth as your tongue slides across his bottom lip. You move your hands to his hair, deepening the kiss. Your tongues mingle, a moan escaping you.
Suddenly, he lifts you up, setting you onto the edge of the counter. You laugh, kissing down his neck. Placing one last kiss on his shoulder, you wrap him up in a hug. He holds you like that, leaning into you lovingly.
Thank you so much for reading! I know this one was kinda long and a bit of a slow-burner, but I hope you liked it. Please, if you want a continuation, have any suggestions, or have any requests, feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to write for you.
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whumpasaurus101 · 4 years
If anyone wants to be tagged please tell me!
TW: Broken bone// cursing
James collapsed on his metal bed when Finneas threw him in the room. It was a small room but James liked to imagine it candle-lit, nice and warm. It wasn't. It wasn't anything near that.
His bed was uncomfortable. Some nights, when it was too uncomfortable, Jame’s would sleep on the floor.
He didn't have a blanket or a duvet so most nights he’s just lying down, shivering as the cold breezes spread through the room.
How many cuts did Amber make? She had carved a big line down his torso. I guess there’s no one I’ll meet that’s not a fucking psycho, James thought to himself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amber and Finneas sat at the kitchen table with two glasses of wine. “That was fun!” Amber smiled, as memories of tearing James’ skin apart came to her. 
“Good, at the start he was a pain to break. But I got him. Snapped like a twig he did.” “Oh, you make it sound easy if only I could break my boy, even the slightest bit. But no, he's a fucking defiant dick,” Amber spat. “You know, I’m always here to help. I could always, you know, break him a bit.” “Thanks but no thanks, I think it’d be better if I broke him, ya know? Maybe then he’d be more scared of me.” “Makes sense. You should bring him over though, let the two pups play together, and maybe have some fun together,” Finneas grinned cruelly. “Oh, you are evil!” Amber laughed.
A few weeks later, Amber had to run some errands out of town. “Now Sammy, I don't want the usual shit that you try with me,” Amber spat as she looked at Sam’s reflection in the rear-view mirror. He just glared back. He had a piece of duct tape over his mouth and his arms and legs were tied together.
Amber used to just use the restraints just for the aesthetic but one of the days, Amber decided that Sammy was good enough and didn't need them but he took off like a flash. It took a week to find him. But he learned his lesson. Well, that's what Amber thought.
James was suspicious, Finneas was in a good mood this morning, he gave James half of a pancake, that never happened. And he didn't even have to beg for it! 
He looked up as he heard the soft sound of gravel as a car drove over the drive-way. His head then snapped over to Finneas, his face full of confusion. Finneas smiled, “We’re going to have a lot of fun today.” James’ stomach dropped.
Of course. Of course, the day was going to be bad. He felt stupid. He actually believed that today was going to be good! Stupid, stupid, stupid! 
Just to make things worse, Amber walked out of the car. She then went to the back of her car and took something- so someone. It was a boy, a skinny boy. He had light brown hair with streaks of copper hair. James felt a small flutter in his stomach.
Finneas led the two boys to James’ room when Amber had left. “Sit tight boys, relax while you can. Get to know each other. Enjoy!” Then he left the two boys in the locked room, laughing as he went. 
The new boy stared at the ground, his jaw clenched. He wore a black t-shirt that showed off his cuts on his arms, messy scribbles of blood. He had a scar running from his upper lip to his lower lip that stood out. When they were ‘escorted’ to James’ room James noticed a big ‘A’ on the nape of his neck.
“Are you going to keep staring like a freak, or can you stop?” The new boy asked. James’ heart stopped. He had been staring at him for a while. “I-I-I’m sorry I-” “It's all right,” The boy laughed, “My name’s Tyler,” He smiled, extending an arm. “James.” 
And that’s how the conversations started. They spoke about how they had been taken away and all the things that Amber and Finneas loved to do to them. One of Amber’s was to use a blow torch and burn Tyler. Finneas loved to use a whip that you’d use on a horse.
After a while, Finneas came in, “Well boys, I hate to ruin this cute moment but I need to steal Tyler from you, we have a bit of catching up, don't we?” Finneas chuckled, his mouth twisted into a cruel smile. He walked over to Tyler and yanked him by the collar of his top, “Get off me!” Tyler shouted, “I can walk on my fucking own!” Finneas stopped and dropped Tyler to the ground.
James knew what was about to happen. Finneas hated when people cursed. And eight there, he was livid.
Tyler went to stand up but Finneas planted his thick heavy boot on his back, “Ah ah ah. You see, I was going to go easy on you and not beat the shit out of you in front of your friend here, but since you want to pull this shit and not cooperate with me, I guess I'll do it here.” 
And with that, he kicked Tyler hard in the ribs. Nothing. Finneas was hoping for some reaction, some sound. Another kick, no sound. This made him furious, he then planted ten more kicks, getting harsher as they came, and finally *snap* one of Tyler’s ribs breaks. That earned him a cry. Finneas smiled to himself. Finally.
He yanked Tyler up by the ear and pushed him against the wall. Before Tyler could fall down he quickly put his hand around his neck. Tyler’s eyes widened as if he had seen an alien. “Not so tuff now huh?” Finneas sneered. “F-fuck…...y-you,” Tyler whispered, now slightly turning purple.
Finneas pushed Tyler harder into the wall. Tyler’s mouth was open but he couldn't say anything. By now, he was purple. “Finneas-” James started but Finneas held his hand up to silence him. “Finneas!” He said louder, “Please, let go of him, he's gonna die!” There was silence (apart from Tylers struggling.) “Please, I'm begging you,” James said softly. “If you were begging, you’d be on your knees.” James gulped. He hated Finneas so much. He took a deep breath and moved onto his knees, “Please sir, let him go, please.” 
“Hmmmmm doesn't sound real. It needs to be more sincere.” James balled his fists, trying to hide his anger, “Please sir! Please! He can't breathe, let him breathe sir, please! He didn't know the rules of the house please!!”
Finneas let go of Tyler’s throat, causing a loud thud as he fell to the ground, choking for air. “You’re lucky that you had this bastard to help you, next time I’ll kill you!” Finneas shouted. And then he left, leaving Tyler choking and gasping for air with a broken rib, and James in complete shock. He had never seen Finneas that angry before. How come Finneas said, ‘catching up’, did they know each other?
James had so many questions but he needed to help Tyler, he didn't know how but he needed to.
0 notes
khhunniewriting · 8 years
Rap Daddy (7)
Episode 7: HIde & Seek
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When Ji-Young and Bobby arrived to the studio they were surprised to see Namjoon and Mona standing in front of the studio door while a staff member blindfolded them. “What’s going on?”
Namjoon turned in the direction he heard his voice coming from. “I don’t know they just started doing this.”
Two staff members immediately ambushed Bobby as well and began blindfolding them without explanation.
They walked him over to Namjoon’s side making sure they stood close by. 
Ji-Young was put beside Mona who was now completely blindfolded. She felt insecure about moving at all and stood with her arms spread out. “What if I fall?” Mona felt her balance was lost as her vision was taken.
Without a blindfold yet Ji-Young was able to see Mona’s struggle. “I’ll help you.” He took hold of Mona’s hand as his blindfold was put over his eyes.
“Thanks Oppa” Mona’s smile was the only part visible on her face.
“Are we being kidnapped?”
Namjoon’s question had the staff laughing as well as Bobby. 
The PD came out of the studio laughing. She had just taken Mino and King inside with their blindfolds on and was attacked by a series of questions from Mino that had her laughing endlessly.
Without a word she and another staff member guided Namjoon and Bobby to start moving in circles, trying to disorient them so they don’t know where they are going. “Woah~ what’s happening” Namjoon resisted to go forward. 
“Are they trying to move you too?” Bobby asked.
“Yeah” he responded before yelling. “Why are you spinning me?”
Mona laughed as she heard her father’s voice become a higher pitch than usual.
“We will explain everything once you are inside,” the PD told them in an effort to gain their cooperation.
Yongguk and the twins arrived as Bobby and Namjoon were being spun around. He laughed seeing them try to keep their balance. 
The PD stopped the spinning and sent some staff to blindfold Yongguk as well.
“When I got there I thought it was funny that two grown men were shrieking because they were being spun around.” Yongguk continued to laugh. “That is until I found out I had to do it too.”
Yongguk joined the others and was being spun around before being led into the building by the staff.
This time the PD stayed with the children and instructed them on what they should do.
Mino sighed, it felt he had been sitting in silence for what seemed like a long time. “Is anyone there?” he asked as he heard the clicking of heels.
Getting no response he decided to try and sneak a peak of the room. He reached for the blindfold unsure if he was allowed to take it off but before he could remove it he heard the door opening and stopped.
The familiar laughter of the others comforted him. As soon as they were all seated permission was given to take the blindfolds off.
Once they were removed they saw they were not in their usual studio. Instead, they were in the main lobby of the TV station. Many of the station’s staff were giggling as they passed by, some even took pictures of them. Mino laughed realizing this whole time he was being watched by others. 
“You were here the whole time?” Mino angrily asked the receptionist who only laughed.She had kept quiet all this time to keep Mino from realizing where he was.
After a few moments, the PD rushed out of the lobby elevator. “Today we have a fun game of hide-and-seek. Here at the station, we have a total of 24 floors above grown that are accessible to you at all times. The kids have chosen one floor where they will remain hidden. You will be able to earn clues to their location when you see our show’s logo so keep your eyes open. You may stay together or split up  to find them within 5 hours.”
“What kind of clues?” Yongguk asked trying to figure out if it would be best to split up.
“You will have to find one to see.” She had a staff come next to her reminding her of the second catch to the game. “Oh yes, I will be needing your phones.”
“What why” Bobby was reluctant to hand his over.
“You can earn radios or clues depending on the sign you find.” The staff collected their phones in a box to keep them safe. “While you look for the kids they will be able to see you the whole time through a live feed from the cameras.”
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[Bang Yong-Jin + Bang Yong-Min + Kim Ji-Young + Song King + Kim Mona]
The kids were enjoying themselves as they sat at a large table eating a pancake breakfast given to them by one of Ji-Young’s fans. Along with their pancakes, the PD had various fruits and snacks laid out on the table.
There was a big screen in front of them showing what their fathers were doing but they were too busy enjoying their food.
“How does it feel to receive gifts from your fans?”
Ji-Young smiled showing his gratitude. “It feels great. I like being able to share it with the hyungs, King, and Mona.”
Yong-Jin was the first to finish and approached the screens. “Writer Noona” he called out the writer who was part of the staff in the same room as them. “Are they starting now?”
She confirmed his guess making them all turn to look at the screens.
“24 floors is a lot.” Namjoon began studying the map that was displayed in the lobby. “Maybe we should split up to find one of the clues and go from there. Let’s meet back here in twenty.”
They all agreed taking one floor each. 
Mino stayed on the lobby floor to look around for a clue. “There has to be one here right?” He looked to his VJ who walked along with him. “If they would have hidden individually I’m sure I would have found King first. He would have gone to the top floor, his King complex makes him predictable.”
“Do you think you have a King-complex?”
King nodded without hesitation. “My name is King for a reason. Even before I was born I was like this.”
Mino was then asked about the origin of King’s name. “Even if we didn’t plan King my girl always loved kids. She especially loved dressing them up. That’s why she became a designer. When her designer friends knew she was pregnant they began sending her a bunch of gifts. Many were custom items and for some reason, they all had King written on them. I found it strange you know usually baby clothes say things like prince so I asked my girl about it.”
“What did she say?”
“She said her friends had all those items in their own collections with the word prince. You know usually, the husband is the King and his son the prince but they customized it for her knowing her son would be the King in her house. All her attention would go to him first and me second. Which is true.” Mino laughed. “I’m still jealous of it but nothing makes me love her more than seeing how much she loves and cares for our son.” The bright smile on his face had the producer smiling as well. 
Bobby entered a room on the third floor with pictures of one of the cooking shows the station had. As he walked in more he realized it was a tasting room where the food was sampled before it was shown on the show. As he walked around he found an envelope with the show’s logo sitting on top of the counter. “I found it!”
He opened it only to be left silent by the question he read. “Who is lactose intolerant?” The question asked for him to say the name of the child who was not able to have dairy products. He knew his son wasn’t so he decided to just wait to show it to the others.
Riding the elevator down to the first floor he continued to think. “I know Mona isn’t. I saw in one of the episodes she ate that thing with the cheese.”
Everyone was at their original spot in the lobby waiting for Bobby. When he got there he showed them the question and immediately there was an answer from Yongguk. “Yong-Min, Yong-Min is lactose intolerant.”
Upstairs they showed a shot of 4 small milk cartons and one juice box. They had all been given milk to go along with their breakfast except Yong-Min. He had been given juice.
After hearing the answer Mona gasped. “Oppa you can’t eat ice-cream?”
“Not all of them are made of milk so I can have some” Yong-Min responded satisfying her. She was scared he hadn’t been able to experience the joy of ice-cream.
After answering correctly they were given the option of receiving one radio (walkie-talkie) or a clue.
“What are we supposed to do with one?” Yongguk asked feeling cheated. “We need two so we can split up again and not waste time coming back here.” 
“Let’s just take it and stay together until we find another clue and get the second one. Then we will split into two groups.” Namjoon’s suggestion was approved and they all headed to the fifth floor together.
After a fruitless search of the fifth floor, they finally found a door with the show’s logo on it. When they opened it they saw a karaoke machine inside. Before even reading the instructions for the clue they had some ideas. “We’re gonna have to sing.” Bobby picked up the microphone playing around with it as Yongguk found the instructions for the clue and read them. “If you haven’t guessed by the two microphones a duet will have to be sung by two of you.”
“We really have to sing?” Mino didn’t like the idea. “This is Rap Daddy isn’t it?” He and Bobby laughed.
“There is one catch” Yongguk continued. “The ones picking the singers are your children. When you are ready to begin please use the laptop on the table to skype the children. They will be waiting for your call.”
The writer began getting the children together. “Who do you guys want to choose for the singing challenge?”
“Can we pick anyone?” Ji-Yong asked.
“Let’s pick Mino” King volunteered his own father by name making the staff laugh.
“Why did you pick your father?”
“He doesn’t sing so it would be difficult for him to pass. We don’t want them to find us so we can win. If we pick Namjoon uncle he can sing. He sings to Mona and Yong hyungs said Yongguk uncle sings to their mom.”
“If we don’t want them to win then we have to pick someone who doesn’t sing.” King shared his reasoning so everyone could make a good decision about the second singer.
“Then let’s pick my dad” Ji-Young suggested knowing his father wasn’t one for singing either. 
Soon they were being called over to a laptop that had been set up before they got there in one corner of the room. King, Mona, and Ji-Yong sat in front of it in that order while the twins stood behind them. 
“Daddy” Mona happily exclaimed as she saw her father for the first time since they got there.
“Mona give Daddy a clue please?” Namjoon clasped his hands together trying to get her to comply.
Mona giggled as she shook her head. “Can’t do that. You guys have to sing to get the clue.”
“Who did you pick?” Yongguk asked.
“King Oppa and Ji-Young Oppa chose.”
Mino sighed as he hung his head low. 
Namjoon chuckled as Bobby put the mic down. “You held it right away now you get to keep it.”
“Why did you pick us?” Bobby wondered if it was because he and Mino were the ones to go to the mic first. 
“Namjoon uncle and Yongguk uncle sing, you don’t” Ji-Young answered his father’s question.
The writer asked them to end the call prompting the kids to say their goodbyes. “Good luck,” they all said in unison. Mona managed to shout “fighting” before the end.
Now Bobby and Mino stood in front of the karaoke system with mics in their hands. Yongguk and Namjoon sat in front ready to enjoy their performance. 
“Any requests” Mino asked his audience of two.
“Davichi” Namjoon suggested making Yongguk laugh.
“It’s so funny to picture those two singing Davichi.” Yongguk continued laughing at the image of Bobby and Mino trying to hit Min-Kyung and Hae-Ri’s notes.
Bobby and Mino’s eyes remained glued to the screen where the lyrics appeared. They tried their best to get the minimum score but instead garnered an 83. Bobby knelt down in disbelief. 
“So close” Mino dropped the mic.
Seeing as they would have to redo the challenge Namjoon go an idea. “How about we take the radio with us and keep searching the other floors while you two pass this one.” 
After coming to an agreement Yongguk and Namjoon left to continue searching for clues. 
After one more try, Bobby and Mino completed their challenge. They were hugging each other as they celebrated their victory until they heard an announcement coming through the building. “Attention Rap Daddies the kids are on the move. All five must be caught in order to win.”
“What? How?” Mino and Bobby asked the staff but they did not answer them. They then decided to use their newly gained radio and call out to the others. “Rap Daddy two to Rap Daddy one” Mino called over the radio.
“Mino you guys hurry to the lobby.” Yongguk was the one to respond. “Search quickly and go up from there we are at the top going down.”
They both rushed to the elevator to do as he instructed. “What happened why are they moving now?”
“We went to the top floor and got a chance card. We changed the game from hide-and-seek to tag. Namjoon also found out their hiding floor was 21. Now we have to catch them before the time runs out.”
“Oh, okay we will look for them.”
“Mona isn’t much for running so I got worried when I saw we changed the game to tag she might be left behind by everyone else as they try to get away.” Namjoon paused before tilting his head to the side. “Then I thought if King really is my future In-Law then maybe he will take care of her.” 
Namjoon’s conclusion made even himself laugh.
Sure enough King and Mona were shown holding hands as King led her through the halls of the fifteenth floor. 
Yong-Min and Ji-Young paired up as well. They decided to go as close to the lobby floor as possible using the stairs. 
“Why did you decide to use the stairs?”
“Yong-Min hyung said the dads might take the easy way and use the elevator instead so they don’t get tired. I agreed so we went down the stairs together.”
Yong-Jin was the only one who decided to go up instead of down. He figured going to the bottom was the obvious thing to do and instead went up. 
The elevator doors opened for him on the 23rd floor. When he got out he saw his father and Namjoon beside him waiting for the elevator to go down. “Oops,” he whispered before running off.
“Yong-Jin” Yongguk called out to his eldest son. “Namjoon go to the next floor” he instructed as he ran after him.
Yong-Jin quickly ran to the stairs and began running down them. The VJ was having trouble keeping up with him and was now being recorded from a distance. He opened the door to the next floor and immediately met eyes with Namjoon.
“Yong-Jin” Namjoon called out to him as he chased him down the stairs.
The boy only continued to run eventually catching up to his brother and Ji-Young. “They’re coming” he warned them as he easily passed them.
Namjoon caught up with Yong-Min and Ji-Young backing them against a wall. “How about we do a time out?” He didn’t have it in him to run anymore. He was breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
The boys nodded in agreement but only as they looked for a way out of the situation. “Namjoon uncle you should have continued chasing Yong-Jin hyung.” Ji-Young was trying to outwit Namjoon by talking to him and distract him from Yong-Min so he could get away.
Yong-Jin’s VJ finally caught up to them only to ask for the direction Yong-Jin had gone.
“Yong-Jin is really fast, he even lost the VJ.”
Yongguk laughed as he saw the man in his mid-twenties shying away. “Yong-Min was given a faster mouth but Yong-Jin was given the fastest legs. That boy runs really fast.” He went over to Yong-Jin’s VJ and gave him a pat on the back. “You worked hard.”
The VJ laughed as he bowed in appreciation.
Yong-Min finally decided to make a run for it. Namjoon decided to secure Ji-Young who had sacrificed himself for Yong-Min’s sake.
Yongguk found Namjoon and Ji-Young as they walked out onto the second floor. “You got Ji-Young.”
“Yes but Yong-Min got away” Ji-Young taunted.”
“That was our plan all along” Ji-Young confessed to the producer. “I and Yong-Min hyung decided to pair up in case we get caught I would distract them while he got away.”
They got to the lobby and sat Ji-Young down on the seats they had started off on. “One down four to go” Namjoon sighed heavily already feeling tired.
“We’re too old for this” Yongguk told the producer who sat comfortably in the lobby waiting to see if all the children would be gathered on time.
Ji-young laughed in defeat as he saw Yong-Min being led towards him by a sweat covered Mino and Bobby. “Hyung you got caught!”
Yong-Min laughed as he nodded, he might have gotten caught but he had fun seeing the grown men chase him. 
“For who is this fun?” Bobby asked feeling a bit irritated as he remembered the PD called this a fun game of hide-and-seek at the beginning of filming.
“For us” his son responded.
Mino collapsed onto the ground in front of them getting a lot of stares from the people who walked around the lobby. “At least it's only three left.”
“But the fastest one hasn’t been caught.” Namjoon couldn’t imagine catching Yong-Jin if Bobby and Mino were already tired. “Yong-Jin is really fast.”
Far away from the running were King and Mona. They had stumbled into some offices that were filled with many workers. “Hello” Mona greeted them with a smile as they walked by. 
Many of the workers awed at the sight of the two seven-year-olds holding hands like a small couple. Working in the station they knew the show and the cast. 
They were all excited and took pictures of the two kids. 
Mona spotted a small group of workers in a break room eating cookies. This time she led King straight to them. “Can we have a cookie?”
The staff immediately began to share their treats with the two kids. Mona and King had sat down to eat with them forgetting what they were doing. 
One of the workers pulled out two lollipops offering them to the kids. “I will give you these candies if you rap for us.”
With sparkly eyes, Mona and King agreed.
King began taping on the table further enticing the staff who were watching. 
[ Bold= King + Normal= Mona ]
Rap King and Rap Doll, Came across the break room First looking for a small space to crawl in Now looking for some candy to indulge in Pretty noona and strong hyung are so nice. Gave us two different sodas with ice. Now for the candy we pay the price We hope you have been entertained.  We must go and hide with the candy we have gained. Rap King and Rap Doll out!
The staff clapped enjoying their small performance before handing over the candies. “Thank you” King bowed with thanks before leading the way out.
Mona and King were now in the elevator going to the next floor. 
Mona struggled to open the candy. She looked over to King seeing the lollipop stick poking out of his mouth she decided to ask him for help. “Oppa can you open it?”
King, of course, took it and opened it for her. He handed it back to her with a cool look on his face. 
“You helped Mona a lot today didn’t you?”
King nodded.
“She is my girl” he answered honestly. 
The producer then interviewed Namjoon for his reaction to the statement. “I asked King why he helped Mona so much. He said because she is my girl.”
Namjoon sighed with closed eyes as he heard the statement. 
When told the same thing Mino laughed. “Like father like son.”
When the elevator doors opened King and Mona gasped seeing all four of the dads in front of them completely blocking the way out.
“This isn’t fair” Mona laughed in defeat as they were taken to sit with Ji-Young and Yong-Min. 
“How much time is left?” Yong Jin asked his VJ who had finally caught up with him thanks to the help of several station staff who gave him directions.
“Thirty minutes”
Yong-Jin was surprised he had stayed free this long. He got off the ground ready to start going down. “I think we should start going down.” He was currently on the fourth floor. He had quickly hidden in one of the rooms when he heard Mino and Bobby’s voices. 
He had heard when they caught his brother and hid there ever since. He peeked out the door to make sure the halls were clear then got back inside. “We are going to use the stairs again. Don’t get left behind again.”
They safely made it to the stairs and quietly made their way down. As he got to the second floor he opened the door and took a look. It seemed clear to him. “Let’s-” his words were cut short as he spotted his father behind the VJ.
Without warning, he took off running around the second floor. 
“He’s here” Yongguk shouted.
The other three heard and quickly went over to Yongguk’s location. 
Yong-Jin ran to the elevator pressing the button repeatedly. They knew he used the stairs so they were crowding them. He used the elevator to get down to the lobby.
Mino and Namjoon had gotten to the lobby floor to wait and spotted him as he got out the elevator. Mino began running after him while Namjoon informed the others. 
Yong-Jin ran to the entrance where the other four were seated. “Run Oppa” Mona warned him of Mino who was right within reach of him.
He ran off around the lobby desk and into a different hallway. When the others got down they went in search of him. Soon the kids were cheering as Yong-Jin passed by them over and over. He had the dad’s running in circles.
“I’ve never felt so betrayed by my daughter. She was cheering for Yong-Jin instead of me” Namjoon shook his head in disappointment.
“That kid really is fast” Mino exclaimed. He stopped to catch his breath as the other continued to chase him down.
“Five minutes left” the producer called out.
Now even Yong-Jin was breathing hard. His energy was going down and so was his speed but he was still able to evade them. That is until they decided to stick together and slowly trap him in a smaller space. 
The kids watched in anticipation as Yong-Jin had less than a minute to go. 
“Time Over” the PD announced just as they caught Yong-Jin. “The kids win.”
“Yay!” they jumped out of their seats cheering. Yong-Jin was then met by the smiling faces of his brother and his dongsaengs. 
“Hyung you did it.” King gave him a bottle of water. 
“We were so close” Bobby exclaimed once again.
“Yah, that should be our motto. We were so close.” Yongguk’s joke was met by the tired laughs of the others. 
“Today the kids won the game of HIde-and-Seek Tag.” The staff clapped for them before giving them their well-earned prize. “For winning today you each get gift certificates to the candy store.”
The kids cheered once more. Even the tired Yong-Jin jumped about with the mention of the prize. 
“Now it seems your rap daddies are a bit tired.” The producer pointed over to the area where they had all gone to sit and lay on the ground without being noticed. 
At the end of this episode instead of having one person do an outro, the PD decided to have father-son and in one case father-daughter joint interviews.
Bobby & Ji-Young:
“How can you be so tired when you have abs,” Ji-Young asked his father.
“Strength and stamina are two different things” Bobby defended himself.
Mino & King:
“When your mom sees this do you think she will be impressed?”
King’s eyebrow rose “not at all.”
“Why not?”
“Because she will see you are out of shape.”
Namjoon & Mona:
“You didn’t cheer for me.” Namjoon showed his daughter the sad look on his face.
“Business first Daddy. You were my competition.”
“What about now?”
“Now you are my Daddy.” Mona gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Yongguk & Twins:
“Did you have fun?” Yongguk asked them.
They both nodded. “This was funner than the time we went to the water park,” Yong-Jin said.
Yong-Min nodded in agreement.
“It’s fun to spend time with you.”
“Also the dongsaengs.”
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