#pls ask me abt this show
heartbreak-eugene · 6 months
So, I finally watched the Archer finale..
So, Archer has come to an end. Its a lot for me to process, this is a hard one for me, the past 6 months have been exclusively Archer for me, I've fallen so far for a fictional character. I'm going to try my absolute best to collect all of my thoughts in one post for this. I'll try not to spoiler too much. But I think this is necessary for me so I can help process this loss for me.
To say I'm happy is an understatement. I'm beyond relieved and grateful we got the proper Archer ending this show so badly deserved. The season 14 finale was a disgrace, and the way it could have ended would have been tragic. This show ending is tragic enough, but thats just my view on it. Hyperfixations are hard ya'll.
I think the way they ended the plot for this show was very cleverly done. While I don't think Adam Reed would have went in this direction, I'm still satisfied with what the writers did. Seeing everyone band together was wonderful, and there were a couple twists I wasn't expecting at all, but it goes without saying, nothing can be perfect.
Some initial thoughts, pros and cons if you may, but not really.
The growth the characters go through is really really cool to see, notably Archer. When he says he doesn't need to know who his father is, that's a huge milestone and a step towards some emotional maturity. Sterling has so much trauma and is overall a very impulsive character, but letting him have his moments of clarity is always nice to see. There is a good balance between his impulses and realizing that his actions have consequences. I don't think there was any way Slater could have been saved in the end anyways.
There was no main focus on any specific character. Every main reoccurring role in the show got their own moments in this finale, which I am super grateful for. Season 14 had a hard time dedicating specific episodes to certain characters like in the earlier seasons, so this finale did a great job at giving everyone a bit of spotlight.
Focusing on the main characters instead of random one off characters was super cool and something I appreciate as well. Katya, Barry, and Slater were all characters who made the biggest impacts on the show by far, not to mention they're also fan favourites. But seeing Rip Riley was super exciting as well!
The early season throwbacks!! In the elevator shaft you can see the old ISIS sign and an old Cherlene album :3 If there was anything else I probably missed it as there was a lot of clutter, but I always get so so excited when there's early season callbacks. It shows that's the writers really do care about these characters and their stories. I was happy to see Milton!! Milton supremacy!!
The ode to Malory was wonderful, I'm so so happy they did that. Lana's speech at the end was a good way to wrap everything up for the crew.
There isn't much to say negatively, these aren't necessarily things that make this finale bad, just things that made me sad and were a surprise to me that I'm not sure how I feel. This is completely opinion biased and you can disagree all you want!
Slater dying. I'm really sad that one of my favourites ended up dying. I loved the very erotic moments between Slater and Archer and their initial fight was really intense and fun. But seeing Slater die wasn't really all that satisfying for me, except it allowed Archer to grow more and let go of some of that trauma. RIP Slater </3 You were a son of a bitch
Morphing Barry and Katya.. This is a weird one for me. I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. I guess the only fun thing I can say about this is that we got some fun classic enemies to lovers. I dont particularly LOVE that trope, but with making Katya a antagonist, it was quite the choice.
The settings.. I think it was fitting to have some of the settings back in Russia, but Rio was quite the random choice. There was a lot going on and at one point I kind of got confused as to where everyone was at one point, in one scene they're at the Agency, the next they're in a safe house, the next they're in some other random area, that was a bit hard to follow, but a lot happened in an hour, and there was a lot going on. The title "Into the Cold" was clever. Also I hated the whole crypto thing. That genuinely felt like a cheap cop out for some plot holes. Cyril doesn't seem like the type of person to be interested in crypto as one would figure he'd be pretty knowledgeable on how that stuff is shitty. If Lana saw those mines you know she would lose her mind LOL
Overall, I am happy with how things were wrapped up. I was very worried near the end because we hadn't seen AJ at ALL, or had any mention of her, so seeing the scene at the end with her and Sterling made me really happy, knowing that Archer kept in contact with Lana but not anybody else really stung, but Sterling saying he "hates goodbyes" really stuck with me after this finale finished. Saying goodbye to this show is not easy whatsoever, I have such a strong connection with these characters and cast, and my love for Cheryl is eternal. Its hard for neurotypical people to fully understand, and this is a grieving process for me, but I have the support and friends to help me through this, and I will always have these guys around, since I can rewatch this show as many times as I want. I will continue to make content and hopefully start writing more maybe. This world is so expansive and so many things can be done as it falls on the line of realism, slice of life, and science fiction. I love everything this show had to offer, and I'm so grateful for the dedication and work that went into this show.
If you read this far for some reason, thanks for reading.
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tenmissedcalls · 1 year
What a Shame
So you’re just friends. Only friends. And you’ve spent months convincing yourself you’re okay with that. (min ho x reader)
wc: 1.4k~
an: so i really didn’t think i would get this invested in this show... but here we are. this is a warmup for a longer fic i might end up posting. enjoy!
You’re starting to regret agreeing to come to this party.
The music is loud, bass pumping in your veins while you down your third mocktail of the evening. You’ve been camped out by the bar this entire evening, and you’re pretty sure the bartender is starting to feel bad for you. But Kitty and Q are nowhere to be seen, and your nerves get the better of you every time you consider joining the crowds on the dance floor.  
It doesn’t help that you’re increasingly insecure about getting all dressed up just to sit in the corner all night. Q had absolutely gushed over your outfit when you arrived, but suddenly it feels tight in all the wrong places and it hadn’t even been worth it, not when the guy you’d been hoping to notice you has barely looked your way all evening. 
But he certainly noticed Kitty, you think, trying to quell the bitter feelings roiling in your stomach. Not that you blame him. She looks incredible, really, and you’re more than happy for her that she’s starting to move on. You’ve never thought of yourself as the jealous type. It just has your mind turning over itself anxiously and you wave down the bartender for another mocktail to bury your feelings in.
This really isn’t your scene. You’re starting to consider taking the walk back to your dorm, given your curfew has already come and gone. You’re sure your friends wouldn’t mind, wherever they are. So you slide off the bar stool, legs stiff from sitting still for so long, when suddenly a hand grabs yours and you’re pulled face-to-face with a clearly intoxicated Kitty.
“How many drinks have you had?” you ask her, voice raised over the noise. Your mouth pulls itself into a frown when you smell the alcohol on your breath, and you do your best to steer her over to a chair. 
“Only… thirteen?” she begins, and the evident panic on your face has her own eyes widening. “No! Thirteen sips, not drinks. Thirteen sips,” she clarifies, and you heave a sigh in relief. You’re not even sure where she’s getting the alcohol from, but you’re sure more than enough students have smuggled in flasks of vodka.
“Are you having fun?” she shouts, louder than she has to, and now your expression is turning back into a frown. It’s not that you’re not trying - you’ve been to more than a few parties, and they’re usually enjoyable enough. But tonight is different, for reasons you can’t really put a finger on. 
Kitty notices immediately, even though she’s clearly verging on more than tipsy at this point. Her eyes narrow, and you try to backtrack as quickly as you can by forcing a smile onto your face.
“No! Yes. Yes, I’m having fun,” you blurt out, even though you’re starting to get a headache and the lights on the dance floor suddenly seem far too bright. 
Kitty shakes her head. “Don’t lie to me,” she pouts, and you suppress your laughter. “I know how to make you feel better- go find Min Ho,” she says, oblivious to the effect his name has on you.
Suddenly, you’re frozen. Right - he’s the reason you even came to this party in the first place (not that you want to admit it). It’s a strange dichotomy, the way he has you on edge and yet you’ve never felt more at ease than when you’re with him. And almost like it’s fate, you look up and there he is in the crowds.
He looks… good. Far too good. It’s unfair, really, the way he seems to glow in the lights. It’s effortless for him, the way his confidence spills over itself on the dance floor. You think you could lose yourself forever in the cut of his jawline and the spread of his shoulders. You don’t even like the color of the suit he’s wearing and yet he’s pulling it off in a way that makes you weak in the knees. You find yourself wishing for some of the alcohol that Kitty’s been drinking, because your nerves have your stomach twisting itself into knots.
“What do you mean?” you ask Kitty, voice wavering. She rolls her eyes like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it is - you feel like you’ve never been vulnerable than when you look at him.
“You like him, don’t you? Go dance with him,” she says like she’s stating something as undeniable as the fact that the sky is blue. You stare at her, bewildered, for long enough that she physically grabs you and pushes you gently toward the dance floor. You don’t even dance, you think distantly to yourself. 
You forget that Kitty has this innate ability to pick up on people’s feelings - not that you’re willing to believe have any for him. Yes, he’s so pretty it makes your chest hurt. Yes, you’ve found yourself laughing at his stupid jokes in chemistry class more than you’d like to admit. Yes, you think that underneath his layers and layers of charm and charisma and defensiveness, he’s sweet and funny and smarter than he gives himself credit for. Yes, maybe you’d like to think that between the lingering glances and the lingering touches and the way he smiles at you, he’s caught feelings too. But you also know he’s not the type for commitment, and you’ve entrenched yourself firmly in the friend zone before he can hurt you. You can’t help but compare yourself to all the others falling over themselves for his attention, either.
So you’re just friends. Only friends. And you’ve spent months convincing yourself you’re okay with that.
And then you’re there, pulled into the mass of people dancing. Whatever song is playing is the kind that’ll be stuck in your head for the next week, and when you suck in a breath it tastes like teenage mistakes and rose-tinted memories. It’s almost overwhelming, and you lose sight of him immediately, until-
“You’re here!” 
His hand is on your elbow as he pulls you through the crowd, and the physical contact feels like pure electricity running through your nerves. His mouth curls into a smile at the sight of you, and it’s like it’s just the two of you on the dance floor all of the sudden. You don’t know whether you love or hate the fact that he has this effect on you.
“I couldn’t miss the best party of the year, could I?” you tell him, tilting your head up to look at him. 
It’s like he’s drinking in the sight of you, eyes dragging up and down your face and lingering far too long on your lips. You wonder how embarrassing it would be if your legs gave out right now. 
“You… haven’t had anything to drink, have you?” you ask, voice strained, even though you know he would never, especially at his own party. He laughs.
“Of course not. Why do you ask?” he replies, leaning down ever so slightly, and the sudden eye contact has you flustered beyond belief. “What’s got you so shy all of a sudden? Is it me? I have that effect on people.”
“No! Of course not-” you sputter, although you’re sure he can see right through you. Normally you’d laugh his cockiness off, but something about being in such close proximity to him has your thoughts scrambled. Your mind races to think of an excuse for your jitteriness. “I just - we’re trying to help Kitty have her first kiss, and -”
You slap a hand over your mouth. Bad excuse, you chide yourself mentally. You’re sure Min Ho doesn’t want to hear about it, especially since he’s firmly siding with Dae over the whole issue, and something about the phrase first kiss has you feeling almost nauseous. 
“Oh, a first kiss. You too?” Min Ho asks teasingly.
“No, I’m just…” you trail off. The truth is you don’t really know why you’re here, when you really think about it. Yes, Kitty had convinced you to come by mentioning that the party was being thrown by Min Ho. But now that you’re here, you’re more than painfully aware of your feelings for him, and you’re at a loss as to how to deal with them. And now you’re thinking about it - kissing him.
You turn your head back towards him, eyes sticking to the dip of his throat disappearing into his collar. 
“What a shame,” he whispers, hand still lingering on your arm and you swear you see stars when he leans in closer. Your hand instinctively reaches up to hold onto his shoulder to steady yourself.
“Come find me if you change your mind.”
And then he’s slipping back into the party with a wink, leaving you completely and utterly breathless.
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socialbunny · 10 months
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 Skip has always found a way to work through his problems and turn them around with relative ease, but the sudden death of his wife, Brandi, has brought his mostly carefreeness towards his children  to a stand-still. With two freshly traumatized children and a newborn under his belt, can Skip juggle turning his shitty ass life around for his family, or will he crumble under the weight of his past mistakes?
Darleen hasn’t been the same since her husband, Darren, died, though she’d be quick to argue with you if you said anything of the sort. She’s FINE! She misses her husband, undoubtedly, but she’s not going to let that very, very, very tiny thing wreck her whole life, and she’s not going to let people give her grief about ANYTHING. Sure, she got fired from her job a few months back and hasn’t made any strides to find a new one, and she’s losing touch with her son as she goes and squanders all her responsibilities by partying and drinking on par with younger years, aaaaaaaaaaaaand the almost obsessive idealistic crush she’s developed on her neighbor is clouding the second half of her judgment, but she’s bounced back from worse and knows everything’s going to come up Darleen :) …………. hopefully
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sweetgaleria · 1 year
Help a college student graduate by answering a survey!!
Hey!! Are you over 18 and in the miraculous fandom? Then this is for you!!
Hi everyone, this is my last semester of uni, and one of my final projects to be able to graduate is to write a scientific paper. I'm writing an article about adult fans of children's animation, specifically Miraculous Ladybug. My goal is to understand what makes adults (like us) want to join fandoms centered around shows aimed primarily at children, and to do that I'd love to hear directly from the source! The survey takes around 10 minutes to answer, it's 100% anonymous and it would help me immensely!
>>Click here for the survey<<
I need at least 30 people to answer, but honestly the more the merrier! I've also made a little thank you gif at the end, so if you see it let me know! If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask, as well!
Please reblog so it can reach more people! Thank you so much!
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sanstropfremir · 2 months
i was wondering if you already talked/like the jpop group psychic fever :) idk i feel like you'd like them but if not are there any jpop groups you listen to?
girl i have no clue what is going on with exile tribe i wouldn't even know where to start lmao. i do listen to a few of their units, including psychic fever, but it's mostly ballistik boyz just bc animal is my own personal crack. the occasional jo1 and ini song makes it into my rounds, but i'm mostly a jrock and j...indie? i guess? listener. queen bee and i dont like mondays are two of my mostly listened groups, plus a variety of other artists like taichi mukai, eill, fujii kaze, rung hyang, etc. highly recommend every queen bee song, idlm's black humor and fashion albums, and taichi mukai's the last album. and now im hijacking my own post bc this is now a psa about avu chan's boy group ryugujo!! genuinely fr the only boy group ever actually. highly highly highly recommend literally every song they have and their new ep just dropped last month!
other songs that fucking rip that are not just me linking their entire spotify page:
me linking their entire spotify page anyways:
also highly recommend watching their show 0 year 0 class, bc it is genuinely inspiring and enjoyable to watch someone actually want to teach trainees how to be idols and succeed. and not just how to be idols, but how to be better people as well. k survival shows could never and actually any other survival show could never. flawless 10/10 no notes avu chan i need you to take down the entire survival/audition show industrial complex immediately.
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love-songs-for-emma · 2 years
will's clock drawings,,, i suddenly have So many questions. bc right. it's not just his ability to draw a clock that's affected by his encephalitis LMAO now i don't know much about anything but let's pretend this somehow doesn't affect how he moves about the world around him & lets say he can type all his reports for the FBI up fine,, but would there not at least be evidence around the office, in his home, in his /classroom/ (imagine him grading ur papers during all of this lmfao) of will's clearly deteriorating ability to write/draw coherently? even with them taking hannibal's word for what it is about will's perfectly fine clock drawing "from two weeks ago" or whatever, no one saw his handwriting and said something to someone?? no one ???
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maxe-murderer · 8 months
Hey fellas I don't have the time to skim thru the video to the summoning rn but I need to know what shoes does Jon wear for wiggly? Cause in that one pic of all 5 of them backstage it looks like he's just in his socks and I need to know
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2truehearts · 1 year
ew what the fuck
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cheemken · 5 months
NAW THAT'S SO CUTE storing this away for later. Just so fond of these dragon sibs fr
YEAH but when you look at what the Academy Special consists of, there's like ramen and french fries and jellybeans to name a few. Don't know what about it that barely needs chewing so shooting him with my self projection beams, it's more of a texture thing for him. Need a variety of textures and flavours in one meal or else he won't finish it
OUGH just the image of Iris giving Drayton a piggyback ride is so precious. How she's realizing the small, good changes and grateful for his friends that's helping. Maybe it'll reach a point where she'll struggle a little but it's worth it. What's the use of all that training if she can't carry her precious lil bro you know?
Also I just love the idea of the E4 looking out for one another. Like that guy's a slacker but he's their slacker y'know? I know in my heart that if anyone tried to mess with any of the other E4, suddenly there's an arm slung over their shoulder, a deceptively laidback voice suggesting they 'knock it off if you know what's good for you'
Genuinely nothing's scarier than seeing Drayton angry about something cause with how much he let slide off his back and be chill about it, you know you messed up big time if you manage to be the target of his anger
Oughgh your honour dragon siblings real
But oh real shit that's the academy special?? Tbf,,, you can eat fries without chewing them,,, don't ask, I just know lmfaooo but yeah, w the texture and taste oh god anon I can vouch for that. But augh,,,,, Drayton w that too, how there's really certain food he refuses to eat, and like, maybe he really is just lazy to chew lmfao, I picture him being fond of smoothies and ice cream bc yeah, those really don't need chewing, he can legit just gulp it down hahaha
But right the dragon sibs are just so soft your honour listen chxmbx listen imagine if they always did that back then too, when they were younger Iris always gives him piggyback rides bc he loves it and he gets all happy and it fills her heart to see her lil bro so happy, but goddamn did he carry that into his teen years lmfaooo well it's okay, y'know, not like he really weights much to her, she's used to stuff like that given her training w their grandfather, plus it's nice y'know that through that she found out he became heavier, which means he's really eating well, so it lessened her worries a lil bit
And yeah omf protective Drayton is so real it's real to me your honour, it's canon in my heart. I know I said back then that maybe Iris and Drayton's dynamic would be similar to Sans and Papyrus undertale, cause yeah I thought that maybe they're the same age or Drayton is older, but now imagine him having the Sans vibes when it comes to his friends
Like yeah, he's pretty lazy, he's laid back, his friends always call him a slacker but you're right, he's their slacker, they started calling him the local slakoth lmfao, but still y'know, I imagine when he's pissed off he doesn't even look pissed. More like, he still has that lazy smile on his face, but there's this aura surrounding him y'know, the atmosphere is tense, and they can just tell that no, he's not playing around anymore, he legit won't hesitate to call out Archaludon if they press on while Drayton is pissed
Y'know despite his dynamic w Kieran now, I always picture him kinda going on to the kids who are scared of Kieran or like make fun of him now to knock it off. If I remember right, Carmine asked one of the BB E4 how Kieran was doing, I think it was Crispin, and he said that Kieran was doing well y'know, some kids are just scared of him. I wanna say that despite Drayton also kinda pissing off Kieran w the whole ex champion and payback thing, he still sees him as a friend, and doesn't want people to mess w him. After all, why would they even go against Drayton? He's the second strongest in their school, once the Champion of their league, and was trained by a Champion, if they go against him they know they'd instantly lose
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How I think (some of*) the batfam would escape riddler esque death traps + my batman oc
*Some of bc some of these characters I only know thru vid essays + fanon, so I'm hesitant to assume. Feel free to add on tho
Dick: breaks out but not in the way you're supposed to. pulls In The Walls type shenanigans on whoever trapped him. Crawling thru the vents and appearing from nowhere in whichever brightly colored costume he's currently in to take out the badguy
Jess (OC): breaks out by force/magic/sheer will power. Yes she probably is intelligent enough to solve the riddles involved. No she did not consider that was an option. She will not punch the bad guy and take them to the police
Jason: breaks out by physical force/impressive use of a weapon. Yeah he might've been able to solve the riddle but he saw another way out bc the captor didn't account for a batfam member w a gun
Steph: [I don't know enough abt her help] probably notices something thanks to her history w her parent and/or other robin skills she has (gimme suggestions and also good places to learn more abt her PLS)
Cass: she escaped and no one even realized when or how. Bad guy did not see her coming and wakes up in police custody
Tim: technically escaped the "right way" by solving the riddles and puzzles but absolutely did it too fast and probably had a couple wrong method right answer moments bc we all know this man is a lil feral
Duke: probably broke out an unconventional way (I don't know much abt him either PLS tell me abt him)
Damian: violent escape. Understood the riddles but broke them the wrong way anyway out of spite for someone daring to capture him and think he couldn't escape. Rlly depends on how long he's been in Gotham as to whether or not the bad guy survives
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sundial-girl · 11 months
vFlwoer...you know teh ourple one...
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My favorite song of theirs
ok i'm actually gonna be real i don't listen to that much flower 😭😭😭 SORRY. but the songs i have listened to are good she slays
i think given my blog theme though it's pretty obvious which is my fave flower song
Who I ship them with
ig(??) i do still for the most part think she's sapphic/has a preference for girls, and b/c of a friend my main thing was flowerin. i do like them v much and think abt them, they're cute. BUT a different friend of mine ships fukaflower and that's also really grown on me. BUT b/c of the internet and other mutuals too i've seen pikase and that's cute as hell too. so my mind somehow condensed that into the THREE OF EM (flower, fukase, piko) but i dont even know what tf i'd call that; its not entirely romantic but also not entirely platonic, something is going on and its made infinitely more complicated w/ how they all interact differently depending on what fucking timeline story thing we're in. and again flower & rin is also cute and flower has other cute ships too and AJKSDKJKJKJ 😭
i'll just say tho that the good thing about having several different story things where different things happen is i can do whatever i want and everyone can b happy. the bad thing is i end up overthinking it and also i have a tendency to not give the characters in my stories happy endings
My favorite part about their design
well for one i like how she has so many designs i think its funny lmaoo
v3 and v4 are my faves sooo... i do like the dress & longer hair of v3 actually, i feel its more like, actual flower-like so it fits (and maybe im a bit based b/c that's the design she had when i first vaguely knew abt her). but v4 is iconic, undoubtedly. its the first design that pops into my head when people say flower. i really like how its more ourple since her v3 is more like... black? hksjghkj. i like her striped armwarmer thing its quite funky. solid designs but theyre hard asf to draw imma be real 😭 i can never get them quite right
ALSO i know people dont like ci b/c she doesn't look like flower, but funnily enough i do kinda like that. the sorta uncanny valleyness, b/c u know its supposed to be flower and it vaguely does have some resemblance but its also not and something feels wrong. again though that might just be me b/c of how i twist that for narrative purposes and i have a lot of fun w/ angst shit regarding ciflower but sjkjdhjkshkjhakjhg
A random headcanon I have of them
you know those memes about people cutting/dying their hair after a mental breakdown? yeah that's her 😂😭
i don't think she actually dyes it, it's naturally that peppered white/black color sorta, but she does impulsively do shit to her hair sometimes, not necessarily when she is distressed but she has def done it as "distraction" from negative emotions going on. luckily there's some sorta thing going on that lets her grow her hair back really fast in case she fucks up, so she can test out as many hairstyles as she wants whenever basically. she does think fucked up hairstyles are really funny tho. probably once shaved her entire head just b/c she could
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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kyuala · 9 months
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just woke up from a dream where mark was my bf how do i go on living like normal after this 😭😭😭😭
#i think i was like. at some sort of nct nation rehearsal and i was just listening to his parts#anton for some reason came up beside me and was like singing along and i was like omg thats so good!!! u rock!!#then hendery asked me what i was talking about bc from where he was standing he couldnt see anton so i explained it to him#i said anton rocks omg!!!! then he agreed then anton got all shy then we all ordered food (?)#WHICH WAS BURGER KING BUT LIKE ON A MEAL PLATE AND ALSO W WASABI???? anyways#mark discreetly showed up along w some of the other members and while they were all talking he came up to me tryna be all lowkey#but then i made grabby hands and kissy faces at him and he came closer so i could smooch his cheek 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭im gonna kms.#anyways. i kissed his cheek and while we were hugging he whispered smth abt asking a staff to drop me off at his house#or the other way around i cant rmbr it but i got all happy n excited bc i'd be seeing him again later#n we were like. just in a big love bubble it was so cute :( then fucking hendery and anton saw us and were like WHAT ARE Y'ALL TALKING ABOUT#we just giggled and said NOTHING MIND YOUR BUSINESS and then mark gave them his credit card to distract them like 😭😭😭 some rich men r ok#n then he went away and they started fighting over who got the card and what they should buy with it#and hendery was doing a silly dance to make me laugh and try to convince me to be on his side n say anton should give him the card it was SO#CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE WHOLE ENTIRE DREAM IT WAS JUST SO CUTE I CANT IM VONNA DIE#screaming crying throwing up etc pls God make this a realityyyy i wanna date mark and have fun w the neos and neo-adjacent 😔#mari.txt#dreams
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marciliedonato · 2 years
They didn't like it when they went white violin mode....
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mocharaycookie · 2 years
so apparently the new "twitter doesn't know what fictionkin" is bit is about some post that blew up saying if you were a synpath of some character you were a total piece of shit and now people are fighting over delusional attachments of the character and irls and whatever the fuck twitter does.
except it also happens to be object show drama so when i looked up who was being talked about i expected something bad but i did NOT expect this fucking thing
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anyways the only thing i'm taking from this entire post (and you should too) is not haha funny corn cob discourse but the fact that you now have to justify who you are kin with in most spaces because of KFF/yanderebitchclub logic leak and if you're not a pure ray of sunshine? God Help You
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the-casbah-way · 1 year
Can i ask how old is Oct and Jed in the fic?
octavius is 45 and jed is 41 :3
and YES i will be describing the greying hair and permanent eye bags and smile lines so no one is allowed to picture them as sexy and young. and YES octavius is going to have shitty clicky knees during sex and probably will need to pop some viagra before the whole ordeal and i will be describing his dad bod in excruciating detail so that it’s physically impossible to imagine him as a twinkified 30 year old. only visibly ageing sexy men in my fics thank you very much
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
Another lil connection between "Brian/Bryan" representing Dennis rejecting Mac/being gay but not coming out etc - when Mac visits his dad in prison in MFHP there's a shot of the sign-in sheet, and one of the other names on it is "Bryan Dennis" (at least I think that's what it's from - might have misunderstood what that screenshot was tho and I can't find it now lol)
:0 ⁉️ I'm not familiar with what you're talking about at all, I apologize. But ty for reading my meta 😭💕
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