#please that chiaki one owns my heart
leaderoffestivals · 12 days
Trip Down Memory Lane: MaM
Madara: Meeting Kuro-san, someone whom I can go all out with when we play, is such a stroke of luck for meee ♪
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Madara: Hmm, you’re asking about those days, huh… …? A lot was happening back then, and also, I’d been travelling all over the world, you knowww~
I returned to Yumenosaki in the Spring as a third-year student, carrying out activities as [MaM]. 
As you know, MaM is a Solo Unit, so I ended up collaborating with idols from other Units quite a lot!
Take WisteriaFes, for example—I had the chance to share the stage with Kanata-san, Souma-san, Chiaki-san and Shinobu-san, as well as aaall my adorable kouhais from the Track and Field Team ♪
Oh wow, sooo many things went down before we even hit the stage! Like me kidnapping Shinobu-san at the beginning, and then facing off Souma-san in that spinning top battle… …
In hindsight, I reeeally should have handled the situation better, but that was just my way of connecting with others at the time!
… … Oh, that’s right. I can’t forget the fun times during the Restoration Live performance with AKATSUKI, Tsumugi-san and the others!
I was grappling with own motives and issues back then, but when I look back on it nowww, all I can remember is purely “What a fun time that was!” 
Meeting Kuro-san, someone whom I can go all out with when we play, is such a stroke of luck for meee ♪
However, just like how Souma-san was, Kuro-san was super wary of me from the start too. I'm reeeally happy once again that we're able to get along so well now!
And after that… … Oh yeahhh! I can’t leave out the Live performance organised at Kanata-san’s Aquarium! That’s definitely one of my most treasured memories. 
Haha! I never imagined Kanata-san would take over the running of the place, but I’m sure the fishes are much happier having such a loving Manager take care of them, riiight? ♪
… … Whoops! Looks like I’ve been rambling on and on for quite a while, huh? 
There’s still a ton of stories to share about, like the time spent with the “Temporary Units” (1)—
It's such a shame to keep these vibrant memories hidden away in my heart, without revisiting them at least once.
That’s why I’ll share them now and then, when the time is right. After all, these are the youthful days I spent living life to the fullest, the way I wanted… …  ☆
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Translator’s Notes:
Madara belonged to 3 Temporary Units in !-era. First, Team Ushiwakamaru from WisteriaFes, made of Madara, Kanata, Souma and Mitsuru. Second, Traumerei made up of Wataru, Keito, Izumi, Madara (in Diner Live). Hibiki Wataru created the Unit to oppose the Unit Knights Killers. Third, Ba-Barrier made up of Akiomi, Madara, Mika and Sora (in Rainbows).
it's not proofed so if you have any feedback, please DM me.
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danggirlronpa · 1 month
So as of right, to my knowledge, the only released Dangan girls zines I don't own in some form are:
Eunoia (Toko zine) Obtained!
Please Insert Coin (original Chiaki zine)
Enoshima Insider Obtained!
Queen of Liars (Celestia zine) Obtained!
In Our Hearts (on gumroad but not currently for sale??)
Seeds of Hope (Makoto & Komaru zine)
So if anyone has a copy of PDFs for archival purposes (or a physical copy they'd be willing to part with!), please let me know! Also if I'm missing any. The ones I own vastly outnumber those I don't. I would be unsurprised if I missed some.
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warmerstranger · 1 year
Hello! Could I please request some comfort from Chiaki and Nazuna with a reader that's been having a stressful time at home, especially dealing with their brother? Thank you so much, and have a nice day!
Patch of Heal
ft. Chiaki Morisawa, Nazuna Nito
umuu here it goes, I don't have a brother, but I hope it's still up to your expectations (๑^﹏^) many hugs to you and have a good time <3
°°``Marked as and included with: fluff, hurt-comfort kind of? brother slander ;/
[Chiaki Morisawa]
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• A call for help from you? Chiaki will come running to your side right away and save the day by whisking you away if you're currently at home and goes into safety at his room, making sure you would feel at home firstly so you don't feel as cooped up anymore in that stressful atmosphere like before. The priority here is your comfort above all!
• He would give his undivided attention if you decide to vent as you like to him and he's totally going to give you a firm hug, letting you know that you have his support wholly. He hopes he can just blast your stress out by the hug he give his all for, but he knows better it's not that simple.
“If your heart sheds tears, I'll be here to hold you!”
• You wouldn't have to hold back sharing the burdens and stress you feel, he can prop them up on his shoulders with his burning passion that you would suddenly feel lighter again and all prepared to continue fighting.
• Chiaki would make absolute sure he will get that load of stress you have becoming less to a point that you could smile or express your happiness again freely.
• In the middle of unwinding and putting your mind off the stress, you might find yourself casually watching his favorite Tokusatsu shows while he's acting out those cool transformations and attacks from them that he remembers by heart, encouraging you to do the same since it might help you release your frustration. It's totally okay if you don't want to either and if you have another idea in mind, he will be by your side and do it together with you.
• Besides that, your mind would be filled by hero catchprases or cool declarative statements he would think fit the hero image of your spirit so you can try giving yourself a pep talk whenever your difficult scenarios come up; all prepared!
• He definitely won't be letting you go any soon until he can see for certain that you're feeling much better.
• If you allow him, he's all up for joining forces with you to face your brother who is ultimately the big bad enemy source of your stress which means there might be the smell of unfairness up in the air. This problem isn't just going to slip under his heroic radar! He's getting your feelings across to your brother.
• If you would like to head into those battles yourself and survive as a lone hero, he would just share you his power to kindle your own blazing strength so then you can come out of the battle safely with victory—getting even more stronger. He believes in you and will be proud of you no matter what.
• From that point onward, you can even start to think of Chiaki as your brother! It won't change how you'll be of the same standing because you're still someone important for him to protect and his ally of justice.
“Don't hesitate to call for my name anytime you need or want and the burning justice Ryusei Red will rush to your aid at once!”
[Nazuna Nito]
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~ As soon as your stressful situation at home and with your brother reach his ears when you decide to tell him, he would frown full of worry and empathy etched clearly on his eyes. It wouldn't do for him; the nii-chan you decide to depend on—to just avoid the troubles eating up at your mind. Nazuna appreciates the fact that you come for him out of all people, it shows how much he's delighted that you probably depend on him as a brother you can confide in seeking comfort rather than the other one you have.
~ Nazuna would then focus all his efforts towards brightening up your day and shoo the dark clouds away until you can show your joy or energy is back again and free from the stress tying you down, having his favorite smile vanish like that really tugs at his heartstrings.
“Even if you feel like crying now, next time will be better. It’s alright to rely on me.”
~ It will be your special day with him being on a mission of your well-being through a walk for a fresh air to put your mind at rest along the park or a quiet open place which isn't crowded and narrowed he personally knows. While walking side by side, he's attentively listening to whatever you could need to get off your chest.
~ He would buy you a nice little cold mochi or ice cream to melt the stress away and cool your head off in a literal sense if you don't mind his offer. He's also fine getting you something else you might want; drinks and snacks, your choice and favorite, Nii-chan's treat!
~ With him being your supporter who knows better that you have struggled and are doing your best even in these tough moments, he knows you'll manage to go fight through the stress and heading forward sooner or later. No matter what, Nazuna won't give up cheering for you!
~ Being together with him have the high chance of success perking you up as he's genuinely trying his best but not too much on giving you comfort.
~ Spending the time not doing much, he would go for a trip down memory lane, reminiscing any of your or his simple happy memories you want to talk about especially if they're the kind of nostalgia that stays a sweet fluffy warm feeling in your heart... Along with your determination, he's proud of your progress leading to this moment as you are now.
~ As he guides you with baby steps, there comes a time where he will simply watch over you once he think you're able and capable to.
~ Such as you dealing with your brother, you would still be the one holding the freedom of choices and act on how you want to tackle the problem stressing you out, pushed onward by his unassuming advices.
~ Of course, Nazuna will always be there for you still, then lend a helping hand whenever you can't get out by yourself from a seemingly bottomless darkness. He wouldn't stop reminding you about your strength and the things important to you that he won't let you stray off from them without purpose.
“You are the only one who could pick yourself up in the end after falling, so... Nii-chan will praise you for your hard work! Well done, you did your best~”
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dailyhelldorm · 9 months
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Archive from twitter.
Rei, Aira, and Tatsumi's little talk in the "Heart from ME STREAM".
Including haracters' lines on screen and chat comments! In the chat, 4 people are commenting: Hiiro, HiMERU, Jun, and Koga!
Text is below.
Heart from me STREAM! Aira & Tatsumi & Rei
Note: this is two-part story.
Part 1
Location: Aira, Eichi, Rei’s room
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Aira: Everyone, Aira~bu ♪ Til today we are continuing the idle talk streaming relay! The final one is our time!
Tatsumi: Fumu, the chat is coming in with a lot of comments "rabu~i", Aira-san.
Rei: Everyone, are you looking forward to our appearances? Let's enjoy it together until the end.
Aira: Then, it's a bit fast-forward but let's draw the topic card! Please do, Tattsun-senpai!
Tatsumi: Please excuse me... Today's topic is "What kind of content do you want to do when you are preparing to stream?"
Aira: It means not the kind of idle talk streaming have been done so far, right? What is popular now is game streaming or something like that...
I might want to do some stream talking about my impression of idols' lives! Like when receiving fanservice or how great a setlist is, I want to share my happiest feelings with a lot of people ♪
Rei: Fufu, you are saying, not about your live performance, but like an impression discussing session about other "units'" lives?
Aira: Ehehe, did I get found out? Still, if after "ALKALOID"'s live is finished, having an after talk stream is also seeming fun ♪
Part 2
Location: Aira, Eichi, Rei’s room
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Rei: About me, well then… Maybe a strolling around the night streets streaming?
Different from the time in the day, I want to show the charm of the night town with my own hands ♪
Aira: What is that, I want to hear more about that! Every time a place is introduced, the Super Chat will start donating ♪
Tattsun-senpai, what kind of thing that you want to try?
Tatsumi: …My apologies, I lack knowledge about streaming, so I can't think of anything right now.
Rei: Fumu, how about we see what the chat is saying? Let's see, let's see… "I am happy only hearing you speak.", "I just want to listen to your voice forever" and so.
Aira: I get it~! Tattsun-senpai's voice is really healing. A lot of comments want you to read them ♪
Ah! How about doing a streaming content of consulting people's minor concerns?
Rei: Fumu, a concern-consulting stream you say. Certainly, he can answer them with kindness.
Tatsumi: I see. The act of being the person who saves the lost lamb losing their ways. It might be a quite fitting streaming content for me.
Aira: Yup yup! I also want to consult a lot of things with you too ♪
…I-Is this late already!? But I still have things to talk about!
Rei: Time flies when you are having fun, don’t you think? Did everyone enjoy this time's idle talk streaming relay?
Tatsumi: Fufu, the chat has become even more lively. I, too, was having fun. If one day we have the chance, I want to do a stream like this.
Aira: Just like that, if we can do some content like what I had talked about previously!
Rei: Umu. Everyone, thank you for watching until now ♪ Please look forward to the day we can do some chattering like this.
Characters’ lines on screen
Tatsumi: With this kind of method, I am happy I can hear everyone’s voice ♪
Rei: He~y, everyone, are you watching~? Fufufu, at once, the comments are coming in ♪ Thank you.
Aira: Everyone’s stream was the best! Everytime is just godly time, I never miss even one!
Characters’ comments on chat
@Hiiro_A: Rabu~i! Is this okay? I tried to imitate everyone!
@Jun_S: If it is Tatsumi-senpai’s streaming content then whatever it is, I think it will be successful~!
@Himeru: Be able to hear your thoughts about our live, allow HiMERU to express his gratitude.
@Koga_O: Streaming is Sakuma-senpai huh? Well, it can't be helped, I have to watch this through.
Continuation: Eichi, Hokuto & Chiaki’s talk.
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
A Condition Called Love Anime Review
Spoilers Included
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Ok this has to be one of my favorite anime's by far. From the moment I saw the advertisement back in like November I was sold. I had to see this... why you make ask? Saki Hananoi-kun <--- than man right there I want to do dirty things to, you have no idea. Thats another post though I will refrain. He is voice by Chiaki Kobayashi which I had to go look up he is a hottie but I know none of the other stuff he has been in but he has such a nice voice I could see hearing it daily. Now didn't much care for this in English at however I had already planned to watch it subbed. Ok since I have such a big crush on Hananoi-kun this review will not be like most of mine, I will probably drool too much over him and fan girl to get my point across though how great he is.
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Ok from the very start of this and you see her holding a umbrella over his head to the point he asks her out after it was adorable. I love as the story goes on you find he has a crush on her since they were kids and that seeing her again brought it all back for him. I honestly couldn't believe she turned him down at first. I know alot say they liked his hair long but I think it was better short.
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They are just so cute together. The other characters I mean they weren't really needed as far as I was concerned it was more of a world around Hananoi-kun and Hotaru-chun. Alot of reviews and such said he was too intense but maybe thats why I love him so much. I have a habit of going over the top with things and well does he and I get it. If half the things he did to make her notice him a man would do for me I would marry him instantly....screw it after that. Sometimes you come across a soul who only knows how to do the things to make you happy even when they can come off intense they never come from a malicious place but a place of love, passion, and desire.
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How could you not love this sweet girl. She is a very likable character I never found her annoying at all nor whiney. She really was a smart girl who had no idea what love was. Yet she fell for a guy who just wanted to give her the world when all she wanted was him. Such a sweet romance and watching her come out of her comfort zones letting him into her heart was such a precious thing.
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Ngh.... This man...my heart can't stand it! He blushes and I want to kiss those cheeks, the way he looks just....ah!!! Ok need to hold it together. So of course in my eyes he is the one that makes this show 1000%. His intensity, his care, his blushing...OMG! I have never wrote a review where I can't stop looking at the picture of the guys just to write. Like look above now if your like me took you a moment taking in how beautiful he really is and you almost forgot to come back and read the rest of my review. Its ok I almost forgot to keep writing after seeing his blushy boy face.
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The moment he pushes her back showing his dominance and how he looks down at her my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast at that moment. I can't imagine what was going through her mind but yes please! I seriously think if he hadn't been sick he would have kissed her. I keep hearing people bad mouth him on that move but seriously he didn't force himself on her she was the one who asked him to first...sighs...really people!
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The moments he spent with her from making stuff in the kitchen to holding her to keep her warm or recharging his own connection to her batteries it was always the most sincere moments. I loved how he was sneaky on the roof scene to get her there with him. Every interaction with this was always so adorable.
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His possessiveness of her was so damn sexy! Like look how he even looks at the other guy.. LIKE WHAT!! So sexy....🤤🤤🤤🤤 Anyways I normally and all about the best friend getting the girl but sorry by they brought him into the show you had already fell for Hananoi-kun and the rest was history. He is very protective but also the possessiveness comes out in just the way he stares at the friend.
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The genuine moments like at the skating rink it was so sweet. He does alot of things that some might think is too much but some of us love he goes all out. Taking and running across town just to take her out for her birthday and even the holding her in the middle of the ice not to mention the kiss to her forehead. Ah!!!! I want to scream so many great moments in this show that I can't even pick just one however all my favorites including him.
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I love every moment from her jumping into his arms and running to him for his birthday to the moments like he jumps in front of a ball so it doesn't hit her. I love they show they knew each other as kids and how he had always been smitten with her and then when he saw her again it all flooded back.
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The way this show ended having him seal the deal with a kiss, my heart stopped. This is what the show was leading up to and it passed with flying colors. Over all this is a much watch anime if you love fluff in your shouji animes. Its a slow romance but not so slow that you get irritated by the end. I feel like it was perfect not too rushed however its almost like you could see them falling in love with each other. Go bookmark it now and drown in Hananoi-kun and A Condition Called Love watching him meet and fall in love with his one and only.
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lonelyshuichilover · 1 year
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For my own sanity, the limit of characters per post is 4. Sometimes I will write for the "entire" cast, but only half of the cast per post. (eg THH boys with a reader who 'don't know what'.)
If the reader's gender is not specified, the reader will be gender neutral.
I would like you to be specific with your requests and what you want, I would not like to write something that has nothing to do with what you requested simply because I misunderstood.
Also, specific features in the reader are allowed (ex. Nagito with a reader that is the 'I don't know what' Ultimate.)
Don't spam, please.
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More info under the cut!!
I will write!!
Fluff, Angst, Angst to Fluff, Fluff to Angst (does that even exist?)
Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort.
Major Character Death (Not Graphic).
Soulmates (Platonic/Romantic).
Platonic Relationships.
Romantic Relationships.
Character x Reader.
Suggestive themes.
Scenarios (my personal favorite).
Series (scenarios that get more than two parts.)
Into consideration (50/50)
One-shots (I'm not good with long stories).
Character x Character.
I will not write.
Non-con/Dub-con (ew).
Character x OC.
Ped0philia. (EW)
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Extra stuff before requesting.
A thousand apologies if the character ends up being very OOC, I'm a bit bad with characterizations, but I'll try to do the best I can.
It might take me a while to finish your request, my posting schedule is quite unstable.
As you can see, I adore Shuichi with my heart, so you will see a lot of him in this blog (Request about him plz, it'll make me very happy).
English is not my first language, so please, have patience with me.
I have the right to deny requests.
Sometimes my motivation is low, and when it happens, I won't write anything, so if you see me inactive, please don't pressure me.
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Characters I will write for
(* = Harder to write but not impossible, I'll try my best :))
Makoto Naegi (♡) Sayaka Maizono Leon Kuwata* Chihiro Fujisaki Mondo Owada* Kiyotaka Ishimaru Celestia Ludenberg* Sakura Ogami Aoi Asahina Byakuya Togami* Yasuhiro Hagakure Toko Fukawa* Kyoko Kirigiri Hajime Hinata Byakuya Twogami* Mahiru Koizumi Peko Pekoyama (♡) Ibuki Mioda Mikan Tsumiki Gundham Tanaka* Nagito Komaeda* Chiaki Nanami Sonia Nevermind Kazuichi Souda Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu* Akane Owari Izuru Kamukura* Shuichi Saihara (♡♡♡) Rantaro Amami* Kaede Akamatsu Ryoma Hoshi* Kirumi Tojo Angie Yonaga Tenko Chabashira Korekiyo Shinguji* Gonta Gokuhara Kokichi Oma* Kaito Momota* K1-B0 Maki Harukawa* Komaru Naegi Yuta Asahina WOH* (except Monaca) (Platonic Only)
Characters I will NOT write for
Hifumi Yamada Mukuro Ikusaba Junko Enoshima Teruteru Hanamura Hiyoko Saionji Miu Iruma Himiko Yumeno Monaca Towa Haiji Towa (I hope he rots in hell).
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And that's everything! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! <3 Have a great day!
- Mod Shuichi.
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OK lemme once again present my mondo pitch BECAUSE WHILE I REALLY LIKE KOMAEDA AND I THINK HE IS ALSO VERY CRINGEFAIL, i still think mondo is more cringefail ummm (spoilers for thh and sdr2 btw) so just going into the specifics of their murder trials super quick since it provides a good contrast. KOMAEDA is like really really fucking smart. It can't be understated that komaeda, while he is very sopping wet, he is also INCREDIBLY cunning and knows EXACTLY how to milk his luck for all its worth when he wants to. His trial makes the characters flip flop between whether its not a suicide MULTIPLE times and it takes the group a WHILE to bust out of that accusation. his plan nearly succeeds multiple times before the truth comes out practically last second. And this isn't even mentioning trial one when we've only just begun to pull the thread, or fuck, the final dead room for that matter. Or how he's always like ten steps ahead of everyone in SOME regard. MONDO'S trial is like the complete polar opposite where aside from chiaki (and considering the circumstances of that i barely consider that a murder outside of the kg's rules), mondo is the only person in the series to my knowledge whose murder isn't premeditated. Absolutely NO plan until the moment He knew Chihiro was dead, and even then most of his coverup was to benefit her and not him, and this is made like. super duper clear. The only reason his trial becomes even remotely complicated is because a third party outside of him and Chihiro INTERFERES. Not to mention that one of the main catalysts for his entire story crumbling was a total slip of the tongue. He even just straight up admits it before the last piece of evidence can be presented. He doesn't even really have a BREAKDOWN, he just kinda. gives right up once he knows its all over. There are plenty other mondo traits that make him a sopping wet cat of a man but a lot of people have said them already so here's like. a list. this one's for you, mondoblr - has been rejected by ten girls because he shouts when he's nervous - can't hold a hamburger - toxic masculinity (very cringe) (I can fix him) - doesn't know that not every guy owns a motorcycle - likes both dogs and cats but is insecure about the cat part - one of his favorite gifts are the roller slippers hes so lame - can't win any poll ever i think that counts here - literally always overshadowed by Kiyotaka always - please watch a compilation of all his lines in the english dub of the anime he sure does say some words!! Anyway thats it thats my mondo propaganda heart smile.
Mondo Owada for SHSL Cringefail propaganda!
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
Christmas Live - Line to Line 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta Chiaki, Tetora, Midori
Translator: 310mc
JP Proofer: Mika Enstars
EN Proofer: ryuseipuka
"Taichou-dono~ What exactly is this “Eve’s Eve Live”? The name has an oddly nice ring to it~…?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Park’s Live Stage
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Hinata: … …
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Yuuta: … …
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Chiaki: Ah~ Ahem! I’d like someone to explain to me what’s going on, so that I can understand!
So, ermm, what’s the situation? Those two are from 2wink, right?
They always looked to be getting along, so why would they be fighting now? Nagumo, Sengoku, please explain it to me!
When I tried contacting you guys, you were gasping for breath asking for help, so I rushed over as fast as I could…
But I can’t really intervene if I don’t know what’s going on, y’know?
I feel a little proud of you all for relying on me, though! You can all rest easy now that the burning heart Morisawa Chiaki is here! ☆
Tetora: Please keep quiet, Taichou. Anzu-Anego is sorting out the situation by asking everyone for their part of the story right now.
Please don’t get in her way by causing a ruckus.
The one we called for help was Anzu-Anego when it comes down to it… You’re somethin’ like an extra here, so I’d like it if you stepped back a bit.
Chiaki: M-Mm. Nagumo’s attitude towards me just gets drier and drier, huh…
In that case, I leave this all to you, Anzu. We’ve got our own side of things to prepare, mainly for the Eve’s Eve Live.
Shinobu: Taichou-dono~ What exactly is this “Eve’s Eve Live”? The name has an oddly nice ring to it~…?[1]
Chiaki: Mm. It’s a job; we’ll be performing a live show on a stage set up in this park.
It seems that some of our unitmates are likely to behave irresponsibly when left to their own devices, so… I asked Anzu if there’s any suitable work we could take on.
Anzu actually appears to be on break, too… But she still went around all over the place and searched for a job suitable for RYUSEITAI.
That’s when she found this one. They were just about to consider canceling the live show because another unit, who’d been scheduled to perform in the live, announced that they would not be able to participate, after all…
It turns out, that unit has a member who caught a cold.[2]
So we’re acting as their substitutes. You guys should maintain good care of your health too, alright?
Anyway, that job is known as the “Eve’s Eve Live”.
It’s apparently a live show intended to celebrate the upcoming StarFes, as well as advertise for it.[3]
The goal is to attract an audience and promote StarFes.
Shinobu: Hmm~ So it’s like an opening act for StarFes? By the way, are we RYUSEITAI not participating in StarFes itself?
Chiaki: Ah, no, all units are meant to perform there. So of course, that means we’ll also participate.
But the main performers will be a different unit, and for the most part, we plan to put on our usual performance there.
That being said, the Eve’s Eve Live will act as a good rehearsal for that, won’t it?
Our schedule was getting jam-packed with things to do as of late, though…
So if it were possible, I wanted to give you all a proper break, but… Well, I’m sure it’ll be alright. We’re all still young, after all! ♪
But today was actually meant to be a day off from RYUSEITAI activities, specifically… so you don’t have to force yourselves to join the live show, okay?
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Midori: Ahh, then I’d like to skip out on this… It’s cold anyway, I wanna go home and sleep…
Tetora: C’mon, don’t say that! You’ll join us too, Midori-kun. The five of us together are RYUSEITAI! We’ve even got just the right outfits for this, too~♪
Chiaki: Ooh, what’re those costumes? Eve’s Eve Live was a sudden job, so I didn’t really have the time to prepare everything.
I was actually planning to perform with our usual RYUSEITAI uniforms, but this might change things…?
Tetora: Heh-heh. Y’see, Taisho made some outfits for Hinata-kun. Except, he made waaay too many after getting a li’l too into it, apparently…
Do you think we could use these outfits for the performance?
Chiaki: Hm, they’re Santa outfits, perfect for the occasion! If we ask Anzu to tailor it to our sizes, it should be usable! Wonderful work, Nagumo! ♪
Tetora: It’s actually all thanks to Taisho. I didn’t really do anything. There’s a variety of colors and sizes here, so I think there should be an outfit that each of us can wear~?
[ ☆ ]
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In Japanese, the name is ibu-ibu-raibu, each word ending with bu, hence Shinobu’s comment on it.
This is referring to Valkyrie. You can learn more about this in Star Festival, Holy Knights 2 and 3. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
As mentioned in a previous chapter, StarFes is a DreamFes that happens on Christmas.
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austajunk · 2 years
💍 with mikan and someone? or chiaki and someone…
Here’s a little fun idea… mostly cos I just love the concept of Mikan finding her little happy hellish Nurse ending.
Mikan couldn’t stop raising her hand to the heavens, letting the warm sunlight reflect brilliantly off her new ring. She was so lucky… so loved to receive this beautiful ring with a wink from Junko.
“Go have fun~,” said the tag on the gold band.
Mikan had quickly read the instructions out loud to make sure what she saw was accurate word by word, but it still felt so very surreal! A ring that could hypnotize whoever bent down to kiss it while it was on her finger? It was like a dream come true.
The nurse clutched her own heart desperately, walking the streets with the ring placed on her right hand. She wanted a target… but that was a task all on its own. Who would actually press their lips to her filthy hands? She wanted to sniffle and cursed herself for being so useless and unsightly! People barely tolerated her presence on its own!
While lost in her thoughts, someone’s shoulder collided with Mikan’s and sent her stepping back in surprise. Immediately, she bowed twice. “I-I’m so sorrryyyyyyy!”
“Ah, Tsumiki-san,” said the student before her, putting up his hands in case he needed to steady himself. Nagito offered her a kind, understanding smile. “No, please… it was my fault.” He bowed his head to her in turn.
“Komaeda-kun…wah… I’m so clumsy…” Mikan said, quickly rattling off her usual spiel to gain a little more time with her classmates.
“N-No, really… it’s fine…” As always, Nagito was patient. He would simply shake his head whenever Mikan insisted it was her fault.
As Nagito inquired about her shoulder, Mikan’s thoughts veered off toward the dark craving in her heart to test her lover’s ring out. Nagito was certainly an option, wasn’t he? Oh yes…polite…kind… but weird and unsettling. No one would want to listen to him if this went poorly.
Without a word, Mikan pressed the clear stone of the ring to Nagito’s small lips, forcing him to kiss her hand. “Ehehe! Sorry! You have a little something on your lip!”
One second passed. Then two. Mikan let her hand slowly drift back to her side. It was like Nagito was frozen in space. His gaze went listless and lost focus. Mikan snapped her fingers before him, but he merely glanced up at her slowly.
Mikan swallowed. It was now or never. What did she desire from someone like Nagito from the bottom of her heart? She glanced at those frail features, the dark lines under his eyes, at the troubling bruise just barely visible on his chest just beneath his uniform. Her heart swelled.
This was what she was meant for.
“What are you doing out in this c-cold weather, Komaeda-kun? You need to be inside!” She wrapped her arm lightly around his and helped him keep up with her. Nagito nodded, some warmth returning to his gaze.
“You’ve been my precious patient for so long, Komaeda-kun… please don’t scare me like that again…”
“Yes… I won’t… I promise.” That raspy, but pleasant voice of Nagito’s filled Mikan’s heart. His trembling fingers gripped her hand like he was a lot child. A sense of power and pride surged through the nurse as a little smile formed to her lips…
What was once a empty hospital floor was now filled with her patients. Sonia had drifted out of bed early, so Mikan was gently walking her back before checking her temperature. She had quite the insatiable fever and needed to get back into bed immediately.
Worse even, Hiyoko kept trying to sneak candies and dessert from her hospital meals. Mikan had to force her to give them up, then stroked her long hair back and whispered to her soothing things as she wailed about it.
Her entire class were either strung out on their beds or wandering about like lost lambs. It was hard work, but Mikan had them right where she had always wanted them. Everyone she loved was going to stay with her forever and love her in turn.
All this hard work was truly worth it! Even if she was on call for the rest of her life, the Nurse knew that she was the luckiest and most appreciated woman in the hospital.
And it would always be that way. With this ring in hand, she would make sure of it.
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a-tale-never-told · 1 year
Hope for the Future to come.
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Guys..... you know I can't give up on talent. It's been what I've been working for since many years ago! What would I even do if I didn't have one?.....
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But you don't have to feel that way. You can continue pursuing what you want to do in life, regardless of what the rest of society thinks. You don't have to sacrifice your youth just to please some people on a desk you know. As I say, talent isn't everything. It is important, but that doesn't mean your life should revolve around just getting that.
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And you shouldn't have to sacrifice your individuality just for one talent. Be you. Be yourself and experience the joy and benefits of being a teenager. The teenage years are supposed to be our last years of enjoying our childhood and preparing for the outside world. I want to relax with you! Play video games near the fountain again, and just.... hang out normally. To take a break from the world and just.... be a normal girl.
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And just remember, you're not alone in this either. You have me, Mikan, Ibuki, the anons, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the class would agree with you as well. And if you feel like you're struggling in life, we're always here to help you, but YOU have to decide your own path, as it is ultimately your career on the line. As one great man once said, " It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed".
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You know what? Maybe.... you're right for the most part. I've been ignoring you all when I was so focused on getting a talent, no matter the cost. I do this because I want to be special, but.... now I feel I'm doing it in the wrong way by putting that eagerness for talent above everything in my life, even you guys.
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I don't know what to say guys.... thank you all greatly. I really needed to hear those words. This doesn't mean I'm completely better at it though, but for the first time in my life, I'm not really that worried about not being talented in something, because no matter what, even if you are or are not talented in a special field or career, you're still special in your own way. Being good at something, even if it's not the highest position, is still an achievement in itself, and people should take more notice of this.
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So from the bottom of my heart, in the deepest corners of my body... I want to say I appreciate everything you guys have said to me, not just now, but in past conversations. Because you all were ultimately trying to help me, and I can not express how happy I am to have such amazing friends.
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Hajime.... We feel the same way too. All of us. No matter what happens, we will always be with you. Always.
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*"Without warning, Ibuki launches herself at Chiaki, Mikan, and Hajime, enveloping them tightly in a group hug.*"
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Eh! You're so tight!. My ribs!.....
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Let her do it. It's refreshing after all of the mess that had happened, to get joy in our lives, even for a little bit *hugs Ibuki back*
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Can't disagree with that! *hugs her back as well* (You know, if you were to ask me that talent doesn't matter, I would just wave you off a bit, but now, after hearing all of this from Chiaki and the rest of the anons, I don't really put talent as the main thing on a pedestal anymore. Of course, I'm still going to pursue a talent, but I will do it if that doesn't get rid of who or what I am. I have this strange feeling in my body, though. Is this..... hope?)
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(M-maybe it is!..... I like this feeling, of us just talking to each other like normal people, like kids outside of our duties in society, not caring about what happens and just focusing on the good parts of society. I have the hope that someday, I will be a normal boy too, one where I'm not being judged for not having a talent. I know this is calling it a bit early, especially now. But for the first time..... I'm having a bright hope for the future of us and the world.....)
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
Hi! i hope you're having a good day, could I request some positivity?
so like... i'm chiaki nanami from SDR2. but my timeline was way different from the game in the sense that i was the mastermind behind the killing game. kind of? i was basically manipulated into running it by junko. i don't quite remember what it was, but she was holding something over my head that i would have died to protect. and oh my fucking god i feel so guilty. i loved everybody there. and i was literally part of the reason that the majority of them died, it wasn't a simulation in my timeline. i basically murdered over half of my best friends, the people that had my entire heart. and now i cant even interact with like danganronpa material without feeling so guilty. without the reminder of what i did. and i want to try and find sourcemates because i miss all of them so fucking much but i feel so bad about thinking about that because i don't deserve to reconnect with them, even if they weren't from my timeline i still hurt them!
waugh im so sorry for this :(. tysm and i love your blog btw!
hello, thank you so much for your well wishes! (✿◡‿◡)
you have nothing to apologize for, i promise. this is one of the purposes of this blog.
anyway, i'm so sorry to hear that you've gone through all that. being manipulated into doing something against your will and your values (much less murder!) sounds traumatizing, and it's completely okay to be stressed out about it. you're not a bad person just because you've come from a fucked up timeline, and you don't deserve to be punished in this world for it. this life shouldn't have to be spent with you apologizing for your other life, and you shouldn't be judged by anyone for it... including by yourself.
your worry about your friends shows that you care about them, their well-being, their feelings. the way you regret your actions (you were forced, manipulated, it was barely a choice) shows that you wouldn't hurt them again if you can help it.
however, your being reminded of your actions whenever you see danganronpa media is valid and normal. what happened was traumatic and you don't have to move on immediately, you don't have to pretend it was okay. you are allowed to express your struggles, you need to be supported for having them. you deserve to have your needs met, including be supported in healing from these events.
but you're still allowed to want to, and to find, sourcemates. it's okay, and very common, to miss people you've known. it's okay, and many can relate, to wanting to meet people who understand. i can relate.
sourcemates shouldn't be judging you based on your other life. it wouldn't be fair to assess you as a person without interacting with you beforehand. moreover, you didn't hurt every single danganronpa folk. you've only hurt the ones in your own timeline, not the others. you've never met or even known them, you can't have hurt them. not even by accident, because they're literally from other worlds, other lives, other timelines.
regarding the people from your own timeline, i believe you do deserve to reconnect with them. even if they don't forgive you, i think knowing that you didn't do it out of your own volition (that means you were not the mastermind, Junko was) would make them at least understand why you did what you did.
also, as a person who's done the same thing as you back "home" (though under different circumstances), what helps me is the fact that being the perpetrator of something does not undo my being the victim of something else. this is the same for you. your murders of your friends does not undo the fact that you were manipulated and blackmailed. please try to remember that.
last but not least, thank you for loving our blog! we do try our best to provide a respectful, accepting environment. i hope you have a good day, too. take care and stay safe out there.
mod vintage (🍇)
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honeybeekao · 2 years
Im trying to decide what fav musicals enstars characters would have. All i know is natsume - wicked, madara - chicago, shu - maybe romeo et juliette? Definitely a french one. I kinda wanna say chiaki - newsies? Please help me come up with more
"maybe a french one" i think valkyrie should put on their own performance of les miserables and it would be wonderful. i know this wasn't assigning them to Be in so the rest is just their favs . i think ibara likes les mis
NEWSIES CHIAKI oh my heart. i like newsies a lot it's a show that i cherish.
rei miss saigon? sorry my first thought was tragedy. he should cry to a musical. and madara should hold him
kaoru guys and dolls? i miss guys and dolls i wanna see it again
kanata. You know what i'm gonna say.
tsukasa into the woods..?
lets be real aira be more chill he was on the internet
just remembered rent existed and ougggghfghgg Whhghgh someone watch rent with me i cry everytimeee
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danggirlronpa · 11 months
Since polyships are on the table... 🍑 Mahiru/Hiyoko/Ibuki or 🍑 Mahiru/Sato/Hiyoko (I have a feeling this one will go horribly, as I tend to headcanon Hiyoko as being very jealous of Mahiru's affection towards Sato; both Sato and Hiyoko are definitely in love with Mahiru meanwhile can't stand each other. I imagine Sato also dislikes Hiyoko because she reminds her of Natsumi - however fair or unfair that comparison is, I definitely feel like Sato has a hatred of bullies. Meanwhile I think Hiyoko would have a soft spot for Ibuki; she would at first try very hard to push her away and prod at insecurities, but once that failed I could see them getting close. Plus, Hiyoko is attracted to kindness - something that she sees in both Hajime (platonically) and Mahiru, which makes her have a soft spot for them - and underneath her jokey-ness, Ibuki is very kind. And I don't even have to explain why Mahiru/Hiyoko works in this equation, lmao - Ibuki/Mahiru is probably the relationship between the three I've put the least thought in, but, I feel like they'd be amicable.)
Also, my Natsumi rarepairs.... 🍑 Chiaki/Natsumi and 🍑 Mikan/Natsumi... I know they don't interact but Chiaki and Natsumi are very much foils for each other & how they affect Hajime, so I think its a damn shame they never interact... plus Mikan/Natsumi would be so tragic.... finding your girlfriend dead... realizing your friend, Sato, killed her..... selling Sato out to your dead girlfriends brother.... Mahiru having such a favorable view of Sato and negative view of Natsumi & Mikan having the reverse.... the biased narration of Mikan (and Mahiru too).... the thought of my girlfriend was nice to me, a real angel, so she COULDN'T have been bullying you.... and then a year later, meeting a demon in the form of Junko Enoshima, who reminds you so much of your dead girlfriend, who tells you that Hope's Peak is corrupt, didn't look into her death to avoid a scandal with the reserve course so the funding to their pet project doesn't get shut down... and you're angry, you're so angry, that was your girlfriend and they don't even care.... why not let the devil tempt you into revenge? Don't they deserve it? I am so crazy about Natsumi/Mikan and NO ONE is tapping into their potential, the only fics on it on ao3 are my own.... I adore them 😭
I've been holding onto this ask because part of me doesn't even want to touch on a response so it can just stand alone as a testament to the ships. I LOVE seeing people talk about their rarepairs, absolutely fuck yes. Please don't think I'm ignoring you when I'm brief or my thoughts differ from yours because this RULES.
Mahiru/Hiyoko/Ibuki: Neat! Every dynamic in here is fucking stellar. I definitely also think this is a ship that centers on Hiyoko, which in and of itself is sort of fun. Danganronpa fans HATE her. But women LOVE her 😏
Mahiru/Hiyoko/Sato: Basically Canon. I'm biased about this because Mahiru/Sato is my real True SDR2 OTP and I consider both it and Mahiyoko to be Basically Canon on their own. But ALL TOGETHER. BOTH IN LOVE WITH MAHIRU. You know that tumblr post that's like "superhero and supervillain but theyre both friends with the same civilian so when their buddy invites them all out together as civilians they just have to silently seethe at each other across the table"? Yeah
Chiaki/Natsumi: Fine. This. And I'm going to be exposing a lot of things about myself as a person here so everyone just be cool. This is a kismesistude. And I will leave it at that.
Mikan/Natsumi: HELL YEAH. This might only appeal to a niche audience but hear me out, okay. You know yakuza mangas that are like. Oh No I Am A Sad Abused Young Woman/Twink Who Has Been Sold To/Become The Caretaker Of A Child In/Married Into/Reincarnated Into/Otherwise Somehow Become Involved In The Yakuza! im so frightened! what does this mean yakuza want with me!! a heart of gold?! could it be??? oh but because of my abuse i feel like i dont deserve this but through this yakuzas unrelenting instant love for me and very violent vengeance upon my abusers and also some gang drama to force us into compromising situations will i be forced to learn self esteem through the power of love?? THATS WHAT I WANT FROM THEM. THATS THE AU IVE WRITTEN IN MY HEAD. AND ALSO WAY OF THE HOUSE HUSBAND AU
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Masao Kurenai: Oh. My. God.
Atsuhiko Ozu: *smh* Jeez sus!
Freya: Mom!
Agri: *gets jumpscared* Honey!
Freya: Why is Pops dancing on the stage with a see-through shirt that's wet?!
Weston Daimonji: Mom... explain?!
Daimonji: Your dad is one of the performers of this Waterbomb event.
Wataru: Do not worry. He's only just gonna go shirtless and wear jorts during the whole performance.
My Adult and Teen kids: Oh. *shrugs* Eh, at least that's fine.
Tansho Tani: That's pretty tame for him because he probably knows we're here.
Chiaki: Yes, you are correct, my son.
Asari: Mom, you better fucking not. That's disgusting and embarrassing!! And right in front of me, your own daughter! At least do it in private with dad!
Ziin: *About to launch his thong* *nervous laughter* Okay. I won't. I won't.
Me: How y'all like it?
Tansho Tani: Pretty good. Can you teach me those dance moves?
Me: Sure.
Asari: Dad... As much as we love you and you love us... please for the love of Fruit Jesus. Learn how to control Mother's urges.
Me: I sure will, and you did not have to yell at your mother like that, you know. It kind of breaks his heart.
Asari: I'm sorry. I just...
Me: Not at me. To your mother.
Asari: I'm sorry, mom. For the outburst at you like that. I just wanted you to act properly and normal, ya know. I know you love me...
Ziin: *hugs her warmly and tightly while sniffling* Oh, my iridescent seashell...
Me: *teary-eyed*
Atsuhiko Ozu and Masao Kurenai: At least we can be real with you, dad.
Me: *turns around* I know... you 2 plus 8 others. And help me make dinner after this.
Both of them: *smiles* Sure thing.
Not the wet t shirt with the jorts 😭😭 Whyyyyy
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dailyhelldorm · 9 months
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Archive from twitter
Eichi, Hokuto, and Chiaki's little talk in the "Heart from ME STREAM".
Including characters' lines on screen and chat comments! In the chat, 3 people are commenting: Midori, Tomoya, and Shu!
Text is below.
Heart from me STREAM! Eichi & Hokuto & Chiaki
Note: this is two-part story.
Part 1
Location: Makoto, Adonis, Chiaki's Room
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Chiaki: …Haha! Good… -ting! …-ming!
Hokuto: Morisawa-senpai, your pin mic appears to be not picking up.
Chiaki: …? Sorry, is this okay?
Eichi: Everyone, can you hear our voices clearly? Can you comment something?
Hokuto: Alright. It seems that we are now streaming without any trouble.
Eichi: Fufu. The chat is asking what Chiaki was saying, and a lot of interesting answers are coming in. Chiaki, can you clarify it for us?
Chiaki: Umu! If I have to convey this feeling then no matter how many times, I will keep on telling you!
Fuhahahahaha! Good kids out there! I have kept you all waiting! Now it is time for the idle talk streaming!
Today, I will tell you about the splendor heroes to my heart's content… ☆
Hokuto: If, we can pull that topic card. Tenshouin-senpai, please pull one.
Eichi: Understood. For today's topic… "On stream, if you can pull any content, what kind of content will you pull?"
Part 2
Location: Makoto, Adonis, Chiaki's Room
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Eichi: In Chiaki's case, certainly it is going to be the heroes' talk?
Chiaki: Umu. I want to have a deep discussion with all the hero experts out there, and tell all the lucky children, who haven't known anything yet, about the charm of heroes.
Hokuto: Lucky children?
Chiaki: That's right. They haven't understood anything, so from now on they can experience the joy of knowing. Learn about the heroes, and you can be a hero too…☆
What about you two? What kind of things are you planning to do?
Eichi: You see, normally I will do what I want to do, so I can't think up anything significant… Maybe making the "Idol Karuta"?
Hokuto: Idol Karuta?
Eichi: You read the words that give hints about idol's features, and you have to guess the idol correctly. You can deepen your knowledge while also talking about idols until you are satisfied.
Hokuto: You guys are just doing talkshows…
I want to try to do some educational sweets-making stream.
Eichi: Educational sweets.
Hokuto: Like doing crafts, but you are making your own playable sweets. For kids, it might be the same familiar treat but if they are making it, it will be a new thing that they never tried out before, right?
Eichi: Something like that is different from the trend. Sounds good, I want to try it.
Chiaki: "I want you to make it!" Thank you for the comment. Someday we will certainly make things happen… ☆
Hokuto: Now then, it appears that i’s time to wrap everything up. Thank you for watching our stream.
Eichi: Fufu. Please look forward to the "Idol Karuta" plan too. Well, let's us meet again ♪
Translator’s note:
Karuta are Japanese playing cards. There are many kinds of Karuta, but supposedly Eichi is basing his Idol Karuta on the E-awase game. The yomifuda (reading cards) will write idol’s characteristics on it while torifuda (grabbing cards) will have idol’s face on. You have to match the correct yomifuda with its torifuda.
Educational sweets that Hokuto mentioned are the kind that you make and eat, like a kit set of DIY candy.
Characters’ lines on screen
Chiaki: Today’s stream is from mine and Yuuki's and Otogari’s room! Can you tell where is my private space in the room?
Hokuto: You can slightly hear Morisawa-senpai, that because our pin mics are picking up his voice. His volume is tremendous.
Eichi: Today Chiaki seems to be having more fun. The look of the people who can talk about the thing they like is nice, just gaze at him is enjoyable ♪
Characters’ comments on chat
@Midori_T: Uwa~ That person already has an accident right at the beginning.
@Itsuki_S: What is the point of watching Tenshouin’s stream?
@Tomoya_M: Hokuto-senpa~i!! I love you~!
Continuation: Aira, Tatsumi & Rei's talk.
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lyn on her trash alt account again— you’re very welcome!!
exposing my alt account to send a picture ehehe
webcore/lovecore icons and bouncy header of your kins , a gift for you 💕 (is kaede even one of your kins?? i cant remember-)
anyways, hope you like these mocha 🍡!
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(Yeah Kaede’s a major kin actually!)
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