#plus it’s a good idea to support games with good accessibility options
theworldbrewery · 5 months
Funmaxing: How to Create a Character You'll Like Playing
Part Two: Choosing Your Features
'part one: choosing a role that fits' can be found here.
Okay, so you've decided on the roles that sound fun to you and that suit your character. Now for the fun part: actually doing character creation.
Every part of character creation is made up of two basic elements: flavor and mechanics. Each of these affects the other; when people talk about the 'fantasy' of a given class, they're referring to the experience created by the synthesis of the flavor and mechanics. For instance, the 'fantasy' of the Ancestral Guardian barbarian is a character that goes into a mystical warrior state to deliver no-holds-barred beatdowns, powered by the support of their long-dead ancestors. In order for that fantasy to work, you need both the flavor of the 'mystical warrior state' and the 'support of long-dead ancestors,' and the mechanics that let this idea work out in practice -- a character needs to be able to deal sizable damage in one-on-one combat, with meaningful support mechanics from their ancestor spirits.
The trick of choosing character options that work for you is twofold: you must determine which mechanics let you engage in the roles you have selected in part one, while also checking the flavor for compatibility with your character's roleplay concept.
First, let's talk mechanics.
Understanding how to choose mechanics that you will personally enjoy is surprisingly difficult; I think it's because the flavor is doing so much heavy lifting that it's hard to see the game expectations underlying each concept, and because it takes experience to recognize how different mechanics interact. To help provide examples, I'll be using a friend's character from my prior campaign to demonstrate.
Alice is a half-orc with the guild artisan background and the wild magic sorcerer class.
How does D&D expect Alice to behave? What does she do?
As a half-orc, Alice will have a bonus to her Strength and Constitution scores, proficiency in Intimidation, an extra damage die on a melee-weapon critical hit, and an ability that lets her drop to 1 hit point instead of 0 once per day.
On its own, this doesn't tell us much. These abilities could enhance Alice's efficacy as a Tank and a Powerhouse...or they could be used to help compensate in some areas where she is weaker, like keeping a fragile Glass Cannon standing and giving her a bonus to melee attacks if she's low on spell slots.
As a guild artisan, Alice is proficient in Insight and Persuasion plus a set of artisan's tools. According to her backstory, Alice is a stonemason, so she's taking that proficiency in mason's tools. She also gains a feature that connects her to the rest of the guild, who will help her meet patrons and allies and grant her lodging when needed, as long as the guild has a presence in the local community.
Now here's a better look at the picture! Alice has skills and features that help her in social situations, mostly with personal charm and insight, so she might be good at the Cold Reader and Friendly roles. She's also connected to the guild, which could set her up for a role as an Information Broker. Her skill with mason's tools could help her detect traps or other dangers, or give her an edge on finding secret areas in a building -- so Trap-Wise and Mapper are good prospects for her role in Exploration.
As a sorcerer, Alice has access to spellcasting features, including sorcerer cantrips and first-level spells. Looking ahead, she'll gain access to sorcery points, which let her cast more spells, and at third level she'll gain Metamagic options, which let her change elements of the spells she casts. She has proficiency in some simple weapons, but no armor, and her hit die is a d6. Her spellcasting ability will be Charisma.
So here we can see Alice is going to be a spellcaster first and foremost--at least, that's the assumption the class mechanics have created, because everything about this class revolves around spellcasting. If Alice's player wants to play a weapon-based character, this is likely not the class for them. We can also see that with no armor and the smallest hit die available, the game expects that Alice will be avoiding melee combat at all costs. Instead, the class is designed to fire spells at longer distances and deal large amounts of damage, so the sorcerer class is built for a more Glass Cannon-like role.
If we take a closer look at the sorcerer spells, it doesn't seem to have many summoning-type spells, and zero spells capable of healing or ending harmful effects. Instead, the sorcerer's spells largely deal targeted or Area of Effect damage, affect the environment and enemies, and defend the sorcerer and their allies from attacks. Alice is therefore well-suited to a Glass Cannon or Battlefield Manipulation role in combat -- and since she doesn't have many abilities beyond spellcasting, she should prioritize spells that let her act effectively in battle. The metamagic options reinforce this: they let Alice deal extra damage, fire a spell across a greater range, cast an extra spell as a bonus action, and extend the duration of a spell, all of which are assets to a character in long-range combat affecting the battlefield and dealing high amounts of damage.
But what about outside of combat? Some spell options for the sorcerer are more useful outside of the battlefield, and it's wise for Alice's player to choose some of these as well. Spells like Comprehend Languages and Knock can help Alice read unfamiliar writing, eavesdrop on an enemy, and magically unlock manacles, doors, and treasure chests. Depending on if the player prefers a Trap-Wise, Looter, or Puzzle-Solver role, the player can choose spells that fit those preferences. As a sorcerer, Alice is likely to have a high Charisma score, which means she would make a great Friend or Influencer in social encounters.
At first level, Alice also gets to choose her subclass. As a wild magic sorcerer, Alice's first subclass ability is Tides of Chaos, which lets her grant herself advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
Because Alice can use Tides of Chaos, it makes sense for her to take on roles in the game that let her make use of her skills and saving throws, but it also would help if she took combat spells that use attack rolls instead of making the enemy make a saving throw. Why? Because her Tides of Chaos lets her give herself advantage on spell attacks. Spells like Chromatic Orb and Witch Bolt can then be more likely to hit their target. Later on, she'll gain abilities that let her affect other creatures' saving throws, so she might choose more save-based effects then.
As you can see, even though the race, background, and class/subclass features are guiding the player toward certain roles, these roles are by no means a hard and fast rule. And with each layer of customization, you can specialize your character into the roles you most enjoy. If you like the idea of playing a spellcaster, but the Glass Cannon doesn't appeal to you, you might instead choose to play a bard or a warlock, which have higher hit dice and can let you branch out into melee fighting, or choose the Clockwork Soul sorcerer subclass to access more defensive and healing-oriented spells.
The trick is to put all this into practice in reverse: if you know which roles you'd like to play, your task is to look at the classes, subclasses, and other character options that most interest you and evaluate whether or not they will help you fulfill those roles. Not everything must be of use to your favorite roles to play, and you aren't obligated to stick closely within the confines of one role in each pillar of play, either. But in general, you'll enjoy playing your character much more if you know you like using their abilities!
Lastly, you'll need to reconcile the flavor of your chosen character options with anything you already know about your character concept. Some mechanics are simple to re-flavor, like changing the source of magical abilities or changing a damage type. Others, like reflavoring spellcasting as weapon attacks, are extremely difficult verging on the impossible. If you find yourself trying to completely overhaul the flavor of a class or background, you might want to look in a different area for the mechanical features you enjoy.
If you're looking for more specific advice, feel free to send in an ask. Happy character creation!
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moonshotpods · 2 years
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Moonshot Network is opening for YOUR podcast pitches this Friday! But who even ARE we? What does that mean? How do you even send a pitch????
Good news: we’ve made this handy slideshow in order to answer all those questions, and also questions you didn’t even know you had! It’s a condensed version of our official pitch guide, to save you the trouble of clicking through to the GDoc link! You can also find the full plain text below the cut here.
What is Moonshot and why should I pitch you my podcast, anyway?
Moonshot is a podcast network built on creative collaborations and far-out ideas. Some of our work includes: podcast seasons recorded in 24 hours, a dunk tank fundraiser stream, amateur Pokemon competitions, fanfiction actual plays, and deep media analysis of things like Saw, Christmas music, Harlequin romance novels, and the Halo 3 alternate reality game.
Our primary goal  is to be a home for out-there ideas, shorter and seasonal projects, and experiments in the podcast medium that might not fit in anywhere else. We aim to provide the enthusiasm, the structure, and support for our members to work on their dream projects.
Our second goal is giving first-time and early-career creators the tools they need for a successful start. We feel strongly that podcasting should not be a gatekept medium, and aim to support new creators with the funding and guidance to make their show a success.
Here are some examples of shows currently on our network:
ARGonauts Podcast: Andrew and Marn do deep dives into the niche world of alternate reality games and the people who create them.
Riley Hopkins and Their Amazing Friends: Short-form actual play series and one-offs that focus on transformative fanwork and crossovers of established shows/franchises/characters.
I’ll Be Pod For Castmas: A seasonal podcast released in July and December where Juliet and Katherine pick a piece of holiday pop culture and discuss it through the lens of a piece of topical classic literature.
After School Anime Club: Max, Max, and Stevie take a nostalgia trip back to the anime of their youth, and play game shows about it along the way.
The Podcast Mines: There But For The Grace Of Pod Go We: Riley and Andrew pitch each other podcasts, talk about the medium of podcasting, and sometimes do neither of those things.
We offer network members a lot of perks, including:
Coverage of hosting costs, plus access to Pinecast's advanced analytics
A pre-existing community of fans and listeners to introduce your show to
Collaborative network shows with monthly spots for guest hosts
Other podcasters to talk shop and collaborate with in our creators-only Discord
Assets for streaming, a Twitch channel, and (time permitting) a stream producer
Subscriptions to Soundstripe (royalty-free music ) and Otter.ai (transcription services)
Optional participation in large group charity livestreams
If you’re a creator looking to pitch us on a not-yet-published show, send us:
A strong pitch of your idea - what the base premise of the show is, an introduction to the regular hosts, what topics you hope to cover, and anything else that feels relevant. For audio dramas, feel free to send us an outline of the plot alongside the basic pitch!
A recorded and edited pilot episode.
OPTIONAL: More sample episodes, if you’ve already recorded them.
OPTIONAL: More scripted episodes, if you’re making an audio drama.
Examples of your past audio work. If you don’t have any, don’t worry! As long as your pitch is solid, you don’t need to have prior experience.
If you’re a creator looking to pitch an ongoing/established show, you’ll need:
A link to your feed.
Links to 3-5 episodes that exemplify what your show is about, and what it sounds like at its best.
If you’re a creator that has a pitch that is outside of these two options:
3-5 episodes in some format.
A solid pitch for why we should take on your show!
Please send these things to [email protected] with the subject line PITCH: [Your Podcast Name Here]. The body of your email should include a brief introduction of yourself, your podcast, and any cohosts; followed by links to the above requested content.
If you’re a new creator and have any sort of roadmap for your show, including an outline (for fiction shows) or a list of content you’re going to cover in future episodes (for nonfiction), we’d love to see those too! Please also include links to your and your cohosts’ social media.
Our inbox opens for pitches on November 25th! We hope to see you there!
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globsynbusinessschool · 4 months
ChatGPT vs. Gemini vs. Copilot
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The rise of AI chatbots has been fast, with more options becoming available to users. These bots are becoming a regular part of the software and devices we use every day.
Just like choosing an email provider or music app, you can now pick your favorite AI chatbot too. We’ve tested three of the most popular ones to help you decide which might be right for you.
Aside from these, there are others like Perplexity and Claude, but our focus here is on the biggest names: OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot.
We’ve tested each bot and included three standard challenges for evaluation. We asked for "a fun game idea for a 5-year-old’s birthday party," "a new smartphone app concept," and "instructions for resetting macOS."
In this blog, we're comparing the free versions of these chatbots available at the time of writing.
Which One Is Best for Regular Users? ChatGPT or Gemini or Copilot
 ChatGPT powered by OpenAI
ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has been a leader in generative AI. It's widely accessible through web browsers on computers and mobile apps for Android and iOS. The platform has made headlines recently with announcements from OpenAI, including updates on their latest models and features.
There's a significant difference between the free and $20-per-month Plus versions of ChatGPT. The Plus version offers extra features like image generation and document scanning. Subscribers can also create their own GPTs with custom prompts and data. OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman has mentioned that these enhancements are part of their strategy to democratize AI.
ChatGPT Plus provides access to the latest GPT-4 models, whereas the free GPT-3.5 is good for basic AI interactions. It's quick and versatile but lacks web link references like Copilot for fact-checking. The open AI search engine, one of the key initiatives, helps improve the platform's information processing capabilities.
Choosing ChatGPT is ideal for those interested in cutting-edge AI development. However, it's more effective with a paid subscription rather than on a budget. Apple's involvement with OpenAI has also fueled further interest in the platform.
In testing, ChatGPT performed reasonably well. It suggested a themed musical statues game for kids and a health-focused smartphone app named FitTrack.
Gemini powered by Google
Formerly known as Google Bard, Gemini is available as a web app and on Android and iOS. There are free and paid ($20 per month) plans.
Paying for Gemini gets you access to newer, smarter models. The interface resembles ChatGPT, and it integrates well with other Google services.
Gemini is suited for Google product users. It provided sensible responses to our challenges and suggested a neighborhood item-sharing app and a twist on the classic party game.
Copilot powered by Microsoft
Copilot is integrated into many Microsoft products like Bing and Windows. It’s available as a web app and mobile app.
Copilot uses Microsoft’s Bing search engine and often provides web links with citations. It's conversational and offers various text output settings.
The AI behind Copilot is OpenAI’s GPT-4, with different settings for text output: More Creative, More Balanced, and More Precise.
Copilot suggested "What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?" for the kids' game and a virtual interior design app for smartphones. Its macOS reset instructions were accurate and cited from Apple’s support site.
If you use Microsoft products heavily, Copilot is a natural choice. It excels at referencing web information and providing clear citations.
In conclusion, all three—ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot —can be used for free, allowing you to choose based on your preferences. Copilot offers the most AI features without payment, ChatGPT is highly competent with a subscription, and Gemini is ideal for Google fans.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Do Chatbots Understand Language Differently Than a Programming Language?
Chatbots and programming languages are different in how they understand language.
Programming languages like Python or Java are structured and strict. They need exact commands and follow clear rules to work. If you make a mistake, the program won't function correctly.
Chatbots, on the other hand, are designed to interpret human language. They use techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand words, phrases, and even context. This allows them to grasp the meaning behind what people say, even if the words are not in a set pattern.
A chatbot can recognize synonyms (different words with similar meanings), understand the intent behind a sentence, and learn from the interactions it has with users. This flexibility is what sets chatbots apart from programming languages, which rely on strict instructions to perform tasks.
What Does the Generative AI Ecosystem Refer to?
The term "generative AI ecosystem" refers to a network of technologies, tools, and methodologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) to create or generate content autonomously. This ecosystem encompasses various AI models and algorithms designed to produce new and unique outputs based on learned patterns and data.
In simpler terms, generative AI involves systems that can generate things like text, images, music, or even video without direct human input for each specific output. These systems learn from large datasets and then use that knowledge to create new content that resembles what they've been trained on.
This ecosystem includes a range of technologies such as language models (like GPT), image generators (like DALL-E), and music composers that are able to produce content that is novel and, in many cases, convincingly human-like. The ultimate goal of the generative AI ecosystem is to automate and enhance creative processes across various domains, potentially transforming how we create and interact with digital content.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
Baby Witch Tip: Witchy Stuff That’s Worth The Money
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We recently posted an article titled:  7 Things a Baby Witch Shouldn't Spend Money On. So what about things that ARE worth the money? Let me highlight the worth the money part. Some of them are not really necessary, but you will get good value for your money if you do decide to get them. 
Witchcraft is a practice that does not rely on many tools. There are some helpful objects that can help you channel Divine energy into the earthly world. However, even if you do need some items for your practice, it doesn’t mean you need to spend lots of money on them. I promise to keep this post accessible for all kinds of budgets. Now, let's dive into what are the things that would help in your practice.
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Book of Shadows
My first tip would be to invest in building your knowledge. A Book of Shadows is where you write the details of the journey of your path as it unfolds. It’s more like a journal for your knowledge, and it’s as personal as your practice.
A Book of Shadows doesn’t have to be an ancient, expensive book. Any notebook with a design that appeals to you would do, or even a plain composition notebook if you like it. The Book of Shadows is for you to write down the things you learn, yet it must be used only for that. 
The same applies for the writing tool you use, it should only be given this purpose. I wouldn't say you should buy a new pen if you have several in your house. However, once you start using one for your Book of Shadows, don’t make use of it for anything else. It is a good idea to cleanse and bless these tools before you start to use them. 
Back to the Book of Shadows. As it is a main tool for any witch, you should consider it a wise investment. There are many small businesses where you can find handcrafted bullet journals. You can support your local store and get one from there as well.
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Incense burner
Maybe you can’t think why you would need an incense burner, but trust me on this one. This will quickly become an essential tool in your daily practice. It took me a while to invest in one, and once I did it was a game changer. It is much better than a plate, and it’s definitely better than burning your fingertips. 
This item is easy to manipulate and really practical. Plus, this makes the cleansing of your space, tools, and even yourself much more pleasant.
There are a variety of options on the market, from material to size. You would have to choose the one that best fits your needs —and budget. If you’re already used to purchasing herbs and incense from a metaphysical store, they will likely have incense burners as well.
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You will eventually end up with many witchcraft items, so a place to store them can be really handy. Your closet might be a temporary solution, but it’s better to get yourself something like a chest. There are many delicate tools which can be damaged from environmental exposure —dust, sunlight, humidity— or constant handling. So a chest is not only practical for storage, but it can help you save money in the long run. If you have somewhere safe to store your tools, you won’t spend money replenishing damaged items.
You shouldn’t try to save when it comes to finding a place to keep your things safe. However, there are many cheap options for chests. You can buy any wood box from your nearest hobby store and then paint a nice design on it. If you have a really tight budget, a cardboard box is a better choice than packing everything in your closet.
Worshiping material
These items are not just for advanced witches. As a baby witch, you can start worshiping any diety you want —after some proper research—. Remember that simply worshiping a Deity is harmless, the real work begins when you start to make requests. 
I would recommend you get something for the entity you have been working with. It is okay for you to craft something for them, yet it’s recommended to find a way to express how much you value them.
It is not necessary to get them much if you’re just starting out. Remember that offerings are gifts, you wouldn’t spend much money on a stranger. This can cause the stranger to mistrust you. So don’t go big until you have already worked on your relationship with them. Here are some ideas on what you can buy at first:
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You can buy or create an effigy of the deity you’d like to work with. It doesn’t need to be a gigantic statue, you can start with a print of that entity. However, as time goes by, your relationship with them will grow. Eventually you will need to express some gratitude to them. You can frame your print, or buy a small statue of them. You can even get some clay and make your own, but you need to show how devoted you are to them, so something you do carelessly and quickly won't do. You will find that there are some differences on what and how to give offerings to your deities. So it is a must for you to do some research beforehand.
I’d say this is the best choice if you have a shoestring budget. You can get a simple white candle. Then, you can dress them with essential oils or carve them with symbols of the deity you are working with. You can also invest in a pillar colored candle dressed in herbs to raise your prayers or connect with your deity.
(PS if you’re looking for a candle set, you can find ours linked here)
Back to daily use items for witches. Amulets can have many purposes, mostly used for protection. When you are starting out, it is important to use something as an amulet. This is symbolic, especially if you’re a beginner. 
It’s okay to have amulets from your ancestors. However, it’s advised to get one just for yourself. Remember, this is YOUR journey, not your ancestors. You should get an amulet to symbolize that you are walking YOUR own path. What can work as an amulet? The limit is your imagination. You can even make your own jewelry. Provided it is cleansed and the materials are somewhat durable, this is a great route to go if you do not have much disposable income. You can also find something at your local thrift store. It doesn’t really matter how much you spend, and it is not even necessary to spend anything. However, it is a proper way to show devotion to your practice.  
An amulet works like a promise you make to yourself. Once you get or make it and bless it, you commit to what you’re doing. Whichever item you choose to take as an amulet, it is important to feel attached to it. This amulet would not just guide you. It will also protect you at the beginning of your journey.
What's Next
At this point, you should be covered for what you’d need for the first steps of your practice. It’s time for you to explore and make your own decisions. All of the items listed above are just some ideas, it is up to you to think which is the item you need the most right now. 
Always give ample thought to what to spend your money on. It’s not only about being financially smart, where you spend your hard-earned money also leaves an energetic imprint. Deciding where to invest is also part of your practice. This would make any purchase more significant, no matter how much money you are spending.
I hope this post enlightened some doubts you had. Do you plan to shop for tools soon? What are you planning on getting for your practice?
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waynejay · 3 months
Acsolv Consultant - Streamline Your Business with a PSG Pre-Approved ERP Vendor Online
When it comes to the idea of successful business operations, efficiency is a must. Every entrepreneur dreams of a seamless workflow, where tasks are completed with the precision of a Swiss timepiece. Enter ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software—a digital Swiss army knife for businesses. But wait, there's more! What if I told you that you could elevate your efficiency even further by outsourcing your ERP needs to a PSG pre-approved vendor online? Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of business optimization.
Understanding PSG Pre-Approved Vendors
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Before diving headfirst into the world of PSG pre-approved vendors, let's take a moment to dissect this enigmatic acronym. PSG stands for Productivity Solutions Grant, a Singaporean initiative aimed at helping SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) boost their productivity and competitiveness. Now, imagine a select group of vendors who have received the PSG stamp of approval. These are the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème, if you will, of service providers.
When it comes to ERP, partnering with a PSG pre-approved vendor online is like having a golden ticket to efficiency paradise. These vendors have been rigorously vetted by the powers that be, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. So, when you choose a PSG pre-approved vendor for your ERP needs, you can rest easy knowing that you're in good hands.
The Benefits of Outsourcing ERP
Now that we've established the importance of PSG pre-approved vendors, let's explore the myriad benefits of outsourcing your ERP needs. Firstly, outsourcing allows you to tap into the expertise of seasoned professionals. Instead of grappling with complex software on your own, you can leverage the knowledge and experience of ERP specialists who eat, sleep, and breathe digital optimization.
Secondly, outsourcing ERP frees up valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on what you do best—running your business. With a dedicated team handling your ERP needs, you can say goodbye to tedious administrative tasks and hello to newfound productivity. Plus, by outsourcing, you can access cutting-edge technology without breaking the bank. PSG pre-approved vendors often offer cost-effective solutions that are tailored to the needs of SMEs, making ERP more accessible than ever before.
Choosing the Right ERP Software Provider in Singapore
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Ah, Singapore—the bustling metropolis where innovation meets tradition. It's no wonder that businesses flock to this island nation in search of ERP solutions that deliver results. But with so many options to choose from, how do you find the right ERP software provider in Singapore? Fear not, dear reader, for I have the answer.
When selecting an ERP provider, there are a few key factors to consider. Firstly, look for a vendor that offers comprehensive support and training. Implementing ERP software is no small feat, and you'll want a provider who is there for you every step of the way. Secondly, consider the scalability of the solution. As your business grows, so too should your ERP system. Look for a provider that offers flexible solutions that can adapt to your evolving needs.
Finally, don't forget to take compatibility into account. Your ERP system should seamlessly integrate with your existing software and workflows, minimising disruption and maximising efficiency. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can find an ERP provider that is tailor-made for your business.
Outsourcing your ERP needs to a PSG pre-approved vendor online is a game-changer for SMEs. By harnessing the power of ERP software, you can streamline your operations, boost productivity, and drive growth like never before. So why wait? Take the first step towards business excellence today and partner with Acsolv Consultant, your trusted ERP software provider in Singapore. With their expertise and support, the sky's the limit for your business. Visit Acsolv Consultant today.
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rimaakter45 · 4 months
Interested in Launching Your Own Cryptocurrency Token? Here's Why You Should Consider Solana
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Hey there, crypto enthusiasts! If you've been thinking about launching your own cryptocurrency token, you're not alone. Tons of people are jumping on the bandwagon, and for good reason. Whether you want to create a token with real-world value, a meme coin for laughs, or a utility token for your project, there's never been a better time to get started. In this article, we'll dive into the world of cryptocurrency tokens, explore how to launch one, and discuss why Solana might just be the perfect blockchain for your token.
What Are Cryptocurrency Tokens and Why Would You Want to Launch One?
First things first, let's talk about what cryptocurrency tokens actually are. In a nutshell, they're digital assets that are built on top of a blockchain. They can represent pretty much anything - from a stake in a project to a virtual currency within a game. The cool thing about tokens is that they can serve a wide range of purposes. Some tokens, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, have real-world value and can be used as a form of payment. Others, like Dogecoin, started off as a joke but gained a huge following. And then there are utility tokens, which give holders access to a product or service.
So, why would you want to launch your own token? Well, it depends on your goals. Maybe you have a brilliant idea for a new project and want to raise funds through an initial coin offering (ICO). Or perhaps you want to create a loyalty program for your business and reward customers with tokens. The possibilities are endless!
How Do You Launch a Token?
Now that you're excited about launching your own token, you might be wondering how to actually do it. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. When you launch a token, you're essentially writing a piece of code that gets stored on a blockchain. Every time someone sends or receives your token, that transaction gets recorded on the blockchain ledger. It's like a big, public record that everyone can see.
What Are Some Options for Launching a Token?
When it comes to choosing a blockchain for your token, you've got a few options. Let's break them down:
Ethereum: Ethereum is like the godfather of blockchain platforms. It was one of the first to support smart contracts, which are basically self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. Ethereum has a huge developer community and lots of tools for building tokens.
EVM-based chains: If you like the idea of Ethereum but want something a little different, you might want to check out EVM-based chains like Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Polygon. These blockchains are compatible with Ethereum's tools and have lower fees and faster transaction times.
Non-EVM chains: If you really want to stand out from the crowd, you could consider a non-EVM chain like Solana. Solana has its own unique architecture and boasts lightning-fast speeds and low costs.
Why Is Solana Becoming So Popular?
Solana has been making waves in the crypto world lately, and for good reason. It's been growing at a faster pace than even Binance Smart Chain, which was once the go-to for launching altcoins. So, what's all the hype about?
For starters, Solana is insanely fast. It can process tens of thousands of transactions per second, which is a big deal when you're talking about a decentralized network. It also has super low fees, which means you can send and receive tokens without breaking the bank.
But speed and cost aren't the only things that make Solana awesome. It also has a unique proof-of-stake consensus mechanism that makes it more energy-efficient than other blockchains. Plus, it has a growing ecosystem of dapps and projects that are building on top of it.
How Can You Launch Tokens on Solana?
If you're sold on the idea of launching your token on Solana, you might be wondering how to get started. There are a couple of different ways to go about it:
Using SPL and CLI: If you're a developer with some technical chops, you can use the Solana Program Library (SPL) and Command Line Interface (CLI) to create your token. This requires some coding knowledge, but it gives you a lot of control over your token's features and functionality.
No-Code Platforms: If the thought of coding makes your head spin, don't worry! There are plenty of no-code Solana token creator platforms out there that make it easy to create a token on Solana. These platforms handle all the technical stuff for you, so you can focus on the fun part - designing your token and getting it out into the world.
Ready to Launch Your Token on Solana?
Launching a cryptocurrency token can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can do it. And if you're looking for a blockchain that's fast, affordable, and packed with potential, Solana is definitely worth considering.
So what are you waiting for? Whether you're a seasoned developer or a total newbie, there's never been a better time to launch your own token on Solana. With its lightning-fast speeds, low costs, and growing ecosystem, Solana is quickly becoming the blockchain of choice for token creators everywhere.
So go ahead - dream big, get creative, and launch that token you've been thinking about. Who knows? Your token could be the next big thing in the crypto world. And with Solana by your side, the sky's the limit!
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eazybankloan · 1 year
Understanding the Criteria for Qualifying For a Business Loan
The Evolving Landscape of Business Financing
In recent years, business financing has witnessed a significant transformation. Gone are the days when business owners had to solely rely on traditional banking systems to fund our entrepreneurial dreams. With the advent of fin tech and digital lending platforms, securing a business loan has become easier and more accessible.
eazy bank loan: Changing the Game in Bhubaneswar
At the forefront of this change is Eazy bank loan. Offering a seamless online application process, instant approvals, and flexible repayment options, we've transformed the way business loan in Bhubaneswar is perceived. While the platform is brimming with advantages, it’s crucial for potential borrowers to understand the criteria for qualifying before we hit the 'Apply' button.
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Fundamental Criteria for Loan Approval
Before you start your loan application process, it's essential to be aware of the basic criteria required by most financial institutions. The primary requirements include a good credit score, a solid business plan, a demonstrated ability to repay the loan, and relevant collateral. Also, most lenders would want to review your past tax returns and bank statements to get an idea of your financial health.
Why Business Experience Matters
One major factor that influences loan approval is the longevity and success of your business. New startups might find it slightly challenging to get approved, given the risks associated. eazy bank loan, however, believes in supporting all business forms, big or small. So even if you’re a startup in Bhubaneswar looking for that financial push, we’ve got your back.
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Documentation: Your Passport to Approval
To speed up the loan approval process and ensure a smooth experience, having the right documents ready is paramount. This typically includes business licenses, personal and business tax returns, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and a detailed business plan. Remember, the more organized and clear you are with your documentation, the quicker the approval.
Benefits of Choosing a Digital Platform
Choosing a digital platform like eazy bank loan for your business loan in Bhubaneswar offers several advantages. The application process is swift, transparent, and offers the flexibility to apply from anywhere and anytime. Plus, with our dedicated customer support, any queries or concerns are addressed promptly, ensuring a hassle-free borrowing experience.
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Final Thoughts
As the business ecosystem continues to evolve, the criteria for loan approvals are also undergoing a transformation. With platforms likeeazy bank loan taking the lead, getting a business loan in Bhubaneswar is no longer a daunting task. However, staying informed and prepared is the key to swift approvals and a seamless borrowing experience.
Remember, a business loan is not just a financial commitment but an investment in your entrepreneurial dream. Choose wisely and grow boundlessly.
Resource :https://eazybankloan.blogspot.com/2023/08/understanding-criteria-for-qualifying-for-a-business-loan.html
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iplaykora · 2 years
Buy Wireless Speakers in Ghana: A Better Way to Connect to the Internet and Enjoy Music
If you're looking for a great way to improve your home entertainment experience, then buy wireless speakers in Ghana. Wireless speakers are perfect for small apartments and condos, as they're easy to set up and use. Plus, they're perfect for watching movies or listening to music from your smartphone or tablet. Not to mention, they're also great for multiplayer gaming as they support up to four devices at the same time. So if you're in the market for a wireless speaker, then look no further — buy one today!
When looking for a way to improve your internet connection and listen to music, buying wireless speakers is a great option. Wireless speakers allow you to access the internet from anywhere, so you can watch your favorite shows and tunes without having to be connected to a network. Plus, they're small enough that you can fit them into any room, making them perfect for working or living spaces. If you're looking for an affordable and easy way to improve your entertainment experience, buying wireless speakers is the answer.
Ghana is a country that has a history and culture that are both quite rich. One of the things that makes Ghana an interesting place to live, work, and visit is the fact that there are many wireless speakers available. Whether you're looking for a new speaker to improve your music experience or just want to add some extra sound to your home, buy wireless speakers in Ghana is an option you don't want to miss.
Wireless speakers are a great option for anyone looking to improve their home audio experience. In Ghana, there are a number of wireless speakers available, so you can get the best value for your money. Whether you're looking for a small speaker or a large speaker, then Kora is the place for you to buy wireless speakers in Ghana.
When it comes to buying wireless speakers in Ghana, you need to be sure that the speaker is of good quality. This is because wireless speakers typically have a much lower price tag than wired speakers. Furthermore, you'll need to make sure that the speaker has a long life span, as wireless speakers tend to work for a shorter amount of time than wired ones.
When you buy wireless speakers in Ghana, it is a great way to improve your audio experience. You can save money and get good quality speakers at a fraction of the price when you buy them online. Wireless speakers are perfect for home use or theater settings, and they're easy to set up and use.
Buy wireless speakers in Ghana can be a great way to improve your home entertainment experience. By connecting your speakers wirelessly, you can stream music and videos from your devices without having to worry about cords. Additionally, buying wireless speakers can save you money on the cost of batteries and wires.
The Bluetooth Speaker is the perfect way to enjoy your music, movies, and other audio content while on the go. They are small enough to take with you wherever you go, but big enough to provide good sound quality. In Ghana, there are many Bluetooth speaker stores that you can find.
Buy Bluetooth speakers in Ghana is a great way to increase your entertainment options while in Ghana. There are many different types of Bluetooth speakers available, so it's important to find the right one for you. Some of the most popular models include those that emit sound through Bluetooth technology, as well as those that use an audio jack and USB port.
Buy Bluetooth speakers in Ghana can improve your audio experience in a number of ways. If you're looking for a great way to add some extra audio capability to your home or office, then a Bluetooth speaker may be the perfect investment. There are so many different models available on the market today, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Here's a few tips to help make your decision: 
-Check out product pricing and reviews first. This will give you an idea of how much money you're spending on a Bluetooth speaker and whether or not it's worth it.  
-Make sure that when you buy Bluetooth speakers in Ghana, they are compatible with your current computer and phone devices. This will ensure that you can control it from anywhere in your home or office. 
-Be prepared to pay for quality when you buy Bluetooth speakers in Ghana.
Bluetooth speakers are a convenient way to listen to music, watch TV, and other audio programming. They are also great for home theater purposes. In Ghana, there are a number of Bluetooth speaker manufacturers who offer quality products at affordable prices. If you’re looking for a good option for your home theater needs, look no further than one of these manufacturers.
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yooniesim · 2 years
not being in the sims community for a few years (computer problems, couldnt play) and then coming back only to see so many creators have their cc behind paywalls sure was a shock tbh. i dont blame ppl for having patreons for their cc in general, ive seen plenty of creators have patreons with all their cc for free; becoming a patron being just an optional way of supporting them. plus, im pretty sure patreon has unlimited space, so ig itd also be a good idea if u dont have/dont want to use sfs or other unlimited upload sites (also posting pics with the files is a plus)
some ppl tho are like, wild. ive seen ppl charging 20$ a month and only releasing like, at most 3 patron only things per month then complain abt their stuff being shared for free.... like, youre selling 3 items a month for 20$, which is the same price as the base game when it isnt on sale. plenty of ppl already dont pay for the game itself, do u think theyre gonna want to pay the same amount for 3 things??
yeah nonny I'm in the same boat, it was so shocking for me to come back to this lol. I never imagined this many people would have patreons. I think it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't almost everyone. But here we are lol.
I remember when patreon tiers were $1 and you got access to everything. When I first saw someone with $3+ it was the most expensive I'd seen for maxis match early access cc, and it really wasn't worth it for that creator. Now it seems like so many people are $5 minimum??? And sometimes you don't even get access to everything? The cost has increased drastically and more importantly- the quality isn't there.
I've had a few items that I downloaded when it became free and tested in game and went, "thank god I didn't pay anything for this". Lack of LODs or proper maps, high poly, holes, improper weights, etc. All of this to me is fine for purely free cc (as long as there's nothing game breaking). But to me, for paid cc, early access or exclusive, is unacceptable. And there is no way to know what you're going to get, and if there's a problem, you're out of luck. It may not be fixed, and you're certainly not getting a refund.
And then there's the issue of the tiny mesh edits. I know for a fact there are many people, if they knew how simple the edit was, they would never pay for certain items. I am not paying anyone for 5 minutes in blender. I would honestly rather pay for a recolor than a lazy ass mesh edit. That's more time and effort than making a hair two inches shorter. You don't even have to edit the texture, just make hat chops, and sometimes not even that! I have literally made certain hairs in under an hour and I'm not even that experienced! Separated the werewolves stuff in around the same time. I made the necklaces I posted recently in a couple lazy afternoons, like ten minutes per. Of course it added up since I did so many at once, but nickel and diming per tiny mesh edit? The ratio of time and effort vs payment is ridiculous. There are so many talented creators that do amazing work that takes days, weeks, etc for free. And there are talented creators that do really awesome items for early access as well, that seem worth the money. So when I see that sort of cheap tiny edit thing... it feels like these creators are taking advantage of the consumer that may not know better. It's embarrassing.
If that $20 was for 3 things that took the creator 5 minutes each to make, wouldn't you be even more upset? And then imagine that creator has hundreds or even thousands of patrons. And doesn't contribute anything to the community other than paid content. No interaction, no gameplay, no chat, never existed before popping out of the womb with a patreon. It's insulting. Is this community just a cash cow? And people wonder why we're all so tired, even if it's following EA's rules.
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kaseysgtnonsense · 3 years
So. I mentioned having an idea for a g/t video game in this post and people seemed interested, so here it is!
It takes place in a setting where giants live in deep, underground cave systems, and their numbers are dwindling. The home you live in is running low on supplies, and in the end they decide that to lower the amount of resources consumed and improve their chances of survival, they’re going to kick someone out.
Unfortunately, that someone is you. You are cast out of the caves and into the surface world, on a continent ruled by several human countries on the brink of war. In their eyes, you are a monster, and you are severely limited. You need to hunt to survive, avoid injuries or else risk infection, and avoid areas where giant-slayers might see you as a threat and try to sneak-attack you while you’re resting.
Every faction is wary of you, and unless you’re particularly good at convincing others you don’t mean any harm, you won’t be able to ask for help early on. Doing things like rescuing random travelers, ending conflicts non-violently (like picking up someone who’s being chased by bandits and then bringing them to safety and setting them down), and leaving gifts all will help you start to establish yourself as a helpful person and not a monster.
Rescuing someone and making it clear you don’t mean any harm could lead to them wanting to travel with you, meaning they’d be able to talk to other humans and convince them to trade with you, cooperate with you, etc.! Plus, you’d get dialogue with them from time to time, letting you say how you feel about having been kicked out, which faction you want to support, how you feel about other giants, how you feel about being a giant in a world like this, etc. (basically it’s where the majority of the g/t interaction happens)
I figured I’d put all the more boring + ramble-y gameplay ideas under a cut, just so I’m not tossing a massive wall of text on people’s dashboards:
Additionally, acting recklessly would have some rough consequences. Like, say you decide to go to the evil empire, pledge allegiance to them in exchange for armor, then betray them and escape.
At first, you might feel heroic and proud, and it’s definitely good that you stole from the bad guys, but most people are just going to end up wary of you. Word would get around fast that the mysterious giant showed up, blatantly lied to the evil empire, and then betrayed them. Even people who vehemently hate the evil empire are going to be worried you’re lying to them when you show up.
For visuals I kinda pictured it being like those old RPGs where your character looks big on the overworld map, but then that’s actually just how tall you are. I imagined the player character being like, 50-70 feet tall? (15-21 meters)
Combat would be kind of similar to a roguelike: based around avoiding long-lasting injuries, buying (or stealing) medicine and bandages to prevent infections, avoiding hidden archers who’ll aim for your eyes, dealing with enemies who set traps (like sharpened stakes used as big caltrops, leading to you being slowed and having a risk of infection), and dealing with enemies who lob fireballs and other spells at you, damaging your armor and yourself. I can’t imagine a way to make it especially fun and action-y, so I’m just imagining it like Cataclysm:DDA, where it’s kinda turn-based but you’re able to position yourself around the enemy and run away, and different weapons give you access to different attacks. Like, a tree might give you a sweeping attack to hit multiple spaces at once.
I’d wanna add a talk option for combat kinda like in Shin Megami Tensei or Undertale, so you could try to end fights without anyone getting hurt by being like “wait, wait, I don’t mean any harm!!” or “if you don’t back off, I’m going to devour you all alive.” depending on the type of character you wanna roleplay. Maybe the clothes you make/buy and wear could factor into whether diplomacy or intimidation is more effective: a dorky cat-like hat is gonna make you look a lot less threatening, but a helmet that covers your face is gonna make you look way more menacing.
The game would end once you’ve finished a faction’s questline. The ending narration would be affected by what faction you’re allied with, whether or not you have access to food and medicine, and what you picked in dialogue regarding how you feel about the giants who kicked you out. (Aaaand I haven’t written up any factions yet. Whoops.)
In the ending, you might decide you prefer the company of humans rather than giants and live peacefully with them, or maybe you’ll go back home to get revenge, or maybe you’ll return home with an armful of food and supplies and hope to create a new era of peace between humans and giants with the support of your chosen faction. Maybe you just decided you preferred being the mysterious giant who lives in the mountains.
I’d wanna work on fleshing out the RPG mechanics in a way that lets you RP a character, kinda like how New Vegas does: letting you pick special dialogue if certain stats and skills are high or low enough. Maybe you wanna put more points into strength and endurance and play a super tough scary figure, or maybe you wanna put more points into charisma and perception and be a friendly and caring person. Maybe you know how to farm or hunt or cook, maybe you know how to build or invent...
And sorry for making this so long, but I’d wanna add flaws you can pick, too. Maybe you need glasses but giants don’t have them, so your character starts with terrible perception (meaning they won’t notice traps or hidden enemies) until the human faction they join helps make glasses for them. It’s cute to think of things leading to friendly interactions like that...
I’d wanna add multiple solutions to any one problem, too. Like, early on you could just talk to the guards outside a major faction’s location and if you made a character with enough points in persuasion, you could convince them to let you trade with them or join them. But if you aren’t persuasive enough, you could ask someone you rescued to vouch for you.
It’s WAY too ambitious for me to make and I’m already busy so I’ve got no intention of making it anytime soon, but someday in the future it would be fun to use this idea for something...
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glownightgames · 3 years
Recommend the Most Popular Mobile Game Engines in 2021
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Game engine software is a suite of tools that allows developers to access every part of a project. Game engine software can be used by individuals or a team together. Each game engine runs on a variety of languages like Python, C++. In most game engines you don’t need coding knowledge but having excellent skills will help to increase the software functionality.
Game engines like Unity have visual editors that allow Hire Unity game developers for view modification to a project in real-time. Some programs let users manually place background, characters, and icons directly on the screen.
For beginners, game engines feature a drag-and-drop logic creation tool. It is used to create events and behavior for characters and enemies. You will also find many game engines that support the creation of AR and VR games. VR takes the players into a digital world, while AR integrates game graphics with a real-world setting.
Game engines also allow monetization of games through in-app purchases and help you bring your ideas to life. Of course, the scope of your project will determine the ideal solution for you, here is the best game engine software all game app developers will find essential.
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1. Unity
In today’s emerging gaming industry, Unity is one of the most popular game development engines. The major benefit is a cross-platform game engine to boot with an ample collection of tutorials to help beginners get started. Plus, Unity is the best game engine for mobile game development.
2. Unreal Engine
The Unreal game engine came to light when a first-person shooter was published in 1998 developed by Epic Games. In 2005 Unreal Engine made open source software and you can download it on GitHub for free. It supports Linux, PlayStation, Xbox, iOS, and Windows, etc.
3. Solar2D
It is a 2D game development engine introduced in 2009. Game app developers used to develop 2D games for Android, iOS, and desktop as a free open source platform. Solar2D can build integrate your project with Android studio to add native features. It supports Android, iOS, and Windows.
4. SpriteKit
If you are a fan of iPhone game apps then Spritekit is one of the best options for developing Apple-based games. Apple launches it in 2013.
It supports iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS and integrates well with GameplayKit, SceneKit, and Swift.
It helps in creating virtually fascinating apps with necessary resources like physics, lightning animation with a hassle-free process
5. Marmalade SDK
Originally called Ideaworks3D Limited is a cross-platform engine that supports different devices such as Windows, iOS, and Android. It has a game asset that can be exported to other 3D modeling and animation tools like Autodesk and supports 2D game development.
6. GameMaker
It is one of the most used game engines because of no requirement of programming or coding knowledge. All you have to do is “point and click” to create games much easier and faster than coding with native languages.
Whereas like many other game engines, it is not free to use the software. It requires you to buy either the professional or Master collection versions.
7. Godot
It is one of the popular game engines that allows making both 2D and 3D game engines. It has a vast set of common tools so that game app developers can focus on making game apps without reinventing the wheel.
Godot is a free-to-use open-source with an MIT license. The good news is no royalties, no subscription fees, and no hidden strings. The game apps you develop through the Godot engine are yours.
Also, it has a community that regularly fix bugs and develop additional features. Its active community can answer even your most specific Godot-related questions.
You can find a strong Godot community on the internet HUBS, including Reddit forums, Facebook groups, steam community, the Godot forums, and more.
8. Clickteam Fusion
It is one of the most fun game engines supported by the creative team. The Fusion engine is full of graphical assets already made and used by many in the game industry. Fusion has an integrated physics engine and a great community, to boot. You can use it for all the platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows including Steam.
9. Cocos 2d-x
As the name sounds unique, it claims to be the world’s top Open-Source Game Development Platform’. Well, are they?
Of course, it is difficult to give a definitive answer if you aren’t exactly familiar with game design, or if your personal preferences favor something more in line with Godot or Unity 3D.
It is free to use an open-source with an MIT license. It provides you very prominent features with cross-platform and a simple way to be successful in the world of game development. Although it uses C++ at a time, it can be versatile and also use Java.
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Above are the most popular game engines and a quick snapshot of what the mobile game development community offers, but all these game engines also represent a wide range of use cases and should help you determine what tools you need for your next project. If you don’t have time for multi-tasking, Glownight Games Studio is the best Mobile Game Development Company in the industry to help you out with your important game app projects develop on time.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
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The Gaia Complex is a cyberpunk RPG set on earth in 2119. Towards the end of the 21st century, the third world war, which became known as the Resource War, pushed mankind to the brink of destruction and brought ruin to the Earth’s atmosphere. Small pockets of humanity survived this horrific conflict, eventually forming the eleven metropolises. These incredible mega-cities have since grown and prospered, largely due to developments in atmospheric processing and significant technological advancements. Now cut off from each other, these heaving urban landscapes must each face their own difficulties and hardships. The Gaia Complex focuses on the largest of these metropolises; New Europe, a single sprawling city that covers much of what we currently know as mainland Europe. New Europe is a world of street violence, corporate espionage, vampiric uprisings and an overzealous A.I., known as Gaia, which functions as the city’s governor and the protector of its citizens.
The Gaia Complex is a dystopian world of urban violence, exploring the age of cybernetic enhancement through a vision of Earth that is somehow ‘changed’. This vision of the future injects both vampires and a strange species of people known as ferals, who are able to enter the minds of animals. This is a game of conspiracy and brutality, where players take on the roles of Mercs; former police officers, hackers and street-savvy dealers who are hired to fight back against the system and ultimately unravel the secrets of The Gaia Complex.
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Of course we'd love you to back this campaign and be a part of making The Gaia Complex a reality, but before you do, maybe you want to give it a whirl for yourself? Good news - you can do this right now.
While this campaign and the updates throughout will talk about the game setting and rules, our free (well, 'pay what you want', but please, enter £0 and just grab a copy!) 48-page Quick Start for The Gaia Complex is out right now and will allow you to read and play for yourselves. This PDF contains a huge amount of lore surrounding the game, offering an in-depth insight to the world of The Gaia Complex and what it means to be a Merc in 2119. In addition, the booklet is jammed full of gorgeous artwork and gives you a good idea of what to expect from the full core book.
Go and grab your copy of the Quick Start by clicking this link
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                   The cast of playable characters from the Quick Start
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The Gaia Complex core book will be 'at least' 256 pages of full-colour hardback beauty - take a look at the Quick Start for a general idea about how it will look. We say 'at least' as we have a whole host of extra content that we might just squeeze in, either through stretch goals, or because we end up deciding certain things just need to be there.
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At the time of launch, the core book writing is roughly 90% complete and layout for final proof-reading has already been completed for some chapters - this is a significant strength for this project, having completed so much of the writing ahead of launch. Artwork at this point is around 40% complete and new art is in the pipeline to be finished (and shown off) during the campaign. The art direction for this book is very important and great care is being taken to ensure the visuals support the writing as closely as possible.
The structure of the book is split over 12 chapters, plus an NPC (non-player character) library at the end. We'll go into more detail about the chapters over the coming weeks via the campaign updates, sharing some key information as we go. Alongside the rules, background and resources for playing the game, the book also includes multiple pieces of short fiction that slowly unfold the real story behind The Gaia Complex. These stories, and the characters they describe, lay the foundation for the world in which the game is set and allow us to explore New Europe in 2119 in much more cinematic detail.
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The engine behind The Gaia Complex is called 12.3 and can be taken for a test drive in our Quick Start by clicking HERE.
The basis of the system uses 2d12 (that's two twelve sided dice - but you're all roleplayers, so I'm sure you knew that!) to make the majority of tests on a 'roll under' basis. Whenever a test is required, the GM determines a potential difficulty for the test, ranging from 1 (easy for a child to accomplish) to 11 (impossibly hard). A character will compare the difficulty to their relevant statistic and if the stat is equal to or greater than the difficulty, the test is a success - There is an emphasis in the game on keeping the action flowing and not making tests unless they are really needed.
If the character's stat is less than the difficulty, a test is required: the player rolls 2d12, requiring a result that is equal to or less than their relevant stat. An 11 fails (without cybernetic enhancement) and a 12 is a Critical Failure. To pass, a character requires one or both d12s to succeed depending on whether they are skilled or unskilled - The Gaia Complex does not consider 'ranks' in various skills like the majority of RPGs, instead a character either possesses a skill or does not (though becoming a specialist in certain skills is possible).
During combat, d3s are also used to determine damage - you can use funky d3s like the ones available on this campaign, or simply use common d6. The engine for the game uses d3s to enable a more consistant result when rolling multiple dice together and to remove the chance of whiffing a result of a 1 in situations that should always achieve a minium degree of success (thus 3d3+3 damage represents a weapon with more consistent output than one that does 1d12 damage) .
Of course, the game includes many other rules - some core, some optional - covering a huge array of options, but at its root, the game falls back on 12.3 to keep it rolling (pun intended).
During the course of the campaign we'll dedicate a couple of updates to specific areas of the rules and give you a deep dive into them beyond what you can get your hands on in the Quick Start.
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Characters in The Gaia Complex are known as Mercs. At their core, Mercs are citizens of New Europe who have chosen to rebel against the system and take up arms by making themselves available on the freelance market. The seedy clubs and bars of NeoMunich are the most common place to find Mercs and while their work is entirely illegal, there is enough anonymity that it isn't worth the expenditure of resources for Gaia or its police force to worry about shutting down the network.
Most Mercs are hired to run jobs against one of the many corporations in the metropolis. From hacking R&D servers to kidnapping, assassinating or Bio Hacking company execs; there are few limits when it comes to taking a job. Ironically, the primary employers are the corporations themselves, all looking to get a leg up over their rivals, employing Mercs to do the dirty work in order to maintain complete deniability. Of course, it's not just the heaving corporations that are the enemy; outsider vampires that lurk in the subway tunnels and outer fringes of the metropolis, the cybernetic police force controlled by the LE1 A.I. subsystem, or even Gaia itself - the all seeing ruler of the metropolis - everyone is a potential mark if the score looks big enough!
The core rules contains a detailed character creation process, allowing players to play either human or feral (a mysterious group of people who can enter the minds of the metropolis' animals) characters from one of ten varied roles, each with their own unique rules, benefits and style. Characters can choose from:
Operator - Former law enforcement, corporate security and guns-for-hire that pack the hottest weapon tech that the black market has to offer.
Core Hacker - Hackers and coders who live their lives in the digital pathways of The Core.
Bio Hacker - A new wave of hacker, dedicated to hacking the cybernetic brains of their targets and inducing 'forced servitude'.
ParaMed - Former TactaMed paramedics who have realised they can earn more money patching up Mercs by being one of them!
CyberDoc - Back-alley hackjob specialists and cybernetic installers. An often riskier, but cheaper approach, to main stream cybernetics clinics.
MilTech - Weapons techs, tinkerers and specialist drone pilots. MilTechs keep the team's gear working and provide invaluable technical support.
Mech - Drivers, pilots and expert mechanics. Mechs keep the metropolis rolling and give Merc teams much needed access to reliable transportation.
Tech Trader - Black market dealers, handling everything from illegal weapons and stolen cybernetics, to narcotics and false credentials.
Data Dealer - Information traffickers and dealers of stolen secrets. If there is something worth knowing, you can probably buy it... for a price.
Handler - Exclusive to ferals. Handlers have dedicated themselves to honing the feral's ability to step into the mind of an animal. This is the feral in their purest form.
We'll be taking a more in-depth look into each of these roles as the campaign unfolds.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, October 7 2020 6:59 PM BST
Website: [The Gaia Complex] [facebook] [twitter]
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radramblog · 3 years
Every Mono-Black Commander, Part 4: Designed for the Format
In what will be the penultimate edition of this weekly word stream, the cards steadily on average get better, as WoTC realises commander is the most popular format and starts designing specifically for the format. On the other hand, people don’t play lots of these cool and interesting cards because everyone’s obsessed with “multicolour”, the cowards.
Moving on.
Sidis, Undead Vizier (245 decks, 25th most played)
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Sidisi is one of those cards I’m surprised sees as much play as it does. Not because it’s bad, but because it seems to belong a lot better in the 99 than in the zone- they’re pretty much just a tutor with a body attached, after all. For a while, though, it was the only commander you could run that was a pure tutor, so if you were into just comboing people out it’s probably not a bad idea.
I think part of the reason I underrate this card is that I always assume it’s 6 mana. And it’s a lot better at 5 than it is at 6. And you can always just sacrifice itself if you really want your commander to just be an overpriced Diabolic Tutor.
 Kothophed, Soul Hoarder (29 decks, 73rd most played)
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I actually rate Kothophed a bit higher than I think most do. While as the 2nd of Lilliana’s demons he was obviously a fair bit weaker than the extremely banned Griselbrand, and the only one of the 4 not to be mythic, he does do a couple things really well.
For one, he draws a lot of cards. Things are going to the graveyard all the time, especially in multiplayer, and he makes the artifact/aristocrat decks think twice about popping off. The other is that he’s super cheap, at like 40 cents a pop. And I appreciate that, especially considering some of the cards surrounding him.
 Liliana, Heretical Healer//Liliana, Defiant Necromancer (645 decks, 9th most played)
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Baby Lilli herself looks a lot better than Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath as far as Planeswalker commanders goes, and it’s therefore unsurprising that she breaks the top 10. Everybody loves Planeswalkers, lots of people like Lilliana both as a card and a character, and the card that puts her in the zone is quite solid.
What does she do, though? Well, of the 6 Creature->Planeswalker transform cards, she’s one of the three that can theoretically flip the turn you play her without a haste effect (and Nicol Bolas is only on that list by technicality, because that’s a loooot of mana), and it’s not particularly hard to do so considering the colour she’s in. She then protects herself a little with a Zombie token and acts as basically a multiplayer-tuned Lilliana of the Veil, with a bigger number on her plus and minuses that better suit commander. This lets her work quite well for discard decks, reanimator decks, aristocrats decks, zombie decks, and of course, Lilliana decks. She’s just really solid overall, making up somewhat for the fragility of walkers in the format by being cheap and making herself a blocker.
 Drana, Liberator of Malakir (82 decks, 49th most played)
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Drana I guess could be used as a tribal or Voltron commander of some description, but to be frank, she’s here for one thing- aggro. Anthem effects are uncommon in black, and Drana just piles on so many counters in such an efficient manner that she kinda makes up for that on her own. I’ve actually never seen anyone piloting a Drana deck (of any of the three Dranas, actually), so I don’t know exactly how effective it is, but putting her at the helm of a stack of tokens or efficient threats just sounds scary. I’m pretty sure she’s only liberating Malakir from its remaining life points.
 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet (124 decks, 38th most played)
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Kalitas seeing this much play…actually frustrates me, seeing as he’s basically just a hate piece. Like yeah, he has another ability, and he makes tokens, but come on. You’re just playing this for the exile clause, and it’s never going to make you any friends. Headcrab Vampire over here doesn’t do anything much if your opponents just wait til he’s off the field to do anything spicy, and in that case, what are you doing with him? Very inefficiently voltronning up? Gaining 3 life? It’s a bit sad. I don’t really like him.
 Gonti, Lord of Luxury (550 decks, 11th most played)
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Aww man, they’re not in the top 10 anymore? Fucking Tergrid.
Gonti is another card advantage commander, but everything on them lines up to make both a fun and a powerful effect. They’re not too expensive, and in addition to effectively drawing a card, deathtouch makes them a great way to dissuade attacks from other players. Their ETB not only acts as card selection, but it also gives you access to effects mono-black lacks, silver bullets you don’t play, or just surprise threats that vastly open up your options. They can whiff, sure, but that doesn’t happen especially often.
I’m biased, because my Gonti deck is among my favourite of my 100-card children, but Gonti is just such a fun commander that I don’t even mind the lack of direction they hand you. I run them as grindy valuey control, but they work great as the helm of flicker, theft, and even Aetherborn tribal decks as well. Just a stellar little commander.
 Yahenni, Undying Partisan (306 decks, 21st most played)
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Speaking of Aetherborn, Yahenni is also here, and I really appreciate that the two Aetherborn commanders we got are both really cool both in game and in the lore. Shame about most of the rest of the tribe being draft trash. Also, WoTC brought all sorts of old tribes back into the limelight for Commander Legends and the Modern Horizons sets, so where are the new Aetherborn at? Wizards pls.
Yahenni themselves is a pretty interesting commander. Their effects combine into a powerful package more subtle than their flavour text suggests- they not only are a threatening body, as a hasty commander that grows significantly as the game progresses, but they’re also incredibly sticky- a free sacrifice outlet that protects itself from most removal. They’re just a card where all the pieces come together just right, and I appreciate that a lot. One job and that’s aristocrats, but they’re good at it!
 Bontu, the Glorified (59 decks, 57th most played)
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When we finally got eyes on the Amonkhet gods, I think Bontu was my least favourite. Like, she’s hard to turn on, and has to be done repeatedly? A 3 mana 4/6 menace is a lot, but not enough to justify that in my opinion. And that activated ability is painfully mediocre.
At this point I like Kefnet less, but that’s just because I’ve cast him a bunch of times and I’m pretty sure he’s done nothing most of those times. Both of them are just kind of shithouse though. I expected more from the Magic equivalent of Set.
 Razaketh, the Foulblooded (74 decks, 54th most played)
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The only thing foul about Razaketh is that mana cost. 8 mana, holy shit. But you get paid off for it, don’t ya? A free-ish sac outlet that, oh, also just demonic tutors. If you have an infinite combo in your deck, this’ll get it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Razaketh decks therefore get focussed pretty hard once people recognize the power in the zone. Like, running him as a commander is basically saying “sup once I get to 8 mana y’all are fucked”, and in that case people are going to do all they can to stop you getting to 8 mana, whether by blowing up your rocks or just killing your face and dudes. Perhaps consider an alternate route if you don’t like getting beaten up.
 Spike, Tournament Grinder (N/A)
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Aight, this is kinda cheating, but shshshsh it’s fine. Now, I’m not sure exactly how this works in the zone, but I’m just assuming it can get any “spikey” card that fits within your colour identity? Or maybe it’s just anything. Either way, this gets some bonkers shit.
Even if we assume it’s only legal commander cards in identity, Spike can still draw you some funny things. Dark Ritual, Crucible of Worlds, Bitterblossom, Demonic Tutor, Ancient Tomb, and that’s just the first page. If we do include commander-banned cards, then you can also use them as a spicy secret commander for such hits as Griselbrand, Emrakul, or Braids. Overall, they’re definitely fair and balanced. Un-Commanders when.
 Tetzimoc, Primal Death (15 decks, 86th most played)
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Oh, Tetzy. I love this stupid stupid card, one that seems to get worse the bigger the decks get. And by that I mean, it’s completely stupid broken in its original draft format, fringe playable in Standard at the time (and by that I mean… I mean I played it), and thoroughly mediocre in Commander. And that’s in the 99, because much like Haakon and Phage he doesn’t work in the zone. He’s a fair bit easier to enable than they are, but it’s for much, much less payoff. Alas poor Tetzimoc.
 Demonlord Belzenlok (110 decks, 41st most played)
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The last Lilliana contract demon, and the first Dominaria card of the 6 we got to talk about. Belzenlok’s ability is frustratingly awkward, however- while it will never draw you land, in my experience you’re rarely drawing more than two cards off it, and one is very common. Because the thing is, in order to support the dummy thick cards Belzenlok likes to see, you need a lot of cheap ramp and draw, which he does not like to see. And said ability takes up all the space on his textbox that could be used on other things. He’s basically okay, but I don’t see running this over basically any other demon.
I mean, he’s in my Gonti deck, but that’s besides the point, making a fatty and drawing cards is what that deck’s about.
 Josu Vess, Lich Knight (69 decks, 55th most played)
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Lilliana’s dead brother is an army in a can that packs a mean punch- 20 menace power is absolutely nothing to sneeze at- but 10 mana is monstrous. And casting him for 4 is just not worth it, especially since it makes that 10 into 12 next time. With that said, I recall once a Dominaria draft on arena where I used Muldrotha to cast this guy kicked twice in a row, and while this might just be magical Christmas land, getting to reroll this guy repeatedly with Disentomb effects might be spicy. You can just bury people in Zombies, ain’t that fun? I mean, it’s still 10 mana, so that’s a lot, but yknow
I guess you can also sac the tokens to some variety of altar, but that’s boooooring.
 Torgaar, Famine Incarnate (99 decks, 44th most played)
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Wait, if it’s Famine Incarnate, why is it an Avatar instead of an Incarnation?
I’m woefully unfamiliar with Torgaar, but it seems like a relatively effective general. It hits that 7 mark for a three-hit commander damage kill, while being able to cost as little as two mana, which is enough on its own- but  that chunky power also helps with that second ability, setting someone to 20, assuming other people are willing to help pick up the slack. Fuck your infinite life combo, back down to the ground with the rest of us.
Honestly, this guy just looks really fun. It’s nice that in a pinch you can just have them gain you up to 19 life (or more I guess if you’re Platinum Angel-ing), and they don’t seem broken enough to garner hate. Not bad, potentially underrated.
 Urguros, the Empty One (29 decks, 73rd most played)
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On the other hand, I’m not sure why you’d pick this of all cards to head your deck. Looking at it, though, it’s mostly just Spectre tribal, which makes sense to me. Don’t think there’s another Legendary Spectre outside of changelings, though that would at least get you Blazing Spectre.
Shoutouts for Spectre being one of the words with different spelling in America that people don’t know about as well.
Urguros is not a powerful commander. They’re slow and their effect is weak. But if you’re running them, you don’t care about power, you care about creature type, and that’s fine too.
 Whisper, Blood Liturgist (150 decks, 33rd most played)
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Oh, ok. blood liturgist.
Jokes aside, Whisper is more popular than I would have expected. Considering they’re basically reverse Victimize, I’m surprised that people are so into them when that card exists.
Ohh, wait, there’s probably a bunch of infinites with this and Thornbite Staff, huh. Yeahhh, that scans. Though even outside of combo bullshit, I bet they get a bunch of fun value stuff with army-in-a-can-type creatures like Abhorrent Overlord and Sengir Autocrat. Shame about the stats.
 Yargle, Glutton of Urborg (208 decks, 27th most played)
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A literal vanilla creature, Yargle has overcome the odds to bargle into the hearts of many. The undeniable Best Frog Commander (Gitrog players do not interact), Yargle has clearly captured as many hearts as he’s eaten, considering he got his own Secret Lair filled with cards he can’t really play. His bit in the lore was also kind of hilarious, nearly killing all the protagonists until Muldrotha deus-ex-mythic rare-d him out of there.
The thing is, Yargle is not even that bad aside from the meme. He might be literally vanilla, butt he has 9 fucking power for 5 mana. He’s probably one of the cheapest creatures that breaches the 3-hit rule, and only needs 2 more to get down to 2. And 2 power isn’t super hard. Strap this bad boy with a sword or two and you can just gettem. Let alone the fact that he one-shots things with Tainted Strike. Or Grafted Exoskeleton. Or just about anything plus Fireshrieker. Unironically one of Mono-Black’s best Voltron options.
 Isareth the Awakener (30 decks, 70th most played)
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Skipping the Battlebond cards because…who plays Virtus or Regna solo… brings us to the painfully mediocre Isareth. A 3 mana 3/3 that lets you cast one thing from your yard, and only if she risks her own life. And you still have to pay for the reanimate. And it gets the exile clause as well. Man, this was the same cycle as Goreclaw and Sai, too. Hell, I even like Lena more after I designed a deck around her. This just sucks. Like, I cannot imagine playing this over Chainer or something.
 The Haunt of Hightower (168 decks, 31st most played)
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Speaking of Voltron, this Buy-a-Box exclusive is basically a self-sufficient beast of a flyer. Cards go into opponent’s graveyards all the time, and one mass mill effect makes this thing get huge fast as fuck. Add in lifelink so it keeps you going and all it’s really missing is the ability to protect itself, and there’re equipment for that.
On the other hand, it’s 6 mana and a 3/3 base, so if you aren’t able to get things in bins (or if a Rest in Peace/Leyline of the Void is out) it basically isn’t doing anything. And Flying is a much worse keyword in commander than one would think, being probably the most common Evasion mechanic. But I think this haunty boy is still solid.
 God-Eternal Bontu (81 decks, 48th most played)
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If only the rest of us could age so gracefully. Er, die so gracefully, I guess. Zombie Set is kind of a beating, turning all sorts of useless shash into pure cash. And she can go to your deck if the zone is getting too costly, and she’s a cool crocodile zombie god.
Unfortunately, she does suffer from being an ETB-effect commander, which always feels a bit more mid than I’d like- they do their thing and then just…sit there… and unlike Gonti she doesn’t deter attacks that well. She does attack pretty alright herself, but it’s only 5 power and can’t even trade with two 3/3s. And it’s harder to fuel this all-or-nothing kind of ability repeatedly. There are a few (crocodile?) rocks to use, as well as chump creatures that crave death, but fill your deck with those and that’s all you’ll draw. It’s…fine. She’s fine.
 Massacre Girl (285 decks, 22nd most played)
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The final card under the magnifying glass today, and probably still the best boardwipe/commander combo. Massacre Girl basically just kills everything, provided things aren’t too massive and there’s fodder around to bite the dust first. If anyone played Hearthstone back when I did, she’s basically a way, way better Defile.
Wait, that’s also a Magic name now isn’t it, shit.
I still think the notorious M.G. goes better in the deck than the zone, but I suppose control decks would appreciate having one of the things they crave most- board clears- available at a moment’s notice. And if you’re building around her, then you can fill your deck with the fodder that fuels her best. But I’m not sure where you win from there.
Ehhh, probably just Revel in Riches.
This brings us to the end of this edition of Black Commanders, and to the start of 2019. Which means the remaining 21 cards all came out in the last 2.5 years, which speaks a lot to how much they were designing cards for commander, and how many sets they’ve been coming out with. Until then.
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Everything seems a little dark and scary at the moment, so I have complied a list of links to cultural and/or educational things (and some just streams of cute animals, or just plain fun) that are available to watch or listen to or do for free (mostly) online. Some of these will only work for the duration of the current situation (marked with a *), but most are permanent (so far as I know) so can be kept around for a little bit of sunshine on a rainy day.
Feel free to add to this with your own links or ideas, and remember, we’ll get through this together (with the appropriate social distancing). Follow the advice that’s been given, wash your hands, and be kind to one another. 
The majority of links were brought to my attention by @theyahwehdance, @elleflies, and @buckysleftarm (plus a bit of a deep dive through my drafts). Under a cut because hoo boy it got long... 
(Some links in the linked lists may be broken, some may be region-locked, and some may be duplicated, I haven’t checked them all.)
Culture and Education!
The Metropolitan Opera, free nightly (19:30 EDT, 23:00 GMT) broadcasts of operas, available for 20 hours following the broadcast too. (Schedule for the first week)*
Berlin Philharmonic: 30 days free access to their virtual concert hall (redeem before 31st March 2020)*
Playbill have compiled a list of 15 professionally recorded musicals you can watch at home (Not all free) and are inviting people to join them in watching Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella Starring Lesley Ann Warren on 20th March at 20:00 ET! (video may be region locked) 
12 highlighted virtual museum tours and a whole load of others from around the world!
Science Twitter, a series of Skype with a Scientist virtual lectures! (A sign up with an email is required through the link in the tweet, running from 12:00-14:00 EST, (16:00-18:00 GMT)
30 virtual field trips! Links to virtual tours and live cameras of many different places! (Aimed at kids)
Cincinnati Zoo Facebook Live virtual safaris, every weekday at 15:00 EDT (19:00 GMT)* Completed safaris will be posted to their website shortly after the Live finishes, and also kept on their Facebook.
Live Monterey Bay Aquarium Cams: 10 different cams showing various tanks and enclosures, and the bay itself!
Live San Diego Zoo Cams: 9 different cams showing various creatures in their habitats! 
Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam
Danish Sea Eagles Cam (this site in Danish, and may go dark, as the equipment is solar powered): A live feed of a Danish Sea Eagle nest!
Peregrines in Norwich and Bath!
Live Animal Cam, Ohio: A cam focused on a feeding station, with night vision so the feed continues even after the sun goes down! (This shows wild animals, so there is no guarantee that you’ll see creatures)
Shedd Aquarium let their penguins out to explore! (Under supervision) More exploration here! 
Two Oceans Aquarium did too, and look at these little cuties on the stairs!
A livestream of adoptable kitties!
And here’s a thread with some of these cams, and more!
Various people (started by cellist Yo-Yo Ma) playing/sharing music that comforts them on Twitter.
Virtual High School Musicals! (Original Thread) (Wider Hashtag) Many High School kids are now finding themselves unable to perform the musicals they’ve been working so hard on, so Laura Benanti invited them to video themselves performing and share it with her, so they still get to perform for an appreciative audience! (Some of these are absolutely stunning!)
Never before heard Hamilton track demo! 
A playlist of Quarantunes on Spotify, compiled by Rita Wilson (Tom Hanks’ wife)
A playlist of 101 Feel-Good songs on Spotify, compiled by @lanamlouise 
This guy made a really cool instrument out of PVC pipes!
A group of engineers in Stockholm turned a set of stairs into a piano to encourage people to use them rather than the escalator!
Josh Gad reads a bedtime story (Olivia goes to Venice) with voices!
Various celebrities reading kids stories, as part of a charity initiative to keep kids fed during school shutdowns.
A bunch of free short stories, essays, audio and video by the wonderful author @neil-gaiman (Plus two photos of him in an ancient hat!)
Find your local indie bookstore and support them while also getting a new book! (US only)
And of course, you can’t leave out the marvelous Archive Of Our Own for fanfiction and fanworks for almost every fandom you can think of! (Remember to make use of the tags and filters to narrow your search or avoid things you don’t want to see/read!)
A recipe for Norwegian Christmas Butter Squares! (Apparently like sugar cookies, but in bar form and better)
A fudgy brownie-in-a-mug recipe!
A really nice chocolate pudding (in the British sense, so like a cake) with spiced chocolate sauce! (I love the whole cookbook that this is from, and it’s especially good for Discworld fans. Available from various sellers, I have linked my favourite money-sink, the Discworld Emporium: Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook)
My favourite biscuits (cookies) to make! Honey and cinnamon, with a picture book (Honey Biscuits by Meredith Hooper) that you can read alongside to explain to kids where all the ingredients came from!
Creativity and learning new things!
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! (13:00 ET weekdays, videos remain post-stream) Aimed mostly at kids, but don’t let that stop you doodling with the  Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence!
A little list of doll makers/dress-up sites!
How to take really good photos of the night sky with a phone! (Please continue to observe social distancing rules while taking your pretty pictures)
Fancy making a language? Here’s a site with resources to help you get going with that!
A long list of sources of inspiration, arty websites, and some that are just fun!
Make your very own Peaches the Mouse by @my-darling-boy!
Want to learn 3D modelling? Fusion360 is free (for hobbyists and students) and professionally used, with a good network of tutorials and an, imo, fairly intuitive interface! (I use this a lot)
Want to play with Photoshop but don’t have the money? Here’s a free, in browser version! (Has ads, but they’re unobtrusive)
Want to try your hand at creating a sim? The Sims 4 Character Creator Demo is free! (Limited options, but still fun to play with)
Whether you play D&D or not, this is a really cool custom miniature creator, with loads of options that are being constantly added to updated! (And if you have the money, you can get it in a printable format, or printed for you in a variety of materials!)
Fancy learning something new? Memrise has a load of free courses, ranging from real languages like French or Spanish for beginners to fictional languages like Quenya (one of the Elven languages from LotR) or Klingon, or trivia bits like Harry Potter Spells or Noble Houses in Game of Thrones, and many more! (Available in multiple languages, although not all courses may be available in all languages)
Ever fancied trying to build armour or cosplay props from foam? R31 Studios has you covered with free PDF templates for all sorts of bits!
Meditation and Calm!
60 second meditation tool! Put a worry into a star, and watch it float away with a calming soundtrack and 
Meditation with Lizzo!
Customisable Rain Sounds!
Customisable Train Sounds!
And many more customisable noise generators!
Play with liquid/particles! (Warning: this one made me feel a bit motion-sick, but pretty!)
Interactive generative art!
Random bits I couldn’t catagorise!
Don’t want to dine alone? Have dinner with the Gaffigans!
A series of Mildly Interesting images from @catchymemes!
A group of stuntmen doing Super Mario!
Another list of Good Links (Really well organised!) by @secretladyspider! 
@thelatestkate draws wonderfully reassuring cartoons! (On Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook too!)
World Record Egg Instagram! Lots of nice little positive cartoons.
Happy news from The Happy Broadcast on Instagram, The Happy News, and HuffPost Good News!
Here’s an ongoing list of good stuff by @pftones3482! (Check the notes for more good stuff, and the latest addition)
Some feel-good browser games!
And finally, a little frog here to give you some reassurance!
98 notes · View notes
grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #13: Robin Hood
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Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms, where we’re bringing ever servant to life in D&D! Today we’re building the faceless archer Robin Hood. We have three goals for this build:
Faceless May King: You need to be able to sneak around.
Sabotage A: You need access to poison and traps to cripple the enemy before the fight even begins.
Yew Bow: You gotta be able to do a weirdly high amount of damage in a single shot.
As usual, a spreadsheet for this build can be found here, with an explanation below the cut.
Background and Race
Technically you could be any race you want, since you just have to be like Robin Hood to qualify for the throne, but we’re going with Variant Human since the one in-game is clearly human and we need the feat. As a human, you get +1 to Dexterity and Wisdom, proficiency with the Poisoner’s Kit, and the feat Crossbow Master, which lets you ignore a crossbow’s loading attribute, ignore disadvantage caused by aiming at someone in melee range, and lets you attack with a hand crossbow as a bonus action if you attacked with a one handed melee weapon this turn. “But Grace,” you say, “the poisoner’s kit is a tool, not a skill! The variant human doesn’t cover that!” And to that I say: what are you, a cop? Clearly not; you’re Robin Hood!
You background is Criminal, giving you proficiency in Deception and Stealth, and access to a criminal network i.e. the Merry Men. You could also go with the noble background if you want to play up the whole “Sir Robin of Locksley” thing, but the criminal skills and bonus are better for the build overall, so that’s what we’re going with here.
We’re using the standard array, roll if you want to, but keep stats up for multi-classing. Regardless, put your highest score into Dexterity. You excel in archery and stealth, and both of those are dex based. Next, Intelligence to help you keep all those traps straight. Mechanically this is wisdom’s job, but dnd doesn’t always make sense. Third is Wisdom to actually build traps. Fourth is Charisma, you have a certain roguish charm about you, enough to get a summer skin, anyway. Next is Constitution, and dump Strength. You need all that sneaking a poison because you’re not good in a straight fight, so don’t get caught in those.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: As a rogue, you gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand, Insight, Acrobatics, Perception, and Dex and Int Saves. You also gain Expertise, doubling your proficiency bonus in two skills (pick Deception and Sleight of Hand), Sneak Attack to add more damage to attacks you make with advantage or when your friends are next to them, and Thieves’ Cant, a secret language that takes 4x as long to get the message across. 
2. Rogue 2: You get a Cunning Action, letting you use your bonus action to hide, disengage, or dash.
3. Rogue 3: At third level you get your subclass, Scout from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This gives you the Skirmisher and Survivalist feats. The former lets you react to move half your speed if an enemy ends the turn within 5′ of you without proccing an attack of opportunity, and the latter gives you proficiency and expertise in the Nature and Survival skills. You hide out in a forest all day, so this works out swimmingly.
4. Rogue 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to beef up your Dexterity for better archery skills.
5. Rogue 5: You gain an Uncanny Dodge, letting you react to attackers you see to take half damage. 
6. Rogue 6: You get Expertise in another two skills, pick Acrobatics for quick getaways and Perception to avoid fights in the first place.
7. Rogue 7: You now have Evasion, now Dexterity saves to determine damage from effects like fireballs cause half damage on a fail and no damage at all on a success, because you’re so good at hiding even explosions can’t find you.
8. Rogue 8: Use your next Ability Score Improvement to max out Dexterity so you can split your own arrows.
9. Rogue 9: You gain Superior Mobility, adding 10′ to your movement so you can stay one step ahead of the sheriff. 
10. Ranger 1: For this build we’re using the Revised Ranger Unearthed Arcana, there’s a link to it in the spreadsheet. As a bonus for multiclassing into ranger, you get a skill from the ranger skill list; grab Animal Handling, you’re every version of Robin Hood rolled into one, so Little John might be a bear and you need to be prepared for that. As a revised ranger, you gain a Favored Enemy, which gives plus two to damage rolls against said enemy, as well as advantage on tracking and recalling information about them, and even a language that they use. Pick humanoids, since they’re the closest choice to “the rich”. You also gain Natural Explorer, letting you ignore difficult terrain, have advantage on initiative rolls, and advantage on attacks against creatures that have not acted this combat. There’s also several traveling perks, but most games don’t care overmuch about traveling anyway, so they’re glossed over here to keep this level from getting even longer than it already is.
11. Ranger 2: Second level rangers get spells as well as a Fighting Style grab Archery for plus two to ranged attack rolls. For spells, grab Snare to set magical traps and Fog Cloud to act as a smoke bomb when you need to make an escape.
12. Ranger 3: At third level you become a Hunter, giving you a Hunter’s Prey option. Grab Horde Breaker to deal an extra attack to a creature within 5′ of your original target. You also get Primeval Awareness, letting you communicate simple ideas to animals, learn how they’re feeling, if it is being affected by magic, and how you can persuade it to not attack you. You can also spend a minute of concentration to sense if you’re favored enemies are within 5 miles of you, giving you their number and general direction from you. Since you technically count as a humanoid, the answer is probably going to be at least one, right in front of you. Also, grab Absorb Elements as your spell this turn to further reduce damage coming your way and empower your own attacks.
13. Ranger 4: Use your Ability Score Improvement to power up your Wisdom to make your spells stronger.
14. Ranger 5: You gain an Extra Attack, letting you attack twice per turn, or three times if you also use Horde Breaker. You can only use Sneak Attack once per turn though, so pick your target carefully.
You also gain a 2nd level spell this turn; grab Pass Without Trace to make you and your party extra sneaky.
15. Ranger 6: You gain a Greater Favored Enemy, giving you another option to pick as a favored enemy (grab Elementals for easier Spirit Root farming), another language, and plus 4 to all damage against both Greater and normal Favored Enemies. You also have advantage on saving throws caused by a greater favored enemy.
16. Ranger 7: You can pick a Defensive Tactic, grab Multiattack Defense to give yourself +4 AC on second and subsequent attacks from the same enemy each turn. It’s not very Robin Hood-esque, but the other options aren’t particularly useful for you, so might as well.
You also get Silence, making sneaking a breeze and also letting you cancel out spellcasters who need to speak to cast.
17. Ranger 8: You gain Fleet of Foot, letting you dash as a bonus action (which you already could do), and more importantly your last Ability Score Improvement which will once again be put into Wisdom.
18. Ranger 9: You gain a third level spell, Conjure Animals, letting you bring the wrath of your Merry Men down on your foes, or at the very least cause a lot of chaos that you can exploit.
19. Ranger 10: You gain Hide in Plain Sight, giving other creatures a -10 penalty to finding you while you are hiding, so long as you don’t move. You stop being in hiding the second you make a sneak attack, but this makes it easier to pick your moment to strike.
20. Ranger 11: You gain a Multiattack option, pick Volley to let you use an action to make a ranged attack on any number of creatures within 10′ of a point you can see. You make a separate attack roll for each target, and you have to choose between a volley and a normal multiattack.
You also gain your last spell, Faceless May King, a.k.a. Nondetection. This spell makes it impossible to track you or one creature you cast it on with magic.
Pros: You’re good at sneak attacks and sneaking in general, especially when you’re in the wild. You’re faster than most PCs and can sense enemy ambushes before they happen, making you a great scout. You can also use this sense to set up traps and ambush the enemy right back. At later levels you can abuse the action economy with your animal friends, and if anyone tries to abuse it back you just hit them with a volley.
Cons: Your biggest strengths come from pre-battle prep: traps, poison, and sneaking around might not be highly supported by every DM (The poisoner’s kit doesn’t even have any official mechanical use). You also need to pick your targets carefully; you have a lot of attacks each round, but only one sneak attack, as well as several reaction skills. Finally, you don’t do a whole lot of damage on your own; you need your sneak attack to hit anything hard, or allies that can use your traps and poison more effectively.
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fe8meta · 5 years
The War’s Legacy
As a volunteer archivist at a local historical site, I’ve worked closely with books and documents largely between 150~250 years old. (If you’re curious, mostly regarding the period between the American Revolution to the Civil War, plus the anti-slavery movement. There’s also more “domestic” stuff like agriculture, science, mathematics, and religion.)
It got me thinking: In Magvel, how will the war, and the people who participated in it, be remembered? Most characters have a good portion of their lives left to live after the war too, but for those who are remembered down the line, their participation in the war will probably be their biggest accomplishment.
To start things off: more likely than not, anyone who wasn’t royalty or an important military figure is probably going to get forgotten, especially if fighting in the war was their only achievement.
(From my experience as an archivist, I’ve noticed that a great deal of people who were seen as the big movers and thinkers during their time have been lowered to one-note and forgettable in some 150-ish years of history. That’s not a lot of time!)
I think the list of characters who are remembered decades after their deaths on a continental scale (some characters may remain important figures in their own communities) would be the royals, the generals (Seth plus the Imperial Generals), and the Demon King (plus his cult).
The Royals
Ephraim: Regarding the war, Ephraim will probably get his war strategies and accomplishments written about. I expect a great deal of historians (particularly Renaian ones) debating his decision to abandon his homeland and bring the fight into Grado, though his later decisions will probably receive praise.
Eirika: Honestly? I think she’ll largely receive praise from future historians. Despite getting tricked at Renvall and the blunder of losing the Sacred Stone (on her route), I think historians would agree that her calculations were solid based on the information she knew at the time. Even if she had Seth advising her, she had no formal training in tactics or the art of war, making her achievements even more impressive.
~ / ~ / ~
Innes: Like Eirika, I think he’d be validated by historians, particularly for being the only one to actually predict and prepare for a wartime scenario. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but based on what we know of him story-wise, he probably would go down as one of the best leaders of his time.
Tana: She’s gutsy and I think she’ll at least become a popular figure for young women. Some historians may lambast her earlier captures attributable to her inexperience, but hey, if she got out alive than it’s not too bad. I think later in life, being largely free to do whatever she wants (within reason), she’d continue onto a path of public service, which she can probably gather great acclaim for.
~ / ~ / ~
L’Arachel: I think a lot of attention will go towards her theatrics. If you go with the idea that L’Arachel doesn’t actually lead her country (see the Solo Endings JP vs. EN post for details), I think her relationship with the other royals and how she’s involved in continental politics will be the primary focus in biographies. (She also, perhaps not coincidentally, has supports with all the other ruling royals, discounting Tana as she canonically never lands in a leadership position.)
Joshua: Joshua’s reputation will be very, very mixed down the line. He’s still has wanderlust and a gambling addiction, and regardless of his accomplishments as a king and Jehanna’s glorious revival, neither of those traits are a particularly good look. Not to mention that he abandoned his duty as prince for a solid 10 years, and then left Jehanna to its own devices again while going to stop the Demon King.
Even in Joshua’s dialogue after the final battle, he talks about returning to Jehanna in an almost resigned manner; no doubt he knows full well that he might not be received with open arms.
~ / ~ / ~
Lyon: Oh boy, what to say about Lyon. There are a lot of different ways this can go, branching from 3 options: Lyon’s involvement in the war is revealed in full, Lyon’s involvement is revealed but doctored to paint him in a more sympathetic light, or it gets entirely covered up/omitted and he goes down in history as an unfortunate casualty of the war.
No matter how you slice the first two options, Lyon’s legacy would definitely be extremely mixed, leaning towards the negative side. Not only is he on the wrong side of history, he’s also forced basically half the continent into the wrong side of history and ruined their military and did some very amoral things (reviving his father to use as a puppet, and by extension lying to the public, etc). Even the best doctoring can probably only redeem Lyon’s reputation from “the deepest depths of the sewers” to “neck-deep in the sewers.”
In the case where Lyon’s involvement in the war is covered up, it’s still only a matter of time before someone figures out the truth. With enough time, it can be relegated to a highly plausible and hotly-debated theory, but even so, it’s simply a matter of time. For an additional dose of irony, in this scenario, perhaps Grado nationalists down the line twist Lyon’s war into something “assertive” and depict it as the “correct” thing to do, when it was really anything but.
Vigarde: He’s in the same boat as Lyon. It really hinges on how the royals choose to depict Lyon’s situation to the public, because that will directly affect how Vigarde is seen. There’s little doubt that puppet!Vigarde’s actions probably destroyed popular opinion of him during the War. Whether he is redeemed on account of his situation or not is up for debate.
(Because the game doesn’t delve into Fado, Hayden, or Mansel much, I don’t have enough input to say how they’ll be seen by future historians.)
The Generals
Seth: He’s going to go down in history as a badass, let’s be real here. Took an attack from Valter himself to protect Eirika, didn’t let the injury debilitate him from fighting on the frontlines, mentored Eirika in the art of war during life-or-death battles, guided the twins on their journey, and continued helping them after the war’s end. Guy got things done, regardless of his personal sentiment about failing to protect King Fado.
Syrene: Technically a commander and not a general, but close enough that I’ll consider her. She... honestly doesn’t do that much on-screen. Doubtlessly she’ll be best remembered (on the battlefield) for being overpowered by the remnant of Grado’s forces, but at least she lived and (by the player’s discretion) kept all the villagers safe, so that’s something. At the very least, a coward she is not.
Carlyle: He’s going down in infamy. Like, his story can be crudely summed up as “I was loyal to Queen Ismaire partially because I wanted to bang her.” Yeah, that is not a good look. There isn’t even any interesting speculation or interpretations to make of his situation. He probably ruined the reputation of the Jehannan Army while he was at it.
Honestly, the only thing that would salvage his reputation is the fact that everyone who heard his confession is dead by the end of that battle. (Technically the map was a Seize Throne and not a Rout, but let’s be real -- we killed those guards.)
~ / ~ / ~
Duessel: The only Grado general to make it out alive. He’ll probably get a mixed reaction; those who praise him argue that he made the morally correct choice and had the nation’s best interests at heart. Some may criticize him for not acting sooner, while others may very well despise him as a traitor to the nation.
Selena: Another set of mixed reactions, though inverse from Duessel’s. She remained loyal to Vigarde to the very end, but people will debate where a knight’s loyalty should lie. It would also invite much debate over the ethics of Vigarde’s recruitment methods and whether it was a thinly-veiled manipulation tactic that citizens from poorer areas will fall for because it’s the only way to improve their livelihoods.
Glen: He’s like Syrene, except he died without doing much. If someone is interested in finding out more about him before his death, at least they have Cormag to interview. Depending on whether his two adjutants survived against Valter’s goons, if someone tracked them down, they might get a story out of them as well. That said, his history with Valter would probably be of great interest to Valter’s biographers.
~ / ~ / ~ 
Valter: Historians, psychologists, and scholars will have a field day with him and his circumstances. From his upbringing to his descent into madness and subsequent exile, to his reinstatement and brutality during the war before his ultimate death, there is a lot to unpack with him. People tend to have morbid curiosities and oh, will Valter sate that appetite.
Caellach: Caellach will probably be praised for being good at what he did even if he was ultimately on the wrong side of history. Since he started off as a mercenary, I feel like people won’t judge him too harshly. His potential betrayal and murder of Aias will be an interesting chapter to write about, though, since historians may have access to more knowledge on their pre-war relationship that we players don’t have.
Riev: He’s ugly, a Demon King cultist, and directly responsible for Lyon’s (and by extension, Grado’s) downfall. He’s going to be reviled for sure, though he will spark some interesting discussion relating to his history with the Rausten Church. A lot of speculation on how he came to became an adherent of the Demon King... or not, depending how whether that kind of talk is suppressed.
After all, if a former bishop converted, it not only challenges the legitimacy of the Rausten Church, it would also pique the interest of those who want to see what made Riev change his mind. And should someone also adopt his ideology, the continent can’t take another Demon King revival attempt.
Which leads me to...
The Demon King
Now, this will be a little game called “How many generations will it take before the Demon King gets relegated to a legend that no one believes in again.”
It’s also pretty important that the Demon King is not completely destroyed; he just no longer has his huge menacing body to use and will have to make do with those fragile human flesh sacks. But his soul is still intact, and if nothing is done to get rid of it for good, it’s setting up for a Part 3.
Like with Lyon, how information about the Demon King is handled by the characters after the world will probably have a huge impact. Not to mention the many implications the circumstances around his possession of Lyon has. Dark/ancient magic will most certainly face a resurgent wave of discrimination, far more than seen before. (Magvel was, from what we could see, largely apathetic about dark magic before Lyon’s attempts to redeem its name. Ironically, his actions will rekindle hatred towards it.)
As aforementioned, educating people on the Demon King and how dangerous he is may help ensure that nobody tries to mess with him again. On the other hand, it may inspire copycats who for whatever reason want the Demon King to be revived. (The game also never followed up on the implication that there’s a cult that worships the Demon King; we killed Riev and Novala, and destroyed Fomortiis’ body, but there may still be more members lurking in the dark.)
Meanwhile, trying to bury information about Fomortiis can also backfire down the line, especially if people don’t learn what the Sacred Stone is for and one day crack the seal open for one reason or another. (And we saw how well keeping the true Stone hidden behind trinkets while keeping its wearer in the dark of its true purpose went.)
This is making me imagine Demon King apologists down the line that provide an “alternative history” about the war and how it’s all some ancient conspiracy to lock him away and he “isn’t actually bad, just misunderstood”...
Oh hey, isn’t that the direction Dragalia Lost’s main story is going in?
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