#plus like my other fics are shorter but are still like…full stories that I’m proud of and feel like a good example of my writing so?
aceofstars16 · 5 months
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
#45 Comparing hand sizes..
Alan and Jeff...
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With many thanks to @janetm74 for the read through and support.
Late night fic writing. I hope you enjoy it :D
Touches Ask Game - Send me a prompt
His Father’s Hand
They took turns sitting with their father.
It was a quiet room in the hospital, away from all the bustle and noise. Scott had made sure every detail had been attended to. Virgil had fussed to the point their father had banned him from the room.
Until Scott begged his father to let the whining puppy back in.
Virgil controlled himself after that.
John was more an observing spectre. There in three dimensions one day and a flickering hologram the next. The hospital helipad had been used multiple times by the space elevator.
The two astronauts spoke in numbers and scenarios. Usually, Alan would have been excited to listen.
But not right now.
Gordon, as usual was a firework let loose in the room. He tried to be quiet, but he seemed to sense their father’s mood and was desperate to compensate when it dropped.
It got to the point where Dad had thrown a pillow at him and nearly confined him to the naughty corner with Virgil, but the fact their father had been able to throw the pillow was such a sudden plus, they’d all been distracted in congratulating him on his progress.
Gordon had smiled like the sun.
Grandma was always there.
It was almost fascinating to watch her look after her son. Grandma had always looked after him and his brothers, but this was different. Dad was her little boy. It was ever so obvious that even Alan picked it up.
There were moments where she left the room and Virgil would frown and suddenly follow her. There were days where she would ramble stories to their sleeping father apparently at random. The odd thing was, they were all stories that Alan had never heard.
Kayo was always quiet. She would slip into the room, sit down beside his dad and look at him with such an expression of sadness it hurt.
One time Alan had gone out to grab a snack from a vending machine. He had come back to hear soft singing. A peek through the crack in the door and he had witnessed Kayo singing in Malay. Dad was asleep, but she was stroking the back of his hand with a finger.
Alan had made himself scarce for the next half an hour, scampering down to the cafeteria and filling himself full of comfort food. Virgil eventually found him, interrogated him - as Alan’s posture had obviously triggered some little brother alert in the big softie’s brain - and there had been flannel hugs not long after.
Dad’s recovery was hard.
As for Alan, he managed to sneak in some time alone with his dad. Sometimes he was awake and they would talk. About everything. Rockets, space, school, there were stories about his mom he had never heard, his grandparents, stories about himself and his brothers. Alan had plenty of those to share himself, and no doubt got several brothers in deep water in the process.
But other times Dad would be exhausted and just fall asleep. In those times Alan would just sit.
If his brothers came in, he had a video game at hand to provide the expected behaviour, but if they didn’t, he was quite content to just sit and look at his father.
Dad was some kind of heroic mystery.
Scott spoke of his father as if the man knew everything. If Scott had a hero, Dad was it. It was pretty understandable. After all, Dad had done so much and Scott had been there to see most of it.
Virgil’s hero was Scott, but when it came to their father you could see the love and respect in those brown eyes. Different from the hero worship of Scott, but there was some kind of pedestal in that gaze, nonetheless.
John was John. He put everyone on an equal standing. Probably had something to do with looking down on everyone all day. And Dad was no different.
Gordon loved with everything he had. Dad was Dad and had to be admired, but there was no hero worship there. Just a kid and his father…who had come back from the dead.
And that was where Alan sat. He had been eleven when they had lost Dad. Still a kid. Still needing parents. His father was kind of a mysterious mish mash of memories, hopes and made up ideas.
But god he loved him so.
Today was one of the days where Dad was too tired to keep his eyes open. Alan had spent the last few minutes looking at the grey in his father’s eyebrows and trying to remember what colour they had been.
Of course, he technically knew the colour. They had photos and holos after all, but the memories…trying to remember…
Eight years was ever so long.
Dad’s arm lay above the covers. The other hand was snagged by an IV, but this one was free.
Gold glinted in the dim light.
Alan frowned. Dad was still wearing his wedding ring?
He bent over to look a little closer. The gold was covered in fine little scratches, but it still shone.
On a whim, Alan lay his left hand next to the limp one on the covers.
Dad’s was so much paler than his. Alan’s skin was still the skin of youth, though it sported a few freckles. There was also a difference in shape. Dad’s fingers were shorter and thicker, Alan’s were long and thin, yet smaller.
If anything, Dad’s hands reminded Alan of Virgil’s.
Though ever so much paler.
A frown. There was something about discovering this tiny and mostly irrelevant piece of information. He didn’t have his father’s hands.
Yet Alan, even more than Scott or John, emulated their father in career. Dad was a space jockey.
Alan was a space jockey.
Perhaps he had worshipped his father as a guiding light more than he had thought.
The hand on the bed suddenly moved and gently caught Alan’s fingers.
A blink at a pair of grey eyes peering up from him on the bed. “Hey, Dad.”
“A penny for your thoughts?”
“Um, not a great deal, Dad.” A smirk. “I thought you were a business man.”
His father’s lips twitched. “Do you have a counter offer.”
“I’m considering it.” But he only offered a smile.
His dad smiled ever so softly in return as he squeezed his fingers. “You’ve grown so much.”
Alan snorted. “Uh, yeah, they kept feeding me and, uh, here we are.” Another half-assed grin.
“Sorry I wasn’t there.”
The lump that immediately formed in Alan’s throat nearly strangled him. He forced the words out. “Not your fault, Dad.”
His hand was squeezed gently. “I’m still sorry.”
“I’m proud of you, son.” His father’s voice was rough. “You’ve grown into a fine young man. I can see it even now.”
Again with the awkward rubbing of his neck. “Yeah, well, Scott sent me to bed on time and Virgil made sure I brushed my teeth.”
There was a snort from the bed, followed by soft laughter.
Alan found himself smiling. John had helped him with his homework and Gordon…well, Gordon was Gordon, his partner in crime.
The smile became a grin. “Could have been worse.”
Grey eyes stared up at him as his hand was squeezed again. “Yes. Yes, it could have been.”
Alan bit his lip a moment before leaning in and gently wrapping his arms around his father’s shoulders. “I’m so glad we’ve got you back, Dad. So glad.”
Weak arms did their best to curl around him. “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
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kiri-ah · 3 years
File: Sector 5
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Part of the Action Figure Collab hosted by @go-shotaro
Pairing: Kim Jungwoo x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned for reader), low key Taeil x Sicheng if you squint
Themes: Dark Matter (TV Show) AU, Elite Dangerous (Video Game) AU, basically space stuff, gunfights, lasers, hackers, set in the future, spaceships, Star Wars is mentioned like twice, Sicheng is a jerk, Mark and Johnny are half-brothers
Warnings: Major character death, gunfights, blood, two swearwords, mentioned burials, mentioned black market
WC: 3.7k
Summary: In a galaxy divided into factions, war is rampant. The ship files that you’re searching for could solve all of your problems - if only you can get into the classified sector of the space station where they’re housed. With Jungwoo on one side and Taeil on the other, nothing can go wrong. Right?
Taglist: @allegxdly , @stayctday , @leelatte , @dundun-baby , @kunrengui ​
Author Note: Welcome to my first collab fic! This is also my first full-length fic on tumblr which is pretty cool. When I saw the concept for this collab I decided it was perfect for my first foray into working with other creators. In the process I made a lot of new friends and I had a lot of fun. Plus I’m pretty proud of this fic. Please enjoy File: Sector 5!
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You walk as quickly as you can while still being discreet. There are a lot of people that you wouldn’t want to notice you here. Jungwoo and Taeil, following behind you, seem to have had the same thought. Taeil has a cap over his projector glasses, and Jungwoo has on a black too-big hoodie that hides his give-away physique. In your earpiece there’s silence, but that doesn’t bother you. Yangyang told you to reach out once you got to the section of the space station you need. You still have a few more obnoxiously crowded spaces to traverse before you arrive, so you focus on draining the urgency from your movements and walking like you belong here. Like you’re not about to break into a classified sector and commit a crime.
You make your way through the bar, the ship parts market, and the casino with minimal issues. You think you see a familiar face across the way in the market, but he turns away a second later and you breathe easy once again. If it was who you thought it was, you wouldn’t be alive anymore. Nakamoto Yuta is famed for his cruelty. You enter Sector 5 and speak quietly into your earpiece. 
“Yang, we’re in sector five. Where do we go from here?”
“I’m getting your location still, hold on,” comes Yangyang’s voice into your ear. 
“Take a left here, and then head down for a few hallways. This is one of the permanent sectors like ours, so you can use your gun now if need be and not worry about puncturing an outer wall.”
You take the left where he says to and continue down, checking to make sure that Jungwoo and Taeil are still behind you. They are, and so is another figure.
“Get over here,” you hiss, pulling them into a side hallway. The figure doesn’t appear to have seen you and passes by, turning down another hallway. You recognize the face of Xiao Dejun, an infamous criminal like yourself. You try not to think about what would have happened had he spotted you. You wouldn’t be dead, but you would probably wish you were. 
“What happened?” asks Yangyang in your ear. 
“Security,” you mutter. 
You pull Jungwoo and Taeil out and walk down the hallway until Yangyang tells you to stop by a door. “You guys will need to get through this door without my help,” he says. “Beyond it, I can only get high energy drain levels. Be careful.”
Taeil kneels by the card scanner and pulls out his tools. You and Jungwoo turn around, standing guard in case another member of security comes and you need to shoot them. Taeil carefully prys the backing panel off of the scanner and maneuvers until he can see the wires. He scoffs. 
“For a high security organization, their security is terrible,” he mutters. He cuts the casing off of a wire and does something you can’t see with it, and the door slides open. You continue keeping watch as Taeil packs up his high-tech phillip’s head screwdriver and cleans up the casing. When you turn around, you’re speechless. 
“We found the source of the energy drain,” Jungwoo says in a low voice. Before you is a room of lasers, the kind you thought only existed in old movies. They cross back and forth across the space like an absurd red spider web and fizzle oddly like Redstone in that old game Chenle likes. Minecraft, was it? 
“What kind of black market did they get these on?”
Taeil shrugs and walks into the room. “Looks like we can get in,” he tells you. “The lasers are designed like shark teeth - easy to get in, not so easy to get out.” The analogy doesn’t help you feel any better about the situation, and you clutch at your gun. 
“Can you turn them off?” Jungwoo asks Taeil, seemingly as nervous as you are.
“I can, but we don’t need to to get in. Let’s focus on that on our way out.”
You nod and walk in, spotting the pattern like Taeil did. “Maybe their security is just bad,” you say. “This is so easy.” You swing your right leg over the nearest laser and start your way across. You get a finger close to the laser and feel the heat emanating from it. You turn to warn Taeil and Jungwoo of this, only to find that they’re already in the maze themselves. You duck under the next beam of red and feel the heat on the back of your head from the proximity, then step easily over one that reminds you of a tripwire - right at ankle level. You hear Jungwoo and Taeil following behind you, Jungwoo struggling a bit because of his wide shoulders. At some points you have to turn around and help him since he can’t see where his biceps are about to brush one of the heated red lines. At least Sungchan isn’t on your team, he’s even larger than Jungwoo. Chenle and Hendery will have to help him or find another way in. You almost laugh at the thought before deciding that you rather like all of your teammates, actually, and you don’t like to think about them dying by heated laser. Each time you stop to help Jungwoo, Taeil reminds you that you need to hurry. You eventually just tell him to please be quiet, because some people are trying to focus here. He shuts up, thankfully. 
 When you reach the end of the room, you’re faced with another door. Taeil tampers with the wires and it too slides open. The hallway is paneled with light gray and the floor is tile reminiscent of a hotel lobby. Your guns are poised to fend off an attack as the door opens, but nobody is there. You lower them slowly and Jungwoo steps out into the hallway. There are footsteps fading away down to your right, but nobody is watching for you here. You look for the source of the footsteps and spot who you’re pretty sure are the team Johnny and Mark, orphan half-brothers notorious for their sudden team changes depending on the paycheck. They’re for sale to the highest bidder, and they don’t care who that is. Your guess is confirmed when the shorter man laughs - you’ve worked with Mark before, and that laugh is both contagious and unique. 
When you refocus, Yangyang is back in your ear and instructing you to go the opposite way that the pair is walking. He says that the door at the end of this hallway is the one you want. Your shoes shuffle against the tile as you try to go quietly, with Jungwoo in front of you and Taeil nervously watching your backs. He isn’t as confident with a gun as you or Jungwoo, he prefers to work behind the scenes. The nature of this mission required a tech whiz on site, though, and he came reluctantly. He knows how important it is to steal the USB drive with ship plans on it. The newest fighter models will make or break the war for your faction, and you have reason to believe that those ships also have teleportation devices in the plans. Not just lightspeed travel, but all-out teleportation. You can only imagine that sort of power on your own ship, the Phoenix.
You walk all the way down the hallway and find the door that Yangyang has pointed out to you. Taeil once again gets down to open the wire panel and gasps in delight. 
“Finally a good security system! Give me a moment.” His face disappears behind the stand housing the card reader and he hums as he fiddles with whatever has made him so happy. Even laying at an awkward angle, his voice is beautiful. You sometimes wonder why he became a technician for a faction like yours when he could be a singer for one of the more powerful factions that aren’t always at war. When confronted with this question, he would smile a little and tell whoever was asking that his one true love was testing security systems, no matter how much his voice delighted other people. He said with a dry laugh once that the selfishness of that reason made him perfect for the job. Part of you doubted that story, but everyone working for your faction had baggage. You didn’t need to pry into his.
Eventually there comes a pleased “aha!” from behind you, and Taeil reemerges. His face has a smudge on it that you wipe away with your thumb. 
“Have fun?” 
You ask the question sarcastically, but Taeil nods happily. “That’s what I like to do. The other systems were easier, I think this room must be important.”
“That’s what I said,” grumbles Yagyang in your ear.
The door slips open with some prodding and you walk into a lab with pristine white surfaces and surfaces that look as though they’ve never been used. In the middle is a silver table covered in instruments of some kind, although you don’t know what they would be used for. The walls are lined with diagnostic panels, and one is a window into a secret hangar you weren’t aware of. Inside is a ship that looks a lot like the X-Wings of the Star Wars franchise. The movies are still iconic today despite how obsolete they are, and everyone knows that the X-Wings were never recreated due to a problem with their size in relation to the way they were meant to work. It appears that whoever made this ship has been hiding their discovery. 
“Y/N, focus,” Jungwoo whispers. You nod and turn away from the hangar, albeit reluctantly. 
You look at the remaining two walls, both of which are shorter and lined with  counters. Taeil is looking at one, and you walk over to the other. You find a monitor completely shut down and follow the cords down to discover that it isn’t plugged in. That’s a little strange. You look at the computer tower and find a USB drive, labeled “Schematics.” That’s even more strange. Why would they leave something so valuable lying around? Hiding in plain sight, perhaps? You plug the monitor in and turn it and the tower on, opening the USB files. You’re low on time, you know, but you have to make sure this is the right drive. 
Once the files are loaded, you gasp. “You guys, look at this.” Jungwoo and Taeil stand and look over your shoulders as you scroll through page after page of exact instructions and diagrams for the X-Wing. 
“They even stole the name from Star Wars,” Jungwoo scoffs. Taeil laughs lightly. 
“These are the right files, we should get out of here.”
“Agreed,” you say. You pocket the USB drive and unplug the monitor again, making sure to leave minimal traces of your passing through. “Let’s go.”
Yangyang repeats the directions out of Sector 5, and you walk quickly. You make it to the laser room without incident and go back through the doorway. “Taeil,” you ask, “can we get out of here faster if you turn off the lasers, or if we just walk through like we did on the way on?”
“Definitely turning them off,” he assures you. “It’s too time consuming to worry about things like this when we need to be worrying about the USB being reported missing.” He settles down by a panel near the start of the lasers and peels off the cover where it looks like maintenance might be done. You only know this because he tells you happily that there might be an off switch. 
“Aha! Found it!” he singsongs after a moment. The lasers go off a second later and you’re about to celebrate when a siren screeches from the ceiling. 
“All units to Hall Sixteen!” A voice yells over an intercom that you hadn’t noticed. “Lasers have been disabled!”
“Shit,” Jungwoo and Taeil say in unison. 
“Let’s go!” you yell. There’s no point in being quiet now. You hear the clomping of boots down the hall and yelling from both ends of the laser room. Hall Sixteen.
You run out towards the exit and find yourself facing Xiao Dejun and another man you don’t know. They both have guns and are shooting the moment you get within range. You shoot back, missing Dejun by inches. 
“Sicheng?” cries Taeil from beside you. He lowers his gun slightly. “I thought you were dead!” He runs towards the man, completely ignoring the battle around him. Dejun shoots at him but misses. Jungwoo hits him in return, a nonlethal hit to the arm. It’s enough to make him take pause though, and long enough for you to see with crystal clarity as the other man - Sicheng - raises his gun and shoots Taeil in the chest. Taeil doesn’t even have his gun up, and the shot tears right through his body. He collapses into the fall, blood spouting from the wound. It looks like Sicheng hit his heart.
Someone is screaming, and you realize it’s you. You feel your nose start to burn and your eyes brim suddenly with tears. Not Taeil! you want to scream. Taeil can’t be dead! Your body reacts faster than your brain, and you shoot Sicheng in the gut as he stares at Taeil’s body, looking almost shocked. Then you rush forward and kick the wound, making sure it hurts. 
“You asshole!” you cry. “You killed Taeil!” You dodge another bullet from Dejun (it hits Sicheng in the upper stomach, and you have just enough brain space left to be smug) and spot Johnny and Mark behind Jungwoo. You scream and point, not even having words. Thankfully Jungwoo understands and spins to meet them. You shoot at Dejun, wasting bullets. One hits his left shoulder, and another hits a rib. You hear it crack. He writhes out of the way of the rest. You kick his gun hand to disarm him and knee him in the balls, a simple solution to his frustrating ability to avoid bullets. Having properly taken care of him, you turn to face Johnny and Mark. 
They have Jungwoo cornered, and he’s desperately dancing out of the way of more bullets. He already has red spreading across his right side. It looks like just a graze, but it could have easily been far worse. You pick up Dejun’s gun and use it to shoot the back of Johnny’s thigh. He crumbles to the floor, blood already gushing angrily out of the wound. Mark turns to him, worried, and somewhere in the back of your mind you realize that’s sort of sweet before you shoot Mark too. He doesn’t deserve to die any more than Taeil did, and you liked working with him, but he’s the enemy right now. He needs to go down. You take aim and shoot him in the side, which is the best place you can hit at this angle. He looks almost surprised at the intrusion. You turn away. Jungwoo runs up behind you. 
“Taeil?” you ask, looking down at his body. “Are you in there?” You reach down to feel his pulse, except there isn’t one. His neck is already cooling where he lays, a  surprised look still painted across his features. 
“Y/N, we have to go,” Jungwoo says. 
“We have to bury him!” you screech. You didn’t even know your voice could sound like this. You suppose you’ve never lost someone as important as Taeil before, though.
“We’ll come back for him as soon as we get the USB back to home base,” Jungwoo mutters. “Come on.” He tugs on your arm, and you follow him, letting the tears flow. Jonny shoots one last time at you, but misses. Of everyone who could have died, it had to be Taeil. Precious Taeil with his lovely voice and sweet temperament, the person everyone went to if they needed someone to chill with. He would never again hear you complain about uncertain futures or how you missed your home planet. He would never again hug you or make you smile or gift your ears with his sweet tunes. 
“We’ll come back,” you repeat, nose stuffing up. “We’ll come back.”
You leave Sector 5, only meeting one more person. Jungwoo shoots whoever it is before you even register their presence. Thank goodness that one of you has their head still on right. Getting back inconspicuously is a little harder with bloodstains on Jungwoo’s side, but you somehow manage to avoid everyone you don’t want to see. You sneak in the back way to your building and get up to Doyoung’s office. He’s the leader of your little group, so he’s the one you take the info to.
When you knock, he invites you in, and you enter the room. You’re never quite sure if he’ll be happy to see you, so you walk in with some trepidation. Thankfully he has one of his beautiful smiles on and welcomes you in. 
“What did you get?” he asks. 
“A USB Drive, it has files for new ships,” you tell him. “ Exactly what we were looking for.”
“Where are Jung-”
Doyoung gets cut off by a voice coming through the radio on his desk. “Sir! Doyoung, sir?”
Doyoung holds up a finger to you and presses the talk button. “Yes Yangyang?”
“Is Y/N with you yet, sir?”
“Y/N,” Yangyang says, “he doesn’t know yet what happened.” Doyoung looks at you, eyes questioning. 
“Okay Yang,” you say. “I’ll- I’ll tell him.”
“Okay. That’s all, sir.”
Doyoung looks at you across the desk and narrows his eyes. “What happened?”
“We got in without incident,” you say. “There was a laser maze, but we got through okay. We didn't get caught on the way in and found a lab. That’s where we found the drive. I made sure these were the right files, and then we left. Taeil-” You cut yourself off, tears threatening again. 
“Taeil turned off the lasers so we could get out, but it activated some sort of security system. Some men came to kill us and Taeil recognized one. I think his name was ‘Sicheng.’ Taeil-” You take another deep breath. “He ran toward the man, gun down, like he thought the man wouldn’t hurt him. But Sicheng… He killed Taeil. Shot him in the heart.” 
The tears are flowing freely  down your cheeks now, and you make no move to get rid of them. Doyoung looks shaken for the first time since you’ve known him, and he stands up. He walks around the desk to hug you, mindless of the blood on your clothes. 
“We’ll give him the hero’s burial he deserves,” he murmurs. “In the meantime, you should go and put the drive with our other ship plans.
You nod in the affirmative and leave his office. The file storage room is just down the hall. Your surroundings are a bit blurry from the tears in your eyes, but you make it fine. Yangyang is already there, and he pats you on the back as you plug the USB drive into its designated spot. It has a blood spot on the label and you sort of smile at the irony. You won, but at what cost?
A moment later the entire course lights up. “The Red Team wins!” proclaims a voice from the speakers. You feel the character you were playing melt off as your laser tag gun powers off. The dryness in your throat and the tears on your face fade away with the persona you became for the game. You high-five Yangyang and run to get Taeil from where he lays on the other side of the course, still playing dead. You run into Johnny on the way. “Good game,” he says, bumping your fist. “Hitting my thigh patch was a fantastic idea! You’re a really good shot.”
“Thank you. Your team owes us pizza,” you remind him smugly. 
“I know.” He throws you a playful glare on the way past. “We’re going to the fifth floor dorms once everyone’s rounded up. I think Lucas and Jeno tied up Sungchan, Hendery, and Chenle, so I’m going to get them.”
“Sounds good. We’re gonna go get Taeil, Sicheng, and Xiaojun.”
“Okay. Meet you at the entrance!”
He walks off and Yangyang follows you to Sector 5.
“You did an amazing job acting!” he says. “It really helped me get into my role.”
“I thought I would actually cry when Taeil fake died,” you tell him. “He actually looked dead.”
“Well I couldn’t see, obviously, but after you guys left he just sat and hummed. It was hilarious. In one channel, you’re screaming your revenge and sobbing, and in the other, Taeil is humming Baekhyun-sunbaemin.”
Taeil meets you at the beginning of the laser hall. “That was so much fun,” he enthuses. 
“Yeah it was,” you agree. “You did a great job with the puzzles!” You’re referring to the puzzles that kept Sector 5 locked. Supposedly they were hard enough to keep intruders out, but Taeil had gotten in pretty easily. 
He smiles. “Thank you. You did a great job kneeing Xiaojun in the nuts, he was out for a solid minute.”
“ I didn’t hurt him too much, did I?”
“Nah, he’ll recover. He might want to punch you or something though, I don’t think he was acting with that part.”
You walk back to the entrance with everyone in the group and do a quick headcount. Twenty-three men. Okay, you’re good to go.
You pile into multiple vans out front where their managers sit, bored. They congratulate the winning team and drive you to the dorms, where you all squeeze into the 5th floor apartment and Johnny orders pizza for everyone. You’re very glad that you don’t have to pay for all of the food for twenty-four people.
“We should do that again some time!” Mark suggests as you’re eating. There’s a resounding cry of agreement as everyone lifts their pizza slices to the idea. 
You’re totally going to do that again.
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All Rights Reserved, kiri-ah, 2021
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mia-cooper · 5 years
Fanfiction Questions
from here
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Involved as in ‘frantically read every book I could get my hands on, daydreamed about being part of that universe and wrote stories/made art inspired by the books, if not actual fanfiction’? Mm, probably The Chronicles of Narnia when I was six or seven. The next great obsession was The Silver Brumby when I went through my horse stage around age 12, and then Sweet Valley High when I was 15. Hahaha.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Marvel! I’m not into comics and I’m definitely not interested in consuming every last bit of canon material or memorising the variations of every universe, but I love (most of) the movies and Agents of SHIELD is pretty cool.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Star Trek Voyager. No contest. I venture to suggest that the older fandoms, the ones that are all about defunct shows, are a hell of a lot more chilled. Maybe because we’ve come to terms with our shitty canon endings and learned that liking the ship you hate doesn’t make someone problematic, unlike some newer fandoms I could name (Yes I’m talking about you, Game of Thrones fans. What the fuck.)
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
I’ve dipped a toe into one or two fandoms for shows or books I’ve really enjoyed and backed the fuck out when the vibe gets weird (oh hey, it’s GoT again), but nope. No regrets.
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
All the Star Treks except TOS, and a Trek/MCU crossover. I’d like to write more for MCU someday. Plus I’ve written longhand entire notebooks full of teen romance shit that bore an uncanny similarity to SVH, and my first short story was a fantasy fic that featured a girl whose guardian was a wise talking lion who led her into mystical secret worlds, which is kind of familiar.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Wow. I’m going to define ‘involved in’ as ‘cared enough about to have an OTP’, but I’m guaranteed to forget a ton. In no particular order:
Voyager: Janeway x anyone who can get her off
Discovery: Lorca x Cornwell or Pike x Tyler x Burnham (or any combination of)
DS9: Kira x Jadzia Dax
TNG: Picard x Vash, I guess? I don’t really have any TNG ships
ENT: T’Pol x Trip x Hoshi (or any variation therein)
MCU: Cap x Widow
AoS: Coulson x Skye... no May... no Skye... I don’t know
CAOS: Madam Satan x Zelda
Timeless: Garcy
The Good Place: Eleanor x Tahani
The 100 (shut up): toss up between Clarke x Bellamy and Kane x Abby
Veronica Mars: Veronica x Leo (first run), Veronica x Logan (s4)
Orphan Black: Cosima x Delphine
BSG: Apollo x Starbuck
SG1: Sam x Jack
Arrow: Olicity (so over the show now though)
This Life: Milly x Egg
Yeah you know what... I’m drawing a blank. I can’t think of any other shows where I’ve been invested in The Romance that much.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I’m too tired to do every fandom, and besides, I can come around to almost any ship if the headcanons (or fics) are convincing enough. I do have a few hard no-gos, but they might be someone else’s OTP so I’ll shut up about them.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Reluctantly. The MCU movies are not something I ever thought I’d enjoy beyond a dull evening’s entertainment. I never expected to get attached to the characters. And yet.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Voyager is my forever fandom and the only one where I’ve really interacted with other fans. The best things about it? In general, everyone is just cool, accepting, open and basically awesome. And talented. I love my Party Bus people.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Sure. The 100, Veronica Mars and Agents of SHIELD are the ones I’d dip into more frequently. I really enjoy crossovers between Trek and BSG or the Stargate variants, too.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Janeway x Chakotay.
12. Who is your current OT3?
Janeway x Chakotay x Paris.
13. Any NoTPs?
A few.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Janeway & Tuvok! Also Torres & Chakotay, and I’d have killed for more Janeway & Torres in canon. (If they kissed sometimes that would be okay too)
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Yeah. Paris x Seven. There are like two fics in existence, and yet ... the potential! (Sorry, B’Elanna)
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Janeway x Paris. And they’re still way up there, but not quite at the top.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
84% of my fics feature Janeway x Chakotay as either the primary or secondary pairing... holy shit.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Paris x Torres. I mean, I feel them. I just don’t generally feel the need to write about them.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Chakotay x Seven. In another universe, it could’ve been beautiful.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Actual story that was clearly fanfic? A farcical drunken romp told in the 24th century equivalent of email format called PADDemonium (see what I did there?)
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Lol, a few things that should probably have never seen the light of day for various reasons, some of them leola related. But I’ve only deleted two fics that I can recall.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Relieved. It’s a 30k AU Chakotay moral dilemma backstory that brings in DS9 characters, Section 31 and his longstanding history with AU Janeway. I did so much research for it (way back in the days before memory alpha and chakoteya.net) and I’m really proud of how I wound in canon stuff across series but changed a few key bits and pieces. Only problem is, it’s a sequel to ...
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
... Pressure, which I can’t even read without cringing. My characterisation of Janeway, even Angry Maquis AU Janeway, is way over the top and there are moments that verge on Mills and Boon and give me first, second and third hand embarrassment. God, I’d love to rewrite it. Actually, that’s a lie. I want someone else to rewrite it so I can read it without covering my eyes and moaning.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Desperate Measures, by about 70,000 light years, lol. Although Fragile Things beats it on bookmarks.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
You know what? A fair percentage of the time, I think of the title first and come up with a plot second. Aside from that, I prefer shorter, punchier titles that clearly tie into the story (Flight Risk, Speechless), though sometimes it’s song lyrics (Burn Our Horizons, your body like a searchlight) or a literary quote (Required to Bear, All the Devils are Here) or a turn of phrase from the story itself (The Prisons You Inhabit). Hey that was fun. Thanks for letting me pimp the shit out of my stories.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Ugh, it depends on the day. Summaries are harder, I think. I never want to give away too much of the plot, but there has to be enough there for people to know whether they’ll bother clicking. Funny story: I actually ran the stats on this a few months back. Here they are for your edification:
Fics with a one line plot summary = 54%
With two or three line plot summary = 18%
With a short snippet directly from the fic = 16%
With a snippet + a one line explanation = 3%
With a one line plot summary plus a line to date the fic (eg "set in season 3", “episode tag to Worst Case Scenario") or the fic prompt = 7%
And finally, a quote from something other than the fic = 2% (that's only 3 fics).
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Ooh. I’ll say the final scene in Explosive.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I used to regularly ask @jhelenoftrek​ and @littleobsessions90 to beta for me, and both of them are brilliant at it. Lately I’ve been posting without sending my stuff off for editing. This is partly because I’m impatient to get stuff out there, partly because I don’t have as much time to write/edit, and partly because I’m a little less focused on improving my writing and more on enjoying it for its own sake.
30. What inspires you to write?
Little bits of episode dialogue I haven’t noticed before, other people’s fanfiction, stray conversations, fic prompts, song lyrics, random headcanons, fever dreams, dares ...
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’ve been really lucky with comments on my fic. The least helpful comment I’ve ever received was on one of my early 30k fics and all it said was “Did you have to take the name of the lord in vain?” Which is kind of funny. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said? I’m very partial to the feedback that starts “I don’t even like this pairing/genre/trope/show but you made me love it”, and particularly “I’ll read anything you write, I don’t care what it’s about.” But all comments are gold. The little heart button is cool too.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I’m not someone who can tune out music I love, or leave it in the background to inspire me. If it’s on, I’m fully invested in it. I’m that annoying person in the car who flips radio stations every three seconds until I find something I like and then it’s on 11 and I’m singing along to it. I’m also really picky but extremely eclectic, although there are genres I can’t stand (anything with autotune makes me stabby). That said, sometimes I find a song that I can’t stop listening to for weeks and often that perfect combination of music and lyrics will inspire me to write a fic. For example, I just plotted out an entire J/C story because of this song.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
All of the above. Although I’m not sure if my longest epic is huuuuuge or just huuuge.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I have two drabble collections. One is all J/C, full of responses to random prompts and I add to it sporadically. The other is episode additions set on Kathryn Janeway’s birthday (May 20) and added to annually.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Angst, definitely. Sometimes it’s smutty angst or fluffy angst or hurt/comfort angst, but often it’s just fucking unrelenting angst. And I’m okay with that.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
I did the stats on this once, too, haha. Pretty sure I came out fairly even on first and third person with a smattering of second person in there. I’m probably even-ish on present vs past tense, too. I make it a point to mix it up to avoid my writing getting stale or same-y. And sometimes a fic doesn’t really click for me until I try it in a different POV or tense or from a different character’s perspective.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I mostly write for canon characters - the fun is in all the different ways you can interpret and imagine them - but I’ve been known to throw in the odd OC, or focus on a character who only got a brief cameo appearance, or write about someone who only appears in beta canon, or who only rates a mention on screen.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Oh, wow. I’m not sure. I guess the thing I value most about my own writing is my willingness to try different styles, characters, pairings and so on. The thing I strive for most is characterisation that feels true, and I really love it when I get comments on that. Exploring a character in a way that rings true with a reader is the best thing ever.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Overly long sentences and adverb abuse, haha. No, truthfully, there comes a point in most of my fics, particularly the longer ones, when I really just want to scrap it because in my heart I know it’s dreadful. Usually that passes once I slog through the ‘I don’t wanna’ stage because I’m a bloody-minded bitch, but sometimes fics do get left in the dust half-written. Honestly, though, they’re the ones that probably should stay there.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
This is hilarious because I was just talking on discord about my problematic ‘to read’ pile. My unread AO3 subscription emails currently number 29 and my phone browser has 71 tabs open. So here are 5 random picks from that list of exactly 100 fics I should be reading:
Sex on the Beach (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by @traccigaryn​
The Ruby Ring (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Tighe) by @trinfinity2001​
Earth is But an Idea (T, Janeway/Chakotay, Carter/O’Neill) by @caladeniablue​
Home (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by Cassatt
Wise Up (E, Janeway/Chakotay) by KimJ
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Only five? Shit. Okay. In no particular order, these are five of the writers I keep coming back to:
quantumsilver (also here)
But there are so many others. My chosen fandom is chock full of amazing talent.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
All of the authors above for various reasons, but also august because her writing is so spare and delicate and devastating, and runawaymetaphor because she writes the most delicious Janeway/Paris, and @seperis​ because I read In the Space of Seven Days literally 20 years ago and I still haven’t recovered, and I could be here all night raving on this topic but there are still many questions to get through.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Janeway x Paris. I’m so happy there’s been a little bit of a resurgence in J/P fics lately. Thanks, @curator-on-ao3​, you’re doing the lord’s work.
I’ll also take Janeway x Johnson content any day of the week.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
What the hell? I can’t pick just one! Ugh!
... but okay, here’s the first one that came to mind when I tried to think about this: if you came this way by tree. I’m not sure I’d call it my favourite, but it’s one I revisit often. Ugh, there are so many other fics I’m thinking of now that I really want to list.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Oh, that’s hard. I should probably pick an angsty smutty J/C because that’s a fair proportion of what I write and it’s good to let a new reader know what they can expect. But honestly, I think the best fic I’ve written is The Uncharted Sea. (It’s safe for work. Maybe not for makeup.)
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
The Archive, of course. Where else can I find ad-free hosting on a stunningly user-friendly interface with absolutely no moralising content restrictions and the world’s best tagging system? That Hugo award is well deserved.
Tumblr is good for headcanons and meta and gifsets and a few other formats that I’m less likely to post on AO3 because I’d feel like I was pissing off people who subscribe to me by giving them some random garbage.
I also have my own website, but I’m not really sure why. Sometimes I post fic there that doesn’t make it to tumblr or AO3.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
I try to. Honestly I do. I love it when I get reviews, so I figure paying it forward is the least I can do. I’m less scrupulous about leaving comments when I’m busy or reading on my phone.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I mean, I love it when people reblog, but I certainly don’t expect it. @arcadia1995​ is amazing for reblogging stuff *blows kisses*
Nobody owes fanfic writers shit, but I feel like there’s a tacit agreement that if you like what you just read for free and you’re on a platform that makes it easy to do so, you leave a review or at least a kudos, because I’m not gonna lie, posting a fic you’ve worked super hard on and seeing it get very few kudos or comments is a bit deflating. I’m sure a lot of us have been there.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
During Voyager’s original run I was trawling the internet for Endgame spoilers (I don’t know why; I usually love surprises) and I guess I googled (or whatever the 2001 equivalent of googling was) something like “how does voyager get home” and somehow I stumbled across Revisionist History. At first I had no idea what I was reading - was this a lost story pitch that somehow got leaked? A professional novella commissioned by the showrunners?
Then I started following links and discovered yahoo groups and webrings and Trekiverse and fanfiction.net and all sorts of incredible things I’d never guessed at, including the now defunct ‘archipelago of angst’, a collection of Voyager writers who focused mainly on a darker Janeway than most of the other fic writers I was encountering, and I was hooked. So I wrote a few of my own pieces, and then I lost interest for 15 years. I’m still not sure how I got dragged back in.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Honestly, in what other way can I indulge my obsessions, hone my skills and talk about it endlessly with like-minded people? Where else can I instantly find a plethora of fiction about the exact topic I feel like reading about on my mobile device and for free? Fanfiction is fucking amazing and I’m so glad it exists in my life.
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goldeneyedgirl · 5 years
2019 Fic Meme
My end of year fic meme, compiled from some old Livejournal fic memes that I do when I write stuff. I do this for fun, because I like looking back at what I have and haven’t written, and what keeps popping up again.
It’s meant to be silly fun, and if anyone else wants to do it, PLEASE DO. I don’t want to tag anyone and put pressure on you in case you don’t want to/don’t think you have enough fic/hate memes. 
12 Days of Fic-Mas (Twilight, WIP) Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, bonus.  Twelve days of fic extracts, previews, and drabbles focusing on Alice Cullen. Encompasses Folie A Deux, The Only Girl in the World, JessaminexAlice, Omens, Asylum, The Long Way Around, The Dark and the Unknown, Hybrid, Runaway, All These Broken Things, & The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon 
Shadow to Light  (WIP) (Alice/Jasper, AU Angst, PG) In 1918, Jasper lures the newborn known as Mary-Alice back to Monterrey. He is lost to her before it even begins.
Total number of completed stories: Lol.
Total word count: 33,304 words were posted. 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?  Look, I just... 2019 was a wash in so many ways. I played a lot of Fortnite really badly. I would have loved to be able to say Shadow to Light was finished, or that I was posting Hybrid regularly or something, but I can’t. I wish, wish, wish I had posted more but alas. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Outside of Twilight, I dabbled with some reader/Ben in the Umbrella Academy, and I was messing around with some Janet/Wanda in my personal MCU canon. As for Twilight, I think my stuff got a lot darker? Like, we’re down the rabbit hole here, and somehow Alice ended up being the most feared vampire in the Americas? Yeah. 
And there’s the Avengers/Twilight fic that is simultaneously three fics and one fic because I cannot make Executive Decisions and I can’t decide if I like 1. Alice knowing Bucky from Before Jasper; 2. Alice knowing Hawkeye from when he was a kid in the circus and being how Natasha and Clint got out of Budapest, or 3. the Volturi hooking up with Hydra and ... yeah, I think this one is legit the most second-most one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever written. (I’ve been filing today, and boy howdy have I written some actual shit.)
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? That’s like making me pick a favourite child. I’m always so, so proud of Shadow to Light, and I love The Dark and the Unknown ‘verse, and Hybrid is just hanging out there, chilling and ugh. My babies <3 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?  TwilightFicMas was a huge risk! I wasn’t sure anyone cared unless I was posting more Shadow to Light, and people were SO nice and enthusiastic. So I guess the lesson is shut up and share more fic? Get out of your own head and spend time in the community because fandom isn’t meant to be lonely?
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?  I’m starting a graphic design business AND my masters in design in 2020, so I figure fic is going to be my downtime next year. Ideally, I would love to get STL finished, Memento Vivere’s sequel going, and have a few of my shorter pieces posted. I would really love to get some of my original stuff ready for publication, but I’d be happy studying, running my business, and doing the fic thing for 2020.  
My best story of this year: That’s up to the readers, I guess. Everyone seemed obscenely enthusiastic about The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon, though, and I was not expecting that at all - I was actually upset that I left the ‘dud’ fic for the last day of FicMas. 
My most popular story: Shadow to Light. Everyone is so nice and enthusiastic and polite about that one. I’m not used to it! Fandom for me is usually me sitting in a corner, doin’ my obscure thing, and maybe one or two people will read what I’m working on.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  I think everyone was super enthusiastic and nice about everything I posted this year. Maybe Folie A Deux? But like, that reflects more on me and the excerpts that I chose to post rather than the fic or the audience itself. 
Most fun story to write:  The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon because that Alice is so happy; I have this playlist for it that is super upbeat and funky. 
Hybrid is fun because that Alice likes to torment Jasper. He understands Edward on a molecular level once Alice arrives. 
Most Sexy Story: The Dark and the Unknown is the front-runner for that, because most of the sexy goings-on in Shadow to Light is very much focused on the psychological and emotional aspects rather than the physical.
Story with the single sexiest moment:  The Dark and the Unknown. I am still deeply uncomfortable writing sex scenes, so this may be the only one I ever do. The implication of a blow job in Shadow to Light nearly kill me tbh.
The forest behind the school is silent; just her breathing, and the slight wind. No birds or wildlife, none of the hum of the traffic or of the school.
They don’t undress more than necessary, her skirt slid to her hips, and he takes her roughly against a tree, flakes of bark falling into the dirt. She is hot and slick, and silent as he fucks her, his fingers digging into her hips, a growl rising in his chest. She is every bit his fantasy; the smell of damp flowers, the sweetness of her flesh, her willing supplication. His fingers tear through the lace of her tights as he grips her thighs, and the heels of her shoes must be bending, she’s digging them into the backs of his legs so hard.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:  The Long Way Around makes Jasper and Alice’s relationship pretty fucked up, and tbh I look back at it and really struggle with how dark it is and how dark Jasper’s character becomes. There’s a reason that Shadow to Light is the ‘official’ version - it’s a better balance, and I actually think Maria is a lot more interesting in Shadow to Light as a villain with complex relationships with both Jasper and Alice to the point where none of them really want to have to kill each other, but there is a lot of hate on both sides. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:  That’s a hard question. Shadow to Light definitely did that because I had to consider what happened when you took Alice out of the picture, and how that changed what happened, and considered the inter-family relationships. So much of canon relies on Alice’s visions that things can’t just happen the same way. 
Hardest story to write: Shadow to Light isn’t easy because I have such a specific idea of how it plays out, how it ‘looks’ in my head, and because Alice is so fundamentally different to canon. More innocent when it comes to normal interactions, and so controlled because it meant life or death - but she’s still got to be Alice in a way that people can recognize. It also has to sound right? If I can’t get the right turn of phrase for one scene, it has to be put aside until I can work it out. 
 All These Broken Things is hard because I started it back in, like, 2014ish and my writing and understanding of the characters and canon has changed so much - plus there are a few sections that came to me quite early in the writing, and now sound really out of place, but are such a strong linchpin for the story that I have to rework them in. It’s a good kind of hard, though, because I’ve improved so much, my ideas and goals are more refined. 
Most disappointing:  Omens is a little bitch, honestly. I started it for a fic contest and kept going to explore Alice’s human life, and it doesn’t quite feel like my writing? It needs reworking, and be a little less obvious because I think the ‘four horsemen of the apocalypse’ is a good theme for a Human!Alice fic. 
Easiest story to write: Depends on my mood; Hybrid is great when I’m in kind of a ‘girls kicking ass’ mood and boot up my action girls playlist.
Biggest surprise:  Hybrid started as a love story that was basically ‘yeah, let’s make this shit super dramatic and overwrought’, and turned into this actual story with a huge focus on family and relationships. I can’t remember why I decided Alice’s father had a husband except that I was thinking about small town ‘otherness’, and LGBT+ people can and are still considered ‘other’ in these spaces. 
Then you add in Alice and Cynthia who are basically in the same boat but have been separated for their entire lives. Alice has knowledge in her corner, whilst having to fight through foster care, abuse, and hospital; whilst Cynthia has lived a very normal but privileged life as the daughter of a mixed-race same-sex couple in a very small town. I went full-hog with this, and added in an extended family, because I really hated how canon went balls-to-the-wall to isolate Bella from everyone, including Charlie. 
Like, this thing is a monster, and whilst I plan to sit down and rewrite the outline (which dates back to 2016, and I hate the ending of), I stopped outlining at 65 freaking chapters. 
Most unintentionally telling story:  I think this question that still confuses me finally gets a decent answer in The Dark and the Unknown - Jasper is seeing most of it from his perspective, and there isn’t a ton of dialogue. I’ve tried to avoid an info-dump, but it’s meant to be quite supernatural in tone, and focusing on vampire senses and gifts enhances that. 
Story I’d like to revise:  All These Broken Things wins that one. Due to the age of the piece, there are some pacing and tone issues in later chapters that are the reason I haven’t formally posted it. 
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear: Oh man, I really want to finish A Thousand Years of Solitude, which is a Tanya fic. I’m really happy with what I’ve got so far, but it sounds smarter and more layered than it really is, so I’m kind of stuck. 
Mad World because Romani!Alice is super sassy and taking 0% of Swan or Cullen bullshit - I think 90% of my fic is just me going, “yeah, that’s not how normal people react.” And I’m a sucker for gothic horror. 
What else? Aww, Against A Wall which is AU Human Jasper coming from the shittiest home, and Alice finding him. It’s meant to be short, and another one I have a really clear idea of how it needs to work. 
And the one where Alice’s gift is a sentient power that pushes her to follow it; that Bad Things happen if she doesn’t; that Renesmee was always Endgame for Something, and Alice was a key piece to get that result. Or the one where Aro takes Alice as a ‘guest’ for a period because of Edward and Bella, and Alice’s gift is basically broken. 
Good times. I have like 5 years of fic on this computer, we could be here for awhile. 
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nicolesangel · 6 years
something there
pairing: janis x fem!reader (theater kid!!)
summary: You came to North Shore without any expectations. But what you didn’t expect was to become friends with your polar opposite, and then completely fall for her.
prompt: i am so happy you're taking requests.... i am so starved for janis x reader content holy shit. how about janis x a soft, theatre nerd girl?
word count: 1,162
author’s note: so, i didn’t know if you wanted HCs or a story so i tried my best to work with all of my ideas lol plus i couldn’t come up with a title so i ripped off beauty and the beast oops (also it’s a little shorter than i had hoped but it’s still really cute i think so enjoy!)
Tumblr media
When Janis first saw you, it was your first day at North Shore (you were new in 10th grade). You were in an oversized Les Misérables sweatshirt and you had earbuds in, smiling as your favorite song came on. She hardly ever saw you after that, only a few times in the hallway, but Janis thought it was cute how every time she saw you, you were wearing a new piece of merch from a different show and you were always smiling.
Toward the end of the year, Janis went to see Damian perform in the school’s production of Wizard of Oz. Her eyes widened when she saw you up on the stage, clad in a blue plaid dress and ruby red slippers. You were the lead in the show! Janis was blown away by how beautiful your singing voice was and how easily you went through the show, your acting outstanding.
After the show, Janis met up with Damian outside the dressing rooms. You just so happened to be walking out of the girls’ room when they appeared. Damian stopped you and pulled you over to formally introduce you to Janis.
“Janis,” Damian started, “this is my new friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Janis. I was wondering if she could join us at lunch? I’m sure one addition would be fine?”
Janis froze for a moment before regaining her composure. “Yeah, of course. That’s fine.” She pauses before turning toward you. “You were amazing, by the way. I totally thought they didn’t cast underclassmen as leads but wow, I can see why they picked you.”
You ran your hand through your hair, feeling your face heat up, turning red. You giggled before saying, “Thank you so much. I was shocked I even got the role but I’m so glad I did.”
The two of you smiled at each other before Damian proceeded to drag Janis away. “Great job tonight, Y/N. We’ll see you tomorrow!”
When they got far enough away from you, Damian pulled Janis over and looked her dead in the eyes. “Jesus, Janis, way to make it obvious.”
Janis tilted her head, raising an eyebrow, completely oblivious to whatever he was accusing her of. “What did I do this time?”
“You never, and I mean never, talk to anyone you just meet in full sentences. You give them one-word answers and hardly look at them. You totally have a huge crush on Y/N and you can’t deny it.”
Janis simply rolled her eyes at Damian. “So what if I do? It’s not like we’re compatible. Have you seen her? She’s almost like the complete opposite of me.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.”
After that, you began to join Janis and Damian at lunch, and you would even join them when they spent time after school. But even as you grew closer to them, Janis never made it seem like she liked you.
When Cady arrived during your junior year, you had been the first to meet her. You had been wearing your Lion King t-shirt and Cady came up to you, curious about what your shirt meant and excited to talk about the lions back in Africa. After that, when Janis and Damian brought Cady to join your group, everything clicked as if Cady had always been in the group.
When Cady turned plastic and destroyed Janis, you were the one who comforted her. Damian dropped you two off at your house and you spent the night huddled under a blanket, forcing Janis to watch musicals until you saw her smile or hum along to a song. You gave her your giant Avenue Q shirt to sleep in and you couldn’t help but notice how cute Janis looked in your clothes.
After the Burn Book incident, the school show was canceled for that year. But Janis let you and Damian perform a two-man show of your favorite songs, most of her attention on you, still in awe of your talent.
During senior year, things began to change. The (ex)-plastics and the mathletes merged with your group (all due to Cady). You were preparing to go off to university. And Janis became more open with herself, more comfortable in her own skin. Which meant that she was going to finally tell you how she felt, even though she had no clue how you would respond.
It happened on your birthday. She dragged you into her car and began driving. To where? You had no clue. You tried asking but Janis simply shushed you and said that it was a secret. After quite some time, you arrived at a park. The sun was setting, creating a pink hue on the horizon. And in the middle of the empty plain of grass was a table.
The entire set-up was based around Beauty and the Beast and you were awestruck. You turned around to notice Janis holding a single rose in her hands, a dopey smile stitched onto her face. She walked closer to you, handing the flower to you. “For you. Here, sit down.”
The two of you sat down at the table before Janis began talking. “Uhm, so I know this probably isn’t what you had been expecting to do on your birthday but I know your parents are away so I thought I would try to make this a special night for you.”
You smiled at her, your face painted a light shade of red, before saying, “Thank you, Janis. You really didn’t have to do all of this though; it’s so incredible, I couldn’t possibly make it up to you.”
“I’m sure you could.”
“Be my guest; go on a date with me.”
And so you did. You went on many dates. And when Janis asked you to be her girlfriend, you immediately said yes, wrapping your arms around her next before kissing her quick, then resting your head in the crook of her neck.
You played Elle in the school’s production of Legally Blonde, wrapping up your high school career in drama club as the lead in your senior year production. And it was your favorite role you’ve gotten to play so far. And on opening night, Janis was seated in the front row, cheering you on during the entire show, a constant smile on her face.
After the show, she ran up to you with a bouquet of flowers, wrapping you up in her arms and spinning you around. She handed you the flowers before congratulating you on an incredible performance. “It still continues to blow me away how talented you are, even after knowing you for so long. I’m so proud of you.”
She cups your jaw in her hands, pulling you in and kissing you softly, your arms subconsciously wrapping around her waist. You pull apart and you’re both wearing huge grins on your faces and your hearts on your sleeves. You couldn’t have asked for a better, more supportive girlfriend. You were truly lucky.
i’m gonna tag a few people who might be interested! (let me know if you’d want to be tagged in future fics): @and-damian-too @barrett-w-weed @toomuchcalculust @palacesouttaparagraphs @deadgirl-writing @janisrevengeparty @we-are-the-kings-and-the-queens @spacealiensarkisian
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