#however one of my examples *is* only like a few words shy of the length they asked for so I’m like ‘I’m just…gonna leave it?’
aceofstars16 · 5 months
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etherealxgenie · 4 years
Why Adrien is Better off Gay/Bi/Pan || Miraculous, Why?
(Before I begin, note that this is my opinion over the topic and am no way am bashing anyone’s love for the ship and/or character. I respect who and what you like, therefore expect the same courtesy. However, if this is something you cannot handle, please click the back button as this will be a heavily discussed topic. No flames allowed. Other than that, enjoy.)
I’m afraid I have to address the elephant in the room. Of how the hetero pairings for Adrien are about as real as Twilight. Sometimes it makes me wonder if Thomas Astruc looked at the ships in the end of Naruto and though… makes sense? That’s a long shot convo for another day.
I’m going to take the time in this chat to discuss why each female who has an interest in Adrien has no chance of having a healthy relationship with him and to why male characters have better chances! Let’s look at the girls one by once.
Lila: Let’s start with the obvious. Lila is clearly not interested in Adrien for his personality, but merely for the good looks and fame. She really hasn’t demonstrated any behavior that she cares for him genuinely and hangs off of him constantly as a possession. It’s clear Lila sets her eyes on Adrien because he’s famous, popular and wants him as a trophy husband. Lila is pretty toxic on her own to go so far as to sneak in and stalk Adrien. What’s worse is that she now has Gabriel’s permission to do so. If he were to be paired with Lila, it’ll break him and be nothing but hell.
Chloe: While it shows itself that Adrien has only platonic feelings for Chloe, she still hopes for something more. Adrien cares deeply for Chloe because he was her first friend, though it’s obvious Chloe wants more. Though Chloe has a mean streak and a possessive behavior where she tends to be cruel to people aside from Adrien and expects to get away with it every time. With the behavior she gets from being spoiled and trying to live up to her mother, would it be farfetched to say a future marriage between these two would be like Audrey/Andre? I don’t think so. Plus, she forgets his birthday. What kind of friend does that?
Kagami: Not going to lie, out of all the pairs, Kagami does have the most potential to be paired with Adrien. She meets him through fencing, they get time to know each other and they slowly start to grow as friend. However, that just about ends when it comes to such as Kagami is another girl who takes it a step too far. Like Chloe, Kagami follows too much in her mother’s footsteps and also is overly aggressive and competitive. She looks to quickly claim Adrien because they’re ‘perfect’, which is a word Adrien hates a lot under his façade. She’s gets possessive around other girls near Adrien and moves too quickly, also forcing Adrien to make his decisions as if he doesn’t have the time to decide.
And last…
Marinette: Marinette… in a way is a small combination of the girls combine. No doubt she’s sweet, shy and tries help at times when matters. BUT she’s also obsessive, possessive, and hypocritical. Things a potential yandere usually becomes. She invades Adrien’s privacy, stalks him, and steals from him more so than Lila. She doesn’t mind crossing boundaries as far as doing illegal acts such as breaking into his locker, copying his schedule? How even. She also tried to confess to Adrien on the day his mother disappeared/died which is a time for MOURNING and COMFORT! She also has no problems calling other people out on this behavior, yet she does the same things. Hypocrisy is never a good color to wear.
Not to mention she only is ‘in love’ with one side of him. As Ladybug, which is important, she tends to put him down as Chat Noir, doesn’t give him proper respect in public and doesn’t include him with important matters, especially with Master Fu. She treats him as his sidekick rather than his partner and leaves him in the dark. She thinks of herself as Batman and him Robin. If you read the comics or watch some of DC shows, you know how well THAT goes. Marinette cannot love Adrien without loving and respecting him as Adrien AND Chat.
Granted, she’s not the only girl who treats Chat badly, but she is supposed to be his ‘partner’ so… yeah.
For these girls it wouldn’t make sense. Not to mention at least once, the girls tend to make Adrien uncomfortable holding him on his arm and such. They don’t act like they care of Adrien’s well being at all (except for Kagami sometimes), but make him to be some prized to be won. Forced shipping is toxic shipping.
I can gladly blame the poor writing on the show, but pretty much it did it’s damage enough for me to say I cannot or will not romantically ship these girls with Adrien. If there were potential girls, girls like Rose, Juleka heck even Alix, but it’s safe to say that’s out of the question.
You know who DOES have the more potential, though? The boys.
Yes. As we take a chance to look at the friends he bonds with, its easy to say Adrien is more comfortable around the guys. The party before it was crashed, the video game tournament, these are just a few that aren’t shown often but do show more of Adrien’s comfort level. What guys you ask?
A perfect example for a ‘friends to lover’ romance would be Nino for example. He starts off subtly and gets to know Adrien from the start, not showing any animosity after the misunderstanding with Adrien and his childhood friend, Marinette. Nino also goes through lengths to help Adrien as far as to stand up to Gabriel to give Adrien a friggin’ birthday party! And got akumatized for it. Adrien also shows to go through the same lengths to help Nino hook up with Marinette so far as to set him up alone in the zoo. Nino is sweet, caring and he works well with Chat.
Another potential love interest (my personal OTP), Luka. From the get-go of how they met from a trip accident, Luka greets Adrien with kindness and welcomes him to the group in Captain Hardrock. In ‘Desperada’, that same friendliness still holds as Luka trust Adrien with his guitar, his most prize possession. Luka also does his best to keep Adrien safe and hidden away as Adrien returns the favor to save Luka from getting hit. Don’t push me about the locker scene because there are MULTITUDINOUS ways of how I can make so many ‘In the closet’ references. Also, that wink Chat gave, and the look Luka had? Need I say more? Good. And let’s not forget the icing on the cake and keep in mind to remember:
Adrien chose Luka to wield the Snake miraculous. ADRIEN, not ladybug, chose LUKA. Not to mention the fact, as Viperion, he was eager to work with Chat the moment they met and has nothing but good working with him as a teammate. That’s a bonus.
Many fans of the show try to depict them as rivals for Marinette, but only Luka shows that interest in which Marinette doesn’t really accept because of her obsession with Adrien. To make Adrien ‘jealous’ is really out of character, but another topic I’ll cover.
Truthfully, it would be an interesting twist of all the girls pushed up against Adrien, he would turn around and go for the cute guitarist or starts talking about how cute the guy is! Tell me that Degrassi twist wouldn’t add some good drama.
Overall, the show demonstrates so far that most of the girls for Adrien doesn’t really possess healthy qualities for Adrien to have a good future. The boys give him a more comfortable understanding a gentle nature for a kid like Adrien. You could pair him up with Ivan or Max and Adrien would STILL have more chemistry than them. Note that he’s sheltered, and we have no clue off what other mannerism he was raised on or how truly strict Gabriel and Nathalie are. Hell, we don’t even know how it was like when Emilie was even around.
But for any relationship to work, friendship before romance. Slow but steady at the pace both parties can go. People including Adrien, need that.
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lovejustforaday · 3 years
Sonic Youth Albums Ranked (Part 1)
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There are few indie/alternative bands that I’d argue are as challenging and engaging, or as formative as Sonic Youth.
From their early days as a radical no wave project, to their mid-career as a hard-hitting noise rock band, to their later years as a mellow indie band with prickly guitar tones, Sonic Youth has reinvented the concept of both the guitar and rock music in general again and again. They’ve probably made at least fifty or so never-before-heard noises with their instruments. Combining these sounds with lyrics that regularly explore disillusionment, nihilism, social transgression, pop culture, feminism, abstract thought, underground scenes, and outsider art — it’s safe to say that Sonic Youth have always gone against the grain.
The members of Sonic Youth are obviously all musicians, but they have also been iconoclasts, satirists, and poets throughout their careers, creating music that demolishes both the conventions of rock as well as the social pretensions of the conservative American lifestyle.
Each member of the main lineup contributes something fundamental to the band:
-Guitarist/vocalist/de-facto leader Thurston Moore, the no-fucks-given anti-rock star icon and visionary (albeit he’s kind of a smug twerp these days)
-Bassist/guitarist/vocalist Kim Gordon, the reserved but sharp-witted feminist and multi-disciplinary artist
-Guitarist/sometimes vocalist Lee Ranaldo, the revolutionary master of bizarre guitar tunings
-Drummer Steve Shelley, whose soft and shy demeanor masks a deliverer of precise, high-speed rhythmic anarchy
I could go on and gush about this band forever, but I’ve decided to settle for writing a big nerdy list all about how I feel each Sonic Youth album holds up when ranked. With 15 proper records in total, there is a lot to digest. Likewise, I highly encourage you if you haven’t already to go listen to some of these LPs for yourself and formulate your own opinions about one of the most fascinating bands to have ever existed. This list is really just my two cents.
Note: we will be focusing on the 15 full-length studio albums recorded under the name “Sonic Youth”. This list does not include the s/t debut EP, nor does it include the “Whitey Album” or the SYR series since those are best understood as separate side projects. This list is going to be long enough as it is anyway.
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15. Rather Ripped (2006)
Main Genres: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
A decent sampling of: Noise Rock
From any other band, this is a perfectly decent album with a few nice, gratifying guitar tones here and there. But as a Sonic Youth album, Rather Ripped sounds like the band is on auto-pilot. This is the band’s only album that to my ears sounds like it could’ve been written by any number of other alternative rock bands at the time. It just lacks a certain essential edge that their music usually has.
It really doesn’t help the case for this record that Thurston Moore began having an affair at this point in the career, and it is disgustingly present in the lyrics in hindsight, with the offensively titled “Sleeping Around” and possibly even “Incinerate” both probably taking inspiration from his dirty little secret.
I usually separate art from the artist to a certain degree, but in this case it really does kill part of the experience, because I can’t help but feel that Thurston is having a stupid little giggle to himself by hiding his affair in plain sight and it’s really just kind of pathetic. Kim Gordon is my favourite member of the band, and to me she’s the epitome of an extremely cool person, which only makes the whole thing worse. Seriously, quit bragging old man.
Speaking of “Incinerate”, I can confidently say that I think this is the band’s most overrated song. Certainly not their worst, but I really can’t fathom how so many people consistently put this up there with “Schizophrenia” or “The Diamond Sea” as one of Sonic Youth’s top five songs when it’s honestly just so...by the numbers.
That being said, Rather Ripped is not ‘bad’ per se, it’s mostly just that it really lacks something the band usually has, which makes the project feel a little soulless. Still, the record has its better moments. “Pink Stream” is rather ethereal sounding, which is pretty rare in the band’s discography given their usual penchant for the bombastic and ear-shattering, or the ominous and unsettling. “Turquoise Boy” is also a nice mellow track that probably could’ve fit in quite well as one of many solid tracks on A Thousand Leaves, albeit most of those tracks would still trounce this one.
Rather Ripped is all-around competent; it’s a pretty consistent listen and a decent enough beginner-level Sonic Youth album in terms of accessibility. But there’s just nothing about this album that really grabs me like literally any of their other LPs. There’s almost none of the band’s personality on this record (save perhaps Thurston’s inflated ego). Perhaps it is best to call it their “least interesting” album instead of their “worst”. Honestly, you could just skip this one and you probably wouldn’t miss much.
highlights: “Pink Stream”, “Turquoise Boy”
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14. The Eternal (2009)
Main Genres: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
A decent sampling of: Noise Rock
The Eternal is the last LP Sonic Youth put out as a band. With context, the record has somewhat of a somber feeling. Even its name ‘The Eternal’ seems to suggest that the band might’ve known that it would be their last record, as if the album could be at least partially a reflection on the band’s legacy that will eventually go on to outlive each member.
The band really does sound a little burnt out at multiple points on this record, particularly in terms of Thurston’s vocals which can be best described as sounding ‘exhausted’. Again, like Rather Ripped, the music is certainly competent and enjoyable, but it’s also noticeably less adventurous than on earlier LPs. The album is also a bit more sluggish than most of the band’s past work, feeling just about as long as Daydream Nation or Washing Machine despite being well over 10 minutes shorter than either of those LPs.
I’ll be perfectly honest: if it weren’t for “Massage The History”, this record probably wouldn’t be all that much better than Rather Ripped. Kim Gordon gets to have the very last words on the record with this grim and cryptic requiem about hers and Thurston’s relationship, indicating that she was at least partially aware at the time that the two of them were growing apart.
This would be the last album Sonic Youth put out before Kim became fully aware of Thurston’s affair with a younger woman, leading to her divorce and the band’s inevitable breakup. The song is honestly kind of painful to listen to for that reason, but it is also tragically and morbidly beautiful. “Massage The History” is chronologically the last track in the entire Sonic Youth discography which stretches across 15 LPs over the course of three decades, and it’s a very worthy swan song for the band, if also a bitter reminder that most things cannot last.
“Malibu Gas Station” is another standout, a nocturnal alternative rock jam that sounds very much like a track from the Sister-Daydream Nation-Goo era, and yet another example of Kim Gordon’s capabilities as a member of the band. Really, Kim basically carries this entire LP on her shoulders in terms of the lyrics and vocals.
Nevertheless, I like this record for what it represents if nothing else, and I would still say that it is a level above Rather Ripped thanks to the album closer, and more on par with the next couple of albums on this list. However, I would never recommend that anyone start their Sonic Youth journey with this LP. You can listen to their discography in just about any order you want to, but I’d highly recommend that you save this one for last. The Eternal is a mostly bittersweet experience that is best appreciated after hearing the rest of the band’s output.
highlights: “Massage The History”, “Malibu Gas Station”
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13. Experimental Jet Set, Trash, And No Star (1994)
Main Genres: Noise Rock, Alternative Rock
A decent sampling of: Experimental Rock, Post-Punk
Experimental Jet Set, Trash, And No Star came right after the modest commercial success of Goo and Dirty, and I think you can hear on this LP that the band is reacting to that success by trying to resharpen some of the edges that were smoothed out by Butch Vig’s production on Dirty. Basically, this sounds rather like Dirty but less put-together, less consistent, and a lot more raw.
I appreciate that they wanted to do their own thing and challenge expectations again, and you can really tell that the band is mostly playing around on this record, but in this case I gotta say that the songwriting seems to suffer a little because of that.
The album starts off promising enough with two major highlights. First, there’s a rare acoustic offering with the lo-fi opener “Winner’s Blues”, the first of many tracks that would appear on later Sonic Youth LPs proving that Thurston’s vocals can actually be quite soothing. Then there’s the winding, topsy-turvy patterns of “Bull In The Heather” where lyrically Kim mocks the infantilization of women in her usual snarky, sing-talking fashion. Later on the record, there’s also “Bone” which has a very sinister, bluesy swagger to it that I really enjoy.
But everything else from here on out is kind of a mixed bag. The main setback really seems to be the track lengths; it’s actually pretty weird for a Sonic Youth album at this point in the band’s career to be full of songs that are mostly only two or three minutes long like they are on Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star. That’s not inherently bad of course, but a lot of these tracks really only sound like ‘parts’ of a Sonic Youth song; some really good ideas, but largely underdeveloped.
Take “Starfield Road” for example, which takes a whole minute to build up this really cool and bizarre turbulent sound storm, and then Thurston starts singing over it for a couple of bars until it all sorta just stops abruptly. This track could work in theory if it was structured differently. “Mildred Pierce” off of Goo does something similar, but with that track there’s pay off at the end with the sudden wicked, destructive breakdown which catches you off guard, but here there’s simply no pay off for the listener.
Combine the lack of complete songwriting with the fact that this is actually one of the longest tracklistings on any Sonic Youth album at 14 tracks, and you get an album that feels like it’s bloated with lots of filler. Mind you, there’s still a lot of great little moments on this LP, but very few of them come together to make great songs. It’s an excellent sampler of just how many different ways Sonic Youth can play with a riff or make weird new static noises, but with regards to songwriting, Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star feels more like a collection of demo tapes than a proper album. Still, there’s some cool energy on this record and I’d say it’s a worthwhile listen for any diehard fan.
highlights: “Bull In The Heather”, “Bone”, “Winner’s Blues”
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12. NYC Ghosts & Flowers (2000)
Main Genres: Experimental Rock, Noise Rock, Art Rock
A decent sampling of: Post-Rock, Art Punk, Beat Poetry, No Wave
This is a good example of why we can’t have nice things. Somewhere between A Thousand Leaves and this record, Sonic Youth had most of their gear stolen by some jackass, which effectively meant pressing a hard reset button on the band’s sound for at least one album.
Likewise, a lot of people say that this is their worst record, and yeah I get why those people feel that way, but I actually like NYC Ghosts & Flowers for the fact that it forced the band to undergo yet another major sonic transformation. It‘s certainly more consistently interesting than Rather Ripped or The Eternal, just a very strange album in general, and for that it gets some extra points. I should also mention that this is the first of a couple of albums where the band collaborated with the acclaimed avant-garde artist Jim O’Rourke.
With lyrics influenced by the legendary mid-20th century ‘beat poetry’ scene born out of the band’s own New York City, this is the most 'abstract' Sonic Youth ever sounded. You can hear hints of the band’s no wave origins on this record, but with all of the crude chaos of those early LPs replaced with cerebral tension.
It’s also more sparse than any of their other studio albums, even more so than the dark and intangible Bad Moon Rising. Unfortunately, in this case that also leads to some tracks like “Nevermind (What Was It Anyway)” feeling somewhat empty, or perhaps sometimes too monotonous or repetitive without enough sonically gratifying moments.
But there are exceptions, and the middle portion of this album is where the new formula mostly thrives. “Small Flowers Crack Concrete” is vivid post-rock art poetry, not unlike a more noisy, sporadic version of some of the songs off of Slint’s beloved post-rock classic Spiderland. “Side2Side” is very aurally pleasing, with plinkety guitar staccatos and Kim’s voice hopping from one ear to the other like some kind of noise rock ASMR.
“StreamXSonik Subway” is a freaky little track that sounds calmly menacing, and I really like the high-pitch computer-y bloops. But then right after that there’s the seven and a half minute title track “NYC Ghosts & Flowers” which could probably give me a headache if I didn’t distract myself with something else while I was listening to it; truly maybe the worst track of the band’s entire discography if I was asked to pick one.
Overall, I’d say that NYC Ghosts & Flowers is a very artistic and fascinating experience in the moment, but I don’t really end up remembering much of it an hour or two after listening to the record. It just doesn’t really stay with me like some of their other records, and I don’t often feel the need to revisit this LP. I think Sonic Youth does the whole ‘sparseness' thing better when they’re aiming to sound vast, haunting, or nihilistic, as opposed to this kind of small, cerebral, sit-down-in-an-empty-room-and-listen experience which I personally find a bit more suited to other bands.
That being said, I applaud them for taking a lot of risks on this one, and I genuinely like NYC Ghosts & Flowers for the moments where it really does seem to be on the cusp of something groundbreaking. It's also a pretty polarizing record for most listeners, so maybe you’ll love it.
highlights: “Small Flowers Crack Concrete”, “Side2Side“, “StreamXSonik Subway”
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
David Willows MK 2
A/N: Just an updated version of David’s profile, complete with a few changes and a more in-depth description of certain characteristics. Hope you guys enjoy and if you’d like your MC to be friends with him, message me and let’s chat about it.
Some more things to note:
-Merula is not the mole.
-I’m using the female version of Rowan as David’s best friend because to hell with game restrictions. Also, she survives, at least... David’s Rowan does.
-Drastic alteration to the Quidditch storyline. Skye is in David’s year and a Gryffindor. Orion, Murphy and Erika are two years above David and are in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively. Also including Andre and Charlie while introducing Oliver Wood and Lee Jordan.
-It goes without saying but spoilers for my ideas. Some are kept deliberately vague and some aren’t covered entirely more so because I intend to write about it someday. Let me know what you guys think of those that are given though. 
General Information
Name: David Owen Willows (Formerly David Owen Hall, changed to mother’s maiden name in 1982).
Gender: Male
Age: 11-18 (1984-91), 19-25 (1992-98)
DOB: 30/03/1973
Species: Human
Blood status: Half-blood
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: White-British 
Nationality: English (maternal side of family is Irish, paternal grandmother is Scottish, paternal grandfather and father are English).
Residence: Liverpool/ Lancaster (during his Hogwarts years and depending upon who he’s staying with).
Wimborne (during his career as a pro Quidditch player)
Hogsmeade (final place of residence after becoming Charms professor)
Myers Briggs Personality Type: ENFP, The Campaigner
Character summary: Though he may come across as stand-offish at first, David Willows is a friend as loyal as he is bull-headed. A student of Erika Rath, he became known as Hound on the Quidditch pitch for his relentless pursuit of opposing players. A skill in duelling and the muggle martial art of muay thai (also a pair of knuckledusters) ensures David is a formidable opponent with or without magic.
Aggressive: While he tries to reign in his anger, David is known to have a short temper when it comes to certain taunts. Chief amongst them, comparing him to Jacob. In his early years he was even willing to physically fight much older students despite the clear difference in both size and strength.
Aloof: For all of his first year and a good portion of his second year, David isn’t the one to initiate a friendship (except for Chiara but that was when there was no one else to really talk to while spending a night in the Hospital Wing due to the Devil’s Snare incident). However, while undergoing his first time as a quidditch player, he’s taught by Penny how to be a bit more social at pre and post-match parties.
Artistic: David was taught by his mother Rue to draw in greyscale sketches, something he improves on during his time throughout Hogwarts. In the midst of Jacob’s disappearance, his parent’s divorce and especially the stress that comes at Hogwarts, drawing provided an escape for him. His favourite things to draw are people and creatures.
Competitive: This aspect of David tends to come out the most when it comes to sport. With Erika as his mentor, he nurtures a healthy sense of competition as well as a determination to best the other houses and put Hufflepuff on top when it comes to quidditch.
Courageous: Largely as a result of his loyalty, David is willing to throw himself headlong into danger. The Sorting Hat didn’t nearly put him in Gryffindor for no reason.
Determined: When David sets his mind to a goal, he wants to accomplish it to the best of his abilities. In the case of finding Jacob however, it led to a sort of tunnel-vision, one that was finally broken when Chauncy and Philip succumb to injuries sustained under the sleepwalking curse.
Empathetic: Throughout his years at Hogwarts, David starts to empathise with people in his life. Even in the case of Merula, he sees how lonely she must really be and tries to reach out to her on numerous occasions. If he doesn’t fully understand it, he’d like you to share your feelings with him, at your own behest of course.
Loyal: In spite of a prickly exterior at first, once you win David’s loyalty, he’ll return it ten-fold. The type of friend who would take a bullet for you.  
Snarky: David has a sharp tongue, preferably he tries to shut down an argument with his wits. Only going for duelling when he feels it necessary. That being said, he isn’t shy about getting petty in a verbal spar, for example his response to Merula when first being taunted about Jacob supposedly teaming up with Voldemort: “At least that’s just a rumour, can’t say the same about your parents.”
Stubborn: A self-described ‘stubborn git’, David is quite notorious for not budging from his position once he thinks he has all the facts he needs. If he’s being especially difficult, just get Merula.
Face Claim: Dave Franco (as an adult at least).
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Voice Claim: Paul McCartney.
Game appearance: 
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Physique: Athletic, broad shouldered and fairly bulky as a result of weight training with Erika.
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair style: Chin-length (1st-2nd year), crew cut (3rd-4th year), short but long enough to slick back (5th year-present).
Eye colour: Dark brown.
Height: 5′11″ (as of 6th year)
Weight: Approx 80kg (when fully grown)
Scarring: A few small ones sustained during duels and the occasional mishap in quidditch, mostly on his upper body with a few on his legs. Sustains a burn scar on the left side of his waist during the battle with R.
Body modifications: Get’s the phrase “You’ll never walk alone.” tattooed on his right bicep at eighteen. Later gets a ram skull tattoo on his upper back just between the shoulder blades at age twenty. Finally, gets a shepherd crook just below the ram skull tattoo at age twenty-one.
Inventory: His wand, a pair of knuckledusters, a sketchbook, a pencil case containing stationary.
Fashion: He trusts Andre’s advice on what looks good on him though knows what works for him and what doesn’t. Partly influenced by his musical tastes (mainly punk, and rock and roll), has a love of leather jackets and slightly ripped jeans.
Background/ History:
-David was born in Liverpool, living in the suburb of Allerton. One of his favourite things to do was play football with Jacob and his dad.
-His mum would teach him to draw, most often on rainy days.
-Close to both of his parents as a result but it all changed when Jacob disappeared. He knew Jacob and his parents had arguments after being expelled but hadn’t heard any of it on account of the use of a muffling charm. Furthermore, Rue and Matthew were driven apart, Matthew blaming Jacob’s change in attitude and eventual disappearance on magic in its entirety.
-Sometime after Jacob disappeared and when the general shitshow stirred up by the Daily Prophet had died down, it was settled that Rue and Matthew would divorce. Given that David would go to Hogwarts as well, they thought it would be best for David to take Willows as his surname, hopefully not being recognised as Jacob Hall’s brother.
-This was fruitless, Rita Skeeter caught wind of the proceedings and sensationalised them, exposing the name change in the process. The stress and grief caused both parents to distance themselves from David in some way. Rue threw herself into work and became even more strict with David’s freedom while Matthew just left.
-David however, was fighting his own battles, it became known at his muggle school about Jacob going missing as well as his parents divorcing. This caused him to become quite reclusive from his classmates and would lash out at anyone who said a bad word towards him, especially if it concerned his family drama. He lost any friends he did have and refused to make any more.
During Hogwarts
-Year 1: He first meets Rowan, even being introduced to her younger brother, Alder (basically male Rowan). 
David, Rowan, Tonks, Diego, Chiara and Penny first begin to form what becomes known as the Hufflesquad. 
Also befriends Ben and Charlie.
Angelica Cole takes him under her wing despite not being in the same house and even shows David a group of trolls she’s been tending to in preparation for her apprenticeship in training security trolls.
Meets the Booths during the Christmas break and despite a rocky start, begins to develop a positive relationship with them even coming to an understanding with his dad.
During one of his expeditions with Angelica, he’s confronted by Needle, an acromantula that previously belonged to Jacob. 
Finally stands up to his mum properly, resulting in him staying with the Booths for the summer in Lancaster.
-Year 2: David meets those who are involved in the Quidditch scene at Hogwarts, including Erika Rath, who he briefly develops a crush on until he’s let down gently at the end of Year 2.
He duels Merula for a second time, winning once more, which makes her cry albeit in private. This then results in having his first encounter with Barnaby Lee, who confronts David about upsetting Merula. David tries to get past but Barnaby wraps his hands around David’s throat. Not actually choking him mind, more to get his attention. David panics as it reminds him of the Devil’s Snare that wrapped around his throat and lashes out at Barnaby.
David puts Barnaby in the hospital wing, much to the anger of Liz Tuttle.
The last Quidditch match for the House Cup between Hufflepuff and Slytherin is interrupted by the spread of the cursed ice. Ultimately resulting in Gryffindor’s victory in the cup for that year. 
Rue comes back, mentioning how Corey Hayden (David’s American cousin in this AU) would like to transfer to Hogwarts.
Year 3: Amelia comes to Hogwarts as a first year and gets sorted into Hufflepuff. Similarly, Alder starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. 
Amelia brings Dusty, her cat, along with her. However, Dusty goes missing shortly after arriving at the castle.
Later, in a COMC class, Barnaby mentions that he found a cat matching Dusty’s description. Initially, David is very suspicious to the extent of threatening Barnaby if he harmed Dusty in any way. Barnaby refutes this and returns Dusty to him unharmed, causing David to apologise for both for the accusation and the events that happened last year. Eventually, he even befriends Barnaby.
In a similar vein, when tending to some of his creatures on the reserve, he bumps into Liz and winds up introducing her to Needle. The two get a friendship going, David admiring Liz’s passion for creatures and Liz appreciating David for not finding her weird when she rambles about animals. To the extent that they go out on a few dates.
Close to the end of the year, he rants at Merula. Effectively asking the question of why she seems to hate him. Yet despite the rant he closes off with how he understands Merula, he’s been that lonely kid lashing out at the world and it’s not fun. Despite her reluctance to admit it, Merula knows David is right.
He gets the chance to verbally unload on Rita Skeeter for the articles she wrote about his family when she comes to the school looking to interview an interesting student. Later, several of his friends plus Merula of all people step in to put Skeeter in her place when she successfully provokes him into a fit of rage to make him look bad. The situation is eventually diffused by McGonagall.
Year 4: 
Corey officially transfers to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny after exchanging letters with David throughout third year.
Though David wasn’t particularly close to them, Chauncy and Philip (two of his dormmates alongside Diego) succumb to injuries sustained when they were attacked by a red cap under the Sleepwalking curse. When he learns the truth of what attacked them, David slays the creature.
David starts to realise he has a crush on Merula after assisting her in casting Expecto Patronum. Later in the year, he takes her out on a date to Hogsmeade, gets her a songbook for Christmas and even takes her out to the Celestial Ball.
Merula’s parents are freed from Azkaban by R, her mother even meeting Merula in secret throughout the year. During one of their meet-ups, she has a hunch Merula is starting to develop a crush on David (something which is true but not something she would admit it at the time). 
In order to eliminate this apparent threat to her family’s blood purity, she asks Merula to bring him to her in the Forbidden Forest under the guise of allowing the two of them to join R like she has. Instead, she subdues David with Petrificus Totalus, attempting to convince Merula to leave him, that David isn’t worth it.
Merula sides with David even though it pains her initially. David stays with her over the summer, where they try to figure out... whatever the hell their relationship is at the moment.
Year 5: Throughout this year he dates Merula in secret until Valentine’s Day. It’s here that she confesses she’s ready to have their relationship out in the open.
One of the most major event for David is Rakepick’s betrayal, he had actually grown fond of her as a mentor. Being stabbed in the back wasn’t a good thing for him.
The second is Jacob leaving immediately after David finds him. It’s hurtful and David becomes a bit reclusive for a while. Finally, he’s comforted by Bill, Orion and Erika, the older sibling figures in his life.
Year 6: Jacob returns, under the watchful eye of Alastor Moody, acting as the DADA  teacher for that year. Naturally, there’s tension between the brothers, which eventually resolves.
Jacob does join David for the Christmas break, where he gets along well with the Booths and reunites with his parents.
As well as this, R attempts to come after Amelia, resulting in the death of Alder Khanna. As well as being a devastating loss, it causes a rough patch in David and Rowan’s relationship when in her grief she winds up shouting “I wish I’d never met you, David Willows!” She only realises what she just said when the words leave her mouth but regardless, it causes a fracture within David’s larger circle of friends.
Eventually, the time comes for when David, Jacob and their allies take on the vaults like they had always dreamed of. Together, they face off against the guardian of the Sunken vault, an Ammit (based on the creature of Ancient Egyptian Mythology). Eventually the beast is defeated and they claim the treasure of the vaults, what seems to be the base of a necklace.
In a celebration at the Three Broomsticks, R attacks and murders Jacob. This sends David spiralling into grief, hitting his truly lowest point. He worked so hard, he rebuilt his family at home and forged a new one at Hogwarts, all the while hoping Jacob would be able to join them. And what was it all for? Nothing.
Before the school year is up... he snaps his wand and runs away from Hogwarts. Not to Liverpool, not to Lancaster, just anywhere but there. It will keep his friends and family safe or so he reasons. Deep down though, he thinks it’s cowardly.
During this time, he finds his way to Glasgow and starts sleeping rough on the streets all the while battling with grief, anger and self loathing. This goes on for two months before Moody tracks him down, apparating him to a secluded area of the Scottish countryside, kicks his arse and talks him down. Taking him to Grimmauld Place afterwards with the intention of formulating a plan to take the fight to R. 
Where he finds most of his remaining friends waiting for him. At first he staunchly refuses their help, feeling he’s already put enough people in danger. Yet they refuse to leave.
This is actually the moment where the Circle of Khanna is formed, this time named for Alder. Reconciling with Rowan after a serious heart-to-heart.
Year 7: ...Let’s just say R is going to regret setting David Willows on the warpath.
R’s destruction becomes widely regarded news, however David allows Moody to take the credit for it. Frankly, by this point he’s sick of any attachment to the Cabal and just wants to play Quidditch.
He’s able to pass his NEWTS and win the Quidditch cup for Hufflepuff one last time, resulting in him being offered the position as beater on the Wimborne Wasps.
David and Merula work things out, moving in together. Though it’s odd with David still keeping at his Quidditch training and Merula now working for Gringotts as a curse-breaker. After winning the British and Irish League for the Wasps in 1993, he proposes to Merula which she accepts.
In 1994, they have a wedding in the summer time with Rowan being David’s best woman. They did plan on having kids until Cedric’s murder at the hands of Voldemort. With Quidditch cancelled and Merula being affiliated to Gringotts, both are approached to work for the Order. 
Though initially very hesitant, David agrees. Eliminating Death Eaters, rescuing their hostages and even fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts.
He returns to the Quidditch scene when it starts up again in 1999, helping the Wasps win the cup three more times. 1999 is also the year in which Merula and David have their first kid, Robin. After the latest victory in 2002 he discovers Merula is pregnant again, and his retirement from Quidditch is looming on the horizon. He’s convinced by Judith Harris (@judediangelo75) to teach for a few weeks over the summer at KC’s (@kc-needs-coffee) quidditch summer camp.  It’s here that he develops a love for teaching. Getting in touch with professor Flitwick to work as his assistant before becoming the Charms professor. 
In early 2003, he welcomes his son Nicholas into the world.
Matthew Hall (father): 
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Face Claim: Ben Miller
A stern but fair man and CIMA-qualified accountant originally from Yorkshire, Matthew met David’s biological mother Rue when he was on a business trip to Dublin in 1956. Encountering her in a quiet pub being told “I’ve dealt with a real dragon today” when he asked if she was okay on account of how tired she looked. Matthew took it as a joke but Rue was being entirely serious. They struck up a friendship and began dating, eventually getting married in 1961 and having Jacob in 1964. 
initially, he was fascinated by the existence of the wizarding world but soon came to fear it after Jacob’s disappearance. Divorcing Rue afterwards and cutting off contact from David aside from agreeing to send child maintenance. However, after being chewed out by his girlfriend Lyra, he all but begs David to come visit him in Lancaster over Christmas in 1984. 
The reason being that Amelia’s magical abilities finally began to manifest, which became a cause of conflict between David and Matthew, largely from David thinking that was the only reason he was invited. Eventually, they come to an understanding and try to work on improving their relationship.
Rue Willows (mother): 
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Face Claim: Fiona O’Carroll
A dragonologist from Dublin in the employ of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. Though she was strict, she was generally attentive towards David, being the one who taught him to draw.
After Jacob’s disappearance however, she became very withdrawn and austere. It was her way of opting for a ‘tough love’ approach, thinking she had been too soft and in her misguidance tried to control David’s life. Even then, she still grieved, frequently getting into arguments with David about his behaviour at school, bringing up Jacob when David tried to make her proud of him and other such things. 
During the start of the summer break between first and second year, David finally stands up to her properly. The words that get through to her are the following, “That stranger’s name is Lyra and she’s been a better mum to me in the weeks I’ve known her than you have for me in years.” and “I love you too mum... but I don’t know if I like you anymore.”
She does a lot of soul searching after that, staying with relatives in America for a year before coming back and promising to do better with her and David’s relationship.
Lyra Booth (nee Robinson) (step-mother):
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Face Claim: Ruth Wilson
A muggle and CIMA-qualified accountant originally from London, left widowed in 1980 after her first husband, Peter died in a car accident. She met Matthew when working at an accounting firm in Lancaster shortly after his divorce from Rue. After a couple months of knowing each other, the two began dating, Lyra introduced him to her children, who he hit it off well with.
She knew he had a son who he sent child maintenance to but it wasn’t revealed until Amelia accidentally made a plant pot explode in a fit of frustration that Lyra learned the truth. Consequently... she blew up at Matthew for as good as abandoning as his son. Insisting on inviting him around for Christmas.
While David was prickly when he first came around, he eventually warmed up to her and the rest of the Booths, being a positive maternal influence on him.
Jacob Hall (brother) (deceased):
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Face Claim: Tom Holland
David’s only biological sibling, a gifted though trouble-making student, first became interested in the cursed vaults during his first year when he was informed about the legend by seventh year Patricia Rakepick. In his sixth year, he stood up for fellow Gryffindor Angelica Cole when she was being bullied (at the time she was a first year).
His investigation into the vaults would put him into conflict with the mysterious cult known as R. A conflict that would put his family in danger and even cost him his life.
Alex Booth (step-brother):
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Face Claim: Jody Latham
The eldest of the Booth siblings, Alex is a highly protective big brother and was worried upon realising his little sister was going to be part of a world none of them had any knowledge about. He tried to make David feel welcome despite the younger boy’s hostility.
When David attempted to run away during his first stay with the Booths, Alex caught him in the act and made a deal, get past him and he wouldn’t tell anyone he’d left. Though David was tenacious, Alex stopped him every time even pointing out the flaws in David’s technique if he tried to physically fight Alex. After David finally gave up, Alex didn’t breathe a word of his run away attempt to anyone. David would take up Alex’s offer to teach him muay thai during his first visit.
Sarah Booth (step-sister):
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Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
The middle child of the Booth siblings and also the least welcoming, Sarah was most vocally against Amelia being part of the wizarding world. She treated David coldly at first, going on a grouse hunting trip with her friends the day after he arrived to stay with them for Christmas.
However, at some point, she caught him reading an old copy of a Shooting Times magazine and after some persuasion by Alex, took David clay pigeon shooting. Becoming quite impressed, and even a little endeared from how quickly he picked up shooting.
Amelia Booth (step-sister):
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Face Claim: Maisie Williams
A muggleborn witch and the youngest of the Booth siblings, Amelia was surprised to realise she possessed magical abilities. Though was even more shocked to learn Matthew already knew about it.
When she was five years old, she was involved in the car accident that killed her father. Resulting in her being scarred with a gash on the right side of her forehead, a similar one on her left cheek and a larger one that cuts across from shoulder to her chest. Though she repressed the memory, she did indeed see her father die, thus Thestrals are visible to her. Another thing the accident did was give her motorphobia, though can tolerate it as long as she’s A) In control of the vehicle and B) It’s not motorised.
However, she does have a love of cycling, she was taught to do so by her dad before he died. Similarly, gymnastics helped her get some of her confidence back after the accident and still keeps up with it. A love of plants and animals prompts her to excel in Herbology and Potions, then later COMC.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Affiliations: The Circle of Khanna, The Wimborne Wasps, The Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professions: Beater for the Wimborne Wasps (1991-95)
Agent of the Order of the Phoenix (1995 - 98)
Resumes position as beater for the Wasps (1999-2003)
Charms Assistant Teacher (2003 - 05)
Charms Teacher (2005 - present)
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Muggle Studies: O
Hufflepuff Beater (1985 - 91)
Hufflepuff Captain (after Orion graduates) (1989 - 91)
Extra Curricular:
Duelling Club (Becomes known as one of the best duellers in Hogwarts)
Art Club
Football Club (Founder)
Apparition Class (in 1991)
Favourite Professors:
Professor Sprout, his head of house and someone he feels he can go to if he needs advice. One of several people who warned him about being careful with Patricia Rakepick.
Professor Mcgonagall, his Transfiguration teacher and head of Jacob’s house when he was at Hogwarts. Though they disagree entirely on him tackling the vaults, he always pays attention in her lessons as while she’s often stern she can be a great teacher.
Professor Flitwick, as his Charms teacher, David always found Flitwick to be respectable. David especially respects Flitwick for teaching him Expelliarmus, even after he was honest in what he intended to do with it (i.e. use it in a duel against Merula). Also came for Flitwick’s help in developing Cometa.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Binns: Finds his droning entirely too boring and really only passed History of Magic thanks to Rowan.
Every other professor he’s either neutral on (Snape and Trelwany) or he likes but aren’t his favourites (Kettleburn).
Best Canon friends:
Rowan Khanna
Diego Caplan
Nymphadora Tonks
Penny Haywood
Chiara Lobosca
(David plus the above five make up the original members of the Hufflesquad)
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Erika Rath
Orion Amari
Badeea Ali
Barnaby Lee
Liz Tuttle
Love interest:
Erika Rath (crush)
Nymphadora Tonks (first kiss)
Liz Tuttle (dated briefly in third year but broke things off fairly amicably when they realised they were developing crushes on other people).
Merula Snyde (began dating in fourth year, later marries David in 1994)
Best MC friends:
Judith Harris (@judediangelo75): The closest of his MC friends, David and Judith first get acquainted by being pushed into friendship... somewhat subtly by Penny Haywood. Both of them catch on when Penny mentions they should try out for the Quidditch team. Both of them still go for it, bonding over a shared love of martial arts and proving they have the potential to be fearsome beaters.
Throughout their time at Hogwarts, David and Judith would demonstrate a fierce loyalty to each other, being as close as siblings. David even becoming godfather to her children, Bakari and Kendrick.
Cato Reese (@catohphm): David was first introduced to Cato by Penny. The two find themselves sharing very similar values, having a great love their friends and absolute ruthlessness towards their enemies.
Like anyone involved in the Quidditch scene at Hogwarts, David has a bit of a rivalry with him. Tending to trash talk him (though with no real weight behind it), Cato understands that David doesn’t mean it.
Katriona Cassiopea (KC) (@kc-needs-coffee): The two of them are sports fanatics, they could talk to each other for hours about Quidditch. While David definitely knows more about footy, he’s eager to learn about any sport, such as baseball which KC is highly knowledgeable about.
KC would be one of the first to jump at the football matches David organises during his time at Hogwarts. 
Lizzie Jameson (@lifeofkaze​): Like David, Lizzie is an avid fan of LFC. Even meeting up at some point with their respective partners to watch a footy match at Anfield, where Liverpool were playing. 
On the quidditch pitch, Lizzie is a chaser and knows she can count on David to keep the bludgers off her back.
If any of your MCs would want to be friends with David, let me know!
Merula Snyde (For most of his time at Hogwarts).
During Quidditch: Erika Rath, Skye Parkin, Andre Egwu, Charlie Weasley, Angelica Cole, Oliver Wood, Cato Reese and Katriona Cassiopea.
R (including Patricia Rakepick, Fenrir Greyback and Peter Pettigrew).
The Snyde family (minus Merula)
Death Eaters
Magical Abilities
1st Wand: Blackthorn, unicorn hair core, ten and a quarter inches, slightly springy and flexible. Snaps it in half shortly just before the end of sixth year, citing, “What kind of warrior can’t even protect his own brother?”
Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view very well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior.
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing.
2nd Wand: English Oak, Dragon Heartstring core, twelve and a half inches, unbending.
A wand for the good times and bad, this is a friend as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Wands of English Oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Obtained from Garrick Ollivander while being accompanied by Alastor Moody.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon  wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.  
Animagus form: A ram, specifically of a Dalesbred Sheep. Rams symbolise determination, initiative and leadership, factors that are put to the test more than once during his time at Hogwarts.
Misc magical abilities: Legilimens, Rue informs him of potentially inheriting her legilimens ability between third year and fourth year when he tells her of his delve into the Vault of Fear. David prefers not using it on people, rather using it to see through the eyes of animals as his great grandfather Reuben used to do.
Occlumency: Snape, at Dumbledore’s behest begins teaching David the art of Occlumency in fifth year.
Non-verbal magic: David began learning the non-verbal use of magic in fifth year thanks to professor Flitwick. Becoming highly skilled in it by his seventh year.
Spell creation: Assists in the creation of Stella Cascadia alongside Badeea Ali. Given how dangerous the vaults could be, he begins to work on another spell inspired by Stella Cascadia alongside several of his friends, Cometa, the comet jinx.
Boggart Form: Initially, Jacob as a death eater after hearing about the rumours of him taking Voldemort’s side.
From year four onwards, himself as a dark wizard as he worries about the path the vaults will set him on.
Riddikulus Form: Death eater Jacob’s mask turns into a pie that promptly splats him in the face.
Later, his dark wizard self in the uniform of Everton Football Club with a blue clown nose and wig to match. Since he’s a Liverpool Football Club supporter, seeing himself in one his rival team’s colours as a clown is hilarious to him.
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): A sea breeze and heather.
Amortentia (what do they smell?): Freshly mown grass and clear air after a rainfall.
Patronus: African wild dog, a symbol of his loyalty and relentless pursuit of his goals.
Patronus memory: -Attending the LFC vs Nottingham Forest semi final match of the Football League Cup at Anfield on the 12th February 1980 with his dad and Jacob. They drew 1-1 and LFC didn’t get through to the final but David was still happy to be there with both them.
Mirror of Erised: Jacob being back, alongside all of his friends and family. All of them are safe and well.
Specialised/ favourite spells: 
Cometa, a spell that David creates in sixth year with the help of Badeea Ali, Rowan Khanna, Merula Snyde, Diego Caplan and professor Flitwick. Inspired by Stella Cascadia, and using some principles from the Ice Jinx, the spell initially creates cricket ball-sized pieces of ice that explode into a mist when they impact against something. This makes it especially useful for blinding or disorienting a target. Later they develop the more-powerful Cometa Maxima in seventh year. Its main limitations are maintaining eye contact directed at the target (as is the case for all jinxes) and its general range is quite short (about twenty five feet) due to the “comet” (really a mix of ice, dust and gases) disintegrating quite quickly.
Protego Diabolica, A spell taught to him by Felix Rosier in sixth year, nothing says “Get away from my friends!” Like a massive wall of blue flame that incinerates enemies and leaves allies unharmed.
Expelliarmus, the Disarming charm taught to David by Professor Flitwick in first year is one of his go-to spells when duelling.
Protego, learned in order to protect himself from spells and other projectiles.
Healing spells: Largely taught to him by Chiara throughout their time at Hogwarts, healing spells have come in handy more than once when he needs to preserve his own or his friend’s lives.
Expecto Patronum, though niche, a spell that can get rid of a dementor is nothing to scoff at. Plus it’s a sentimental reminder of his friendship with Tonks.
Incendio, good as a fire-starter and a duelling spell, also reminds him of a time when Merula stood up to Rita Skeeter for him by burning her camera.
Misc Information
-David is a huge supporter of Liverpool Football Club (LFC), so much so one of his casuals is a club uniform.
-As well as Needle, David has other creatures on the reserve, Lucky (Knarl), Clop (Porlock), Bonita (fairy), Mori (thestral), and Chen (Chinese fireball).
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mage-ellie · 4 years
The Yearly Halloween Ball
Wrote this really quick while taking a small break from my akechi x fem!reader book yesterday! I wanted to do something Halloween themed since Halloween is approaching :D The 4th chapter of my book with either be posted later tonight or tomorrow :)
Link to original post on AO3: Click me!
Link to the book i’m writing if you’re interested: Click me!
Word count: 2,512
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst because akechi is an edgy boy, slight spoilers
Summary:  Akechi never took an interest when it came to the events held at his school, but this year was a little different.
Every year on October 31st, the high school Akechi attended would hold a Halloween Ball. Each year had a different theme. For example, last year, the theme was 'murder mystery' and the year before that was 'graveyard'. This year, however, the student council president decided to go with a different route. This year's theme was 'masquerade'. The students were encouraged to wear their costume of choice, but you must wear some sort of face covering, whether it be a werewolf head or a simple mask. "Get creative!" The student council president had said when he announced this years theme.
The young detective was never a fan of school events, simply because he would be hounded by the student body and his fangirls, but this piqued his interest. An event where nobody would know who he was? He had been working hard these past few weeks, so he thought it wouldn't hurt to attend and have a bit of fun. He'd have to make sure his mask covered enough of his face though.
Of course, Akechi would dress up like the prince he had always dreamed of being. He picked out his best white suit and a deep blue undershirt. He also draped a white cape, embroidered with a light blue thread, that reached his hips over his shoulders. His dress shoes were a polished white and his gloves were the color of freshly fallen snow. The blue masquerade mask he had chosen was nothing fancy. It covered the upper half of his face, as well as the right side of his face. Perfect. Lastly, he tied his hair up into a ponytail that sat low on his head.
The Prince wasn't expecting much from this dance. Perhaps he would dance with a few girls, maybe he'd even get the chance to dance with you, though, he tried not to get his hopes up. He had overheard you talking about going to a Halloween party with your friends during class the other day. You didn't seem all that interested in the ball, but there's always the chance that you'd change your mind. Akechi never believed that he deserved to be around someone as pure as you. He was afraid that he might taint you, but tonight he was feeling selfish. If he got the chance to dance with you, he'd never indulge in his desires again.
Akechi decided to take a taxi to his school where the ball was being held. He didn't want to chance having his costume ruined by someone on the subways. Despite his identity being hidden, he still wanted to look good.
Upon entering the large building where the dance was to take place, he raked his eyes over the mass of bodies already dancing, silently hoping that he'd spot your form amongst the crowd. Although, he had no idea what you would be wearing, even if you were here.
He descended the flight of stairs that led to the party area. For a moment, he thought he had made a mistake by coming here. Many of the students turned and looked at him, whispering to each other, questioning his identity. He even heard his name said a few times. However, no one approached him, which he was grateful for.
The song currently playing was somewhat fast. The slower songs wouldn't be played until the end of the night. The celebrity had time to prepare himself for the dances that he was bound to be asked to participate in.
Akechi made a slow lap around the building, almost hoping that he'd see you. It seems as though the cruel fate he had been given wouldn't allow him to see you tonight. This was nothing new to him, yet he couldn't stop himself from feeling disappointed.
Or maybe not. A sudden eruption of whispers erupted from the crowd, all of them talking about the mysterious princess in red.
Akechi allowed his eyes to wander to the stairs which led to the entrance. His breath caught in his throat and his cheeks flushed. The beating of his heart increased until it felt like it would burst out of his chest. A strange, yet warm sensation flowed through his body. For a moment, it felt like a soft pair of hands were cradling his shattered, broken heart, holding it together and taking away his pain.
The lovestruck man recognized you immediately. The flowing length of your hair. The graceful way you moved, as if you were floating across the ground. Your soft, slightly flushed skin. The kind and shy smile that sat on your perfect lips. You were wearing a scarlet, off the shoulder dress. Your sleeves were lace and the silky material around your stomach mimicked the look of a corset, which accentuated your beautiful body. The same silky material draped above your knees in the front and reached your ankles in the back in ruffle-like waves. The dress you had chosen had black accents on the corset and ruffles. The mask you had chosen was midnight black and covered the upper half of your face. A single, long iridescent black feather sat on the left side of your mask and flowed like a wave behind you as you walked. The color of your high heels matched the color of your mask. A small, silver tiara sat perfectly on the top of your head.
You looked absolutely enchanting. Akechi was finding it difficult to look away from you, although, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the boy who held your hand. One of the boys in your friend group was your date.
He wouldn't let that get him down though. You were here. Even if he didn't get the chance to dance with you, Akechi thought that maybe, you'd look his way while he danced, or notice him standing by himself by the punch bowl.
You vanished from his view into the sea of people just as quickly as you had appeared. Perhaps he'd make his way around the building one more time, to get a glimpse of you in that dress once more.
The dance was planned to go on for two hours, and an hour and a half had already passed. Akechi hadn't seen you since you came in. He wondered if you had left already. It was about time that he got going as well. People were beginning to recognize him.
As he made his way to the entrance, he noticed your date, who was dancing with another girl. Akechi's blood boiled. The Ace Detective couldn't believe that your date would be stupid enough to dance with another girl, when you were the perfect partner. He made a mental note to find out the name of your date when he had the time.
However, when he made his way outside, the sight before him took his breath away. There you were, only a few yards from the door, rubbing your arms from the cold while looking up at the night sky. If Akechi didn't know any better, he would've thought that you were a Goddess.
Without a second thought, Akechi removed his princely white coat and walked towards you, gently placing it over your shoulders. He watched you flinch, a soft gasp coming from your mouth as you swiftly turned towards him.
"My apologies, Princess. I didn't mean to frighten you, but you looked cold." He spoke in a calm voice, hoping that you wouldn't run away. Akechi was pleasantly surprised as he watched your lips tip upwards as you slid your arms through the sleeves of his coat. It was a bit big on you, yet, he found you absolutely adorable.
"Thank you, dear Prince. I didn't think I would be waiting out here this long for my ride." Your voice was soft and light, as if your date hadn't ditched you for another girl. Akechi's heart fluttered as you called him a prince. The gentle hands that were once cradling his heart, now had a tight grip, like they would never let go. They would hold his heart until it had mended.
"I hope I'm not intruding when I ask this, but are you alright? I noticed your date was dancing with another girl when I was leaving." Akechi did his best to hide the anger he was feeling. He would never do something like that to you. You deserved to be cherished.
What he wasn't expecting was the airy giggle that came from your throat. Your dainty hand hovered over your mouth as you laughed, the sleeve of his coat covering your hand slightly. "Don't worry about that. That's the whole reason I came here in the first place. My friend heard that his crush would be attending the dance and he didn't want to go alone, so I accompanied him. I'm so happy that he got the chance to dance with her. Although, I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to dance at all. We spent most of the night trying to find her."
Akechi couldn't hide the surprise that colored his face. You were too kind. He definitely didn't deserve to do something as intimate as slow dance with you. One touch and he'd ruin you. However, his selfishness won over when he heard a new slow song begin. The music was muffled by the walls of the school building, yet it was still audible from where the two of you were standing.
"Well, since you're waiting for your ride, may I have this dance?" Akechi extended his arm, holding out his hand for you to take. He relished in the way your face lit up, a bright smile curling its way up your cheeks.
He cursed himself for wearing gloves, but when he felt the warmth of your hand seep through the fabric, his mind went blank. It was like his body was moving on its own. Your right hand was in his left and your left hand was resting on his shoulder. He gently let his right hand take a hold of your waist. Akechi almost melted when you stepped closer to him, the heat of your body pressing against his.
Slowly, the two of you started swaying to the beat of the song. Akechi couldn't hope to match the serene movement of your body as you danced. He was completely and utterly entranced by your beauty in the moon light. He knew he had to savor this moment for as long as possible. Who knew when your friends would show up to take you away from him?
Akechi had been so engrossed in everything that you were doing, that he didn't even notice the song had stopped playing and a new one was starting. Either you didn't notice, or you chose to ignore it. In that moment, it was only him and you, swaying and twirling around the courtyard.
The Prince contemplated what he wanted to do for a moment. There was a chance that you'd pull away from him and yell at him for being a creep, but maybe, just maybe, you'd let him do it. He wanted to take that chance, so he twirled you around, but before you could fully turn back towards him, he pulled you into his chest. Your back was pressed up against his body, his arms wrapped gently around your waist. Akechi's heart nearly stopped when you tensed, but relief washed over him when you relaxed into him.
This time, he didn't stop himself from melting into you as your fingers slid up and down his hands. The fleeting warmth of your touches pulled at his heartstrings. You were so gentle, so delicate. A monster like him would only break you. And yet, the detective couldn't stop himself from leaning his head against yours as you continued your rhythmic swaying. Reveling in the warmth your body brought to his cold, aching soul.
If he could, he would rewind time over and over again, just to reexperience this moment. The young man holding you closed his eyes and focused on the way your body fit with his. It was like you were made for him.
He wondered if you could feel just how fast his heart was beating from this position. He wouldn't be surprised. He could feel his own heartbeat in every part of his body. It echoed in his ears and pulsed in the tips of his toes. If only you knew what you did to him.
Akechi wasn't quite sure how long he had been holding you. It felt like it had only been a few minutes, but also a lifetime. He only began to question the amount of time you had been together when you shifted in his arms slightly.
Disappointment filled his veins as he loosened his grip on you, preparing to let you go, only to be surprised when you turned around in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. He felt the light weight of your head resting against his shoulder. The tip of your black mask pressed into his neck. The detective could feel your warm, even breaths fan across his skin as you relaxed into him
He moved his arms around you slightly. His right arm was hooked around your waist and his left arm held your upper back, keeping you pressed against him in a hug of sorts. Akechi had never felt this kind of affection before. He mentally scolded himself for wanting more. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve you.
Sadly, his night had to come to an end. The loud honking of a car caught your attention and you pulled away from him to look at the car that made the sound.
"Ah. That's my ride." Your voice was like a melody to him. He would listen to you speak forever if he could.
The young prince watched as you removed his coat from your body and delicately placed it in his hands. "Thank you so much for the dance Akec- I mean, Prince." You looked away quickly as you caught yourself. A smile crawled onto Akechi's lips as he looked down at you, heart full of an emotion he couldn't quite name. You had known it was him, yet you still danced with him.
"Of course. Until next time, Princess." He spoke as he boldly took a step towards you and kissed the part of your mask that covered your forehead, watching your reaction carefully. The excitement in his body increased as he watched your cheeks flush and a shy smile take over your lips.
"Goodnight." Your voice was so small, it made his stomach squirm.
"Goodnight." He said back as he watched you turn and make your way to your friends, all of who squealed at you for dancing with a boy outside of the ballroom.
Despite the voice in his head barking at him, telling him to never interact with you again, he couldn't stop himself from hoping that you'd let him dance with you like that again.
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p-please could you please please make a part two of tamaki x reader soul mate au? it was so sweet and made me so happy and comforted me so much... i understand if not!! just wanted to ask you and congratulate your wonerful work, reading it meant the world to me 💞
I LOVE YOU! You’re so freakin sweet, thank you!!!! Originally, I wasn’t going to make a part 2 because I didn’t know what to do, but you’re lovely words just… I had to! Now, like I said, I didn’t really know what to do so this thing’s pretty much all over the place and it doesn’t really make sense, but the general idea is that you’re seeing your relationship progress. Honestly, I’ve already taken so long with this! So! I hope you like this one Anon!Length: 1.7k
Part 1! Part 3!
Your Name: (y/f/n)
Quirk: (y/q)
Age: 19
It had been a little over a year since you and Tamaki found out you were soulmates. He had graduated and was now Fat Gum’s sidekick and although he was extremely busy, he did his best to find time to spend with you. He always left you little cute messages on your wrist in the morning, something cute and short. Every single time, the messages brought a smile to your face. They were a great way to start the day.
Tamaki always talked to you on the days he was stuck doing paperwork. He couldn’t as much during patrols since his hero costume covered his arms, however. Your conversations were always so cute and random, for example, the other day when you were at work, you felt a tingling sensation on your wrist. When you looked down, you almost burst out laughing in the absolutely silent room.
Butter is food lotion
You needed to go to the bathroom and for the next thirty minutes, proceeded to laugh until you were in tears. After the half-hour “break”, you responded by asking what brought that on.
Coworker gave me lotion that smelled like berries but it looked like butter. Wondered what would happen if I used butter instead and then realized butter is food lotion
I love you so much, Tamaki. You know that?
I love you too, bunny
When you two got home, you’d often text or talk on the phone. On the days he was free, he’d invite you out or you’d go to each other’s places. It didn’t take long for Tamaki to miss you so much that he asked you to move in. 
He later admitted that it took two and a half weeks of courage-building for him to ask you. You found it adorable and you loved your new life. However, one thing you missed was how little you both used your soulmate connection. Now that you lived with each other, you didn’t need to as much. Sure, when he was at work he still wrote to you sometimes, but that was it. You also no longer received those little messages in the morning since he’d just kiss you on the cheek instead before leaving for work.
“You know,” you started one night during dinner. “I miss those little messages you used to write to me before I woke up. They were always so special and cute.”
“Well… I can always keep doing that. I do wake up before you.” He mentioned, taking a sip of his drink.
“Is that too much to ask?” He shook his head.
“Not at all, I always did it before, so why not now?” All you could do was smile at your boyfriend before you took another bite of your food. Tamaki was a great cook, something you’d always suspected, but hadn’t experienced till much later in your relationship.
Tamaki is undoubtedly shy, therefore, he was too scared to let you try his food, in fear of you not liking it or him messing up. However, one day, you’d been a little late to work and hadn’t been able to eat breakfast and were too busy to eat lunch. Fat Gum’s agency was only a few minutes away from your workplace and Tamaki just happened to be patrolling nearby. So, he decided to bring you the lunch that he’d prepared for himself. You were thankful and almost died and went to heaven when you took your first bite.
He almost fainted at the compliments you threw at him. It had been a while since you saw his face that red, however, he did point out that he was extremely happy you had been able to eat.
Tamaki got comfortable on the couch with a bowl of strawberries as he scrolled through his phone. After a few moments, he grabbed the remote and pressed play to continue watching his movie.
A couple of minutes later, he felt tingling on his wrist and pulled down his long-sleeved shirt. A gentle smile graced his features when he saw the message.
Do we need milk?
Yes, you could have texted him or called him. Or, you could’ve used your soulmate connection. Tamaki put the bowl on the coffee table before he stood up and walked to the kitchen counter, where you often kept a pen nearby. Once he’d found it, he quickly wrote down his response.
No, but we do need tomatoes and eggs
What about onions? Fish? I think we need some chicken.
Yes to onions. Also, Chicken and beef.
Tamaki returned to the couch with the bowl of strawberries on his lap and continued to respond to all of your questions until he needed to get a wipe to make more room.
“Hey, bunny?”
“Yes, my love?” You asked dramatically, turning to Tamaki. His cheeks were red and he seemed quite uncomfortable but he decided to keep going.
“Y-you know th-that I l-love you, right?”
“Right, what’s up?”
“I l-love you so much an-and I love every little thing a-about you. I love your smile, your eyes, your hair, your face, your cheeks, your nose… I love your laugh, your giggles, I love the way you hug me when you get super excited, I love the way you get excited over your favorite things. I love the way you glow when someone compliments you, the way you talk about your passion and hobbies. I… when I was about to turn 18, I was terrified to meet you. I was scared that you may be someone I couldn’t let along with or that maybe you were a villain. I was scared about whether you’d like me or not. I-I know soulmates fall in love at first sight, b-but no one ever said soulmates didn’t fall out of love. I-I was scared you’d th-think I wasn’t worth it… or that I wasn’t good enough,” His hands grabbed yours and his determined eyes gazed into yours.
“Now that I think b-back to those ti-times, I wonder why I was ever scared. You’re so perfect, you know that bunny? You’re perfect for me. I love everything about you, all your flaws and everything. Those little imperfections you hate, I love those too. I’m so happy I met you.”
Your eyes were wide and your cheeks were bright red. You could feel your emotions piling due to his words. You knew Tamaki loved you, yes, but when he threw his feelings into words like that. When he explained it like that, you couldn’t help but feel so goddamn lucky. 
“I-I’m happy I met you too!” You hastily respond, tightening your grip on his hands. “I love you too!”
“(f/n)…” He gently pulled his hand away from you and grasped your left wrist. He pulled down the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt you were wearing, making your (e/c) eyes look down. Your heart almost leaped at the words you saw on your wrist.
Will you marry me?
When did he have time to write that out?! Your eyes shot back and forth from the words on your wrist to his eyes multiple times. Finally, as if you were pulled out of your trance, you nodded.
“Y-yes! I-I- yes! Yes, yes, yes!” You exclaimed, throwing yourself at him, repeatedly kissing his face. His angelic laughter filled the room as a tear slid down his warm cheek.
“Thank god, I would’ve died if you said no.”
“I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!”
“I-I love you too! You have to get off though.” He said, his hands landing on your hips.
“Because I have to give you the ring.”
“Y-you g-got me a ring?”
“Of course. I proposed through our connection because I know it means a lot to you, instead of the whole get down on one knee thing.” You slid off of him, sitting on your legs while you watched him walk to the closet and reach up into the corner. Your closet had this extremely small ledge at the very top, Tamaki was tall enough to reach it, but you weren’t. That’s where he chose to hide the ring. He grabbed the small, velvety, black box and returned to you on the bed.
He slowly opened it and let you take the box to look at the beautiful ring inside, (insert description of your ring). He slid it out of the box and took a hold of your left hand, letting it slide onto your ring finger.
“Perfect fit,” You whispered, gazing down at it. Finally, your eyes returned to meet his indigo ones. “I love you so much, Tamaki.” You pressed your lips against his in a short but sweet kiss.
“I love you too, bunny.”
“Mr. Amajiki!” You exclaimed as you entered your bedroom with your hands on your hips. Tamaki turned to you with a gentle smile on his face.
“Yes, Mr./Mrs. Amajiki?”
“Have you eaten?” His smile fell instantly and he leaned back in the chair a little as your eyes glared at him.
“W-well, y-y-you s-see, I-I go-got busy wi-with this p-paperwork an-an-”
“Excuses!” You interrupted, crossing your arms. “Eat, right now.”
“I will, bunny, I-I just need to finish this.” He murmured as he turned back to the paperwork that came with him being a hero. You walked up to him and placed your hands on his shoulders before sighing.
“Well, Suneater. You think you can go about a week without kisses?” His head turned and his eyes widened immediately.
“Maybe two weeks?” He shot up from his chair, making you back up. His face had a look of horror, almost as if you’d collapsed in front of him.
“Wh-why?! P-please do-don’t!”
“Well, you won’t eat. There’s gotta be a punishment if you’re gonna neglect your body like this.” His look of horror melted into a rather adorable pout.
“Eat and I’ll revoke the punishment. Plus! You need a break, you’ve been up here for almost three hours now.” He gently took your face in his hands and gazed at you lovingly. His thumbs slid across your cheeks as he studied every inch of your visage. 
“Ok, bunny. I’ll go eat.” He pressed his lips against your forehead, before letting go and walking ahead to go downstairs to the kitchen. You quickly grabbed a pen and wrote something on your wrist before following after him.
You saw him stop at the bottom of the steps and turned to with a bright smile. One that made your heart soar and your cheeks turn red. Your soulmate connection was extremely important to the two of you. Most people didn’t really use theirs after meeting each other but you two weren’t like that. You’d always find a way to use it somehow and this time was no different.
“I love you too, bunny.” 
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dameronology · 4 years
obi-wan kenobi fluff alphabet
based off of this original post! if you guys want to see another star wars/marvel character, drop a message in my inbox :D
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a - activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
obi-wan would sit and watch paint dry for hours if he was with you. he doesn’t care what you guys do, as long as you’re together. however, he does particularly enjoy training with you, especially when you both get competitive. he also loves going for long walks, particularly at sunset, when you guys can just talk about everything and nothing.
b -beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
as a jedi, obi-wan automatically admires things like patience and understanding, but especially passion. he loves when his s/o has a fiery passion to do something, whether it’s for a cause or to complete a task.
c - comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
obi-wan can usually sense your emotions through the force, so he’s very aware of what you’re feeling. if he’s not with you, he’ll reach out to you and try and talk to you - it’ll be calming words, sometimes ones of advice. if he’s with you, he’ll sit you down and hold you. if you want to talk about it, he’s all ears, but he’s also more than happy to just lay with you. 
d - dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
this is a tricky one because given the circumstances, obi-wan can never plan any definitive - his job is unpredictable and he barely knows what he’s doing in the next week. with that said, the one thing he is certain of is that wherever he ends up, he wants you with him. 
e- equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
your relationship is definitely one of equals. obi-wan is so big on communication and talking and being on the same wavelength as you is very important to him. with that said, he is a jedi master and spends most his time instructing other people so he can over-step a little sometimes, but he’s very quick to notice and act on it. 
f - fight - would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
again, obi-wan is so big on the communication front and he urges you to talk things out rather than argue. with that said, fights are kind of inevitable in any relationship and they do happen; if he’s in the wrong, he’ll always apologise quickly and if you’re the one he feels is in the wrong, he’ll explain why and it’s not long before a compromise is reached. 
g - gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he is the KING of gratitude. he is so aware of everything you do for him and obi-wan is so focused on making sure you know it. (side note: some of his methods of appreciation™ belong in the other kind of alphabet) 
h - honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
obi-wan would never lie to you. he hardly has a reason to, and even if he did, his guilty conscious would make it impossible for him to do so. your relationship is your safe space and it’s an open book. you know each other better than you know yourselves (which works out quite nicely). 
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
you turned his whole world around. before you, he’d completely shut the door on love and locked it behind him. you made him realise that he could be a good jedi and still love you.  in fact, obi-wan probably credits you for making him a better jedi; the presence of somebody else in his life made him much more rational and self-aware. 
j - jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
obi-wan tries not to get jealous but he’s a human being, and it does happen. you guys can’t be open about your relationship in certain places, and that does lead to situations where somebody gets a little too close, but it’s his trust for you that trumps his jealousy. he knows that you love him and would never hurt him, and that’s enough to get him through it. 
K - kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
obi-wan kenobi is one hell of a kisser and nobody could convince me otherwise. he’s definitely had enough experience with it, and that only increases when he starts to learn what you like in particular. 
l - love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
it would probably take a lot for him to tell you - like, obi-wan is risking a lot and going against the very code he practices. but, once he’s convinced himself to do it, it’s full steam ahead and it’s a simple declaration. 
m-  marriage - do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
it probably depends on the situation. if it was after order 66 (ouch) and you’re both adjusting to life on tatooine, he’d definitely be down for it; after everything, he’d want to settle down and you’re the only constant in his life. if you were both still at the temple, he’d be pretty content with just being with you. your relationship is extremely dedicated and important to you both, so it’s not all that different from a marriage. 
n - nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
obi-wan probably uses darling, my love and my dear the most. 
o - on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
he’s in a permanently good mood. anakin is probably the first to notice it; when he messes up and obi-wan is oddly pleasant about it, that’s when he realises. he’s normally an upbeat person most the time anyways, but when he’s in love, he’s like a literal ray of sunshine. 
p - pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag with their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
for obvious reasons, you and obi-wan have to keep your relationship completely secret. with that said, if you guys are on a far away mission where nobody you know can see you, he’ll put on small displays of affection like intertwining your fingers or putting his hand on the small of your back. 
Q - quirk - some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
obi-wan’s connection to the force works as a connection to you (and vice versa if you’re also a jedi). it’s never in an overbearing way or a protective way, but it means you guys are intertwined in a way that’s beyond your average earthly relationship. 
r-  romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
for obi-wan, his love for you is hidden in every day gestures. he remembers the exact way you like your caff, he’ll take note of every tiny detail of every conversation ever and he listens to you in a way you’ll never quite get over. for example, one time you mentioned you liked a type of flowers that can only be found on one specific type of planet, and six months later, he happened to be on a mission there. he returned with the flowers, which by then, you hadn’t even remembered mentioning. 
s -support - are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
the man is like your own personal cheerleading squad. whatever your goal is, however big or small, he will support you through hell and high water.
t - thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
because there’s a lot of sneaking around, you’re both kept on your toes pretty much all the time. with that said, you and obi-wan do fall into your own kind of routine together after a few years; neither of you mind. as long as you’re together, you’re happy. 
u - understanding - how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
obi-wan knows you better than anybody. he knows your tiny mannerisms and habits and he never fails to surprise you with how much he gets you. 
v- value - how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
you’re literally the most important thing in his life. everything he does, he does it for you. 
w - wild Card - A random fluff headcanon.
obi-wan loves to hold you at night, and sometimes it’s not even a conscious decision. there are times when you fall asleep on different sides of the mattress and wake up to find your legs tangled and his arms clinging onto you.  
x - xoxo - are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
in private, hell yes. when you guys are in your quarters, he loves to hold you and kiss you. it was surprising at first because before you were together, you never would have predicted it but it’s one of your favourite things about him.
y - yearning - how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
thank fuck for force bonds, amirite? 
when you guys are apart, you can easily stay in touch because of your connection via the force. it’s nothing compared to physically being with you, but it helps tide him through the longer missions. 
x - zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind of?
obi-wan would literally cross the galaxy and back ten times over for you. the man would do anything to keep you safe and protect you. 
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Yours Alone
Summary: A shared idea, three witchers, and one bard.
It would be a very interesting night indeed.
Pairings: Geralt/Eskel, Lambert/Jaskier, Geralt/Jaskier
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Canon Universe, Established Relationship, Pre-Negotiated Kink, Roleplay, Foursome
Tags: Master/Pet, Praise Kink, Collars, Exhibitionism, Bottom!Geralt, Bottom!Jaskier
Words: 1832
A slip of the tongue was all it took.
At first, the idea was laughed off, forgotten in a morning of hangovers. Then, a coy smile, shy mumbling was all it took for the pieces to fall into place. 
Which was how Geralt ended up here, his mind drifting as he rested his head against Eskel’s leg. Eskel sat in the plush chair above him, carding his hand through Geralt’s hair. How easy it was to slip into this character, to trust Eskel and know he was safe. 
The leather collar around Geralt’s neck was more like a blanket and he slowly lifted his head as Eskel tugged on the leash connected to it. 
“Our guests will be here soon,” Eskel smiled down at Geralt, running a hand along his face. 
Geralt gave a small nod, relished in how Eskel’s gaze traveled along his naked frame. He was spoiled rotten and it was wonderful. 
As if on cue, the door to the bedroom opened then and Lambert waltzed in first, tugging at the leash behind him. In stumbled a brown haired man, just as bare as Geralt, and a black collar around his neck. He was red in the face, huffing as Lambert dragged him over to Eskel and Geralt. 
“New pet, Lambert?” Eskel asked as Lambert all but shoved the man to the floor. 
“Last one bit me, but this one is giving me just as much trouble,” Lambert scowled, keeping a tight hold on his pet’s leash. 
Geralt glanced at Eskel and the two shared a silent conversation as Eskel tsked. “You have to be patient with him, Lambert. There was a reason Vesemir didn’t let you have one until now.”
“I know, I know,” Lambert waved. “It’s just a fucking hassle, training him.” Lambert tugged on the leash to make a point, forcing the man to bow his head forward. 
“Well, if you keep treating him like that...,” Eskel frowned. “Geralt isn’t this well behaved for nothing.”
As if to prove a point, Eskel patted his lap and Geralt was quick to comply, climbing onto Eskel and sitting so his back was flush with Eskel’s chest. Grabbing Geralt’s legs, Eskel hooked them over the arms of his chair, exposing all of Geralt to Lambert and his pet. 
“You have to reward them when they’re good,” Eskel began, his fingers dancing along Geralt’s cock, “And punish them correctly when they don’t listen.” 
With his other hand, Eskel pinched one of Geralt’s nipples and Geralt let out a low whine at the back of his throat. Eskel knew how to push his buttons just right. A slow exhale left Geralt as he slipped into a pleasant haze, Eskel playing with his cock to coax it to full hardness. Just before he slipped into pure bliss, Geralt turned his gaze to Lambert’s pet and held back his smirk as wide blue eyes stared at him. 
It was easy to see the man’s erection growing, his blush as he tried to hide it, but Lambert was having none of that. Bringing the man in front of him, Lambert trapped his hands behind his back and pulled him so he had little choice but to show himself off. 
“Watch and learn,” Lambert carded his fingers through the thick head of hair and the man shivered. 
A surge of pride filled Geralt and when Eskel had let go of his cock, Geralt was quick to slide off of him to kneel at his feet. With practiced hands, Geralt freed Eskel’s cock from his trousers and wrapped his mouth around the tip, licking with fervor. How lucky he was to be given such a treat. 
Eskel hummed with approval, holding the back of Geralt’s head, but not pushing his hips forward. Geralt was to put on a show after all. 
“What’s his name?” Eskel asked as Geralt diligently sucked him off. 
Lambert took a moment to tear his eyes away from the scene. “Jaskier. That’s what the seller said.”
Eskel gave a small nod before continuing the small talk. Most of it washed over Geralt’s ears, his mind focused on the task at hand. However, when Eskel’s hand stopped petting him, Geralt’s mood changed. He was Eskel’s pet after all and he deserved most, if not all of the attention. 
Wrapping his hand around the base of Eskel’s cock, Geralt dragged his mouth down the length, stroking his hand up to meet his lips. It was an easy rhythm to fall into and one that always pleased Eskel. 
It wasn’t long before Eskel couldn’t keep a conversation, choking on his words as Geralt swallowed him down. With heavy breathing, lust-ridden eyes, Eskel stared down at Geralt and with his newfound success Geralt pulled off Eskel’s cock with an obscene slurp. Licking up the thick vein, Geralt took Eskel back in again, ready to bring him to completion.
Except, Eskel stopped him with a gentle hand. 
“There’s still more we need to show Lambert’s pet,” Eskel explained and only then did Geralt remember there were others in the room. 
Reluctantly pulling off Eskel’s cock, Geralt followed Eskel’s guidance, assuming the position from before where all could see him. This time, a slick finger prodded at Geralt’s hole and he let out a low moan, opening his legs impossibly wider. 
“Come up here, pet,” Lambert let go of Jaskier’s hands and pulled him onto his lap. “I learn better when I’m hands on.”
There was hesitation in Jaskier’s eyes, but he did as he was told, his position mirroring Geralt’s.
“Remember, Lambert,” Eskel warned. “Patience.”
Lambert grumbled under his breath, but did his best to match Eskel’s slow, tender movements. Geralt was already two fingers full and he desperately needed more. Through heavy lidded eyes, he watched Lambert circle an oiled finger at Jaskier’s hole, Jaskier tensing as the tip of Lambert’s finger caught his rim. 
“Relax,” Lambert kissed Jaskier’s shoulder. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”
Geralt bit his lip upon hearing those words. That was easy for Lambert to say. Any new pet was going to be nervous around a master they didn’t know. 
A small yelp hit Geralt’s ears and he nearly jumped off Eskel’s lap, but Eskel’s strong arm across his chest kept Geralt seated on three fingers. Lambert had gotten to pressing two fingers into Jaskier, the pet covering his mouth to hold back any stray noises. 
“None of that now,” Lambert tugged Jaskier’s hand down. “Let’s hear you.”
Lambert’s fingers curled inside Jaskier and Jaskier whimpered, his grip white-knuckled on the armrests of the chair. 
Falling back against Eskel, Geralt let himself worry less about the new pet, moaning as Eskel’s fingers brushed against his prostate. Each touch was bliss, Eskel’s other hand trailing across Geralt’s chest and stomach. His pleasure was just as important and not all pets were granted such a luxury. 
When Eskel’s fingers left him, Geralt huffed at the emptiness before he felt the head of Eskel’s cock prodding at his entrance. If he were allowed to speak, Geralt would sing praises about Eskel’s cock. Instead, he let Eskel know through moans and sighs, groaning as Eskel bottomed out. 
“Hey, Eskel, once I’m inside my pet, I have an idea,” Lambert broke the gentle facade. 
This piqued Geralt’s interest and he ground his hips down on Eskel’s lap as Eskel chuckled softly. Jaskier’s chest heaved, his body trembling as Lambert’s fingers dragged out of him. His face had turned a deep red, eyes darting about to avoid any direct contact with Geralt. It was fascinating to watch and Geralt held his breath as Lambert pushed his cock into Jaskier. 
Jaskier whined and moaned, his hands held down by Lambert as his body writhed about. It was mesmerizing, somewhat beautiful, and Geralt almost forgot about his own situation until Eskel thrust his hips up. With a stuttered moan, Geralt rolled back, letting Eskel fuck him slow and sharp before picking up the pace. 
While Geralt himself was quieter, Jaskier had seemed to lose all sense of modesty, his moans and whimpers filling the room as Lambert pounded into him. Hooking his hands under Jaskier’s thighs, Lambert stood, impaling Jaskier on his cock. A shout tore itself from Jaskier, but Lambert kept his pace, biting down on Jaskier’s shoulder as if to say who Jaskier belonged to. It was then Geralt realized Eskel was doing the same to him and Geralt bit back his curse as Eskel’s cock hit his prostate dead on. 
With the two masters standing, they stepped closer until Geralt found Jaskier’s legs draped over his own, their chests pressed together as they were fucked without mercy. Whimpers left Jaskier’s mouth and he buried his face in Geralt’s neck, trying to hide his shame. Geralt could feel the confusion radiating off of him, the undeniable pleasure of their cocks rutting together. 
This was good, unbelievable, and absolutely perfect. Geralt tried to relax the new pet with small kisses, nips at the base of his neck as he held him close. It seemed to work, Jaskier grinding against Geralt as both their holes were abused. 
As orgasms came rushing in, Jaskier clung to Geralt, a sob leaving him as he coated both himself and Geralt with his seed. Geralt didn’t hold back his own release, covering the two of them even more in white stripes. The two held each other through their oversensitivity, groaning in tandem as their holes were filled, cum trickling down their legs. 
“Fuck, I might have found a good pet after all,” Lambert pulled out of Jaskier and set him down on unsteady legs. 
“Perhaps we just need Geralt to set an example,” Eskel added, helping Geralt stand as well. 
“Would you like that, pet? Do you want to spend more time with Geralt?” Lambert asked a very tired and limp Jaskier. 
Jaskier gave a few small nods, his eyes closed as he leaned on Lambert for support. Geralt could feel his own exhaustion creep up and before he knew it, he had collapsed in Eskel’s arms. 
When Geralt awoke, he found himself in bed, washed and with Jaskier curled up next to his side. Sitting up a little, Geralt looked around for Lambert and Eskel, waking Jaskier up just enough to blink his eyes open. 
“They’ve gone to get us something to eat and drink,” Jaskier mumbled, turning face down into the pillows. 
Geralt smiled a little and laid back down, tugging Jaskier close. “Well, what did you think?”
“I think Lambert and Eskel need to be the pets next time.”
Letting out a bark of a laugh, Geralt kissed Jaskier’s forehead and found sleep sneaking up on him again. Truly, this had been quite the experience, Geralt only wishing it had been brought up sooner. 
As loud whispers hit his ears, the footfalls of Lambert and Eskel sneaking back over to the bed, Geralt drifted off, thinking of nothing but the love he had for all three men in this very room.
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Limitless- Chapter One
M/F Main Pairing: Y/N x Johnny Seo (M/F side pairing: Y/N x Jaehyun)
Genre: Fantasy AU, Harry Potter AU
Word Count: 7K
Warnings: Language
Summary:  Y/N is a very skilled witch and, despite her fascination with the Dark Arts, reluctantly agrees to transfer schools from the notorious Durmstrang to Hogwarts for her younger step-brother’s first year. Upon her arrival, she is stunned when the sorting hat chooses Hufflepuff despite her family’s dark history. Undeterred, Y/N is determined to tolerate her fellow classmates and focus solely on her studies, her aspiration to one day become an Auror. Everything seems to be going according to plan until Y/N meets Johnny Seo, a crafty Slytherin boy who seems intent on capturing her icy heart.
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Chapter One 
“And now, Harry, let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure”- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
There are very few things in this world that truly test my patience. For example, I hate the wealthy aristocrats who surround my father on a daily basis, whispering seductive promises of which they have no intention of keeping. Instead, they feigned interest in my father when, in actuality, it was his valuable alchemy skills they truly desired. In other words, I don't like it when those people pretend to be superior to another because of their status, taking advantage of their position to exercise greedy aspirations. Because it demonstrates just how manipulative they really are, lacking anything remotely genuine in their so-called “friendships” with my family. Ironically, those feelings have also impacted the relationship I share with my father, generating an unsteady hatred while he entertained their advances, even with a complete understanding of such fabricated facades.
Fortunately, in opposition to those things I despised, my step-brother wasn’t one of them. When my father decided to remarry, my initial resolution was to scorn whichever unlucky woman he was bringing into our lives, especially considering his previous toxic relationship with my real mother. Of course, I could’ve never predicted that my new step-mother would turn out to be so likable, introducing me to her quiet son, Jisung, who immediately clung to me like we had known each other for our entire lives.
Ultimately, I decided Park Jisung was a fair justification for the heavily-debated decision to exchange schools in the middle of my education. My father remained opposed since he wanted me to finish my schooling at Durmstrang, his alma-mater and a strict institution that produced some of the brightest minds in the wizarding community. It was also a school that touted its impressive Auror program, a field of interest that I wished to pursue upon graduation.
However, in light of my step-mother’s convincing argument, I decided that I would attend Hogwarts with Jisung. The argument in question, of course, heavily involves my personal history and it was simply unforgivable that Jisung might face any sort of prejudice for something beyond his control. Sadly, my younger step-brother was notoriously shy and withdrawn, and my step-mother was afraid he would be unable to protect himself. This I could not allow because, despite my initial reservations for my father’s remarriage, I had grown to care for Jisung and the thought of anyone speaking out of term enraged the fighting spirit laying dormant just beneath my veins.
“You’re very loyal, Y/N,” my step-mother said upon learning of my transfer. “Jisung is lucky to have you as a sister.”
“No, he isn’t,” I replied bitterly, especially since the blame for any misgivings rested solely on my conscience.
In any case, the exchange was finalized and I felt like a first-year myself as I walked next to my brother through Diagon Alley, searching for the supplies he required. Jisung was a brilliant child, despite his introverted nature, and he was positively squealing with excitement as we galvanized the quaint shops lining the busy streets with eager patrons. “I need an owl,” Jisung said, cheeks bright red in response to the unexpectedly frigid wind. 
“You don’t want to get your wand first?”
“My wand!” Jisung repeated with a gasp. “We have to go to Ollivander’s.”
I rolled my eyes affectionately once Jisung secured a rather strong grip on my sleeve, pulling me along hastily despite his mother’s warning to keep ourselves from garnering too much attention. Of course, Jisung’s spirits were much too high to allow such a warning to dampen the rapid trot to his steps, practically skipping down the sidewalk with youthful glee. 
Ollivander’s wasn’t as busy as I had initially anticipated for which I allowed a sigh of relief as my step-brother gaped at the impressive display of wands eagerly awaiting their new master. “Welcome,” a kind voice greeted our arrival. I could only assume he worked at the shop ever since it’s initial host fell victim to the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War. 
“Hello,” I responded, aware that Jisung had taken to ducking behind the proximity of my robes as he peered anxiously at the shop owner. “My brother is starting his first year at Hogwarts.”
“How exciting,” the owner nodded, holding out his hand to beckon my younger brother forward. “Come here, young man.”
I gave Jisung a small push to usher him in the right direction, amused as he stumbled to the counter. “Hi,” he said in a tone bordering a whisper. Thankfully, the shop owner could hear him, offering a wide smile as he appraised my step-brother.
“What’s your name?”
“Park Jisung.”
“A familiar name,” the owner responded. “Your father worked for the ministry.”
“He did,” Jisung said, shuffling his hands together at the mention of his father. 
The owner was sympathetic, clicking his tongue as he scoured the wall behind him, selecting a singular box from amongst the others. “I have something for you, Mr. Park.”
My step-brother immediately gasped, remembrances of his birth father forgotten in exchange for accepting the girthy wand from the show owner. Jisung held it firmly in one hand, eyes searching the length of the instrument through which most young wizards and witches learned to control their magic. “Try it out,” I suggested from behind him, watching carefully as Jisung waved the wand in his hand. Disappointingly, several of the boxes on the adjoining shelf were dismissed from their neat and organized stacks, falling into the floor like an avalanche in response to the wand’s opposition. 
Jisung cleared his throat and returned the wand to the counter. “I’m not sure it likes me.”
The shop owner chuckled with gentle mirth, obviously having encountered several incidents with other young students. “It’s alright, Mr. Park, wands can be very temperamental when it comes to choosing the right master.” His gaze landed on me with a considerate glance. “What about you?”
“What sort of wand chose you?”
I swallowed hard as I pulled it from the inside of my coat. “The core is Dragon Heartstring.”
“Ah,” the shop owner acknowledged. “A very powerful core indeed. Definitely meant for someone with ambition.”
I dare not surmise the implications behind the grave look in his eyes as he turned back to the shelves, fingers tracing the numbers with precision. “Should I try something similar to Y/N’s?” Jisung asked.
“Not necessarily,” the shop owner explained, reaching for a box from the top shelf. “The wand often takes into account the personality of its chosen master. Dragon Heartstring is a core reserved for some of the most skilled witches and wizards I have ever known. Furthermore, given your...temperament....”
The box was placed in front of Jisung on the counter. “Perhaps we should try this?”
Jisung nodded, removing the lid before wrapping his slender fingers around the wand’s dark handle. He handled it with great care, waving it through the air with studious attention. I held my breath, digging my fingers into the fleece of my jacket as I observed the previously displaced wand boxes returning to their rightful places along the shelves.
“Brilliant!” the shop owner declared. “The wand has chosen you, my young friend. I hope you can perform great magic with its profound loyalty.”
Jisung smiled, turning around to beckon me forward enthusiastically. I couldn’t resist his call, moving to the counter while the shop owner processed Jisung’s new wand. “Unicorn hair,” he explained. “Mr. Ollivander himself said this core produced some of the most consistent magic he had ever seen. Additionally, it makes for a very faithful wand, extremely loyal to its chosen master.” 
Jisung seemed proud of this revelation, taking the package from the shop owner while I procured the appropriate payment. “Thank you, sir,” I said, allowing Jisung to wave back at the shop owner before we returned to the streets.
“Well,” I sighed. “I suppose we should find your owl.”
Jisung nodded happily, swinging the parcel containing his new wand back and forth while he chattered excitedly about all of the interesting spells he had read about in his mother’s book. I nodded vacantly, hoping to appease his desire for conversation while navigating the complicated alleys to avoid as many people as possible. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the glares thrown in our direction meant that everyone was aware of which family we came from. 
“What do you think?” I finally interrupted Jisung when we approached the owlery.
Jisung slammed his hands against the glass, startling one of the owls which turned its head to appraise the overzealous boy. “Jisung,” I scolded, but he was far too busy attempting communication with the snowy white bird watching him in turn.
“Isn’t he marvelous?” Jisung asked. “There’s so many inside! How can I pick just one?”
I opened my mouth to suggest that Jisung make a decision soon, but found myself thoroughly taken aback by the unexpected interruption of a distinctly proud passerby who apparently decided that his input should also matter. “The one in the window likes you,” the younger boy commented. “I just came from inside! Apparently, the store received a new shipment from the mountains. They got some really fast ones in the back!”
Jisung was just as startled as I was, glancing back at the newcomer with wide, uncertain eyes. “Chenle!” 
“Jaehyun,” the boy pouted, crossing his arms at the appearance of his friend who was very clearly out of breath as if previously given chase to our disturbance.
“I’m sorry,” he said, clearing his throat as he fixed his younger friend with a stern glare. “What did I say about running off?”
Chenle didn’t seem concerned, shrugging vacantly in response. “I wanted to stay outside and look around.”
“He wasn’t a problem,” I interrupted, watching their exchange as I pulled Jisung closer to my side.
“Still, I should apologize since he surprised you...I’m Jaehyun by the way,” he offered with a smile. I reluctantly shook his hand, aware of his younger friend watching Jisung with unhindered curiosity. 
“Y/N,” I offered in return. “This is my step-brother, Jisung.” 
I reached behind me for the collar of Jisung’s sweater, pulling him into the narrow space between myself and Jaehyun in spite of his opposition. “Hello,” Jaehyun said, looking down at my brother. “You must be starting your first year.”
Jisung nodded while Jaehyun chuckled, acknowledging his friend with a fond expression. “This is my cousin, Chenle. He’s also starting his first year.”
“Really?” Jisung asked, glancing up at me as if looking for direction.
I grinned. “Jisung and I have been shopping all day for his supplies.”
“Chenle woke me up early,” Jaehyun chuckled. “He’s been too excited for me to handle. I can barely keep up with him.”
Chenle seemed to take offense to Jaehyun’s measure of him, huffing out a complaint. “You kept putting it off! We start school this weekend!”
Jaehyun rolled his eyes playfully, running a hand through his hair. “My aunt asked me to keep an eye on him when we return to the castle. Speaking of which...” Jaehyun trailed off as he squinted his eyes, confusion evident in their depths. “I feel like I would’ve noticed you before.”
“I transferred,” I replied vaguely, reaching out for Jisung’s hand. “I’m starting Hogwarts in my fifth year.”
“What a coincidence,” Jaehyun said. “It’s my fifth year as well.”
I realized at that moment that Jaehyun was completely genuine. Whether or not that implied favorable circumstances remained unclear because he must be completely ignorant of my situation, which was still an unexpected sigh of relief. Regardless, the sun was starting to set and Jisung still needed more supplies. “It was nice to meet you,” I said. “Jisung and I have more shopping to do.”
Jaehyun nodded, slightly disappointed as he took a step back. “Maybe we’ll see both of you at school?”
“That would be cool,” Jisung spoke up and I was proud of my step-brother’s confidence. 
As we both turned away, Jisung tugged on my sleeve to encourage me to lean down to overhear his comment. “They were nice!” Jisung said, eyes wide with the weight of his enthusiasm.
I agreed quietly, glancing back at Jaehyun and Chenle before leading Jisung in the opposite direction.
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By the time we were set to depart from Hogwarts, I had more or less forgotten about our encounter with Jaehyun and Chenle. After all, Jisung and I had bigger things to worry about, especially considering that we were both new to London’s complicated system of transportation.
“Platform 9 and 3/4,” I mumbled, searching the crowded station while trying to keep Jisung within sight. My poor step-brother was obviously nervous, head barely peeking over the trolley he pushed full of his belongings. I’m sure the sight of my step-brother with his snowy white owl perched on top of his suitcase made for an interesting display.
Unlike my previous returns to Durmstrang, Hogwarts was proving to be far more complicated. “There’s a lot of Muggles,” Jisung remarked.
“I know,” I agreed because the Muggles were making everything harder, especially when an attendant stopped to investigate the two siblings wandering aimlessly in search of their destination.
My step-mother had painted everything in such a grandiose fashion, and even I believed everything she was describing to me and Jisung on our final night at home. “The station is huge,” she said. “But it’s very beautiful, and you’ll probably meet a lot of other wizards who can help you.”
Her advice rang hollow now as I passed between platforms 9 and 10 with another tired sigh. “Maybe we should call your mother,” I said, glancing at my wristwatch to ensure we weren’t late.
“Y/N,” Jisung suddenly exclaimed, attracting the attention of a disdainful elderly couple. “Look! It’s Jaehyun and Chenle. We met them the other day shopping, remember?”
Of course, I remembered when I had to think about it with perfect clarity, but that didn’t mean I was quite as eager as Jisung when our new classmates spotted us from across the platform. I offered a half-hearted wave in response, forcing myself to straighten my posture when Jaehyun and Chenle stopped to extend a polite greeting. While my step-brother welcomed Chenle enthusiastically, I was far more cautious when Jaehyun extended pleasantries which I hesitantly returned. “Ah, it’s you,” I grumbled, aware that Jisung and Chenle had become complete professionals as they exchanged a silly handshake before giggling like schoolboys. 
“I can show you,” Jaehyun whispered, pulling my attention away from my step-brother. “It can be tricky during your first time.”
I tried not to feel embarrassed when I realized Jaehyun must’ve noticed our predicament with the confusing platforms. But I wasn’t too prideful to deny his help, reaching for Jisung’s shoulder. “We’ve been trying for almost an hour.”
“That’s okay,” Jaehyun said reassuringly. “Watch me first, and I’ll wait for everyone on the other side.”
I stood aside to watch Jaehyun as he instructed. He offered Chenle a reassuring smile before jogging ahead, ignoring the surrounding attendants as he charged at the solid mass of wall defining platform 9. I wasn’t afraid for him since I knew well that Jaehyun was hardly the type to charge at things that weren’t obviously hexed by magic. Still, it was interesting to watch him disappear, leaving me alone with Chenle and Jisung. “Go ahead,” I encouraged Jaehyun’s cousin, sending him off before allowing myself and Jisung one last moment of peace. “Everything will be fine,” I reassured him. “Remember, I’m here to make sure that nothing bad happens.”
Jisung nodded, standing on the tips of his toes to allow enough leverage to minimize our height discrepancy. “Thank you, Y/N,” he said.
I nodded, stroking my fingers through his hair before pulling back. “You go through first and wait for me on the other side.”
“Okay,” Jisung said, taking a deep breath before rushing at the platform wall, appearing almost comical considering his appearance. I waited until Jisung was gone before finally adjusting my belongings and taking off in his footsteps, closing my eyes before hitting the wall. Except, there was no impact like the surrounding Muggles would think, and I opened my eyes again when I heard the sound of a train whistle.
The Hogwarts Express was waiting on the tracks, painted with a beautiful pattern of reds and golds. The enormous locomotive was rightfully imposing, looming over the mass of students hurrying to load their belongings. It was strangely exciting, and I surmised that the thought of a new adventure forced a surge of adrenaline through my body.
“Better hurry,” Jaehyun said, nodding in my direction to encourage me and Jisung to follow him. “You can sit with us.”
It seemed like an agreeable arrangement, and the four of us located an empty compartment further down the long expanse of the train. “Here we go,” Chenle said, lending a spare hand to help Jisung load his belongings onto the train.
“May I?” Jaehyun asked softly, waiting for my permission before grabbing my heaviest suitcase and lifting it onboard with relative ease. I surmised that he must be an athlete, perhaps even a Quidditch player since the sport was extremely popular at Hogwarts.
Eventually, I joined Jisung and Chenle in the compartment we claimed for ourselves, smirking when I realized that Jisung was sitting next to Chenle to admire his vast collection of chocolate frog cards. “He’s very proud of them,” Jaehyun explained as he occupied the final seat next to me. 
“Jaehyun,” Chenle whined. “You’ll order us some more when the trolley comes, right?”
“Only if you’re willing to share,” Jaehyun said, nodding at Jisung who seemed surprised by Jaehyun’s gracious offer. He glanced at me for instruction and I merely offered him a curt nod.
“Of course!” Chenle agreed. “Jisung needs to start his own collection so we can trade.”
I could feel the train start to move beneath our feet and Jisung joined Chenle at the window to admire the moving scenery outside. “It’s a bit different from what you’re used to?”
I looked at Jaehyun, realizing his question was meant for me. “Oh, well I traveled much differently to attend my previous school.”
“Where did you go?”
“Oh!” Jaehyun acknowledged. “They have an excellent Quidditch team.”
“Viktor Krum,” I said, offering my faint knowledge of the sport, but it seemed to delight Jaehyun who was quite excited to talk about one of his favorite Seekers.
“That’s my position,” he finally said. “I was elected as Captain this year.”
“For your house?”
“Gryffindor,” he nodded. “We have a lot of good players.”
“Jaehyun’s modest,” Chenle suddenly inserted. “He’s a better seeker than Harry Potter himself!”
“Chenle,” Jaehyun chided his cousin softly before glancing at me sheepishly, but he quickly regained his bearings. “I think I heard the trolley outside.”
Chenle shot up immediately, reaching for Jisung’s hand to pull my curious step-brother out into the hallway. “I’m not that good,” Jaehyun continued with a faint blush. 
I smiled at him. “Your cousin obviously looks up to you. His enthusiasm can’t be faulted.”
“He’s a little rambunctious,” Jaehyun admitted. “Hopefully, the school will help tame his excess energy.”
“It’s charming,” I said. “I wish Jisung was more like him.”
There was a few moments of silence between the two of us before Jaehyun spoke again, almost out of necessity to relieve the quiet overtaking out compartment.
“You’re both perfect,” Jaehyun said without thinking, only realizing his mistake a moment later when he quickly scrambled to rectify his wording. “Oh, but I only mean that you both have a lot of potential...well, I guess you’re obviously very smart coming from Durmstrang...”
“Don’t worry,” I interrupted, saving him from further embarrassment. “I understand what you mean.”
Jaehyun sighed in relief, looking at me with an impenetrable gaze. He opened his mouth to speak again when a sudden scuffle from outside interrupted our conversation. I frowned when the compartment door opened and I realized that Chenle and Jisung were standing in front of a taller student whose smug smile was nothing short of condescending. “I thought these might belong to you, Jung.”
Jaehyun was on his feet in an instant, reaching for Chenle and Jisung to push them safely in our compartment. “What do you think you’re doing, Seo?”
I bristled at the familiar name, connecting the origin to the same family whose descendants once served the Dark Lord himself. “I’m a Prefect this year, Jung,” he replied. “It’s my job to watch out for little troublemakers.”
“You’ll do best to stay away from my brother,” I said, sharpening my tone as much as possible. I had decided to join Jaehyun, crowding the doorway as I observed the student who dared to insinuate Jisung’s guilt. “I know very well about your family, so I suggest you keep away from mine.”
The student was visibly surprised, eyeing me up and down with blatant curiosity. “Who the fuck are you?”
“An enemy if you’re not careful,” I said. 
“Johnny!” a new voice hissed, belonging to one of the other two students flanking the object of my glare. He leaned up to whisper something in Johnny’s ear and I absolutely despised the sardonic smile that brightened Johnny’s countenance. 
“Interesting,” Johnny said, looking between me and Jaehyun before laughing. “I don’t have time for any friends of Gryffindor,” Johnny said, and I closed the door separating us with a warning look.
Chenle and Jisung were visibly frazzled when Jaehyun and I sat back down across from them. “Don’t worry, Sungie,” I said sweetly to my step-brother, reaching for one of the chocolate frog packs he had procured. “What card did you get?”
Jisung allowed a hesitant smile, tearing into the package at my request. “I got Dumbledore!”
“Really?” Chenle gasped, glancing over Jisung’s shoulder.
I leaned back in my seat to allow the two boys space for their game, meeting Jaehyun’s gaze steadily. “I suppose you aren’t friendly with him?”
“No, and it’s best to just ignore Johnny,” Jaehyun said with barely restrained hostility. “He has a big head because he was chosen to be a Slytherin Prefect this year. He’s also their new Quidditch captain, so we’ve always had a rivalry.”
“He’s in Slytherin?” I shivered. “I’m not surprised considering his name.”
“His friends are intolerable too,” Jaehyun said. “Yuta and Ten basically do whatever Johnny asks them.”
“The perfect lackeys,” I sighed. “I guess he had ulterior motives for messing with Chenle and Jisung.”
“He knows Chenle,” Jaehyun said. “It’s just his way of getting to me.”
“Don’t let him,” I insisted sternly. “He doesn’t deserve the satisfaction.”
Jaehyun surprised me by laughing. “You know, you’ll probably be sorted into a new House like everyone else. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a Gryffindor, a natural rival of Slytherin.”
I glanced out the window, unable to find the courage to reveal a heavy truth to Jaehyun, especially considering our tentative partnership. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“I’m going to change into my robes,” Jaehyun said. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” I said, turning my attention instead to Chenle and Jisung’s fierce debate over their precious cards, admiring the innocence in their youthful countenances.
In any case, Jaehyun was right about the necessity of sorting me into a House. Upon our arrival, the new students were immediately grouped away from those simply returning for a new academic year. Jaehyun reluctantly left the three of us behind, offering to watch out for me in the Great Hall.
I sent him away with a wave before leading Jisung and Chenle to the curious congregation of new students. However, considering my circumstances, I wasn’t surprised when an unfamiliar professor approached me from the front of the group. “Our new transfer?” the woman inquired. I nodded in response. “Miss. Y/L/N, my name is Professor Kim, and I must insist that you follow me. The sorting hat ceremony in the Great Hall is exclusively reserved for first years.”
I sighed because I was reluctant to part from Jisung. My step-brother had unconsciously gripped tighter to the bottom of my shirt, sharing my sentiments. “Don’t worry,” Chenle said, tossing an arm around my step-brother’s shoulders. “I’ll watch out for him.”
It was a nice gesture, and Jisung seemed to relax when he realized that he would conquer the unfamiliar with a potential friend. “Thank you,” I finally whispered.
In the meantime, Professor Kim bowed her head respectfully before guiding me away from my brother and his fellow first years. I kept glancing over my shoulder, continuing to watch him until it was impossible to do so any longer. Now, I was alone with Professor Kim and we walked across the grounds with practiced steps. “We’ll take a carriage,” she said.
“Okay,” I replied, studying the Hogwarts castle from across the lake. It was quite impressive, reminding me faintly of the castle at Durmstrang. Even from my considerable distance, the light of the candles and lanterns provided a spectacle of illumination courtesy of the magic we all practiced. 
“This must be ours!” Professor Kim announced, climbing up the stairs into the random carriage nestled at the shore of the lake. 
I paused in my footsteps, realizing with horror what was pulling the carriage that had been provided as transportation. There wasn’t a large population of Thestrals on Durmstrang’s grounds, so I never had to worry about encountering the beast before. But this one was clearly meant to guide our remaining trek to Hogwarts, and I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the Thestral. “Miss. Y/L/N,” Professor Kim said, finally grabbing my attention.
“Sorry,” I said, hesitantly shuffling up the stairs to join her.
“You can see them,” she stated plainly and I stiffened my shoulders, expecting her to ask the dreaded question which I hated more than anything. “I can see them too,” she said, offering me an empathetic smile. 
My relief was audible, thin wisps against the cool air of the night.
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“I won’t say that I’m familiar with the inner workings of Durmstrang,” Professor Zhang, one of the senior professors proclaimed. “However, at Hogwarts, we sort our new students into one of the four founding Houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.”
I tensed at the mention of Slytherin, gazing at the sorting hat waiting on a stool in the corner. “I understand,” I said.
“Good,” Professor Zhang enthused. “Have a seat, Miss Y/L/N, and we can establish your House.”
I reluctantly obeyed, flinching when the hat was placed atop my head. The voice was loud, thoughtfully considerate as I waited in profound expectation. “Yes, yes, great power indeed,” it said. “There’s ambition, oh yes, lots of ambition. Fitting of a Slytherin? Like your mother.”
I gritted my teeth, shaking my head subtly. “I’m not like my mother.”
“Of course not,” the hat agreed. “Because I see something bright inside of you, quite different from when I was first acquainted with your mother. A capacity for profound loyalty!”
An image of my mother raced through my head, a vision of her brilliant green eyes watching me from her stand in the Wizengamot court awaiting the summons of the surrounding witches and wizards. A sea of purple robes and hostile glares that did not hesitate to include me as a recipient because I must be like my mother. Capable of great evil, to cast unforgivable curses and spells that would leave a path of death and destruction in my wake.
“Hufflepuff!” the sorting hat declared, jostling me from that horrible memory.
I was relieved, almost reverent when the sorting hat was taken from my head. Because this proved those judgments of me incorrect, a small child who was unlucky to have such a mother who set her up for failure from the beginning. But I was not to adhere to those expectations, and every decision I made has always been to spite my mother to the best of my ability.
“Very well,” Professor Zhang said. “Somebody fetch Mr. Qian from the Great Hall. I trust that he can integrate our newest student into her House.”
“In the meantime,” Professor Kim re-emerged, making her presence known amongst the other instructors. “We’ve considered your coursework from Durmstrang, Y/N. As such, we take into consideration the courses you requested, measuring them according to your chosen career path.”
She reached into her robes, retrieving a folded sheet of parchment with a tight seal. “Our Professors worked in concert with your former instructors at Durmstrang to arrange a schedule to suit your accommodations. As Head of Hufflepuff House, you can always approach me with questions should they arise after some consideration of your new situation.”
I accepted the extended parchment. “Thank you.”
“A very admirable choice,” she said. “I know the program at Durmstrang is quite strenuous, much like our own. However, your marks were very impressive in the required courses. Perhaps you’re destined yet for the path of an Auror.”
“I’ve never changed my mind,” I told her with determination.
Professor Kim smiled. “I think, Y/N, that I’m starting to understand the sorting hat’s decision.”
The discussion ended with her statement, summoning a strange sense of belonging that I had never experienced before. Nevertheless, I was grateful that she hadn’t inquired further into a potential explanation concerning the origins of my aspirations. Because the reason I was pursuing such a tricky career was a matter that went beyond simple ambition, as the sorting hat suggested, or a desire to encounter danger.
“Mr. Qian! Prompt as usual.”
“Of course, Professor Kim.”
I studied the unfamiliar face waiting expectantly in the doorway. Surprisingly, he had yet to glance in my direction. “Y/N, this is Kun,” Professor Kim finally introduced, sweeping an elegant hand. “He’s a Hufflepuff Prefect”
Kun smiled at me. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
I nodded in return, admiring the gentle color of Kun’s eyes. “Likewise.”
“The Sorting Ceremony is starting soon,” Professor Kim said. “We’ll have to bring down the sorting hat for the first years.”
“Mr. Qian can bring you to the Great Hall,” Professor Zhang said. “He’s one of our brightest students. I trust he can leave a good impression.”
Even so, Kun was mostly quiet during our walk together to the Great Hall. He stood tall, nothing short of serious as he took his job as my escort with the utmost responsibility. The Prefect gave off the impression that he was very meticulous, and I easily surmised that he must be an older student, perhaps even in his final year.
Still, his quiet presence wasn’t enough to distract me from the fact that everyone chose to look in our direction when Kun brought me to the Great Hall. It was obvious that they were confused, wondering why Kun had disappeared only to return with a new student. Although, when they would inevitably learn my name, I was slightly afraid those innocent expressions of curiosity might turn into something much more hostile. “Relax,” Kun whispered to appease my anxiety. I sat down next to him on a long bench tucked against one of the four enormous tables, grateful that he didn’t seem burdened by my presence. “I’ll introduce you later,” Kun said.
I quietly agreed, flinching when the doors to the Great Hall reopened, inviting the first years to join the extravagant celebration. I searched the sea of excited faces, finally locating Jisung near the back of the crowd with Chenle faithfully by his side as promised. It was enough to relieve some of my tension, smiling when Jisung met my gaze, raising his hand in greeting. “Good luck,” I mouthed to my step-brother.
Jisung didn’t need luck, anyway, because he was a good kid with a kind heart and gentle soul. He would be sorted accordingly, but I still crossed my fingers that he would be able to join me at the Hufflepuff table. “Good evening, students,” a boisterous greeting rang through the quiet Hall. The voice belonged to an older gentleman, clearly designated as the Headmaster, who was appraising the squirming group of first years waiting to be sorted. “Welcome to another year at Hogwarts.” 
Applause greeted his words and I clapped along with everyone else. “I must extend a very special welcome to our new students. In just a short moment, you will be sorted into the House that will define your seven subsequent years attending classes at the very best magical institution in the world.”
I resisted a scoff at his words. Until I knew for myself whether or not his claim was true, my loyalty to Durmstrang was quite powerful. “Now, Professor Kai will lead the sorting ceremony.”
“Students,” a surprisingly youthful instructor began, unraveling the scroll in his hands. “When I call your name, you will come forward and I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses.”
The first student summoned had visibly blanched as he approached Professor Kai. Meanwhile, I tried to relax because I knew it would take a while to sort everyone before Jisung’s name was called. Instead, I studied the room around me, watching the other students cheer whenever someone was sorted into their House. Kun was especially loud, cheering with a high-pitched whistle which left me wondering if the Prefects were expected to be over-enthusiastic.
Yet, that sentiment didn’t exactly ring true when I found my gaze ensnared with Johnny Seo’s. He smirked in my direction, cool, dark eyes unabashedly taking me in with heavy doses. It was disconcerting, the intensity I detected in the depths of those eyes. 
I pulled my gaze away, glancing over my shoulder when another student was sorted into Gryffindor. I quickly located Jaehyun who was warmly greeting his newest classmate. After a moment or two, he seemed to realize that I was looking at him, sending me a comforting smile that eased my nerves when Jisung’s name was abruptly announced.
I waited in expectation as Jisung approached Professor Kai. The sorting hat was placed on his head and only a brief moment passed before the voice loudly declared: “Gryffindor!”
Disappointment sat heavily on my chest as I watched my step-brother take trepid steps in the direction of the Gryffindor table. His eyes met mine worriedly from the distance separating us, but I only offered him a reassuring smile that seemed to placate him.
After the sorting concluded, the Headmaster reapproached the stand overlooking the crowded tables. “Let the feast begin.”
I wasn’t surprised by the display of magic that summoned immense quantities of food across the wide expanse of the table. It was very similar to Durmstrang. However, the table manners of the students who reached into the food with greedy fingers made me wince before I came to the realization that Hogwarts was much less strict than my former institution.
“Y/N,” Kun said from my side. I glanced up at him but realized he was looking across the table at two younger students. “I promised introductions.”
“Sure,” I nodded, examining the interesting characters studying me with equal interest.
 “This is Lucas,” Kun said, nodding to the bigger boy who wore a boxy grin. “And Jaemin.”
I appraised the sight of Jaemin’s bright pink hair before meeting his knowing gaze. “I’m Y/N.”
“Fascinating,” Jaemin said, leaning in closer. “Where did you transfer from?”
“Durmstrang,” I said, an answer that obviously impressed both Jaemin and Lucas as they gasped in synchronization.
“What’s it like there?”
“Uh, well, we don’t exactly do this,” I said, gesturing between the tables. “There’s no sorting. We all exist under the same coat of arms, so we wear identical uniforms.”
“No Houses!” Lucas gasped. “How do you keep track of everyone?”
“What about competitions?”
I blinked at both boys while Kun chuckled. “Do you really want to overwhelm her with questions?”
“What’s the problem?” Jaemin asked. “Consider this a warm welcome, Y/N.”
It felt more like a cold interrogation, but I didn’t voice my opinions aloud. “It’s okay,” I said, choosing the amicable approach since I was expected to assimilate myself. “We don’t require Houses because our population is much smaller. Competitions are still viable, we have clubs that compete, especially when it comes to Quidditch.”
“Do you play?” Jaemin asked. “I’m trying out this year. I think I’d make a good Keeper.”
“No,” I replied. “One of my friends at Durmstrang played. He was a fairly good Seeker.”
“The best position,” Lucas said, glancing down the table at a girl with fiery red hair. “My friend is our Seeker.”
“Our House will be the best this year,” Jaemin assured me. “The House cup is as good as ours.”
“You won’t be saying that when I knock you flat on your ass, Jaemin,” a snide voice bluntly informed my new classmate.
Jaemin turned around, snapping his head to snarl in return. “We’ll see about that, Jeno. Don’t forget that you ended up in the infirmary after the semi-finals. Sure would hate to put you back there!”
“Jaemin,” Kun growled from next to me. “What happened to civil conversation?”
He was obviously talking about me, but I was much too entertained by the exchange to acknowledge Kun’s reprimand. Perhaps there was hope for these Hufflepuffs after all.
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After dinner, Kun met with the other Hufflepuff Prefects and decided to escort a majority of the older students to our dormitory. “Keep up,” he told us brusquely, and I ignored his command the minute I spotted Jisung standing with Chenle outside the Great Hall.
“I’ll distract him,” Jaemin whispered, noticing my wandering gaze. 
“Thank you,” I said, unhesitating as I broke away from my new classmates to approach Jisung.
“Y/N!” he grinned happily. 
“You did so well,” I told him, nodding in Chenle’s direction. “I knew there was some bravery in you somewhere.”
“Yeah, but we aren’t in the same house,” Jisung said, downtrodden by the idea of our separation. 
“You’ll be fine with Chenle,” I reassured my brother. “During the day, we can see each other for dinner and between classes, okay?”
Jisung sniffled but managed a nod. “Okay.”
I looked over my shoulder, finding my classmates at a complete standstill as Kun argued animatedly with Jaemin. “I have to go with my House, but I’ll find you in the morning.”
Jisung nodded and I could feel his gaze on me even after I returned, meeting Jaemin’s eyes from the front of the group. “Fine!” Jaemin sighed in exasperation. “It was only an idea.”
“A terrible one,” Kun scolded, rubbing his hands together as he apologized to our classmates. He scanned our group, locating me with a pleased smile. “Everyone!” Kun announced, ushering me closer. I reluctantly abided by his command, aware of the attention I was receiving from the others. “This is Y/N, she’s a new transfer from Durmstrang.”
Jaemin nudged me from the side, offering me a cheesy wink which I chose to ignore. The younger gave off the impression that he was overly flirtatious. “Anyway, remember to follow me closely,” Kun continued. “You know the drill.”
“Yes, sir!” Jaemin saluted with obvious sarcasm which Kun rightfully chose to ignore.
The hallways were busy, and it was almost impossible to pass between the other students without brushing arms or exchanging some sort of contact which I certainly despised. Hopefully, the Hufflepuff dormitory wasn’t an insurmountable distance from where we had left the Great Hall. In any case, I was trying to memorize the path so that I could hopefully make my way back here in the morning to find Jisung.
“Hey, Qian!” 
Kun paused, shoulders stiffening as he turned to the right. I followed his gaze, frowning when I recognized Jaehyun’s enemy from the train. Johnny marched over to our group with his head held high, leading a group of younger Slytherin students behind him. “Johnny,” Kun sighed. “I can’t say that I’m glad to see you.”
“Lighten up,” Johnny smirked, tossing an easy arm around Kun’s shoulders. However, my House Prefect grimaced at the unnecessary contact but maintained a level-headed demeanor with admirable patience. “We’re both Prefects now.”
“I heard,” Kun said. “How they decided to extend the honor to you is a mystery.”
“I’m a good student,” Johnny pouted, even as his eyes remained alight with underlying mischievousness. “I heard you got a new transfer. We met on the train very briefly.”
He was looking at me now, and I met his gaze with narrowed eyes. “Y/N,” Kun said, hesitant as he stepped away from Johnny’s grip.
“Y/N,” Johnny repeated, eyeing me from head to toe. “Your family is quite famous in Slytherin.”
There were whispers behind me, but I ignored them in exchange for glaring at the boy who dared to bring up my family history. “I’m nothing like them,” I said with an icy tone to convey my seriousness. 
“Oh, I’m sure you’re a perfect angel,” Johnny purred, taking a step in my direction which I immediately decided was threatening. I reached into my robes, feeling for my wand. “There’s no need for that,” Johnny said in a low tone meant for my ears only. “Just saying, you might need some allies in this school and there aren’t many people who will overlook your history. Trust me, I’m very much aware.”
He offered me a meaningful look. “Thank you for your advice,” I said. “But I’m under the impression that my loyalties will be with my chosen House.”
“How unfortunate for your little friend,” Johnny said, and I held my breath as he finally allowed some distance. It was simply unfair how easily he managed to get under my skin with just a passing comment. His smirk was arrogant, adjusting the collar of his robes before returning to his students. 
“Come on, everyone,” Kun said, clearly determined to escape Johnny’s path as quickly as possible.
Still, I lingered behind, waiting until Johnny Seo was out of sight before following the rest of my new classmates with hurried steps.
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I wanna hearing about Paige's family with #5.
Super detailed questions about your OCs
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
HOO BOI my friend, you have volunteered for an infodump. I’m putting in a read-more cut to prevent dash clogging.
Paige was the second-to-last child out of five, with three brothers and one sister. 
Isabelle [Bella, Belle] -- the eldest, Paige’s sister and seven years older than her. Basically ended up as built-in babysitter/second mom. Paige calls her Izzy and is the only one who is allowed to call her that [anyone else will get whacked, including Bella’s husband]. Their relationship when Paige was a kiddo was pretty strained; Paige grew up running wild with her brothers whilst Isabelle, the eldest daughter of a very conservative and publicly religious family, was constantly being watched and judged on how responsible she was and how well she was growing into a ‘lady’ as she was expected to do. Meanwhile Paige, as the younger daughter and surrounded by boys, was excused for more wild behavior and often given a flavor of the ‘boys will be boys’ pass when she got into trouble until she hit puberty and suddenly got whacked in the face with more feminine expectations. 
Somewhere in Paige’s early teens, she and Izzy had it out in an honest to goodness, full-on fight, wherein Izzy accused Paige of being a spoiled brat who was incapable of understanding just how hard it was to hold up under everyone’s expectations, and Paige threw it right back by calling those expectations petty bullshit and questioning why Izzy didn’t just toss it all out if she hated being a lady. The two grew apart after that, maintaining some sisterly affection but mostly not getting in each other’s way. Izzy taught Paige how to look after her hair when she started growing it out, taught her how to do make-up, gave her advice on clothes and shoes for interviews, that sort of thing. 
They both ultimately stayed at arm’s length until Shaun was born, at which point Izzy had reached out to try and reconnect. She and her husband had been living in Pennsylvania when the bombs fell. Izzy’s family was well off enough that they might have gotten a spot in a vault, but Paige hadn’t been keeping up with them enough to know whether or not they’d registered...
Ethan -- eldest brother, five years older than Paige, she always looked up to him as her cool older brother. He and his friends had a garage band when he was a teen, but he gave it up when their parents put pressure on him to start figuring out something ‘real’ to do with his life. Music became a beloved hobby, noodling about on his guitar when he could get away with it, but never when their father was home, as he’d threatened to smash it on more than one occasion. 
Like Isabelle, Ethan was often leaned upon to be more adult than he actually was, looking after his younger siblings but with a touch more wiggle room. Where Isabelle was very much considered the one with full parental authority, and thus expected to enforce the rules to their fullest extent, Ethan allowed Paige, Daniel, and Zach to get away with the occasional mischief with a wink and a smile that assured them he didn’t see anything. 
Besides music, Ethan also had a gift of gab that made him excellent at talking himself and his siblings out of any trouble-- something he and Paige shared, and the two would get into deep arguments over tiny things as a kind of sport. At school a teacher encouraged him towards debate club and theater, and he participated in multiple school productions before, again, their parents reminded him that artistic careers were more fantasy than anything to build your life around. Instead, they pushed him towards law, which he fucking hated but attempted to make them happy.
He dropped out after his first year of college, arriving at home with black dyed hair, two tattoos and three piercings he hadn’t had when he left for school, giving their parents the finger, and all but disappearing when Paige was fourteen. Nineteen years old, he was technically an adult, his their parents couldn’t drag him back. Dad doesn’t talk about Ethan, and mom would cry when he was mentioned. Paige worried he died chasing a dream for the longest time, until she left for law school and started getting postcards-- turned out Ethan was still in contact with Izzy, and had embraced his musical career [and all the hardship that came with it] with everything he had. 
Last Paige heard, Ethan had been somewhere on the western seaboard when the bombs fell. She finds it unlikely that he, or any descendants of him, survived... though, if he went ghoul, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was still living the traveling musician life two centuries later. 
Daniel [Danny] -- middle brother, two years older than Paige, and oldest of the trouble trio. Daniel, Paige, and Zach were always the three making messes together as young kids, running wild, exploring the backwoods on the family farm, finding fun and odd ways to get chores done, and generally being kids. Danny was the tough one out of the three of them; easily the biggest out of all of Paige’s siblings and the one who got in people’s faces if anyone was messing with anyone else in the family. 
Danny and Paige frequently butted heads; they were both stubborn as hell and outspoken, and before Paige was expected to be more lady-like it very regularly came to blows. It’s thanks to Danny that Paige knew how to squirm out of most holds by the time she was an adult, even if the other person was larger than her, and exactly which soft spots to shove her elbows or heels into. This tendency towards brawling changed as they got older, however, as Danny realized that Paige was going to be a petite woman her entire life and went out of his way to teach her some honest-to-goodness self-defense tactics after hearing a few of his friends say a few... off color things about his sister. 
Danny stayed in Minnesota to attend a trade school, finding work in the automation industry; installing and maintaining machines used for mass manufacture. He married almost immediately out of highschool, and the timing of his first kid suggests that his wife was pregnant before the wedding. Paige kept in contact with him, and Danny actually made the trip out to visit her when Shaun was born. While Paige suspects that he’s dead, unless of course he ended up ghoul, she has occasionally speculated that if Danny and his family survived the initial bombing? He had practical skills that might have seen him through long enough to have descendants that survived to the present day.  Zachariah [Zach] -- the youngest, a year younger than Paige and her childhood partner in crime. Zach, like Paige, was kinda on the small side. Unlike Paige, Zach was also intensely shy in a family full of outspoken, opinionated, stubborn mules. It wasn’t that he didn’t have opinions, mind-- rather that he had a lot of trouble putting the words together to express them. Zach would often stick with Paige like her second shadow, because Paige was very good at picking up on what he meant to say to others and saying it for him, or re-iterating when he spoke too quietly and he got ignored. 
That said, Zach was often the mastermind behind what he, Paige, and Danny got up to as little kids-- quiet, but quick witted, and a grade-A prankster. 
As adolescents, Zach and Paige were occasionally confused for being twins despite there being a year difference between them. Their faces were strikingly similar, with Zach having deeply brown eyes rather than Paige’s hazel being the main difference. Sometimes their mischief would play into this, and Paige was allowed to get away with many things as a young teen simply by virtue of being mistaken for her brother. 
When Ethan ran out on the family, Zach was probably the one most deeply effected by it, and Paige did everything she could to support him at the time. They both looked up to Ethan, but Zach even more so because he was also musically inclined and had been learning the drums from one of Ethan’s friends. Sometimes the band even let him do some kind of back-up percussion when they were practicing before their father shut it down, and it was during those practice sessions that Zach tended to really light up. When Ethan left? Zach fell deeply into depression for a long time, and Paige felt like it was her responsibility to hold him up lest she lose another brother. 
Despite being the often-overlooked child in the family, Zach had damn near perfect grades... and yet, their parents appeared to lack specific expectation for him. Rather, the had a vague assurance that he’d simply do well at whatever he decided to do, and Zach confided in Paige that he had no idea what to do with his scholastic success-- that it didn’t feel real to him. That he wasn’t a person, but rather a mass of goo that could just be poured into whatever shape worked best for the people around him. 
Paige still regrets not having any good advice for him. Last she heard, he’d gone to school to pursue an engineering degree, like their father; imitating a ready example. She suspects that he might have gone after something musical, if not for what happened with Ethan, and that his choice paralysis was a form of avoiding even thinking about that kind of rebellion. Like Danny, Zach’s schooling didn’t take him far from the family home, and he still lived in Minnesota at the time of the bombing. He was, at the time, unmarried. Given time to think further on it, Paige actually suspects that Zach might have been some form of closeted due to still being close to the family and their parents intense involvement with the church. Thinking about that always makes her wish she’d been there for him more, that she’d been smarter and figured out what he’d been dealing with and helped him handle it better. 
Like everyone else, Paige is pretty sure Zach is dead... and he’s probably the one she’s mourns the most, because it feels like he never really got to live in the first place. 
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twst-rose-prisms · 4 years
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Alice Whiterose
~Technical Information~
Japanese: アリス • ホワイトローズ
Romanji: Arisu Howaitorozu
Nicknames: Goma-chan* ( Floyd ), Ari-chan ( Alisa ), Shiro-chan** ( Cater ), Chibi-senpai ( Ace ), Reine de Neiges ( Rook )
Voiced by: Satomi Akesaka ( voice sample )
~Biographical Information~
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: January 17th***
Starsign: Capricorn
Height: 1m55
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: White
Body type: Petite, short ( for a 2nd year ), curvy
3 sizes (bc why not?): B85 - W60 - H84
Blood type: A
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Family: Alisa Whiterose ( non-blood related sister )
~Professional Information~
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School year: Second
Class: 2-D, student no.16 (poor girl have to sit next to Floyd)
Occupation: Student
Club: Science club
Best subject: Magical pharmaceuticals
~Fun Facts~
Dominant hand: Left
Favorite food: Anything edible
Dislikes food: Spicy food
Dislikes: Scary people, people judge her base on her height
Hobby: Gardening, Origami, Making sweets
Bad with: Open up a conversation, Talking to strangers, Stamina needed works
Talents: Cooking
“White roses are very delicate and easily get tainted, just like people, don't think so too...?”
Alice Whiterose is a second-year student at Night Raven College and a member of Heartslabyul Dorm. A shy and introverted girl, she often got anxious if there are too many strangers around her. However, she can be very passionate and devotional when it comes to working.
APPEARANCE: Alice is a young girl with shoulder length white hair that tied into twintails styles, wavy bangs covering her forehead and long side bangs. She have droopy blue eyes with a small red rose patch under her right eyes and wear a pair of dark blue glasses. Often got misunderstood as a first year because of her height and petite figures, though she doesn't show her uncomfortableness outside on her face. Alice also doesn't like to let her hair down naturally because it's easily got disheveled. Alisa state that she jealous because she have a "greater body" than her (which Alice quickly debase this but it's actually the truth)
In her Dorm uniform, she wear a white collar shirt with black-and-red striped necktie under a red vest. Over the vest she wears the blazer that others in her dorm wear ( except for Riddle ). She wear a white skirt with a black and yellow ribbon and a chain of 4 keys around her waist, black-and-red tights with heart patterns and red-and-white high tops.
PERSONALITY: Alice usually seen as a shy girl with somewhat gentle aura around her (as stated by others). A little clumsy and easily got scared, she usually got teased for being "jumpy" whenever something scares her. As a child, Alice got taught to not talking to strangers unless they're her friend's acquaintance, so it's understandable why she's bad with open up a conversation. If she found someone have the the same hobby/like the same things as her, she'll talk with them non-stop about it and even forgot about the time. Alice does state that she hates that habit of her and tried to fix it until today ( but failed anyway )
“I-I think... Plants are more gentle and easier to talk to than human. Maybe it's because they're not judgemental like some people.” - Alice's lab-coat SR card personal story (part 2)
Sometimes, people got weirded out by her strange habit of talking to plants and magical creatures during classes. The reason is that she think they're also like human, they need someone to understand them. Her gestures are very gentle and delicate, you could see this clearly whenever she take care of the plants in the school's garden. She also often talk with a soft and respectful voice, even at underclassmen. You might think she's slow, but the truth is that she actually have short stamina, so she can't run fast or holding heavy things. Part of it is also because she have a fragile body at birth, so her mother become very strict about her movements (hence why her gestures are very gentle).
It might make you think "She should be in Pomefiore instead!", but, the reason she got sorted into Heartslaybul is simple. Her passion and ambition towards works. She also doesn't like to live by her own rules, she think that "rules" are part of people's live, and sometimes, you have to follow it to have a better live. While she adore beautiful things, to her, anything that good at heart is beautiful, hence why she doesn't got sorted into Pomefiore. Another reason is that she doesn't strike to be the best in beauty, to be honest, she doesn't want to be the best in anything at all. Trey did comment that: “You sure are a suitable member of Heartslabyul huh Alice? Although Riddle doesn't admit it himself, but I'm sure he must've think the same way about you too.”
“I-I actually did used to play piano... B-But, that hobby of mine used to hurt someone, so I've quit for a long time now...” - Alice's initial SSR personal story (part 3)
Used to be a piano prodigy when she's was a child, she started playing at 8 but quit after 5 years because of an accident. Ever since then, she got anxious and sweating unconsciously whenever she saw a piano. Because of that accident, she also have fear of breaking/ruining things, hence why she always have a tight grip despite the gentle gestures on things she hold (even things like doorknob). If she accidentally grab on the hem of your shirt, you'll clearly notice it. (Though don't tell it out loud or else her face will become red as Riddle's hair). And when she's on verge of getting(?) anxious, she will immediately run away to wherever her feet take her, which usually ended up at the school's Botanical Garden. To her, it's the most quiet and peaceful place at NRC, it's warm atmosphere also help her to quickly calm down as well.
UNIQUE MAGIC: "Gift of Card Suits" - ( 魔法の上書の鍵 "Magic Overwrite Keys" ) To be able to use one of the key that she carried around on other people's magic. Each key have a specific effect:
♥️ Heart: To change the effect/chosen target of anyone's magic (for example, if someone use fire magic, she can use this key to change it to other type of magic or switch the target to anyone she chose)
♠️ Spade: To be immune to any effect of anyone's magic
♣️ Clover: To dispel any effect of anyone's magic
♦️ Diamond: To double the effect of someone's magic (basically, a magic buffer)
However, she can't use Heart, Spade and Clover keys to Unique Magic(s) because it took too much mana to do so. She can also only be able to use 1 key per day, meaning if she use more than 2 keys then it'll reach the limit of her strength, and her Unique Magic will become useless if she doesn't have the keys with her (hence why she even bring it when wearing the Ceremonial Robe). Alice also stated that out of the 4 keys, Heart is the one that consume most mana so she doesn't use it usually like other keys.
BACKSTORY ( just a small part of it ):
The first thing she saw was the ground. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. She couldn't felt anything except for the cold, hard ground right beneath her feet and the broken wall on her back. Her small shoulders unconsciously shivering from the cold but she doesn't even try to warm herself. She just sit there, like a broken doll waiting for someone to notice it. Her blue orbs doesn't have any lights reflect on, as if they're dead. The only sound was ominous wind blowing on the dead trees. Her white, ripped dress were dirty as well as her used-to-be pure white hair.
Everything around her is dead.
"Oh my, what do we have here?"
A strange, deep voice suddenly speak up and break the dead silence. When she grown up, she couldn't remember much who was that, but she knows, that person was the one that changed her life. Her lifeless eyes slowly look up. Everything around her was a blur, even that person become a black silhouette. But she remembered it well.
A pair of glowing emerald orbs.
"Hmm? What's the matter, _____?"
"A human child. It seems like she's still alive..."
"Nfufu~ You sure are interested in human huh, _____?"
"...Want to bring her along?"
"...Haha! I guess that look is a "yes" then! Go on and pick her up~ If she still alive, that's it."
Then slowly, a large silhouette appeared in front of her. The little girl still sit there lifelessly, only until that person pick her up and place her into their chest, a faint shock expression slowly form on her pale face, a sign that she's still alive. For a few seconds, she panicked, and it seems like she also made that person panicked too.
"Hey now, don't panick along with her! You were supposed to comfort the child, _____!"
Slowly, a large hand awkwardly pat on her back, making the small child flinch due to the sudden contact. But after a while, her body relaxed and gradually melted into their chest. The little girl unconsciously rest her head on their shoulder while slowly drifted to sleep, a peaceful expressions reflected on her face.
The last thing she saw behind their back was a pair of glowing magenta orbs before everything went black.
RELATIONSHIPS ( in Alice's opinion )
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts: "W-Well, Rosehearts-san might looks strict, but... I think deep down, he's a kind person...! A-Also, he seems to be fond of sweets, though he doesn't show it outside... *giggles* I also admire him for how responsible and serious he is with his works...! And... I'm glad that he still keep the pin that I gave him...!"
❤️ Ace Trapola: "H-He's actually a reliable underclassman, but sometimes his words are quite harsh... A-Also, I hope that he get along with Rosehearts-san more since they sometimes kept arguing...And I felt a little embarrassed that he always calling me "Chibi-senpai"... *sigh*"
♠️ Deuce Spade: "A-A very reliable underclassman...! He also seems to be very serious about works, w-which I'm glad that we have hard-working underclassmen in Heartslabyul too...! Though, he can be a little too serious sometimes... *giggles*"
♦ Cater Diamond: "He's actually... one of the upperclassmen that welcomed me to Heartslabyul with open arms...! T-Though I felt quite embarrassed when he post pictures with me in it on MagiCam... Diamond-san alao help me out whenever I asked him, so he's quite reliable too...!"
♣ Trey Clover: "L-Like Diamond-san, he's also one of the upperclassmen that welcomed me with open arms...! T-Though I didn't trust him at first, he surprised me of how kind he is...! I-I also really admire his baking skills and often asked him for advice too...!"
🦁 Leona Kingscholar: "H-He's a little scary in my opinion... I-I also think he's a little hard to approach... Maybe I shouldn't made him mad..."
🐆 Ruggie Bucchi: "He is... Well... Easy to approach...? I-I did share some classes with him and he did help me sometimes, so I think he's a kind person...! His ears also look very cute...! *giggles*"
🐺 Jack Howl: "W-Whenever I stand next to him I felt like I got shorter... Aside from that, he's also quite reliable...! At first, I thought he's a little scary but after I talked to him, he's actually very nice...! A-Also, his tail looks very cute...! *giggles*"
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto: "Even though he's quite nice when I talk to him, I felt like something is wrong... Sometimes, he kept staring at my keys when I wasn't looking, which is a little worrying...B-But he is very smart though, I really admire his alchemy skills...!"
🦈 Floyd Leech: "H-He almost gave me a heart attack when I first met him...! I hope that he stop hugging me or calling my name so suddenly whenever he saw me in public... I-It's really embarrassing even when I think about it... But he sometimes help me a lot with school works so I guess that he's a smart person too...?"
🐬 Jade Leech: "U-Unlike Floyd-san, Jade-san is very nice whenever I talk to him...! He also doesn't seems to hesitate when I asked him to help me with something... B-But, somehow, I felt like he is hiding something...?"
💄Alisa Whiterose: "W-Well, since she's my sister so I respect her a lot...! Although I felt embarrassed when I take a picture with her... H-Her fashion sense are very good though, I wonder why she didn't got sorted into Pomefiore...?"
🕌 Kalim Al-asim: "He seems to be a very energetic person... A-A little too energetic... But he's nice and friendly, so I don't felt uncomfortable when I talk to him...!"
🐍 Jamil Viper: "A mysterious person... He seems to be always around Al-asim-san for most of the time, I guess it's because they're friends...? I also admire his cooking skills too, so sometimes I asked him for advices...!"
👑 Vil Schoenheit: "W-When I first met him, I got stunned by how beautiful he looks...! Even though I don't really like make-up but I appreciate his advice to improve my appearance...! I also like his hair color because it's really pretty...!"
🏹 Rook Hunt: "A weird person... To be honest... W-Whenever I walk past him in the hallway he always call me with a strange name that I couldn't understand... But, I respect the fact that he also adore beautiful things...!"
🍎Epel Felmier: "O-Out of all the members in Pomefiore, I think Felmier-san is the easiest person to approach...! He also teach me a lot about apples, which made me actually plant an apple tree...! *giggles* H-His fruit carving skills are also very beautiful, I really, really like it...!"
💀 Idia Shroud: "H-He's a little gloomy in my opinion... If only he become more talkative then perhaps I could approach him easier..."
🤖 Ortho Shroud: "H-He looks very cool...! I've never seen a robot in my life before so I was really impressed by how pretty he look...! He's also very friendly and kind too so I felt at ease whenever I talk to him...!"
🐉 Malleus Draconia: "I-I don't know why, but whenever I saw him, my chest got tighten up for no reason... His eyes looks so familiar too, I wonder why...? A-Also, he might seems like a cold person, but it's not the truth at all...! In fact... He reminded me of a child a little bit...! *giggles*"
🦇 Lilia Vanrouge: "I-I actually thought he look quite young for his age... *giggles* And I don't know why, but his eyes give me a strange feeling, just like when I look at Draconia-san... Aside from that, he's very knowledgeable...! I really admire him about that...!"
⚔️ Silver: "W-When I first met him, I almost tripped on his feet...! To me, he is quite mysterious and somewhat hard to approach though... B-But if it's possible I would like to talk more with him...!"
⚡Sebek Zigvolt: "H-He almost gave me a heart attack whenever he shout at me out of nowhere...! And it seems like he respect Draconia-san a lot too...! B-But it seems like he doesn't like it much when I talk to him or Vanrouge-san, I wonder why...?"
🌻Mary Merveilles: "S-She is one of the first person to become my friend so I really respect her...! I also admire her because she always stay positive, even when come across troubles... If only I could be more cheerful like her..."
🐱 Grim: "A-A very cute cat...! I love the feeling of touching his fur and pet his ears because it's very soft...! *giggles* Though it'll be better if he stop causing trouble around the school..."
🌙 Luana Crowley: "W-When I first met her, I was surprised by how mature she looks...! And not to mention, she also talk like a true lady too...! I really, really admire the Vice Headmaster and I hope I can talk confidently like her someday...!"
Dire Crowley: "H-His masks looks very mysterious... I felt like he is hiding something, but I just can't tell what it is... I wonder why...?"
Mozus Trein: "L-Lucius-san is very, very cute...! Ah! I wasn't supposed to talk about him huh... *giggles* it's just that Trein-sensei's cat is very cute so I couldn't help it... His words are quite easy to understand, so I guess I can say he's a good teacher...?"
Divus Crewel: "H-His appearance is very... unique...? Even though I sometimes got scared of the stick that he kept carrying around, his lessons are actually quite easy to understand...! T-Though I would prefer it more if he stop calling me a "puppy"..."
Sam: "A-At first, I thought he's a weird person, but he's actually a cool person...! Not only did his shop contain lots of nice things, he's also very friendly too...! I-I often come to his shop to buy ingredients or new kind of paper for origami...!"
+ *: Goma stands for ゴマフビロードウミウシ "Gomafubirodoumiushi" which is a type of sea slug that known for its fluffiness and cuteness in Japan and other Asia countries. It can also be called "Sea bunny" in English.
+ **: "Shiro" mean white in Japanese, Cater probably referencing to her hair color
+ ***: This is not her actual birthday. It's the day when she was found in the backstory. Her real birthday is unknown ( She doesn't even remembered when she was born )
+ Her name, "Alice" is a reference to "Alice Liddell" - the main character of "Alice in Wonderland" series while her last name is a reference to the (supposedly) white roses in the Rose Maze
+ While her profile stated that her homeland is Rose Kingdom, her backstory actually revealed that it's not her true origin.
+ In Alice's school uniform R card's personal story, she stated that the Heart key was a gift of someone she cherished until now.
+ She actually joined the Science club just to be able to take care of the school's garden easier
+ When she's bored, she will unconsciously do origami. It's one of her habit and hobby
+ Which is the reason why she often carrying around a small stack of colorful paper in her pocket
+ If you want to look for her, she'll usually be around the Rose Maze or the Botanical Garden. Alice also occasionally at the library too.
+ Her room have lots of decorations made from papers
+ She eats quite a lot but only when she's alone. Alice does stated that she doesn't want others to know about her appetite.
Will add more facts in the future~
...And that's it! I actually decided to redesign one of my first child, Alice and give her a more detailed backstory! To all of you who read until the very end, I'm very, very thankful 💞💞💞 Also, I'll post all OCs related posts in this blog from now on while my other blog: @twststrash will mainly about rebloging and other stuffs!
Also, after finished her Ceremonial Robe, I realized what my true nightmare is: drawing detailed patterns. God I hope I won't draw it again after finished redesign all of my current OCs -w- Anyway, peace~!
41 notes · View notes
crossyourheart-twff · 4 years
Chapter 3
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23812213/chapters/58942240
    “Stop fiddling with it,” Grim said for the third time that morning. He and Parker were still adjusting to the uniforms Crowley gave them as they headed towards the dining hall. Where Grim accepted his collar with not a little pride, Parker couldn’t stop pulling at the messy knot that was supposed to be her tie. Between that and adjusting the hat she still used to hide her hair, she was a constant fidgeting mess.
     “Sorry,” Parker frowned, “I don’t usually wear ties.”
Grim raised his head to the air, “Its an embarrassment really. My underling shouldn’t be so unkempt, y’know?”
     “Hurry up, human. I’m hungry.” Grim sauntered ahead into the dining room. Parker’s frown became a scowl as she wondered how much trouble she’d be in if Grim were made into a nice pair of mittens. Not much, she hoped, because if she had to endure being looked down on by a talking cat-
     “Parker!” Ace’s voice cut into her thoughts. She spotted him at a secluded table where Deuce was already eating his own breakfast. No one else sat with them, but students were claiming seats every second. She hurried over, hoping to have at least a few minutes of privacy before someone else populated the table. 
     “Hey,” She settled into the seat across from them while Grim hopped next to her.
     “Did Headmaster give you a schedule?” Deuce asked.
Parker reached into the pocket of her blazer and pulled it out. Ace wasted no time in snatching it up so that he and Deuce could have a better look. They went through the list of courses one by one, listing off professors and subjects like Magic History and Animal Languages. When Parker first saw her classes, she’d laughed until Headmaster Crowley asked what was the matter. From there the laughter faded fast.
Deuce handed her back the schedule, “These classes shouldn’t be a problem. If we sit in the back it won’t be difficult for you to go unnoticed.”
Alright, she shrugged. If he said so. Parker tilted the bill of her hat further over her eyes, then dropped her hand when she caught sight of Ace and Deuce’s faces, “What?”
Ace frowned, “Is that really how you plan on wearing that?”
That was the last thing she expected to hear. What was wrong with her hat?
     “It hides my face,” she said.
 Ace’s lips curled into a smirk, “Your face isn’t the problem.”
      “He’s right,” Deuce gestured in front of his own forehead to indicate the bill of her hat, “It looks like you’re hiding something.”
     “I am.”
 Ace sighed, “First rule of disguise: you gotta look natural. Hold on.” The red head sat beside her and spun the hat so the bill covered the nape of her neck, “There.”
  “Really?” Parker cried, “I look stupid.”
     “You look like you don’t care,” Ace corrected, giving her a quick once over. His eyes landed on the mess she’d managed to make of her tie, “Ok, what’s that?” 
Parker’s hand found the knot without needing to look. After being harassed about it all morning, it became a tender point, “I don’t… know how to tie a tie, alright?”
     “Disgrace,” Grim said around a mouthful of tuna, “a complete disgrace.”
The thought of cat-fur mittens resurfaced in Parker’s mind, “I can go to Crowley right now and unenroll.”
It was enough to shut Grim up. For now, at least. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind he’d find other things to bother her about.
      “Here,” Ace’s expression softened as he worked the tie into a simple Windsor knot, careful not to tighten it too high on her neck. When he finished, her tie was a perfect imitation of his own- passable, but not too fancy.
      “Much better,” Deuce handed back her schedule which she tucked back into her blazer. She hated to admit it, but the adjustments from Ace did leave her less self-conscious than before. Her cap, silly as it was, felt more secure over her pinned braids. That alone loosened the rock-like tension in her shoulders.
     “Thanks,” Parker said, and she meant it, “Anything else I should know?”
     “Just stick with us,” Ace grinned, “you’ll be fine.”
 From the start, Parker knew Magical History was going to be trouble. While she and Ace managed to find seats in the back, the danger here did not lie with the other students. No, it lay in the older man poised at the front of the room. He watched down the length of his nose as the students settled into their seats. This was Professor Trein, unless the name printed on Parker’s schedule was wrong.  When the class was ready, he greeted them with all the warmth and humor of an icicle.
Not even ten minutes into class, Professor Trein’s lecture added weight to Ace’s eyelids. Grim didn’t last very long either as he curled up in Parker’s lap and began purring softly. Even Parker found she had trouble paying attention. It was a shame, really. His lecture was on the discovery of magic crystals, and after handling one in person she wanted to know more. She tried to focus his words rather than his voice, but aside from a brief mention of the Dwarf Mines, grasping any other information was like trying to get a firm grip on water. It sent her attention wandering to the dust particles that danced in the rays of sunlight that streamed through the arched windows.
Parker’s face went cold at Professor Trein’s outburst. Ace’s eyes cleared of sleep-fog in an instant, even Grim jolted from his place on her lap. To their relief, Professor Trein wasn’t looking at them. In the front row, a student sputtered to attention, blinking away the weight from his eyelids.
      “Am I boring you, Mr. Silver?” Professor Trein crossed his arms.
Parker heard Ace’s breath hitch. Despite not being in trouble, she noticed he was pale.
     “Apologies, professor,” Silver straightened in his chair.
Professor Trein ignored him, “You should be setting a better example for your peers, especially as a member of Diasomnia!”
     “Diasomnia?” Parker turned to Ace.
     “His dorm,” Ace was too focused on the scene before them to look at her, “They’re a big deal.”
Professor Trein wasn’t letting up, “Unless, of course, you already know everything about the origins of magic crystals. Perhaps you can inform the class which was once the largest cache of crystals in Twisted Wonderland.”
Parker sensed the class’s attention shift onto Silver. Her gut tightened as the poor guy opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again. This was too hard to watch, but no matter how she tried she couldn’t ignore it. Wasn’t he already humiliated enough? She didn’t need to add to his pain, and neither did Professor Trein for that matter. Of course he would ask which cache was once the largest, he’d only mentioned it once! Hell, if she hadn’t visited them herself, she wouldn’t have known either.
The class was whispering now, that same storm breeze from the entrance ceremony. It raged in Parker’s ears. The panic from that night crawled along the edge of her mind, it played on Silver’s face as he stammered and struggled for words.
      The Dwarf Mines, she willed the name to come to him, it’s the Dwarf Mines! But even in a world dripping with magic, her thoughts went unsent. She wished she could stop this. Do something, say something to end the torture the same way she wished someone would have intervened for her. Parker frowned. Say something… If only she didn’t have to blend in.
      “Well,” Professor Trein spoke after a full minute. Parker’s heart sang. It was over. He’d go back to his lecture and let Silver off the hook. Her hope deflated a second later, when the next thing out of the professor’s mouth was, “We’re all waiting.”
That was it. She couldn’t take it, subtlety be damned. If they were going to spend the rest of the class in this agony, she’d rather risk a target on her back. She scarcely remembered to lower the pitch of her voice before saying, “The Dwarf Mines.”
Professor Trein’s face slackened. The whispers stopped. Ace elbowed her and glared as the professor recovered enough to demand, “Who said that?”
No one spoke. A couple of students in front of Parker turned in her direction. She met their gaze with the smallest shake of her head. Don’t. Please. She wasn’t sure if her message was heeded out of solidarity or because they didn’t want Professor Trein’s attention on them either. What ever the reason, they turned away without a word. Beside her, Ace refused to look up from his desk.
       “When I ask a student a question,” Professor Trein eyed the class, “I expect that student to answer unless I say otherwise. The next time someone intervenes, expect both will be punished.”
They spent the rest of the class in silence. Not once did Ace rest his head on his arms, nor did Grim settle back into Parker’s lap. They were the picture of model citizens for the remainder of the hour. Once they left the class, however, Ace didn’t waste a second. He spun on Parker so fast she stumbled back against the corridor wall.
       “What was that?” He hissed.
       Parker sighed, “I know. But, c’mon! He was being a dick.”
       “He’s a professor. Professors are dicks,” Ace breathed before he blew and called attention to himself, “What happened to the shy act from yesterday?”
       Parker rubbed at the back of her neck, “That was different. And I wasn’t exactly shy when I shoved you into Deuce.”
       “Wait, what?” Grim grinned up at them, “You shoved him?”
        Ace shot Grim a look, but didn’t answer. Instead he said, “Look, you’re a decent, uh, guy, but Deuce and I have a lot riding on this. I might not be willing to risk my life, but I’ll help you if it means keeping my spot here. So please, if you can’t do it for Crowley, do it for us?”
       Parker didn’t answer right away. She still found this whole thing to be very stupid. Insane, actually. Yet she couldn’t deny the truth of Ace’s words. It was like they’d said yesterday: they were stuck. The least she could do was try a little harder.
       “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do my best.”
 And she did. All in all, she, Ace, Deuce, and Grim found their strategy of avoiding attention worked most of the time. The professors barely gave them a second glance, and the other students gave them even less. That wasn’t to say, however, that she didn’t have her fair share of hiccups.
In Alchemy, she was unlucky enough to be picked on by Professor Crewel, a much younger instructor than Trein who had a strange habit of calling his students “pups”. When she stumbled over the list of poisonous herbs in her textbook’s index he scoffed.
       “Don’t tell me your lack of magic effects your ability to read,” Professor Crewel said. A couple of the students snickered as he said, “Once again, from Belladonna. Be a good boy, now.”
       Once Parker finished the list, she refused to look up from her desk, even as Grim frowned and mumbled, “Well that was harsh.” 
Animal languages also proved to be anything but a joke, especially after the cat she was meant to greet hissed and took a swipe at her eyes with razor-like claws. Upon double checking her pronunciation, Deuce informed her that she’d accidentally called it a rather rude name. No number of meowed apologies could get the cat to “speak” to her for the rest of the hour, much to Grim’s amusement.
By the time her fourth class rolled around, Parker’s shyness wasn’t an act, not when every time she did catch someone’s attention it meant she was being insulted. The now wrinkled schedule crinkled in her hands as she checked where to report. Her face lit up when she read the name ‘Flying and Magical Sports’.
Sports. Gym. Her next class was gym. Relief washed away the tension further when she realized there was just enough time for her to change at Ramshackle. It looked like Crowley got something right after all.
      “Meet us back here,” Deuce said, indicating the corridor that led out to the sports fields before leaving to get changed himself. That was where she headed now, dressed in a baggy shirt and sweat pants, and fighting the urge to skip the entire way there. This was her comfort zone; this was her niche. Even back home, gym was always the time in her day where she felt most like herself. She got lost in the exercise, let her heart beat in time to her footfalls on the running track, became so engrossed that she was nothing more than pulse and heat and breath. Her worries couldn’t catch her when she ran, couldn’t drag her while she climbed. It was an escape into her own world, and after falling out of step with the rhythm around her, this was just the thing to bring back in time.
She caught up with Ace and Deuce while they lingered behind the other gym-bound students. They were out of the castle in seconds, stepping onto low-cut grass so green Parker blinked to help her eyes adjust. Further out, another group of students were throwing around what looked like a glowing Frisbee. A sports club, no doubt.
 Parker smiled. This. Oh, how she missed this. The fields were the one spot at Night Raven that most reminded her of home. Sure, it was missing a few things, the sea breeze, heat, and high humidity being among them, but it was the similarities here that mattered.
       “Coach Vargas says we’re doing flying basics today. You’ve ridden a broom before, yeah?” Deuce asked as they stepped onto the sports fields. He said it more than he asked it really, as if there couldn’t be any way the contrary were true. 
       Parker squinted at the sky, “Uh, no. Can’t say that I have.”
       She continued onto the field, not realizing that her companions didn’t follow until Ace asked from somewhere behind her, “Not even with a magic friend?”
       A magic friend? Parker stopped and turned to him, “I’m from a different world, remember?”
       “I mean, yeah,” he rubbed at the back of his neck, “but you guys have magic. All worlds have magic, right?”
Now it was Parker who paused. He thought all worlds had magic? For the first time, she considered the possibility that Ace, Deuce, and Grim didn’t know any better. Magic was an integral part of this place after all, or so it seemed. Maybe, to them, a world without magic was like a world without trees, or light, or air. It must have been if it never even crossed their minds that Parker’s lack of it was normal where she was from. It almost made her laugh when she thought about it. To her, a world of magic should have been impossible, something you only read about in books or saw in movies. But to them? She wondered if they even had stories of magicless places at all.
         “Not mine,” she said. 
The three of them didn’t speak. It was likely they didn’t quite know what to say. Grim was the first to recover from the news, but instead of laughing and calling her a ‘pathetic human’ he was almost whispered, “A world without magic… Huh. It’s a little scary to think about, y’know?”
        “Yeah,” Deuce agreed, though his face was far away. Probably considering what a magicless world would entail. He blinked once to bring himself back into the present, “Right. Well, just listen to what Coach Vargas says. We’ll give you pointers if you need them.”
They joined the rest of the first years by a set of metal bleachers on the side of the running track. Even as they hurried to catch up, Ace wasn’t done marveling at what he’d learned.
         “Hold on,” he said, “you’ve never seen real magic before?”
         Parker smiled, “Not until I got here.”
Ace looked at her as if he’d never seen anyone like her before. Chances are he hadn’t, now that Parker thought about it, for even if there were people without magic in this world it wasn’t quite the same as meeting someone completely unfamiliar with it, “Oh, wow. Wait, so-“
He didn’t get to finish his thought. Instead, he along with the others turned towards a broad man in a red track jacket as he yelled, “Line up!”
Parker recognized him at once. He was the man form the entrance ceremony, the one who pulled her inside before Crowley could stop him. So, that was Coach Vargas.
         “We’re not done,” Ace mumbled to her as they fell into ranks with the rest of the class.
Coach Vargas stalked up and down the pavement, appraising each student for a second or two before stopping in front of them, crossing his arms, and smirking. A tiny speck of the happiness in Parker’s chest shriveled at that. He didn’t even have to speak for her to know what was coming. She didn’t know why she was surprised, especially after her track record with her other professors. Still, her gym class oasis was corrupted by a coach she knew -she just knew! - was a total, unapologetic meat head.
         “Alright, ladies,” Parker frowned as her suspicions were confirmed mere seconds after she formed them, “Warm ups! I want ten jumping jacks, ten push-ups, and fifteen lunges down the field and back,” his eyes flicked over to her and he added, “Magic or no, I expect everyone to keep up. Let’s move!”
Parker didn’t. ‘Magic or no’. What had she done to deserve that? What remained of her joy was smothered, choked as reality flooded into the paradise she constructed in her mind. What was wrong with this place? What was so wrong with her that no matter where she turned at this school, there was always something ensuring she was miserable. It was unfair! Now, because of Coach Vargas, she couldn’t even have gym class.
She jolted into her warm ups as something zinged down every nerve in her body like an electric current. No. This was gym class, this was hers. Maybe the coach was a meat head, maybe she didn’t have magic, but she did have jumping jacks, and push-ups and lunges, and she was going to enjoy them.
By the time warms ups were through, Parker finished alongside both Ace and Deuce. The coach was eyed her again, but she couldn’t tell whether he was irritated or just observing.
         “Take a breather,” Coach Vargas instructed. Half the class sat on the ground as the coach snapped a finger and presented a broom, “Today, you’re gonna learn how to use this bad boy. I’m sure plenty of most of you have flown before, but we’re sticking to the basics today. We gotta start small if any of you ever hope to reach my level of expertise.”
Beside her, Parker caught Deuce rolling his eyes and nearly choked on laughter. She hid it in time to keep the coach from noticing.
She listened through his explanation on proper mounting, take off, and landing techniques, even gaped along with the rest of the class when he demonstrated a double loop fifty feet above their heads. Reality caught up to her as she realized, yeah, this was flying class. She was going to learn to fly! Her joy rekindled at the idea of zooming through the air faster than her feet could take her. But alas, that hope was also killed when Coach Vargas pulled her aside and informed her she wouldn’t be flying.
           “No magic, no broom. Your pet raccoon there can partner with another one the guys.”
          “What am I supposed to do, then?” she cried.
           Coach Vargas didn’t miss a beat, “Go run laps. I want thirty by the end of class.”
Parker ran five laps before she was sure Coach Vargas wasn’t watching. He was too caught up in correcting the first years’ take offs to pay her any mind. Well, if he didn’t care whether she ran then neither did she.
She kept going, of course, but she let her attention wander from her feet on the track to the others gliding above her head. From where she jogged, she watched Ace and Deuce zip around each other as Grim clutched the end of Deuce’s broom for dear life. She laughed. It figured Grim was afraid of heights.
            “Hey!” Deuce called down to her. She waved up at him as Ace swooped over to him.
            “Let’s race,” Ace said, “us against you!”
             Parker laughed, “That’s not fair! I can’t fly.”
             “Didn’t think you’d give up so easily,” Deuce smirked. 
            “Last one to the edge of the field owes Grim lunch!” Ace didn’t wait for Parker to object again. He dove forward, dropping until he hovered just above Parker’s shoulder, “We’ll dismount to make it fair. How’s that?”
 Deuce landed on her opposite side. A relieved Grim hopped off the end of the broom.
             “I’ll sit this one out,” Grim said, “Wouldn’t want to embarrass you guys, y’know?”
              Right. Parker smiled despite herself, “On three. One.”
              Ace and Deuce held their brooms at the ready.
              She dug the balls of her feet onto the track for a good grip.
They were off! Parker darted ahead as Ace and Deuce sprinted, jumped, and took to the skies once again. Parker looked up at them while she ran. It was no surprise to her when Deuce doubled down on his broom and sped ahead of them both. She laughed as Ace swore at his back, pushing his broom to go faster. Her own footfalls slapped against the track in quicker succession until she was past it and onto the grassy field instead. Above her, Deuce was getting smaller while Ace dove and ascended, swerved left and right to gain on his dorm mate. Parker put on a burst of speed. There was no way she would win, she knew, but if she was going to lose, she wanted it to be as close as possible.
 Deuce was almost to the edge of the field when Parker’s foot caught on uneven ground. Someone yowled in pain as she stumbled forward.
             “Grim?” Parker searched the grass, convinced she’d stepped on him. Hadn’t he said he wasn’t running? Strange. That noise she heard was feline. Instead of Grim, she found herself looking at a pair of sneakered feet. Her gaze trailed up to a pair of sweatpants and a mustard gym shirt, all belonging to the tallest student she’d encountered so far. A handful of others lounged about a short distance away. They must have been the ones with the Frisbee. She was too busy staring up at Ace and Deuce to notice she’d run right through their game.
Parker inched back as an honest to goodness growl emitted from the base of the tall student’s throat. If that weren’t enough, she shivered at the sight of animal ears protruding from his dark hair. He wasn’t the first animal-eared student she’d seen that day. In fact, Deuce scolded her in Crewel’s class for staring too long at a boy with wolf’s ears, but there was something about this student, something in the way he carried himself, that framed him as a true threat.
             He seemed to grow larger as he leered forward and said, “You’ve got some nerve stepping on someone’s tail.”
             “Sorry,” Parker flinched. A lion’s tail swayed back and forth just behind his left leg.
             “Say,” the hair on Parker’s neck stood as he leaned closer, “You’re the one from the ceremony, aren’t you?”
            The air lodged in Parker’s throat, “I-“
            The lion-man groaned, like he couldn’t be bothered to be so… bothered, “So. You don’t have magic or sense. I’m gonna have to knock some into you. What a pain.”
            A gust of wind brushed Parker’s cheek as Ace alighted beside her, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Give him a break, yeah? He didn’t know any better.”
            “All the more reason to teach him,” the lion-man’s gaze locked back onto Parker. She couldn’t choke back the gasp his mere stare knocked from her lungs. It wasn’t just the threat alone that shocked her, though, but that calculated look… she’d seen it somewhere before. If only she weren’t so panicked, she might remember where.
            “Eh, Leona,” one of the Frisbee players jogged up to where they stood. He was smaller than the lion-man, Leona, with a set of animal ears of his own. For the life of her, Parker couldn’t place what animal they belonged to, “We’re waiting for the next play.”
Leona growled again, only this time the threat was gone, or at least diminished. He spared a glance over to the other Frisbee player, but his eyes were back on Parker before relief properly set in. He didn’t move, didn’t speak. His face shifted without dropping his snarl. He flickered between her, Ace, and the Frisbee player. She and Ace didn’t blink. He a beast sizing up his prey, though another look at those lion ears made Parker question if that was a metaphor or literal. He straightened, dropped the snarl and stretched.
           “Too much work,” he grumbled, then sauntered away, but not before turning one last glare in their direction, “Watch yourself, herbivore.”
            The other Frisbee player lingered by them long enough to snicker “What a temper, huh?”
            Parker watched them go. Another breeze played over her skin.
            “What was that all about?” Deuce dismounted from his broom.
            “I don’t know,” Parker said. She was trying to work that out herself.
            “Let’s get back,” Ace suggested. Deuce and Parker didn’t need to be told twice.
               The dining hall was much livelier than it had been that morning. Now that everyone was awake and more than a couple classes into their day, the energy spiked. Tired minds were refreshed by food, fresh air, and freedom from the tyranny of books and oppressive professors.  The need to shed the rigidity of the classroom chafed the students, and so did their need for mindless conversation. Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Parker were no exception.
             “Ok, wait,” Ace speared his food a little harder than he meant to, “so back to the no magic thing. How do you do anything?” 
             “What do you mean?” Parker popped open Grim’s second can of tuna. She was back to the normal uniform now, though she left the tie undone. It was too much work. Besides, she could always ask one of the guys to help her with it later.
Once again, Ace was interrupted from his questioning as three new faces approached their table. Two of them looked like older versions of Deuce and Ace, but were just different enough that they couldn’t be related. Where Deuce’s hair was a black to rich is was almost blue, the other dark-haired student’s looked greener in the light. The one that looked more like Ace scrolled away at his phone while he balanced his tray with the other.
        “If it isn’t the infamous freshmen,” the one with the phone smiled as he approached, “break any more chandeliers today?”
        “Don’t encourage them, Cater,” the third student was the smallest of them, with hair a darker red than Ace’s. Despite his size, there was something about him that seemed… powerful? Authoritarian. Parker wasn’t sure what to call it. The one thing she was sure of: he was one of the students on the dais during the entrance ceremony, “Is that the Ramshackle student?”
       “Half!” Grim said before anyone could get a word in, “Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Great Grim and this is my underling, Parker the human.”
      “I’m not his underling,” Parker frowned. All the same, she placed his can of tuna before him like the pampered house cat he was.  
Deuce gestured over to the other students, “Parker, these are Riddle, Trey and Cater. They’re upperclassmen in Heartslabyul Dorm. Riddle’s our head.”
      Parker nodded, “I remember you from the entrance ceremony.”
      “So do I,” Riddle looked her over once and frowned, “Your tie’s undone.”
      Well that was blunt. She shrugged, “We just got done with Flying.”
      “Parker’s from a world without magic,” Ace blurted like the knowledge would choke him if he didn’t let it out. Nice, Parker thought, subtle. Silence stretched among the seven of them while the older students processed his declaration. Then, as one, three pairs of eyes locked onto Parker so suddenly she flinched.
       “No way!” Cater gawked.
       “Um, yeah,” she said.
Deuce’s counterpart, Trey, adjusted his glasses, “No magic at all? How do you do anything?”
 Ace let out a little sound, justified in his own curiosity now that someone else wanted to know the same thing. By the looks of it, they all did. Even Grim cocked his head forward for a better listen.
     “This is a big deal for you guys, isn’t it?” she rubbed her arm.
     “Do you have cell phones?” Cater whipped his out and lit up the screen, “Magicam?”
     Parker was almost offended, “Yeah, we have cell phones. Don’t know what Magicam is though.”
     “Its an app,” Trey rolled his eyes, “Cater’s addicted.”
      “What about…” Cater scrolled through his home screen again, only for Riddle to cut him off.
      “Wait,” the dorm head said, “if he is from another world, then he’ll need us to show him how to live by our rules,” he ignored everyone at the table’s groans, “I’m sure you have a thousand questions.”
      Parker brightened, “Yeah, actually.”
     “Why don’t we trade, then,” Riddle suggested, “a question for a question. You answered ours, so now it’s our turn. What did you want to know?”
      What did she want to know? So many things swirled around Parker’s head, she was sure it would burst at any moment. It was a little hard to start, though, with so much going through her brain. She looked around the dining hall, from the tables to the exits, looking for something to tell her where to start. She caught site of the tapestries from yesterday. The Great Seven, Ace called them. It was as good a place as any.
     “Tell me about the dorms,” Parker gestured towards the tapestry, “Ace told me they’re based on them. You guys represent the Queen of Hearts?”
     “That’s right,” Trey said, “every dorm has its own main value. We’re in Heartslabyul. Our value,” he leveled a look at both Ace and Deuce, “is upholding the rules.”
      Neither of the younger Heartslabyul boys met his eye.
       “We have seven dorms, obviously,” Cater chattered away, unaware or uninterested in the first years’ discomfort, “they’re Savannaclaw, for stubbornness,” he indicated the lion’s tapestry, “Ignhyde ,for perseverance,” next was the blue man with flames for hair, “Pomefiore, for effort and beauty,” he pointed out the youngest of the tapestry figures, and by far the most beautiful, “Scarabia, for careful planning,” the bearded man with the snake staff followed, “Diasomnia, for elegance,” he gestured to the horned, green-skinned witch, “and Octavinelle, for mercy,” the last tapestry was of the octopus woman.
     “Mercy?” Parker asked. All the other dorm values fell in line with poise and discipline, but mercy? Something about it felt out of place.
     “Ah ah!” Ace wagged a finger, “That can be your next question. It’s our turn now.”
Things went on like this for the rest of the meal. Parker traded questions with the Heartslabyul boys like currency. The older students taught the first years how to navigate Trein and Crewel, they described a sport called Magical Shift which turned out the be what Leona was up to during their flying lesson, and some even told her stories about a place called the Rose Kingdom, the land most of the Heartslabyul students came from. In returned she told them about planes and cars, countries, and even stories about her own life. As the lunch hour ended, Riddle and the upperclassmen parted ways one by one, claiming a class or study session or club meeting. It was time for Parker to do the same.
      “Where are you going?” Ace asked as she gathered her things.
      “Class,” Parker piled Grim’s empty tuna cans onto her tray, “Aren’t you coming?”
       “I don’t have class for another half hour,” Ace said.
       “Then I’m probably with Deuce.”
        Deuce shook his head, “I’ve got Study Hour.”
        “So, we get a break from you guys. Alright!” Grim leapt from the table.
This wasn’t a break, Parker thought. A break would be welcome, a break meant she could rest. How was she supposed to know what to do?
Somehow they’d left the dining hall. Deuce and Ace walked on either side of her, offering up quick reassurances that tangled together in ‘you’ve seen how things are’, ‘keep doing what we’ve done’ and ‘sit in the back, keep you mouth shut, and you’ll be fine.’ She wanted to argue that no, sitting in the back did not guarantee she’d be fine, but her tongue was so dry it wouldn’t unstick from the roof of her mouth. She did manage to wonder, though, when exactly she’d come to view both Ace and Deuce as walking security blankets.
         “We’ll meet you in the courtyard,” was the last thing they said before going off in their own directions. The door to her next class loomed before her.
        “Oh, c’mon!” Grim pulled at her right pant leg, “you don’t need them.”
He scampered into the room without looking to see if she followed. She didn’t like this. Parker never thought confidence was an issue for her, but ever since waking up in Night Raven’s basement, she felt it being tested again and again.
       You don’t need them.
       For once, Parker hoped Grim was right.
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parkeraul · 5 years
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boyfriend — prologue | s.m & t.h
warnings: cursing, smut, angst, drinking.
prologue | part 1
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The term that describes exactly what’s in between the boys is quite a mystery. 
They’re far from being friends, but they’re also not declared enemies. Well, that’s what Harrison or Brian would probably answer if you ever ask them what’s the problem between your best friends? 
Around the college, it’s rare to see them actually arguing or coming for each other by the corridors or in the few classes they have together. But if you want to see things heating up, make sure you attend to the ‘friendly’ football match the guys from the Empshire University every friday after 5pm — when classes are over and the pitch is ready. It sounds childish, just like any regular boyish action if you may, but the atmosphere gets immensely heavier whenever both of them are playing in opposite teams. With that, you cannot say that Tom and Shawn aren’t exactly very similar, actually. Both competitive, both popular among people in college, both intelligent and passionate about art and its different forms. Oh, both annoyingly handsome in a way it gets most of the girls angry for not having a slight chance to trap them up onto a tightrope and call them boyfriend.  They both love going to the beach, having two or three bottles of beer and spend the rest of the day watching random sports on the TV when the day is free. 
But there are certainly lots of things that drifts one away from the other. 
Tom is a golf stan while Shawn is head–over–heels for hockey, for example.
Shawn is a helplessly romantic type of lover, might show up at your door and promise your parents he’ll drop you back home by 9. Long walks by the seashore under the moonlight — after buying you your favourite ice cream and complimenting your beautiful sundress, how amazingly well it fits you and highlights the colour of your skin. Shy touches, random love quotes and mentions of beautiful poems. Talks with you about dreams, about life and family, plans for the future. Wanna know the bands you like and what’s your favourite song ever. ‘Where’s your last name from?’ ‘What’s the class you like the least?’ ‘Do you love what you study?’. Timid & indirect flirting phrases — so he knows if it’s mutual by the way you either melt or step away — and wears his best cologne, hoping it’ll spark something inside of you. Typical Shawn Mendes. 
Tom, however, seems to be a lot more direct. If he wants you, he’ll sure let you know — probably through a joke, with a playful tone that carries all the sincerity. Festivals and crowdy — yet cozy — hangouts where you can both have an amazing time. Wants to get to know you better, making sure you know he’s paying attention to every word that comes out of your mouth by the way he looks at you so deeply, eyes shining as his irresistible smirk draws his lips. Laughs and happiness are priorities; soft but assertive touches on your hand as he walks beside you so you can notice he wants to hold hands with you; takes you to watch the city lights and goes crazy with you as your favourite song plays on his car’s radio. Stares at your lips intensely and dies inside whenever you poke your tongue out to lick them. Such a sucker type of lover, but you’ll only find it out if you stay long enough for him to trust you. Will make up dramatic scenes out of random situations to earn a laugh and wave you goodbye at your door, watching you disappear inside as he hopes your perfume is stuck on his cloth. Typical Tom Holland.
In between so many similarities and differences, there’s still a thing that connects Tom and Shawn more than football games and college classes.
When her frame crosses the rooms, it’s game over for both of them.  It’s ridiculous the way that she gets two grown–up men drooling for her effortlessly doing nothing more than just being herself. Call her a liar, but she swears she doesn’t sway her hips more intensely whenever she walks in front one of them. But it doesn’t matter, she could walk steady like a rock and it’d still light up a fire inside their boxers — to avoid saying heart because feelings aren’t part of the deal. It took a good while for her to surrender and stop messing around, finally step up and  give them a try. She always found funny the way they’d always try to impress her or melt her heart with their most incredible skills and stronger personality characteristics during the parties, or outside class begging to walk her home — getting nothing more than just her number, and then getting nothing more than a quick single response. 
No wonder why Tom enjoys reliving so much the day she finally softened up. 
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“I’ve never imagined you’d be like this.”  “Like what?” Tom asks, moving tortuously slow as his grip strengthens.  “Kinky.”  She’s smiling so devilishly that he can’t help but do the same, squeezing the back of her thigh as he bends it more until the front part clinges to her boob. Like this, he gets more space to thrust into her deeper while he does his best to move closer, eyes glued on hers and lips brushing together with every push of his.  “Does that mean you had wet thoughts about me?” Tom whispers, feeling his mouth tickling hers as he rolls his hips unhurriedly. She gulps, enjoying the sensation of taking him inch by inch easily, once he’s getting soaked by her wetness and it makes his cock slide in and out deliciously.  Everything’s so deliberately intense that he can feel her core gradually swelling more, his length completely tightened inside of her warm heat holding him so delightfully. Even in his wildest dream, he’d never pictured this moment so perfectly with her looking so messily gorgeous under him. He’s sure amazed by her beauty, and now it seems to increase more his crush for her, if that’s even possible. She’s taken by surprise, noticing her throat going dry and chills taking over her entire body even though the temperature is hotter than hell. Tom never thought he’d see her weakening, but it’s not only real. It’s also priceless to watch her lips parting and eyes widening softly, pleasure mixing with the awe as he hits her g-spot with a forceful shove — which makes their skin slap together so loudly that it wouldn’t be unpredictable to get a knock on the door soon after.  “You’ve never answered my question, darlin’” He says sexily, capturing her bottom lip in between his teeth and sending her another hard stroke. She moans desperately, feeling the knot forming deep back in her pussy already supplicating for relief as it pulsates vigorously.  “Fuck, Holland,” Closing her eyes, she exhales sharply and takes a handful of the hair right above the nape of his neck. The other hand flies to his chest, scratching his flesh as it gets embellished by burning stripes of red. The strands of his chocolate hair are already a mess, making him look even more wrecked and sexy and his eyes are so dark that it matches with the atmosphere of the bedroom. “I just—”  “Just what?” And the bad thing is that his accent makes it all even worst. It’s impossible for her to resist the unmistakable sound of his voice — so unique and so sweet, but now washing her with desire as his tone falls one or two octaves and becomes low, raspy. Tucked deep inside of her, he makes quick and strong movements, knowing that he’s massaging her sensitive spot mercilessly by the way she starts squirming helplessly. Her moans turn into frantic cries, and Tom follows her because he can’t control himself and because he knows she loves when guys are loud also. He feels his cock throbbing just like her soaked walls around him and her hands instantly grab the headboard, while his fingers release her leg to curl around her throat. “Can’t even form a decent sentence, can ya?” He laughs under his breath and she swears she’s seeing stars beneath her eyelids. “Open your eyes, I wanna see you while I make you squirt all over my cock,” Tom demands, pressuring her throat a little bit more and as soon as she opens her eyes, it’s authomatic: they roll to the back of her head and flutter close again. “Open. Up.” 
With a huge effort, she does it lazily and finds his eyes already glancing at her. The moonlight breaking through the window is enough to illuminate their features enough for them to watch each other insanely dissolving in pure pleasure. There’s a glisten of sweat highlighting his defined abs and his hairline just like it’s also showing up on his lips, and she wonders if his tongue never gets tired of licking those pieces of plump skin everytime she clenches around him suddenly. Unexpectedly, Tom kisses her with a fiery craving and proves her wrong. From afar or licking inside her mouth, his tongue won’t ever get exhausted of teasing her. And she’s thankful, because the taste of sex stuck on their lips is insatiable. 
“Want to cum?” Tom breaks the kiss to ask through gritted teeth, feeling her gulping underneath his palm and she looks so damn beautiful all fucked like this.  But she only nods.  And he shoves his dick strongly at a point she thinks she’s never been hit this deep before, consequently letting her jaw fall in a silent scream.  “Betta use your mouth before I do.”  “Yes, daddy.”
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That was such the perfect way to start the summer vacation, and that’s something they both know for sure. The bikini marks on her body contrasting with the rest of her tanned skin would remind her daily of a steamy week on the beach, definitely warmer in bed than on the sand. 
But by the end of the hot days — not naughtily speaking this time — the summer rain came to say and brought her a calming mood. A calm someone. 
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She’s barely audible with the heavy rain pouring outside, drops hitting the ceiling harshly as she shivers  totally overpowered. Shawn’s tongue is lapping at her cunt devotedly, massaging her clit carefully, but not less intense at all. He’s savouring her like she’s his last meal, not believing his own eyes and, well, mouth too. It had never ocurred him that she’d taste this sweet and when he tries to reach her eyes, they’re closed and her face is serene. She’s got a defeated smile adorning her pretty face and her chest heavens beautifully, her hips moving delicately towards his wanting lips. 
It was hard to adapt herself to the softness at first, considering the feverish beginning of the season. But Shawn knew all too well how to ease her nerves with his skilled mouth, eating her out slow and passionate. She opens her eyes slightly to see Shawn’s lips moulding her pussy smoothly, taking her aching clit into his mouth and he looks like an angel down in there — flushed rosy cheeks under his hazel eyes, completely compelled by the sight of her splayed all over the bed so fucked for his mouth sucking on her now. Letting out a louder whimper, she takes his curls in between her fingers and rolls her hips provocatively. It obviously sparkles something inside his briefs and inside him, which leads Shawn to put one of her legs above his shoulder and circle her entrance with the tip of his forefinger. 
“Please, Shawn,” She begs under her breath, immersed in pleasure as her pussy swells under his control. “I need more.” 
And he can’t even pretend he wants to deny such a graceful requirement. 
In seconds, he inserts his finger all the way until it’s disappeared inside of her. He watches closely, forgetting to lick her purposely so he won’t miss this amazing moment. 
“More, baby.” 
He pushes the finger back and replaces it with his middle finger.  She thinks he might’ve probably understood it wrongly, but it’s just pure care.  He alternates fingers, one by one thrusting inside her soaked heat individually and she’s in the merge of losing her mind for fucks sake. Every move is too much and she’s not sure how long she can wait. 
When she considers sitting up to take the goddamn control, Shawn shoves the two fingers in a swift movement, making her back arch and a cry escape past her lips. This makes him smile, and he pumps the fingers with a certain strength as it gradually increases the wet sounds filling up the room. Every shove echoes throughout the space with smacking sounds and if she had ever felt her legs before, she doesn’t even remember. They’re trembling unstoppably as his mouth goes back on her sensitive bud, applying a heavier suction and flicking it with his tender, wet tongue. 
“Gon’ make you cum so good for me,” Shawn mutters against her, eventually switching from suctions to licks — from licks to suctions —  from suctions to kisses — from kisses to pumps. “So fuckin’ pretty taking me this well, eh?” 
And a lifetime would never be sufficient for him to compliment her enough. Even though he’s speechless to the view of her tanned body shaking more and more as she gets closer to her so–wanted high.
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The thing though is that none of them had a single idea of what happened before the college days were back. And it’s true that the walls do have ears. Well, not all walls are made of concrete or bricks. Sometimes they’re ginger and tall, sometimes they’re blonde with blue eyes and a british accent.
“Dude,” Haz elbows Tom as he holds his beer still. “Don’t you think that there’s something wrong?”  “Nah,” Tom scoffs, taking a sip of his drink as they both watch her on the dance floor of Eryka’s party. By dance floor, it means large living room filled to the raftors. “She said ‘no strings attached’, so what? All the beginnings are fucked like this.” He explains, shrugging his shoulders like he’s got nothing to worry about.  “I’m not talkin’ ‘bout this,” Harrison says close to his friend’s ear and Tom follows his sight when he tilts his head back, catching the sight from all the way across the room. “A blue little bird told me she’s been seeing someone else too.” 
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“If you keep staring they’ll know we’re talking about him,” Brian jokes, taking a single mouthful of his tequila shot.  “So what?” Shawn asks absentmindedly, toying with the empty beer bottle hanging in between his long fingers. “Maybe I’ll ask him to join us on some beer pong shit and finally check if what you said is true.”  “Wait, I didn’t say anything,” The ginger lifts his open hands in defeat. “Osterfield told me that. He could easily be fooling around.”  “Guess we’ll have to see, right?” This time, Shawn laughs. Maybe he doesn’t believe it at all. Maybe he doesn’t want to believe it might be true.
In between, there’s Eryka dancing with her to the beat of the music as she notices the fixed glare of the guys switching between her to each other.  “Don’t you wanna clear this up for these guys?” Eryka asks, grabbing her phone to check a message as she takes the last gulp of her drink.  “You know what do I really want?” She responds with another question, feeling the alcohol shoot some dirt and honesty to her intentions.  “Hm?”  “I want to suck him,” She comes closer to her friend and points to the left. “While he fucks me.” Pointing now to the right, she winks at Eryka and takes the empty cup from her hand, walking to the kitchen and hoping to be stalked by a very specific british guy and a very specific canadian boy.
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let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist.
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bethkerring · 5 years
8 Reasons to Read The Diviners
1. Evie. I know, I know, she’s the main character—of course she’s a good reason to read the book. And sure enough, right from the beginning, Evie is full of spunk and personality, fitting perfectly within her time period even as she’s trying to break out of her normal life. However, Evie’s most fascinating character traits are only revealed as the story progresses, and though she seems to be focused on boys, clothes, and (especially) booze, her deeper motivation and backstory are woven beautifully into her thoughts and life. Without spoiling some of the best parts of the book, Evie is a great example of how some not-so-great personality traits and unhealthy habits can come out of past experiences, and by the end of the story, she proved herself to be a much more engaging character that I expected when she first appeared.
2. Richly-painted, lovable characters. Of course, Evie isn’t the only gorgeously-written character here, but if I were to feature every single one, this list would go on for a while—and I don’t want to spoil some of the fantastic characters (and the relationships between them) that show up later in the book. So instead, I’ll just say that you won’t be disappointed with the diverse, infinitely fascinating cast. Even if Evie is the lead character, all the other characters play essential roles, and I’m never disappointed when I get to see scenes in their points of view.
3. Immersion in the time period. I don’t usually read a lot of historical fiction—though, thanks to the recommendations of a friend, I’ve been reading a lot more lately. But despite that, I would have gladly read The Diviners just for how richly Libba Bray paints the portrait of the 1920s. Contrary to some, I rarely feel like I’m truly “swept away to another world” when reading—even if I love the story—but this book achieves that and then some. The setting is described just enough to give a clear mental image without spending pages going into unnecessarily details, and the slang, dialogue, interactions, and general backdrop complete the effect. I really felt like I had been dropped into the 1920s when I opened this book, but the history and setting never took away from the characters or the plot.
4. Platonic relationships. If you know me, you know that I adore platonic relationships—there’s nothing wrong with a good romance (and this story has several), but well-written platonic relationships are probably my favorite thing ever, and this story delivers beautifully. I could go into a few examples, but my favorite, for sure, is between Theta, a (currently assumed to be) straight girl, and Henry, a gay guy. The two of them are so close that they are often mistaken for a couple (as much as they might claim to be “brother and sister”), but there is, of course, no romance between them. But that doesn’t mean there’s no love: Theta and Henry clearly love each other dearly and show it through both words and affectionate gestures. It’s common, in my experience, to see romantic relationships valued over platonic ones in fiction, but The Diviners makes it clear that the characters’ relationships with their friends and family are no less important or deep than those with their significant others.
5. Paranormal lore. Though this story paints the picture of the real 1920s beautifully, it does an equally good job describing the rich history behind the fictional paranormal beliefs, taking hints and making references to real belief systems while creating plenty of original material at the same time. I felt just as immersed in the fiction as I did the history, and was more and more eager to see this part of the world expand. Even though this was only the first book in a series and I know there is plenty more lore to expand upon, all that was revealed in this book left me fascinated and eager to see what else will appear.
6. Horror and thrills without unnecessary gore. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t mind a bit of gore if it’s relevant to the plot. I can read about people getting stabbed repeatedly without batting an eye, and for sure, The Diviners doesn’t shy away from describing violence when it occurs. But it also doesn’t harp on about it when it’s not needed. It manages to create a creepy, incredibly thrilling atmosphere without relying on blood and guts. While I don’t know if I would call this a horror novel, it definitely has elements of the same kind of horror I’ve seen in many Stephen King novels: genuinely scary content that is based on (and depends on) strong characters, setting and plot.
7. Frank discussion of race and gender issues. This is far from the focus, and is rarely dealt with at length, but this story definitely does not shy away from the real issues that women and people of color faced in the 1920s. Mostly through small mentions, incidents, and dialogue, the story regularly reminds the reader how different characters struggle because of their gender and/or race. It doesn’t shy away from difficult topics, including those that are relevant today—such as domestic abuse, abortion, and police racism—but instead presents them with almost painful honesty, another way in which the story, which is so deeply rooted in the paranormal, still manages to stay connected to reality.
8. Fiction beautifully melded with history. Though the respective immersion in the 1920s and immersion in the paranormal lore are two of my favorite aspects, what I love even more is how the two are woven together, to the point that it’s sometimes difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. The choices for the paranormal experiences and beliefs don’t seem out of place in the setting, even though they’re clearly fictional. This world seems so incredibly real that I sometimes have to remind myself that this isn’t how the 1920s actually occurred. As I said earlier, The Diviners truly succeeds in sweeping the reader away to a completely different world, one very similar to real history but still incredibly magical.
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sevenfactorial · 5 years
How I Write Class Notes
First of all, I totally forgot that I said I’d do this and I’m really sorry about that.
So my note taking is specifically designed for upper-level math classes since that’s what I do the most but my notes for CS and many other classes still take a similar form, just with less things labeled theorems (also with more bulleted lists. I love bulleted lists but I use them way less in math notes than any other class). This also works for reading textbooks or papers independently. If you want info specifically for lower level math classes (high school up through calc 3), I can see what I can do too.
Here’s a very basic summary of what I think is most important for note taking
Feasible (ie simple and fast enough for you). You want to be able to keep up your system even at points where your class is going absurdly fast or when you’re exhausted/having trouble focusing/etc
Easy to skim. Just writing things down at all is good for retention but if you’re taking notes, you probably want to be able to read them later easily. So it needs to be easy to pick out key definitions/theorems/etc.
In that vein, include necessary assumptions even if it does feel repetitive.
Don’t cram things together. Allow for white space (again, so skimming is possible)
Label things. Major topics, definitions, theorems, key ideas especially. Also make it obvious that a proof or example is a proof/example.
All of it is together one way or another, whether that’s a digital file, paper in a folder/binder/etc, or a notebook. Keeping it together is extremely important to me.
A detailed description and more thoughts are under the cut.
I’m very basic about my notes and am not always fully consistent (I have an indentation problem which occasionally irritates me but I’ve decided it’s not worth it to obsess over), but I try to be and generally have a structure for my notes. If you were to flip through even my recent notebooks you’ll find deviations but that’s just how it goes.
I don’t actually have any of my old class notes with me right now so I wrote the following to give a sense of what my notes tend to actually look like. I wrote it on loose leaf but normally I take notes in a composite notebook. I find I consistently take 30-45 pages (1 page = front and back) per class per semester (I’ve also taken less) so I find the halfway point and do two classes per notebook to decrease number of notebooks I’m carrying around. If you have two semester long classes, account for that so that you don’t end up having alg I and II in different notebooks like I do.
(I typed more or less what I wrote afterwards but there’s really no way I’m recreating the formatting on a tumblr post)
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First of all, this is a fair bit neater than my actual notes are. One of my best friends can barely read my normal handwriting at all and this is a bit neater than that. But if you can’t read it still, I don’t blame you at all so,
Date goes in the top right column at the beginning of every single class. It helps when you’re flipping through to find something later and also forces me to be somewhat aware of the date from day to day (further discussion on dates later)
I underline chapter/section titles/topics and include the the relevant textbook section numbers if given. This varies according to how my professors introduce topics generally.
Also I will generally just skip two or three lines between sections but will start at the top of a new page for chapters.
Some of my professors start off topics by giving an overview of what we’re looking at and motivations and the like so I just write “Idea:” and follow it up with whatever the professor is giving me.
Definitions: Typical in most subjects, I shorten it to “def” on the left of the margin line and start writing on the same line
I used to like starting out with the word itself but I often find it awkward in math notes so I just underline it in the statement (and highlight later)
Even though it’s a pain, I make a point of restating assumptions pretty constantly because it’s really useful if you’re studying from notes later.
Some typical things to follow up definitions include notation, warnings, and sometimes an intuitive way of thinking about it that may not completely capture all the details of the statement. I just do “thing:” for everything except the later, which I just write in quotes
Don’t forget, definitions are always if and only if statements. This is something you’re generally vaguely aware of from early on but perhaps don’t actually fully realize until some random point (I did that and heard of several others doing it too)
Theorems: The other mainstay of math. Honestly, I’m pretty sure everything’s ultimately a theorem, definition, axiom, or example
I give theorems a label of “THM” on the left. I can’t really explain why I write it in capital letters here but if I write theorem within a statement or example or something, I’ll use a lowercase “thm”
Like for definitions, make a point of rewriting assumptions.
Just overall, I try to keep my “paragraphs” short, one to three lines, before leaving the rest of the line blank and indenting the next one in order to increase whitespace
Lemmas/Corollaries/Other words which exist: I tend to put their label on the right side of the red margin line and indent their content more. I’m not super consistent with them, though make sure to indicate end of lemmas if your theorem goes “theorem - start proof - lemma - proof of lemma - finish proof of theorem”
If a diagram is useful, I tend to stick them to the right and write around it best I can. I’ll generally wait until after class to add color if it’s useful but occasionally, if class is going relatively slow or the colors REALLY matter then I’ll grab colored pens as quickly as possible
Also, my professors tend to not shy away from longer proofs and are not always the best of keeping track of time so that means we end class in the middle of proofs more often than ideal
I will just continue right along with the proof but shove the date at the right of the first line on the next day.
When we end at more reasonable places, I tend to skip a line, date on the right, resume on the next line
Unless I end within the last 8ish lines, then I’ll often start on the next page
Some things to consider that I didn’t write in the example:
I converted to writing in pen at the beginning of the summer (I’ve had a few lectures at the beginning of my REU but it’s not quite the same as class). Don’t be worried about scribbling out if you’re using pen. If you want prettier notes, rewrite them later. It’s a good way of studying anyways.
Also consider typing them up (tex for math) to have a searchable reference for later (studying/future classes).
I write up definitions and theorems before exams in colorful pen to study. Usually just on copy paper. The color is mostly just for fun since i’m probably stressed at the time.
I feel like a lot of math students do use pen exclusviely? idk. Use whatever you feel most comfortable with. When I used pencil, I did a combo of erasing and scribbling out, depending on the pace of the class.
If you are in the market for pens, G2 pens seem to have a bit of a following and honestly, I get it. They’re really good and within typical prices for disposable pens (you can order refills online and it makes them even cheaper). I also love papermate’s felt tips (they’re what I use for colored pens) but you can see them from the other side of the paper far more so I don’t find them appropriate for note taking.
Don’t be afraid to write notes in the margins (I usually use the left margin at an angle but like, wherever it fits works too). Often these are comments to myself.
Having a way to indicate things you want to look up later or exercises your professor suggested is good. I usually put a star on the red margin line at those points.
I try to keep a def/thm/proof on the same page but it’s really hard to always anticipate the length of things so I try but don’t worry about it too much.
Use shortenings when you can but make sure you remember them and that you’re not actually spending more time recalling the abbreviation than you would just writing it out
I find the most common abbreviations in math are first three letter of the word, first four letters, or first three and last letter
I don’t think flat out trying to use someone else’s note taking system is really the best. You’ll have to take more time than you probably have to remember the formatting. However, getting ideas from others is often useful. I don’t know why I started doing most things I do but I know that some of my habits came from seeing my friends or professors do it.
I think I mostly just use typical organization methods and nothing particularly interesting/novel but I hope it was still useful to some people.
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danddymaro · 6 years
Keep You safe | MGSV Quiet x Fem. Reader
*Edited and fixed of all its errors*
Summary: To protect, even from a distance was a way she showed her bond.
- Nobody asked for it, and I don’t see any results for it, but it’s an idea that came.
I honestly felt saddened when I lost her in the game. I tend to use DD a lot more often and only wanted buddy points with her, but I ended up getting attached.  Anyways, I thought this was nice… I mean I’m not into gals, but I seriously thought something like this was kinda cute.
Italics are a person’s thoughts. example; ’ sample.’
Word Count : 3033
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(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ enjoy who may... 
    Keep You Safe
Her words were silenced, stopped as they attempted to travel out from her opened mouth.  A gloved hand, large and riddled with the scent gunpowder mingled within its fibers tightly pressed over her lower jaw, causing pain to instantly come from where the holder’s thumb dug into the hollow of her cheek. 
 Stifled sounds of frantic plea came from her, but the ability to cry out was stripped from her with just a single motion, her words silenced by force. Her movements as well were halted, ended altogether by a scheming arm coiling itself around her midsection, pinning her.
“Shhhh,”  the man who had her captured hushed her with the small noise, and at the sound being voiced to her so chillingly soft and low, the small hairs over her body stood up and tingled, her body standing stiff as ice in the iron grip.       “Shh...be quiet,” he added, coming down closer to her, whispering lowly, just for her to listen to, hot breath fanning over her ear and making her wince with the sensation of his puff of exhale touching her so closely and intimately. 
She felt nothing but disgust melded with fear and it caused her body to shudder, shivering with heavy quakes. 
Her breath came out labored, chest heaving grandly before she exhaled through her nostrils, repeating the process over and over with the same distressed struggle. She felt tears begin to come forth, blinding her vision before two hot, thin streams of salted weep made thier way down her cheeks.      
 “Good,” He murmured as the hand stationed at her abdomen began to crawl up midway towards the length of her ribcage, stopping just below her breast. She felt a cold trail of grimy ick as the traveling hand moved over her clothed skin. 
She felt naked already, exposed to the world as though she had a crowd of strangers swallowing up her entire image greedily with both lust and malice.  She wanted to scream with denial, go on until her throat ran raw with the strength she’d use, but her voice box malfunctioned, letting nothing but whimpers escape through.
“Just like that,” He said thickly, full of delight as she did just what he had wanted.
 His voice was making her legs begin to wobble, as a gut-wrenching twist knotted up her insides. She felt bile threaten to rise up and crawl up her throat, collecting there and joining her would be howls of merciful plea. 
With a finger slipping through the small gap set between the buttons of her blouse, he hooked it along the inside, pulling it out with the material captured in his hold. With a swift motion the small, clear buttons popped from their places, flying in different directions and landing with small popping sounds onto the cold ground. Again the hand moved, this time aimed to touch the newly exposed skin, but halted immediately as a loud crashing sound fell behind them. 
Her eyes flew wide and her heart raced with hopeful anticipation at the small window of breakout. 
 His grip on (f/n) faltered, and with her elbows flying back to his ribcage, she moved to dash forward. However, the function in her legs faltered, making her fall forward, causing her to land on her palms. A stinging burn let itself be known, jolting right at her wrists as well as her knees where she had scraped along the ground.
She heard him struggle, a grunt of pain emitting from the back of his throat, before he dropped down, landing face first to the ground with a loud thud. Slowly, and with a harsh swallow, she craned her neck back, afraid of just what lay beyond the darkness. 
She could feel her heart racing,  nearly jumping out of her chest and tearing through her body. Her hands pressed over her chest attempting to hide the sight of her near naked chest from being exposed to the world as she released shaky pants of breath, frightened beyond belief to the point she was stuck still.  
She stayed motionless, planted right to the ground. Her legs felt too wobbly to move, almost as though they were filled with watery gelatin. So, even if it was all her heart desired, she couldn’t flee and instead she stayed stunned, simply staring back at the man that had fallen before her.
 There was the sound of gentle clicks from booted feet touching the ground and reaching her ears. However as her eyes strained to stare at where the movement was heard, she couldn't see anything but floor and structure. But certain enough, circling her was the sound of slow steps, making their way from the dark-haired man’s body, and towards her to face her straight forth. And with her head rotating to where the steps emitted from, she began to stare with wide, expectant eyes at the spot directly in front of her.                                              
  Before her hunched over body a figure materialized, first forming the structure of muscle doused in splashes of scarlet.  
Light colored skin, just barely touched by the sun covered the show of frightening red. Familiar features begin to take place over the body, ending with A somber face that glanced down at her. Soon, lovely colored eyes gleamed with vibrancy beneath the small lighting, shining like diamonds hit by a touch of sunlight as they stared down at her with a powerful intensity.                                                                                                
 They were beautiful, and in a way almost indescribable by just a simple color to define them, because they weren't just green like pine, nor polished jade stones, they were a soft blend of both the green earth’s lively pastures and it’s azure sky.
 More specifically, they were what came in between.
 And just over the feminine face that wielded the lovely set of gems, were dark markings, ones she had initially believed to be seen with intimidation, as though they were something to hold with caution and fright. However, from up close, as near as she had ever been to the soundless sniper, (f/n) noted that the odd markings gracing her features were not as terrifying as she had thought them to have been in the past.
And although they did leave her winded, it wasn't out of fright nor because she was panic-stricken, because it had nothing to do with terror.
Instead, they mesmerized her with a beauty she hadn’t taken notice of until just then. 
She noted that they appeared to be the dark shadows of a dragon tail butterfly spreading out its magnificent wings, fluttering through gentle breeze.
 Sadly though, she had only a few moments to appreciate the strange, yet preprocessing sight because soon after, they slowly faded into nothingness, almost as though they had never marked a territory onto the woman’s face. The strange markings stayed only for a short moment, tainting the fair color of her skin with dark ink and then vanished from existence.
Her revealed savior didn't say anything and like always, she stayed silent, eerily so.
She stayed as her Known alias had implied, keeping true to the reputation of the wordless being everyone knew her as, and that was Quiet.
Quiet, both filled with beauty and tragedy, she was the absence of words, the existence of condemned sacrifice.
“Quiet…” (f/n) murmured, feeling her heavy racing heart mellow down at the sight of the woman standing before her. Her tall figure was placed at her full height as she glanced down at the defeated smaller female. And a strange feeling of sudden ease overcame (f/n), causing the quake in her body to cease, releasing the heavy heave that had been locked in her risen chest.
There were no words in exchange after the soft sound of (f/n)’s breathless address and per usual, the scantily clad woman simply continued to stare. She silently looked on,  taking in the image of the startled young woman almost as she had been mystified by her as well.      
In truth, she wished she could say even just a single word, just one to come closer to (f/n). 
- Just one to break through the invisible barrier that separated them so mercilessly. 
Because It wasn’t as though she didn't wish to say a word. In fact, there was so much she wanted to say out loud, so much she wanted to reveal to the world,  but  couldn't.     
 It was her curse, and yet also a blessing in a sense. 
The silence in which she’d been forced to succumb in only made her appreciate more of the world, it made her realize that beyond just words there were other ways of expression.
There were glances, there were touches… special moments to share.
To protect, even from a distance was a way she showed her bond, just like she did with V, just as she did with (f/n), all without hesitation.
‘But even so...’ Quiet thought with ache, ‘I Would wish to address you with my voice...To call out your name...’
    Quiet moved towards (f/n), minimizing the seemingly  acres long distance between them which had in actuality only been a couple feet to cross. 
It had been such a short space in between, but when a heart yearns, it grows sorrow filled with only minimal obstructions. 
And within her chest, there was a burning ache, one that made her want to fish out her heart to stop its excruciating suffrage.
Slowly kneeling before her, placing her right knee near to the ground with her left booted foot plant down. She came down to (f/n)’s level, all while continuing to stare into (e/c) colored eyes with the same intensity as before, with the same cryptic words caught in her locked throat.          
Two leather gloved hands touched both sides of the (e/c) eyed woman, running thin, clothed fingers over the roots of her (h/c) colored hair with shy gingerness. The touch almost tickled, bringing a little shiver up the previously startled woman’s spine, making her body also give a small tremor at the soft petting.
    And as Quiet felt the slight movement, the action that she had begun was halted instantly, not daring to continue more with the stroke and retracted down. So, just as the nimble fingers touched the new territory,  they traced back, slowly gliding down to (s/c) cheeks instead. She hadn’t intended to linger more, but with a gentle hold, Quiet cupped them both, feeling the warmth radiate from them even though the cloth coating her hands. 
She knew well enough that she should have withdrawn, left without her sappy display of fore longing, but She couldn’t find a will to draw back from giving her intimacy. All in all, she couldn't muster up the strength to fight against the longing affection that had been teasingly nested within her for some time now, especially not when right when (f/n)’s  (e/c) colored eyes were rendered into pools of salted sorrow.  
(f/n)  tugged at her heart, pulling it’s strings and playing it with masterful skill. 
Touching her forehead to the other woman, Quiet closed her eyes for a few moments, letting their mingled breath be the only thing in between.
‘ Would telling you it will all be ok make you more relieved (f/n)? ‘ she wondered, receiving nothing but silence back, and it caused a ripple within her heart as a wave of helplessness came forth to wash over her.
‘I wish I could say… I wish I could (f/n), I long to….I long to reveal to you so much... But I can’t...’
She wanted to give her comfort, strip away all the worries from her beautiful (e/c) colored eyes, but she didn’t know where to start, where to begin to heal her.
 But even without the words of comfort, melted shoulders moved slowly, and timidly, (f/n) leaned in towards the hold more, feeling put at ease because she was convinced that under the touch, there wasn’t anything that could come through to snatch her away. 
Nothing could ever harm her again, but only if she stayed hidden under the blue dragon tail ’s gentle wings.
 With her eyes growing wider with stun, Quiet’s breath hitched as (f/n) came closer.
“I’m fine,” (f/n) replied, placing her right hand over the concerned woman’s left one assuring her with the small gesture.                                                     
“It’s thanks to you,” (f/n) added peering up at the mix of blue and green through dark lashes.                                                                                                            “ I really am fine,” she continued to assure Quiet, letting her hand fall back down to join the other as it held together her torn blouse. And with both hands now holding the shirt together, she smiled daintily, “I can’t ever thank you enough,” She said with the company of a short sniffle, trying to laugh off the remains of fright she still had left over and with hesitation Quiet let her own hands fall.
“I’m alright…” (f/n) said with growing certainty, looking towards the dark-haired sniper’s eyes, and just as she felt as though she could move forward, she remembered that she wasn't alone, that they weren't alone.
Her head, as well as her eyes moved,  soon drawing down over to the larger body lying unconsciously, and just a few feet from her. His back rose and fell to indicate he was still alive, and that alone made her swallow hard.                           
Again, she could feel his touch ghosting over her, and her grip on her shirt tightened, knuckles turning light with the strain, her hands shaking with the force she used.                                                                                                            But then she felt another touch grace her. The same hands that had been placed on her previously with tenderness had once again fallen over her cheeks, turning her away from his sight, drawing all the attention back onto Quiet. 
‘Don’t look,’ Quiet thought with a tight frown, her thick lips pursed and eyebrows drown south. ‘Not him, he doesn’t deserve your eyes...’ She continued feeling her blood run hot, bubbling rage coursing through her veins. 
He was only alive to save (f/n),  to shield her eyes from the bloodshed she truly wanted to rain down,
‘I’ll sever his hands for touching you…                                                              And then his arms so he feels helpless...                                                             
I’ll take away his legs for the strain caused in yours when you tried to flee...     
His vermin tongue will be cut clean for taking your words of help and plea,  And finally, I'll dig a dagger through his throat, for ever trying to silence your beautiful voice.
- The beautiful voice that makes my heart race.
(F/n)... His life will be mine, just as he tried to force yours to belong to him. ’
Quiet’s soft peach lips planted over (f/n)’s forehead, feeling a tiny spark as she landed the kiss, gingerly caressing her with loving tenderness.
‘ I’ll keep you safe…’ She swore, withdrawing herself, standing up, and pulling the (e/c) eyed woman up alongside her.
‘I’ll watch over you...always (f/n), ’ She said to herself, unable to speak her words of promise, but with vowing to do so, and there wasn’t a power beyond her that could weaken the solemn oath.
       The brunette tucked a piece of dark hair behind her ear, a meaningless action done out of habit, of course, as the strong winds began to move her loose strands in a wild frenzy. Turning to the side, she set her gaze set to the floors of mother base,  the place she had begun to see as a home, A home she wanted to keep safe no matter the cost.
- A place where she had come to feel there existed something within her chest still worthy of being called human.
As she left off, holding onto the Chopper's side while their departure began, she looked down to catch a familiar face, one that smiled generously with all the light in the world, outclassing the rays of the sun in her own mind. 
(F/n) stood alongside the gathered soldiers, watching the chopper begin to ascend over the ground.
“Good luck!” She said out loud, waving a hand high in the air with excitement.
 She cried out the words of good fortune, but was drowned out the heavy sounds of the wind. Her voice didn’t reach any of the retreating personnel, not it’s pilot, nor big boss. 
It didn’t reach Quiet either, but simply seeing the sight of her lovely face no longer dulled with downheartedness was more precious than anything that could be said or heard.
“Ready for departure,” the Pequod pilot announced, and with a final look down to mother base, and more particularly, (f/n)’s sole figure, Quiet retreated inside the helicopter just before Venom closed the door to it. 
Silently, she sat on her usual seat, right behind the opposite seat to the pilot.
       V  looked over at her, noticing the off look she sported, the one of immersed thought and far off thinking with mild interest. 
He had spent enough time with her to catch certain mannerisms as well as sudden changes in her behavior and it was plainly obvious something about Quiet was starting to change. While initially, she had seemed rough cut, there were smooth edges of her to be revealed, slowly being discovered by himself and noted even by the other members of Diamond Dogs.
To him, she had no longer been the tag along stranger he had precautions with. Instead, she became his shadow, one that would move to his accordance, and sync with him.
She was his partner…
His companion ...
She suddenly looked back at him, blinking a couple of times with a tilt to her head, wondering just what was on his mind. 
She had suddenly pulled herself from her own pondering and daze, now attentive to him. But with a brief nod, he dismissed her concerned questioning. He opened up his idroid, looking over the details of the new assignment, and its acquired information. 
And all in all, it was just another day, all the same to him, but he wasn't quite sure that was something to be said for his female companion.
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