#is a message i got last night and uhhh
uptownhags · 1 month
i was supposed to leave for my trip today. instead i am covering for my boss who's out with no notice, making silly little c@nva projects, and trying not to be anxious about the guests* for my award thing next week. ahhhh.
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spliffymae · 3 months
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just some head canons i have.
in my head im imagining a blend of dave and fridayy, where he can sing as well (he got variety!). same universe as my musicproducer!connie fic but reader is not famous here, as opposed to w/ connie’s. (lol i gave her a last name too—davis.) in my mind, im picturing ony from the uk and connie from ny.
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
rapper!ony who first pops up on the scene in a music video of his friend connie’s song. he wasn’t featured on the track, but rather just in the background getting hype with everyone else.
but y’all know how the girlies get when a fine black man/woman/person start trending.
rapper!ony who wasn’t shy about his craft, but just wasn’t big on social media. his agent hated it, he loved it. he simply released music, let people know, and then went about his business.
rapper!ony was trending and although he didn’t take this as an opportunity to get in his social media bag, his best friend, musicproducer!connie did!
rapper!ony who goes from a couple thousand people knowing what he does to over a million people screaming his lyrics at they’re phones on tiktok in ONE night.
“bro, you can’t even get mad at me gang!” connie yelled from his shower. ony was sitting outside, accosting his friend for what he did. “you said you didn’t care what happened to the project!”
“but tell me if you gon post it and make it a whole thing, nigga damn!” ony yelled back.
rapper!ony who now has to adjust to his quickly rising popularity. he has yet to know the number of artists looking for a feature; and he doesn’t know that he secretly has some of these industry boys shaking in their boots because where the hell he come from?
no, rapper!ony is too busy focusing on whyyy they’re a million fan edits of him across tiktok and instagram. clips of him from his streams, connie’s videos, and his other friend’s content.
ony groans as connie’s message banner pops up on his phone, the message being a link to a tiktok. when he clicked it, it was a fan edit of him using his song ‘when it comes to you’. “bro, who keeps sending these to you, man?!” ony exclaimed. connie heard it from his room and snickered.
rapper!ony who had to adjust to being the attention at these red carpet events. he usually just walked behind connie and his girl, along with the rest of the entourage but now he is getting stopped for photographs.
there’s nothing like listening to music live. so rapper!ony puts on a fake smile and pushes through the crowded carpet to get inside. he waves to people he’s worked with, artists, and fans who called out to him. all so he can hear some music.
he sees connie holding hands with his girlfriend, both of them making goofy faces at the cameras. he softly smiles at the couple, but before he could make way, connie somehow senses him and turns to him “ony! ven aquí!” damn!
rapper!ony who doesn’t expect much from the awards show. just to go, support connie, and go home. he was nominated,yeah, but he was also in the category with some of the most popular artists right now…so he wasn’t feeling all that confident.
rapper!ony who is shocked as shocked can be when his name is called from the podium for best new artist.
“F**CK YEAH!” connie yelled, jumping up from his seat along with his girl and the rest of the table—aran, zora, jean, armin, and mikasa.
rapper!ony who walks up on stage with connie who is still screaming from excitement.
“uhhh, i’m not gonna lie, mans weren’t expecting to win still.” ony laughed, running a hand over his fresh waves. the audience laughed with him.
“first i would like to thank God, the most high who has blessed me with this amazing opportunity. i want to thank my people for having my back; connie—this man,” ony pointed behind him to connie, who was full out filming the moment on his phone.
“who told me on a random day when we were cleaning out our college dorm room that if we made a project together we would be the new heartthrobs of the generation. connie i thank you for being you; having my back and working alongside me. my brother for life, that is.” connie screamed, and so did his girlfriend from the audience as the claps poured in.
“and finally, i want to thank my heart in human form. the woman who made all of this possible, y/n davis. she don’t like the attention so im gonna hear bout this name drop when i get home. but babes, i love you, and thank you for being my rib. i owe you the world and more. and to her parents, thank you for my better half. thank you lot again. love!” ony raised his hand with the award, smiling and waving to the crowd and cameras as he walked to the back.
meanwhile, across the country, cuddled up in her bed was y/n, who was watching the award show before going to sleep. she had expressed to ony she wasn’t too sure about going, not liking the cameras and attention. he reassured her it was okay because there wasn’t any way he would be winning with who else was in the category.
so…safe to say when you saw your boyfriend on the stage with the award in his hand, you could not contain your shock and excitement. you jumped out of bed screaming and quickly getting to your phone camera to record the tv. squeals and “yeah baby” was all you could say as he gave connie his thanks.
but then… when you heard him say your name, for everyone around the world to hear, everything just turned to shock as your phone fell from your frozen hands, still recording. you were stunned. he said your name. your government name. on national television.
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stevespookington · 1 year
(part 2)
Eddie had people get cold feet about buying all the time so he just shrugged it off when Chrissy Cunningham wasn’t waiting for him after Hellfire and the basketball game. He drove home and went about his night. Nothing too unusual. The cash would have been nice, but also she had looked really rough, probably hadn’t need more things fucking with her system. 
The next morning Eddie headed out to Rick’s to pick up some more supplies. He hummed to himself as he strolled into the boathouse. Eddie had his system down by now, pick up some stuff, leave the cash, maybe relax by the water for a bit (it was relaxing, sue him). But just as he bent down to drag the tarp off of one of Rick's boat stashes, something tackled him.
He went flying backwards and slammed into a wall. A wall behind him and oh that was a wall of muscle in front of him.
Eddie blinked in surprise as he looked into the eyes of one Steve Harrington.
Eddie held his hands up and tried to look disarming, he knew how to handle folks on a bad trip. But instead Harrington just looked him up and down and stepped back with a ragged sigh.
"Please tell me you have a radio, Munson."
Eddie blinked, first he was slammed into a wall. Next he was just let go. And finally? Harrington knew who he was. Well, Eddie knew he didn't exactly have a low profile, but still. Having the former King of Hawkins High rough you up and then ask for a radio? A little confusing.
Eddie motioned over his shoulder and cleared his throat. "So I'm just going to, uh, go. You seem to be having a crisis and I'm good so..."
And Eddie was up against the wall again. Splendid. At least this time it was just a firm hand holding him in place instead of a tackle, but still. Not what he had been expecting when he left home this morning.
“Look, pal.” Eddie bit out, “If you are looking for drugs you got plenty to pick from here, you don’t need to push me around to get them. And no. I don’t have a radio.”
Steve deflated, head hitting the wall next to Eddie’s. And oh. This was causing all sorts of feelings that Eddie did not want to be having. He was so over his phase of crushing on pretty, straight boys. (He hoped.)
“Uhhh, hey… are you okay? Cause, full offense, but I really don’t want you all up on me. Jocks aren’t my thing, try to avoid them like the plague honestly.”
Harrington started to laugh, body shaking, hysterical laughter. That was probably not a good sign. He slowly pulled back, shoulders still shaking and Eddie watched as tears pooled in the corners of Harrington’s eyes. 
“Okay, I’m right there with you with avoiding jocks, these days at least. But I need to get a message to Dustin Henderson and I’m missing my radio, can you find him for me?”
Eddie raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “I’m not a fucking message boy, go yourself.”
Harrington winced. “Uh, I can’t. But! I can pay you, please.”
Eddie sighed, this really wasn’t what he was expecting when he woke up this morning. “Fine, what is it and where you think he is?” And! I get paid in advance.”
The door swung shut behind him, the bell still tinkling to announce his arrival. Eddie raised his eyebrows, sure enough there was Robin, Dustin, and the redhead, just like Steve had predicted there would be. All whispering furiously while pointing at the computer. 
Eddie cleared his throat, no response. 
"Henderson," he tried instead, a sing song note in his voice. 
Dustin looked up at that, hope sparking and fading in his eyes. "What." He said flatly.
Eddie sighed, he really should have charged Harrington double just to deal with Henderson’s attitude. "Friend of yours gave me a message for you, thought you might be interested in hearing it."
Dustin rolled his eyes, "We are sort of busy right now, it can wait." He turned back towards the computer.
Eddie shrugged, “Alright, but I’m not giving Harrington his money back so last chance-“
Dustin swung around, suddenly interested. He asked Eddie to tell him the message or something, his voice faded out of Eddie’s perception, he wasn’t listening. Instead he watched the TV screen with shock. His jaw dropped as he read the alert across the bottom of the screen “Body found, investigations ongoing.”
The news crew was outside Harrington’s house. 
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motherroam-rs · 3 months
Sleep Deprivation
Relationship: Hunter x Reader
Summary: In the search for Omega, Hunter struggles to sleep and needs a push to get some rest.
Warnings/Tags: Sleep Deprivation, Angst, Comfort, uhhh I think that’s everything
Word Count: 1.2k
Notes: The first 3 episodes have me in a chokehold, I wanna see Hunter happy again - Here’s a super short angsty lil comfort fic for Hunter set just before the beginning of episode 2 🫶🫶 Apologies for any grammatical errors!
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Every noise in the Marauder seemed louder with just the three of you in it. Any hum, beep, and sigh seems to be amplified, even Gonkys small movements seemed to echo through the empty space just as loud as Wreckers snores.
Though, it’s not the only change. The ship seems too big now, and it’s hard to remember a time where it was so over-occupied that you would all fight over who got to sleep in a bunk for the night, and who had to use a sleep mat on the floor. Durasteel walls that previously made you all feel like fish packed together in a can, now seemed to stretch out impossibly, making it seem that you were planets away from the ships other two occupants.
Currently you’re sat in the co-pilot chair, preoccupied with your glitchy datapad, attempting to send an encrypted message to Echo for any updates from the clone network. You’re biting down on a sigh at how you wished Tech were here to fix it for you when Wrecker nudges your foot with his own.
You look up, puzzled at the man but your silent question is answered by the attempted jerk of his head. Behind you both sits Hunter, staring abysmally at the control board of flashing lights with his fist tightened around a horn from Roland Durand. The lights cast a harsh shadow on his features and your lips can’t help but work themselves into a frown at the dark circles beneath his eyes.
It had been well over 24 hours since he last slept.
Glitchy datapad now abandoned, you give a quick nod in thanks to Wrecker, before leaving the cockpit to approach Hunter. His chair doesn’t turn, and despite his enhanced senses and the lack of noise in the ship to cover your steps in any way, he gives no indication that he’s heard you. You follow his line of sight to both Tech’s goggles and Lula, both of the items bringing a pain to your chest.
“Hunter?” You press your hand to his armored shoulder, and he finally turns to look at you, slightly startled and you can’t even recall a time that you’ve ever caught him so off guard. Now that he’s facing you, the exhaustion is evident in more than just the dark circles under his eyes, his body seems to slump against the support of the chair in some sort of emotional defeat.
He’s been running himself into the ground over the last few days in pursuit of the Pyke needed in order to get the lead you had all been after, but at least you and Wrecker still managed to somewhat take care of your basic needs of sleep and rations.
Before you can speak, he turns back towards the controls, as if sensing what you were going to say about the neglect to his sleep schedule.
“Tech made this all seem… easy.” Gloved hands gesture to the console of flashing lights, his throat bobbing with a dry swallow as he shakes his head. “All of it takes me twice as long as it took him.”
Hunters hand pinches the bridge of his nose, the same way he does when he has an oncoming headache and your hand presses to the unarmoured section between his shoulder and neck, an area that is usually covered by his scarf. At the touch, his eyes close and lips part with a soft release of breath.
He needs to sleep.
“Come to bed, Hunter.” The whisper echoes through the too-quiet ship, amplified like every other noise, and for a moment it looks like he’s going to refuse. He doesn’t speak, but gives a slight nod of his head, and brushes your hand away to stand and begin removing his armor as he follows you on the way to your shared bunk.
After so long of racing to be the first one on the Marauder after a mission to secure your own bunk for a night, there was some sad irony in the fact that you now couldn’t sleep alone. Following the loss of Tech, and the painful absences of Omega and Echo, all attempts to adjust to the atmosphere of loneliness on the ship were almost painful.
At the start, you think you barely managed a standard 8 hours across 3 full day cycles, let alone in one night, and your restlessness didn’t go unnoticed by Hunter, who had probably slept even less than you. On the fourth night of staring at the ceiling and trying to muffle your quiet crying in the too-silent ship, he had abandoned his bunk beneath you and climbed into your own. His arms allowed you the comfort of not grieving alone that night, and almost every night since.
At some point, it delved into more than simply finding comfort in each other so you could both sleep, sending you far enough past the line of friends for Wrecker to tease you both in an attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere in the Marauder.
Now only wearing the lower half of his blacks, Hunter lifts himself into the shared top bunk, and offers you a hand up, immediately pulling you into him once you’re safely up. In the small confines of the bunk, you’re entirely pressed to his firm body, yet he still holds you tightly against his bare chest as if fearing you’d slip away the moment his eyes closed.
He’s pulled the thin blanket over you both, but with the heat of his body it’s more than enough to keep you warm. “We’ll get her back.” You murmur against Hunters chest in assurance as one of his hands pulls your leg across his own, entangling the two of you together.
You feel his hand twitch against you, “It’s been a long time, and we still don’t know where she is, the only lead we can get right now is by handing over a Pyke to the Durand family.” His voice is heavy with exhaustion and you crane your neck up, lifting yourself from his chest to place your hand on his stubble covered jaw, forcing him to look at you.
“We’ll get her back, Hunter, but you need to sleep.” You lean in to press a kiss to the lips that seem to have set themselves into an ever present frown since that day on Ord Mantell.
Hunters hand presses to your face to mirror your own, his other arm tightening around your waist protectively as he kisses you back. Even when you pull away and rest your head back on his chest, his fingers continue to trace slow patterns on your waist, still refusing to let you go as he gives in to his tiredness.
You wait for his breathing to slow, ensuring he’s asleep before you allow yourself to close your eyes and follow him. In the night, you dream of living together in a house on Pabu, where the only echoing noise is Omegas laugh, where there are no empty spaces to make you feel lonely, and where Hunter can finally rest.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 6 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary: Daemon eases your fears and worries.
Warning: 18+ sex ,period sex (if it bothers you skip the scene) death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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“Are you alright?” Emma's voice was filled with concern as she asked you if you were okay, noticing the distress that was evident on your face. The two of you had just left Lily's house, and Emma could sense the negative effect it had on you.
“I'm fine..just want to go home” Emma sighed as you said that. She could tell that you were not alright, but she didn't know how to help without you opening up to her.
“Y/n I know you have always liked him but him and Lily have always been this way..they fight, fuck other people and then get back to each other.. don't you remember how he treated you on the ship after he slept with you?” you turned your head to look at her as she said that. Emma's words had struck a chord in your heart, reminding you of the awful morning when Daemon had completely dismissed you post the one night stand .
“Yeah? Always huh? How many times have they survived a ship sinking incident before? How many times before Daemon was left stranded on an island with someone else? This is not the same thing..why it's so hard for you guys to understand” you got visibly agitated as you finished your sentence, your voice raised as you tried to express that you and Daemon weren't just a fling.
“I'm just trying to protect you..” she mumbled softly so you sighed.
“I know but I also know what I'm doing..do you have any idea what I have been through with Daemon on that Island? You can't just get over that stuff and move on with your life as if nothing happened. He …he knows me..I know him..six months ..we were .. everything to each other” your eyes teared up and you hated how weak you felt in the moment. You always felt this way whenever Daemon was in the picture.
“But he's not on that Island anymore and neither are you..he's back here in the actual world where Lily is”
You didn't say anything as she said that. After what Lily had said about him fucking her last night and seeing things from Emma's perspective you felt hurt and worried. You asked him clearly if he had fucked her and he said no, did he lie to you? Why would he lie to you and hurt you like that?
“Do you want me to find a job for you? Dalton was asking about you” she said as she pulled the car in your driveway so you took your seat belt off, you just wanted to go home and cry.
“Not right now, last time you hooked me up with a job ..things didn't work out so well”
You heard the literal gasp she let out as you jabbed at her. That was mean and uncalled for but anger was bubbling inside you at the moment and Daemon wasn't there to take it.
You entered your bedroom, exhausted from the emotional upheaval. As you collapsed onto your bed, you noticed a missed call and a few text messages from Daemon on your phone. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your phone and opened the message.
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You didn't want to ignore him and you certainly didn't want to hurt him by making assumptions about him, he told you something and you wanted to believe him but insecurities from the past ran deep and this wouldn't be the first time a man would cheat your trust like this. Instead of wrestling with your thoughts you dialed his number instead,
“Am I being ignored?” He asked as soon as he picked up so you sighed.
“Why would you say that?”
“What did she say to you..love?” his tone of voice made it clear that he was genuinely concerned.
“Where are you?” you asked him nonchalantly, your voice didn't really hold any emotion at the moment.
“I'm with my lawyer, had to discuss uhhh.. some fortune related complexities..are you back at your place?” He enquired so you barely hummed in response “Can I come see you?”
“You don't have to ask me” he chuckled as you said that,
“I'm trying to be more civilized and less of a caveman”
“Don't you want to go see Lily?” you asked him with sarcasm and envy dripping from your tone.
“Not right now, I want her to move on.. darling.. whatever she said to you that's making you all squeaky and snappy at me .. I will fix it yeah? And then you're going to fix me” you couldn't help but bite on your lip as his words made you feel slightly bashful.
“Okay” you could hear him smiling on the other end of the line as you mumbled a short response again.
Half an hour later as you opened the door and saw Daemon standing there, with his arms behind his back and a mischievous smirk on his face, you felt your heart skip a beat. The peach ribbed shirt he was wearing just added to his charm, it made you want to snuggle against him. Despite your feelings for him, the idea of him breaking your trust and lying to you was breaking your heart in ways you couldn't even begin to imagine.
The only reason why you weren't crying yourself to sleep for the past two days was because of him, the past month when you both were avoiding each other was difficult to say the least. The nightmares about drowning in the ocean had become a frequent occurrence, leaving you feeling frightened and restless. The fact that he was the only thing preventing you from giving in to the emotional distress that had been haunting you was both a comfort and a burden. But he was the only one who truly understood you because he was there suffering with you.
“Flowers for the beautiful lady” he held one of his hands forward to present you with a bouquet of beautiful flowers so you grabbed it and took in their scent “Chocolates” he then brought his other hand forward so you grabbed the box and went into your room, acting like a petulant child, it didn't do anything to deter him, he actually found you adorable like this.
He was expecting a kiss and a hug but this morning when you had told him that you were tagging along with Emma to visit Lily, he was terrified, not because he had anything to hide from you but because he knew as a matter of fact that she'd try to fill your head against him to drive wedge between you both. He was well aware of her vindictive ways when she was scorned like this.
“We need to stop meeting like that at your door” he mumbled as he entered the bedroom door and you were already on the bed with your face down into the pillow.
You felt his lips trail up from your calves to your hamstrings and he spent a good minute on your ass cheeks before he kissed up from the small of your back very slowly. Shivers ran down your spine as he moved up and pulled your hair aside to kiss your nape. You turned around to look at him and your teary eyes rendered his heart, your delicate features always softened him.
“If it wasn't for us being stranded on that Island you'd never date me would you?” You asked him as you caressed his cheeks with your fingers, you always feared that your connection with him was rooted in the shared trauma of the island and would fizzle soon.
“Yeah that might be true but not because there's something wrong with you or that you're not insanely attractive but because I wouldn't really get to know you like this..so intimately in every possible way”
You felt his fingers brush lightly against your chest, resting right above your heart, and you couldn't help but feel the burst of emotions.
His hand then drifted under your skirt as he leaned down to kiss you lovingly, palms wrapped around your hips as he pulled you into him so you sighed and closed your eyes to feel him close.
“You used to visit Paradise with Emma ” your eyes snapped open as he mentioned that.
Paradise was the name of the club The Dragonriders played at frequently and you used to go there on weekends before you even took the job on Utopia. “I'd often watch you dance from afar..you never even looked at me back then you know.. didn't even notice me” he mumbled softly in your ears so you cupped his cheeks again.
“I didn't know you..you were just a stranger”
“Exactly darling.. sometimes you have to learn the person inside out to truly appreciate them. I know i was unfair and cruel to you after that night we had spent together but it was my immaturity speaking..now i know better” you sighed as he said that, your hands sneaked inside his shirt as he leaned into you for a kiss again. He was irresistible at all times but especially when he was on top of you like this.
“You look cute in your pretty little skirt baby, my brave girl ..now are you going to sulk some more or you'd tell me what it is she said to you that is messing with your head?” he asked you, his voice was still gentle but firmer this time. You didn't want to beat around the bush either.
“She told me that you made love to her last night after you dropped her off and then later on she went into detail about how magical it was for both of you”
He looked at you intensely for a moment before he chuckled slightly as if he had it coming..
Somehow that reaction eased your fear, it was Lily's words against the man you had faced the worst of life with. If he was going to tell you that he hadn't fucked her then you'd have to believe him.
You'd have to put your faith in him because he deserved that much from you..
“Do you know why I came so hard inside you last night?” he asked you softly as his thumb brushed over your lips before he kissed you again.
“Because it has been a full day since I had done that.. since I had felt you around me so intimately. I might be an uncivilized animal at times but I'd never hurt you like that. Especially not you ..not after everything we have been through together”
You cupped his cheeks and your fingers ran through his scalp as he said that, his words felt sincere and a part of you believed him wholly, something made you believe that Daemon would never hurt you like that no matter what.
“You're not an uncivilized animal…just my big burly Cavemon” a smile graced his features as you cooed at him.
“Believe me yeah?”
“Okay.. sorry”
“Shhh it's not your fault..”
“No I'm sorry she said that about you and i believed her because I'm afraid and insecure”
“We all are at times..i fixed the problem..now you fix me” you giggled as he tickled your stomach with his fingers.
“Stahp ..it's almost my second day now..there will be clumps and stuff coming out of my goodies” he looked at you intently as you said that, his eyes darkened with consumable lust.
“If you intended for that to disgust me..it's not working”
“Your kinks are kinky..have you always had this one?” you questioned as you lifted your head up to kiss his neck.
“Not until you..”
“But you fucked your ex on her cycle”
“Not for the kink”
“It's just strange for me…my ex was disgusted just by me mentioning my period clumps”
“What an imbecile huh?
You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he made you sit up along with him.
“We are doing this my way today” you mumbled as you took your crop top and skirt off, Daemon got off the bed and he quickly undressed himself with the speed of lighting, when he climbed back on the bed you removed your underwear and threw it on the floor,
“You won't mind if I bleed on you right?”
“Fuck darling …noo” he almost moaned at the picture you had painted for him, you climbed on his lap and sat yourself down on his cock slowly, inch by inch, he wasn't really an average man in length or girth so you needed to go slow for your own sake, his legs splayed out on the bed as you submerged him completely and he placed his hands around your hips as you moved in circles slowly. His head swayed backwards and moans spilled from his throat as you worked your hips back and forth.
“I noticed you..” you mumbled against his mouth as you kissed him so he opened his eyes and looked at you all perplexed. He looked cute like this, all fucked out and pleasured the way he deserved to be pleasured.
“In the club..i noticed you..but you always had your eyes on her”
“Darling, do you believe in fate?” his voice came out in whispers as the sensation grew in the pit of his stomach,
“Not really”
“I do”
“I just do..I think it was fate that brought us together. Why do you think we were accommodated right next to each other when all the people we knew were a deck below from us?”
“Duuh management”
“Was it management that left us stranded together on that Island?” his fingers dug into your hips as he helped you hop on top of him.
“No it was my stupidity”
“Mmm really? You want to tell me that those strong waves somehow managed to bring us together on that very same island where we collapsed not even six feet apart from each other because of you? And both of us miraculously lived through it while none of those other people survived?”
“I don't know what to say..you're romanticizing the tragedy” his fingers curled into your hair and he pulled you closer to kiss you before he spoke,
“I have earned the right to do so ..now be a good girl and fucking cum with me”
You kissed him hungrily and the rest of the rebuttals you had didn't really come out as you fell apart in his arms as soon as you felt his warm cum filling you up to the brim. He placed his head on your chest as you both recovered from the euphoria but it lasted a good while.
Your head felt fuzzy as you had never been fucked this good, sex had never been so satisfying before. It was as if your body connected to him on a much deeper level than just physical, sex with him transcended you and filled you with intense emotional and mental release.
“If you pull out right now I'd ruin my bed so take me to the shower alright?” He chuckled briefly before he dragged his shapely arse off the bed and took you to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and as soon as he pulled out, his cum mixed with your blood spilled out of your freshly fucked cunt. His cock was absolutely bloody as well and you heard him gasp as he glanced at it. His fingers immediately caressed your lips as he cleaned the mess between your legs so you fisted his cock and returned the favor.
“I missed one therapy session and I was a major bitch to Emma this morning” you mumbled as you came back to reality from the mind numbing orgasm you had experienced just now..
“What did you do?”
“You know how they keep telling us in therapy to not blame other people for what happened as it was nobody's fault?” He nodded as you said that while he rubbed the body wash between his palm and turned you around to scrub your back.
“I think I did just that and I feel awful”
“Mmmm then apologize sweetheart and talk it out…these things happen amongst friends. I called Cole this morning to wish him for the birthday and we had a chat, he understands me better now”
“It's his birthday today?”
“Yup and we are invited, I'm sure he'd text you about it”
You hummed as he said that, as you placed your head down on his chest he wrapped his arms around you while you two enjoyed the hot shower in the comfort of your bathroom. Sometimes when you closed your eyes you imagined yourself being back at the island with him but you were only thinking about the times that weren't so awful, like bathing with him in the sea and walking around the woods in search for fruits, and most of all sleeping all huddled together on the bed of leaves every night.
You missed that, you really did miss it at times.
“What would you like for your birthday?” you asked him as you realized it would come soon as well, you were on the island when you turned 27, he had gone out of his way to collect fresh coconut water and had made a fruit platter for you which was more than enough on that forsaken place.
“I want your trust and faith in me” you turned around as he said that and kissed him softly.
Besides he was planning something to surprise you with instead, he had a meeting with his lawyer for the same reason and his lawyer certainly didn't think it was a great idea to go forward with this but he knew he wanted to do this, for both of you.
“And i want to take you somewhere with me” he said to you
“Mmmm where?” You giggled as your heart skipped a beat. You just hoped he wasn't going to take you to meet his family just yet. It felt too soon for that.
“It's going to be a surprise, hence the trust and faith demand“
“I trust you baby” his lips curved into a sweet smile as you said that.
The plan moving forward was to take a nap with him and it was very cozy until he began shivering in his sleep, telltale sign of a nightmare and you knew what it was about, it was about that night in the woods that he had spent all alone without you, he deeply struggled with the memory of the night and it was very hard on him so you know he was reliving the same trauma in his sleep. Or that's what you thought.
You didn't know that he was having a nightmare but not about being stranded in the woods but about you being bitten by that spider, he always had a nightmare about that night where instead of you being alright the next morning he saw your dead lifeless body and he was left all alone without his brave girl by his side.
When he woke up he pretended as if he wasn't affected by the nightmare in the slightest and asked you to get ready as you were both invited to the Paradise for Cole's birthday. Luckily Lily wasn't there because of her injury but the group had decided to visit her post drinking.
When you reached hand in hand with him, it felt a little awkward, people who recognised you kept staring and you felt like an animal in the zoo. The attention was uncomfortable, as you just wanted to blend in with the other people and enjoy the evening without the scrutiny.
Life had changed in more ways than one, at times you were not even Daemon or y/n, you were just that couple that was stranded on an island for six months. Whenever you were out in public, people would inevitably make reference to your story, and you found yourself being treated like a celebrity. You felt objectified though as if there was nothing more to you anymore than what you had suffered.
After greeting Cole as you spotted Emma you walked towards her.
“How's D?” She asked you so you looked at her confused for a moment.
“Daemon? He's doing okay umm-”
“No the Dick..how's his dick..is it as good as rumored?” she asked you as she crossed her arms so you pulled her into a hug.
“I'm sorry em.. I'm so sorry for being such a bitch when you were just looking out for me”
Your eyes teared up as you spoke to her so she hugged you as tightly as you were hugging her.
“It's okay..I get that..they tell me not to take it personally..you both have been through something none of us can imagine living through” you looked down as she said that.
“That's not an excuse to lash out but I'll be careful i promise..now let's get drunk..it's been a while and you're going to reveal every tea about Aemond” she blushed bright red as you whispered the last part in her ear. You were happy for her, she deserved someone making her happy and gleeful like this.
A band was performing in the club and you noticed how Daemon kept looking at them while they played as if wondering about his own time on the stage, you knew he missed singing and being up there.
Afterwards when the group decided to go see Lily you chose to opt out but Daemon insisted and pleaded until you gave in, perhaps seeing him with you would finally make her back off a little bit and she'd realize that Daemon has moved on from their toxic relationship.
However as you all turned up at her place you saw a man leaving her house, you recognised him even though nobody else did, it was one of the major crew members at Queen Utopia, Danny something, you didn't remember his full name but he was the man Lily was with that night. He handled the maintenance of the cargo area.
As he walked past you he looked you right in the eye, you saw something in those eyes but you couldn't put your finger on it.
They always told you to not put blame on anyone as the tragedy was nobody's fault but what if it was somebody's fault? And what if it was Danny who had something to do with it?
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx @stupidthoughtsinwriting @tmlbdv
@ammo23 @anukulee
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barcalover86 · 5 months
End of beginning
A never-ending friendship
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Chapter four
Your body suddenly can't move.
What the hell did you do last night?
Bia is still sleeping in bed with your new friends besides her, and you are the only one awake. You were trying to remember what happened after the game, but nothing was coming out of your mind.
You weren't that stupid to send him a n*de.. or were you?
But if that happened, someone would have stopped you. But on the other side, all of you were drunk and immature.
And if you really sent him a n*de of yourself , then it will be all over Internet. Just like the other photos of you two together.
You screwed up bad..
Finding the courage to open up his messages alone, not wanting to wake anyone up this early in the morning, you are even more shocked when you see his text.
Before you click on the photo he sent you, you read what he wrote you.
I am happy that you looked at the match, and I'm also sorry for the gossip that it's going around right now. I hope I didn't cause damage to your relationship.
Relationship? What relationship?
You were the one who thought that you made Gavi and his girlfriend break up. But he was thinking something completely untrue. You don't have a boyfriend and you never did.
Right now, you were trying to think who could be that boy he saw you with. But as you were trying to remember who he was, you suddenly realised that he also sent you a photo.
You opened your phone again, tapping to his account.
When you counted to three, you clicked on his photo, and your heart melted at his sight.
It was a selfie of him and Lewandowski, smiling at you. He also wrote on it that brought us good luck .
That? What that?
Now you begin to think again what picture could you have sent him to.
And if somehow it was a n*ude.. did he really show it to everyone else around him?
But you weren't the type of person to do that. Even when drunk. It just wasn't your personality.
So.. your photo brought him luck? You smiled a bit.
Oh, and then you realised that Gavi actually texted you. Well, you texted him first, but he replied.
And he was also having you at his following list. That's.. Nice. You smile once again.
"Bia, wake up!"
"Gavi texted me!"
When everyone heard that, they all got up immediately.
"He did what?" asked Lucas.
"He texted me, look."
"Screenshot his photo," Bia said, and before you could stop her, Lucas already did a screenshot on your phone.
"What! No, now he's going to see it!!!!"
"And? It's better than not having the photo? I bet he made it by himself just for you."
You think about it. Maybe..
"Uhhh" you groaned, sitting on your bed. "Do I have to reply to him?"
"What's even with that question? Of course you have to!?"
"But what do I say?"
"Just, I don't know. Congrats on your win?" Liam says.
"But then he'll let her on seen." Laura interrupts. "It has to be something like, congrats to your win, you did amazing. How are you feeling after the game?"
"Of course he feels happy, they won?"
"Bia, I mean if he is tired or in good shape. Maybe he got injured, which I don't think so. He'll get the question, right, Lucas?"
He looks at her while thinking what to answer.
"Boys often misinterpret questions like that."
You nodded. "Then what do I say?"
"In my opinion, you should really add the congratulations part. It's important." Lucas says. "Boys like to feel important and appreciated.
"Ok, so first I'm saying congrats. After?"
Silence. Everyone is thinking.
"Should I go with something like I hope your training goes good today?"
"Ah, I don't know-"
"I got it!!!" Laura says. "Just reply to his photo with a photo and you can add there the text you want to say. He'll sure be curious on your photo."
"Yesss! That's it! But I have to be pretty. Everyone, help me!!"
They all helped you with a pretty outfit, your hair and makeup, and after about 1 hour, you were ready to take the picture.
Smiling widely, you sent a photo of you saying congratulations on your win, guys. you did amazing. visca barça.
Perfect. Now you wait.
Today, waiting for his reply, you walked around Barcelona, chatting and laughing. You stopped near your friends' restaurant and started singing and dancing traditional Spanish songs until the L family was ready to close.
All the time you were looking at your phone, hoping for a text from Gavi who seemed like wouldn't come.
When you said your goodbyes, you and Bia went to drink something near your hotel. When you were talking about your future college, your phone buzzed, and you freezed.
You look at her with a big smile.
"I wanna see, I wanna see!"
Bia was whining just like a little kid, but you were also so excited to read his text.
Well, he sent you another photo.
He seemed like he was in a bedroom, assuming it was his, smiling into the camera and having his thumb up. He was adorable.
If you want more photos of me, tell me. You don't have to screenshot. Also, you didn't tell me about your boyfriend. Is he mad?
"He is definitely flirting with you!"
"I don't know.."
"Well he totally is. Reply to him."
You took a quick photo of you, with your orange juice on your hands, smiling sweetly.
I'm sorry about that. A friend of mine screenshoted it accidentally. And about my relationship, I don't know where that came from. I'm single.
After 5 minutes, he replied.
"Wow, y/n. He is quick. I told you he is into you!"
Now, it was a photo with half of his face saying my bad, sorry. so are you still asking for pictures?
You did a similar picture as he did last time, and wrote first of all, I didn't ask for any pictures, second of all wouldn't your girlfriend be upset that you are talking with me?
"Are you sure you want to send that?" Bia asked you.
"Well even if he is Pablo Gavi, if he has a girl at home, he has to right not talk to other girls."
After about 20 minutes, he replied.
The photo was again with half of his face saying that are u jealous, y/n?
You blushed hard.
"Ooooo, he is flirting with youu."
"Shut up, he is typing.:
"Let's get home. We can't stay here for another hour. We also have to look for colleges."
You nodded and while you were walking back to your hotel, you were looking intensely at your phone.
Right when he was about to send his text, your mom was calling you.
You groaned hard while Bia was laughing.
"Hi, sweetheart. How are you?"
"Mama, I'm kinda busy. I'll call you later, ok?"
"Did something happen? Are you ok?"
"Yes, don't worry. We are heading to our hotel. I'll call you there, ok? Bye."
"Bye, don't forget to!"
After ending the call, you go to see what Gavi said.
You blushed even harder.
"Whatt???? I wanna see too."
Yes, I am a footballer, but I don't cheat. I don't have a girlfriend and I didn't have one recently either. I think you know a lot about me, but I just know your name. Wanna meet me tomorrow at 13 after my training to show you the museum from Camp Nou? I promise I won't steal you. Bring a friend if you want. I'll bring Fermin too.
"Say yes, say yes, say yes!"
"I don't know, Bia. I feel like it's happening too fast."
"It's the right time, trust me. When fo you want him to ask you out. A day before we return home? Say yes!"
You slowly nodded, accepting his offer." You'll come with me."
"You didn't have to ask." she says super excited.
See you then.
You replied.
He liked your message.
"Today we have to go shopping. We need new chlotes."
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
hii, can you please write like a short fic where reader gives miles a spanky for being a bad boy but miles instead takes control and spanks her but reader is turned on by it?😳
Uhhh surebabes! Ngl this req took me by surprise
A/n: Requests are now closed until further notice. If you have anything nice you want to say, my inbox is open for short sweet messages ONLY. As always, enjoy the story!❤️
Warnings: spanking, fluff, baking, Miles being cocky and adorable, language, suggestiveness
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It was about 4AM when you saw the recipe on your timeline. It was for a chiffon cake with whipped cream icing and cute strawberry hearts. You rolled over to Miles and saw he was out cold so you got up and got the ingredients and started the recipe.
Miles tossed a bit and turned when he realized you weren’t next to him or jammed in his ribcage. His eyes shot open when he felt you weren’t even close so he got up and checked the bathroom since that’s more logical
You were straining the flour and prepping the ingredients when he walked in:
“Que te pasa, mami?” he asked groggily rubbing his eyes
“Hm?” you asked with big eyes and flour on your nose
Miles shook his head and bit back a smile before walking over and grabbing your waist
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked
“I saw a recipe I just HAD to make” you smiled
“Mmm at 4AM?” he asked because it truly seemed so outlandish but you just couldn’t sleep knowing that you had all the ingredients to make it just sitting in your cabinet.
“Yep” you said, closing your eyes and grinning before looking at the recipe
He chuckled before coming over to “help”.
He grabbed you from behind and watched as you sifted flour before he stuck his finger in the flour and threw it on your face.
You closed your eyes and sniffed:
“you bitch” you chuckled before throwing flour on him
He threw flour on your face again and soon it was an all out flour war before you ran out.
“Shit Miles, we ran out” you laughed
“damn, I guess we should stop huh?” he feigned surrender
“Yea- OH” you started before Miles threw sugar on you
“We are NOT about to waste sugar Miles” you said before you threw a pinch at him
He threw another pinch at you and you crept up behind him and smacked him on the ass. Suddenly everything stopped and he went quiet. Worry started to set in until he said:
“oh so you wanna do this huh?"
“huh?” you asked before he bent you over the table and spanked you back, only this time, he did it thrice and applied more pressure; it was less a “fun” spanking and more of a “payback/don’t do that shit again” spanking.
You yelped a bit and felt your cheeks heat up. Surely you didn’t like this feeling, right?
The next day came and you managed to make the cake, this time without losing too much flour. You went to serve Miles who gave you a proud smile:
“see I knew you could do it, Mami. Te lo dije” he said
You smiled and chuckled
“whatever Miles"
You remembered the events of the previous night and after dinner, you slipped into the conversation:
“hey remember last night when you spanked me?’
“yeah? why?” Miles asked with a puzzled expression on his face
“Umm, I was wondering if we could do it again?” you asked with a shy smile on your face
Miles smirked and said
“I mean, if you enjoyed it, who am I to deny my princesa of her pleasures?"
Miles got up and grabbed you so that you were straddling him. He picked you up and took you to the bedroom where you got your fill.
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sturnstar169 · 2 months
I Miss You (pt 2)
Matt Sturniolo
Go read pt 1 🙏🙏
Warnings: smutty smut, oral..
fem!receiving, just mainly focusing on
y/n LMAO🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ use of y/n (obv) LOWK
SUB!MATT, fluff, uhhh yeah
A/n: here’s the smutty one! But uh I think this is just as ass than the first also i realize i refer to y/n as a whole different person like not just the reader ykwim??? AND IM SO BAD AT WRITING SMUT LMAO HELP
I wake up and look at the time. 9 AM. it was extremely early for me. I look at my notifications and see about a million, all from Matt. As soon as I tried to look at the messages my phone died.
“Fuck.” I whispered under my breath as I reach for my charger, which wasn’t even plugged into the socket when I fell asleep last night, so it wouldn’t have even mattered if i did plug my phone in.
As soon as my phone turned on I immediately went to see what messages Matt sent me.
“Why am I on read”
“I’m sorry”
“Please answer”
“I didn’t mean to come off as mean”
“Please answer im sorry”
I read them and honestly felt kinda bad as I realized how sorry he really was.
“Hey” I texted him back.
He saw it immediately and texted me back.
“Y/n sweetheart I’m so sorry” the tone of his text was similarly nervous to the previous ones.
“It’s okay” I texted back, feeling bad about how worried I got him.
“Can I come over?”
“Um sure”
I’m not sure why I said yes, but I did.
About 10 minutes later I get a text.
I opened the door to a sorry-looking Matt. His hair was messy and he looked tired. He pulled me into a hug that I reciprocated without hesitation.
He still smelled good and it made me feel safe. All the resistance I tried to build up over night was completely gone after just one simple hug. I felt him smile against my hair when my grip on him tightened.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off so.. I don’t know..” he said, clearly feeling guilty about how he talked to me.
“It’s okay” I mumbled into his chest.
He gently tapped my thigh twice, signaling me to jump up. I looked at him and he gave me a.. look.
“Matt we c-“
“Shh.. we can do anything baby.” He said it in a voice he knew I loved.
I saw him glance at my lips before smashing them into mine, he lifted me up by my thighs as we kissed. It was heated and passionate.
He started heading up to my room. My hands tangled into his hair as I continued kissing him. As soon as he got to my room he placed me down on the bed. I sat up and tried untying his sweatpants but he quickly stopped me.
“No. Let me show you how sorry I am, please.” He practically begged as he gave me a look he knew I couldn’t say no to.
“Fine” I said reluctantly.
He got on the bed after me and molded our lips together once again before moving them down to my neck. He gently tugged at my shirt, signaling he wanted it off and silently asking if it was okay. I nodded and he smiled against my neck, placing a gentle kiss to it before pulling away to lift my shirt off and discarding it across the room.
His eyes widened as he realized I wasn’t wearing a bra the whole time. He smiled as he immediately started attacking my chest with kisses, peppering each side with gentle and loving ones. He left opened mouth kisses on each one, leaving purple marks all across my chest.
I let out an impatient but pleasure-filled sigh.
“Matt— please—“ it seemed like I snapped him out of a trance as he whispered a small “sorry” and continued kissing down my stomach, hooking his fingers into the waistband of my shorts, looking up at me for reassurance.
“Are you sure you want to?”
I nod my head desperately.
“I need words baby.”
“Please Matt— I need you so bad—“ i practically whine out, hoping he’ll hear the desperation in my voice.
“Good girl.” He says as he pulls my shorts down, leaving me in nothing but my underwear.
He left a kiss to my clothed clit, eliciting a small whimper from me.
“Matt.. no teasing—“
“Shh.. I’m taking my time. wanna give you what you deserve..” he said as he slowly started pulling my underwear down.
He discarded them like the rest of my clothes and ran his tongue from my entrance up to my clit, making me moan out.
He gently flicked his tongue against my clit, teasing me, before stopping all together to leave kisses around where I needed him most.
“Matt please—“ I whined out, hoping he’d stop teasing.
He smiled before going back to gently suck on my clit, he brought his fingers up to my entrance, slowly pushing them in and starting to pump them in and out at a steady pace, hitting every pleasure point he could. He moved his tongue up and down my folds, not letting a single part of me going untouched.
My hand flew to his hair, tugging at the soft strands.
“Matt— I’m—“ I whimpered out as he increased the speed of his fingers.
“C’mon baby” he said as he angled his fingers to hit just the right spot inside me to make me come apart.
I weakly moaned out his name as I came on his finger and mouth. He smiled, still gently pumping his fingers in and out, riding me through my high before slowly pulling them out and leaving a kiss to my sensitive clit, making me let out a small whine.
He looked up at me, his cheeks red and flushed and his hair was messy from when I tugged on it. He licked his lips and wiped his chin after licking his fingers off.
As i calmed down and my brain wasn’t as foggy i could see him clearly palming himself.
He kissed up my stomach and chest and left a soft kiss to my temple before whispering praises into my ear.
“You did so good baby, so good” he whispered sweetly before he got me some of his clothes to wear.
He laid next to me after helping me get dressed, peppering me in gentle kisses all over my face.
“Matt..?” I said quietly as I cuddled up to him.
“Yes sweetheart?” He said sweetly and with a small, contempt smile on his face.
“Was this a mistake?..” I asked, slightly scared at the thought of him saying yes.
“Was me eating my girlfriend out a mistake? No.” He said nonchalantly like he didn’t just call me his girlfriend.
“I- Wh- but- I-“ I stuttered, scanning his face for any hint that he was joking.
He looked back at me with nothing but seriousness and a small smile. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before tucking a hair behind my ear and cuddling up to my side.
“Well, I’m gonna sleep.” He said nonchalantly, leaving me to process what he said while he cuddled up close to me.
I played with his hair and tried to process what he said and soon followed suit and fell asleep with him cuddled up to me.
The end was kinda ass tbh
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skz317cb97 · 3 months
Drunk Confessions pt. 6
Felix x Female reader
Word count: 1.4K
Synopsis: Felix breaks the golden rule when drunk. Stay away from your phone.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! I promised you guys I'd finish this series and by god I mean to! I'm in a slightly better head space so I'm gonna try and do some writing and see where we get! Thanks for waiting so patiently and showing my old work plenty of love while I've been off. Warnings below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! strong language/cursing, drinking/getting drunk. That's it coming back a little tame. If I did happen to miss something let me know and I'll add it asap!
When you woke up you did what you did every morning. Out of habit, the first thing you did was check your phone. This morning when you checked you had 5 missed texts, one missed call, and a voice memo, all from your best friend, Felix. You read through the texts that got progressively harder to read the drunker he’d gotten into the night. It made you laugh. You were glad he’d been out having a good time with the guys. He didn’t get to do that often with how hard they all worked. Last night they had decided to go out drinking and ended up staying out and clubbing all night.  
The voice memo was clearly from when they’d already gotten home because the first thing you could hear was all the rest of the guys goofing off in the background playing video games. 
“y/n... hey... uhhh... GOD will you guys shut up I’m trying to talk in here! Uh y/n! You’re asleep already. I bet you look like an angel you always look like an angel when you’re sleeping.” 
Sure you thought to yourself, face down in a pillow, drooling like an angel. 
“You’re so beautiful and funny and sweet oh my gosh you’re so sweet and you cook good food for me and the guys and your hair smells like coconuts and the beach and it reminds me of home and I remember the first time I laid eyes on you at work and...” Just then you heard Chan’s voice come over the speaker. 
“Felix what are you doing bro?” 
“I’m sending y/n a voice memo. Chan says hi, anyway, I can’t tell you that you make my heart feel funny when I think about you...” 
“Uhhh Felix I don’t think you want to...” Felix gave Chan a stupid look. 
“Chan it’s not polite to interrupt.” Chan laughed. 
“You’re right mate, continue.” Chan walked back out and Felix tried to pull himself together a bit, unsuccessfully. 
“Look y/n... I love you. I am in love with you. I’m so completely and utterly over the moon in love with you. From the moment I met you. It was love at first sight for me, I didn’t even know your name but you were glowing and laughing and I felt my heart jump for the first time and it has every time I’ve seen you since. I hope one day I can tell you, that I can kiss you, marry you. I see all that with you I just don’t want to ruin what we have. We’re so close and you’re my best friend and I couldn’t bare losing you and honestly I’m afraid of what your answer would be. I know you care for me, love me even, but I just don’t know if you’re in love with me. God I’m rambling at this point, you’d think I was a drunken fool... well I am.” Just then you could hear Chan walk in again. 
“Seriously mate I don’t think you want to send that...” 
“I’m not Chan I’m gonna dele-” The message cut off and you could only imagine the absolute chaos that ensued after Felix accidentally hit send. He looked away from the phone for 2 seconds and unintentionally let up off the mic button which then sent the voice memo. Straight to you. Your heart was ready to burst. He was in love with you?! That had to have been the sweetest confession you’d ever heard. You were glad Felix’s silly drunk self sent you the voice memo before he realized what he was doing. You were getting ready to dial Felix’s number but before you could his contact photo popped up showing he was calling you. You answered immediately. 
“Y/n?! Hey...” 
“Hiya Lixie! You're up awfully early considering...” Your smile was in your voice and Felix couldn’t help but smile too until he remembered why he was calling. 
“Uh yea... y/n... I sent a voice memo last night do me a favor... just delete it. Don’t listen to it just... please just delete it.” You could hear the worry in his voice. 
“Felix? I... I already heard it.” The wind was knocked from him, you could hear it over the phone as he let out a big breath. 
“Y-you already listened to it?!” 
 “Well yeah Lixie you know the first thing I do is...” Click. Did he just? Hang up on you? You looked at the phone and saw your home screen. You sighed and called him back. No answer. You called again. No answer. You called again. Straight to voicemail. So dramatic. You called Chan and a grumbly hungover voice answered. 
“Chan it’s y/n. Is Felix home?” Chan wasn’t sure. 
“Hold on. LIX!!!” You could hear him shout back. 
“WHAT??!” Chan breathed deeply into the phone. 
“Myea he’s here.”  
“Good I’m on my way, keep him there and do NOT tell him I’m coming.” 
“Y/n I...”  
“Chan.” He groaned out tired. 
“Finnnneee!” You smiled. 
“Thanks Channie! See you soon!” 
“Mhmm see you soon.” You quickly washed up and got dressed before heading over to the guys’ place. You knocked on the door and were met by the same groggy Chan you’d spoken to on the phone. 
“Is Felix still here? You didn’t tell him did you?” Chan rubbed his eyes and shook his head no. 
“No I didn’t, he’s in the living room with Hyunjin and Changbin watching something on tv.” Chan moved out of the way letting you in and yawning as he shut the door behind you. You came around the corner into the living room and Felix saw you. You’d have thought he’d seen a ghost how big his eyes got. 
“Lix-” He got up and dashed out of the living room heading to his own room, shutting and locking the door. The guys looked at you and you rolled your eyes exasperated. 
“What was that all about?” Hyunjin finally asked. 
“Lix sent me a voice memo last night...” Chan started laughing. 
“Oh god I forgot.” You glared at Chan. 
“Don’t laugh, he’s embarrassed and won’t talk to me because of it.” Chan stopped laughing and wiped his eyes.  
“It’ll be okay as soon as you tell him.” You stood there with your arms crossed. 
“What do you mean? Tell him what?” 
“Well, you love him too, don’t you?” You stood there speechless for a second. 
“What did you think it wasn’t obvious? You both are so ridiculous. If he hadn’t accidentally sent that to you who knows how long this would have gone on.” You stood there a moment and then just shook your head. You made your way towards Felix’s room to try and get him to talk to you. You tapped at the door. 
“Lixie? Please talk to me.” 
“No Felix here!” He called through the door. Then a thought hit you. What if he wasn’t just embarrassed? Was he avoiding you because he regretted sending it? You don’t think your heart could take it if it wasn’t true. If he didn’t really love you. 
“Are you ashamed that you sent it? Did you... did you not mean it?” He could hear the pain and worry in your voice. 
“If you didn’t mean it it’s... it’s okay. I’ll just... I’ll just go.” You should have thought this plan through better before dashing over. Felix quickly opened his door. 
“Wait!” You stopped and turned back. 
“I’m not ashamed and I did mean it.” You let out a little sigh of relief. 
“Felix I came over here to tell you that I love you too.” Felix stood there stunned. 
“I love you too Lixie. I always have. How could I not fall in love with the most beautiful and kindest man I've ever met?” Tears were welling up in your eyes and Felix grabbed your hand.  
“I meant every word I said on that voice memo last night. I’m madly in love with you y/n...” Before he could go on you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. One of his hands came up and cupped your cheek and he kissed you back sweetly. 
“Told you.” You and Felix jumped at Chan’s voice. 
“Jesus! Announce yourself when you enter a room.” You scolded Chan as Felix blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I entered the hallway to go to the bathroom I didn’t realize that warranted an announcement. My apologies.” Chan said sarcastically before heading into the bathroom.
"Behold bathroom I have arrived! Fear me!" He shut the door as he continued announcing himself boisterously leaving you and Felix alone again. You both stood there awkwardly for a second before Felix cleared his throat. 
“Uh, why don’t we go and have some breakfast and talk a bit.” The smile spread across your face again. 
“I’d like that Lixie, I’d like that a lot.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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clubdionysus · 1 month
[BAD DECISION #10] Blonde
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warnings: b is in her bleach era. love that for her!! jaykay is in the chapter for like 1.5 seconds and still manages to be the best thing about it. also if u think wow holly sometimes your chapters end very similarly, uhhh yes. ur right. mainly because my brain is smooth but also because jungkook is a creature of habit! it’s within his character traits! not because im stupid! even if i am!
soundtrack: space - audrey nuna;  blonde - maisie peters
wc: 3.5k
bd total wc: 540k (on-going)
minors dni | AO3 | series masterlist 
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You suppose you really shouldn't be surprised when Seokjin leaves you on read. It happens as soon as he escapes the city, just like it always does. 
It's always the same; he'll come back to town for a few days - to visit friends, his family, or maybe for a haircut with the only barber he trusts - then leaves just as quickly as he comes.
The predictability of it all would be funny, you think, but your knees are getting worn out from how many times you fall for it; his charm, his deception, his pretty lips that soothe the burn of his selfish choices. 
He'll be radio silent for a while, and then suddenly, as if he's finally changed the batteries in his walkie-talkie, he won't be. It'll most likely be when he's on his way back to town in a few months time.
The saddest part is that you know you'll want to see him when he does. Will have the burning desire to show him just how well you've been; how well you've coped without him.
Most of all? You'll want him to know just how much you don't need him.
Inevitably, he'll end up in your bed, and you'll end up all in your head - again - overthinking and underestimating just how easy it is for him to drop you. Forgetting just how badly he fucked you up, only for him to remind you in the most callous of ways.
When Danbi comes home on Thursday night - three days since Seokjin's last message - she knows exactly what's happened. You've got a special kind of pout reserved for Seokjin-related upsets. It's always a little soft yet incredibly hard to break.
"You gotta stop letting him in," she says over a glass of red. She hates the taste, but loves the soft buzz in the pit of her stomach. Though she's much better suited to Moscato, Danbi will never turn her nose up at free wine.
If she knew why you were drinking it, she might consider rejecting it.
Seokjin's favourite. You'd bought it on the way home from work. Just couldn't help yourself.
Had figured that at least when you hugged yourself to sleep that evening, your lips would taste like his used to do, on the nights when he'd tell you that you're the most delightful thing he's ever laid his eyes upon. Would be all giggly. Wine drunk. Happy. In love.
But it's been a while since he did that. Feels like a lifetime ago, now. 
You shrug as you let the ruby red liquid swirl in your glass. Fighting against your feelings feels like swimming against the tide.
Always struggling to breathe. Never winning. Failing. Falling. 
"I don't know how to, Dan."
"But you do," she insists.
And she's right. Of course you do. 
His number has never been blocked, but a simple restriction of access to you would solve so many of your problems.
Thing is, you kind of like him still being your problem. At least that way, on a technicality, he's still yours. Kind of.
Every time he comes back to the city, it's still your bed that he ends up in.
Never for the night. Just for an hour or two - but for long enough for you to convince yourself that he can't stay away.
The lies you let your mind whisper are insidious. You're irresistible. He's still just as affected by you as you are by him. He can't possibly leave you.
And yet he does, each and every time.
He doesn't ever let you go. Not fully. Whenever you think you're getting over it, he shows up just to get you under him; his thumb, his spell, his body.
You're halfway through the bottle of wine when Danbi tells you once more that you need to get Seokjin out of your hair.
You've reached the end of it by the time you're grabbing your purse and heading for the closest Olive Young.
It's just down the street, by the crossroads that lead into town, and the staff there have seen you in worse states. A little tipsy has nothing on the mascara-stained eyes they used to be greeted with during the worst days of the breakup.
"Sure about this?" Danbi asks just to check before you take the boxes in your hands to the counter.
"Absolutely not - but he always hated me blonde," you grin a little sardonically. The happiness that comes with this change will be temporary, but you have to remind yourself that so was he. "At least even if I can't resist him, he'll resist me."
Peroxide and perhaps a little fried, your blonde hair had caught his attention in the early days - but you had dyed your hair dark in a bid to keep it. 
He'd said some bullshit in a conversation amongst friends about his preferences, and how he favoured the 'natural look'. You weren't together at the time, not officially - but everyone there was a friend of his. They all knew you'd be going home with him. It only took two boxes of dye to get him asking to be exclusive. A week later he was introducing you to his friends as his girlfriend. 
Funny what a little bit of conformity can do for a man who loves playing by the rules. 
You assume his desire to tick the boxes and do what is expected of him is also why he was such a bellend when it came to the glitter you liked to dust yourself in. 
Nobody's perfect though, so he was willing to overlook it. Was just one of the flaws he perceived in you. When you love someone, you accept them.
He ultimately never grew to love it, but for a while, you thought he might.
Bleach boxes in one hand, another bottle of wine in the other, you waste no time and head straight for the bathroom. Danbi follows you right in. She's always there to lend a hand or at least provide a Spotify playlist to get you through your woes. 
Folding the powder into the developing lotion by the sink, you know your bleach-induced bathroom antics could get you a spot in a Brad Mondo video.
All a little haphazard, you're without a mixing bowl and brush, so are having to use an old takeout container and a plastic spoon, instead.
It's not quite how the instructions suggest you should mix it all up, but no good ever comes from following the rules.
You'd tried for Seokjin, and look where that got you.
Unlike him, trusty Tupperware has never done you dirty before. No reason why it should now. 
Danbi sits on the closed toilet seat, legs crossed, a small bottle of bubbles in her hand. The bubbles had been a Christmas party favour from the office job she'd quit four months ago. Rediscovered when she'd been cleaning her room earlier that day, Danbi had taken to blowing pretty little bubble flurries your way all afternoon. 
Your reflection is captured in the peacock sheen of the bubbles while you study your rapidly developing hair in the mirror. 
You haven't bothered to change out of your shirt. It's not yours. One of Seokjin's. It's navy, and you hope the bleach ruins it.
"I think I've fucked up," you say all rather calmy, talking about your hair and not the shirt. It's not the end of the world if you have. Just hair, you always think.
Danbi shrugs. Has clearly spent too much time in your company, because she echoes exactly what you're thinking: "Just hair, babe. It'll grow."
That's the joy of your friendship; you both encourage each other with the same dumb remarks whenever you feel like you've reached the point of no return. 
After all, if you can't go back? 
Go forward.
"Plus," she adds, blowing more bubbles instead of taking a breath. "You can just chalk it up to being your hot mess era."
"Been in that for months already," you smile at her in the reflection of the mirror. You prod a little at your roots, and know that you definitely should have waited a little longer to work the bleach up to them. Bollocks.
You've done this enough times to know you'll end up with a gold band haloing around the top of your hair thanks to how easily your roots always lift. Nightmare. 
"Exactly, so you may as well look the part," Danbi encourages. Worst influence going, she is. Also the best at times, too. You find comfort in the fact she won't always say what you want to hear, but what you need to hear instead.
The conversation dissolves into empty chatter, gossip about Danbi's dog walking clients, mentions of Taehyung and how he's still trying to talk her into a mates-rates discount despite the fact they aren't actually 'mates'. She asked you about your Bartender That Smiles, and you say he's all good - before you have to insist there's nothing going on there. 
"He's got issues with his ex," you explain.
She rolls her eyes. "Don't they all? Boys and their first loves, I swear to God."
"Not sure she was his first," you defend, though you're not sure why. The thought lingers as you rummage around for an old tube of toner that you know you have hiding in the bathroom cabinet somewhere. It's been a while since your hair was pale enough to take toner, so it's been pushed right to the back.
Danbi is shooed from her perch on the toilet seat and into the living room as you let the shower run to heat it a little.  
The first crash of water against your skin is lukewarm. Tepid. Unappealing, but necessary. 
You hate anything other than boiling-you-alive degrees Celsius, but know you need to be kind to your hair after the torture you've put it through. The water runs cloudy until the bleach is rinsed out, and then it runs purple thanks to your silver shampoo. It pools around your feet and seeps into the drain. Wishful thinking has you hoping memories of Seokjin will do just the same.
It's just to preemptively tone it, but you can't help but worry about the pigment taking too strongly on your roots. 
The ash toner you found in the cupboard is in a box by the sink. You plan on putting that over the top of whatever mess your hair is anyway, but it doesn't hurt to get a head start on the process. 
The water glistens a deep violet, briefly coating your skin - and for some reason, all you can think about is Jeongguk, and how you'd really like to be downing a Purple Starfucker (or five) with him right now. He really is the perfect distraction. 
Still, you have a task at hand. You rinse your hair; ring it out. Sigh as you frown at the mess that greets you in the mirror - lilac roots, a yellow band haloing just like your thought it would, and silver ends. Brilliant.
It's as you're sitting with Danbi in the living room a little while later - body wrapped in a towel that isn't half as fluffy as Jeongguk's favourite, ashy toner smothering your peroxide blonde hair - that you notice your phone flash on the coffee table.
Danbi clocks it first, and stifles a laugh as she reads the screen. "Isn't that the guy from the club?"
You assume she means Jeongguk, and are a little perplexed to see it's Jimin's name on your screen instead. 
"Yeah... Jimin. Smooth talker, shit shagger."
"A glowing review."
"Hey, I still let him think he was good," you say as you reach for your phone to read his message out loud to Danbi. "You guys out tomorrow night?"
Sipping on her wine, Danbi raises a brow. Shakes her head in confusion. "He hoping for round two?"
"Fuck knows."
It's just gone midnight, so you consider maybe he's thinking about his desire for a hook-up, and is hoping for a safe bet in the form of you. 
And so you don't reply. If he double texts, you'll just lie and say you've fallen asleep.
The scent of your toner is beginning to give you a headache, so you go to rinse it and bid farewell to your final day as a brunette.
Sleep evades you. Doesn't want to let go of who you were, apparently. Wine makes you sleepy, and yet you're wired as if you've just had a triple shot americano.
But then it's three in the morning, and all you can seem to smell is the deep conditioner you bathed your hair in that evening. 
Somehow, when you look to the empty space beside you - delicately ruffled, a dent prevailing in the pillow - you convince yourself that you can smell fig leaves and coconut. The notes of his favourite aftershave linger like the ache in your chest. It's hollow, and you can't work out why it hurts quite as much as it does. 
If there's nothing there, how can it be so painful?
You sniff back tears that fail to truly form and pull your phone from beneath your pillow. It's hard to move your fingers when they're tangled up in puppet strings that Seokjin is refusing to let go of, but eventually you manage to tap through some Instagram stories in a bid to distract yourself from him. 
Inspirational quotes don't do much for you, nor do the engagement pictures of people you haven't given a second thought since graduation. There's an abundance of them. Smiling faces. Diamonds, or maybe just cubic zirconia. Fresh sets of nails, hands that are pink and warm from the heat of whoever's been holding them.
It's a curious thought; what people who haven't spoken to you in years must think of you now. 
You were the one who was going to succeed. Going far in life, made for a boardroom, would look incredible in a pantsuit - and yet you're working in a cafe, first-class degree of no more worth than the tissue paper you flush down the toilet. 
See, you switched out life goals for glitter. You wear it like armour; protect yourself from the world around you. Who cares about seriousness and success when you're a constant disco? Not you. Could never be you.
Or at least, you hope that's what people think. Hope that no one realises you're covering yourself in artificial shine; like a canvas in acrylic because you were too impatient to watch the oil paint dry.
One day you'll glow. Glow for real. 
For a while, you thought you had been with Seokjin. 
All you see when you look in the mirror these days is tarnished silver; copper alloy pretending to be much more than what it really is. Your skin will turn green eventually.
There is, however, one person you've managed to fool. 
When his story pops up - a repost of tomorrow night's paint party event at Dionysus - you find yourself clicking through to your DM thread without much thought. You know he's at work. Know it's a 50/50 whether or not he'll get back to you before your mind begins to berate you again for how miserable you feel. 
It's a simple message - hey - and you're pleased that it's met with an equally simple reply not even a minute later.
JustJK: To what do I owe the pleasure?
You decided that 'I'm about to cry over my shitbag ex so chose to message you instead' probably won't be Jeongguk's favourite thing to hear, so you opt for a little white lie.
You: Just wondering how the kids are <3
Part of you worries he won't understand what the fuck you're on about - but of course, he does. He's Jeongguk. Gets you better than you get yourself, these days.
JustJK:  Missing their mother. 
JustJK:  Perry the Pigeon almost fell earlier.
JustJK:  Roger the Robin looks like he has a broken wing.
JustJK: Must be one of yours. Inherited his mother's wonkiness <3
With each message that comes through, your smile grows wider in the midnight darkness of your bedroom. 
You: Careful or I'll file for joint custody.
You: Get poor Roger away from his father's cruel remarks </3
There's an ease to how you joke together, both aware of how unserious you are. There's no second-guessing, no worrying about saying the wrong thing. If you do, you'll say sorry and move on. No harm, no foul.
JustJK: Your appeal won't hold up in court, Byeol.
JustJK:  You've neglected them ever since you spawned them.
JustJK:  Haven't even paid them a visit!!!
Laughter stifles in your throat as your body curls up into a more comfortable position. The audacity of this boy, you think, ignoring the way he manages to get you entirely focused on something that isn't your own despair.
You:  You've got full custody!!!
JustJK:  And you're still allowed to come for supervised visits!!!!!
JustJK:  smh and to think you call yourself their mother.
JustJK: I'm their mother now.
You pout at your screen, and whine a small little 'nooo'. 
You:  They need me :(
JustJK: Come and see them, then. They miss their mother.
You:  Tomorrow?
He reads the messages instantly, but takes a little longer than usual to reply. It worries you slightly. Makes you more aware of your surroundings. The scent of Seokjin's aftershave begins to permeate the air once more.
Until, all rather suddenly, it doesn't anymore.
JustJK:  I'm not working tomorrow night, but Jimin's insisting on going to the paint party - you coming?
You:  Will Perry the Pigeon be there?
JustJK: If he falls before I leave for the club, then yes.
It's not a bad proposition. One that quite intrigues you. One that has you agreeing, and him telling you to fuck off and go to sleep. He's got work to do, he says. 
It's actually quite quiet at the club - Yeonjun just caught him looking at his phone with a dumb smile a few too many times for Jeongguk's liking. Doesn't wanna get caught out again. 
Especially doesn't want him catching onto the fact that there's a reason Jeongguk's eyes light up like Disco Balls when he looks at his phone.
Yeonjun doesn't really have friends who are girls, Jeongguk reasons with himself. Won't understand that he's perfectly capable of having a little flirt without it meaning anything more than that - after all, isn't that just what banter is? Friendly flirting? He does it with the boys all the time. Doesn't mean fuck all. Just fun.
Jeongguk's a couple of years older than his cerulean-haired coworker, and has learnt the hard way that you really shouldn't escalate friends above the level of purely platonic. One day Yeonjun will realise this. 
For now, though, Yeonjun'll shag anyone who looks at him in the right direction. Has probably already ruined a few good friendships. Doesn't even realise he's done it.
Jeongguk trusts himself not to make the same mistakes he's made in the past with you. Thinks that he's pretty happy with how things are. Has missed the dynamics of friendships with girls. Is looking forward to Monday movie night with you and Danbi again.
And yet when he gets home to find Perry the paper pigeon on his bed, he can't help but smile.
You wake up to a picture of the fallen bird in your DMs - and even though you'll whine and complain about it when you see him that evening, all you can do is smile, too.
JustJK:  Looks like we're having a wholesome family trip to Dionysus tonight.
You: Mummy and Daddy reunited at last <33 Perry will be so happy.
JustJK: It's okay, you don't have to lie.
JustJK:  I know you're talking about yourself, not Perry.
Jeongguk doesn't send the message where he tells you not to call him Daddy. Knows you'll read into it; tease him about it. It's not like he's got a thing for it, or anything, he just... maybe wouldn't be opposed to it, and so he'd rather not be called it when he's having casual conversations with you. Wouldn't wanna get flustered. 
Part of you already knows this. Is precisely why you'd said it. It's not really your style, not the kind of thing that gets you going.
But it is also exactly why you choose to end your next message with, 'See you tonight, Daddy x'.
You're laughing as you send it.
And as he receives it, Jeongguk groans. Buries his head into his pillow. Crumples Perry a little in the process. Whines. 
"Don't fuck this up, Jeongguk."
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 9
Roy Kent x Reader - domestic fluff and hints of further spice to come 😍
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8
You're enjoying the hottest shower you can bear and also not looking forward to going back to your poor water pressure trickle when he taps on the door. 
"Why you knocking?" You laugh over the pounding water. 
"Don't want to catch you doing something you don't want me to know about, " he says with a wink. You turn the shower off and step into the towel he's holding out. "Your phones been going mad, I hope you don't mind but I wanted to check it wasn't Lexie?" 
"Thank you, course I don't." You take the phone and look through the notifications. "Lots from your sister, she's seen the red carpet pictures… shit, the pictures!" You keep scrolling, reaching with your other hand to hold onto his t-shirt. He takes you hand and kisses the palm. "Ah. Here we go." You hold it up to show him. A slew of messages and missed calls from Andy. 
"Fuck. What a knob. Come on, I've made tea. Do you want to read them while I get angry or the other way around?" 
"Ooh we can switch and both get angry."
"Can't do that, you look really hot when you're mad and we haven't got enough time for that."
"Uhh you need talk? Jamie asked me last night if permanent concussion was a thing from all the times you've headbutted him." He holds his hands up, backing out the door. 
"I deny everything." He leaves you to pull on some leggings and one of his Richmond t-shirts (no name on the back). You bounce down the stairs, your heels from the night before discarded at the bottom. Your dress had been left there too but Roy's obviously rescued it and draped it over the back of the sofa. 
"Thank you for saving the dress." You tiptoe to kiss his cheek. 
"It's only down here so I can put it on you again and then take it back off." 
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think we had time for that this morning?" You tease. You sit up on one of the barstools and he steps between your legs, holding out a piece of toast.
"We don't, but I can look at it and dream." He sneaks a kiss before passing your breakfast and moves to stand behind you. 
"I see what you're doing, feed me, put me in a good mood before I have to read these stupid messages?"
"Is it working?" He kisses your neck. 
"Yes," a laugh which makes you shiver.
"Fine, yes. OK, what have we got…" You unlock the phone and open Andy’s contact page. "Ready?" He nods into your shoulder.
" Now I see why you said no to getting back together. Starting tame, also he's not wrong. I'll allow it. You look like a slag in that dress. Juicy, god I haven't heard the word slag for years!" Roy growls. " I'm guessing Lexie doesn't know. She will when she wakes up. Hmm. OK. I mean, she likes you so I think we can cope with that situation. I think she'll be OK?"
"She's a fucking great kid, smart as hell. She'll be OK." He assures you. 
"There's more. He must have been pretty drunk by these I think. Bet he can't even fuck you with that dodgy knee. Uhhh, better than anyone. Ever. Ever." You feel his grin against your neck. "Don't get a big head."
"Not my head." He laughs, his beard and warm breath tickling you. 
"Ohhh stop doing that. Moving on. I'm sorry you dint really look like a slut. or slag. Ah, spelling and memory are becoming an issue. Oh god, he's back to sex. No idea why, he has literally zero to brag about. can't believe that wanker gets to fuck you in that dress bitch I wud fuk u better. Wow, that one is a real mess. Its the last one, I'm guessing he passed out after that because that last bit is just wishful thinking on his part."
"Didn't he have Lexie?"
"She went to his mums I think, he was going to the West Ham match."
"Good fucking job, if I find out he's getting wasted while she's with him-" You spin the seat around to face him again,
"You'll do nothing. I'll rip his dick off with my bare hands though." 
"Fuck me, you're hot when you're angry." 
"I should go and get her. I just need to check where from. Are you with Jamie today?"
"Yeah, but I can see him later if you want me to come with you?"
"I'll be OK. How shall we tell her? Do you want to be there?" 
"Your call babe, whatever you think she'd prefer? I'd rather not scare the shit out of her." 
"I'll get her and go back to mine. You could come over when you're done later if you want? If she asks me, I won't lie to her but if she doesn't, then we can tell her together? I'll cook for you for a change." 
"Perfect. Do me a favour?"
"Wear this when you pick her up." He traces over your heart where it turns out, his name is on the shirt embroidered above the Richmond logo. 
"Baby, I would turn up in a full kit with your name on the back. Knee socks included, and football boots, just to piss him off." He kisses you fiercely, 
"Now you're just talking dirty to me," he mutters. 
"Yep, you love it. Come on, I bet Jamie's dying for gossip and I've got to get going." You text Andy while throwing only the important things in your bag. You're sure you've left a breadcrumb trail of your belongings around the house, but you know Roy won't mind. You head out together, the walk taking you both in the same direction for much of the journey. "Did you need to do anything about the photos?"
"Nah, no point in retracting them now and you look fit so the whole world can see them for all I care."
"Including your mum."
"Including my m-, shit, yeah I'd better call her. And your parents? Are they gonna wonder what the fucks going on?"
"I'll take Lexie round that way on our way home I think. Appease them."
"Nice one. Right, this is the Tartt's palace. See you later. Good luck, don't fucking kill him without me there to watch."
"Hmm I'll try. Don't make Jamie vom, he was trying really hard not to get too drunk last night but I don't think he was very successful."
"Story of his life. Love you." You smile up at him, 
"Love you too." Jamie has the door open before Roy's even hallway through the gate, waving at you. You wave back and carry on up to Andy’s mum's house. She had been largely on your side up to now, annoyed with Andy for breaking up the family and worried that she'd see less of Lexie because of it. You'd reassured her repeatedly, taken Lexie in for tea on the way home from school, picked up bits of shopping for her and gently tried to let her know that nothing had to change between them. You weren't so sure that would be the case this morning. 
Andy’s car was on the drive so you braced yourself. 
"Darling girl, come in! Tea?"
"Hi Daph, yes please. I've only had time for one this morning." So far, so good. 
"Sore head?" She asked knowingly. 
"Not too bad. I suspect someone else is more hungover than me."
"You're not wrong. Did he give you crap?"
"A bit. How was Lex?"
"Oh golden, we had a lovely night. She's none the wiser by the way." She leads you from your hushed conversation in the hallway to her kitchen where Lexie sat eating breakfast and Andy hovered with a coffee in hand.
"Morning poppet, did you have a good night with Gran?"
"Yeah, we watched the new Matilda film!"
"And she hasn't stopped singing the songs yet!" Lexie grinned at her Gran.
"Show me later. Did you do your homework with Dad?" She nodded through a mouthful of cereal. Andy had yet to acknowledge you so far. "Shall we pop and see Nanny and Pop-pop on the way home?" Her face lights up, Andy grunts from the corner of the room. 
"Something to tell the folks eh?"
"Nothing we haven't already talked about." You quickly come up with the white lie. You don't want him to have the satisfaction that you're on clean up duty today. Lexie finishes her breakfast, puts her bowl in the sink and gives Daph a big hug. 
"Thank you Gran."
"Anytime pickle. Have a lovely week at school."
"And bye to Dad?" You prompt her, finishing your tea. You manage to leave without being cornered by Andy, it's pretty clear that his mum has told him to keep his mouth shut, so the short distance to your parents is a happy one. Your dad is already in the garden checking his plants and you can see your mum in the kitchen window beaming at Lexie. "Morning!" You call out, Lexie runs straight in so you go to your dad first. "Hiya dad." 
"Morning poppet," the same nickname you use for Lexie makes you smile. "Saw the paper."
"Hmm I thought you might have."
"Isn't he an almighty arsehole? I saw him on Sky Sports news, proper miserable bugger." You laugh at your dad's straight to the point question. 
"I still need to talk to Lexie, so I can't really talk about it too much, but he's so lovely dad. He's a grumpy fucker but he loves me, and Lexie too. It's early days, but he makes me very happy." Your dad stays quiet, just a grunt of acknowledgement. 
"I'll see about that. You'll bring him?"
"Soon, let's get the season finished first. It's a busy couple of weeks."
"Any luck on the job front?"
"Not yet."
"I hope you're not planning on just letting him support you? I didn't raise you like that."
"Dad! Course I'm not!" It stings a bit that he'd even ask that. You leave him to his tomato plants and go in to your mum. 
"Morning, love. Good night?"
"Yeah, thank you." Lexie is distracted by the baking your mum has already started, "you're not going to ask if I'm in it for the money as well are you?" Your mum laughs, 
"Don't be daft. Nice t-shirt," she notes. "Does the situation make you happy?" She asks cryptically for Lexie's benefit. 
"Well that's enough for me for now. More details to follow though please. And you looked beautiful, my sweetheart."
"Thank you."
"He's very handsome. The only reason I'd put up with your dad watching Sky Sports news, really. Don't tell him I said that."
"I'm not telling either of them. Don't want him leaving me for my hot mum!" You stay long enough for Lexie the bottomless pit to have one of your mums famed apple muffins and pack up a couple to take for Roy, thankful that they can't ask too much with Lexie around. You plan to walk home via the park so text Sara who meets you with Phoebe. 
"How did the parental rounds go? Roy called this morning, said you'd have to deal with Andy's mum as well?"
"The mums are fine, I think. Turns out he's got a good fanbase in older women." 
"Oh that'll be his yoga women theory rumbled then. So confident they have no idea who he is! Like their husbands aren't all glued to weekend football."
"My dad asked if I was a golddigger."
"Ouch, rude!"
"Just making sure I'm not throwing my career away."
"What career?" She sniggers. 
"Oi, cheek!" 
"You looked so great together last night. The pictures were amazing."
"It didn't even cross my mind that they'd get attention like that. I wasn't expecting damage control this morning, or to have to tell those two so soon." You look over at where the girls are playing. 
"Phebs hasn't mentioned it yet, but it won't take long. You haven't got to see the playground parents tomorrow have you? That'll be fun, they love a bit of extracurricular shagging!"
"No, she's at breakfast club thankfully! I'm going to tell her this afternoon." 
"Good idea, gotta do it before anyone else can." You say goodbye with plans to watch the following week's Man City game together with the girls and to catch up in the week at school. 
You're considering tackling the mountain of washing and more job applications when the front door knocks. Lexie, who's been quiet all morning, jumps up to open it. You can just about see the front door from the kitchen, so the first thing you see is Roy handing Lexie a bunch of pink tulips. 
"For me?" She squeaks, "really?"
"Is that OK?"
"Only mum has ever brought me flowers before! Mum! Roy brought me flowers!" She rushes in to show you, shaking the bunch in her little fist.
"Oh honey, they're beautiful! Shall I help you put them in water?"
"Can you do it? I'm making friendship bracelets."
"'Scuse me?"
"That's better, yes, I can do that for you." She puts the flowers on the table and runs back to the living room, high fiving Roy on the way past. "Someone is on the charm offensive." 
"Oh big time," he pulled another bunch from behind his back, peonies.
"How did you know?"
"Dunno what you're talking about." He checked the door before kissing you lightly, you cock your head to one side, "alright yeah, Lexie told me last week when you were out shopping with Sar."
"I knew you were a softy really."
"Only for you, don't get destroying my fucking tough man image."
"I wouldn't dream of it. I like that side too. Did you make Jamie vomit?"
"Unfortunately no. Did you kill anyone?"
"Unfortunately no. Bad mornings all round." He hasn't moved from your side yet and keeps looking to the door. "I think you're safe. She's making Richmond coloured bracelets for the match, we're watching with your mum and sister."
"So I've heard, means I'd better tell my mum about you then." At the knowledge that you shouldn't be interrupted for a few moments, he takes the opportunity to crowd you against the counter and really kiss you. You tilt your head to give you both better access and he sweeps his tongue over your bottom lip before biting it. The small gesture sends a wave of pleasure through your body and your hands go to the hem of his t-shirt of their own accord. You slide them just underneath enough to feel the warm skin on his stomach. The lightest scratch of your nails so close to the waistband of his jeans makes him growl into the kiss. "I've got to stop," he groans, pulling away from you. You can't help the desperate, needy moan at the loss of contact, and the look he gives you from that sound alone is enough to leave you trembling. You take a second to get your breath back and go back to sorting out the flowers. "Has she asked?" He questions once it feels safe enough to talk again. 
"Not yet. I'm going to go and talk to her, you're welcome to come with me?" He squeezes your hand reassuringly but makes sure to let it go once you're in the living room. "Hey, Lex? I need to tell you some that you might end up hearing about from someone else, I wanted to be able to tell you first though?" She sits up and starts measuring your wrist for a friendship bracelet.
"Is it about Roy?"
"Uhh yeah, how did you know?" She shrugs,
"He's here. And he brought flowers." You nod, 
"Right, of course. Yeah, it's about Roy. He asked me out to a fancy party last night. You might see some pictures of us-"
"Have you got them, can I see now?"
"Sure, I just need to get my phone." You're about to stand when Roy passes you his phone instead, and you see the lockscreen is one of the pictures from the night before. You hold it out to her, 
"You guys look so cute." Roy grunts at being called 'cute', "It's true!" She says, taking up his wrist to measure him for a bracelet. "So he's like, your boyfriend?" You steal a quick look at him, his eyebrows raise in anticipation of your answer. 
"Yeah. Is that ok?" Lexie shrugs,
"Sure, you're cooler than dad's new girlfriend but they broke up already. And now I get to meet footballers and hang out with Phoebe even more. She said we could be cousins and I told her I didn't have any so she said we should definitely do that. Can we?"
"Let's ummm… cousins is a very big step for you both. You really need to make sure you're ready so just slow down a bit there." Roy is sniggering at the big deal you've made cousins out to be, but Lexie is having none of it. 
"Mum, I think we'd be OK. We're nearly 9. We're not babies. I think you should just be brave and let us do it."
"Thanks for that input bunny, I'll take the cousins thing super seriously, ok?" She accepts your suggestion and thankfully drops the conversation. In the safety of the kitchen, you lean into him and let his arms wrap around you. "That was so scary. Why are 8 year olds so fucking terrifying?!"
"You were the shit, I fucking loved that." He laughs, his chest rumbling against yours. You stand together until Roy's phone rings and disturbs you. "It's Phoebe. Alright love?" He asks her. You can hear the squeal through the phone but can't make out what she's actually saying. You move away from Roy and give him a big thumbs up and a: you got this ! He doesn't look convinced, despite you only just telling him how scary it was. You can only hear his side of the call. "Nan saw the pictures? Yeah it was a fucking great dress. Yeah alright, I owe you. Worth it. No, this doesn't mean you're cousins now. You can be cousins when I tell you so. Cos it'll be up to me! Phoebe, put nan on the phone. Mum? Yeah she's OK. I'll come and see you tomorrow. I will, love you." He hangs up and you wait. "Phoebe is suddenly obsessed with cousins and mum wanted to check you were ok." You smile,
"I think that went well then. All the mums are on board, all the kids, I'm claiming the win." 
You cooked dinner, as promised and let Lexie watch a film with Roy afterwards while you packed her school bag and your work things. He left at her bedtime, leaving you with a kiss at the door. 
"Maybe Roy could have a sleepover next time, mum," she said halfway to sleep, "but you can't steal all the covers or he'll get cold."
"Thanks poppet, I'll make sure I don't steal the covers."
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starhvney · 1 month
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𝐂𝐖: bullying, fighting, slight mention of blood (bloody nose)
𝐀/𝐍: me after writing this in one day :3 sleep? nuh uh
𝐖𝐂: 5,100 +
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the morning air felt perfect against your face as you resisted falling back asleep while standing in front of aphmau’s house. the red door that distantly stood in your vision reminded you of last evening, when you felt much less calm than now.
you hold your breath as you slowly turn to look behind you, scanning the quiet street. the black vehicle no longer stood out against your vision, your eyes only meeting vacant asphalt where it had been before. 
the early morning sun still felt cool as it reflected off the puddles on the ground, evidence of last night’s rainy storm. your lungs shakily deflate as you relax, focusing on the morning birdsong and distant cars passing on a main street nearby.
clearing your throat, you decide to just text aphmau to ask what was taking so long. your messages immediately pull up to last night’s conversation.
laurance: hey, i have to walk to school tomorrow cause my sister isn’t going
laurance: want to meet up and walk together tomorrow?
aphmau: yeah!
you: yeah for sure! meet in front of aph’s at 7:40.
laurance: cool, i’ll see you guys in the morning!
aphmau: goodnight!
you: goodnight guys :)
read yesterday, 9:20 pm
you hum to yourself, tapping your shoe against the sidewalk as you switch to your messages with aphmau.
you: i’m out front, you almost ready?
aphmau: yeah, so sorry! got distracted ><
aphmau: i’ll be outside in a sec
you: no prob!
it’s only a minute later that aphmau appears from her front door, hair bouncing as she quickly jogs down the steps and stops in front of you. her hair is down today, falling in light, natural-looking curls against her shoulder. 
“i woke up late and didn’t feel like styling my hair,” she explains, patting down her loose strands when she notices your gaze directed on her head.
“it’s pretty,” you simply return, reassuring her with a smile and a nod.
she relaxes, muttering a “thank you,” before rubbing her eyes with a yawn.
“did you stay up late or something?”
aphmau freezes, before slowly nodding her head.
“uh, yeah… there’s this online friend i have. i accidentally stayed up too late with him playing our favorite game together.”
you make a small “ooohh” sound in return.
“that’s fun. have y’all been friends for a long time?”
“yeah! like, two years.”
“aw, that’s nice. what does he look like, what’s his name?”
you blink, staring at her expectantly.
“well, we don’t know what each other looks like… and his online name is fc.” she admits, pressing her lips together and tugging on a strand of her hair. 
“…you’ve been friends for two years but you don’t even know each other's names? what if he’s some random old man?”
aphmau huffs, crossing her arms.
“well, i mean… i think it’s safer if we’re both anonymous. besides, we’re just friends.”
you hum, tilting your head in thought.
“yeah. i guess you’re right.”
aphmau bites her lip, eyebrows pinching together as she looks away in thought. she glances back at you hesitantly, like she was debating whether she should bring something up to you or not.
“what is it?”
“…i’m just nervous about the whole ivy situation.”
you sigh, biting your lip as you stare down at your feet in thought.
“she’s smart about how she’s doing it. no witnesses, holding the risk of our reputations over our heads. we need to find a way to get her caught without making it obvious.”
“morning!” laurance calls from behind you, his voice still a bit hoarse from sleep.
you turn to greet the boy, taking in his appearance. he seemed to have rushed this morning, the tie to his uniform slightly undone and hair still mussed from sleep.
“we’ll figure something out later,” you whisper to aphmau, to which she nods briskly.
“what’s up?” he asks, noticing your hushed voices and secretive formation.
“we’re having a secret girl meeting. without you.”
his eyebrows raise in surprise before he barks out a small laugh in amusement.
“fair enough.”
you haven’t seen aphmau for most of the day since you parted from her at the school’s front doors—and it was something that was bothering you.
based on the smug tilt of ivy’s lips when she watched you walk into your homeroom this morning, you have a serious feeling she’s up to something, and you definitely prefer to be with aphmau when it happens.
does she genuinely not have anything better to do?
your stomach feels heavy as you enter the art classroom, especially when your eyes land on the kind-natured blonde who smiles and waves at your appearance. you feel bad at the tempting thought to ignore his welcoming face and sit on the other side of the classroom, just to avoid the wrath of the snake who now stays wrapped up in your thoughts.
your jaw sets in place, stubbornly throwing away the idea as soon as it enters your head. it’s not his fault, and you weren’t going to throw away your chance at a new friend group because of some girl’s crazy crush. 
“hey guys,” you greet your small friend group, sitting between laurance and aphmau and leaning over to smile at garroth.
your eyes stay trained on aphmau’s for an extra moment longer as you lean back. she merely blinks, smiling calmly at your silent questioning. she hasn’t had any run-ins, then. good.
“ok, class. today we’re going to practice by doing a figure-drawing exercise. would anyone like to be a model for the class?”
you blink in surprise as aphmau’s hand raises, volunteering with an, “i will!”
“not as shy as i thought,” laurance notes as aphmau strides her short legs to the center of the classroom, hoisting herself up onto the stool.
“anxious but extroverted. an interesting combo,” you conclude his thought with a laugh as garroth scoots closer to the two of you.
the three of you start your portraits, your chatter quieting as you focus on the drawings in front of you. occasionally, garroth glances at yours and laurance’s pages, his lips forming into a pout out of the corner of your eye. you turn to look at him, tilting your head forward to catch his eye as he glares down at his paper.
“what?” you question him simply, your smile light and teasing.
his eyes nervously dart to you, unable to escape as you lean into his vision.
“ugh,” he groans, scribbling his graphite harshly against the page. “i’m just not good at art.”
he hides his work from you with his arm as you lean forward, trying to get a glance at his page.
“i’m sure it’s not that bad,” you encourage, lightly tugging on his forearm.
his ears turn red, barely hidden by the medium-length sandy blonde strands that curled around them. he sighs in defeat, lifting his arm to reveal the crude drawing underneath. laurance immediately giggles in amusement from beside you, his hand muffling the noise as he glances over your shoulder. 
garroth turns to glare at him, and you deliver a light kick to the boy’s shin with a scolding look.
“no, yeah. it’s not that bad!” laurance says between laughs, before snorting as he looks down at the page again. “not bad at all.”
you pitifully glance back at garroth who was now blankly staring at his page, the corner of his lips turning down in an embarrassed smile.
“well… i see his potential. if he practiced-”
“aw, i think you’re too sweet on him,” laurance leans into you, ruffling your hair with a grin. “no need to lie.”
“don’t be rude! everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.”
laurance glances down at your page with a pointed look and raised eyebrows. 
“funny, coming from clearly the best artist out of the three of us. no need to be humble.”
you sigh, exasperated at laurance’s teasing nature.
“yeah, you’re way better than i could be, even if i practiced,” garroth glances over at your sketch.
“well, i practice art a lot as a hobby. if i went out and tried to play baseball or soccer i’d probably never be on either of your levels. it’s not a bad thing, i’ve just never played.”
garroth purses his lips, still staring down your and laurance’s pages.
“can you teach me?”
“can you give me some tips on how to draw better?”
you blink, before nodding with a smile. “yeah, sure. maybe you two can teach me to play your sports as payment.”
he smiles, and laurance ruffles your hair once more before leaning off of you.
“sure, sounds like a good deal to me. speaking of, laurance, how’s the soccer team looking this year?”
“you play soccer?” aphmau questions, returning back to her place as garroth makes room for her.
“yep! i’m the captain this year.”
“woah, awesome!”
“yeah, and i haven’t forgotten about the schedule. i’ll give one to both of you when it comes out.”
“like you don’t have fan girls lining up to watch you already,” garroth rolls his eyes. “looking to add to your collection.”
“hey! this is different,” laurance pouts. “and you’re one to talk about fangirls.”
you make eye contact with aphmau, who gives you a look that says, “no, seriously.”
“and to answer your question,” he sighs. “the team is a mess this year. all our good players graduated last year. we’ll be lucky to make it through the season in one piece. what about you?”
“meh, it’s fine so far. dante’s been coming to practice and he’s not half bad. we might have a decent lineup.”
that was that gene guy’s little brother, right? you haven’t met him yet.
the bell interrupts your conversation, signaling the beginning of the athletics period.
“ok, class! be sure to turn in your drawings at the front before leaving. you’re dismissed. oh, and miss salome, you can turn in any drawing next class period so i can evaluate your skill level.”
“oh, okay! thank you!”
“ooh, real quick! let’s take a selfie!” aphmau whips out her phone, pulling you in by the arm and waving at the two boys to get in frame.
“hm? what for?” garroth questions, though still leans down, perching his head close to yours.
“ummm… cause we’re art buddies!” she shrugs, making room for laurance as he squeezes his face in the shot between our shoulders.
the four of you smile, and she clicks in a few pictures before letting the three of you go.
“those were cute. send me them, please!” you ask, leaning over her shoulder and gazing at the photos on her screen.
“me too.” the boys say in unison, and she joyfully nods at all of your requests.
“oh, here’s my number so you can send that to me,” he says, pulling a loose sheet of paper from his bag and scribbling down on it, ripping it in half and handing one to each of you.
garroth and laurance wave as your group splits apart by the doorway, leaving you walking with aphmau down the hall.
“where are you going for athletics, aph?”
“i think the off season kids are running on the track today. are you going?”
“actually, i was gonna practice volleyball today. katelyn invited me.”
“ooh, that’s fun! maybe i can skip out and watch…?” she wonders aloud, stopping in front of one of the girls' bathrooms. “oh hey, i need to use the restroom, mind waiting for me?”
you shrug, following her in and leisurely stopping in front of the mirror to check yourself out while she steps into one of the stalls. you notice her go in with her backpack, and you curiously stare at the closed stall door.
“oh, are you changing in here?”
“…yeah. i don’t really like changing in front of people, and all of the bathroom and shower stalls kept getting taken before i could get to them last week. that’s how i ended up alone with ivy and her group on friday—cause i had to wait to change.”
you hum softly in understanding.
“that makes sense. i usually face the wall when i change,” you purse your lips in thought. “if you want, we can start changing in here and walking to the gym together.”
you hear a sigh of relief as you hear  her clothes shuffle some more and the stall door unlock. she comes out in the athletics uniform, tying up her hair in a ponytail and kicking her backpack out onto the floor in front of her. 
“that would be awesome, you’re the best.”
you smile with a shrug, turning to the bathroom door when you hear it swing open. the smile immediately drops when you see ivy step in, her nose wrinkling at you as if she had just smelled something foul. her shorter friend–who you still haven’t caught the name of–silently walks in behind her, face still and emotionless as she looks the two of you up and down.
“well if it isn’t the two tramps trying to steal my man from me.”
you can’t help but scoff at her, stepping closer to aphmau and picking her backpack up, singing it up for her to grab. you feel a strange burning sensation in your chest, hands beginning to shake from anger. 
“i’m not even going to entertain your petty jealousy. maybe if you weren’t so pathetic about your crush you’d actually be dating garroth, but instead you’re harassing his friends the first second he makes any,” you snatch aphmau’s wrist, dragging her past the two girls before they could block your way out and turning to the taller girl as she stares at you in disgusted shock.
“stop messing with us. unlike you, i don’t make empty threats.”
aphmau yelps as her hand slips from yours, her head snapping back as ivy’s polished fingers wrap around her ponytail.
you whip around, using the momentum to slide your bag off your shoulders and swing it around into the girl’s head. she lets go of her teary eyed victim, carmine hair flying out of place as she stumbles back.
her friend doesn’t seem too loyal about the situation, stepping back to the wall as she watches everything unfold with dispassionate eyes.
you don’t pay much mind to her, vision red as you focus in on the girl clutching her head as she turns her head back to you with an equally furious look on her face. you pull aphmau out of the way, practically sliding her across the tile before digging your fingers into ivy’s uniform shirt and using your leg to kick her knees out from under her, taking you both down to the ground.
she lets out an irritated shriek, her hands flying up and catching you right in the nose. you groan in pain, eyes tearing up and giving her an opening to rip at the strands of your hair, her nails raking and scratching your cheek.
“stop!” aphmau calls your name, sounding worried and shaken.
you ignore her pleading voice, too focused on the strange burning and flooding sensation in your nose. gritting your teeth, you use one hand to hold her wrist from ripping a chunk of your hair out, sitting above her as you wind your other hand back and deliver a harsh slap against her face. her hand lets go of you, instead covering her face as you ball your fist, punching her head and pulling at her hands to try and get a better hit in.
“ladies!” a stern feminine voice pierces the hallway, causing you to freeze in place.
you turn with wide eyes to see mrs.hwit marching towards you all, her expression full of disbelief and disappointment.
“just what do you think you’re doing?!”
you immediately regret what you did, glancing down at the girl. her cheek was red from where you slapped her and her round bright blue eyes were filled with tears as she manipulatively blinked up in innocence at the teacher. 
“mrs.hwit,” she blabbers, her demeanor completely different from just before. “aphmau attacked me again and got her friend to join in!”
“silence, miss veleno.” the stern gray-haired lady snaps, hands firmly placed on her hips. 
you clamber back from where you sat on top of her, chest heavy when you realize what you just did sets in. you watch ivy flinch at the harsh tone mrs.hwit gave her, clearly unexpecting for this to not go her way.
“this is the second fight you’ve been involved in, ivy, and from the looks of it you did a good amount of beating on this young lady as well. for goodness sake, her nose is bleeding. don’t play innocent.”
your eyebrows pinch as your hand gingerly comes up to your nose, a soft moan of pain leaving your lips at the dull pain. you retract your hand to see red smeared across it. now that the adrenaline has begun to leave your body, you also become aware of how the blood has begun to drip down into your mouth and chin, leaving a gross metal taste against your tongue. your cheek burns and pulses where ivy dug into it with her nails.
“i should give all four of you detention. this is unacceptable.”
you clamber up to your feet at this, holding your hand against your nose as it begins to feel strangely… tight? against your skin? what was happening?
“it was just me and ivy who fought each other, they didn’t do anything,” your words tumble quickly from your lips, guilt building in your chest as you finally glance back at aphmau.
she’s staring at the ground, bottom lip pinched between her teeth and eyes closed over with tears.
mrs.hwit sighs, going silent for a moment as her mouth twists in disappointment. 
“then you and miss veleno can spend your time in detention after school today apologizing to each other. if this happens one more time it’ll be an in school suspension for a whole week!”
your heart drops, and you fight off the tears pricking your eyes at the woman’s harsh tone.
“yes ma’am…”
“now i want ivy to come with me right now to explain herself, and i will be talking to you,” she looks at you pointedly. “before your detention starts.”
“now alex and aphmau get on to athletics right now. and you… go to the nurse for your nose if it’s bad enough. come along miss veleno.”
ivy clambers up in shock, holding her cheek and turning to send you one last glare before following after mrs. hyria who was now furiously marching her way down the hall. you groan again, wiping away your nose and turning to look at aphmau again.
at the other end of the hall you catch that delinquent boy from the park—gene—staring right at you with an impressed smirk on his face. he silently laughs to himself before disappearing around the corner.
“um… what?” she glances down at the empty hall before turning back to you. “are you okay?”
her voice is shaky and stuttered, and you sigh as you wipe the blood from your face, nodding with a groan.
“yeah… sorry, i don’t know why i reacted like that.”
she shakes her head, waving her hands in disbelief.
“no i—i mean—“ she stutters, before sighing. “thank you for defending me. maybe she’ll leave us alone now?”
you turn to where ivy’s friend was before, only to see she must’ve quietly left the scene when you weren’t looking.
“i hope so. hey, go on to gym class. i don’t want you to get in trouble for sticking around. i’ll talk to you later.”
aphmau hesitates. “are you sure you’re okay?”
you nod, hunching over your bag and slinging it back over your shoulders.
she nods, glancing at you one last time before running off, the little charms on her backpack clinking along with her. you sigh, rolling your neck as you slowly make your way to the girls’ locker room.
your eyes tear up as you process what just happened, holding back a sob as you finally make it to the door, rushing inside.
you didn’t want to go to the nurse. you didn’t want to see anyone right now.
you let your backpack fall down onto the tile floor, stepping in front of one of the many sinks and leaning forward into the mirror to assess the damage done to your face. your eyebrows pinch together when you look back at your reflection, nothing really amiss except for the blood still smeared across your nose and your hair tangled and mussed.
grabbing a paper towel, you run it under the water and use it to wipe the blood from your face. your nose only had a slightly dull pain as you pressed your fingers against it, and what should’ve been deep welts on your cheek was only a slight red irritation. ivy had dug her hand into you, you should’ve looked a lot worse for wear than you did right now.
“…the hell?”
“oh, there you are! what are you doing?” katelyn questions, appearing in the mirror behind you and taking in your ruffled hair. “did you fall asleep in class or something?”
“uh, yeah... sorry,” you nervously laugh, glancing back at your unmarked face one more time before turning to her. “i’ll change super quick and be out there.”
she stares at you for a moment, frowning at your reddened eyelids and the glossy look in your eyes. she shrugs her shoulders after you don’t say anything further, and turns to walk back out of the locker room.
“alright, me and the ladies will be waiting for you on the court.”
“got it!” you call, running up to the net and jumping, slamming your hand down onto the ball.
katelyn whistles as it lands in bounds in the back end of the other side of the court, concluding the last exercise of practice. the light cheers of teony and nicole–who was a close friend of katelyn’s–follow. everyone crowds together at the center of the court, clapping and putting their hands together.
“lady phoenixes on three!” katelyn announces.
“one, two, three, lady phoenixes!” everyone chants, before tiredly retreating back to the locker room.
“you’re pretty good!” nicole comes up to you, her dark copper hair falling out of her high ponytail.
she stood shorter than the rest of the team and even just slightly under your height. she played the libero position, and was pretty impressive with her diving and saving skills from what you saw. her eyes were a brilliant shade of gray, outlined by thick black lashes. freckles dot along her face like constellations, gathering mostly along her nose and cheekbones. 
“thanks,” you smile, your mood feeling much lighter than it did at the beginning of the period.
teony and katelyn follow up behind her, the former coming to your side and wrapping her arms around your shoulders. despite her hard work all practice, she still managed to have her fruit-scented perfume stuck to her skin, the sweet smell invading your nose.
“seriously, it’s too bad the season has already started,” the chestnut skinned girl rested her cheek against your head, her chime-sounding voice.
katelyn nods, humming in thought as she rests her hand against her hip.
“yeah… do you want to come to practices during the athletics period? if you keep improving i bet you could get on varsity next year.”
“seriously?” you ask in surprise.
“yeah, you were seriously crazy with your spikes. you should think about it, we’d love you on the team,” nicole pipes in.
“for sure, sounds like fun!”
“cool,” katelyn nods, nudging your arm with a smile. “i am kinda glad we don’t have after school practice today, i’m tired.”
“seriously, i’m gonna go home and take a nap,” teony sighs lightly, releasing you from her embrace and stretching out her limbs.
the four of you gather your things in the locker room, but the girls turn to you in confusion when you turn to walk further into the school instead of going along with them to the exit.
“hey, where are you going?”
“oh, uh… i forgot something in one of the classrooms. i’ll catch you guys later.”
teony makes a small noise as if she has remembered something important, dashing back to you and pulling her phone out. she hands it to you, the sunflower charm attached to the pink phone dangling in the air.
“here, put your number in and i’ll share it with kate and nicki, okay?”
“oh, sure!” you smile, quickly tapping in your contact into the cheery girl’s list.
after you finish she waves goodbye, walking off with the other two out the doors.
that’s if i still have a phone after i get back home today.
you find the doors to detention, thankfully not finding anyone you know in the hallways on the way like aphmau had just days before. you step inside, immediately landing your eyes on the girl you had taken down in the hall just about an hour earlier.
her eyes dart to yours, mouth curling up as she glares at you. any sorrow you might’ve felt for her earlier leaves at her ugly expression. you stare her down, tongue rolling against the inside of your teeth as you sit as far from her as possible. you’re not sure what face you’re making back, but she’s the first to break eye contact, face faltering into a peculiar look.
before you can take a seat, the clicking of mrs.hyria’s shoes makes her presence known in the room. you turn around, getting a ‘come hither’ finger wave from the woman instead of words.
you two quietly make it into the hall, even going as far as turning the next corner so you wouldn’t be eavesdropped on.
“now before you go explaining yourself,” she starts, taking a heavy breath. the maternal aura she gives off sends a lump straight into your throat, especially in this situation. “you know my daughter is lucinda.”
you look up at her with confused eyes, nodding slowly at her words.
“now, i’m not one to necessarily take sides in these situations. however, from what i’ve seen, and from what i’ve heard from lucinda and her friends, i can tell you’re a good girl,” her voice lowers to a whisper. “and i wasn’t born yesterday. i know when girls are being sneaky.”
she crosses her arms, lifting her reading glasses off her head and readjusting them in her hair.
“next time something like this happens… i can promise you telling an adult will end up much better for you than handling it yourself. do you understand what i’m saying?”
“yes ma’am…”
she opens her mouth to continue, but leans forward with a confused hum.
“did you go to the nurse earlier?”
“i—no ma’am.”
one of her hands gingerly touches your cheek, as well as brushing along your nose and under your eyes.
“strange… no swelling? not even a scratch mark? it looked like she broke your nose earlier.”
you blink. so it wasn’t just your imagination.
“i guess it looked worse than it was.”
“now, what’s happening?”
you gulp, looking nervously around at the hall for any eavesdroppers.
“um… just petty drama that aphmau and i were dragged into. it’s really ridiculous.”
you sigh.
“yeah. jealousy, and not on our part.”
she hums, rolling her eyes.
“but, mrs.hwit?”
“i—“ you hesitate, stuttering in your words. “aphmau and i don’t want to be known for… you know, all of this in our first week. can you not get ivy in any more trouble for this?”
“i mean… if she does anything else i will definitely say something. but if she knows i said something now i’m afraid words will get passed around school no matter how it plays out,” you clear your throat. “and i have a feeling she won’t pull something like that again.”
her lips flatten against each other, and she reaches up a finger to rub one of her arched, thin eyebrows with a deep exhale from her nose.
“alright, i understand where you’re coming from. i’ll sweep it under the rug this time, but if you get into another fight you will also be in very deep trouble.”
“yes ma’am, thank you.”
“alright, now go do your homework or something,” she dismisses you, exasperatedly waving her hands for you to move along. “i’ll see you tomorrow in class, dear.”
“why on earth did i get a call from the school saying you were in a fight?” mom stands waiting for you in the doorway, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
you release a tense sigh, dropping your bag onto the floor of the entryway.
“because i got in a fight.”
“did you win?” your dad calls from the living room.
your mom throws up her hands in utter disbelief, turning her head to glare at him through the doorway as he sits in the living room.
“what? you know she wouldn’t have done that if she didn’t have a good reason.”
she crosses her arms, turning to look back at you. a second passes before she makes a confused face, stepping closer to you and inspecting you with her hands on your shoulders.
“well the school made it sound bad, but you don’t look like she got a single hit on you.”
“yeah well, she did. it was the strangest thing, actually. my nose bled everywhere and she scratched me really badly on my cheek, but it almost immediately healed up… like nothing happened at all. isn’t that weird? even the teacher thought my nose was broken, but i’m fine.”
she freezes, back straightening as she looks down at you with a frighteningly strange look on her face. was it almost… horror? you realize that whatever your dad was tinkering with in the living room had also gone eerily quiet, as you look up at your mom with equally widened eyes.
“…what? why are you looking at me like that?”
she seemingly snaps out of it shaking her head.
“oh no, that is weird. it must’ve looked worse than it actually was. you’ve always had a… really great immune system.”
“yeah, i guess.” you mutter.
she suddenly clears her throat, retreating further back into the house.
“so what was the fight about?”
you sigh, repressing a groan as you prepare yourself to explain everything all over again. when you finish, your mom is staring at you dumbfoundedly.
“why didn’t you tell me this?”
“cause it’s so dumb that i didn’t think it would even get to this point. and by the second week, no less.”
she raises her eyebrows, nodding.
“yeah. this story makes this ivy girl sound really silly.”
“that’s what i’m saying,” you toss your arms up, before beginning to retreat upstairs for a much-needed shower.
“well next time—“
“tell an adult. i will.”
“or just beat them up worse than last time.” your dad hollers after you.
“do not do that!”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own
tag list: @orinlin @pain-in-the-ashe @youmake1mistake @thenyxsky (sry i forgot to tag you last time ><)
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theformerbastard · 14 days
who is/are your comfort character(s)? My love for Jane Lane is pretty well documented.
lighter or matches? When I was a smoker I was obsessed with lighters but matches smell so goddamn good.
do you leave the window open at night? I hate windows so much.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? Bigfoot. I deadass keep my eyes peeled when I drive thru super wooded areas. I think most of the other ones are just people seein' barn owls but Bigfoot is out there, man.
what color are your eyes? Blue
why did you do that? Wanted to
hair-ties or scrunchies? When I had hair I was all about hair-ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Got a 2 liter of diet pepsi in the mini fridge
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? None coffee
would you slaughter the rich? I mean...no? I know what this is actually askin', I just don't like the wording
favorite extracurricular activity? Drinkin'
what kind of day is it? It's chewsdy innit (it's Thursday but that was the first thing that came to mind)
when was the last time you ate? Like...minutes ago
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? I've never understood people that say "smells like rain"
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) nope
can you drive? yep
are you farsighted or nearsighted? near
what hair products do you use? water
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? I can paint my own but I think I'd be shit at paintin' someone elses
do you say soda or pop? Soda. People that say pop are lunatics.
something you’ve kept since childhood? anxiety
what type of person are you? anxious
how do you feel about chilly weather? BIG fan
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Playin' roller hockey (where my Kevin Smith fans at?)
perfume/body spray or lotion? On me? Nothin'
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? Every awkward encouter I've had since I was like 7
about how many hours of sleep did you get? depends
do you wear a mask? *Jim Carrey doin' Ben Stein* we all wear masks...metaphorically speaking
how do you like your shower water? In the shower
is there dishes in your room? Nope
what type of music keeps you grounded? Country
do you have a favorite towel? Used to. It was light purple. Fuck. Such a good fuckin' towel.
the last adventure you’ve been on? *in my best Jeff Bridges voice* ya know...uhhh we're like in it, man.
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yes
what’s your timezone? Depends
how many times have you changed your url? A few
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? Brooke
a soap bar that smells good? Irish spring
do you use lip balm? Nope
did you have any snacks today? Bag of cheetos for lunch #healthnut
how do you take your coffee? I don't
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Instagram
what’s your take on spicy foods? I'm a bitch
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? That's dark and I don't like that my brain is actually comin' up with names
can you remember what happened yesterday? I'd have to think really hard
favorite holiday film? While You Were Sleeping. It counts.
what was the last message you sent? "ALLLLLLL?!?!!" When @didee-anne told me she wanted me to answer all of these
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? I'm not good with ages but a "friend" gave me a shot of wild turkey and a shot of bacardi 151 in high school. I'd tried my dads beer before that but the shots feel more...significant.
can you skip rocks? It's been years but yeah
can i tag you in random stuff? Why not
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alphabetboyluvr · 11 months
bad decisions - jjk | ten
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When his story pops up—a repost of tomorrow night's paint party event at Dionysus—you find yourself clicking through to your DM thread without much thought. You know he's at work. Know it's a 50/50 whether or not he'll get back to you before your mind begins to berate you again for how miserable you feel.  It's a simple message—Hey—and you're pleased that it's met with an equally simple reply not even a minute later. JustJK: To what do I owe the pleasure? You decide that "I'm about to cry over my shitbag ex so chose to message you instead" probably won't be Jungkook's favourite thing to hear, so you opt for a little white lie. You: Just wondering how the kids are. Part of you worries he won't understand what the fuck you're on about - but of course, he does. He's Jungkook. Gets you better than you get yourself, these days. JustJK: Missing their mother. 
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Bad Decision #10 - Blonde
warnings: b is in her bleach era. love that for her!! jaykay is in the chapter for like 1.5 seconds and still manages to be the best thing about it. also if u think wow holly sometimes your chapters end very similarly, uhhh yes. ur right. mainly because my brain is smooth but also because jungkook is a creature of habit! it's within his character traits! not because im stupid! even if i am!
soundtrack: space - audrey nuna;  blonde - maisie peters
wc: 3.5k
bd total wc: 370k (on-going)
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You suppose you really shouldn't be surprised when Seokjin leaves you on read. It happens as soon as he escapes the city, just like it always does. 
It's always the same; he'll come back to town for a few days—to visit friends, his family, or maybe for a haircut with the only barber he trusts—then leaves just as quickly as he comes.
The predictability of it all would be funny, you think, but your knees are getting worn out from how many times you fall for it; his charm, his deception, his pretty lips that soothe the burn of his selfish choices. 
He'll be radio silent for a while, and then suddenly, as if he's finally changed the batteries in his walkie-talkie, he won't be. It'll most likely be when he's on his way back to town in a few months time.
The saddest part is that you know you'll want to see him when he does. Will have the burning desire to show him just how well you've been; how well you've coped without him.
Most of all? You'll want him to know just how much you don't need him.
Inevitably, he'll end up in your bed, and you'll end up all in your head—again—overthinking and underestimating just how easy it is for him to drop you. Forgetting just how badly he fucked you up, only for him to remind you in the most callous of ways.
When Danbi comes home on Thursday night—three days since Seokjin's last message—she knows exactly what's happened. You've got a special kind of pout reserved for Seokjin-related upsets. It's always a little soft yet incredibly hard to break.
"You gotta stop letting him in," she says over a glass of red. She hates the taste, but loves the soft buzz in the pit of her stomach. Though she's much better suited to Moscato, Danbi will never turn her nose up at free wine.
If she knew why you were drinking it, she might consider rejecting it.
Seokjin's favourite. You'd bought it on the way home from work. Just couldn't help yourself.
Had figured that at least when you hugged yourself to sleep that evening, your lips would taste like his used to do, on the nights when he'd tell you that you're the most delightful thing he's ever laid his eyes upon. Would be all giggly. Wine drunk. Happy. In love.
But it's been a while since he did that. Feels like a lifetime ago, now. 
You shrug as you let the ruby-red liquid swirl in your glass. Fighting against your feelings feels like swimming against the tide.
Always struggling to breathe. Never winning. Failing. Falling. 
"I don't know how to, Dan."
"But you do," she insists.
And she's right. Of course you do. 
His number has never been blocked, but a simple restriction of access to you would solve so many of your problems.
Thing is, you kind of like him still being your problem. At least that way, on a technicality, he's still yours. Kind of.
Every time he comes back to the city, it's still your bed that he ends up in.
Never for the night. Just for an hour or two. Long enough for you to convince yourself that he can't stay away.
The lies you let your mind whisper are insidious. You're irresistible. He's still just as affected by you as you are by him. He can't possibly leave you.
And yet he does, each and every time.
He doesn't ever let you go. Not fully. Whenever you think you're getting over it, he shows up just to get you under him; his thumb, his spell, his body.
You're halfway through the bottle of wine when Danbi tells you once more that you need to get Seokjin out of your hair.
You've reached the end of it by the time you're grabbing your purse and heading for the closest Olive Young.
It's just down the street, by the crossroads that lead into town, and the staff there have seen you in worse states. A little tipsy has nothing on the mascara-stained eyes they used to be greeted with during the worst days of the breakup.
"Sure about this?" Danbi asks just to check before you take the boxes in your hands to the counter.
"Absolutely not, but he always hated me blonde," you grin a little sardonically. The happiness that comes with this change will be temporary, but you have to remind yourself that so was he. "At least even if I can't resist him, he'll resist me."
Peroxide and perhaps a little fried, your blonde hair had caught his attention in the early days - but you had dyed your hair dark in a bid to keep it. 
He'd said some bullshit in a conversation amongst friends about his preferences, and how he favoured the 'natural look'. You weren't together at the time, not officially - but everyone there was a friend of his. They all knew you'd be going home with him. It only took two boxes of dye to get him asking to be exclusive. A week later he was introducing you to his friends as his girlfriend. 
Funny what a little bit of conformity can do for a man who loves playing by the rules. 
You assume his desire to tick the boxes and do what is expected of him is also why he was such a bellend when it came to the glitter you liked to dust yourself in. 
Nobody's perfect though, so he was willing to overlook it. Was just one of the flaws he perceived in you. When you love someone, you accept them.
He ultimately never grew to love it, but for a while, you thought he might.
Bleach boxes in one hand, another bottle of wine in the other, you waste no time and head straight for the bathroom. Danbi follows you right in. She's always there to lend a hand or at least provide a Spotify playlist to get you through your woes. 
Folding the powder into the developing lotion by the sink, you know your bleach-induced bathroom antics could get you a spot in a Brad Mondo video.
All a little haphazard, you're without a mixing bowl and brush, so are having to use an old takeout container and a plastic spoon, instead.
It's not quite how the instructions suggest you should mix it all up, but no good ever comes from following the rules.
You'd tried for Seokjin, and look where that got you.
Unlike him, trusty Tupperware has never done you dirty before. No reason why it should now. 
Danbi sits on the closed toilet seat, legs crossed, a small bottle of bubbles in her hand. The bubbles had been a Christmas party favour from the office job she'd quit four months ago. Rediscovered when she'd been cleaning her room earlier that day, Danbi had taken to blowing pretty little bubble flurries your way all afternoon. 
Your reflection is captured in the peacock sheen of the bubbles while you study your rapidly developing hair in the mirror. 
You haven't bothered to change out of your shirt. It's not yours. One of Seokjin's. It's navy, and you hope the bleach ruins it.
"I think I've fucked up," you say all rather calmy, talking about your hair and not the shirt. It's not the end of the world if you have. Just hair, you always think.
Danbi shrugs. Has clearly spent too much time in your company, because she echoes exactly what you're thinking: "Just hair, babe. It'll grow."
That's the joy of your friendship; you both encourage each other with the same dumb remarks whenever you feel like you've reached the point of no return. 
After all, if you can't go back? 
Go forward.
"Plus," she adds, blowing more bubbles instead of taking a breath. "You can just chalk it up to being your hot mess era."
"Been in that for months already," you smile at her in the reflection of the mirror. You prod a little at your roots, and know that you definitely should have waited a little longer to work the bleach up to them. Bollocks.
You've done this enough times to know you'll end up with a gold band haloing around the top of your hair thanks to how easily your roots always lift. Nightmare. 
"Exactly, so you may as well look the part," Danbi encourages. Worst influence going, she is. Also the best at times, too. You find comfort in the fact she won't always say what you want to hear, but what you need to hear instead.
The conversation dissolves into empty chatter, gossip about Danbi's dog walking clients, mentions of Taehyung and how he's still trying to talk her into a mates-rates discount despite the fact they aren't actually 'mates'. She asked you about your Bartender That Smiles, and you say he's all good - before you have to insist there's nothing going on there. 
"He's got issues with his ex," you explain.
She rolls her eyes. "Don't they all? Boys and their first loves, I swear to God."
"Not sure she was his first," you defend, though you're not sure why. The thought lingers as you rummage around for an old tube of toner that you know you have hiding in the bathroom cabinet somewhere. It's been a while since your hair was pale enough to take toner, so it's been pushed right to the back.
Danbi is shooed from her perch on the toilet seat and into the living room as you let the shower run to heat it a little.  
The first crash of water against your skin is lukewarm. Tepid. Unappealing, but necessary. 
You hate anything other than boiling-you-alive degrees celsius, but know you need to be kind to your hair after the torture you've put it through. The water runs cloudy until the bleach is rinsed out, and then it runs purple thanks to your silver shampoo. It pools around your feet and seeps into the drain. Wishful thinking has you hoping memories of Seokjin will do just the same.
It's just to preemptively tone it, but you can't help but worry about the pigment taking too strongly on your roots. 
The ash toner you found in the cupboard is in a box by the sink. You plan on putting that over the top of whatever mess your hair is anyway, but it doesn't hurt to get a head start on the process. 
The water glistens a deep violet, briefly coating your skin - and for some reason, all you can think about is Jungkook, and how you'd really like to be downing a Purple Starfucker (or five) with him right now. He really is the perfect distraction. 
Still, you have a task at hand. You rinse your hair; ring it out. Sigh as you frown at the mess that greets you in the mirror—lilac roots, a yellow band haloing just like your thought it would, and silver ends. Brilliant.
It's as you're sitting with Danbi in the living room a little while later - body wrapped in a towel that isn't half as fluffy as Jungkook's favourite, ashy toner smothering your peroxide blonde hair - that you notice your phone flash on the coffee table.
Danbi clocks it first, and stifles a laugh as she reads the screen. "Isn't that the guy from the club?"
You assume she means Jungkook, and are a little perplexed to see it's Jimin's name on your screen instead. 
"Yeah... Jimin. Smooth talker, shit shagger."
"A glowing review."
"Hey, I still let him think he was good," you say as you reach for your phone to read his message out loud to Danbi. "You guys out tomorrow night?"
Sipping on her wine, Danbi raises a brow. Shakes her head in confusion. "He hoping for round two?"
"Fuck knows."
It's just gone midnight, so you consider maybe he's thinking about his desire for a hook-up, and is hoping for a safe bet in the form of you. 
And so you don't reply. If he double texts, you'll just lie and say you've fallen asleep.
The scent of your toner is beginning to give you a headache, so you go to rinse it and bid farewell to your final day as a brunette.
Sleep evades you. Doesn't want to let go of who you were, apparently. Wine makes you sleepy, and yet you're wired as if you've just had a triple shot americano.
But then it's three in the morning, and all you can seem to smell is the deep conditioner you bathed your hair in that evening. 
Somehow, when you look to the empty space beside you - delicately ruffled, a dent prevailing in the pillow - you convince yourself that you can smell fig leaves and coconut. The notes of his favourite aftershave linger like the ache in your chest. It's hollow, and you can't work out why it hurts quite as much as it does. 
If there's nothing there, how can it be so painful?
You sniff back tears that fail to truly form and pull your phone from beneath your pillow. It's hard to move your fingers when they're tangled up in puppet strings that Seokjin is refusing to let go of, but eventually you manage to tap through some Instagram stories in a bid to distract yourself from him. 
Inspirational quotes don't do much for you, nor do the engagement pictures of people you haven't given a second thought since graduation. There's an abundance of them. Smiling faces. Diamonds, or maybe just cubic zirconia. Fresh sets of nails, hands that are pink and warm from the heat of whoever's been holding them.
It's a curious thought; what people who haven't spoken to you in years must think of you now. 
You were the one who was going to succeed. Going far in life, made for a boardroom, would look incredible in a pantsuit—and yet you're working in a cafe, first-class degree of no more worth than the tissue paper you flush down the toilet. 
See, you switched out life goals for glitter. You wear it like armour; protect yourself from the world around you. Who cares about seriousness and success when you're a constant disco? Not you. Could never be you.
Or at least, you hope that's what people think. Hope that no one realises you're covering yourself in artificial shine; like a canvas in acrylic because you were too impatient to watch the oil paint dry.
One day you'll glow. Glow for real. 
For a while, you thought you had been with Seokjin. 
All you see when you look in the mirror these days is tarnished silver; copper alloy pretending to be much more than what it really is. Your skin will turn green eventually.
There is, however, one person you've managed to fool. 
When his story pops up—a repost of tomorrow night's paint party event at Dionysus—you find yourself clicking through to your DM thread without much thought. You know he's at work. Know it's a 50/50 whether or not he'll get back to you before your mind begins to berate you again for how miserable you feel. 
It's a simple message—hey—and you're pleased that it's met with an equally simple reply not even a minute later.
JustJK: To what do I owe the pleasure?
You decide that "I'm about to cry over my shitbag ex so chose to message you instead" probably won't be Jungkook's favourite thing to hear, so you opt for a little white lie.
You: Just wondering how the kids are &lt;3
Part of you worries he won't understand what the fuck you're on about - but of course, he does. He's Jungkook. Gets you better than you get yourself, these days.
JustJK: Missing their mother. 
JustJK: Perry the Pigeon almost fell earlier.
JustJK: Roger the Robin looks like he has a broken wing.
JustJK: Must be one of yours. Inherited his mother's wonkiness &lt;3
With each message that comes through, your smile grows wider in the midnight darkness of your bedroom. 
You: Careful or I'll file for joint custody.
You: Get poor Roger away from his father's cruel remarks <;/3
There's an ease to how you joke together, both aware of how unserious you are. There's no second-guessing, no worrying about saying the wrong thing. If you do, you'll say sorry and move on. No harm, no foul.
JustJK: Your appeal won't hold up in court, Byeol.
JustJK: You've neglected them ever since you spawned them.
JustJK: Haven't even paid them a visit!!!
Laughter stifles in your throat as your body curls up into a more comfortable position. The audacity of this boy, you think, ignoring the way he manages to get you entirely focused on something that isn't your own despair.
You: You've got full custody!!!
JustJK: And you're still allowed to come for supervised visits!!!!!
JustJK: smh and to think you call yourself their mother.
JustJK: I'm their mother now.
You pout at your screen, and whine a small little 'nooo'. 
You: They need me :(
JustJK: Come and see them, then. They miss their mother.
You: Tomorrow?
He reads the messages instantly, but takes a little longer than usual to reply. It worries you slightly. Makes you more aware of your surroundings. The scent of Seokjin's aftershave begins to permeate the air once more.
Until, all rather suddenly, it doesn't anymore.
JustJK: I'm not working tomorrow night, but Jimin's insisting on going to the paint party—you coming?
You: Will Perry the Pigeon be there?
JustJK: If he falls before I leave for the club, then yes.
It's not a bad proposition. One that quite intrigues you. One that has you agreeing, and him telling you to fuck off and go to sleep. He's got work to do, he says. 
It's actually quite quiet at the club—Yeonjun just caught him looking at his phone with a dumb smile a few too many times for Jungkook's liking. Doesn't wanna get caught out again. 
Especially doesn't want him catching onto the fact that there's a reason Jungkook's eyes light up like Disco Balls when he looks at his phone.
Yeonjun doesn't really have friends who are girls, Jungkook reasons with himself. Won't understand that he's perfectly capable of having a little flirt without it meaning anything more than that—after all, isn't that just what banter is? Friendly flirting? He does it with the boys all the time. Doesn't mean fuck all. Just fun.
Jungkook's a couple of years older than his cerulean-haired coworker, and has learnt the hard way that you really shouldn't escalate friends above the level of purely platonic. One day Yeonjun will realise this. 
For now, though, Yeonjun'll shag anyone who looks at him in the right direction. Has probably already ruined a few good friendships. Doesn't even realise he's done it.
Jungkook trusts himself not to make the same mistakes he's made in the past with you. Thinks that he's pretty happy with how things are. Has missed the dynamics of friendships with girls. Is looking forward to Monday movie night with you and Danbi again.
And yet when he gets home to find Perry the paper pigeon on his bed, he can't help but smile.
You wake up to a picture of the fallen bird in your DMs, and even though you'll whine and complain about it when you see him that evening, all you can do is smile, too.
JustJK: Looks like we're having a wholesome family trip to Dionysus tonight.
You: Mummy and Daddy reunited at last <33 Perry will be so happy.
JustJK: It's okay, you don't have to lie.
JustJK: I know you're talking about yourself, not Perry.
Jungkook doesn't send the message where he tells you not to call him Daddy. Knows you'll read into it; tease him about it. It's not like he's got a thing for it, or anything, he just... maybe wouldn't be opposed to it, and so he'd rather not be called it when he's having casual conversations with you. Wouldn't wanna get flustered. 
Part of you already knows this. Is precisely why you'd said it. It's not really your style, not the kind of thing that gets you going.
But it is also exactly why you choose to end your next message with, 'See you tonight, Daddy x'.
You're laughing as you send it.
And as he receives it, Jungkook groans. Buries his head into his pillow. Crumples Perry a little in the process. Whines. 
"Don't fuck this up, Jungkook."
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mysteriawrites · 6 months
hello it is me hi hello
anyway…you already know from the server…
hi, im hannah!, im obviously swedish! my oshis are shu, luca, koto, and kyo…some wosemi too.
I’ve been doing dance for a super long time and i LOVE LOVE LOVE physical touch! (giving and receiving)
uhhh im bad at this
i tend to be a super fast typer so my messages always come out looking like gibberish
uhhh i hate calling but if im calling my bff or my s/o i will never hang up i love it sm!!
uhh, i tend to be pretty extroverted (due to my meds LMAOO) and im described as more of a golden retriever (however, i look like a black cat aporently)
Luca Kaneshiro!!!
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Congratulations Hannah Chan you got ur oshi! In all seriousness I think you guys would make a good pair.
You’re both sweet and energetic. You care a lot about the people around you and love to make friends. You also both try to hide your own problems and worries from others, but i think since you’re so similar it’ll be easier to notice and break each other out of these habits.
You and Luca met on somewhat unconventional means. It was the boss’s birthday and so he was having a big birthday bash with lots of people invited family, friends, and famous people alike.
You were hired as some of the entertainment. You were a well known and highly respected dancer and only the best of the best was expected at this party.
You had meticulously planned and practiced your performance for weeks until it was flawless. You had been told that this show could be a huge stepping stone in your career.
You arrived at the party in your finest outfit and set the stage for your performance. You were a bit nervous since it was such a large crowd of important people, but as every good performer knows: the show must go on.
Your show enraptured Luca to his very core. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. Your moves were so graceful and delicate yet bold and dynamic. He had to know who you were!
Sadly it was hard for him to get the time to see you given all the guests wanting to talk to you. By the time he got away from them your group had already packed up and left.
After the party Luca was on a mission to see you again and tracked down where and when your next show would be. He canceled all his plans and meetings to book a flight to your next location.
Was it an impulsive decision for someone he barely met? Yes. But something inside him was telling him he had to see you again.
You were in your dressing room one night after you last show when suddenly there was a knock at the door. You opened it to receive a delivery of chocolates and flowers with a note that said “Meet me at (insert restaurant here im too lazy)”
Sure you’ve had messages and gifts from creepy stalker fans before and you knew going was a safety risk. However something in your gut told you it was worth checking out.
And so you went. When you got there you were met with a familiar man with golden hair and amethyst hair.
Luca Kaneshiro finally found you.
Fast forward to you guys becoming fast friends and even faster lovers, you and Luca are a very active and energetic couple.
You both like moving and be being active. Him with working out and you with your dancing (which arguably is a workout in an of itself he has mad respect for you he couldn’t imagine moving like that). You guys stretch and go on runs together laughing and having so much fun it doesn’t even feel like working out.
~~and when you’re both sore afterwards you take a warm bath or shower together and give each other massages. Both activities may lead to a lot of touching 👀~~
Despite being busy with his work he always makes time for you as quality time is one of his love languages. He will always clear his schedule to go see your performances and spoil you afterwards because you deserve the fucking world.
He also uses dumb puns and pick up lines on you when you guys go on dates. Dates with you guys are usually a day out having fun and unwinding from your hectic lives. Like going to the amusement park (that he rented out for your whole trip) or going for a walk.
A couple with a lot of puppy energy that only has love to give. (I was gonna put more but this is getting too long)
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Runners up: Vantacrow Bringer, Doppio Dropscythe, Yu Q Wilson
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
hihi!! i thought this was funny and wanted to tell you😭
i was telling my friend about Goo and how i would absolutely marry him and they said that he needs their blessing. i asked what he can do to get their blessing and they said he needed to write them an essay about how much he loves me so, to entertain them, i wrote them an essay from Goo's perspective about why he wants to marry me with a 20 minute timer. it was 584 words in the end and I worked a miracle.
Moral of the story: Goo got the blessing😭so uhhh you can always write your way into someones life??
This tickled me, just imagining the unhinged ramblings from Goo POV mixed with your own. Drop it please.
Inbox clearing time! Non fic requests answered: 6. (Check it - plus my fave Lookism arcs!)
To the non-anon anon that I have not included and I don't know what to do with your message - No, I won't hold your hand while you poop. Good luck with that.
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Really?? I feel so... unhinged and nonsensical (even more so than usual) when I rant. Seriously thank you for reading!?!!?
PTJ did somewhat write women with more of a personality in his Life As A Loser Series so it seems more of a shame that he's lost his touch and catering much more towards teenage boys with his current series.
Which. Fine. Action manhwa - great. BUT if your target audience are teenage boys then yknow, wouldn't it be even BETTER to write some strong badass women so these impressionable youngsters realise that not all girls need saving, and oh look. Girls are human too. With their own ambitions and flaws and imperfections, just like everyone else.
If you must make them simp, form a harem. Also. FINE. At least give them something beyond that.
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Hey Black Anon! Sorry again for how long it took me to respond to your ask before, and hope it's going much better for yourself since your last request.
I'm muuuuch more responsive with DMs so if you ever wanna come out of anon - come shout at me in my DMs!!
HTF s2 is really... something. Completely lost the meaning of HTF and Viral Hit. Don't blame you for dropping it. Alas, the Taehoon grip on me is still going STRONG.
LOL. Me in a similar position, wondering if I should get into JJK.
Can I... recommend some of my fave arcs if you ever do decide to read Lookism? The ones I like are generally more story driven.
Vasco's backstory (prepare the tissues) - 52 - 57
Johan + Zack + Mira backstory (cult warning, another sad arc) - 132 - 138
Goddog (another pretty sad arc with Johan) - 199 - 213
Jacedichi Files (silly crime solving with Burn Knuckles) - 215 - 218
One Night (Johan + Jace!! Fun action) - 258 - 262
Workers (2A) (Rescuing Sinu. Honestly, I cry almost every time. Read Jake Kim's arc to appreciate this!) - 372 - 392
Let me know if you ever get into it!!!
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Me??? Mine????? I cannot write that guy so thank you - that means A LOT to me! I will try harder to write a decent Eli (that doesn't devolve into ranting about his current direction).
Thank you for reading and being so friggin CUTE!! 💖
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I feel a vaguely threatening tone from this.
Like something Goo would recite before walking into a darkened warehouse with a crowbar 🤔
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Baby there's nothing noble about this, but it is actually more satisfying than my normal job lol (lolling through tears).
Thank you so much for reading!! My single braincell has been firing quite well with these ideas.
Anon. Honestly this is adorable, I've screenshat this for a pick me up ahhhhhhh 🥹
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My dear 🕊️ anon, thank you for reading my DG fic! I also feel very little for DG but I will admit I am coming around to him.
YES!!! I LOVE the idea of someone getting close to James Lee in his younger years, and him being soft for the reader.
And then I also like angst so let's bring those 2 things together. Heh.
Eeeee I also added that Remember fic to my list of faves that I have written.
Please. I also have a list of fictional men I am unwell over. Let's start a support group! 🫠
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