#plus the little gay dog
freudyou · 10 months
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Me defending Dog Dean Afternoon to the jeering masses
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two tickets to oppenheimer please!!!
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
not to sound like a broken record but i love my friends so fucking much
#this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me but seeing my friends has been a life saver#genuinely my friends are so incredible#yesterday i went down to the river with two of them#the first two of us who got there read for a bit and then got in the water and did some really stupid splashing around#and it felt so free and it was so nice to laugh and act like an idiot and not just not feel self-conscious#but actually feel appreciated#(at one point they said ‘dude you look so gay right now’ and that’s the BEST compliment)#and then we spent like twenty minutes just throwing rocks#not skipping rocks#literally just finding big rocks and seeing how far we could throw them and enjoying the PLUNK they made#then we found a spot where the current was really strong to sit against and acted like idiots a bit more#and then our other friend got there and we all talked for a long time and read a bit more#and then today my other friend came over to body double for me while I start packing to move#and we found old books from when i was little and the things i’d written in them and had some good laughs#and then watched Babylon 5 (the episode itself was. kinda a downer and that’s an understatement. but it’s still Babylon 5)#tomorrow i’ll go see Papa again if he makes it through tonight. i think he will.#and then on the weekend i’ll see my other friend! and that’s always fun. plus i’ve been very physical affection driven lately#and they’re good for that. AND they have a cat AND a dog so like. ideal all around.#anyway my friends are my family and i’m totally not crying rn bc i’m so lucky to have them#personal
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quadratic-shipping · 2 years
my only sorta regret is bringing my younger sibling instead of trying to go alone and possibly flirt with women but it was their first concert so I can't really regret it that much
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doberbutts · 8 months
We have a little free pantry in our front yard (toothbrushes, tampons, shelf-stable snacks bottled water, etc.), and I read a lot about people's experiences having one online before we put ours up re: expectations about potential interactions with people using it, but nothing prepared me for how weirdly aggro *other* people sometimes get about us having it as a form of "activism" as opposed to some other, more nebulous idea of broader social change. "Don't you think it'd be better to volunteer at or donate money to a homeless shelter, so those people can get the actual help they need?" "Shouldn't you focus more on trying to campaign for policy changes that will help more people than one street corner if you care about this problem?" "Isn't doing that a waste of time?" "Aren't you just encouraging people not to get help?" I do that other stuff when I can. This is something small I can do - in addition to raising awareness and fighting for bigger change, when I have the time and money and spoons - and at least, when I don't. It's crazy to me to approach social justice issues with such an all-or-nothing mindset as some people seem to. I've met enough of the individuals who utilize it to know it makes a difference in a very tangible way for the people directly around me.
No, I agree entirely.
Corny and dated as it is, there's a reason the saying is "be the change you want to see". If no one within the community puts in the work to fix the community's problems, even in little bits and pieces, then how will anything change? Raising awareness only goes so far. What happens when all anyone is, is aware? Aware, and still doing nothing, waiting for someone else to put in the work.
Sometimes, that someone is going to need to be you. You can't just wait around and wait for someone else to do it for you.
If I see someone digging through the trash for food, I wave them over and offer them food from my house or fresh food from a store or take them to a restaurant where they can order whatever they want. If I'm getting groceries and I see someone very obviously homeless struggling to pay for their food, I tell the cashier to add it to my bill. No one starves in front of me. Ever since I stopped needing to rely on food stamps, no one starves in front of me.
This past summer I saw someone splayed out on the sidewalk in 95F weather in direct sunlight. I couldn't tell if he was unconscious from drugs or passed out from the heat or just simply had fallen asleep in the shade and then the sun moved. I was getting groceries so I added a bunch of hot chicken to my order plus several bottles of refrigerated water. I went over to him and woke him and explained that I was worried he needed medical attention. He'd passed out because he was tired, he told me. I offered him the hot food and the water and he thanked me, telling me he'd run out of water the night before and food the day before that and didn't have any money to get any more.
Everyone else had been walking around him like he was just an obstacle on the sidewalk. No one had thought to offer any help. When I walked away, some folks who saw me told me that that was very nice of me. I don't think it was nice of me. I think that's just what you should do if you see someone obviously in distress. They agreed that he seemed like he needed the help. They didn't act. They agreed that the compassionate and right thing to do was to offer assistance and make sure he was okay. But they didn't do it. They waited for someone else to do it.
I've mentioned in passing that I volunteer for the local teen LGBT club, helping lost gay kids find their way and maybe not kill themselves about it. It's not much. I mostly just text back and forth with whatever kids get my number from the adults that run the thing. Sometimes I give them tips and advice. Sometimes I'm just the cool gay uncle they tell about their latest school drama. Once or twice I've served one of them lunch on my couch while my dogs smother them with affection and they cry about their latest heartbreak. I don't do speeches or history lessons or anything like that. I don't think I'm qualified for it, in honesty. But if even one of them doesn't commit suicide, if even one of them doesn't self-harm, if even one of them no longer feels all alone in the world because I'm there when they reach out to me, that's enough.
Today on my commute to work, the guy in front of me had a major wipeout on his motorcycle. I stopped my car in a position that none of the other cars could hit him, and asked if he was okay, and waited until his friend (also on a motorcycle) had circled back around to help him off the road and check him over. I left once his friend waved me away. I offered to call an ambulance but he refused.
A couple weeks ago, also on my commute, a woman was stopped on the side of the road, waving her arms at drivers, shouting for help. I stopped. The other drivers didn't. Her car had died, she was new to town, and she was somewhere that notoriously doesn't get cell service. I helped her call a tow truck. It wasn't a trap. She didn't want to hitchhike. She just was stuck and panicked about it.
I stop and help animals get off the road. I've lost count on how many turtles I've carried to the other side. I helped my neighbor search for a dog he saw get hit by a car so he could take it to the vet. I shoveled my elderly neighbor's driveway for her, and talked my boss into giving her a major discount for her little dog's dental in which pretty much every tooth needed extraction or he would die. When I still lived in that rental with my roommates, we were surrounded by kids. Every kid on the block knew we were a safe house to go to. If they needed food or water, if they needed entertainment, if they needed just somewhere to be, they could be at our place. When covid started, I did a "reverse halloween" since Halloween was canceled, and I put bags of candy on every doorstep that I knew had kids inside. I've done a "neighborhood santa" putting a small toy plus a small gift card for the parents on every doorstep that has kids, for as long as I've lived around kids.
When I say activism requires action, I don't mean that every single person is required to save a thousand lives. The honest answer is, unless you have a lot of disposable time and money, you probably won't. But you can still make a difference. To one. To ten. To twenty.
And you know what? I'm not saying black people specifically came up with this- but how can you be surprised to know this is how I live my life when I say over and over that I was raised by black activists who lived during MLK Jr and Malcolm X and knew community action would have the longest-lasting effects? Of course I do all this. That's what being part of a community *is*.
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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oroontheheels · 19 days
Daddy’s gonna be real honest with you kittens.
I’m disappointed with current Venom Run. Let me be real CLEAR here. I don’t hate it. I don’t have beef with its creator. So for a long period of time I was telling everyone “it’s a mess, but it’s better that Donnie Cates”.
But I think comparing them is not correct and let me explain why.
So Donnie Cates. Our boy. Extra edgy, made some terrifically BAD retcons, hated symbrock, tried to make Eddie Brock as trad as possible (giving him human son and all). Plus he ignored the fact that Sleeper was a child of Venom and Eddie. “nOt BioLoGiCalLy” Eddie’s but he called Eddie “father” and they both deeply cared about each other. So Donnie Cates couldn’t allow this either.
But! Donnie Cates while fighting the yaoi made the story ironically even more gayer. It was a train wreck but at the end of the day at least it was fun to laugh at this “closeted shipper” as I like to call him.
And most importantly? At the end they were still “Venom family”. All 4 of them. In Donnie Cates comics.
Now Al Ewing and Ram V… It was… ok. I like Dylan, I like Venom, I like Sleeper. I didn’t like that they “killed” Eddie right at the start of the story and sent him running solo trough time traveling shenanigans. I liked him interacting with Doctor Doom. I liked Meridus being gay with Kang and with that one old man.
But what I lacked is interactions between Venom and Eddie. They almost didn’t interact.
But like, okay. Let Eddie do his thing, let Venom singlemom it out. Also did I mention Ewing and V made Dylan Venom’s son? That was NICE. That’s I liked. A LOT.
And immideatly got my hops up.
Which was a mistake.
So the problem is where Donnie was closeted shipper, I’m starting to believe that Ewing and V don’t actually see Venom and Eddie as a romantic partnership. Or even all that important partnership.
If you check Spider Man Venom War comics, Venom talks A LOT about how much “Saint Peter”(Parker) means to him. It’s very gay very romantic very deep. But at the next pages it also downgraded Eddie role in Venoms life?? Venom is like “so yeah Peter taught me to save lives so I saved Eddie from offfing himself”. And that’s almost it. No emphasis on their bond, on Eddie’s feelings, of their bond. Almost nothing, really.
And now it’s Venom War and Venom says “wow Peter and I are sooo perfect, also it feels nice punching Eddie in the face”.
So what. Venom hates Eddie now? After all those years of forgiveness?? And it wasn’t elaborated in the slightest??
I would hate it but I WOULD understand if they wanted to make Parker new host for Venom for a while. But they don’t?? Apparently Al Ewing planing to give Venom new host (all of the candidates SUCK for the role btw). And if I understood one of his interviews correctly he want to send all the characters their separate ways.
Here’s the statement
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Which annoyed me. A LOT. Like i understand that cis hetero males bring all the money to Marvel. We little faggots don’t bring so much cash. So our feelings and wants are not important. But isn’t there big ass FANDOM for symbrock? People who advertise comics for free with their art and activities?? Are we not important whatsoever? And on top of that wasn’t EVERYONE celebrating when Eddie got Venom back (in 2016)?? Don’t we all love homoerotic weird ass bond these two have??
And what does it even mean “yeah it’s been a while since Eddie and Venom have been together”. It wasn’t. Donnie Cates first made Venom into amnesiac DOG, then sent him into exile and then kept him and Eddie from having meaningful interaction until the very end of his run. Everyone who loves symbrock were STARVING.
And Al Ewing and Ram V story separated Eddie into his own story line.
And now Al Ewing tilling us “yeah it’s been too long, it’s time to move on”.
It’s like giving starving person a cup of water and saying “well now you are fed, let’s go on a 20km hike”.
“My work here is done” Tuxedo Mask meme
So like… yeah.
If they’ll make Sleeper a traitor this will be so bad. This will drop from 6/10 to 0/10 immediately.
Not looking forward to Venom future.
And the WORST part? I feel like they are pulling out “this relationship is toxic so it’s cancelled” card on symbrock. They never do that on hetero ships, but they happily destroy gay ships with that argument.
It sucks.
I hope I’m wrong. But like Venom gets new host this December. There’s not much room left to give us decent amount of Symbrock IF writers even want that.
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nuka-cherries · 22 days
Thank you @gossippool for enabling me and cheering me on! I appreciate it so much!
Spotify soundtrack for the fic here!
Pinterest board here!
Chapter under the cut because AO3 is down lol some diffs here and there, but it is what it is.
gay as FUCK
Eventually, they managed to get a larger apartment in the same neighborhood with more space for Althea to move about, with her keeping the largest bedroom and a proper medical bed set up in her room. She said she was fine and did not need to get an adjustable bed, and her chronic pain was nothing a little cocaine can’t fix, but Wade fretted. 
He couldn’t lie. He fretted over his friends. He loved his friends. He always begged and prayed every time that Althea wheezed, that it was not cancer to the voices in his head, even though it wasn’t logical. Althea had no history of cancer in her family. He would know; he filled out all her medical forms in the waiting rooms, went to all her appointments and was her power of attorney. Friends who did cocaine together went to medical appointments together. 
Well, cocaine was out of the question now. Looks like the House of Mouse always wins. 
Go fuck yourself, Disney Plus. 
We’ll get your ass someday.
Dogpool was still so weirdly cute and slept in the living room with Logan. He loved that dog, no matter how many times he grumbled about how weird looking she was and how her barks were grating. Wade said the smartass comment of “Like adamantium nails on chalkboard?” and Logan rolled his eyes.
Logan picked up a job at a construction site outside of the city, saying that the gig was something he was familiar with. No one bothered him. It kept him busy. Had him in flannel 25/8, something that Wade was eternally grateful for. Now that autumn had arrived, it meant it was cozy sad girl season. Wade’s favorite!
Logan still stayed in the living room on the pull out couch-bed, commented that he liked to have the television on at night and it would bug Wade. Wade declined that allegation, that he loved the televisions and appreciated the white noise it made, with the comfort of paid programming lulling him to sleep. All but saying please sleep with me, I don’t mind sharing, hahaha, what if there was only one bed 🥺 and it was cold and our clothes were on the floor — 
But of course, Wade did not unpack allllllllllllll of thaaaaaat. Or surprisingly, say all of that. He was getting better about boundaries, and what he had come to learn is that Logan had barriers. Barriers and barriers and plenty to spare. He tried to be cold. He tried to be distant. But he heard the ways that he laughed with Althea, the times he played with Dogpool and how on family nights, he would remain at the table and help clean up afterward.
Logan had barriers. Logan had tragedy. But unlike Wade, he did not joke about it. 
“You’ll hate me one day,” Logan said to Wade once they were done moving in and the new paint had finally dried in the kitchen. 
“Babycakes, nothing in this world can make me hate you.”
“You say that now.”
“Wrong, I say that always,” Wade said. He leaned on the kitchen island and gently tapped Logan’s nose. “You’re stuck with me, baby girl. I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you.”
Logan wrinkled his nose in reaction.
Wade merely laughed and hopped off the counter. 
“C’mon, babygirl, I want these paint fumes to last.”
He slid his hand down to Logan’s wrist and led him to the hallway, where the next bucket of white paint sat along with the brushes and roller.
Wade tried to not think about why Logan’s hand slightly shook the moment he let go.
Wade knew what this must look like; why is he not being an obnoxious chronic yapper as usual?
First, he was too elated and manic to get chopped up again and he had a lot of tasks to do with going back to work, try to not get killed, try to make sure his friends were okay, and above all, try to adjust to a new future with a new gorgeous broody bisexual roommate and their little dog. He did not exactly have time to be as much of a yapper as usual. 
 Okay ladies, ready? :me😘
🧚🏼‍♀️Yukio: Hi Wade, me and Ellie are ready!
🌸 Laura: Ready!
“Don’t wait up for me, peanut, I’m going to be home late.”
“You’re going out?”
“Yeah, the Chappell Roan concert.”
“That’s tonight?”
“Yes! It’s gonna be a nice Saturday girl’s night out and it’s going to be a lot of fun,” Wade said.
“A girl’s night out?” 
“Yes, honey, a girl’s night out. Me, Yukio, Ells and Laura. Can’t help that I’m one of the girls. And what’s that tone for? I was invited,” Wade remarked. “You only listen to divorced dad music and I’m the one with better taste. What’s your Spotify wrap look like? Nevermind that. Chin up, buttercup, it gets better.”
“Well, that’s my cue.” Suddenly, Wade kissed the top of Logan’s head before he could chicken out and kill himself. “See ya!”
And he skedaddled out of the room before anyone could say anything else.
The metal detector was going to be a problem.
Laura somehow thought ahead and got the medical authorization waiver she somehow got her claws on professionally and legtimizately signed off. Something, something, something about how she had a metal joint replacement because of playing sportsball. The security guard understood and let her pass and the detector went off. But no one blinked as it did. She had the formed signed and folded into her wallet wristlet.
They made it to their seats without much struggle, with the loud pre-concert music blasting. 
“Soda run,” Laura said. “C’mon.”
“Um, no! I’m not gonna buy no ten dollar soda,” Wade scoffed. “Especially one that doesn’t give free refills.”
“Don’t worry about the price.”
“What, did you extort Paradox for money?”
With a loud laugh, Laura pulled out a TVA credit card from her wristlet wallet. “Obviously!”
“Girl, you should have said so earlier! Diet Coke, no ice.”
“I’m not carrying all that. Come with me.”
“Wade? Are you good?” Ellie asked him.
Wade was not going to have a panic attack, no matter what. Not when he was out with his literal girlfriends at a Chappell Roan concert. A Chappell Roan concert! He had never thought that he would manage to get tickets for her, let alone that she would ever visit his city. No reason to think about how he was a worthless human mutated being and that every dirty look was deserved. 
So he sang. He danced. And he ignored the tears down his face as he became a scarred faceless face in the crowd.
He got home late, throat sore from singing and body weary from dancing. He had fun. He didn't get drunk, but the girls kind of did. He was designated driver and they sang in the car on the way home to their respective households. Ellie moved out of the X-Mansion and lived with Yukio in a studio apartment. Laura lived with Elektra and Blade, with Gambit out and about. Wade wasn't sure what that quite meant. 
For now, they stopped to get tacos. Yukio was a little too drunk to be eloquent about her order, so Laura took control and patiently read off the menu in Spanish to the greatly amused cashier at the taco joint. Learning that Laura was Mexican, born in the motherland and all, was one of the night’s greatest surprises for Wade. 
He got into the apartment at an unreasonable hour. Dogpool was asleep in Althea’s room after all, since she did not come to the door barking her ass off like there’s no tomorrow. 
The living room lamp was on when Wade came in and the television was on as well to the Roku screensaver. 
“I told you not to wait up for me,” Wade said to Logan. 
“I couldn’t sleep.”
Wade went to the kitchen to wash his hands and returned to the living room to sit next to Logan on the pull-out couch. He settled into his side, and tried not to think about how Logan…let him. 
“I brought tacos for you and Al,” Wade supplied.
“I’ll eat them in the morning.” He handed Wade the small Roku controller. “Put something on.”
“Pornhub it is.”
“I’m kidding,” Wade said. M, not E, sickos. “Let’s just watch SVU.”
“Did you have fun?”
Wade hesitated. He did have fun. But he had a panic attack that he was going to not talk about.
“I did! I’m just…tired.”
“So go to bed.”
“No, I’m fine here.”
Wade loaded up Peacock and found his profile with the little bird icon. He went to the episode he last left on and hit play. 
He pulled the fleece blanket over them both. 
“I’m perfectly fine here.”
But Logan did not shove him away. 
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(Adult Van Palmer and Taissa Turner x fem reader)
[Warnings - GIP Van, Top Taissa, sub reader, penetration, threesome, young reader, peeping, manipulation, seducing, praise, aftercare]
Van and Taissa see a member of Lotties cult they find very attractive, teaming up like they used to.
When Van and Taissa first met you, you were chopping wood. Lottie was showing them around the retreat and there you were… swinging that axe, even though you were just a little thing, just nineteen, they couldn’t help but lock their eyes on you before giving each other “that” look. You were wearing a crop top and jeans with some boots, but fuck did that crop top show your biceps and back muscles, every swing looked aggressive but calculated, like it was your own therapy, it probably was.
“Look at that.” Van drew out with a low whistle, leaning close to Taissa to keep their conversation private, “I didn’t know they had girls like that here, I might just join to-“ Taissa smacked Van on the back of the head before she could finish, whispering back in a sharp sarcastic tone, “We haven’t even been here for more than a few hours and you can’t keep your dick in your pants?” Her words just made Van pout with that kicked puppy dog look as she stuffed her hands in her pockets, still looking up at you through her lashes innocently as the group walked by you, you caught both the ladies eyes as you looked up, giving them a polite nod.
Taissa couldn’t help but give you a small smile back, she did find you quiet pretty, Mabye a little too skinny for her liking but you were pretty cute. Van was much more eager to give you a wave, nodding with a smile, making you let out a adorable little chuckle, smiling before shaking your head and getting back to work. Van turned to Taissa immediately after getting far enough away, “Pleaseeeee Tai, she’s so cute, did you see the way she looked at us, that’s a baby gay, I know it, I sense it with my balls,” Taissa rolled her eyes so far back she swore they might get stuck, “Van if you don’t stop I’m gonna get you neutered.”
Van just dropped her mouth open in disbelief with a offended look, huffing on a pout, “Whatever, I saw you look at her too…” Taissa just straightened up her posture and continued to walk, Charlotte having been paying too much attention to Natalie to even notice, desperately trying to get her attention and validation as they continued the tour until later in the evening. It was dark by the time Taissa and Van finally got time to stray away from all the cult activity’s to have a moment of privacy together, sitting near the fire pit with some booze.
It wasn’t until Taissa perked up at the sight of you entering the shower house that Van even noticed, turning her head to see what she was looking at before smiling, “Oh come on, Taissa…” Taissa just sighed out and looked at Van, it had been a while since they had been together, why not have a little fun, they were here to relax, right? Sighing out as she finally stood up, holding her hand out to Van, “Well come on.” Her approval making Van smile immediately and shoot up before they both were walking to the shower house.
It seemed quiet when they entered, the only bags being yours on the hook near the door, making them both realize it was just you and them, Taissa locking the door behind them as Van tilted her head, walking down the floor until reaching the only shower curtain that was closed and running, smirking back at Taissa before she “accidentally” opened the curtain before jumping a little for show as you jumped and turned around, her words rushing out with a apologetic look, “Oh- shit, sorry! Me and Tai didn’t realize anyone was in here.” You collected yourself after a few moments of your heart racing, you felt awkward and embarrassed, plus it didn’t help Van had her eyes trailing down your body,
“Oh, um it’s fine- sorry, c-can you close the curtain?” You asked her timidly, a subtle barely noticeable smirk crossed her face before Taissa came up behind her, nodding to you, “Hey pretty girl, you don’t mind if we joined you, would you?” You were stunned a little at her words, standing there like a naked babe, eyes wide like some deer in headlights, at a loss for words, you thought the both of them were so so hot, the moment they arrived, but you had a habit of killing your hopes and dreams. For them to actually want you, you couldn’t believe it until Taissa was pushing Van in, “Undress you doofus.” She smirked as Van stumbled and nodded fumbling with her belt as she walked past her to you, reaching out to slide her hands onto your shoulders with a comforting smile, “Hi pretty girl, this is okay, right?”
Taissa spoke with such a comforting tone, like she was speaking to a child, you were so shocked and at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing before just blushing as Taissa’s smirk widened, brushing her thumb against your cheek, “Words sweet girl.” You whimpered out a, “Yes…” before she was smiling more before her face got annoyed, “Van hurry up.” She snapped back at her girlfriend who was hopping out of her jeans with a stumble, stuttering in her boxers, “Sorry!” You giggled at the sight of the redhead struggling with her jeans while Taissa just shook her head and rolled her eyes, “so much for sexy” she thought.
Van was always clumsy though, even with sex, like some starved puppy. But she finally got her clothes off, Taissa had stepped back to strip a lot more gracefully, making a show of it for you, both woman naked and bare just like you, which made your eyes widen when you saw the extra appendage Van had, your eyes widening, making her smile and shake her head while stepping forward, “Hey, it’s okay pretty girl, we’ll be extra careful with you.” She tried to comfort you as she held her hands out and grabbed yours, gently pulling you close before she was kissing you tenderly.
Groaning into your mouth while Taissa came up from behind, sandwiching to between them, her hands sliding around to your hips and up your waist before cupping your breasts while hers pressed into your back and Vans squished against your front along with her erect throbbing cock which she couldn’t help but rut her hips to get some friction, making you gasp out and lean back into Taissa who hummed in your ear, kissing your cheek before she pushed her hand down to wrap around your thigh and pull it up to spread you open a bit, looking down over your shoulder to bite her lip at the sight of your beautiful soaked cunt, smiling as she trailed her free hand down to stroke her slender fingers through your folds, rubbing your clit in gentle circles, “Such a pretty girl… oh your so wet for us, huh?” She coo’d out against your ear.
After a few minutes of relentless teasing and praise from Taissa while Van jerked herself off, biting her lip, she finally got the go from Taissa, a nod as she pulled you back against her while holding your thighs open, Van smiling as she pressed the tip of her cock at your folds, spreading them with her tip, making her shutter, “Fuckkk, god- pretty girl, you have such a pretty pussy baby, gonna make you feel so good.” Van moaned out before slowly pushing her cock inside you, a shuttering moan of pure pleasure slipping past her lips as she locked eyes with Taissa before thrusting all the way in, whimpering out before she kissed her over your shoulder while you got lost in the pleasure of being stretched by Vans cock.
Van didn’t waste any time before starting a sloppy pace with desperate breathy moans into Taissa’s mouth as they made out with you sandwiched between them, Vans hips slapping against yours quicker and quicker due to you being so wet, the shower still running over the three of you as your moans echoed through the shower house, you were panting and whining at how good she felt thrusting her hips into yours while Taissa dug her nails into your thigh to keep your thigh held up, she was moaning so husky in your ear, smiling as she tweaked your nipple and praised you, “Yeah… that’s such a good girl, take her cock, yeah- so pretty, does it feel good baby? Tell us how good you feel getting fucked by us, okay?” You shook your head with a whimper at Taissa’s tone, it was so obvious she was degrading you and praising you at the same time.
A smirk on her face as she watched you get fucked by her girlfriend while you trembles between them, rambling out through whimpers and gasps, “s-so good- mhm! Feels so good, please…” you begged, you were getting so close, the pleasure was burning up as Van sped up her pace ruthlessly, Taissa having to hold you up as Van went sloppy with her broken moans, balls deep with every thrust, the only noises being loud moans and sloppy skin slapping together before you were sobbing out a cry and tensing before trembling violently in Taissa’s arms, Van crying out in pleasure as you clenched down on her cock so tight she rammed her hips up hard, filling you all the way as her hands met your ass, gripping and squeezing to hold you close, tearing you away from Taissa’s grasps with her last sloppy rough thrusts, wrapping your thighs around her waist as she bucked up, panting so heavy as she tucked her face into your shoulder, spilling her load inside you.
It took a few minutes after your orgasm that you finally got your bearings, Taissa speaking down to you with a soft caring hum as she helped Van pull out and set you down on a bench, her touch soothing as you shivered and whined lazily, eyes unfocused, making her smile and chuckle at how fucked out you looked, “Christ, Van, you fucked the poor daylights out of the girl, I wanted a turn you know but I don’t know if she could handle it.” She coos out, not once taking her eyes off your face as she gripped your chin to pull you into a soft kiss, mumbling out, “You we’re such a good girl for us, baby, I’m gonna give you one more, okay?”
She whispered out, making you whimper, you really didn’t think you could handle another, so sensitive, making her brush your hair back, “Shhh, I’m just gonna clean you up, sweetheart.” Taissa whispered out before kneeling down slowly, parting your thighs open to lick her lips at the sight of your messy pretty pussy leaking out both yours and Vans cum, groaning before she dove in with her soft lips and tongue, darting it out to push through your folds which made you arch and whine, you felt like your clit was burning already, thighs trembling, “O-Oh god!”
“Shhh babygirl, it’s alright, your doing so good.” Taissa mumbled against your clit while flicking her tongue with a muffled moan, Van slowly came to your side to brush your hair back and hold you a little to support you, she didn’t want you accidentally throwing your head back and hitting it on the stall, so she held the back of your head protectively while leaning down to kiss your head as Taissa worked her magic on your poor overstimulated cunt, her hands rubbing up and down your thighs until you were crying out shakily, trembling again with a scream as you came one last final time on Taissa’s tongue, a pleasured-proud hum coming from her as she cleaned you up before both of the older woman were helping you up to all shower together.
Both Taissa and Van just held you between them silently, gentle kisses and soft words coming from the two of them as they cleaned you, dressing you after before walking you back to your cabin, (more like Van carried you because you couldn’t walk) and then they helped you into bed and decided to stay the night and crawl into bed with you so you wouldn’t be alone, Van spooning you from behind while Taissa laid on her back with your head on her breast, her slender fingers coaxing gently through your hair before she kissed your forehead, speaking out softly to you, her words making your heart flutter,
“I think we’re gonna keep you, pretty girl…”
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
I'd Better Ask Emily
Request from anon: Hear me out😅 Spencer Reid x daughter!reader where the reader is a lesbian but is to scared to tell Spencer and Spencer someone find out by accidentally reading her diary or something?
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: When Spencer goes looking for your school notebook and accidentally reads your diary instead he goes to the BAU bisexual badass for help.
A/N: I really wanted to do this justice so there's angst and fluff and bisexual Emily Prentiss because she had more chemistry with women than any male love interest. I’m also a sucker for Reid and Prentiss friendship so there is a good chunk of it in here.
CW: reader is gay, Emily is bi, let’s be honest everyone on the team is a little fruity, suggestions that Emily wasn’t supported, coming out of the closet, reader goes to social justice march.
“And my math homework is on the table for you to check over!” It was a Friday morning and you were in a rush to get out the door. There was a social justice march beginning at the national mall in half an hour and your AP government teacher had convinced the principal to cancel classes so every student could participate. Plus you were getting extra credit.
“What about your reading summaries?” Your dad asked you. Spencer always proof-read your graded assignments, per your request. It helped to have his genius input, though sometimes you wondered if he went easy on you. Since you were a child, you’d never made a craft or drew a picture or wrote something that your dad didn’t love.
“In my notebook on my desk,” you said hastily. “Bye, love you!”
“Love you too. Don’t get-” The door slammed shut. Spencer sighed. “Arrested.”
He made his way to your room. For the most part you were tidy, but your desk was a mess. Colored pens and highlighters, loose leaf paper with to-do lists, a stack of books that was falling over onto the jumbled surface. Spencer began to sift through the clutter, fixing the stack of books, putting your writing utensils in a pile, looking around for your notebook- but of course you hadn’t clarified which notebook. By the time he was done sorting through the mess there were five of them total. He began to read through them, trying to identify which one you wrote your reading summaries in.
It was down to the last two. Spencer grabbed the next one in the stack and opened to a random page:
I’ve never been one for poetry, but I find myself wanting to write verses on how her eyes crinkle when she laughs and the way her hips sway as she walks.
That sounded English-y and promising. Spencer kept reading.
I imagine her skin is soft, like velveteen, and her hair like expensive silk. The smell of her perfume is that of vanilla and honey; it reminds me of summer.
The sound of her voice is like a siren’s music. When she calls my name I can’t help but get up from my spot in the cafeteria and-
There weren’t cafeterias in the book you were reading for school.
Spencer read the passage back again and again. He couldn’t help himself- he flipped to the front page to start from the beginning and finished reading the entirety of your diary in two minutes. There were entries spanning over two years, but one thing stuck out to Spencer more than anything else:
You talked about girls.
You talked liking girls.
Of course the diary contained passages on other things, like the day you visited your dream school and a cute dog you had met at the park… but you were dreaming of cute girls. And you never told him.
Spencer closed the diary and put it on your desk. His only thought: I’d better ask Emily about this.
Emily added a small amount of creamer to her coffee and went to sit down at her desk, highly regretting that she’d put her paperwork until the last minute again. The stack of files on her desk was beginning to rival Hotch’s, and that was not a competition she wanted to win. She sat down at her desk and opened up a file, pen in hand ready to go when-
“Um, hey Emily. Can I ask you something?”
If it was anyone but Spencer, she probably would have told them to ask her during the lunch break she wasn’t going to take, but there was a hesitancy in his voice that made her stop. Emily knew she looked like she might bite someone if they bothered her- Morgan had already gotten a taste of her mood that morning- but Spencer never seemed to notice when her annoyance rose to the surface. If he was uncomfortable it was because he had his own problem. He needed her help.
And she needed his speed reading to get through all the files on her desk.
“Morning, Reid,” she said, her annoyance turning to concern. “Is everything okay?”
“Well, I- uh- I kind of saw something I shouldn’t have this morning and I wanted to ask you about it.” He rubbed his neck nervously.
Emily tried to keep a straight face as she thought of every embarrassing teenage incident captured on video or sin-to-win photograph that could possibly be out there for Spencer to come across.
“What is it?” Emily asked, her voice wavering ever so slightly.
“You like women romantically, right?”
Okay… that didn’t rule out embarrassing adolescent mistakes or weekends in Atlantic City.
“Because I accidentally read (Y/N)’s diary this morning and she writes a lot about being attracted to girls but she hasn’t told me yet and-”
“You read your daughter’s diary?!” Emily wasn’t sure if she was more shocked that Reid would do such a thing, or relieved that her privacy was still intact. “Reid-”
“It was an accident!” he said. “I was looking for her reading summaries for school and she told me it was in the notebook on her desk and then I just saw it…”
Emily hoped the devastation on Spencer’s face was for the right reasons.
“Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
Yeah… it was for the right reasons.
Emily sighed, leaning her elbows on her desk. “I’m sure that you demonstrate your open-mindedness at home-”
“I do.”
“And I’m sure you tell (Y/N) that you love her no matter what-”
“All the time.”
“But that doesn’t make it any less scary.”
Spencer didn’t respond.
“Coming out isn’t easy. No matter how sure you are that you will be accepted there’s always a little bit of doubt. There’s always the fear that it’ll change the fundamental way a person loves you and that you’ll never treat them the same.” Emily pushed away memories- memories filled with pain and relief and anxiety and frustration. The only thing that eased the thoughts were that she knew you wouldn’t have to go through what she did; not with Spencer as your dad. “She’s probably feeling really afraid, even if she doesn’t show it.”
“How can I make it better?”
Spencer’s genuine love for you- a love that every child should get to experience- made Emily feel as though she was falling apart and being put back together again all at the same time.
“Just let her know you love her,” Emily said. “A little goes a long way.”
As you walked up to the door of the apartment you felt like you were floating on cloud nine; for two years you had been crushing on this girl you shared classes with. You knew she was openly and unapologetically gay- making it a point to post pictures of herself on social media with pride flags and holding hands with her now ex-girlfriend. They had broken up about eight months ago and ever since then you’d hope that she would notice you. For three months the two of you had hung out in group settings- getting to know one another with other people there as a buffer- but you’d gathered your courage today to ask her out on a date. And she said yes.
“So I guess the march was good?”
You were so distracted from the events of the day you hadn’t even noticed your dad was home.
“Oh, yeah,” you said, startled. “It was good. Really good. Lots of… social justice and things.” You cursed yourself for not having a better answer. You should have been good at faking feelings and answers by now, having been raised by a profiler. Even then, Spencer always saw right through you.
The high you were on came crashing down- your dad always saw right through you. There was no way you could go on a date, let alone your first date, without him catching on. Discomfort grappled with your stomach and anxiety bubbled in your chest. You tried to reach for the courage you had earlier, but it was gone.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Your dad walked over and put a gentle hand on your arm.
“Uh-” You swallowed. “Yeah- yeah, I’m fine.”
Your dad suddenly looked weary. It was the same look when he told you he was going to miss your tenth birthday because of a case, or when he got a call that your grandmother’s medication wasn’t working as well as they had hoped.
“(Y/N),” he started. “I love you. I really hope you know that. And I’m glad you had a good day.”
“I love you too, dad,” you said, waiting for him to break bad news. But it didn’t come. He just gave you his awkward tight-lipped smile before tucking your hair behind your ear and turning away.
There was something about the gesture and the words that called the courage back to you. Well, some of the courage.
“I’m going on a date,” you blurted. Spencer turned back to you. You tried to look for clues on his face or in his body language that would tell you what he was thinking or feeling, but you were too caught up in your own head to make sense of any of it. “I asked someone out on a date and they said yes.”
Your father smiled wide. “That’s great, honey! Is it anyone I know?”
“Oh- um-” Spencer didn’t know many of your friends in person, but he knew them from what you told him, and what Garcia could dig up on them. “Yeah. They’re in some of my classes.”
You waited for your dad to call you out on the vagueness of your language, but he didn’t. He only continued to smile and encourage you to go on- is it a study date or a real date? Real date. Weekend or after school? Weekend. Are you taking the metro or do you want him to drive you? Actually it was a walkable distance.
The more you talked, the more excited you got. You were still careful to control your language, but the bravery was beginning to grow. You thought about taking a deep breath, but you didn’t. Instead you just said, “And she’s a girl.”
The world stilled for just a moment- your heart which was beating fast with excitement was now racing with panic. Your stomach was in knots and you felt your hands begin to shake. “I’m gay, dad.”
Spencer placed a gentle hand over yours, stopping it from quivering. The look in his eyes couldn’t be described as happy, but it wasn’t sad. No… it was peace. It was content.
“I know,” he said.
“You- you do?” The weight began to lift off your shoulders, but it was replaced by a bit of shock.
“Yes.” Spencer smiled. “Next time you should clarify which of your notebooks you wrote your assignments in.” Both of you chuckled, and you felt your body unwind as tension left your muscles. “And if it’s any consolation, I think your poetry is great.”
You smiled. “You always love everything I write.”
Your dad pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Because I love you.”
There was no more tension now- no more fear and no more doubt- just you and your dad being excited about your first big crush and your first big date. And it didn’t matter that it was with a girl. Spencer would always love you no matter what.
"So," he said. "What are you going to wear?"
You thought about the clothes you had, but none of your outfits seemed just right.
"I think I might go shopping for something new," you said.
Spencer smiled. You had a shopping buddy- the same one since you were little.
"So I guess I'd better ask Emily."
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 10 months
As a sapphic myself, how could I not write a bit about the cutest lesbian couple (almost) on the qsmp?
The day Bagi got picked for Team Soulfire was one of the best days of her life, that she remembered at least. That Eye guy must really be homophobic because Bagi was going crazy with not being able to see the adorable girl that had so captured her heart.
Bagi picked the last of her supplies into her backpack, shouldering it quickly. There was no telling when her former teammates who had got chosen for Red could show up, and she wasn’t keen on finding out if the Green Gay spirit would grant her immunity from her former team.
Plus the sooner she saw Tina the sooner she could find happiness in this cruel horrible world of Purgatory.
Bagi smiled as the sun beat down on her face, soaking up the sounds and smells of the jungle one last time. The spicy hint of cacao, the distant squawk of a parrot, the gentle mist kissing her face, the earthy loam beneath her feet, and the far off crashing of waves against a sandy shore.
With spirit determined, she marched forwards towards the sounds of the waves.
Admittedly, she did in fact tense up a little bit when she saw the terror of the island Badboyhalo, who was doing figure eights in a motorboat (on the beach), but considering she already knew he was coming down to pick her up she wasn’t too surprised.
“BAGIIIII” Bad yelled when he saw her coming from the dense woods.
“BADDDDD!!” Bagi couldn’t help smiling at the sight of her dear friend, and she jogged forward to greet him.
Bad’s eyes narrowing in a manner that Bagi had come to associate with mischief, and as she approached, she noticed him type something out on his communicator.
Bagi stopped in front of him, leaning her hand on her hip. “Ok, whaaat are you typi- OOF”
Her sentence was cut short with a loud impact to her back, causing the Brazilian to fall onto the sand. The confusion only lasted a few seconds because with the impact came a high pitched happy squealing and even though it had been a week, Bagi would know that sound anywhere. “TINAAAAAAAAAAA”
The weight on her back shifted, and Bagi turned over in the sand, not minding the beach sand that was getting into her hair. In front of her, was her beloved-
Woah wait were those abs????
Bagi gawked at the crop top exposing Tina’s midriff. Where once was soft squishy belly, not that Bagi was specifically ever checking Tina out haha never…, were now sharply defined and well tanned muscles.
Bagi could hardly breathe as she tore her eyes away, face bursting into heat. It really didn’t help that as she did so she caught sight of the lean muscle now attached to Tina’s arms, and the pretty tan that the other girl had gotten.
Speaking of the other girl-
“Oh my god. What was I THINKING. Why did I DO that? I literally do not even know why I did that Bagi I am SO sorry. Ohhh god this is so embarrasssiiinngggg. Oh my god let me help you up.”
As Tina talked anxiously, Bagi could feel her senses returning, and briefly registered the shi- the muffin-eating grin on Bad’s face.
“Wow Tina I can’t believe you ATTACKED poor Bagi! I’m so sorry, I guess she doesn’t want you on our team!” Bad said far too cheerfully.
“Shut up you FREAK!” Tina yelled at the…vampalien?
“Freak??” Bad scoffed pompously, “I take offense to that! Bagi get your dog under control!”
Bad grumbled, rubbing his head, expression that of a kicked puppy. “Such violence! I cannot believe you would hit me, and with a cooking pot of all things!”
Bagi hefted the weight of the pot in her hands “Yeah, well I don’t have my frying pan, so this will do!”
“Wait, you have a cooking pot? Oh my god we should totally make a dinner for each other tonight!” Tina said, grasping Bagi’s arm with stars in her eyes.
Bagi stared. Tina’s face, while slightly cut in bruised from the trials of literally existing in purgatory, was gorgeously sun kissed, a faint tan spread evenly across her complexion that spoke tales of working in the sun.
“Um. Errrr. Yeah. Do you have any ingredients?” Bagi managed to get out.
Tina smirked proudly. “Ingredients? Girl, I’m like, the co-leader of the entire farm! I could get you anything! Anything for you Bagi!”
Bagi grinned, heart fluttering. “Then let’s have a nice dinner tonight. Might as well enjoy something in this hellish place!”
“Could I co-“
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maxwapan · 30 days
A Certain Euphoria
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leon s. kennedy x male!reader
wc. 1.7k
cw. incest, dad/son incest, OOC(duh), implied abuse, alcoholism, mutual interest (mostly from reader in this one), internalized homophobia
note. sort of continuation from this fic right here… no smut (yet) sorry but uhm there are some implied sexual acts? also the writing is kind of boring I think .. sorry excuse how bland it is please lol… feedback always appreciated :3 || title is A Certain Euphoria by Strange Boutique
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You squirm, wriggle your hips and scoot your bottom back, but no matter whatever you try to do, you can’t seem to find a comfortable position on the thick muscle of your father’s thigh.
Yeah, his lap.
You were on your dad’s lap at your grown age. Willingly, too.
It didn’t take much for him to be able to coax you, just some sweet words and playful teasing and you were at his beck and call like a mindless dog.
That’s normal though, isn’t it? To be this close with your dad. You’d rather he baby and coddle you than beat you, which is why you try your best to stay on his good side. It doesn’t take much to set him off; one small, snide comment and he starts bugging out like a gas station cokehead. Plus, it’s not good for an old man like him. His heart could give out or something. Who’d take care of you then? Not your mom, that’s for sure.
Large hands steady your hips, squeezing gently.
“Relax,” Leon coos, nosing your nape, the action making you shiver. He’s so touchy, so brazen. A part of you flusters, unsure of what to make of his attention. It’s sweet, but it makes you feel dirty. Not gross dirty, but an “I feel like I shouldn’t be this close to my dad” type of dirty. You’re a boy, after all, aren’t you? Boys don’t get all sappy and sit on each other’s laps. Maybe you should be more worried about the dad part, though. Being gay is the least of your worries, and not something you should think about at this point in your life.
“Sorry,” You mumble, heat searing your cheeks, making you sweat. “I’m just kinda uncomfy.” Honesty is the best policy, you remind yourself. Pushing back against your dad, you turn your head slightly to nuzzle your cheek against his chest apologetically, acutely aware of the fact that you had accidentally bumped your ass into his groin. Your heart skips a beat, but dad doesn’t say anything, simply tightening his hold on you and kissing your cheek, making you wilt with disappointment.
“Gonna have to deal with it,” Leon grumbles, arms wrapping around your waist, keeping you caged against him. “I want you close.”
You let out a huff, but otherwise say nothing. It’s sweet, you think. Your old man has quite the soft spot for you, and you don’t want to overthink his intentions, so you stay put and rest the back of your head against his firm chest, eyes focused on the TV ahead. One of Leon’s hands slips from your waist to your belly, fingers squeezing gently at the soft skin, coaxing out a sharp inhale from you.
Your hands follow, meekly grabbing onto your dad’s hand and tugging feebly, halting those curious fingers. “Don’t do that,” Your brows pinch together, a mixture of embarrassment and warmth pooling in your lower abdomen and down there. It’s just instinctual, you think. You hope. You can’t control yourself when it comes to stuff like that. You’re just sensitive is all. You can’t get touched in certain places or ways without pitching a tent. You just can’t.
This brings you back to your first time in the locker room with the guys. Some random boy had patted you on the hip playfully, but his hand had lingered for a tad bit longer than you would’ve liked, and you swore he gave you a little squeeze too. Needless to say, it was humiliating when everyone noticed your poor attempt at hiding the boner that had decided to pop through your underwear.
Word had somehow got out too, and dad ended up hearing about it. He went on the whole “boys your age go through changes” spiel, and you almost considered suicide that night.
Leon takes offense to your attempt at redirecting him, his grip growing strict. He doesn’t scold you, much to your surprise. He just looks at you as if you were a child throwing a fit, brief amusement swelling in his eyes. “I’m your dad,” he says. Yeah, you know that, dad, and the sky is blue. “don’t gotta be embarrassed around me, tiger.” You cringe at the nickname, face scrunching up as if something sour had snuck its way into your mouth. He squeezes again, and you gasp this time.
“Yeah, no, I know, but-“
“But nothing,” Leon cuts you off, pinching your side and making you squeak.
You focus on the lingering sting instead of complaining, hand trying to soothe the irritated skin with small rubs. “Sorry,” You mumble, eyes fluttering shut when he squeezes again and again. Over and over.
His pinkie dips beneath your waistband, and you start to feel your head go fuzzy, your briefs tightening painfully around the crotch area. It hurts so good, and your hips twitch upwards involuntarily, seeking friction. Oh god, you’re going crazy and he’s not even doing anything that provocative.
Touch my dick, touch my dick, please.
He doesn’t. Instead, his hand slides over to your chest, fingers splayed out to feel as much of you as he could. Disgruntled, you pout, letting out a weary sigh and slumping against your dad in defeat, his hard chest pressing into your back. His body isn’t what it used to be, softened after years of drinking, but you can feel what slight muscle he has left. For a guy his age, he should be proud, you’ll give him that.
He leans forward and rests his chin on the top of your head, the weight making you tilt downwards slightly. His hand movements still and you frown, confused. It’s silent for a minute, the only sounds in the room coming from the television’s stereo. Some cheesy flick is playing on screen. A girl chews her gum lazily before popping it, eyeing a male character coquettishly as he speaks. You can’t bring yourself to focus on the corny dialogue, lost in thought.
The silence draws out, and for a moment, you think you’ve done something wrong, but then dad speaks, his voice gruff and his eyes fixated on the film ahead, “Think you can get me another cold one, sweetheart?”
You can’t say no to that. Not if you want to keep your face looking pretty.
You nod, giving an anxious little hum before scooting off his lap. Leon taps his foot impatiently, glancing over at you pointedly as you scurry off to the kitchen.
The lack of warmth makes you shiver, goosebumps spreading across your skin when the icy air within the fridge lashes at you. The top layer is the only one that isn’t scarce, filled to the brim with the kind of alcohol dad likes, some of the bottles gifted by his suck-up coworkers. You can tell by the rich designs on the front and the fancy fonts (and definitely not by his habit of skimping out on things). One of them still has a bow attached around the neck. A charming man is a charming man, you suppose.
You take the easiest one to open and rush back, handing Leon the bottle before hopping onto his lap again, sighing in relief when his body heat starts to seep into you once more. Your ears manage to catch the small grunt he makes when he unscrews the cap and brings the opened top to his mouth. The large gulp that follows makes you lick your lips, a subconscious craving for something to quench your thirst. Water sounds nice right now, you think.
Eyes flickering back to the TV, you try to follow along with the poor plot, only to startle and yelp when cold glass is shoved and squeezed between your thighs, the alcohol bottle held upright.
“Shh,” Leon shushes, tugging at a few locks of your hair near the back of your head, a silent warning. “The table’s too far to reach from here. Just hold it for me, okay?”
You make sure to squeeze your thighs together extra tight now, not wanting the bottle to slide out of your grip. That’d be life-ending. “…’kay.” You nod, feeling heat tingle all over your face, melting down to your chest. You squirm slightly, trying to get used to the cold somehow without being too dramatic. Leon notices, and he clicks his tongue in disapproval, annoyed by your fidgeting.
With a swift movement, he brings the bottle back and slides it up your inner thighs until it presses firmly against your crotch. Luckily, your shorts protect you from the full extent of the chilly surface, but some of it manages to seep through the fabric. A soft whimper slips through your parted lips, but you don’t complain. You can’t, you remind yourself. Besides, you’re grateful he doesn’t shove it up your ass instead, because he could, and he would.
You try to focus on your task as a drink holder and continue to keep dad’s bottle secure between your legs, but no matter how hard you try to be good, you’re unable to keep from squirming and giving subtle pushes with your hips against the glass. You could lie and say you didn’t mean to, but the truth is you just can’t help yourself, not around dad. It’s almost like you’ve got a knack for it. For being a little needy. But that’s not a crime, is it?
Leon’s hand comes down and grips onto the neck of the bottle, yanking it out without second thought to take another swing, ignoring the little “uufh!” that escapes you.
You look back woozily, head fuzzy. Leon’s Adam’s apple bobs as he takes three big gulps, the burn of fresh whiskey making his face screw up funnily. He pats your hip with his freehand, and falls back against the couch with a groan, bringing the bottle down to recline against the armrest on his right. Blinking up at him, you tilt your head in a silent question.
Leon’s gaze lingers on your face for a second or two before he lets his eyes flutter shut, his head lolling back against the couch. “Hmpff,” he yawns, “daddy needs his sleep, kiddo.”
You open your mouth to protest, but he pats the top of your head with a gentle palm before you could even manage to get a word out. You lean into it. you always do. Even if he was dismissing you as if you were a toddler incapable of thinking for yourself.
“Go to bed,” He murmurs groggily, pushing you off his lap with small nudges, “I’ll join you soon…” He’s already snoring.
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pilot-boi · 9 months
Question: which guys would make jaune go into a gay panic
There’s some caveats that need to be declared before I answer this
First of all, Jaune isn’t the most AWARE character, bless his heart. He’s actively flirted with people and not even noticed he’s doing it, which is for the best, cause when he actually TRIES he’s pretty abysmal at it
Second of all, Jaune has always struck me as similar to Blake, someone who has been aware that they’re bi for a while, in his case mostly thanks to having Saphron as a sister. So none of these characters would be a gay awakening for the boy
Caveats out of the way, let’s get to who I think would make him go 😳
Lie Ren, lets just get that one squared away. Especially when he lets his hair down in Mistral. Has Jaune going “boy pretty”
Marrow Amin. He’s like Jaune but if he was confident, plus he’s a little bit older. Kiddo is weak to the coffee wanting puppy dog eyes
Flynt Coal. He literally does the awkward bi peace sign at him when the guy suggests that they should party some time
He’s barely met Mercury, but probably also him. Boy is a sucker for confidence, what can I say
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trekmupf · 3 months
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"We're all mad here" 🐇👸🔫🐯
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The famous massage intro
Sulu and McCoy taking a lovely little walk together
Sulu is such a botany nerd; I love these small character moments
McCoy thinking he's loosing his last marbles
Spock literally thinking that humans go on shore leave to run up and down meadows like dogs
The way Kirk smiles when he thinks Bones is pranking him is lovely
Kirk's facial journey when he realizes McCoy and Spock played him
The first time Kirk calls McCoy Bones
The way the running is filmed and the way they run – and boy do they run in this episode
Sulu, gun enthusiast
The easy friendship between Kirk and McCoy- the way they joke and laugh with each other is so beautiful
McCoy is so beautiful in this episode, I could screenshot every second. He smiles so much and is so at ease, I mean
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Continuing what we know from E3 Kirk wasn't the super cool Bro at the academy but actually the bookworm people bullied
Kirk saying that Ruth hasn't aged a day since they last were together ages ago, and the actress being the same age as Shatner when we see her... canon Kirk being into older woman okay.
McCoy rolled a natural 20 on charisma
me @ yeoman Borrows being super into McCoy's flirting: same girl same
Also I actually like that for once McCoy is the one having a little romance and getting to flirt / be desired, which is rare (because he's older and not the leading man; Tumblr, of course, disagrees)
every time the tiger is on screen I remember that Shatner literally wanted to fight it and it makes me laugh
fake character death trope! (also Bones is a beautiful corpse)
Spock like no offence lady, I'm to gay for this, Spock out
“Did you have fun guys?” “Yes we did Mr Spock” wink emoji implied, like you guys know it sounds like you had group sex right
the setting and scenery is beautiful and a nice change
the score underlines the whimsy and lightness of the episode
the premise is so silly but works well. I miss episodes like this on modern TV, just some downtime with no large scale danger, war or plot, just silly crew shenanigans that gives us more time to spend with our guys
sometimes Sci-fi has great special effects, and sometimes they just hold an antenna really close to the camera and call it a day and I love that
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I'm Yeoman Borrows; Look at him being all happy
McCoy's death has no lasting impact on anyone, it's just a short time plot device and then gets shelved for more adventure / silly time; Even though he does come back, I wish it wouldn't have been so trivialized here
weird wind chime sound effects of the planet
Finnegan as a character is super obnoxious and too over the top (which is saying something in the episode with Alice in wonderland)
especially the second confrontation takes ages, especially as we now have more pressing matters in the narrative
treatment of yeoman Borrows (We already know weird things are going on based on what McCoy saw, yet Kirk doesn't believe her and shows zero empathy towards her distress), also her main purpose is damsel in distress
Kirk is a bit slow to unravel the mystery and almost stupid at times? It might be excused by him using the opportunity to let go of his responsibility and being with Angela / letting out his anger with Finnegan
the amount of references and jumping between visions is too jumbled and all over the place, which is why the pacing is off. some bits are so short, they'd better be cut (Rodriguez side adventure) and some just go on (Finnegan)
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Counter: Shirt rip Kirk
Quote: "You've got your problems, I've got mine. But he's got ours, plus his, plus 430 other people" - McCoy about Kirk Moment: Opening Scene, where Kirk thinks Spock is massaging him and being super uncomfortable when its a female crew member
Summary: Silly and light episode with no deeper meaning but some great character moments, funny scenes and further development of the interpersonal relationships
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In another universe this is a classical painting
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splatooshy · 10 months
aka the ‘slutty damon salvatore’ agenda. set around s3?
“Never have I ever slept with a Salvatore,” Bonnie says, pleased with herself as she grins pointedly at Elena and Caroline. As expected, they both drink, along with Rebekah and Katherine, and to everyone’s surprise, Klaus, Kol, and Elijah.
Damon’s eyes go wide, before he shouts “BINGO!”, drawing everyone’s puzzled attention onto him. “I’ve got the full set,” he announces proudly, and receives even more confused looks in return. “I’ve slept with all of the living Mikaelsons,” he explains, before narrowing his eyes, “unless you have another sibling stashed away somewhere,” he says accusingly, visibly relaxing when Klaus (as keeper of the caskets) shakes his head.
“No, darling,” Kol purrs, eyeing the elder Salvatore seductively, mostly to see which entertaining reactions he can pull from the doppelgänger. “Just us four left. Now tell us, who was the best? It was me, right?” He asks with a wide grin.
Stefan, staring gobsmacked at Klaus, asks him, “When was this?” Klaus smirks back. “Just a one night stand before we met, Rippah.” Damon rolls his eyes and interjects, “Like 1860, Stef. No need to get jealous - it was long before we turned.”
Elena eventually manages to gather her wits, eyes flickering around the room as she digests this newest information dump. “I’m sorry, what?!” She asks, shooting both Salvatores a hurt glare. “Since when are you two gay?” Stefan frowns. “I’m not?” He says, at the same time Damon says “Since never?”
“B-but…. Why?” Elena asks, disgust evident in her tone.
Damon pulls a face. “Look at them,” he points, the ‘duh’ implied, and Stefan nods along as his brother continues. “Why not? I highly recommend it.”
Pouting because his question remains unanswered, Kol asks again, “So, Damon, now that you’ve had the pleasure of bedding each of us, who’s your favourite?” Katherine snorts at the puppy dog eyes and fluttering lashes Kol gives. “Elijah,” Damon instantly says, tossing a saucy little wink towards the eldest Original.
“What? Why?” Kol whines, so not okay with being outdone by his big brother. “Well,” Damon starts, slowly trailing a finger around the rim of his glass, “for starters, have you seen how hard—“
“That’s enough, Damon!” Elijah says, blushing furiously. Damon looks back, innocently. “I was just gonna say how hardworking you are.” Turning back to the group, Damon grins deviously. “Plus, he’s got a huge co- “LALALALA,” Rebekah covers her ears in disgust.
“Collection of suits…” Damon trails off. “But seriously, that dick though…” He’s interrupted by a large hand slapping over his mouth, but he just licks it away. “I mean, what a ride.”
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moodywyrm · 1 year
worrisome - farmer! sevika
@pinknightsinmymind my love I cannot stop thinking about it. This is after Sevika becomes an official farmer and moves in with you, but before y’all are married.
farmer sevika x chubby / plus size reader (although it aint too too prominent)
It happens on a day that you’re off to market. you had less goods to sell, just a few jams and pastries, and – with Sevika having to tend to the crops – y’all decided you should go to market on your own. Well, less decided and more convinced and mollified Sevika before she could drive herself into an early grave worrying about you. 
She’d spent the whole day pulling taking care of the hens, feeding and entertaining the dogs, maintaining your sunflowers, and, of course, worrying over her girlfriend. So the second she hears the truck drive up to the farmhouse and the jingle of your keys as you step out, she’s sprinting from the field over to you, dogs in tow.
When she gets to the driveway, she slows down, trying to act all calm and composed as if you didn’t just see her book it. She walks up to the truck bed and leans her forearm against it, looking at you with a sparkle in her eyes.
“How was the market, darlin’?” She asks, watching you jump down from the truck and pull some empty containers and your tote bag from the backseat.
“Aw it was wonderful, sugar! I wish you could’ve gone, everyone was asking where you were, had to tell ‘em my big strong girl was taking care of the farm,” You tell her, handing her a bag of goods you no doubt traded for at the market. She could already see a few wrapped up pieces of cheese, some bread, and more jams sitting in your bags. The sound of your voice melts her anxiety away, doing a quick scan of your body to make sure you weren’t hurt or nothing. 
“Yeah? Mm, I’m sure they were all glad to see you, sweets,” She murmured, leaning in to kiss you before you shoved another bag into her arms. “Did our stand not sell today? What’s with all the bags?”
“Actually, we sold everything. All of this is from stuff I bought, traded for, or got gifted from people who thought you were out sick. Hope you like soup, because I just got two months worth of bullion from Nina,” You chide, pressing one last kiss to Sevika’s cheek before bounding up the steps into the farmhouse.
She follows you, watching the movement of your body as you walk to the kitchen. The softness of your hips, your thighs, your tummy, all visible in the little overall shorts you wore to market, made something in her chest want to reach out to you, pull you into her and never let go. 
“She really didn’t have to do that, I’m not sick.”
“Yeah, well, I told them that but they just wouldn’t listen. But hey, at least we got some food out of it? And don’t worry, I’m gonna make everyone some pastries as a thank you,” You rattle off as you put all the goods away, flitting around the kitchen as Sevika hands you items from the bags. You fill her in on the rest of your day, from the sweet lil kid who bought a strawberry croissant from you to the definitely gay ‘best friends’ who loved visiting your stall every Saturday. Sevika listened, watching you and letting all the anxiety ease out of her body, but there was still something in her that needed to take care of you, make sure you were okay. 
She waited until y’all had eaten dinner to act on those urges. Somehow, she’d managed to convince you to shower with her, desperate to get her hands on you.
“Hop in baby, I’ll be there in a second,”  She whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead after she helped you undress, running her rough hands down your soft curves, squeezing at the fat of your hips. You let out a needy hum, whispering out a soft ‘ok’ and climbing into the shower, letting the hot water flow over you. 
Sevika watched you for a second before yanking off her clothes, dirty from the day, sighing at the relief of having them off her body. Her skin felt sticky, dirty, and she needed a shower with her girl to fix that. 
She slipped into the shower behind you, shifting until she was under the shower head and you were facing her tits. She sees you get flustered, smirking when you snap your eyes up to look at her. 
“Hey there,” You whisper, already sounding like her needy girl. Sevika smirks at you, rubbing at your plush hips and kissing you, huffing at the whines you let out against her. When she pulls away, it’s with a string of spit connecting your lips and a hushed whisper.
“Mmm, calm down darlin’, we gotta get clean first.” 
You pout, but agree. As you wash her hair and scrub each other down, Sevika is merciless with her teasing. It’s not mean, no, just incredibly touchy and needy and gentle. Her rough hands cupping your breasts and grazing your nipples to clean them, sliding down your waist and over your thighs, kneading at your ass, your tummy, truly whatever she can get her hands on. By the time you two were done, you were dripping down your thighs. 
Sevika is silent, thinking, as she leads you to the bedroom. With a soft kiss to your knuckles, she guides you onto the plush bed, letting you sit in the middle. When you go to lay down, she holds out a hand and stops you.
“Don’t, I wanna try something different,” She murmurs, grabbing lube from the dresser and setting any toys you might want on the bedside table. You nod, patiently waiting for her to get on the bed. She passes you a soft towel to place beneath you, climbing onto the bed and helping you lay it out. Once it’s all settled, Sevika sits in front of you, looking uncharacteristically nervous. 
“What’s wrong, honey? You know you can tell me anything,” You say, reaching out for her hand. Sevika lets you intertwine your fingers, the point of contact grounding her. She was worried, all day. She knew you would be okay but she worried anyways, and now she felt almost silly for it. Like she needs to apologize. She knows you would never see it like that, but a part of her felt controlling, ugly, for being so worried.
“I’m sorry I was so worked up this mornin’,” She says, making shaky eye contact. 
“Sevika, it’s okay. I know you just want me safe,” You murmur, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
When she speaks, her voice is quiet, meek. She’s beating herself up over something inconsequential, but you know it’s because she’s scared. “I do, but I should be better at trusting you to do things on your own.” 
“Mm, yes, but we can work on that. I had fun today, and I knew I had my girl back home waiting for me, what more could I ask for?” You hum, crawling forward and pressing a kiss to Sevika’s lips, caressing her warm cheek. You’re soft with her, but you want to grab her by the shoulders and scream how much you love her, how much you need her and want her and love how she worries over you, but you stay gentle. You press soft kisses to her cheeks, feeling her grow warm, smiling when her free hands slides up to your hip, massaging the fat. 
“Can I apologize, fully? I did mean it when I said I wanna try something,” She mumbles against you, pressing your foreheads together and looking into your eyes. 
“You don’t have to apologize, but how could I ever say no to an offer like that? What is it you wanna try, Vika?”
She takes a deep breath, steadying herself. “I wanna try scissoring. Or, uh, tribbing? Still not sure what it’s actually called.”
“Oh. I’ve, um, I’ve never done that but I’m down to try,” You stutter out, heart racing at the idea. 
Sevika smiles, kissing you again before starting to maneuver you so that you’re both sitting up, one of your thighs over one of hers, and vice versa, cunts almost pressed against each other. She reaches back for the lube, drizzling some over your pussy and inner thighs, doing the same to her own. You’re watching her, hungry, certain that you’re dripping down your thighs all the same. 
You nearly whine when Sevika starts spreading the lube over you, rubbing your inner thighs and your mound before trailing down and toying with your swollen clit. Your head tips back, whining out a soft “Fuck, Vika, please.”
“I know, oh I know sugar, just be patient,” She hums, pressing your clit a little rougher before spreading the lube around her own center. The brush of her calloused fingers against her clit makes her twitch, so unbelievably needy for her girl, but she resists. Once she deems you both sufficiently warmed up, Sevika places one hand on your hip, tugging you forward until your cunts meet. 
And god, the warmth makes her head spin. It’s all so warm and wet, she can feel the slick heat emanating from you. And you’re so soft, the fat of your thighs and your pussy pressing into her, driving her insane. Sevika moans, unable to hear anything but your whimpers and, when she starts moving, the nasty slick noises from between your legs. 
“Fu-fuck, Jesus Christ, honey,” She groans, grinding against you and feeling her clit pushing against your wet pussy. She can just feel your clit, hard and needy, pressing into her. It’s turning her into a fucking mess, the way your grinding into her and whining, soft body jiggling with each thrust. The movement of your chest makes her mouth water, wanting desperately to suck on your nipples.
You’re not much better, already trying to hold back an orgasm. The way Sevika’s hair is grinding against your clit makes you whimper, your needy hole clenching against her. She looks gorgeous, her tits bouncing and her dark nipples looking unbelievably good. You wanna bite them, suck on them and hear her whine for you. The thought only serves to make you grind against her harder. 
“Feels – fuck– feels so fucking good baby,” You huff, one hand reaching out to rub at Sevika’s abs and tits. Sevika grunts, grinding harder and getting frustrated that you weren’t close enough. 
She reaches out, grabbing your ass and pulling you closer, choking out a moan  at the contact. Somehow, it’s even hotter and wetter, the tight slide of your cunts making her head fuzzy. She’s pulling you into her with every grind of her hips, grunting as she does and driving you insane. There’s little you can do but whine and scramble for her, grinding against her and crying. 
You’re basically sitting in her lap, having let her sit up with her legs folded under her to better pull you into her. You’re close enough to kiss her now, close enough to suck on her nipples. You bite one and she whimpers, pulling you into her even harder and tilting your head up with her free hand. She pulls you into a kiss, tears welling up at the feel of your soft pussy grinding against her clit so well. It’s all so intense, you well Sevika completely take over as you feel yourself getting closer. 
She’s giving you deep thrusts, grinding as if she was wearing her strap, making you leak all over her. “Vika, baby, ‘m close – fuck – ‘m so close.” 
Your gasping whines make her shake, pulling you into another kiss and grinding harder and harder until she feels the knot burst, tugging you into a hug and holding your entire body as she quakes. She feels you cum against her, trembling in her hold as she grunts, gasping for air as her orgasm rips through her. 
You feel like you’re on fire, cunt leaking and clenching against Sevika’s pussy, clit throbbing. It’s divine, what Sevika does to you, and this orgasm is proof. 
As you come down, you two are panting, holding each other and placing little kisses wherever you can. Sevika lets you down slowly, laying you against the bed and sidling up next to you, laying on her side and trailing one gentle hand up your tummy. 
“How was that, sugar?” She asks, tone teasing and loving all the same. You giggle, turning onto your side to look at her and press a kiss to her nose.
“We gotta do that more often,” You mumble, pressing kisses to her lips, feeling her hands grip onto your hips and slowly making you straddle her. 
“Mmm, how about we try a different position this time, then?” She murmurs, voice deep and low and needy. You smile, slotting your pussies against each other for round two. 
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