#plus more fics over time means more chances that one or two land in the plinko slots of my tastes lmao
no-psi-nan · 8 months
I always feel bad answering the fanfic question but I was already really picky with fics before (like... 2018 lol).
And then I entered a huge, prolific fandom where there was a deluge of fics written by people who've been writing for decades, so many that I literally could not keep up with how many great fics there were to read! Even in the nichest of niches!
And now I'm here and there's maybe a handful of fics I've truly enjoyed so I've had to write like 300k of fic myself. OTL
I'm just an Old Fan with extremely niche tastes, so it's probably more productive for the average fan to make a post in the general tag and so other people with more normal tastes can offer their top picks lmao.
Because all I can personally say when it comes to fic recommendations is "get in there and dig, and if there's nothing, then pick up a pen"! 🖊️
Or your thumb and a Google Doc on your phone lmao.
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luellasplanet · 7 months
crowded and confused. (aggie beever-jones & grace clinton)
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word count: 1k
this was one of the fics i wrote when i got drunk and i’ve tried to make it make sense but i really don’t think it does
on your first ever lioness u16 camp you were paired up to room with grace. your shy nature hindered your ability to make friends meaning you followed poor grace around like a lost puppy for the first four days of camp, before you properly started interacting with the rest of the team. much to the relief of the brunette, who could only handle a few days without interacting with everyone else before she lost her mind.
your friendship with aggie in the beginning was slightly more forced than yours and grace’s. due to you playing in a forward position it meant that you and the blonde were constantly having to work on both your off and on the field connection.
but once you had warmed up to the blonde you had spent the majority of your time during the youth group stages with her.
and then even more time with aggie when you moved from your grassroots club to chelsea shortly after that camp.
even four years later you and aggie remained close friends. the two of you had moved in together at the beginning of the 23/24 season following the end of your loan spells at your respective clubs.
during your champions league debut in the first half of the season you had gone down with a broken foot after landing awkwardly during a corner. which meant that you were bedridden for a few weeks before the doctor gave you the all clear to slowly get back to daily life.
the rhythmic four knocks, on your front door, that were repeated in a specific pattern, meant that you knew exactly who was at your door. “oh that’s gracie, i’ll go open for her.” but before you had the chance to stand up aggie was up to open the door, but not before gently pushing you back down onto the bar stool.
ever since you had gone down during the match aggie had been at your aid, offering hugs, food, water, hoodies, anything that you needed she was there within seconds. going with you to all your physio appointments and making sure to keep a close eye on you during gym sessions.
“oh! hey aggie wasn’t expecting to see you here, is y/n home?” slightly pushing past the blonde she made her way into the living room and kitchen area when she saw your crutches placed haphazardly against the couch.
grace had brought a gift basket full of chocolates, hot chocolate bombs, one of her hoodies and your favourite candles plus flowers.
“hey y/n/n, how are you feeling darling?” setting the basket down onto the chair that aggie was previously sitting on in order to have free hands to give you a hug.
aggie busied herself on the other side of the counter, quickly making herself a cup of tea before making her way into her room without even sparing a second glance at the two of you.
three hours later after catching up you and grace had arranged to go out for dinner next saturday so she could introduce you to some of her spurs teammates. “bye gracie, i’ll see you next weekend!” closing the front door softly before locking it and throwing the key onto the countertop.
throughout those three hours there was still no sight of your blonde roommate. after a very painfully slow walk upstairs and across the hallway you knocked on aggie’s door.
before you could even start talking she was already fussing over you walking upstairs by yourself. “you’ve been on your feet too much, you should sit down. you still aren’t allowed to put pressure on your foot properly.” dragging you over to her bed before sitting on it next to you.
the silence in the room was deafening but you mustered up the courage to ask where she had disappeared to. “wanna tell me why you vanished into thin air when gracie came to visit?”
you were met with radio silence. which had left you ever more confused than before. you convinced yourself that you were being ridiculous, aggie and grace were friends, always had been and always will be.
you had slotted in and turned the dynamic duo into the troublesome trio. always getting in trouble for goofing off during training and getting told that the three of you had to speak to more than just each other at camps.
but the disappearing act continued every time that grace came over aggie suddenly had twenty other things to do instead of hanging out with her ‘two best friends.’
same goes for grace. if you invited her anywhere and mentioned that aggie was going she suddenly had to rain check on the plan’s because ‘something came up.’
utter bullshit.
and anytime you could get them in a room together they sat on either side of you constantly trying to win your attention.
whether it was a hand on your thigh, an arm around the back of your chair or offering to do something for you.
it was exhausting. yet you didn’t know what to do, talking to them seemed the reasonable decision but being able to get them into a room together was the difficult part.
after many many feeble attempts to get them to talk to one another you turned to your teammates for help. millie and niamh had helped you realise that maybe both aggie and grace liked you more than just a friend.
but how could you choose just one of them?
there was aggie with her infectious smile and caring nature that made your heart flutter every time you were with her. but then there was also grace who had the best jokes and her constant need for physical affection had you swooning.
there was just no possible way that you could pick between the two.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
hellO IT IS I! First off I'd like to start by saying hi! I love your writings; you are my favorite long story writer, and I want to STEAL your creative abilities. Reading one of your series rn actually :D
Just wanted to say that before I tell you: if you aren't taking requests or something in this makes you uncomfortable to just discard. OKAY NOW I HAVE AN IDEA
It's another Miguel fic where reader is also spidey. She's actually one of the more techy ones! Imagine engineer from tf2 but not necessarily Texan and can make things so advanced they nearly trump Miguel's devices, plus she has her own office/shop in the society where she makes stuff for other spideys. Reader can make almost anything with enough time and materials. The funky part is: she's really clumsy. Not like "oh no I dropped this stack of papers" clumsy. I mean ENGINEER CLUMSY. She'll hit her head on things, fall, get hit real bad in battle, eat a not-fully-cooked chicken sandwich, and every time she gets back up like it was nothing because she has high constitution. I'm talking slung across a room in battle, Miguel is screaming her name in concern, and she just. Gets up. And brushes dust off her spidey suit. Or she'll be up somewhere, fall from really high, die for a sec, then get up like nothing happened and go on normally.
Thank you for hearing me, I bow my head to you. Apologies if this was too long. Respect to your efforts, and have a good day/night!
AHHHHH!!! I don't know if you'd believe it, but this is my first Miguel request 🤩!! I don't get a lot of requests, so I'm really happy to take them! It gives me a chance to practise my creative writing skills and also a boost whenever I have writer's block (which happens A LOT as you can probably tell by how up and down my posting is 😅).
Thank you for the compliments! I always get a little worried my writings are too long sometimes, but it's nice to know that people enjoy them!
Okay, so I'm not familiar with TF2, but I did a quick search and I hope I've gotten the general vibe of what you were imagining 🥺!
The engineer
ATSV Miguel × clumsy techie fem!reader
Warnings: None.
     She leaned over Miguel’s arm to sneak a peek at whatever he’d been working on beside her. “You know, if you re-wired this connection here and took these ones out completely, you could increase the charge while using less power.”
     He turned to her, an incredulous look on his face.  But she just smiled. 
     “Just try it,” she suggested calmly. “You can always change it back if it doesn’t work.”
     “Hmm.” She did have a point; he didn’t have anything to lose by giving it a go. He did as she said, taking out a few of the wires completely, then pulled the trigger on the taser. The end lit up with a spark stronger than it had ever done before and his eyes widened, impressed. “Wow. Good job, arañita.”
     She rolled her eyes, but kept the amused expression on her face. 
     “I’m not your mentee, Miguel.” She turned to face him, then gestured between the both of them. “We’re on the same level. Just say ‘thanks’. Don’t talk down to me like that.”
     She shrugged before returning her attention to her own gadget and Miguel raised his eyebrows: he’d only had people respond to him with anger, meeting him head to head and chastising him for what they perceived as his condescending tone. But she just corrected him like he simply hadn’t known any better. He turned back to his desk, suddenly keenly aware of her warm presence beside him, and the two settled back into their usual comfortable silence. 
     He walked into the cafeteria, unable to ignore his rumbling stomach any longer. But the lunch rush should have been over, so the area shouldn’t have been too crowded by then. His gaze landed on X, seated at a table with Ben, Jess and Peter, and his heart fluttered unexpectedly at the smile on her face. He pushed it down, not wanting to look into it, and walked over to the group. “What are we talking about?”
     She shifted over on her bench, giving Miguel enough space to squeeze in beside her, and her stomach flipped when she caught his now-familiar woodsy scent.  
     “X somehow ate a raw chicken sandwich yesterday and now she says she’s fine!” Ben ousted her immediately. 
     “It was undercooked!” X insisted. But her correction did nothing to ease the thoughts of salmonella that flooded Miguel’s mind. 
     “¡Arañita! You can’t do that! Why didn’t you just come here?!”
     X paused, caught off guard by the rare concern on his chiselled features. 
     “Oh. I was at work! But then I got to go home early.” She gave him a playful nudge, flashing him a conspiratorial smile, and Miguel felt his heart speed up again.
     “¡Arañita!” he scolded her, trying to maintain his hard expression. But she just continued to fix him with that adorable smile and all he found himself able to do was hang his head and sigh. “What are you having for dinner?”
     She twisted in her seat, swinging her leg over the bench to straddle it and face him fully. Miguel ignored the curious glances he noticed the others shooting them out of the corner of his eye and instead focused his attention on X. “Oh, I have some leftover pizza from … two nights ago? I think? So-”
     “You are not eating leftover pizza, X,” he warned her, folding his arms across his chest and scrunching his brows together in a serious expression. X felt her stomach tighten at the way his muscles pressed against his suit, then she glanced away, embarrassed.
     “Um, but …” What were they talking about again? Oh, right! Pizza! She lifted her gaze back to his. “But they’re serving cheeseburgers tonight!” 
     “But you always have your chicken patty,” Miguel pointed out, confused by her response. A few of the Spider’s had different food preferences to the others, so the kitchen staff always made sure to keep a stock of different ingredients.
     “They ran out,” X told him, hanging her head in disappointment.
     “Oh.” Miguel let his arms fall back to his sides, trying to come up with a solution to her predicament. “Well, we can … we can always go out … somewhere … with properly cooked food.” He crossed his arms again as he fixed her with a knowing look and her features broke into a smile. She hopped out of her seat, delighted, but remained standing by his side. 
     “Thanks, Miguel! I’ll meet you back here at seven!” She bent over to press a quick kiss to the side of his head, then ran off before he could process what had just happened. 
     “Uh, what just happened?” Ben asked when Miguel remained frozen in his seat, stunned into silence. Hobie’s lips curled into an amused smirk. 
     “I think boss-man here just asked X out,” he replied. “On a date.” He leaned forward in his seat, wiggling his brows to punctuate his point, and Miguel frowned. 
     “No, I …” He hadn’t asked her on a date. Had he? He’d never explicitly used the word, but … he had invited her to dinner. With him. Outside of work. Ay, mierda, had he just asked her out on a date? 
     Hobie laughed at how flustered the large man had become by the tiny little spider, then he started getting up from the table as well. 
     “Well, you might want to get yourself cleaned up first,” he suggested, nodding at Miguel’s scuffed up suit, the bruise on his cheekbone and the faint trail of stubble dotting his jaw. “I’m not sure if X is into the whole ‘I’ve been awake for the past seventy-two hours wrestling different lowlifes and creeps’ look.” Miguel huffed in irritation. 
     “She’s never-” ‘complained about it before’, was what he’d been about to say. But that would only make it sound like he cared what she thought about him - like he paid attention to what she thought about him. And then they’d only tease him even more about it being a date. He turned away from them, sniffing in offence. “It’s not a date.”
     Jess snickered at his petulant attitude, her features twisted into a knowing expression. 
     “Okay, but you still have to look presentable, right?” she pointed out. “You’re not just going to drag her to any random restaurant in your Spiderman suit, right? Especially if she’s going to be all nicely dressed up.” 
     His body heated up at the thought of her being ‘all nicely dressed up’. What would she wear? He’d never seen her in anything other than her Spidersuit before. But she had some really nice curves - curves he’d find his gaze lingering on for a little too long at times. He shook the thought away, pushing his feelings of excitement aside. 
     “Uh, yeah. Fine. Whatever.” He waved them off, then stood up, shifting in position hesitantly before he walked away. “Message me if you need anything.” He marched away before they could tease him anymore on the subject, but his stomach flipped at the thought of seeing her again later that night. 
     He walked into the workshop, searching for the small form of his- of X. 
     “¿Arañita?” he called into the room when he couldn’t find her. 
     “Workshop!” she yelled from under the table, not knowing whether or not he’d already guessed where she was. “Ugh, where’s my- Ow!” She stood up and rubbed her head where she’d hit it on the underside of the table. And ay, Dios, she looked so cute in her little black dress, her hair neatly done, her features prettily made up. She gave him a sheepish smile as she walked over to him and Miguel felt his heart beat a little faster at the sight. 
     “Sorry, I was just- Whoa!” Her eyes widened in fear as she slipped on her wrench - lying on the floor in front of her - but Miguel shot a web at her, catching her before she fell to the ground. He tugged her towards him, pulling her into his arms, then he huffed in irritation. 
     “Be careful, arañita!” he chastised her. “You’re always … You need to be more aware of your surroundings, X.”
     “Oh! I …” She trailed off, her mind going blank when she realised how close they were now. She took in his long, dark eyelashes, the flecks of gold in his copper-coloured irises, the tiny scar on his cupid’s bow. She swallowed hard as her gaze fixed itself on his lips and Miguel raised an eyebrow, confused by her silence. 
     “Huh?” She dragged her eyes back up to his, but her expression remained distracted as she looked up at him. “Oh! Sorry, I …”
     She curled up against his chest, suddenly shy, and his heart sped up as he realised how close they were now: her slender fingers brushing against his chest, her soft curves wrapped up in his arms, her silky hair tickling his neck. He released his hold on her, his body heating up at the feeling of her pressed up against him. Then he turned his gaze away from hers, unconsciously rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uh … Are you ready to go?”
     “Oh!” X turned back towards her desk and reached for her handbag. “Let me get my- Hey! I’ve been looking for this!” She picked her drill up off the floor and gave it a little rev to check that it still worked. She smiled when it did, then proceeded to begin shoving the machine into her bag. 
     “What …?” Miguel reached over to take the drill from her and place it down on her desk. Then he fixed her with an exasperated look. “You don’t need a drill on a date, arañita.” He froze when he realised that he’d just referred to it as a ‘date’, but X just grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
     “On the contrary, I think drilling is the perfect activity for a date, Miguel.” He sucked in a breath at her naughty suggestion, his fingers gripping her waist tightly, and she bit her lip at the feeling. 
     “Uh,” he stammered out, his voice hoarse from all the dirty thoughts running through his mind at the feeling of her brushing up against him again. “Let’s … I …”
     X snickered at his nervousness and stretched onto her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Let’s go, amor!” 
     She giggled at the word as she began making her way over to the door and Miguel felt his heart skip a beat as he followed after her. 
     “¡Arañita!” Miguel called to her, narrowly avoiding Doc Ock’s outstretched tentacle as he swung between the buildings. “Use your bubble gun thing!”
     “I’m trying, amor!” X yelled back, hitting her gadget from where she stood on a nearby balcony. “Ugh! I need …” She searched her surroundings, trying to find a tool she could use to un-jam the damn thing. Then she spotted the glint of a coin lying on the floor. She cheered at the sight, then swung off the balcony to go get it. But Doc Ock caught her just as she leapt off the edge, swinging his tentacle at her and smashing her into a wall. 
     “¡Arañita!” Miguel screamed, flying after her as she began falling to the ground. He caught her just before she hit the hard floor, then set her back down on her legs, wrapping her up tightly in his arms. “¡Querida! I told you to be more careful!” 
     X shook her head, disoriented by the hit. “I’ll … I’ll be more careful, Miguel. I need that coin!” 
     She pointed at the shimmering object and Miguel shot a web at it to pull it over them. X flashed him a sheepish smile as he handed it to her, vividly imagining the exasperated expression he was probably wearing beneath his mask right that second. “Oh, right.”
     “Hmm.” Miguel squeezed her hand before swinging himself back up into the air and slicing one of the villain’s tentacles off with the blades attached to his suit. X gulped at the way his lean body twirled and flew through the air, then she fixed her gun and took aim. 
     “Take that, you- What?!” She groaned as she found herself trapped in the mound of sticky bubbles that had shot out of the gun and right at her - she’d accidentally aimed it at herself instead. “Shit!” 
     Miguel turned to his girlfriend when he heard her screech of frustration, then he sighed and pressed a button on his watch. The bubbles slipped off her suit immediately, freeing her and leaving her in a confused state. 
     “What? How …?” 
     “I made some adjustments to your suit, cariño,” Miguel informed her, swinging over Doc Ock to slice off another of his tentacles. “Just as a precaution.”
     X gasped, horrified by the thought of someone messing with her stuff. “You what?! You touched my suit?!!”
     “Well, yeah!” Miguel responded quickly, not knowing what the big deal was - he’d touched her suit many times before already. And she’d never complained then. “I knew you'd somehow get yourself into a situation like this!”
     X huffed and folded her arms across her chest. What if he messed up all her codes? Or altered the layout of her suit in some way? What if she pressed a button to activate one of her gadgets and it did something else instead? Ugh! Now she'd have to go back and remake her entire suit! How inconsiderate of her boyfriend! Were boyfriends supposed to be this inconsiderate? Or was hers just especially nosy? “Now I'm gonna have to go back and remake my entire suit!”
     Miguel landed in front of her, his confusion obvious even through his mask. “What? Why?”
     “Because!” she exclaimed, aiming her gun at Doc Ock as he took another swing at her. “How do I know you didn't fiddle with one of my settings?!” She pressed the trigger and this time, she reached her intended target. Doc Ock twisted his neck around, trying to free his appendages from the mass of gelatinous goo. Miguel crossed his arms, amused by the cute little glare his girlfriend shot at him. 
     “Oh, you mean like how you always do with my stuff?” he pointed out. X’s jaw dropped at the accusation. 
     “W-What?” she stammered out. “I'm not ‘fiddling’! I'm ‘improving’ …” 
     She sniffed and gave a little pout, offended by his dismissal of her enhancing his gadgets as ‘fiddling’ with them. But could he be right? Was this how he felt whenever she started playing around with one of his gadgets? But that was just a gadget, not his entire suit! But maybe she hadn't been so considerate either. She bit her lip as she peeked up at him, picturing the smug smirk on his face. She sighed. “Fine. I'll stop-”
     “No,” Miguel interrupted her, making his way over to the struggling Doc Ock. “Don't even pretend like you aren't just gonna keep on messing with my stuff, arañita.”
     X narrowed her eyes at him and frowned as she followed behind. “You're so mean, Miguel.”
     He walked into the workshop just as his girlfriend handed one of the Peter’s back his web shooters. 
     “There! It should be as good as new. Better, even! But don’t tell Miguel.” She grinned mischievously and Miguel felt his heart flutter at the sight. Peter shot a few webs at the ceiling, testing out the repaired gadget, and his eyes widened with admiration. 
     “Whoa! That’s great! Thanks, X!”
     “No problem!” She waved at him as he left the room, then her features lit up when she saw Miguel walking over to her. She ran over to him and he swiftly webbed away a stray screwdriver before she could trip over it. He should really look into putting motion detectors on her tools or something - programme an alarm to go off every time she got too close to one of them. “¡Querido! ¿Qué tal, mi amor?”
     He wrapped her up in a hug as she slid her arms around his neck, then she pulled back slightly and stretched onto her toes to peck his lips. Miguel bent over, resting his forehead on hers, and narrowed his eyes. “Mmm. Better than mine, hmm?”
     His girlfriend giggled and Miguel’s lips stretched wider at the sound. He slid his hands down her back, stopping when he reached her ass, and X sank into his chest, leaning into his touch. 
     “Oh!” She straightened, suddenly remembering something. Miguel kept his hands glued to her waist as she bounced over to her desk and grabbed her tablet. 
     “So, I've been trying to be more aware of my surroundings - like you told me to?” She twisted around in his arms and glanced up from her tablet, a proud expression on her face. “And my accident rate has dropped by seventy six percent in the last three months!”
     Miguel grinned, not pointing out that that was the same amount of time that they’d been officially dating and that he’d gotten familiar enough with her quirks to anticipate her clumsiness. Instead, he tightened his grip around her, pulling her back into his chest so she had to crane her neck back to look up at him. “What about the other twenty four percent?”
     She laughed at the way he murmured it against her lips, his voice smooth and suggestive. Then she pressed her lips back to his and smiled. “No one can be completely free of accidents, Miguel. I'm only human. I'm not perfect.”
     “You're perfect to me, querida,” he retorted. X let out another soft giggle and stretched onto her toes to shower her boyfriend with soft kisses. 
     “And you to me, cariño.”
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A Workout to Repeat
Hello friends!
This request was originally sent to @mandos-mind-trick (which you should go check out their fics! They're one of my favourite writer on here!!) but as their requests are closed atm, I thought I would take a crack at the prompt!
Basically, you're in love with our resident muscle man Wrecker but don't want to risk your friendship with him. You're the Batch's medic so after patching Wrecker up, you need to let off some steam. So you head to the gym on Kamino after your latest mission... then smut ensues.
CW : PiV sex, oral (f! receiving), slight voyeurism, idiots in love, mutual pining
Word count: 3163
@anglfclulu this one's for you! I hope it's everything you wanted! Sorry about the wait dear!
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“Wrecker, I’m begging you to be more careful. This is the fifth time I’ve redone these stitches!” you complained.
As much as you loved the demolitions expert of Clone Force 99, he could be reckless at times. After your latest mission, Wrecker somehow got his bicep cut deeply into, so you had to stitch him up. You didn’t mind, truly! It was your job as the Batch’s medic to put them back together. It was just Wrecker had continually torn his stitches since you got back to Kamino. It wasn’t often you had shore leave and when you did, it was spent on Kamino. You were thankful for that. It gave you a chance to restock medical supplies on the Marauder, as well as restitch a certain Batcher in a clean, sterile environment.
You didn’t know why Wrecker continued to rip his stitches. It was impossible to you to think that he just wanted to see you. He didn’t like you like that, right?
“Oh, come on, mesh’la! It’s not that bad! You don’t mind stitching me up, do you?”
Rolling your eyes, you snipped the last stitch and started to put away the med kit. You would never admit that you were in love with Wrecker, so you acted annoyed, even if your stomach was fluttering with butterflies. You loved patching the giant up. It gave you a chance to feel the muscles underneath, to feel and wonder how easy he could lift you up; how easily he could pin you to a wall and ravish you endlessly.
Shaking your head to quell the rising arousal in your core, you gently shoved Wrecker, barely moving his arm in doing so.
“Doesn’t matter if I like it or not. Your arm won’t heal properly if you keep ripping the seam. I’d hate for you to be on medical leave because you got on infection,” you harumphed.
Wrecker stood up and flexed his arm, making sure the stitches were strong. Grinning when they didn’t rip, he stretched his arms above his head. Landing his arm above your head, he leaned over you, reminding you how small you were.
“Mesh’la! You know I’d never do that intentionally. Plus, I never mind coming to see you. I look forward to seeing you!”
“Careful Wrecker. You might set her off,” Crosshair teased, moving his toothpick from one side to the other.
You shot a glare the sniper’s way. Wrecker didn’t know about your feelings, and you wanted to keep it that way. You’d risk everything before risking your friendship with Wrecker.
Wrecker looked over to his brother in confusion. What did that mean? Set you off… in anger? Annoyance?
“Crosshair, shut your mouth and show me that leg of yours. I need to know nothings broken,” you snapped.
Wrecker moved away and towards his bunk, still confused about that interaction. He cared about you and hated when you got upset, especially if you were upset with him or his brothers. Maybe a nap would help him understand later.
Crosshair hissed in pain, hating how rough you were being. You clearly were mad at him, but force damn it you were rough. You never were rough unless you were ruthlessly upset with the boys and were mad that they could’ve died. You were very mad at his teasing about your feelings for Wrecker, but Crosshair was trying to move things along! You two had been dancing around for so long the crew was getting tired of your pining.
“Oh, did that hurt? I’m sorry Cross,” you said in a mocking tone. Nothing was broken, just a bit bruised and sprained.
“You really can be mean when you want to be ad’ika. I’m guessing my leg isn’t broken or else you wouldn’t be this rough.”
You looked up at him in frustration as you set bacta on his upper thigh and knee. “You know damn well I don’t want Wrecker knowing about my feelings. Why would you risk outing that?”
Chuckling, Crosshair grabbed another toothpick from his pouch. “Probably cause he likes you too di’kut. I’m trying to make things easier!”
“Kriff you asshole. He could be decommissioned and me fired if we were found out. I’m not risking his life.”
You slapped his leg and stormed away from the med bay. Only 10 more days of leave to go. This was going to be a rough week.
You needed to let off steam. It wasn’t fair how quickly Wrecker could get you hot and bothered. You excused yourself from the barracks, saying you needed to work off some access adrenaline after patching everyone up. There was only one place you could go for that: the training gym. Kamino kept a gym on base, just so soldiers could work their strength back up after a medical rest, but anyone was welcome to use it.
Walking up to the rack, you calculated the heaviest you could go without hurting yourself. Plus, no one else was around to spot so you had to be careful. The bar was already 44lbs, so you added two 25lbs on each side of the bar. You had intended to deadlift, to pull the bar up but after Wrecker got you flustered, you put the bar set at shoulder height. Stepping under, you adjusted your grip, braced your core and lats, and began your sets of squats. Anything lower body would help cool you down. Your muscles would be burning for a different reason than what you came in for. Anything to distract you from the lustful thoughts for Wrecker.
You were his medic, his friend. You shouldn’t be feeling this way. You felt so guilty. You never dared tell him your feelings, but you felt guilty, nonetheless. Every squat was deeper than the last, subconsciously punishing yourself for your attraction to your friend. You pushed and pushed until your legs were shaking and on the brink of failure. After 5 sets of 10 reps, you racked the bar for the final time. You cleaned it off before moving on. You spread your workout from push to pull. Legs to arms to core and back again. By the time you finished your 7th exercise, you had probably been in the gym close to two hours by now. You wiped down the assisted pullup and moved on.
You eventually moved on to the adductor press. You adjusted the machine, so the pads were the furthest apart. Spreading your legs, you sat the chair and set the weight at 60lbs. Your inner thigh burned at being used after so long of not working them, but you pulled the weight together, so your knees touched gently. It was almost enough to forget your feelings for Wrecker. It would’ve been enough, had the man not walked in himself!
Wrecker had been bored and had started to tease Tech and Crosshair, so much that Hunter told him to work off his excess energy with weights before Crosshair shot him. Shrugging it off, Wrecker joined you. He felt so much towards you, he just didn’t know what to say. He cared about you, probably more than what he should towards a fellow soldier. You were just so lovely. Your bravery, talents, kindness were all things that made Wrecker’s heart flutter. You were so delicate when applying stitches, taking the time and care to make sure everything felt and looked good. You were so natural in caring for others and fighting for what’s right came naturally to you.
One of the many things you loved about Wrecker, was his ability to listen. Too many times you’d caught yourself venting about Crosshair or fuming at Tech’s refusal for help. Hunter could only take so much noise, so you found yourself with Wrecker a lot. It wasn’t long when you started to develop feelings. Wrecker was similar. It didn’t take much for him to start liking you but then the liking turned into something more. Something that made his tummy tighten every time he saw you… like now.
Waving to you, he grabbed some 140lbs dumbbells and started lifting. You almost wanted to scream in frustration. You were sat in the most provocative of muscle assists, legs spread and had a front row seat to Wrecker working out. Kriffing hells. You could feel your cunt start to quiver, juices flowing onto your undies. You sat there frozen; legs spread wide. Your breathing quickened, breaths coming in short pants. Your mouth dried a little. You reached for your water but knocked it over. You could only watch as it rolled away.
Wrecker heard a noise and saw you leaning to the side to reach your fallen bottle. You looked flushed; more flushed than you should’ve after sitting down for a minute. He set his weights down, walked over and grabbed your bottle. Wrecker was a bit worried, you looked feverish. Perhaps you should’ve called quits and gone for a shower if you weren’t feeling well.
“You okay ad’ika? You look like you’ve worked too hard.”
You swallowed harshly, taking the bottle from his outstretched hand. “Uhm… yes. Yes, I’m fine Wrecker. Thank you.”
Wrecker took one more look at you before heading back to his bench. You said you were fine, but you certainly didn’t look it. In fact, he wasn’t sure you were even using the machine anymore. You were just sitting there like a stunned mullet, mouth slightly agape and eyes half lidded. He’d seen women give Crosshair and Hunter than same look after a mission or during a night out at 79’s but he’d been too distracted or drunk to notice if women gave him that look; but you were giving it to him now. He had an idea of what it meant as his brothers would go off for the night before returning to the ship, so Wrecker had a theory to test. He started lifting heavier, above his head and out to the sides, bulging his muscles more, giving you a little show.
You had started to slightly grind against your seat, certain that you had soaked through your leggings. He had to have been doing this on purpose, the bastard! You watched as he started to thrust the rack bar above his head, without breaking a sweat! He had to have added at least 200lbs onto the bar. Kriff, your plan to work out the arousal had failed. You needed to be fucked and soon. You were desperate for friction, to the point you didn’t care who saw. If a reg came in and took advantage, you’d thank them if Wrecker didn’t clock on first. You started to gently rub your clit over your leggings.
Wrecker slammed the bar on the rack. He may have known what he was doing to you, but he was still courteous to put his weights away. He stalked over to you, leaning on the machine next to you.
“So, mesh’la. Enjoying the show?” he said, giving the most shit eating grin.
You could only nod, biting your lip to prevent a moan from slipping out.
Smirking, Wrecker gently lifted you out of your seat. Your thighs had been open for a while and were probably sore from the adductor exercise. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him for dear life.
“Shall we continue our workout elsewhere, cyare?”
You finally allowed a moan to slip past your lips. “Yes, please!”
Wrecker carried you across the gym, into the freshers. He pulled away from your lips to briefly scan for anyone else before pulling you into a shower stall. To make it less suspicious, you turned the water on. One, to help your sore muscles, and two, make anyone who enters think you were just showering. Wrecker stripped himself quickly, leaving clothes on the floor.
You let your feet touch the fresher floor as you caressed Wrecker’s body. Every scar, every divot, you let your hands wander and linger to feel every part of his body. You stripped down fast, hanging your clothes on the stall door so anyone would think it was just Wrecker and some barrack bunny.
Wrecker did the same as you, gently letting his hands wander to your derriere where he squeezed and palmed, eliciting moans from your throat. You palmed his erection, wanting to give him as much pleasure as you could. He was big, which you knew to some extent, but you’d need prep to take him all. Which you wanted wholeheartedly; you’d take every thick inch of him.
Wrecker kissed you hard, lifting you up into his arms again. His fingers deftly travelled down to where you wanted friction. He circled your clit gently before venturing one finger into your puckering canal. You bit your lip to silence the moan threatening to release itself.
“Wait,” Wrecker murmured. “Are you sure? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
You smiled, tears threatening to come to the surface at his consideration. “Wrecker, I’ve wanted this for a while. I just didn’t want to risk getting you decommissioned. I want you and always have.”
Grinning ear to ear, Wrecker kissed you again. He didn’t put you down yet, but he did press you against the cold wall of the fresher now, so he had more leverage to rock into your hips. You felt his fingers leave your cunt, seemingly satisfied with the prep. He gently pushed into you, giving you time to adjust with every inch he gave. When he bottomed out, you both let out a moan at the feeling. You loved it, so much you started to squirm in his hands.
“Move, Wreck. Please. Please move!”  
He started to thrust up into you, watching every reaction. You seemed to enjoy harsher thrusts than faster ones, so Wrecker made sure to take his time with you. Deliberately thrusting in, he set a rhythm that was delicious and had you crying out. You could feel your breasts bounce up with every thrust, which you knew Wrecker loved. You knew he loved your breasts as he never stopped looking at them when you took your bindings off.
Wrecker loved the feeling of your pussy. You were warm and tight, and it felt like heaven to him. Your little moans and squeaks of pleasure were sounds he never wanted to stop hearing. He continued to thrust up into you, wanting you to finish before him. He could tell you were getting close as your pussy started to pulse involuntarily. Contracting and releasing as you bit his shoulder to cover your moan when you came. Your juices leaking slowly around his cock.
He set you down gently, kissing you once more before kneeling in front of you. He hooked one leg over his shoulder, licking and biting to where he wanted to be. Pressing a gentle kiss to your vulva, he licked you, delving his tongue into your waiting pussy. Hearing you moan was the greatest sound he could ever hear, better than any explosion he ever set off. He wanted to hear more, and he was gonna pull them out of you.
Wrecker started to eat you out like a man starved, sucking every drop of arousal out of your cunt. Swirling his tongue around your clit, he moaned into your vulva, sending vibrations up your spine. You both had waited so long for this, and it was finally happening.
Until Wrecker froze at the sound of the fresher doors opening. You heard some regs come in from training and covered your mouth to silence your moans. You thanked the Maker there were stall doors for the female staff to hide themselves so the men wouldn’t ogle. You weren’t one to shy away due to modesty, but you certainly did not want to be caught by regs.  
Wrecker lifted you up again with ease to hide you from being seen, wanting to save you from embarrassment. He was used to being bullied by regs, but you didn’t deserve that treatment.
“Oi, defect! Why’re you hiding in a stall? You embarrassed about your size?” a reg sneered.
They had obviously seen Wrecker but not you.
Not wanting to hear anymore quips from them, you moved your hand away from your mouth. Wrecker raised a brow in question before smother a laugh as you moaned as loud as you could with a smirk on your lips.
“Kriff Wrecker! You’re so big! I kriffing love being your barrack bunny! Fuck me harder baby!” you cried, pitching your voice higher than normal so you wouldn’t be found out.
It wasn’t often you swore like that, but Wrecker would make it his goal to hear it more. His hand hadn’t stopped stretching and prepping you, so he was able to slip in easily with your wetness. You released a wanton moan so sinful; Wrecker knew the regs had a hard on.
“Sorry lads, couldn’t hear you over my plaything!” Wrecker taunted. “What were you saying?”
“Come on! At least give us a turn when you’re done with her!”
Wrecker grimaced when you clenched around him as a tease. “No way! She’s mine and mine alone.” He kissed your earlobe before whispering to you, “And I’m hers. I belong to her.”
You cried out in pleasure, shivers sent down your spine as he rocked into you gently. Hips giving you the friction you desired. You met every thrust with one of your own, clawing at his shoulders, wanting more of him.
You barely registered the regs finishing up and leaving to find their own bunnies as you approached your high. You never thought the aspect of being caught would spice it up for you but as Wrecker thrusted harder and faster into your desperate pussy, you knew you’d be a little more daring in the future.
“Cyare, I’m close. Where?”
You tightened your legs around his waist. “Inside me. Please! Cum inside me!”
Your second high was approaching and feeling his cum shoot into your warm cunt, was the push you needed to finish too.  Your breathes intermingled, foreheads touching letting the other enjoy the closeness.
“Dear gods, please let that happen again.” Wrecker mumbled into your neck.
Laughing you agreed before kissing him again. In blissful silence, you finished showering and dressing together before walking back to the barracks hand in hand. You were smiling and telling jokes as you felt something hit your head.
Lula landed in front of your feet from Crosshair’s throw. Wrecker picked her up and hugged Lula close before handing her to you. Tech looked up from his little tinkering station, noting your changed attitudes and calmer demeanor. Something changed between you two and Tech knew, even without Hunter’s advanced senses.
“So, you finally fucked then?” Hunter mused, smelling the sex on you two, even after your shower.
You smiled as Wrecker flopped into his bunk, not wanting to reveal yourselves too quickly. Wrecker had other plans.
“Yup! Guess you were right boys! Should’ve just told her months ago!”
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Hopefully it's everything you wanted darling!
Requests are happily accepted and constructive criticism is welcome!
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vacantgodling · 10 months
Genji Shimada, for the send a random character headcanon asks?
(I'm only on the second chapter of Cage, so sorry if you mentioned this info later)
(haha no worries i don’t really mention any of my “specific” headcanons in this story cuz i’m more worried about the plot lol—but thank you for reading actually i’m touched 🥺🥺)
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual or pansexual — perhaps gray or demiromantic cuz before cyborg-ness i can’t see him wanting to be tied down to anything, after cyborg-ness i feel like finding someone he can connect with on a deep level due to this whole situation is more precedent for him wanting to be with someone. he’s down to fuck tho; maybe a little less eagerly than before but in general he’s dtf in my mind lol
Gender Headcanon: cis boyo but i feel like being a cyborg does like. affect how he feels about himself generally so i’d almost lean into calling him slightly nb because of that, if that makes sense
A ship I have with said character: for genji i have varying ships but the two most prominent tend to be genji/baptiste or genji/lucio. neither of them appear in cage properly but in a different fic that’s on hiatus, storm chasers, he and bap are a thing (i also just ship bap with a lot of people LMAO)
A BROTP I have with said character: him and cassidy! from canon they technically have a more ambiguous relationship. it’s said that genji didn’t communicate with other blackwatch members after he went into regular overwatch (so this would include cassidy), however i Highly Doubt that the two of them would’ve had a completely terrible relationship the entire time he was in blackwatch. plus, with the recall i feel like it’d be a chance for them to sort of reminisce about the bullshit. so idk—in my mind they’re better friends than canon maybe wants them to be but just because they’re best friends (to me) doesn’t mean they don’t butt heads.
to expand on this, i feel like cass is the only person genji can be completely candid with. with zenyatta he’s focused on healing and being a better person and being one with himself (with occasional teasing), he and angela have a complicated relationship (**to me), and he’s not very talkative towards other people now that he’s older (and he’s much more serious). i feel like cass would be able to break down a lot of his barriers and they’d appreciate each other’s dry sense of humor and in some ways they hold each other accountable to things.
this was a whole rant and a half but their bro-hood means a lot to me.
A NOTP I have with said character: gen/cy. i don’t ship anyone with mercy (for the most part. i’d really have to think if i wanted to ship someone with her but idc that much) but i specifically hate this ship because like. idk. it’s the doctor/patient power dynamic that i don’t like. like she knows his cybernetics, she built him and saved his life and i just feel like that uneven ground to start a relationship at all. i feel like in general, the canon and most people don’t develop angela enough and i feel like she’s kind of an overbearing type but also extremely certain and stubborn of her own morals and values and kind of thinks she’s right over everyone else. i feel like at a certain point she and genji wouldn’t be able to connect or relate to one another—between him wanting to reconnect with hanzo, to finding enlightenment with zen etc etc. so like idk i feel like people who ship this are kind of in a fantasy land where the characters are just perfect and happy and don’t actually like. take into account potential friction.
plus the savior complex is just 🤢
A random headcanon: it’s small but i don’t think genji likes sweets. i got hella headcanons about his tastebuds and how they don’t work (which does show up in cage—chapter 5 i believe). but i think it’s funny the juxtaposition how genji is viewed as more of the sweet/open/fun brother but his tastes are more umami and bitter, but hanzo is seen as more cold/standoffish/mean but he really likes sweets :3
General Opinion over said character: it’s thanks to @valeffelees that i actually have a more nuanced opinion of genji. ngl i used to HAAATE him back when i first got into overwatch because the fandom was so hostile towards hanzo and hanzo is my fucking blorbo so that it irritated me that genji got preferred treatment. however, these days, i don’t think you can have one without the other and i think he’s a really deep and interesting character that people don’t actually put effort into exploring. like even though cage is about han and cassidy it’s also VERY MUCH about genji and putting some goddamn effort into exploring him and his emotions in a way that i’m satisfied with
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angelplummie · 3 years
Okay so like for starterssssss, I love getting represented as a chubby gal 🥺🥺 so I love you for writing that last Oikawa imagineeeee 😩😩😩
Soooo, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader that really likes Kuroo, (and he’s like a super cliché bad boy🤰🏽) but he’s too embarrassed to be seen with Y/n. So she starts to hit on his friend or try to make him jealous. (I want you to add your own little idea here! But likeee, make her a baddie 😘😘)
Thanks baby 😚
Angsty?? kinda, a pinch of suggestive stuff
post girlboss was referring to
a/n:i decided to go for emo / anger issues / definitely has punched a hole in his wall kuroo, just cuz i love writing losers, and i love seeing grown men cry. reader is like 20/21 just like college age yk, kuroo is 23 as stated in fic. p.s where my artic monkey hoes at
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex n specific sexual acts, suggestive stuff, uhhh bad boy but he’s not a (bad boy) he’s just a (bad) (boy) he’s just no good, like no fr never date guys like this, he may SEEM COOL and give you the dick but girl you will be so embarrassed once u realised u gave up the kitty for a man that genuinely believes tame impala and mac demarco are unheard of and calls himself an empath even though he’s mean to his mum every time she comes over to help with the laundry and has manipulated every girl he’s ever been in the vicinity of but i digress! on with the story!
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“Kuroo-!” you yelped in surprised, bed bouncing beneath you. The second he had thrown you down, he ripped off his shirt and made a noise of frustration when he couldn’t shed his skinny jeans fast enough. Brows furrowed, he began hopping furiously to yank them off.
You laughed, much to his annoyance.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep up with that. What’s the rush?”
He sighed, and carefully pulled them off his ankles. Standing up straight, he seemed to have composed himself, with that cocky smirk on his rugged face. Your eyes trailed down his lean, long body. It was all you could do not to scream, he was so gorgeous. He took a few sweeping steps to where you lay, and got right on top of you, hands either side of your head. His eyes bore into you, it made you squirm internally, not that you would ever admit it.
“Just want you so bad, kitten.”
You barked out a laugh as if your heart didn’t jolt at his stupid pet name. It was such a stupid name, but coming from him it made you melt. Again, not like you’d ever admit it.
“Ew, Tetsu don’t call me kitten, it’s cr-“
He cut you off by leaning down and kissing you, you could feel his snake bites against your bottom lip. He groaned softly, shoving his tongue down your throat. He tasted like his sour apple vape, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through it. You could barely contain your butterflies, eyes squeezed closed.
“Come on babe, you know you like it.”
No matter how many times you and Kuroo hung out, it always felt so fresh. Maybe it was because he was exciting, or because he was a little bit wild, you didn’t know.
He leaned down closer to you, getting on his elbows, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smirked at your breathlessness. With a slender, ring adorned hand, he reached beneath your top and cupped your tits over your bra. He gave them a sharp squeeze and started placing chaste kisses on your neck. He was considerate like that, didn’t leave hickeys because he knew they’d be hard to cover for you. He groaned as he jiggled the fat of your boobs in his hands,
“God, you have the nicest tits, babe.”
You had been dating for nearly 3 months now, if that was what it was. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you were. You hang out all the time at his or your place, there was rarely a time when you didn’t have an ache between your legs, one way or another. He didn’t really take you on ‘dates’ but chatting to him was fun in itself, you didn’t need to go out to do that. He didn’t necessarily say romantic stuff either... but he didn’t not say romantic stuff either? He beat up your ex at a party one time! That had to mean something right? He exactly wouldn’t tell you how he felt but he showed you, kissing your cheek or tilting your chin up to look at him or kissing your neck or feeling you up. But that usually led to sex, so you couldn’t be certain. It wasn’t like you only screwed though, you watched your favourite movies together... although the last couple times he just started fingering you. You showed him your playlists? No no, he showed you his playlists, his sex playlists. There seemed to be a common theme here. But... there were times, afterwards, when he would pull in you so tight, tell you how good you were for him, how well you did, how pretty you looked. Any doubts you had were gone after a few hushed words on his tobacco reeking rickety old bed. You’d never really had a relationship like this before, but you assumed it was just because Kuroo was so chill. You were probably boyfriend and girlfriend, he just didn’t feel the need to announce it, he was laidback like that. So what if you guys had a lot of sex? Weren’t you a new couple? Wasn’t this just the honeymoon stage were you can’t get your hands off each other? You didn’t want to seem high maintenance and nag, so you let it be. He was sweet enough to you, right now everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
A clatter sounded downstairs, the door slamming open against the hallway wall.
“Kuroo! Hey man, I brought some California!”, a voice called from bellow.
Kuroo broke away immediately, spit trailing from your neck to his pink lips.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Kuroo mumbled, pushing off the bed and scrambling the pick up his discarded clothes and shove them back on.
You sat up, disgruntled, rearranging your bra strap from were he’d kneaded at it.
“What’s wrong? Who is that?”
He shot you a glance before continuing to yank back on his jeans.
“Uh, so change of plan, I can’t do tonight. I need you to go home. Discreetly.”
“What? Tetsu, I’m already here,” you scoffed.
What was going on?
Why was he acting like this?
You had never seen him so... frantic.
“I know babe, and I’m really sorry about that, but my friends are here early than I said.”
“So? Can’t I meet your friends?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, just let out an exasperated breath, zipping up his fly.
“Well, yeah you can meet them, just not with me. I don’t want them knowing that I-“
He cut himself off, but you had heard enough to understand.
There was a beat of silence, only disturbed by Kuroo’s friends calling for him.
Your mouth hung open, and you scoffed in shock.
You shouldn’t be surprised really. It’s so obvious now that you think about it. So that’s what this was. That explains everything. He didn’t really like you, he was just using you. That’s why he didn’t take you anywhere, or why he didn’t show you he cared. It was because he didn’t. He wasn’t “afraid of getting close to people” or “emotionally distant”, he was just upfront about not giving two shits about you aside from your vagina. I guess he didn’t want his friends to know he was furiously screwing a fat girl any chance he got. He was embarrassed of you. You were something to be ashamed of. Your stomach jerked as you got to your feet. You were pissed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t really hurt. You had liked him. A lot.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You could see the panic in his eyes, it was quite funny actually. Of course you new what it meant, but it still made you feel a little better to watch his eyes widen like that, to hold a shred of power over him.
“I mean- well I didn’t- come on babe you know I didn’t mean it like that-“ he laughed nervously, not noticing the footsteps in the landing. You rolled your eyes. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren’t going to fall for his shit again. Whatever he spouted.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Just say it, your embarrassed of me.”
“Y/N, please, don’t you think-“
Two men burst through the door, one with spiked grey hair and one with fluffy black hair.
“Kuroo! What the hell are you doing up here we’ve been-“ the grey haired one, stopped when his eyes went from a shirtless Kuroo to you.
Your eyes flickered to Kuroo, he looked mortified.
“Ah. I see. Well, Akaashi, we better give these two some time, we can just-“
“Oh no, I was just leaving,” you grabbed your jacket from on top of his chest of drawers and turned back to the two men, putting on a big smile, adrenaline and fury spurring you on.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Your eyes shot to Kuroo, who looking like get was about to shit himself.
“You probably haven’t heard of me, me and Kuroo have actually been having sex for three months. He kept it a secret because he’s embarrassed of me. We should hang out soon though!”
“Y/N-!” Kuroo yelled, exasperation clear in his tone, but you were already descending the stairs.
He came into the hall, hands rubbing his temples.
“Y/N just come talk for a second, I can-“
But he was cut off by the door slamming.
You got in your car parked outside and sped away.
The whir of the engine and the monotony of the roads cleared your mind a bit, a mist of anger still remaining.
You can’t believe you let yourself be tricked. you were a fully grown woman, but you had been reeled in hook, line and sinker. Not only had you been reeled in, you have been reeled in by a man that still had tik tok LED lights in his room and a fucking monster can collection at the age of 24 fucking years old. The more you thought about him, the more you realised how much of an emo loser he was. Of course you were still hurting, but it was more of the angry hurt you feel when it turns out your crush is homophobic or something (been there done that, don’t ask). He was a waste of oxygen, you had decided by the time you made it back to your apartment. A waste of perfectly good space that could most definitely not get the kitty anymore. You got inside your house, pulled on some comfies and got on facetime with your friends.You told them all about what happened, and they passionately bitched about him with you, confirming your suspicion that they never liked him in the first place. They also told you to forget about his existence, he wasn’t worth a slither of your brain power, he was dirt compared to you. All in all, you felt marginally better, saying goodbye to your friends while they still giggled about how stupid Kuroo’s hair was.
This was just a speed bump, you thought as you tucked yourself into bed, you would get over this.
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“Who’s Bokuto been talking to all night?” Yamamoto leaned over to ask Lev, shouting over the blaring music.
It was a week after you had thrown Kuroo to the curb, and he was out with a couple of volleyball friends, some from Nekoma, but there was also Bokuto with them.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s Y/N something? She’s in class. She’s pretty chill.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up, and he turned around to face his friends up against the bar.
“Bokuto’s talking to who?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N. She goes to my-“
“I know who Y/N is,” kuroo snapped, taking a swig of the beer in his hand and scanning the dance floor for either one of you. He found bokuto first, shoulder against the wall, holding a drink as he leant down to have you whisper something in his ear. That’s when Kuroo paid attention to you. You looked... you looked gorgeous. He felt jealousy creep up inside him. How many times had you been out looking like that since you broke things off? How many guys had you slept with since? How dare Bokuto chat you up when he knew you two had been a thing? Wasn’t he meant to be Kuroo’s friend? As Kuroo wound himself up, you and bokuto continued your extremely pleasant conversation.
“I just wanna say, sorry about Kuroo. He’s a real bonehead, but we’ve been friends since high school so I can’t ditch him.”
You snorted into your cocktail.
He frowned and straightened up indignantly.
“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with bonehead?”
“No no, nothing, it’s just very Legally Blonde.”
He beamed down at you.
“I love Legally Blonde!”
“You do? Me too!”
This big beefy man was very cute, you had been talking for nearly three hours now, but you never ran out of things to say. And, aside from the obligatory introduction compliments, he had not made any move to try and get you into a wendy’s bathroom as quick as possible, which you couldn’t say of yours and kuroo’s first meeting.
He had dreamy eyes, you noted as he smiled for the nth time that night.
“Whose your favourite-?”
“What the fuck are you doing man?”
You glanced scathingly over to the familiar face of your old fling.
“What?” Bokuto asked back, clearly done with his friends bad boy shtick.
“Why are you talking to her when... when you know?”
“What’s there to know? I’m talking to her because I want to, and she wants to.”
He looked over to you for approval.
You nodded, a little nervous. You hated Kuroo’s guts, but you knew how weirdly possessive he was, you didn’t wanna cause trouble for Bokuto.
“See? Now I don’t think she wants to see you, right?”
He looked at you again. You nodded again.
“Ok? You guys are over, now are we done?”
Kuroo huffed. His eyes flitted from Bokuto to you, remembering you were there most likely, and he scowled.
“No, we aren’t done, what are you trying to pull anyway? Trying to piss me off by talking to someone I know? Are you really that petty? Well, your little plan is working, so just-just stop, ok?”
You felt like screaming. You had just come out here to have a nice time, not listen to Kuroo’s narcissistic whining.
“Can you just fuck off? Was I not clear enough or something? You’re dead to me, Kuroo. I’m just trying to have a nice night.”
Kuroo’s mouth gaped open. He had never been spoken to like that, never. He clenched his fists at his sides and his glare intensified.
“You’re lucky I gave you the time of day, fat ugly slut.”
He grabbed Bokuto’s shoulder roughly, turning him to face him completely.
“Hey man, thanks for clearing up my sloppy seconds, really good of you. Good to know I’ve got great friends like you.”
Those were the last things out of Kuroo’s mouth before bokuto landed a punch on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re a fucking asshole man,” Bokuto grunted.
He stepped over where Kuroo lay, and held out a hand for you to step over too. You took it quietly and trailed along behind him to the door, fingers still locked. His hands were warm, and big. Kuroo’s face must hurt right now. The thought made you smile. He held the door open for you before sighing, resting his back against the wall. You stood in front of him, twiddling with your fingers.
“I am so sorry about that,” You apologised, embarrassed and shaken by the scene Kuroo had made, “I shouldn’t have wound him up, and I shouldn’t have talked to you after I knew you guys were friends, I promise I didn’t mean to start anything.”
“Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry for not making him leave right away. And either way,” he gently reached for your hand again, and you let him take it,”I’m glad you talked to me. I’d like it if you talked to me even more.”
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DISCLAIMER FOR KUROO STANS!!!! I DONT THINK HIS HAIR IS STUPID!!! it’s just when ur bestie is going thru a break up or anything entailing a male you shit talk everything about him to high hell, doesn’t matter if he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. also i have no ill will towards kuroo nor any of the characters i write shit bag fan fics about i just like to complain any way i hope you enjoyed! reblogs and replies always appreciated!!!
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reveluving · 2 years
all i got ; stephen holder x reader
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summary: slow & steady progression earns Stephen the greatest gift of all.
warnings: fluff, minor angst (mentions of death, violence, injuries & drugs)
a/n: from this ask! this coincidentally became a prequel to my other Stephen fic, though you're free to read it on its own too! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» from this prompt , or check out my m.list!
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'you weren't just saving someone's cat or dog, you were also saving his life,' ;
Life hasn’t been so nice to Stephen, that much he knew. His inner self would constantly nag about whatever progress he’s done was nothing to be praised for. A harsh one, but considering his upbringing and how it really did a number on him, it made sense, no?
That didn’t mean there weren’t good times either.
Rare, but very meaningful.
Moments which helped him to keep moving forward.
Holding his nephew when he was just a baby, his first time being clean for six months, and landing a position in the Narcotics Department were only a few, if not the only memorable moments he kept dearly.
But, nothing could ever compare when he met you.
It happened by chance, actually. He never knew of the neighbourhood’s veterinary clinic until a case involving canines — dogfighting, to be exact. Pretty low for a bunch of people to risk the lives of animals for their own benefit but at this point, he wasn’t surprised. He, himself, was in theirs, minus the dogfighting, obviously, so who was he to have a say in it? Though it wasn’t supposed to be a part of their field, they were the only once available at the time, too.
From Akita Inu’s to Pitbull Terriers, he and Sarah managed to crack the code, saving over twenty-plus injured dogs before being sent to the animal clinic nearby. He and his partner were pretty much done, but considering how they had to juggle between this and another case, plus the lieutenant extending their weekend by giving them an extra day off, then why not, they thought.
Plus, the clinic was connected to an animal shelter, so what better way to end a stressful day other than to surround themselves with a bunch of cute animals? So, they tagged along, and thank goodness they did.
Considering the small number of staff, the clinic had to seek help from the shelter as well, and that’s where you came in. He initially thought you were a receptionist or caretaker like the rest of the new faces that just came in until he caught sight of the small embroidery on the lab coat you carried.
Dr. (Y/N) (L/N).
You had completed your shift, nearly stepping out of the place when an assistant came rushing in and filled you in on the situation.
“Hate to break it to you, doc, but I know nothin’ about treatin’ animals,” He chuckled, almost out of embarrassment  — was he feeling so because he feared he might not know what he’s doing, although he had no reason to?
That had to be it, right?
“No worries,” You reassured with a wave of your hand, “I’ll guide you two, and it’s nothing tedious, I promise,”
You kept your word, dealing with the more-serious parts while guiding Stephen and Sarah on easier tasks like treating minor wounds with pet-safe soaps or ointments. Sarah didn’t talk much but you noticed she wasn’t being rude on purpose, she just really wanted to help those dogs and did what you told meticulously. That’s not to say Stephen didn’t care as much, but he did most of the ice-breaking.
Not that he needed to, but that only seemed respectful, right?
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Sarah was also listening in on the conversation, watching how Stephen wasn’t only talking because, well, that’s so like him to do so, but he really did seem like he wanted to get to know more about you.
“I really appreciate you two for helping out,” You thanked the two, escorting them to the entrance once everything was done, “Had it been otherwise, I probably would’ve needed to stay here for another hour or so, and for finding them, too. I wouldn't have expected that we’d have a community into dogfighting around here,”
“It was nothin’, doc,” He shrugged, “Just glad we found them before those assholes could do any more damage,”
“And I thank you for that, both of you,” You smiled, eyes crinkling up that, dare he say, practically lit up the room. Even Sarah’s lips upturned — guess she was feeling your good vibes, too, “You guys are more than welcome to come and visit, and, if you’re up for it, maybe you’ll have a new friend to take home with you?”
“Eh, I’m already on my landlord’s nerves but… I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” You and Stephen shared a small laugh, feeling fuzzy on the inside before clearing his throat, “You… sure you’re alright doin’ whatever you need alone? It’s like, two in the morning,”
“I’m sure,” You gave them an ‘okay’ hand gesture, “Just need to report to the higher-ups about the conditions and I don’t live too far from here either. Plus, you two look like you need sleep immediately,” They did seem beat, but they didn’t regret coming here, though. So, they took their leave, and Stephen knew gears were turning in Sarah’s head.
“Alright, Linden, what’s up with you?” Confront or be confronted, they were going to yield the same results anyway.
“Never seen you that eager in making friends before,” She began nonchalantly but Stephen didn’t miss the little smile she was failing to hide.
“I make friends all the time,” He defended himself, only for Sarah to laugh in disbelief.
“Bullshit, you couldn’t even look at her in the eye for more than a couple of seconds!” True — normally he didn’t have a problem staring into someone’s soul, mostly for interrogation but that was beside the point. Instead, he groaned before throwing the cars at her when they reached the parking area.
“You drive,” He knew he was practically admitting defeat for dropping the subject but even he didn’t know what he was trying to do back there. That, or he was trying not to acknowledge it.
Even during the drive, Sarah would catch him smiling at the thought once in a while.
Who knew you and Stephen would end up being together just months after?
Well, Sarah, for one.
Stephen dropped by the animal shelter weeks after — I’m just here to see that cute lil’ pup with the floppy ear, he’d constantly remind himself. But, he knew better, and to top it all off, you were the one behind the counter the day he came to visit. Turns out, you were only a part-time veterinarian in the shelter. The full-time worker so–happened to be on leave when Stephen and Sarah came with the dogs. So, other than treating injuries, you fostered animals often, but funnily enough, mostly felines.
What began as a normal visit, with ‘no particular reason’ other than to coo at animals, soon bloomed into something more. Stephen practically stayed for hours and it still felt too short.
He didn’t leave the shelter with a fluffy friend, obviously, but he did have your number.
A better outcome, if you asked him, and the days only became brighter from then on.
But, it wasn’t until one night, Stephen truly let his walls down with a single phrase.
The case he had settled not only a couple of months but he was sure it took just a hint of his happiness as well. The victim, in particular, reminded him so much of himself. Stephen had only managed to speak to the teen for a few hours for questioning, only to find out he died days after. Other than his dirty blonde hair and hard-boiled personality, it was the way he spoke about himself that hit too close to home.
“Things were getting too hard for me to handle,” The boy sobbed, “Oh… oh shit, and Tara…”
“Tara?” Stephen asked, passing him the box of tissues next to him.
“M-my girlfriend,” He blew his nose before continuing, “S-she’s the only one who’s kept me grounded… Helped me stay clean for a while but now…” You couldn’t, Stephen finished the sentence in his head — he knew this all too well.
Ever since then, Stephen had this strong urge to find the culprit before it was too late. That same week, he was haunted by the fear on the boy’s face.
“I… I don’t wanna die, Mr Holder…”
Nothing could have prepared him for the news of his death just days before Stephen found the bastard of a mastermind.
Sarah had texted you about Stephen’s behaviour as a heads-up and though she told you what happened, Stephen never brought it up about it to you. 
He feared doing so.
So, even when the case was closed, he didn't feel like justice was served at all. The kid died, not knowing the drug dealer was caught, so he felt like he failed. Thankfully, Sarah drove him to your house, thankful that he didn’t protest. She, too, was mentally affected by the whole ordeal but she knew Stephen felt it on a whole other level. Sarah watched in pity as Stephen even struggled to pull the extra house keys you gave him out of his back pocket.
She could only pray your presence alone would be more than enough to keep Stephen at bay.
He wasn’t surprised to find the house silent, it was past midnight. He suddenly wasn’t sure why he didn’t tell his partner to send him home instead — he didn’t want to bother you with the shit happening at work, let alone his own problems. Not like you didn’t know what he did back then, he told you his entire story about a month ago but only because he felt comfortable sharing after you told him about yours.
Then again, being alone didn't seem like an option at the moment. He didn’t even want to think about what he’d do in order to distract himself.
Thus, he tiptoed to your room.
He wasn’t sure whether to feel glad or disappointed to see you asleep but didn’t pay too much mind on it and proceeded to change out of his clothes for comfortable ones. He tried not to make too much noise and he would’ve succeeded until he tried shuffling himself under the sheets, only for you to stir at the movements.
“Stephen?” You yawned.
“Heeey, mama, I uh, sorry for wakin’ you up. Work’s been…” He paused, “Nevermind. C’mon, give me a cuddle so we can get some shut-eye,” You’ve noticed how he was forcing his lightheartedness by now but didn’t protest when he wrapped his arms around you. His warmth was so soothing and though you were tempted to pass out yet again, he didn’t seem like he was going to sleep anytime soon.
You knew something was going on in his mind.
“Stephen,” He gave you a hum, “You know you can tell me anything, right? On your account, of course, but I’m all ears,” You took his silence as an opportunity to continue, “You had me worried for the past couple of weeks,”
Though he’d come to see you whenever he had the time, he seemed distracted, alarmed even. The only form of updates you’d get were texts from Sarah, with her knowing Stephen would’ve been too distracted or if she had to guess, scared to tell you — to drag you in his personal problems.
“I know,” He muttered, staring at the wall behind you, “I just… This is all I need right now,”
He knew he’d tell you eventually, but he didn’t have the energy to even think about it. Just thinking that the boy could’ve been him all those years ago was enough to drain everything in him. He needed you.
“Okay,” You lightly ran your fingers across his chin, down to his lightly-toned chest.
“I’m so proud of you,” His breath hitched, suddenly finding it hard to keep it together when you continued, “I know you did your very best, sweetheart. Not everyone’s willing to do the things you do, y’know? Takes a lot of guts and strength,”
Mental strength, especially.
He tightened his jaw, slowly nodding against the top of your hair in gratitude.
“Thank you,” He murmured, finally visibly relaxing when you stroked his back ever so gently. None of you peeped a word, giving him the time in the world to regulate his mind, heart and occasionally, the sniffles.
“So…” You drawled, “The shelter found a senior cat today, he reminds me of you,”
“Why, ‘cause I’m old?” You gaped at him, not meaning your sentence that way and earned yourself his soft laugh. Either way, you were glad he’s somewhat better, “I’m just kiddin’, princess. What’s it ‘bout the lil’ guy that reminded you of me?”
“Well, he kinda looks like you,” He snorted, “I’m serious! I’ve never seen a cat look so much like you until Lucas came in,”
“Lucas, huh?” He asked, “You takin’ him in soon?”
“No, I’ll be fostering a mama cat and her kittens first,”
“Kittens? Princess, the kittens you brought in last time didn’t even wanna come out from under the couch whenever I stopped by,” He wasn’t trying to stop you obviously, but he just found it pretty funny. Understandable, he had quite the height, after all.
“Well… you might find your luck with Betty and her babies?” You giggled, “But, I’ll look into Lucas, too. The staff told me he was a big grump — hissing and scratching anyone who just wanted to give him a treat,”
“But?” He felt like there was a ‘but’ somewhere.
“Okay, so, when I needed to check up on him for ear mites, I was a little scared at first because, y’know, he’s grumpy and all,” He nodded, “But, he was just looking at me with his big, round eyes, no hissing at all. He didn’t even fight back when I stroked his head, let alone touch his ears,” You seemed to be in disbelief, not Stephen though.
You’ve always had this calming aura, so he wasn’t surprised to see that cats and dogs were just as affected by you as humans would be.
“Oh yeah? Guess you’re a different kind of special,” Just then, he looked down at you with an eyebrow raised, “But the second that cat starts pissin’ in my shoes or whatever, I’m blamin’ you,”
“Heeey, you’ll never know? You two are a quite similar, might even be closer than you’d think,”
“Yeah, yeah, if you say so,” He shook his head with a chuckle, sighing in relief to have you close. He knew a simple discussion about cats wouldn’t be enough to take his mind off of the recent events but he could be doing worse.
You, on the other hand, decided to make it a point to tell him how proud you were of him. Beat it a case or his willingness to help you close up the shelter whenever he finished his work earlier, you just needed to let him know.
You weren't just saving someone's cat or dog, you were also saving his life, and he hopes he's doing the same for you.
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part one. Master list for plus one can be found here.
Just a nice fic I decided to write for fun. Please enjoy!
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He was nothing but a huge, giant fucking ASSHOLE for the entire two years the two of you were dating and he decides NOW is a good time to break up with you?
Two days before your cousin's wedding and over TEXT MESSAGE?!
That fucking asshole.
He knew how you felt. Exactly how you felt about going alone to your cousin's wedding after your family begged to meet your boyfriend and teased you for "probably making him up." Which hell, he may as well have been made up considering how absent he was in the relationship. Using work as an excuse to come home late but forgetting to turn off his snap location when he showed up at the bar.
So you did what any rational woman in her upper twenties would do.
You drowned your sorrows in booze, tonight red wine as it was the only thing around, and you scrolled through your socials in hopes of distracting yourself from your suffering.
Alas the devil that is Instagram only amplified your sadness and irritation. Showing couple after couple, your friends on hikes kissing on the mountain top, kissing in the flickering light of candles at a fancy dinner or, worst yet, getting proposed to. The video showing her in hysterics screaming, "YES I DO I DO!"
And it feels terrible to feel this way. Especially about your friends, the people you love and want to support, still it stings. You hadn't told anyone about the breakup, you weren't even sure your friends even remembered that asshole's name.
A teardrop lands on your screen, magnifying all the magical lights of the led beneath the glad. You wipe away the tear and with that the feed refreshes. A new post has come in at the top, Res Riot's official account.
Kirishima stands with a fat white cat in his arms. He dwarfs the animal with his large stature that looks larger as he still has his Red Riot gear on. The caption reads something along the lines of "missed my precious baby."
Red wine is a dangerous thing as your body acts on its own. You go to his page to hit the little arrow to DM him. Typing out and backspacing your message as you struggle from the booze, you decide to say fuck it and use the voice memo feature. Before you know it your sniffling voice is playing back to you after you've hit send.
"My ex broke up with me before this stupid wedding. It's in two days and my family is going to roast me big time when I show up alone. They think I made that asshole up. I don't know why I'm even in your dms. Your account is probably run by some dick head who can't even capture your kindness. I guess I'm here cause my first thought seeing you on my timeline was Red Riot has always been my hero…"
Ugh totally fucking cringe.
There is no surprise as you see the three normally ominous dots pop up, probably his social media manager about to ask you to stop your "advances" as Kirishima is too busy to date and he'd hate to block you or some other bullshit.
But there it is a surprise to see a little bubble with the play button and some vertical lines in various heights. It takes your sluggish brain a moment to realize you've been sent a voice memo. Odd. Your thumb smashes the screen faster than you can think and a deep voice rumbles through the speakers of your phone.
"Actually I run my official and personal socials. And I'm sorry to hear about your ex doll. He sounds like a real ass. I'll be your hero, I'll go with you to the wedding."
Your heart stutters, no way, no way in HELL this was Red Riot. You had read about the horror stories before or pervy account managers taking advantage of women who so desperately wanted to talk to their hero.
Hell, it's happened to Dynamight plenty of times.
You swallow quickly but the bile rushes up your throat. Not just from the anxiety of a possible con but from drinking an entire bottle of wine with nothing on your stomach after months of sobriety. Quickly you stumble to the bathroom, abandoning your phone on your bed. You barely make it in time to praise the porcelain Gods before you fall onto your back. Looking up at the light in your cramped bathroom, the orb doubles and spins as you feel the Earth turning on its axis. You curl into your side using your bathmat as a pillow as you drift off into sleep, totally forgetting about the voice memo on your phone.
As you sleep peacefully on your memory foam bath rug, Kirishima settles into his nightly routine. One giant hand grabbing strands of long dark red hair into a towel while another sits snugly around his Adonis belt and the thick, black happy trail that follows up the center of his abs before spreading out onto his chest. He tosses the towel over the open door of the bathroom before sitting in his favorite armchair with phone in hand. Diamond, his beautiful white cat he rescued a few years ago, jumps onto the arm of the chair, purring loudly when Kirishima's free hand scratches her ears absentmindedly.
He chuckles to himself as he realizes exactly what he's done. Acting on a feeling instead of logic all because he heard a "damsel in distress." Starting off his rare vacation with spontaneity starting with an impromptu date with a stranger. He really isn't sure what you look like and it's obvious your handle doesn't have your real name in it, just PrincessPeach with some random numbers at the end. He takes the time to scroll through your profile. Seeing pictures of food, of many sunsets, a friend's dog that guest appears often, your own cat and plenty of strays.
It takes him a while before he sees a photo of you. His heart stutters in his chest as he looks you over. Laughing with a friend, soft lighting from strings over head that blur like little fireflies. Your smile is wide, half hidden by your hands as your eyes seem to smile with you. Sparkling as if they held stars.
For a moment Kirishima forgets how to breathe, it isn't until Diamond jumps down from the armchair does he inhale. He smiles softly to himself before he drops his towel, puts his phone on charge and promptly falls asleep in his bed.
Kirishima rises before the sun even has a chance to filter through his blinds. He sighs softly, getting up to a sitting position disturbing a fluffy white ball that lays beside him.
"Mmrow." Moon stone eyes blink slowly as they look at the mountainous man hogging the bed.
"I didn't mean to wake you sweet baby." He says softly, going to pet the soft white fur only for her to get up stretch and give him her butt before plopping back down.
"I know, mean ol' daddy woke you up too early again." He says softly, his hand falling onto her back before he rises from the bed. Fishing for his running shorts, socks, headphones and shoes. He makes his protein shake, leaning on the counter as he drinks it, looking at how you read, or better yet, listened to his message but still no reply. It was late and there was a small slurring of your words, he figures you've passed out. He just hopes you're okay.
His run goes as usual, up before anyone else unless they were the normal avid runner. Passing by the usual array of people. An old man holding onto his youth by jogging through his daily five mile morning run, Kirishima knows he runs another five in the evening while the sun is setting. He hopes he can embody some of this man's commitment when he is older. Then he passes a middle aged woman, who gives him the biggest smile as she pases, jogging backward to send him a wink before plowing ahead. Occasionally he'll see a running group or a few teens training to be heroes, they always ask if they can run his route. "It's long." He always warns in a kind, warm voice. They assure him they will be fine so far only one other person could handle his 12 mile morning run. A young woman in her second year of hero courses at UA. Since then Kirishima put in a word with his boss and so every time internships roll around she's in the office.
By the time Kirishima is rounding back towards his high rise apartment, the city begins to stir. Slowly waking as men and women in business suits rush towards the train, parents flinging open the doors or curtains fussing at their children who cling to an extra few minutes of sleep before school.
This was always his favorite part of the run, not because it was almost over, oh no it was because he had a chance to glimpse at everyday life. Of nine to fives, of school hours and after school hangs outs at snack bars or the library.
What most would call the mundane but Kirishima would never call it that. It's why he worked so hard to protect it.
Diamond greets his sweaty form at the door. Glaring angrily with her moon stone eyes. Tail swishing before she goes to the kitchen by her bowl. Waiting impatiently.
"I'm not late, sweet cheeks." He coos, and she glares, "I know I know. You're hungry now."
He opens the fridge, gets out the highest quality food there is and places it on her dish, sure to keep it all in the middle or she'll claim her bowl was empty. He added a splash of water too since the weather was starting to get hot.
He sucks down a water or two, demolishes a protein bar and then heads to the apartment gym.
A few hours roll by and without hearing from you yet his worry over your well being begins to cloud the forefront of his mind. He pauses his music, picks up his phone and talks out a voice memo.
A loud DING echoes from your room and around your skull as you rise with a throbbing headache.
"Fuck." You hiss to yourself grabbing at your head as you shakily rise to your feet. Yanking the handle of the faucet to drink from the stream before looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Ugh." You grunt ignoring your swollen face and eyes, yanking the mirror door open to snatch at the bottle of aspirin. Swallowing THREE extra strength pills before slamming the door shut and turning off the faucet. You make your way towards your bedroom, more than ready to sleep the rest of your day away. Grabbing at your phone to charge it you see the push notification of an Instagram message from Red Riot.
The fucking Red Riot.
Internally you scream before it bubbles up your throat and escapes. You fumble to unlock your phone before looking that it's a voice memo.
Mortified you realize you sent one too. And first at that.
"Fuck MEEE!" You plop onto the bed. Nervous this second voice memo is probably about how you're a weirdo or something as you relive the memory of asking him to be your plus one.
Hesitantly your thumb hovers over the play button before you find the strength to press the cool glass. A soft thunderous voice plays out.
"Good morning sleepy head. I haven't heard from you yet, I hope you're okay. Be sure to drink some water and eat something greasy. Trust me, late nights with Denki and Bakugou taught me something. Since the wedding is tomorrow I'll need a picture of your dress for the color and style so I can match you Sweet pea. Contact me soon so I can know where to pick you up."
Did he… did he just call you SWEET PEA? Your heart pounds in your chest before it registers he's asked for your dress color and lowkey asked for your address. This couldn't be real. It sounded like Kirishima, his voice familiar from interviews you've watched but it very well could be a prank. Defeated you hit the small microphone and reply.
Kirishima hears a sharp DING in his headphones over his music as he finishes his set. He wipes the sweat from his face on his shirt giving the few people in the gym a lovely view of his sweaty and thick torso. One woman trips on the treadmill but it goes unnoticed by Kirishima. He pauses his music and hits play on the little memo. Your beautiful yet groggy voice comes in through his ear buds causing Kirishima to bite his lip. It causes such a flutter of butterflies in his stomach he has to listen a second time to actually hear what you said. Although he understand, he cannot help but feel hurt by your reply.
"How do I know you're not just some pervy guy using Kirishima's Godly looks to prey on unsuspecting people."
Your phone chirps at you from the bed stand and you growl reaching for it. You had hoped your message would have been clear. An unspoken of you know they're a fucking creep taking advantage of their PR job.
"What can I do to prove it to you, Sweet Pea?"
You hate how that cute nickname sends your heart into a somersault and your stomach in delightful knots. Still your doubt pulls a harsh tut from your lips before you reply.
Kirishima doesn't need his phone to alert him that you've messaged him, he's been looking at his screen for far to long without having to restart his set. He listens to your voice as if it were music.
"Fine, you wanna prove it to me so bad. Take a picture of yourself shirtless with the word 'Sweet pea' you love so much and send it to me. No photoshop I know what my favorite hero looks like!"
For over an hour you don't hear back and you figure you showed that perv.
But now you can't sleep so you nurse a water, door dash a "greasy" breakfast all before cranking your shower as high as it can go. Your phone dings and you try to ignore it. You really do but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. Opening the message you see a classic guy mirror selfie. Kirishima is clear as day in the photo, his large hand pointing to his bare, hairy chest where sweat pea is scrawled in his adorable handwriting. He winks at the camera as his kissable lips wear a dangerous, almost cocky eyes travel down his bulk following his happy trail that dives under a pair of black shorts, the best part of the view getting cut off by the vanity. At first you try to rationalize that this was fake but damning evidence was sitting on the vanity. A fluffy white cat in a diamond and ruby encrusted collar sits on the counter giving her owner an odd look.
His cat Diamond that everyone knows he loves and adores. Slick begins to collect between your thighs and especially so after you listen to the voice memo that comes through shortly after. His normally friendly and soft voice comes out a bit dark, husky as he says in a playfully annoyed tone.
"Now send me a picture of that dress, Sweet Pea."
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
a promise of forever
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pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader warnings: really just a big ball of fluff, a very brief mention of spencer's time in prison word count: 1.8k prompt: "i'm not very good with words..." summary: a rather unusual and a slightly delayed exchange of vows.
a/n: this is a my one shot submission for @ellesgreenaway 1k milestone celebration! india, a huge huge congratulations to you again 🎉 you're so incredibly talented and you deserve every single one of those follower, if not a million more! 🥳🧡 now, this is my first fic in a couple of weeks, and i think it's quite fitting that i wrote this instead of working on my own vows oops
A faint shine coming from the side lamp hit against the gold band on your finger, the glimmer instantly catching your eye. The book you were reading, was now closed in your lap and your gaze travelled to the ring, a smile creeping up on your features.
The item, however simple and dainty, carried with it so much meaning. Not only was it a symbol of undying everlasting love, showcasing to the world you were married to the person of your dreams. It was also a constant reminder of what you and Spencer overcame to get here. How far the two of you have come.
To say the last year was tough would be an understatement.
Spencer wasn’t the same after his release from prison. Often distant and quite reserved. His true self hidden from the rest of the world, afraid of getting so deeply hurt again. You of course didn’t put any blame on him for acting differently or resent him for it. What he went through was challenging enough, and you loved him more with each day regardless because he was still Spencer. Your Spencer.
And he adored your patience and your understanding. He adored the kindness you showed him while he regained control over his life. Simply, he adored you and he counted his blessings every day he spent with you.
One faithfull Saturday morning, Spencer asked you to marry him.
Completely out of the blue, while you were tangled together in the cotton bedsheets with morning breath and ruffled hair. He said he didn’t want to wait any longer because if his time in prison taught him anything, it would be not to waste moments with the people you cared about the most.
You cried. Tears of happiness, pure unfiltered joy.
Later, the very same day, the two of you stopped by a jeweler to invest in simple yellow-gold wedding bands before heading hand in hand to the court house. No muss, no fuss. No guests, no flowers, no cake, no vows. Nothing but unconditional love and a large order of chocolate chip pancakes afterwards, to celebrate.
It was the perfect day and you wouldn’t do it any differently.
You didn’t need anything else, neither did he. The memory along with the wedding ring was a promise in itself. A lifetime together. A lifetime of happiness. However, as you watched the band glisten on your finger, you couldn’t help but wonder what else Spencer would have promised you in his vows if he ever got a chance to say them.
And that’s how the brunette doctor found you - lost too deep in thought, attention solely focused on your wedding ring.
You, of course, didn’t hear him come in.
Spencer smiled to himself, quietly closing the door behind him so as not to startle you. He placed his bag down before ambling towards the back of the couch. His hands landed on your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze to grab your attention, and you tilted your head up to look at him.
“Hi, my love.”
“Hello, beautiful.” Spencer bent over slightly, his lips catching yours in a tender welcoming kiss. “Let me go wash up quickly and you can tell me all about your day,” he added and you nodded, following him with your eyes until he disappeared into the bedroom.
While he cleaned himself up after an undeniably hectic workday, you sprung up on your feet and headed to the kitchen to cook up a late dinner for the two of you.
Spencer rejoined you shortly and immediately began playing sous chef, assisting you with preparing the meal. While the two of you worked over the various pots and pans, you exchanged with one another stories of how your days went. Listening attentively, joking together. Then you ate together before reconvening back to the couch.
A typical, and honestly, an ideal evening together when he wasn’t travelling.
“What were you thinking about earlier, when I got home?” Spencer asked, making himself comfortable next to you. You draped your legs over his lap with ease and his hands instantly made home on your thigh.
“Do you ever wonder what I would say to you in my vows if our wedding day looked any different?” you asked straight out, because there was no secrets between the two of you.
Spencer pondered the question for a moment before shaking his head. “No,” he answered honestly, “Do you?”
You briefly chewed on the inside of your cheek. “Sometimes,” you confessed, a hint of guilt and hesitance detectable in the tone of your voice.
He hummed softly at your response and proceeded to place a tender kiss on your temple. “I could tell you,” he murmured into your hair before pulling away, “If you’d like that is.”
His eyes found yours and a timid smile circled your lips at his offer.
“You don’t have to, Spence, I’m honestly happy not knowing and letting my imagination run free. Plus, I wouldn’t want to put you on the spot—”
“Y/N,” he politely cut in, “I’ve known what I would say to you in my vows ever since our first date.”
The sentence caused you to playfully roll your eyes, as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered free. “Hmm…” you smacked your lips together, “I don’t think I believe you,” you teased him with a chuckle.
Spencer pressed his tongue to his lips as he smirked at your comment. He took your innocent joke as a sort of challenge however, because in one swift motion, before you got a chance to react or say anything else, he pulled you in closer by your legs before taking your hands in his and giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I can recite the entirety of the English dictionary off by heart, but ironically I'm not very good with words—” Spencer began, his hazel gaze locking with yours, “—because when I think how to express how I truly feel about you, and how incredibly lucky I am to have you by my side, my mind goes completely blank and my eidetic memory is no longer of use.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle lightly, and you could just imagine the whole crowd laughing because whether Spencer liked to admit it or not, he was incredibly funny without even trying.
“However, as I sit here before you tonight, I will give my all to make the most sincere promise one heart can make to another. Y/N, I have waited a long time for you, and I promise from this day on until forever to be your constant love, your shoulder to cry on, your partner for life. I vow to give you the best of myself and not ask for anything in return. I vow to respect you. Respect your desires, your interests and needs.”
You could feel your eyes gloss over, as Spencer inhaled before continuing, "I promise to keep myself open to you and share with you my deepest feelings, thoughts, and dreams. I promise to continuously surprise you in hopes of bringing you joy and seeing you smile, because you have the most beautiful smile.”
Spencer gently rubbed circles into your hand with his thumb as he spoke, and the amiable loving look in his eyes made you think he didn’t really have these vows prepared beforehand, like he said he did.
He was speaking purely from the heart.
“I promise to love you through thick and thin. The good times and the bad. In sickness and in health. I promise to love you with every fibre of my being, until the end of time.” He paused, by that point salty wet droplets were slowly trailing down your jawline.
Spencer continued, “Now, I have been called many things in my life and gone by many different titles. From this day on however, the most important title I’ll hold is husband. Your husband.”
Silence filled the room once he concluded. A benevolent and earnest silence.
Nothing could have prepared you for what he said, and how his words would make you feel. How you thought it wasn’t possible to love him anymore than you already did, yet here the two of you sat and your heart swelled inside of your chest.
Spencer’s hand travelled to your cheek. He cupped it gently, wiping away any lone tears that escaped.
“You know—” you murmured, leaning into his touch and placing a kiss on the palm of his hand, “— for someone who claims they’re not good with words, you just strummed all the right heartstrings. I therefore dumb thee— a liar...”
The brunette doctor let out a soft chuckle at your comment and then proceeded to scoop you into his lap, completely effortlessly. He held you close by the waist while your fingers played with his brunette curls.
“And it’s a good thing you have an eidetic memory, my love, because I will ask you to recite those promises to me over and over and oveerrr again,” you added and Spencer threw his head back in a smooth laugh.
“How about I type them up and we can frame them instead?” he suggested, arching a brow. You licked your lips, considering the question for a moment, however before you got a chance to reply, Spencer added, “It would however, be nice to have both of our vows up...”
It was your turn to laugh, “I have nothing prepared, Spence. Not to mention, yours were so heartfelt and honest, I don’t think I can compete.”
The smile on Spencer’s face grew a little wider and he leaned in to peck your lips, “Say whatever that comes to mind, beautiful.”
“You’re not going to let this go now, are you?” you enquired and Spencer shook his head in response, a goofy grin plastered across his features.
“I really have my mind set on those frames now. Maybe we can hang them over our bed, or maybe we can dedicate a shelf to them in the bookcase.”
You raised a brow, “You’d give those frames a whole shelf?”
He nodded, “A whole shelf.”
The thought of your promises to one another typed up and on view for everyone that came to visit the apartment made you smile.
Glancing briefly at your wedding ring, looped among Spencer’s brunette curls, you nervously chewed on the inside of your cheek before glancing back into his hazel eyes. “I’m not very good with words—” you began with a modest tese, “—Therefore, I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to borrow someone else's.”
You paused, letting out a delicate shaky breath. “Atticus wrote, ‘I lost my way all the way to you and in you I found my way’. You are my everything, Dr. Spencer Reid. Thank you for choosing me, for loving me, for making me feel safe, for making me laugh, and for making my life a million times richer.”
Spencer’s lips found yours the second you finished, wrapping them in a gentle yet passionate kiss. A desirable sensation instantly spread through you, because when he kissed you like this, it was as if he was kissing you for the very first time.
“I love you,” Spencer whispered after slowly pulling away, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I love you too,” you expressed with a genuine smile.
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Love...Square? Hectagon? Octogon??
Happy Friday! I’m back with yet another rec list! As usual, I’m trying to rec fics you might not have read before, going off of AO3 kudos. You can find my other rec lists on my blog at #jennarecsml
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
The love square is already a crazy concept, but now with the addition of Aspik and Multimouse -- well, there are even more fun crazy dynamics for writers to play with. And I love every bit of it! So, here are some of my favourites that play with the expanded love square.
this love is a tangled web by @bugabisous
When Ladybug and Chat Noir decided that they should switch things around with their temporary miraculous holders in order to throw Hawkmoth off, they couldn't have predicted the tangled web they would weave.
Series. Snekmouse? Well, it’s the equivalent in that they know each other’s identities but of course don’t know that the other knows. It’s even more fun with them using different miraculouses, giving us Dragon!Adrien and Snake!Marinette. Plus there’s some multichat content early on, which is a nice precursor to the way Adrien falls for Marinette in this new dynamic. Absolutely great identity shenanigans in this one.
Bad Week by @ominousunflower
Adrien's long and horrible week ends with a stinging rejection--until he sneaks out as Aspik and runs into an unexpected face.
“Hey!” a voice yells from behind him. “What are you doing—I—I mean, who are you?”
Aspik whirls around and finds himself face-to-face with…Multimouse?
With a frown, Multimouse glances at the jump rope wrapped around her waist. Untying it, she grips one end and weakly whips it toward Aspik. It flops on the ground in front of him like a wet noodle.
“AH,” she says. It somehow sounds like a question. “Um. An akuma?”
One-shot. Snekmouse! And then we get actual Aspik/Multimouse! It starts with Marinette trying to ask Adrien out on a date, only for it to go horribly wrong when she sees that he’s upset and takes it back and Adrien takes it as a rejection and concludes she would only go out with him out of pity. I feel bad for him but also it’s HILARIOUS. 
Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat by @ladyofthenoodle
Ladybugs aren't known for being particularly sneaky. Good thing this Ladybug has a fox in her corner, watching her back.
(And giving Ladybug's love life a nudge along the way. Maybe more than a nudge. In Alya's defense, Ladybug can use all the help she could get.)
Multi-chapter. Multichat (as well as Ladynoir and Adrienette). This is a beautiful Marinette & Alya friendship piece where Alya figures out her secret identity early on and helps her. And honestly it’s worth reading just for that alone. But it also plays with the love square in really fun ways (Alya’s a ladynoir shipper over adrienette), with some quality multichat content.
"I have a plan." by @emsylcatac
Marinette probably should have thought twice before joining the fight as Multimouse instead of Ladybug.
Alya, suited up as Rena Rouge, wished she knew where on earth Ladybug and Chat Noir were when they needed them.
And Adrien really, really wished the two heroines would just leave him alone so he could transform.
One-shot. Adrimouse! Okay, this one is already pretty tumblr famous thanks to the amazing comic that preceded it. But I’m still going to rec it! Because Adrien and Multimouse flirting is amazing, the dynamics are fantastic with Rena Rouge in the mix, and it’s freaking hilarious!
For You (I’d Break All The Rules) by snugglebuttkitten
MultiMouse finds herself visiting Adrien Agreste on a Nightly Basis
One-shot. Adrimouse! There’s some great hurt/comfort here, and also a sweet and slow developing relationship. This is just really cute and I love the dynamic and it’s worth a read!
Second Chance Number 12,496 by @11jj11
Adrien, now wielding the Snake Miraculous as Aspik, has been stuck in his time loop of Second Chances for weeks now trying to save Ladybug, and he just needs a moment to rest.
Set during Desperada.
One-shot. Laspik! I think we were all gutted by Desperada, and this absolutely has a bit of that gut punch, but also I love the hurt/comfort here (although the hurt is amplified by the fact that he’s only like halfway through all the cycles, like DUDE.) 
The One Where Marinette Knows Who Ladybug Is by bifieri
Chat Noir wants to bring back Multimouse. Ladybug doesn't. A little white lie told to keep him off her tail lands the two at odds- and Ladybug closer to finding out her Kitty's identity than she'd prefer
fair warning I wrote this at 3 am and didn't edit it at all so it's very much trash but I just had to make this idea reality
Two-shot. Multichat. This one plays with the ridiculousness of all the lies these two needs to tell in order to protect their identities, and it’s ridiculous and fun and, as always with these kinds of identity shenanigans, leads to a reveal.
But What About Multimouse? by @trainsinanime
Ladybug and Chat Noir discuss his favourite topic: Bringing back Multimouse.
One-shot. Multichat. It works out well that Chat’s favourite topic is bringing back Multimouse because Chat talking about bringing back Multimouse is my favourite trope! Ladybug is such a tease in this and I absolutely love it. It feels so in-character and they’re so playful and it’s just fun!
Enough by @apopcornkernel
Adrien feels inferior when he notices a difference between how Ladybug treats Adrien/Aspik compared to Chat Noir.
One-shot. Laspik. This one is kind of angsty, but it doesn’t stay that way. I don’t want to give away too much, but the ending kinda punched me in the face and I desperately wish there was more.
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
I Dream of Mousey by @lyramae-archer
Chat is tired. More tired than ever before. How is a cat supposed to get some sleep when there’s a beautiful mouse in all of his dreams? A story in which Adrien gets some revelation on the love of his life. For MultiMouse Appreciation Week 2020.
Rated M. Multi-chapter. Multichat! Chat goes a little crazy with thoughts of Multimouse, and it’s gorgeous and hot af. @lyramae-archer does an excellent job of characterizing how Adrien starts to fall for Marinette after her stint as Multimouse, and boy does he fall hard. Add in some steamy dreams and an identity reveal and WOW. 
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puppypeter · 3 years
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✨ All fics are complete! ✨
He Loves Me Cause I’m Cute, He Thinks I’m Pretty Funny | 2588 words 📱
He watches it back one more time after it posts, checking for typos in his subtitles and captions, and has to laugh again.
Steve fucking Rogers? His brain thought he could pull Captain America, literal superhero and America’s favorite sweetheart?
“Hello I’m a 35 year old amputee living in New York and I think that I could get Steve Rogers.”
the one where bucky posts a tiktok and steve is utterly smitten.
Summer Slipped Us Underneath Her Tongue | 10712 words 🧳
Bucky is a tour guide who enjoys sharing the rich history and culture of each city they pass through with a bunch of early-20's college students who just want to know the cheapest place to get drunk.
Except for Steve, who asks Bucky for a personal tour around his hometown.
The rest is, as they say, history.
You Make My Heart Skip A Beet | 3853 words 🧑🏼‍🍳
“I made soda bread.” Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.” The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
Ollie Meets Bagel | 5517 words 🥯
He was a skater boy, Steve said let's get bagels, boy.
Steve wants to start doing this twenty-first century thing properly. He gets help in the form of skateboarding, skateboarders, bagels, and Sam Wilson.
Taxi | 5113 words 🚕
Bucky Barnes was, he hoped, a good taxi driver.
He's so good, he actually tries to return lost property that ends up left in his car and... well. It has some unexpected consequences involving a National Icon.
Enough said.
Leg Day | 12157 words 🏋️‍♂️
“So talk to him,” Sam says.
“I can’t,” Bucky groans. “I can’t, Sam, I. He just.” He fluffs his hair up and stares at Sam, distraught. “I want him to bench press me.”
“Okay, so it’s serious,” Sam interprets. “Got it."
(Or: The one where Sam is Bucky's long-suffering roommate, Bucky is a hot mess of a millennial, and Hot Steve spends far too much time on the Lat Pull-Down machine.)
Love In Aisle Four | 2127 words 🛍️
When Bucky needs to swing by the supermarket after a long, hard day of work, the last thing he expects is to meet a cute grocery clerk named Steve…
Coming Up Easy | 45515 words ✍🏻
“Listen, I was just thinking,” Steve says, his face open, eyebrows raised in a tentatively hopeful expression. “Why don’t you come stay at my place for a while? I’ve got an office that I barely use, and a change of scenery might do you good, right? Help you beat that writer’s block?” With a crooked smile, he adds, “I promise I’m not a serial killer.”
While Bucky would normally crack a joke about how that’s exactly what a serial killer would say, right now, all he can do is blink at Steve in surprise, heart tripping over itself in his chest. Steve wants him to come and stay at his place. In Massachusetts. Just the two of them.
"Oh," Bucky croaks. "I- Wow."
“I mean, no pressure,” Steve says hastily. “Totally fine if you don’t wanna. I just thought I’d offer, in case it might help, y’know?”
“Yeah.” Bucky ignores the little voice in his head that sounds an awful lot Nat and Becca, telling him he’s setting himself up for heartbreak. “I mean, if you’re sure, that would be amazing.”
Anywhere The Wind Blows | 8845 words 👨‍🚒🎖️
After a catastrophic fire that shakes him to his core, Steve Rogers quits his job as a Brooklyn firefighter and relocates to a cabin in the remote Canadian wilderness, wanting quiet and solitude and to maybe never have to speak to another human being ever again. He gets his wish, more or less, until a recently injured Bucky Barnes is discharged from the Army and rents the cabin next door.
The Safer Course | 7918 words | Part 1 of Won’t You Be My Neighbor 🏡
When Steve moves to the suburbs in 2033, he intends to retire from superhero life.
He does not intend to fall in love with his pain-in-the-ass neighbor.
Every Year I Have You | 7064 words | Part 2 of Won’t You Be My Neighbor 🏡
Steve set the bar pretty high, as birthday presents go.
Bucky is determined to outdo him when July 4th comes around.
Beneath The Mistletoe | 21203 words 🎄
Bucky had a bet with his sister that if he didn’t have a boyfriend to bring home for Christmas by the time he was 25, he had to give her $200 and go blonde for a year. But now he's 25, it’s nearing December, and not only is Bucky as single as ever, but he’s also running low on cash. He doesn’t exactly want to bleach his hair, either.
At least Steve is willing to upgrade their relationship from best friends to fake boyfriends.
The Settler | 52203 words 🍞
“What do you want to do?”
Steve pauses and looks at them.
What he wants is to stay with them. He doesn't have any family left, they all died before he even joined the war and became... this. Captain America turned whatever he is now. But Natasha and Sam have become his family over the years. Not just because they're on the run together, fugitives and vigilantes, but way before that too.
He doesn't want to leave that.
But he knows that, realistically, he can't stay with them and they can't stay with him.
So he looks at them with a smile and lies. “I don't know.”
OR; In which Steve retires and finally finds a place to call home.
You Can’t Put Your Arms Around A Memory | 1148 words 🐈
"Alright, Bucky," Steve slows his steps, watches his neighbour stop at the bottom of the next flight of stairs. There's a canvas bag in his hand that Steve didn't notice earlier, cream coloured with the figure of a sleeping, black cat painted on it. "Have a good day."
He thinks Bucky's cheeks pink up a bit right then and there, but Steve can't tell. He's too distracted by his pounding, foolish heart, by the way Bucky smiles bashfully, and ducks his head. The way he seems like he wants to stay.
To Believe In Tomorrow | 3959 words 👨🏻‍🌾
Bucky's mornings at the community garden get a little more interesting when the new guy shows up.
Maybe This Christmas | 24873 words | Part 1 of Maybe ❄️
Bucky’s not going home for Christmas. But it’s fine. He’s spending Christmas alone in his apartment, but it’s cool. He’s not feeling up to seeing his family after his accident anyway, plus he has to work. He’s totally fine with it. But then he runs into Steve, literally, and suddenly his Christmas isn’t looking so empty after all.
Hurrying was a bad idea. Bucky’s foot hits a patch of ice and slides out from under him in what would have been a comical cartoon banana-peel-like trip, if it wasn’t happening to him, and he braces himself to hit the ground. This is going to hurt.
“Fuck,” Bucky screeches, but as he lands on his back, it’s not the cold hard concrete he expected, but a solid mass beneath him. Oh god, Bucky thinks as he realises he smacked into the person behind him and took them down with him.
Maybe This Year (Will Be Better Than Last) | 133868 words | Part 2 of Maybe ❄️
Last year, Bucky Barnes met Steve Rogers. Well actually, he slipped and fell on him. What followed was the best Christmas either of them had ever had. But what happens when Christmas is over and life returns to normal? What happens after the Christmas miracle?
Bucky should have known. He did know. When things seem too good to be true, they usually are. And Steve is the best thing that has happened to him in a long time, possibly ever, so of course it couldn’t last.
Maybe This Time (I Hope I Get The Chance To Say Goodbye) | 34561 words | Part 3 of Maybe ❄️
Steve and Bucky Barnes are happily married. They've made it through some hard times and come out stronger and happier, together. Then Steve gets called on to come out of retirement for the most important mission of his life and everything changes. Everything.
“Have yourself a merry little Christmas…” Steve starts singing along softly, and Bucky chuckles, before leaning his head onto Steve’s shoulder, always happy when he’s in Steve’s arms.
“From now on, our troubles will be miles away…” Bucky joins in.
Dancing round their living room, just as in love as ever, their troubles seem light-years away, if not non-existent.
Sadly, they’re closer than they think.
The Unexpected Gift | 9504 words | Part 1 of When Winter Comes 🐕
Steve Rogers is fine.
After ending a long-term relationship with Sam Wilson, Steve moves back to New York. He's tired and lonely but depressed? No. At least, that's what he thinks.
From the window of his apartment, he watches a dark-haired man and his service dog sitting in the park, wondering what his story is.
The Winter Storm | 2218 words | Part 2 of When Winter Comes 🐕
"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability you see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me."
After Bucky and Steve confessed their feelings for each other, life has its own twisted way to challenge the most profound love.
One January Night | 4213 words | Part 3 of When Winter Comes 🐕
Before going back to work, Steve Rogers still has things to learn: 1- Depression is a bitch and the battle against it isn't an easy one. 2- Dating a person with disabilities comes with its share of challenges.
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (And Other Lies He Tells Himself) | 14159 words 🔒
You’d think a guy who owns one of the most successful bakeries in Brooklyn, has a million-dollar smile and that antiquated good ol’ boy charm, blond hair and blue eyes and biceps for days, would know what’s what.
But don’t let that fool you: Steve Rogers is a mess.
Obvious | 917 words ☕
"Oh, I have a prompt! So, it makes me laugh how painfully obvious Steve and Bucky's feelings are to everyone when they're in that pining, slowburn, does-he-doesn't-he phase. But imagine Steve and Bucky working in a coffee shop together and constantly bickering, nudging and playfully flirting with each other. And all the employees and patrons are so invested in their relationship and just want them to kiss already but no one realizes that Steve and Bucky have been married since they got out of HS."
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sleepysnk · 4 years
hey y'all! i decided to make a fic for our lovely Jean boy. i got this idea after Sunday's episode :(, he deserves so much love right now. this is the longest fic i've written, so i hope you all enjoy! ♡
Close the Gap
Pairings: Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Warnings: None just fluff
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Long distances relationships were always something many people tended to avoid. 
The idea of a long distance relationship made (Y/N) feel queasy, her stomach would always churn at the idea of dating somebody who was miles away from her. She heard the many scary stories from her friends about these people not being who they said they were, or the horror stories of girls going missing after meeting with these people. 
Not to mention she always binged watched MTV'S Catfish the TV Show at 3 A.M. watching how people would get catfished. The show was another reason why she tended to avoid dating anyone who was pretty far away. Her worst fear was to find that the person she trusted wasn't who they said they were. 
That all changed seven months ago when she met him. 
More specifically, Jean Kirstein.
(Y/N) was feeling pretty lonely, she was desperate for a relationship at the time and her best friend Sasha told her about some dating apps she could use. She wasn't exactly down to set her up with one of her friends. (Y/N) took the offer on the dating app and set up a profile. 
She met a few decent guys, but they always ended up sending the usual "send me some pics" or "u down to hook up?" texts. Most of the guys on the apps were idiots who were looking just for a quick fuck or something short term, which isn't something (Y/N) wanted. 
She complained to Sasha about it and even considered just deleting the apps, but she told her to just give it one more shot. 
She was glad she did. 
(Y/N) was swiping through the different guys on the app. Some caught her eye or some made her face scrunch with disgust. 
Her swiping stopped when her eyes landed on him. She was instantly attracted to him, his sharp jawline, shaggy light brown hair which was a bit long, his golden brown eyes, toned chest and that goddamn smile. He had a sly smile that made her feel butterflies. 
After she looked at his profile she was hooked. He seemed like a really sweet guy based on his description. He knew how to cook, draw, he played sports, worked out, etc. He also seemed really sweet as well. 
She was tempted to text him first, but she decided not to. The few times she did message a guy first it ended with the guy being dry, or sending some gross messages complimenting her body rather than her face. 
She totally forgot that day that she added him until she got the notification. 
Jean: hey! i saw your profile and let me just say you are gorgeous ❤
From that day forward the two talked every night, they spent many nights texting until they both felt tired, exchanging social media as well. She learned a lot about him, Jean was a fitness major at his university and he wanted to be a personal trainer. They connected on a lot of things, they had a lot of the same likes and dislikes which made the conversations they had even greater. 
She told Jean about the many shitty experiences she had with guys and how she was very hesitant to even give him a chance. Jean shared a lot of the same stories, he had gotten cheated on about a year prior before getting the app. (Y/N) felt bad for him, why cheat on a nice guy like Jean?
Facetiming him was definitely one of her favorite things to do, she told him about how freaked out she was about trying online dating due to how easy it was to fake an online personality. Jean assured her that was not the case and he wasn't a fake person at all. 
Seeing his face on facetime made her heart swell, he was 10x more attractive on facetime than his photos. He had this amazing smile that made her feel weak, and whenever he laughed she found herself having butterflies. Jean thought the same about (Y/N), he thought she was absolutely gorgeous and he wanted to see her face a lot more. 
He always threw a flirt her way whenever he could, Jean was smooth like that. He told her if she was ever unsure of an outfit that she was to send him a picture, and when she did, he was absolutely speechless. Sending the usual heart eyes and telling her how beautiful she was. His words always made her smile. 
While things were perfect for them, there was one small issue. 
They both lived very far from each other. 
Opposite coasts to be exact. 
Jean lived on the East coast while (Y/N) lived on the west. They lived miles away from each other, and although it wasn't a huge bother, it always made her feel lonely. 
Jean felt the same way, he felt lonely being so far away from her. Parts of him wished he lived closer so he could just drive and see her, but with how far it is, he knew it would probably be a very long drive and he just didn't have the time for that. Nor did (Y/N).
They spent many nights talking about dates they'd go on, things they'd do, etc. Jean told her how he would so make a meal for her and he'd take her to meet his mom. All those things sounded so nice, she wanted it to happen so bad.
But they just lived too far from one another.
Plus they both had very busy schedules, both were too caught up with assignments and their own personal lives that flying out wouldn't be exactly a good idea. 
It was unfortunate, but that was the reality of the situation. 
Even with all of that, they still held onto one another. For some reason, Jean didn't want to let her slip by. For the first time, she made him genuinely happy. (Y/N) felt the same way towards Jean, she always found herself being excited to see his name pop up in her phone or when he asked to facetime. There was just something about this boy she didn't want to let go of. He was the only guy who saw her for who she was, and not just her body. 
Neither of them wanted to let this opportunity slip by.
Here they were, seven months later. They still kept up with each other every day, though having not met yet, the feelings they both had never changed. 
They weren't dating, but they only talked to each other. Neither had wandering eyes. 
It was a usual night for the two of them, (Y/N) and Jean were on facetime while she did homework and Jean sat playing video games. She didn't mind the gaming, it was something he liked to do so why dislike it?
She was copying notes when her eyes averted upwards towards her phone screen which was propped up. Jean was shirtless sitting in his chair, he had his headset on his head with one of the earmuffs behind his ear. He was focused on the game, his brows pinching together a few times as he played. 
A giggle escaped her lips, making Jean look down at his phone with a smile. 
"What are you giggling about?" he asked, bringing his face close to the camera. 
She smiled. "Oh nothin' you just look really cute playing your game," she replied and set her pen down on the desk. 
He licked his lips and leaned back against his chair, eyeing the screen. "I'd say you look pretty damn fine doing homework," he replied, raising his brows.
Heat rushed to her cheeks, rolling her eyes in the process. "Ugh shush! I look like a total mess," she said and looked away from the screen. 
Jean chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "Nah.. you look like the girl who's gonna have my last name," he replied, smirking. 
Her jaw dropped from his comment, a smile grew onto her lips as her cheeks felt hot. He was smooth like that. 
"You are quite smooth," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Another chuckle escaped his throat. "Yeah I'm smooth.. only for you though," he said, winking at the camera. 
"You're adorable.. I wish you were here so I could squeeze your cheeks," she said and played with her pen. 
Jean nodded. "I wish I was there with you too.." he said, looking down at the ground. "I'd like my cheeks squeezed but I'd want to squeeze yours.. if you know what I mean," he added. 
She started laughing a bit. "Ugh Jean I never get tired of you," she replied, looking at her phone screen. "Will you ever be here?" she asked.
Jean fell silent and leaned back against the chair. A sigh escaping his lips. "I have no idea (Y/N).. my schedule has been busy lately, plus I don't really have the funds to fly out anytime soon." he replied, his voice filled with disappointment.
She felt a slight tug at her heart, she knew they probably wouldn't meet for a long time. Many of her friends told her that Jean wasn't worth her time at all and that she needed someone who could come see her. Her friends also said it's not worth it at all and that he'd probably end up hooking up with some girl, and totally forgetting about her. That's something she absolutely didn't want to think about.
"(Y/N)? You alright?" Jean asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.
She shook her head, blinking a few times. "Y-Yeah! Sorry, I zoned out.." she replied and smiled a bit.
He put his controller on his desk, he stared at the screen for a few moments. "You know (Y/N) I really want to meet you, trust me I do. I know how much it bothers you that we can't at the moment, but I promise you, we will meet some day." he said with a serious expression. 
She felt her heart swell at his words, Jean always knew what to say to make her feel like a princess. Jean always said from day one that they would meet, it was a promise he had yet to fulfill, but he told her to never worry and that he'll make it happen. She just has to believe him. 
"I trust your words Jean," she said, smiling a bit.
A grin grew onto his face. "Ugh.. this is why I want to meet you so bad. I wanna see that pretty smile in person," he said and leaned against his desk. 
Her cheeks felt hot from his words. "You're too sweet," she replied, rolling her eyes playfully. 
Jean chuckled. "Sweet enough for you,"
Suddenly, (Y/N) heard her bedroom door fly open. 
"Hey (Y/N)!- Oh crap.. did I interrupt something?" 
Her head snapped back to see her best friend Sasha standing in the doorway. 
"Oh not at all Sash, I was just talking to Jean." (Y/N) replied, looking back at the camera. 
Sasha grinned widely, she knew who he was ever since they started talking. Jean was cool with her, he felt like first impressions with friends are always important. 
"Hey Jean!" Sasha yelled, coming down to her phone. "Ooo.. (Y/N) he's shirtless for you," she teased, elbowing her side. 
Her jaw dropped as her cheeks grew hot again. "Can you not! Why are you even here anyway?" she asked, looking up at her friend. 
"Uh duh, I'm here to discuss Valentine's Day plans! You know.. Connie and stuff," she replied in a whisper. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh fine! Hey Jean, is it cool if I call you back later? Sash here needs boy advice," she asked, grabbing her phone. 
Jean smiled. "Yeah totally.. text me okay? Be safe." he replied. 
She felt a wide smile grow onto her cheeks. "I most definitely will!" she said, hanging up the call. 
Sasha leaned against the wall with a giant smirk on her face. (Y/N) looked up, her head nodding as she was confused as to why she was acting like that. 
"What?" she asked, furrowing her brows. 
A giggle escaped Sasha's lips. "Oh nothing! Ugh (Y/N)! When are you finally going to meet Jean? Have you guys even made it official yet?" she asked. 
She looked down. "No.. we haven't made it official. We aren't dating Sasha, we're just talking and stuff." she replied, shrugging her shoulders. 
Sasha crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe it's time you do it! You've been talking for months, and I feel like it's a good time. Especially with Valentine's Day and all," she said. 
(Y/N) wasn't sure if what Sasha was saying was a good idea. How the hell would she even ask out Jean? Over a facetime call? That sounded boring. It also sounded too cliche and not special at all. 
"I would Sash but asking him out over a phone just sounds so.. middle school," she replied and stood up. "It's not like I can fly out and ask him out or whatever," she added. 
A grin was displayed onto Sasha's face. "I guess you're right," she said and shrugged her shoulders. 
"Now come on… let's go discuss things for Connie," (Y/N) said, pushing past her. 
Sasha grinned again, following her friend. 
(Y/N) spent most of the week helping Sasha with her Valentine's Day gift for Connie. Sasha had some odd ideas, but eventually they came to an agreement on a decent idea. 
For some reason, things felt off with Jean.
The past few days she noticed a change in his behavior, he became a little less interested in their conversations and his replies were a bit dry. Of course she blamed it on him maybe being tired from classes or working out, but she wasn't exactly sure if that was the reason. She questioned it a few times, but Jean usually replied with a 'wym?'.
"(Y/N)!? Hello? Come on help me finish this," 
Sasha's voice broke her out of the thoughts she was having. "Sorry! What's up?" she asked, blinking a bit. 
Sasha put the bag of snacks down. "Are you sure you're alright? You've been acting weird all day," she said and crossed her arms. 
(Y/N) sighed. "Yes I'm fine Sasha," she replied and leaned back in her chair.
She nodded her head and sat back down in front of her. "Alright.. can you just organize this for me?" she asked, tossing the bag towards her. 
(Y/N) grabbed the stuff and began to sort through the items Sasha bought Connie. She wasn't exactly alright, she was feeling lonely the past few days. She saw all of her friends getting ready for Valentine's Day with their significant others, while she didn't have anybody. The pink and red boxes of chocolates, the teddy bears, roses, everything! It made her feel lonely and with Jean's behavior… it didn't exactly make it better.
She looked at her phone which displayed no messages from Jean. For some reason he hasn't been messaging her a lot lately. 
2:31 P.M.<- (Y/N): hey :)) 
4:23 P.M.<- (Y/N): i hope your day is going well! ♡
She sighed and went back to the gift for Connie. 
"What are you doing for Valentine's Day, (Y/N)?" Sasha asked and looked up at her. 
She shrugged her shoulders. "Probably just watching Netflix movies," she replied with disappointment in her voice. 
She nodded her head. "What!? No! You're not gonna do that on my watch. Why don't you come hangout with Connie and I?" she asked. 
A laugh escaped her lips. "Yeah I so wanna do that. Watching you two make out and eat is so much fun," she replied in a teasing voice. 
Sasha blushed. "Oh shut up! Come on.. I know you won't have anyone to hang with," she said and pouted a bit. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I can always call up Eren or something," she said and laughed a bit. 
Sasha hit her arm. "No! You're hanging with me and that's final! Plus why would you wanna hangout with Eren? He'd probably take you to some party," she said. 
"Yeah you're probably right," (Y/N) replied, chewing her lip. 
She threw her a smile. "Exactly!" she said and went to go look at her phone. 
(Y/N) looked on her own phone as she felt disappointed seeing no messages from Jean. She hated double texting him, she felt like she was a bother and that she was annoying him. Maybe he just didn't have his phone on him. 
A sudden squeal came from Sasha, which made (Y/N) look up in surprise.
"Uh.. are you okay?" she asked and blinked a bit. 
Sasha looked at her, composing herself. "Oh- u-um! Yeah totally, Connie was just telling me something. That's all," she replied and looked down at her phone. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh Connie.." she said, shaking her head. 
The next two days were kind of difficult for (Y/N). Jean had totally changed his behavior, he was more dry, took longer to respond, and even on their facetime call he didn't seem very interested. If she did want to facetime, he would claim he was busy or he didn't exactly seem to pay attention. 
Her mind raced with different thoughts about the situation. What if Jean was getting tired of her? What if this was the situation all of her friends told her about? How guys who live far end up leaving you for someone who lives near them. It hurt to think about. 
"I don't know his behavior just changed!" 
She was currently ranting to Sasha who came over for a bit. "He's been dry? I mean.. Connie can be dry," she replied, playing with her pillow. 
"No like overly dry, Jean is never dry! He always keeps the conversation going, he doesn't even send me good morning texts anymore either!" she said and sat up. 
Sasha nodded as she listened to her words. "Have you tried asking at all?" she asked. 
(Y/N) sighed. "I did on facetime and he sort of dodged the question," she replied. 
"I dunno (Y/N).. maybe just see what happens? Maybe he's got some personal stuff going on" Sasha said. 
(Y/N) shrugged. "Couldn't say.." 
A sudden ping from Sasha's phone made her ears chirp, she reached over and looked at her phone. She started jumping around excitedly. 
"What? What happened?" (Y/N) asked, furrowing her brows. 
Sasha looked at her. "I gotta go! Connie texted me about something.. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" she said, shoving her phone in her pocket. 
She felt confused as to why Sasha was leaving. "Uh.. yeah, okay. See you later," she replied and watched as Sasha exited her room and out the front door. 
She flopped onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling as her mind clouded with thoughts about Jean. Her mind was playing scenarios she didn't want to see, Jean finding someone else would absolutely crush her. In a way, it would be for the best, considering they haven't even met, but she was in too deep with feelings. She didn't want anybody else. 
She grabbed her phone, she opened their messages and scrolled to see if there was anything she could have said to make him upset. Jean was always one to communicate with her, he'd always tell her if he was having a bad day or someone pissed him off. Why wasn't he doing that now? Her eyes scanned over the most recent message she sent.
7:21 P.M.<- (Y/N): did you go working out? i bet you're getting those gains! <3 lol.
Another sigh escaped her lips reading the words 'delivered'. What was going with him? 
It was Valentine's Day. 
(Y/N) wasn't exactly in the best mood today, that feeling of loneliness lingered in her mind as she scrolled through different couples getting gifts and going on special dates. All the things she yearned for. 
She sent Jean a message that morning and of course, he didn't respond. He read her messages from the previous night, but he never sent a genuine response. It made her heart feel heavy, maybe this was it. Maybe Jean just got tired of waiting around for her and found someone better. 
She shoved her phone into her pocket as she knocked on the door of Sasha's apartment. She looked around as many people exited their apartments. 
"Hey! You made it! We have all kinds of snacks!" Sasha yelled, opening the door so she could come inside. 
(Y/N) smiled and stepped in. The aroma of food filled her nose. "Wow Sasha.. this smells great," she said, taking off her shoes. 
Connie came in from the living room holding a plate. "Hey (Y/N)! Good to see you," he said and waved at her. 
She smiled as she plopped down at the kitchen table, she grabbed a few pieces of candy and tossed them into her mouth. She tried to forget the upsetting thoughts for the night. 
"You want something to eat?" Sasha asked as she came over with a plate of food. 
(Y/N) shook her head. "I'm fine.. thank you Sasha," she replied, looking down at the table. 
Connie came over and set a cup of soda in front of her. "Have something to drink at least," he said and sat next to Sasha. 
She swirled around the soda that bubbled towards the top. "Thanks.." she replied and took a sip of the lemon flavored soda. 
The two started eating and (Y/N) sat there looking at her phone, she silently hoped that Jean would message her back. It had been a few hours since she sent her last message, she felt disappointment going through her veins. She guessed that Jean was ghosting her, it hurt a ton, but there wasn't much she could do. 
"(Y/N)! Connie loved the gift!" Sasha said and wiped her mouth with the napkin. 
She nodded and gave a small smile. "Oh that's cool! I'm glad you liked it," she replied and looked towards Connie. 
He smiled. "Yeah it was dope! It had all my favorite snacks," he said, looking at Sasha with a grin.
(Y/N) felt the heaviness in her heart, she wished someone would look at her the way Connie looked at Sasha. 
"Hey what about that Jean guy you were talking to? I meant to ask," Connie asked and looked at her. 
She laughed a bit. "Uh.. well I don't know what's going on with that. He's been kind of distant lately so I guess he's getting tired of me. It's understandable I guess.." she replied, looking down at the floor. 
They could hear the sorrow in her voice. "I'm sorry (Y/N).. you'll find someone, I know you will." Sasha said.
She shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "I don't know guys.. I feel like after this I just wanna focus on me," she said, taking out her phone.
Connie looked over at her. "Don't say that now.. come on, have some hope." he said and gave a playful smile. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'll try," she replied. 
Sasha and Connie finished up their food and cleaned the dishes, (Y/N) sat on the couch as the movie played on the tv. It was some romantic movie which she didn't even bother to pay attention to, she didn't exactly want to watch one at the moment. 
Sasha appeared in the living room, she had her phone in her hand. "Hey whatcha doing?" she asked, leaning over to look at her phone. 
"Oh nothing, just scrolling through Instagram," (Y/N) replied and clicked her phone off. 
A ping went off as Sasha got a notification, she looked at her phone as a grin displayed on her features making (Y/N) curious. 
"Did Connie send you nudes in the bathroom or something?" she asked and began to laugh.
A blush crept onto Sasha's cheeks. "What!? Absolutely not! You're so gross (Y/N)!" she yelled, hitting her arm. "Let's play a game, I'm bored." she added and stood up.
(Y/N) nodded. "A game? Sasha I'm not twelve.." she said and leaned against the couch. 
Sasha came in with what seemed to be a blindfold. "Come on! It's fun okay? You just have to feel something and guess what it is," she said, crossing her arms. 
"A blindfold? Jeez Sash.. didn't know you and Connie were into blindfolds," she said, starting to laugh. 
Sasha hit her arm playfully. "Shut up! No I'm not into blindfolds.. you're gross! Just come here," she said and waved her over.
(Y/N) stood up and tossed her phone onto the couch. She walked over to Sasha who seemed excited to play, she hoped that this game wouldn't be weird.
"Alright.. let's get started," Sasha said, going behind her to tie the blindfold over her eyes. 
She faintly heard the sound of the front door opening, she was confused as to who came in. Then she remembered Connie went to go throw out the garbage, so she figured it was Connie coming back in. 
"Okay first thing!" Sasha said and held out the item for her to touch. 
(Y/N)'s fingers brushed over the item, it felt cold. It felt like plastic too, was it a box? It felt smooth.
"Is this like.. a box or something?" she asked, looking around with the blindfold on. 
She heard giggles and laughs coming from Connie and Sasha. "Yeah it's a box! Here's the next item," Sasha said.
Her fingers brushed over the soft material, it felt velvety and smooth. It felt like petals from a flower. 
"Are these flowers?" she asked. 
"Damn (Y/N)! You're good at this! Here's the last thing," Connie said, his voice sounding faded. 
She furrowed her brows as she heard whispering and shuffling, she was tempted to remove the blindfold to see if they were playing a prank.
"Okay here," Sasha said. 
She reached out feeling something hard, it felt like.. a chest? Her brows furrowed again as she ran her fingers along it. 
"Sasha is this your chest? Connie is definitely not this muscular," (Y/N) asked, looking around for their voices. 
Sasha giggled. "No it's not me! You can take your blindfold off in a sec," she said, taking out her phone. 
(Y/N) felt nervous as she kept her hands on the person's chest, they felt warm and she could feel their heart racing against her skin. 
"Okay now!" Sasha yelled. 
(Y/N) removed her blindfold, letting her eyes adjust. When she looked up she was faced with the honey eyes of the person she least expected. 
It was Jean.
Her jaw dropped as her hands slapped over her mouth, she couldn't believe it. He held in his hands flowers and a box of chocolate, the flowers being her favorite. Roses. He stood there smiling at her reaction, she looked back seeing Sasha recording and Connie laughing.
"You're real.." (Y/N) said, looking at Jean with wide eyes. 
He smiled. "I'm real," he replied, opening his arms for her. 
She tackled him with a bone crushing hug, his arms wrapping around her waist surrounding her in his embrace. She inhaled his scent and let his warmth engulf her. 
Tears welled in her hues as she put her hands onto his face. "Pinch me please.." she said and laughed a bit. 
Jean chuckled, cupping her cheek. "I don't think you're dreaming," he replied, pulling her closer. 
"This is so cute I feel like a proud mom," Sasha said as she kept recording. 
(Y/N) looked back. "H-How? How did you get him here?" she asked and nodded. 
Connie rubbed the back of his neck. "We actually were both in on it, we paid for his ticket and everything. He's staying at my place actually," he said, smiling at her. 
"Sasha planned the game too," Jean added and looked towards the brunette. 
(Y/N) pulled Sasha into a tight hug. "I literally love you right now," she said as a few tears escaped down her cheeks. 
"Uh (Y/N)! I think you should be the one telling him that," Sasha said, pointing at Jean. 
She came back over to Jean who handed her the flowers. "Someone as beautiful as you are deserves these in person. Happy Valentine's Day beautiful," he said, smiling down at her. 
She laughed as she took the flowers, her heart swelling. "Thank you really.." she replied, pulling him into another hug. 
He put his arms around her, he felt his heart flutter as he felt her touch. "Do you want to..?" 
"Get out of here?" she asked, nodding. 
The two looked back at Sasha and Connie. "Knock yourselves out! Don't have too much fun (Y/N).." Connie said and smirked devilishly.
Heat rushed onto her cheeks. "I'd like to say the same to you both," Jean said, putting his arm around her shoulder. 
Connie and Sasha both turned red. "Okay! Bye Jean and (Y/N)! Have fun!" Sasha said and ran out of the room. 
They both turned to one another, laughs escaping both of their lips. "Let's go," she said, fishing around her pockets for her car keys. 
Jean followed her out of Sasha's apartment building to her car, his hands brushing over her fingers a few times making her cheeks hot. 
Once in the car, she began the drive back to her apartment. She couldn't keep her eyes off Jean, he looked so much better in person. All of his features stood out, his jawline, his hair, and his amazing eyes. 
"You know.. you're 100x more beautiful in person," Jean said, breaking the silence between them. 
She smiled. "Thank you… you're 100x more handsome," she replied and looked over at the passenger side. 
Jean felt his cheeks grow red from her words. "I never thought in a million years I'd meet you this soon," he said and leaned back in his seat. 
She laughed a bit. "I could say the same.. Sasha told me nothing about this," she replied, turning the steering wheel.
A chuckle erupted in his throat. "It was meant to be kept secret. Connie and Sasha both messaged me about it and I was in," he said.
"I thought you were ghosting me at first.. I was so bummed at her house,"
Jean looked over at her. "Oh never.. I'd never ghost you. Connie told me to just put distance so it wouldn't seem weird," he said, brushing his fingers over her arm.
Tingles ran around her body as he touched her. "I should have known something was up," she said and shook her head. "Anyway, we're here." she added, taking off her seatbelt. 
Jean exited the car with her. He followed her up the stairs to her apartment. She opened the door and removed her shoes, Jean stepped in and eyed the room. She kept it clean and organized. 
"Nice place," Jean said and smiled at her. 
She looked back at him. "Oh thank you.. it means a lot," she replied, placing his gifts on the counter. 
The two stood there for a moment just taking in their appearances. She felt her heart racing as Jean stood there eyeing her. 
"So um.. what do you wanna do?" Jean asked, looking down at her. 
She leaned against the wall. "I dunno.. maybe we can watch a movie in bed?" she asked, nodding.
"Sounds like a plan.. I gotta call Connie. He needs to drop my shit off in the morning if I'm sleeping here," he said and took out his phone. 
(Y/N) rocked on her heels. "Sounds good! Um.. I'll be right back, I'm gonna change." she replied and made her way to her room.
Jean texted Connie and within seconds he responded with an 'ok'. He walked towards the room where (Y/N) was, her room was decorated nicely. She knew how to keep it clean. He noticed the familiar sights he used to see on facetime. 
She came from the bathroom wearing shorts and a t-shirt. "Come sit," she said and hopped on her bed. 
Jean felt stiff, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable or make any moves that were too quick. 
"So uh… what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" he asked, looking at her nervously. 
"Hmm.. horror?" she replied, looking back at him as she turned on the tv. 
He nodded. "Sounds like a plan," he said and leaned back against the pillows on her bed. 
She put on one of the horror movies and lied down next to him, her hands brushed over his arm veins. She traced lines where his muscles were. Goosebumps littered onto his skin feeling her touch. 
"Don't be so stiff.. you aren't going to hurt me," (Y/N) said leaning up a bit. 
He felt his nerves loosen up at her words. "Sorry.. I just don't wanna come off as a creep," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. 
She giggled, moving his arm so it was now around her waist. "You aren't a creep to me at all," she said, laying her head on his chest. 
Jean's grip on her waist tightened as he brought her body closer to his. He imagined nights like these for so long, his arms around her holding her close so she never slips away. 
She felt so warm next to him. 
As the night went on, (Y/N) felt her eyes become droopy. She started to snooze against his chest, Jean smiled hearing her small snores and the way she twitched. He turned off the lamp and pulled the covers over the two of them. 
The next morning Jean was awoken by (Y/N) moving out of his embrace. Her eyes trying to get used to the light that shone into her room, she grabbed her phone, the time reading 10:12 A.M. 
She turned over to look at Jean who was awake. A giggle escaped her lips as she cuddled back into him. 
"I didn't mean to fall asleep," she said and traced his muscles with her fingers. 
He squeezed the flesh of her waist. "Don't worry about it," he replied and lied his chin onto her head. "What do you wanna do today, beautiful?" he asked.
She sighed. "Do you wanna just relax and chill? We don't have to go anywhere," she replied, looking up at him. 
"Sounds fine by me," Jean said, staring up at the ceiling. 
The two lied there for a few minutes before deciding to get dressed and ready for the day, Jean noticed his suitcases were at the front door. (Y/N) told him that Sasha had a spare key so she most likely stopped by while they were asleep. It made him laugh but also a little weirded out. 
They both changed and lied around (Y/N)'s place, they took many photos together and goofed off. She never felt happier than she did in those moments, Jean didn't want to stop touching her. He loved feeling her smooth skin against his, he held her hand or brushed against her arm. Not in a creepy way of course. 
It was around 6:30 in the afternoon, Jean and (Y/N) messed around in her apartment for most of the day. Watching movies, ordering food, taking photos, etc. It had been an amazing day. 
"Hey Jean.." (Y/N) said, reaching up to play with the strands of his hair. 
He looked down at her. "What's up?" he asked. 
She smiled. "Do you wanna go to the pier near my house? We can watch the sunset," she asked, nodding her head. 
His face lit up with excitement. "Hell yes! Let's go right now," he replied. 
The two rushed out of the apartment and went to her car, the sun was going to set pretty soon, so they wanted to get to the pier at a decent time to see it all. 
The car ride was fun, the two blasted music and sang along with the words. 
Eventually, the two arrived at the pier. Many people walked along the sidewalks with each other, the summer air felt nice. Jean held her hand as they made their way up to the dock, some people leaned along the sides talking with one another. 
The sun shined onto their faces, Jean's honey eyes looked like pure gold as the sun passed through them. 
The tide from the waves crashed below them the seagulls flew in the sky or onto the ground. 
"It's so pretty.." (Y/N) said, smiling as she leaned against the railing staring at the setting sun.
Jean admired the sky as it was painted with purples and oranges. "Yeah.. but not as pretty as you are," he said and held her hand in his. 
She looked absolutely stunning to him. The way the sun shined over her skin and the way the wind lightly blew along her hair made his heart swell. 
She was truly the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on. 
"I always imagined coming here with you.. it was my dream date," she said and smiled.
Jean took her hand into his. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. 
She looked up at him. "Of course Jean," she replied and brushed a few strands of hair out of his face. 
He let out a shaky breath. "(Y/N)... I never thought I'd ever get to meet you, but now that I have I realized how amazing you are. You're so beautiful.. don't even get me started on your smile either. You've made today so great and I've been meaning to ask you this question for so long. My feelings for you are strong and I can't imagine my life without you by my side," he said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 
She felt her heart burst at his words, she couldn't deny what she felt for Jean. "Yes! Yes!" she replied, putting her arms around his neck. 
He smiled as he put his arms around her waist. "I love you.." he whispered. 
Her eyes went wide. "I love you too.." she said, leaning into his face and pressing her lips onto his. 
The kiss was passionate, his lips felt smooth and soft. It took her breath away. 
"I promise I'll make you feel like a princess," Jean said and cupped her cheek. "I'll never let you go," he added. 
She felt small tears form into her eyes. "I'll never let you go either," she said and smiled at him.
They stood there for awhile watching as the sun slowly disappeared behind the clouds, the sky painted in bright oranges and dark blues. 
Arriving back home they both rushed up the stairs to her apartment. She unlocked it and pulled him into a heated kiss, the kiss feeling hot.
Jean made his way to the couch, his hands on her hips. "I didn't know you were this good of a kisser.." he whispered, smirking as he kissed her. 
"I guess we're both full of surprises," she replied and put her arms around his neck.
He sat down on the couch, her thighs on either side of his legs. "Wait.." Jean said, breaking the kiss between them. "I need to mention one more thing," he added, looking up at her. 
She nodded. "What's up?" she asked. 
He felt a smile grow onto his lips. "I know I leave in two days but.. I wanted to let you know that I was pricing apartments around here as well as schooling.. and I found out I got accepted," he said. 
Her jaw dropped hearing the news. "What!? No way! You're lying! Does that mean.." she said. 
"I won't be far away anymore my love," he replied, cupping her cheek. "It's gonna take awhile for me to move in, but I should be here by the end of next month." 
She felt excitement coursing through her. "That's great!" she said. 
"I mean it when I say it that I do love you (Y/N).. it's not me saying that to impress you, I truly do." he said, smiling at her. "I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I want a future with you," he added. 
She felt a smile grow onto her cheeks. "I love you too Jean… I want you with me forever," she said, running her fingers along his face. 
He smiled and leaned in to kiss her lips. "Your wish is granted baby," he said and pressed his lips against hers. 
She giggled, leaning down towards him. "What do you say we celebrate?" she asked, smirking. 
He eyed her hungrily. "Oh you wanna be like that huh? Consider it your special Valentine's Day treat," he replied, bringing her body close to his.
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Just The Hiddles Masterlist
Oh yeah, I am bringing it over baby!  
It is long, sorry not sorry.  I will slowly update links.  All links on here are good links.  I have removed all links to my now flagged blog.  
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*Tom Hiddleston One Shot Masterlist
*Tom Hiddleston Series Masterlist
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Day After The Rain-  Luke has to deal with the aftermath of Tom’s “heroic efforts”.  This is why Luke keeps a solicitor’s number on speed-dial.  For the day he kills Tom.  Hilarity ensues as Luke untangles the mess. Based off of @redfoxwritesstuff The Things You Find (in the Rain) series.
Shouldn’t-  Tom went over to Emma’s to celebrate her birthday.  One thing led to another and now the two of them are splashed across the gossip columns.  Luke must now untangle the mess but not before giving Tom an earful.  Companion fic to my series Should.
You Did What?!- Evelyn Hiddleston, Tom's daughter asks Luke to tell her a story. Luke tells her the story of the day she was born. Hilarity ensues. Follow up to Unexpected Delivery
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*600 Followers Drabble Request Masterlist
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Tri-Drabble Writing Cup Masterlist
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*Smut-a-Rama June 2020 Masterlist
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Twelve Days of Hiddlesmas Masterlist
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*Loki One Shot Master List
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A Midgardian Christmas Masterlist | Loki x Reader
This Loki’s first Christmas on Midgard.  You decide to show Loki all that a Midgardian Christmas has to offer. Things don’t seem to go as planned and you are having a harder and harder time keeping your burgeoning crush for Loki hidden.
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Destiny Has Other Plans Masterlist | Loki x OFC UPDATES ON SATURDAYS
When Loki goes to ask his father for permission to marry, he is shocked to discover his destiny has already been made for him.  He is already betrothed to Sjofn, the daughter of the King of Vanaheim.  An arranged marriage to bring the two kingdoms closer together and strengthen the bond.  Never mind that Sjofn and Loki can’t stand each other.  
After The Battle of New York, Loki is sent to live at Avengers Tower as punishment for his misdeeds.  But it doesn’t mean he has to like it.   A year later, he has adjusted to life on Midgard but has avoided any romantic or emotional entanglements, still bitter over his lost love.  Dr. Alexis Randall is skilled at helping others fix their relationships as a couple therapist, but can’t help her own love life.  A chance encounter with Loki in a dive bar has life altering consequences for both of them.  Now, Alexis and Loki must figure out a way to co-habit without killing each other in the process, plus navigating impending parenthood and other roadblocks along the way.
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Silken Sails | Loki x OFC, Steve Rogers x OFC, Clint Barton x OFC Masterlist (Charlotte Liddell) ON HOLD INDEFINITELY
Summary:  Charlotte Liddell dreams of a life of adventure on the high seas.  She sets sail for the Caribbean which ends up entangling her with the hunt for the lost Spanish ship Viuda Negra and untold Spanish treasures.  Along the way, she crosses paths with British Navy Officer Steve Rogers and famed French pirate Loki Laufeyson.  Will she keep her wits about her?
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Adam and Charlie Masterlist | All Stories
Charlie can’t believe her luck when she lands an apartment all to herself in Quincy, Massachusetts in a decaying triple decker. But life gets more complicated when someone moves into the basement. Specifically her landlord, Adam, who also happens to be a vampire. As life collapses around Charlie, these two forge an uneasy and unlikely relationship. But is their relationship as doomed as the building they live in?
Other Tom Characters
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*Other Tom Characters Masterlist
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Trivia Night | Stephen Strange x Reader
Stephen can’t pass up music trivia night at a local dive bar.  But what should have been a landslide win is a bitter battle.  Has Stephen met his match in more ways than one?
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Dancing With Myself | Stephen Strange x Reader
Stephen goes out with Wong for some groceries and comes back to find his cloak and the reader up to some shenanigans.
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We’ve Been Had | Stephen Strange x Reader
Wong and the Cloak decide to make a match of the two of you.
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Milk Dud | Bucky Barnes Reader
You and Bucky settle down for a movie night and Steve is an unwanted tag along.
Netflix and Panic | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Bucky has a crush on you and invites you over to watch some Netflix.  Panic ensues as Bucky hides a secret.
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*Drink Me | Steve Rogers x Reader
You are running late for Valentines with Steve at your place.  You have just started dating and hoping to the relationship to the next level but will a critical mistake by Steve ruin the whole evening.
*Oh Captain | Steve Rogers x Reader
You are secretly dating Captain America.  One day you sneak Steve into your parents’ house for a little smutty interlude, when your mother rudely interrupts.
*Somnophilia | Steve Rogers x Reader
Steve hears you moaning in your sleep and takes matters into his own hands.
Ben Barnes
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Wrong Phone, Who Dis? | Ben Barnes x OFC
After a sidewalk collision, Ben and Madelyn end up with each other’s phone. They quickly right things but find the chance encounter has had more of an effect.
Chris Evans
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*Come On Over Baby | Chris Evans x Reader
You invite your good friend Chris over to watch the game.  One too many beers and the truth comes out.  
*Are You Jealous? | Chris Evans x Reader
You spot Chris’s old co-star, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, at a party.  Chris introduces the two of you but the attention you lavish on Jeffrey does not go unignored by Chris.
*Kitchen Sex | Chris Evans x Reader
At a summer BBQ, Chris gets a little frisky in the kitchen.
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Please do a scenario for the GOM reacting to their figure skater gf. Thank you 💜 I love your blog btw, its nice to see that the knb fandom is still alive. My heart is patiently waiting for a season 4 huhuhu 😭
Omg i will die if there’s ever a season 4. Also this was such a cute idea and I made Kise’s one so long and tbh it’s a concept for a wholeass fic lmao. Anyways, hope you like it xx
Scenario: GOM with a figure skater s/o
You and Kise had only been dating for a few weeks so there was still so much to learn about each other. Everyday there was something new that he learned about you that made him fall in love with you more and more. Even the smallest little things about you sparked his interest. Just the other day, he had a whole moment when he found out you liked the same cereal as he did.
Of course, him finding out you did figure skating elicited a bigger reaction from him than just liking the same cereal. It was just another Tuesday for you when your school day finally approached it’s end. Just you were heading out the school gates, you spotted your boyfriend standing and waving with a big smile on his face.
“Ryouta!” you squealed as you ran into his arms. “What are you doing here?” you questioned, not used to seeing him here since he was in a different school.
“I came to surprise my lovely girlfriend and invite her on a date of course,” he replied sweetly.
“Oh,” you said, your smile faltering as your shoulders dropped in evident disappointment. “I appreciate it, but I actually have practice today.”
“Practice?” Kise furrowed his brows. “Practice for what?”
“I have figure skating practice today. I usually head to the rink after sch—“
“You figure skate?” Kise exclaimed rather loudly; you were quite sure the whole street heard him.
“Yeah I do,” you giggled at his excitement.
“Y/N-cchi, how come you never told me? Can I watch your practice?” he asked, wide-eyed.
“You really want to watch? It can get a bit boring,” you asked.
“Of course I want to watch!” he beamed as he took your hand in his. “Lead the way.”
Grabbing a snack from a grocery store on the way, the two of you headed to the rink, where your coach was waiting for you.
“Woah, you get this while place to yourself?” Kise said breathlessly when you entered the chilly arena with skates in one hand and Kise’s palm in the other.
“Sometimes other people train here too, but today seems like it’s just me,” you shrugged.
You and Kise moved to the stands so you could get your skates on before you got onto the ice. After warming up for a bit, your coach went over your usual drills before you began to rehearse your routine that you were practicing for an upcoming competition.
Meanwhile, Kise was watching you wait nothing but intrigue in his amber eyes. Even while you were just doing your exercises, he found you absolutely graceful. Needless to say, when he finally saw the routine, he was over the moon. He had to hold himself back from hooting and cheering during it in case that threw you off. He was so excited in fact, that he had moved from his seat in the stands to the area right by the rink so he could get a closer look. His eyes never left you for even a moment.
Once your practice was over, you skated over to the edge where Kise was bent over the rails. “Well, boring isn’t it?” You said to him.
“Are you kidding me? You’re mesmerising! My Y/N-cchi is so talented,” he said, stealing a quick kiss from your lips.
Caught up in the moment, you didn’t notice your coach make his way over to you two. “You must be Kise,” he said, holding his hand out for the blonde to shake.
“Yes I am. Y/N-cchi’s been talking about me, haven’t you?” Kise inferred, throwing you a cheeky grin.
“Y/N’s mentioned you a fair few times,” your coach chuckled. “It’s your first time here isn’t it?”
“Yeah it is,” Kise nodded.
“Well, Y/N seems to do much better when you’re here. You should visit more often,” your coach said, making you want to crawl in a hole out of embarrassment.
“Is that so? I’ll do that for sure,” Kise laughed. “I was thinking that I should pick up ice skating too— just casually though.”
“Really?” you asked, eyes lighting up.
“Yeah, we could do a routine together if you’re up for it. Let me get the basics down first though,” Kise suggested.
“I can give you a few pointers if you need any. If I think your routine is good enough, maybe I’ll enter you two in a competition,” your coach said.
You were excited now; Kise was a quick learner so there was no doubt that you’d be practicing with him in no time.
A few months went by and Kise was attending almost all of your practices with you. He’d gotten quite good at it too— there were still a few falls that were absolutely hilarious because he’d whine every time, but for the most part he was much better than most amateurs.
Your coach was very amused by his progress too. “A basketball player and a figure skater in one— you don’t see that often,” he’d chuckle.
Figure skating was never something Kise saw himself doing. But looking at how beautiful you looked when you skated, an eagerness was lit up in him. No matter how hard he’d practice, he knew he’d never match up to you. There was something about the way you moved so gracefully that made him feel like whatever he attempted was inferior. He wasn’t complaining though— he was doing this for fun after all. Plus getting to see you move like that was a privilege enough.
Moreover, skating with you allowed him to spend even more time with you, and that time only increased when you two got serious about your routine as partners. Neither of you were expecting to win the competition, but you were certainly having fun in the process.
Eventually the day came where you were in an official arena with Kise. Sliding onto the ice with someone was a strange feeling as someone who was used to competing individually. In a way, it was reassuring. Kise held your hand tight as you got into position in the centre of the rink.
“Ryouta, I’m actually kinda nervous,” you muttered to him.
Honey eyes looked at you softly as your hand was squeezed even tighter. “Don’t be— I’m here with you, every step of the way,” he whispered. “Besides, you can’t possibly look worse than me.”
You felt the tension ease a little as you let out a giggle. “If we go down we go down together, I guess,” you shrugged, the idea bringing you a strange comfort.
“Exactly,” Kise smiled. He looked to the side and spotted the technician giving you two a thumbs up. “You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you replied.
Kise nodded in confirmation before letting go of your hand and getting into position. “We got this.”
Midorima loves you; he loves everything you do. Even if you murdered someone, he’d probably still love you (though he’d probably scold you while he helps you hide the body— but let’s not get into the specifics of that). Needless to say, he absolutely adored watching you skate.
Midorima is a busy person though, so it’s hard for him to find time to watch you as much as he’d like. Every time he did get the chance though, he was absolutely mesmerised, as though he was experiencing it for the first time all over again.
He’d never forget the first time he saw you skate though. You’d just begun dating and you had a competition that you invited him to. He wanted to meet up with you before it started, but his basketball practice ran on for longer than he expected. For a moment, he thought he’d miss it all together, but after a quick train ride and a lot of running, he made it just in time for your slot.
Admittedly, Midorima was really unfamiliar with figure skating. He told himself that he’d read into it since you were a skater yourself, but he never got the chance to. He made his way into the crowded stands and found himself a seat, feeling rather out of place considering he was still in his bright orange tracksuit. He didn’t dwell on it for too long though because his attention was quickly drawn to the ice that you were gliding onto.
For a fleeting moment, his jaw dropped. You looked gorgeous. The confidence you seemed to have as you got into position was a side of you he’d never seen before. It was like a different person altogether. Your name was announced in the speakers, eliciting a cheer from the crowd following by a small chatter that snapped him out of his trance for a moment. The music began to play and the crowd died down as all eyes were on you.
Right off the bat, you moved with purpose. Blades gliding on the sleek ice with such grace as your body swayed to the music. The moment you landed your first triple axel, Midorima was sure of it— this was your element. Completely lost in your routine, Midorima’s breath was taken away. And when it finally ended with a loud cheer from the crowd, he was left amazed. When his horoscope placed Cancer in first that day, he didn’t think he’d be so lucky to see something this gorgeous, but here he was.
He quickly rushed down the stands to meet up with you the moment he pulled himself together. As you were taking your skates off, you spotted him approaching you almost immediately— I mean, how can you not notice the 6 foot tall, green-haired man?
Your face lit up in an instant as you ran over to him barefooted and leaped into his arms. “Shin! You made it!” you exclaimed in glee.
“Well, I couldn’t miss a performance that good, now could I?” he said with a soft smile as he hugged you tight.
“You liked it? It wasn’t really my best score, but it’s up there,” you said, composing yourself and pulling away from him.
“I don’t really understand the scoring system, but you were phenomenal— really. I could watch you do that all day if I could,” he said genuinely.
“I don’t think I have the stamina to be skating like that all day,” you giggled. “But thank you, it means a lot.”
After that day, Midorima did his best to free up some space in his schedule to watch you practice. Seriously, he was addicted to watching you skate. It blew his mind every time. Of course, he’d be there for every single competition, cheering you on because he was now without a doubt, your biggest fan.
“Competition? What competition?” Aomine questioned one day as the two of you walked to school together.
“Have I not told you before? I figure skate,” you said simply.
Aomine stopped in his tracks for a moment, catching you off guard as you stopped too to see what had happened. He just stared at you with a baffled expression. “You figure skate?! That’s fucking hot! Why haven’t you told me before?” Aomine exclaimed.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Well I’m telling you now. I’m guessing you’ll be there tonight then?”
“That shouldn’t even be a question,” Aomine shook his head as he took your hand in his and continued walking. “Are you any good?” He asked.
“Well, I’m good enough to be in a competition, aren’t I?”
“True. I bet you’re great at it; you’re great at everything,” Aomine said.
“That’s not true,” you replied.
“It is.”
“So you’re saying I’m great at basketball too?”
Aomine visibly hesitated as he thought back to all the times he tried to teach you how to play. “Uh, yeah sure, let’s say that,” he lied.
“Shut up,” you laughed, playfully punching his arm.
For some reason, Aomine would not shut up about you being a figure skater for the rest of the day. You were trying to have a conversation with Momoi when he intervened, “Did you know Y/N’s a figure skater? How cool is that?”
“Yes I did know, Dai-chan. I’m guessing you told him about the competition today?” Momoi said returning her attention to you.
You nodded in response but Aomine stood there, slightly offended. “You told her but not me?”
“I just assumed you knew,” you shrugged, finding it quite cute how he was so invested in your sport.
“You shouldn’t assume I know anything,” Aomine said, making both you and Momoi roll your eyes and laugh at him.
Eventually, evening came and you were in the waiting room with your coach, with your eyes glued on the screen that broadcasted the current participant as you mentally prepared yourself for your turn, which was creeping up upon you. Meanwhile, Aomine was seated in the audience with Momoi, being as impatient as ever. “When is Y/N coming?” he yawned.
“Y/N should be up next,” Momoi informed as the song slowly reached its end.
The crowd cheered and a chatter started once again as everyone waited for the next person to take the ice. It took a few more minutes, but you finally entered the rink, skating to the center to get into position.
Almost immediately, Aomine’s jaw dropped. You looked stunning. The way your suit dazzled and clung onto your body was pure art. He swore that he fell in love with you all over again just at the sight.
The music began after a nod of confirmation from you and your skates began to roam the ice ever so smoothly. Aomine was blown away. You were nothing like the previous participants. The way you moved was so clean and purposeful. With each spin and leap, Aomine’s heart skipped a beat— you had his complete attention.
He was quite sure Momoi was talking to him, but he didn’t hear a word. For some reason, everything else around him seemed to fade out as he watched you skate, almost like he was stuck in a trance.
He was finally snapped out of it when the routine came to an end, leaving him at a loss for words as he joined the crowd in their applause.
You made your way off the ice and headed back inside towards the changing rooms, where you ran into Aomine and Momoi in the hallways. “Oh hey guys, what did you think?” You asked as you rotated your ankles nonchalantly to relieve them from the slight soreness you felt.
“You were so so good, Y/N. Dai-chan was so silent during the entire thing, I think you hypnotised him or something,” Momoi joked as she nudged Aomine’s arm playfully.
You turned your attention to your boyfriend, who was rolling his eyes at Momoi’s comment. “Well, was that performance worth all the hype you seemed to have?” you asked him.
“Of course it did. You did so well out there— not to mention the fact that you look incredible in that suit,” Aomine said, still unable to take his eyes off of you.
“Aw really?” You smiled.
“Yeah, you look fucking hot,” Aomine responded confidently.
You couldn’t help but giggle before you got on your toes to place a kiss of gratitude on his cheek, making him flustered. “Well, thank you Daiki— it means a lot.”
You won’t be able to find someone that loves you more than Murasakibara does. Really, you won’t. He loves everything about you. Your smile, your looks, your mind, and even your hobbies. As someone who doesn’t really take much interest in other people, it was a brand new feeling to be absolutely smitten over you. But he was dedicated.
The two of you were still getting to know more about each other in the first few weeks of dating and the topic of sports came up. “Do you play any sports, Y/N-chin?” Murasakibara asked you during one of your video calls at night that he liked to have when he had nothing else to do.
“Yeah, I’m actually a figure skater,” you replied.
Murasakibara’s eyes lit up. “Really? That’s so cool. Do you go for practice and stuff?”
“Yeah, duh. I practice almost everyday.”
“No way. Can I come watch your next practice?” he asked.
“Sure, but I feel like you might find it boring,” you said hesitantly, knowing that you wouldn’t want to sit there for hours doing absolutely nothing but watch.
“Well, I guess I’ll find out,” Murasakibara said surely. “Do you have any videos of you skating?”
“Yeah but they’re not on my phone.”
“Send them to me, I wanna see you skate.”
You giggled. “Atsushi, you’ll see me skate at practice, can’t you wait until then?”
“No, I can’t wait. I bet you look really cute when you skate,” he said as brought another potato chip to his mouth.
“Well, you’re going to have to wait because I’m not sending you anything,” you said dismissively.
“How mean,” he pouted.
Luckily, you managed to change the topic of the conversation before he could beg of you any more. The day for your next practice came and Murasakibara was brimming with excitement as you two entered the arena.
After instructing him to sit at the stands, you took to the ice where you started with the warmups that your coach told you to do. Practice went on and Murasakibara gave you his full attention— which is an incredibly rare sight.
As he watched you stretch and leap and fall, he couldn’t help but be impressed. He certainly could never be able to do any of the things you were doing— it looked exhausting. Something about the way you moved had him captivated though. You looked like you were having fun. No matter how many times you’d fall or mess up, you always seemed passionate about it and that was something he envied ever so slightly, but at the same time he found it such a lovely sight.
You truly loved the sport, he could see it so clearly. And automatically, he had a newfound interest in it too. It wasn’t that he wanted to try figure skating himself, it was just the fact that he loved seeing you so happy that he began to enjoy the sport too.
“I’m surprised you haven’t fallen asleep yet,” you said to him jokingly once your practice came to an end.
“Well, you were just that good— you had my full interest,” Murasakibara shrugged.
“Really? I didn’t expect you’d enjoy it that much,” you said.
“I did. I might just watch all your practices from now on.”
“Sure you will,” you said sarcastically.
Little did you know, that he would actually do just that. At almost every practice, he’d be seated in the stands, eyes full of admiration as he watched you. He would often bring you little snacks that you liked so that you’d have something to eat after practice. There were times where he’d be extra tired, but he’d still make it to the rink, even though you’d tell him countless times not to feel obligated to watch. It usually ended with him falling asleep halfway through, but he never regretted it. It was always nice waking up to the happy face of the person he admired.
Akashi was well aware that you were a figure skater before he began dating you. Of course, he’d never seen you actually figure skate, but he knew random things about almost everyone around him and being interested in you only made him want to get to know you more.
Akashi is a very supportive boyfriend to you, especially when it comes to your passions. Figure skating was a very beautiful sport in his eyes and the fact that the person he was dating was a figure skater was something he’d never get over.
Being the calculating person he is, he decided to take you ice skating on one of your first dates with him. It wasn’t a particularly busy day at the public ice rink so Akashi got quite lucky when the two of you got there and realised that the place was practically empty.
“Looks like we got the whole place to ourselves,” Akashi said as the two of you slid onto the ice, hand in hand.
“Yeah, it’s quite nice actually,” you smiled, appreciating the serenity of the place. “It’s kind of making me want to do a routine or something,” you thought out loud.
“Then do it.”
“No, we’re on a date, we should just skate together,” you shook your head.
“No, I insist. I’ve been wanting to watch you skate for a while now, and the opportunity finally came,” he said. “Besides, it’s just one routine, shouldn’t take too long, right?”
You let out a sigh as a soft smile spread across your face. “Yeah, I suppose,” you shrugged. “But don’t expect too much— I’m not in the most comfortable of clothes right now.”
Akashi chuckled. “No judgement from me. I just want to watch you skate.”
“Alright,” you smiled as you skated over to the centre of the rink.
Akashi stepped out and leaned against the rails to watch you from the sidelines, barely able to contain his excitement. There wasn’t any music playing so all you could hear was the sound of your blades against the ice, echoing throughout the arena. However, that didn’t stop Akashi from being fully immersed in your skating.
He was blown away by the way you skated, especially considering that he sprung this on you out of the blue. Every movement was precise and refined; he could tell that you’ve practiced to perfection and he was impressed. In fact, seeing you move so flawlessly had him swooning over you more than you could possibly imagine.
Eventually, you came to a halt, your breathing heavy after the spins and jumps, though you were quite satisfied now that you got it out of your system. Akashi returned to the ice with a smile on his face. “That was outstanding, Y/N,” he complimented.
“Really? You liked it?”
“Of course I did. It all seemed so professional— you really practice a lot, don’t you?” he pointed out.
“Yeah, I have been for years,” you nodded.
“Well, you’re absolutely stunning on the ice,” he said genuinely as he placed a kiss on your forehead and took your hand in his. “Shall we get back to our date now?”
“Yes, yes, of course.”
As much as Akashi would have adored to watch you practice everyday, the times often overlapped with his basketball training— though he did make it a habit to meet up with you afterwards so that he could walk you home (like the gentleman he his). Even though he was a busy person, he always attended your competitions without fail. He’d always send you a bouquet of flowers before your competitions as well, with little notes wishing you good luck and it would melt your heart every single time.
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Power recognizes power
A little power training gwynriel fic that came from me writing “if you find me at the edge, we’ll jump together.” and I was like this sentence deserves to be the title of something. plus throw everything (and by everything I mean that one sentence in the book) that you know about lightsingers away I’m just using the cute name. and yk there may or may not be some smut at the end. 
She was glowing.
She was glowing and Azriel did not mean she looked radiant or that she was overcome with joy, although she did and she was. Gwyneth Berdara was a living, breathing star. As if the spring equinox had come early this year.
Her skin lit up against the blackness of the sky and her hair burned bright with the ferocity of the hearth.
Gwyneth Berdara had stopped singing, the crowd was silent.  All eyes were on her but she was looking at him, her light, a beacon to his darkness.
His shadows yearned to go to her, he yearned to go to her. Instead, they both stayed stagnant, watching, waiting.
Azriel was had had enough, he dissolved from view and reappeared on the stage. Startled, Gwyn, took a step back and he stayed right with her, matching her step for step.
He gently tucked a stray piece of lit-up auburn hair behind her here, whispering, “It appears you glow, my love.”  
Gwyn, ultimately getting over her initial shock lightly pushed him on the shoulder, “Don’t do that.” She scowled.
Chuckling, he pressed his mouth to hers, in a soft, soothing kiss, forgetful of the audience behind them. As she relaxed beneath his touch, the glow became dimmer and dimmer until it ceased to be. Darkness returned and he stepped back. Gwyn took a breath and stilled. The nervous, passionate energy, that arouse when she sang, calmed for now.
Azriel turned to the crowd, “Due to the events that occurred here tonight, the performance will have to be cut short.” A soft boo drew his attention and immediately he isolated the noise. “Do you want to boo my mate again?” Azriel threatened coolly, his eyes narrowing.
Annoyed, she sighed and spoke to the crowd, “Oh ignore him, I truly am sorry for this interruption but I want to give nothing more than my best and right now I feel as if I can’t do that. the show will be rescheduled sometime next month, letters will be sent out with more information.”
He watched as the stunned and irritated faces slowly began disappearing. Some winnowing away, others taking the slightly more traditional door. Gwyn held her hand out to him. He took it, “So you’re a living lamp?”
“An astute observation.”  
“Is there any way I can convince you to rest now and figure this out later?”
She sighed, “It has been an especially long night.”
Azriel stared at her in disbelief, “did you just agree that you should rest?”
“Oh close your mouth, you’ll swallow a fly.” He responded by grinning at her and winnowing them away to their shared home.
Taking off his shirt he yawned not realizing how tired he actually was. It was still strange to him, being able to sleep so freely, without the looming fear of the past and what he couldn’t control. He stopped, realizing Gwyn had not moved from the door.
Gently he asked, “Are you coming?”
She looked at him blankly, lost in thought for a moment before she responded, “Um-yeah-later.” He was unconvinced so she tried again. “I think I’m going to stay out here and make some tea, maybe read a book.”
Azriel gave her a knowing look but did not push, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Az.” He tenderly kissed her cheek and walked to their room, immediately passing out on the bed.
Azriel awoke at dawn and turned, unsurprisingly, to find the left side of the bed cold and empty. He sighed as he got out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, mumbling. “Gwyneth berdara, you are going to be the death of me.”
Knowing there was no way she would be in the house but believing he probably should, he checked regardless and when he determined that she was in fact not in the house, he closed his eyes. When he opened them once again he found himself at the house of wind.
He nodded in acknowledgment, “Clotho,”
Shadowsinger. “The one and only.”
Is there something you require? “Just looking for that mate of mine. Any chance she’s here”
You know she is, and you know precisely where to find her. Ask what you truly want to ask. Through gritted teeth, he asked, “How long has she been here?”
Since 11 pm. Exhaling, he muttered, “Why can’t that damn woman ever rest.”
Over excursion out of only stubborn will seems to be a similarity between the two of you. Azriel frowned slightly before smiling pleasantly, “It’s been a pleasure as always, thank you for your help.”
Clotho only nodded and Azriel began the stairs to the 7th floor.
It took a moment for him to find her, the shadowsinger was a trained spy, forced to observe and retain even the smallest of details, yet he couldn’t find a bubbly redhead in a room full of texts and stories.
Ah, no wonder he hadn’t seen her. Gwyn was surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of books. She was drowning in literature, her hair was tied loosely in a braid with quite a few pieces falling out, there were dark circles beneath her eyes, and she was sporting the slightly insane look that came from a lack of sleep.
“Gwyn.” Her head jerked up in surprise to see him.
“Oh Az, Ok Ok, I promise I will go to sleep soon I just need 5 more minutes. I’m so so so close. I think I’m going to skip training today. Ok how about 2 minutes. 10. No that’s more. 10 sets of 1 minute. I just need 10 sets of 1 minute. I’m fine how are you?”
“Gwyn, my love, you’re delirious.”
She brushed him off, “What no I’m fine. I’m fine. Did I already say that? I can’t remember.”
Logic was never the way to deal with her insane stubbornness, so he tried a different approach. He pushed down his worry for her, and curled his mouth into a smirk, “I bet,” She perked up like a dog about to be fed, “that you can’t summarize everything you learned last night into,” he checked the clock. “15 minutes.”
“I could do it in 10.”
“Prove it.”
“And when I win?”
“I leave you to research. But if you can’t you have to go to bed.”
“Time starts now.”
Gwyn took a deep breath and began. “First I looked into where light magic is supposed to originate: the day court. Their magic is described as warm and comforting. Every single text I read described the magic the same way, as a sort of yellowish-brown light, like the sun. But the magic that came from me was more of an icy blinding light, like the lights from the stars rather than the sun. Also, as far as I know, I don’t have family from the day court so I looked into the family I do have. My family from the autumn court. However, we know that autumn court magic is fire, and what manifested in me was light not heat. My grandmother was a nymph so I thought well what type of magic do nymphs have. And the answer was severely disappointing, with basic plant magic being the most a nymph was able to do. I was stumped for a few hours before I realized. I’m basing my research on what I believe to be true not what I know to be true. I was told that I am a quarter nymph and because that heritage would explain my non-high fae-like features I believed that, for there was no reason for me not to. But what if my nymph grandmother was not a nymph at all. I flipped through dozens of books on faeries that have similar features, light magic, and/or can live on land and water. For the most part, I could not find anything, but then out of the corner of my eye I found a small tome on the history of light magic, the majority being all things I’d seen a million times before on the day court, but a passage no more than a page long, referenced ‘the lightsinger.’ Now what is a Lightsinger, you may ask? Honestly, I had no idea what or who they were so I found every book and story I could on them. The lightsinger’s, instead of being a title for a way to manipulate magic, like shadowsingers or daemati, were a race. A long-lost fae race said to be able to bend and create light with their voices and song. It’s said that they died out due to a conflict with the shadowsingers but every so often there are sightings of unknown nymph-like creatures in you’ll never believe where. The autumn court. Now I would only have 25% of lightsinger blood but magic is a fickle thing and some sources believe that when bred with high fae blood the magic intensifies.” Gwyn exhaled.
Azriel grinned victoriously, “It’s been 20 minutes.”
“Goddamn it, I didn’t even get to the interactions between shadowsingers and lightsingers.”
Now he was intrigued. “Well if you want to continue I certainly won’t stop you.”
“No no,” she yawned, “I lost which means I will be going to bed. But I do want to alter our deal slightly.”
“I sleep now, you train me tomorrow.” The set of her chin and the look in her eye were enough to assure him of how serious she was.
“You want a male who specializes in darkness to help you master your light?”
“Certain theories believe that the mother gifted the light and shadowsingers their gifts to balance each other out and to remain harmonious.” She reasoned. “So yes there is no one I would want more to teach me.”
“I will not take it easy on you.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.”
“Alright Berdara, we meet Sunday at dawn, do not be late.”
“I’ll be there.”
Sunday arrived and Azriel watched as Gwyn came down to the training ring in her leathers, with a white ribbon tied in her hair.
“Good morning Gwyneth.”
“So formal.” He shot her a look. “Oh alright ok my turn. Good morning Azriel, shadowsinger, spymaster of the night court, mate of the most amazing female to grace this planet.”
“Training is serious.”
“Of course it is. Shall we begin?”
“I want you to light up the room.”
“What? is it not already lit?”
He smirked and let his shadows paint the room black. Azriel himself became smoke, nothing more than a voice in the darkness.
“Az, az come on this is not funny.”
“Good, because it’s not a joke.” His voice came from every direction and every way Gwyn turned she was surrounded by endless nothing. “You must learn to sing the song of light the way I learned the language of shadow.”
“Speaking in vague melodrama feels like it’s not going to be that effective.”
Gwyn tried to back up only to find what was once the training ring now bled together with the depth of the sky.
“Let the light speak to you. Coax it, nurture it. Burn through the darkness and find the light.”
“How am I supposed to do that.”
Gwyn thought of the way Nesta harnessed her silver fire, the way her eyes became the flame itself. She concentrated and searched deep within herself, searching and looking for the light she knew she possessed.
All she saw was a hallowed chamber.
“No.” The word echoed throughout the room. “Our magic is not like others, we do not create out of nothing, we manipulate what is already there.”
“How am I supposed to manipulate if I’m in a room with no light?” Gwyn huffed frustrated.
“Just because the shadows are masking it, does not mean it is not there.”
He was so damn infuriating. She tried calling the light to her, she flexed her hands, she even tried speaking to it, all to no avail.
“As you said, magic is fickle and our elements especially. Light and darkness do not want to be bound or controlled, let the light be a friend, a companion, let it want to help, let it want to be influenced by your will.”
But how the fuck was she supposed to do that.
“Think of the first time it came to your call.” He whispered ominously. “What were you thinking. What were you feeling? Power often manifests through emotion.”
Singing. She had been singing. Was it really so easy that all she had to do was sing?
Turns out it wasn’t.
For hours she sang hundreds of songs. From songs in the old fae language that she sang at the priestess services to ones she had written herself. Nothing worked. Azriel had let her have a singular break when she desperately needed to pee and even then he was skeptical.  
He had left her to her own devices leaving his shadows to watch over her progress. When he returned he found Gwyn clutching her knees, rocking in the shadows. Her gaze was unfocused and she was humming to herself.
“You have officially broken me. I’m done.” She wanted nothing more than to sit in the library with her sisters and a book.
Gwyn’s eyes snapped into focus, her breathing steadied, and she went predatorily still. “Excuse me.”
“You heard me. No.” Azriel laughed, a cold vicious laugh. “You asked me to train you. Gwyneth Berdara has never quit before and she certainly won’t start now.”
Gwyn was seething, but she remained quiet. “What?” He was toying with her. “A little darkness too much for you. Light up the room and we won’t have a problem.”
“Oh that’s right you can’t. 10 hours in and no light in sight. You’re pathetic.”
Her anger cleared her mind and in that moment of clarity a memory, buried deep within her, resurfaced as if it was resting, snoozing until its moment of need.
Gwyn was in her mother's lap, a black-haired girl sat across from her. Her voice pulled her attention. “My girls, Catrin,” She tickled her, resulting in a giggle from her lost sister, before she turned her head, “Gwyneth.” And also tickled her. Gwyn's small hands clutched at their mother, desperately trying to hold on. “My two beautiful daughters.” She sighed. “Your lives will be filled with so much darkness, darkness that you do not deserve. But I need you two to be strong, to stay with each other, and to find strength in the other.” ‘I don’t get it,” Gwyn whined.
“We are a part of a glorious and lost people, a people of light and song. But they fear us because they do not understand us.”
Gwyn and Catrin looked up at her, confused and innocent.
“It’s ok, you will. You know the song I sing to you every night before you go to sleep?” Gwyn and Catrin cheered, “Yeah.”  
“I want you to sing it with me, and I don’t want you to ever forget it. Can you do that for me?”
Their voices came together in a melodic lullaby. It was captivating and cold, those who heard could not look away. The song demanded to be heard, to be sung.
The words came tumbling out of Gwyn, they twisted around her tongue and lips as if finally home. Lost but not forgotten. Lost but born anew. Through the shadow and darkness, her eyes found the light, it heard her call and from every direction it found her. She pulled the brilliance of the stars to her and let the light paint the dark white.
The shadows retreated to Azriel who stood just two feet in front of her. Their eyes locked and he smiled, “there she is.”
The light flowed and flowed, and the room lit up in a blaze of pearlescent radiance. Her pale skin lit and she had once again become one with the stars.
But while the call came from her, there was another that drew her light forward. His shadows and her light curiously answered the pull. Finding each other between Azriel and Gwyn. One did not dissolve into the other like it should but instead mingled, swirling around each other in an almost playful manner. They became one from two opposites that never should have met.
As they blended together she felt a pounding in her chest and a throbbing somewhere lower. Her toes curled and she craved more. Their power was its own entity and yet connected to them. A push and pull, a desire to be close.
Azriel bridged the gap between them breathing heavily, pulling her against him as he’d never felt her before. “Az.” she gasped.
His eyes were on her lips as he licked his own, smiling, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so alive.”
“You’re the worst,” She said between breaths.
“I know.” And their lips met in a furious burst of passion.
He kissed her with a fiery hunger, a male starving. Her hands weaved through his hair, her fingers getting lost in the darkness. Gwyn wanted nothing more then to be lost in his darkness, as he wanted to drown in her light. Azriel gripped her waist, grinding his hardness into her causing her to moan.
“You make such pretty sounds for me.” He chuckled, ripping her shirt off.
“Fuck me.” It was an order, not a request.
“Gladly.” Their clothes were gone moments later. His kisses moved down her neck as he sucked and his fingers dipped to her cunt as he felt her. “Always so wet and ready for me.”
She wrapped her hand around his cock, “Always so hard for me.”
“Can’t help it.”
“Wouldn’t want you to.” He laid her down in the middle of the training ring and stroked his cock up and down her folds, pressing against her clit. “oh my god-fuck.”
With that, his control snapped and he buried himself to the hilt in her. Stroking once, twice.
He smirked, crooning, “look how perfectly we fit.”
His thrusts were slow and shallow, edging her on, basking in the feel of him in her, of her around him.
He then went harder, hitting her in the right spot every time, but Gwyn needed more.
“Your wish is my command.” Azriel fucked her hard and fast, and with every thrust she moaned in ecstasy, driving her hips forward, meeting him step for step.
“Oh my god fuck me.”
“Such a good girl, taking it so well.” He captured a moan on her lips, devouring her.
“yes, yes fuck.”
Where the light met the dark, was where Gwyn met Azriel. They were cocooned in a shell of power flowing between and all around them. They were a storm of blinding light and depthless shadow, the lines of what were and were not, blurred to just the other.
“Gwyn.” He groaned, nothing existed but them.
“Az I’m gonna cum.”
“Yes, my love, cum for me.”
Every thrust became sporadic and uncontrolled as if his pleasure had taken a mind of its own. He swirled his tongue around her nipple and ground her clit with his fingers.
It was all too much, Gwyn cried out as she came, her back arching, toes curling. Her cunt tightened around his cock as he fucked her past completion. She was everything and watching her cum was enough to send him over the edge as he emptied himself in her, collapsing on the ground next to her.
For a moment they were silent before Gwyn spoke, “would you like to hear what I learned about the interactions between Lightsinger’s and Shadowsinger’s” She smirked, “Apparently the sex is unlike even mate sex.”
“I can vouch for that.”
Gwyn laughed, and if it wasn’t the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Pogues x reader, eventually JJ x reader.
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister. 
Note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support of my last couple of fics. All your messages have been so kind and so sweet! I’ve made a rewrite of the show with a new character that eventually falls in love with her best friend. I’m gonna be posting a new chapter three times a week. Let me know what you guys think!
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: None
Chapter 2 
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"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" John B tip toes across the middle of the roof as he sips out of the can of beer in his hand.
I lean to my right, pressing against JJ's shoulder as we sit on a construction slack used to hold construction workers as they work on the siding of the home. Scaffolding, I think it's called. I narrow my eyes at my brother, counting down the seconds until he falls.
"I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival," Pope jokes from the deck below us.
John B shrugs. He licks his finger and holds it up in the air as if he's feeling which way the wind is blowing. "Hm. Should I do it?"
"Yeah, jump." Pope holds up a power drill and points it at John B like it's a gun. "I'll shoot you on the way down."
"You'll shoot me?"
"Yep." Pope closes one eye and pretends to shoot it. "Pow!"
I roll my eyes and look forward again, letting the beer slip down my throat like a refreshing glass of water. The warm North Carolina air presses soothingly against my freshly tan skin and I bask in the sunlight. Its days like these that I like the most. Days where none of my best friends have work, we're drinking causally, and joking with one another. Even if it's on a construction site in the middle of Figure Eight. But the idea of getting caught just gives me an adrenaline rush.
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kie says as she walks out of the unfinished house.
"Of course. Why wouldn't they?" JJ says next to me with a shrug like it's not the craziest thing that a Kook would own.
"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess."
"I can't have cold towels."
Kie looks up at John B, shielding her eyes with the back of her hand. "Can you please not kill yourself?"
"Don't spill the beer. I'm not giving you another one," JJ says.
As if on cue, John B's foot slips. Luckily he catches himself, but his beer, however, drops to it's death on the deck below. As John B steadies himself I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I take another greedy gulp of my warm beer to steady the nerves in my chest.
"Whoa! Oh, shit," John B curses.
"Of course you did," JJ rolls his eyes playfully. "Smooth."
"A plus, really." I glare up at my brother, feeling his mischievous smirk right back at me.
"Dumbass," Kie mutters under her breath. She looks up at me as if waiting for me to say something, but I only giggle to myself. John B can be clumsy but he's not going to accidentally kill himself.
"Hey!" I hear another voice shout behind us towards the street and front of the house. A voice that doesn't belong to any of my friends or my brother.
"Hey, uh, security's here," Pope says.
Immediately knowing what that means, I jump to my feet with the help of JJ right after he slugs the rest of his beer. A delirious grin dances along my lips as I hop down to the main deck.
"Let's wrap it up!"
"Boys are early today."
"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll!"
My legs take off after my friends through the house. Adrenaline rushes through my veins and straight to my head like a power high. I can't even feel my legs as they jump over wooden slacks and construction tools. The high from running from the police is better than any drug JJ can get his hands on, even the good stuff.
"Gary is that you?" JJ plays along before accidentally running into him, making him slip on his feet before running the other way. I grab his wrist and pull him closer to me to catch up. "Gary, good to see you man!"
I laugh as my feet land on the freshly cut grass in the front yard. "You're asking for it."
"JJ!" The obese cop chases after us, recognizing my best friend's face instantly. I'm not surprised, not even a little bit. JJ had his fair share of run-ins with the law.
"They're going out front!" I hear another cop shout. I can barley hear through the wind rushing through my ears.
We run into a tall white painted fence that blocks us from our car, better known as the Twinkie. Hopping fences is something I've learned to become better at after doing it so many times. However, I can't say the same about Pope. He's always struggled.
I swing my legs over the fence and land with a small 'oomf.' I look over my shoulder for my slow-poke friend and see him falling over the fence, landing on his side. I laugh as I pick him up by the shoulders.
JJ is waiting for us, clapping his hands like a coach on the sidelines at a football game because his players aren't running fast enough. But there's a smile on his face. "Get up, Pope, fatso's coming!"
"Hey!" The guard shouts behind me. He's halfway up the other side of the fence, but he doesn't have the strength to pull himself over completely. "Come here you little pricks!"
I hear the familiar honk coming from the van John B and I learned to drive in. My brother and Kie are waiting for us in the front seats of the Volkswagen van that would look better in the 70s than the 2020's but I love it. It fits our friend group perfectly. Plus I'd choose this car over any fancy Mercedes Tourons usually drive. The only time I've ever been in one of them is when I snuck off with a golf player from Georgia after a boneyard party. It was luxurious of course, but nothing like the Twinkie.
"Bus is leaving!" John B says as we get closer.
"Come on!" Kie yells at us from the passenger seat, banging the flat of her palm against the door.
I dive through the back first, landing on my elbows and rolling over. Pope and JJ follow less than a second later.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Gary calls after us as John B steps on the gas.
JJ leans out of the sliding side door that's still wide open. I lay on my back watching him as I try to catch my breath. His smile is contagious. For a boy who's been through hell and back, he smiles a lot, and I love every second of it.
He holds out his beer can as if he's offering it to the cop who's still trying to catch us...if he can catch up to it. "Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise. Come on, Gary!"
"Wait. Slow down. Hey! You little pricks! Hey!"
"You're gonna give him a heart attack!" Kie tries to scold him but she can't fight the smile on her lips either as she watches from the side rearview mirror.
"You're so close! You can do it. There you go. They don't pay you enough bro."
"JJ, stop. Stop!" Kie says through her laughter.
I love Kie. She always tries to keep the peace between her friends and the world itself. Always the girl who raises money for charities that protect this Earth and save animals and solve world hunger. She's going to change the world someday. Her and Pope. Maybe if they can tolerate each other, they'll do it side by side.
JJ slumps back into the van with a toothy grin. He sits next to me and pulls me up so I'm sitting up straight. He dangles his arm around my shoulder and I lean further into his side. If I could choose one position to be in for the rest of my life it would be this one.
But I'd never admit that.
"Oh, come on. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished," JJ says.
I hum in response and lean back into the seat behind me and stare out the window. A view of passing vibrant green leaves takes over the window as John B drives. The scene comforts me. Summer is my favorite season. No school. Just work and friends and the Outer Banks. Paradise on Earth, some may call it.
It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. We're currently driving through Figure Eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live.
As John B drives further South, the houses get smaller and smaller, feeling more like home. This is the South side. Or as we like to call it, the Cut. Home of the working class who make a living bussing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of...drumroll, please...the Pogues. That's us. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest members of the food chain.
I know... a little harsh, don't you think?
So, the downside of the Pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of the Pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
The second John B parks the car, the boys are gathering all their fishing gear and we set off to our next destination. The marina.
"Nice haul, dude. Look at that!" JJ teases my brother when he reels in what I think is the smallest fish I've ever seen. If it was orange, I would have thought it was my old pet goldfish from when I was six. "Been all bait for, like, three weeks."
John B pulls the fish off his hook and tosses it in JJ's direction. JJ flinches back, knocking into me and almost throwing me into the water below. That was probably my fault, though. I shouldn't be sitting on an open ledge, dangling my legs twenty feet above the water.
"Watch it, idiot!" I smack JJ upside the head after letting go of the death grip I had on his bicep when I was about to fall to my death. Well...I'd probably survive, but it would hurt like hell.
"It's not my fault you chose the most dangerous seat!" JJ retaliates.
Yeah, that's JJ. John B's best friend since the third grade, which subsequently makes him my best friend since the third grade too. He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Second best surfer I know. First being me of course. Mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat.
"Yeah, Mar, you should really get down from there," Kie says, walking over to me to help me down. I decide not to put up a fight. If I'm going to break my leg, I'm gonna do it in a surfing accident or something cool, not by falling off the dock.
Kiara. Or Kie as we call her. When not saving turtles or listening to Bob Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. I'm not really sure why though. She's a rich kid, actually. Her family owns the Wreck, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash down with the tourists and my current job. You know, I'm not really sure how her parents feel about us. But they like me enough to bring them money towards their restaurant. I bring in a lot of regulars. Advertising is kind of my thing. I'm pretty sure all my friends, even my brother, have a thing for her.
Kie hands me a water bottle and lays her legs across my lap. She lies down on the wooden bench and bathes in the sunlight the day still has to offer. Kie is my best friend. Best secret holder known to man, for the most part.
"I think she needs a leash," Pope adds, making me pass him a glare.
"The only thing useful about a leash is how I can strangle you with it," I say.
"Kinky," JJ says and winks at me. "That's my girl."
John B slaps JJ upside the back of his head.
I'm lucky my sunburnt skin is hiding the blush that creeps along my cheeks.
Pope glares at both JJ and I which only makes my growing smirk widen.
Pope...the brains of the operation...finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And the smartest person I know. Little bit of a weirdo. His father's this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you. Now, I'm not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. He was a Pogue, just like the rest of us.
"Trust me, if a leash was that easy, I would have tried a long time ago," John B mutters with a hint of a smile.
John Booker Routledge. My insufferable twin brother. Pain in my ass. Number one partner in crime. I hate him but I love him. Pretty much like any sibling relationship. We live in an old fish shack on the marsh. The Chateau as my dad use to call it. My dad disappeared at sea nine months ago looking for a shipwreck. I mean seriously, who disappears at sea these days? I miss him a lot. He may have been a little neglectful, but he took care of us the best that he could. My mom, however? She split when I was three. Last I heard she was in Colorado. At least I think it was Colorado. Honestly who knows and who cares.
Since my dad vanished, my Uncle T is supposedly my legal guardian. At the moment, he's in Mississippi, building houses which means it's just me right now, on my own, hangin' out with my brother and my friends.
Three months after my dad went missing, he was officially presumed dead. John B is more of an optimist than I am. He refuses to sign the paper and until he sees a dead body, he's not giving up. I back John B's decision, but I'm more realistic about what happened to my dad. The ocean, although my favorite place to be, is also one of the scariest.
My dad is probably dead and I will never get the closure that I want. So I'm dealing with it the best way I can, although I'm pretty sure everyone is a little worried about me, especially Kie now that John B is starting to follow in my footsteps by exhibiting reckless behavior.
But I'm getting better now. Day by Day. At least I wasn't acting like I did when my dad first left us.
                                                     ~ ~ ~
I woke up with a slap to my ankle and my head buried deep into my pillow. I groan from the abrupt living alarm clock that's now pacing my room and throwing clothes from my closet at me. It only makes me squeeze my eyes tighter in hopes for at least five more minutes of sleep.
"Seriously, Mar, we need to go. We're late." John B rips my blanket off my body, leaving me exposed in just my pajama boxer shorts and a tank top. The sudden chill sends goosebumps up my arms and legs.
"Go without me." I push myself up on my elbows and grab the clothes he threw at me. I knew meeting the social worker alone wasn't an option. Even if one of us goes to this stupid meeting, it will prove to the social worker that we're not being responsible enough to keep DCS off our backs. As far as they know, Uncle T is still living with us and keeping us safe.
"You have five minutes." John B ignores me and leaves my room, slamming my door shut.
I roll my eyes and tumble out of my soft bed. I slip on my jeans shorts and a white t shirt that I tie in a knot to make it a crop top. Underneath it I have on my plain black bikini, knowing that I will be surfing the second we get home. The News has been reporting a storm for weeks that's suppose to hit tonight. Vicious waves and crazy winds sends a thrill through my body.
We arrive to the social worker's office only two minutes late. I thought that was a sign of responsibility, but the social worker only looks at us with distaste as we sit in the two chairs in front of her desk.
"John, Marleigh, it's come to our attention that you two are unemancipated minors living on your own." Her hair is pulled back into a tight low bun and her glasses are perched on the tip of her nose. Her suit looks way too tight for comfort, like it's squeezing the life out of her.
John B scoffs and leans back into his seat as if we have nothing to worry about, but I know his heart is beating just as wildly as mine. "No....no." The social worker raises one brow in suspicion and glances in my direction to either confirm or deny what John B is saying. John B sees this and answers for me. "No."
I just shrug as a response, which only makes the social worker more weary. She leans into her desk and folds her hands on top of our folders that are piled in the middle. "I need honesty to help you. That's what we want, right?"
"Yeah. I'm being honest."
"Okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your uncle?"
John B looks down at his watch and purses his lips. "Uh...thirty-four minutes ago."
"When's the last time you saw him?"
"Two hours and...forty-three minutes ago?"
I hold myself back from rolling my eyes. It's clear on the social worker's face that she's not buying into any of John B's lies.
She sighs and turns to look at me. "We're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're gonna move forward with foster care." Foster care. The words make me dig my nails into the wood of the arms of the chair I'm in. The last place I ever wanna be is in foster care. I want to stay here on the island with my brother and our friends. Not with some random family who couldn't care less about us in a place I'm not familiar with. "I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home."
She says it like she's offering us a better life, one that we would want, one that sounds like the better option but it isn't. I ignore the worried look John B sends my way and watch the seconds go by on the clock above the door. We basically have twenty-four hours to find Uncle T or someone to be pretend to be him.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
The winds begin picking up early in the afternoon, the rain hitting by 5. On my way home from working at the Wreck, I watch people board up the windows of their stores and homes. All John B and I can do is hope that our little shack won't blow away by morning.
Unfortunately for Pope, he's at our house when John B catches me leaving the house with my board. When he tells me to stop, I'm prepared to put up a fight. I've been looking forward to surfing in this storm all day - something I can use to push the DCS lady out of my head and the promise she made that sounded more like a threat.
"You think you were gonna go out without me?" John B smirks and leads the way to the beach.
Pope follows behind us like a lost puppy, basically talking to himself as he tries to convince us that this is a bad idea. We stop at the edge of the beach. It's almost impossible to see the ocean through the wind and the rain.
"Those aren't surfable waves, bro," Pope says, squinting through the rain that splatters our faces wet.
"Says who?" I say, passing him a devious smirk and make a run for it towards the ocean.
I paddle past the choppy waves, letting the water knock me around like a feather in the wind. When I see a decent looking wave to ride, I prop myself up on my feet and stand. I lean into my board. The warmth that's taken over my body outruns the cold water I fall into when the waves crash over me. My body tumbles under the water and my board bumps against me. I try to swim back up to the surface but the current is strong. I don't know where I am and I can't see under the water. My nose burns when water rushes up my nostrils. I squeeze my eyes tight and just swim upwards in hope of reaching air. Maybe this was a bad idea, but the thrill is still keeping me excited.
I finally reach the surface after what feels like years. John B and Pope's screams are dull against the whistling wind. I hop back on my board and give the two guys a thumbs up and a wicked smile. Pope looks like he's about ready to have a heart attack and John B breathes out a sigh of relief as he paddles closer to me.
"You alright?" He asks me.
"Fine," I yell against the wind.
John B nods. He looks like he's about to say something else, but something over my shoulder catches his attention. I turn myself around, intrigued at what's he's seeing other than the water, clouds, and a bunch of rain. Then I see it. A boat that barely looks afloat, so far out that it looks like a speck against the rain.
"We should probably go," I say. I don't want John B's mind to run to what might have happened to Dad out there. Maybe he was caught by a storm like this, maybe his boat went overboard and his body is out there floating with the fishes. I don't know. The last thing I need him to do right now is speculate. Even if the same thoughts are running through my head, John B thinks he's still alive. These thoughts will keep him up all night. He doesn't move, however. "John B let's go."
                                                  ~ ~ ~
JJ is already laying on the pull out bed in my living room when I get out of the shower. JJ crashes here most days of the week. He'd much rather be here than with his drunk abusive dad. Our friends don't know the extent of how shitty his relationship really is with his dad. But I do. I found out when I was thirteen. JJ snuck through my bedroom window after a tough night with his dad. His face and torso were covered in bruises. It took everything in me not to burst out in tears right then and there. But for some reason, he trusted me of all people with his biggest secret. I cleaned him up and let him sleep in my bed with me. Every once in a while we repeat the process. Sometimes he's not even hurt, he just shows up. And I let him in because I like having him there.
I fall onto the mattress next to him and prop my head up on my hand, leaning on my elbow. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling satisfied and bubbly when he moans in response.
"When did you get here?" I ask him.
"You were in the shower. Don't worry I didn't peak, but I was tempted," He says into his pillow.
I use the same hand I had woven in his hair and punch his shoulder playfully, making him fall on his back. His lips turn up in a grin.
I lay there for a second, looking up at the ceiling. My eyes feel heavy, the events of the day officially taking over my body. I peek an eye over at JJ who's watching me carefully as if I might break under his fingertips.
"What?" I grin to myself, thankful for the darkness so he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks. Again.
"You all right?" He asks, pushing my hair out of my face so he can look straight into my eyes.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
JJ hesitates, like he's trying to pick the right words to say. I watch him closely, studying every mark and crevice on his face. Beautiful and clear like always. Even when it's covered in bruises and blemishes, he's handsome. I could look at him all day.
"You hate storms," He says.
"I can sleep through anything," I tell him. "And I don't hate storms. They make for...eventful surfing days."
His face drops to a more serious one. "You know what I mean."
I do. Storms have never really frightened me. Not really. But ever since my dad disappeared nine months ago, I worried that he would get caught in a storm like this, that by morning there would be a knock on my door from an officer who would tell me that a dead body has washed up on shore and they ID'd him as my father. The image leaves me with nightmares on nights like tonight.
JJ's the only one who knows this.
I don't like talking about it. Like JJ, we have this in common. So instead of telling him I'm fine and him not believing me, I pull the blanket at the edge of the mattress over our bodies and tuck myself into his side, laying my head on his shoulder. A position so intimate for just us "friends." I hope he can't feel my heart pounding beneath my skin, against his side. I let my body soften against his, feeling sleep take over me. I fall into a dreamless sleep next to JJ, hoping that the storm will be gone by the time we wake up.
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