#but also i kind of just want a completely different name
coffee-kitty4090 · 1 day
DC What if??
In this alternated universe, what if MAZAHS was a form William (Billy) Batson could be able to transform into?? Not just a form that belongs to Alexander (Lex) Luther from Earth Three. Who is that universe SHAZAM counterpart, all thanks to the Power of MAZAHS.
However, I’ll be twisting a few things to make this work.
Firstly, Billy Batson will still be able to transform into SHAZAM, but MAZAHS is a secondary transformation he can undergo. This allows Billy to possess two immensely powerful and distinct forms, and each is capable of tapping into different facets of power, either magically or godly. Only having to utter the magical word, either SHAZAM or MAZAHS, for their respective transformations.
Secondly, these forms were either gifted or forced upon to by the magical Wizard from a rock.
Originally in this universe, the Wizard was going to gift two people, one for each role. One of those chosen individuals will have the title and powers of SHAZAM, the Champion of the Gods (who are the same). Then the other chosen individual will have the title and powers of MAZAHS, the Champion of Magic.
However, the Wizard hadn’t much time left since he was already pretty old. So, he gave Billy both of the titles and powers, because one, Billy passed the test, and two, he couldn’t find another champion. Then like most mentors (if you want to call him that), the Wizard then shortly died after transferring the titles and responsibilities over to Billy, with a brief explanation for how they work.
Thirdly, I made it so that SHAZAM and MAZAHS are each other opposites (since their names are literally the same but backwards). I made them to be from the same coin, but each with their own side. Certain things about them are the same, yet they’re not, and have their own differences.
Fourthly, SHAZAM is fundamentally the same in this universe, both in appearance and personality wise, while I have changed MAZAHS entirely. Because it’s not Alexander Luther who is in this form, it’s Billy Batson.
As MAZAHS, Billy will retain his true appearance that, by magic, is in a way altered to be less recognizable. And because I can, the outfit is more child-like and arcane, reflecting his unparalleled command over magic. Yet, in this form is still similar to SHAZAM’s in terms of colours, and their iconic lighting symbol.
I also have it that SHAZAM embodies Billy’s ambitions, mirroring the qualities that he sees from his deceased father, CC Batson, as well as other heroes. SHAZAM brings forth a peaceful personality, aligning with Billy’s innate kindness and what he thinks a hero is and should be. On the flip side, MAZAHS represents the reverse. MAZAHS embodies Billy’s natural personality, complete with a mischievous nature. Like SHAZAM, MAZAHS is still Billy, but he displays and exudes a more feral and untamed demeanor, acting more like a trickster.
Fifthly, I think that their powers and skills have been divided, yet not.
I have it that SHAZAM does still possess proficiencies for using magic. They’re, however, not anywhere near the same level as MAZAHS, whose mastery over magic is unparalleled. Similarly, the same applies to MAZAHS, who also acquired and connected to the powers of the Gods, but not to the extent of SHAZAM.
I think of it being split around 20/80 in terms of how Magically or Godly their abilities and roles are.
Sixthly, I want and need miscommunication.
SHAZAM is known and written about in a lot of cultures in the DC universes, but now that there’s also a MAZAHS in this universe. I think that SHAZAM and MAZAHS would be confused as the same being and there, because when they were spoken or written about, their names are interchangeable.
It either because, neither of them would be around each other outside. Or because there have been many individuals that have been gifted those titles. It also plays in with that now they are the same being. So, that is where the title SHAZAM, the Champion of Magic, probably comes from.
Finally, I think that Billy would likely stick to only one form. He uses SHAZAM’s form the most (obviously), and only tends to use the MAZAHS form if it’s needed. Reserving it for situations that demand a different kind of and an immense magical prowess. Where SHAZAM cannot win with brute force.
It's mainly because he doesn't want to be seen and treated like a kid, or because SHAZAM and amazing muscles.
I haven't thought much about this idea, but I thinks a fun concept.
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shadowkoo · 2 days
I just needed to come here and vent for a moment. As a writer, I put a lot of time and thought into curating my ideas and outlining fics before I even begin writing. So, you can imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to a tumblr notification that someone had tagged me in a post titled “[My Fic Title] Part 2.”
Naturally, I was a bit shocked. After scrolling through it, I realized that this user had written a second part to one of my fanfics, and they tagged me to credit me for the original story.
While I won’t name the specific fic or the user (they did remove it per my request), I feel the need to address this publicly with a quick PSA.
My characters, storylines, cliffhangers, and everything in between are my intellectual property. Yes, the characters are inspired by real idols, and yes, some of my plots exist within established TV/film/book universes. But the ideas, twists, and execution are mine, and I’m the one who will decide how they unfold. (For clarity, the fic in question isn’t set in another media universe, but I wanted include this line since it is relevant for a couple of my other works).
I appreciate that this person enjoyed my fic enough to be inspired to write something themselves, but to be completely honest, I don’t think what they did was okay. I have some serious issues with this, and I want to share them to hopefully prevent this from happening to me—or anyone else—again.
First off, I find it incredibly rude that they didn’t reach out to ask my permission beforehand. Had they done so, I would’ve immediately told them not to go forward with it. Instead, I found out through a tag after the fic had already been posted, which felt like a slap in the face. To make matters worse, because of time zone differences, the post was live for hours while I was asleep, gaining traction.
I know that in the fanfic community, it’s somewhat common to write alternate endings or continuations for larger works from big-name authors or shows, but that’s not what’s happening here. I’m a hobby kpop fanfic writer. Writing a fanfic of my fanfic just feels out of line.
To be blunt, it felt like they were piggybacking off the success of my story, trying to steal some of the excitement I’d built for an upcoming second part. It also seemed like an attempt to siphon engagement, followers, and interactions from my readers—people who were already invested in the original work.
What bothers me even more is that I’ve publicly mentioned I’m already working on a second part. It left me with a bad taste, like this person was trying to rush out their version before I could post mine. That kind of move creates confusion for readers and, from where I stand, feels calculated and disrespectful.
So let me make this crystal clear: No one has my consent to rewrite my work, create additional parts to my fics whether they’re complete, on hiatus, or in-progress, whether or not i have mentioned that i'm writing another part, or to publish alternate endings, etc.
Thank you for understanding. - Raven
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yanderenightmare · 9 hours
heya! do you have any more writing tips for writing on tumblr? like, any tips to get as much attention as you, kinda
Oh yes.
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♡ Post in different lengths!
Or, more precisely, don’t only post long full-fics with multiple chapters.
I know it sounds weird, but the more effort you put into something doesn’t actually guarantee more payoff. Why would anyone read your hour-long fic if they have no previous experience with your writing that gives you credibility? In other words, how can they know spending an hour reading your writing is worth it?
More people are likely to grab a bite-sized appetizer than they are to sit down for a full five-course meal.
But! The more people like those bite-sized appetizers, the more likely they are to want to sit down for that full five-course meal, you know?
Think of those bite-sized appetizers as taste tests—kind of like commercials that bring more people in to give your actual meals a try.
Also, writing in different lengths is good for you! Only writing hour-long stuff makes you burn out quickly, which brings me to my next tip:
♡ Post often!
If you can, try posting something every day. Of course, you can’t post full hour-long fics every day, which is where writing smaller things such as drabbles, headcanons, and tiny prompts come in. Think of them as flings you have in between your long-term relationships. They’re fun little things good for your health!
But anyway, here’s a tip for when you do have those long-term relationships—as in, when you want to write full-fics or longer posts in general:
♡ Start with a hook! 
My attention should be seized by the first paragraph, if not the very first sentence I read. This is so important.
I’m a very picky reader sometimes—so if that first line doesn’t interest me, I’ll be fast to scroll to find something more enticing. And you can be sure a lot of readers are the same.
Under are some examples of my own start-liners.
Something foreboding:
There’s something very off about your roommate… something eerie that makes you keep your distance.
The plot:
Thinking about the big and burly behemoth Omega finally finding himself the cutest little Alpha to breed with…
Something catchy:
Give a brat an inch, and they'll take a mile. 
Something snappy:
You’re his favorite whore…
“Feels like you’re luring me into some trap.”
A prompt:
Yanderes who keep you higher than a kite…
In medias res:
You lay on your belly on the bed.
Anyway, they don’t have to be groundbreaking—just anything that will spike interest in the reader.
♡ Write for different characters! And try writing inserts!
Inserts are when you don’t name any specific character in the story but either give options for what characters your audience can imagine or leave it completely up to them. This works best if you have a nice starter-line that tells you what kind of character this is without naming them.
Bruiser boyfriend
Ex-military Yandere
Benevolently sexist boyfriend
Creep Step-bro
You can go further and identity the reader as well:
Big, brawny, chubby-muscled Boss and his perfectly bite-sized assistant
In other words, people like to know what they’re about to read before they start.
Otherwise and lastly:
♡ Something logistic you can have in mind is making your writing accessible. 
Say I like one of your posts, and I click your profile to check you and your other posts out, but all I see when I scroll through your blog is endless reblogs and one-off comments about this and that. My second instinct is to check out your Masterlist. If you don’t have one, my mission is fraught, and I’ll be out of there quickly. If you do have one, but it’s messy, then my patience will wane, and again, I’ll be out post-haste. 
The bottomline is to have a neat pinned post that makes it easy to navigate your blog, with all your relevant stuff easily accessible. Check out mine for reference. But the most important is for it to include your rules, how to request, and your masterlists.
Then, of course, this is obvious, but:
♡ Things take time
I’ve been running @yanderenightmare since 2020. Back then, it took me half a year to get my first 1000 followers. And most of my posts would only get about 500 or so likes. And, that’s another thing—if I was doing it for the likes and follows I probably wouldn’t still be here, so make sure you enjoy what you’re writing and stuff. If you have that conviction, then the rest is just a nice bonus.
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stxrslut · 8 hours
I think the reason why so many people hate dark content is because they don’t understand it.
Incest for example has been a big topic on this side of tumblr as kinktober approaches and a few writers, including myself have mentioned it.
why is writing incest bad? It’s not, up front. the moment it becomes bad is when you romanticise it. the same goes for other dark topics, for example necrophilia or blatant rape.
acknowledging that these things exist is not a bad thing, and neither is acknowledging that there are certain people out there who do it. it is a horrible truth that nobody wants to exist, but it does.
using the infamous rafe cameron as an example, why would you want to read an incest piece about him?
rafe is a complicated character, and a very bad person. a lot of writers don’t like to take that into account. I’m sure we’ve all seen many works where rafe is portrayed as a sweetheart, a perfect husband who cares and would never do anything to harm you.
this portrayal of rafe has become the norm for many people on this platform. and so upon seeing dark content, they are trying to imagine it with this completely different character. the version of rafe that is romanticised.
when we write this content we don’t write it with that rafe in mind. we don’t want to be with this version of rafe that we’re writing, this is a bad character and we absolutely recognise it when writing him.
of course, as mentioned there are people who are imagining it with romanticised rafe, and also assume that was the rafe it was intended to be written with.
if that was the case then writing this content most definitely would be bad.
but why would we write dark content with a reader insert if we didn’t want this to happen to us? what is the point? that’s a valid question.
primarily, self insert or ‘x reader’ is just the format that we write in. even though we may be imagining our name and or face it’s not necessarily us. reader is just a character, let’s use puppy!reader for an example, she has her own characteristics specific to the reader or character. I don’t think I am puppy reader, but I love to use her character to write a reader.
self insert and second person writing is also a very good way to explore the thoughts, feelings and actions in a character in very great detail, which a lot of writers very much enjoy doing.
this is also another misconception that people make. because in some of the situations the reader goes along with / wants these things to happen, which is very easy to mistake for writer wanting it too.
so now we know that self insert does not mean desire. but even if we don’t desire this, why do we write it?
there are many reasons. one is character analysis. there are plenty of bad characters out there, and they would do that. we are simply acknowledging that.
we like to explore complexities and nuances of characters. this character would want to do that and so how would that play out? who would it be with and what would the feelings and emotions be? it’s interesting to explore darker parts of different characters.
another reason is trauma, to people without it that sounds ridiculous. but people with trauma in these kinds of situations may find comfort or control in reading about it in a safe environment.
I have a lot of childhood trauma, and there are certain pieces of writing centred around that kind of thing can really help me to think about it and help me to control the way I think about it.
now there are some aspects of dark content that we may say we “want”, but that is generally misunderstood.
let’s use a sentence I have said many a time, “I want rafe to fuck me with a gun”. no, I absolutely do not.
I am into humiliation and power play, I also enjoy a little bit of fear and pain in some circumstances. in a safe environment, for example, a fictional one, a gun would be a perfect way to do these things.
obviously in real life I wouldn’t let anyone come near me with a gun. it’s all about interpretation and understanding of safe environments.
when I’m reading a fic where gun play may be involved I read about the humiliation and power play and all sorts and think oh fuck that is sexy. because it is, in this very safe place where a gun is not going to harm me or anyone.
the same goes for lots of other forms of dark content. we might not necessarily want the exact action, but more the sensation or feeling that comes with the action.
but why would we write it when people are going to be triggered by it?
simply put, that is not our problem. I haven’t ever come across a piece of dark content that wasn’t correctly labelled and warned.
I’m not responsible for anyone else’s media consumption, if they choose to ignore my warnings it is entirely their fault.
also, free will exists, if someone decides they don’t like what they’re reading they can simply close the piece, stop reading.
in a nutshell, if someone who writes dark content is 1. not romanticising it and 2. labelling it correctly, you don’t have a reason to target them.
learning to distinguish between dark content and predatory content is so important so we’re not attacking the wrong people.
please stop targeting writers who write dark content when there are people out there who genuinely are horrible who we do need to be targeting. focus your attention on the real issues.
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heartsoji · 1 year
pov i have the biggest urge to change my pen name to smth completely different and unrelated
rant in tags
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gutsybitsies · 1 year
controversial opinion perpollo should be way sassier. i don't even ship them and i think this is how it should go (with percy in his mid 20s of course):
percy constantly has self doubt issues and doesn't think that he's good enough. but when he's with apollo, he thinks "ah yes this asshole is enough of a loser to vibe with my loser vibes."
with anyone else he thinks "what if i mess up and this person leaves me?"
with apollo he thinks "yeah this is just a fling, he's a fucking asshole?" and then sprays water at apollo's head to make a rainbow. but the "fling" just never ends and both of them are too idiotic to do something about it.
and if percy's in his mid 30s-40s when perpollo happens its
percy: "you're good looking enough to sleep with but your past actions have me unimpressed." and "i've worked too hard to be emotionally well adjusted for you to come barging in with 4000 years of issues"
then percy accidentally negs apollo into being obsessed with him.
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tiffanybluesclues · 4 months
Every week someone makes a post about how annoying it is that Dick Grayson fans don't acknowledge his flaws, and every week someone replies with an explanation that the flaws OP listed are entirely fanon and inconsistent with canon as it actually happened and at this point I have to assume that none of those explanations are ever going to stick because clearly some people just want the fanon to be true.
Anyway, I'm just putting this here for me to edit and add relevant-to-the-topic links later so I'll have them nicely at hand to read and sooth my frustrations when it gets real bad out there. (Echo chambers are good when we use them to drown out character mischaracterizing fanon.)
#dick grayson#canon vs fanon#yes this is about 'dick was a bad brother to jason' yet again#😮‍💨#super problematic how dick didn't pack up his life & become a devoted big brother to the new son of a man who had already disowned dick#like in-universe he is respectfully supportive of the kid who's wearing his name and uniform#but he was also a 19 year old living in a different city and not given any indication that he was a member of bruce's family so...?#dc comics#this fanon tendency to try to cram nuclear family dynamics and angst onto relationships that do not fit that mold arghhh#add to that how real-world knowledge makes it extra ridiculous to act as if 'omg dick was such a jerk for not being there for jason!!!'#yes their interactions were minimal - I'm pretty sure that keeping dick as a titans character was the entire reason jason existed!#let's be real about jason: his character & what led to him being robin were completely different pre-crisis + his post-crisis run was brief#understandably there are 'flashback' stories to flesh out his time as robin. the worst of these disregard characterization from that time#but even with flashbacks the worst that canon actually shows would be that they weren't close? which...okay?#idk what kind of expectations some people have for the former-ward so sort of foster kid who was explicitly kicked out of bruce wayne's lif#apparently he should've 1) begged his former guardian to acknowledge him as family & 2) assumed the role of bestest big brother either way#i'd ask people to stop and really think about the 'family' structure that existed in this time period where they insist dick was the bad gu#but at this point it's clear that people who want him to be the bad guy truly don't care about why we think it's absurd#anyway i'll end this with a reminder of what I'm pretty sure were the ages etc of the parties involved:#jason (12) gotham. adopted son of bruce.#dick (19) nyc. former ward of bruce. fired from role as partner to batman.#bruce (30+) gotham. raised dick as his ward → fired dick as a partner → never indicated dick still had any place in his life → adopted jaso#oh so my tags just cutting off the final letter like that? i will not be correcting them 😡
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deanpinterester · 8 months
i understand that not everything needs a film adaptation least of all a game where the whole point is that every action you make actually has consequences HOWEVER COMMA the way i see this is that there are people who don't play video games who would otherwise really like the story. the movie is for them. i know being protective of a thing you like is common but when i'm a fan of something then i do want more people to see it, and if it's through a movie adaptation, then like. as long as the movie is good. then why not.
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juliareed · 22 days
Fandom: Alias Relationships: Sark/Sydney Song: Spiracle by Flower Face Content warnings: Blood, death, violence, spiders, insects, flashing lights
#aliasedit#alias#sydney bristow#julian sark#sark x sydney#ssplus#fanvid#myedit#s/s dares to ask a question#what if your mother created a killing machine and that machine was obsessed with you BECAUSE it's your mother who made him.#like it's a part of his code your mother designed. or not code - but because he learned everything about the world by watching her.#like the only kind of humanity your mother allowed him - the only kind of humanity left after she was done with him - was this.#because it's the only kind of humanity she allowed to herself.#to not ever be completely sure if your mother ever loved you and then learn something like this?#what if your mother's killing machine grew up hearing stories about you.#what if your mother's killing machine looked up to you as a child and wanted to make your mother proud just like you did.#what if your mother's killing machine learned about your existence a full decade before the two of you met.#what if your mother's killing machine was conditioned to love you.#what if your mother on purpose designed her killing machine to be flawed. to have a weakness that shouldn't be there.#from her words all to protect you. and what if one day her plan backfired.#what if one day your mother's killing machine turned against your mother for you. turned against his creator for you.#what if your mother's secret plan worked A LITTLE BIT TOO WELL and she lost control over you both. what then. literally what then!!!!!!!#also i don't think we talk enough about that scene in conscious where in sydney's dream jack turns into sark's father.#what if i dreamed my father was your father. what if you said my mother was like your mother. what exactly does that make us.#and what if we also shared a name. what if a part of me - the part i feared the most - had your name.#while working on this realized also that i want a fic where every day for months sydney sees a ghost of someone sark killed.#it's always someone different. and at some point it starts to feel like it's never going to end.#the ghosts will be right there with her for the rest of her life. as always i just want#some sydney introspection and sydney grappling with the idea that her own mother turned a human being into THIS.#which goes along with facing the fact that it could have been her on his place.
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Writing my trans Morty fic and I don’t want to have his birth name be Morti because I feel like we don’t get a lot of representation for trans people who completely changed their names but I also don’t want to come up with a random name so maybe I should just replace every instance of Morty’s birth name with [redacted]
#rick and morty#rnm#morty smith#trans morty smith#trans morty#the reason can be that rick created some sort of way of erasing morty’s birth name from existence just for him#i also think it would be more impactful if morty had a completely different birth name and then chose morty#since i’m writing this dimension’s rick to be overprotective and shielding morty from a lot of stuff#like at the point i’m writing rick is just barely starting to take morty out on (very safe) ‘adventures’#and i kind of want to have it so that this morty isn’t really aware of the whole rick and morty dynamic thing before choosing his name#since he wants to go on more adventures but this rick is hesitant#so i think it could be kind of a nice moment if morty chose the name morty completely of his own accord#without knowing anything about the citadel or anything like that#and that could be sort of a trigger event for rick bringing morty along on adventures#idk maybe that’s just me#i’m currently just using morti for the sake of writing stuff but i’m really not a fan#i think i’m funny making my little [redacted] joke but that would be so clunky in a fic#the other possibility i was playing around with was having morty’s name always be spelt as ‘morty’ since it’s shortened anyway#but i’m still not sure how i feel about that#it would be much easier to write in first person but i’m not really a fan and i don’t know if i could pull it off#i only tend to use first person in very brief moments of like characters’ thoughts or whatever#also this should go without saying but i know i have a tendency to not be clear so just want to explicitly say#there’s nothing wrong with masculinising/feminising your birth name as a trans person#or keeping your original name#but i feel like it’s very common in media made by cis people to have trans people masculinise/feminise their birth names#like disproportionate to the rate of trans people who actually do that#also when i was at school there was apparently a rumour that i was a trans guy (which was obviously true lol)#and i panicked when my friend told me thinking it was legit#until they revealed that people were saying i was going by a masculinised version of my birth name#so i knew it was fake but i think that’s part of the reason i’m not personally a fan of that in fiction
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
does anyone have tips for how to deal with the phenomenon of 'autistic need to sort and hypercategorize things, except that there are multiple different axes by which to sort them and you can't use them all at the same time, and the result is overwhelm and distress?'
i've learned that tagging systems help, at least, but sometimes they uh. sometimes they can only go so far
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#whosebaby talks#whosebaby makes things#whosebaby does game dev#ttrpg tag#i first wrote up that nightmare of tags when i only had three or four hacks in progress lmfao#looking at it now there are some i think i could narrow down a bit but it still makes me itchy#and with how much bleed and overlap there tends to be with different hacks and systems#it can be really inconvenient and disruptive to separate them completely for ones that have multiple drafts and test run docs#the tagging system i use on here is pretty damn loose by my usual standards but keeping track of game dev in the way i do it#kind of needs a lot more careful distinction and along multiple axes#the alternative is pretty much just one big soup which works *okay* but can still be overwhelming and a hassle to keep up with#anyway this is not remotely the only thing this applies to and Suffering Squirtle especially when urge to sort physical objects#and it's also annoying when it's something harder to quantify like#'i'm genuinely really having fun with this test scene/campaign and want to continue it' vs 'ehn. don't mind not picking this one back up'#sighs#also yeah i have. i have a lot of balls in the air here lmao#this doesn't include the i think like 5-10 docs i made on gdrive before i switched to the notes app because the formatting sucked to use#and the above folders also don't include things like the divination stuff i've made#me with nerve damage that makes handling physical tarot cards painful; making a dice table instead: try and stop me asshole#is there a name for that tag
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Last night’s dream was the first one I’ve had in a long time where I wanted to fall back asleep and stay in it/experience it again
#so i’d moved back to the states under false pretences (student visa whilst having zero plan to do another degree)#and was living with my favourite of the three roommates i had last time i was there. they had however given up weed completely and become#a full blown alcoholic. our apartment was messy as fuck and i was the only person who was cleaning it#at one point a couple of our friends were helping me and they were criticising all the mess and i was like ‘it’s literally not me’#i was taking classes to maintain the ruse that i was doing something to deserve my student visa and every class i showed up to everyone was#wearing surgical masks for covid. i also had this weird thing going on where i could see everyone irl#but if i wanted to i could see everyone in video game sprite form and i could see whether i’d met them yet and how many hearts i had#with them. and there was this guy i realllly wanted to flirt with so i tried sitting in what i was pretty sure was the seat next to his#but this other guy sat next to me instead and kind of looked at me funny#then he started talking to me unprompted about covid rates on campus and then started flirting with me and then was like ‘btw did you know#who i am?’ and i was like ‘no lol. i mean i know your name because you introduced yourself but other than that’#and he’s like ‘oh that’s such a relief’. turns out he’s the famous lead singer of a kpop band. he’s like ‘if i took off this surgical mask#and styled my hair a bit differently i would get mobbed immediately’ i was like ‘yeah i don’t listen to kpop. i have kpop mutuals but the#whole thing is a mystery to me’ anyway he told me his name but i just called him kim to help him maintain anonymity#we made a date to hang out and study together and i went back to my horrible apartment to discover that my roommate had broken their#sobriety from weed and there was a drug dealer in my flat trying to sign me up for ‘a weed raffle’#i was like ‘i’m not interested but what can i get for $20’ she lists off two incomprehensible measurements and weed strains and then says#‘i can give you weed hot chocolate’ i was like ‘that sounds fucking delicious sign me up’ she’s like ‘this is a good deal darling’#i’m just like ‘okay’. i woke up still waiting for my weed hot chocolate to arrive and also waiting for my date with kpop boy#overall a really nice dream. like yeah the covid stuff and the mess was bad but honestly… honestly that’s just life atm#personal
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clairenatural · 1 year
also I think it's amusing that being a big name fan on Twitter seems entirely dependent on having the [redacted] to go to [redacted] but here that will get you eaten alive
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keeps-ache · 1 year
just remembered that one time i got last-named on the internet and i my brain broke for like 15 seconds while i tried to figure out who they were trying to summon with 'Ache'
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quatregats · 2 years
Chapter 3 may or may not be roughly finished 👀👀👀
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Hi guys guess who's literally shaking rn from excitement
#rat rambles#oni posting#beta moments. explodes.#now as expected not everything is fully implemented and I imagine theres going to be more logs and such when the main story trait of this#planetoid is fully implimented in the actual dlc when it releases#but there are still some new logs that can be viewed already and Holy Shit#ok ok so first of all we have confirmation that gossmann is her last name and her first name starts with an e#I also am amazed at my hc of harold being a dad being true like yo I actually nailed it with that hc#however that news is far outshadowed by the fact that pretty much all of my jackie childhood hcs being completely obliterated#and by completely I mean COMPLETELY like its not even like a detailed retelling or anything its just an email#but as I honestly kind of expected my hcs are completely dead and gone in the wind rest in peace jackie hcs#Im honestly completely ok with this tho as while I did like my hcs ot definitely was the sort of thing I did not want to be canon#like honestly the fact that this implies that jackie actually has a decent relationship with her family is perfect to me#I also like how it gives us another bit of insight on jackie's life outside of gravitas without her even saying anything directly#its going to be sad to move away from my old hcs but I am honestly kind of digging the new implications#wait a minute#ok now I need to know what the family tree here looks like jackie are those your parents and are they divorced this is important#WAIT I NOTICED A SECOND THING#ok well first of all one of the presumably jackie relatives is a colonel which like so fucking lines up with how jackie is#but also I think that some of the other new logs might also be abt jackie relatives#one of the new logs in fact directly mentions a colonel#in fact the log in question seems to be a part of another trio of logs that probably are abt different outcomes of the same event#they seem to be about an incident that either resulted in the injury death or successful recovery efforts of a crew of piolets#with the one that ended up being able to be saved being credited to the colonel (telling us they were almost certainly in the air force)#all three end with gravitas showing some form of hostility towards the vertex institute for some reason or another#and in the two where things go wrong stretches out an invitation for those affected to apply at gravitas instead#and the one where things turn out ok theres mention of claims of corporate espionage#which I find Facinating on so many levels in either direction this could go#to be clear these three logs are written in a very broken up manner as they seem to be corrupted radio programs or smth#anyways this is all to say that smth fucked up happened over there and it has the chance to make jackie so So much worse
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