#plus its part of my real name and i should probs keep it
heartsoji · 1 year
pov i have the biggest urge to change my pen name to smth completely different and unrelated
rant in tags
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walker-journal · 4 years
Lion and Wolf
timing: At the start of the full moon parties: @letsbenditlikebennett, @laylacooke, @walker-journal summary: Adam meets Layla on the eve of full moon and has to decide if its stabbing time, Celeste saves the day.   
Adam was in Took’s General Store purchasing the essentials for “Big Moon” days. Previous trips to The Armory and Excalibur had taken care of most munitions and blade requirements. However there was always miscellaneous stuff. Materials for molotov cocktails, chloroform, poisons, and other essentials were all readily available within Took’s cheery confines.
Plus soap, gonna need ...lots...of soap.
To Adam’s surprise there was a small hesitation inside of him, a passing flicker of hope that none of the wolves he’d encounter were Winn or Lucas inside, or Lucas’ brother whom he’d never met. It was an unusual train of thought for Adam and he shoved it away. All threats needed to be eliminated no matter who they were. This kind of thinking wasn’t what he needed during this critical part of the lunar cycle. Focus.
However the athlete’s mental coaching actually made him lose track of where he was, leading him to almost run over someone in the aisle.
“Hey look where you’re…”
It was about this time that Adam’s eyes took in that the human roadblock also happened to be a bombshell. Brown eyes traced curves before finally arriving to her face with an appreciative smile.
“Sorry about that,” he said in a markedly more diplomatic tone. “My bad.”
Layla had only been in Took’s a few times. When she had managed to find some money here or there and could afford a small snack or something to drink. But being able to freely go in and just look was something she was able to do now. And since finding a home with Ari, Ulf, and Celeste, her mission was to explore the town and familiarize herself with everything without as much worry as she once previously held. Of course, tonight’s only issue was the full moon, which was rather big, and she knew she’d have to head back home soon.
Perusing the aisles, Layla wasn’t looking for anything in particular, however, she also hadn’t been paying attention to where she was going, so when she ran into someone she quickly started apologizing, “I’m sorry, I got caught up in looking, and I didn’t...see you.” The guy staring back at her had caught her attention with his smile.
It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her like that, and while she was flattered, she was also reminded about the serious relationship she had been in for a few years now, “It’s cool. I should have been paying attention to where I was going.”
---------------- “No problem,” Adam said with a lavisciously distracted grin.
Yet with the young woman’s (was she legal...oh god, hopefully?) presence came a feeling of cold that prickled long his skin in ripples of goosebumps and washed down his spin like he’d stepped under a waterfall. Something about this chick’d set off his Hunter senses. She was likely an inhuman, but of what kind he had no idea.
“Adam Walker,” he said, reaching a thewy arm across the card to offer his hand, trying not to let the heeby jeebies change his expression. “You from around here?”
Was this guy flirting with her? He had to have been. That smile that seemed to be permanently etched on his face was alerting her to the fact. She had seen it so many times in high school and when she would go out with Frankie and their friends, but the biggest difference now was that Frankie wasn’t here.
“It’s nice to meet you Adam Walker.” She stuck out her own hand to meet his and shook it gently. “Layla Cooke. And no. I’m actually from the South, but I decided to give White Crest a shot. What about you?”
“Going to college here,” Adam replied, keeping his expression neutral as the touch of her hand brought a rush of inhuman wrongness into his nervous system. The conditioned response of adrenaline entered his veins, years of training and violence filling Adam’s brain with visions of throwing Layla against the mental counters and slamming her skull against the tile floor over and over..
Focus. This is a public place. He knew nothing about her.
“Part of Delta Iota Epsilon,” Adam continued, and  shoved a thumb towards the sleeveless t-shirt with the acronym of DIE he was wearing. “Parties all night on Friday and Saturday,” Layla received another appraising look that was devoid of shyness or shame. “You should come check it out...you’d be a great fit,” he assured with a slow nod.
“Yeah, I’m hoping I can go there one day, when I’m able to get my life in order.” She slowly pulled her hand back and let it drop to her side. She couldn’t tell anything different about Adam, just that he seemed to be a huge flirt. It was weird talking to a college guy, considering they were probably about the same age. But after the bite, life just didn’t seem real anymore.
Seeing him motion to his shirt, she smiled, but something about the letters he was pointing to began to make her uneasy. His smile never seemed to falter though, “You know, I wasn’t as big into the party scene as one might think. My parents weren’t too keen on the idea of their only child going out and getting drunk on the weekend.” No, instead they had her training how to hunt and kill werewolves and other creatures of the night. “But I guess one party sometimes couldn’t hurt.”
Looking past Adam, Layla had noticed it was starting to get dark outside, and that meant that the moon would be coming up sooner than she would have liked, “Well, this has been fun, but I think it’s about time I head home, you know, with it getting dark and all.” Layla started to feel faint and sweat slowly began to build on her brow.
Adam’s sinewy shoulders shrugged. “Sounds like a drag...but guess its better than them now caring?” The footballer seemed a little uncertain on that last point. “But hey definately welcome anytime.”
She excuses herself and Adam had far more preparations to complete before the moon was high. “Yeah no prob see you arou….um, Lyra” (it was an L name right?) “you ok?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” She was starting to get worried for multiple reasons. “I’ll look you up.”
Layla began moving forward, but stumbled slightly. And there it was. The feeling she dreaded with a passion of a million fiery suns, “Layla. It’s Layla.” Forcing back the lump in her throat, she looked to him with an uneasy smile, “Yeah. Totally. Just need some water.” She began looking around for a cooler with drinks in them. She had to get away from him. Had to get out of the store. Get home.
Adam frowned in concern as L-chick stumbled. Her weak smile only deepened his downturned expression. Adam went down one of the aisles to the coolers in the back. He placed a water bottle by ?Laura? And went up to the cash register to pay.
“Any better,” he inquired upon returning.
Layla felt like she was going to leave a lung on the floor of the store. Seeing the water, she grabbed the bottle and opened it, chugging it down. She had never changed in front of anyone before. She had always managed to find privacy, but tonight might have been the night, and Adam was the last person she wanted to know or see what she was.
Finishing the water in one long drink, she let the empty bottle fall to the floor, “Thank you. A little, but I really...I’ll see you around, yeah?” Heading for the door, she forced the door open allowing the cool night air to hit her in the face causing some relief to her pale, clammy skin.
After a courteous goodbye Adam gave Layla a minute or so headsteart. He was strapped for time but his instincts were picking up weird vibes here. All kids of weird shit went down around the Full Moon, furry and otherwise. If this chick were a supernatural and acting weird, then that's something he needed to follow up on for security’s sake, at least until he was sure it wasn’t going to be a public incident or Pet Shop of Horrors in some back alley.
Adam’s eyesight wasn’t human, thus he could give Layla a very wide berth while trailing her, keeping it casual and hoping to blend in with the crowd.
With each passing moment, Layla could feel her human side getting weaker and the beast growing stronger. She just wanted to shed her skin and feel better. To have this continual growing ache to disappear, so the animal inside her could be free, but at the same time, she wanted it under control. So far, with every shift, she hadn’t been able to remember what had happened the night before, and it scared her. Hurting someone or something was the last thing she wanted to do, but everytime it happened, Layla seemed to wake up covered in some kind of blood.
Clutching at her side, she could already feel things starting to happen, and the pain had been worse from her little scuff with Francesca and Orion a few days prior. Unable to control it, Layla let out a yowl of pain. With people staring at her, she began running back towards the place that had been discussed with Celeste as a good place to be locked up for this very occasion.
Adam darted into the back allies, mentally visualizing the direction Layla was probably heading. Unimpeded by the crowd, the Hunter place the purchased gear in his backpack and broke into a full sprint, vauling over obstacles, and scale fences in a few alacitious motions. Adam let his mutant physiology take control, hurtling forward over, around, and through the gaps in obstacles as he tried to gain on Layla.
He swung over a chainlink fence and out into the street again. He advanced after Layla with cold purpose, feet pounding on the broken sidewalk. “Heya Layla…,” he piped up, warm amiable tone not matching the hard agates of his eyes. “You ok?...Do you need me to call emergency services?”
Her mind was focused on getting to safety. She just wanted to be left alone, aside from someone to keep watch to make sure she stayed locked up. Layla definitely didn’t want to die, but if she had gotten out, she knew it was a real possibility and one she could support, despite her every effort to convince her parents not to hunt or kill wolves, but to subdue them by safer means.
However, her ears had picked up on something as she was scrambling to get home. The sound of feet hitting the ground at a rapid pace, and it wasn’t long until she knew exactly whose feet it was chasing after her. “Adam?” Her eyes were filled with shock, but also worry, “I don’t know how you got here. Or why.” By now she had a pretty good idea why, “But it’s not safe okay? That’s all I’m saying. So you need to leave.” She hated being blunt, but she couldn’t handle the possibility of attacking him or lashing out unintentionally.
Adam advanced in firmly purposeful steps, his expression steadily losing its warmth until it had cooled into an iron neutrality. Eyes that once regarded her with playful lewdness were now sizing her up with a calculation that held a surgical edge, something to be assessed and possibly disposed of rather than a woman to court.
“Why is it not safe Layla,” he asked with level calm.
Layla’s strength was diminishing. She was going to have to change sooner rather than later, and along with her strength, her patience was growing thin. It was the animal inside that made her want to lash out and rip his head off, but she resisted the urge, knowing deep down inside, she couldn’t live with herself if she ever did hurt someone, “Because, Adam, I’m not feeling too good, and I wouldn’t want you to get sick…” She looked over to him, the softness of her own expression gone and easily turning into something harder.
Adam looked around at the courtyard we were in. Cracked cement and empty storefronts long closed where dotted around them. Small plants and mosses eaked out starved existences in the small fissures spidering through cement and tarmac. The dusk cast waning crepular light over the patch of urban decay that Layla and Adam found themselves. The street’s activity was muted in the distance. “Thanks, that's very considerate of you,” Adam said, still advancing. He lifted a necklace from under his thin shirt. A six-pointed star caught the wan light, pure silver contrasting with the young man’s skin, still ruddy red from the sprint over here.
“You should really let me help walk you home though,” Adam said, winding the sliver symbol through his fingers as he drew closer. “This town can be pretty dangerous at night.”
Layla hadn’t yet been in contact with silver, since the night she received the bite that changed her. Seeing the glint in the rising moon, the girl’s demeanor completely changed and a low guttural growl escaped her lips, “What do you want with me?” Her body ached and the animal raged inside of her begging to escape, but the moon still hung too low in the night sky. Her breathing was rapid, and she could feel the sickness in her growing, “Are you gonna kill me? Is that why you won’t just leave me alone?” Tears formed in her eyes. Was tonight the night Layla was going to die at the hands of a hunter not much older than she?
She continued to move forward. Her only goal at this point was trying to make it back to Celeste, unless a fight were to ensue, which there was a very good chance she wouldn’t survive.
Perhaps seeing that subterfuge held no further purpose, Adam reached his free hand behind his back and under his shirt and withdrew one of the two blades he kept there. A cruelly serrated and silvered tactical knife danced easily in the Hunter’s fingers as he readied it.
“Depends,” Adam said coldly, keeping a steady pace but not yet rushing forward. “Where’re you going this Full Moon? If you're going to be out and about then yeah,” the athlete affirmed with a shrug of his shoulders. “You’d be too much of a danger to let live.”
Layla’s entire body was starting to ache, but she knew she was getting closer to where she needed to be. However, it didn’t deter Adam from continuing to follow along or threaten her. Finally at her wits end and her breathing growing shallow, she stopped and confronted him, “I’m trying to get to the place I was told to go so I can lock myself up, you nosey piece of human garbage.” Sweat was pouring down her pale face, and it was taking everything within her not to just give up and let the monster take control of her body.
Adam stopped when Layla did, posture slightly slanted as he kept his weight ready on his back foot. The insult didn’t seem to phase him however her claim provoked a moment of contemplation, brawny arms folded in front of him. However the way the silver tactical knife was nevertheless held in the outermost arm in readiness hinted at the deception within this face of casualness. The muscles within the Hunters arms and shoulders were still taut and knotted in this state of stillness, as if he genuinely expected Layla to drop this obvious charade and lunge at him any second.
“Really now.” Dubiety dripped from the worlds as tawny eyebrows raised in an expression that asked Layla if she ...really...wanted to play this way. There came another shrug. “Cool, let’s go and make sure you’re chained up nice and safe.”
Layla knew hunters. She knew the tricks they played. She was taught how to play games by her parents. And if she had really wanted to snack on his flesh, she would have done it already, but the idea of meat grossed her out, and that idea still lingered behind all the rage and thirst bottled up inside her, “Geeze, yes. Really. Quit acting like a smug, fuckboi hunter and just help me get to the place I’m going. Unless you’re really just looking for a fight, because, yes, you’d probably win. I’m a baby wolf that doesn’t know shit, except animal instinct, which you’re going to experience, if you don’t quit slowing me down. Embrace this moment, you ass. Cherish it, because I’m sure it’s not often you get a willing participant to play your little cat and mouse game that actually just wants to go lock herself up.” She growled at him, before resuming the walk at a quicker pace. She was dispelling more energy, but if it got her away from him and in chains faster then so be it.
Adam let out an exhalation that evinced that confusion was stronger then frustration. “Yup, it definitely is different,” he admitted while keeping pace. “This isn’t cat and mouse so much as if you're lying, I size you down to fit in those dumpsters,” Adam replied with tactless frankness, nodding towards some waste receptacles they passed.
“Kay, so should I hold you up, carry you..” Adam asked in a more amenable tone, not about to throw an angry she-wolf over his shoulder without permission.
Layla rolled her eyes at his comment about the dumpsters, “Let me make it easier on you, Adam. You don’t have to size me to fit into anything. I know I fit in dumpsters for a fact. No shame here, because it’s where I used to get my food. So if you want to murder me, then go ahead.” She had almost regretted saying that. Almost.
The teenager closed her eyes in defeat, before reopening them and training them on the hunter in front of her, “If you think you can get me there faster, then be my guest.” She held out her arms waiting for him to pick her up.
There Hunter shook his head at his quarry and companions second slip into submitting before the knife. “Not that I don’t appreciate an easy kill to move the night along and all,” he began. “But you give up too easy Layla. It doesn’t matter if you’re small or young. Hit the right tendon it doesn’t matter. Fuckin dead is dead.”
On that cheery note, the Hunter put away the silver chain and sheathed his blade. He took the girl into his arms and hefted her weight without visible effort. This done, the athlete took off in a brisk run that steadily accelerated as the mutant fell into a stride that’d have had most fully-human soldiers panting before long.
“So, where is this place?”
He was right. She did give up too easily. Somehow she had made it this long on her own, but why? Why had she still been spared? Layla couldn’t figure it out. The one thing she did know was that she was angry at the world. Her parents. The wolf who had bit her. The people who had turned her away when she was at her lowest…
The only semblance of hope that had started to return was the day Ariana had offered her a hot meal and a bed to sleep in.
Feeling him lift her up, without resisting, she tried to hold herself up so as to not put all of her weight on him, but it didn’t seem to be much of an issue, “It’s deep in the woods, just past the drive-in theater. Adam, why are you helping me? Why not just kill me when you had the chance?”
“Because it's not the killing that’s important,” Adam huffed as he continued in a boot camp pace up various hills, across cul de sacs, vaulting over property fences using his free hand, and ignoring the residents cry of outrage as he just took the next fence at a run without responding to their questions.
“It’s about removing threats to mankind,” he continued between breaths while running off the paved streets onto the more rugged roads that signaled one was drawing nearer to the drive-in-theatre and woods. “If you stay out during the full moon then you’ll lose control and be a threat to everyone.”
Dusk deepend and shadowed lengthened, even with the Hunter’s superhuman stamina nightfall proved an implacable pursuer.  
“But if you're inside and chained up then you’re not a threat and I don’t have to kill you,” the Hunter finished with the brutally linear logic that the Code demanded. “Me helping you means less people die.”
Layla latched onto Adam. He was so much stronger than he looked, and she was impressed. And as she watched the town fly by as he ran, she listened to him explain the answer to her question. The fact that he didn’t outright want to kill her, she could respect, and it reminded her of the many arguments she had with her mother and father about that very issue; killing. However, where they differed was that she didn’t want to kill at all. She had just wanted to subdue the beast, despite knowing that there were wolves and other creatures that would kill regardless. And it’s part of the reason she was in the situation she was currently in.
“Well, I can respect that, and I greatly appreciate you giving me a chance. Not all of us want to be killing machines. Some of us just want to be normal human teenagers that go to college and spend time with their girlfriends and paint our nails.” She sighed. “And not have to be locked up every time there’s a full moon.”
She rested her forehead into his shoulder in defeat getting a whiff of his body spray, “Huh, you actually smell really good.” Looking up, she noticed the small structure just up ahead. “There. Celeste should be waiting.”
“You’re welcome,” grunted Adam as he leapt over the makeshift barricade at the far end of the drive-in theatre. Cicadas whined as the Hunter bounded through the open field towards the woods. Tall grasses and thorns tore at his fatigues, staining the light beige with slashes of green and yell as his breakneck pace barreled through dandelions and knots of knee-height weeds. The air was filled with the smell of fields yielding to the seedy pungence of the woods.
“Heh well I can’t really pretend to know what normal is like,” admitted the mutant who as a child needed to be carefully taught how to interact with non-Hunters so he didn’t accidently break his classmates.  “Glad your’re more ...Ya-Ya sisterhood stuff then... murder though,” he huffed as they cleared the treeline, branches snapped with like firecrakers under his pounding feet. “And I guess that’s just life ...when you got’ crazy moon virus,” he said with characteristic tactlessness on the matter of being locked up. “It isn’t fair...but that shits the breaks. “Heh, you mention your girlfriend ...then tease me with the smelling good and getting up close in my grill like that,” Adam noted with a hoarse laugh as they entered the home stretch up towards the woodland house, blinking as sweat stung at his eyes. “You're cruel,” he joked. While the relative intimacy of her so up close against him might’ve been more..distracting...under different circumstances, Adam was actually more concerned about Layla shifting in his arms and taking a big ‘ol bite out of his neck.
“Kay here we are, not much time”
Layla continued to stay latched on, but she could feel her body starting to make miniscule changes. Things got a little brighter in the night. Smells were more apparent and distinct. And she started to feel sick again. She had done a good job of suppressing it as Adam raced her towards the safety of a makeshift cage, but it was getting harder now. And she could start to hear the blood pumping through his veins, which left her mouth watering. But, of course, she kept her sudden needs on the DL.
“Crazy moon virus. Best name for it yet.” She felt her arms go around him a little tighter in both a manner of trying to hold on, but for deeper innate reasons. She was praying they would make it there soon, and despite him being kind of an ass, she didn’t want to hurt him. There was something about him that she valued, especially considering he was willing to risk his life to get her to where she desperately needed to be.
“What can I say? I must just be a heartbreaker.” She laughed weakly as they inched closer, and when they had finally made it, she slid off his back, nearly collapsing to the ground. Her eyes searched for Celeste as she tried to make her way to her feet, “Celeste! Please tell me you’re here...Please be here…”
As it got darker, Celeste found her nerves were dancing under her skin. Layla should have been here by now. She’d headed over to their spot early to ensure the chains were set up and ready to go for Layla. After many tests to make sure they’d be safe, she’d waited patiently, her fingers idly drumming over the tranquilizer gun on her hip. Except as the sky got darker, her patience soon wore thin. She was practically pacing a hole into the ground beneath her feet.
When she heard people approaching, she briefly felt relieved until she heard another voice with Layla’s. Her brow furrowed, she wasn’t keen on anyone else knowing about this spot. “Layla,” she called out, running toward Layla and the man carrying her. She looked over him carefully, waiting for him to set her down. “You’re late,” she said simply before asking, “And who is this?” With Ariana not too far off, Celeste felt on edge having someone else here.
If Layla consented, Adam set her down. He leaned back and placed both sinewy arms behind his head. The run here carrying another person had been taxing even by Hunter standards, and the footballer’s shoulders rose and fell in a steady rhythm as he tried to get some breath back.
“Adam,” he said with a flushed grin despite his brown eyes scanning the area, looking for if this lock-up was legit or if his sweaty gullible ass was about to be ambushed at this murder-cabin. “It’s ok, I’m used to hot gingers climbing me like a tree.”
He looked to the sky and then cautiously between both women. “So...where’s this safety room?”
“I know. I got held up.” She shot Adam a look. But as the moon was nearly high in the sky, the young wolf started to feel a more severe shift, and without being able to control it, cried out in pain. It was starting, and if Layla didn’t get chained up soon, then bad things were bound to happen.
Stumbling towards Celeste, Layla’s eyes held agony, “Do it. Whatever you’ve gotta do, do it.” She had done this many times alone, but there was no one around her that she feared she would consume. Of course, that wasn’t to say she hadn’t eaten people before, she just couldn’t remember it, and that always scared her.
Looking between Celeste and Adam, she had hoped they would both be safe and leave when need be. She had also wondered about Ariana, and if she was being locked up as well, but she didn’t want to say anything with fear of Adam trying something.
The idea of bringing a stranger into the space she’d set up was not something Celeste was keen on doing. Gently grabbing on Layla’s arm, she looked at Adam with narrow eyes. “I’m Celeste. If you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have time to give you a tour.” There wasn’t much time for a debate either, so she led Layla over to the abandoned underground room she’d found. It’d taken a little work to get the chains adequately reinforced and Ulfric didn’t love the idea, but it was what Layla wanted. If this Adam followed then he followed. Once Layla was restrained, she could pay more attention to him and determine if he was a threat.
Layla’s pain was apparent as her bones were shifting. She rushed down the stairs of the abandoned building and kept Layla close to her, placing the cuffs of the chains around her wrists as quickly as she possibly could before looking back to see if he had followed.
--------------- Adam would like to say that he was the kind of person that could’ve just accepted that this Celeste chick, though she felt human to his Hunter senses, was some nice wonderful person who definitely wouldn’t just let the almost shifted out to run free and gnaw off citizen’s gnads. Celeste’s concern looked genuine.
But Adam’s life hasn't been the kind that really left much room for faith in anyone. Faith was too dangerous.
Thus, he followed the two women with a feigned expression of mere idle curiosity.
Following Celeste as she grabbed onto Layla’s arm, the young wolf could already feel the crack and tearing of bone and muscle begin. But it wasn’t long before she was on the ground being chained up. It was the first time the girl had ever had chains around her body, and it scared her. But her mind couldn’t process words to speak from the pain that was taking over her form.
Curling up into a fetal position, she wailed out in pain as the horrific transformation continued to take place. It seemed like an eternity, before all was said and done, but when she had fully shifted, she lay on the floor panting, regaining her strength, before she managed to climb onto her two hind legs. She was smaller than most of the wolves, but she stood at least another foot taller than she previously had. Her fur was a warm, reddish-orange, and her eyes glowed brightly.
Sniffing the air, she looked around until she had laid eyes on Celeste and Adam. Food. Lunging came naturally, but she was quickly jerked back and hit the floor moaning slightly, before crawling forward trying to reach out swatting at both the hunters, but restrained from the large, heavy chains.
Celeste watched closely as Layla transformed, making sure the chains held. When she lunged and got jerked back immediately, she allowed herself to relax  a little and look back over to the man who’d brought Layla here. “Adam,” she said slowly, “I suppose a thank you is in order. I appreciate you getting her back here safely.”
She scanned him carefully, he was young and looked strong. It seemed likely they had a shared background, but he’d brought her here instead of killing her. “So, I can assure I have things under control here. I went through rigorous testing with the chains and have a little help handy if I need it.” She patted the tranquilizer gun on her hip, “Do you normally pick up shifting werewolves on the full moon?”
--------------- “No problem Ma’am,” Adam said in a distant distracted voice as he looked on the russet monstrosity that Layla had become. The air of inhumanity Layla brought to his Hunter sense came off the Werewolf in choking waves now that she’d shed her human shape. The silver knife tucked secured in the back of his pants under the sweat-soaked shirt seemed to dig painfully into his spine. There was a moment of regret where Adam’s heart faltered in the conviction that was the right choice.
Look at that thing. Why save Layla when it just meant that an innocent would likely pay the price for Adam’s weakness on a future full moon?
Adam pressed the thought from his mind, knowing first hand where that line of reasoning often led.
“Thank you for making sure the creature’s secure,” the Hunter said with an unconscious lapse into depersonalization. “Not usually how I roll,” he admitted, brown eyes drawn again to the luminous gaze of the straining lycanthrope. “But this seems a regular thing for you...Celeste, right?”
The young, wild animal paced back and forth knowing she was limited in her range on the chains, but she was hungry. Saliva dripped from her long fangs as she continued to snarl and growl at the two humans in her presence. And when innate hunger became too overpowering again, she took a harder lunge, only to be yanked back once again; her efforts proving fruitless.
Any indication of Layla was gone. She was just an animal looking to fill her stomach with anything, and they had been her targets. She was young and dumb, still new in her ways as a werewolf. She had many lessons to learn, but right now she was running simply on endorphins and the animal instinct that had come with the curse.
She wasn’t sure why it was so hard for her to believe that maybe another hunter had a more reasonable code than her parents had, but Celeste would be grateful for it. She’d have to find a new spot for the next month though. She didn’t want anyone outside of them knowing where they were. Too much of a risk. “I see,” she said, calmly and slowly, blinking a few times before she finally added, “I think I can figure out the rest, thank you.”
With a more serious face, she assured, “It is, yes. I’ll make sure she’s on time next time. She cut it entirely too close for my liking.” She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Just another layer to this whole fucked up puzzle of keeping both the kids and others safe. She figured she’d refrain from mentioning the bit about being what her parents would call a deserter. Most didn’t take kindly to that. ---------------
Although this particular encounter had ended happily, Adam’s night had really only begun. By this point those wolves that were still out had already changed, and Adam’s duty shifted from containment to elimination. “Thank you ma’am appreciate it,” the Hunter said, wishing he still had enough faith left to take Celeste’s assurance at face value.
Making a polite excuse to leave, Adam began the long trek back to town to retrieve his supplies and take up the night’s patrol
Adam was in Took’s General Store purchasing the essentials for “Big Moon” days. Previous trips to The Armory and Excalibur had taken care of most munitions and blade requirements. However there was always miscellaneous stuff. Materials for molotov cocktails, chloroform, poisons, and other essentials were all readily available within Took’s cheery confines. 
Plus soap, gonna need ...lots...of soap. 
To Adam’s surprise there was a small hesitation inside of him, a passing flicker of hope that none of the wolves he’d encounter were Winn or Lucas inside, or Lucas’ brother whom he’d never met. It was an unusual train of thought for Adam and he shoved it away. All threats needed to be eliminated no matter who they were. This kind of thinking wasn’t what he needed during this critical part of the lunar cycle. Focus.
However the athlete’s mental coaching actually made him lose track of where he was, leading him to almost run over someone in the aisle. 
“Hey look where you’re…”
It was about this time that Adam’s eyes took in that the human roadblock also happened to be a bombshell. Brown eyes traced curves before finally arriving to her face with an appreciative smile. 
“Sorry about that,” he said in a markedly more diplomatic tone. “My bad.”
Layla had only been in Took’s a few times. When she had managed to find some money here or there and could afford a small snack or something to drink. But being able to freely go in and just look was something she was able to do now. And since finding a home with Ari, Ulf, and Celeste, her mission was to explore the town and familiarize herself with everything without as much worry as she once previously held. Of course, tonight’s only issue was the full moon, which was rather big, and she knew she’d have to head back home soon.
Perusing the aisles, Layla wasn’t looking for anything in particular, however, she also hadn’t been paying attention to where she was going, so when she ran into someone she quickly started apologizing, “I’m sorry, I got caught up in looking, and I didn’t...see you.” The guy staring back at her had caught her attention with his smile.
It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her like that, and while she was flattered, she was also reminded about the serious relationship she had been in for a few years now, “It’s cool. I should have been paying attention to where I was going.”
“No problem,” Adam said with a lavisciously distracted grin. 
Yet with the young woman’s (was she legal...oh god, hopefully?) presence came a feeling of cold that prickled long his skin in ripples of goosebumps and washed down his spin like he’d stepped under a waterfall. Something about this chick’d set off his Hunter senses. She was likely an inhuman, but of what kind he had no idea. 
“Adam Walker,” he said, reaching a thewy arm across the card to offer his hand, trying not to let the heeby jeebies change his expression. “You from around here?” 
Was this guy flirting with her? He had to have been. That smile that seemed to be permanently etched on his face was alerting her to the fact. She had seen it so many times in high school and when she would go out with Frankie and their friends, but the biggest difference now was that Frankie wasn’t here.
“It’s nice to meet you Adam Walker.” She stuck out her own hand to meet his and shook it gently. “Layla Cooke. And no. I’m actually from the South, but I decided to give White Crest a shot. What about you?”
“Going to college here,” Adam replied, keeping his expression neutral as the touch of her hand brought a rush of inhuman wrongness into his nervous system. The conditioned response of adrenaline entered his veins, years of training and violence filling Adam’s brain with visions of throwing Layla against the mental counters and slamming her skull against the tile floor over and over.. 
Focus. This is a public place. He knew nothing about her. 
“Part of Delta Iota Epsilon,” Adam continued, and  shoved a thumb towards the sleeveless t-shirt with the acronym of DIE he was wearing. “Parties all night on Friday and Saturday,” Layla received another appraising look that was devoid of shyness or shame. “You should come check it out...you’d be a great fit,” he assured with a slow nod. 
“Yeah, I’m hoping I can go there one day, when I’m able to get my life in order.” She slowly pulled her hand back and let it drop to her side. She couldn’t tell anything different about Adam, just that he seemed to be a huge flirt. It was weird talking to a college guy, considering they were probably about the same age. But after the bite, life just didn’t seem real anymore.
Seeing him motion to his shirt, she smiled, but something about the letters he was pointing to began to make her uneasy. His smile never seemed to falter though, “You know, I wasn’t as big into the party scene as one might think. My parents weren’t too keen on the idea of their only child going out and getting drunk on the weekend.” No, instead they had her training how to hunt and kill werewolves and other creatures of the night. “But I guess one party sometimes couldn’t hurt.”
Looking past Adam, Layla had noticed it was starting to get dark outside, and that meant that the moon would be coming up sooner than she would have liked, “Well, this has been fun, but I think it’s about time I head home, you know, with it getting dark and all.” Layla started to feel faint and sweat slowly began to build on her brow.
Adam’s sinewy shoulders shrugged. “Sounds like a drag...but guess its better than them now caring?” The footballer seemed a little uncertain on that last point. “But hey definately welcome anytime.” 
She excuses herself and Adam had far more preparations to complete before the moon was high. “Yeah no prob see you arou….um, Lyra” (it was an L name right?) “you ok?” 
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” She was starting to get worried for multiple reasons. “I’ll look you up.”
Layla began moving forward, but stumbled slightly. And there it was. The feeling she dreaded with a passion of a million fiery suns, “Layla. It’s Layla.” Forcing back the lump in her throat, she looked to him with an uneasy smile, “Yeah. Totally. Just need some water.” She began looking around for a cooler with drinks in them. She had to get away from him. Had to get out of the store. Get home.
Adam frowned in concern as L-chick stumbled. Her weak smile only deepened his downturned expression. Adam went down one of the aisles to the coolers in the back. He placed a water bottle by ?Laura? And went up to the cash register to pay. 
“Any better,” he inquired upon returning.
Layla felt like she was going to leave a lung on the floor of the store. Seeing the water, she grabbed the bottle and opened it, chugging it down. She had never changed in front of anyone before. She had always managed to find privacy, but tonight might have been the night, and Adam was the last person she wanted to know or see what she was.
Finishing the water in one long drink, she let the empty bottle fall to the floor, “Thank you. A little, but I really...I’ll see you around, yeah?” Heading for the door, she forced the door open allowing the cool night air to hit her in the face causing some relief to her pale, clammy skin.
After a courteous goodbye Adam gave Layla a minute or so headsteart. He was strapped for time but his instincts were picking up weird vibes here. All kids of weird shit went down around the Full Moon, furry and otherwise. If this chick were a supernatural and acting weird, then that's something he needed to follow up on for security’s sake, at least until he was sure it wasn’t going to be a public incident or Pet Shop of Horrors in some back alley. 
Adam’s eyesight wasn’t human, thus he could give Layla a very wide berth while trailing her, keeping it casual and hoping to blend in with the crowd. 
With each passing moment, Layla could feel her human side getting weaker and the beast growing stronger. She just wanted to shed her skin and feel better. To have this continual growing ache to disappear, so the animal inside her could be free, but at the same time, she wanted it under control. So far, with every shift, she hadn’t been able to remember what had happened the night before, and it scared her. Hurting someone or something was the last thing she wanted to do, but everytime it happened, Layla seemed to wake up covered in some kind of blood.
Clutching at her side, she could already feel things starting to happen, and the pain had been worse from her little scuff with Francesca and Orion a few days prior. Unable to control it, Layla let out a yowl of pain. With people staring at her, she began running back towards the place that had been discussed with Celeste as a good place to be locked up for this very occasion.
Adam darted into the back allies, mentally visualizing the direction Layla was probably heading. Unimpeded by the crowd, the Hunter place the purchased gear in his backpack and broke into a full sprint, vauling over obstacles, and scale fences in a few alacitious motions. Adam let his mutant physiology take control, hurtling forward over, around, and through the gaps in obstacles as he tried to gain on Layla. 
He swung over a chainlink fence and out into the street again. He advanced after Layla with cold purpose, feet pounding on the broken sidewalk. “Heya Layla…,” he piped up, warm amiable tone not matching the hard agates of his eyes. “You ok?...Do you need me to call emergency services?” 
Her mind was focused on getting to safety. She just wanted to be left alone, aside from someone to keep watch to make sure she stayed locked up. Layla definitely didn’t want to die, but if she had gotten out, she knew it was a real possibility and one she could support, despite her every effort to convince her parents not to hunt or kill wolves, but to subdue them by safer means.
However, her ears had picked up on something as she was scrambling to get home. The sound of feet hitting the ground at a rapid pace, and it wasn’t long until she knew exactly whose feet it was chasing after her. “Adam?” Her eyes were filled with shock, but also worry, “I don’t know how you got here. Or why.” By now she had a pretty good idea why, “But it’s not safe okay? That’s all I’m saying. So you need to leave.” She hated being blunt, but she couldn’t handle the possibility of attacking him or lashing out unintentionally.
Adam advanced in firmly purposeful steps, his expression steadily losing its warmth until it had cooled into an iron neutrality. Eyes that once regarded her with playful lewdness were now sizing her up with a calculation that held a surgical edge, something to be assessed and possibly disposed of rather than a woman to court. 
“Why is it not safe Layla,” he asked with level calm.
Layla’s strength was diminishing. She was going to have to change sooner rather than later, and along with her strength, her patience was growing thin. It was the animal inside that made her want to lash out and rip his head off, but she resisted the urge, knowing deep down inside, she couldn’t live with herself if she ever did hurt someone, “Because, Adam, I’m not feeling too good, and I wouldn’t want you to get sick…” She looked over to him, the softness of her own expression gone and easily turning into something harder.
Adam looked around at the courtyard we were in. Cracked cement and empty storefronts long closed where dotted around them. Small plants and mosses eaked out starved existences in the small fissures spidering through cement and tarmac. The dusk cast waning crepular light over the patch of urban decay that Layla and Adam found themselves. The street’s activity was muted in the distance. 
“Thanks, that's very considerate of you,” Adam said, still advancing. He lifted a necklace from under his thin shirt. A six-pointed star caught the wan light, pure silver contrasting with the young man’s skin, still ruddy red from the sprint over here. 
“You should really let me help walk you home though,” Adam said, winding the sliver symbol through his fingers as he drew closer. “This town can be pretty dangerous at night.” 
Layla hadn’t yet been in contact with silver, since the night she received the bite that changed her. Seeing the glint in the rising moon, the girl’s demeanor completely changed and a low guttural growl escaped her lips, “What do you want with me?” Her body ached and the animal raged inside of her begging to escape, but the moon still hung too low in the night sky. Her breathing was rapid, and she could feel the sickness in her growing, “Are you gonna kill me? Is that why you won’t just leave me alone?” Tears formed in her eyes. Was tonight the night Layla was going to die at the hands of a hunter not much older than she?
She continued to move forward. Her only goal at this point was trying to make it back to Celeste, unless a fight were to ensue, which there was a very good chance she wouldn’t survive.
Perhaps seeing that subterfuge held no further purpose, Adam reached his free hand behind his back and under his shirt and withdrew one of the two blades he kept there. A cruelly serrated and silvered tactical knife danced easily in the Hunter’s fingers as he readied it. 
“Depends,” Adam said coldly, keeping a steady pace but not yet rushing forward. “Where’re you going this Full Moon? If you're going to be out and about then yeah,” the athlete affirmed with a shrug of his shoulders. “You’d be too much of a danger to let live.” 
Layla’s entire body was starting to ache, but she knew she was getting closer to where she needed to be. However, it didn’t deter Adam from continuing to follow along or threaten her. Finally at her wits end and her breathing growing shallow, she stopped and confronted him, “I’m trying to get to the place I was told to go so I can lock myself up, you nosey piece of human garbage.” Sweat was pouring down her pale face, and it was taking everything within her not to just give up and let the monster take control of her body.
Adam stopped when Layla did, posture slightly slanted as he kept his weight ready on his back foot. The insult didn’t seem to phase him however her claim provoked a moment of contemplation, brawny arms folded in front of him. However the way the silver tactical knife was nevertheless held in the outermost arm in readiness hinted at the deception within this face of casualness. The muscles within the Hunters arms and shoulders were still taut and knotted in this state of stillness, as if he genuinely expected Layla to drop this obvious charade and lunge at him any second. 
“Really now.” Dubiety dripped from the worlds as tawny eyebrows raised in an expression that asked Layla if she ...really...wanted to play this way. There came another shrug. “Cool, let’s go and make sure you’re chained up nice and safe.” 
Layla knew hunters. She knew the tricks they played. She was taught how to play games by her parents. And if she had really wanted to snack on his flesh, she would have done it already, but the idea of meat grossed her out, and that idea still lingered behind all the rage and thirst bottled up inside her, “Geeze, yes. Really. Quit acting like a smug, fuckboi hunter and just help me get to the place I’m going. Unless you’re really just looking for a fight, because, yes, you’d probably win. I’m a baby wolf that doesn’t know shit, except animal instinct, which you’re going to experience, if you don’t quit slowing me down. Embrace this moment, you ass. Cherish it, because I’m sure it’s not often you get a willing participant to play your little cat and mouse game that actually just wants to go lock herself up.” She growled at him, before resuming the walk at a quicker pace. She was dispelling more energy, but if it got her away from him and in chains faster then so be it.
Adam let out an exhalation that evinced that confusion was stronger then frustration. “Yup, it definitely is different,” he admitted while keeping pace. “This isn’t cat and mouse so much as if you're lying, I size you down to fit in those dumpsters,” Adam replied with tactless frankness, nodding towards some waste receptacles they passed. 
“Kay, so should I hold you up, carry you..” Adam asked in a more amenable tone, not about to throw an angry she-wolf over his shoulder without permission. 
Layla rolled her eyes at his comment about the dumpsters, “Let me make it easier on you, Adam. You don’t have to size me to fit into anything. I know I fit in dumpsters for a fact. No shame here, because it’s where I used to get my food. So if you want to murder me, then go ahead.” She had almost regretted saying that. Almost.
The teenager closed her eyes in defeat, before reopening them and training them on the hunter in front of her, “If you think you can get me there faster, then be my guest.” She held out her arms waiting for him to pick her up.
There Hunter shook his head at his quarry and companions second slip into submitting before the knife. “Not that I don’t appreciate an easy kill to move the night along and all,” he began. “But you give up too easy Layla. It doesn’t matter if you’re small or young. Hit the right tendon it doesn’t matter. Fuckin dead is dead.”
On that cheery note, the Hunter put away the silver chain and sheathed his blade. He took the girl into his arms and hefted her weight without visible effort. This done, the athlete took off in a brisk run that steadily accelerated as the mutant fell into a stride that’d have had most fully-human soldiers panting before long. 
“So, where is this place?” 
He was right. She did give up too easily. Somehow she had made it this long on her own, but why? Why had she still been spared? Layla couldn’t figure it out. The one thing she did know was that she was angry at the world. Her parents. The wolf who had bit her. The people who had turned her away when she was at her lowest…
The only semblance of hope that had started to return was the day Ariana had offered her a hot meal and a bed to sleep in.
Feeling him lift her up, without resisting, she tried to hold herself up so as to not put all of her weight on him, but it didn’t seem to be much of an issue, “It’s deep in the woods, just past the drive-in theater. Adam, why are you helping me? Why not just kill me when you had the chance?”
“Because it's not the killing that’s important,” Adam huffed as he continued in a boot camp pace up various hills, across cul de sacs, vaulting over property fences using his free hand, and ignoring the residents cry of outrage as he just took the next fence at a run without responding to their questions. 
“It’s about removing threats to mankind,” he continued between breaths while running off the paved streets onto the more rugged roads that signaled one was drawing nearer to the drive-in-theatre and woods. “If you stay out during the full moon then you’ll lose control and be a threat to everyone.” 
Dusk deepend and shadowed lengthened, even with the Hunter’s superhuman stamina nightfall proved an implacable pursuer.  
“But if you're inside and chained up then you’re not a threat and I don’t have to kill you,” the Hunter finished with the brutally linear logic that the Code demanded. “Me helping you means less people die.” 
Layla latched onto Adam. He was so much stronger than he looked, and she was impressed. And as she watched the town fly by as he ran, she listened to him explain the answer to her question. The fact that he didn’t outright want to kill her, she could respect, and it reminded her of the many arguments she had with her mother and father about that very issue; killing. However, where they differed was that she didn’t want to kill at all. She had just wanted to subdue the beast, despite knowing that there were wolves and other creatures that would kill regardless. And it’s part of the reason she was in the situation she was currently in.
“Well, I can respect that, and I greatly appreciate you giving me a chance. Not all of us want to be killing machines. Some of us just want to be normal human teenagers that go to college and spend time with their girlfriends and paint our nails.” She sighed. “And not have to be locked up every time there’s a full moon.”
She rested her forehead into his shoulder in defeat getting a whiff of his body spray, “Huh, you actually smell really good.” Looking up, she noticed the small structure just up ahead. “There. Celeste should be waiting.”
“You’re welcome,” grunted Adam as he leapt over the makeshift barricade at the far end of the drive-in theatre. Cicadas whined as the Hunter bounded through the open field towards the woods. Tall grasses and thorns tore at his fatigues, staining the light beige with slashes of green and yell as his breakneck pace barreled through dandelions and knots of knee-height weeds. The air was filled with the smell of fields yielding to the seedy pungence of the woods. 
“Heh well I can’t really pretend to know what normal is like,” admitted the mutant who as a child needed to be carefully taught how to interact with non-Hunters so he didn’t accidently break his classmates.  “Glad your’re more ...Ya-Ya sisterhood stuff then... murder though,” he huffed as they cleared the treeline, branches snapped with like firecrakers under his pounding feet. “And I guess that’s just life ...when you got’ crazy moon virus,” he said with characteristic tactlessness on the matter of being locked up. “It isn’t fair...but that shits the breaks. 
“Heh, you mention your girlfriend ...then tease me with the smelling good and getting up close in my grill like that,” Adam noted with a hoarse laugh as they entered the home stretch up towards the woodland house, blinking as sweat stung at his eyes. “You're cruel,” he joked. While the relative intimacy of her so up close against him might’ve been more..distracting...under different circumstances, Adam was actually more concerned about Layla shifting in his arms and taking a big ‘ol bite out of his neck. 
“Kay here we are, not much time” 
Layla continued to stay latched on, but she could feel her body starting to make miniscule changes. Things got a little brighter in the night. Smells were more apparent and distinct. And she started to feel sick again. She had done a good job of suppressing it as Adam raced her towards the safety of a makeshift cage, but it was getting harder now. And she could start to hear the blood pumping through his veins, which left her mouth watering. But, of course, she kept her sudden needs on the DL.
“Crazy moon virus. Best name for it yet.” She felt her arms go around him a little tighter in both a manner of trying to hold on, but for deeper innate reasons. She was praying they would make it there soon, and despite him being kind of an ass, she didn’t want to hurt him. There was something about him that she valued, especially considering he was willing to risk his life to get her to where she desperately needed to be.
“What can I say? I must just be a heartbreaker.” She laughed weakly as they inched closer, and when they had finally made it, she slid off his back, nearly collapsing to the ground. Her eyes searched for Celeste as she tried to make her way to her feet, “Celeste! Please tell me you’re here...Please be here…”
As it got darker, Celeste found her nerves were dancing under her skin. Layla should have been here by now. She’d headed over to their spot early to ensure the chains were set up and ready to go for Layla. After many tests to make sure they’d be safe, she’d waited patiently, her fingers idly drumming over the tranquilizer gun on her hip. Except as the sky got darker, her patience soon wore thin. She was practically pacing a hole into the ground beneath her feet. 
When she heard people approaching, she briefly felt relieved until she heard another voice with Layla’s. Her brow furrowed, she wasn’t keen on anyone else knowing about this spot. “Layla,” she called out, running toward Layla and the man carrying her. She looked over him carefully, waiting for him to set her down. “You’re late,” she said simply before asking, “And who is this?” With Ariana not too far off, Celeste felt on edge having someone else here. 
If Layla consented, Adam set her down. He leaned back and placed both sinewy arms behind his head. The run here carrying another person had been taxing even by Hunter standards, and the footballer’s shoulders rose and fell in a steady rhythm as he tried to get some breath back. 
“Adam,” he said with a flushed grin despite his brown eyes scanning the area, looking for if this lock-up was legit or if his sweaty gullible ass was about to be ambushed at this murder-cabin. “It’s ok, I’m used to hot gingers climbing me like a tree.” 
He looked to the sky and then cautiously between both women. “So...where’s this safety room?” 
“I know. I got held up.” She shot Adam a look. But as the moon was nearly high in the sky, the young wolf started to feel a more severe shift, and without being able to control it, cried out in pain. It was starting, and if Layla didn’t get chained up soon, then bad things were bound to happen.
Stumbling towards Celeste, Layla’s eyes held agony, “Do it. Whatever you’ve gotta do, do it.” She had done this many times alone, but there was no one around her that she feared she would consume. Of course, that wasn’t to say she hadn’t eaten people before, she just couldn’t remember it, and that always scared her.
Looking between Celeste and Adam, she had hoped they would both be safe and leave when need be. She had also wondered about Ariana, and if she was being locked up as well, but she didn’t want to say anything with fear of Adam trying something.
The idea of bringing a stranger into the space she’d set up was not something Celeste was keen on doing. Gently grabbing on Layla’s arm, she looked at Adam with narrow eyes. “I’m Celeste. If you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have time to give you a tour.” There wasn’t much time for a debate either, so she led Layla over to the abandoned underground room she’d found. It’d taken a little work to get the chains adequately reinforced and Ulfric didn’t love the idea, but it was what Layla wanted. If this Adam followed then he followed. Once Layla was restrained, she could pay more attention to him and determine if he was a threat. 
Layla’s pain was apparent as her bones were shifting. She rushed down the stairs of the abandoned building and kept Layla close to her, placing the cuffs of the chains around her wrists as quickly as she possibly could before looking back to see if he had followed. 
Adam would like to say that he was the kind of person that could’ve just accepted that this Celeste chick, though she felt human to his Hunter senses, was some nice wonderful person who definitely wouldn’t just let the almost shifted out to run free and gnaw off citizen’s gnads. Celeste’s concern looked genuine. 
But Adam’s life hasn't been the kind that really left much room for faith in anyone. Faith was too dangerous. 
Thus, he followed the two women with a feigned expression of mere idle curiosity. 
Following Celeste as she grabbed onto Layla’s arm, the young wolf could already feel the crack and tearing of bone and muscle begin. But it wasn’t long before she was on the ground being chained up. It was the first time the girl had ever had chains around her body, and it scared her. But her mind couldn’t process words to speak from the pain that was taking over her form.
Curling up into a fetal position, she wailed out in pain as the horrific transformation continued to take place. It seemed like an eternity, before all was said and done, but when she had fully shifted, she lay on the floor panting, regaining her strength, before she managed to climb onto her two hind legs. She was smaller than most of the wolves, but she stood at least another foot taller than she previously had. Her fur was a warm, reddish-orange, and her eyes glowed brightly.
Sniffing the air, she looked around until she had laid eyes on Celeste and Adam. Food. Lunging came naturally, but she was quickly jerked back and hit the floor moaning slightly, before crawling forward trying to reach out swatting at both the hunters, but restrained from the large, heavy chains.
Celeste watched closely as Layla transformed, making sure the chains held. When she lunged and got jerked back immediately, she allowed herself to relax  a little and look back over to the man who’d brought Layla here. “Adam,” she said slowly, “I suppose a thank you is in order. I appreciate you getting her back here safely.” 
She scanned him carefully, he was young and looked strong. It seemed likely they had a shared background, but he’d brought her here instead of killing her. “So, I can assure I have things under control here. I went through rigorous testing with the chains and have a little help handy if I need it.” She patted the tranquilizer gun on her hip, “Do you normally pick up shifting werewolves on the full moon?” 
“No problem Ma’am,” Adam said in a distant distracted voice as he looked on the russet monstrosity that Layla had become. The air of inhumanity Layla brought to his Hunter sense came off the Werewolf in choking waves now that she’d shed her human shape. The silver knife tucked secured in the back of his pants under the sweat-soaked shirt seemed to dig painfully into his spine. There was a moment of regret where Adam’s heart faltered in the conviction that was the right choice. 
Look at that thing. Why save Layla when it just meant that an innocent would likely pay the price for Adam’s weakness on a future full moon?
Adam pressed the thought from his mind, knowing first hand where that line of reasoning often led. 
“Thank you for making sure the creature’s secure,” the Hunter said with an unconscious lapse into depersonalization. “Not usually how I roll,” he admitted, brown eyes drawn again to the luminous gaze of the straining lycanthrope. “But this seems a regular thing for you...Celeste, right?” 
The young, wild animal paced back and forth knowing she was limited in her range on the chains, but she was hungry. Saliva dripped from her long fangs as she continued to snarl and growl at the two humans in her presence. And when innate hunger became too overpowering again, she took a harder lunge, only to be yanked back once again; her efforts proving fruitless.
Any indication of Layla was gone. She was just an animal looking to fill her stomach with anything, and they had been her targets. She was young and dumb, still new in her ways as a werewolf. She had many lessons to learn, but right now she was running simply on endorphins and the animal instinct that had come with the curse.
She wasn’t sure why it was so hard for her to believe that maybe another hunter had a more reasonable code than her parents had, but Celeste would be grateful for it. She’d have to find a new spot for the next month though. She didn’t want anyone outside of them knowing where they were. Too much of a risk. “I see,” she said, calmly and slowly, blinking a few times before she finally added, “I think I can figure out the rest, thank you.” 
With a more serious face, she assured, “It is, yes. I’ll make sure she’s on time next time. She cut it entirely too close for my liking.” She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Just another layer to this whole fucked up puzzle of keeping both the kids and others safe. She figured she’d refrain from mentioning the bit about being what her parents would call a deserter. Most didn’t take kindly to that. 
Although this particular encounter had ended happily, Adam’s night had really only begun. By this point those wolves that were still out had already changed, and Adam’s duty shifted from containment to elimination. “Thank you ma’am appreciate it,” the Hunter said, wishing he still had enough faith left to take Celeste’s assurance at face value. 
Making a polite excuse to leave, Adam began the long trek back to town to retrieve his supplies and take up the night’s patrol 
11 notes · View notes
twinkletoes-rp · 4 years
6, 7, 19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 51 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Fanfiction Questions meme
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh, geez... I’ve been involved in so many fandoms, LOL. I don’t really know if I can/should name them all. I’ll give you the ones (ONLY OTPs - doesn’t mean I don’t ship other things, too) I can think of off the top of my head.
Kiba/Hinata (Naruto), Fakir/Ahiru (Princess Tutu), Stiles/Derek (Teen Wolf), Kirito/Lisbeth (Sword Art Online), Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter), Goku/Bulma (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho), Todoroki/Izuku (BNHA), (better!)Bakugo/Uraraka (BNHA), Toph/Aang (ATLA), and Adrien/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)!
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
(This isn’t meant to be hate on the ships I name! I just don’t ship them, that’s all! Ship and let ship! ;))
Naruto/Sasuke (Naruto), Kirito/Asuna (Sword Art Online), Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter), Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter), Goku/Chichi (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Keiko (Yu Yu Hakusho), Bakugo/Izuku (BNHA), and Aang/Katara (ATLA).
19. Is there a ship (in your current fandom) which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
I’m not sure I have a ‘current fandom’ since I live for, like, everything at once, but maybe technically Naruto would be it?
In that case (again, no offense to anyone - and removing the ‘I wish I could get behind’ part ‘cause I do not), NaruSasu. I just...don’t get it? At all? Maybe it’s the ‘what could have been’s or whatever, but when you just take the series at face value, that relationship is...really icky, at least to me, and that’s putting it lightly. It’s so damn unhealthy, especially for poor Naruto. They were never even friends, Sasuke always treated him like shit, and yet...?! *throws hands at half+ of OG series and virtually all of Shippuden* IDK, man. Something’s weird there, and I don’t like it. Can’t support that. Naruto deserves better, damn it. (*casually links her Naruto AU fic where he DOES get better (in more ways than one), TYVM*)
20. Any ships (in your current fandom) which you surprised yourself by liking?
Going with Naruto again, so. Hmm... I guess maybe Kankuro/Tenten? I didn’t even know that was a ship until a friend showed me a really good fic, and I was hooked! lol.
Another might be KakaObi, but only in AUs where Obito survives the cave in and gets out with Kakashi and Rin and recovers, continuing to be the sweetheart he is instead of the ass he turned out to be in canon. Because he, too, deserved better, damn it!
Another is one I might have made up, not sure (mostly in the context of my Naruto AU, NGL), lol: Karin/Shikamaru! It makes sense and there are lots of compelling reasons when you break it down! You know, 'cause Shikamaru would need (or probs at least prefer) someone on his smarts level, and she's a genius, too, just in a different way. And once she mellows out, Karin's really cool, and (in my AU) she grows to eventually adore Naruto (actually fights to defend/protect him in the Pein arc!), and anyone who loves Naruto is good in Shikamaru's book! lol. Plus, she can tell him when he has his genius brain twisted in too many directions, tell him he's being an idiot and help him figure things out in her different way. lol. IDK, I like it!
30. What inspires you to write?
I just...love writing?? I’ve wanted to be an author since I was 8-9 years old, started writing when I was 11, and I’ve been writing ever since! I’m 27 now! I’ve had a few dry spells, ofc, but I always end up coming back! I just feel like writing is in my blood (partly because, I like to joke, my last name is the title of one of Shakespeare’s plays, haha)!
Pretty much anything can inspire me to write, though. I’ll see a pretty flower and be like “OOH, that flower could feature perfectly in this chapter in this way!” and then write 1k about that! lol. Or I could read a review of one of my new chapters and end up thinking of something I’d never considered before and then write almost 3k on that alone (looking at you, middle section of Ch 6 of my Naruto AU, lol)!
Basically, if it sparks joy, I’m gonna write something! X’D
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Nicest?? Hmm... I mean, I’ve had a lot of things said about my writing... Not sure I can really narrow it down? lol.
I guess the nicest things I’ve ever been told are when I make people cry (espec multiple times!) and actually feel the emotions the characters are feeling, that the characters and their development feel so real that it’s like they’re real people instead of fictional/they’re written so much better than the creator himself wrote them. (Been getting those a lot on my Naruto AU, actually. lol.)
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I tend to prefer silence while I write, but sometimes, my house is loud and people keep breaking my concentration (house of 5, lots of animals, not the quietest, lol), I sometimes listen to music. I usually prefer instrumental, and then usually Naruto or Wolf’s Rain (sometimes Princess Tutu, too) instrumental tracks. The Naruto one I like best also has rain sounds mixed in, which is great because I love the sound of rain! Woo! (Here’s a link to that one if anyone else wants in on this! ;))
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Emotions and getting into the nitty-gritty stuff therein. As an extremely visual, emotional writer, I’ve always been able to feel the emotions of the characters pretty much exactly how they’re feeling it in the moment and then put it on paper. I also make people cry a lot with my writing and get them to feel what the characters do, so that’s awesome! It’s always my goal to get my readers to feel things because then I feel like they’ve really connected with the story and characters I’ve written!
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Transitions are dicks. Sometimes I struggle ‘cause it’s been, like, two seconds or five hours, and I don’t know how to show that, lol. If I can, espec with the last one, I just fade to black. lol.
Also, sometimes I feel like I use the same sentence structure a lot, mostly the ‘..., but...’ format (at least lately). It’s really annoying, and I worry my readers notice and get annoyed/think I suck because of it. lol.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
“All the ways I say ‘I love you’” by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 (Fandom: Ninjago)
“Paradise Lost” by AnchoredTether (Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender (Zootopia-esque dark AU))
“where my armor ends” by dalniente (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power)
“of cats and curses” by faerialchemist (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power x Fruits Basket crossover)
“Mischief is its Own Reward” by dalniente (Fandom: Megamind)
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
I don’t really read Naruto fanfic too much anymore, so like...I guess, technically, another main fandom of mine right now is Fruits Basket, so: without a doubt, @kyosohmastan ! They’re my absolute favorite Fruits Basket fanfic author! Everyone’s so in character, the writing is so sweet and feelsy, steamy when it needs to be, and I really love the writing itself - it’s just so well done and beautiful and I die happily when they post a new fic or chapter? Ahhh! Plus, they’re just so nice and talented in so many ways, we have the same opinions on certain things (like Kakeru Manabe is Too Much(TM) for us, haha, no offense to those who like him! lol.), and I just really, really feel blessed to know and read their fics! Love them so! <3
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
I’m not sure which ship this is talking about? Hmm... But a ship I definitely think (have always thought) needs more attention is Kirito/Lisbeth from Sword Art Online! It’s so slept on, and that is a damn fucking shame because they’re so healthy and sweet and have so much more amazing potential than they’re given credit for (way freaking more than the actual canon couple, just sayin’, no offense to anyone who likes the pairing)! I have written a good few metas (and a fanfic) on the subject (some/most of which are on my Lisbeth RP blog, actually, lol)! If anyone wants to discuss/RP/anything involving this ship, please let me know! Would love it!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I’m not sure I have a favorite fic. But one that I always come back to (all of her (mostly G1) My Little Pony fics, actually - first found them when I was, like, 12, and have kept rereading over and over through the years, haha) is A Mother in Her Eyes by LoveLikeElena on FFN. It takes place in the author’s own MLP universe, but I love said universe so much, and her takes on the characters are amazing and so sweet! I love her look at the serious subjects that follow the characters through her ongong MLP series! <3
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Fanfic readers have become really, really lazy. No one reviews anymore, maybe leave a kudos here and there if you’re lucky (I have a major love-hate (more hate) relationship with kudos...), and it’s so, so, so discouraging to us writers! I wish they knew how it felt, to be honest, espec the ones you know are reading, but just...don’t comment. It’s ridiculously disheartening to work so hard on something for days, weeks, even months or years on something, only to get basically nothing in return. It’s like posting into the void, and it sucks ass. It’s part of what made me quit writing for a good few years, actually, and I’m so sad to see that it’s still a thing. I comment on everything I read because I know how it feels and how much it hurt! It hurts like hell, especially because I remember how it used to be just 6-8 years ago when everyone commented! I desperately pray the fanfic/content consuming world fixes that really soon or we might lose some really amazing writers! Please, even an emoji or keyboard smash! I don’t care, I’ll take anything (and I know I’m not the only one)! <3
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wheel-deal · 4 years
Wheel !!! Hello!!!! :D Odd numbered questions, plus 2 and 16?
2. what are your pronouns? They/Them! but i understand people will call me she/her. im not that dysphoric about it it, but being called gender neutral stuff makes me <3
3. what is your gender presentation like?
I appear very woman like. I have big breasts and long hair. but i love dressing more masc. Super loud button up shirts are my new fav!!
5. what makes you feel validated?
When my boyfriend calls me his partner. >x< 
7. favorite trans meme/bit of trans humor?
uuuuh idk. Thanks i chose my name myself or just owning things with trans in it. we own all transportation.
8. how did you pick your name? (answering this one bc i want to) i am just.... a name collector. i go by wheel, wheels here on tumblr. i have another username i use more than wheels but want to keep that separate from and off tumbr. at home i go by my birthname, but i have a name ive preferred since i was very little. Also when im given a name tag i often write BOB. Bob was my grandfathers name and i just like it. When i go to summer camp im always BOB. Also a name ive been fond of for a long time is Atlas. I think if i was a little more brave id go by Atlas, but for now i go by all the other ones.
9. what does your name mean? kinda hard to answer this one without giving my other names. but wheel-deal came from a particularly punny group chat. and i wanted to be the real-deal and im in a wheelchair :> I explained why i like BOB. I remember in my elementary school library they had this GIANT set of Atlases which is where i first saw the word, and i relate to the character Atlas holding the world on his shoulders... My other user name is my dads old college nickname. my mom passed it on to be when i was little trying to come up with a username for webkins or something xD. As for my preferred name i use irl now... i just always liked the sound of it. when my best friend and i would play make believe i would always use this name.  
11. recent happy trans moment?
not really other than my boyfriend calling me partner unprompted. normally i have to remind him or prompt him to call me partner so that really made me cry 
13. favorite canon trans character? (alt: 2nd favorite trans headcanon?) I dont think i watch many things with cannon trans characters unfortunately. The only one i can think of is Naomi? from Sense8 on netflix. But i love the headcannons of danny fenton (danny phantom), Jim Hawkins (treasure planet, fav movie), and Lars (steven universe)
15. favorite trans celebrity? All of the ones in POSE ?!
16. song that gives you Big Trans Feels? prob Im still here from treasure planet. 
I am a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms. And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway… You don't know me, And I'll never be what you want me to be. And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy, no, I'm a man. You can't take me and throw me away.
And I want a moment to be real, Wanna touch things I don't feel, Wanna hold on and feel I belong. And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same. They don't know me, 'Cause I'm not here. And you see the things they never see All you wanted, I could be Now you know me, and I'm not afraid And I wanna tell you who I am Can you help me be a man? They can't break me As long as I know who I am
They can't tell me who to be, ‘Cause I'm not what they see. Yeah, the world is still sleepin', While I keep on dreamin' for me. And their words are just whispers And lies that I'll never believe.
17. something you wish you could tell your younger self?
gosh. idk. all those feelings of maybe i should be a boy werent quite accurate, but all those feelings of not being a girl 100% were. and that being a tomboy will hurt later on when all your other tomboy friends hit puberty and go super femme. And HEY DUMMY YOU ARE ASEXUAL. you are not broken, its okay to not have crushes. hang in there. you will figure yourself out eventually. Oh and yeah when you first wanted a binder, dont let mom talk you out of it. 
19. (how) does your gender relate to your sexuality?
AHAHAHAHAHA lets not open that can of worms bc thinking about this makes me cry a lot and question everything. Simply im here, im queer. i have a lot of love in my heart and polyamory is nice.
21. what makes you feel euphoric?
idk if i have felt real euphoria. but the feeling when i dress more masculine while still enjoying my long hair is pretty nice. makes me smile and feel more confident
23. claim something as trans culture.
uuuh baking? transformers? embroidered patches? idk my thude
25. what's your favorite part of being trans?
the same thing i love about being ace, the PUNS!!!
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tskumoyuuma · 5 years
ok .... so .. I watched endgame ... and I honestly dont kno how to feel. dont get me wrong, it was a good movie but there was so much stuff that's honestly giving me a headache rn. I'm gonna try to say my thoughts below but its prob gonna be disjointed so be warned n yea massive spoilers below obviously
ok stuff I liked included the massive battle scene at the end I cheered the shit out of that it was the best part of the movie hands down. jokes wer fairly well except for one major thing I'll get into. i also Loved sam getting the shield i screamed when that happened. i also think they did tony good like his death felt natural to me n fit w his character n at least he got to be really happy for five years n got to reunite w peter before he went n like hey he saved the universe too which i was scared was gonna go to steve which i would Not have liked. n yea that's.. p much it for stuff I really liked. most other scenes I was like meh or ?????
ok now shit I have Major issues w ......
1) ok let me get this out of the way now .... time travel always fucks w things. u can never use time travel unless u specifically planned for it since the beginning n even then u gotta be Very careful cause timeline shit is fragile. the whole "we gotta put the time stones back so the timelines dont get fucked EVEN THO BOTH GAMORA AND THANOS R NO LONGER IN THE PAST ANYMORE ??????" I'm sorry but I cant just let that go that's too much to ignore n the fact that steve went back n is still in that exact timeline means that the gamora thanos missing thing applies to that timeline too which would make no sense for infinity war n guardians of the galaxy. its is The biggest peeve I have n I really cant look past that. anyway moving on
2) speaking of the jokes, I Hated what they did to thor. his entire thing was a fat joke. they made him depressed n fat n purposefully ugly w that body prosthetic n played it for a joke. even his supposedly emotional scenes wer drowned out by jokes, n I hated it n was uncomfortable n i am so sad about what theyv done to him especially after ragnarok also fuck u even more u get TWO hammers whatevr
3) speaking of hammers WHY was steve able to pick up thors hammer now ??? like i get it looked cool but what exactly changed from age of ultron to now that had steve become worthy of picking up the hammer cause in my opinion he did nothing to warrant this (uh oh my anti steve side is showing)
4) i really think they shouldve either killed steve or didnt have him show up after going back w the stones cause one it would fix the time thing since hes the one thing thats proving that the whole film is one timeline n two it just i think would feel a lot better. like bucky obviously knew what steve was gonna do he wasnt surprised at all so when steve goes in n doesnt come back out have bucky hand sam the shield n a letter explaining why he didnt come back n that hes entrusting the cap name to same now. i kno it wouldnt have the same idk emotional satisfaction or whatever of having steve himself hand the shield over but i mean i didnt feel that i only felt joy for sam getting this title so i wouldv preferred it the other way just my thoughts on that
5) the whole natasha n clint fighting to see who jumps off the cliff for the soul stone scene was honestly ... really funny to me. like they were throwing things n physically fighting to get the chance to kill themselves n i was holding back laughter i really thought they were both gonna go over n whoops guess wer not getting the soul stone cause no ones left to grab it enfskkds plus i felt nothing when natasha died like it obviously shouldv been her cause she has no one (yea yea except the avengers or whatever blah blah) while clint has an entire family to save so yea not surprised there. (also small thing cause its mostly just me but did really no one kno the requirements for the soul stone ? like u kno gamora died there n thanos got the stone n u couldnt piece the pieces together enough to plan for this ?? whatever like i said its a small thing mostly me moving on)
6) i also think they should have killed more people than they did like going from infinity war to these two deaths felt strange especially w the big ass battle AND the building getting exploded like im sorry but the fact that NO ONE died from those missiles is just sonfjknsdjknfskjd nah
7) ALSO back to the stones thing HOW would steve put the soul stone back. HOW. n like he would have to go back to where they got it which is where red skull is. RED. SKULL. UR TELLING ME WE COULD HAVE SEEN THIS INTERACTION IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GOLD. its like they even though this whole bring the stones back plan was bullshit n couldnt find a way to actually do it so they didnt show it at all n was like “nah nah its fine its fine shh look steves old now” (but i guess it wouldnt even matter anyway cause after 2014 thanos is just gone from the timeline forever i guess)
8) also merged bruce hulk is real weird to me n i dont like it that much. his overall character was fine but the whole combined hulk n bruce thing was too much of a jump for me n one of the main pulls of bruces character is his dynamic w hulk so getting rid of that completely to just have ... one big strong smart green guy just made me lose interest in him real quick. plus he looks like shrek n i hate it. 
EDIT: 9) I ALMOST FORGOT n this also might be answered in far from home but the people who were dusted missed the whole five years right ?? wer still five years in the future from infinity war right ???? so how the fuck is far from home gonna go. r they just gonna be like uhhh no yea all the major student characters from homecoming wer dusted n thats why theyr all still in high school in this movie too n even if they do that what about all their classmates n shit who werent dusted ?? n the fact that prob the majority of the grade r people who were really five years younger than them but r now kinda the same age is fucking wild n i Need them to address this. honestly dont like that the time leap was so big i get they needed that time but also i think a year wouldv had the same affect while keeping the missed time of the dusted people at a low, two years tops would have been good for me but not five whole years. of course if they handle this well in future marvel movies then ill be fine but rn im skeptical 
listen ... i think as a plain just watching for entertainment movie, endgame is good. i enjoyed it as i was watching, but as soon as u even start thinking about the shit that happens in here it all just falls apart honestly. maybe im just running off my anger for the timeline shit n later i might come to appreciate the stuff i actually liked more, but these r my thoughts as of about four hours after watching it.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 3: "This is a lying game. You have to be good at lying." - Michael
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It’s sad bitch hours with your boy skinny penis!!!!!!!! Uhm I’m not in a good position I don’t think KSKSKSKSKSKSK Alex told me he, Caeleb, Evan, Jules, and JJ all have a 5 person alliance possibly forming,,, and if you do the math that’s 3/4 of the brigade,,,,, yk,, the one with Jules, JJ, Alex and some irrelevant bitch named ME!!!! Alex is reassuring me saying it’s all for the brigade, but I’m waiting for Jules or JJ to say something about it, or else I’m not gonna feel so good yk??? Like if it’s for the brigade then you should feel comfortable w telling me about it,, like basically all this is telling me is that I’m the most expendable member of the alliance but I die gress,,,,,, Speaking of the brigade idk how I feel about the brigade strategy ? I just feel like there are a lot of moving parts to it, and it lowkey feels like a selfish excuse to have more allies for yourself JSJDJSJSJJSSKS like,,, idk, plus I feel like there are more chances for flipping and I’m like blehhhhh. It’s dumb. Everything’s dumb. I’m dumb. I flopped in the bridge. I’m soooo dumb. Pls destroy me. I’m probs fonna throw this immunity to JJ bc WHILE I LOVE alex’s joking remark about blindsiding him at 18th, I feel like if I try and set it up for a JJ win then it’ll seem like he’s good w everyone and put a target on his back,,, idk!!! Idk. I just want some form of power. I’m hungry. Gimme gimme.
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Omg me and Ali are SOOO close to the idol....!!!! unless its already been taken ugh but I was like almost there today but fell at 90 so he will prob get it which is cool better than anyone else !! altho would still be nice to have it hehe . tho knowing my idol history of wasting and being blindsided with it.. .maybe its for the best not for me to have it LOL
So its kinda awk last round I voted Noah I think most people did so now idek what to say to him ahhh . and now its a double tribal soo hopefully its just a repeat but. after this its prob a swap which is scary but I hope I atleast end up with ali or mitch or even jared, and from the other side my queen willow
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omg Reuben "sandwich" Studdard, american idol season two WINNER helped me get that IDOL
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We shockingly won immunity wow!! That at least saved us from going to tribal and kinda spared Noah if everyone was telling the truth to me before the results.
Then here comes double tribal and first of, it’s good we won immunity on the previous round because the double tribal is screaming a swap next and all tribes will probs be equal in og tribe member numbers. Secondly, if everyone is still in the same page then the target is still Noah.
Honestly tho, I kinda want to target Michael just cuz he threw my name out to Julia. But it’s difficult to go against the consensus even more so because of this twist.
Right now, I’m in an alliance with Jason and Julia which I’m gonna be loyal to. I’ve also got this thing going with Jared where we share information and I think he has something going with Michael? I’m also working my relationship with Ali and Benj, so I’m gonna keep them in my back pocket for now. I’m also a bit close with Mitch. That only leaves Michael and Noah as the people I haven’t really connected with. I mean did talk with Michael about academic and stuff but it’s still hard talking to him hahahaha. Talking to Noah is fine but like from what I’m getting he is the next to go, mainly because Jared and Michael were I think the ones who threw his name out among the others including to me, so it’s hard to become invested to talking to him :((
I’m trying to cover all my bases here, and not be a so oblivious on what’s happening in my tribe. Nicole G is my spirit animal!
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me: I should at least try and keep this idol a secret
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okay so.... its paranoia o'clock and julia is who the clock struck on.
"i think a couple others might put me as 1"
this is what she said when i told her i was putting her top of my list. this is freaking me out, because a) this means others think she is their top ally b) its just.... what? like... julia is obviously connected and this freaks me out.
in other news, my list for the challenge is probs gonna be this: julia > jared > ian > benj > mitch > jason > michael > noah
julia because she is my ally, jared/benj in 2nd and 4th because that is our plan, ian high because king, mitch/jason middle because kings, and then michael and noah because they are my biggest worries.
i think some shenanigans could happen with this challenge and a twist or something, i don't really know what to think. i don't think i want to win, i feel like i've already got a lot of attention from doing good in challenges, if i win this one thats going to get me even more unwanted attention.
but ya, so otherwise... benj is such a king, he is playing the kind of game (at least I think) that i always want to... just super social and nice, and like lowkey strategic. i think earlier on, i made jason my winner pick, i think he might be a lil' bit too inactive, i think i'm feeling ian or benj as a winner pick now. its defo not gonna be me, have you ever SEEN me play, i'm a whole mess.
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okay so... nancy drew hat is on and i'm onto the biggest threat on our tribe. its Ian.
here is the evidence, it comes from two people who freak me out on this tribe. julia and jared.
STAGE 1: Jared sending his list (a choice...?)
This is apparently Jared's list. 1. Ian 2. Ben 3. Jason 4. Ali 5. Michael 6. Julia 7. Mitch 8. Noah
Couple of interesting things here. Jason is high, Ian is VERY high and Julia is low. Already my radar is ping-ping-pinging about Ian being high, because he has been on my radar before, he hasn't got far in games before by fluke, he is smart. Also, I've been feeling for a while (and have been talking to Benj about this), that Jared has other allies, other people he is working with (he is evidently playing multiple sides, but he is obvious so i'm not as fussed). Anyway, so Jared I've felt has been playing other angles, and now Ian is his top choice!
I think I did a smart today too. My 2nd/4th strategy. What it was, was for me/Benj/Jared to put each other 2nd and 4th on our lists, to not sabotage each others' chances of winning, but also not give away our alliance. It had two additional purposes, to allow me to put someone else 1st to build trust, and to see who they put first. Jared put Ian. which... is very interesting. very very interesting. This ties into theory #2
STAGE 2: Julia says Mitch is targeting her....
"Hello!!" - from Ian, at 00:41 "ummm mitch is throwing my name out" - from Julia, at 00:47
okay so this solidifies to me that Ian is defo playing SO smart. When I told Julia she was top of my list, she was.. notably quiet about where I am on hers. And like... i dont care jkalsfda, i don't want to win. But it means, in the very least someone else is first. So with that said, the question is a) who is top b) who told her about mitch. Now I had no idea Mitch was targetting Julia, I think its a dumb, dumb move, since his name has already been thrown out there versus Noah, so he needs to... play a whole lot smarter. But... someone obviously told Julia, and I know it wasn't me, it wasn't Benj (he likes Mitch). I am just now realising as I type this that Jared had Julia about Mitch on his list, so he couldve told her, but I am thinking it was Ian.
I was talking to Julia before her saying Mitch was targeting her. Its only when Ian came online that she knows this? I think Ian is working with everyone, playing it super super smart. I think he is playing all sides, but less blatantly than Jared.
STAGE 3: What the frick-a-frack do I do about this?
Okay so.... an important preface is that... I could be totally, totally misreading the situation. But I have felt since the start that Ian is a better player than he was letting on. But what do I do about it?  Well for starters, I need to look at numbers I know I have. Benj/Jared/Mitch I think are all in my corner, Michael/Jason I could hopefully swing, and Julia is tight with me, Noah.... Noah is tough because he trusts me but also... we like all voted him out last round so we will see what to do about that pickle. So I don't think Ian can make a move on me if he wanted to, and I can't make a move on him.
so we wait. I'm keeping Ian 3rd on my list, because I really really want to keep an eye on him, and wanna get in close. keep your friends close (benj/julia) and your enemies closer (ian). I love Ian, he is a real king, but I'm onto his winner shenanigans, and is he going to march to the end unopposed? Well...
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okay hey freaks. my tribe? decided to all snort from the collective crack pile in the middle and lose their HEADS and its unacceptable. UNACCEPTABLE.
first off, my cracked tin foil ian conspiracy? was CORRECT. benj also trusts ian! ian is playing EVERYONE, I'm on to him and I hope this challenge exposes him! I am ONTO YOU IAN! YOUR TRICKS HAVE BEEN OBSERVED.
in other news? budva tribe has lost their ENTIRE minds, and if we go to a double tribal with durmitor? we are going to fracture faster than you can say '18' (coincidentally also the placement i'm getting).
Here is the break down. Noah told Julia that Mitch threw her under the bus, and Noah wants to work with me & Julia. WHICH CRAP, I do not wanna work with Noah because I already voted for him. And in the grand scheme of things, having voted them out is an exceptionally poor foundation for an alliance.
If Mitch seriously threw out Julia's name to Noah, he is exceptionally foolish. WHY. he has already almost been the vote twice, he needs to just NOT AJKLDFASF. i just.... my tribe is driving me absolutely insane. Jared actually is like... back on this planet and being less scary, but Michael is off recharging in his robo-station and GONE, mitch/noah are losing their minds, Julia is leading charges and Ian is playing TOO WELL.
honeslee if its a combined tribal, budva is going to literally explode. explode.
i want to work with noah if he wants to work with me.... but i literally voted for him, how do I get back from that JKLASD. I also want to work with Mitch but he NEEDS to control his mouth, its causing problems. i just want everyone out except benj/jared/julia/jason, the other 4 can go BYEBYE.
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So apparently Mitch leaked the vote to Noah and was attempting  to vote out Julia. So I talked to Ali, benj, Ian, and Noah about it and we are all voting Mitch. Depending on what happens at immunity 
(Continued) Mich and Michael were gunning for me??! RED ALERTT RED ALERT WEEEEE WOOOOOO WEEE WOOOOOOOO. Luckly I gathered the forces and we had the majority to vote Mitch. I might have managed to convince Michael to vote Mitch (maybe not? We will see tomorrow) but he doesn't trust me. Womp womp. I mean Michael was not in my immediate line of threats so I don't know why he wouldn't trust me. I guess we don't talk much but it seems like I always have to talk him, it's not reciprocal. 
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Okay so it has honestly been a roller coaster.
Following Madeleine's vote I thought that I was going to be in a FABULOUS position, but that was not the case.
Most of the tribe went fucking silent on me. That round brought me to a whole new level of frustration that I can't even DESCRIBE. I was freaking out because I genuinely felt like I was just getting iced out and was going to be eliminated.
As soon as that round from Hell was over, I felt the need to act quickly and harshly to try to improve my position in the game. I took a major gamble by creating 100% false rumor (there wasn't even the slightest bit of truth to it), and took it to Julia. I told her that Mitch had been talking about targeting her to me. Now this was a huge risk because she could've sniffed me out right away, but luckily for me she's kind of nutty and bought it.
With that lie I essentially destroyed whatever alliance Julia and Mitch had. In the process I managed to A) Make Julia feel like she can really trust me to have her back, and B) Increased Mitch's already sizable target to decrease the odds of people coming after me.
I further pushed Mitch's game down the drain by stroking Jared's paranoia that Mitch is plotting against him, but in this case I was actually telling the truth because the truth could be used to my benefit.
So I really have two major goals that I would like to complete within the next 24 hours; 1) Solidify a F3 alliance with Julia & Ali. 2) Send Mitch home.
I suspect that we're going to see a tribe swap after this vote, but just in case we don't swap that soon, I'm already planting VERY subtle, small seeds in people's heads that Matthew should be the next one to go following Mitch.
Overall, the twists being thrown at us early on this season have really forced me to take a much more aggressive, offensive battle strategy. I've essentially found myself in a position where the best way for me to ensure my own survival is to jump on any opportunity to turn my tribemates against eachother.
My hope is that if there IS a tribe swap, it'll benefit me and put me in a more comfortable position where I can lower my profile a bit and stay more under the radar. Obviously it's great to make moves and have some control in the game, but I also know from experience that playing too aggressively for too long is the best way to set myself up to crash and burn.
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Literally people are telling me they’re putting me first on their list ahsjdjsjs ok folks assuming y’all aren’t lying immunity could work!!
The scoop that just came in this morning is apparently Mitch is being one hot mess? Julia told us that Mitch threw her name as a target and then Jared told me Mitch leaked to Noah that he was getting wacked had we lose the puzzles challenge. Naturally this made things quite difficult because Noah was obviously the easy vote but here comes Mitch making a mess out of things.
This morning made me realize that Jared is dangerous. He is calling the shots and I won’t be surprised if he actually faked all this information about Mitch being a mess because he did wanted to go after Mitch the previous round before we all decided with Noah. My alliance with Jason and Julia better keep an eye on him. As much as dangerous Jared is, he still trusts me with information so I ain’t getting rid of him yet, contrary to what our friendly neighbourhood robot/Michael is concocting. Jason told us that Michael wants to make a move against Jared now, and uh no I don’t take orders from a robot and he would just replace Jared with himself as the so called king pin of Budva. I’m gonna relay this info of Michael targeting Jared on the wraps until the time to take out Michael presents itself because bringing my name up will get ur ass burnt!! Assuming there ain’t a swap incoming which the likelihood of a swap occurring is VERY.
Julia told me and Jason she’s already in the 60’s on the bridge and me and Jason are here in the 20’s like ok.
I’m also becoming very close with Ali and Benj. right they’re my back up if we do swap and I’m separated from Julia and Jason.
So in summary of this little rant, the targets are Mitch and Noah. Mitch is the more likely to being the one getting whacked and although I do like the guy, him being messy and with the potential of going rogue is a big liability. Although Noah can also go rouge but at least he ain’t messy!!
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okay so confession time, since its looking like the vote is kind of finalising.
its looking like mitch, and he is such a king, but he also like... kind of did this to himself? i can kind of understand why he did, like he was the Plan B for both of our previous tribals (even though he was never in jeopardy), but like... particularly since i think its kind of obvious we are swapping after this double tribal, he only needed to ride out one more tribal.
but he just did so so much, like first he threw Julia under the bus to Noah and then with Michael started targeting Jared. Like that just isn't smart, like going to the person who was the other potential vote, to throw people under the bus. Noah I'm sure wants to elevate his own standing, and Mitch literally gave him the ammunition to do so?
also like Jared and Julia are maybe two of the louder personalities on our tribe? Like if he wants an easy target to divert attention off himself, Julia apparently isn't great socially, but also like.. its obvious she was going to be able to rally support for herself, as is Jared?!? Like I get Jared is a threat, he is doing a lot and very clearly at that, but a big move like this while maybe justifiable at merge, is just way too early.
so yeah, at the moment I think Mitch will go 7-2, because I could see at least one of Benj or Michael throwing him a pity vote. I really wanted to work with Mitch, but he would just do... too much, like people were mad at him for his weird feud with Madeline, and like... he just needed to take it easy.
for the swap, i'd like to swap onto a tribe with jules, because LEGEND LOVE THEM. i really hope the swap situation is not 4vs4, i want to build trust with the other tribe going into merge. I really hope Thomas doesn't make merge, he makes me SOOOOO nervous.
also idk if i ever confessed about this, but rip david robb. to reuse an emathia joke (a season he will not remember), david robb-ed.
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I’m voting for Willow, and I feel awful because she’s a really sweet girl. But the brigade has to stick to its guns. Willow is the only person excluded from our brigade plan, and especially with a supposed tribe swap coming soon, we need to keep the eight of us as tight as we can be.
Sorry Willow!
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so this round has been an absolute cluster fuck and im really emotionally drained because of it. mitch first of all fuck you, you stupid lying ass bitch. you wanted to throw my name under the fucking bus are you fucking kidding me you idiot??? I HAVE BETTER SOCIAL CONNECTIONS RN. I don't even want the damn thought of me leaving rn as an option like are you serious. fuck you!!!! second of all jared is now a target and i'm literally so stressed I cant think straight. but my goal to get mitch out is hopefully gonna work.
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As far as the rest of the game goes, I’m kinda scared and kinda excited by the prospect of being so beloved by everyone in the game. I was talking with Alex, and apparently everyone that he’s talked to in this game has mentioned how much they love me when asked about how they feel about the tribe. While it’s a big change from being voted out 9-1 for being “Hostile and unapproachable”, it’s scary. What if that makes me a big threat? I hope not. My fate in this game most likely rests on loyalty, which isn’t a great standpoint to have in a game like survivor.
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I’m mitch saying he hasn’t heard anything and Then suddenly saying he’s hearing Jared
Boi what should have been an easy vote for Noah has now become a mess of a vote and your probably gonna be the one hit in the crossfire. Assuming the people who I’ve talked to are being truthful.
Meanwhile Julia, Jason and I have more or less come to a consensus to end Mitch with Julia probably earning Michael’s supposed allegiance since I think Michael is pissed that Mitch had become messy so the robot is now prolly voting mitch and Michael is always talking with Julia?? Idk mess
On a different note, I’m really liking Ali. He’s got a great insight on the status of the game rn and he HAS A DOG!!
Wow at me doing more the 2 confessionals
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Shit literally hits the fan when you’re eating breakfast yeah?
Julia crossed the idol bridge only to discover the idol has been found!! Kudos to whoever did that, I only got to 25. Right now everyone is panicking, mitch could have the idol idk Michael could have idol idk
Right now the plan needs to split the vote between Michael and Mitch. I assume none of them won immunity but the idol is still in question. The potential people to be caught in this mess of crossfire will be either mitch, Michael or Jared. It could also be me or it could also be anyone!! Who knows let’s see if I live to tell the tale!!
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this vote is a mess, and... i am the cause of it KJLSADFAF.
so julia has learnt that the idol has been found, she told jared, who told... literally everyone JKNLASDFASF. but i have the idol, but people are kind of assuming either Michael or Mitch does which... works for me KLSDAF.
But of course people (especially Jared) want to split the votes. Which YIKES, the Budva tribe is dead six feet under after this for sure EEEK. Like literally... we as a tribe voted Noah OUT, and he is gonna be so comfortable after this vote he DID THAT WHAT A KING.
but yes I think Budva tribe is not going to be able to stick together long term. Like after this vote, Michael and Jared are gonna be out for blood. Noah can sense sharks in the water after last tribal. I'm also now really hoping for a swap, people want Jared out, and if we don't swap, Jared has DIRT on me and benj which could be really problematic aklsdfa.
yeah i think tonight the plan is to split the votes between michael and mitch to save jared? who people literally want OUT this is such, SUCH a mess. we are about to swap and everything is literally going to explode oh god.
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omg imagine if noah made up all that stuff mitch apparently told him and he caused all this chaos (well except for the idol, that was defo me KALSDFSA). his MIND, noah is flexing that big brain on us lesser mortals.
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my game is over. jared is going and i want to vote him, but also he will just expose our alliance and idk what we do about that EEEEEEEK.
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I swear this is my fucking last confessional for this round. So jared’s messy ass finally caught up to him and now me and my golden girls are flipping the script! If everything goes accordingly jared’s going?? And Noah is the only left out of the loop probs
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okay i'm going to confess as much as i can, as quick as i can. the vote is now jared and benj & i have a really cracked scheme to make sure he doesn't expose us. noah is being left out of the vote. benj is voting mitch too, so it looks like jared has two votes alongside him and thus he doesn't expose me and benj?
ITS CRACKED AND A MESS. also jared going and the mess is good, it made me look like a REAL follower which is good news i think.. i was worried about looking threatening.
honeslee cut to jared winning immunity and this mess being... even messier KASLFSADF like honestly i'm just. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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also michael truly terrifies me. i'm freaking out about the vote, and he pops in being like 'hear jason out'. LIKE SIRI I KNOW YOU WANT YOUR CHUM MITCH TO STAY, but its VERY unhelpful to just pop in and make it REALLY clear i'm on the outs K;JLSDFA.
i just am so tired. Julia/Benj/Ian are the only ones I trust, Jason too kinda but he defo runs the show. Michael is just confusing and Mitch/Noah are both not gonna trust me after this vote. I'm so getting screwed over in this swap KLASDFSAF I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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tysonrunningfox · 5 years
Open Flames: Part 17
Ok, this is an insane roller coaster of a weird ass chapter and I think I love it and also, it has the funniest slapstick I’ve ever written and I don’t even care, that is correct, objectively.  
(<5 days until I see httyd3......probs need to write like 20k to finish this.....I’m going to try, we. shall. see.). 
Masterpost | AO3 (AO3 is better, it’s organized, sorry)
I can't say traveling with Arvid is just like old times, because I don't think we ever had a multi-day trip just the two of us with no real danger hanging overhead, but it's like I wish old times had been.  We sleep a few hours in the afternoon and fly mostly at night, because campfires are easier to avoid than people hidden in dense pine forest.  On the morning of our third day, pine gives way to ice and occasional brush land and Arvid signals that we're getting close.  I don't know how he knows, considering the only other time he came here it was by boat, but after only a couple false starts and wrong turns, he zeroes in on a tiny village at the mouth of a river alongside an icy bay.  
We land on a nearby hill where a small copse of trees can at least mostly hide the dragons and he points at a shallow valley behind the village.  
"Dad disappeared that direction for a while last time we were getting tattooed, said he had to pay some respects and because no relatives came to meet me, I assume that's where the tombs are."  His tone is somber in a way I struggle to place, until I remember what else was going on in our lives the last time he was here.  Mom had just married the chief.  He wasn't talking to me because I'd jumped him for insulting Mom.  
Maybe this adventure can heal that too, or at least smooth out some of the scar tissue that might be left.  
"Alright, let's get to it."  
"Wait a second," he stops me and points at the Berk insignia holding my furs on.  "I grabbed some of Dad's old clothes."  
"Good plan."  Even if all of the clothes aren't from here, most of them aren't from Berk either.  They're covered in patterns I only vaguely recognize and none of them are that distinctive Berk green or red or blue that so much of our clothing is dyed.  Everything seems to be more of a natural wool, and my hair stands out like fire against it.  I pull up a furry hood and tuck as much back as possible, but there's no helping the beard.  
What I don't expect is for the clothes to almost fit.  Sure, they're baggy, and I almost don't mind that because it'll be easier to slip a sword underneath, but I would have expected to be swimming in Dad's clothes.  Arvid must notice the same thing, because he looks at me strangely as he yanks at a jacket that's a little tight on him.  
It makes me feel older, somehow, more ready for what I'm about to do, both here and back home.  I wonder if Mom is freaking out yet, but I'm sure Fuse is handling it fine.  I miss her, of course, but the fact that I won't have to for much longer makes it easier, like I'm racing towards a finish line after months or years spinning out in the last leg of the race.  
"Trade?"  I offer my own borrowed layer and he nods.  The switch is a bit better on both of us, and I think I still have room for a modest armory of a single ceremonial sword.  Arvid looks bigger somehow, foreign in a way he doesn't feel anymore and I nod.  "I hope the runes look the same, because that's the only way we're finding the tomb."  
"We'll just open them all until we see a family resemblance," he jokes and I snort.  
"Yeah, I'm sure that'll go over well."  I hadn't truly thought through the implication of showing up outside another village and rooting through their grave sites, but it's too late to think about that now.  Or it won't help anything.  I just need to get the sword.  "Let's go."  
We briefly skirt the edge of the village, and Arvid risks a nod at a few almost familiar faces as I pull my hood down further over my face.  They wave back and I shake my head at him when we're clear of the last few houses.  He shrugs, that easy grin that's the perfect accompaniment to Aurelia's easy diplomatic lies stretching across his face.  
The first tombs aren't very far from the village but they're old, the runes on the small plaques in the hill face worn almost smooth.  It's more like they were placed far away hundreds of years ago and in the centuries since, the village has slowly crept closer.  The newer tombs are a little harder to see, placed more creatively around rocks and set into shallow caves.  Arvid is curious, tracing over names and with a gloved hand, but I feel very strongly like I'm not supposed to be here, like I'm being watched.  I don't see what I'm looking for so much as I feel it, around a small corner that heavy forbidden feeling relaxes.  I look almost directly at a carved stone half hidden by some dry branches.  
It's my name.  The runes a little different, angles less sharp, words underneath it spelled so that I don't quite recognize them, but my name is clear.  Nothing after it.  
"Over here," I wave at Arvid, crunching through the knee high snow and breaking the branches off to get at the age-sealed edge of the stone.  It feels weird to do this in the middle of the day, on Berk it's always the night before the wedding, and I wish I had a torch for ambiance or something.  
"Let's hope Eret wasn't as common of a name a few decades ago," Arvid jokes, the edge he lost on the flight up here reappearing for a brief second as he hands me a sturdy branch to pry with.  I wedge it against the edge of the stone and it takes a couple angles until it shifts.  Then it moves too fast, falling on the ground and cracking a wedge off of the corner.  "Sorry grandpa," Arvid mutters to himself, taking the branch back and carefully picking up the plaque.  
The skeleton in the tomb is covered in mostly disintegrated cloth and I touch it with a careful hand before looking over my shoulder.  The tombs on Berk are opened from the top or they're large enough to enter, I'm not sure how to get at what is inside of this one.  Arvid shrugs and I look back at the half rotted away boot on a skeleton foot before sighing.  
"I'm just going to stick my head in and see if there's a sword."  For the first time ever, I miss my previous scrawniness as I edge carefully into the tomb beside the bones, leaning hard on my elbow and trying to ignore the pull of nearly healed stitches in my arm.  There's a glint, barely visible and blocked when I move my head just wrong, but a definite glint.  I reach for it, wincing when I wobble and accidentally grab a long dried arm bone for balance.
Thank you, namesake.  Grandpa doesn't make sense without context, but I appreciate the support all the same.  
"Eret," Arvid hisses, smacking my hip as my feet lift slightly off of the ground in my attempt to reach for the sword.  
"Just a second, I've almost got it."  I barely avoid planting my face into a ribcage covered in stringy, cold preserved leather, "and don't jostle me when I'm snuggled up against a dead guy."  
He says something else but I don't quite hear it because my arm is against my ear as I stretch to grab...a blade.  Yes.  I've got it.  I pull it carefully towards myself, ancient fabric tearing around a worn and battered blade.  It's corroded in the middle, pockmarked with rust that makes it feel more historic as I carefully slide it into the collar of my coat, tucking the point into a seal skin lined pocket by my waist.  
"Ok, you can pull me out--"
Arvid takes the suggestion with unnecessary force, yanking me by my leg and throwing me face down into the snow.  He lands on top of me, straddling my waist and gathering my wrists in his hand behind my back.  The sword in my coat digs into my layers of shirts and if it were sharper, it would be cutting where I don't want to be cut.  As it is, it's just bruising me, making it hard to breathe where it digs into my ribs.  Was he this jealous about Dad's sword?  I don't think so, especially because I handed it over.  
"Got him!" He announces to someone else before leaning down and whispering in my ear, "did you get it?"  
"Yes, if you're going to steal it you'd have to roll me over."  I kick at him but all the heavy clothes are in the way and he's securely seated, one hand on the back of my neck, pressing my face into the snow.  
"Keep it hidden, we got caught, play along."  
"Is it playing along if I tell you to stop crushing me?"  I wheeze, trying to kick him again and getting a mouthful of snow for the trouble.  
"Hey, don't worry, I've got him."  Arvid announces, standing up and yanking me to my feet with his grip on my wrists.  It's tight but nothing I couldn't break out of and I resist the urge to do exactly that.  I should trust him, plus, if I tried anything, the sword might fall out of my furs and get abandoned if we had to flee.  I have to blink a few times to see the group of men approaching us clearly through the ice encrusted on my eyelashes.  There's eight or nine of them, maybe and they're holding spears in our direction, but they lower slightly when they see Arvid, his tattoos almost matching some of the group's.  "Trying to hide in my grandfather's grave after I chased him down here."  
"Your grandfather?"  One of the men raises their spear, "I don't recognize you."  
"I do," another frowns and scratches under his chin with a short sword, its craftsmanship familiar to the one under my coat that's currently cold on the bruise it made.  I think my cheek might be scraped too, from stone or ice I'm not sure, and I'm going to personally make Arvid explain himself to Fuse.  
"My father, Eret son of Eret brought me here a few years ago," Arvid lets go of my wrists with one hand to point at his chin and I almost throw him again.  He seems to sense my plan and tightens his grip, giving me a warning look.
"What are you doing here now?"  The guy in front with the largest spear, presumably the leader, asks and Arvid stands up straighter, flaunting the inches he has on the man.  
"You're asking me what I'm doing here when I just caught a thief in my grandfather's grave?"  He says it with such conviction that apparently none of them think to press the issue further, which is a relief for all of a couple minutes of frozen marching, until it becomes obvious where they're marching me to.  
"That looks like a dragon cage turned jail cell," I hiss at him, tugging experimentally on his grip.  I don't want to break it if he doesn't want me to, because then my other captors might tie my hands with something more serious.  
"Just play along," he whispers, "I promised Thorston I'd get you home un-injured, and I don't think that's going to happen if we take on eight men without our dragons."  
"So you're going to lock me up?"  
"If I have to," he pushes me forward a little harder than necessary, just to make me trip, and I catch the men looking at us.  I struggle for a moment, just for show, and Arvid yanks me back upright with a hand on my shoulder.  "I'll grab the keys and get you later.  Keep the sword hidden and don't do anything stupid until then."  
"Stupid?  When am I stupid?"  I elbow him, probably harder than I need to for show, and he coughs before handing me over to two of the guys who try to be rougher than he was.  They half succeed, mostly they just grab handfuls of layers of Dad's old clothes as they toss me into the cage.  I'm glad I'm wearing so much now because the room has a hard rocky floor and the late fall sun isn't anywhere near as high as I'd like it to be.  
The front door of the converted jail slams shut behind the group, Arvid included, and I sigh, hitting my head on the bars in frustration and aiming to hit the lock before realizing how wide the warped, rusty metal would split my knuckles.  Fuse doesn't make exceptions.  
Even if this is going to be a long, cold night.  
The first and only time Aurelia got kidnapped, I found her in a dragon cage on some asshole trapper's boat.  Everyone else thought it was the crony we'd been dealing with, dancing around in the non-fatal chief style for months, but I had a hunch things were escalating.  Well, it wasn't so much a hunch as it was the fact that Arvid was inconsolable and liable to get himself killed if he stepped up the chain of command, so I did it.  
That was the first day I realized that only some people will talk.  Some people just aren't made for compromise, and when I was alone on a boat with one such person who was in command of about twenty who might listen to reason, my decision to...end discussions came more easily than I would have thought it could.  
Aurelia threw up, I still think it's why she dove so stubbornly into diplomacy.  If she talks fast enough, she doesn't have to see inside of anyone's lung, theoretically.  
Anyway, the reason that this stupid stony jail cell has me thinking about that day is I remember so clearly being irritated when I landed that Aurelia was still in the cage.  It was built for Nadders or maybe Gronckles, and the bars were practically as far apart as her shoulders were wide.  She could have turned sideways and gotten out at literally any time, but I had to explain that to her while she dry heaved and tried not to look at the bloody puddle that used to be the biggest up and coming dragon trapper in the archipelago.  
She later explained that she stayed in the cage because the trappers couldn't get in, and she didn't have a weapon or a dragon so there was no point in escaping, but I don't have either of those concerns now.  I have Dad's dad's old corroded sword, which probably couldn't cut anything, but it's heavy enough to bludgeon with, and if I could just get outside, I could call Bang.  Even if I couldn't, we didn't leave him that far away, I could make a run for it.  
But I don't fit.  
The bars look far apart.  I didn't even wait until nightfall to try at first, pressing my shoulder against a gap and expecting the layers of clothes to compress and bunch and ultimately let me through, but I had no luck.  Now, it's finally late enough that I don't think anyone is dropping by to give the poor prisoner some dinner, so I start taking off layers, folding them carefully to hide the sword and shivering as I get down to my undershirt.  I push my shoulder again against the space between two bars and get a little further, arm slipping through past my armpit until the cold, rusted metal introduces itself to my collarbone and back, not quite at my spine.  
I turn my head and press my face between the bars to push harder.  My head fits, barely, but it does.  My chest doesn't move, though, and the rust bites into my collarbone, scraping enough that my shirt starts to tear and I yank my arm back.  There's no blood in the hole, just a little reddened skin I won't have to explain to Fuse, and I sit down on my pile of clothes with a huff.  
Picking the lock with the sword is a no go and I can't get enough of a running start to bust the gate open, as rusty as the lock is.  I get excited for a second when I find Fuse's gifted smoke bombs in a deep pocket of my original clothes, but I think they've gone bad or something because the color is different.  I still try and light them, first by sparking the sword against the wall and then by ripping off a piece of my sleeve and laboriously getting it to light, then holding the fire to the unraveling wicks.  They fizzle out almost immediately with a rotten smell but no smoke and I throw one at the wall in frustration.  It sparks, uselessly, the place it impacted chipping off to reveal a red clay color underneath, which I take to be the definite sign of a bomb gone bad.  
Sleeping isn't an option.  Not only am I not tired, but there's nothing remotely comfortable in this cell.  The couple of slices of bread that a sullen kid drops off at first light could be a pillow, I guess, because the moldy crust prevents them from being food.  Maybe I’m spoiled from living in the chief’s house, but I’m not keen on a moldy bed either.
Mostly I have too much time to think.  About Fuse and the fact that we're engaged and the fact that for the first time in a long time, there's a future that I want to get back to.  About the chief's advice and going after what I want and how horribly it is currently going for me.  Except I also wouldn't be where I am without it, there wouldn't be a house and a future on the horizon and...well, it's a vortex I can sink some thought into.  Approximately two days of thought, judging by the volume of my stomach's growls when I assess each morning's moldy bread as I watch a tiny square of sun make its way across the floor, even though the light makes me feel colder.  
Where is Arvid with the fucking keys?  
Briefly, on the third morning, I wonder if he left without me, especially with the sword and the tackling.  Nothing in the last four years would lead me to that conclusion, but the last four days? Maybe.  I don't know.  Maybe I don't want to know.  Maybe I don't count on anyone but Fuse to be bedrock during changing times, but she's understandably not up to it so I'm drifting.  I want to be wrong.  
I jump up when the door slams open, rattling rust off the bars over the tiny window.  
"I didn't do it!" Arvid shouts as the same kid who brings my bread shoves him through the makeshift prison door, his hands bound with thick rope, his eye swelling a shiny pink.  
"Tell that to my dad," the kid grumbles under his breath as he gives me a wary look, one hand flitting to the keys on his belt.  
Arvid could get out of that hold, but he doesn't.  I hope it's part of a plan and hold my hands up in silent surrender, taking a step back from the gate.  I could dash out, but I don't think I could take the kid with how easy it would be to use Arvid as a shield.  I can also hear voices outside, and as much as my clearing out the Thorston pantry and then sleeping a solid day in Fuse's bed perked me up, the last few days without food or sleep are catching up to me.  
My brother's stumble isn't necessarily exaggerated when the kid pushes him into the cell and locks the door behind him, but I freeze until we’re alone and the voices outside go silent.  
"Moldy bread?"  I gesture to one of the plates still by the gate and my stomach growls.  So helpful.  
"I'm good, thanks."  
"No keys, I take it."  
He blinks, "I'll pull them out of my ass if you untie me."  
I laugh at that, the tension half-melting.  It's not quite the bottom or top half though, it's one of the sides and obviously asymmetrical, because the atmosphere teeters and finds a new upright.  
"These knots are...a mess," I struggle with the rope, pulling a little too hard and flinching as Arvid's vaguely blue thumb jolts.  He was struggling as they tied him up, apparently, "I'd cut it loose but we might need the rope."  
"Planning a grand escape?"  
"Always," I sigh, "looks like a rope-less one though."  The corroded sword cuts a surprisingly effortless path through the rope and the shreds fall to the floor as Arvid flexes his hand.  Honestly, the pile is a more appealing pillow than the bread and I almost contemplate it for a second.  "Better?"  
"Not really," Arvid half smiles, exhausted as he turns away to press his swelling face against the hard stone wall, "almost as good as ice, right?"  
"I guess," I lean by back against the wall next to his face, glancing casually at him.  I'm mostly glad for someone to talk to, but I'm also really glad that it's him, weird tension aside.  "Who did that?"  
"Jailer's wife made a move," he snorts and I roll my eyes.  "I'm serious, I was trying to get the keys and she offered a deal.  Apparently, I'm still pretty good looking by Dad's hometown standards."  There's that jealous look again, but it's hollow.  Not even tired, just...expired, like a log that's too charred to keep burning.  
"Did you do it?"  I ask even though I already know the answer and it's his turn to dismiss me, standing up to carefully poke at his swelling eye.  
"She told her husband I did because I didn't, so...no luck with the keys, do you have a plan?"  
"Time travel about five years into the past and fit through the bars," I shrug, "I tried a few times, but no luck.  Maybe another week avoiding moldy bread and cutting off an ear would do it, but Fuse would never forgive me."  It's meant to get a laugh but Arvid deflates instead, slumping down against the wall, staring at the ceiling.  
"It's really hard to be pissed at someone so clueless, you know?"  
"I don't," I shove cold hands into my pockets, fiddling with Fuse's ruined smoke bombs.  "I'm usually the most clueless."  
"You and Mom," he sighs, "you two trade off."  
"How hard did you get hit?"  I laugh.  
He looks at me seriously, exhausted, and I recognize some version of Aurelia's most cutting, honest face.  The one that only comes out when she's too preoccupied to unpack my nonsense in to neat piles.  Arvid's version is more mallot than dagger though and I steel myself.  
"You know, sacrificing yourself isn't without casualties."  
"Aren't you the one who tackled me and lied about your involvement in my scheme and it led to me being here?"  I raise an eyebrow but he doesn't notice or more likely, doesn't care.  "What's your problem?  You've been weird ever since Dad gave me his sword.  Am I facing another coup, because if so, you need to starve and not sleep for a couple days before I'm willing to call anything even--"
"I know my place," Arvid cuts me off, sharp and definite, "trust me--"
"Sorry if you ordering me to trust you doesn't have the desired effect--"
"It's not an order," he sighs, probing the swelling under his eye, "it's just hard watching you get everything, alright?  I'm over it--I mean, I'm dealing with it."  He swallows hard and shrugs a broad shoulder, "badly."  
"Watching me get everything?"  I snort, gesturing to the cell, "right, a dank, freezing jail, everything I've ever wanted."  
"Before you go back to your life and your family and your future marriage to the woman you love," he hits his head against the wall and sighs like it's the last ounce of deflation.  “And your job that’s neatly waiting for you, all responsibilities listed out.”  
"That wasn't umm, what I was expecting," I sit down next to him, back against the same wall, one leg extended with my hands folded over my knee.  I don't feel as casual as I'm trying to look and I clear my throat, "do you want to talk about it?"  
"About your future chiefdom?"  His lip curls and the muscle under his eye twitches, which brings him right back to sad.  That's going to be a nasty bruise and I passively worry how big the jailer is.  
"I talk about that enough," I shrug, bumping his shoulder with mine, "whine about it, mostly.  So much that I forgot to ask if you were upset about anything, apparently."  
"You do that."  
I think about Fuse and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands, "yeah.  I'm working on it."  
"It's not that you do everything wrong," Arvid thumps a heavy hand on my shoulder, "it's that somehow, I do everything right and it doesn't seem to matter."  
"What are you talking about?"  I laugh, "you're the only one of us that Mom trusts to be an actual adult."  
"Is it trust?"  He doesn’t want an answer and I don’t nod, “or was Mom just the first one to forget where I fit?”    
"She trusts you," it comes out flat and Arvid sees right through me to what I haven't fully verbalized yet.  
“It doesn’t matter.”  He sounds like Fuse, and I hate that I’ve become someone that people are scared to lean on.  “Not—it’s good that she trusts me, it makes it easier.  For you.”  He laughs, “which is what matters, I know—”
“From where I sit, nothing seems very easy,” I gesture at the wall in front of us, the sun dipping below the small, dingy windowsill and shepherding in another long, cold night.  “It’s funny though that you say you don’t know where you fit, because I just told Fuse that you’re co-chief’s wife, because she’s nervous about that, apparently.”  
“I’ll be a Thorston-Mom translator,” he snorts, miserable but at least talking, “that sounds like a full time job.”  
“It’s yours whether you want it or not.”  I follow his lead and relax a little bit, “you’re already kicking ass at managing all of us, which is basically Mom’s job aside from being married to the chief, and unless there’s something you need to tell me about your feelings…” I joke, gesturing to myself and he sighs.  
“I hate that Dad gave you his sword.”  
It’s better than another confession but it still hits me like a physical blow.  
“Well…uh, do you want to talk about it?”  I prod, trying not to look at the empty sheath where Dad’s sword was.  I saw him leave it with Wingspark before I got captured and I’m assuming it’s still there, but it’s absence is like a presence in and of itself.  
“Not really,” Arvid scoots closer to me, notching his shoulder over mine against the wall.  “I’m tired, it’s cold.”  
“You aren’t too mad to huddle for warmth, that’s a good sign.”  I’m more relieved than I let on when I scoot closer, the bubble between us where Dad’s sword should be the only warm patch I’ve felt in days.  
“I’m not mad,” he shuts his eyes, obviously not asleep but not daring me to call him out either, “there’s no one to be mad at.”
“I get that feeling.”  The place I used to use to deflect everything at the chief is as empty as Arvid’s belt and I let my eyes close, at least for a few hours.  
I dream about cribs in a prison cell while Dad’s sword glows red hot from a fire I can’t see, emanating from my side where Arvid hit me all those years ago.  When I wake up, Arvid is slumped over my lap, arms too tight around my legs as he uses my thighs as a pillow.  My nose is numb from cold and my toes are numb from my brother’s massively heavy head and I try to shake him loose, my breath foggy in the gray morning light.  
“Mmph,” he presses his face into my leg, “five more minutes.”  
I shake his shoulder and he looks up with a sleepy squint, staring at me for a second before remembering where he is and frowning.  He sits up a little too quickly, brushing dust from his front and trying to straighten his hair.  The bruise around his eye is fully black in the corner and blue-purple around the edges and it makes him look younger the way his sheepish expression does, like he’s been caught after picking a bad fight.  
“I would have let you sleep, but chances of keeping all my toes are already less than ideal, considering what serves for a blade right now,” I joke, awkwardly standing up and pacing to get warm. Arvid examines Eret the Original’s sword pensively, tracing a battle-faded inscription along the flat of the blade.
“Don’t worry, I don’t want this one too,” he says when he catches me staring.  
“I wasn’t worried,” I shrug, “that one, I’ve definitely earned.”  
“You chose it,” he sets it down, “you could have had any Hofferson or Haddock sword on Berk, but you chose Dad.”  His smile is sad and pensive, and a little sheepish still, daring me to cut him off.  “And as always, he chose you.”  
“Well,” I swallow, gesturing at him and seeing nothing more than a young version of Dad, less heroic in reality than he would be in the story when he retold it later.  Or not less heroic, just more real, more alive instead of a living legend. “He doesn’t have to choose you, it’s obvious.”  
He shrugs.  
We both look so much like our dads that sometimes, when I look at him, all I see is Mom.  I hope he feels the same.  
“I guess I know what obvious feels like, and I’m not a fan of it either.”  I sigh, running my hand back through my tangled mess of hair.  Somehow, needing a bath is what makes me miss home.  Or maybe it’s the feeling of being assumed, and I’m a hypocrite for missing it right when Arvid is explaining how he doesn’t have it.  Mostly though, I suddenly miss Fuse, everything I’ve held off due to necessity threatening to knock me back.  “I’m sorry—”
“And then there’s the house,” he smiles, “which is ironic, because I’m the one responsible for spoiling you there.”  
“The house?  What’s up with the house?”  I cock my head, “does it have an interior hot spring or a never ending bread cabinet or something?  Axe storage for twenty?”  
“It’s not going to feel empty,” he shakes his head, the last of the tension melting into a miserable fog around him, hovering above the frozen ground.  “Four years with two people in a house meant for six starts to get a little quiet.”  
All of the sleep and time to think has meant something, because the concept clicks immediately.  
“The babies.”  
“Right?  Plural. Two of them.”  He sighs, “it’s not that you do everything wrong, but when you do, it always turns out so right for you.”  
“And you do everything right.”  
“Well, I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do that.”  
“What do you—oh Gods, no, I’m trying to have a heart to heart with you and—”
“I had to,” he tosses a pebble at me and it bounces off of my forehead, “you should see your face.”  
“I don’t need to, I’m betting it’s projecting horror and disgust and I just meant you got betrothed and then married in that order, not—can you throw up after not eating for however many days? Because I might try—”
“Who else am I going to talk to about this stuff? Rolf?”  He’s a little pleading, a little joking, and I can’t deny that I owe him after apparently rubbing something like this in his face, even if I didn’t know.  “He’d give me a pamphlet in Latin or something.”  
“You could try Ingrid, she’d give you…I don’t know, a map to nearly abandoned boats with free babies on them.”  I sit back down next to him, doing my best fake placid and hoping it’ll translate inward eventually.  “How long have you felt like this?”  
“Finn didn’t help things,” he scuffs his toe on the ground, “how is it that Ingrid rejects absolutely everything she’s supposed to do and somehow, she’s happy with Smitelout and a two year old?”  
“Because she’s Ingrid,” I laugh, “you talk about me getting everything.”  
“True, she’s the real favorite.”  He lacks the weight of his secret, “I hate to break it to you but I think she’s even the chief’s favorite.  Well, and Snotlout’s.”  
“I’ve been thinking the same thing,” I laugh, “I kept wondering if Snotlout would take in another unconventional duo just so that Fuse and I could sleep in the same bed.  And I bet if I threw in grandpa bragging rights, he would have done it.”  
“Aurelia says we have time.”  Arvid’s voice carries a dismal hint of sarcasm that’s more mine than anyone else’s and I remember my own conversation with Aurelia, offering her my kids if I start messing them up too bad.  “Maybe this will change her mind, at any minute I could be locked up for life and she’ll want someone to remember me by.”  
“Uh, I know that we’re having brother time right now and pretending you didn’t remind me that you’re married to my sister—”
“I’m not pretending.”  He teases and I shake my head.  
“No, I—that’s something you need to talk to her about—”
“What did she tell you?”  Arvid’s reaction makes my heart throb for Fuse, because it’s the same obsessive worry I feel whenever I let myself think about her. It’s the same pull, the one that makes the prison bars look like rusted matchsticks.  “She talked to you? About kids?”  
“We share issues.”
“What did she say?  Is she ok?  Why isn’t she telling me?”  The pain is familiar too, the shame-tinted grief I felt when I learned Fuse hadn’t been telling me everything.  
I shake my head, “that’s all I should tell you, it’s not—you know, as much as my history surrounding Aurelia still perturbs me,” I tread lightly, “mostly it seems really messed up for me to moderate relationship talk as both your siblings.”  
He doesn’t hear me, not in any way that would matter, because he’s on his feet, rattling the bars with force that makes the rust flake to the floor.  
“Have you tried to pick the lock?”  He takes the ceremonial sword and gouges the tip trying to shove it into the lock.  
“Hey, be careful with that.”  I try to take it back but he drops it on the floor, narrowing his eyes at the gate.  
“I could bust that open.”  
“I tried that, yes, after picking the lock didn’t work—“
“Youtried it, alright,” he plants his foot against the wall to build up more speed as he takes two running steps and slams his shoulder into the rusty gate. It clangs like an orchestral sentry, the lock taking the high notes as the tumblers inside clatter around.  
“That’s really loud.”  
“Well, I hit it really hard,” he rolls his shoulder and sets up to try it again.  
“Whoa there,” I put a hand on his shoulder and he nudges it off, a little too hard, “hey!”  
“You might be content to let Stoick claim your kids while you—fuck!”  He cuts himself off, “I don’t mean that, I just—”
“You’re worried, it’s fine,” I kick a plate of moldy bread and it skids harmlessly under the bars, clattering against the door, “thinking about Fuse is killing my appetite as much as the potential food poisoning.  We need to get out of here, I just think doing it without drawing the attention of multiple people massive enough to do that,” I gesture at his eye, “is probably a good idea.”  
His jaw flexes and he glares at the door a second before nodding, “you said you tried to fit.”  
“I did, I don’t fit,” I assure him and he cocks his head.  
“I bet I could make you fit.”  
“I…don’t know if I like the sound of that,” I stare at him for a second before starting to take off layers.  “But I don’t see any other options at the moment.”  
“Take off the sweater,” he holds his hands out to take my clothes, tossing them on the floor to cover the ceremonial sword. Fuse’s ruined smoke bombs fall out of my inner pocket and roll to the back corner.  “Wait!  Those are Thorston’s, you had them the whole time?”  
“I’ve had them for months, they’ve been soaked about half a dozen times,” he grabs my arm when I don’t move fast enough, maneuvering me against two of the wider set bars.  It’s different than where I tried and maybe a few days without food will matter. “You think bombs wouldn’t be the first thing I’d try if I had them?”  
“I never know with you,” he laughs, waiting for me to get my foot against the base.  My feet aren’t going to be the problem and I can kick off my boots as need be, but the first squeeze I feel mid-foot still makes me nervous.  
“If I say stop—“
“I’ll stop,” he pushes gently when the gap introduces itself to my collarbone again, “it’s so close.”  
“Yeah, how close is close if I leave my nose behind and Fuse kills both of us?”  I squawk when he shoves on the back of my head, “bad angle, that’s not gonna—ouch!”
“You’re being louder than the gate,” he grunts, knee against my hip and the gap pinches my pelvis where I don’t want to be pinched. I squeak and kick backwards at him.
“If you want nieces and nephews—”
“I’ll already have a spare,” he eases up when he jokes but it makes me laugh anyway and my chest expands into the gap, pinching my stomach.  I squeak again.  “Exhale—”
“That won’t get my ribs out of the way, fuck—”
The door opens and the jailer’s son drops a plate of moderately more moldy bread than usual on the floor, teenage face wide eyed in shock.  
“Uhh,” I cough, “I don’t fit.”  
“Yeah,” Arvid yanks me back with a tug that feels like it scrapes all the hair off of half of the front of my body and I yelp. “He’s been bulking up on the bread.”
“Yeah,” I wheeze, “it’s dense.  Nutritious.”  
The kid slams the door behind him as he presumably runs to get bigger guards.  
“Well, they know now,” Arvid says quietly before flinging himself against the gate again.  It breaks partway free of the roof, along with the whole strip of wall. “Help me,” he tosses me my coat for padding and I shrug into it, counting to three with him and throwing my own shoulder against the wall near the corner, where it’s stubbornly holding on.
Once.  Twice. Three times makes my whole arm sing, my no bruises rule falling away as I remember the stitches I haven’t dealt with as they yank and sting.  
Arvid beats me to four by a half a second and the bars fall down, Arvid crashing onto them with me following a second behind, clutching my arm.  Two things happen at once.  First, the door starts to open, a single spearhead poking its way through the gap. Second, the wall of bars falls against the door entirely and bends under my brother and my combined weight, folding in a neat corner against the floor and jamming the door shut.  
Guards start pounding at the door but I roll onto my back, head uncomfortable against the bars as I rub my shoulder.  Arvid jumps up and starts pacing like a caged Rumblehorn.  
“Hey, it’s ok, they can’t get in.”  
“And we can’t get out,” he kicks the bars holding the door shut and I sit up slowly, “what are we going to do?”  
“We’ll figure it out,” I might imagine the dragon sounds outside.  Bang’s warble, Wingspark’s frantic squeal at the sight of weapons in the hands of people she doesn’t know.  I don’t imagine the weapons against the door, clanging dully as unfamiliar voices rise into a familiar angry wave.  
“How?  The window?” He points at the tiny window, “Gods, I wish Aurelia were here.  For so many reasons.”  He tugs at his hair and my stomach hurts with how much I feel the same.  
“I wish Fuse were here.”  
“She couldn’t fit through there,” he snorts, gesturing at the bars, “not now, at least—”
“No, I mean I wish Fuse were here with some firepower.”  
I definitely hear Bang now, his blast making the air in the cell blur in familiar rings of compression and speed.  I see Fuse’s smoke bombs in slow motion, rolling with the blast to the corner of the room and leaking odd red smoke that I don’t recognize.  
“What the—”
“Get down!”  I shout at Arvid, clapping my hands over my ears as Bang blasts again.
The bombs slam into the wall and everything is loud and white and dust.  
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lovesickdoc-blog · 6 years
my friend and i sort of made something with hs blood and i was scared to post it on it :`)
@axobravo and i came up with this
oof. this might just include 2 of my ocs.
What are Whitebloods?
Whitebloods are albinos that are mutantbloods
They are like tricksters mostly happy all the time,fun and playful
They can get sad,mad and etc. Its rare for them to have black hair
They would also be out casted since they are not an color nor be part of the hemospectrum.
Most Whitebloods would have question marks,! marks and periods as their signs since their a mystery on what they are.
They can also dress up to pretend to be lower,mid, and high signs excluding the seadwellers unless they were teached by one to swim and see how long they can hold their breath for how long.
What bloods they can be easily?
Let's see:
Remeber They CANNOT dress like seadwellers because seadwellers have fins
They also stick alot with blackbloods that we're soon going to talk about after this.
Some High bloods would think whitebloods would be useless yet they are n't.
Its rare for a whiteblood to be the one mindcontrolling since most whitebloods cannot mindcontrol trolls.
The whiteblood who can mindcontroll is... $(&4&((&$&^$$($$((*#
Yup its her.
She somehow manage to be a whiteblood but she doesn't care if she is an outcast she managed to make friends with a fuschia blood named Ruthor plus an indigo named Enzeru she never execpted to be friends with too highbloods at all ... really she never did since its rare for white and black bloods to get made of rumors because they are different.
What are 'BlackBloods'?
Blackbloods are bloods who mostly act negative,unhappy,calm and quiet.
They can get real attach to whitebloods since its an ying and yang thing and their personality is like grimdark.
They can do the same thing with other bloods minus violets + fuschias
They can dress up to be other bloods but they can't be violets nor fuschias because they don't have fins or anything.
But it's also rare for white bloods and black bloods to be kismesis unless they already hated each other since grubs.
Black and White bloods can be:
Moirails and probs Matesprites
plus they (the whitebloods and blackbloods) can be in an ausp between two different blood colored trolls that are in a kismesis.
It's very rare for Blackbloods to be happy or smiling since they are seen "UNHAPPY".
They CAN be tricksters by the choice of the creator of their blackblood oc.
Execpt as tricksters for blackbloods they don't really smile still and stay unhappy like trickster dirk.
They don't really show that much emotions
They can be flushed for some troll they like like like like like known as 'love'
Whenever Blackbloods are flushed for sometroll they act shy about it but when Whitebloods are flushed for sometroll they act very affectionate about it and give their flushed crush lots of kisses and hugs
What do they do when their Matesprite or Moirail is upset about something?
Well, Whitebloods will always try to cheer them up and give them love and affection
And give them teddy bears and a heart-shaped box of chocolates to keep their Matesprite/Moirail happy
Whitebloods doesn't like if their matesprite or moirail is upset about something that happened to them so they try to make smile.
Even if it takes them forever they still wanna keep them happy and healthy in their matesprite/moirail relationship.
Blackbloods would tell their matesprite/moirail what happen and listen to their problems and give them suggestions on what they should do if they asked.
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proxylynn · 6 years
Chapter 5: Mercy WARNING: I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY OVER SPOILING THINGS FOR OTHERS. THAT BEING SAID, THIS IS HOW FILE NAME NOT FOUND WOULD FUNCTION IN THE AU OF UNDERFELL. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, UNLIKE THE NICE TIME OF UNDERTALE, THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED. THIS STORY WILL BE GRAPHIC, GORY, USE SWEARS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, AND DEAL WITH SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTERS. FOR EXAMPLE, THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THE FILE NAME RELOCATED SPOOF WILL KNOW HOW I PICTURE THIS VERSION OF LYNSIE COMING TO THE UNDERGROUND. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING DUMB. IT IS BECAUSE SHE CHOOSES TO END HER LIFE. SO TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. I MADE IT BECAUSE I NEEDED TO LET SOME OF THIS EDGINESS OUT OF MYSELF. WHICH I GUESS MAKES UNDERFELL LYNSIE EVEN MORE TRUE TO WHO I REALLY AM. ANYWAY, ENJOY. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time passes here in the Underground with no notice. I'm not sure what is a day or night from down here. Though my iPod has a watch function, I'm not sure if I'm able to trust it after drying it out. There's no internet signal for it to sync up with, so I don't know if the time it tells me if what it really is or just the continuation from when it got waterlogged. I'm just grateful it still works. Would've hated to lose all my tunes. Does suck I can't get a radio signal either, but you win some and lose some sometimes. Flowey has been helpful in adjusting to how things work down here. He's a real treasure trove of things. He tells me ways of improving my stats because apparently, I'm super weak by monster standards. Every being, humans, and monster, has a set of basic stats. HP. ATK. DEF. LV. EXP. HP is the level of Endurance that determines the damage a person can take before dying. My maximum HP is at 20 and, what Flowey tells me, will only increase when my LV does. Resting will fully heal and raise HP 10 points above its maximum amount. HP can also be restored through consumable items like food and drinks. An attack hitting the receiving party lowers their HP. The loss is dependent on the attacking party's ATK and that of the receipt's DEF. Upon reaching 0 HP, that's it, you die. It doesn't matter if you're human or monster. There's no coming back when your number is up. ATK determines the damage output of the attacking party. My base ATK is 10 and, like with the HP, can also increase with LV. But that's not the only way. Equipping a weapon can raise ATK, as well as certain ACTs or consumables but that's only a temporary thing. When ATK is high enough, one can spare an opponent without needing to use the ACT button. This rule is true even of monsters that have a non-traditional sparing method. DEF determines the damage input for the defending party. My base DEF is 10, and again, can increase with LV or equipping armor type items such as the ribbon in my hair. Just like with ATK, can be changed temporarily with certain ACTs or consumables. DEF is subtracted from the damage output of the attacking party. However, it cannot lower the taken damage to a value less than 1. LV increases HP, ATK, and DEF when it rises. All humans and monsters start at LV 1 and can raise it as high as 20 or so Flowey assumes, he's unsure if it can exceed this amount or not. And of course, EXP is gained by killing. When you accumulate enough EXP, your LV increases. So in a way, it is like experience points...for murder. However, there are other stats that one doesn't outright see when in the midst of a fight. INV is for Invulnerability. This determines the number of moments an attack cannot hurt the victim after they receive a hit. It is a hidden stat that apparently can only increase through certain Armor items. SPEED, as the name implies, determines the velocity someone can move at while in a fight. It is a hidden stat that can temporarily increase with certain ACTs and consumables. Lastly, the creepiest one of them all...MDR, or better known as Murder Level. It is an entirely internal statistic that tracks the progress of death when someone kills. This stat begins at 0 because no one can knowingly kill at birth. So in that aspect, it shares a similar trait with LV. Knowing this, I now have some tough choices to make. I still don't intend to kill, so that means I'll gain no EXP and my LV will remain at 1, thus I'll remain weak compared to everyone else. Nothing but LV will increase my HP and that sucks big time. So this means I'll need to increase my DEF so that the damage I do take isn't as strong as it should be. I'll need to find these Armor items or in the very least train my ass off to increase my SPEED. Because you can't hit what can't be caught. Toriel has also been one I try to learn from, all be it with caution. I tend to go about this like child since she sees me as one. I go to her bookcase, select a book, read it, then pretend to not understand so she'll read it to me, and then ask her about it while also sliding in other off-topic questions along the lines of things I do want to know. Of course, I do mix this tactic up every now and again. Otherwise, it would become too obvious what I'm doing. When not trying to prob her mind, I get a feel for Toriel as a person. And yes, I know that came out dirtier than intended, but fuck you for thinking about it. Toriel is a, for lack of better words, a decent cook. When it comes to sweets, she's epic. Other things, not so much. Also, she has this unusual appetite for eating slugs or snails if she can't find any slugs. While she doesn't try to shove them down my throat, watching her eat them makes my stomach twist to the point it gets hard to eat. Toriel is rather intelligent when not touched with moments of madness. This side of her actually backfired on me. Believing my inquisitiveness to be a cry out for teaching, she now schools me with a curriculum she's had prepared for just such a reason. There is a good thing to this though, as it imbues Toriel with more trust in me. This trusting faith allows me to venture around without her needing to watch over me or allow me a certain distance away past the big tree. But you might be wondering how she keeps tabs on me if she can't visibly see me. Simple...She gave me a cell phone. It's a really old thing that probably fell down here, it's clearly seen better days as the body and tiny screen are cracked, but it still works. I've also taken it upon myself to give her a nickname, Nanny. Get it? Because nanny is another way of saying female goat. No? At least she thinks it's funny. But yeah, now my days are amuck with class time with teacher Toriel and workout training with Flowey. The training is both worth it and yet not really. On the plus side, my stats do increase. The negative side, the rate at which my stats increase is bullshit. In the amount of time of what feels like a week, my base stats of HP 20, ATK 10, and DEF 10 increase by a total of 6 points. HP 24, ATK 12, and DEF 10. Flowey does tell me that DEF will increase over time, but at a much slower rate than the other two. He estimates along the line of about four weeks of training will equal enough effort to better my DEF. So think about that for a second. Four weeks to get a single point on my DEF stat while HP and ATK keep increasing? I know right? You'd think they'd be more evenly gained. But no! Argh...There's gotta be a better way that won't take so long. Maybe if I work out a bit before bed, add in some extra hours by cutting down on other things? Fuck it! Math was never my forte. Today I feel lazy. I don't feel like doing anything. But sleeping all day wouldn't be a thing I could do because Flowey would bitch at me and then Toriel would nag me. So I stare aimlessly in thought into the fireplace. More freaky shit's been popping up in my life. There's the voice that whispers in my ear at random with even more random things to say. Like, I walked out of the bathroom the other day and stopped to check myself in the hallway's mirror. No more than a couple seconds in did that voice chime in. {It's you!} Freaked me out a bit. Now when I go near it, it says something else. {Still you, Lynsie.} Cocky little shit. If I ever see what is making that voice, I'm gonna beat some manners into it. I know it's not Napstablook at least. After some time, the ghost was willing to come see me again. Had to apologize out the ass for making him so uncomfortable last time. Though he's not without his moments for making me uncomfortable either. Often times I can't get to sleep due to my random insomnia and I'll find him watching me from across the room. He plays it off as he's only doing what I asked, for him to watch over me, but I really should've been more specific. Because the creepy part is not knowing for how long he watches or where he watches me at. I mean, I like the guy, but I really don't need to think a ghost is watching me shower. I just don't. At least Blook-man isn't a jerk like the weirdo that sometimes pops up in my dreams. That creepy voice is beginning to sound more clear the more I dream about it. I haven't seen where or what makes this voice, but the clearer it gets, the more this dude sounds like he's got a big stick up his annoyed ass. Yet I know the inevitable is coming. Soon I'll end up seeing who this condescending creep is. I dread that moment. My dreams are not under my control anymore. This voice is forcing me to interact with it and that makes my blood run cold. I can't control my subconscious. I can't stop these moments from happening. I can't do anything! I'm not in control anymore! What is ̡hap̴pe͞ning ̨t͘ò m̵e͝?͏!̷ "My child? Is everything all right?" Toriel's been sitting in her chair and reading for a couple hours now. Flowey's taking a nap in our room. "I'm fine, Nanny." "Are you sure? You've been awfully silent for a long time." "I'm fine, Nanny." She frowns as I try to clear my head of all this madness. "Um, I want you to know how glad I am to have you here. There are so many old books I want to share. I want to show you my favorite bug-hunting spot." I don't say anything. I just keep my eyes on the dancing flames. "Want to know what I have been reading?" I shrug. "It's called 'Beyond The Slime: Snails, Slugs, and other Gastropods'. How about it? Would you like me to tell you bits of it?" "If you want to, go ahead." "All right, here's an exciting snail fact. Did you know that snails...Talk. Really. Slowly?" Not as interesting as you think Toriel. Wait...they can talk? "Just kidding, snails don't talk. Interesting yes?" And just like that, I'm bored. Her jokes are usually more entertaining than this. "Snails are distinguished by an anatomical process known as torsion, where the visceral mass of the animal rotates 180° to one side during development, such that the anus is situated more or less above the head. This process is unrelated to the coiling of the shell, which is a separate phenomenon. Torsion is present in all gastropods, but the opisthobranch gastropods are secondarily de-torted to various degrees. Torsion occurs in two stages. The first, mechanistic stage, is muscular, and the second is mutagenetic. The effects of torsion are primarily physiological - the organism develops an asymmetrical growth, with the majority occurring on the left side. This leads to the loss of right-paired appendages (e.g., ctenidia (comb-like respiratory apparatus), gonads, nephridia, etc.). Furthermore, the anus becomes redirected to the same space as the head. This is speculated to have some evolutionary function, as prior to torsion, when retracting into the shell, first the posterior end would get pulled in, and then the anterior. Now, the front can be retracted more easily, perhaps suggesting a defensive purpose. However, this 'rotation hypothesis' is being challenged by the 'asymmetry hypothesis' in which the gastropod mantle cavity originated from one side only of a bilateral set of mantle cavities." Huh...I guess that's kind of neat. "Gastropods typically have a well-defined head with two or four sensory tentacles with eyes, and a ventral foot, which gives them their name (Greek gaster, stomach, and poda, feet). The foremost division of the foot is called the propodium. Its function is to push away sediment as the snail crawls. The larval shell of a gastropod is called a protoconch. The principal characteristic of the Gastropoda is the asymmetry of their principal organs. The essential feature of this asymmetry is that the anus generally lies to one side of the median plane.; The ctenidium (gill-combs), the osphradium (olfactory organs), the hypobranchial gland (or pallial mucous gland), and the auricle of the heart are single or at least are more developed on one side of the body than the other ; Furthermore, there is only one genital orifice, which lies on the same side of the body as the anus." I snicker a tiny bit at the mentioning of anus...I'm such a child. At least that perks her up a bit. "Okay, how about this? Courtship is a part of mating behavior in some gastropods, including some of the Helicidae. Again, in some land snails, an unusual feature of the reproductive system of gastropods is the presence and utilization of love darts. In many marine gastropods other than the opisthobranchs, there are separate sexes; most land gastropods, however, are hermaphrodites." "That's due to the odds of them finding a normal member of the opposite sex would be impossible because of how slow they are. So it's not uncommon that they have both sets of genitalia. The funny part is, when two meet up to have relations, they wrestle each other for dominance. The winning partner gets to be the male and the loser becomes the female." "...Have you been reading this without me?" "I watched a lot of TV growing up. It practically raised me." She puts the book down. "Child, come here." I sigh and roll myself near her, being super lazy about this. She pulls me up when I'm close to her chair and sits me on her lap. "Is something the matter? You are not as cheerful as you normally are." "I don't know." "Do you want to talk about it?" Not really, but I'll humor you a little, Toriel. "Nanny...Ya ever have one of those days where you don't even feel like getting out of bed? One of those days when so much is on your mind that it cripples you to the point of wondering why am I even bothering to get up today?" This strikes a nerve with her and she puts me down. "Come. Follow me for a moment." I'm confused but go along with it. She gets up and I follow her out the door. We walk out past the old tree and make a left down a small hall, encountering a single Froggit that flees in terror the moment it sees Toriel. I feel for ya little froggy dude. Entering a doorway leads us to an overlook of what I can only describe as an abandoned city. "Whoa..." "This is where we monsters lived when we first came to the Underground." "You're using past-tense wording. What happened?" "As ages passed, monsters changed and thrived with the blessing of children. Fearing the humans no longer, we moved out of the old city we called HOME. We braved harsh cold, damp swampland, and searing heat...Until we reached what we now call our capital...NEW HOME. Though the ones that choose to stay here, still live in their homes like time never passed. Only now, the streets are empty. The sounds of life are dull. I brought you here because this is a place where I come to relive days long ago and release such negative feelings. I pray it can do the same for you, child." Whoever is naming things around here is not very creative. It's still cute, but not creative. "So...This is your venting spot?" "More or less." "Not sure I can while you're here. Or how I'd even start." "That is fine. I merely wanted to show you that there is always something you can do when those bad moments happen." I smile softly. "Thanks, Nanny." We look out at the city, different thoughts in our heads. Though something she brought up tickles my curiosity. "So...There's more to the Underground than just the Ruins?" She flinches and grips the lookout's ledge a little bit. "...Yes. B-But it is much too dangerous for you out there. The monsters out there are not like the ones in here. They...They do not fight fair. You will not last long if you leave." Oh shit, did I trigger her? Quick you fool! Fix it! "I never said I was leaving. Why would I? I doubt anyone out there is as cool as you are." That settles her down for now. Better switch the subject anyway to be sure. "Is there anything else you want to know?" "Well, I did have one more thing that's been bugging me a little." "And what's that?" "So I've noticed I've been eating a lot and yet needing to go to the toilet less. I'm I dying or something?" She blushes before laughing. "*giggles* Heavens no, child. You're not dying." "And just like that, I feel like the world's biggest dumbass." "Let me see, how do I put this?" She takes a moment to think. "Well, we monsters use magic to make our foods and drinks. While still being physical enough to consume, it doesn't remain as such once in the body. Once consumed, the magic begins to dissipate as if it never existed. It still gives the body the nourishment and all other needs it requires, but since there's no mass to the magic, there's very little to pass out the body. So that may be why you're noticing less usage." "Huh. And if I ate human foods?" "Hard to say. No one knows if human foods would reverse this effect. Mainly because such foods are not available down here." "Nanny..." "Yes?" "Magic is cool." She snickers. "Nanny..." "Yes?" "I want to let you know I'm grateful for you taking Flowey and me in. A total stranger, and a human no less. I know it's against the law for you to be doing so...but...Thank you for caring." This seems to strike a chord within her. "C-Child...Do you really mean that?" "I do." She catches me by surprise with a sudden bear hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." My first instinct is to return this affection to her, which I do. But my heart just isn't into it. The shadows in my mind begin to whisper things. Look at this, a stranger loves you more than your own family. How long has it been now and still no sign of any search party? Face it, they never loved you. You were a waste of life that took up space in that house. No one cares about you. Not even death wants a freak like you. "Child? You're trembling. Is everything all right?" I bite my tongue hard. If I open my mouth now, nothing good will come out. But Toriel is persistent and it doesn't help that my grip on her is clenching harshly. "Child, please. Just speak to me. Tell me what's wrong." I can't hold this anymore. I shove away from her to face the city and let it out. "I hate you! I hate all of you! You fucking pieces of shit! Why?! Why is it so hard for any of you to care?! I've been missing for days or weeks and none of you care! *sobs* Did you ever love me?! Why did you even bother having me if you don't even care that I'm gone?! *bawling* Why? Why? Someone tell me why...please..." I break down, crumbling right there to cry on my knees like a helpless babe. Toriel is shocked by my outburst. Her instincts unsure if she should let me cry this out or come over with comforting motherly tenderness. She picks a different option. "I know this isn't the most pleasant of times to ask...But since we've come to know more about each other, I have been curious about something." I can hardly look at her. "The humans that fall down here...They tend to not fall down for the happiest of reasons. If it is not too painful...Can you share with me your reason? What made you come to a cursed mountain where none ever return from?" My eyes sting, I can't keep them open for very long. "*hard sniffling* They used to care. I used to know what it was like to know others cared. I can't remember when they started to pull away. When I became invisible. I just want to know why. Was it something I did? Did I do something wrong? Did I not make them proud? I thought I did everything right. I was a good girl. *voice cracking* I'm a good girl. Aren't I?" I can't see it due to the tears blinding me, but I can hear it. Toriel is crying. No sound leaves her past her lips but I can hear the droplets fall to the floor. "Oh, my...You poor thing..." I feel her hug me from behind. "I do not know the life you have lived. I do not hold the answers you seek. But what I can tell you is this. You are a good girl. If you were my daughter, I'd always let you know I care for you." "*sniffles* Y-You...You would?" She rests her head on mine and I stiffen with tension. "I would. A mother should care for her children and never let them feel such sadness." Well, in the Ruins of the Underground they say, that the human's small heart grew three sizes that day. "How do you feel now, my child?" "...Meh."' "Any better at all?" "...A little. But I'm trying to be cool about it so you don't think I'm so pitiful." "My child, you are not pitiful. It takes great strength to admit such hurt." "If you say so." Her hold on my grows stronger. My sourness is something she doesn't like. It makes her have an idea. "Child...Would that make you happy? To call me... 'Mother'?" I feel my heart breaking. "Are you...Are you being serious right now? Because if you're toying with me...!" "Lynsie..." I think that's the first time she's used my name since being together. "I mean it. I know I am not your real mother. But I can be a real mother to you. If you allow me to. Now, what say you to this silly old woman?" I'm so close to weeping again it ain't funny. "You're...*soft sigh* Heh...You really are something else...Mom." She looks at me surprised, but smiles and nuzzles the top of my head. I feel like such a little kid right now. I can tell this made her happier than it made me. But I guess in time I'll work out these family issues I have and I'll be able to thank her for it. We sit there for a while, her just holding me and me just trying to return to my usual composure. Then she stands up. "My child...Would you like to help me with lunch?" I remain seated but look up at her. This is unreal. She's unreal. No way in hell that any human on earth even comes close to her. I owe her. "Know what? Let's flip the script. I'll make lunch. You do enough as it is." Her eyes sparkle till she notices I'm not getting up. "Are you not coming?" "In a moment..." I look back at the city. "I just need one more minute." She holds a breath, resisting the urge to smother me and drag my sorry ass home. But the trust we've made has gotten to that level where she knows such actions aren't necessary. "Very well...I will be waiting at home. The flower is probably worried sick." I chuckle at that and listen to the sound of her steps leave the area. Once things go quiet, I stand up and take a couple of deep breaths before I let out on last bit of venting. "*loud aggressive roar*!" While very relief inducing, such a harsh forced sound fucks up my throat and I cough like a chain smoker. "*coughs* W-Worth it...*gasp* So worth it." Turning on my heel, I'm about to leave till something wedged into the corner of the overlook. Upon closer inspection, it ends up being a hand grip. So I yank on it. It refuses to cooperate till I really give it a hard yank and pull this metaphorical sword from the literal stone. Turns out, it's toy weapon. Neat. "Huh...Okay? Weird, but mine now." [You equipped the Fake Knife.] [You gain 3 Attack.] "Really? That's the same increase as the ribbon. Wonder if they're a set?" [Made of plastic and not very good for killing. A rarity nowadays.] "Heh...Good thing I don't aim to kill. It's perfect." [CHECK selected.] [You now have HP 24, ATK 15, and DEF 13.] I slip the dagger into my lower side pocket with a smile and make merry way back home. When I get there, Toriel is making sure Flowey's soil is fresh before watering him. I end up making a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches with slices of tomato between the cheese slices, at least on half of them. Though I do have to wonder where this food comes from, but she did say it's magic made, so who knows. The rest of the day is pretty chill. Toriel and I hang out some more before I spend the rest of the evening with Flowey. Since I apparently slacked off, he decides to cram some extra FIGHT knowledge into my messed up noggin and then gives me a rapid-fire pop quiz about it all. Aside from the normal Bullet Hell that I'm used to dealing with, there are seven different colored magic that can alter the attack to either hurt more or hurt less. White attacks are the most basic form of attack monsters can do. And if it hits you it will only do normal damage. The only way to counter white attacks is by dodging them. Gray attacks deal no damage and are used when the monster is unsure how to respond in their turn. More or less, it's like their way of skipping their turn. Red attacks do not deal damage but are used to warn of upcoming attacks. The warning can take on several forms, such as an attack itself flashing red, a simple red outline bordering the area of the attack, or a red rectangle with an exclamation point in the center and a flashing sound effect. Green attacks heal damage by varying amounts depending on the will of the attacking monster, the progress of battle in some way, or both. Light blue attacks, also known as just blue attacks, do not deal damage so long as you remain completely still. Orange Attacks do not deal damage so long as you remain moving. And purple attacks apply a 'poison' effect that gets worse the more you're hit till your HP is drained. Yet he tells me to take the purple attack with a grain of salt as he isn't sure it really exists outside of rumors. This is what Toriel meant when she said the monsters outside the Ruins are too dangerous and don't fight fair. If an LV level 1 monster like Napstablook can kick my ass to 1 HP, I don't think I stand a ghost of a chance against harder monsters. I need to do more training. [Time Skip] Life as the adopted daughter of a monster is something I never thought I'd be when I grew up, but it's something I have come to really enjoy. Toriel's been true to her word. She shows her care for me every day in small ways. She did do it in a big way once but I told her wasn't necessary. That and I felt bad we couldn't eat the whole cake before it spoiled. Toriel has gotten a bit more intense sometimes. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Napstablook randomly popping in and out of my room without asking her for permission. Can't be that...Sarcasm. Speaking of her, my time with Toriel has been most enlightening. Aside from the normal schooling, she also has taught me much about the history of the Underground. Or as much as she's willing to tell me, she isn't too detailed on somethings, makes me curious as to why. But what she, Flowey, and Napstablook all confirm with me is this. The King of the Monsters, Lord Asgore, has called a war on humanity once again. So if freedom were ever attained with the breaking of the barrier, then they wouldn't leave this place peacefully. Blood would be spilled, thick enough to swim in as they hear the lamentations of their conquered foes. This is not so far off from happening either. The King so far has in his possession six human souls and only one more is needed to break the barrier completely. When I bring such topics up in conversation, Toriel is always upset. Badmouthing Asgore and then running off to let out some steam either at the overlook or in the basement. I can tell she fears me falling into his grasp. She fears to lose yet another child. That's another thing she's taught me. While it is the law that humans at to be killed and their souls harvested for the freedom of monster kind, she never supported this. She's tried to keep the other six before me from leaving the Ruins, but they all left her anyway. The dumbasses. Why leave this poor wonderful woman? But humans are not the only loss she's had. I know the look of greater hurt when I see it. She's suffered heavy loss. I dare not ask her about such pain. It is not my place to speak of. All this pain Toriel has been through, she is covering her hurt with a happy Jekyll and crazy Hyde complex. She has yet to move on to the final stage of grief...Acceptance. Another thing she has begun to teach me is the basic use of magic, mostly SOUL magic as it's the simplest form and a good base for beginners as she put it. Not that I can complain, I mean, I'm learning freaking magic! Flowey is first apprehensive about this. Mentioning something along the lines of I have a freaky soul as it is and shouldn't mess with it. But I counter this with, well if my soul is so fucked up then wouldn't it be best to train it so that it isn't a problem? Needless to say, I won that argument, yet I also find out what Flowey meant by me having a weird soul. It seems that my soul is able to change color depending on what emotion I feel the strongest at the time and each color has its own power associated with it or trait as they're called. She only knows of a few colors due to the humans that fell before me and my soul during our magic training sessions tends to stick to being a light blue color. But of course, Flowey fills me in on the other ones I haven't seen. When the SOUL is red, it seems like any normal soul and behaves normally. It does get a slight boost in power and added precision when it comes to making quick moments. This power is associated with the emotion of Determination. When blue, the SOUL is affected by gravity. This allows one to move beyond the Earth's normal gravity, like being able to jump as if on the moon. This power is associated with the emotion of Integrity. When green, the SOUL it can produce a kind of shield but at the cost of being unable to move. While in this state, one can only dodge in a stationary way or block the incoming attacks. This power is associated with the emotion of Kindness. When purple, the SOUL is focused and can only allow movement to the left and right from where one is standing. It's a very intimidating soul to most as it gives you a handicap and makes you look skilled if used correctly. This power is associated with the emotion of Perseverance. When Yellow, the SOUL is filled with magic power and is flipped upside down like a monster's SOUL, so the heart's point is directed toward the foe. In this state, the soul grants the ability to shoot a projectile that can destroy certain oncoming projectile attacks. This power is associated with the emotion of Justice. When the SOUL is light blue it will appear to make you weaker and slow down movements. But this is a ruse as the SOUL is storing energy from not moving around so much. This allows for stronger block and defensive counters the more power is stored. This power is associated with the emotion of Patience. And lastly, when the SOUL is it will appear to make you stronger and increase movements. This SOUL will also store energy but only while the user is moving around. This allows for stronger attacks and parrying counters the more power is stored. This power is associated with the emotion of Bravery. There is a catch to all this too, as some monsters are able to force such SOUL MODES onto humans and render the human unable to break free from such control till the fight ends. All this, Monsters and Magic, it's become my new normalcy. And looking back on how I was living before, I can honestly say I don't miss the surface at all. This is the life I've always wanted. A life in which the world isn't trying so hard to crush your hopes and dreams. A life where I know what love is. A life where one can truly live when not being threatened with death. But this doesn't stop my curiosity. The one thing I can't get her to talk about is the staircase to the basement that she herself often sneaks away to. Whenever I even hint at it she tells me to ignore it and don't go down there as it's not safe. "No good will come if you venture down there." Out of respect, I do as she says. I would never dare disobey her and yet I feel something trying to draw me down there. Maybe it's the little things like how she's able to go down there and I'm not. Maybe it's because I can sometimes barely hear her talking to either herself or someone else. Whatever the reason is, it's driving me crazy! Each passing day I find myself closer and closer than the last time I've done this. Just testing how far down I can go before Toriel notices. But the more I do this, the more I think she's catching on. Her steps get quicker and I have to be careful not to make a sound when I rush back up the steps. This has become a routine every time she heads down there. She goes down there. I follow up to a point. I stop in an odd pause for a couple minutes until I hear something. Then leave in a hurry This is insanity! Why do I keep doing this and how do I make it stop?! Today is no different, with the exception of Flowey joining in on my madness. After the lessons, schooling, and my workout training, I hold his pot while gazing over the edge of the banister. I don't know where Toriel is. Either she's down there or making her rounds in case another human falls. Not likely that'll happen. But not knowing her location has me weary on being bold enough to go down there. "So...This is the dangerous thing you told me about?" "Yep." "And you never go down there?" "I do...But not very far. I don't want Toriel to freak out if she sees me." "You do know she'll totally lose it if she ever finds out you do this, right?" "I know." "Then why do you do it?" "I don't know." He's confused. "What do you mean, you don't know?" "Don't act like you didn't understand. I said I don't know why I do this because I really don't know why I do this! If it's not one thing like the fucked up dreams, then it's the voices in or out of my head that nobody else hears. And if it's not the voices, then it's this freaky feeling to go down there. So do forgive me, oh all too perfect flower, for I am flawed and often don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do!" He flinches at my snap and looks away in shame, making me feel like shit. "*sigh* I'm sorry. I'm just...really stressed out. Between all the training, my emotional baggage, and weird shit that I can't even tell if it is really happening or not..." I hang my head. "I...I need a break before I end up broken." "Hey..." Flowey rubs my hands comfortingly. "Just relax. It's going to be okay. I didn't know you were going through so much." "You should know by now I don't talk about my feelings and other junk. My burdens shouldn't have to bug anyone else." "If it helps...I know what's down there." "...What?" "There's nothing down there. It just leads to the door that heads out to the rest of the Underground. She keeps it shut. Not wanting others to leave and end up killed." "...So that's it? A door?" "Yep." "But...That can't be all there is." "What do you mean?" "She talks to someone down there." "Huh? Are you sure you weren't hearing things?" I glare harshly. "I know the voices I hear. There might be a lot of them, but I know them all. And she talks to someone I don't know." "Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to take it the wrong way." "We're going down there." "Wait, what?!" I head to go downstairs but Flowey blocks the entryway with vines. "Are you out of your mind?! What if Toriel finds out?!" "At this point, I don't care anymore. Nothing makes sense. So why would she react the way we think she will?" "Do you hear yourself? This will, without a doubt, make Toriel snap!" "And how would you know?" "Because I..." "what are you doing?" We both freak out at the sudden utterance of Napstablook, me more than Flowey. So much so that I drop Flowey, not that it matters as he's gripping the railing with his vines, and I take a tumble down the first part of the stairway down. "Holy crap! Are you okay?" "*groan* I fucking hate stairs..." "oh, shit...I-I-I didn't mean to..." I pick myself up shakily. "Nah, dude, you're okay. It'll take more than a little trip to hurt me." "uh...you're bleeding." "From your forehead." I rub it away. "Still there?" They shake their heads. "Then we cool. You cool. Me cool. We all cool." I wobbly head towards the rest of the way down. Flowey lowers himself and whacks me with his pot. "Okay, now I know you have brain damage. Go back upstairs and go to our room to sleep this off." "Look, I get it. You're scared. You don't have to come along if you don't want to." "Don't be so stupid, you idiot! I'm trying to keep you alive! You have no idea what kind of awful, messed up, nightmare-inducing things will happen if you go down there!" Flowey huffs and puffs, but I'm already halfway down by the time he notices. "*snarls* You! Ghost!" "me?" "Are you able to carry me?" Napstablook looks at him funny and scoffs. "probably. why?" "I need to go after her. That dumbass is going to get herself killed if she doesn't get out of there." Napstablook's eyes widen and he grabs Flowey's pot. Just then, the tumblers in the house's door began to clatter with the sound of a key being inserted. Panic washes over them. Napstablook moves quickly, yanking Flowey from the railing and speeding down the stairs as the door starts to open. Toriel enters. "Hello? My child? I have returned home." Only silence greeted Toriel. Perhaps the human was in her room asleep. Poor thing hasn't been the most well rested as of late. Those bags under her eyes looking darker by the day. The girl needs all the rest she can get. Toriel heads toward the kitchen, to start making a batch of cookies to surprise her happy little family. But the surprise was on her. She almost didn't see it. The joy of her delight almost blinded her to something that now has her breaking into a series of nervous twitches. Small smudges of crimson now discolor the pale cream that makes up the home's interior. "No...No, no, no, no, no! Not again!" The panicked parent rushes in the hopes that she is not too late. That she won't have to lose another life. Me on the other hand, I've been walking for a while now. The path under the house is much longer than anyone would guess. Probably the result of digging for open pockets in the mountain. Flowey chased after me, like a bitch, and dragged Napstablook along. "Human! Toriel is coming!" "Yeah, right." "he's not lying. she just came back. I hope she didn't see us." I roll my eyes not believing them, until... "Child!" [You felt your sins crawling on your back.] "Run!" The three of us make a break for it the end of the of the hall...only to be blocked by large stone doors. "Shit..." "My child..." We turn around and see the frightened Toriel now behind us. Dear god, this woman is fast as hell! Napstablook lets fear get the better of him, fading away and making me dive to catch Flowey before his pot shatters. "Nice catch." "*whisper* Praise my SPEED stat later. Shit's about to hit the fan." "Lynsie...My little girl. Why are you down here?" Her eerie calm is disturbing. I need to think of a lie and think it up quick. Or speak the dumb truth. Whatever will work best at this moment. "I fell down the stairs." Her expression softens slightly. "Why did you not come back upstairs?" "I...I didn't know how you'd react if you saw me. I got scared." She calms down and approaches. "Child, I meant not to instill such fear in you. I want you to know you can come to me whenever you are in need." "And you won't be upset?" "I...I will do my best to understand before reacting." "Thank you, Nanny." She pats my head and places a hand on my back to get me to follow her back up to our home. "I do have one question for you, my child." I tense up. "Yes?" "What were you doing by the stairs in the first place?" "I...I got curious." Her hand on my back flinches. "Curious about what?" Flowey is trying to mime to me to keep my mouth shut. But I'm not very good at following his orders. "You come down here a lot. You never say why or what happens. I just...I thought I could hear you talking to someone and wanted to meet them too." Her hand pushes me roughly so I'm ahead of her towards the stairs. "You heard nothing, child. There is no one down here. Run along and freshen up. We'll bake together shortly...I have to do something first." She turns around, heading back towards the doors. I should go upstairs. I know I should. But I can't. "Oh no. I know that look. Don't do it." "I'm gonna do it." "Don't!" "Too late." "Why do you do this?! Why don't you listen to me?!" "Because if you don't act then you're just as wrong to ignore what's going on. Sure, it's likely safer to just do as you or Toriel say. But that's just choosing to hide. To let the problems around me win. I've lived like that already. To sink into myself and the darkness. I won't do that again. I won't let others go through it if I have the chance. So get mad all you want. I'm not going to stand by while they do things that will only make them suffer." Flowey just stares at me. Thoughts running through his mind as I sprint after her. "Nanny!" She pauses. "I told you to go upstairs." "Not without you." "Tell me, child. Do I not provide enough for you? Are the Ruins not good enough? Do you seek your own death that badly?" [You felt your sins weighing on your neck.] I glare at her in annoyance but she continues. "Ahead of us lies the end of the RUINS. A one-way exit to the rest of the underground. I am going to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again. Now be a good child and go upstairs." "No." She looks at me over her shoulder, her own eyes glaring back at me. "No?" "I will not leave you down here." She huffs through her nose. "Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child...If you leave the RUINS...They... ASGORE...Will kill you." "You underestimate me." "Please don't piss her off." She snarls at me. "I am only protecting you, do you understand?" "No, you understand! I will not allow you to use me as an excuse. I am an adult. I can make my own choices. I will embrace the consequences of any action I take. I am responsible for my life. Not you." "...Go to your room." "Make me." The intensity of our glares can generate harsh sparks. "Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning." She runs for the door and now I'm pissed off. "Don't you turn your back on me, bitch!" Flowey is stunned by my snap but doesn't get a chance to respond. I drop Flowey's pot and give chase to Toriel. I never even hear the clay pot shatter. I speed up to make sure Toriel won't do something stupid. "Don't ignore me! You fear something you can't control. You're letting the fear win. You're acting as stupid as the humans that banished you!" She flinches for a second before turning around and facing now in front of the door that she despises. Though now that I see her and the door together, I notice the door bears the same symbol as her robes. "You must really be unhappy. You want to leave so badly?" "What made you get a moronic idea like that? Fuck no, I don't want to leave. All I want is for you to get your fuzzy ass upstairs so we can make cookies and read books." "Hmph. And why should I believe that? You are not the first to tell me such lies." "Oh for fuck's sake. I have been trying for god knows how long to be sweet with you because, in case you haven't noticed, I like you and consider you my freaking mom! So stop this nonsense and get away from that stupid door!" She snorts, anger in her eyes. But then...she starts to giggle. The giggles then become manic and loud. Now I'm on edge. "You...hehehe...You are just like the others. To think I was worried you wouldn't fit in out there...Eheheheh! You really are no different from them! Ha...Ha..." I growl in annoyance. Is she really mocking me right now or is she losing her mind? I don't know. But it's really ticking me off either way. "There is only one solution to this. You...Prove yourself...Prove to me you are strong enough to survive." I scoff. "I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Not even you." "Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!" Her voice shirks harshly and my soul appears in a glow of red. Seems we're fighting now. Just great. [HEARTACHE begins to play in the background.] [Toriel blocks the way!] "Are you for real right now? You're really going to fight me over this crap?" [Toriel prepares a magical attack.] "*sigh* I guess you're leaving me no choice but to beat some sense into you. Very well...Bring it on!" Her paw-like hands catch fire and she sweeps them in an arc, casting a trail of fireballs that are launched towards me. Simple enough to attempt evasion on their own, but then I find out that the fireballs can bounce off of the walls. I get hit a few times by these rouge ricocheting balls of flame. [HP ███████████████ 15/24] [Toriel looks through you.] "And you criticize me for being nuts. Are you seeing this bullshit, Flowey? ...Flowey?" Only now do I realize that I don't have the pot with me. "Ah, fuck my life. Flowey! Hey! You okay?!" I shout into the hall behind me. Seconds later he pops out of the ground, meaning this floor isn't solid. "You jackass! I can't believe you dropped me!" "So you're fine? Good. That makes one of us. Two, if you count Napstablook fleeing when he had the chance. Lucky bastard." "Make your move, child!" Flowey takes notice of what's going on. "I told you! I told you and you wouldn't listen!" "Oh my god! Stop nagging me like you're my wife! Just support me and keep out of fight radius!" [FIGHT] [ACT] [ITEM] [MERCY] "Okay, what are my options?" [ACT selected.] [New options available.] [CHECK] [TALK] "That's it? Fine. Simple is as simple be." [TALK selected.] [You couldn't think of any conversation topics.] "This is pointless. I know you don't want to hurt me and you know I don't want to hurt you either. So let's stop this now before it gets crazy." [Toriel looks through you.] She launches the same attack as before. Only now there are two rows instead of one, but the pattern remains the same. This is a good thing. [HP ███████████████ 15/24] "You've really gotten fast, human." "You sound surprised? Did you really think I didn't try with all that training?" "Uh..." "Fuck you, Flowey." [TALK selected.] [You tried to think of something to say again, but...] "Quit wasting time doing this, Nanny. At this rate, we won't even have time to eat if we ever get cooking." [Toriel takes a deep breath.] "Geez, woman. You're like ice. So cold." Her stony expression doesn't change as she unleashes the same attack yet again. Same pattern. Same spots of bounce off. Same easy steps to dodge. [HP ███████████████ 15/24] "This isn't a fight. It's not even a tussle. It's just sad." "Are you really disappointed she's not trying to kill you?" "I know how it sounds and as fucked up as it is, yeah." "...Why?!" "Because I don't like it when someone pushes me to do things with them, only to slack off while I do all the work. It pisses me off." "While that does suck, you shouldn't feel that way right now. She doesn't want to hurt you and you don't want to hurt her...right?" "Of course not. I don't want to hurt anyone. That's why I'm trying to talk to her." [TALK selected.] [Ironically, talking does not seem to be the solution to this situation.] "Why won't you listen to me? Are you even able to hear me? Say something! Anything. Do something other than just stand there like an emotionless statue!" "..." [Toriel is acting aloof.] The same attack is sent my way once more. It's gotten to the point where I just stand still and deflect the fireballs with my knife. I'm losing my patience with this repetitive shit. "The hell am I suppose to do here? Die of boredom?" {You can't reason with her when she gets like this.} I flinch. "So...You're chiming in now? Of all times?" {You look like you can use all the help you can get.} "*scoff* Do you not see my skills? I can do this no problem. I just can't understand what option I need to select." "Human? Who are you talking to?" To Flowey or anyone else for that matter, I'm chatting with no one. "Oh, just a voice that seems to have random timing." {I don't have random timing. It takes a lot of energy to manifest like this.} "Wait, manifest? Are you a ghost?" {I guess? Not really sure. I mean, I was dead. Fairly sure I still am. I don't even know how or why I woke up. I just...did.} "You are one confused dude, ya know that?" "They're not the only one." I snarl at Flowey. {I might be confused on some things, yes. But I'm not as confused as you.} "Don't start shit with me, dude! I am so not in the mood and I will kick your dead ass if I have to" {I'd like to see you try, punk.} "Alright, what's your name, asshole?! I wanna know what to write on your headstone along with all the shit I'm gonna mock you with!" {My name? It's Chara.} "Well then, allow me to say this then...Fuck you, Chara!" Just like that, the room goes completely dead. The air stills, the temperature chills, and the thrills are less than wanted. In an instant, the world that I know of goes dark for me and my body stands in a painful slump. Flowey's eyes widen in shock and Toriel finally does something other than stay still. "C-Ch...Ch...Chara...? My boy...he's here...?" A hauntingly dread hangs in the air like a thick miasma. Flowey only seems to realize that things are not what they seem when my red soul begins to tinge darker and darker. The color being swallowed by shadow until it is nothing more than a black heart. "A black soul? How...Is that even possible?" I twitch for a moment before coming back to life. "Human? Are you okay?" I shake my head and rub my eyes. My head really hurts. Looking around I see Toriel, her face is sorrowful and her eyes are pleading. "Chara? Where is my son? Chara?" Chara was her son? This woman was holding out on me when I asked if she had a family. Not cool. Still, she's calling out for a dead kid, right? Do I not matter? I'm right here. I thought she cared about me. Thought she loved me. I've been trying to be a good girl and talk to her. But maybe she's... [Not worth talking to.] I stand strong and leer at this woman whom I gave trust to. This seems to strike her attention. "My child? Why are you looking at me like that?" {Yeah, why are you looking at her like that?} I snarl. "I am not your child." My voice is different. More darker, colder, and deadly. [FIGHT selected.] Flowey attempts to question me but I take off at her in the blink of an eye, knife in hand. She's stunned. Hardly able to register the dark blur that is me till I'm in her face. There's a quick instance of time, a glimpse of what's to come, and she's able to move in time just as the knife is swung. I miss hitting her yet she now has a slash across her robe. "Next time, I won't miss." {What the hell are you doing?!} "Y...You...at my most vulnerable moment...you...really hate me that much?" I turn to head back to my starting point. "Don't flatter yourself. I don't care enough to hate you." She frowns. "Child..." "No! Don't you dare say that!" I face her again and whatever hateful look I have on my face is enough to make her back up in intimidation. "I trusted you. I let you in. I thought you'd be different. Monsters are so much better than humans. But you...*growls* You're no better than they were. You never cared about me. I was just a replacement. A placeholder for the kid you lost." "B-But that's not true." "You've shown no emotion since this fight started. You've been ignoring me this whole time. But the moment I say Chara, you get all teary eyed and talkative? I let you call me your daughter and you forget me the moment a ghost from your past pops up! You're no better than them. You never cared about me. No one cares about me. I am the abandoned one. I am unlovable. You broke my heart when I didn't think it was possible for it to shatter anymore than it already was. So congratulations. You managed to hurt me like no one has. And now...Now I will make you feel my pain. One turn at a time." I walk back to my original position and she begins to cry, holding her muzzle to keep the sadness in. Flowey is just dumbfounded by my sudden turn to the dark side. "What the hell are you doing?! I thought you weren't going to...kill...?" The icy stare down I'm giving him chills the life out of him. "Y-You...Wh...What are you...?" I merely grin and the whites of my eyes begin to fill with blackness. This terrifies the poor flower-boy. "T-this...feeling? Why am I...Shaking? Hey...S-s-stop making that creepy face! This isn't funny! You've got a SICK sense of humor!" {I agree. This isn't how you win this.} I growl to myself. {What is with you? I swear to god if you hurt my mom, I'm gonna kill you.} "I'd like to see you try, brat." {Stupid reckless jerk. I'm too dead for this crap.} [Toriel prepares a magical attack but is weary now.] Streams of fireballs fall from the top of the room in a crisscrossing double-helix pattern and accumulate at the floor. The streams have holes in the middle of them to dodge through. Heck, there are even two safe spots near both corners. This doesn't bode well for Toriel. [HP ███████████████ 15/24] "My turn now." {Hey, wait!} "What?" {You don't have to fight her.} "Not much else really on the table for choices." {Okay, talking isn't going to work, we know that! But if you really mean what you say and don't want to kill...You'll have to do something else!} He's calling me out. Damn him. But he's right. I mean, what the fuck am I doing? I tried to strike Toriel! I could've killed her from my level of intent! That isn't something I'd do. That isn't me. This isn't me at all. "No...No, this is wrong. This is all wrong. This isn't me. This isn't me! THIS ISN'T ME!!" My head hurts! I grip my head in one hand and my soul in the other. The black that makes up its color struggles to remain. My chest tightens in pain and I roar. The black in my soul swirls into its center and is flushed away by the encompassing blue. Once it's all gone, I feel drained and yet better at the same time. {You...You okay?} "I...I don't feel so good." "Lynsie? Are you normal now?" I look at Flowey and he sighs with relief. "Phew! That creepy face is gone. What happened back there? You were so...different." "You think I know?" I look at my hands and the fake knife that's clasped so tightly that my fingers are stiffly locked around the handle. "I...I was going to do a bad thing. Wasn't I?" "Yeah...But that wasn't you. It was...Whatever that was." I glare at the knife and put it back in my pocket. I don't need it. I don't want it. I will not attack her. But if talking won't work, what will? Let's see...No to FIGHT. ACT is a waste of time. I don't have any ITEMS. So that just leaves MERCY? But that's usually SPARE and FLEE. And I doubt I can FLEE from this fight. Not after all the crap that just went down. I need to check this. "Yo, ghost-boy." {Huh?} "What do you think of this course of action?" [MERCY selected.] [New options available.] [SPARE] [FLEE] {You're going to run? Not a bad idea, but not a winning one either.} "No, not that one. This one." {Spare? Worth a shot. I mean, what else is there really?} "I know right?" "You still talking to Chara?" "We're agreeing on a plan." "And that is?" "You'll see." [SPARE selected.] Toriel looks at me funny. Not surprising as I've gone from trying to talk to her to then trying to kill her. "...? What are you doing?" "What's it look like? I'm sparing you." She eyes me funny. Contemplating so many things. "I don't understand." "What's so hard to understand? I didn't want to fight you. I don't want to fight you still. I don't want to end up hurting you. So I'm done. I'm done trying to do anything. I offer you mercy. What say you?" She pauses for a while. Time seems to stop. But then she makes her move. She attacks similar to her last attack but it's a little different. Thicker streams of fireballs, too thick to dodge through, but they do not sweep back and forth. Allowing careful me to keep safe between the streams only after finding it once I got hit a couple times trying to fit into it. [HP ███████ 7/24] "*panting* Okay...ow...Took more damage than I thought." {Not bad though. That was some pretty fancy footwork you did there.} "Thanks." "You okay, human?" I give Flowey a thumbs up and get ready for more junk to come. [SPARE selected.] "What are you doing? Attack or run away!" "I choose none of that." She hurls more of that same hard to dodge fireball streams. Only thing is now I know what I'm doing, so I only get hit once by the time her turn ends. [HP ███ 3/24] I can barely stand. I'm singed and searing in burn pain. I can't take much more of this. If she keeps this up, I'm as good as dead. Damn it, woman, accept my mercy already! {You're doing great. Keep this up and you're golden." "If this keeps up I'll be joining you in the afterlife, ghost-boy." "Child...What are you proving this way? Fight me or leave!" "There are more choices than that, Toriel. If I don't want to fight, I don't have to. If I don't want to leave, I don't have to. Problems don't just go away because you kill them or run away. You face them head on and never back down until their resolved." "Can't you see that's not how the world works down here? I don't want to see you die. I need to know you are strong enough to make out of this wretched place alive. And I'm willing to give you my power if it means you'll survive." "I will not kill my MOTHER!" That slipped out of me but I don't regret it. My words pack enough of a punch that has her faltering. "Stop it. Stop looking at me that way. Go away!" She attacks again, yet something isn't right. The fireballs fall haphazardly from above but deliberately move away if they come close to me, making it impossible to take damage even if I move closer. I think I'm finally getting to her. I need to keep this going. [HP ███ 3/24] "Please...just go upstairs now. I promise I will take good care of you here. I know we do not have much, but...We can have a good life here." "I know that. I don't want to leave. I want to make this work. That's why I'm trying so fucking hard!" [SPARE selected.] I start to approach her and she trembles, either in fear or worry, I know not. So she attacks again, but again the flames avoid me. [HP ███ 3/24] "Why are you making this so difficult? Please, go upstairs." "I can say the same to you." [SPARE selected.] I come to a stop in front of her and she meets my gaze with her own. Such sadness smears her features. Her hands tremble and the fire they hold flickers out. She crumbles right there, falling to her knees. "Urgh...You are stronger than I thought..." "I told you not to underestimate me." "Listen to me, small one...If you go beyond this door, keep walking as far as you can. Eventually, you will reach an exit." "Exit?" "ASGORE...Do not let ASGORE take your soul. His plan cannot be allowed to succeed." "War on humanity? Yeah, not the best plan since that didn't work out so well last time. Heh, funny enough, if you guys wait long enough we'll all end up wiping ourselves out for one dumb reason or another." "You will be good, won't you? My child." "You talk like you heard nothing I said. Damn it, Nanny, do I have to spell it out for you?" I put my arms around her and embrace her tight. I will not let go until she comes to her senses. I refuse to let her remain like this. Her eyes widen and her face contorts with mixed emotions before settling on a defeated weak smile. "Ha ha...Pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child." "Mother..." "No, I understand. You would just be unhappy trapped down here. The RUINS are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this. My expectations...My loneliness...My fear...For you, my child...I will put them aside." "Toriel..." "If you truly wish to leave the RUINS...I will not stop you. However, when you leave...Please do not come back. I hope you understand." "Mom!" She trembles hard when I snap. God, she still doesn't get it. This woman is as messed up as I am. Maybe that's why I care about her so much. Maybe in the depths of my soul, it believes that by saving her I'll be saving part of myself. I don't know. I ain't no psychologist after all. "Let me make this as clear as possible for you. I. AM. NOT. LEAVING. YOU!" Her eyes water and I let her go. "I know I'm not really your kid. I said and did some messed up shit. I regret it a lot. I let my feelings overwhelm me in the worst ways. But I want to make it right. I want to earn your forgiveness. I want to earn the right to be your daughter. Will you let me do this after the things I've done? Can you give me another chance, Toriel?" She whimpers. "You...you're really going to stay?" "Yes. I told you before and I'll keep saying it if it helps. I am going to stay with you as long as you'll keep me. I'm not lying. I speak only truth. I am not leaving you. This is my home for as long as you'll have me stay. You will be my mother and I'll be your daughter for as long as you wish it to be so. Please, believe me." {I think you've done it.} She begins to cry, her arms go around me and nearly smother me in a warm healing hug. "Lynsie, my child...Thank you. Forgive me for my earlier behavior. You were right. I was brash, unfeeling, and callous. I am appalled to call myself a mother. I attacked my own child. How are you able to still want to be around me after such happenings?" {Now seal the deal.} "No one is perfect, Nanny. We all make mistakes. It's how we learn from them that makes the difference. We can either learn to do better or end up repeating the same thing again. I can forgive you because I understand why you are the way you are. You have been through so much. You've loved. You've lost. You've tried to help. And yet fate has been so cruel to you. It forced you into this lonely home where all you see is danger outside its walls. You're scared of losing any more of those you end up close to. So you lash out because you don't know how else to respond to those feelings. I can't be mad at you for that." She smiles softly and pets my head. "You truly are a sweet child." "I try." {Thank you.} [YOU WON!] [You earned 0 XP and 0 gold.] Things revert to normal and I help her up to her feet. "Come on, mom. Let's go back upstairs." "Yes. I would like that very much." "Holy cow! You actually did it!" We look over at Flowey. "Crap, we need a new pot for him." "I am sure we can find something for him upstairs." "Do ya mind waiting a little bit down here till we bring back something?" "I don't mind really. It feels nice to let my roots stretch out." We head back upstairs and return to life as before. Toriel is more relaxed now that her fears have been put to rest. I've doubled my efforts around the home to make amends for my actions in the fight we had. I sowed up the cut in her robe, even though she said I didn't have to. But she surprised me by sowing my shirt as well. As if showing the new bound we made, she sowed the symbol on her robes onto my shirt. She tells me it's called the Delta Rune, the emblem of monster kind. I wear it proudly. Chara talks to me more frequently now. Toriel often talks to him too and I have to tell her what he says. She was skeptical at first, hard to imagine a dead kid talking to your adoptive one, but he has me tell her things that only they'd know and it all set in there. The odd thing is that Flowey will talk to him too. The conversations they have, they're so personal. I feel uncomfortable being this third wheel. But the more they all talk, the more I learn about them. Things I won't share with anyone else. Like how Chara tends to call Flowey the name Asriel. I learn from Toriel's chats with him that this was the name of her biological son with none other than King Asgore. Yeah, that was a big fucking bomb drop. Toriel, this lonely hidden away woman, is the Queen to an entire race that is going to try to kill me. Yay! Flowey got his pot replacement so he was able to come into the house again. We still train together, all be it a little intensely. I mean, I'm willing but he's less to do so. My guess is because he's afraid of losing Chara. I hate this feeling. Being a host to someone that others want more than they want me. It's when I have these moments, I go to the lookout of the old city and I talk to Chara. Just us. He's rather understanding. Like he's gone through a lot of the same things I have. I don't pry too much into his past and he doesn't push me on my reasons for trying to die. We are the same in a lot of ways. We both are haunted by the ghosts of our past lives on the surface. He's nice to have around for these chats even if I feel weird about having yet another guy follow me around at times where I'd rather be by myself. But at least Chara agreed to not pop up when I'm in the bathroom. Napstablook on the other hand...well...I have no clue. He's MY buddy. He only comes around for me. That much I enjoy. It feels oddly nice that a dude, even if he's a ghost monster, pays sole attention to me. Makes me feel wanted. And if I have to be girly, as is my gender, it makes me feel pretty too. God, feelings are weird. After the fight, Toriel allows me downstairs now. She still worries about me leaving, but the trust is there that I won't. Flowey and I use the larger space for better workouts. It does pay off in the long run. My stats increase more. I'm now HP 28, ATK 17, and DEF 13. The weird part now out of all this is, the more we train down here, the more I get curious. I'm now tempted to go beyond the door and see what's on the other side.
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jeonginsdimple · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
okay so i was tagged for this about five times i swear but they’re so deep in my notifs that i Can’t remember who tagged me and im too lazy to look but whoever u are i love u with all of my heart thank u it’s like this tag was made 4 me i am such a soft stan
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
g o d not this question. i’ll do jeongin bc he probably owns the most uwus of mine
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
hm.... honestly his b o y s sweater in hellevator was the first thing i saw HJDSHJS i was like “wow.......... that’s...... kinda gay also he’s really cute” but if i’m being completely honest he got such little screen time + lines i couldn’t tell whether he was a part of the group. later on when i looked up their profiles and i saw him i screeched he rly stole my heart very very early on. before i watched the show i kept thinking abt how excited i was to see more of him on screen PFF
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
okay uhhhh u must be the Biggest Bool around if you think im going to name one thing anyway here’s my eight page essay--
fr ok i was going to list some things but i started writing about the first one and it’s too much i’m just going to keep that LMAO
his deep heart is something i think about a lot. i have to admit that i didn’t start watching the show until around when the fifth episode? came out. beforehand i had seen a clip from the fourth episode where jeongin had been practicing for school life, and he started admitting all of his struggles n insecurities n everything (the clip is called ‘jeongin is tired’ or something to that effect on youtube). anyway that was the first thing about stray kids i ever cried about! i sobbed so hard watching that y’all i felt like the Largest Clown around crying alone in my room sobbing over some boy that doesn’t know me PFF. watching him work so hard and worry so much about everything made my heart ache so bad hdsfsjkfdsjk especially since about .2 seconds before watching that clip i had seen a few people hating on him on twitter (which is why stan twt is inferior! too much hate tbh). i think it was at that moment, even if i wasn’t fully aware at the time since i hadn’t seen enough of them, that i really fell in love with jeongin anyway this is getting Too Soft god i’m moving on
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
ME HAHA WHAT KIND OF QUESTION-- have y’all seen that boy he’s like a metal rod when it comes to skinship. there’s this one video where minho’s doing a little pat pat 2 jeongin u kno nd he was STIFF AS HELL it was so funny. i’m so annoying and touchy i’d be attached to that boy deadass like some kind of leech he couldn’t get rid of me if he tried. trying 2 sleep? too bad Big Fool! suddenly i am Your Pillow
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
hm............ well usually i’d say me because i get cold way too fast, but tbh if it was in a situation where i was laying w jeongin??? i’d let myself contract hypothermia and die he can have it
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
i kind of covered this already but 100% me y’all i’m so loud when it comes to being clingy. i’d be around him all the damb time if i had the chance fr
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
also me i say i love you way too much. like on a more serious (kind of) note i sometimes worry that i say it to the point where it loses its meaning. i feel like that i should sometimes find other things to say because if there comes a time where someone really needs to hear “i love you” and they can’t believe me because of all of the casual times i’ve said it i’ll probably hate myself lmao. but that’s not important anyway in this situation i’d probably tell this loser i love him every time he came into my line of sight
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
honestly ion know prob both? idk i’m such a loser and i get embarrassed so easy but @ the same time jeongin seems like he sucks at receiving attention without dying. so probably both depending on the situation
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
i am Embarrassed writing this but whatever i’ll just go 4 it. so i really love cuddling. like a Lot. also i have to take into account that i am Large and about two inches taller than jeongin. anyway i’d almost always prob be the Big Boy when cuddling. like i’d be wrapped around him in any way i could be. literally every position would be the one.......... if i wanted to give an example tho y’all know the vliev photoshoot that skz had........... the position that hyunjin n woojin were in? i’m hyunjin and jeongin is woojin that’s just how it is
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colours remind you of them and why?
black bc he’s edgy uwu (no he’s not but for some reason black usually comes to mind......... it’s my favorite color tho so uhhh correlation) also pastel pink bc he’s so sweet and it’s like The soft color and i am Soft for him
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
winter bc 1: his birthday uwu i’d spoil the fuck out of that boy with my 7 dollars and 2: so many kinship opportunities bc of the cold i’d live 4 it. plus there could b like........ hot chocolate and stuff wowow
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
hm........... i like baking....... so i’d prolly bake n jeongin would snatch the batter and i would absolutely Not be angry that boy owns my heart and he can own that batter too
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
ok i’d make so many bad puns every chance i got. fr give him incentive to smarten up and get the fuck away from my annoying ass
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
hhhhhh probably me. like i can’t recall any specific time that jeongin’s even talked abt animals. even tho i’m wildly allergic 2 both (but i have two of each rn i’m not weak y’all can fight me) i’d force him to get AT LEAST one dog with me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
okay i would definitely be the one burning shit down i have literally burnt mac n cheese. i may b able to bake but once it comes to anything that involves an appliance that isn’t an oven i’m screwed
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
that boy would lean over a railing on like the twentieth floor deadass “owo whats this” and i’d barrel across the room breaking the sound barrier in the process to save that boy i’m way too nervous all the time
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
ok well i for one enjoy a good Spook. if it’s like..... real scary tho i’m a little bitch lol. anyway i’d be holding that boy to me like he was on the verge of death the whole time. if he ever jumped i’d probably hold him tight enough to the point where he couldn’t breathe it rly be like that
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
i’d be cheesy 100% i’m so greasy. idk if jeongin would be smooth but considering he likes to introduce himself by saying he falls into our hearts and i introduce myself by messing up my first name i’ll take a chance and say he’s smoother
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitve?
him i’m literally so lame i’m not competitive at all. i’d let that boy win in a heartbeat if it made him happy (unless we were playing some like video game shit i get immersed in that)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
me all the way i am the most forgetful person on earth. i could be leaving the house n boy’s like “hey loser don’t forget ur fuckin pants”
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
i send both and he purposely leaves me on read until i apologize
Tagging: anyone fr i don’t know who’s done it already except @dinonugggies u have to
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 13 - "I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game" ~Josh
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This last round went well!! We got Jay out (rip Corn Tribe💔 tho fr fr it died shortly after merge probs) and I'm still in the game :D We love to see an actual numbers majority now bless 🙏🏽 I hope I go soon 😅 Ingary my beloved is suffering a bit (ty/sorry Dyl 💖) I can't see that happening though bc Colin seems to find me and Amy as his best allies and would use his idol on us so RIP me tbh, typical that the game I'd like to lose earlyish in is the one I go to FTC 😂 tho if I went with Amy and Colin I do think one of them would win (with the double agenting and chaos idle-ing and they're both p social), I'm just good at taking the information we have and planning to ensure we have the best possible outcomes at tribal (which is SO much easier now that we have a numbers majority My Gosh!!!). I love sudoku puzzles but the thing is I'm used to playing on apps or online where it's easier to play kinda methodically, also the height of my sudoku phase was like, last year where I could complete an easy one avg. 10 minutes best time 7 minutes, these two with my 10% DA took 50 minutes, so take off 10% and it's 45 minutes, divide by two and it took me 22.5 minutes per puzzle. Yeah no I don't think I'm gonna win 😂😂 oh well, thanks Raf for letting me do them tonight though, you probably wanted to get to bed but tomorrow I have work and then my driver's license exam (!!!) and then movie night so I really don't have time to 😅😅 but hey! I dont have a second part to that✨ Time isn't real so wish me luck on my driving test now retroactively so that the positive vibes flowing backward through chronos (aka "linear" time) will ensure that when you read this I will already have my license❤️. xoxo, gossip girl
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honestly having more numbers done for you in a sudoku puzzle is just making me more confused
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math challenges during pride month is pure homophobia
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Congrats to jared for guaranteeing himself f5 for winning today 😭 and here I thought I did well with 40 minutes. I don't think he would play his idol on jodi but I don't know with this invisible round. Apparently Jodi is telling people I have the idol from phantom aka the one colin has, which is a problem if they are trying to flush it. I guess I'm a threat even though probably only dennis in the jury isn'taf at me lol. Colin has an idea to get votes on him then idol and us two vote Josh out but I really think they are going to be voting me based on how quiet it is and how many other alliances there are lol. There's the three with Josh and Jared and Colin because Josh doesn't want me at the end. See I knew he didn't like me lol. So I'm here trying to think of I need to play something or give it away and be voted out lol or just keep it and be out. My thought was to use the steal a vote so then no one would know it was me who had it but I kind of think I might need that next round of say jodi wins then jared idols. At f5 it could be me colin and jared all idoling if none of us make a move lol. Anyway I think I'm on shaky ground this go and idk why haha I'm there are much bigger threats that a no social person who flipped and wasn't even bonded with the jury lol. Here's hoping colin elle and I stay strong. And I can get second to colin. That would be fun lol but lots of game left. And I'm still at disney. This is going to be a stressful day.
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I hate invisible rounds. too much is going on. and literally no one is online to talk it out personally, i want Josh out this round. I think if I wait until final 4 to cut him, he'd be bitter at me in particular. Plus, he's not in my endgame plans. I want to have an easy win, and that means putting Elle and Jared next to me in ftc. the most obvious thing to do is split between Jodi and Anastasia, and I think that's happening because it's simple and no one else is around to dispute it. Amy is still my closest ally and I can trust her, so I told her that I want to take out Josh. i don't think the two are close so it was easy to get her on board. There's an option of me ENSURING he goes by playing my idol for whoever Jared and Jodi is voting for, but I don't want to do that. so my plan is to also have Jodi vote Josh with us, so it's 3-3-1. Either Jared idols Jodi and Josh leaves, or it's a revote and Josh still leaves god I'm just so worried and nervous. If I were to get blindsided, this is the round to do it. but I don't see anyone stepping up to actually pull the trigger, except maybe Jodi. I wanna make it to the end so badly. i've been playing orgs for too damn long, I need a win. please please please let me survive this round
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So I'm coming to the realization that at least 2 people on my side have idols and theres still a hidden steal a vote that Elle might have. So I'm on the side with the biggest threats to win this game so it's time to make a move. Jared said that he'll be willing to play his idol to save Jodi so that means that it's time to flush these idols out of the game. The plan is for 2 of us to vote for Colin and the other to vote either Elle or Amy. My original alliance is splitting vote between Jodi and Anastasia with me, Elle and Anastasia voting Jodi and Colin and Amy voting for Anastasia as our contingency plan. However, Jodi warned me that Colin was saying my name to her this morning so he might try to pull some snake shit. But im hopeful that Jared plays the idol for Jodi and somehow Colin doesn't play his so it'll be a tie between him and Anastasia.
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So I have immunity and I have been a little inactive but its ok because Jodi has kept me up with whats going on. Jodi tells me that they are splitting the vote on me. Which is good because I am safe lol. Anyways but I talked to Colin and Amy and I wonder if they really do trust me now. I did vote with them twice. So I told them that I was scared that I was getting voted and they said they wouldnt vote me. So sweet. I also talked to Josh and all of them are saying Jodi to vote. But Jodi is getting an idol played on her Im pretty sure so unless one of them suspects that we are lying about Jared winning immunity, one of them is going home this round.
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Dear Colin: We do not want to vote you out. We simply want to flush your idol. I seriously hope you are still here after tonight. You know what? This round has been insane. I'm obviously on the bottom, ready to get voted out. I wanted immunity so bad. But instead of crying, I created a beautiful plan that I hope comes to fruition. Anastasia won immunity. My game move this round is multilayered. First step is to create immunity for 3 people: me, Anastasia, Jared. We told everybody that Jared had won immunity, and that he may or may not idol for me. This is perfect because if they vote for me, they'll have their votes negated, same with splitting them on Anastasia. They'll completely avoid voting for Jared to avoid their vote not being counted. Next step: flush idols. Josh approached me last night and he wanted to work with me and Jared to flush out idols from Elle, Amy, Colin. Originally before he even came to me, I had wanted to do a 2-2 on Amy and Colin and tell him it's between Elle and Amy, but he actually said that he wants to do a 1-1-1 on those 3 to guarantee either idols being flushed or we get our pick of who goes. Josh doesn't know that Anastasia is with us too, but it's sorted. Colin wants to vote out Josh here, but everybody wants to vote out me. He came to me and Jared to vote Josh, and hope that they (Colin, Amy, Josh, Elle, Anastasia) split the vote on me and Anastasia. However, since the split was (Elle, Josh, Anastasia) vote me, and (Colin, Amy) vote Anastasia, the vote split no longer works since Colin is voting for Josh and Amy wants to vote me. Essentially, it's a 4-3 Me to Josh in Colin's eyes, and he wants to get a vote thrown so that it could at least tie 3-3. Me, Jared, Anastasia have decided before even Colin and Josh approached us that we wanted to do a 2-1 on Colin and Amy or something, so the fact that Josh approached us is perfect. How are we countering advantages? 1. Idols Jared has one idol, and there's only 2 idols between Elle, Amy and Colin. By throwing votes on all 3, we either guarantee somebody flushes an idol, or we guarantee somebody gets idoled out 2. Floating advantage from hunt 5 From the wording, it's either an idol nullfier or steal a vote. I'm voting for Elle here just in case it's a steal a vote, so that at least Amy is still open for a revote in case Colin idols. (I'm hedging my bets that Elle has it not Amy) 3. Idol Nullifier In this case, I go if Colin idols, and I will just…not forgive Faffy for putting both a chaos idol and an idol nullifier in a game and those be the two ways I go. Let's just hope this isn't what hunt 5 is. The final plan should yield 2 votes Colin, 2 votes Jodi, 1 vote Josh, 1 vote Elle, 1 vote Amy. In a revote, we save Me > Josh > Elle > Amy > Colin. This vote is for the win. This will be my game winning move. Creating immunity for 3 people, flushing idols, picking who goes. Let's. Freaking Go. 
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So idr what I said before but Anastasia suggested to Amy that we needed to split votes and wanted to split some on me LOL so now we're putting 3 on her, possibly 4 if Josh comes online in the next 9 minutes✨ Never a smart plan for the latest addition to suggest voting off older allies, but oh well. One day we'll work together well, Anastasia 💖 one day 😂 But anyway! I really hope Colin and Amy make it to FTC, rooting for them🥳
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Masterful plays and manipulations this round. Is getting her way. Best round of the game for her by far. The most impressive thing by far was giving three people immunity by a little lying.
Josh: The person who ratted out his side first. Made a huge move that might just save him. Taking out Colin here is perfect for him as it would give him a lot to say at FTC. He’s playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers and Jodi is playing 6D chess. I think he will make it very far in this game even if people don’t necessarily want him at FTC.
Jared: Has the potential to do more. Just doing what Jodi tells him to do.
Anastasia: Playing the middle like a smooth criminal. She is letting others do her dirty work for her. She is using her ally in Jodi to have those connections outside her alliance. However, she is in danger of being seen as expendable very soon.
Colin: Is getting blindsided tonight. Power has gone to his head and has made him unable to perceive who is actually with him. Assumes people will just magically work with him. Too concerned with keeping his idol. He has become, in essence, the new Jodi.
Amy: Colin’s lackey. Has no idea what is going on and will probably continue to have no idea.
Elle: Completely out of the loop this round
So Jodi’s plan is currently to do a 2-1-1 between Colin, Amy, and Elle. Jodi, Jared, and Josh will each vote one of them. Then Anastasia will vote Colin. On the other side, Colin plans to vote Josh while Elle is voting Jodi because she’s being kept out of the loop by everyone. And Amy is at Disney World.
2 votes Colin
1 vote Josh
1 vote Elle
1 vote Amy
1 vote Jodi (nullified by Jared’s idol)
1 vote Anastasia (nullified by immunity)
0 notes
natilepoop3 · 3 years
I Have a 2006 Buick Lucerne, While Driving with AC on, a Message Come Out That Says Turn AC Off, Car Is Overhe?
If the overheating problem is being caused by the AC then change your thermostat as that is the most likely problem. Note: This is assuming that you have appropriate level of coolant and its not leaking, proper working fans that spin fast enough and spin when they are suppose to, no blown head gasket, no clogged radiator and a good radiator cover that holds the pressure required. • Other Questions Is radiator cleaner safe to use?
deposits of crud or corrosion could be sealing a potential leak. You run the risk of having a leak develop. A regularly maintained car had nothing in the cooling system that needs any cleaner.
Now if you have a nasty cooling system that hasn't been maintained then cleaning out any corrosion or build up will very likely cause a leak so I wouldn't put any cleaner in it. ------ 1997 grand am question, about removing the frame on top of the radiator? The Grand AM does not have a radiator cap, it has a pressurized resivor.
This means that the resivor is a full part of the cooling system, and not just a place for overflow. The cap on the resivor is threaded onto the resovor and is sealed just like a standard radiator cap, this is where all the filling/top offs are done, there is no radiator cap, but there is a resivor cap. Many vehicles are like this.
------ I can't get heat in my 92 GMC Sonoma, what should I do? Ive had a lot of problems with after market thermostats, even though it new dosent mesn its good, i reccomend going and buying a dealer (chevy) theromstat and then try it again, also your radiator could be stopped up and not cirulating properly, dont use the dexicool antifreeze long term i know it to stop up radiators i went through the dsame probs you are, try having the radiator recored or replace it, i bet it will work ------ wat would happen if i cover my front grille of my car will this do any harm to it? Depending on the vehicle it can absolutely do harm.
Some diesel vehicles in the winter will cover their grills with a finer mesh to limit the cold air going through, but most gasoline vehicles require the airflow. When the car is stopped, if the coolant heats up too much the radiator fans will kick on and pull the air through forcefully. If air cannot get in, the engine will overheat ------ should i buy this used car?
What year is it? If it's a '94-04 S-10, I'm not surprised that it needed a transmission seal or a valve cover gasket. Especially if it's a V6 with the automatic.
If it's an older S-10 then there will be less to go wrong, but if you do buy it make sure the seller throws in a free water pump. If the radiator needed re-coring, chances are the water pump is the next to go. ------ What is the best cleaner to clean bugs off a radiator?
I've never known anything that was considering good in removing bugs from a radiator. I drive a semi and I assure you that my truck is covered in bugs. I simply wait for them to literally dry out and then you can brush them off.
There are screens that you can get that are easy to remove and clean instead of letting them get into the vanes of the radiator. Give that a try ------ What happens when bike engine is covered with a water which is covered by a box? That would be called a 'water cooled engine' .
they usually have a radiator to exchange the heat from the water surrounding the combustion chamber and a mechanical water pump to transfer the waste heat into cooler air passing threw that radiator allowing accurate temperature control under sustained continuous use under varying load conditions . Unless you have any thing other than a new 2014 Harley Davidson.the idea has been around in commercial use far longer than a century now!
------ Can I put a couch next to a radiator? its summer time now,,right? so not to worry.
anyway a radiator will never get hot enough to start any fire. But in the winter when you need the heat you have to keep the couch about a foot away so the heat can radiate about the room. Also keep the winter drapes short so's it wont divert the heat up the wall.
Hope this helps answer your question. ------ How to replace Valve Cover Ground Cable on 2000 Honda Civic Si? Anyplace on the engine block will do it - I always thought the valve cover was an odd place for it anyway.
An alternative is to get a battery negative cable that has an extra lead to screw down to a chassis ground near the battery. That wire (in either location) provides the engine ground. If it is not making contact all sorts of weird electrical things happen ------ Recently installed 12v Bosch horns on my Accord.
I don't think that there would be any problem at all since horns found on civics (atleast those sold here in the Philippines) are installed in the same general area behind the grill and just infront of the radiator and airconditioning unit. Actually, I was thinking of replacing my stock bosch horns with FIAMM horns. They're longer and would probably be installed in the same place as my stock ones.
Peace. ------ How do I fix a radiator leak I know is in my engine? This is known problem with those engines.
I would check the timing cover on the inside. When the timing chain guides break, the chain rubs the inside of the timing cover and rubs a hole into the water jacket. Most people think that its a blown head gasket.
Aftermarket water pumps also may wear a hole in the timing cover from the impellers rubbing through. I recommend factory timing components and water pump ------ My 2006 Chevy Malibu isn't heating up right.Any suggestions?
first id check to see if thermostat is opening and closing and if its really cold put a box flap infront of radiator just dont cover the whole thing just a small part like the flap of a box works great to close off some air should help it heat up back east or up north but most likey its thermo stuck open if it doesnt get hot or it takes a long time its open and stuck ------ Anyone have any information from start to finish about a 93 Ford Tauru? The fan relay tends to go bad and is located on top of the radiator under the plastic cover. Remove the plastic top cover located around the top of the radiator.
If your going to keep the car, you might as well just buy a new fan relay and replace it. If it doesn't fix the problem, you'll have a spare if needed in the future ------ Engine overheated & will not start plus spark plugs are covered in oil. Sorry to hear, but it sounds like a blown head gasket.
Check for water or a white film on the plugs also, and if and when it does start again, look for steam coming out of the exhaust, lots of it, it may just be something simple due to it overheating. But I would be real careful, and try a junk yard for a used part like the hose. No duct tape.
. that's a shame. ------ Hi name is Jay I have a 98 Oldsmobile intrigue and I do a little work on my own.
Sounds to me Jay like your converter is plugged up. How's the acceleration? Sluggish.
Try a night drive and when it acts up, wear some old clothes and check out for an orange glow in front of the converter. Careful you don't get burnt. If it isn't that, you have a cracked head or bad head gasket and it isn't showing up yet, so watch for white smoke.
good luck. ------ Cannot find radiator bleed valve? Can anyone help?
Pictures included!? Higher pressure in boiler could be sign of many factors including air bubbles in the system.
Air comes in from where water is leaking out. So find that location. Radiators or pipes leading to radiators must have air vents to let air out.
Boilers have valves for fill or drain. If none of the above helps, the only way would be to loosen (not open) the union next to the radiator valve to let water to leak out. ------ What Does the BMW Maintenance Program Cover?
The initial 4yrs/50K miles warranty and maintenance would certainly cover those leaks. Other than that they also cover brake pads and rotors, oil change, drive belt, brake liquid, and more. For more information see: http://www.
bmwusa.com/standard/content/owner/bmwultimateservice/default.aspx The extended CPO warranty (6 yrs/100K miles) doesn't cover maintenance costs beyond the initial 4 yrs/50K miles and has some limitation on warranty compared to the initial period as well.
------ what is the plastic thing holding up my lower radiator hose? my cars a 1995 3.4 camaro?
Take a picture, and take it to any Auto parts dealer, show them the picture and explain it what it is. They can usually pull up pictures (maybe). I did this before because there was a missing cover piece at the bottom of my transaxle, they identified it for me and it was called an inspection plate.
Your piece that snapped must be called "radiator hose support" (just a random guess) ------ i need help changing my radiator on my 2000 volvo v70se? Drain rad. plug on bottom of radiator,remove fan and shroud,unplug wires, usually two screws.
may have to disconnect top hose first. remove top and bottom hoses on rad. disconnect trans.
line on side of rad. if auto trans. May have to remove plastic cover over rad.
Should be a bracket at top each end remove, then lift out. Reinstall reverse order make sure tangs on sides go into slots in frame ------ 95 12v cummins oil leak location? start fresh, pressure wash the engine.
It will not affect the engine like it would a gas engine, i do it everyday. Pressure wash every thing, the radiator, engine, the under carriage, oil pan, transmission, the works. Make sure fliuds are ful land drive it.
Possible casues: powersteering mounting gasket, front crankseal, blowby/roaddraft tube, oil pan gasket. if youneed anything , email me [email protected].
happy turkey day. alan ------ Anyone else have steam radiators throughout their house and a baby? This might sound bad, but most kids will burn their hand(s) at least once when they are little.
So sometimes it might take your kid that one time to put his hands on it and know that some things do burn. Not unless you are watching your kid 24/7 it will most likely happen. I would suggest not using them and getting the space heaters instead.
They are inexpensive and don't cost much to run them ------ How much should it cost to change radiator in 2001 chevy impala? There is a price estimate book we use in my dealership I will quote you the cost.To replace the radiator in a 2001 impala that also covers coolant,clamps,and a new radiator cap parts and labor a dealers cost is $737 plus tax.
Independent shop price for the same repair is $531 plus tax. These prices will not be off by more than 10%.Best of luck with your impala ------ is hitting a deer covered under "basic" insurance?
.or do I need collision/comp? If you have only liability or "basic" coverage, it pays nothing for damages to your own vehicle, under any circumstances.
Liability covers damages and injuries caused to others by your insured vehicle. Submitting a claim soon after changing your coverage would set off all kinds of red flags at the insurance company. You could be investigated and prosecuted for fraud.
Are you sure you want to do that? ------ Does spray painted Styrofoam help heat a house? Well, most spray paints will melt styrofoam so there's that problem.
It would be better to cover the styrofoam with foil, and quite frankly, as the radiator shouldn't be getting hot enough to affect the wall behind it you could just put the foil on the wall. I suspect the result would be negligible as most of the heat is already just going up, not so much out. ------ Reasonable radio antennas range from1 centimeter to5 meters in diameter.
What frequency range does this cover? 1cm is communications and radar. 5 meters is communications.
1 cm is about 18 GHz. 5 meters is about 56 MHz. These are estimates, so give or take a few MHz.
We use 3 cm radar on ships (9GHz) and 10 m in ham radio, which is about 28 MHz. And it isn't diameter that is important, although at high frequencies that isn't true, but the length of the antenna is important for good transmission. ------ Does using a piece of cardboard in front of you radiator really allow your car to heat up faster on cold days?
You are correct. Your thermostat will remain closed until your engine reaches the right operating tempature. Your cooling fan only comes on when your engine reaches a specific tempature, and this is well after it warms up.
The cardboard will only help if your thermostat is stuck open all the time. At that point just spend the 5 bucks and replace the thermostat instead of messing with a big peice of cardboard
0 notes
amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game Part 12
Gregory DAY 93 Thursday
"Dude, I hope you're ready ? It seems like he have an appetite today."
He always have an appetite... The young lad nodded to Raphaël's interrogation. But I don't get the point of this. Why was he still obliged to bring Sam at Mcdo every day ? The fatty became pointless since several days now. Unfortunatly, Gregory could not disobey his captain's order yet. I'm still on phase Shirley. By the way, he felt satisfied about phase Jessy. Of course, Liam still dated her, and she had some friends who did not believe the rumours, but for the 11th grade flock, she was now known as the slut. And I'm the perv, but well... not for long. The advantage of being smarter than the average student was to know that with time, people forget almost everything. The dark-haired lad could still take the lead. He only needed to shurg Raphaël off.
"Thomas told me you've been busy training lately." announced the captain.
Gregory glanced at him, but did not replied. This talk is pointless. He stood up and mumbled :
"Tell to Sam I'll meet him at Mcdo. I have something to do before."
Then, he left the canteen. The more time passed, the more he understood Raphaël was like... well... Mister Perfect. He had the most handsome body ever. He was the head of the class, with a overall average at A+. He was team captain. He was popular, and feared by everyone, even the professors. Gregory’s envy had been growing for weeks now. I need to take his place. Thanks to Thomas's training, the lad was in a good shape now, but this was not enough. Every time the captain talked, people shivered with respect. Gregory wanted the same. That was why he decided to be heartless for phase Shirley. He went to Ms. Liliano's bakery, and entered. Inside, the shop was like a heaven of scent. Donuts, pie, bread, everything smelt its own perfume, awakening the taste buds. But I'm here for another kind of products. The lad went at the bottom, where a guy waited. It was a drug dealer Gregory had deal with for his plan.
"Did you have my order ?" asked this one.
"Did you have the sum ?"
The dark-haired lad took a wad of bills off his pocket. The guy gave him two flask, counted the money and left without anything more. Well... at least I have my drugs... With this mixture, Gregory would be albe to humiliate Shirley more than ever. He went to the checkout in order to leave when his stomach gurgled. Well... The canteen did not provide enough, as usual. The boy brought a bag of six donuts, smiling to Ms. Liliano.
"Your donuts are the best I ever ate."
"Thanks." she replied. "I know you're a good customer, and by your look, I guess you can eat a lot of them. Here, take this."
She offered him another bag of six. Hell, she already recognize a person deserving presents. He thanked her and left the bakery, devouring the addictive donuts.
Gregory met Sam at the Mcdo, already sat down at the table, a huge meal in front of him. So pathetic. The monthly check-up announced he had gained 9 kg over December, but the lad did not look worried about this. I lost a laptop because of him but well, he is so fat now. In truth, he was not overweight according to the nurse, but near to the border line. His whole body was not much different, except his belly. Depiste loose pants sized 36 (even 38 sometimes) and sweater, his tummy was plump, thick through the waist. When Sam pigged out, the round gut grew larger, rounder and pushed against his clothes. That's so ridiculous.
"Hey mate, I waited you." smiled Sam. "I ordered for you, here."
A sundae, a burger and some fries. Since last week, the brown lad often ordered for them both. At start, Gregory was a bit reluctant to eat more, but he soon discovered he had more room than expected. It probably was linked to his growing workout. And Mcdo food was rather delicious, after all. Gregory sat and smiled to Sam.
"Thanks buddy."
He took his burger, and bit into with hunger. They ate in silence, too busy devouring their meals to speak. Eventually, when the young lad finished, he watched Sam. His ex-partner had eaten his whole meal as well, used to gulp all this junkfood down his throat. With a satisfying belch, he proclaimed :
"It was good ! Maybe I should order a bit more... Maybe you want something too ?"
"No thanks, I'm full now." declined Gregory.
"Seriously ? So fast ? Well, I thought you were consuming more energy than that."
"What do you mean ?"
"Did Raphaël never told you about energy consumption and energy provision ? The more you train, the more you need energy. And because I saw how muscled you became, I expected you to consume a lot, but maybe I was wrong. You're not as built as I thought."
What the hell are you saying ? The team captain talked a bit about energy drinks, or something like that, but Gregory did not listen. He hated listen to Raphaël's advice. But did Sam just say he was not muscled ? I'm consuming more energy than you ever did for my training, fuckin' cow. The lad frowned and mumbled :
"Well, I still have room, but I thought we would be late if I eat more... But you're right, I need energy in order to keep my muscle mass in good shape."
Sam stood up.
"I knew it. Workout cost a lot, isn't it ? Anyway, stay here, I will order more burgers, okay ?"
Gregory sprawled onto his chair, with his behind his neck, and smiled.
"Sure, go."
Seems like he understood who is the real boss, now.
Liam DAY 94 Friday – 95 Saturday
Finn, his book opened on the history lesson, gave him a dirty look. He was upset because the goalkeeper made a lot of noise while eating his snack. But it was 16:00, they had an history exam in 15 minutes and Liam was stressed (and a stressed Liam eat, that's all). Next to him, Jessy was studying too, obsessed by the dates she was not able to remember. In fact, in the corridor next to the history classroom, 29 students were reviewing their lessons. Liam was the only one eating (he felt a little uncomfortable but well, as he said before, a stressed Liam gotta eat). Two others students were not studying : Barbara, who was reading a book peacefully (but she was ranked 2 over 32, and probably already prepared) and Raphaël, who had put his headset and was listening some music (and he was ranked 1 over 32, because Raphaël was a mutant).
"You're putting crumbs everywhere my love. Please, be careful." whispered Jessy.
"Oh... Sorry."
The silence was even more stressful. According to their class delegate number one (yes Liam ordered his class delegate, so what ?), history was the weak link in their class. They all were (except mutant's people and intellectual girl) bad. However, the goalkeeper liked history. This subject taught him how the american society and the world society developed accross the ages.
"Okay guys, go in, sat and be quiet please !" ordered Mr. Jacks.
Liam stood up and went in. He sat on his desk, next to the window and Raphaël.
"As a reminder, this exam is rather important for your second semester, even if we're at the beginning. I count on you to be good. Let's start."
Liam gulped and turned the piece of paper Mr. Jacks put onto his table. As always, it was a composition. The lad began by a outline, while thinking about everything which could be usefull. However, after one quarter of an hour, he let his mind ramble. This weekend was so special. He did not have a soccer match, but his sister Chloe had a tournament of long-distance running, like Shirley. Plus, Liam's bestfriend Nate was coming for the weekend. He lived in a close city, but they could not see eachother often, because of school. I'm excited... He obviously met him during the holidays, but he wanted to enjoy him more. Plus, with the athletics competition, they would have a lot of fun. And he will met Jessy... I hope he will like her... at least a bit.
"Strucker, can you focus on your exam, and not the window ?" asked Mr. Jacks.
(Yes, Strucker was Liam's family name. German distant origins.) He blushed and got back to work.
The next day, on morning, Liam excitation was less visible. Indeed, he was comfortably laid down under his sheets. Even the prospect of Nate coming was not enough to pull him out of bed. This feeling is too enjoyable. End of the world could happen : the lad would stay here.
"Brother ! Nate is here !" yelled his sister Chloe while openning his door.
The light made him grumble.
"C'mon he is here for 30 minutes yet."
Liam slowly stood up.
"Tell him to come upstair please."
"Sure. Jeezus, you need a shower. And don't forget to have breakfast, it give necessary energy."
Just a little explanation : Chloe, a 12 years old girl, was certainly not his mother. However, she got used to remind him (as his real mother) everything he already forgot once. And he had forgotten a lot of things during his existence. Chloe so, was like a speaking memo. An irritating, disrespecting speaking memo. Well, she is usefull sometimes... And she is a good alarm clock... But now, even his little brother, who was 3 years olds and started barely to speak was giving him orders...
"Well, are you going to stay here, on your feet, the whole weekend ?" asked an ironic voice.
Liam smiled and turned towards his besfriend. To be honest, it was something like a bromance. They knew each other since primary school, and despite being now in different places, they shared absolutely everything together.
"Nate, sorry, I'm not dressed."
Well, he was in pajamas, but his bro already saw him like this often (even naked, by the way, but no detail).
"No prob'. I brought you breakfast."
His bestfriend gave him his traditional 6 pancakes with apricot jam (yes, he knew everything, even Liam's weakness for pancake) and sat onto the bed while the goalkeeper ate them with gusto.
"So, are we gonna talk about this... party where you girlfriend tried to cheat on you ?"
Liam blushed (Okay, he was less prudish with Nate, but still a bit).
"Are we ?" he repeated stupidly.
His bestfriend smiled and nodded. He was probably curious. Himself have been dating a girl since 2 month, and they were happy together. His experience could be useful. Plus, Liam could speak freely with him, Nate being aware of his unusual fetish.
"Okay." eventually conceded Liam. "But please, no joke."
Nate nodded, and he began his story.
Shirley DAY 96 Sunday
The tournament came. The young girl, her parents, sisters, brother and boyfriend went to the track where the middle-distance race took place. God... I feel so stressed... Last year, she was 3rd of her category (14-16 yo). As always, competitor from the whole state came. They were a lot of runners, men and women, warming up.
"We'll take our seats." informed Dan. "Good luck sis'."
His family went to terraces while Sam remained with her. His boyfriend, depiste gave up training and workout, still had a competitive spirit. During gym class, he understood he was not able to hold his own against Raphaël, Gregory and the others, but he supported Shirley as much as possible. And right now, she knew she could rely on him.
"Where are your main opponent ?" he asked softly.
She point a black girl warming up her legs quite near to them.
"She was 1st last year, and I heard she was practicing at national level."
"Well, you can still beat her. Do your best babe, I know you're good."
Shirley smiled. He was so sweet. And to think that she called him his imposed-boyfriend barely two month ago. She glimpsed Liam, his sister Chloe and a cute stranger. She hailed them, and greeted her friend when he came closer.
"Ready Chloe ?"
The 7th grade student, favourite in her own category (12-14yo) smiled and nodded. Sam watched the stranger and frowned.
"I already saw you..." he said, thinking intensely to remember.
"Well, I'm Nate, Liam's friend."
Shirley introduced herself, as Sam did. Apparently the newcomer was the same age as them, despite being 173 cm. He had a cute face, gentle, childish, with brown eyes and dark-haired hair. His body showed a scheduled workout, with toned muscles and a good built. The blond girl liked him, without any reason. He was inspiring trust. Sadly, she had not the spare time to speak with him, because someone gave the signal of roundup for the runners. With Chloe, they joined the gathering, excited.
"I think we should tell him who is honestly Gregory."
Shirley raised an eyebrow while fiddling her medal. She finished 2nd, just behind the national runner (on her category, of course). They decided then to have a drink together, Sam, Liam, Nate and her. Her family went back home after some congratulations, just like Chloe, who won the first prize on her category. Consequently, the four friends were sat on a table, in a terrace, depiste the low temperature of January. The goalkeeper and the former supporting striker decided to tell to Nate their relationships with Gregory, the ambitious cockcroach (this nickname was Sam's idea, not her). Of course, Liam was more diplomatic than her boyfriend, and even if he disliked the dark-haired boy, he did not hate him. That was why both of them had a sort of argument about how to describe the subject.
"I told him Gregory was a teen with a desire of popularity." stated Liam. "Is that wrong ?"
Nate was having fun listening to them. Shirley could said he was patient, rational and probably smart. He would not judge Gregory without any evidence. However, she also could said he was really, really close to Liam. Both were drinking the same thing (okay, that was not a proof) and glanced at each other time to time, smiling and probably exchanging some private joke.
"Well, no." replied Sam. "But he is nasty, you know ?"
"Boys." interrupted Shirley. "We all know Gregory is ambitious and amoral, but do Nate care about this ? And anyway, we have a plan to give him a lesson, remember ?"
They both nodded. Of course, Liam was aware of their intentions, but he said nothing. Because I'm helping with Jessy, I guess. She was glad to know he did not tell everything to the devil. Raphaël. She could not say a single word about him in front of the boys... Sam, despite losing his friendship, was still admirative and deeply respectful. And obviously, Liam, being a close and old friend of Raphaël, would not appreciate her criticism. She wondered if Nate knew the devilish boy.
"She got a point." eventually said this one. "Gregory is probably a very interesting subject, but I'm thinking about another thing right now. Is someone else interested by some donuts from the best bakery of the world ?"
Oh, I like him. They all nodded, and headed towards Ms. Liliano's shop (which was even open on Sunday).
Gregory DAY 98 Tuesday
The young lad was not an idiot. Act on Monday was hazardous and reckless. Also, he waited Tuesday before begin his phase Shirley. This day, he woke up early, excited, had his breakfast and then went to the bakery for some donuts. Now, he was walking towards the school, swallowing his delicious snack and repeating mentally his plan. I will humiliate Shirley. She will be so embarrassed. Just before entering in the high school, Gregory took the last donut, and dusted it with the drug. Once the donut given to Shirley, she would eat it, and be stunned. And we'll have fun. Another possibility was conceivable : she could give it to Sam. In both case, Gregory was winning, and the couple humiliated. Of course, one detail remained. He could not offer the donut himself. That was why he headed towards Barbara. Their class delegate would be his deliveryman. She caught a sight of him, straigten up her glasses and smiled.
"Greg. What can I do for you this time ?"
Be the nice sheep you always are. He thought she was hot stuff, but he needed her.
"Well, I have a gift for Shirley, but you know how she is... I can't give it myself."
Of course, Shirley's personality work to her disavantage. She would never accept a gift from him, and Barbara knew this.
"Explain me somethin' Greg." this one whispered. "I thought you hated Shirley, so... what is the hidden intention ?"
He smiled cheerfully. This asshole did not deserve to know. Be happy I'm not humiliating you as well. You're a piece of shit.
"This is a first peace gesture. She will understand, because we both love donuts."
"We all love Ms. Liliano's donuts." replied the class delegate. "Give it to me, I will do my part."
"Thanks Barbara. You're sweet."
"We'll see."
She left him with the donut, and Gregoy felt more excited than ever. Soon, Shirley or Sam would be doped, and this phase achieved. I can't wait...
However, he waited the whole day. He had been glancing at Shirley and her boyfriend everytime, but nothing happened. They was as normal as ever. Smiling, loving and disgusting... The fuck she did ? Before gym class, while eating his traditional bag of six donuts for energy, he rushed Barbara and yelled :
"What did you do ?! Why she had not eaten the donut ?!"
The class delegate, reading a book, did not take the trouble to raise her head. She replied quietly :
"I threw it out."
"You what ?! Fuckin bitch ! Why did you do that ? Are you idiot ?"
He was enraged. How did she dare to take a decision like that ? You will pay slut ! Fuckin whore !
"We both know what was exactly this donut, wasn't it ?" she whispered while turning her page.
Suddenly, Gregory became pale. How ? How is it possible ? That was not planned. Holy shit, I've a problem.
"Did you tell anyone ?" he asked. "Please, don't advise the professor. Please. I did not intend to do something bad. And I lost 100$ for this shit."
Barbara searched in her bag and replied softly.
"Don’t worry."
She took the donut out of her bag and threw it on the closest trash.
"Now, I threw it out, by the way."
Gregory stared at her with amazement. He did not know what to say. Did she just... manipulated him ?
"Greg, please. You pretend to play the game, but you're just a product of the game. I told you : my role as a class delegate is to insure a good environment for student in order to help everyone. Shirley and you are making a war, and I must put an end to it."
She looked him straight in the eye.
"Be smart Greg, and gave up. Go apologise to Shirley, and then, focus on your grades. High school is not worth enough to fight for."
The young lad felt an irrational anger seize him. This fucking idiotic bitch was condescending. She thought he was stupid. I hate you. At least as much as Shirley.
"You will pay for this." he mumbled. "Like Jessy, like Shirley. You will all pay for this."
"I'm not your ennemy." she said. "Think Greg. You can't win this game. You are wrong, but you still can back out. Don't ruin your chances."
"You ruined your whole life by manipulating me. I will just wreck everything you did. You think those stupids boys and girls need a quit environment ? I'll make sure they have not. Listen carefully Barbara, because I will make you pay. You'll fear me like you fear..."
"You're not Raphaël." she interrupted.
"You're right." he mumbled. "I'm better and stronger than this weak captain. See you soon, class delegate."
He left her, mad and decided to obtain his revenge as soon as possible.
To be continued
Hope you liked this part... Gregory his trying his best to hurt Shirley, so what will be his next move ? And what’s doing Raphaël meanwhile ? We’ll know that soon :) Otherwise, I kinda like Liam and Nate, and I hope you too :p
The next part soon !
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boofrp · 7 years
     i’m done, disgusted and tired of this fucking community and here is a rant you should read and reevaluate your thoughts and actions in the rpc. (copied from a rant i sent to @rayrps​ because literally if i paraphrase it and try to rewrite it it’s not going to be the same) thanks (: coolio (: i know i will probs get attacked for this or something but i don’t care anymore
me, talking about how my roleplay is slowly dying out and other issues but this is the important part: 
so many people wont join cause its "just not their thing" and i'm like tf are you doing honestly writing is about challenging yourself and doing things differently /??? 
like fuck i've been writing for years and i always wrote the same things and when i sat down one day and wrote a real fight scene - something i have never done before ever - i felt so ?????? liberated and PROUD of myself b ecause i had never done it and there it was, proof that i CAN do it 
and i'm just frustrated so many people pic easy rps over ones that are trying to get people to love writing again 
like fuck i've put it in words on my main i've literally said that our tasks are to promote character development through thought and the events are to promote character development through action 
and no one says a thing but when another rp is like "lol we just gonna have a party event cause yolo idk " EVERYONE IS # SHOOK ??????/ 
the lack of ingenuity and hardwork in the community frustrates me so much 
because most rps think of a plot and just decide that thats just gonna be the plot w/ a few events to keep people entertained like its always gonna be like that 
raven says:  plus i think a lot of ppl use rp as an escape tactic(nothing wrong  w that ofc) but they're not creating characters they're just self inserting themselves w kendall jenners face
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
How Well Do You Know CSS Layout?
The difference between a CSS good experience and a long frustrating one is oftentimes a matter of a few small details. CSS is indeed nuanced. One of the most common areas where I see struggles is layout. Personally, I like to study patterns. I notice that I tend to use a small group of patterns to solve the majority of my layout problems. This article is about those CSS patterns I use to get myself through layout challenges. It is also about approaching situations agnostically, regardless of the CSS methodologies used, whether that’s SMACSS, BEM, or even the hot topic of CSS-in-JS because they all focus on the properties themselves rather than architecture, organization, or strategy.
Just for fun, let’s start with a test
We’ll use a platform that I happen to have made called Questionable.io and I’ve used it to create a test that we’ll get to below. Don’t worry, there is no personal data collected, results are anonymous and it’s totally free.
The purpose of the test is to see if you can recognize specific CSS behaviors and problems in context without first being presented with the material. I didn’t set out to make the test difficult, but CSS layout nuances tend to be somewhat complex, especially without having a lot of exposure to them. Remember, this all for fun. The results are not an indication of your awesomeness, but hopefully you get value out of it.
The test is 10 questions and should 10 minutes or less.
Take CSS Layout Quiz
Interested in the test but don’t want to take it? Here’s a link to the questions with their correct answers.
Done already? Great! Let’s go over the questions one-by-one to get a better understanding of the layout patterns that are covered in the test.
Question 1: Box Model
Learning the Box Model should be high priority on anyone’s list. While this CSS-Tricks Box Model Article may be a bit old, don’t underestimate its value and relevance to modern CSS. The Box Model is prerequisite knowledge for almost every CSS topic related to layout.
This particular question is testing how to get the Box Model’s computed width. The box clearly has width: 100px; but it turns out that the default rules of the Box Model apply width properties to the content layer of the box. The computed width (how wide is rendered on the page) is the sum of the content layer, padding layer, and border layer. For this reason, the answer is 112px:
.box { width: 100px; /* Take this */ height: 50px; padding: 5px; /* Plus this x2 for left and right */ border: 1px solid red; /* Plus this x2 for left and right */ background-color: red; /* = 112px of computed width */ }
If you’ve encountered a situation where the last column or tab in a UI wraps down to the next line and you were confident that five tabs (all set to width: 20%;) adds up to 100%, then it’s very possible that this was the issue. Five tabs at 20% width does add up to 100%, but if there’s padding and/or borders involved, those will add width there won’t be room for the last tab to fit on the same line.
Around the time of CSS3 being introduced, a new tool called box-sizing came to CSS. This allows us to change what layer of the Box Model we want width to apply. For example, we can do box-sizing: border-box; which means we want any width rules to apply to the outside of the border layer instead of the content layer. In this test question, if box-sizing: border-box; had been applied, the computed width would have been 100px.
This is old news for some of you but a good reminder for pros and novices alike.
There are a number of articles on the Box Model and how to use box-sizing as a reset, so it’s applied to your entire project all at once. Box Sizing and Inheriting box-sizing Probably Slightly Better Best-Practice are two great articles right on CSS-Tricks to get started.
Question 2: Borders are pushy
The second test question could almost be considered "Part Two" of the first question. Remember, it’s one thing to read, "The Box Model has layers and they all contribute to the calculated width and hight." It’s another to be able to recognize a Box Model problem in a real situation. This particular problem is somewhat of a classic among those who have been doing CSS for a while. It stems from the fact that borders take up space and will push things around since they are a part of the Box Model. Introducing borders during a state-transition, like :hover, will mean that boxes get bigger and thus push subsequent boxes down. It can also create a jittery experience:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Borders are Dimension by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Out of all the possible solutions in the test question, doing border: 2px solid transparent on the initial "un-hovered" state would be the only one that fixes the problem. box-sizing doesn’t fix this problem because we are not explicitly setting a height. If we had, then the border would be factored on the inside of the height and there would be no shift — but this wasn’t the case.
There are also other solutions that weren’t mentioned as possible answers. One is faux borders with box-shadow and the other is to use outline instead of border. Either of those would have resulting in no shifting during state changes because they are not layers in the Box Model. Here’s another CSS-Tricks article to read more about these solutions
Keep in mind that outline does not support border-radius.
Question 3: Absolute position vs. fixed position
Aside from knowing when to use each and how they differ in visual behavior, it’s also very important to know the rules for how each positioning method attaches to a parent element with its top, right, bottom, or left properties.
First, let’s review Containing Block. The short definition is that a Containing Block is most often the parent of any given element. However, the rules for Containing Block are different between absolute and fixed elements:
1. For absolute elements: The Containing Block is the nearest ancestor parent that is not static. For example, when an element is absolute-positioned, and contains top, right, bottom, or left properties, it will position relative to any parent that has a position of absolute, relative, fixed, or sticky. 2. For fixed elements: The Containing Block is the viewport, regardless of any parents that have position values other than static. Also, the scrolling behavior is different than absolute in that position: fixed; elements stay "fixed" to the viewport as it scrolls, hence the name.
Many developers believe absolute-positioned elements only seek the nearest position: relative; parent. This is a common misconception simply because position: relative is most often paired with position: absolute; to make a Containing Block. The reason it’s commonly used is because relative keeps the parent in flow which is often the desirable behavior. There are times though that the Containing Block of an absolute positioned element is also absolute positioned. This is totally okay depending on the situation. If all parents are static, then the absolute positioned element will attach to the viewport — but in a way that scrolls with the viewport:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Position Absolute Scrolling by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
There is a lesser-known caveat to the two rules above: Anytime a parent has a transform property (among a few others) with a value other than none, then that parent will become the Containing Block for absolute- and fixed-positioned elements. This can be observed in this Pen where the notice is position: fixed; and the parent has transform but only when hovered:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Containing Blocks by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Question 4: Parent and first/last child collapsing margins
This is one of those CSS details that can really bite you if you don’t know how it works. There is a CSS concept called Collapsing Margins and many people are familiar with the form of it called Adjacent Siblings Collapsing Margins. However, there is another form of it called Parent and First/Last Child Collapsing Margins which is lesser known. Here is a demo of both:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Collapsing Margins by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Each paragraph tag has a top and bottom margin of 1em that are provided by the browser. So far, that’s the easy part. But why is the gap between the paragraphs not 2em (the sum of the top and bottom)? This is called Adjacent Sibling Collapsing Margins. The margins overlap such that the larger of the two margins will be the total gap size, thus the gap in this case is 1em.
There’s something else happening that’s a little strange though. Did you notice that the top margin of the first paragraph doesn’t create a gap between it and the blue container div? Instead of a gap, it’s almost like it "contributes" the margin to the parent div as if the div had the top margin. This is called Parent and First/Last Child Collapsing Margins. This form of Collapsing Margins will not happen in some circumstances if the parent has any of these:
Top/Bottom padding of any value bigger than 0.
Top/Bottom border of any width bigger than 0.
Block Formatting Context, which can be created by things like overflow: hidden; and overflow: auto;).
display: flow-root (not well supported).
When I have the pleasure of explaining this small CSS detail to people and solving it with padding or border, the response is almost always, "what about padding or border of 0?" Well, that doesn’t work because the value must be a positive integer.
In the previous example, just 1px of padding allows us to toggle between using and preventing Parent/Child Collapsing Margins. The gap that shows up between the first/last paragraphs and the parent is the 1px of padding but now the margin is being factored to the inside of the container since the padding layer creates a barrier preventing collapsing margins.
Regarding the question, I’m confident you can see what the problem is in this UI:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Parent/Child Collapsing Margins by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
The first .comment (without the .moderator class) is experiencing Collapsing Margins. Even without looking at the code, we can see that the moderator comment has a border and the non-moderator one does not. In the question, there were actually three answers that were considered correct. Each one is actually already applied in the source of the Pen, they're just commented out.
One reason why this form of Collapsing Margins isn’t as widely known as the others is the wide array of ways we can "accidentally" avoid it. Flexbox and grid items create a Block Formatting Context, so we don’t see this form of Collapsing Margins there. If our "comments" UI were a real project, chances are we would have had padding on all four coordinates to create spacing all the way around, which would fix any Collapsing Margins for us. As rare as it might be, I wouldn’t want you to spend a whole day scratching you head on this one, so it’s good to keep in your thoughts when working with layout.
Here are some CSS-Tricks articles on this subject:
Good ol’ Margin Collapsing
What You Should Know About Collapsing Margins
Question 5: Percent of what?
When it comes to using percentage units, the percent is said to be based on the Containing Block’s width or height (usually related to the parent). As we stated earlier, an element with transform will become a Containing Block, so when an element is using transform, the percentage units (for transform only) are based on its own size rather than the parent.
In this example, we can see that 50% means two different things depending on context. The first red block has margin-left: 50%; and the second red block is using transform: translateX(50%);:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks - Percentage and Transform by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Question 6: The Box Model strikes again... what a hangover!
Just when you thought we were done talking about Box Model...
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Left: 0 Right: 0 by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
The hangover stems from the fact that we are using width: 100%; on the footer and also adding padding. The container is 500px wide which means the footer's content layer (being 100%) is 500px wide before padding is applied to the outside of that layer.
The hangover can be fixed with one of these two common techniques:
Use box-sizing on the footer directly or via a reset, lie we discussed earlier.
Remove the width and do left: 0; right: 0; instead. This is a great use case for doing a left value and a right value at the same time. Doing so will avoid Box Model issues because the width will use its default value auto to take up any available space between paddings and borders when left: 0; right: 0; are set.
One of the options was "Remove the padding on the footer." This would technically work to fix the hangover because the content layer being 100% would have no padding or border to expand it beyond the width of the container. But I think this solution is the wrong approach because we shouldn’t have to change our UI to accommodate Box Model issues that are easily avoided.
The reality for me is that I always have box-sizing: content-box; as apart of my reset. If you also do this, then perhaps you don’t see this problem often. But I still like to do the left: 0; right: 0; trick anyways because, over time, it has been more stable (at least in my experience) than having to deal with Box Model issues arising from width: 100%; on positioned elements.
Question 7: Centering absolute and fixed elements
Now we’re really starting to combine all the material from above with the centering of absolute and fixed elements:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Modal (Lightbox) Centering by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Since we’ve already covered most of the material in this test question, I’ll simply point out that horizontal and vertical centering can be done "the old school way" with negative margins or the newer "kinda old school but still good" way of doing transforms. Here is an amazing CSS-Tricks guide on all things centering.
It used to be said that if we know the width and height of the box, the we should use negative margins because they’re more stable than transitions, which were new to browsers. Now that transitions are stable, I use them almost all the time for this, unless I need to avoid a Containing Block.
Also know that we can’t use any margin: auto; tricks for this because we need modals to "hover" over the content which is why position is typically used to them out of Normal Flow.
Speaking of which, let’s move on to the next question, which deals with centering with Normal Flow.
Question 8: Centering elements with Normal Flow
Flexbox brought us many amazing tools for solving difficult layout problems. Before it’s release, it was said that vertical centering was one of the most difficult things to do in CSS. Now it’s somewhat trivial:
.parent { display: flex; } .child { margin: auto; }
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Flexbox Centering (Vertical and Horizontal) by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
Notice that with flexbox items, the margin: auto is being applied to top, right, bottom, and left to center vertically and horizontally. Doing vertical centering with auto didn't work in the past with block-level elements which is why doing margin: 0 auto is common.
Question 9: Calculate mixed units
Using calc() is perfect when two units that we can’t add up on our own need to be mixed or when we need to make fractions easier to read. This test question asks us to figure out what calc(100% + 1em) would be based on the fact that the width of the div is 100px. The correct answer is that the calculated value is 100px plus whatever 1em is in the browser. We don’t know what 1em will be when we write our CSS because it’s context-dependent — thus the reason why calc() is needed in the first place.
There are a few key places where I see myself regularly reaching for calc(). One is anytime I want to offset something by 100% but also add a fixed amount of extra space. Dropdown menus can be a good example of this:
See the Pen CSS Tricks: Calculate Mixed Units by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
The trick here is that we want to make a "dropdown system" where the dropdown menu can be used with different trigger sizes (in this case, two different size buttons). We don’t know what the height of the trigger will be but we do know that top: 100%; will placed at the top of our menu and at the very bottom of the trigger. If every menu needs to be at the bottom of their respective trigger, plus .5em, then that can happen with top: calc(100% + 0.5em);. Sure, we could use top: 110%; as well, but that extra 10% would be context-dependent based on the height of the trigger and the container.
Question 10: Negative margins
Unlike positive margins that push away from their siblings, negative margins pull them closer together without moving the sibling elements. This final test question offers two solutions that technically work to eliminate the double border in our button group, but I strongly prefer the negative margins technique because removing borders would make it much more challenging to do certain tricks like this hover effect:
See the Pen CSS Tricks: Negative Margins with Button Groups by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
The effect is a "common border" that is shown between the buttons. Buttons can't actually share a common border so we need this negative margin trick to make the two borders overlap. Then I'm using a z-index to manage which border I want to be on top depending on the hover state. Note that z-index is useful here even without absolute positioning, but I did have to do position: relative. If I had used the technique to remove the left border of the second button, this effect would have been more difficult to pull off.
It all adds up!
There is one last demo I want to show you that utilizes many tricks we’ve discussed so far. The task is to create UI tiles that expand all the way to the left and right edges of the container with gutters. By tiles, I mean the ability to have a list of blocks that wraps down to the next line when there’s no more space. Hover over the tiles to see the full effect:
See the Pen CSS-Tricks: Flexbox Tiles (Edge-to-Edge) by Brad Westfall (@bradwestfall) on CodePen.
The hurdle with this task is the gutters. Without gutters, it would be trivial to get the tiles to touch the left and right edge of the container. The problem is that the gutters will be created by margin, and when we add margin to all sides of the tile, we create two problems:
Having three tiles with width: 33.33%; in combination with margin will mean three tiles cannot fit on one row. While box-sizing will allow us to have padding and borders on the .tile which will be contained within 33.33%, it will not help us with margins — that means the computed width of the three tiles will be more than 100%, forcing the last one down to the next line.
Tiles on the far left and right side will no longer touch the edges of the container.
The first problem can be solved with calc((100% / 3) - 1em). That’s 33.33% minus the left and right margins of each tile. Adjacent Sibling Collapsing Margins don’t apply here because there is no such thing as Collapsing Margins when it comes to left and right margin. As a result, the horizontal distance between each tile is the sum of the two margins (1em). It also doesn’t apply in this case with the top and bottom margins because the first tile and the fourth tile are technically not Adjacent Siblings, even though they happen to be right next to each other visually.
With the calc() trick, three tiles are able to fit on a row, but they still don’t extend to edges of the container. For that, we can use negative margins in the amount equal to the left and right margin of each tile. The green dotted line in the example is the container where we will apply negative margins to draw out the tiles to match the edge of the surrounding content. We can see that how it extends into its parent’s padding area (the main element). That’s okay because negative margins don’t push neighboring elements around.
The end result is that the tiles have nice gutters that extend edge-to-edge so that they align to the neighboring paragraph tags outside the tiles.
There’s a lot of ways to solve tiles (and they usually come with their own pros and cons). For example, there's a rather elegant solution using CSS Grid discussed by Heydon Pickering which is responsive using a technique that mimics container queries (but with Grid magic). Ultimately, his Grid solution to tiles is much nicer than the flexbox solution I presented, but it also has less browser support. Nonetheless, the flexbox solution is still a great way to demo all the tricks from this article at the same time.
You may already be familiar with Heydon's work. He's known for creating clever tricks like the Lobotomized Owl selector. If you're not familiar, it's certainly worth knowing and I have a video where I talk about it.
I stated at the start that I tend to look for patterns when solving problems. This article isn’t necessarily about the exact demo scenarios from above; it’s more about a set of tools that can be used to solve these and many other layout problems that we are all likely to come across. I hope these tools take you far and I look forward to hearing your contributions in the comments.
By the way, there are a number of excellent resources that cover the Box Model in thorough detail, most notably ones by Rachel Andrews and Jen Simmons that are certainly worth checking out. Rachel even has a newsletter completely dedicated to layout.
Box Alignment Cheatsheet - Great resource with visuals that highlight the various properties that affect how elements are aligned, either by themselves or relative to other elements.
Jen Simmons Labs - A slew of helpful posts, demos and experiments using modern layout methods.
The post How Well Do You Know CSS Layout? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
How Well Do You Know CSS Layout? published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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