#pls @ god @ jesus let it be cute i hate shopping
uptownhags · 1 month
i was supposed to leave for my trip today. instead i am covering for my boss who's out with no notice, making silly little c@nva projects, and trying not to be anxious about the guests* for my award thing next week. ahhhh.
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janiedean · 2 years
idt rhaenys gives a fuck about looking in the face of death
god this episode keeps on slaying doesn't it
that's... some embalming
how is corlys gonna take it we just don't know
well he's gonna get his dinner *cries*
I mean.... they all hate each other but DON'T LET HIM KNOW THAT PLEASE FAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH IT
awwwww T_T these two kids are so cute I just *cries*
aegon shut up when it comes to jace just shut the fuck up
paddy considine is2g please get awards for this he's blowing it out of the park
... ah so that's what the phantom of the opera memes were about POOR MAN
I'll never change my mind that the best lizards were all pre-asoiaf/got lizards tho
'let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts' if only they listened to you my man if only they listened to you IF ONLY THEY DID IT FOR THAT OLD MEN WHO LOVES THEM ALL
please just let him eat
daemon staring at alicent like if you don't reply accurately i'mma murder you is killing me
alicent if only
couldn't thrift shop tywin just drop dead now or what
................ aegon shut the fuck up i swear to god LET HIM HAVE THIS DINNER
what are these two even doing ah okay he's trying with all the sincerity he can manage poor boy
FRIENDS AND ALLIES *CRIES* listen he tried
'to you as well' aegon jesus christ you're putting effort here /s
.... jace you're a gem I'm just *cries* HE DANCED WITH HER AWWWWWWW T__T
yeaaah book fave stays book fave
listen just let viserys die happy i'm begging y'all at this point jsut let him
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taegyuun · 3 years
random headcannons with riki <3
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genre: whatever comes to my mind about the one and only nishimura riki :D
warnings: swearing
note: i wrote this during my french and religious studies class so if parts of it doesn’t make sense it’s bc i had to listen to french and something about christianity and jesus LMAOO - i am also aware that this may seem similar to @emgene post that was not my intention i think we just had similar ideas
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hes on his phone 24/7 like a true gen z but he NEVER replies to texts
probably leaves you on seen most of the time
i think the only time he replies to your texts is simply bc he wants smth or hes stuck somewhere
“riki i’m off shopping and then going to a café want to come?” - you 3 weeks ago
“alright” - riki today.
it’s a pain but well what can you do
sometimes you will literally call him bc he still hasn’t answered your text and he’s like “what” AND YOURE JUST STOOD AT HIS DOOR LIKE “NISHIMURA. ANSWER MY DAMN TEXTS” so he ends the call and replies with “ok”
as annoying as it is with him not replying
i feel like hes really really good on the phone?
like he always keeps the conversation going and he’s super sweet to talk to
me thinks niki hates texting but loves being on the phone with you
when you two go shopping together it’s so cute plssss
omg i have this specific imagine in mind where you’re like pushing the shopping cart and hes got his hands in his coat pockets while standing near you
and you’re like looking at the products and he just follows your lead bc babi confused
whenever you’re doing smth he will sneak up behind you and scare you
it’s his entertainment
randomly appears in your house out of nowhere
you go for days not seeing him and then he just waltzes into your room like it’s nothing
casually says “hey” before laying down on your bed and going back to his phone
at first you were like “what the fuck is going on and how did you get in” and he’d just be like “door”
after a while you got used to it and never get surprised when you hear your door opening
when you’re alone hes pretty clingy
idk he just loves you a lot ok
and he doesn’t get to see you that often bc of his super super busy schedule so whenever you’re alone he just melts and clings to you
that’s probably why he storms into your room and house at random times
your parents are completely fine with it tbh
he has them wrapped around his finger LOOOOOL
but when you’re with other people... he acts like he hates you
nah i’m kidding
hes exactly the same just not as cuddly bc he doesn’t feel like getting teased bc teasing the members is his job not the other way round >:(
if you’re laying down on your bed he probably crawls onto the bed before just falling down on top of you
why? you may be asking?
idk tbh
he probably just does it bc he likes annoying you but he’s also close to you at the same time
hes a clingy sleeper everyone knows that
when he sleeps with you hes just gonna CLING to you for dear life
if you do need to get out somehow just tickle him or violently push him off idk you decide which one sounds better
even in his sleep he’ll let go LOL
but it’ll probably wake him up and when he sees that you’re getting out of bed and leaving him he’ll whine and bc he’s still half asleep he’ll probably be whining in japanese stop that’s so CUTE and just try and bring you back down to bed :(((
he’ll probably force you to lay back down and then just wrap his arms super tightly around you and bury his face in your neck and kiss your neck softly like i said in my niki as bf bc he loves you oh so much :(
teaches you japanese if you don’t know the language and you teach him yours !!
definitely teaches you the swear words first or like really rude things and tell you they mean shit like “i like flowers” LMFAOO
jay will be just standing there like 👁👄👁 but doesn’t say anything bc he likes seeing both of you so happy and he doesn’t want to ruin rikis fun :(
tickles you
he’ll come up behind you and back hug you and while he’s got his arms around you he just TICKLES AWWW THATS SO CUTE
loves seeing you smile and laugh
it’s his goal in life to see you smiling
and the fact that hes the reason behind it??? oh my god he can’t help but smile super wide himself
definitely teaches you how to dance
if you didn’t already know how to hes gonna make sure that by the end of the month you know how to move like a dancer
if you ARE a dancer he’ll teach you the hardest dances he can possibly think of LOOOL
omg yall dancing would be so cute stop
will laugh at you if you have 2 left feet ofc theres no denying that
but will also be a great teacher
the members are your guys’ no. 1 supporters
they love your relationship so much
it makes them super happy to see their youngest so so happy bc of a single person
they can see when hes more upset bc you’re not there and it breaks their heart
so they always try their hardest to get you to be there and vice versa
you’re always at dance practices
and yes he does try just that bit harder to make his dances look even better bc he wants you to be impressed by him
and no matter the dance you’re always in awe bc how does someone move like that
he likes being praised by you
it makes him warm inside
so pls praise him a lot
not too much tho bc it’ll get to his head LMFAO
one this that he will love doing that he finds really cute and domestic is doing homework together
he did say he missed going to school and having a normal school life so if you let him do your homework with you he’ll love you forever
he lays his head on your lap and doesn’t even realise he’s doing it
you’re just on your phone and he lays down and gets comfy
he only realises what he did when you start playing with his hair or when you move his head so you can get up or whatever
but once you sit back down you make sure to but his head back into your lap bc BABY
definitely turns red and hides his face in your tummy :(( or if he’s feeling cool then he’ll pretend like he’s not bothered and if you ask him why he’s blushing he’ll be like “blushing??? pffftttt! me?? never!” and jjst goes back to his phone but you know better
anyway i might add more to this when i get more ideas it’s just for the things that i imagine him doing but i don’t have enough ideas to make full scenarios out of them !
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 4
(i originally planned to write the other schools for the manager scenario like theyre already in my drafts with plans and partly written out but like seijoh is my TOP PRIORITY (sorry pls dont hate me) BC THEY ARE MY BOIS)
also, most of my ask box is all for a kyoken ending and kyoken fluff and aoba johsai fluff and im quaking bc this is spurring me to create more aoba johsai imagines and my love for the other schools is just like being overshadowed by our little plant babies :’)
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request: Im the anon who mentioned the chaos about the dating and can I say I love it!!! 🙏🙏 i kinda have this hc for the boys that they fight whenever they go on bus rides, just because they want yn to sit next to them. But she usually sits next to the calmer members?? The reason the boys fight?? She may or may not have fallen asleep a few times, her head on kyo/iwa shoulder. 🥺🥺
(bruh im so soft for iwa and kyo like my best bois and i must write them out IMMEDIATELY bc theyre so uggghhhhhh!!!!!!!)
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oh dear
bus rides,,,,, yep here we go
the team is usually peaceful and civil w each other (minus iwa literally beating oiks up but thats irrelevant information)
like they dont really have fights or have any arguments bc they meet up every saturday to talk about the week and if anybody had any concerns or anything they were mad about since it was like a family meeting
but boy oh boy
when you entered this family,,, arguments and misunderstandings happened once a week
‘no! y/n-chan said she was going to go shopping with me!’
‘um, she already agreed to go to to the arcade w me’
‘wait, she told me we were going to go visit that cafe!’
yes you agreed to do those things w them but you never assigned a date
your attention was something that these boys were always wanting since they only see you during club hours and practices
their jealousy gets really ugly sometimes and the two first years actually get all smug about it 
‘hm, y/n, we still up for studying later?’
you ruffled his hair and smiled up at him
‘yep! we need to set an alarm though or else i’d end up staying after 1 in the morning again’
‘great. cant wait’
kunimi rarely shows any emotion towards his senpais but they couldnt miss the smug smirk that made oikawa grip the volleyball and mattsun holding him back
god hes such a little shite
everyone knows that the first years have a upperhand than them bc of your same grade so the upperclassmen were much more sensitive to spending time with you outside of practice
and they liked to spend that time wisely
when the time for away games come, you weren’t that worried about it
i mean,, why would you when boarding the bus is going to be so early in the morning at like 4 in the morning and theyd be sleeping the whole time so you get peace and quiet
in fact, you were looking forward!
but nope!
jesus took the wheel and said no
instead, you were watching the team members shouting and yelling at each other at the asscrack of dawn
say sike rn
the 2 coaches were actually not there yet so they werent able to help you and whip the boys to order so here you were, bleary eyed and clearly still tired, sighing and rolling your eyes at the fight
now you might be asking me, ‘author-chan, why are they fighting so hard for something as simple as a bus ride?’
well, my young grasshoppers, this is not just a simple bus ride
you are infamous in the team to be a sleeper
no matter what form of transportation, bus, car, any surface, you found yourself in dream land
yall i wish i was like that
the sleep paralysis demon beside my bed says otherwise
they freak out and fight over even a simple touch of affection from you, do you really think they wouldnt fight tooth and nail to being your pillow and freely watching your adorable sleeping face?
these men are fighting as if they were fighting something serious like a world war
lmao with how intensely theyre fighting, it practically is
but there were two players who actually didnt care either way since they only wanted you to be the most comfortable and they werent exactly the most squishiest members
in fact, they were basically all muscle and probably not the most comfortable
totally not my bias talking or anything
so it was no surprise when they didnt get themselves involved
iwa was already done w them and goes in the bus because mom deserves a nap
naturally, kyo follows the leader and boards the bus after him, leaving the others to fight it out in the school parking lot
you were happy that they were too distracted that they wouldnt notice you sneaking away into the bus and you were slightly disappointed that out of all the seats, kyo had to sit in the one-seater by the front
so you immediately went over to the other person, who was iwa-san, and he was just settling in, pulling out his teal blanket
you blinked at him when he caught you stare but he gently smiled before opening the blanket
‘i was never a fan of window seats anyways’
you happily bounced over to him and you placed your bag at the overhead compartment bc seijoh is bougee and can afford everything before you climbed over him to the seat next to the window
iwaizumi tried to make you as comfortable as he can so he kept the seat divider thing yanno what im talking about? between you
but his eyes widened when you casually pulled it up and snuggled closer to him
youve done this before so he opened his right arm for you to cuddle closer but he was still surprised 
you just closed your eyes with a smile as you pulled the blanket to your chin and practically glomped yourself to iwa
ugh im so jealous of you!!!!!!!!!!
‘hmmmm, youre so warm iwa-san. youre like,,,,, jacob from twilight’
his eyebrow quirked and he smiled, wrapping his arm around you and tightly holding you close
‘oh? the werewolf?’
he felt your head nod
‘mhm. so warm, and strong, yet so gentle and soft’
by now, both your legs were already swung over his lap and head on his chest as you sat sideways
his fingers traced circles around your middle as his other hand was fiddling with your fingers
‘didnt he like mark a little girl?’
‘iwa-san dont talk about that!’
his laugh grumbled his chest and you giggled, trying to become even closer towards his naturally warm chest and inhale his scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
it was such an odd combination from the people you knew and you were immediately drawn to it
thats why you usually wore his jacket rather than your own
he always gets confused as to where it is but you steal it and watch him look for it
you didnt hear that from me though
it didnt take a long time for you to fall asleep and by the time the 2 coaches finally arrived and yelled at the players, they were already late
‘oikawa, i thought youd handle this properly!’
oiks whimpered from the coach’s scolding but apologized then pushed everyone in
the sight in front of them made them both boil in jealousy and squeal in uwus
you, the softest and sweetest and kindest little flower human being, being cuddled up to iwaizumi, the brute and bara arms and the ultra macho strong man, who had his head on top of you
even though they knew you were a heavy sleeper and iwa slept like a rock, they still quieted down and silently walked over to their seats, hissing and shushing at anyone who even made the slightest bit of noise
rustle of the bags?
seat creaking as they sit down?
they only let this slide bc your sleeping face was just so cute and they didnt have the heart to wake you up
and also face the wrath of titan iwa and be thrown into the atlantic ocean like oikawa did one time
when you finally arrived at the stadium, they waited for a rough 10 minutes just to figure out how to wake you up
they didnt want to wake up iwa first and have him yell at them but they didnt want to wake you up first either
but kyo didnt understand the dilemma and instead just goes to the back where yall were at and he goes to the seat behind you so he could reach you easily and tickles your cheek
the team is just like 👁️👄👁️
your nose scrunches at this tingling sensation until it continues so you open your eyes and finds kyo just smiling down at you
oiks is literally shaking bc he could see the smallest smile on kyo’s face
‘wake up’
with his gruff voice, it sounded like he was ordering you around but you knew he couldnt help it and blinked tiredly at him, giving him a smile of your own
‘hm, hi kyo-san’
you winced at the sudden appearance of the sunlight and that made you fully wake up before flinched at the eyes of the other players
‘hello, everyone’
you said slowly and you sat up, noticing iwa still sleeping
oiks held his breath bc hes been friends w iwa since he was still a baby and he knows that its like waking up a sleeping dragon
‘wait y/n-chan-’
but you didnt listen and poked his nose
‘iwa-san? iwa-san, we’re here’
you cooed and the poking made his eyes flutter open and with his head still tilted to the side, he swore he saw an angel by the way the sunlight hit the back of your head giving you a smiling angel effect
hm, i could get used to seeing this when i wake up
you grinned and when he finally stretched, you sat up stright, waiting for iwa to get up so you could slide out
but kyo was an impatient little bean and just hoisted you out of there and towards him behind the seat
‘come on. i got your bag’
he mumbled and you nodded, letting him hold your hand
lmao wait i forgot the time this is set
this is set during the 2nd inter-high okay? okay
oiks was still complaining at kyo and iwa hogging you but you didnt listen and continued walking towards the entrance, glancing around at the other teams
as usual, oiks and iwa were walking to the front bc yanno, captain and vice-captain, while you and kyo walked at the back, mainly bc you didnt want any player to stray off like kindaichi did last time and look for him for hours
kyo gripped your hand and you turned your head to look at him to see his eyes glaring at anything
you chuckled which made him look down at you, the glare slowly disappearing
‘hm, kyo-san, you should really invest in contacts. it doesnt matter if wearing glasses makes you feel like a nerd bc you still need it to see’
he scrunched his nose when you scolded him and he was about to retort when him and the team caught the whisperings of the nearby teams
‘oh my god, seijoh and the beautiful manager’
‘how old is she? i hope shes at least a second year’
‘ngh id tap that’
‘is he her boyfriend? if so, the competition isnt that hard then’
kyo growled and was about to lunge at the yellow jacketed boy but you held him back, also worriedly looking at your boys
‘seijoh, down’
you ordered and they shrunk back, opting to just glaring heatedly at the other teams
you could still feel kyo shaking at rage to them sexualizing you but your hands squeezing him and the other hand rubbing his arm helped him control it
‘dont make a scene, kyo-san. its your first competition since your suspension, right? and you love volleyball so please keep it in. i can protect myself’
you whispered but he let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and continuing to glare at everyone as if he was asserting dominance
‘if they touch you-’
‘ill kick them between the legs, i know. you told me already’
you teased and he hummed in agreement
when they played, they were at ease bc the two coaches were there and they were also protective of you like their own so they wouldnt have to worry about someone to go after you
as they were warming up for the second game, you had to quickly fill up their water bottles bc they were already tired and dehydrated so you needed to fill them up
and they were all busy and you didnt want to bother them and you were going to be quick anyways so you just took the case of bottles and ran to the nearby water fountain
you were hurriedly filling them up and at your last bottle, you were about to cap it when you felt a presence behind you
he stood close and his arms snaked around your waist but you hurriedly tightened the lid and whacked him at the head with the heavy bottle
you continuously hit him and kicked him between the legs before hitting him again
you shouted and iwa and kyo were watching from the end of the hallway, panting from running so fast since they heard your shouts
okay a little flashback,
kyo was watching you from his perepharal vision and when he went up to spike, he took his eyes off of you for ONE DAMN SECOND and you nyoomed out of there
when he didnt see you anywhere, he wildly looked around and this caught the attention of the vice-captain
‘oi! kyotani! whats wrong?’
‘y/n. where is she?’
they took off running and the team was just like what
then they heard shouts and kyo knew it was you
his mad dog senses
hehe get it
he as about to tackle the guy but he saw you beat him with a water bottle and eventually taking another bottle and kicking him and hitting him with the two waters
the player cowered and scrambled to get away bc wow this girl was psycho
um no sir, she was protecting herself from hormonal testosterone filled children like you
maybe it was because the last time you were touched without consent was when you got bullied but you were definitely fighting harder and more aggressive at protecting yourself
you turned around and the rage from your eyes disappeared when you saw the two boys there
‘hey iwa-san! kyo-san! sorry, i needed to fill the water bottles!’
you grinned and placed the bottles back to the case before lugging it up
my god their eyes were shining
yep, thats my girl
when their games were over for the day, they made their way to the exit where the bus was at and you and kyo stayed behind again
you caught the eye of the guy and his team and you and kyo glared at him, both wearing a sadistic smile
kyo even went up to him and the team shrunk leaving the guy standing there in fear at the look on his face
‘listen, i dont like it when my baby girl gets touched by filthy shite like you. so do it again, and ill chop those damn fingers of yours, got it?’
lmao he’ll come for your ankles
the guy just nodded in fear while his team were cowering at the back
you chuckled and pulled kyo to go bc as much as you liked watching this, you needed to go to the bus to go home
‘cmon, kyo, i want to go. im getting a headache from the smell of garbage’
he shifted his gaze to you and sent you a soft smile
‘okay. lets go’
hah you thought it ends there?
kyo is a dramatic little shite so he made a show of grabbing your waist and kissing your temple before flashing them a finger
oiks was tapping his foot impatiently at the bus and when you and kyo emerged from the entrace, he was about to snatch you up but kyo stood in front of you
he said and didnt say anything else as he pulled you to the bus and into a two seater where you sat at the window again and he sat on the outside
‘hah? you want to sit next to me, kyo-san?’
you teased but he flushed red, hurriedly hiding in your neck
you laughed and brought a hand up to caress his nape
he mumbled and you pursed your lips to hide the squeal
‘youre so cute, kyo-san’
‘not cute’
‘very cute’
kyoken got away from your neck and went to hit the captain 
oikawa screamed
a/n: my first week of school was so weird bc we only have like 2 days and the other days are just free days bc we havent really done anything except talk about our classes but im just hating this system like ugh i actually want to go to school bc ya girl is going to a tech school and this 2-day a week is not the vibe
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
Distanced, part 1
Summary: A group chat fic! How shall these useless students cope with daily life.
Note: This is my first attempt at anything even remotely like this! I have no idea how this will turn out so feedback is greatly appreciated! Intrulogical. 
Next part here!!
MESSAGES: To Remus Prince (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:15
Hello. This is Logan Sanders from Prof. Smith’s seminar. Do you have any suggestions for how we should go about completing the upcoming assessment?
Remus Prince: who dis
I literally just stated it. Logan Sanders.
I wear the tie.
Remus Prince: OHHH
Remus Prince: Well 1stly
Remus Prince: What’s the best planet in the solar system?
Remus Prince: i LitERaLlY JuSt stAtED iT
That has nothing to do with anything, we just need to get through this project.
Remus Prince: if u want to work then u have to answer
Remus Prince: cool.
Remus Prince: You’ll do.
Remus Prince: My name is Remus.
I know. We did actually swap phone numbers. We in fact discussed which topic we would be doing for over fifteen minutes in the seminar. So we have indeed met. If you continue to be obnoxious then this will be a easier project. 
MESSAGES: To Remus Sanders (Presentation)
Tuesday, 16:22
Why did you ask that question?
 Remus Prince: I asked my brother that question and he answered earth
Remus Prince: I’ve had trust issues ever since
Roman’s favourite planet is Earth? 
 Remus Prince: HAH
Remus Prince: ye he’s an idiot
Remus Prince: I’ve gotta test everyone now.
Remus Prince: You passed btw
Remus Prince: WAIT!
Remus Prince: Do u know Ro?
Yes, he is my friend and roommate. 
Remus Prince: What was ur name again????????
You can literally scroll up and reread it. I refuse. You got into university for a reason and so you can manage my name.
Remus Prince: jk
Okay then. Do you want to discuss how we should go about creating this powerpoint?
Remus Prince: what’s there to ‘discuss’?
We can separately conduct our research however it is regrettably better to meet up in person to practise not only giving the presentation but also the construction of the presentation itself.
Remus Prince: man you just love sending essays huh
I have written out longer messages. I don’t understand the point of sending a sentence at a time and risk getting interrupted. Plus at least my texting doesn’t seem all like an assault of constant notifications. 
Remus Prince: fair
Shall we say that we should aim to get our presentation research finished by two weeks (15th). That leaves us another two weeks to construct the powerpoint, gather more research if necessary, then practise presenting. 
Remus Prince: k
GROUPCHAT: Goths, Emos, and Remus
Tuesday, 16:26
Octopussy: can I vent for a sec
Octopussy: So! I’m just sitting here. Y’know. Vibing. 
Octopussy: Then out of nowhere the nerd from my class starts messaging me about the group project that’s due a month away
Octopussy: like wtf
Octopussy: nice to know the nerd thing isn’t just appearance
Vigilant: help
Octopussy: he made a big deal about meeting up as well to do this!
Octopussy: No one in the class even cares!
Octopussy: No one is even remotely
Octopussy: Not even close
Octopussy: To thinking about that project right now!
Octopussy: We’ve got ages!
Vigilant: oh sweet jesus
Octopussy: Like! We’ve got a month!
Octopussy: Like he also wants to meet up as well to practise
Octopus: Like ew.
Top-Hat-Gay: Are you done?
Octopussy: ye
Octopussy: he’s a dick
Vigilant: oh thank god
Top-Hat-Gay: Ha, as if you believe in god.
Vigilant: If it stops Re from not spamming us then I’ll believe whatever. 
Octopussy: rude
Vigilant: bitch
Top-Hat-Gay: On an actually important note, which one of you last used my nail bag?
Octopussy: me!
Octopussy: you need more green 
Top-Hat-Gay: No I fucking don’t!
Top-Hat-Gay: There was an entirely new bottle in there!
Octopussy: I said what I said.
Top-Hat-Gay: I hate you. 
Octopussy: Thank bby
Octopussy: ALSO!
Octopussy: I found out the nerd also lives with Ro.
Top-Hat-Gay: So?
Vigilant: hE’S FORBIDDEN
Top-Hat-Gay: Wait so the nerd is Logan?
Octopussy: He is!
Octopussy: not that it seems to be having any effect on Ro. he’s as dense as a brick.
Top-Hat-Gay: I saw him today going into Remy’s. 
Vigilant: Why are we even talking about him
Vigilant: Like who gives a shit.
Octopussy: dunno
Octopussy: just thought it was weird
Top-Hat-Gay: Maybe you should switch partners. Especially if he wants to meet up at some point.
Octopussy: nah
Octopussy: not worth it
Top-Hat-Gay: A teacher wouldn’t care. They only want to see good grades. They won’t mind moving stuff around for you.
Octopussy: He seems harmless. 
Vigilant: you literally called him a dick after one conversation.
Octopussy: he is a dick
Octopussy: he seems stuffy but just a nerd through and through. He’s not going to be a prick or anything.
Vigilant: This isn’t really about him. He already got you talking about you know who in your first ever conversation. Maybe you shouldn’t hang around him.
Octopussy: I just thought it was interesting
Octopussy: It doesn’t mean jack shit
Octopussy: Not everything I talk about has some grand meaning.
Octopussy: I just thought it was weird that this nerd I share my classes with also lives with my bro. 
Top-Hat-Gay: And that’s perfectly fine Re.
Octopussy: soz V
Octopussy: didn’t mean to blow up in your face
Octopussy: just annoying to feel psycho-analysed 
Vigilant: soz
Octopussy: okay! 
Octopussy: that’s proof enough!
Octopussy: we can behave to each other so ice cream plz!!!!!!!!!!!
Octopussy: I will eat V’s posters unless you give us reward good boy icecream
Vigilant: chocolate pls
Top-Hat-Gay: jesus do you lot know how long it takes for me to put on my cape to go shopping
Vigilant: yes
Vigilant: we are precisely aware of exactly how long it takes
Vigilant: that’s why we don’t go shopping with you
Tuesday, 16:38
Pat-on-the-back: Heya guys, are we all in for dinner tonight?
Logan.S: I am.
YourHopesandDreams: I will be in at 7. If you could be so compassionate to push your meal back until then, I would be truly indebted to you.
Pat-on-the-back:  Fine by me!
Logan.S: I am agreeable.
Pat-on-the-back: Also Lo! Are you finished with your work?
Logan.S: I have finished my to-do list so I am available if I’m needed. 
Pat-on-the-back: No, you’re all good! I just wanted to check. It sounded like you were doing work for like four hours straight.
Logan.S: It took three hours thank you very much. 
Logan.S: So what are we doing for dinner?
Pat-on-the-back: I was thinking lasagne! 
Pat-on-the-back: also! Don’t think I’ll notice that change in topic!
Pat-on-the-back: I thought we all agreed on two hour stretches of work with a 15 min break at least. I mean... it’s even written on our calendar! There’s no way you forgot, did you Mister! 
Logan.S: It’s fine Pat.
Logan.S: Just let it go
Logan.S: I needed to get it done
Logan.S: I don’t need to be babied. 
Logan.S: I’m taking a break now. I’m okay.
Pat-on-the-back: I know, I’m sorry. I just want to make sure. As long as you feel okay then everything’s alright! How was your work anyway?
Logan.S: Fairly ordinary actually. I had to go through some of my notes and rewrite a couple of pages then I had to organise a group project due the 2nd of March. 
Pat-on-the-back: Sounds productive!
Logan.S: Thank you.
YourHopesandDreams: Ew. Group project. Who’s your partner?
Logan.S: We are in entirely different courses, why do you think you would know them?
YourHopesandDreams: Everyone knows the drama students know everyone. 
Logan.S: I’m working with Remus.
YourHopesandDreams: You should ask to swap partners. 
Logan.S: I won’t do so unless I have a genuine reason. I’ve not had any interactions with him previously and while he did seem half-hearted and obnoxious in his messages, he seems harmless. If he messes everything around then I will but I won’t make a fuss unless I have reason to.
Pat-on-the-back: That’s fair but please make sure to tell us if he pulls anything.
YourHopesandDreams: Your loss. 
Wednesday, 3:02
hey u awake
Nerd: What on earth are you doing up at 3am? 
Wrong number.
Wednesday, 3:12
Nerd: What is your favourite planet?
Nerd: I figured it would be fair to ask your test to you. For all I know you could be as uncultured as your brother.
can we not talk about him
I dunno really
I wanna say pluto because they deserve it
but I kinda like saturn best.
Nerd: Any reason why?
Just kinda interesting
Big, lots a moons, ring. 
It’s just a cool planet. 
Nerd: Fair enough.
Do you have a reason to like jupiter?
Nerd: If I’m being honest, my science teacher absolutely adored Jupiter. I don’t know why but that memory of him ranting about how cool it was just really stuck with me. I was only about 8 years old. But I found myself agreeing with him. Back then my fascination was a lot more childish. I thought it was fascinating that since Jupiter was a gas planet it hadn’t been blown away yet. I grew up from that view but the interest never left.
ew that was almost cute.
Nerd: I concur that was very unprofessional.
Why hasn’t Jupiter blown away!?!?!?!?!??
Nerd: Excuse me?
Nerd: There’s no atmosphere in space!
But there’s pressure and junk isn’t there? 
Nerd: The pressure is pulling the mass into the centre which keeps the planet whole.
Do you think we could step on Jupiter?
Nerd: I don’t know.
I thought you knew space!
Nerd: I do biology! To get into a biology degree, I did a bunch of biology based subjects! Why would I know anything about space?
I dunno.
I guess if you look like a nerd people just presume.
Nerd: I’ve personally found it’s the confidence. If you act confident enough then everyone presumes you know exactly what you’re doing and you’re in control, no matter how out of place you look. 
I’ll drink to that!
Wait, in what situation would you have learnt this!?!
Nerd: I have a bad habit of accidentally going to the wrong class and just going along with it rather than anything else. Although I should say I did fantastic in that architectural history class. But this habit has caused some awkward situations. I have also impersonated a store manager to explain why me and my friend were there when really he ran into the warehouse searching for a kitten. 
That’s brilliant
Using your nerdy powers to overthrow society.
Does this mean you’re a liar?
Nerd: I call it ‘managing life’. 
Sounds about right.
Why are you awake at this time?
Nerd: I could ask you that.
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: jungkook💘
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-oh my god this soft boy
-still can't quite believe you guys are dating and sometimes still blushes very heavily when you kiss him
- it took ages for him to ask you out and he probably wouldn't have done it without a pep talk from seokjin who hyped him up before you and jungkook went on a date together
- he was so timid and tripped over his words a lot, so when you asked "are you saying we should start dating?" he went "oh my god yES PLS"
-he know tells everyone that you asked him out first bc "the golden maknae of bts, bangtan sonyeondan, behind the scene, world's best band tbh has to be asked out"
seokjin: makes sense, bc said golden maknae looked like he was gonna pass tf out before you two met
jk: .. hyung why you.... I asked y/n out!
seokjin: lies
you: he did... kinda
seokjin: LIES
jk: I find your lack of faith disturbing, hyung..
seokjin: nerd 😚
jk: 😔✊🏼
- a nerd indeed, but cuteee
- very loyal, it already took him long enough to call you his, so he sure af won't give you up
- also very selfless, he loves helping you out with whatever you need help with... even when you don't ask for it
- like when you had a project due and you were stressing out about it bc you had no time for anything else and stuff... he was really worried you'd skip meals to do your work, so he made sure that you'd eat by either coming to your place or calling/texting you, whenever he couldn't come over personally
-he was afraid he'd bother you while you do your work so he was always very cautious but you reassured him it's fine
-but you felt bad bc you couldn't talk much while doing your work... he looked at you and smiled: "it's ok, I'll write some lyrics maybe.. and you do you. we'll give each other strength with our presence, alright?" he started laughing when you got up and cozied up to him. you spent the next 10 mins cuddling, as this was the only reasonable thing to do after he was being so sweet. "so much for no distractions, hm?"
- you still got your work done btw, so no worries
- movie nights are a huge thing for you two, your range is broad af but mostly consists of marvel, disney and studio ghibli. he has a thing for 80s movies tho, felt ferris bueller on a personal level
- cried when he watched the princess diaries for the first time and will end u if anyone hears about it
-rather savage irl but he cries during some movies, especially when he's tired, he gets emotional and even whiny
- for example: he was very sleepy when you first watched the mandalorian together and you swear he started weeping when he first saw baby yoda and he's been obsessed ever since btw
- very thoughtful and caring
- remembers the smallest things about you, will bring you your fav ben&jerry's when you feel down and enjoys the fact that you look at him like the saint he is
- also memorizes your habits and reads your body language so well that it still surprises you even after all the time you've been dating
-you poke his cheeks on any given occasion and kiss his nose, he's not quite sure why but he enjoys it too
- his hugs are just warm ... they make you feel like everything will be ok
- many pancake mornings together
- will never ever forget any birthday or anniversary, he once did tho and he still beats himself up about it but he was busy as hell during that time so you were ok with it in hindsight (which was greatly appreciated bc he truly felt awful)
- very down-to-earth, it doesn't have to be all fancy with him, he's doing just fine with netflix and ramen
- your personal laundry fairy
- looots of laughter and giggles with this one, always cracking jokes
- you guys have like 48394 insides jokes
you: hey.. hey
jk: ?
you: second goose right left
jk and you: -dying-
rm: this sounds like some terror code
hobi: or a stroke
- sends u memes at 3am, his go-to are kermit memes as reaction memes, he sometimes forgets to use actual words tbh
you: kook, i can't come over today, working late :( but tomorrow is fine tho, you free ?
jk: -kermit crying under the shower meme-
you: jungkook, words pls
jk: oh sorry babe, yeah im free 🤗
- either uses the cutest nicknames or the weirdest which are pretty cute when he explains it (like left shark "bc you stand out")
- displays of 'strong manly man' when he picks you up, and spins you around only to kiss you --- displays of 'babie boy's when pouts until you give him attention or your last pockys ("we can share, you know 👀" - "oh worm? 👀")
- a true romantic deep down, he once surprised you when he decorated your entire house with candles and flowers bc he knew you had a tough time and you legit just started crying. he was overwhelmed for a sec but knew this was just bottled up emotions and relief coming through so he just smiled and hugged you until you calmed down."it's alright, love... let me take care of you." you nodded and smiled at him, while wiping your tears away. "you're the sweetest, you know that?" - "well, obviously. but fire safety was never my forte, so let's be careful, ok?" he said and you both started laughing.
-sings to you very very often, get used to it, even when you're not right next to him you can still hear him humming from afar and it makes always makes u smile
-you two are fiercely competitive, there is no "it's just a game"... you guys play mario, sonic, rayman etc and there's always a whole lot of screaming
-there was a time namjoon jin got so fed up with this that he took the playstation away (+ mario kart) and jungkook and you had to find other gaming options
-some examples of truth or dare sessions between you (in the safety of your own home):
you: i dare you to dance to begin
jk, in his pyjamas: wha- ... no!
you: truth it is, then. what was the dumpling incident about?
jk: nevermind, I'll do the dance.
you: squeeze the ketchup bottle empty with your thighs.
jk: ?????? jesus, you take your kinks to a whole knew level. choose something else, the stains will be nasty as hell.
you: wear booty shorts👀
jk: you wants thighs and booty, huh? 👀
you: you bet 👀👀
(a blessed day for u tbh)
jk: babe, i dare you to dance to fire.
you: ?????? well, I can try, but you should get me an inhaler, my lung capacity may not suffice for this
(jungkook laughed so hard when did it that he was the one that needed an inhaler)
-takes lots and loots of pics of you when you're together and of the location you went together , posts the view on twitter sometimes and jokes about you two being official (to fans) without really being official
- you two go on walks together, have coffee shop dates, go to concerts (and go fckn feral when u go see iu), visit art galleries where you mostly imitate everything and touch things you shouldn't touch, go to karaoke places ... and you also do art together! that was actually his idea were he bought a shitload of acrylic paint and huge linen sheets and you had your first painting date, which has become a tradition ever since.
- something that jungkook absolutely loves and appreciates is that you guys never run out of topics to talk about
-the intellectual stimulation he gets from you is pretty much unmatched and that's also something that made him realise he's into you before you started dating
- 2 sides of the same coin: smart, charming and kind // absolute crackhead (remember the vid with his goggles? vids like that are now your exclusive content from yours truly)
- once chased down chickens when you visited a village together and ran away screaming when a huge ass rooster chased after him ( u filmed it ofc)
- lives for dramatics, gains new life power on Halloween when you two do shenanigans on bighit's annual party
- he loves the fact that you're still a child at heart and that you're not too stuck up to scare hobi and jin with michael myers masks on (but you did feel pretty bad about it when hobi almost fainted)
- you're super savage when you want to be and he loves it when you are... ngl... you being assertive and all kinda turns him on lmaoo
-your green card to get him to laugh whenever was saying "you sexy beast" and he'd forget whatever issue you were having before, as long as it wasn't something too important obviously
-loves you show you off, especially when you guys are all dolled up and ready for a night out "look at us being all sexy and shit, like, how dare we look this hot, jimin-hyung hates it when someone looks hotter than him" - "hmmm kook, imagine if I'd have jimin as my date today, the place would burn up" - "...." - "kook, i was joking..." - "right shark" - "I WAS JOKING BABY" - "........say it. you know the deal." - "i would rather die" - "go hang with hyung then, i'm gonna stay home" - "you...." -
👀👂 - "YOU SEXY BEAST" - jungkook laughed until he couldn't breathe when yoongi, who just passed by you two, and you stared at each other, completely mortified. you: how to unsay things... / yoongs: how to unhear things/ jk: -on the floor and in dire need of an inhaler"
- you couldn't face yoongi the whole night, whereas jungkook occasionally stared down jimin who had no clue what the heck was going on and munched on some appetizers
- jealousy is not a big thing for him but he still doesn't quite like it when someone is too touchy with you
- he trusts you, absolutely no doubt about that or he wouldn't have even entered a relationship with you, as he has high standards about who to let into his life, especially with potential lovers
-that's why everyone knew you guys were serious about each other and it was hardly surprising that you got to meet his family shortly after you guys started dating (his mother loved you btw)
-has like 200 pics of the day you met gureum
- an absolute sucker for you, you could say you want the n seoul tower to flicker in purple and pink lights and he would get it done somehow
- very sensitive to touches so ......👀
- loves your room bc he says it always smells like your lotions and laundry
- you sometimes surprise by setting the mood with some smooth music and nice fragrances and the world comes to a halt for him, it's just him and you
-shower him in affection and he's putty in your hands, legit, when he first performed euphoria and did the high note at the end you spammed tf outta your messenger and hyped him up and he actually got so hype he jumped around backstage after the concert and sprinted to you when he saw you, twirled you around and, for the first time, kissed you while the guys were there
-he still gets teased about it tho, but he doesn't really care bc your support means the world to him and he values it too much to care about the guys
-you guys went home that night and he serenaded you while you were cuddling. you guys started talking about songs, especially your favourites. you got sleepy when he started talking about 'home' and softly sang it to you, until he realised you dozed off. he smiled to himself and caressed you hair, as you had layed your head onto his chest. admiring your sleeping figure, closely entangled with his broad frame, he said to himself: "this is home..."
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dtgsummercamp · 4 years
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༄༄༄ 𝙀𝘗𝘐𝘚𝘖𝘋𝙀 𝟣 ☼
It’s time for the rookies to head off to their designated location! But, where are they going?
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- Hyunjin, Aiko and Jubi are in car #1 with Hana
Hyunjin: Ah, I’m so excited!
Aiko: What are we going to do today?
Hana: You’re going to be living in Nonjitmul Beach House for 31 days!
Jubi: Wow, I cant wait~
Aiko: Are we gonna get seashells? Or go swimming?
Hyunjin: What kind of food will we get?
Hana: Maybe if you were quiet so I could drive YOU WOULD GET THE ANSWER TO THOSE QUESTIONS...
meanwhile, in the next car...
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- Jeonghun, Daejung, Kenji, Taeyang, and Axl are in car #2 with Eundong
Taeyang: I like the lights.
Daejung: Where are we going?
Kenji: I’m hungry.
Eundong: Jesus Christ, please be pa-
Axl: What’s a Nonjitmul?
Jeonghun: Where is the show gonna be recorded?
Meanwhile, in the next car...
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- Daewon, Seungho, Chanwoo, Jaeyoung, Hari, Wooa, Miso, and Dohee are in car #3 with Aria Moon.
Daewon: Wow, the car is cute.
Seungho: I expected our car to be a little more like everyone else’s...
Aria: Well, too damn bad. Welcome to my nine seater!
Chanwoo: Nine? We’re riding with girls?
Wooa: We’re riding with boys???
*on the way there*...
Jaeyoung: Dohee.
Dohee: ??? *looks away from iPhone.*
Jaeyoung: Do you know Yumemi Riamu???
Dohee: Yes, let me guess, my hair looks like hers?
Jaeyoung: Yes-
Dohee: Thank you, that was the whole point of me dying it. *She gave him a fake smile before going back on her phone.*
Hari: This is so boring, we should play games together...
Seungho: Like what...?
Miso: We could play word association.
Dohee: We could play truth or dare.
Hari: We could play 20 questions.
Dohee: Which would end up being 160 questions due to time.
Hari: We’ll be in here for like, 4 hours anyways.
Daewon: We should just play two truths and a lie, it’s an easy, short game and lets us get to know each other.
*Everyone ends up agreeing with Daewon.*
Miso: I’ll go first! One, I used to have a lisp. Two, I’m a vegetarian. Three, I hate coffee.
Jaeyoung: It’s the coffee one. Who hates coffee?
Seungho: Maybe it’s the lisp, it seems easier to pretend like you used to have one than to pretend like you hate coffee and meat.
Wooa: You seem like a vegetarian, so I’m gonna say #1 (the lisp).
Dohee: How can someone seem vegetarian??? We haven’t even ate yet. I say #2 (vegetarian).
Hari: I agree with Dohee.
Chanwoo: I think it’s #1.
Daewon: #3. (hating coffee)
Miso: It was... *fake drumroll* ...#2!!!
Jaeyoung: SERIOUSLY???
Dohee: I WAS RIGHT!!!
Hari: So, is it my turn or Dohee’s?
Dohee: What if we went together? *Debby Ryan smirk*
Hari: *Debby Ryan smirk*
Dohee: One, I can’t swim. Two, I speak fluent Japanese, Three, I love cats.
Hari: One, I’ve won an award. Two, I’ve been to 5 countries. Three, I used to work at the mall.
Miso: For Dohee, I think it’s #1... I mean... this is summer camp.
Daewon: Some people can’t swim Miso... and they still can have fun in summer...
Miso: I refuse to believe such people exist. (A/N: Not @ me writing this even though I can’t swim?2))272 PLS)
Jaeyoung: For Hari, I think it’s #2. For Dohee , I think it’s #3.
Chanwoo: It’s #1 for Hari. What award could she ever win???
*Hari smacks Chanwoo.*
Wooa: For Hari, it’s #1. For Dohee, it’s #2.
Seungho: For Hari, it’s #2, and for Dohee it’s #1
Aria: Idk what anybody said were their truths or lies, but I have the feeling Hari is lying about #1.
Chanwoo: For Dohee, it’s #3.
Dohee: How could I lie about liking cats?
Chanwoo: WHY would you like cats?
Dohee: Because they’re cute???
Chanwoo: They’re the devil...
*Everyone in the car starts arguing about if cats are bad or not until Aria gets them to stfu.*
Daewon: Since Dohee exposed that #3 isn’t the answer, I’m going with #1. For Hari, I’ll also go with #1.
Miso: I’m going with the same answers!
Dohee: I lied about #1!
Hari: I lied about #3, DUMMIES!!!
*Everyone and their grandma is shocked at the fact 3 was the lie.*
Hari: I’ve been to the USA, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, AND FRANCE!!!
Chanwoo: Maybe you are cooler than I thought...
Hari: And since nobody guessed both correctly, I get to pick who goes next!
*She scans the room before coming up with an answer.*
Hari: Daewon!
Daewon: One, I love boba. Two, a cat bit my ankles when I was eight, and three, I broke my nose skateboarding a week before I joined Dalddalgi.
Dohee: What... on earth...
Hari: I’m going to hope the lie is #3 for your sake.
Wooa: I’ll say #3, too.
Chanwoo: #2.
Dohee: #3.
Seungho: It’s probably #1, and you just said two outrageously true statements to throw us off.
Jaeyoung: Yea, but that’s not a good number to assume is correct. I’ll just say #2.
Miso: #2.
Daewon: It’s 1.
Seungho: I TOLD YOU GUYS!!!
Wooa: HUH???
Chanwoo: Further proving my point that cats are the spawn of Satan!
Dohee: *Eye roll.*
Seungho: Okay, it’s my turn. One, I speak four languages. Two, my dad wanted to be an idol. Three, I can’t drive.
Dohee: It’s probably 3.
Hari: One?
Miso: #1.
Chanwoo: #2. How would you know your dads dream to be an idol?
Daewon: Maybe because his dad TOLD HIM??? Anyways, I choose #1.
Jaeyoung: #3.
Wooa: #3.
Seungho: It’s #3.
Jaeyoung: YAY!!!
Wooa: Seungho, what are the four languages you speak?
Seungho: English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese.
Dohee: Whoa...
Miso: I can only speak Korean ㅠㅠ (A/N: Me not knowing korean but knowing hangul so I can only write their names and certain words I know/expressions but not fluent korean)
Jaeyoung: Does this mean I get to go?
Wooa: I get to go too, right?
Jaeyoung: Okay, so, One, I met BTS before they were famous in 2014. Two, I’ve had almost every ice cream flavor before. Three, I have two showers per day.
Wooa: One, I’ve slipped on a banana peel before. Two, I can’t play any instruments. Three, I can breakdance.
Seungho: Wow, Wooa’s is actually hard.
Wooa: Thank you. 😌
Seungho: The first two ones seem like things you would do.
*Wooa smacks Seungho.*
Miso: Jaeyoung’s lie is #2, Wooa’s lie is #3. You don’t look like the type to breakdance, and you couldn’t possibly be close to having EVERY flavor...
Jaeyoung: Or could I???
Miso: No, you couldn’t.
Daewon: Wooa’s lie is #3, definitely. Jaeyoung’s lie is #3 as well, it sounds simple compared to the others.
Hari: For Wooa, the lie is #2. For Jaeyoung, the lie is also #2.
Seungho: For Wooa, the lie is #1, and for Jaeyoung, the lie is #2.
Chanwoo: Jaeyoung’s lying about #2, Wooa’s lying about #3.
Dohee: Wooa’s lie is #1. Slipping on banana peels in only in cartoon shows. Jaeyoung’s lie is #1 as well. If you did meet BTS though, did you take any pics?
Jaeyoung: I did take pics because I DID MEET THEM. The lie was #3, I take one shower per day.
Wooa: I lied about #3 too!
Chanwoo: I ALMOST GOT IT!!!
Miso: You’ve really tasted almost every ice cream flavor???
Seungho: Well then, surely you know which ice cream flavor is the best?
Jaeyoung: Cookie dough remains superior.
Chanwoo: I’m the last person to go... One, I exercise every day.
Miso: One is the lie.
Chanwoo: I HAVEN’T EVEN FINISHED YET!!! Two, I played soccer in my old school. Three, I love deep fried Oreos.
Seungho: God, I just barfed in my mouth. Please tell me three is the lie.
Dohee: One is the lie, I think.
Hari: I think it’s Three.
Jaeyoung: It might be two and we’re just being tricked.
Wooa: Three is the lie!
Miso: Two could be the lie...
Daewon: Three is obviously the lie, how are you guys even picking two???
Chanwoo: It’s two.
Daewon: HUH???
Jaeyoung: I told you guys!!!
*Miso and Jaeyoung high five.*
Dohee: Who got the most right?
Aria: Well according to what I’ve observed,
Daewon got 1 right!
Seungho got 1 right!
Chanwoo got none right!
Jaeyoung got 2 right!
Hari got 1 right!
Wooa got 1 right!
Miso got 1 right!
and Dohee got 2 right!
*Chanwoo is visibly upset as Dohee and Jaeyoung cheer.*
Dohee: Do we win anything!
Aria: I can take you guys on a shopping spree?
*Everyone gets excited.*
And of course, in car 4...
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- Jieun and Saray are in the car with Me (Tomi).
Jieun: There’s only two of us???
Tomi: Most of the rookies are in Aria’s car. But hey, at least you get to be with me!!! ;)
Saray: It’s like going on a field trip with the principal on your bus...
0 notes
rockformed · 7 years
1-100 for that ask thing. Cuz fuck you
JESUS CHRIST WILLim putting this under a read more fuck you too
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
is your room messy or clean?
always messy, last time it was clean was when we first moved in lmao
what color are your eyes?
very dark brown
do you like your name? why?
i do!! cause it means “helper”!! and i love to help vv
what is your relationship status?
single as fuck, ive never been in a relationship ;;
describe your personality in 3 words or less
shy, creative, and passive
what color hair do you have?
natural redhead babeyyyy
what kind of car do you drive? color?
i dont drive ;;
where do you shop?
usually i get my clothes from a place called torrid, they sell plus sized stuff!! but i get all my t-shirts from redbubble and thinkgeek! 
how would you describe your style?
all over the place lmao, messy
favorite social media account
tumblr is m fav just cause the site works the way i think it should, in chronological order 
what size bed do you have?
any siblings?
yep!! 2 step brothers, 1 half brother and 1 half sister 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
a small cabin on a riverside with self-sustainability. i just dont wanna have to worry about stuff and be left to myself in a cute little cabin!!
favorite snapchat filter?
favorite makeup brand(s)
dont wear makeup :p
how many times a week do you shower?
i uhhhhh try to shower once every day but i have a hard time remembering a lot ;;
favorite tv show?
atm i dont have one, i dont really watch tv! im excited for the return of steven universe tho 
shoe size?
8 womens
how tall are you?
5′3″ last time i checked!!
sandals or sneakers?
SNEAKERS, i hate sandals :(
do you go to the gym?
used to every day, stopped cause we moved away from my gym and i have no way to get there :(
describe your dream date
oh gosh, i dont really know, something chill where i could get to know the person a bit, maybe lunch at a cute airy restaurant vv
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
i have misc change and a 15 dollar red lobster gift card lol
what color socks are you wearing?
im not wearing any!!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
3, and many stuffed animals :3
do you have a job? what do you do?
i do commissions, but i dont have a 9-5 “job” yet
how many friends do you have?
oh gosh, uuummmm 2 really good ones, maybe 7 others?? im probably forgetting ;;
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
when i was 5 i stole a harmonica from a cracker barrel and swore on the bible that the woman at the counter let me have it ;;;;; it haunts me everyday for real
whats your favorite candle scent?
i dont have a specific, but i love sweet scented candles, and holiday ones :p
3 favorite boy names
Ben, Oliver, and Andrew 
3 favorite girl names
Lily, Genevieve, and Lorelei
favorite actor?
Robin Williams %100 forever
favorite actress?
amy adams
who is your celebrity crush?
Chris Pratt i guess??? i dont pay too much attention to that stuff :p
favorite movie?
ever, is wreck it ralph, atm is beauty and the beast (not the remake)
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i dont read too much anymore, but my favorite book(s) is the Doll People by Ann M. Martin.
money or brains?
brains if by brains you include personality
do you have a nickname? what is it?
a lot of people on here call me Rock, but i dont have a real life nickname!!
how many times have you been to the hospital?
one, when i was born lmao 
top 10 favorite songs
GOD fuck umm, Overwhelming by Jon Bellion, Fiddle and the Drum by Perfect Circle, 24 Karat Magic by Bruno Mars, Ticker Tape by Gorillaz, Separate Ways by Journey, I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness, Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston (i know, i know), Kill Your Heroes by AWOLNATION, Clocks by Coldplay, and Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap.
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
soft vv cause i drink so much fuckin water lmao
what is your biggest fear?
uhhh my loved ones dying and not knowing if i’d be okay if they did??
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
natural i guess, i dont really do up my hair :0
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
ideally, id love one of those micro-houses and to travel the country with my house, but if that doesnt work out id like a shotgun style! 
who is your role model?
Robin Williams, again :p
what was the last compliment you received?
“i love the way you color” was the last one!!
what was the last text you sent?
“my feet are gonna fall the fuck off” sent to my mom sjhdfjhdjfs
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
i didnt grow up believing in santa, my mom always just wrote her name on my presents! 
what is your dream car?
a tucker, even tho thats very VERY unlikely lmao 
opinion on smoking?
dont do it 
do you go to college?
no, but i want to!! 
what is your dream job?
character/concept designer for a film or game studio
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
no >:(
do you have freckles?
lots on my arms, none on my face anymore :p
do you smile for pictures?
yep!! i have a bad sameface problem lmao
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
100+, my phone doesnt tell me an exact number
have you ever peed in the woods?
yep, once when i was younger i got locked out of my house on the way home from school so i had to pee in the woods behind our house and wait for my mom to get home 
do you still watch cartoons?
yeah, its the only thing i really watch lol
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Wendys, but Mcdonalds has better fries
Favorite dipping sauce?
sweet BBQ
what do you wear to bed?
sweatpants and a t-shirt!
have you ever won a spelling bee?
no, but i one a book fair contest once!
what are your hobbies?
drawing, singing, music in general, video games, and seeing how long i can stay up without passing out lmao
can you draw?
i like to think so
do you play an instrument?
flute, but i think ive forgotten how by now
what was the last concert you saw?
i havent seen any, but im going to see one next week!!
tea or coffee?
neither, unless we’re talking sweet tea lmao
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
yes, id like to!! but if the person i end up with doesnt want to im cool with that!
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
im not answering this fkdjgghjdhf
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
depends on the other persons last name and if they wanna change theirs!!
what color looks best on you?
do you miss anyone right now?
yeah, a friend of mine and my dad :(
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed and locked lol
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve? 
when people are rude or self-absorbed ://
last person you called`
my mom
favorite ice cream flavor?
cookie dough!!
regular oreos or golden oreos?
regular (put them in the fridge first, they’re better cold!!)
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
i hate sprinkles :p tastes like paste 
what shirt are you wearing?
a fallout t-shirt!
what is your phone background?
cinderella’s castle, a pick that i took last time i went to magic kingdom!!
are you outgoing or shy?
shy :3c
do you like it when people play with your hair?
yeah!! but only if i know them fkhgdfg
do you like your neighbors?
some of them, our neighbor to our right is really nice but past that we have two trump supporters and on the left we have a couple thats really really mean lmao
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
in the morning!!
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
last thing you ate?
 a subway sandwich!!
favorite lyrics right now
summer or winter?
day or night?
Day, specifially mornings :o
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
favorite month?
december :)
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
uhhhh my therapist lmao
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bellamysgriffin · 7 years
dana watches lucifer (2x11)
yo guys i’m back and i’m vvv happy to be liveblogging again
it feels so weird to be watching without my dad guys he’s driving my sister to oklahoma but usually we watch together
this clip of chloe saying her speech at the courtroom on the previously on - LIKE I NEED REMINDING 
it’s making me emotional and the ep hasn’t even started yet
pls tell me they kiss i want them to so badly 
my cat is strangling me with her love rn and i’m.... trying to type
“i hate ketchup” that’s so romantic
“i’m glad she showed up she kept me from making a big mistake” I’M SUING FOX AND THE WRITERS WHAT THE HELL
trixie is back i missed her
“they’re a wonderfully scrumptious start to your day”
ok now i’m imagining maze and trixie grocery shopping
trixie Knows and ships deckerstar
trixie KNOWS
i missed that whole scene by squealing abt maze lol 
maze craves validation bc she wanted chloe to be happy
aw chloe maze tried so hard don’t tell her that
it’s ok chloe i forgive you
i’m already mad at her
my tv is glitching so y’all better provide some quality gifs
“it’s about chloe” and then instantly he turns into Protective Boyfriend™
ok charlotte ships deckerstar too and she’s back on the good list
she was nvr really off it i have a weakness for lucifer women
“you don’t have to prove anything to me” that was something very nice said very harshly
“not in a fun way” 
“not the slut police and i mean you not her” DAMN I LOVE CHLOE
hmmm that was a good plan while it lasted but
“jana! always with the tragic timing”
oh my god is lucifer a murder suspect again
“maybe she’d still be alive” and already he’s feeling guilty jesus i just want him to be h a p p y
also where is ella i want her on my screen right now
“ditch the loser from lux. that’s terrible, she was seeing someone else from lux?
maze is proud of herself dan leave her alone
my cat is back and ready to prevent the typing
danikeen - is that their brotp name?
ppl need to stop yelling at maze right now ok
i like his white suit a lot
her fun is being with her daughter aww
ok lucifer is actively pursuing a relationship and i - i’m emotional
“she’s spoken for” “haha no i’m not”
this guy is a dog and i hate him
ok i need linda and ella and amenadiel to cleanse my soul from that dick
“you two are a lot alike” how DARE YOU
ANOTHER murder??? things are heating up and i like it
“pretty sure you didn’t sleep with this guy” “actually ur wrong” OH MY GOD IT’S CHRISTMAS
“you’ll need a much bigger notepad”
this parade of lovely women with the song hot pants in the background is my aesthetic
“bit of a dry spell these last few months” ik this is a joke .... but that’s probably bc that’s when he met chloe js
dan don’t you dare things are complicated enough
“the best night of my life” in a bunch of different inflections is possibly the best scene in this show to date
also i love how they included a guy
and his explanations to dan omg this is hilarious
chloe is SO JEALOUS
ok now lucifer is sad so um.... cue character growth?
oh good more charlotte shipping deckerstar i love it
it’s still so weird that chloe thinks charlotte is lucifers ex
“last thing i need is a step-dan” “you say some really weird things man” i love their dynamic
also linda and maze in the same scene????. christmas confirmed.
“you want me to stab this friend of yours” ok i love how maze is oblivious but also she’s Ready to Fight for linda and i’m just..... wow that’s beautiful
“that’s human” “i’m a demon” “i actually think ur more human than a lot of ppl i know” what kinda romantic bs is this??? i love it
“ur saying i’m awesome” “i’m saying that u need to say ur awesome” 
“yes ur awesome” “hell yeah i am” I LOVE MAZE SO MUCH I’M DEAD
“i can describe her aura” it’s me
“i told you someone cared” i’m laughing lucifer is the best 
god i missed this show
i’m gonna save this in my drafts before my computer freezes and erases the whole post again
ok i’m back
ok suki is who i would be if i ever met him i would just scream and shut the door oh my god
“gay best friend for now” i’m laughing
suki is hot it’s true
“do not leave town” “and abandon lucifer?” god me
oh i forgot he’s being rude to lucifer
i forgot charlotte was still bad oh myg od
i’m a fake fan i’m sry guys
i still love them both though
if ever there was a time for ella to show up it would be now just saying
ok and she’s not there
lucifer is such a doofus i’m laughing so hard chloe is so scared
i just fast forwarded and there’s like three clones of a guy petting a robot dog and i just -
“i wanna build a cat sanctuary” god is this me
“no one wants to hear about your feline meet cute” that’s wrong i would sell my left kidney to hear about his cat
“i’m in” i love maze i just do i just i could watch her eat bread for three hours
“because self worth comes from within bitches” DO YOU SEE WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT
my cat is back and obscuring my vision hang on a sec
ik that as you read this ur not waiting but i just want you to know that i had to wait for my cat to stop knocking my laptop over
her name is sylvester mcmonkey mcbean anyway
can deckerstar kiss already 
amenadiel :’)
i kinda just want their pure brotherly love i don’t like the conspiring behind lucifer’s back
my cat and i compromised
ok i dig this jazzy piano music but for a sec i thought it was gonna be heart and soul and i was gonna die that’s my favorite deckerstar scene ever
maze looks so hot w o w
“if we were strangers you’d be hitting on me” maze is so smart dan you can learn from her
i do like him better now 
oh my god i’m laughing so hard
“self worth comes from within dan” i love maze so much she’s trying so hard to help
i’m gonna scream
oh my g o d i love her so much i’m laughing
“you and me? not happening” he looks so hurt i am so sad chloe let him IN
aw poor jim
already chloe is shook and scared bc she loves him so much
now lucifer is intrigued hm and so am i
oh now he’s all “hey man we can work something out” 
i should have seen where that was going
i guess we’re not there yet
that was badass tho
i was just thinking that we must have missed something about the package
who are these people
were we supposed to recognize those things
lucifer is having an ocean contemplation shot is this the bachelor orr
“really” she says not disappointed at all 
one step forward two steps back i guess
“you deserve someone worthy of you and that’s not me” I’M CRYING THAT’S NOT TRUE BB
“that’s not what i’m saying” “i know that’s what i’m saying” WHY DOES HE LOVE TO SUFFER WHAT THE HELL I’M SAD
oh my god he’s just listing why he loves her
her middle name is jane?? this is cute
“ur special and i’m.... i’m not worth it” OH GOD YES YOU ARE
it really is christmas guys :’)
i don’t know what to say i love thioajefkls;d’
i love you guys i love this show i’m signing off and watching the bachelor which is never going to be this romantic :’)
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archive-dcgausscr · 7 years
ultimate ship meme!
rate the ship -  awful | ew | no pics pls | i’m not comfortable | alright | i like it! | got pics? | let’s do it! | why is this not getting more attention?! | the OTP to rule all other OTPs
how long will they last? - they’ve got another seven years left ;_;
how quickly did/will they fall in love? - kinda slow kinda cute as shit you kinda need to have bEEN THERE
who proposed? - oooooh if they got married ??? man i dunno, probably conor
who is the best man/men? - lol this wedding would be such a mess i  dON’T KNOW CONOR WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS?!???
who is the braid’s maid(s)? - noooooone
who did the most planning? - lol planning have you met these two this probably took two minutes and no effort
who stressed the most? - conor bc he’s cute and wants things to be perfect and tris to be happy bECAUSE THAT’S ALL HE WANTS IS FOR TRIS TO BE HAPPY
how fancy was the ceremony? - back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | normal church wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | kate and william wish they were this big.
who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - tristan’s dad for sure ??? i don’t know i feel like it was a pretty small thing to begin with so a lot of people weren’t invited, but because it was small not because like I HATE YOU
who is on top? -  no sex just fluff and cuddles
who is the one to instigate things? - nO SEX
how healthy is their sex life? - DIDN’T I JUST SAY NO SEXbarely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they are humping each other on the couch right now
how kinky are they? - N O S E Xstraight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
how long do they normally last? - UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH
do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - OH M Y GOD
how rough are they in bed? -  FUCKsofter than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | the bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make dwayne johnson blush. also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
how much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - no touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | a little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
how many children will they have naturally? - none?
how many children will they adopt? - lol no oh my god none no kids they have a cat that’s enough
who is the stricter parent? - tris is the strict cat dad
who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - tris stops blitz from trapping herself in the couch
who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - conor feeds everyone
who is the more loved parent? - BLITZ LOVES HER CAT DADS
who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - jesus a cat school can you imagine?
who cried the most at graduation? - little cat graduation little cat robes and gowns sO CUTE
who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - jesus what could blitz do to get arrested?? cat burglary? hAHAHAHAHA
who does the most cooking? - conor
who is the most picky in their food choice? - neither
who does the grocery shopping? - conor
how often do they bake desserts? - idk whenever conor feels like it i guess
are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - listen tristan will eat whatever you give him, and conor does the grocery shopping so it’s all on him
who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - AWW CONOR PROBABLY
who is more likely to suggest going out? - tristan
who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - FUCK TRIS OH MY GOD KEEP HIM OUT OF THE KITCHEN
who cleans the room? - both? but tris isn’t really messy? like his messes are organized messes
who is really against chores? - neither
who cleans up after the pets? - both i guess?
who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither?
who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - lol i don’t think either of them do? unless it was tristan’s family maybe i could see conor like mAKE THINGS CLEAN FOR YOU NONNA bc conor is an old man and loves hanging out with the old people
who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - probably conor, he can keep it
who takes the longer showers/baths? - i genuinely don’t know
who takes the dog out for a walk? - if they had a dog? tris
how often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
what are their goals for the relationship? - LOOK AT THEM THEY’RE SO CUTE
who is most likely to sleep till noon? - neither
who plays the most pranks? - neither tHEY’RE TOO CUTE
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dahyunswaifu · 7 years
My Thoughts About Arrival
Never Ever: first of all… Woah. The M/V was awesome. The song itself is catchy, but the chorus for me takes some time to fully appreciate. I felt like Yugyeom’s voice fit this song the best, which is great I’m so happy our maknae got some more lines. Anyone have theories about the M/V yet? My mind is clustered from the greatness of the aesthetics and my love for JB at this time.
Shopping Mall: let’s just appreciate Jackson’s voice in here, shall we. The song was banned by KBS for having brand names in it I guess, it just feels a little bit rotten that that would happen. I really like the production on the song, and jesus christ Mark’s rap parts in this song are the purest forms of heaven.
Paradise: i honestly can’t express in words how much I adore the flow and everything about this song. This is definitely a standout track so far. I’m legit dead, if you’re reading this, i’d like you to play this whole album at my funeral pls. It’s only the third song and I feel like this could almost overtake my love for the Turbulence album.
Sign: JINYOUNG HONEY, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE MY EARS JUST EXPLODE FROM WONDERFULNESS? This song is my favorite so far as of writing this. Its very smooth, and I know i’ll have it on repeat tomorrow at school. Which reminds me, I better speed this up because I HAVE SUCKY SCHOOL TOMORROW.
Go Higher: WOAH THIS SONG IS LIT. Bam Bam smoothly takes over the song in the second verse with his lines MURDERING ME AND MY BIAS LIST. That and Jinyoung’s voice in the pre-chorus will end up carrying me to my death bed.
Q: First of all… this is a real change from the last track. Oh well. I love this transition. It feels like a upbeat song, but we haven’t seen the lyrics yet, so I can’t really tell. Awwww this is cute. Youngjae’s voice as well as Mark’s english portions made me end up on the brink of bursting into pure happiness and combusting. I have to remind myself again that every comeback ends up forcing a bias wrecker on me, and it turns out that everyone has become one for me.
Don’t Care: I can’t tell you how much I love this song. Oh my god. THIS IS GONNA BE BLASTING SO MUCH TOMORROW. I usually like slower songs, and this was a good chill song that I will probably be listening to until the world is launched into an apocalypse. My friends are going to wonder why i’m so quiet tomorrow. I’ll have to tell them I got snatched hard.
OUT: OOOoooH, time to end this album with another lit song. Looking at the tracklist as i’m writing this, and I can see Jackson worked a lot on this album. I’m proud to see that. (i also really hope he gets better. I hate to see someone that cares so much about others under the weather.) I don’t know why, but it just made sense to end the album on this note, and not on a slow song. It’s a nice closing. Not overwhelming but definitely a bop. Welp. Excuse me while I pass out from the amount of fangirling done in the past two hours.
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