#plus their games are expensive and they take a bigger cut than they should from the devs
famousblueraincoatmp3 · 11 months
why is steam constantly updating. it still looks like absolute shit so theyre not doing anything
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
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This.... was supposed to be short. But then it spiralled. I hope you guys like it! Characters and their world by @lumosinlove
Julian’s voice was quiet, but his brother heard him anyway. Remus always heard him. Sitting out on the porch under the starlight, just like they used to do when Julian was very small and Remus would let him sneak out of his room after their parents put him to bed. They would sit on the porch swing under a pile of blankets, usually with a mug of hot chocolate and just hang out. Sometimes they were quiet. Sometimes they laughed at jokes, but no matter what they were doing, Jules treasured every memory. 
It was fitting this was how he was spending the night before his wedding. 
“Yeah?” Remus half hummed, tilting his head, tearing his eyes away from the stars to his brother. 
“Were you scared? The night before your wedding?”
Remus smiled softly, cupping his mug. “I was a hell of a lot of things before my wedding. Nervous? Sure. But not scared.”
Julian nodded, the heavy knot in his chest twisting. Maybe he really was making a mistake. 
“Hi, I’m Katie.”
Julian grinned and shook her hand. “I’m Julian, but you can call me Jules if you want.”
Katie nodded, a funny little business -like movement as she stood in her fairy costume, wings poking over her shoulders. “We’re all playing downstairs, wanna come?”
Julian nodded eagerly, pulling away from Remus and his parents and rushing down to the basement. His feet halted when he reached the bottom, his eyes wider than dinner plates.
“Woah,” He breathed. “You have a rink in your house!”
Katie nodded, giggling. “Oui. Jouez-vous au hockey?”
Jules blinked, looking at her in confusion. “Oh, I uh, I don’t speak French, sorry.” He said as his face flushed a little but Katie just grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a wall of skates.
“That’s okay. Do you play hockey?”
Now this, Jules understood. 
“Yes!” He said, bouncing on his toes in anticipation, noticing all the other kids playing on the ice and realising that he might get to as well. 
Katie looked pleased as she pulled a small pair of white skates and took off her shoes. “My brothers have lots of skates, you should look and see if there’s some in your size.”
Julian went to them immediately, looking at them in awe, all of them far more elegant and expensive than any he had ever owned. He found a pair in his size and pulled them out gingerly, even though they looked well worn. 
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to borrow them?” He confirmed with Katie, even as he pulled off his shoes. Katie just nodded impatiently, having already laced up. 
“Oui, it’s okay I promise. Now come on! I wanna go skate!”
“You can go,” Jules said, rushing to tie them up, “I’ll catch up.”
Katie looked at him like he was crazy. “Don’t be silly.” She said, reaching a hand out to take his. “We can go together. Come on.”
Julian finished tying his skates, stood up and took Katie’s hand. Together, they stepped onto the ice. 
“Are you scared?” Remus asked, his concerned voice cutting through Julian’s thoughts. “Because it’s not too late you know.”
“No, no it’s fine.” Julian said, hoping it sounded reassuring to Remus. It didn’t to his own ears. “Just nervous I suppose, but you said that’s normal.”
Remus tilted his head the way he did when Julian would pretend he hadn’t eaten the last chocolate bar, even with the evidence all over his face. 
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Julian sighed, resting his head on his brother's shoulder, hearing the heartbeat that used to rock him to sleep. 
“Yeah, yeah I know.”
“Hey Katie.” Jules said, still a little shy but glad to see a friendly face in the locker room. 
“Jules!” She beamed, bouncing over in her ‘Dumais’ jersey. “Whose number did you wear today?”
Jules flushed as he lifted up his number six shirt to reveal the number twelve underneath. “Both.”
Katie nodded, impressed. “Cool. Hey wanna go get some snacks?”
Jules didn’t even respond, just told his mom where he was going and raced her down the corridor to the kitchen, running past the rows and rows of framed photographs and dodging photographers and reporters. 
“Ha! I win!” He yelled as they burst through the door to the kitchen, racing through the doorway at the same time. If they had been a little bigger, they might have gotten stuck in the frame.
“Nah ah!” Katie protested, “It was a tie.”
“My foot went in first”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don’t.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Whoever wins the race back to the locker room is the actual winner.” Katie proposed and Jules nodded, satisfied. 
He climbed onto the counter to reach the high cupboards, only to discover the cabinet stocked with mugs and glasses. 
“Over here,” Katie said, giggling as she opened the fridge, scanning for something good. “Ooh, chocolate!”
Jules jumped down and went to her side. “Can we just take it?”
Katie nodded. “Oui. Plus, they’re not supposed to eat chocolate, so we’re doing them a favour by taking it away.”
Julian donned a matching smirk. “Katie, I like the way you think.”
“Oh here you are!” Sirius half-whispered as he poked his head out the front door. “I’ve been looking for you two everywhere.”
Remus pulled back a corner of the blanket and patted the bench beside him. “Wanna join us?”
Sirius looked to check with Jules first, before nodding and sliding in next to Remus. Julian had long since overcome his starry-eyed obsession with Sirius-the-hockey-god but he’d never be over the love for Sirius-his-brother-in-law. Sirius who had come to all of Julian’s big games. Sirius who tended to be awake whenever Julian couldn’t sleep, so he would wordlessly take him out for midnight drives. Sirius who had later taught Julian to drive in that same car Julian accidentally crashed one icy morning. His brother in law hadn’t even gotten mad, not for a second. Julian had personally seen one of his friend’s parents red with anger after spotting a scratch in the paint, but Sirius hadn’t even blinked at the massive pole shaped dent in the hood of his car, just run to make sure Julian was alright. 
“Sirius?” Jules asked into the soft silence. Sirius just hummed in response. 
“Were you scared? When you were getting married.”
Sirius seemed to still for a moment, a gentle breeze rustling his curls as he thought. “Non.”
Remus’ chin ducked towards his chest, his eyes flitting to Sirius. “Really?”
Sirius scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well, I was scared for sure, but I was scared of messing it up, or that my family would make a surprise appearance at the reception or that we’d lose the rings. But I was never scared of a life with Re.”
Remus laughed softly. “We did lose the rings.”
“Oui. But it didn’t even matter, it all worked out, ouais? So really I had nothing to worry about.”
Julian and Sirius chuckled too, all three of them remembering back. Julian had nearly forgotten about that - surprising since it had been partially his fault. His and Katie’s. They had become inseparable by then and the two of them together had gained the name ‘JK Chaos’. 
“Come on, let’s see what’s in here!” A nine year old Katie whispered to an eleven year old Jules as they crept through the country house that was being used as the staging house for Remus and Sirius' outdoor wedding. 
Katie rattled the brass door handle, but it was locked. “Do you have a key?”
Julian gave her an incredulous look. “I don’t have a key to my own room, why would I have a key for here?”
Katie shrugged, her dress swishing gently, the bluebell shade bright against her skin. “I dunno - groomsman duties?”
Julian laughed but shook his head. They walked down the corridor a few paces, stopping at the window that overlooked where the ceremony would take place. Chairs bedecked the grass, all turned to face the focal point - the beautiful ivy arch, bedecked in flowers. Everything was immaculate, untouched. Any guests staying in the country house were still getting ready and the rest had yet to arrive. Jules lifted on his toes to see a little further out the window, but a tall sturdy tree to the right blacked his view. 
He turned so quickly he nearly got whiplash, grabbing Katie’s wrist unconsciously. 
“Look! A tree!”
Katie raised her eyebrows at him. “Jules, I’m pretty sure they have trees in Wisconsin too.”
Julian shook his head, too excited to even roll his eyes. “No, look where that tree is! If the window to the locked room is open…”
Katie’s eyes lit up, her mischievous grin returning.  “We might be able to get in.” She breathed. “Jules, you genius.” She grabbed his hand and began rushing down the corridor. “Let’s go!”
“Is it open?” Julian called, a couple of branches below Katie. 
“Un moment.” She muttered and he smiled, knowing she was concentrating too much to even have listened to him, never mind switch to a language he actually understood. She paused and grabbed the silky top layer of her dress, gathering and tying it in a knot around her waist, leaving the white underskirt hanging. “Allors,” She said, sounding much more satisfied. She climbed onto the branch that extended towards the window and shuffled along it, craning her neck. 
“It’s open!”
Jules let out a whoop of victory and climbed the rest of the way, careful not to stain his suit as she slid her fingers into the small gap, prying the window open so they could both clamber in. The room was unimpressively empty. Lovey, like all the other rooms, perhaps a living room if the several couches were to be trusted. A wall of shelves boasted an impressive amount of books and everything seemed to be edged with gold. Other than that though - Julian couldn’t see any reason why the room should be barred. 
“A mystery.” Katie said as she trailed her hand along a bookshelf. Julian agreed with her as he sat down on one of the luxurious chairs, a little side table with a lamp on his left. 
“What’s this?” He voiced as he picked up the little black box that had been resting in the light streaming in from the window. Katie wandered over to peer at it as he opened it carefully to find two gold rings resting inside. 
“Oh.” Jules whispered, finally understanding. “That’s why it’s locked.”
They both picked up a ring, looking at them curiously. The metal glinted in the light and Jules angled the one in his hands to read the inscription. 
“Mon voeu.” He muttered. “What’s mon voeu?”
“How would I know what you wish for?” Katie retorted, before she read the engraving on her own. “Oh right I see. ‘My wish’.”
“Oh.” Jules repeated. “That’s really nice.”
Footsteps and voices came from down the corridor and Julian and Katie froze. 
“Did you see the cake?” 
“It’s literally all I’ve been thinking about since the tasting.”
Julian met Katie’s eyes, both of them hardly breathing as they listened carefully. Lily and James. 
“The tasting was months ago!”
“So you can guess I’m pretty excited about it.” Lily chuckled. “Do you have the key?”
Julian rushed to put the box back on the table and he and Katie half flew in their rush to get back out the window. Katie went first, Julian close on her heels as they scrambled down the tree. 
“Where did they say they left it?”
“On the side table with the lamp.”
“Oh I’ve got it, come on, let’s get back.”
Julian let out a sigh of relief while Katie looked at him in horror. 
“Jules…” She whispered as she pulled a gold ring out her pocket. “We have a problem.”
Julian felt his heart speed up as he pulled out the matching ring. They had been in too much of a rush to put them back. 
“We are gonna get in so much trouble.”
“You were so scared.” Remus laughed, tears forming in his eyes, matching ones already wetting Julian’s cheeks as he lost himself in the memory. It was true - to this day, Julian remembered the way their hands trembled and they stuttered through the explanations, but in the end, no one had cared. It became a funny story to tell at the reception. 
“You laugh, but we dropped them in the grass on the way to bring them back and it took us so long to find them again, we were seriously trying to come up with something to replace them with.”
They burst into a new round of laughter, Hope coming outside at the racket. 
“Boys!” She scolded as if they were all little kids. “You should be in bed - it’s a big day tomorrow.” Despite her commanding tone, her eyes were soft. Time was a fickle friend to all but Hope Lupin, who looked just as lovely today as she did twenty years ago. And perhaps even twenty years before that. 
“We’ll be in soon.” Sirius promised and she nodded satisfied, vanishing indoors again.
“Suck-up.” Julian teased, elbowing Sirius. “Always wants to be the favourite.”
“I think he is the favourite.” Remus grumbled. “You’re the youngest Jules, so you’ve got that going for you. I, however, have been replaced.”
Sirius chuckled, a low sound from his chest and curled an arm around Remus. “You can be my favourite.”
“You can’t cook like she does.” Remus lamented dramatically, but grinned to show he wasn’t serious before kissing Sirius’ cheek. 
“We probably should get to bed though. Especially you Jules, you need all that beauty sleep you can get.”
Hey Jules! 
You got a phone! 
Yup! JK Chaos can finally go viral! 
Thirteen year old Julian chuckled as he sat in the passenger seat of the car on the way to practice. 
Sirius says hi. Katie texted and Julian sent a picture of him waving in response before tucking his phone into his bag and climbing out of the car. 
“Thanks mom!” He half yelled as he closed the door and ran inside to the rink, waving at his friends. 
“Hi Julian.”
Julian turned to see one of the members of the girls team - Anna. They were the same age group and the two teams often had to share the ice if the rink was busy. 
“Oh hey Anna, how’re you?”
She grinned, her light hair tumbling around her face until she scraped it back into a ponytail as she chatted to him. Julian was never sure how girls managed to tie their hair back so quickly with so little effort but it was pretty cool. He wondered if maybe he should learn so he could do Katie’s sometime.
“I’m good! I’d better run though, I’m late for practice.” 
Jules nodded and with that, Anna was gone. He blinked and continued his way to his own locker where many of his own team were already gathered. 
“Hey guys!” He grinned, and just like that, his head was back in the game. 
Julian stared up at the ceiling of his childhood bedroom. The glow in the dark stars were still there, although their glow was very faint now. Not that Julian needed their light to guide him, he had looked at those stars all his life, he could map them out better than a sailor. 
He was getting married tomorrow. 
And so, he did as he so very often did. He texted Katie. 
The Christmas party was loud and busy, people seemingly in every nook and cranny in the house. Julian looked around for Katie, he had been here for at least an hour but he had only seen glimpses of the other girl and she had always been busy, whether it was helping Celeste put out food or chatting to others and once even putting out a minor fire she had certainly not caused by tipping over a candle  but so far, she hadn’t been able to talk to Julian. 
Julian finally caught her eye and they managed to slip away going out to the garden, past the pool and down to the swing hidden by a great big tree where they had always plotted and planned. 
“We need a code word.” Katie said by way of greeting. “So we can say it and the other knows we need to talk, just us.”
Julian agreed. He couldn’t believe it had taken this long to think of something like that. At fifteen, he and Katie had been best friends for at least six years now. 
“What should our code word be?”
Katie shrugged, sitting on the swing and rocking back and forth gently. “Pancakes?”
Julian laughed, but he nodded. “Yeah that works.”
Katie grinned, but her face quickly became more serious. 
“Hey Jules?” She asked, her voice softer than he had heard it in a long time. 
“Yeah?” His tone matched hers, but he didn’t know why. He hadn’t planned it. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
Julian froze, his heart stuttering. In the moonlight, Katie’s hair glowed, silver catching on the dark strands braided back, her jeans and jumper not suitable for the weather, nor were Julian’s own but they hadn't planned on coming out here for long. “No.” He whispered. 
Katie nodded. “Yeah, me neither.”
She stood up, shivering a little. “Come on, we should get back inside.”
Julian could only blink, but made to follow her. “Yeah okay.” He followed, taking a few quick steps to catch up with her when Katie turned quickly and they collided. 
Katie reached out and steadied herself with Julian’s shoulder before surging forward and pressing their lips together. Julian stayed frozen where he was, her lips warm against the cold night. 
Katie pulled away and stepped back, nodding to herself. “I just wanted to know what it’d be like.” She explained and then launched into a description of what new drills her hockey team were learning. It was funny, everything was different, but nothing had changed. 
Julian thought about the things they were learning in science, all the calculations. How there always needed to be a constant. 
He thought maybe Katie was his constant. 
You up? 
Is this a booty call? Cause I gotta say, it seems like inappropriate timing.
Julian laughed, then covered his mouth, hoping he hadn’t woken anyone. Katie’s quick wit had never once failed to amaze him. 
Darn, there goes my plans 
Why are you still up?
I just can’t sleep
So you’re texting me?
Who else?
Julian got his first girlfriend at seventeen. 
Anna was lovely and bright and sweet. They had been dating for around six months already when she finally met Katie, the Dumais girl arriving in Wisconsin for a weekend visit. 
Julian didn’t know why he had been nervous - they both got on really well. He had had no indicators to suggest otherwise and yet the entire week leading to their meeting, his head had been full of anxious ‘what ifs’. Not to mention the knot in his chest. 
But there was no reason to be nervous… right? He just felt like this because Katie was his very best friend. He wanted them to get along. Yeah, that was it. 
“I like her.” Katie commented as Anna left the Lupin house. 
“Yeah, me too.” Julian said automatically, laughing when Katie elbowed his side. 
“Well duh. That’s why you asked her out.”
Julian shrugged as they walked back inside waving to his dad who was on the phone in the kitchen. “Actually it was the other way around.”
Katie barked a laugh as she threw herself on Julian’s bed, tucking her arms behind her head, lounging as if she owned the place. “Why am I not surprised?”
“I’m not sure if I should be insulted or not.” Julian said as he lay down next to her, staring up at his stars. 
Katie was the one to shrug this time, shifting with the movement. “Neither. It’s just an observation I suppose.”
“And what would that observation be exactly?”
Katie tilted her head to look at him. “You’re careful. Not with other stuff, mon dieu, we all know you’re a reckless idiot on the ice but with this kind of stuff. You’re gentle I guess.”
Julian smiled, that warm rush of feeling known to your core washing over him. “And you’re the exact opposite.”
Katie grinned, some of her dark curls coming loose. “But of course! JK Chaos wouldn’t be balanced if I wasn’t.”
Julian smiled, holding out his hand and they performed their super secret, super complicated, super cool handshake. Katie had named it when she was ten and it had stuck. 
“Well we need balance.” Julian agreed and Katie nodded, blue eyes meeting his for a moment before she turned away, biting her lip. 
Julian looked at the words on the screen, his heart clenching. 
So you’re texting me?
Who else?
Your soon to be wife for one
Julian didn’t know what to do. He felt like Katie was the only one who could help him figure this out, but Katie was the last person he should ask. 
Ha ha. He said, because even that was better than the turmoil inside him. Guess I’m just nervous. 
Why am I nervous? Cause I’m getting married. I know I call you Katie Kat but I sure hope that brain isn’t made of chocolate.
We should get you up on a stage. Katie responded and Julian snorted,  practically hearing her sarcasm even as he lay alone. 
But what do you have to be worried about?
Um.., How about the terrifying concept of making the wrong decision?
Katie was quiet for a long time. Julian thought maybe she had fallen asleep when a reply finally came through. 
Do you think you’re making the wrong choice?
Julian paused. Was he?
I don’t think so?
Do you love her?
Yes. Julian wrote back, even as something thundered in his chest. 
Well then, you have your answer I guess. Katie responded.  I’d better get to sleep. 
 Jules held his phone close to his chest. 
Yeah, me too. Night Katie Kat
“Do you love her?” Katie asked out of nowhere as they passed the puck back and forth in her basement. 
“We’ve been dating for two years.” Julian replied, sending the puck back to her harder than he meant. From her raised eyebrows he knew she had noticed, but she didn’t comment. 
“That’s not what I asked.”
Julian shrugged, taking the puck and dragging it around the goal. 
“I guess? How do you ever really know you’re in love.”
Katie raised her chin, blue meeting brown as their eyes focused on each other. Julian could have sworn she was staring at his soul. 
“I suppose it’s something you just know.” Katie said. “My maman and papa are in love. And Re and Sirius. Leo, Logan and Finn. Your parents. They all seem to know pretty well.”
“Yeah.” Julian whispered, his mind reeling. Remus and Sirius were his role models for just about everything, including the love he wanted to have. Was that what he shared with Anna? How had they known? How would Julian know?
Then Jules crept into Remus’ room once more. 
“Re?” He whispered into the dark. The light from the hall dimly lit the room and Remus stirred, Sirius sleeping soundly next to him.
“Jules?” Remus whispered, even as he threw back the covers to climb out of bed, tiptoeing so he wouldn’t wake Sirius and following Julian back to his room. “Hey Jules, what’s up?”
Remus climbed onto the bed with him, just like he used to do when Julian was small and had a nightmare. 
“How do I know for sure?”
Remus didn’t have to ask what he meant. “I guess you never do. You just have to trust that you love someone and they return that same love back to you.”
But what wasn’t quite what Julian meant. He didn’t doubt that Anna loved him. He was just never sure if he loved her the same. 
He thought he must. Julian was twenty six years old, they’d been dating for nearly ten years. Although sometimes… just sometimes Julian thought that was maybe why he had proposed. Because that’s what everyone expected from them, particularly as they had been together for so long. It was the logical next step. 
“Right, yeah.” Julian muttered. “That makes sense I guess.”
Remus held out his arm and Julian hugged him tight. 
“I can hear you mind whirring.” Remus murmured, but Julian just tucked his face into his brother's chest. “It’s not too late Jules.”
Tears burned Julian’s eyes but he refused to let them fall. It was too late, it was all too late. He was on the ice and he could see the collision coming but there was nothing he could do to stop it. 
A song he had heard a long time ago rang through Julian’s head, one line playing over and over again on loop. 
And I asked my friend, what’s a fella to do? Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue.
So Julian held his big brother close, and fell asleep. 
“I still can’t believe it.” Marc laughed as they ate breakfast at the hotel, his plate piled with food from the buffet. “Little Julian getting married.”
“Yeah.” Katie agreed, taking a big drink from her coffee. “Neither can I.”
Marc continued eating, oblivious to the storm raging inside Katie’s heart. “Why aren’t you best man?”
Katie raised an eyebrow. “Well for one, I’m not a man.”
Marc rolled his eyes, pausing to take a sip of orange juice before shovelling another forkful into his mouth. “Y’know wha- I mean.”
Katie covered her face with her hands. “Okay ew, first of all don’t talk with your mouth full. You’re not five. And second of all, Remus is his best man.”
Marc tilted his head, accepting the answer and Katie could have sighed in relief. She was already tense enough, two people had already come up to her for a picture and at least three had ‘discreetly’ photographed her as she just tried to have her breakfast. She hadn’t even showered yet so she was not looking forward to what the media would come up with later. 
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Katie grumbled to Adele as her sister finished pinning her hair. “Why am I doing this again?”
Adele didn’t miss a beat. “Because prom is fun, and even if it’s not, hanging out with your best friend in fancy clothes is always funny.”
Katie couldn’t argue with that. Sighing, she stood up and turned to Adele, her floor length gown comically out of place in her room cluttered with hockey sticks and signed pucks, helmets and polaroid's of her with her team. 
“How do I look?”
Adele beamed and kissed her cheek, being careful not to smudge Katie’s makeup. “Comme un ange.”
Katie rolled her eyes but smiled and began to leave her bedroom, hearing the doorbell ring. 
“Wait, shit I can’t go down now!” She said in a mild panic. “Jules is here, if I go now it’ll be like some dumb movie when the girl comes down the stairs as the guy just stares at her. It’s weird and awkward.”
Adele bit her lip as if she was trying to suppress a smile. “Okay, I’ll go and distract them and you can sneak down, ouais?”
Katie nodded gratefully. “Ouais. Merci.”
Katie waited in the upstairs corridor, hearing Adele lead her family into the kitchen. When the voices had dimmed a little, she gathered her skirts, her sneakers peeking out at her as she crept down the stairs. 
“Oh, wow.”
Katie whipped around to see Julian walking out from the bathroom, eyes wider than Katie had ever seen them. 
“I thought you were in the kitchen.” Katie groaned as she let her dress drop inelegantly around her legs once more. She looked him over, eyeing his blue suit with a careful eye. “You don’t look half bad.”
Julian laughed and took a step closer, holding his hand over his heart dramatically. “Wow Katie Kat, you sure know how to flatter a man.”
Katie raised a single eyebrow, a power play of there ever was one. “I mean, you’ve said nothing about how I look so really I think I have the upper hand here.”
Julian quirked his signature goofy smile before finally pulling Katie in for a hug. “You look incredible.”
“Katie, ma cheri, es-tu prêt?”
Katie looked up from where she was rooting through her suitcase to see her mom, stunningly beautiful as always in a deep red dress. 
“I’m ready.” She cleared her throat, standing up straight. “You look amazing.”
Celeste waved her off with a flick of her wrist. “Oh non, look at you.”
Katie blushed, her forest green dress fluttering around her. “Merci.”
Celeste took a step forward, cupping Katie’s face in her hands. “You love him.”
Katie didn’t even have it in her to be surprised. Of course her mom knew. She felt tears well up in her eyes but tried her best not to let them fall - it had taken her long enough to do her makeup, she really didn’t want to have to do it again. 
“Does he know?”
Katie shook her head sadly. “Of course not, he loves someone else.”
Celeste carefully wiped away the stray tear that had danced down Katie’s cheek. “Are you sure?”
“I think I have literally never seen it rain so hard.” Julian commented as the two of them stared out the car windshield as the rain poured around them. They faced the hotel where the dance was being held, but even stepping out of the car would have them soaked instantly. 
“See, this was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to come.” Katie commented, her tone dry. Julian side eyed her, not saying anything for a minute before he turned up the car radio. 
“I have an idea.” He said, opening the door and stepping out into the car park in the lashing rain. He ran to Katie’s side and opened the door, holding out his hand. 
“Come on! Come dance in the rain.”
If she had been Adele, she might have refused or protested. She might have even taken off her dress to protect it. 
But she was not Adele. 
So Katie took Julian’s hand, laughing at his curls, already flattened against his forehead and shut the door behind her, watching splotches of water darken her dress until she was fully saturated, tilting her head back into the sky. 
She opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue to catch the raindrops, Jules giggling as he followed suit, the two of them looking absolutely ridiculous and getting very strange looks from passer byers who had made use of the wonderful invention that was the umbrella, but they didn’t care. 
Katie connected her phone to the car speakers and pressed play to a song, grabbing both of Julian’s hands and spinning them in a fast circle, round and round until they fell together, laughing as hands slid over slippery skin and hair stuck to them better than any tattoo. 
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress
Katie couldn’t help but think about that day lying on Julian’s bed. She had said he was careful and she was not. She was supposed to be his counterbalance. 
Katie had been too careful, she hadn’t been doing her job. 
“It’s not too late.” Her mom had whispered. 
Speak now or forever hold your peace. 
Heart thundering, Katie picked up her phone. Six hours until Julian’s wedding she pressed his contact and texted him one word. 
Was it just Katie or did Julian seem nervous? Julian was never nervous with her. Maybe it was just the connection of the phone call, she should move to a place where her signal was stronger-
“Katie, I um.. I��m gonna ask Anna to marry me.”
Katie’s eyes snapped to his face. “Quoi?”
Julian swallowed, and Katie watched from miles away as he pulled out a ring. 
“Yeah, I figured it was time.”
“Romantic.” Katie teased as she tried to quell the feeling that she was going to throw up. This was not how it was supposed to go. It had taken her a long time to figure out her feelings for Julian, but at twenty four she had finally worked it out. And he was going to marry someone else. 
“Hey Katie Kat.”
Katie smiled weakly, shoving her hands in her coat pocket to hide the trembling. She felt overdressed in her outfit for the wedding when Julian was still in jeans but that couldn’t be helped. Katie sat next to Jules on the Lupins’ porch swing, glad she was wearing makeup because maybe it would help hide her blush. 
“The weather’s really nice today, huh?” Jules prompted, but Katie just smiled, steeling herself. She couldn’t idly talk about the weather, she would lose her nerve. So she threw back her shoulders, raised her chin and-
“Julian, I love you.”
Julian frowned, taking her hand. “I know, I love you too Katie, what-”
Katie shook her head. “No, Jules, listen. I’m in love with you.”
Julian froze and Katie’s heart beat over a hundred times a minute. Or maybe it had stopped completely. Either way it certainly wasn’t doing what it should be and Katie’s hands shook and she bit her tongue to stop herself from blurting out more when Julian obviously needed to process things.
Julian stood up abrupt, taking his keys out of his pocket. “I have to go.” He said and took off, getting into his car and driving away. Katie sat frozen where she was, alone once more, lost in the place where she had always felt found. Julian drove away, the world spun around and Katie stayed right where she was. 
Katie opened the door to Sirius and Remus’ house with her key - she had been given one for when Julian had come to stay, so she could come and go as she pleased. 
“Salut, it’s me!” She called into the empty hallway as she dropped her bag and ventured in a little further. Sirius was in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee and he just smiled at her as he pulled out another mug. 
“Hey Katie, you here to get into some more JK Chaos?”
Katie chuckled and accepted the coffee with thanks, cupping it with both hands and holding it close to her face. “What else would I do?”
Sirius just smiled as Julian came into the room, wordlessly greeting Katie with their super secret, super complicated, super cool handshake.
“See you later!” Julian said to Sirius and Katie waved goodbye before they went out the door, getting into the car and driving away.
“What’re we doing today?” Katie asked as she drove. Julian shrugged in the passenger seat. 
“I don’t care, as long as I’m with you.”
Someone was knocking on her hotel room. 
Katie had made her way back, she hadn’t even said goodbye to the Lupins - she didn’t think she could without crying. Instead she went home alone and straight to her room, knowing she couldn’t miss the wedding no matter how much she may want to. If she didn’t she knew that one day, she’d look back and wish she were in the pictures. Wish she was there for her best friend. So she was going to go and smile and be happy because she loved Jules and she could do this for him. 
There was another knock on the door and Katie rolled her eyes. “I’m coming, jeez calm down.” She muttered, the door handle cold on her skin as she opened the door. 
Julian was waiting on the other side. 
“I called off the wedding.”
If Katie had been holding anything, she would have dropped it. As it was, she took a step backwards, blinking. “What?”
“I called off the wedding.” Julian repeated, running his fingers through already very mussed hair. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’m a blind idiot, but I love you.”
Katie was beginning to wonder if any of this was real when Marc came up behind Jules, completely oblivious. 
“Hey Katie, did you get that text saying the wedding’s off? Weird, what’s that abou- Oh hey Jules.”
Katie turned to her brother. 
“Marc, I love you, but if you don’t leave right now I might have to kill you in your sleep tonight.”
“So that’s why the wedding’s off.” Marc commented before backing away, no doubt rushing off to tell everyone what he had seen. 
“Come in before anyone else sees.” Katie said as she took Julian’s hand, pulling him in and shutting the door. 
Julian’s hands were shaking. “Am I too late?” He whispered. “Please tell me I’m not too late.”
Katie smiled as she brushed a stray curl out of his eyes. “You’re right on time.”
And then she kissed him. 
Once upon a time, there had been a girl who kissed a boy in her back garden at midnight. She had been young and inexperienced but even then, she knew the kiss had been magical. 
Today, there was a girl who kissed a boy in a hotel room on what should have been his wedding day. She was still young, but much more experienced so she could now say with much more confidence that if their first kiss had been magical, this one was earth shattering. 
“I love you.” Julian whispered again and again between deep kisses that made Katie feel like her soul was bared. 
“Took you long enough.” Katie grumbled, but kissed him again, twining her fingers through his hair like she always dreamed she would. “I love you too.”
Katie blushed as she sat in a room, surrounded by both their families. Her dad kissed her on the cheek before handing her a drink and proposing a toast. 
“To JK Chaos,” Dumo said, his knowing smile nearly splitting his face. “For finally getting their shit together.”
Everyone cheered while Katie just laughed, lifting her hand to show off the engagement ring and tilting her head a little to give Julian a chaste kiss. He grinned down at her, hand resting delicately on her waist. 
He surveyed the crowded room for a moment, before ducking down a little to whisper in her ear; “Pancakes?”
Katie was pretty sure her eyes sparkled as she winked at him. “I’ll meet you outside in ten.”
The End.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
How would the demon brothers [+ undatebles if you can no biggie tho if not] be with an MC who is plus sized and is super insecure about it? Like they try to get skinnier but can't and they get upset about it or get teased by other demons for being bigger. Side note: your writings are INCREDIBLE. Just like you 🤗💜🎆⭐
Thank you for the request and the compliment! You're too kind!
Oof weight lose and being bullied for my size is something I know abit too well, I always feel sad when I see plus sized people Insecure about their weight
I'm all for people wanting to lose weight to be healthy or just wanting change but when it stems from self hated and an unhealthy mindset - I just can't stand it
Demon brother's with a plus sized MC who's insecure
Warning: angst with fluff
He isn't a man who's to shy away from being rude and blunt to people
He wouldn't date someone for pity or lie
When he learned you were trying to loose weight
He and the other brothers all treated it how Asmo's diets go, he tries and fails and everyone makes no real effort to not tempt him with food
When he found you crying in your bedroom however
"What's the matter? You're crying, what has upset you?"
"You." Was all you said, trying to calm yourself
He, of course, wanted to know what he did
He kept pestering you until you finally snapped at him
"You're treating my wants like it's a joke! I want to lose weight and none of you are being supportive of it! Why can't you just let me do something for myself?!"
He was taken back
He sat beside you, taking your hand in his
"Why do you want to lose weight? This plan has come rather unexpectedly."
"Because I'm too big! Everyone thinks so! No matter what I do all nothing works! Don't you think I'm ugly?"
"Since when did being big equate to being ugly? Are your height makes you ugly?"
"my height...? What does that-"
"Weight isn't something we can always change like our height, some people just can't change their physical appearance, it can only happen naturally and even then it may be a small amount gained or lost."
"I think I get what you mean."
"I hate admiting this but- I'm not good at this kind of thing but I think you look wonderful, if you really wish to go on a diet I'll support you but it needs to come from a healthy and non destructive mindset."
He poked. your forehead before kissing your hand
"Mammon? Don't you get embarassed when you're out with me."
"You are pretty embarassing sometimes."
He wasn't pay too much attention, not catching up on your tone
"Oh.....I see....maybe I shouldn't come out with you tonight."
You already didn't want to go out, the outfit Mammon got you - whilst it looked expensive - was tight on you
"HUH?! now what's this all about? You trying to quit on the great mammon?!"
"Well- I'm much bigger than the demons you hang around with, aren't you ashamed? They're way more attractive than-"
He rushed to your side, gripping your arms
"Don't even finish that sentence, ya hear?! Who told you - you didn't look fucking fantastic?! No one talks to my baby like that!"
"But it's true-"
"I swear on Goldie that isn't true! You are the most stunning jewel I've seen, I'm so lucky to be with someone that looks like you! You're personality is already top notch - your body is like a shiny bonus I don't think I deserve!"
He pulled you into a hug, holding you like you were the most valuable thing to him
"You're gorgeous, just tell me who's been bullying you and I'll make sure they know their place, I never want you to feel like that."
Levi was showing off this cast of anime style chatacters from the game he was playing
All of them were so thin and muscular
Everyone had the perfect curve and ideal bodies
"We should cosplay these characters! Don't worry, you don't need to know everything about them - I think you'd really pull off this one, you two already have the same personality."
You looked down at yourself and then back at the Character
You frowned, clutching your stomach
"Really....? But they're so- well look at me!"
He looked at you, raising a brow as he tried to find what you were getting at
"They're a warrior who saved the universe with a knife, it's not supposed to be realistic-"
"I'm talking about my shape, levithan! I'm fat! I'm disgusting! They're built like a god!"
"YOU'RE built like a god! There's plenty of Gods from your worlds stories that are shaped like you! What's the issue?"
"you didn't even deny I was disgusting, those demons were right-"
"What demons?! Are you seriously letting some normies tell you you're gross? What do they know? I'm the luckiest demon alive to be with you and those demons can choke on salt water - you point them out and I'll get my army on them!"
"you really think that? You wouldn't like more if I looked more like your smile chatacters?"
"Media is based of toxic media where they focus on only one type of beauty standard, it's a problem within the game world that they don't add plus sized chatacters."
"i- yeah I guess so....I didn't expect you to really care about that."
"of course I care!"
You both sat in silence, you were processing his words and leaned against his shoulder
"Do you still want to cosplay together?"
You paused before nodding
You both went through the game he's playing, whenever the overly vain chatacter came out levithan would argue with them
Claiming you to be the most gorgeous being in the world not them
"I heard some rumours today, have demons been bothering you about your weight?"
You froze as Satan closed his book, shifting in the seat
You stepped back, avoiding eye contact, regretting coming to your room instead of helping mammon with some silly plan
"No...there's been no issue."
"Oh? Then why is there laxatives and diet guides in your school bag? You know I don't like it when you lie to me especially if it means you could be putting your body at risk."
You noticed your bag beside his feet
You immediately grew frustrated as you knew you were being called out
"Why did you go through my bag?! That's my own bussiness-"
"you said I could get my textbooks back, I found them in your bag - I'm sorry I went through your stuff but this isn't fine! You're going to force your body to push itself unnaturally."
"I just- i just want to get thinner, no matter how many times I try it doesn't work! I'm tired of seeing myself in the mirror and people telling me that you don't actually love me-"
"Some people just don't have it easy when it comes to weight lose, going on a diet isn't the best - I can go on cooking duty more often and make sure you have healthier meals."
He was at your side now, stroking your face
"Do you love me....? Truely?"
"of course I do, I've never loved anyone as much as I love you - you make me feel things I never thought i would, your size is the last of my concerns, I'm just scared you're going to hurt yourself."
You nodded, tearing up as you let him hold you closer
You tried to apologize but he silenced you, telling you that your emotions are valid
"Darling~! Let's take a bath together, I just got a new bath bomb and some soaps!"
He shook the mini basket filled with bath product's
"really...? Are you sure you want to do that, I'm not sure, I feel really bloated today-"
You were desperate to avoid getting naked Infront of him
Every once and a while he would ask to take a bath together, he respects your discomfort but wants to keep the offer open
"Oh, that's no issue~ we can have some tea Barbatos gave me, it's great for bloating!"
"why do you wanna see me naked so much? I'm not anything to see - wouldn't you be uncomfortable?"
"Uncomfortable? Why would I feel that?"
"In not the smallest person around-"
"Means you got more to love! I love your body!"
"But you're so gorgeous and slender, why would you ever love my body?"
He couldn't understand your feelings; confused on how you could see yourself in a negative light
"because I love you more than myself, I'm still the most special demon around but you're just something else, something I could never stop adoring!"
"Do you want to go eat with me? hell's kitchen is having a party."
Beel peered into your room, showing the hell's kitchen site
"I'm not sure about that, I've been trying to cut down on my eating."
"what? Why? Are you sick?"
He immediately got concerned, shuffling over to you
He placed the back of his hand on your forehead
"No- I'm not sick, I just think I should loose some weight."
"oh....then you can still go eat with me, I'll just eat more of your portions."
"you don't have any issue with me losing weight?"
Your insecurities started to chew at you
You weren't really sure what you wanted; you wanted him to be cruel and straight forward about hating your body
It would make your feelings feel more grounded
But you couldn't bare it if he didn't like your body
"It's your choice - should I be concerned?"
"no way! It would be for the best anyway, right? Atleast then I'll look better-"
"What does your weight have you to do with your looks? I think you look fine."
"you don't think I'm too big? Wouldn't you prefer someone more petite? I know you like small things-"
"I like you, I don't see any issue with your body."
It did feel a little ridiculous to think the avatar of gluttony would be bothered by your size but you still couldn't help but feel worried
He suddenly picked you up, kissing your cheek
"I can hold you in my arms just fine, your size will never stop me from liking you, I think you're beautiful."
He was laying on your thigh's, watching a video comp of people falling over and getting hurt
"Should I loose weight?"
His phone was suddenly dropped on his stomach, staring up at with you surprise
"Why do you ask? Besides, it's not my decision to make - it's your body."
"yeah but wouldn't you prefer it if I was, ya know, thinner?"
He looked at you as if you just said something stupid
Adjusting his position snuggled against your thigh's
"Why would I prefer that? You wouldn't be as comfy."
"is that all you care about? If I'm comfy? Would you be upset if I did lose weight?"
"No, because I love cuddling you so I don't care about your size but I like you the way you are."
"it can't be that simple, there's no way you just like me when I look like this."
"I'm not sure why you're thinking of it like it's complicated maths, I like you- no I love you and very happy with the way you are."
You wanted to argue, trying to find a way to figure out how he's wrong
But you couldn't
"You're my favourite person in this house - don't tell Beel - I wouldn't trade you for the world."
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this is it! the official last part to UTCM! thank you so much for reading <3
wc: 1.8k
story masterlist | masterlist
part one part two part three part four
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
“Harry! Hurry up, they’re almost here!”
You were rushing in the kitchen, trying to get everything in decent sized platters and on the table as soon as possible. You had made the mistake of waking up later than usual, and you immediately rushed out of bed, heading straight to the kitchen when you saw him cooking.
He was shirtless as per usual. Hair a mess, but nonetheless, messy hair looked good on him. And he was in his boxers, telling you that he hasn’t been up for long. His back was facing you, and you had walked slowly towards him as you watched the muscles flex with every movement, making your knees weak.
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against his soft back. “Morning. Why didn’t you wake me?” You kiss his skin, making it rise with goosebumps.
He turned around in your arms and looked down at you, flashing his lazy smile, confirming that he had literally just woken up. “Goodmorning, darling.” His pet name for you had plastered a big smile, showing so much love you have for him. “You look beautiful when you sleep. Plus, I wanted to help out. Know you’ll be running around before they arrive.”
He was right because you were doing exactly that.
“Harry! Hurry up, they’re almost here!” You call out from the kitchen.
“Darling, you know everything doesn’t have to be set up right when they get here, so please just slow down.” He kisses your temple, and for a second you felt yourself relax, but that was just for a quick second.
“I know. I just want everything ready when they get here so I don’t have to worry about anything.” He softly says an ‘okay’, knowing there was no point in getting you to calm down.
“So, what can I do to help? Put the sauce in this?” He holds up a saucer cup, but you instantly snatch it from him.
“And have you ruin your expensive shirt? Not happening.” You shake your head.
“Oh, come on! Let me help you out please?” He pouts, giving his best puppy eyes.
“Oh please! Quit that!” You swore it was like living with a four year old. He didn’t change his face, grabbing your arm and blinking furiously. “Ugh! Fine. Set the table and get the casserole out of the oven. My back hurts.”
Harry’s face went back to normal and proceeded to kiss your cheek, which you still smiled at, chuckling at his behavior.
The table was set, and the food had already been transferred onto nicer and bigger plates that were set on the table. Everyone was starting to arrive, saying hi to each other, going straight for drinks, and taking their seats at the table.
“So, why’d you call all of us here?” Gemma asks, and you know her suspicion had been high ever since she got the call from Harry when he asked you were having a big dinner.
“Nothing. Just wanted the whole family to get together again.” She eyes you suspiciously, and you mentally curse, knowing she’s too smart to be put through any games.
Everyone was there right in front of you. Minny and her family, Anne and Gemma, and your mom. Everyone you needed was right there. Food and bowls were passed around and across the long table in the dining room, and everytime you looked up, Harry would be looking right at you.
He would always put up a front saying that he should sit right next to you when you have family dinners instead of across from you. ‘It’s a long distance away from you’ he would say, making you chuckle and telling him that he can survive an hour of dinner without him right next to you.
After everyone was comfortable and settled with their plate of food, Jenny stood up from her seat and raised her glass. “A toast. To everyone in this room and my husband, who is not here, but with us, always. To Whitney’s number one fan.”
“To Whitney’s number one fan!” The entire table yelled out before sipping from their glasses.
You caught Jenny’s eye and smiled before mouthing ‘I love you’ to her and her doing the same. The amount of strength your mother had was admirable, and you had always hoped you would amount to her strength and kind heart everyday.
The conversations had flowed throughout the table as they laughed and ate the food you and Harry had prepared.. And you were happy. Happy with the people that were in the room. The people that you surround yourself with. And you thought, ‘this is the perfect time.’
“I’m pregnant.” You blurt out. The whole room went silent, conversations were ended, and you were filled with anxiousness; thinking of what they might say and how they’re going to react. But then everyone gasped and started cheering. Smiles went all around the room as they walked up to you and hugged you, asking you ‘how long?’ and telling you how happy they were to get a baby in the family.
You were filled with joy by how they reacted, but the only reaction you were worried about was the one across the room.
You hadn’t even told Harry before announcing it to the whole group, and you figured you would surprise him as well. But so many thoughts ran through your head, thinking he was going to be angry with you for not telling him in private.
Your eyes had remained on his, and his, yours. He was in so much shock that he hadn’t realized the people around him were hugging him as his eyes never left yours. Yours were glossy from nerves, but happiness that the news was out.
His family had finally given him some space as they went on hugging each other, and discussing gender and baby names. He started walking towards you, and before he could speak, you beat him to it.
“Harry, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, nor did I tell you when we were alone. I was just thinking that it’ll be nice to surprise you, like really surprise you, but I wasn’t thinking. I-” your rambling was cut off by his lips as they met yours. You were shaking in his hold, but soon calmed down as his tongue met yours, making you weak. You could have fallen right then and there, but his strong arms held you up, and therefore, you were grateful. He pulled away, breathless and speechless. “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not, my darling. How could I ever be mad when I’m the absolute happiest guy in the world right now.” His smile was beaming so bright that it could provide light into your house for hours.
“Thank goodness. I thought you would want me to tell you when we were alone.” You felt a sense of relief run through your rest that eased your shoulders.
“You could tell me in the movie theatre, and I would scream and cry, not caring if we were supposed to be quiet. Could care less where you told me.” You tippytoe to peck his lips. “So, we’re having a baby. You’re really having my baby.” You nod, happy tears coming down your face as you hug him tight, burying your head in his chest as he cradles you.
You look around the room and see everyone with excited smiles on their faces and their eyes filled with fondness for a baby that’s not even born yet. This was it. This is your life.
You had always wondered how your life became to this. You were so utterly grateful for what was given to you. Everyone around you was your greatest treasure.
A two years ago, you wouldn’t have known if Harry was going to be in your life again. But a trip to the lake house brought you two together. The kiss under the canyon moon ignited a spark in you, giving you a sign that you couldn’t do life without him.
After you had shown up on his doorstep the minute you got back to the city after the trip, he had let you in without hesitation. You two had talked a lot because things needed to be spoken about, and it was the start of working your way back into a relationship and trusting each other again.
You started going on dates and letting him take you out, and it wasn’t awkward for a second; the connection had always been there from the start. After a month of dating again, you had let him do unspoken things to your body that involved his mouth and tongue, guiding you to pleasure. And of course, you wanted to reciprocate, but Harry being the gentleman he is, told you it was about you. But a week after, he had let you pleasure him to his high.
A year later, he proposed. He took you on a weekend trip, telling you to take Thursday and Friday off of work. He drove you down to a lake house, and you weren’t surprised when you entered the route with trees and the woods surrounding the road. It was a romantic getaway that you both needed, but after dinner one night, he took you to the back where twinkled lights were hung up under the stars and the moon. He got down on one knee and said an entire speech about how much he loves you and how much he needs you in his life, that you can recite back to anyone if they asked. Of course, you said yes, and he took you—carried you back inside and made love to you all night on a blanket in front of the fireplace.
You and Harry got married three months after he proposed. You had told him the idea of not wanting a big wedding, just your usual people and some friends. Harry had thrown the idea of getting married at Lina and Dan’s lake house, and you wrapped your arms around his body while kissing his face, telling him you loved the idea. Of course, Lina and Dan agreed, how could they not when their second daughter was getting married. It didn’t take long to get decorations or tables; you really only needed about 4 big tables since there were only 25 people going. Caterer was handled by Anne since her friend was in the catering business. Everyone was happy to help, and you and Harry were entirely grateful for it because you wanted to call him your husband already and vice versa. And when that day came, it was magical.
Under the canyon moon was when it all started again, so you two said ‘I do’ when the moon was bright enough to shine (along with big lights that were set in the back), sealing your lifetime together as one.
You look up at Harry, not disconnecting your bodies that are pushed up together. He looks down at you with tears in his eyes that have fallen down his face.
“I’m home, baby.”
thank you for reading and tuning in to UTCM! this is my first (mini) series, and it was so fun writing this! hope you enjoyed <3 also send me requests on what you’d like me to write so I can turn your imagination to a fic! but i will warn you, it might take a while cause i’m currently working on something else!
talk to me about UTCM here !!
taglist: @pradaxstyles​ @iconicharry​
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Friends who cook together...
I saw today's prompt for @auyeahaugust (College AU) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share the beginning of this fic I've been working on!
It's actually based on @e-milieeee's post, I couldn't resist the cooking trope 😬
Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 (gasp)
Lesson 1: Ratatouille
Adrien Agreste was the perfect man. Good-looking, hard-working, charming, he was the prime example of the son-in-law every parent wanted, and the people his age who didn't want to be him wanted to date him.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng wouldn't deny she might be classified in the latter category, although less so than when she was younger. She was good friends with the model now. Voluntarily so. You didn’t fight and defeat Paris’ number one villains for years, growing from a teenager into a young adult together, without getting close. Their respective crushes on each other had faded over time, but it didn’t mean they would’ve said no if all the circumstances aligned, although they wouldn’t have admitted it out loud.
The one thing Adrien Agreste wasn’t, though, was a good cook. Not that he didn’t have everything he could possibly need in his kitchen. The apartment he now lived in, although a huge step down from the Mansion that had once been his home (but what wouldn’t be), was still a lot bigger, and a lot more comfortable than what a normal student should have been able to afford.
It was a lot better equipped, too.
Marinette had told him the contractors were abusing his trust by installing things that were way more expensive than they ought to be, knowing he wouldn’t double check, but he’d waved her concerns away. With his father’s demise, he’d just wanted to move out as quickly as possible to avoid the crowds of paparazzi, and if signing a very large cheque could provide him with the knowledge the workers wouldn’t blab, then so be it. He couldn’t bring himself to sell the Mansion despite the knowledge it had been Hawkmoth’s lair the whole time -there were too many memories associated with his mother there- but he’d had some offers to rent it out for movie settings which would definitely cover the costs of keeping it, as well as his rent. He’d looked into his finances and put all the money he’d earned as a model in a bank account, and donated the rest to a fund to help Akuma victims. There was no way he was keeping his father’s dirty money when so many people had suffered at his hands.
Since then, Adrien had fallen into a nice little routine as he moved from Lycée to University. He made the most of his freedom by exploring every nook and cranny of Paris without anyone being able to say anything about it. No curfews, no limitations, but for his own tiredness and others’ private property, of course.
It left little time for him to learn basic cooking skills. He was often too tired to make anything when he came back from his nocturnal meanderings, so he went for the easy solution: food delivery. There were so many restaurants nearby he could’ve eaten something different every night for a month and still not have gone through all of the options. It was more diverse than anything he’d ever eaten, and it suited him just fine.
Little did he know that this habit would be disrupted by his best friend moving in next door.
Marinette had been looking for a new flat. Not that she didn’t enjoy living with her parents, but she found herself wanting a little more privacy now that she was at University. The reveal that she was Ladybug had brought a lot of attention to the Tom and Sabine bakery, which was good, but a lot of it was journalists prowling around in the hopes of getting an exclusive interview with her. She was tired of being pretty much mauled anytime she left the house, and although she could easily leave via the rooftops as Ladybug, she refused to let them dictate how and when she could get in and out. Which is why, when she’d seen the words “à louer” on a window of Adrien’s building as she visited him for their weekly game night, she didn’t think twice about calling the number. Adrien had been a step ahead of her, so the owners were expecting her call. A week later, she had officially moved into the flat across from his.
She hadn’t paid much attention to his habits at first. She was too busy settling in, and with all the planned evenings with Nino and Alya, plus the ones with the Miracuclass students who remained in Paris, she didn’t see how late he came back at night, and ordering in didn’t seem out of place. What better than a pizza for poker night? Or sushi for movie night? It was easy .
As winter settled in, though, and nights out dwindled to once every fortnight, she noticed the ballet of scooters and bikes that came almost at a fixed time every night. Generally when she was about to fall asleep, doing a grand job at waking her up. Groggily stalking up to the window one evening, she’d noticed Adrien meet the delivery person as he came back from wherever he’d been, paying his due and coming up. She’d dismissed it due to midterm season approaching, but exams had come and gone and things hadn’t changed. She kept an eye out, and after two additional weeks of seeing Adrien collect a brown paper bag, knowing fully well that he ate a sandwich every midday thanks to her father’s well-meaning gossip, she’d decided to take action. She couldn’t let her partner have such a questionable diet.
“What's it going to be tonight?” She asked, leaning arms crossed against her door frame one night as he appeared on the landing.
Adrien froze at the top of the stairs and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.
“Er…“ He raked his mind for something, anything that would sound even remotely healthy, but nothing came. He sighed defeatedly. “None pizza with left beef.” He mumbled, his head lowered guiltily. He’d seen the meme the night before, and had wanted to try it out.
He repeated a little louder.
“Okay that’s it, you’re coming over to my place for dinner.”
He knew from her tone of voice there’d be no arguing with her, so he sheepishly followed her inside her flat, still clutching his pizza box. He wasn’t too unhappy about the outcome, if he was honest. Marinette was a good cook. He’d have a nice meal tonight.
“What about the pizza?” He asked weakly.
“We can use it as… bread, or something.” The girl suggested, crinkling her nose at the thought. For someone who came from a long line of bakers and was part Italian, calling the contents of the box pizza or even bread seemed inherently wrong.
Adrien trailed a little behind her as she walked towards her kitchen, marveling at what she’d done with the place.
Marinette’s apartment mirrored his in terms of structure, but whereas his decoration was very minimalistic, hers was a lot more eclectic, without looking cluttered. Her furniture wasn’t a set, yet fit together very well and gave the space a cozy feel. The painted walls, as well as the coloured posters, curtains, rugs and cushions made it feel very homey. He wanted nothing more than sit on her sofa and snuggle under the knitted blanket with her to watch a movie.
Platonically, of course.
Adrien walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the pastel yellow of the walls and warm lighting. Her utensils provided nice splashes of colour that brightened up the room. He particularly appreciated the Ladybug-themed colander that was drying next to the sink.
“If you look in that bottom draw,” she indicated with her foot before reaching for a jar of dried rice in a cupboard, “you should find some saucepans, if you could take two out please, Chaton.”
He obliged, resisting the temptation to lift her up to help her. He knew she wouldn't appreciate it.
“Can I put you in charge of cooking the rice?” She asked, handing him the packet. Adrien accepted it but looked at her quizzically.
“Sure!” He replied excitedly. “Do you have the instructions anywhere?”
Marinette stopped in the middle of washing vegetables she’d taken out of the fridge and squinted her eyes as she gauged whether or not he was joking. He seemed genuinely at loss for what to do.
“Have you never prepared rice before?”
“It’s like pasta.” His clueless face made her sigh defeatedly. “You’ve never made pasta either, haven’t you.”
“Does instant ramen count? Or pasta boxes?” He flinched slightly.
“How you’re still alive and actually fit is beyond me.” She rolled her eyes. “Right, I guess we really are starting with the basics then. Consider this lesson number one: pour some water in that saucepan.”
She moved away from the sink to allow him to access it, but stayed close enough to be able to turn the tap off for him. He clearly had no idea of how much water was needed.
“Right, now put the saucepan on the hob, and turn it on.” She saw a smirk spread on his face. “And don’t even think about making a joke, I know what it sounded like!”
“You’re no fun, Buguinette.” He pouted, pressing the button she indicated.
“Add a little salt, and then we’ll just let it come to a boil.”
Next, she handed him a chopping board and tomatoes. She hesitated before giving him a knife. “Can I trust you not to cut yourself?”
“Har har.” He grabbed the knife. “Joke’s on you, because salad is actually the only thing I know how to make. How do you want these?”
She resisted making a comment on how knowing how to make salad wasn't something he really could brag about. “Sliced. We’re making ratatouille.”
“Ooh, nice!”
He listened as she talked him through the recipe, impressed by the fact she didn’t need a cookbook to remember how to prepare it. She taught him how to prepare an aubergine, which he could recognise thanks to the emoji, but could not imagine how to bring to an edible form.
“We just want to sear them in some oil with the courgettes, then we’ll let them cook gently with the rest of the vegetables and the herbs.”
He’d been quite dainty on the amount of herbes de Provence he’d added, which had prompted her taking his hand and shaking the spice pot to cover the tomatoes with it.
He looked at her concentrated expression as she stirred the pan and couldn’t help but smile, his hand still hovering above the hob.
Marinette looked at him inquisitively. “What?”
“Nothing.” She raised her eyebrows. “I just forgot how cute you are when you’re bossy.”
Marinette stammered in response, her cheeks pinking. It didn't matter how at ease she felt with Adrien now, she still couldn't take a compliment from him. He grinned and took advantage of her distraction to steal the wooden spoon from her and taste the dish.
“Authorisation to add a little salt?” He asked, refilling the spoon with ratatouille for her.
She took it, trying not to focus on the fact his lips had been just where hers were. She let the flavours flood her palet thoughtfully.
"Authorisation granted."
She smiled fondly as Adrien excitedly added missing spices to the mix.
"See? I am a competent cook!" He added with a satisfied smile.
"Please, you're barely a sous-chef." Marinette snorted. She backtracked her slightly harsh words seeing her partner's pout. "Don't worry though, you'll get the hang of it! It's just a question of practising." She rubbed his back encouragingly. "Would making the plates pretty make you feel better?"
"I think so." He mock sniffled.
Marinette made a point of taking out her Chat Noir plates, which she'd been planning on keeping for special occasions. The way Adrien's face lit up upon seeing them made the fact they were her only dishes that couldn't be dishwashed seem irrelevant. Adrien made a mental note to try and find matching Ladybug ones, although he wasn't sure if he would be gifting them to her or keeping them for himself.
Marinette busied herself with tidying up the kitchen and laying the cutlery as he worked on the presentation. Had her phone been nearby, she would've taken a picture of him as he blepped in concentration.
"Does this look good enough for Madame la Chef ?" He asked as he presented the plates to her. He'd positioned the vegetables around the rice so as to make it look like a flower.
"It's perfect, Chaton." She kissed the top of his head as she passed behind him with a packet of smoked ham. She rolled the slices into little roses and planted them in the rice.
"A table?" She asked as she finally sat down opposite him.
Adrien dug in before she could say bon appétit .
When Adrien came home from his morning run a couple of days later, a fresh croissant in hand, he found a conscientiously wrapped package on his doormat. The black polka dots on the field of red were a dead giveaway as to who it was from. He grinned as he picked it up and opened the door.
Breakfast and washed hands later, he sat on his couch, facing the present. He was torn between tearing the wrapping, or being civilised about it. Before he could choose, Plagg flew nearby and obeyed his cat instincts, swiftly disappearing back into his Camembert cabinet with a grin to avoid his holder's reprimands.
"Je sais cuisiner." He read the title and laughed, holding the book in front of him. It was an old edition, a yellow hardback with a picture of the author on the cover.
A post-it note stuck out from the top of the book. He opened it to get to the bookmarked recipe.
For Adrien - saw this and thought of you! Since you're so keen on instructions, this might do the trick! Feel free to use it often ;-)
Love, Marinette
P.S.: I suggest we try this recipe next!
Adrien read through the page, and felt his stomach grumble. He was very pleased at the thought that something had reminded her of him and that she'd bought it for him. The "love" and the fact she was obviously looking forward to repeating their cooking experience were added bonuses.
He himself could hardly wait.
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dreamingdife · 4 years
I have so much to say about life in Isolation, but one thing that has struck me massively, is something that I’ve been so aware of before. Yet suddenly it seems even more necessary to talk about it and do something. Obviously I’ve found myself with a lot more time on my hands. Maybe that’s why the YouTube rabbit holes I find myself down have been longer and deeper than ever before. The odd video of the Arsenal Women’s team having fun have led me on to accounts of their day to day lives. Lives that aren’t filled with mansions and home gyms. So what do they do at this point. Football has been suspended. But they need to train somehow. In the case of Beth Mead, she took to social media to try and get hold of an exercise bike.
Obviously there’s a much bigger picture here to think about. I’m not here to get involved in the debate about whether male footballers should take a pay cut. But considering one of the arguments that has arisen during this is that a 20% pay cut for a premier league footballer could “financially ruin” them. I think perhaps we should take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. Why is it ok for them to continue to get paid £250,000 plus a week? When the average salary for women in the WSL is £26,752 a year!
Take a second to look at the arguments that I’ve heard over the years as to why men’s football is bigger than the women’s game. The one I’ve heard a lot is “quality”. The quality of men’s football is better than women’s? You’d be surprised how many of these people haven’t even seen a game of professional women’s football. I think until the men and women’s teams are given the same amount of funding. The opportunity to train to the same standard this is something that really cannot be judged. I for one find the women’s game to be a lot less stop start. I’ll be honest there’s not as much rolling on the floor. But hey maybe if they had an audience of 60,000 to perform in front of. That could change. Like I said; we won’t know this until we give them that platform to show us exactly what they can do.
I’ll take us back 100 years. Something many people don’t know, that I myself only found out about a few years ago. Women’s games attracted bigger crowds that men’s games. With men being sent away to fight in WW1 the women’s game recorded a record crowd of nearly 70,000 on boxing day 1920. Once the war ended and the men returned, the women’s game was pushed away. The FA put a ban on women’s football in 1921, saying it was “quite unsuitable for females and ought not to be encouraged”. This ban was only lifted fifty years later in 1971. So the women’s game ultimately had to start from scratch once again.
I know I may sound like a hypocrite. I’ve continued to pay out for a season ticket at the emirates for the past six seasons. I don’t go to as many of the Arsenal women’s games as I should. This isn’t for any reason other than convenience if I’m totally honest. The women play at a ground in Hertfordshire with a capacity of 4,500. It’s a 15 minute walk from the nearest train station where trains run into St Pancras. I’m based in South London so it’s not the easiest journey. Especially as the games are usually played on a Sunday and the Thameslink doesn’t usually run straight through. But this all adds onto the problems that they’re up against. The Emirates Stadium is five minutes walk from a Tube station. I can’t for the life of me understand why the women don’t play there. Premier league teams have shared grounds in the past so there’s no way that the men and women’s teams can’t do the same. Going forward after the world starts to get back on it’s feet I will definitely be making the effort to get up to Hertfordshire as often as possible, until they’re playing at the Emirates!
During one of my many YouTube viewing sessions. I came across a video of Jordan Nobbs from five years ago. “A day in the life”. During it she said she lived in a house with other players from the Arsenal women’s team. I also noticed that many of the players have been social distancing in the same houses. Probably to stop themselves going mad. But even then they’re hardly hauled up in big mansions. In a live video with Leah Williamson and Jordan Nobbs, Willamson said her apartment wasn’t that big and she doesn’t even have any outside space. Quite the opposite of male players with their big gardens and vast homes. I also wonder if players often have to move to different clubs for financial reasons. If they have a family to support, perhaps they actually have to find somewhere that they can actually afford to live. The same way most people with a salary of £26,000 would struggle. We all know that living in and around London is super expensive. I’d be tempted to take myself up north or even abroad if it meant I could live comfortably on what I make doing what I love.
One thing I’ve been particularly curious about is what the injury process is for women players compared to men. I hope that they get the same amount of care and rehab. But if it’s like all the other aspects I sincerely doubt that is the case. What about players who have career ending injuries. What happens when they suddenly can’t get paid for the thing that they love, the thing they’ve worked harder than ever for. They don’t have millions of pounds in the bank ready to support them until they figure that out. I have so many questions about so much when it comes to this. But for now I guess all I can do is speculate.
I’ve had so much time to think about many things over the past couple of months. But this is something I’m really ready to focus on. Perhaps when the world comes out of this, whatever it looks like. I will make it my mission to really try and change this and show everyone what this actually is. Compare the life of the lowest paid Premier League player and the highest paid Women’s Super League player. Really show everyone what’s what in the sport that we love so much. Until then I will continue to think about this all. Obviously the main thing is I can’t do this alone. I don’t think I will….
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blubberquark · 3 years
Making of Deep Sea Settler
Download any play Deep Sea Settler from itch.io.
Comment on the game jam entry for Deep Sea Settler LDJAM.com.
Deep Sea Settler is a puzzle-ish colony builder made for Ludum dare 48. It's loosely inspired by Reus, Dorfromantik, and Solar Settlers by tumblr's own @brickroaddx. Based on the theme "deeper and deeper", you have to slowly build out your underwater colony by placing buildings in a hostile environment - without destroying said environment.
Day 1
I came up with two main game ideas for this theme: The first was a game about a submarine navigating in complete darkness based on sonar and dead reckoning. The second was an under-water colony builder with an ecological theme.
The first would either have looked really boring, with no visible environments, only 2D submarine controls and instruments, or it would have been too much work to mode the interior of a submarine and interesting underwater environments.
I decided to work on the colony builder, and to set it on a hexagonal grid. You start out just below sea level, and as you go on, the sea bed gets deeper and deeper, sunlight becomes scarce and pressure increases, so the game gets more difficult. (The depth and difficulty mechanic did not make it into the final game, but tiles of varying depth did.)
I started by working on the art and rendering code.
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I made a simple renderer for infinite hex tilemaps (stored in a hash table), and drew some tiles. They all had a "base" or "depth" to them, allowing me to raise or lower them a bit without "floating" over the playing field. After seeing the tiles arranged like that, I decided to re-work the tile shape to allow for a better perspective when drawing tile contents, and I drew a bunch of tiles based on an ecological and "humorous" theme:
A fishing submarine with a fishing rod and a fish farm with fish fenced in in a 2D enclosure felt like the peak of humour to me at the time.
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Day 2
I drew some graphics for UI elements and cursors, and started making the map clickable and interactive. For this, I repurposed the drawing code and the hex marker that shows the selected tile. After a broad-phase collision check, the game checks if the mouse is inside the drawn tile by checking a collision mask at the positions of nearby tiles, preferring the tile nearer to the "camera" if two or more overlap. This was easier to code than convex hex shape collisions, and allowed me to stay a bit more flexible with depth and overlapping tiles. At this point I was still thinking about making depth a more prominent mechanic, but the interaction with the map and judging of distances got a bit too difficult when tiles were occluded too much.
Then I added the wavy underwater effect. It took me way too long to add it, and although everybody tells me it's a bit too distracting, without it it's not clear that you are underwater, which is an important thing to convey at all times, because of the theme.
I drew some sprites for resources and tile products, but I was still unsure which should become which.
After playing around with different configurations, I decided to focus on just building, without a way to destroy built structures, and without "turns". There were discrete actions, but no "turns" and no way to pass time. There was also no way to accumulate resources over time. The only action was clicking on a tile and building, with instantaneous effects: Left-click a tile, select what to build, repeat.
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This gave the way a much more puzzle-ish feel, that I really liked, but it also meshed with the "ecological" theme: Every action is irreversible, every tile is a precious resource, every decision is meaningful. Using a tile for building can cost you food or oxygen production. Expanding can destroy synergies between tiles.
To make this more obvious, I added a UI that shows a tile's output when you hover your cursor over it.
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Day 3
The game was "feature-complete" after the second day, but I felt a bit unhappy with the balancing and the UI. I took a third day and spent Monday evening adding mining tiles to make tile space more precious, and UI improvements like drawing the perimeter of the buildable area (instead of the range of the current habitant) when the cursor is outside of the buildable area.
The farms were too easy to build, and the power plants were too difficult, so I added power lines to distribute energy (at the expense of building over more tiles) and mining of rifts for science juice to build farms. This way, food, energy, and oxygen are more of a trade-off, and you can't just tile the world with farms, but you can upgrade some of your farms to undo your worst mistakes. If there are not enough volcanoes where you want to build, you can build power lines, but that will make habitat placement more difficult.
What Went Right
Scope: I am really happy with the tight focus of the game, but at the same time, this game mechanic has "legs". It would be easy enough to add more tile types, make the map bigger, and to increase the goal population in the future based on what I have now. But as it stands, it's an interesting game already. Adding more systems would have made it harder to balance, and I am glad I didn't add turns with actions per turn, or tiles that generate resources over time.
Art: For the most part, I stuck with the db32 palette, plus some transparent shades of those colours in the domes and bubbles. I don't think the tiles are as funny as I first intended, but they are distinctive and legible enough.
Balance: After playtesting the game for hours, it's really easy for me, but it's a decent challenge the first few times. Some of the difficulty stems from not knowing what tiles are available and the lack of undo, but it's replayable for some time without feeling "solved" even after you have internalised all the mechanics. None of the tiles is too abundant or too rare.
Game Design: The core loop is build habitat->connect food and energy->expand range->build habitat, but it's also possible to go back and increase the population of existing habitats by mining, upgrading farms and connecting more energy. In the endgame, the player can sometimes increase the population by densely packing the centre of the map with habitats after spreading on the map, and sometimes, it's the other way round. That gives this game a thinky, puzzle-ish feel.
Tile products follow the pattern [adjacent tiles->built tile->product->habitat], so that there are no loops. It goes kelp->fishing sub->food->habitat; rift->power plant (->power line optionally?)->energy->habitat; kelp forest->oxygen->habitat; farm->food->habitat. Evaluating the output of a tile is straightforward both for the computer and the player.
Theme: I tried to work in an ecological theme, where Oxygen is in short supply, built structures cannot be reverted into pristine nature, and tiles are an important resource. Players picked up on that.
What Went Wrong
Jam Theme: Unfortunately, the jam theme "deeper and deeper" got a bit lost in the process. The game was already difficult enough without making tile depth contribute to building costs, and complicated enough for a jam game without adding more mechanics. Making the terrain generation more extreme would have made tile adjacency hard to determine. I would have needed to use a 3D engine to make 3D game mechanics.
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Tutorial: There is no in-game tutorial that introduces the tiles gradually. I added some text on the itch.io download page and the LDJAM submission, but that can easily be missed.
UI: The UI is too busy and the mechanics are not discoverable enough. Adding more things to the UI would make it busier, removing things would make it harder to see what's going on. The UI needs a complete overhaul if I add anything more.
Time: Looking back, I could have implemented all this and some more polish, animations, and sound effects within the time constraints of the compo, if I hadn't had anything else to do that weekend. I really wish I could have added some audio.
What I learned
Don't try making depth a mechanic thing in a 2D game if you can't rotate the camera and look behind things
Some users get annoyed by waves even if they don't get sea-sick
People call every visual effect a "shader", even if it doesn't use the GPU
Hexes are cool. Some games don't work on a square grid
My visual jokes are not as funny as I think they are
I can do LDJAM without feeling hungover and tired on Monday
Try not to accidentally take out the jam theme when cutting down the scope!
Download here: https://blubberquark.itch.io/deep-sea-settler
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thegeneralsnotebook · 4 years
Adventures in Deckbuilding #192: Trixie, Tricks of the Trade (Purple Control) [Harmony]
Trixie, Tricks of the Trade
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Lockdown Entertainment
Sideboard Convention: Farm is the main match to watch out, remove tools against Friends for it and consider cutting down on our own Troublemakers
Trixie has been a casual Mane for pretty much all of her existence. She suffers from the usual problem of deriving most of her value from the opponent taking an action that they will not necessarily take, and her relatively expensive flip condition does not help with that. In the past, it was absolutely possible to build competent, even semi-competitive decks with her, and those individuals who were particular fans of her character did just that. But the competitive space was a place that you just never saw this card in, and never expected to.
That did all change with the most recent Harmony OnlineCon, where a combo deck featuring this Mane burst onto the scene quite suddenly and did rather well for itself. That deck was built upon the concept of going infinite with card draws whenever the opponent decided to start a faceoff, and it was a very clever taking advantage of the fact that Trixie’s cost reduction does not come with a minimum attached. That idea was a very inspiring one for me, but I didn’t want to go down the same path to a combo deck. Instead, I decided to attempt a similar idea with control.
At first, I wanted to build something with a lot of colours. I knew already that by combining a lot of AT generators with Trixie’s cost reduction, I could build up a big bank, and, in theory, then I could rely on Rainbow Generator for the right colours to play other Events that could fill in the gaps that Purple has. Hard confront stoppers, for example, like a number of good Orange Events. Or good answers against Farm as well. But that version of the deck was looking quite unwieldy, plus it seemed unlikely that I would be able to have the colours I needed when I needed them. Reanimator can get away with playing Generator mostly because you don’t have to play it until you need it, and once you’ve used it to get a Tricorn into play, the opponent has bigger things to worry about than getting rid of your Resource. But if I was to use it for Immediate-speed access to colours for Events, it would just be a sitting duck for the wide variety of Resource removal that needs to be feared in this format.
So instead I moved to a mono-Purple setup. With enough AT saved, I reasoned, I could afford to play multiple School Shutdowns over the course of the game, and through a combination of Magical Misfire and Restricted Section, eventually thin my deck out enough that I could set up quickly again after each Shutdown. And while that seemed reasonable and a vestige of that strategy remains in the final copy, it just made so much more sense to stick Mistmane back in and win the “normal” way, with her. With three separate sources of AT generation and Trixie’s discounts, we should be able to generate AT quickly, and we do at least have Napcakes as an Immediate-speed answer in case the opponent decides to drop an On Even Ground.
With Trixie, special care has to be taken to have the correct suite of early Events so that flipping her over isn’t much of a chore. The combo deck relied on Join the Herd, Makeover and Dramatic Entrance for this effect, but I’ve decided that Taken on Trust works much better with the deck’s eventual Restricted Section, and I have no problem with playing it early even for no effect. Ice Archery is a card that I’ve always just been fond of, even if it’s honestly not the greatest choice for its position. Put that one down to personal taste.
The goal of the deck is simple: stall and then Mistmane to win. We also have the potential for a huge Celestia in the mid-to-late game as we have a huge number of Events in the deck and a good number that we wouldn’t be sad at all about banishing. We can also be much more assertive in playing School Shutdown as more than a last resort, as we should have the AT for it and will always have another one coming, even if it’s been shuffled into the deck somewhere.
Trixie is quite a unique Mane that focuses on a piece of Purple that isn’t often seen, that being the Event synergy and the focus on playing lots of them. I’m very happy that we’ve now got a metagame that can properly support her, as she’s got a cool combo to call her own. Would that every little-used Mane could eventually reach that position, at least in Harmony.
From Trixie we turn to just one such Mane that has yet to see its time in the limelight, though it may just one day come. Much talked about upon his debut, Gallus, Full of Surprises has had a less than stellar career so far. But next week, I’ll send him off all the same.
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Hello! So, during a global pandemic and at the beginning of what will probably be a long and severe recession, at the age of 40 and with basically no knowledge of how automobiles work, I’m going to live in a van.
This might be a terrible idea. Hence, I’m calling my blog This Might Be A Terrible Idea.
If you’re reading this, I imagine it’s because you know me, so I’ll skip the introduction. I like a good FAQ, so let’s start there.
Where are you going? Short answer: I don’t know!
Long answer: I’ll probably primarily split my time between Colorado/northern New Mexico, Maryland/Pennsylvania, and Florida. I want to stay as low-budget as I can and also avoid crowds during the pandemic. So whenever possible, I’ll opt for free, dispersed sites in national forests, state forests, BLM (which I now read as Black Lives Matter but here it’s the less-important acronym, Bureau of Land Management), state game lands, etc. I’ll pop into a developed campground every now and then to refill the water tanks, empty the portable toilet, and take a shower.
What kind of van do you have? In late June, I bought a 2007 Ford E250 with a high roof. In its first life, it was actually an Embassy Suites hotel shuttle, so when I got it, it had SO MANY SEATS. After it retired from the hotel biz, it went to a guy who owned a brewery and used the van for ski trips. Then he eventually traded it to a friend’s college-aged son in exchange for lawn-mowing work. This young man was actually going to make it into a camper too but didn’t have time, so he sold it to me.
I got the van for a very low price ($2000) because it’s really high mileage — almost 300,000. It also has a few issues: the dashboard, power windows, and radio only work sometimes. The doors are creaky and don’t like to close. There are splatters of paint (?) on the inside of the driver’s door. The air conditioning wasn’t working. And the interior is pretty beat up.
With help from my brother who actually knows about cars, I recharged the air conditioning. A new, functional instrument cluster is on the way. And the type of engine in this van (5.4L V8) supposedly has a reputation for being extremely durable. If I get a couple of good years out of this vehicle, I’ll be happy.
How are you going to afford this? A few years ago, I paid $4200 for an acre of land in the San Luis Valley, a few hours from Denver. I hoped to eventually put a little camper on it and make a very low-budget part-time home. But a few months after I bought the land, the county changed its rules to prohibit living in campers or mobile homes for more than a couple of weeks at a time. So the camper idea went out the window, and in June, I sold that land for $5000. This was my funding to buy the van and associated stuff. I’m going to try to keep the initial total cost of the van (vehicle, repairs, materials for the interior, solar installation) to about $6000.
I’m incredibly fortunate to be in a position where I don’t have to choose between my job and a weird nomadic lifestyle. About a year ago, I went full-time freelance as an editor and writer. So I’m self-employed and I work from home. I don’t even need the internet that much — aside from checking email, file downloads/uploads, and occasional googling for research and editing questions, I can be mostly offline. Also incredibly fortunate: the pandemic hasn’t affected my work, at least not so far.
I’ll have new and unexpected expenses: food will be more expensive, I’ll have to pay for campgrounds sometimes, the van will need gas and repairs and oil and new tires, and then I’ll want to make livability improvements (like insulation). But I hope that I’ll be able to cover all of that while still living within my means.
Aren’t you selling your condo? Why don’t you get a newer/lower mileage/already converted van? Yes, I am (fingers crossed that the sale goes through) selling my condo in Denver. But I also have no savings, no retirement fund, no emergency fund. And the recession is just getting started… the whole future seems pretty uncertain. I’d feel better if I kept as much of the condo money in the bank as possible, even if that means having a crappier van.
Don’t you worry about safety? Absolutely. I’m a worrying person. I worry a lot! But if I responded to those worries by not going anywhere alone, staying in only developed campgrounds, etc., then I’d have missed out on some of the best experiences in my life, and I’d never go much of anywhere at all.
To stay safe in a van, I’ll use the same approach I use for solo car camping. If a place feels sketchy, I go somewhere else. To avoid trouble from bears, I try not to get food on the ground, do food prep and brush teeth away from the vehicle, and keep the car doors locked when I’m away and at night. To avoid trouble from bros, I try to stay out of sight. I pick spots and set up my campsite so that people passing by mostly just see the vehicle and not me or my single chair or small tent. I have bear spray, which stays in arm’s reach when I’m out hiking and at night, and I have a sharp knife, which is always pretty accessible too.
In fact, safety is why I chose a van over a truck with a camper, which actually would have been preferable. If a truck ever had recurring or expensive mechanical problems, I could just get a new truck and put the camper on it — but with a van, I’ll either have to do the expensive repairs or get a new van and re-do the whole interior. And if I wanted to stay in one place for a while, I could take the camper off and just drive the truck around, saving on gas and wear and tear. But with a truck camper, if I were ever inside the camper and felt unsafe, I’d have to *go outside* and then get into the truck cab in order to leave. With a van, if things start feeling sketchy, I can just hop in the driver’s seat and go.
(Side note: It’s upsetting and frustrating to me that these safety concerns and choices are so linked to gender. Of course men also need to think about safety when they’re out camping alone, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had to think about it at least 200% as much as my equivalent 40-year-old non-threatening-looking out-of-shape single dude.)
If we’re talking about safety from non-sentient threats — bad weather, injuries, mechanical breakdowns, etc. — then I…
a) try not to get into situations that I can’t get out of — whether it’s a too-rugged road, a too-steep trail, or a spot that is likely to turn into a mud pit if it rains. I also think about whether I could walk to get help if I needed to. b) have some basic safety and first aid stuff. Tape, gauze, and a mylar blanket for me; jumper cables and a portable air compressor for the car. c) have a Triple A membership in case I need a tow.
The van came with a handy fire extinguisher strapped to the driver’s seat. To reduce the possibility of being unable to call for help if I get stuck somewhere, I eventually plan to get a cell phone signal booster.
The fire extinguisher or even my bear spray won’t keep me safe from COVID-19. But like I mentioned, I’m trying to stay as far away from crowds as possible. To cut down on contact when resupplying, I’ve got storage for 10 gallons of water (I’m actually going to expand this to 15) and plan to carry enough food for a month. Unless there’s a mechanical problem or breakdown (definitely my biggest concern), I should be able to drive coast to coast while remaining in a relatively firm bubble. The riskiest thing I’ll *have* to do is refuel at gas pumps, but I can pick gas stations that seem less crowded, refuel in smaller towns rather than busy highway rest areas, and go at quieter times of day.
Does your van have air conditioning? Nope! Well, it has the standard vehicle AC, but that only works while the van is running, and most of the time I’ll be parked. There are AC units that can go on top of campers and vans, but they use a ton of power: either you have to be plugged in to shore power at a campground, use a gas-powered generator, or have a million solar panels and batteries. I’m going to get a good roof vent and fan installed, plus maybe put some smaller battery-powered fans in the windows, so that will hopefully keep me from getting heatstroke in the summer.
Does it have running water? Nope! Right now, I have a portable foot-pump sink and a self-contained portable toilet. I plan to eventually build a nicer/bigger sink. I’m also going to order a collapsible tub so I can do sponge baths or use a solar shower (a black vinyl bag that heats up in the sun and has a hose attached). Swimming in freshwater lakes will need to become a bigger part of my life. I’ll probably be a little stinky at times, but people should be social distancing anyway, so if anyone can smell me, they’re way too close.
Does it have electricity? It will! I’m planning to have one large solar panel and a lithium battery installed. (For those who are curious, it’s a 315 watt solar panel with a 100 AH battery.) This will power the roof fan, my laptop, my phone, some plug-in lights, and eventually also built-in lights, the cell phone signal booster, and maybe a small fridge or cooler. The solar power system is going to outlast the van and will be easily switchable to my next vehicle.
Wait. “Maybe” a fridge? What are you going to eat? Ummm… I’ll figure it out? I eat like a scavenging raccoon, so I’m not too picky. I bought a bunch of freeze-dried legume-based soup and stew mixes from Harmony House, some high-protein shake mix from Huel, and I plan to stock rice, quinoa, peanut butter, oatmeal, hard cheese, packaged salmon and tuna, and dried fruit. If I’m driving, I’ll probably also keep an eye out for farm stands and grab some produce that will keep unrefrigerated for a few days. During the pandemic, I’ve been using support for local businesses as a way of justifying takeout or delivery once or twice a week, so I’ll probably keep doing that when I pass through developed areas.
Can you poop in your van? Does it smell? Yes to the first! I haven’t, um, tested it out yet. But after road trip in my sedan in May, when I had to go into a scary (no one wearing masks or social distancing) gas station in Colorado Springs, bathroom and hand-washing facilities for the van became a priority. Right now the portable toilet is just sort of hanging out in the open, but I’m going to build a plywood box to contain it. I did pee in it a bunch during my inaugural camping trip, and I’m happy to report that the chemicals I added to the tank made it not smell gross while also not producing an overwhelming chemical smell.
How will you get the internet? Unlimited data plan FTW! I recently figured out that I can use my phone as a mobile hotspot and connect to it with my laptop. It’s not fast, but it’ll do what I need it to. And I should be able to have connectivity even in more remote areas after I get a signal booster.
Won’t you get tired of living in a tiny space? Maybe. I do have some good practice, though. In the last decade, I’ve gone from living in a 700-square-foot condo (Denver) to a 400-ish-square-foot studio apartment (New Jersey; grad school) to my childhood room in my parents’ house (Maryland; post-grad-school student loan debt). Each time, I’ve gotten rid of stuff, even things it’s painful to get rid of: old books, childhood knickknacks, cassette tapes, drawings, horse show ribbons I remember winning, cutlery and glassware I got as housewarming gifts.
I also tend to feel really at home in my car. I’ve napped in my car, drafted novels in my car, had long and meaningful conversations in my car, had existential crises in my car, eaten hundreds of meals in my car. Car = house makes sense to me. And I hope to be staying in places where I have access to big and engaging outdoor spaces.
What will you do after you live in a van for a while? I have no idea. There are definitely things that I want to do — write fiction, build my career, be more involved with community/communities, get healthier, be a better human — but all of those things are geographically nonspecific. And everything both personally and nationally feels so up in the air. I could end up living in a van for a year, or five, or ten. I might eventually buy a house or a boat or a farm, or settle down somewhere (I don’t know where) in a more permanent way. But I’m not making plans for any of that, and I’m not making plans for an “after.”
I think that’s it for the FAQ! If you have any questions, let me know and I will address them in a later LFAQ (Less Frequently Asked Questions).
Also, please bear with me because I don’t really know how Tumblr works. If you want to start reading, start FROM THE BOTTOM.
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ssentiwsavonej · 5 years
Game of Thrones: Battle of Winterfell Dead Pool
*mostly conjecture, but spoiler warning to cover bases*
Ok, so: after watching 8.02, I’ve been thinking a lot about the looming largest battle sequence out to film, and obviously given the happy moments in the lead-up, a lot of our faves are gonna bite it next week. So I wanted to put my thoughts to paper, as it were, and talk about the major players, where they’ll be, and what could happen to them.
Jon Snow
Location: atop Winterfell battlements, then eventually in the thick of it, because Jon
Outcome: ALIVE. C’mon, I barely have to say anything here. Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen is far to pivotal to the titular game to die here. Plus he’s gotta sort things out with his girlfriend/aunt Daenerys. Speaking of...
Daenerys Targaryen
Location: based on previews, she’s gonna be all over Winterfell: atop the battlements, viewing the battle from afar in the nearby hills, and even in the TOTALLY 100% SAFE NOT-AT-ALL DANGEROUS CRYPTS
Outcome: ALIVE. Literally same reasons above. She’s key to the Game and she’s gotta deal with Jon’s poorly timed bomb drop. Plus she’s gotta survive here to potentially become a villain herself down the way as the Mad Queen/Night Queen
Location: probably three feet from Jon at any given moment
Outcome: DEAD. “Whaaaat? You mean they’d really bring Ghost back for five seconds this week, just to kill him next week???” You’re goddamn right they would! And for a very utilitarian reason that every major crew member has said many times over: those Direwolves are hella expensive to make (somehow more so than dragons? I’m guessing because they still have to use live wolves, so getting the animal to behave just so, and then enlarge them in post is likely a bigger pain than straight CGI? Anywho...) so Ghost is gonna be badass and rip some throats out, probably save some asses, and then get the shit wrecked out of him like Summer did.
Sansa Stark
Location: She’s gonna be in an interesting spot, too bold to hide in the crypts, but not a fighter. So she’s gonna probably try (and fail) to stay high and dry.
Outcome: ALIVE. I don’t have as strong an argument for her survival, but I just have a feeling. She didn’t have any serious revelations or resolutions in 8.02, aside from flirting/fighting with Dany, so her death wouldn’t be AS heartbreaking as some others.
Arya Stark
Location: in the battle with her new weapon, though also from previews she ends up in the crypts (and looking fucking terrified)
Outcome: DEAD. It hurts to say this, but Arya is very likely going to be done saying “Not today” to the God of Death. She banged the hell out of Gendry KNOWING THIS COULD BE HER LAST NIGHT ON THIS PLANET, and ignoring that cardinal cliche, something in the crypts is going to scare her shitless, and to do that to Arya, it’s gotta be something BAD (more on that later) **EDIT: I also think her death next week would go down as the ultimate prank, because when she went on Jimmy Fallon and “accidentally” let loose a spoiler as an April Fool’s joke, the (supposedly) fake spoiler was that Arya died in episode 3. What greater troll could there be than her fake spoiler not being fake at all?
Bran Stark
Location: in the Godswood, seated in the perfect spot to make awkward eye contact with the Night King
Outcome: ALIVE? The situation with Bran and the Night King is interesting, and undoubtedly won’t be as cut-and-dry as “two men enter, one man leaves.” Like, obvious the Night King ain’t going down here, but I feel like the Three-Eyed Raven is too cosmically important to not survive this. So I feel like if/when these two meet, it may not end in death, but change of some sort. (If the Night King even shows! Speaking of...)
Night King
Location: outside Winterfell *MAYBE*
Outcome: ALIVE (generally speaking). As I said before, the Night King is too big a deal to go down here without more of Westeros dealing with him first. So if Bran’s plan works, something more nuanced is gonna go down in the Godswood. But here’s the thing: what if the Night King isn’t even here? In the preview we see a line of White Walkers on horseback, seemingly in the lead position of the army. But no Night King, no Viserion. He knows where Bran is, so he’s in no rush; what if he’s taken his dragon (and some of the army) on past Winterfell, marching instead directly on King’s Landing? Bran had previously seen a vision of a dragon’s shadow darkening the skies of King’s Landing - what if this was the Night King, not Daenerys?
Theon Greyjoy
Location: in the Godswood with Bran and the Ironborn (aka the bait)
Outcome: DEAD. Theon has had a very very strong arc over this show: we’ve liked him, hated him, felt beyond bad for him, and then grew to care for him again. But with this week and Sanaa’s hug, his arc is complete. Plus, if the Night King does show, he’s at GROUND. ZERO. He’s fucking toast mate.
Jaime Lannister
Location: on the flank with Brienne and Podrick
Outcome: ALIVE. Our second-favorite Lannister has had a lot of character development (which usually means a tombstone), and he’s not a super capable fighter on a dangerous fucking part of the field with Brienne. Despite all of that, the Kingslayer’s probably gonna see the other side of this battle, because he’s gotta A) deal with Bronn coming for him and Tyrion, and B) fulfill the prophecy Cersei has obsessed over and be the “little brother” that kills her.
Tyrion Lannister
Location: In the completely ironclad safe crypts
Outcome: ALIVE. I’m gonna talk more about the crypts later on separately, because it’s gonna get a bit contradictory. Obviously the crypts aren’t safe, but there are a solid couple of charcters down there that I think will make it out. Tyrion’s safety is twofold: A) they made all that fuss of everyone, especially Jorah, telling Dany that Tyrion should remain her Hand. That would be a lot of wasted runtime if he dies here, and B) like his brother, Tyrion currently has a former traveling buddy coming for him with a crossbow, and Game of Thrones is known for many things, anticlimax not being one of them.
Samwell Tarly
Location: on the battlements, ready to go balls-out, apparently.
Outcome: ALIVE. Despite Sam being a not-at-all capable fighter, I think he’s going to live by simple fact that somebody has to finish that book at the Citadel about the history of Westeros to present day (and totally title it A Song of Ice and Fire), but he’s also gonna have to do some mourning of his own...
Location: those ironclad crypts of solitude
Outcome: DEAD. Gillie and Sam has their happy moment, and frankly, Sam is more important than her. So she’s gonna die, and to distract himself from the grieving process, Sam is gonna lock himself away in the Citadel to finish that damn book.
Jorah Mormont
Location: probably protecting Dany, then breaking off at some point when it goes to shit
Outcome: DEAD. Jorah’s has quite a ride, in and out of the friend zone with Dany from the beginning, and as of now he’s accepted his place and even gone to bat for Tyrion as the better man for his job. Couple that with his reunion with his family, and Sam passing on his family sword to him, and Jorah is going down swinging (and those swings are probably gonna save Sam’s ass, because it would be poetic to save the man who gave him the sword)
Sandor “The Hound” Clegane
Location: in battle somewhere (ideally far from fire, if he had his way)
Outcome: ALIVE. Though the Hound has solid development and actual dimension as a character this week, he’s gonna see it through for one simple reason: CLEGANEBOWL! This is something book fans AND show fans have been teased with for years, and this battle is likely the last hurdle between the Hound and burning his undead brother right the fuck back.
Location: the crypts, because lol at the idea of Varys fighting and not hedging his bets
Outcome: DEAD? I was more certain of his survival initially, because come onnn it’s Varys! The Spider played things in the shadows better than Littlefinger, and always knows how to avoid the God of Death. However, since my first thoughts, I was reminded that Melisandre mysteriously told him he would die in Westeros. So, the crypts could likely become his tomb.
Location: swinging a big ass hammer somewhere, no doubt.
Outcome: ALIVE. I debated on Gendry’s survival for a bit, considering he was recruit to smith, and he did his smithing (not to mention the horror movie trope of “you fuck, you’re fucked.”) However, I think he’ll see it through just because he’s still Robert Baratheon’s son, and could therefore complicate the line of succession for the Iron Throne once Cersei is finally knocked off.
SER Brienne of Tarth
Location: on the flank with Jaime and Podrick
Outcome: DEAD. Also painful, but after this week, the writing is on the wall is tears and giant’s milk for our favorite honorable knight. She is officially a knight of the seven kingdoms, saved Jaime’s ass from a barbecue, and noted that she’s fulfilled all of her oaths. She’s going down, but she’s not gonna go down easy (probably going to be the reason Jaime survives).
Podrick Payne
Location: on the flank with Brienne
Outcome: DEAD. Pod’s golden pipes and magic cock can’t save him here. He’s noticeably better with a sword now, but even Brienne said he’s not there yet. Plus he got to sing that song to the drunk sharing circle. Pod’s going down, and I’m betting he’ll be one of the first.
Grey Worm
Location: in the battlefield somewhere nasty
Outcome: DEAD. Not much to say here: Grey Worm promised to take Missandei away after the battle, wherever she wanted, and they can be happy on a beach. He may as well have said he’s two weeks from retirement.
Location: the danged ol’ crypts man. Can’t say much else here without repetition.
Outcome: ALIVE. This is by a razor-thin margin in my head, but everyone’s favorite translator is going to live for one reason and one reason alone: she’s the perfect candidate to cry over Grey Worm’s body after the dust settles. Because let’s be honest: they made the cardinal mistake of talking about their futures, so (at least) one of them gotta die, and Grey Worm is a soldier on the field.
Dolorous Edd
Location: atop the battlements, for now anyway.
Outcome: Edd’s DEAD, baby. He survived the wall coming down, made it back to warn his friends, and hugged it out. Jon said it himself: the Night’s Watch has no purpose now, meaning Edd has nothing to be Lord Commander of. His watch is ending next week.
Tormund Giantsbane
Location: somewhere in the thick of it, with a belly full of giant’s milk
Outcome: WILD CARD. Honestly, I couldn’t peg down Tormund, and it’s just because he’s so damn bonkers. Like, he survived the wall, and we got more insight to his (alleged) upbringing, and his surprisingly liberal ideals when it came to Brienne’s status, which could spell death. But he’s just such a crazy bastard that if anyone could defy the writing on the wall, it’s him.
Davos Seaworth
Location: on the battlefield, giving everyone a good what for
Outcome: DEAD. He’s had a good run, but it’s time to say goodbye to our dear Onion Knight. He said it himself: he’s been through a lot of battles and he’s not even sure how he’s made it. He’s been a mentor, but they’ve all gotta spread their wings, plus he had those moments with the reluctant militiamen and the adorable Shireen stand-in. He’s going out like a damn champ.
Beric Dondarrion
Location: somewhere out there with his medieval lightsaber
Outcome: WILD CARD. I couldn’t pin down Beric because he’s in a very unique position: Rhllor the Lord of Light has brought him back from the dead 13 times. Despite his weapon being covered in something very effective against the undead, there’s no doubt he’ll fall in battle. My question is: which side will he fight for when he gets back up? The Lord of Light could bring him back, but the White Walkers also have a knack for putting corpses back on their feet. Or even crazier, will he become some sort of halfbreed, with tht eyepatch covering a glowing blue eye? (Probably not, but it’s a fun idea)
Lyanna Mormont
Location: the front? The crypts? I don’t know, she does what she wants.
Outcome: WILD CARD. I’m leaning slightly towards the dead end of the scale with Lyanna, because despite how sharp her tongue is and how big her balls are, she’s still a small child fighting an army of zombies. She’s a badass and could make it, but she’s a child and could just as easily eat it.
Location: somewhere between King’s Landing and Winterfell
Outcome: WILD CARD. I can’t even say if Bronn will show up for this battle, but we do know he’s on his way with a big ass crossbow called “poetic justice” (according to Cersei). So he totally could show up and off one or both Lannister brothers while they’re distracted by zombies, or he could learn the true meaning of friendship and forsake the money to help out. And possibly die saving them. Or he won’t even make it there until afterwards. Who knows here man.
Now, a little more on the crypts, and why they gave me problems. So, they put the non-combatants and the children in the crypts, because it’s underground and by all accounts, safe. However, sollowing cinematic rules of foreshadowing, repetition is the surest sign that something’s important. EVERYBODY said the crypts are safe, repeatedly. Couple that with the shots of a very frightened Arya running from something, and it’s shaping up to be bad news bears down there. Many have guessed it, but for the sake of thoroughness, here’s the issue: the crypt is full of DEAD STARKS, and we all know how fond the White Walkers are of raising the dead. Provided they’ve got the range, Arya could be facing down the dead wearing the faces of her family. And given that, we could figure who it’s likely going to be. Ned is headless (plus it’s been mentioned that his bones were returned, implying there’s not much to bury), Robb is also headless and possibly not even buried in the family crypt, considering his body was paraded around on horseback with his wolf stitched onto his neck, so aside from ancient Starks, that leaves two candidates: Rickon (which, let’s be real, nobody cares about him and he’s not that intimidating either), and Catelyn. We don’t know if she made it to the crypts either (because Red Wedding), but she’s the strongest candidate for a truly unsettling foe for Arya, as well as an in-point for the TV show to introduce a skewed and twisted interpretation of Lady Stoneheart from the books into the show.
So yeah, with this information the Crypts could have a much higher principle death toll, but I think Arya being in the crypts sets up a heroic sacrifice scenario where she can ensure the other (important) people get out alive.
With a score of 11 - 11 - 4 the Battle of Winterfell is shaping up to be a potential Thanos Snap for our cast of characters next week. I can’t say how right or wrong I am on this, but this is the most thought I’ve put into predicting character deaths since Negan whistled his way onto the Walking Dead. So regardless, I’m excited to revisit this after the episode goes up on Sunday!
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Cheap Hotels For Your Holiday – Cheap Hotels In Jaipur
Finding cheap Hotels and cheap lodging is quintessential for budget travelers that are always seeking to minimize their overall travel expenses. Why dash out so much cash on lodging when you'll be out researching your trip destination most of the time anyhow?
 In this GET.com Guide To Finding Affordable best hotel in jaipur , you will find 8 useful tips that can help you shave some of your accommodation costs when you are on your well-deserved holiday. Cost savings on lodging simply means you are going to have more money to spend on food and fun activities!
  How To Find Cheap Hotels For Your Holiday
  Utilize Hotel Comparison Sites
 The Internet is a Thus, make full use of it! You will never understand how much you can save unless you put in the effort and time to compare and search between several distinct websites.
There are so many distinct Sites online you could use to find deals and special deals on hotel stays, as well as cheap airline tickets. A number of these sites are also really handy in assisting users narrow down their decisions according to their preferences, budgets, and even distance from the city core or airport.
Websites You Could look Some bargains online do not permit you to transfer, cancel or refund, so it will definitely help for you to be extra careful of their nice prints before reserving and/or paying for your room!
 As an example, we assessed Booking.com to compare hotel costs in Boston when you're signed in as a member and when you are not.
 Notice the cost Difference seen in both pictures above? Booking.com offers their signed-in users additional discounts in addition to letting you'lock in' the costs and the flexibility to cancel with no charges so long as you do it until a given date.
 To your game up after You've sort of narrowed down your choice of resorts, go the extra mile and then do yourself a favour by checking about the hotels' own site for promotional bargains or seasonal supplies.
 Midst of arranging for a quick getaway or a superb month-long visit to a myriad of exotic destinations scattered throughout the globe, it is always nice (and sensible) to make a bid to maintain your accommodation costs to a minimum and work those cost savings to your benefit!
But of course, it helps For one to determine what your budget is and how much you are ready to devote towards accommodation.
 Be realistic - locate what
 For Example, if you are So utilized to staying in lavish 5-star resorts, spending an entire week end up in a no-frills hostel will likely prove to be too overwhelming for you.
  Make Use Of Travel Review Sites
 Not only will you be able To look for different types of lodging in a jiffy on major travel review site TripAdvisor, you can scrutinize the reviews to get a sense of how the location is really like through the numerous reviews submitted by fellow travelers who've stayed there before.
 You'll probably even pick Up a truckload of hints and gems from other travelers' experiences should you read the testimonials conscientiously.
 Additionally, you can Bless whoever who made comparing and searching this kind of effortless procedure.
 Another site where you Could do the same is Lonely Planet. By simply keying on your planned dates of travel and destination, the website churns out a selection of accommodation at various rates for you. You have the option of filtering according to your own preferences, also! Plus they have got brief reviews done by their individual authors for one to consult with if you need any extra information regarding the area you're looking at.
  Travel During Off-Season (At Your Destination)
 To Make sure that your travel costs are kept to a minimal, traveling off-season to conserve on both air tickets and lodging. But of course, the"off-season" period fluctuates depending on your travel destination.
 So, Ensure you do your Homework to learn what's the"best" month to allow one to visit wherever you have been lusting to travel to.
  Check out the price differences on Agoda for a 4-night stay for 2 adults at Landmark London Hotel's Superior Room - a stay starting on 1st May 2016 prices $422.68 per night as a stay starting on 1st August 2016 costs $488.12 each night. Image source: Agoda
  Try Couchsurfing
 For the uninitiated, Couchsurfing is just as literal as it could be - you surf (or instead, sleep) on a sofa or your host's spare mattress for free. And you also get to fulfill new friends (your hosts, naturally ) and find out about living like a local there and then.
 Allowed, couchsurfing is Not for everybody and anyone. You have to be really daring and fairly gutsy to try this one out, though it will save you a whole lot of money.
 The idea is indeed Scary for first-timers but essentially, you stay with a hospitable someone in your destination and have the time of your life embarking on an experience that lots of your peers will be envious of.
 Just make sure to do your Homework and ensure that your hosts are trustworthy. Use common sense here and check out reviews from other couchsurfers. Be nice, have some hope in your fellow human beings, and proceed with an open mind!
 You'll probably meet some Of the coolest and friendliest souls on the market through your couchsurfing experience because those who open up their homes and arms to welcome fellow travelers into their abode are likely travelers those who have couchsurfed before. They know what it's like to be out there pursuing their journeys while cutting back on costs altogether.
 Your hosts may even take You outside to eat the things locals enjoy, do the things locals do, see the coolest party location in the city, visit concealed places only locals know about. Well, essentially, all the things which you can not find in travel guides.
 Keen to try this out already? Once you're comfortable with the notion of bunking in with others while you're traveling, you can even open your home to welcome other people and host them!
  Stay In Hostels For A Change
 If you are a budget Traveler seeking to truly extend your dollar, look at booking hostels rather than classic resorts. Even though they could be far from luxury, that doesn't mean they are lacking with regard to amenities to wave you throughout your stay.
 Hostels probably remind You of dormitories where shared facilities are a given, but there are loads of different types of rooms available to suit everybody's requirements from tiny rooms, rooms intended for a solo traveler, rooms intended for couples to rooms with double decker beds that can accommodate a party of fully-grown human beings!
 As a Guideline, Bigger hostel rooms are usually cheaper so if you're traveling in a group, choosing to stay in hostels may be your very best option for shaving your travel costs. Plus, it'll be a great deal of fun crashing with your pals, isn't it?
 Hostels are also a fantastic Choice for you to meet new people from all over the globe. Therefore, if you are open to making new friends and learning greetings of distinct languages, and you also want to save some money, good hotels in jaipur are good places to get started.
 Want somewhere to Get Started looking?
  Rent Apartments & Rooms
   If you haven't discovered, you Can currently rent unique places to stay wherever you are traveling to in over 190 nations through Airbnb. Frequently less expensive than conventional resorts, renting a fully furnished lodging is ideal for those that are looking for a more homely and comfortable experience beyond their home. And especially if you're planning to get a longer stay.
 Small wonder why Airbnb Has grown so much in recent decades. You get to remain in places usually inaccessible to tourists, explore and be inspired from the neighborhood precinct, people, culture, sights and smells. Something really amazing that most traditional hotels cannot promise you.
 Oh, did I mention that you will Probably get to get a kitchen when you lease? That means you can whip up something simple (or elaborate if you're an excellent cook) rather than needing to dine out every single meal. Now that's going to save you some excess cash, right?
 If you're going to be Leasing, make certain you read testimonials and do some comprehensive research only to be sure! You do not want to be tender and unhappy during your vacation, so make sure you iron things out with the landlord prior to committing to the reservation.
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 For more options Regarding rentals, look Roomorama and Wimdu upward online. Roomorama provides short-term vacation rentals worldwide while Wimdu allows you to take your pick from more than 300,000 city apartments in over 100 countries across the globe from Beijing to Berlin. If you like, you can also list your flat for rent on Wimdu to make some extra money when you are off in your own globetrotting experiences.
Home Exchange
Swapping homes with Fellow globetrotters across the world is a fabulous idea in the event that you already have a home and you wish to save a little money on accommodation while you're on vacation.
How does this work? Well, For an agreed time period, you swap homes with someone from another city or country which you will be visiting. Besides saving a great deal of money which would have gone into pricey hotel bills, you have to keep far cheaply and enjoy residing somewhere cosy and homely entirely!
 Even Though the idea may Sound daunting, remember that your fellow homeswapper is expecting you with his or her residence, so remember to iron out the facts and communicate clearly before committing to a house swap.
 Websites like HomeExchange and Stay4Free will come in handy if you be considering this fantastic Option which can help you shave a massive chunk of your trip expenses.
 And if you are not already A homeowner just yet, consult your parents (or whomever you are living with) if they'd be comfortable with an agreement like that. If they are, then blessed!
 Otherwise, you can Consider house-sitting as an alternative. Like exactly what its name suggests, you get somewhere to stay in exchange for watching over somebody's home (and pets, if any) if they are away on holiday. That means that you may look for house-sitting assignments from the destination which you're intending to travel to and also have a roof over your mind at almost no price.
 If you're keen in performing Although you will incur a small cost by registering with house-sitting websites that get you a ton of house-sitting assignments, you are going to save much more money than if you were to book traditional resorts.
  Free Hotel Stays With Loyalty Programs
 While swapping homes or Bunking on somebody else's couch certainly has an adventurous, money-saving allure, there are times when nothing beats the simplicity, safety and comfort of a resort.
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 That lots of frequent flyer programs and credit card rewards applications provide you with the option of shifting your points to resort loyalty programs, or redeeming your rewards directly for hotel stays.
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card cardholders can move their Ultimate Rewards to IHG® Rewards Club, Marriott Rewards®, The Ritz-Carlton Rewards®and Hyatt Gold Passport® in a 1:1 rate (1,000 Ultimate Rewards equivalent 1,000 hotel loyalty points). Redeeming your points directly towards resort bookings through Chase Ultimate Rewards is also a good alternative, since you get 25% more value when you redeem points for resorts that way.
 Many regular flyer Programs also allow you to redeem your miles towards hotel stays. American Airlines AAdvantage® kilometers, by way of example, could be redeemed towards resort stays at over 150,000 properties worldwide. United MileagePlus members can redeem award miles for Marriott Rewards points one-for-one.
 The possibilities of Using credit cards, By your creativity.
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saey-bae · 7 years
hc: rfa (+saeran) + smol!mc
i’m struggling to find motivation,, so here’s a little thing from me while i try to complete requests !! 💜
check out my masterpost here
[ under the cut bc it got kinda long LOL there’s no jaehee i apologize for jaehee lovers everywhere]
ok,, but this boi loves the fact that you’re shorter than him by quite a bit
it makes him feel Manly™ when he can reach something you can’t,, and he loves it when you rely on him to do things 
when the two of you move in together, he intentionally buys taller furniture that would have you struggling to reach things on high shelves 
he underestimated how willing you were to clamber up said furniture, and could do nothing but watch in shock when he first saw you scale up a bookshelf in record time
should he really be surprised, though??? one time, he refused to bend down for a kiss and you climbed him like a tree and gave him a peck anyway
he also tends to draw you into his lap all. the. time. when he plays LOLOL bc you fit against his body so perfectly,, and he can cuddle and play games at the same time  
you make cute grumbling sounds whenever he does so, which is also a bonus
but... c’mon,, what’s more perfect than resting his chin on top of your head and having you curled up against him while he goes on raids????
one possible downside to your size is playing hide and seek with you bc you always win
like,, how is he supposed to know that you can fit in the cabinet under the kitchen sink?? or the tiny linen closet?? or the drYER???? omg mc don’t do that again,, what if i turned it on???? 
but that downside is quickly turned into a positive point when you play hide and seek with other people, and the two of you are able to hide together 
except for that time the two of you recruited the rfa to play after a meeting... the seeker found the two of you making out in an uncomfortable position under one of the small tables in the hallway the seeker was seven. he took pictures. he laughed for days.
honestly,, though,,, yoosung has no regrets
zen tends to engulf you in hugs from behind and rest his chin on the top of your head simply because he can 
he loves how you feel in his arms?? like a tiny little perfect package that was made for him 
will most definitely do this regardless of where you are and what you’re doing-- if he wants to cuddle his jagiya, that’s what he’s going to do
another bonus when it comes to height is when you wear one of his shirts... and only his shirt
all he can do is stare at the sleeves that are far too long for you, at the hem that brushes over mid-thigh length, at the neckline that rests much lower on your chest than it does on his...
listen,, The Beast™ is coming out, and it’s coming out in full force
and heck,, you know what it does to him-- you do this on purpose
let’s just say you’ve had to sew back on a lot of buttons onto his shirts and you’ve lost more buttons than you can count; they also appear in the most random places like... how did the two of you even manage to get a button stuck under one of the stove burners??
this boi will absolutely kabedon you when given the opportunity (i.e. pin to you the wall and stare at you for an uncomfortably. long. period. of. time.), so you’ve taken to doing weird things to get him to leave you alone
this includes but is not limited to: tickling him, licking his chin (sadly, that’s all you can reach up to), tugging on his ponytail (surprisingly effective), and pushing him away (warning: do not attempt this one, he’ll take it as a sign of aggression and will retaliate)
he’ll more or less carry you in a bridal hold... everywhere 
you want to be carried? cool, just ask and he’ll have you in his arms instantly !! you don’t want to be carried? cool, don’t ask and he’ll have you in his arms instantly !! and his height just makes it impossible for you to refuse so all you can do is beat against his chest weakly in a futile attempt to escape 
it usually doesn’t work 
c’mon he just wants to pamper you while also staking claim over what’s his, but you don’t have to worry about that bit,, why won’t you let him?? 
he acts like your height different doesn’t matter to him --so what? who cares if the top of your head just barely meets his chin??-- but really,, it’s got him w e a k 
honestly,, this man loves cuddling in bed with you bc you’re so small and cute and he just feels such a strong need to Protect™ you 
“jumin, darling,, i can’t breathe” you’d usually mumble into his shoulder bc hey, he’s got his arms and legs wrapped around you tightly in a stranglehold 
“sorry,” he’d usually respond, though he won’t budge
it’s just,,, hnnng,,, he must,,,,, Protect™,,, his tiny beloved kitten
also tends to worry when you do the laundry mc, please, we have maids for a reason because it looks like the washer’s eating you up and you know what, just let me do it, darling, i don’t want to risk having you fall in
honestly, you’re the only one who can make han jumin do his own laundry and that’s pretty damn special in itself
worries a lot when the two of you are walking in public because, despite your short stature, you walk really fast honey, i have tall friends who refuse to slow down for me,, if i can walk this fast so can you and he strUGGLES TO KEEP UP
 is so, so afraid of losing you in a crowd because something could happen,, 
lowkey considered bugging you or using a leash or something for a little while but uh, he wouldn’t,,, actually do it,, y’know?
despite his issues with you walking away from him,, there’s a huge plus to this because you like wearing heels i hate to see you go, but i love to watch you leave to make you taller though you’re still shorter than him in heels?? urG H you can never win
but he secretly loves the fact that you can wear heels and still be shorter than him
anywAY,, you look damn good in heels and jumin has no problem exploiting your love for them
you have well over seventy pairs of heels and counting, and each pair he buys for you is higher than the last bc he’s secretly building you up to the point where you can wear stilettos for... physical activity... purposes
so while you’re looking at kitten heels, he’s browsing through the high heel selection with a tiny smirk because he just saw the perfect pair of black velvet pumps
can you say short jokes?? 
ya boi will tell jokes at your expense at any point of the day bc honestly, you have the cUTEST REACTION and he just can’t resist
however, there was this one time zen made a short joke and,, well...
“you should really stop making fun of short people... the jokes go right over their heads”
but seriously,, he’s the only one who’s allowed to make short jokes about you,,, ok?? everyone else can b a c k o f f thanks
he also tends to piggyback you around everywhere ?? it takes little effort on his end,, but yields g r e a t results
he loves carrying you on his back mainly because you’ve fallen asleep on him before and it makes him a little emotional you feel safe enough with him to fall asleep while he’s carrying you?? he’s not tearing up at all
however, there were also a few times he threw you over his shoulder and carried you around like luggage he only really does that when he gets jealous and/or wants your attention 
will 10/10 hold things out of your reach just to make your life a little more difficult, like your car keys
“saeyoung, give those back !! i have an appointment to go to !!” 
“aw babe,, you’re almost tall enough to be taken seriously,,”
calls you his little jetpack bc whenever the two of you cuddle, you prefer being the big spoon again, he isn’t tearing up because his tiny gf wants to protect him nosiree
the two of you tend to fight for the position of the big spoon because he likes protecting you,, too,,, so the two of you grapple for a little while for the position of Big Spoon
well,,,, you grapple and he lets you fight him off for a little while before scooping you in his arms and holding you to his chest
“c’mon, be the bigger person and let me win for once”
“babe, i am the bigger person”
he doesn’t mind your height and will never pit it against you
short people problems? v a m o o s h
if you have trouble reaching something, he’ll reluctantly grab it for you or lift you so you can reach it bc hey he,, also,,, wants to impress you
will absolutely give you a boost if you can’t see in a crowd, but he’ll also do this rather begrudgingly because it’s embarrassing, ok?? but he would never say no to helping you
he’ll walk slower alongside you so you don’t struggle to keep up bc hey,, he does walk pretty fast and he’s gotta be considerate 
can’t find jeans that fit your leg length and waist perfectly,, but you buy them any way bc you gotta wear something? he’s already sent them to the tailor for you, don’t worry about it
if his idiot brother’s making short jokes, he’ll happily give the other redhead a good smack for you, no charge
but he did find it amusing and highkey adorable when you stood on a chair and smacked him yourself “am i short now??”
tall person knocks into you while the two of you are out together and walks away without apologizing?? saeran is a l l over them,, and he makes sure you get some r.e.s.p.e.c.t. 
despite the fact that he doesn’t make a huge deal about your height, sometimes, he’ll make a comment about how cute and tiny you are... and it isn’t because he’s making fun of you-- he genuinely really really loves you a lot and wants to lowkey make sure you don’t feel insecure
a huge plus for him --that he doesn’t tell you about-- is watching you curl up on his chest and sleep soundly, like you haven’t got a worry in the world has stayed up from dusk to dawn before because he wanted to watch you sleep
never did he think that someone would feel safe with him,, given how thin and weak he used to be,, but you’ve always taken to sleeping on top of him 
will struggle to tell you he loves you,, but every little thing he does for you is more than enough of a reminder
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fpsantangelo · 6 years
mildly angsty bryce/zim under the cut: 
post fuck zim & bryce. it's going on 2 or 3 in the morning. bryce is dead asleep, still naked, facing the wall and snoring lightly. zim is still up long after they've finished, sitting on the edge of the bed. he gets up slowly, carefully, not wanting to wake bryce up. this is partially because he's nice, and partially because he's wants to avoid talking about what just happened. they've been doing this for awhile. they still haven't decided what "this" is.
zim blames that on the fact that he knows their thing terrifies bryce. he's always so worried about his image, how people perceive him, what people are saying about him, how they're talking about him. it'd just be another thing for him to worry about, and he won't do that too him. so zim can't make this anything official, anything real. for bryce's sake. plus, bryce hasn't shown much of an interest in making their "thing" anything more than it has been anyway. he comes to zim when he's had a rough game, or a good game, or just whenever he needs the life fucked out of him, and zim gives him what he needs. bryce doesn't even spend the night half the time, and when he does, he shrugs zim off every time he tries to get near him once they're done. he falls asleep facing away from zim, and is gone before he wakes up in the morning.
it's funny, how distant bryce is afterwards, considering how much he begs to be held and kissed and touched all over while they're fucking.
zim pads into the little kitchen in the hotel room and grabs a ridiculously expensive water bottle out of the little fridge. he's exhausted. he's getting to old for this. the tv is still on with the volume down low, with some infomercial for a cd set humming through the room. it's playing some slow, dreamy song from way before either of their times. zim leans against the counter and drinks slowly, occasionally looking over to where bryce is sleeping, watching his form rise and fall, half under the covers, and trying not to think about the knot in his stomach.
zim takes a sip and the water bottle crinkles. loudly. he hears bryce groan and start moving and he curses to himself.
"sorry" he says quietly. bryce sits up and looks at zim briefly. zim can't meet his gaze, so he just stares at the tv, pretending to be deeply interested in the 60s Greatest Love Songs. he keeps watching as bryce crawls out of bed and puts his boxers back on, feels the knot in his stomach tighten, because he's sure that bryce is gonna leave now that he's fully realized what they've done. again. for what feels like the hundredth time. he still hasn't looked away as bryce walks right towards him, stares at him for a second or two, and then leans against the counter next to them. both of them stare at the tv in the dark room, close enough to feel each other's warmth.
"you know this song or something?" bryce asks, clearly confused by why zim is so engrossed in this dumb fucking commercial.
"how old do you think i am harp?" zim says, completely deadpan, in response. bryce laughs a little and zim can feel a little bit of the tension leave him.
"that's not what I meant" he laughs, and zim can hear the smirk on his face. he's not pissed off, or even scared, as far as zim can tell. so he gets bold. he reaches out and puts his hand on the small of bryce's back. he's still warm from being wrapped up in bed. he hears bryce's breath catch, and panics because zim's /sure/ he's gonna bolt. it's like dealing with a fucking feral cat. but bryce stays staring at the tv and leans into zims touch, inching closer to him. he leans against zim's side, bryce's head on his shoulder and zim briefly thinks that he could die like this. sleepy, in the middle of the damn night, with some stupid love song playing and with a half naked bryce harper pressed up against him. he then realized how fucking dramatic that is and gets over it. bryce adjusts himself against zim, gets comfortable, making it clear that he has no intentions of leaving just yet. so zim gets bolder.
he sets the water bottle down on the counter and snakes an arm around bryce's hips.
"what're you doing man..." bryce says, quietly, nervously as zim gets his other arm around him. he pushes his forehead against bryce's and settles his arms around his waist, hands draping down over his ass. zim manages to make eye contact with him for half a second, and he can see how tired and how scared he is. he's getting sick of seeing him like that if he's honest. zim kisses him lightly. bryce kisses back, but immediately stares down at the floor beneath them when zim pulls away. zim sighs softly and kisses bryce again, this time his forehead, just because it's what's right in front of him, and he feels bryce tense up at how fucking /soft/ it is. he pulls bryce in closer, before he can say anything about leaving, because zim knows he's thinking about it, and reaches up to guide bryce's head into the crook of his neck. he buries his face there, his nose pushed against zim's shoulder, and zim can hear him breathing heavier than he had been before. he keeps bryce close and runs his hand through his hair, holding him there until bryce eventually runs his hands up zim's arms and clings to the front of his t-shirt. zim's surprised he got this far.
the tv is still going in the background, the only noise in an otherwise dead silent room. they both seem to notice it again at the same time, because they both look over at it as the song changes. again, something old, slow. and then zim starts laughing.
"why're you..." bryce looks up, but doesn't get to finish his sentence before zim starts swaying him back and forth a little. bryce's eyes widen, and zim is /sure/ he's pushed it too far now, there's no way he's gonna stand here and fucking /dance/ with him. but bryce just puts his head back where it had been, laying on zim's shoulder, and lets zim lead him.
they don't have any idea what they're doing. bryce steps on zim's toes a couple of times, and they keep falling out of time with the music, because honestly did anyone really expect ryan zimmerman to have any rhythm? eventually, bryce lets go of zim's shirt and wraps an arm up around zim's neck, using his free arm to rub at zim's side, gently ghosting his fingers over his latest injury. and every couple of moments he presses a soft, scratchy kiss against zim's neck. he's sweeter than zim has ever seen him, it’s amazing and it's surprising and it fuels him to push for a final time.
"what are we doing, bryce?" he asks, barely a whisper. and as soon as the words leave his mouth, he feels the moment burst like a balloon. bryce pulls back, his hands drop to his sides, and he just stares at zim like he can't believe what just happened, what he just let himself do. zim tightens his grip on bryce's waist and tries to pull him back, mumbling a string of "no"s and "nevermind"s and "don't worry about it"s but it's too late. bryce pushes his hands off. the tv, as if it can sense what just happened, stops playing the music and cuts to someone talking, and zim wants to throw the remote through it because /he can't believe he fucked this up again/.
"i should go" bryce says, already making his way back to the bed to find his clothes. zim just watches him, digging for something to say. he knows nothing will work but he tries anyway.
"you don't have to." he responds. bryce already has his jeans on. he runs a hand through his hair and pointedly avoids looking anywhere near zim. all his walls are back up. they're done for the night, until bryce needs him again. zim knows it'll be weeks. the knot in his stomach is back. it's bigger than it was before.
zim knows better than to keep arguing with him. knows that if he pushes too far bryce might think twice about coming back to him. instead, he walks bryce to the door, silently, and neither of them look at each other. bryce opens the door, and the light from the hallway is so harsh it almost hurts.
"night harp." zim mumbles, and as bryce goes to leave, he reaches out to put a hand on bryce's arm. he jerks away, instinctively, and walks out into the hallway without looking back, or even acknowledging that zim had even said anything. it hurts more than he was expecting, worse than the pulled muscle in his side, worse than really any of the injuries he could remember. but he’s also a little more hopeful than he usually was. sure, he'd scared bryce off. but he'd also gotten closer. he at least knew now that bryce actually /wanted/ him, that he wasn't as detached as he liked to pretend. and maybe next time he'd get a little closer. and then even closer than that.
he'd keep trying. i mean, come on, it's /bryce harper/. he wasn't the kind of guy you could just replace. or forget about too easily. everyone had always said he was one of a kind, that there was no one like him.
they really didn't know the half of it.
zim crawled back into the bed. it had since gone cold, but he laid in bryce's spot anyway.
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durenjtmusings · 7 years
10 Baby Facts for SPN Fic Authors
[I swear this is not a rant - it ISN’T. Honest.]
It is actually kind of cool to realize that you possess specialty knowledge that may be of use to others. Stuff that you didn’t really KNOW you knew, until, of course, you are reading along in a fic and something the author describes (or the character says) brings your brain to a screeching halt. “That’s not right – it can’t possibly happen that way…” And then you go and do actual research to back up your gut knowledge. This little FAQ is the result of one such realization.
My dad fixed antique and classic cars for a living from 1964 – 1978, owning his own showroom for 3 years near the end of that time. Born in 1966, I grew up playing in old cars, hiding in floorboards and exploring them to my heart’s content. Our family car for several years was a 1966 Thunderbird, but when dad went to car shows, we rode in whatever he wanted to show off. I’ve been in rumble seats, hard top convertibles, cars with windshields that laid down flat, and cars with no roof, doors, or walls of any kind. My 1st car was a fully restored 1966 mustang. Without really realizing it, I soaked up a LOT of inherent understandings about older cars. The information below is based in that knowledge, backed up with some internet research.
The following is true about Baby (the character in SPN, not necessarily the actual cars that play her): 
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1) Compared to most modern sedans, Baby is BIG. Like REALLY BIG. She is 17 and ¾ feet long (5.4 meters) and 7 feet 8 inches wide (2.03 meters). Allowing for door thickness on either side and the gaps between doors and bench seat, I’m betting the front seat is a little over 5 feet wide. Given basic geometry and human skeletal limitations, this means it is not possible for the passenger to have their head resting against the passenger door/window AND place their hand on the driver’s thigh. If the passenger is in this position, the driver can,  at best, entwine fingers with the passenger’s outstretched hand. That’s IT (even with Sam’s monkey arms). Sitting up straight, yes. Slumped over, no. On the plus side, this is why the guys can, in fact, get some sleep in her (and have fun in the back seat).
2) Despite how big Baby is, she is kinda short. Baby is only 54 inches high (4’6” or 138 cm). INSIDE the car, she is slightly less than 4 feet tall total. This means that the following actions WILL make you bump your head (or butt or hands or feet) on the ceiling unless you are very very slow and careful: climbing over the back seat, straddling someone’s lap, taking off your pants or t-shirt (unless nearly lying down in the seat), and lunging across the front bench seat to attack someone bodily. And you will look graceless doing it. [Ahem, trust me on these, I KNOW.] Additional negative modifiers for Sam due to height.
More below the cut.
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3) Baby HATES crappy roads. Her big body has an all steel frame and body panels plus a very large engine system. Baby is HEAVY. She weighs a *minimum* of 3704 lbs empty. With equipment and the boys in her, she is over 2 tons. Oh and Baby is LOW. Her ground clearance is slightly less than 6 inches. This means an 8 inch deep pot hole (like the one in episode 11.01, above) can bottom out her axle and stop her in her tracks.  She SUCKS on rough terrain. Oh, and getting her OUT of said hole? Will require a JACK and a lot of swearing. (Baby is rear-wheel drive – her front wheels aren’t getting her out of anywhere). There was NO way the boys lifted her out of that hole in that episode (especially since they showed up in the next scene NOT covered in mud).
4) Baby is, in fact, good to have in a wreck. That all steel frame means she can practically bounce off of most modern cars. You’ll note they use large SUVs and tractor trailer trucks to hurt her. The fact that she makes it through the bumps and bruises she does is relatively accurate. In addition, Baby’s model had shoulder* seat belts in the front driver and passenger sides ‘standard’. Now this doesn’t mean the guys have to wear ‘em, or that Dean/John didn’t take ‘em out, but they were a standard safety measure. If you are wearing them, however, all movement described in 1 & 2 above is even MORE limited/complicated. Wearing them should keep you from getting thrown out of the car in an accident. Without them - you are the rock in a slingshot, out you go.
5) Baby’s model ONLY had a full, flat, smooth bench seat all the way across (front and back). She should NOT be drawn or described with a split front seat or (shudder) bucket seats of any kind. Sliding across this kind of seat from one side to the other was, in fact, a fun game for us as kids. Again, this makes her relatively ideal for napping…kinda. The backwards tilting angle is weird to sleep on and the seat itself is narrow front to back. it isn’t ideal, just possible.
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6)  Baby’s gear shift is on the steering column (and she is an automatic). While there is a hump in the floor boards for the transmission, there is exactly zero to climb over for anyone who might be…shifting positions for activities in the front seat. In fact, given #1 above, it is possible for three grown adults to sit in the front seat, although the floor bump makes the middle person uncomfortable (unless they are short). Leg crowding and hip/elbow bumping will occur, but it can be done without too much discomfort. This means Baby can seat 6 with only mild discomfort (and in fact, has seat belts for 6 standard - see #4 above). You could do 7 if the four in the back are small (or someone lays across the other three – What? I’ve done it). OK, if later season Sam is in the front seat, the person in the middle better be Claire or Jody.
7)  Baby, as portrayed on screen, has lots of “optional” features. Most likely, John and Dean have been regularly ‘upgrading her’ over the years. For example she has “all vinyl interior” (standard was cloth and vinyl combined). The extra headlamps in early seasons are another example (and of course the trunk modifications). The ‘67 impala came with a wide variety of transmission and engine options. Even before the Season 1 finale, Baby likely had a “non-standard” engine system. Who KNOWS how powerful a system Dean put into Baby in the FIRST reconstruction (because, trust me, she needed a new engine) and what he might have done since then.
8)  Baby is OLD school rock and roll. *NEW* for the 1967 model year was the option of a tape deck – an 8 track tape deck. Dean’s ‘compact cassette’ deck is an after-market modification, likely sometime after John bought it in 1973. The compact cassette player is not “authentic” or “original” for Baby. (Although Dean may say or think so, he, in fact, knows better.) John likely listened to 8-tracks or to just the radio if the previous owner hadn’t put an 8-track in her.
9)  Baby is EXPENSIVE to maintain: > At best, Baby gets between 10-15 miles to the gallon (4.26-6.19 kpl), depending on the size of the engine Dean put in her most recently (and the tweaks he has made to it). As a corollary, Baby’s top speed is between 95-130 mph (152-209 kph) also depending on the engine. Top speed is inversely proportional to gas mileage. The bigger/faster engine Dean uses, the crappier the gas mileage. > Baby’s engines – ALL of them – are designed for ‘leaded’ gas. To get the most out of her, Dean has to regularly give her additives. > At this point, parts for Baby are either original ‘leftovers’ from the manufacturer (and very expensive) or from junk yards (used) or from online specialty stores (or Dean machines them himself). Glass, in particular, is going to be a special order. This means that ANY fic you write can include gripes about the COST of Baby (or the challenges in finding parts for her). Really, If I was FBI/enemy hunting Dean, I’d haunt the 67 Impala online groups  - which is where Dean’d go to find parts for cheap. They’d all know each other – classic car enthusiasts are a small close-knit community.
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10)  Baby needs LOTS of regular maintenance. The mileage on baby, at this point, is almost a moot number. She’s had at least 2 new engines and one new transmission. She’s had just all sorts of parts replaced. Dean can tell you what’s still truly original, but for the most part, consider only the mileage you see from seasons 2 on when considering wear and tear. That said, Baby is FIFTY years old this season. Yet, as depicted, her interior and her engine are PRISTINE. Dean must spend TONS of time regularly detailing her inside and out. I mean LOOK at the carpets in the image for #5-6 above. There is NO MUD or dirt anywhere. The dashboard isn’t all faded or cracked from sunlight, and the vinyl hasn’t any rips or stains. Now, granted, likely most of that was all replaced with as new as Dean could get in 2006, but still, it takes a LOT of work to keep a car looking like that even if you keep her under a cover in the garage all the time. Baby is an actively working classic car, with the added bonus of blood and other nasty goo all over her on a regular basis. Any time a fic writer needs something for Dean to do, he can be working on Baby. There is ALWAYS something for him to be doing. [Heaven forefend he lube the damn door hinges.]
Bonus Facts: Baby is HOT. No, I mean it, all black vinyl seats and steering wheel sitting all day in the sun – is scorching hot. Like “I can’t touch anything without yelping” hot.  The 67 Impala had air conditioning as an option, so the guys likely have it, but it will still take a while to cool her down in the summer – especially in the southwest.  She will likely also take a bit of time to heat up from dead cold in the winter – especially for those in the back seat. And she isn’t air tight or well insulated, she’ll have subtle drafts. Which also means she’ll fill up fast and sink like a rock if she goes into water (2 TONS – see #3 above).
I hope this is helpful to SPN fic writers. I certainly feel better for writing it - this was fun! :)
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*Updated - *brackets* for shoulder seat belts were standard - the belts themselves were an option.
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His Own Best Girl
AN: Hey! This took forever because college is a thing now, so …. poop. I also started writing the next part of this and I’m hype!! Bucky x Black!Reader
Part 1 and Part 2
“If I come back and my baby has a bump, scratch, bruise or a single curl on my boys beautiful head is out of place I will have Thor shove mjolnir down your throat and fling you into space. Are we understood Tony?”
“Wait a damn second! Why didn’t Steve and Clint get this talk?”
“Because Clint has children,” you say matter of factly before adding as an afterthought, “and also I can’t sign Thor and Mjolnir. Besides Bucky already talked to Steve.” ‘Talked’ probably, definitely, absolutely, wasn’t the right word but threatened also didn’t seem quite right (“You’re my best friend but i’ll kill you Stevie. I’ll make it quick so you won’t suffer but you’ll be dead and not plane crash dead or Fury dead but dead dead.”).
“I’m Iron-Man I can watch a kid.” Tony was fully offended and you fully did not give a single fuck.
“Outer fucking space, Anthony. No suit. No F.R.I.D.A.Y. Just Mjolnir down your throat.” Your brown eyes bored deep into his own unblinking emphasizing the point that you were absolutely serious about your son.
“Well.” He was the first to look away. “Please get now.” He said as he pushed you out of his office space and into the hall.
“Enjoy your honeymoon!” He yelled once his office door was closed.
You had no idea where the hell you were going for your ‘honeymoon’. Was it honeymoon? You weren’t married yet. Did that count? Who cared. Definitely not you or Bucky. You had told him that you absolutely didn’t wanna go to any of those cliche honeymoon places like Bora Bora or Paris. You were far to pregnant and far to irritable to be around people who wanted to put their disgusting hands on you without asking just because you were pregnant and they felt entitled, but other then that you were left in the dark for the most part. He didn’t even let you help pack which was terrifying in its own right.
“Can I have a hint?” You’re sitting in the back of one of Tony’s jets as F.R.I.D.A.Y flies you to wherever in the world Bucky has deemed perfect for your honeymoon.
“You want me to spoil our honeymoon doll?” He replied shortly back at you as he fiddle with his phone.
“No.” you said incredulously. You didn’t want him to spoil it by any means, but you were beyond curious at this point. You really only hoped it wasn’t a hot place, it was hot back at your apartment and you couldn’t stand being hot and pregnant. Plus you missed cuddling Bucky and Dom you couldn’t cuddle if you guys all stuck together like gross pocket candy after.
“Good.” He had the shit eating grin on his face and a part of you wanted to wipe it off his face, but the other part of you, the much bigger, happier, totally in love part loved it so much you wanted to remember it forever.
“It’s just not fair that you know and I don’t.” You pouted sticking your bottom lip out in mock frustration.
“I know, life’s not fair sweetheart, ” he leans over in his chair to gently place a barely there kiss on your lip that’s sticking out ”but we’ll be there soon.”
That satisfies you enough to be content with not knowing where you’re going, but you’re curious about something else now.
“It’s a little weird that our honeymoon is before the wedding don’t you think?”
“Maybe a little bit, but we’re gonna be a little busy with our kids.” Bucky can’t think straight when he says that word like that. It’s a realization hundreds of thousands of feet in the air.
“Kids.” Bucky repeats putting emphasis on the S. There’s gonna be two of them now. Two curly haired, brown eyed beautiful kids that call him dad and ask for hugs. Two kids that will one day without a doubt come crying to him asking him to make a bad thing feel better.
“Is this brand new information for you? Did you forget we had kids!?”
“No I didn’t, how could I?” He hadn’t stopped thinking about it since he found out, “It’s just a strange feeling, I was so lucky that you let me help you raise Dominic and now.” he brings his left hand up to rub your belly in slow smooth circles. He doesn’t need to finish the sentence because you know already. This was a dream only 30’s Bucky was allowed to have. Dreams of a family that had more than just Steve in it. He hadn’t allowed himself to think about this before a few years ago when he had met you, and subsequently Dom. He would tell himself he didn’t deserve a family for all the things he’d done, the people he’d hurt. He would tell himself that there would always be people out to hurt him and that as bad as he wanted a family he could never have one. He didn’t deserve one.
“You have no idea what strange feeling means until a baby is being forced out of your pu-”
There’s a long ding that cuts off your sentence before you hear F.R.I.D.A.Y.
“We will be landing in 5 minutes.” She informs the two of you.
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Bucky sighs in relief as the AI unit cuts off and prepares for your descent.
“I know you wanna look out the window. You can we’re basically here now.” Bucky is more excited then he had been the entire flight. He didn’t need to look out of the window, obviously he planned the trip he knew where you were, so instead he looked at you watching the way you excitedly hobbled up and to the window.
“It’s snowing!” You had never really seen snow fall before besides in movies and the artificial crap at the mall during the holidays. So this was beyond amazing to you, it was exactly how ever movie and book you read had made it seem. It was coming down lightly from what you could tell and you wanted to jump into the soft looking bank of snow outside of the small wooden cabin that you were being lowered to.
“Yeah, doll it tends to do that here.” You didn’t even care that he was being a smart ass right now, way too excited to get out of the jet and pelt him with snowballs. By the time you look back at him he’s already holding all your bags and handing you one of his thick jackets.
“Ready?” He ask with the biggest smile on his face.
“Let’s go!”
“Is my mommy havin’ another baby?” Dom asks the night before you and Buck are supposed to be home. Steve, Tony and Clint are all  thrown off their game.
Steve almost drowns himself when he squeezes the water bottle he is drinking and if floods his mouth and lungs. The coughing fit that ensues is one that could rival the one he would have had back in 1930.
Cool calm and collected Tony shatters one of his most expensive bottles of whisky on the floor when he hears the question and all Clint can do is laugh at his idiot friends as they make fools of themselves.
“Ye-” Tony begins before Steve shoves a sharp elbow into his side.
“Why’d you ask that?” Steve’s voice is unbelievably horse and raw from the coughing, but he’s the only adult here that is qualified to answers these questions.
“ ‘cuz dad keeps rubbin’ her belly even when she doesn’t have a belly ache. I saw that happen on TV once and the lady ate so many hot dogs.”
“Does your mom eat so many hot dogs?” Tony asks.
“No,” he says as he thinks about the last 3 and a half months, “she does eat so many of my dino nuggets. With yucky mustard.” He makes a sick face at the thought of you chowing down on the horrible combination.
“So you think she’s having a baby?” Tony is the taking the lead on this and Steve has to stop it before its too late.
“Yep.” Dom says around a mouth full of ice cream that will probably lead to one or all of the guys staying up late with a bouncy child and an ear full from you and Bucky when you find out.
“Do you think if they are you would want a little brother?” Steve ask as he motions for Clint to get his cell phone from the living room. It would probably be super helpful for Steve to get this information now so you both can prepare to tell him the good news.
“No.” He says it so fast, so matter-of-factly, so calmly that Steve does a double take and almost drops his phone when Clint finally hands it to him.
“You don’t want a little brother to run around and play in the dirt with?” Steve questions.
“Nope.” Dom keeps eating his ice cream that’s pretty much soup now.
Steve debates on if he should call Bucky or not, calling him would allow Dom to have the chance to talk to you guys about the baby and that would be good, but calling Bucky would also worry the hell out of him and he would want to come home right that very instant. So he texts instead. A text wouldn’t make it feel like an emergency and would give Steve time to talk to Dom until Bucky could reply.
Steve: Hey, how are you enjoying your early honeymoon sounds great! Dom doesn’t want a sibling. So I’ll see you guys in tomorrow right? Have fun!
“You don’t? What about a little brother to ride bikes with?”
“I don’t know how to ride a bike uncle Steve.” Tony let out a laugh so loud it rivaled Thor’s . Steve turned to look at him contemplating if he should punch him or flip him the bird. By the time he decided to punch him his phone had dinged.
Bucky: What do you mean he doesn’t want a sibling? What are you talking about?
Steve: I don’t appreciate that you singled out one part of my so carefully thought out message.
Bucky: Well only one part of your ’ so carefully thought out message’ has to do with my son. So again… What are you talking about?
Steve: We were in the kitchen, not eating ice cream past bedtime, when he asked if you were expecting a baby because he saw you rubbing y/n’s stomach. I didn’t say yes or no but I asked if he wanted a sibling and he said no.
Bucky: He just said no?
Steve: He said no like you say no every time I invite you to hang out with me and Sam.
Bucky sighed heavily before continuing on his way to the kitchen in the small cabin. It wasn’t anything fancy just big enough for 2 bedrooms a bathroom a tiny kitchen that struggled to fit a refrigerator and the stove and an even smaller living room, but he found himself loving the small space and the isolation of the secluded mountain.
You were laying on the bed two fluffy blankets cuddled up to you slowly sipping away at the last bit of what must have been your fourth mug of hot chocolate completely and totally content with your honeymoon. You had spent the better part of the week in the snow with Bucky throwing snowballs and building your happy little snowman family. Bucky had insisted you didn’t build the fourth member of your family and instead make your snow woman pregnant. He had taken a ton of pictures to show Dom with the promise that the next time you guys came back he would be with you. All in all it was wonderful.
Except Bucky was on his phone texting away. A man born in the late 1910’s texting away like a teenager from the early 2000’s it was an odd turn of events truly.
“Ask your pregnant fiance if she’s having a great honeymoon for me.” Bucky made his way towards you from the kitchen with what would be your fifth mug of hot chocolate.
“I wouldn’t abandoned my pregnant fiance to have fun in the snow.” He leaned over to kiss your neck before he said, ”My girlfriend on the side maybe.” You picked up one of the many balled up napkins you had by the bed and threw it at his stupid grinning face. He only laughed harder and kissed your neck again.
“So who was it really?” He takes a huge sip from your hot chocolate before handing it to you.
“Steve. He said Dom doesn’t want a new baby.” He doesn’t like the way your face goes from joyous to almost somber as you take in what he says.
“Oh.” Your baby boy doesn’t want a new baby and it hurts alot. You had this amazing image in your head of you telling Dom about the new baby, about him being a big brother and him being over the moon excited. But apparently he isn’t excited at all and it sucks.
“Doll,” Bucky comes and sits next to you rubbing your back ever so lightly “It’s okay we’ll talk to him when we get home and we’ll figure it okay?”
“Okay.” You don’t have the same happy cheerful voice like you’ve had this entire trip and it breaks Bucky’s heart to pieces.
It’s late the night you had come home from your honeymoon. When you had landed Dom had took a running leap at Bucky it was adorable and you couldn’t help but think about that happening but with two kids it brought an instant smile to your face that was wiped away almost instantly when you remember what Steve had, even though you would still have two kids the thought that Dom wouldn’t be as close as you hoped was earth shattering.
After a sever cuddle session and tons of kisses with Dom it’s time for him to get ready for bed with Bucky and again you’re brought to thoughts of him doing this with two little heads of curly hair.  Imaging Dom helping his brother or sister onto the stool that Dom has Bucky help him onto. It’s a cute image in your head but the illusions are shattered again. You shouldn’t feel as bad about this as you do, this is normal you read up on it when you first found out, but it’s still having you constantly on the verge of tears.
Dom’s sitting at his table in the living room coloring and watching what ever animated movie he had picked to watch that night when Bucky can’t take the nagging question any more. So he moves from his position on the couch with you onto the floor next to Dom.
“Uncle Steve told me about you asking if we were getting a new baby.”
“I know,” he says not looking up from his masterpiece “Uncle Tony says he’s a rat.”
Bucky can hear your breathy uncontrollable laughter from the couch and it takes so much dedication from him not to get distracted by you.
“You don’t want a little brother to play with?” Bucky grabs a piece of paper from the short stack thats in front of his son and begins to doodle random things at first a heart, some flowers, a horrible looking dog.
“No.” Dom pushes his drawing of a bird? a tiger? away from him and rolls 3 crayons under each of his hands.
“You don’t want a little brother that you can teach how to color?” Bucky looks down at his paper and notices that the dog now has 2 more dogs next to him.
“No.” He stops rolling the crayons instead focusing in on the animals printed on his pajamas. There isn’t any change in his voice, that Bucky notices, that gives of any hint of frustration, but you notice immediately when he stops playing with his hands that he isn’t too happy.
It had been a small thing you had noticed early on that playing with his hands was a comfort for him and you had trained onto that ever since. Over time you had also figured out when he stopped tears would soon follow.
“Growing up I always wanted a little brother to have around, to wrestle with, to help me pull pranks on my ma’.” He’s reminiscing hoping it’ll help Dom want to want a little brother to get him out of whatever mind set he’s in.
“You could have done that with sisters though.” He folds his arms onto the table and lays his head against them, slowly kicking his feet under the table. He doesn’t look back up at Bucky after that.
It hits you like a ton of bricks when he says that and you feel dumb for not noticing it sooner. After struggling to get up off the couch, without the help of Bucky thank you very much, you start taking slow deliberate steps towards your little family, you move closer to where your son is, bending down to rub your fingers so gently through his hair.
“You don’t want a little brother because you want a little sister?” He shakes his head yes quickly and you can see a few tears on his cheeks.
“Why do you want a little sister bud?” Bucky had grown up with sisters who he loved dearly, but his dream was always a little brother that he could run around with, a little brother that would look up to him, someone who would be his best friend no matter what happened and sure he had Steve back then but it had been years before he had meet Steve a little brother is almost instant.
“So she can be my best girl.” You can hear him holding back the rest of his tears. The slight strain in his voice even though he’s so quiet. “She’ll be pretty like mommy and I can feed her and help her walk.”
Buckys jaw damn near drops and he feels like an idiot and he wants to punch Steve in the throat. He only asked if he wanted a god damn brother and all Bucky did was keep pushing brother, there’s also a very strong sense of pride in him because his son wants his own best girl.
“When I’m big I can help her cross the street and hold her hand while we walk to school.” He rubs at his eyes to get the tears away.
“I want the baby to be a girl too.” Bucky says as he rubs gently against his sons back. He had never told you that, never told Steve that even, it was for him to hope for and not put into the universe in case it was a boy. He wouldn’t be disappointed if it was another boy, but a girl was his dream and apparently it was his boys dream to.
“You do?” Dom asked before you could.
“I do, I know she’ll be pretty like your mom, and she’ll be smart like you. Hopefully all she gets from me is our silly last name.”
“It’s not silly!” Dominic says defensively. “Mommy says when I go to school I’ll be first in line because it starts with B, that means I get snacks first.”
When you get back from you doctor’s appointment that you had vehemently forbid Bucky from coming to, you walk in to find he and Dom are sitting on the couch, both of them are shirtless and both of them have chocolate milk mustaches and you can’t keep the grin from your lips looking at your family.
You slowly make your way towards them, pink bakery box resting carefully between your hands. Bucky is the first to notice you. Getting up from his place on the couch to meet you by the door.
“What’s that?” He asks as he notices the bright pink box immediately reaching his hand out for it.
“That’s a box.” Dom says from the couch.
“And not for you.” You say as you kiss his cheek and move past him towards the couch where Dom is.
“I like baked goods too.” Bucky mumbles as he moves to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water.
“What is it mommy?” Dom asks as he moves over to make a place for you to sit.
“It’s a special cupcake.”
“Why’s it so special?” Bucky yells from the kitchen.
“Because when Dom bites into it we’ll know if we’re getting a little girl or not.” Bucky rushes out of the kitchen nearly smashing the glass that had his water init on the tile floor in the kitchen. He hadn’t know about this. You didn’t tell him about this! Why didn’t you tell him?
“So its gonna say girl?” Dom is looking intently at the oink box now.
“No,when you take a bite, it’s gotta be a really big bite as big as you can make it all the way to the middle, you’ll see if the inside is pink or blue and then you’ll know and you’ll be the only one to know. Not even me or daddy will know until you show us.” Bucky looks at you then at the box. “That’s not fair.” Bucky looks at you with pleading eyes.
“I know, life’s not fair sweetheart, ” you try your hardest to keep from laughing directly into his face as you lean over to gently place a barely there kiss on his lips ”but we’ll know soon.” The look of betrayal on Bucks face after you used his own words against him is unbelievable and you wish you had a camera to take a picture of it.
“Can I eat it now?” before you can answer him though Buck is already speaking.
“Please eat it right now.” Bucky says as he stares at the small cupcake box like it holds his entire world in it and in a way it does.
“But I just had cookies.” The one time he can have cupcakes and cookies back to back and he questions it.
“You can eat it whenever you want.” You say as you struggle to get up from the couch.
 No! He has to eat it right now. Bucky thinks as he watches the box with an impatient eye.
Dom grabs the box from you holding it with extreme caution as he gently carries it back to his play table. He places it on the table, like the box itself held the baby and not a cupcake, in front of him and goes back to watching the movie they had been enjoying before you had arrived. Every other minute or so he looks down at the table making sure it hadn’t been moved or smashed.
Bucky stares at the box for the next 30 minutes Trying to encouraging Dom to open it. When you leave them to go change into your pajamas is when bucky strikes.
“If you eat it right now,” he looks around to make sure you had really left before he continues, “I’ll let you take a ride on uncle Sam’s wings.” Dom doesn’t budge though no matter how tempting his dad’s offer sounds.
“Doll,” Bucky says he sulks his way into the bedroom where you are “you gotta tell me I can’t take the waiting anymore.” He slides down the door to your room in a heap of himself.
You don’t look up at him too distracted with your hair and making sure all the fly-aways are tamed before you grab your headscarf. “Tell you what?”
“Don’t tease,” He whines and rests his head against the door “Can’t you see I’m dying here?”
“You’re being dramatic, and like I said I don’t know what’s inside the cupcake so I can’t help you.” You were lying. You had ordered two cupcakes one for each of them, but half way home you got hungry and by the time you had taken a bite it was far too late to put it back.
“DAD!!” The call for Bucky is muffled, a very apparent sign that Doms mouth was full of cupcake.
“Sounds like he finally took a bite.” You tell him as you finish tying up your scarf.
Bucky scrambled up from the floor tripping over the rug in your room as he made a mad dash for the living room. If the inside was blue it would be fine, he would be just as excited as if it were pink.
But god damn did he so want it to be pink.
When he makes it to the living room where Dom is, he’s jumping up and down with frosting all over cheeks and as much as Bucky wants to know what the cupcake looks like on the inside be can’t help but to stop and admire how excited his son is. His eyes are closed and he’s hopping from foot to foot.
“ITS PINK!!” Dom shouts as he runs up to Buck and lounges at his legs.
Bucky doesn’t hear a thing after the sound of the P hits his ears and he’s not so sure if he heard him right. He walks over to where his son has discarded the other half of the cupcake. It’s hard to walk with Dom clinging to his legs but somehow he makes it and in one not so swift motion he picks both the cupcake and Dom up.
“SEE, IT IS PINK!” Dom sticks his finger all the way inside of the cupcake and when he pulls it out there very much is a glob of pink frosting on his finger.
Bucky is stunned still, he had dream about having a little girl before the war that would tell him good night and demand for him to play doll house with her. A little girl that would have him as her first love and be a daddys girl. The dream had come back with a force after he found out you were pregnant again. Now the dream was still the same for the most part but now she had a face and she looked like you.
“Can I finish the cupcake?” Dom asked as he watched his dad stare off into space.
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