#pls let him wear red ALL the darn time pls
demoiselettes · 2 years
Lovestruck !
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ʚ♡ɞCategory: fluff, sweet, sweet romance<3
ʚ♡ɞPairing(s): Sabito x reader/ Sanemi x reader/ Tanjiro x reader/ Zenitsu x reader
ʚ♡ɞWarning(s)/note(s): Fem! Reader, Sabito is alive pls we can’t have him dead all the time c’mon, cursing for Sanemi’s part
ʚ♡ɞ A/n: Just our loves being love-struck dorks! Finally some Tanjiro and Zenitsu on this blog! They needed the love<3 ya girl is a sucker for romance-filled oneshots/drabbles because the guy she is crushing on is a fictional character, typical stuff. Enjoy!
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•Imagine this guy having a crush on you.
•But not just any crush, he is so utterly in love with you, that it scares even him because he cannot, for the love of him, even explain the way he loses focus on everything when you’re around him.
•He’d try to push his feelings away because he is a Demon Slayer and his training and job demand utmost concentration.
•Before you start dating, he’d be a little scared or nervous to go on paired missions with you because the way his hands are sweating and trembling on his sword—due to the knowledge that the love of his life is right behind him, following him and keeping him company—cannot be good to kill demons.
•Honestly though, even if he died because of you, he wouldn’t really mind. At least it was you.
•Sabito being Sabito wouldn’t hesitate to act on his feelings because in his mind, a real man speaks his mind, or in his case, his heart.
•So don’t expect to wait for a long time before a confession smacks you in the face.
•He’s rather quiet around you. You might think he isn’t fond of you because of this since he is usually pretty loud and talkative to everyone else, specially Giyuu and Tengen.
•But when you approach him, a little switch goes off inside of him.
•The jokes stop, the pestering and pranking fade away and he only returns your queries with short answers and curt nods.
•He may or may not wear his mask more whenever you’re around.
•Because why would he ever allow you to see his red visage?
•Though it is worth mentioning that he only ever acts like this because in his mind, he does not have a chance with you. So he’d rather not let you see how completely smitten he is.
•After you both start dating, he’d be the boldest man on Earth. How could he ever hide his relationship with you? He loves you so, so much and he is proud of it, of you.
•He talks about you so much to his fellow pillars(mostly Tengen and Giyuu, again) that they have to tell him to shut up at one point. (Though Mitsuri finds your relationship so gosh-darn cute she cannot help but fan herself and turn a little red whenever Sabito speaks so fondly of you and only encourages him further to speak what is in his heart.)
•When you had just started dating, Giyuu gave your shoulder a soft little pat and wished you luck. Boi knows what it is like to deal with Sabito.
•He’d do anything, and i mean anything for you
•He treats you like you’re a fragile glass sculpture and sometimes you have to wack him on the head and remind him that you are a Demon Slayer.
•Speaking of Demon Slaying, he wouldn’t be fond to have you in the corps due to the possibility of you getting heavily injured or-God forbid-dying.
•He would try to reason with you gently and patiently to get you to leave the corps but if you refuse, he won’t impose himself on you.
•Instead, he’d train you more and hone your skills to perfection so that you’d be able your hold your own in battle and come back to him alive and without a scratch.
•Everytime you leave for a mission, he makes sure you have wisteria on you and enough first-aid supply to help a small group.
•He hates watching you leave, kissing you farewell like his life depends on it because he doesn’t know when or if you’ll come back.
•He tells himself that you are strong and that doubting you would mean he doesn’t trust you, but his love for you is stronger than the rational side of him and he always ends up worrying himself a bunch even though he hides it well to not make you worried.
Sabito leaned back to support himself with his hands, seated on the wooden engawa of the Estate. He was never one to simply relax even on a day off and make as if people weren’t dying left and right from demon attacks. But as he took in the beautiful weather—the sun warming his face and the fluffy clouds overhead passing by lazily—and the even more beautiful sight next to him, he thought that maybe he should allow himself to relax more often.
He glanced at you out of the corners of his eyes. Your eyes were droopy and your breathing had becoming soft and light. He let a grin appear on his face while his left hand lifted up to gently flick your forehead.
“Hmm,” you couldn’t muster up too much of an elaborate answer from how heavy your mind felt with the urge to doze off and truthfully, you only half-registered what he said. But you smiled lazily when you felt warm arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you up. The moment you were positioned on his lap, you let your head rest on his chest. Now it was even harder for you to remain awake. You wanted to stay conscious to spend the day with your lover, but being wrapped up in his embrace with his chin resting lightly on top of your head with his fingers gently running through your hair was beginning to lull you to sleep faster than the medicated water Shinobu made you drink whenever she patched up your wounds after your missions.
“Love you..” you breathed out, your voice slightly slurred and barely audible but the words reached his ears anyway and had you not already been snoring away, you would have noticed the way his hold on you tightened ever so slightly and felt his lips on your forehead.
“I love you, too.” He whispered, head dipping down to press his lips to your ear. “I love you more than you can imagine.”
And once again, with you bundled up in his arms, in his haori, he told himself that days off like these should become more frequent.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
•Much like Sabito, he hates anything that interferes with his goal: that being the eradication of demons.
•Unlike Sabito, he will actually treat you harshly, in the beginning at least.
•When i say ‘harshly’ i don’t mean that he’ll become physically violent, oh no he’d sooner die than lay a finger on you, but he will act slightly more..rude to you.
•In truth, he is completely enamored with you. And when he finally realizes that he may or may not have caught feelings one lovely afternoon while he was polishing his sword and his mind kept thinking back to you, he was floored.
•Only then does he realize why he could never keep his eyes off you while you speak even if it isn’t with him, or when you are sparring or fighting. Or just breathing.
•But he doesn’t believe that love is meant for him. He hopes that Genya will leave the corps and find someone he loves and settle down with a family of his own, but Sanemi himself doesn’t have time for that.
•So he’ll try to distance himself from you, believing that if he interacts with you less, his feelings might eventually die down.
•Spoiler alert: they don’t. And now you are left with a very on edge Sanemi who is constantly worried about your well-being because he hasn’t seen you in a bit and who can’t even give training his all.
•Honestly, you’ll be in such a very confusing situation. He’ll constantly push you away and ignore you, but he’ll also fret over the smallest details of if you have eaten, if the bags under your eye look a little too prominent, if you’re tiring yourself out..
•Expressing himself emotionally isn’t his forte because he had an abusive father growing up and though his mother was a wonderful lady, she was always working to make ends meet while Sanemi himself had to take care of his younger siblings, so he never had time to properly learn how to love.
•He does know the basics though, and once he finally comes to term with his feelings, he realizes how futile it is to push you away.
•Once it becomes apparent that maybe you do reciprocate his feelings, he doesn’t waste his time in telling you about his. Don’t expect it to be too romantic, but he will try his hardest to not get too flustered and to look for the correct words.
•He might even bring you a a bouquet of flowers!
•After you start dating, he’ll soften up a bit.
•He won’t flaunt his relationship with you. It’s not that he is ashamed of it, he just won’t say anything if nobody asks. If someone does question it, he will affirm that yes he is courting you and everyone else better back tf off.
•Scary guard dog privileges Scary guard dog privileges!!
•No one dares to mess with you, whether he’s around or not because he will learn about it (he has his ways) and will make anyone who bothered you pay.
•He is a total sucker for whatever you do in general, but he loves it when you bathe with him.
•Setting aside the sexual implications, even though i can’t promise you he won’t do anything, he loves having you in the hotsprings with him and taking turns to wash each other’s backs or hair.
•It’s such an intimate moment for him, one which he thought he’d never get to experience, that he can’t help but be grateful.
•You are the only person who can touch his scars and when you do, he melts.
Sanemi huffed as steam rose from the water, warming his face uncomfortably and making him wrinkle his nose. He had his eyes closed but from somewhere near him, he could make out the gentle trickle of water and he knew it was you, either playing with the water or waddling around.
He kept his eyes closed, refusing to open them because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop gawking at you if he did open them, and you’d never let him hear the end of it. But of course, his senses whirled in alarm as he felt the water around him move and the splashing sound got closer. He could feel you, too, even though you weren’t completely close to him. He wasn’t a pillar for no reason.
But what put him on edge was the fact that you didn’t speak. He didn’t hear anything, nor feel anything, all he could feel was your presence. What were you doing, just staring at him?
Reluctantly, he cracked an eye open and almost choked on his spit. You were right in front of him, staring up at him with the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen. You had such an innocent face, his heart hurt from how beautiful you were.
“Oi, quit doing that. You look weird,” he said instead, forcing himself to look away from your vulnerable state. You tilted your head to the side, blinking once.
“Sorry, did i make you uncomfortable? You just look so handsome..”
Ah, if only you knew the effect you had on him. Had he not known better, he would have booked an appointment with Shinobu for a heart check-up.
“You’re f*cking creepy.” He said finally, puffing air out of his nose. To others, he might have seemed menacing but you only giggled, a melodious sound to his ears.
If Sanemi could get drunk on your voice, he would.
“Sorry, ‘Nemi..i can’t help it. You’re really so cute..” your voice dropped by several octaves until it was barely a whisper.
He grumbled under his breath, ignoring the ball that lodged itself in his throat and raising a muscular arm up, nodding his chin towards it. “C’mon.”
It was nice how soft you were to the touch, cuddling against him while your fingers swirled the water gently. He could really get used to this.
Tanjiro Kamado
•What more can i say, you just scored yourself the sweetest lover!
•Tanjiro is no stranger to love as he had two loving parents growing up, and he knew they loved each other very much.
•He was aware of what love felt like and though he was slightly embarrassed to admit it, he did wish that after Muzan is defeated and Nezuko turned back into a human, he’d get to maybe marry someone whom he loves and settle down with a family.
•Of course with the responsibilities of being an older brother to three dorks a demon and being a Demon Slayer, he’d have to push those dreams aside. Then there was always the chance that he might die while on a mission.
•When you came into his life, he could have sworn the sun shone brighter, the sky was a bit more blue and the grass was greener.
•It seemed cliché and cheesy, but Tanjiro had been through so much and not once did he get time to properly breathe that when he met someone who came with a promise of love, he couldn’t help but fall hard.
•He would be so shy around you, but so chivalrous.
•He’d offer to patch up your wounds after a particularly hard mission and would try to get you to rest and take care of yourself.
•All in all, he’d be quite doting.
•With his heightened sense of smell, Tanjiro could pick up on your emotions with ease.
•He’d never try to invade your privacy, but the moment the smell of sadness or anger or despair starts looming over you like a dark cloud, he’d be there.
•He loves your signature smell, whether it be a perfume, whatever soap that you use, etc.. he’ll have it engraved in his mind and the moment he picks up on it, he’ll begin to look for you.
•He loves cooking with you, it feels like the domestic bliss that was snatched away from him.
•And of course, he loves watching you get along with Nezuko. The little cutie looks up to you as an older sister and Tanjiro approves 100%
Tanjiro patrolled the hallways of the Butterfly Estate. He had just arrived from a mission, exhausted, sleepy and most importantly, extremely [Name]-deprived. The only problem, however, was that after setting Nezuko’s box in the room where he was supposed to stay, he couldn’t find you anywhere. He walked into the sunlight to be greeted by Sumi, Naho and Kiyo. When questioned, they chirped that you were in the kitchen.
That was enough information. Quickly thanking them and spinning on his heels, he rushed back inside-heading straight for the kitchen. When he spotted you, you had draped on one of Aoi’s spare nurse uniforms over your own Demon Slayer uniform, back turned to him as you busied yourself with rolling up a rice ball.
His expression brightened so much, anyone would have thought Muzan had been defeated. He walked inside, his footsteps light. When he was finally behind you, he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“Good to see you, [Name]-san, those smell really good,”
He hadn’t meant to scare you but you had been so engrossed in not messing up the food that you hadn’t registered his arrival as you normally would have. This caused you to flinch and let go of the rice ball that was sandwiched between your hands and had it not been for Tanjiro’s fast reflexes,it would have splattered on the ground.
He broke a small piece from it and popped it in his mouth, humming in approval. Another chunk soon followed and he hovered it in front of your mouth, smiling so sweetly at the sight of your red cheeks and the way your fiddled with the little ribbon tied around your waist.
“Do you not like it when i feed you?” He pouted playfully, tilting his head to the side. That was enough to earn him a giggle and you finally allowed him to feed you the piece of onigiri.
“I’m glad you’re back safe, Tanjiro-kun,” you swallowed your food, internally praising yourself for the taste. “I was worried when you didn’t answer my letter..”
A huge boulder fell on his shoulder and he placed a warm hand on top of your head, patting it gently. “I’m sorry, i was helping out Inosuke and Zenitsu the entire way, and we couldn’t rest at a Wisteria Inn, but i was very happy to receive your letter, and i’m sorry for making you worry-“
When he felt your arms wrap around his waist, his cheeks flared up. You snuggled closer to him, head resting on his chest and is it just him or do you look even more adorable than usual? He quickly followed your actions, his own arms wrapping around your frame and pulling you closed to him. He knew that if ever the two of you were caught by Aoi or Shinobu, you’d be in for a scolding, but in that moment, he couldn’t help but gently and shyly lift your chin up and bend down to place his lips on yours.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
•He worships you. Do you find that surprising?
•All his life, Zenitsu had been on a quest to find love and though he did court a couple of girls, none of them had turned out to be real.
•Love he did find, but in the oddest place.
•The Demon Slayer Corps isn’t the best place to find women to court, but who was he to complain, when he stumbled upon you?
•The moment he saw you, he did what Zenitsu always does: he threw himself at you and begged for your hand in marriage.
•He had expected a lot of reactions: for you to be disgusted, for you to be afraid and to kick him, what he hadn’t expected was for you to gently pat his head with the kindest smile and to actually consider his proposal.
•When he had lifted his head to look at you, he was certain he was gazing at an angel.
•From then on, he did whatever be could to be around you as often as possible. He doesn’t hide the fact that he loves you, he openly displays his feelings.
•When he goes on missions, he tries to bring home gifts for you.
•Even a small flower, but he hates coming to you empty-handed, even if you reassure him that he doesn’t have to give you anything.
•He craves your touch and makes it a must to give you at least one hug daily. Though if you are not fond of physical contact, he’ll try to refrain from touching you to not make you uncomfortable.
• Zenitsu has an inferiority complex and he constantly thinks that he cannot be equal to Tanjiro or Inosuke.
•If you tell him that he has his own worth and that he doesn’t have to be a good swordsman to be equal to Tanjiro or Inosuke or to compare himself at all, he’ll be yours automatically.
•Marriage proposals everyday. I don’t make the rules.
•Everything you do is a blessing to him, he’s so, so smitten.
•He does get jealous pretty easily though. He trusts you a ton, but he is always so scared that someone else might woo you away because they are better than him.
•He takes you on dates whenever possible. His ideal date is a picnic with you, you feeding him fruits or peppering his face with kisses.
Zenitsu laughed when a kiss was pressed on his cheek. He was on cloud nine literally, if you squint hard enough, you might just make out small flowers floating around him.
He reached out to gently pinch his lover’s cheek, cooing at how soft it was to the touch and admiring the way her eyes lit up and her face split into a grin.
“[Name]-chan,” he began, “you’re so cute, i don’t think i can handle it!”
Of course he was lying. Even if he couldn’t handle it, he would because just how could he ever give up his precious gem? But he could handle it, and he was going to relish in every moment spent with his angel.
“Aw, i’m sorry, Zenitsu-kun, should i try to tone it down?” Your tone was equally as light and playful as his. Your cheeks hurt from smiling but Zenitsu was such a sweetheart !
Who would have thought of him as being daring enough to sneak you away to a picnic? Truth was, when it came to you, Zenitsu was daring enough to go against the Wind Pillar himself. He had brought along mochis filled with sweet bean paste, yet as he bit into one, he remarked that the filling was nowhere as sweet as you were.
Taking note of the small bits of sticky rice stuck near the corners of your lips, which you were blissfully unaware of, he was about to reach out to wipe them away with his thumb when a thought struck him. You looked up and wondered why your boyfriend was suddenly such a prominent shade of red and why his eyes were so wide. Zenitsu could hear your confusion and he bit his tongue to not squeal. Tentatively, he leaned closer to you, with each passing second increasing the tension in the air and when he was close enough for you to feel his warm breath fanning across your face, you had to swallow to to keep yourself calm. Then he placed his lips on the corner of yours, right where the pieces of rice were and you felt him lick them away.
When he pulled away, ecstatic yet frantic that he had managed to pull such a move, he stared at you to gauge a reaction out of you, afraid he might have crossed the limits, but the way you blushed so prettily and the rapid thuds your heart gave out told him that maybe he hadn’t messed up. He was, however, pretty alarmed when you slumped in his arms and the cry that left his mouth was enough to alert the entire Butterfly Estate.
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annqbthchse · 4 years
SGE Headcanons
You know that thorn scene from book 1 and how Agatha and Tedros got scratched up a bit, well some of those scars never healed and they still have some - Agatha has a couple gnarly ones on her leg - Tedros loves them
During their reign at Camelot Agatha and Tedros sometimes take a few days off when things get a bit fought and stay at the house in Avalon for a few days maybe a week for some cute quality time together. This way they still the chance to be all domestic and stuff without the pressure of an entire kingdom - They never sleep in the master bedroom tho - they’ll mainly sleep either by the fire or cuddle on the couch  (let’s just pretend that if they leave sophie in charge she wouldn’t cause total chaos and destruction when they’re away)
When anyone uses a really powerful spell or something their veins and eyes start to glow up with their finger glow colour
Hort has a pirate ring he got from his father that he keeps a secret from everyone but Sophie - he eventually gifts it to her
Yara is a music prodigy
Kei constantly wears those big oversized ugly sweaters, Rhian swears he hates it cos it’s not 𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 but he secretly loves how cuddly they are
Tedros is actually really educated (I mean he is a prince and had Merlin as his tutor) but he’s just a dumbass by nature like he can immediately tell you the DETAILED history of any kingdom in the woods but if you ask him what the main ingredient in pasta is he’ll short circuit - it’s the himbo in him
When Agatha returns to Gavaldon in AWWP she had trouble sleeping for several months so Callis was very worried. So, when Callis saw Agatha and Tedros sleeping so soundly together once she was just like” hmmm maybe he’s not that bad” and it’s then that she realises that although she may not like him 100%, he’ll always be there to protect her little girl 🥺
After the events of OTK however it’s Tedros who has trouble sleeping (he did get BEHEADED fuck) and its Agathas turn to be the comfort cuddler
Somehow the red pendant that Agatha wore to the circus of talents was given to her by Tedros. She still has it and took it with her when she left in QFG  (I don't know how exactly this works but its cute sefbjsdg)
At Camelot Agatha cannot be fucked wearing royal dresses all the time so when nothing “official” is going on she just dresses super casual in like pants and t shirts with her hair in ponytails or what not (Tedros doesn’t care all that much because Agatha in pants is hot)
Sophie constantly tries to sit in Nicola’s lap because she’s so smol and while she loves her to death she has to literally pick her up and yeet her off if she’s ever gonna get anything done
Nicola is a great chef and her and Sophie have these cute little dinner dates where Nicola makes all the food and Sophie buys all the wine
One of the first things Tedros does after OTK is commission a statue of Chaddick to honour him - it’s of him shooting an arrow into the distance
When August and Evelyn were growing up she definitely pushed him down a well once and he probably used to make up things about her future just to purposely piss her off
Tedros doesn’t actually know how to play rugby he just grabs ball and run
Chaddick tried to explain it to him once but it turns out he doesn’t actually know either
Yaras the only one who does but finds the whole thing entertaining so she refuses to say anything
Kei is very into astronomy, Rhian not so much but he still listens very attentively to everything Kei says because he just looks so darn cute when he rambles and is like “hmmm yes pls go on bb ♡ᴗ♡”
They also used to sneak out to go stargazing and watch the sunrise
On Tedros’s first birthday after OTK Agatha really wants to make it special considering the past year so she gets him a baby golden lab
This Labrador becomes his best friend - sometimes when being king gets overwhelming and Agathas not there it’s his best golden friend that calms him down and makes him feel better
Millicent’s a vegan
Sophie and Tedros still have their little late night rooftop convos
Ravan secretly loves rocking chairs and will literally just sit in one the entire day just rocking back and forth - he just finds them soothing
Dots a really a bad gift giver but no one has the heart to tell her or the courage to face Hester and Anadil
In QFG before Chaddick went off on his quest and while Tedros was ignoring Agatha they hung out a bit and had some great times. He also showed her some basic fighting tactics and how to use a butterfly knife after watching her attempt to hold her own against a punching bag. He immediately wondered how in the fuck she was still alive
When they were at graves hill tedros thought Agatha's baby portraits were adorable and constantly teased her about it - Agatha does the same
Rhian has a sweet tooth- Kei would always sneak extra sweets for him
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avanalae · 5 years
Darkfic Saga Installment 9
The 9th installment of my old Darkfic Saga! It’s only been, like, five years. :| I hope you’ll all forgive me. 
And to those who aren’t familiar with this series, please be wary as this is pretty much my series where I abuse the heck out of the characters that I love. Mostly Tim. Most all of them are pretty darn dark. 
You can find the rest of the series on AO3. I started it on Dreamwidth and Livejournal aaaages ago. I uploaded everything to AO3 in one story right HERE, but the previous installment is on tumblr right HERE.
Title: The End of my Lover Fandom: DCU Pairing: Jason/? (written with Tim in mind but is open) Rating: T Warnings: Insanity, Implied Death or Major Injury, Blood Prompt: Madness (Darkfic 056)
Jason doesn’t remember much from his brief episodes of insanity. It’s a leftover from the pit, of course, these episodes. They’ve been getting shorter with longer periods of time between them, but they terrify him.
He has every right to be terrified.
During one of his episodes, he’d… Jason blinks back the tears. He can’t even think it. All that he can see behind his eyelids is that scene he woke up to.
Blood, blood everywhere, staining their bed and covering his lover’s body. His eyes were closed, and Jason’s heart felt like it had stopped in his chest as he stared.
He reached out to touch him and flinched back when he saw it.
Covered in blood.
Hoarsely he muttered his lover’s name.
There was no response.
The madness returned.
Title: Pretty Please Fandom: DCU Pairing: Slade/Tim Rating: Explicit Warnings: Non-Con/Rape Prompt: Please (Darkfic 057) 
“P-Pl…” he gasps, cutting himself off from finishing the word.
The pace slows, still hard enough to jerk his body with every thrust, but it drags and he whines. “No…!”
A deep chuckle rattles him and he tries to thrash but is held down easily. “Down, little bird. Just say it.”
Tim shakes his head frantically and tries to free himself, only making the man laugh again. He thrusts hard making him choke and nearly bite his tongue.
“Careful there, little bird,” he traps both hands in one of his massive ones. The other gleefully explores the small body beneath him. “Now, just say the word and we can get this over with. But, by all means,” he thrusts again and draws out a little whine before leaning over him and mutters against bitten lips, “take your time.”
Tim surges up and attempts to bite those lips but he backs off with a bark of laughter. Tim grunts at the movement and groans, “Slade, no…!”
“Mm. Slade, yes.” He twists one of Tim’s nipples harshly and Tim wails. “Go ahead, little bird. Just say please.”
A fresh bout of tears spill from Tim’s eyes and Slade wipes them away in a gesture of mock kindness. “Just say the word and I’ll end this,” his free hand brushes ever so lightly against Tim’s groin and Tim flinches with a whine.
Slade smirks, “Then be ready for a long night.”
 Title: Come Play with Me Fandom: DCU Pairing: Jason/Tim Rating: T Warnings: Implied Drugging, Dark Implications Prompt: Mask (Darkfic 058) 
The slim body sidles up to him, fitting ever-so-nicely against him. Chest to chest slender arms come up to wrap around his neck and he leans in, noses brushing.
“Jay,” Tim drawls, “What are you doing here?” One hand caresses his cheek, thumb skimming along the edge of his mask.
Jason growls, “You’re drugged, birdie. I’m taking you home.”
“Oh, truly? Mm,” Tim pulls him down closer by his neck and nuzzles him, “What will you do to me there?”
Jason tries to push him away but Tim rolls with the movements. There must be something wrong with him, too, because he can’t bring himself to be rough with the man. “Red Robin, you need to stop.”
Tim sighs and rubs against him, “Will you make me?”
“Red-” Jason groans and finally manages to push him away, though likely only because Tim let him. “Come on. We need to get whatever is drugging you tested and get an antidote ready.”
“Mm,” Tim sighs and stretches, “Won’t you play with me? Please?”
“No, Red, I don’t even know what you were drugged with.” Jason huffs and then grunts as Tim moves and knocks him out with a swift jab.
Tim smiles at the passed-out form of the bigger man, “You should have just said yes, Jaybird.”
 Title: Burn, Baby, Burn Fandom: DCU Pairing: Ra’sTim Rating: T Warnings: Death, Fire, Burning cities, Destruction Prompt: Destruction (Darkfic 059) 
Ra’s brushes a few kisses along Tim’s temple, arms wrapped around the man sitting between his legs. Tim hums contentedly and continues to run his thumbs across Ra’s’ knuckles.
His kisses trail down to his neck and Tim sighs, tilting his head just so to invite the ministrations.
Ra’s takes the opportunity and continues to explore his lover with his lips, inhibited only by the clothes he wears. The neck of his shirt is wide, however, so he has plenty of skin to adore. And adore he does.
Tim turns his head in a plea for a kiss and receives one, a lingering thing that makes him sigh. Ra’s smiles into it and Tim licks those tempting lips.
“Come now, Timothy, I thought you would desire to view the scenery.”
Tim grumbles but does look out at the skyline.
The sky is red and black, filled with smoke and the reflections of flames. Flickers of flame are scattered around, bright red and orange, giving off a glow.
The city is burning.
The sounds of screams are distant, but audible and Tim closes his eyes. He can’t feel the heat of the flames from this distance, but he likes to imagine he can.
Eventually Tim huffs, “I do very much enjoy the sights, but I can imagine a better way to spend our time.” He rolls his hips back into Ra’s’ groin and leans back fully, dropping most of his weight onto the older man.
Ra’s chuckles and his hands slip down to spread Tim’s thighs atop his own. One hand squeezes his inner thigh and the other grabs one of Tim’s pecs, caressing firmly. Tim groans, pleased, and drags his nails along his lover’s arms.
Sirens wail in the distance and Ra’s nips at Tim’s neck.
People scream and Tim moans.
Chaos reigns and their kings kiss with a ferocity that is second nature to them.
 Title: Venom Fandom: DCU Pairing: None Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Implied murder Prompt: Poisonous (Darkfic 060)
Tim knows what’s wrong with him. He’s never not known. And he doesn’t consider it to be something wrong with him, either. It’s just a part of him.
He’s venomous. It’s easily controlled now, but he can still slip.
It’s always an accident, he would swear if anyone knew it was him.
Mother was both venomous and poisonous, but he is glad he isn’t, as it would make getting all those injuries a terrible inconvenience. Not only that but he’d be outed rather quickly as something abnormal.
Mother taught him all the ways to use his venom and he collected it on a regular basis to run tests on and for… other reasons. He always keeps a vial on him with a small injector.
Just in case.
Tim stares down at the unconscious criminal before him. Not one of the supervillains, for sure, but he apparently aspires to be one. Now then, whether or not to nip the problem in the bud.
He draws out the vial and swirls it.
Whether or not to waste a bit of himself on such trash.
These are the tough decisions he must make.
Title: By the Light of the Moon Fandom: DCU Pairing: Jason/Tim Rating: M Warnings: Werewolves, beastiality, rape Prompt: Feral (Darkfic 061) 
“J-Jay, Jaybird, hey,” Tim is on his knees in the best submissive position he can manage, “Hey, it’s me, Tim. Jason it’s Tim.”
The beast before him growls right in his face, long muzzle scrunched up to bare wicked-looking teeth. But praises be, he snuffs and sniffs and seems to recognize Tim on some level. His nose tucks into Tim’s armpit and then his hips, rubbing his groin which startles Tim.
The jerky motion brings a growl from Jason, this werewolf before him, and he stills.
But the next thing he knows he’s being pushed onto his back and large paw-like hands are holding his wrists down. “Jay- What are yo- eep!”
Jason tears off Tim’s pants in one swift motion with his jaws, ripping the fabric beyond all hope.
“Jason-!” He licks a broad stripe along Tim’s groin and stomach, making Tim yelp. “Oh no oh no, Jay, please-”
But the pleas fall on deaf ears as Jason takes position to mount him. Tim’s panic is blatant, but his struggles mean nothing against a 400-pound beast.
His scream echoes among the trees as Jason takes him.
Title: In the Night Fandom: DCU Pairing: Bruce/Tim Rating: M Warnings: Underage, Masturbation, Rutting Prompt: Shadow (Darkfic 062)
Bruce is always there, even if not physically. He’s always watching and always present, just like a shadow. He stalks and prowls and sees everything.
Tim knows this, but he can’t help it. He’s a healthy young teenager with an active sex drive.
So when he masturbates, he makes sure the cameras have the best view, no matter what he’s doing. Whether he’s pulling himself off to a release or fingering himself or playing with one of the many toys he’s gotten, he angles himself just right.
And it all comes to a head one night after patrol. He’s terribly horny and he’s rushing through clean-up so he can run up to his room and have a quick release when he’s stopped by Bruce. He draws him into conversation about their patrol all the while eyeing him, so Tim has no doubts that he’s doing this on purpose.
Feeling bold, Tim steps into Bruce’s space. He backs up until he’s sitting in the chair at the computer and Tim climbs onto his lap. Bruce’s stare is passive, but his eyes are burning so Tim grinds against his stomach. His moan is loud and echoes in the cave and suddenly he’s shy, covering his mouth with one hand.
But Bruce’s large hands grab his hips and pull him into thrusts. Tim gasps and starts following the rhythm, moaning louder and louder as his hands come away from his mouth to grab at Bruce’s shoulders.
He comes hard, his thrusts stuttering against Bruce’s toned stomach and he whines.
Tim eventually manages to open his eyes and he sees Bruce’s pants fighting against his own erection and-
He swallows. Bruce must be huge.
But something lights in his stomach, even after his orgasm, and he looks up to see Bruce staring him down.
Maybe just this once…
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conceptofzero · 7 years
Sobs nena and hol for me pls
The first time Hol tells her that he loves all types of women, Nena rolls her eyes. She’s wearing a young body, a cute body, the kind of girl Nena never was, even when she was this age. This girl has flawless skin. She’s light as a balloon. This girl could model.
And Hol Horse is smiling at her, saying, “Oh I love all kinds of women” like he deserves a pat on the ass for it. Oh yeah, he’s so fucking brave. Him and every other shithead. Nena knows that when somebody brags about how they like ‘all kinds of women’, what they really mean is ‘I’ll date a girl with an extra ten pounds, as long as it’s in the right place’. 
“Eat shit and die, cowboy.” She tells him, just to watch his face drop. It’s pretty satisfying. 
The next time he tells her that, she realizes very quickly that:
a) He doesn’t know that she switches bodies. b) He uses the same three lines on every girl he meets. 
She lets him get through the I-love-all-women spiel, just to see if he’ll hit all the same beats. He does. It’s almost funny. Does he fucking rehearse this? Is he sitting in front of a mirror, saying it out and looking at his face to figure out if he looks good saying it? It seems pretty unlikely. Nothing else he does is all that well thought out. Maybe he’s just so dumb that he can’t do anything but repeat the same words over and over again, thinking that he’s coming up with them off the top of his head every time. 
Yeah that seems likely. 
She’ll give him a little credit. She’s not wearing a young and pretty thing this time. Dio’s got her sneaking into the Speedwagon Foundation’s outpost to get access to their records, and she’s inhabiting an older woman. She’s even got wrinkles (horrifying, right?). Hol’s not slowed by it. He just keep grinning away and leaning against the wall beside her, looking at her the same way he looked at her a few weeks ago. 
But she’s still a pretty hot old woman, so it doesn’t actually count for anything tangible. 
“Eat shit and die, cowboy.” She tells him, and this time, his eyes bug out as it hits him that maybe she knows who he is. 
Nena doesn’t smile much, but she has a little smirk on her face as she heads off. 
The third time they run into each other, Nena’s not in any body but her own. She hates it. She hates her flesh. Every time she catches her reflection, she feels disgusted. Her body’s so lumpy, so ugly, so… fat. 
If it wasn’t bad enough seeing herself, it’s worse with the way everyone else reacts to her. At best, they overlook her, their eyes passing her over, people prodding into her space as if she didn’t exist there. At worst, they’re actively hostile. 
She spits on the first pretty girl she sees but that’s going to take hours for her stand to grow and finish preparing her. Until then, she’s stuck in her own skin, hiding in the mansion and waiting for her stand to bring her new body to her to wear. 
And of course - of course - Hol Horse is inside. She spots him, hunches down, and does her best to get past him before he can say a damn thing. 
“Howdy, little lady.” He says, and when she glances up, he tips his hat at her and winks. He’s trying to be charming. She hates it. Nena’s been through this song and dance twice and it was annoying the first two times, but now it’s downright insulting because she knows what she looks like, and he knows what she looks like. Her eyes roll openly in her eyes. 
Hol Horse doesn’t pick up a clue. He just keeps on grinning and he follows her as she walks further in. “Where y’all heading? How about you and me go get ourselves a little something to drink.” 
“Eat shit and die, cowboy.” She snarls, and his eyes get big. Instead of letting her walk off, he keeps pace with her.
“Is this your stand? You change your shape? Well if that ain’t the most handy darn thing I’ve ever seen, then you can spit in my grits.” He says and it is so profoundly stupid that Nena just stops dead in her tracks to stare at him. Hol crouches down a little so he’s not towering over her, and he tips his hat back. “So, how about that drink? You show me your stand, I’ll show you mine.” 
He’s still flirting with her. Nena scoffs, and she puts a hand on her hip. “You think you’re a real comedian.”
“I’ve been known to tell a joke or two, but not right now.” He’s got a hungry look in his eyes. For somebody who’s just being a shit to her, he’s selling it all sincerely enough that it’s making her hesitate. It’s going a little far for a joke. 
“Yeah?” Nena says. She faces him down. “What’s next, offering to be my horse?
“If y’all want.” And he’s downright wolfish as he tells her, “I don’t have a mustache, but I’ll still give you a ride.” 
“Sure.” She scoffs. “Because you love all women.”
“I do.” The grin dies a little as he looks at her. “We talked before. I know we did, on account of you keep telling me to eat shit and die, which is rude as hell.”
She flips him off. “Sit and spin.” 
“If you’re offering, darling, I’m not about to say no.” He flirts with her. Nena’s face is red now and she hates that she doesn’t have a body to safely wrap herself in. In a body, her face doesn’t heat up. In a body, she can hide all the embarrassing ticks that swim to the surface of her useless body. Hol reaches out, tucking a strand of her hair behind one ear. “I ain’t playing, if that’s what you think this is. I’ll buy you a drink, and I’ll take you home. We can have a little fun. If you ain’t happy like this, I can wait until you’re in something you like more.” 
“Yeah you’d like that-” She mutters and he raises both eyebrows. Nena lets him have it, both barrels. “Do you make a point of hitting on fat girls for fun?”
“No ma’am. I hit on every girl, on account of me liking them.” He says, and he takes his hat off his stupid blond head, pressing it over his chest. “C’mon. How about you give me a name, and I’ll get you that drink, and we’ll see where it goes from there. If y’all really want to shapeshift or whatever it is you do, then I’ll let you do that, but you’re fine the way you are. You looked good in anything you’re wearing.” 
Nena stares at him. This… this smooth-talking hick. He’s serious. He’s actually hitting on her and he’s not backing down. It’s so unexpected and unlike anything she’s used to that Nena doesn’t even know where to start. 
When she’s left wordless, Hol just smiles. “I’m taking that as a yes. C’mon, you like beer? I’m buying you a beer.”
“What the fuck?” Nena says and Hol just laughs, and somehow, she ends up with his cowboy hat on her head as they go for that goddamn drink together.
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Meet the Apprentice chapters 1 - 2 (request)
As it happens, sometimes I get a random request from someone and if I have the time I'd be more than happy to help. Keep in mind for those who like pictures, I won’t be using reaction images because the hard drive with the hundreds of images has been lost.
Keep in mind not a revival but a small visit from the aunt everyone hates, nice to be back for even a moment. This is a reboot to a story someone submitted to me.
-mod m
Meet the Apprentice
As the engine’s roar died, the driver’s door swung open and a woman stepped out. She raised one of her hands to shield her face from the sun, squinting up at the building. She shouldered a brown leather backpack and self-consciously straightened her pleated yellow dress. Taking a deep breath, she started across the parking lot towards the entrance, shifting the bridge of her glasses as she went.
(I'm bad at summaries and I don't want to spoil stuff but also I'm still working out the plot so I'm basically making this up as I go sorry!
It's kind of good that much I can tell you.)
     Have confidence in yourself! People want to read a story with confidence, there’s no reason to apologize or let the audience know you’re just as clueless
Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated, and if you have any questions, ask away! Have a good day! :)
Chapter 1
The sun sat high in the sky of New Mexico, glaring down on the drab orange landscape and forming shimmering heat waves on the dusty ground. Among the desert scene sat a large facility, a light gray building that had large air conditioners running all along its roof. Around it was a tall chain link fence that had large KEEP OUT signs bolted to it at intervals. As if the locals didn’t know enough to stay away.
The only openings in the fence were two narrow gaps, one along each short end of the rectangular compound, wide enough for your average pickup truck to fit through.  Through each gap was a parking lot, and a metal sliding door entrance to the building. A multi-colored line ran horizontally along the outer walls, half of it red, the other blue. On the blue half, a slightly rusting 1959 Pontiac Bonneville made its way into the lot, pulling into one of the lopsided parking spaces. As the engine’s roar died, the driver’s door swung open and a woman stepped out. She raised one of her hands to shield her face from the sun, squinting up at the building. She shouldered a brown leather backpack and self-consciously straightened her pleated yellow dress. Taking a deep breath, she started across the parking lot towards the entrance, shifting the bridge of her glasses as she went.
      A dress for battle maybe not so but a dress for heat and a simple outfit for simply arriving makes sense. ( pls don’t have her fight in a dress author I have high hopes )
Dust swirled around her ankles, and a warm breeze toyed with her pigtails as she walked up to the metal sliding door. Raising one pale, calloused hand, palm reddened by the heat, she knocked; a reverberating clang cut through the tranquil desert. As she waited for someone to answer, she examined the logo on the door. The door itself was painted blue, gray peeking out where the paint had peeled off the corrugated metal. A large white wrench had been stylistically painted on it, the lower half of the tool made up of the acronym “BLU”. The top half of a bolt was held between the teeth of the wrench, and in the middle of the bolt was a yellow and blue globe. Beneath all of this, in block letters, were the words “BUILDERS LEAGUE UNITED”.
Humming to herself, she wondered what she’d look like in an all blue uniform.
Suddenly, the door began to slide upwards, making a rattling noise that she could only associate with ball bearings, and she shook herself from her thoughts. In the doorway, illuminated by bright fluorescent lights, was a short, stocky man wearing overalls and a yellow hard hat. Around his neck was a pair of what appeared to be some form of welding goggles. His brown eyes were small and deeply set, and the skin around them was rather paler than the rest of his face, but nonetheless they shone brightly and had a warmth to them. The man that the kind eyes belonged to smiled at her brightly.
To be fair engineer's eyes are blue but that’s hardly something to get upset about
“Well, howdy there. My name is…well, we ain’t supposed to share our birth names, just our class names and any nicknames that come besides, but for simplicity’s sake let’s just call ‘em our names. Might as well be, I reckon, since we been using ‘em for so long. But as I was sayin’, th’name’s Engineer. If that’s too long for your fancy, you can call me Engie.”
     it’s a thick accent but acceptable. It’s readable. Kudos
The woman nodded; she’d been informed of the “no-names” rule when she had been registered by Miss Pauling. The secretary had claimed that it was for “security’s” sake, but she assumed it was to stifle as many bonding opportunities as possible.
The man had extended a hand, so she shook it. His grip was firm
“My name is Sa-…sorry, I mean, Apprentice.” She replied sheepishly.
Engie just grinned at her. “That’s alright, it takes a bit to get used to it. Now come on in, it’s just about suppertime. Normally th’whole team don’t all sit in the rec room to eat, but since we’ve got a new recruit Miss Pauling had... suggested we use the time to get introduced, to save time later.”
Read: threatened. For some of them, at least.
But Apprentice nodded as she was led into the building. She sighed as a blast of cool air hit her. Engie led her down a long, gray hallway. There were doors leading off of it, all marked with signs. One read “BUNKS”, and a few others, “BATHROOMS”. Another large sliding door sat on the right, with a sign above it that read “RESPAWN”. She shuddered as she remembered the RESPAWN chip she still needed to have implanted.
       Respawn chips give me so many memories of years ago when everyone played around with respawn ideas….. Even I have a fanfiction out that focuses the start of the respawn and before….
Engie pointed at the RESPAWN door. “Through there’d be your ammo lockers n’such, and then there’s another door in there leadin’ to the battlements. We’ll go over this tomorrow when y’all’re given the tour. We get Sundays off, o’course, and when we move to the next compound we get the whole weekend to get settled.”
Apprentice nodded again. She wasn’t much of a talker. The same could not be said for Engie, however, who was talking quite a bit, and the more he talked, the thicker his Texan accent grew. Most of it was just bits of random trivia about the facility and offhand comments about its name (“Ya ain’t gonna wonder why it’s called ‘Turbine’ once ya see the battlements, that’s for sure!”) and the team (“Y’all might think I’M talking much, but you just wait’ll you meet Scout! That boy could outtalk a lil yappin’ dog, I’ll tell ya that”).
     Don't insult my baby!! He’s perf!!
He led her through a small kitchen (the sink was piled with dishes; covering the pile was a towel, and on it was a piece of paper, on it scrawled hasty note: Outta site, outta mind, Engie.)
The Texan snorted at this and muttered, “Darn it, Scout.”
He rolled his eyes at Apprentice. “That boy hates doin’ his share of the chores, ‘specially the dishes. And he can’t spell worth a darn, neither.”
       I was trying to defend scouts education level but the only thing I could find was the track terrorizer and it was when he snuck into a high school track team at 23 hahaha [x]
Apprentice smiled at that and followed Engie through the kitchen doorway, into a room that was the dining room and rec room, according to the sign above it. She frowned a bit when she saw the sign; was everything here labelled?
There were eight men sitting in various places around the rec room, absorbed in their own activities. None of them noticed her walking in. Engie leaned towards her.
“I’m gonna go get the grub, now go’n get yourself settled.” He headed back into the kitchen.
Apprentice took a deep breath and walked forwards. She hated meeting new people, and always felt that they were judging her, that they thought she was weird. But as she got closer, she realized that she was probably one of the most normal ones there. One of them, a light-skinned man in a baggy fireproof suit, sat on the floor, criss-cross style, in front of a couch. He was shifting back and forth, a deceptively childish grin on his face, as he clicked a lighter on and off. His eyes shone bright with the reflection of the flame, but there was a fire to them that definitely wasn’t a reflection. She decided to steer clear of him for now, and looked around for a safer person to sit near. Unfortunately, none of the other options seemed to be very good.
     I don’t like the whole showing pyro’s face thing, and if he had the mask on it would be impossible to see his eyes or skin. This is personal preference to me though, you do you, author.
On one of the three lumpy couches in the room sat a lanky man with thinning brown hair. A pair of yellow shooting glasses were pushed up onto his forehead, and he was sitting on far end of the couch closest to the wall. He was drinking coffee and reading Catch-22. He appeared calm, but the way his eyes were darting around the room and the way he seemed to be trying to collapse in on himself suggested that he wasn’t used to being around the rest of the team after matches.
     Catch 22 came out in 1961 so that puts this storyline closer to the gravel war. The setting is important folks, +1 point for doing your research author. [x]
A bottle flew past her head, drawing her attention to the far end of the room, towards the dining table. Two of her teammates were in, from what she could see, a fight over a…cupcake. One of the men was wearing an overly large army helmet, and the other was a scrawny young man with buckteeth. He had a bloody nose, and the army guy was screaming something about “cupcake communists”. Sitting at the table was a black man wearing an eyepatch, who was laughing at the two so hard that he was punching the table. Also sitting at the table, watching the fight in disgust, was a rather short, skinny man wearing a ski mask and a suit. He was smoking a cigarette daintily.
He looked over at Apprentice, appraising her for a moment, before sniffing and turning back towards the fight (the army guy now had the skinny one in a headlock, which Skinny was valiantly trying to escape).
She glared at him. What was his problem? Rolling her eyes, she moved to the couch in the middle of the room, closest to the television set. Two other men were sitting on it. One of them was wearing round spectacles and reading a thick encyclopedia, titled Gray’s Anatomy. A glance over his shoulder showed her pictures of organs, scientifically labelled. She wrinkled her nose. The spectacled man acknowledged her with a nod, then returned to his book. He turned the page and laughed at something. She scooted a bit farther away from him. The man farthest from her was tall and muscular, with beady blue eyes. He was knitting what appeared to be a pair of gloves. She sat awkwardly on the edge of the couch, waiting for Engie to come back. She raised her arm to check her watch. Five o’ clock, exactly.
this is just as awkward as you can get, man. 
A large hand tapped her elbow, and she turned in surprise to the large man at the end of the couch. He leaned across the man with the spectacles, who grimaced at him and leaned back.
“You are new recruit?” He asked. His Russian accent was prominent in those few words.
“Uh, yeah, I am. My name is Apprentice.” She awkwardly extended her hand. He shook it lightly.
“I am Heavy Weapons Guy. I have question for you: do you have woolen stockings?”
She scrunched up her face in confusion. “Umm…yes? It got pretty cold in Nebraska, so I have a couple of pairs. I brought ‘em just in case, but, uh, doesn’t seem like I’ll need ‘em.”
Heavy Weapons Guy simply shrugged. “It will get cold in the nights.”
Apprentice nodded slowly.
“Right, but, uh, wh-why did you want to know?” She tilted her head to the side, squinting at him.
“Wanted to know if Heavy would have to knit you some. I knit them for new people. Knitted them for Doktor”, he pointed to the man with the anatomy book, ”the little rabbit Scout,” he pointed to the boy fighting, who was still in the headlock and slowly turning blue, “and the Demoman.” he motioned to the man with the eyepatch. “But you do not need them, da?”
Apprentice twitched her shoulder. “Nah I guess not, huh?” She smiled at him.
“Pretty nice of ya, Heavy. I can call you that, right?”
Heavy nodded at her, and returned to his knitting.  The “Doktor” leaned forwards again. He flipped another page, revealing a very realistic drawing of a transparent human body, with all of the organs, nerves, and skeletal system visible. He turned to Apprentice and grinned in a manic way.
    see I hope there is more characterization to medic than just the body obsessed doctor jerk stereotype
“Zis is my favorite part!”
She stared at him for a second, then slowly nodded.
“That-that’s. Nice.”
He nodded his head feverishly, still grinning, still without blinking, then returned to the book. Just as she was wondering if she should maybe switch places, Engie came back into the room, holding a large cast-iron cooking pot. She stood up quickly and moved towards the table.
    Marking the end of chapter 1. The ONLY issue is the cold attitude of the team seemingly ignoring her. Now, this is all our creative differences, I would think a team would be a bit more attentive.
    Still not a flaw, I'm finding no huge issues in the story of any canon characters or your own. ALSO, labeled is spelled like this <<
As Apprentice walked towards the table, the scents of the meal began to waft towards her. Her stomach rumbled fiercely. Engie sat the tall pot onto an oven mitt sitting in the center of the table. He pulled a handkerchief from his overall pocket and wiped his hands, smiling. His face fell, however, when he noticed the cupcake on the table, and the two men fighting over it.
“Soldier! Scout! Quit roughhousin’! And Soldier, stop chokin’ that boy before ya send him to RESPAWN.” Engie barked. The two team members froze in their actions, Soldier dropping the Scout, who was gasping for breath. The Soldier saluted to Engie, crying, “YESSIR!” Engie just shook his head and headed towards the kitchen again.
“Ah’m goin’ to get the cornbread and corn. Demo, y’wanna help get the dishes?” The man with the eyepatch nodded, and stood up with a grunt and went with Engie towards the kitchen. Soldier dropped his hand from the salute position, then glanced at the cupcake that was still on the table. Scout, who was grumbling to himself as he stood up (“Coulda taken him, didn’t need Engie’s frigging help- “) noticed this, and jumped on the Soldier when he lunged for the pastry.
    it’s trivial to fight over a cupcake b ut the more I think about it, the more I think... yes.. this does fit their personalities...
“Oh, no you don’t!” Scout yelled. The Soldier once again began to yell back, and the two continued to brawl. They hit the table, almost spilling the chili. After around a minute of this, Apprentice had decided that she’d had enough. She was hungry, in an unfamiliar environment, and all this yelling was giving her a headache. She was not happy, so she retaliated.
Apprentice stalked forwards, closing the gap of around seven feet between herself and her teammates.
“HEY!” She yelled to disorient them. They turned to her, startled, and before either of them could react, she grabbed Scout by the ear and dragged him away from Soldier, pushing aside the army man as she did so.
“Knock it off.” She growled. Scout, knocked her hand away, rubbing his ear. Soldier, on the other hand, looked stunned, then grinned proudly at her.
Scout sneered at her. “Don’t tell me what ta do, you ain’t my ma. Back off!”
    Nothing like stopping little twink boy from fighting naked man
In all seriousness, this should mean our character has a fit physique, not being itty bitty tiny. Leme see those girls with muscles, author. It’s hard to be intimidating being small and tiny!  
She sneered back at him fiercely. “YOU back off, or I’ll break your back.” Ignoring the Scout’s wounded expression, she grabbed the cupcake from the table and held it up to the two men. “This is what you’re fighting over, right?” She asked. The Scout nodded, and the Soldier yelled, “Affirmative!” Apprentice winced. Didn’t the guy have an inside voice? But she nodded in a way that suggested that she had firmly made up her mind about something. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Engie and Demoman had returned, bearing more food and table settings.
“Well then. You guys can’t fight over something that’s not here, can you?”
Scout and Soldier looked confused. Demoman and Engie were now watching the interactions unfold, Engie with some mild trepidation, Demoman with a grin on his face. Cigarettes had been watching out of the corner of his eyes with interest the whole time, and Catch-22 had gotten up to move to the table, but stood awkwardly near the couch while the scene played out. Heavy and the “Doktor” were still sitting, but began to get up as they noticed the arrival of food.
Scout put his hands on his hips and snorted. “Whaddaya mean, not here? Ya holdin’ it right in front of my friggin’ fa- “
Apprentice stopped him mid-sentence by taking a big bite out of the cupcake, and then subsequently finishing it in two more. The Scout looked hilariously affronted, and Soldier’s jaw dropped. Scout sat heavily in his chair to sulk, but Soldier got right up in her face, yelling.
   What I want to know is who baked said cupcakes . . .
   Is engie the wife of the team
Spit flew from his mouth, smudging her glasses. She whipped them off, standing on her tip toes to look him directly in the eye (or as much as she could, with how low his helmet was). Her green eyes were wide and dangerously bright as her face reddened with anger.
“How about you get out of my face, you sociopathic sergeant! I’m American too, AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO EAT THAT CUPCAKE!” She yelled back. She wiped her glasses off on the hem of her dress, shoved them back on her face and continued to glare the man down.
The Soldier, however, responded in a way that took her by surprise. He grinned and saluted her, relaxing his muscles a bit so that he wasn’t standing as stiff as a board.
“Ma’am, you are a true American woman! I salute you! You take this attitude to those cupcake communists and kick it right up their asses!” He then proceeded to fall into a chair.
    more kudos for not making him a sexist bitch, author.
Apprentice lowered herself back onto the balls of her feet, anger being replaced with confusion. “Um…. thanks, I guess.”
    Gr8 first impression apprentice i mean you’re just great at them lol
She turned to Engie, who simply shrugged at her, chuckling. The rest of the team sat down at the table as Demoman finished passing around dishes, and she could see that they had all found the scene to be hilarious. The only one who didn’t appear visibly amused was Cigarettes, who reluctantly put out the one he was smoking when he caught Engie’s glare. There was still an empty seat, but no one else seemed to notice, so she kept quiet. Once they were all seated, Engie clapped his hands together.
“Alrighty then! Now, firstly we’re gonna- hang on, where’s Pyro?” Engie looked around the room, spying him over on the floor by one of the couches, still flicking the lighter.
    pyro being the team child isn’t my fav stereotype but i’ll take it
“Pyro,” he called, catching the attention of the man. “Suppertime.”
The Pyro grinned and jumped up, trotting to the table like a little kid. He took his seat and rested his chin on his hands, his elbows propped up on the edge of the table. He stared off into space, his eyes still open slightly more than normal.
“Now then,” Engie approved, nodding. “First, we’ve got some chili, cornbread, and corn on the cob. Ya don’t like it, don’t eat it, and you can go hungry till it’s your turn to cook. While y’all’re dishin’ yer food out, we’re gonna go ‘round the table clockwise and say our names, just so we all know ‘em. You can start.” He said, motioning towards Apprentice.
“Right. Yeah. Well, I’m Apprentice.”
The rest of the team scrambled for food (and so did she), and continued to divulge their class names.
“Scout, an’ I’m like da coolest- “
“Demoman, who thinks this boyo should quit kissin’ his own arse and let everyone go. An’ you can call me Demo, lass.” Apprentice decided that she liked him. He seemed fun, and had an interesting Scottish accent.
“I am called ze Spy.” Said Cigarettes with a prominent French accent, raised eyebrows. He didn’t seem to be eating much.
“Medic!” She noticed he was still reading his book as he ate.
    All i can see is medic exclaiming without moving his facial expression. One hand shoveling food, eyes locked onto a book in the other, screaming medic but not raising any eyebrows
“…...m’theSniper.” A quiet but harsh voice mumbled, coming from the shy man. He sounded…. British? Australian? Australian, she decided. Even though he seemed uncomfortable in his surroundings, he still had a sharp edge to him, something that seemed to say, “I might be nervous but if any of you make fun of me I’ll rip your heart out.” Not an easy thing to convey simply through body language and milliseconds of eye contact, but he was doing an excellent job at it.
    sniper is so tsundere
    half expecting a b-baka! in there
“Engie, as you know.”
“Pyro!” The man’s voice was rough and deep-throated, but still enthusiastic and almost juvenile. He was making statues out of his cornbread with one hand and twirling his dreadlocks in the other.
“Apprentice already knows Heavy.”
She nodded, and continued with her food, taking in the environment. The rest of the team was either eating in silence, or involved in conversation. The Scout had decided to confront the Soldier about the cupcake, claiming that it was unfair because he was American, too. The Soldier, however, seemed to be mostly ignoring him, choosing instead to “converse” with Demo, in the loosest use of the word. They seemed to be mostly yelling nonsense and laughing. Engie was having a quiet conversation with the Sniper, and the Spy had somehow managed to steal the Sniper’s book, and was currently flipping through it.
“So, uh, I didn’t mean it about earlier, ya know?” The Scout said, grinning at her, revealing his buck teeth. She understood why Heavy had called him a rabbit.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh?”
He leaned back in his chair, putting one of his arms on the headrest of her chair. “Nah, I was just messin’ around is all! You’re pretty cool, ya know? And dat thing with the cupcake was pretty hilarious, acksually.”
“Actually.” She quietly corrected him.
He tilted his head to the side. “Huh? OH! Yeah, I know, it’s my freakin’ accent, ya know? And den my teeth ain’t helping much, so I gotta kinda speech imped’ment, I guess. But dat’s cool thatchya caught that, you must be pretty smart, huh?”
    Giving scout a speech impediment is a pretty interesting thing. I don’t see many stories where scout actually has a speech impediment but I don’t like it when authors dumb down scout like he is a child.
    My only advice is don’t make him dumb as a sack of dirt? Scout’s position requires him to be fast and smart about his moves, and he was pretty street smart since he grew up with all of his brothers… I'm sure he didn’t pay much attention in school but the boy has some skills and is smart in other areas in life.
“Yeah, I guess.” She squinted at him. “Sorry to ask, but are you trying to…. flirt with me? Or what is this?”
The Scout removed his arm from her chair and exaggerated a wounded expression. “What, a dude can’t just talk to a girl, huh? Nah, I know, my ma says I come off too strong but mosta the girls I evah talked to were the ones I was looking to date so ya know, that’s just kinda how I am now. But nah, you’re cute, I guess, but I’m holdin’ out for Miss P to start recipercatin’ my, y’now, feelings for her. Cuz she’s a classy lady, and waitin’ for her to change her mind’ll totally impress her!”
Apprentice shook her head, smiling. “If you say so.”
This chapter kind of ended abruptly, I had to check the source to make sure I didn’t forget to copy all of it.
I’d day first chapter was fine and ended on good terms but the second makes me think that there was more to real- maybe go into it more and end off of a cliff hanger and not in the middle of a conversation.
You usually end a chapter in the middle of a convo when person A drops an info bomb or something crucial to the plot, but simple chit chat makes it seem like you stopped writing and simply published without looking back. Either way, the ending is FINE, just my opinion.
If you publish anymore you’ll have to ask me directly to keep going on with a review but for now, this is my opinion for both chapters. Lack of words and comments = I had nothing bad to say. I had to search for ways to butt in so there weren't walls of only the story.
I think you’re on a good track, make sure to not make Apprentice a dainty flower and super small, UNLESS her position and role needs her to be small and nimble. Remember you can always make characters, small and nimble, but with visible muscle. Hope you don’t have her uniform as a dress, keep her hair up out of her face, don’t have characters idly fall in love unless you give it several chapters of development.
I think she’s going in strong leaving with a touch first impression. She’s not meek and it seems she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Keep going with this and you’re set. If you need any character development help or brainstorming or etc, feel free to message me. I’m always here, I'll even hand over my personal on request.
Thanks for submitting, hope to hear back on your thoughts.
-Mod M
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seahawkerspodcast · 7 years
3 IN, 3 OUT – Sweet Home CLink East – Seahawks v. Giants
by fellow 12 Clinton Bonner
Sea Hawkers Pod 12s Own Clink East
  The sun? Check!
The fun? Check!
The grub? Check!
The love? Check!
The 12s? Check!
The start? Well… we'll get to that
The finish? Check!
The big ‘road' W at CLink East? Check and mate.
What can we say fellow 12s… sometimes life hands ya bacon and this past Sunday at CLink East was just one of ‘dem days. With that, let's start with a big thank you to a gaggle of Flockers and let's start this thing off right saying thanks to Brandan and Adam who trekked all the way in from Big Sky Country!
I hadn't met this dynamic duo sans being ‘cyber friends' for a time now and I do want our world to know they are who you thought they would be! Genuine good dudes, genuine passion… Brandan a bit more cerebral, stoic, dare I say calm in the face of 12-dom and most often with a satisfaction laden grin across his bearded mug with just enough snark to let you know he's listening … Adam-isms you hear on the pod aren't just his ‘pod life', that's him! He's fired up, fast talking, opinionated, really sports hates Bruce Arians, mentions Jared a good bit, and would make for a perfectly good East Coast Italian-American if he would just learn to wave his hands around a lot more. It was fantastic to get to hang with these dudes, so thanks for putting it all in motion.
Of course there is the Flock who came out and were equally amazing to hang with including Stephanie and Cameron Cole, MK and Josh, Gary Blum and his awesome daughter Jenna, Jon Wondrack, Kofi Poku, Christian Tjessem and Mary (all the way from Norway so they did better!!!) and many others throughout the day including the boys, Stuart and Adam from the Pedestrian Podcast … or as I like to refer to it, the Seahawks pod across the pond!
And I have to give some love to my cousin Joel and our boy Hot Rod, two Giants fans who not only endured being surrounded by 12s all day, but also cooked us steak and provided us with the foodvention of the year … the CLink East Burger aka charcoal grilled cheeseburger with tri-tip steak and loaded potato salad on a bun of goodness.
the CLink East Burger
  Sometimes, life hands ya bacon.
  In! This group of people right here. #3i3o @clintonbon http://pic.twitter.com/6lWmTihXta
— Sea Hawkers Podcast (@SeaHawkersPod) October 23, 2017
  You know the drill by now … when we win, we start with an IN, so let's do exactly that.
  IN – Sir Mix-A-Lot
Only if she's five-three
  You may think I'm foolish… but upon re-watching, I looooooooved what this offense did to open up the game . The very first play in fact was 5-wide, motion Rawls to the backfield, read-option run to the right, Rawls gain of 6.
OMGosh, just what Dr. Bevell, Medicine Woman ordered. The offense in our 2-first series was a 9 outta 10 great. We saw Rawls & Lacy with gains of 5+ yards on the ground. We saw an early deep shot to EDB (that's Elite Doug Baldwin for ya n00bs) as well as a classic Doug 3rd down conversion as he found a soft spot in the middle of the field. We saw consistently good run blocking and good enough pass protection… and heck, we even saw a Jet Sweep and a key completion to Darboh.
They call this something in sports and no, not just a functioning NFL offense… but it's called being dynamic. Like any good Nirvana tune (or heck even a copycat Nirvana such as Oleander), our offense had a great mix going early of power running, quick hitting conservative passing, and stretching the field with shots over 20 yards.
Baby got back alright … Me likey where this offense is growing.
  OUT – Can't Stop the Feeling
Those first two drives we relished in just above resulted in about 100 yards of offense and our ‘Hawks dominating time of possession with around 10 minutes of clock earned. But, it also netted exactly zero points.
Loved going for it on 4th and 2 (or so) from the G-Men 2, it was the right call.
What wasn't right in those first two drives were un-timely unforced errors in the form of false starts, blocking whiffs, and a case of the ‘Mamma Dropsies'.
Ifedi's offsides on drive 1 to take us from 2nd and 5 to 2nd and 10 killed that drive's ‘mo.
We suffered another offsides on the following drive deep in Big Blue territory… Que Lastima!
With Britt out (injured a few plays previous), on 2nd down from the Giants 1.5, we suffered a jailbreak as Lacy was met 3.5 yards in the backfield for a huge loss… and finally…
Jimmy. Jimmy, I love ya … c'mon man, been defending you since the trade, you've GOT to make red zone catches for us!!!
2 B+ drives that are A's if we just execute. Frustrating.
Flocktimus Prime had this squared up from jump street, well done Keith.
Not finishing 1st half drives is #OUT. Hopefully just a step between no offense and dominant offense. @clintonbon #3i3o
— Keith Ketover (@FlocktimusPrime) October 23, 2017
    IN – Jarranimo
Faithful flock, if you dig #3i3o, we're grateful and we hope we provide some extra love, extra value, extra spicy sauce to our collective ‘Hawkra that makes ya smile. So, for the faithful readers, you'll remember that our pre-season post discussing 3 unsung Seahawks that would make or break our year, we dedicated 33.33% of that article to one Jarran Reed.
Now you read (from the aforementioned article of destiny):
“Our Run D was OUTSTANDING in 2016 and very often it was due to players like Reed filling their role – and their gaps – professionally and allowing others like Wagner, Clark, Wright and more to make big plays. Reed was more than above average last season against the run and on a line with the likes of Avril, Bennett, Clark, and now Sheldon … so what if he records only a few sacks?
While Nazair Jones was one of the darlings of pre-season – and deservingly so – Reed enters year-2, nearly as a forgotten man.
There’s no metric here to follow, this one is all about your gut. Watch the trenches with intent. If Reed is being consistent up the gut, consistently clearing lanes for our LBs and DEs to make big plays, consistently non-flashy but darn effective … our Seahawks will be marching on to Minnesota come February.”
This wasn't Jarran's only impact play, but it's the one we'll all recall, and with great reason!
  Jarran Reed forces a fumble on Manning http://pic.twitter.com/fjN1Tw27f9
— Billy Marshall (@BillyM_91) October 22, 2017
For those that can or already have re-watched the game, focus on Reed for a bit, you will continue to see what this man is doing right up the gut. He's progressing and getting even better in year 2. Jarran Reed is a big, big factor for our ‘Hawks and as my brother Scotty likes to say… Love to say I told ya so. Want more proof?
Samuel Gold knows his stuff:
Jarran Reed ranked 2/66 interior defenders with a run stop % of 30.4%. He also had the strip sack on Eli Manning as well. #Seahawks
— Samuel Gold (@SamuelRGold) October 23, 2017
OUT – Sexy Deep Baaaaaaalmost
First He giveth, then He taketh away. Such is life on the roller coaster we call 3 IN, 3 OUT. And while us 12s must be our best Fat Boy Slims and praise Russ like we do, this is the facts of Seahawks life … and they can’t all be Jo’s or Tooties now can they?
Russ has mastered the intermediate – 20 to 34 yard, drop it in the bucket pass. See Baldwin’s beauties if you’re not following the floating ball here people.
One aspect of Russ’ game that is a little askew this season is the really ‘Sexy Deep Ball’. Sure he connected with P-Rich with some razzle-dazzle and one heck of a snag by our decadian wearing Colorado Buffalo, but we’re focused on a slightly different type of SDB.
Multiple times this year, and 2x just this passed Sunday, Russ missed a wide open Baldwin and Lockett, respectively. The good? Baldwin and Lockett are consistently getting behind DBs this year, and even misses on SDBs open the field for later offensive domination. The bad? Russ needs to make some of these opps count.
He takes an OUT in a game where we dominated and he threw for ‘3 and 3’. This is a game that should have been 34 to 7 and in the not-too-distant future we’ll be up against much, much better offensive talent where 24 probably won’t cut it.
  IN – Russ to Jimmy… Wait, What!?
I know, I know… I'm a shill for Jimmy Graham, it's not, not true.
We all know about the 2 HUGE drops … they are deserving of an OUT unto themselves, so we’re not sugar coating it here peeps. What excites me is the way Jimmy is being used over the last few weeks.
When Jimmy dropped what shoulda been his first TD of the day, it wasn’t some fade route that sailed aimlessly over Jimmy’s head (though we had one of those too). We love Russ, and we should vigorously defend him to any NFL fan that sees him as some average QB… Trust me, they’re still out there!!!
But Russ is on the struggle bus when it comes to End Zone fade routes. It’s like watching Matthew Broderick’s 1998 Godzilla… it just makes ya ill.
Jimmy’s TD drop and then subsequent TD catch show us that Bevell and co. seem to have learned that we can still use Jimmy in the Red Zone and throw him a different route than the fade… this is VERY encouraging.
Graham’s other big drop might have also went for 6 and surely woulda went for 35+ yards. OK, he beefed it and dropped a wide open delivery from Russ… but where was Graham when he Buckner’d that bad boy? He was wiiiiiide out, streaking down the left sideline on that route. Combine this with the more 5-wide schemes we are seeing, combine this with Russell going for well over 300 yards on the day, with 3 TDs… combined with this true fact:
The #Seahawks are 12-0 in the regular season when Russell Wilson throws three touchdowns in a game. https://t.co/dod5P73UJA http://pic.twitter.com/7EbVQTxfA4
— Aron Yohannes (@AronYohannes) October 23, 2017
And this is a big, big IN.
OUT – Ticky Tacky Crappy
Dominating win, on the road, which was quickly followed by a work road-trip of my own. So pardon the easy route here of using an OUT on two types of penalty calls that just bug the snot outta me.
Defensive Holding on run plays – There must've been some committee meeting this offseason to put a spotlight on defensive holding during run plays because, well, I just can't for the life of me remembering seeing this call all that much… ummmm ever. Now, it seems like once a game this dumb-dumb call gets used. Hey NFL, why don't you work on ways so that the Refs are LESS involved and not creating new things to play ‘gotcha' with… ugggh, OUT.
Our ‘Hawks ‘luck' with offensive PI calls … I just re-watched the Lockett TD that was negated and again, the improper insertion of the white stripes to hurt the ‘Hawks is evident. I realize other teams get banged for offensive PIs too, but we just seem to more often AND usually, as was the case here, the calls are pure rubbish.
Bonus IN
We dominated, so a bonus IN, why not?
Quickly, this goes to Justin Coleman and not for covering guys that would otherwise be on a practice squad, but for his abilities making tackles near the line of scrimmage. Justin Coleman for a 7th round pick… we've discussed this before, but my oh my, this is turning out to be a complete steal.
If you have the ability to re-watch the game go to the 12:53 mark of the 3rd quarter and you'll see why Coleman gets the bonus IN!
  From the Flock!!!
My favorite segment of #3i3o is hearing it from YOU … so let's see what ya'll had to say this week!
Feeling bad for Ross Bell of the UK Sea Hawkers and the Pedestrian Podcast … he was the 3rd leg of the UK stool, but he couldn't make the trip this time out – we missed ya Ross!
  Early #3I3O 4 @clintonbon. When your podcast partners fly off to New York for the game and leave you at home! #OUT @adamdnathan @Stu_Court
— Ross Bell (@RossBell1984) October 19, 2017
  Flocktimus' game was strong this Sunday!!!
  The left side of the line was #IN. @EthanPocic@MarkGlowinski73@Rees_o71 getting it done! @clintonbon#3i3o
— Keith Ketover (@FlocktimusPrime) October 23, 2017
  Ron didn't specifically tag this #3i3o, nor does he have to – I just thought this was a popular opinion that ought to be re-shared:
  Ron bringing the Pepper heat on Jimmy
  Samsies here, I just loved this post so had to re-share this gem from Erik. While I can't preach for Frank the Tank's grasp of the Laffer Curve or P-Rich's position on legalized pot… I can back this ticket.
  1,2,3… What's Next!!!???
Back to CLink West we go. I'm fired up to watch this evolved LOB go up against Watson, Hopkins, Fuller and others. The weather looks pristine as of right now and that matters because Russ ain't great in the rain. I expect our O to keep tightening things up and my spidey sense is telling me we're about to see our best offensive performance of the year.
Let's just see if good ole' Mamma Cleo's crystal ball is crystal clear.
Until Sunday Flockers … see you on Twitter and on the Sea Hawkers Ring of Honor on FB where if you use the tag #3i3o I'll do my bestest to get your account included in the weekly dash of extra Seahawks goodness!
A HUGE Thank you to Brandan and Adam for creating something special here and Go ‘Hawks !!!
via The Sea Hawkers Podcast http://ift.tt/2h9D010
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