randomfoggytiger · 2 months
Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part III)
Requiem, oh Requiem.
Loose chronological order below~
JET's (mulderscreek, tumblr, freeservers) Snippet Fic
She conceded, "So our track record has been iffy at best during the most recent Decembers. But last year wasn't too bad."
"Yeah, I think the highlight of the month was when I was attacked by zombies."
Pre-Requiem: There is no baby, and no abduction-- only Scully picking up Mulder during the holidays.
XPhileChai's Life is like a new case - you never know what you're gonna get.
She opened her eyes and met his. He saw the change in her eyes go from "calm and happy" to "oh, yeah, I'm in a car on a stakeout".
Pre-Requiem: Mulder rushes Scully to the hospital, where they discover she miscarried one of two babies.
@myownsuperintendent (Ao3)
“Marry Me” (Ao3)
He hadn’t expected her to say that soon, but he knows she means it.  Her practicality makes him smile.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder remembers how they found out about Scully’s pregnancy before he left for Oregon; and decides to seal their partnership with a proposal. 
Fic: “No Secrets” (Ao3)
“You could have died if I hadn’t gone back and looked at your medical records from last year.  If I hadn’t figured out what was happening and how to reverse it.  And you…you weren’t going to tell me?”  Her voice is no longer even now, but she’s not yelling either; it sounds like all the air has gone out of her.
“I didn’t think there was anything we could do about it,” he says, but he realizes how stupid that is even as he’s saying it. 
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned; and Scully not only finds him but also heals his brain disease. 
@alsoablankslate/tabulaxrasa's (LJ, tripod) Things Outside
The sun was setting, and the sky was a wide swath of indigo out the kitchen window. Sometimes it was very beautiful here. Summer here was like springtime in DC, maybe. How you were always conscious of it, of the rightness of the season, the perfect fit of area and temperature and color and the smell of the air.
They couldn't find out about the baby.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder is never abducted-- instead, he and Scully are put under house arrest in the middle of nowhere.
xphilernj’s (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
Upon their arrival at Dulles International Airport in D.C., Mulder was fit to be tied and Skinner was ready to clamp the handcuffs on him and throw Mulder in the trunk of his car.
Requiem: Mulder rushes back to Scully’s side.
Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
He stood in the doorway of her hospital room and walked toward the chair by the bed. Pulling it as close to the bed as possible, he sat gingerly on the chair's edge, then gently held her hand in his.
Requiem: Scully floors Mulder with her pregnancy news.
bellefleur’s "Arms Wide Open"
I look over to see my partner's mother standing a few feet away from me, stock still and drained of color, with her hand covering her mouth. It's takes me a minute, but as I register the fact that her first sight was of me sitting in the hallway with my head in my hands, and then with obvious tear tracks on my face, I begin to comprehend her reaction. She must have immediately thought the worst.
Requiem: Mulder hears the news from Scully; and panics, fleeing the room. Maggie helps him get his head in the game. 
Maidenjedi's Would That I Could Travel Both
She held her breath as his arms wrapped around her, and felt his reluctance to leave her as much as his eagerness to go, to discover, to find the all-encompassing Truth.
Requiem: Among a selection of AUs, Mulder didn't get his answers but did have a happy ending.
dmwones's Anagrams
"We can attempt to stabilize Dana for as long as possible. Give her blood transfusions, and corticosteroids. One to treat the low platelets, the other to help the fetus' lungs mature. But it's not a cure. Her body is under duress and HELLP syndrome is life-threatening. We can maybe buy a few extra days. But you're going to have to make a decision."
Requiem: In one of many AUs, Mulder is never abducted; but Scully and their baby suffer complications from preeclampsia.
Pattie’s Erlenmeyer Injustice
Not a day goes by that I don't think of the implications of this job, and especially this partnership. The knowledge that one or both of us might be killed or permanently injured in the line of duty hides in the backdrop, waiting to be cast and played out, by directors unknown.
Requiem: Mulder chooses to leave with the alien ship.
LuvTheBeez’s (mulderscreek) A Safe Place (MC) and Equanimity (1/2, and 2/2) 
The minutes ticked slowly by. Unable to stand it any longer, Scully reached out a gloved finger to lift Skinner's eyelid. There appeared to be no change - the black clouds of oil were still visible. She looked at the others, concerned that there was still no reaction.
"Maybe we should increase the -"
When Skinner grabbed her wrist, it was with such force that she could feel the bones grinding together, and she waited for the sound they would make as they cracked into pieces. She gasped in pain and surprise - Skinner increasing his death grip on her as his body began to convulse violently.
Frantic, Mulder reached for her, his fingers scratching at her skin as he attempted to pry Skinner's strong hand away from her wrist…. 
Finally, there were other hands there to restrain Skinner, and they were able to loosen his grip long enough for Mulder to pull Scully away from him. The sudden release caused both of them to fall backwards, and they landed in a heap on the floor. 
Post Requiem: Scully rushes to the hospital after Mulder’s return. Unfortunately, he forgets his abduction experiences just as the world plunges into Colonization; and Skinner, Krycek, and Marita-- who had initially joined them on their trek to safety-- are separated from the group in another wave of attack.  
Forte’s (Gossamer) It Came in the Mail 
Scully rushed into the basement office, mind racing.  It was a leap of intuition.  A leap of faith.  A leap of Mulder proportions.  He'd be proud, wouldn't he?
He'd expected it.  He knew she would figure it out.
Post Requiem:  Scully and TLG shift into high gear when she is shipped an envelope of Mulder’s fingerprints. 
prufrockslove/plenilune’s (Ao3, Alt. Gossamer, Geocities,  Colonization HQ)
"No – please let him stay. I asked for him. Stephen," came Mulder's tired, raspy voice from the room. "Let's talk quarks."
"Let's not. Let's rest," Scully said, squeezing past Dr. Hawking to get to the hospital bed. Three other men were hovering, pads and pencils ready to take notes if the tape recorder missed anything. Outside, men in black were swarming the hallway like army ants.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned in Las Vegas, staggeringly intelligent with all the answers of the world locked in his head. Naturally, Morris Fletcher and his troop come crashing in for information.
Pascal's Wager
I have no memories of what They did to me and some of my pre-abduction memories are still a little scrambled - not missing, just out of focus. I'm functional, barely, but at night rumors roam free, untouched by regression hypnosis, drugs, or Scully's gentle attempts to reach out to me. This is PTSD, she says, closing my chart and running her palm over my cheek comfortingly. Rest, Mulder. Do your exercises, Mulder. Don't think about your personal price- check chip in your frontal lobe, Mulder.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned after the birth of his daughter, struggling hardcore on the long road to recovery. Is he becoming insane, or enlightened?
Daniela Riedel's (mulderscreek) Never Ever
She wanted to tell him so much. Before he disappeared they never had the chance to talk about their feelings. Sure they had been close. This night in the hotel in Oregon. She wanted so much to tell him that she loved him dearly but couldn't find the courage to do so. Both of them knew about the other's feelings though.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, staring at the hospital ceiling and repeating names over and over.
Fight The Past
"I never thought she'd manage it..."
Mulder turned back to him, the spell of his memories broken. "Manage what?"
"Why, to earn your trust, of course. You're not an easy man to get to know, Mr. Mulder. You'd rather get a root canal than admit to an emotion. Or, at least, that is how you were." He nodded to the window. "That's how he is."
Post Requiem: CSM offers Mulder to opportunity to travel back to the Pilot, stop the motel fire, and change history. 
syn‘s (Tumblr) Careless Wishes
Melissa's eyes narrowed.  "You know, you could *ask* before borrowing my stuff.  I mean, I don't rummage through *your* jewelry box do I?  Not that I'd wear any of that WASPy, wispy stuff anyway."
"But Melissa," replied Scully incredulously.  "You were *dead*."
"What difference does that make?" asked Melissa, reaching over and pulling the necklace off over Scully's head with an annoyed yank.  "I mean, someone with a little foresight, with a little respect for my personal property, should have known that I wouldn't want anyone wearing this necklace."
Post Requiem: Scully uses a potion to bring back Melissa, Pendrell, Mr. X, Deep Throat, and even Queequeg back to life… all of whom are incredibly terrible company. 
lesbianreinaa's Simply the Best
“I completely forgot, Mulder I’m sorry.” She exhaled, their silly gag of a tradition had turned into something much more meaningful as the years had passed. October 15th, they had returned from their first case on the road, the only place open being Lenny’s, both agents being famished had set up camp inside, scarfing down their burgers and caffeinated beverages before returning to J. Edgar Hoover for more late nights.
Over the years it had remained a night that they kept, laced with more and more intimacy given the circumstance.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned almost immediately; and Scully joins him in a dance, working up to her news.
Singing_Violin’s Sculleus and Muldeurydice 
Mulder was dying; Mulder might already be dead. She had already grieved for him, but new hope had cruelly been handed to her by a known enemy. However, if he was inside, Mulder needed her.
Post Requiem: CSM picks up Scully, drives her to an imprisoned Mulder, and warns her not to touch him as they escape. 
Cathey Scully‘s Hidden Truths
The last thing she'd expected when she'd heard of Mulder's abduction was to be holding a gun on him.  Mulder.  Her Mulder, standing there in front of her, absolutely soaked to the skin, and she was holding a gun on him.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned to Scully’s apartment. 
Kemystre’s Frisson 
He stepped away from the plane and his knees were shaking.  
Closing his eyes, he pulled in a sharp breath.  The cold February air 
burned within his lungs and he almost smiled.
Fox Mulder was home.  Finally, at last, he was home.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, and runs home, happy. 
Cici’s Somebody's Child 
"But I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying, Mulder. There are men besides me who will stop at nothing to get their hands on this baby and the genetic code that it contains. They will not hesitate to take Agent Scully's life if it means obtaining their goal. But these men don't want to save the world, Mulder. They only want to turn this baby over to the aliens to save their own skin and that of their families."
Post Requiem: Mulder returns, with Krycek’s help, without realizing he’s playing into Krycek’s ulterior motive. 
Spooky2u2’s Only Death Would Stop Me 
The sound of Scully's crying drifted through Mulder's apartment.  The man in the other room moved. If anyone had been watching they most likely would have missed it. It was miniscule, but it was there.  His head tilted ever so slightly to the left as though listening for a sound he wasn't sure he'd heard.  If anyone had been watching they would have seen a dull flicker of life in this man as some part of him that had held to what was left of his soul  pulled him toward that sound.  
Post Requiem: The Alien Bounty Hunter returns a broken, unresponsive Mulder… who breaks out of his trance long enough to ferociously protect Scully, if needed. 
Agent L’s (mulderscreek) 
Out of the Woods 
No one called him Fox. At least no one that he knew anymore. He ignored the gentle voice and drifted back toward oblivion.
"Fox. You must listen to me."
Post Requiem: Melissa talks to Mulder in his hour of need. 
But at least I was able to protect you from this. 
Maybe now that they have me, you'll be safe.
"Safe, Mr. Mulder? No one is safe."
Post Requiem: The Consortium toy with Mulder’s brain module during repeated experiments before brainwashing and dumping him back home. 
No Place Like Home
He hadn't thought about people being worried, searching for him. Was there someone he should call? A friend or relative? His memory remained stubbornly blank when he tried to recall a familiar face or name.
His wallet was on the nightstand and he leafed through it, but couldn't find any names or phone numbers other than his own. The photo of the young girl struck a chord this time, however -- half-remembered laughter, teasing. Childhood. But there was sadness here as well...a deep longing that tugged at something deep within him, filled him with an unaccountable sense of loss.
Post Requiem: Mulder is dumped, amnesic, six months later; and has to use spotty instincts to somehow trek the long way home. 
A Man Walks Into a Bar (mulderscreek) and Pilgrimage (mulderscreek) 
Mulder's knees buckled and he started to sink to the pavement. Instinctively Doggett grabbed for him, to save him from falling. Mulder sagged against him for a moment, then Doggett felt something press against his ribs.
His own gun.
A rookie mistake.
Post Requiem: Doggett finds Mulder. Neither man trusts the other; but, despite a few fundamental differences, Doggett still drives him back to Scully’s apartment.  
Beyond This Experience series (01, 02, 03) 
"Where's Mulder? I expected to see him here."
She was silent for so long that he turned back to her, alarmed. Mulder had been in bad shape, but even Scully, as a doctor, hadn't seemed to think anything was drastically wrong. If Skinner had endangered his life by bringing him back, he'd never forgive himself. 
Scully met his eyes, her own brimming with tears, and bit her lower lip. "I - He's - He left."
Post Requiem: Skinner finds Mulder and brings home home; then goes the extra mile to support him through a PTSD moment and talk him out of his fears. 
Thursday's Child
He didn't expect to find Mulder awake, but he did expect to find Mulder in bed. John came through the door to find both the patient and the IV stand gone. 
He'd been ditched.
Post Requiem: Doggett tries to be a good dude by driving Scully to the hospital when she goes into labor, and intercepting (then aid and abet) Mulder’s unhinged antics to be by her side. 
Scullysfan‘s The Discipline of Blessings 
But she was tired of playing by someone else's rules. Maybe it all came down to that.
Tilting her head back, Scully smiled softly into those sad eyes she knew so well, and then she faced Skinner again. "Mulder and I need to discuss this. Alone."
Post Requiem: Scully’s baby heals her after she is accidentally shot; and, realizing their child will never be safe no matter where they run, she convinces Mulder to stand their ground and not go into hiding after his return. 
Thanks for reading~
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dapurinthos · 1 year
casually browsing etsy for seal rings because why not and found this delicious piece:
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a fucking mothman signet ring.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you feel many small delights and your brain takes a day off from making its spreadsheets. <3 <3 <3
💜💜💜 yeah it was pretty good! started out with a message that somebody I'd been talking to about a possible trade had just opened a blind box and gotten the Loki pin I wanted, so I was able to set that trade up first thing, and I got several gifts mailed off too (including yours!), which made me feel pretty accomplished. plus I got to hang out with @erlkonigstochter, and we watched a new Monster Factory video and I wrote a bunch of words in the fic that's ruining my life (they weren't very good words but at least they exist). and especially driving home, it was insanely cold, like 5F or less at that point, but everything was completely still with a heavy ice fog in the air and thick hoar frost on all the trees, and as much as the massive amount of snow recently has been frustrating, everything looked absolutely beautiful yesterday.
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owlart18 · 2 months
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Lula Plenilune | The Blue Kingdom story version of one of my Wildfrost ocs!
(Commission info here | MapleStickerShop)
Her art fight profile:
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
Possible November Reading
Emma by Jane Austen
The Heir of Redclyffe by Charlotte M. Yonge
Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Gaskell
Something by Wilkie Collins
Something nonfiction
A book about bookshops
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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Unshakeable his composure may be in a strong combination with a placid disposition, Jīnhsī cannot ignore the complex sentiments simmering beneath it all within the brief moment of silence it takes the other to respond. Not so dissimilar to encountering an injured bird whose present fortitude refuses to be picked up by a kind soul willing to help, perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of something entirely different hard to shape into a sole descriptor. At the very least, she can take solace in the prospect that it is helpful to him— and that's all she needs.
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◜I wish you wouldn't need it.◞ Graceful features betray a fraction's apologetic expression as she turns to look towards the city. This isn't to say that she distastes the premise of extending her protection to him, no— but the current situation of suspended tension and the potential of tragedy to unfold soon. She cannot say to be versed on other situations akin to Sunday's, where they come from another world only to encounter danger. Lóngzhù laments it, regardless. ◜Jinzhou is a province scarred from endless strife, but there is a lingering hope that never dies. I pray that you'll be exposed more to its bright side than to its dark one, however long you wish to stay here.◞
Continued from here || @halovien 𖧷
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plenilune · 1 year
will probably delete this but as guy who mainlined trimax in a week and then watched stampede how is vash/wolfwood/livio not everyone's agenda. it burns ALL the fucking way down. why did wolfwood die? to protect livio. to bring livio back to himself. to Not Let Livio Kill Him. because of the way vash believes in people. he takes that and he proves himself to vash, not for vash's sake, but for his own, to save livio. to believe that livio deserves redemption. which vash sees and picks up and livio knows like a weight on his throat every moment he's alive as livio for the first time in maybe his whole life. and he killed the person vash loved the most and yet vash still loves and believes in him. because the person vash loved the most did too. and loving and believing in and championing livio is how vash can honour wolfwood's sacrifice. and also they have weird bleak messy sex about it. anyway i have to go drive this railroad spike into my face brb
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"Seeing you here, I assume you were sent here for what mortals deem as important business." As he might've been caught eating almond tofu in Wangshu Inn, he didn’t expect the half-adeptus to ever visit the said place.
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lovenikkiclothes · 2 years
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Based around the skirt ‘Cyclic Puzzle’.
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froginthesoil · 1 month
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞.
— ganyu ⭑ diluc ⭑ zhongli
— gender neutral | comfort ⭑ platonic
— cw: implied depression. ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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— ganyu
a soothing breeze caressed your skin as you wandered through the field of glaze lilies, guided by ganyu's careful hold of your hand. how gentle she was when she had offered to bring you along for one of her walks, wanting to witness your smile once more.
with a small, "oh," she paused in her steps and motioned for you to do the same. "look, y/n, over there."
the plenilune moon provided enough light for you to discern the shape of a juvenile deer, calmly lifting its head to bite the sunsettias off a tree. "they usually flee the areas patrolled by the milelith..." how fortunate, you both thought, to receive such a sweet sight — and ganyu held the hope that this experience would serve as encouragement for you to spend time out of your thoughts. she turned her head toward you with a smile, not missing the way your lips hesitantly curled up in response.
━━━━━━━━━ 𓍊𓋼
— diluc
never would you have thought that the young master would be capable of such affection... but there you were, nestled comfortably in diluc's arms as he held you close to himself. silence remained between the two of you while he was thinking, feeling a sense of responsability toward you. "you need a purpose," he eventually murmured against your hair, his words accompanied by a sigh. "something to keep you going, no matter what mother nature throws at you."
something to keep you going... your hopelessness must have been visible in your expression, given diluc's embrace tightened so slightly in response. "y/n, don't dismiss it." his words are firm, carrying a sense of conviction that he needed during the darkest moments of his life — however fear-inducing the idea of pushing yourself was, though, it was soothed by the light scents of lavender and rosemary emanating from the young master, and the protective hand pressed against the back of your head.
his resolve had always struck you as strong against the winds that might try to bend it, seemingly endless no matter how many difficulties he faced. something deep inside you thought, can i be capable of climbing out of this pit, too ?
━━━━━━━━━ 𓍊𓋼
— zhongli
"dearest, the sun has risen," were the sweet words that awakened you in the morning, an encouragement that came from a place of care.
zhongli made sure to prepare some necessities for you, having planned to bring you outside for a stroll near mt. tianheng, knowing you'd appreciate the underground pond inside one of the caves. he had discerned the interest you seemed to have in nature and, much to his pride, particularly in stones.
knowledgeable as he was, zhongli was content to give detailed explanations about every natural phenomenon you encountered during your stroll, and analysed every layer present inside one of the stones you've found on the path. sometimes, his perceptive gaze would see hints of the personality he came to love about you — a curiosity that seemed to never run out, admiration as you listened to his stories so intently. zhongli eventually placed one of his hands on your shoulder, under the pretense that you were straying from the path... when really, he was reassured to find that your self was not completely gone, merely buried until it felt safe enough to shine once more.
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Ghostly Hauntings and Experiences-- AUs
Mulder and Scully always find themselves in ghastly, ghostly situations-- but it’s even more fun to twist canon or at least stretch its limits a little bit. These fics feature AU Mulders and Scullys dealing with ghosts, as wells as other timelines where they become ghosts themselves. Let’s go!  
Loose chronological order below~ 
Dealing With Various Ghosts 
theramblinrose’s The Holinshed Ghost
Chapter 2  
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
““...So, the story has it that he got tired of her mouth and he killed her with an axe. It’s something of a joke, in the area, to remind all new brides of what happened to Marguerite Holinshed.”
“A word to wise women,” Mulder said with a laugh.
“Charming,” Scully responded.
“Beg your pardon, Ma’am,” Bernie said. “It’s just a local legend.”
“No, it’s fine,” Scully said. “Sometimes those legends hold keys that help us in understanding the people we’re dealing with and the possible background of the crimes that have been committed.””
Post Irresistible Scully has recovered enough to join her husband Mulder on a new ghost case in a small semi-superstitious town. The couple discuss her recovery, new levels of openness and intimacy, and their excitement over parenthood of their developing “alien” while solving the case in a Scooby Doo-esque “haunted” hotel with secret hallways.
The Holinshed Ghost is a part of theramblinrose’s unnamed series, where Mulder and Scully’s marriage and pregnancy replaces the abduction arc. LOVE these fics (especially when she paralleled it to the Aubrey storyline and carried that developing narrative through to End Game.) It’s riveting how she depicts the duo’s advanced bond while acknowledging the changes and slight growing pains their new relationship would bring; but tenderness and trust smooth most road bumps and pave the way for a better path ahead. Unfortunately, this series was never finished; BUT I can fill in the blanks by myself, thank you very much!
(*Note: As an aside, this story reminded me of Analise’s Haunted House and @dreamingofscully​​‘s Surely, to the sea -- soon to be on their own lists.*) 
prufrockslove/plenilune’s (Ao3, Alt. Gossamer, Geocities, Colonization HQ)
Finding Rokovoko (Ao3) 
“If a cure existed, Mulder would make the deal - leave the X-files, abandon his search for the truth. Do whatever Cancerman demanded in exchange for Scully’s life.
If a cure existed.
In the dark doorway of a ruined little building far across the courtyard, Mulder spotted three small, pale children, squatting, arms around their knees, and watching him. Or an optical illusion. Or some beige rocks. He didn’t know or care anymore.”
Post Never Again AU-- Mulder’s frustrations at Scully’s distance (after she had made moves on him and shut down immediately after) is halted by both her cancer revelation and by being stranded in the woods while squallies-- children with black eyes-- surround their car and confuse their directions. Scully’s health quickly deteriorates; and their only shelter leads them further into possible destruction and death... but also into the heart of the mystery of the Litchfield projects. There are only two teams, and both are monsters. 
Keleka’s Gray Ghosts 
“I can't help but wonder why I'm the one seeing ghosts on this trip.  Maybe I wouldn't be seeing them if I hadn't become more open to extreme possibilities in recent months.  Mulder would give up his accumulated leave to see this, but he's back in the hospital sleeping off a narcotic cocktail.” 
Post Theef-- Mulder and Scully bring TLG with them to investigate the violent deaths of the 47th Brigade. As Mulder plunges headlong into the alternate dimension of a vengeful demon- undeterred by his earlier proposal and recent injury at the hands of a possessed soldier- Scully grapples with her faith in religion, her father, and her military when she witnesses General Patton and his soldier ghosts praying in the cathedral. 
MD1016′s (FFN) Journal 2000 3/3
“For eight days he shadowed her every move, leaving her only for the handful of minutes he spent in the bathroom.  Dag brought in all the supplies they needed, but never stayed for more than a minute or two.  Her mother visited nearly every day, but never broached more than light conversation, and even that felt forced. Scully wasn't sure what Mulder had said to them, but it was clear by the way they looked at her as if she might foam at the mouth at any moment that he said something.
It was strange, suddenly seeing the world through the lens Mulder had worn for so many years, especially now that he was looking at her through the other side.  And, of course, that was the most difficult part.  That Mulder, for the first time, was on the outside peering in.”
Colonization Scully and Mulder are settling into a new location, waiting for their child’s arrival with the support of Maggie, TLG, and new friends. When Scully begins to question her own sanity-- taunted by her brother Charlie’s ghost and losing some of Mulder’s trust in the process-- she becomes increasingly afraid at the warnings only she can hear: that she, alone, will be have to face re-abduction to save Mulder and the planet. 
This is an incredibly strange follow up to the Colonization drama of Journal 2000 Parts 1 and 2-- I’m conflicted between liking parts (when Scully is proven correct) and parts where I believe my own criticisms are valid. Personally, though, when I’m in the mood to reread this mini-series I read Part 2 more: barely escaping their settlement, crashing in a lift in the woods, navigating the snow and temperature and tiredness, and waiting with baited breath as the mountains crack through the night airs with possible avalanche groans... those were my favorite moments (But that’s not this list, SO NEVER MIND.) 
Dealing With Their Own Ghostly Existence
Hestia01‘s (Ao3) The Next Great Mysery 1/ 2/
““Now we just have one question left. Where do we haunt?”
A wicked grin crosses Scully’s face, immediately mirrored by her partner. As usually, they’re thinking the same thing.
“Could be a federal offense.”
“Come and get me.”
In the blink of an eye, they stand together in the basement office they’d spent so much of their lives in. They both look around at it and have to smile, they’re home.”
Circa Post Paper Clip Scully rejects Heaven after death to keep Mulder company. She returns in time to witness his “death by grief”; and the two start kicking it, giggling at Skinner taking their poster and getting to box Bill in the nose. Everyone wises up to their antics and celebrates by marrying them. Then they all get bored of catering to ghosts, and Skinner “fires them to death.”
I laugh every time I think about the ending. 
Philiater’s Night House  
““Why do I get the feeling that this is more about satisfying your curiosity than my safety?" I said, trying to deflect his concern. 
"I'm always thinking of the paranormal possibilities, but I'm more worried about you. It's not like you to run off and buy houses on a whim." 
"No it's not," I admitted reluctantly, "but, I'll be fine. I have to go. Goodbye, Mulder."
I hung the phone up before he could say more. No one it seemed could fathom why I'd bought this dream house. I wasn't entirely sure I understood it either.”
Scully buys a haunted house, only to realize it is she who is haunting it.
“Here, shrouded beneath the greenwood, the stars are dimmer.  They do not dance like living flames to the music of the spheres.  The ocean of heaven does not shine with their fire.  I raise my vacant eyes to heaven, remembering the warmth of my dream, but see only pale crystals of ice glittering in the somber sky.  I reach up to touch my late companions in the dance, to grasp the hem of their robes in supplication, beseeching them to take me back.  My hand, more earth than flesh now, cannot reach the sky.  
I cry aloud my desolation, the horror of existence within this rotting shell.”  
Circa The End Mulder is raised from his heartwrenching death by Scully’s cry for help. He shambles- rotting- into the night to prevent her demise and to avenge his own. She releases his “debt” after he gruesomely stops her enemies.
Ghost in Her Life 1/  2/
““I wasn't supposed to die, Scully.  Get banged up, spend a week in the hospital with a broken shoulder, but dying wasn't on the agenda.  Somebody fouled up somewhere and to everyone's surprise out there, I showed up.  By the time the mistake was caught, there wasn't much use in sending me back.  Believe me, Scully, you really don't ever want to see what the inside of a brain looks like after it's been smushed into pate.  Yuck.””
A separate AU-- Mulder is killed by a baseball hit to the head, and Scully is horrified at his sudden death. That horror, however, turns to confusion, disbelief, and wavering acceptance when his ghost returns to explain that, because he wasn’t supposed to die YET, he’s stuck on earth until things are sorted out. Both find tentative happiness as they use his new enhancements to their advantage in investigations (despite the challenges of him having to manage his new corporeality and leech-like existence.) 
The Ghost at her Side 1/  2/  3/
“Mulder leaned carefully over the side of the desk, his arms folded behind his back, trying to avoid brushing against Skinner as he attempted to read the open file.  Two men murdered, both prominent citizens, and a police chief who asked for him by name, that was almost an X-File by itself.  Mulder tried to remember where he might have met Chief Anson Talbert.  The name was vaguely familiar, but the precise memory was elusive.  As Mulder craned over to read the opening paragraphs of the report, Skinner leaned forward to close the file and his head brushed against Mulder's face.  Skinner jerked with shock, shivering as the chill of Mulder's aura set his teeth aching.  Mulder shuddered violently and fled to the far corner of the room, trying to shake the horror of feeling a living body pass through him.” 
It still isn’t easy being a ghost-- Mulder and Scully are still solving crimes; but the greatest challenges are still adjustments for Mulder and vulnerabilities for Scully. Both help the other with their struggles and find new allies in like-minded Chief Talbert and slow-learning new partner Agent Ambercrombie.
The Ghost in the Dark
“With her new-found sensitivity to Mulder's moods, helped by the fact that he turned odd shades of gray according to the prevailing emotion, Scully decided that she could finish her quarterly expense report at home.  Death really hadn't changed Mulder all that much.  As long as there was a case to keep him occupied, he seemed to accept being a ghostly appendage to her life.  He had been on his best behavior despite the boredom of no new case in nearly three weeks, but she was well aware of his growing restlessness.  She had been bracing for an outbreak of mischief in the upper levels of the FBI building for nearly a week now; it was like waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Mulder was going to get into mischief.  The only question was how much chaos was he going to leave in his wake.” 
While Ghost Mulder is wandering around on Halloween, he is abruptly summoned by an unapologetic woman who needs help dealing with the local bullies. The poorer kids haven’t been able to trick-or-treat like those in safer areas, and her righteous indignation ignites Mulder’s protective anger to permanently quell the chaos.  Old and new wounds are healed with the balm of acceptance and love that no one else but Scully had given him in life or death.
I cannot state ENOUGH how BEAUTIFUL these are. Ahhh, the perfect sting-- that tightrope between pain in life and pleasure in death; transformed purpose; and the existential question of life, meaning, and joy through suffering. ALL of these fics are so, so, SO good. (Confession time: I’ve only thoroughly read Revenant and The Ghost in the Dark, but the others are just as good-- though I don’t know if they’re just as GOOD good. HIGHLY recommend you at LEAST read those two. ...Wow, look at all these words that capitalized-- you could say that I’m passionate about these fics, y’know, hypothetically~.) 
threeguesses’s (Live Journal, DreamWidth) 
And if I make my bed in Sheol (DreamWidth)
“When she wakes up, he is still there, watching her from a chair.  “You don't exist,” she says, but goes into to the bathroom to change anyways.
He is still there when she eats breakfast.  And when she unloads the dishwasher.  And when she leaves for work.  And when she comes home.
A week later, and he is still there.  Scully has stopped telling him that he isn’t real.  Talking to one’s delusions is probably not the best route to mental wellness.”
Mulder dies when Scully is not there to back him up. His ghost finally breaks her denial at acknowledging his presence; but his victory is short-lived when she begins to give up living life to stay in her apartment with his trapped soul. 
Jenna Tooms/misslucyjane’s (Ao3, mulderscreek)
Ghost- A Love Story (Ao3, Goss) 
“Her hair is silver and her face is lined, but her eyes are still bright and her mouth still a cupid’s bow. Her voice has a slight quaver but it still reminds me of syrup over pancakes, husky and warm and soothing. Her hands aren’t as steady as they once where, but she hasn’t wielded a scalpel in years. Nowadays her hands mostly cook and caress her grand-nephews and -nieces, tend her roses and linger over old photographs.
I watch her and she doesn’t know it. I watch her read or garden or watch her beloved old movies. I watch her slowly brush her hair, her eyes far away and dreamy. I watch her eat and sleep and talk, and I marvel at how little she’s changed.”
Mulder is killed... but, stubborn ghost that he is, he’s not ready to cross into the beyond. He follows Scully around and happily observes her griefs, joys, and full life until one day she is able to join him. 
WELP, what a way to cap off this list. Love all these fics in their own, unique ways (of course) and hope you all-- 
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currently thinking about 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 and his endless vanity.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who is revered as the lotus-eyed, twice-born born and golden-sighted. all who look at him are mesmerized, and none are those who can afford to resist his endless charm. the very epitome of beauty in masculine vessels, he defines the perfect balance of yin and yang—being as ethereal as they come, and twice as wise.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who puts up the pretense that he never quite feels the need to be worshipped so, being as modest as possible. yet internally, it is through lotus offerings, garlands of roses and lamps and lanterns blue and white that he truly measures his importance in the eyes of the man. the easiest god to please or upset, the lothd eyed god has few vices he does not know to erase. hence is the reason he is revered by all, the kind hearted god.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who takes great pride in the lonesome shrine dedicated to the 'god of all ancient wisdom', and enjoys flittering around in the forests and lakes that surround his shrine from all sides. quiet whispers often go ignored by him, benevolent in godhood as he already is. there's a saying—if you ever spot a purple-haired being with lotuses in his hands and gold on his neck, then be sure to quieten your steps and softly whisper his name. though he won't respond, his gaze will certainly fall upon you. while he doesn't entirely agree with this, he still arguably enjoys the attention this saying gathers him.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦— and his infatuation when his gaze lands upon you, standing amidst the maidens with gold offerings in your hand as you stared at him through plenilune eyes, your gaze holding wondrous awe. he can't speak, can't avert his gaze, nor can you and both are quite understandable in their place. after all, for a god, occasions of 'love' are few and far between, and even more so with mortals.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who always keeps an eye on all his followers. especially, you, of plenilune gaze and ethereal essence. he loves being pampered in general, always sitting patiently whenever he enters the shrine and the maidens sit him on golden stands and bathe him in flowers.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 and the way his gaze pins upon you as you move through the forest, navigating around to reach the lake of lotuses. who knows very well that this is the first time you have left to get lotuses on your own, a cruel order of the head priestess who was upset about his disregard for the prayers of the others. and while he is willing to be more benevolent next time, he ensures to cut down excess bushes and lead you right to the lake, almost confusing as to how easy it was to reach the lake.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who can't help but turn red yet watch helplessly as you slightly lift your waist cloth, revealing the soft skin of your waist, pulling the dagger out and walk slowly into the waters, cutting freshly bloomed lotuses from the water. but his gaze remains pinned to your form regardless, unable to watch anything or anyone except you.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 develops a tiny bias towards your prayers then on, always listening a bit keener to them. who can't help but create a situation such that all priestesses leave to attend to the royal family and their transgressions and you're left to look after the shrine. and then he comes in all graces, dressed in gold pieces and pearls white, ethereal looking when your gazes meet.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 who laughs slightly when you immediately bow and call him by all his hundred names, amused by your devotion. who desires to speak softly with you, leaving you spellbound with his quiet melody in speech. he is a bit biased you see— it's rare, after all, to see the god being vain but anything other than himself.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 and his expectation of finding you at the lake of lotuses every day, getting disappointed should you ever switch duties with anyone. he doesn't give up though. he has his ways, and you can't really escape him if he shows up at the shrine, himself after all. he just ensures to bite back the smile that forms on his features when you place the lotuses on his feet and light his sandalwood incense.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 being infatuated with your delightfully mortal charm and the fleeting sense of forbiddenness that you bring. gods and mortals do not mix well—he knows and he also knows that you know too, but it's hard for both to resist when either looks so supple and lovely.
𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘨𝘰𝘥! 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 and his love for you, his favourite devotee.
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header credits: @cafekitsune !
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
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“Twins?” “Twins. A boy and girl.” Ximena answered, before turning her loving eyes to the two small bundles she kept against her breast. A smile touched her full lips, the pride undeniably written on her face at the sight of the two sleeping children. Dark of hair and sun-kissed skin, with rosebud lips and puffy cheeks that appeared to be made just to be covered in gentle loving kisses: two small cherubs sent to her from the heavens above to quell the sadness of her soul. The woman felt her heart swelling in her chest with such intensity, for a moment she was sure she couldn’t breath. They were both perfect. The girl briefly opened her eyes as a hiccup left her small mouth, a hiccup that was soon bound to become a shriek of necessity. “Mark my word, Ximena, that nena has the dark side of the moon within her,” the matriarch said while taking the baby girl in her experienced arms, starting to pacing and patting on her back to lull her back to sleep. But even when the old woman started to crone a melody of an ancient time, the baby girl would not stop her whimper of protest. “This one, instead, is a hijo de la luna llena,” the young mother cooed at the still asleep baby boy. With delicate finger, she caressed the bridge of the baby’s nose and his head of dark leonine hair. “Peaceful as a quiet night of plenilune indeed,” she murmured, her smile widening even more. “You are lucky that their father’s mark is nowhere to be found on their small faces, and instead they favour you.This will make things easier for them...and for all of us.” (….)
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A small WIP for you all tonight, before going to sleep.
This is actually a VERY old artwork, that I started in *checks info on CPS* March last year, but I never truly got the occasion to finish (or rather, I was HYPER frustrated with my lack of skill to render justice to the artwork and my beloved brainchildren).
I remember seeing a statue of Latona with Apollo and Artemis and IMMEDIATELY striked me as the perfect inspiration and reference for my brainchildren.
And, while unfinished, it still gives me so many emotions so, I decided to share it with you as well <3
So here you have Ximena with her two most precious jewels: Mathias and Antoine 🥹💓🥹💓🥹💓
I honestly want to work some more on my Unity stuff, because I have so many things to develop still, and the way I love the De Beaumont is IMMENSE.
(also, omg I was all squealing while drawing baby Mathias and Baby Antoine!! like KYAAAAAAH. SWEET BEBES. SWEET PERFECT BEBES.)
(also fml I need to recalibrate my screen because the colours are all fucked up :/)
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
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owlart18 · 7 months
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Oc Leaf at Beach Town
(Commission info here | MapleStickerShop)
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gaslampsglow · 5 months
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Well, while I'm here.
I've gone back to shooting on film recently (as has, I'm aware, half the internet) for all the reasons you might expect; the joy of a physical object, the impetus to put more care into setting up my 36 shots per roll rather than just firing away, the fact that I get to decide how my image looks by controlling light rather than letting an app flatten it with fake HDR. My tool of choice has been a Minox GT-E, a teeny tiny camera, one of the smallest 35mm cameras ever made. It was a gift from a friend, who bought it new in Switzerland and used it on four continents across the 80s and 90s. He put it on a shelf after switching to digital and felt it needed a good home, so now it's my constant companion.
Anyway I just love this shot. @plenilune is lurking in the shadows, there. We were catching the bus back from a local bar and I ran across the street to snap this with the bus barreling closer, and I thought it wasn't going to turn out. Instead, it's an image I just keep going back to, which is part of the draw of the medium, really.
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reginrokkr · 1 month
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Under cut some Moon-Chasing festival + WQ thoughts!
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𖧷 I kind of teased it a while ago, but I love Xiangli Yao and I hold him gently in my hands. Although he's taking after his father to continue his legacy of fulfilling other people's wishes, it'd be very nice if he and Jinhsi bonded over this matter as she not only receives wishes at the City Hall, but she's also actively making them come true. And this isn't entirely as the Magistrate, but because she at her core is kind like that.
𖧷 Following that line of thought, she's such a sweetheart for helping people around to make the experience better long before the festival.
𖧷 I suppose that we have finally found a way to bribe express positive feelings to miss Jinhsi via sweets as she has a sweet tooth. Someone give this girl all the sweets.
𖧷 Loved Jiyan's part so much. He's like a very young father judging by the way he looks after his men even after giving them the permit to leave for the festival. Loved the little story with the third soldier and the food too.
𖧷 For the WQ, I got a bit emotional upon seeing the Tianqu Tree reverted to its full glory. But also for the Court of Savantae researchers that have been working tirelessly on the Chronosorters as a small continuation of what we've learned in Thaw of Eons. It's so good that at least a little piece of their legacy got to find out that their efforts paid off.
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