#plus these have that cheese factor and it's perfect
a-lil-strawberry · 5 months
I feel like there is a correlation between being neurodivergent and liking spicy and/or sour foods. OBVIOUSLY, JUST TO BE CLEAR, you can be neourotypical and enjoy these, that's why these flavor profiles are made into snacks. That is why they are popular enough to be stocked in stores. The general population likes them. But. Take Markiplier for instance. He has ADHD and is extremely not normal about how much he likes sour candy and Takis. I am the same with Takis. We don't just like these snacks, we become somewhat feral about them. I have a very specific way of eating takis and it's very chaotic and I usually eat almost the whole bag. I recently discovered spicy queso pop corners and I am also becoming not normal about them
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this-thing-saved-me · 4 months
This Show Saved Me - BTVS 7x22
7x22 Chosen
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I will never not find it funny that to stream Buffy I have to go to Disney+. Or the fact that the most recent episode I’d watched (whenever that was) was this one. Since I’m pretty sure I left my rewatch mid-season 3.
But that’s the thing about this particular episode. It’s practically a perfect finale. And felt like the right place to start, because who says everything should happen in order. That’s not always how life works. 
THERE WILL LIKELY BE ABUNDANT SPOILERS FOR A FINALE THAT AIRED OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO. There, that was your warning. And now for some Cole's notes “Story so far.”
Okay, so Buffy’s been through it by this point. The First has annihilated her self-confidence and Caleb has been on the warpath. Spike has told her she’s the one (!!!), whether she fully believes in herself yet or not. (SIDENOTE: yes, I ship Spuffy. Yes, there are very, very valid reasons not to. However I am a big fan of redemption arcs and where they land by the end of the comics feels like as healthy a place as possible with a very real love.)
And Angel shows up trying to be all tall-dark and forehead. Which I get, he’s Angel, he needs to be in the finale. But ultimately he's a delivery boy and he didn’t need to do it in person other than to prompt the first on my list of loves for this episode. 
Which is what I lovingly refer to as the "Cookie Speech." Buffy knows she has more growing to do and she’s self-aware enough to share that with the first love of her life. She’s come a long way from the season of post-resurrection depression, but she’s still not quite ready for what Angel might like her to be (granted he’s JUST lost Cordelia so the fact that he is back at Buffy’s door is a rant for another post.) The idea that things aren’t working for her romantically because she’s not done baking. She hasn’t figured out all that she wants to be. While I love love LOVE this analogy, I wonder if there’s ever really a time in our lives where we are done baking? Besides the end of course. We’re supposed to evolve. We’re supposed to grow.
Spike is her Champion, not Angel. They’ve seen the best and the worst of each other, remember? He knows she needs someone strong, someone with a soul, and despite the bad, she knows he’s earned the right to the title through growing and atoning. Motivated people can change, and that’s something I believe that Spike has shown.
“He had to split” - the joke is LHF and I love it. Does its utterance deserve a place on this list? Yes. Because it's very me-coded. I’d have a very hard time not making the same joke if I had just rendered a man from stem to stern. But I digress. This episode is serious and still silly. It’s the epitome of BTVS episodes. I mean Spike waking from a dream yelling “I’m drowning in Cool Whip,” come on. It’s akin to “the cheese wears me” in off kilter nonsense. Plus Anya later finding her strength in her hatred for "floppy, hoppy bunnies" will never not kill me. (Or her, again spoiler.) I adore Emma Caufield.
Willow is afraid to use magic because of her history with the darkness. Not knowing if she’s stable enough. I can identify with her at this moment after clawing back from my own mental health blip a couple years ago. She went dark. (I went, arguably, nuts) She’s regained her balance but how secure? It’s going to turn out to be really secure because “Oh my goddess” she’s got this. AND…
The fact that Kennedy is there for Willow to help keep her grounded. Her very presence supports Willow but isn’t the deciding factor for victory. Willow needs to believe in herself that she won’t go back over that edge. She touched the darkness and it freaked her the f out. (Once she came back down from the overwhelm and shock of her grief.) I lived in that fear for a long time. And I’m grateful for the grounding I’ve found outside of the support of others, but within myself.
Just for fun, let’s chat about the DND session. Even the scoobies needed to disassociate before the big thing. And self-permission to have fun during challenging times is key. It can’t all be doom and gloom. Sometimes you recharge that nervous energy through Trogdor the Burninator references and that’s more than okay.
Ultimately we have the’ shared power’ speech. “Here’s the part where you make a choice” more specifically. Because they could easily choose to let the First and its legions overwhelm the world and finally be the apocalypse they couldn’t handle. It’s easier to stay down. It’s easier to say I can’t. But where does that get you? Making that choice to take your power back and say I am more than what wants to overwhelm me is a beautiful moment. This moment, where all the Potentials get their piece of the power pie is tremendously moving. I get shivers just thinking about it. Male or female, we don’t need the permission of Slayer power to take back our own. To say ‘no more’ and get back up off the ground. (Although Slayer strength would be badass, let’s be real.)
The bottom line, this episode epitomises what I love about Buffy and the Whedon-verse. Real characters in a fantastic world who battle larger than life caricatures of the demons we fight in our daily lives. This show saved me in a lot of ways. My very first boyfriend got me to watch it back in 2005, which he may have regretted as it CONSUMED my brain for most of grade 12. It was the perfect time for me to experience this show. I credit it for helping me find my voice offline. I was always a nose-in-a-book girl or heavily distracted with FanFiction. I was one of the quietest in my friend group, not really feeling like there was a value to what I had to say. The message that we can choose to be strong and fight back? That’s one that I’ll eternally be grateful for and will carry with me, always. What’s your favourite episode? And why is it “Once More With Feeling”? ;)
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(Honourable mention goes to this eye contact where my headcanon is convinced he sees she really does love him despite him telling her otherwise seconds before. THOSE SMG EYES! I can't.)
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Rating Bucci Gang members on the 'how well could I bury my face into their tits' scale
(I did a La Squadra version of this first a little while ago, so for gits and shiggles I had to do the main team too as the second installment of this madness)
CW for man tiddies
Bruno Bucciarati: 10/10
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• I adore this mother of five with all my heart, I bet his chest would be so comfortable
• considering his height (185cm/6'1"), his chest would be easily accessible for ones face
• he's fairly slender, but seems to have quite a firm build, adding a comfortable firmness to the experience
• and paired with his kind paternal nature, I can see the overall experience being perfect as he'd happily let it just happen, perhaps seeing it as a silly form of affection and even perhaps even hugging back, only bringing one even closer to his chest
• Overall, a perfect, sweet VIP face in man titty experience
• bonus points for the open chested jacket (*grabby hands*)
Leone Abbacchio: 69/10
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• Zamn
• gotta love the goth dad tiddies
• for one, he is freaking tall too (188cm/6'2"), so one would have EXQUISITE access to dem bozongas
• he's broad too, broader than Bruno at least, so there'd be a lot to smoosh your face into, and a lot to touch
• I feel like he'd have quite a firm chest also
• was tempted to take points off for some possible flaws in his personality, considering he comes across as quite moody (and blue haha)
• but honestly, I feel like he'd freeze and not really give af
• with the smallest chance of being beaten off of him, face in tit experience is totally worth it
Guido Mista: 7/10
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• the gun boii
• love him so much, but he gets some points off for possible reasons I will explain in a moment
• on a positive note, he's also tall (182cm/6'0"), therefore, good access again
• I feel like he'd radiate a natural warmth as well, and he is also fairly broad/muscular, so it'd be pretty comfortable
• however
• I hate to be the one to say it, but I feel like his musky smell would ruin the experience (he kinda stinky)
• his personality however pairs fairly well though, he's sweet
• if he put on some aftershave, he'd get an extra point
Narancia Ghirga (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• the absolute bb
• he's an absolute sweetheart
• although he's a lot slenderer and a bit shorter (170.5cm/5'7") than the others, I feel like he'd be a pretty good head in chest experience
• tbh, with him, I'm talking about more affectionately, not as feral as I feel towards some of the others, he's seems too innocent for that
• but anyways, he's pretty muscular for his size and also, I feel like he'd give off a natural body heat too that's comforting, therefore making the experience comfortable too
• overall, it'd be a nice, adorable experience to rest one's head on his chest
Pannacotta Fugo (aged up if desired): 6/10
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• swiss cheese boi
• I think it'd be a pretty decent experience
• he's pretty tall for one (178cm/5'10") and I feel like he'd be comfy
• the only problem with this is maybe how he'd react or go about dealing with someone burying their face into his tits
• I feel like he'd just stand there, completely tense and stiff with his hands at his sides
• that would either be the case or I feel like he'd be somewhat outraged and maybe even get a bit pissy about it
• overall though, excluding those possible factors, decent experience but not the best
Giorno Giovanna (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• golden boi gets a solid eight
• he's fairly tall (172cm/5'8") and plus he also gets bonus points for the boob window
• I feel like he'd also have a natural warmth, not in an uncomfortable way though
• he's pretty reserved, so as perplexed as he'd intially seem if someone were to bury their face in his chest, I don't think he'd do anything
• I think he'd just let it happen tbh
• we need to also consider that he has Brando genes flowing through him
• so, maybe on another occasion, he'd indulge in it
• overall, it would be a pretty 'golden experience'
(I'm still mentally ill and apparently have no shame, and also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!)
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awaitingfall · 2 months
I felt drawn to post on here again and funnily enough it’s almost a year exactly from the last time I posted.
Since then I ended up going back to my old job and that’s helped me be a lot more physical than I was previously since I’m working in 90+ degree temps and on my feet for 9 hours every day, rather than sitting in a freezing cold, brightly lit lab all day with barely any movement at all. It was so cold in there that it actually got uncomfortable and I was constantly shivering. I never thought I’d prefer working in the complete opposite environment, but I think it’s healthier for the body to be warmer than freezing cold all day.
I’ve started intermittent fasting again recently. Eating 8 hours, fasting 16. So breakfast is usually around 7:30 and then I eat my final meal at work around 3:30. And if I have energy when I get home around 6:30 I’ll do a quick workout, otherwise I save the exercise for the Friday and the weekend when I have off.
I’ve also been eating cleaner - gotten back to my Greek yogurt for lunch and dinner, but this time I put raw honey in it as well as some trail mix (I buy one that just has a bunch of plain nuts, seeds, raisins and goji berries). And my breakfast is heartier to give me enough energy for at least the first half of the day - so I’ll have some variation of eggs and toast. It’s usually 2 slices of sourdough toast, 2 eggs over medium, salt, pepper, garlic powder, feta cheese, and more recently I’ve tried slicing up some avocado on top for some healthy fats and it’s been delicious (I thought I was allergic to avocado for the longest time, but turns out I had just eaten a bad one one time and it gave me stomach pains). I’ll also have a side of kimchi with that for my tummy cuz I’ve been experiencing really bad randomly occurring stomach problems since the last time I posted 🥺
And finally, within this past week, I’ve been listening to a podcast on Buddhism (as a way of life, not religion), and it has helped me see things so differently in the best way possible and I feel like I’m a lot calmer and have been reacting to things with less negative emotion. I was getting myself so stressed out, not just about things in my life, but even things in other peoples lives that had nothing to do with me. And stress will 10000000% prevent you from losing weight. Plus I’ve been getting a lot more anxious again because I was focusing my attention on everyone else’s problems. So I’m finding that a little meditation and focus no myself and what truly matters is helping me a lot physically and mentally so far.
So that’s what’s been going on - now to set my goal!
In a perfect world, I’d LOVE to be 115 by my birthday. That’s prime Fall time baby! But realistically, if I want to lose weight in a healthy way, I’d at least like to be around 125 by then. I’ve already lost 5lbs in a month, but I have to factor in the plateau that’ll most likely happen at some point and also factor in the birthdays and celebrations that I won’t be following a fasting schedule for, because I don’t need to be so strict on myself - I’d also like to enjoy life while celebrating with others and won’t put myself down for doing so.
I’d also like to be healthier by then because I’m 99.9% sure my boyfriend it going to propose to me around that time and I want to be able to feel good physically and mentally to enjoy that experience rather than be feeling sluggish and moody like I have been after not being health conscious.
(I’m also going to rename this account because I don’t want it to be seen as an e d account, I’d like it to be a health conscious account since I’ve grown out of those old habits, thankfully)
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blackdigitalrose · 5 months
Digimon Series Rankings!
Because I can and because I've really done nothing but comment about Ghost Game, it does give a slight misleading impression on where it stands. So in brief, I may go into more detail down the line, we'll see how I feel out the blue one day. Worst to Best of all 10 Digimon series.
(got to keep up that suspense XD)
And yes, Dubs are going to be a factor, I haven't watched both Sub/Dub of all shows.
10 - Xros Wars This is solely by default because it is the only series I haven't watched, I don't have much inclination to either. Digivolution method really can make or break a show and Digimon lego sets with no actual way to gauge power besides from more sets you stick together the stronger you apparently seem to be, does not hold much appeal. Plus what I've seen of X7/X8, it just looks so messy. Although, I'd like to be able to weigh in on the Taiki debate, some say he's one of the franchises best Goggle boys, others say he's too perfect he's not interesting.
9 -Digimon 2020 For a modern day reboot it had all the action, zero the charm or personality. Those snazzy, action filled fight scenes mean nothing, when there's no story, no characters and just flat out laziness all-round. The Diaboramon movie got rehashed 3 times. The significance of the crests forgotten until a rag tag added on arc at the end and even then they weren't really earned. Izzy just ruined everything, unless you were Matt and Tai, you were basically useless and Tai… I could rant about this series all day, it ticks me off so much!
8 - Frontier This is one of many examples of Digimon not being to do the long run story, a tolerable first half, an unbearable second half full of holes and flaws, it makes you wonder if multiple teams were writing eps apart from each other. This series wrote itself into a corner it could have wrote itself easily out of but chose not to and suffers greatly for it. There is so little to actually talk about in Frontier, none of the cast are actually likeable, not to the extent that you can really get behind them. The only one you feel for slightly is twin 2 but they don't do alot with him after. The only thing it has going for it is the Intro's both sub and dub are amazing!
7 -Tri Such a strong first half, first 3 vols, amazing! Stakes, emotion, understandable dilemma's occurring from being so much older and once more they fail the landing. Tai never got is pay off over his fears. Matt's future plans literally come out of nowhere. Mei and Meicoomon out stayed their welcome so quickly they got in the way in the second half. However, the biggest crim is Daigo and Maki and what we could have had as the first Digidestined team… their partners being the four sovereigns actually makes so much sense! They won but failed, there was an amazing story set up to be told there and they just went, nah, bin it -.-'' Abridged Daigo though is the most relatable character ever and hilarious to boot
6 -02 Let's be honest, this series, I couldn't care less for and some one punch Davis! (He's not so special anymore mind you.) However, despite the not so exciting team, it had it's moments, the Wizardmon ep was very touching, the idea of passing to the next gen, with the originals to help guide them, nicely done with the right mix of original and new but what really gives it, it's place and you all saw it coming. The Digimon Emperor arc! Such a good villain, the contrast against the team, against Wormon, the ongoing subplot over Chimeramon and then our Digimon Emperor gets turned back to normal and show becomes so boring and with more holes in it than swiss cheese.
5 - Appli Monsters I did put this off, I was one of those people… however, I was pleasantly surprised. This show is quite solid, all the characters get their own arcs, the story actually has progress from start to finish, the end boss narratively is good as an actual end boss, it couldn't have made a stupider play if it tried. With social commentary right on the nose, it was a show definitely released before it's time, if they tried it now, I think it would have done a lot better as it would be so much more relatable to people. Why only 5… well, there's nothing that overly stood out; like a moment or ep that is a must re-watch. I watched it the once and haven't gone back to it.
4 - Savers Savers has so many of my faves, my fave digivice in the IC, digivolve style with Digisoul, fave rivals with Masaru/Tohma (love me some two halves of the same coin), some of the best looking Megas you'll ever see, even my fave mon is from this series! Looking at you, you double agent, traitorous, snarky scarf! This series even has the best villain, well human anyway out of all series and the best part, he remains a prick and gets no cheap redemption! Just a guy you love to hate. The downside, like so many others, the doesn't stick the second half. I mean it's alright, no where near as good as the first half and becomes too much of the Masaru show for my liking. (And no, I don't dislike the Digimon punching gimmick per se but it is overused and gets ott in parts that kind of takes you away from it.)
3 - Ghost Game This actually took some serious debating and the bottom line, what do I just openly go and re-watch and despite it's many, many flaws; Ghost Game was just so much fun! It lived up to it's reputation, it gave you horror, surprise, creepiness, you did run through the emotions with it. The major selling point though, it has to be the cast. Tamer and Digimon alike, all 6 are just so likeable with great dynamics and you don't get to say that about many. I also like how Hiro, Ruli and Kiyo represent the three common reactions to the paranormal, the sceptic, the enthusiast and the fearful.
2 - 01 Surprise! Or not potentially and yes, this is heavily the dub, fight me, it's amazing! No bad will be said about dub Apocylamon. Nostalgia likely plays a part in it to but all our digidestined team a great, they all get little arcs and for the most part, all get to play a part, even at the end where only two get megas, however, narratively this works. The story has good progression, in character and difficulty, there's obstacles which don't seem to impossible for kids to tackle, stuff actually feels earned and the villains are just as memorable as the heroes. To top it all, it's such an easy series to just re-watch from any point.
1 - Tamers Ha, yes, I am one of those to. I stand by it, this is peak storytelling for Digimon. What starts off quite light, becomes mature, gritty and a real good coming of age story despite still being kids. Our main trio all get good character arcs, they bounce of each other well and a bonus point for at least trying with the card game. why yes, I do consider Rika as the rival in Tamers, it just makes more sense due to conflicting beliefs about digimon with Takato On the other hand, it's End boss is by far the worse on so many levels but also contains one of Digimon's best character arcs with Impmon. With Tamers, I could only plan to watch one or two eps but before I know it, I'm half way into the series again and still not bored of it.
And this really didn't stay as short as I initially intended ^^;
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ymijeansblog · 3 days
3 Y2K-Themed Halloween Costumes You Can Create with Everyday Clothes
Whether your Halloween decorations have been up since August, or you’re more excited for pumpkin spice latte season than trick-or-treaters, it’s time to start planning your Halloween costume. Do you commit to spooky season by dressing up as your favorite scream queen? Or do you turn down the fear factor in favor of a witty pop-culture reference? Maybe you and your besties should dress up as the cast of your beloved binge-worthy TV show.
With the Y2K fashion resurgence in full swing, this Halloween is the perfect opportunity to revive your favorite early-aughts characters. Here’s how to style a creative, low-maintenance costume with three Y2K-inspired ideas and your favorite closet staples.
So, What’s the Sitch? 
If you dreamed of being a teenage secret agent with a high-tech flip phone and an iconic signature outfit, now’s your chance. All it takes to craft the perfect Kim Possible costume is a trendy pair of army green junior cargo pants, a black crop top, a utility belt, and a flip phone. Even if you don’t already have these items in your closet, utility fashion pieces are having a major moment this fall, so you’ll be sure to re-wear these items.
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Bonus tip: Find a flip phone with a functional camera to capture some iconic candids at your Halloween party. Film photography and Polaroid pictures may have flooded our feeds for the past few years, but early-aughts-inspired, flash-on digital photos are having a moment right now. Say cheese!
The Makeover Montage 
Early 2000s cinema mastered the makeover montage—that iconic scene where the main character goes from shy to show-stopping. Countless movies, from “The Princess Diaries” to “The Devil Wears Prada,” made us dream of spinning around in a salon chair with glossy hair, smokey eye makeup, and a jaw-dropping outfit. There’s not much better than watching these characters try on adventurous outfits and gain confidence through fashion.
For an easy Halloween costume that’s sure to be a hit, pay homage to one of your favorite movie makeovers. Whether you and your bestie go as pre- and post-makeover versions of your favorite main character or you style a solo before or after costume, you’ll only need a few trendy closet staples and the right props.
Keep It Simple
If you’re a fashion lover, but pop culture and movie references just aren’t your thing, you can still pay homage to this iconic era by simply dressing up in an early 2000s-inspired outfit. The key to pulling off this simple yet memorable costume is committing to the bit and playing up your accessories.
Dust the cobwebs off an old MP3 player, grab a pair of wired headphones and a flip phone, and swipe on your favorite frosted lip gloss. Complete the look with low rise plus size stretchy jeans, sneakers, and a concert tee from your favorite early aughts pop star.
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With these simple and iconic costume ideas, you’ll be ready for any last-minute get-together or highly anticipated party that Halloween weekend has to offer.
About YMI Jeans
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Now that we’ve soaked up every second of New York Fashion Week, examined every page of those highly anticipated September magazine issues, and curated our fall mood boards, it's time to refresh our closets with chic staples and fresh trends. To nail this fall’s trends and give your style a seasonal refresh, turn to YMI Jeans, an it-girl denim brand based in the heart of Los Angeles. By blending runway-worthy trends with sleek streetwear staples, YMI Jeans has the denim fashion you need to curate the fall fits of your dreams. Feel effortlessly cool in high rise plus size jeans, or turn heads in a pair of junior cargo pants on crisp fall mornings. Wherever your fall fashion journey takes you, YMI Jeans has fashionable pieces to suit your seasonal aesthetic. 
Find contemporary and Y2K-inspired fashion at https://ymijeans.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3zyLD0k
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cryptidsurveys · 19 days
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.
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Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? I make toasted cheese sandwiches almost nightly. I usually add jalapenos and a bit of my dad's bean & rice dish, plus trail mix for the crunch factor (Tex Mex, Korean BBQ, etc). I will also add leftovers into the mix if there are any available. It's a whole concoction, lmao. Barely even a "cheese sandwich" when you get right down to it.
Do you suffer from headaches caused by caffeine-withdrawal? I don't think I've been free from caffeine long enough go into withdrawal.
When consuming a beverage that comes in a can, do you prefer to drink it directly from the can or do you pour it into a cup? If it was cold enough, then I would be okay with drinking it straight from the can. If not, then I'd probably add it to a cup with some ice. If no such thing was available, then…eh. I passed on some room temperature soda at the mandatory staff meeting last Monday. I did enjoy their catered Subway lunch, though. :')
Are there times when you think your reflection looks amazing, but you take a picture & it looks like crap? Yeah. Like sometimes the lighting and angles are just all wrong.
What do you do to cure a headache? Pray to the old gods. But seriously, migraines are done with me when they're done with me. I try to drink enough water, eat reasonably well, get enough sleep (etc), but once a migraine comes on there's precious little I can do besides suffer until it's gone.
Have you ever used picnik.com? Pretty sure that was an old photo editing site. I remember using it sometime around my early-mid 20s.
Do you still possess any belongings from your childhood? Do they hold some special significance? Here and there. Some belongings hold special significance (photos, certain stuffed animals, and things of that nature), but I would say a lot of it is just sentimentality. I have a hard time getting rid of things that have memories attached to them.
Would you rather sit in a recliner or a rocking chair? Depends.
Do you have any cards from restaurants that you get stamped every time you visit, & after a certain number of purchases you get a free meal / drink? I don't.
When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages? It's less about the number of pages and more about whether or not the book holds my interest. I'll read an absolute brick if it's captivating enough.
Do you take advantage of calendars being on sale during the end of January, or do you just buy them for their regular price when they first come out? No. I don't really buy calendars. Sometimes I will get one as a gift or something (and I'll happily use it then), but otherwise I don't tend to bother.
If you have a Facebook, do you ever set yourself to offline mode just to avoid one particular person? I haven't used Facebook for years.
Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving? Not. At. All.
Have you ever absent-mindedly [or even intentionally] pulled apart the aglets [plastic at the end] on your shoelaces / hoodie & ruined the lace? Yeah.
Out of all of your friends / relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? My dad and Oliver.
When you are out of your house, where do you usually store your cell phone? Either in the front zipper pocket of my backpack or the side pocket of my small bag.
Do you ever use natural lighting to light your house [aka open the blinds] rather than use a lamp? Aside from the string lights above my computer desk and a couple of nightlights, my room is almost exclusively lit by natural light. The overhead bulbs burned out forever ago and so far I haven't bothered to replace them.
Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails? My right big toe is a little deformed from a previous injury, and the middle nail on my left hand is all messed up because I won't quit picking at it. D;
When yawning, do you cover your mouth? In public, usually yes. At home, I'm not sure. Maybe sometimes, maybe not. I'll have to catch myself the next time I yawn and see what I instinctively do.
If you had a garden, what would you plant in it? Would you actually tend to it, or would it wind up neglected & withered? We used to have a backyard veggie garden. We grew all kinds of different things (tomatoes, potatoes, peas, beans, radishes, broccoli, onions…one year we even managed to grow some pumpkins). But the years went by and we got busy with or distracted by other things and the garden gradually dwindled down to a neglected patch of mostly weeds. I didn't even bother trying last year because I knew I was going to be too busy with things at the animal shelter to keep up with it properly. I miss it though…maybe next year I'll keep it simple and just grow tomatoes because there's almost nothing better than tomatoes ripe and fresh from the garden.
What is a hobby / activity that you find relaxing? Is this something you often get the chance to do? Art. I try to set aside time on my days off, but I wish I had more opportunities. This goes for just about everything outside of the animal shelter - spending time with my dad and my cats, meeting up with my mom for lunch/films, trips to the Mountain Park, housecleaning, surveys (lol)… I think I need to take an extra day off here and there just to catch up with everything.
Are there any eyeshadow shades that simply do not look good on you? Undoubtedly.
Do you think cable / satellite is worth paying for when things like Netflix & Hulu exist? No. I don't even pay for things like Netflix and Hulu. I just watch random shit on YouTube.
If you were in a room with no escape for twenty minutes, which of the following smells would you more easily be able to tolerate [& you’re not allowed to cover your mouth / nose or anything!] - bleach, cigarette smoke, heavy perfume, skunk, vomit. In order of tolerance (probably): cigarette smoke, vomit, skunk, bleach, and heavy perfume (at this point we've crossed into migraine trigger territory; it's no longer just about the smell).
Do you think greeting cards are a waste of money? Not necessarily.
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trexovablog · 2 months
Fuel Your Body: Crafting the Perfect Weight Gain Diet
Are you struggling to gain weight? It might seem like everyone is talking about weight loss, but for some, the challenge is the opposite. Crafting a successful weight gain diet plan can be just as tricky. Let’s dive into how you can create a diet that helps you pack on pounds healthily.
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When it comes to gaining weight, the focus should be on health, not just adding any pounds. "How can I create a weight gain diet that works for me?" may be on your mind. Finding the ideal ratio between calories, nutrients, and lifestyle decisions is crucial. Let's explore this in detail.
Understanding Caloric Surplus
Gaining weight requires consuming more calories than your body burns. This concept is known as a caloric surplus. Think of your body like a bank account: if you deposit more than you withdraw, your balance increases. Similarly, if you eat more than you burn, your body stores the excess as weight.
Calculating Your Caloric Needs
First, determine how many calories your body needs to maintain its current weight. You can use online calculators to find your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and then factor in your physical activity level. Once you have this number, aim to consume 300-500 calories more per day.
Nutrient-Dense Foods
It’s not just about eating more food; it’s about eating the right foods. Foods high in nutrients offer lots of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients with a low calorie count.
Protein-Rich Foods
Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. Include high-protein foods like chicken, beef, eggs, and legumes in your diet. Protein shakes can also be a convenient option.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are crucial for weight gain. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil are all great sources. They provide a high-calorie count without making you feel overly full.
Complex Carbohydrates
Complex carbs like whole grains, starchy vegetables, and legumes help fuel your body and provide sustained energy. Avoid simple sugars and refined grains that offer little nutritional value.
Balanced Meals
Creating balanced meals is key to a successful weight gain diet plan. Each meal should include a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
Meal Structure
- Breakfast: Start your day with a hearty breakfast. Consider oatmeal with fruit and nuts or a smoothie packed with protein powder, milk, and a banana.
- Lunch: Aim for a balanced meal like grilled chicken with quinoa and vegetables.
- Dinner: A nutrient-rich dinner could be salmon with sweet potatoes and a side salad.
- Snacks: Incorporate snacks like Greek yoghurt, nuts, or a peanut butter sandwich to increase your calorie intake throughout the day.
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Sample Weight Gain Diet Plan
Here's a sample weight gain diet plan to help you get started:
- Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese, whole-grain toast, and a glass of milk.
- Morning Snack: Greek yoghurt with honey and granola.
- Lunch: Turkey sandwich with avocado, cheese, and whole-grain bread, plus a side of fruit.
- Afternoon Snack: Protein shake with milk, banana, and peanut butter.
- Dinner: Grilled steak, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli.
- Evening Snack: A handful of nuts or a piece of dark chocolate.
Tips for Success
Consistency is Key
Sticking to your weight gain diet consistently is crucial. It’s easy to get off track, but remember, gaining weight takes time and effort.
Stay Active
While it might seem counterintuitive, staying active is important. Focus on strength training exercises that build muscle mass rather than cardio, which burns a lot of calories.
Monitor Your Progress
Keep track of your weight gain journey. Regularly check your weight and adjust your calorie intake as needed. Don’t get discouraged if progress is slow; gaining weight healthily is a gradual process.
Gaining weight can be just as challenging as losing it, but with a well-planned weight gain diet and persistence, you can achieve your goals. Remember to focus on nutrient-dense foods, balanced meals, and consistency. Stay active and monitor your progress to make necessary adjustments along the way. Now, go ahead and start building your successful weight gain diet plan today!
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novumtimes · 4 months
Winter staycation ideas to consider
Packing your bags and activating ‘jet-setter mode’ is a wonderful way to beat the winter blues. However, if a trip with a full itinerary at your dream destination is not in your budget this winter, worry not. Life doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. After all, a winter staycation can be just as lovely and memorable. Unlike a vacation, a staycation is spent at home and may also include some day trips to local attractions. It does not require you to travel too far from home, can help you know your local area a little better and will be relatively kinder to your wallet. With a cosy atmosphere, good company and plenty of relaxed fun, you’re in for a winter staycation to remember. Here are some ideas to consider for a relaxed winter staycation: Tap into your artistic side Picture: Sourced (iStock / Hirurg) Nurturing your creativity and tapping into your artistic side can result in a memorable staycation. Dedicate time to some relaxed drawing or painting in the warmth and comfort of your home. If you prefer to leave the house, attend any local art experiences such as a painting event or some pottery classes. Getting creative will enable you to let loose and embrace self-expression. Plus, you will have a keepsake to remind you of your staycation. Go down culinary memory lane If you are a foodie, you’ve most likely tasted many incredible dishes in your lifetime. A staycation is the perfect time to tap into your culinary creativity by recreating some of these meals. You can search for recipes online and have your attempt at dishes you really enjoyed on past vacations. Food has a magical way of transporting us to different places and various times in our lives. So, go ahead and get creative. It may bring back some amazing memories. Have a spa day Picture: Sourced / @theoysterbox Fortunately, relaxation and pampering are always in season. Include some spa spoils as a part of your winter staycation. Factor in the amount of money saved by cutting out travel costs, and consider whether you are able to spoil yourself to some treatments at your local spa. Picture: Sourced / Unsplash If not, an at-home spa is also an option. Unwind in the bathtub with relaxing oils or bath salts, make your own body scrub and create your own at-home facial. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a bit of pampering in the comfort of your home. Picnic? Yes, please! A good old picnic will never go out of style. Want to stay indoors? Laying out a blanket and bringing out a bottle of wine, a scrumptious cheese board and other snacks can easily transform your living room into a lovely indoor picnic spot. Picture: Unsplash / Kateryna Hliznitsova If you prefer an outdoor setting and desire to enjoy the warmth of the winter sun, pack your favourite snacks and head to your local park. Enjoying a picnic with loved ones is a great way to bond with them as part of your winter staycation. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter ALSO READ: 3 mountain hideaways to try in the Western Cape Source link via The Novum Times
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duskylory11 · 6 months
The Humble Dry Fruit Tray: A Treasure Trove of Flavor and Versatility
Hey there, fellow snackers! Today, I want to talk about something that's not only delicious but also incredibly versatile and convenient – the Humble Dry fruit tray. You might be thinking, "Dry fruits? Puff, boring!" But trust me, this little treasure trove of goodness is anything but boring.
First things first, let's talk about what a dry fruit tray actually is. Essentially, it's a beautifully arranged assortment of various dried fruits, often presented in a fancy tray or box. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why would I want a bunch of shriveled-up fruits?" Well, my friends, these aren't your average raisins or dried apricots. We're talking about a whole new level of flavor and texture.
Imagine biting into a succulent, chewy dried mango that bursts with tropical sweetness. Or savoring the rich, velvety texture of a perfectly dried date, with its caramel-like notes dancing on your tongue. And let's not forget the quintessential dried fruit – the humble raisin. But these aren't just any old raisins; they're plump, juicy, and bursting with concentrated grape flavor.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "But dried fruits are just, well, dried fruits, right?" Wrong! These little gems are packed with natural sweetness, making them a healthier alternative to sugary snacks. Plus, they're loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so you can indulge guilt-free.
But the real beauty of a dry fruit tray lies in its versatility. Imagine serving it at a fancy dinner party or a casual get-together with friends. It's the perfect accompaniment to cheese boards, charcuterie platters, or even a simple bowl of mixed nuts. Heck, you can even sprinkle them on your morning oatmeal or yogurt for a burst of natural sweetness and texture.
And let's not forget about the convenience factor. Dry fruit trays are the ultimate grab-and-go snack. Toss a few in your bag, and you've got a healthy, satisfying nibble to keep you fueled throughout the day. Plus, they have an incredibly long shelf life, so you can stock up and always have a stash on hand.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "But aren't dry fruit trays expensive?" Not necessarily! While you can certainly splurge on fancy, gourmet varieties, there are plenty of budget-friendly options out there too. Plus, when you consider how much you're getting for your money – a nutrient-dense, satisfying snack that can be enjoyed in countless ways – it's totally worth it.
So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the dry fruit tray in all its glory! Whether you're looking for a fancy party platter, a healthy snack option, or just a taste adventure, these little bundles of joy have got you covered. Trust me, once you've experienced the joy of a well-curated dry fruit tray, you'll never look at dried fruits the same way again.
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suggestmeshop · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Sandwich Maker for Your Kitchen
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Sandwiches are a timeless classic when it comes to quick and delicious meals. Whether you prefer a classic grilled cheese, a hearty panini, or a custom creation of your own, a good sandwich maker can elevate your culinary experience. In this guide, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of choosing the best sandwich maker for your kitchen.
Why Invest in a Sandwich Maker?
Before we dive into the details, let's explore why owning a sandwich maker is a smart choice:
Convenience: Sandwich makers are incredibly user-friendly and can whip up a tasty meal in just minutes, making them a perfect option for busy individuals and families.
Versatility: These appliances aren't limited to just making sandwiches. Many models can grill veggies, cook eggs, and even make waffles or small omelets, offering a wide range of meal possibilities.
Healthier Options: Using a sandwich maker can help reduce the need for excessive butter or oil, resulting in healthier sandwiches compared to traditional stovetop methods.
Space Efficiency: Sandwich makers are typically compact and don't take up much counter space, making them suitable for kitchens of all sizes.
Now that you know the benefits let's delve into the factors to consider when selecting the best sandwich maker.
Type of Sandwich Maker:
Panini Press: Ideal for making paninis and grilled sandwiches, panini presses have ridged plates that create those coveted grill marks. They usually come with adjustable temperature controls.
Traditional Sandwich Maker: These have flat plates and are perfect for basic sandwiches like grilled cheese or ham and cheese.
3-in-1 or Multi-Functional: These versatile machines can do more than just make sandwiches. They often include interchangeable plates for grilling, waffling, and more.
Size and Capacity:
Consider the size of your household and how many sandwiches you'll be making at once. Smaller models are suitable for individuals or couples, while larger ones are great for families.
Plate Material:
Non-stick plates are the most common and make for easy cleanup. Ceramic plates are also a good choice for their durability and even heating.
Temperature Control:
Look for a sandwich maker with adjustable temperature settings, especially if you want to experiment with different recipes.
Floating Hinges:
Hinges that allow the top plate to adjust to the thickness of your sandwich ensure even cooking and prevent squishing.
Ease of Cleaning:
Removable plates are a huge plus as they can be easily removed and cleaned in the sink or dishwasher.
Build Quality and Durability:
Invest in a sandwich maker from a reputable brand known for quality appliances. This ensures your purchase will stand the test of time.
Prices for sandwich makers can vary widely. Determine your budget and find a model that offers the features you need within that range.
Brand and Warranty:
Brands like Breville, Cuisinart, and Hamilton Beach are known for their quality sandwich makers. Check for warranties to ensure your investment is protected.
A sandwich maker is a versatile and handy kitchen appliance that can transform your everyday meals into something extraordinary. By considering factors like type, size, plate material, temperature control, and more, you can find the best sandwich maker that suits your needs and budget. With the right sandwich maker in your kitchen, you'll be well-equipped to create delicious and satisfying sandwiches and so much more. Happy sandwich making!
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koiqiss · 1 year
Best Possible Details Shared About Canberra Winery Tour
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A winery tour is the perfect way to relax, unwind and be merry. Enjoy a full day of wine tasting at world-class wineries around Canberra, Murrumbateman and Lake George. Choose from public or private tours that run for six to nine hours. Your experience will include everything from cheese platters to a delicious lunch.
Local Factor
Wine tasting is an excellent way to learn about different wines and their characteristics. It can also be a great way to socialize with others and meet new people. You can use a variety of tools to improve your wine tasting experience, including taking notes and asking questions. This will help you remember the flavors and aromas of the wines you have tasted and make future purchases easier.
Merry Heart CBR is an innovative public and private Canberra winery tour business that offers customized itineraries and bookings. Their tours are designed for all types of wine enthusiasts, from beginners to seasoned connoisseurs. Their tours take guests to world-class vineyards in local Canberra, Lake George and Murrumbateman and include wine tastings. They can also accommodate large groups. Guests can expect to enjoy gourmet meals and breathtaking views while enjoying the wines of the region.
Variety of Wineries
While the Yarra Valley, Barossa, and Hunter Valley may be the first wine regions to pop into your mind when you think of Aussie wines, the Canberra district also produces some pretty fantastic drops. Merry Heart CBR offers a wide range of public and private Canberra wineries tour exploring the vineyards around Canberra, Lake George and Murrumbateman.
This means that you'll have plenty of opportunity to taste everything from the crisp whites at Clonakilla to the robust reds at Helm Wines. Plus, you'll get to know the winemakers behind the wines and learn more about their techniques for bringing the grapes to life.
If you're a fan of beer as well, Merry Heart CBR also runs a Canberra brewery, wineries and distillery tour. This full-day Winery tour Canberra includes visits to a couple of breweries, a few wineries and Big River Distilling Co. and is guaranteed to satisfy all your craft beverage cravings. It's a great way to see the best of Canberra in one day.
Great Value for Money
Whether you’re on a budget or looking for a luxurious experience, there is a Canberra winery tour for everyone. The cost of public tours typically includes tastings, gourmet two-course lunches, transportation, and a knowledgeable guide.
With the added bonus of picturesque vistas, you can spend the day mellowing out, learning fun facts and figures from the experts, and clinking glasses with fellow wine enthusiasts. Merry Heart CBR also offers an innovative add-on credit system, which means unused credits are refunded if you decide to purchase a bottle of your favourite wine.
Discover the best of Canberra’s world-class wines on a half or full day winery tour with Merry Heart CBR. Visit iconic cellar doors like Clonakilla, Helm Wines, and Shaw Wines while immersing yourself in the stunning countryside. You can even bring your furry friends along for the ride, as Merry Heart CBR offers dog friendly winery tours! Book your tour now. It's easy and convenient!
Private Tours
The cost of a Canberra winery tour typically includes tastings, transportation, and a knowledgeable guide, so it's an affordable and accessible way to enjoy the local gastronomic culture. Plus, a Canberra wine tour is often a great way to make new friends and connect with existing ones, especially when the group is usually limited to 11.
For a unique wine experience in Canberra, book a private Wine tours Canberra  with Merry Heart CBR and immerse yourself in the region's world-class wines while enjoying food and breathtaking views. Their custom-designed itineraries can take you to Murrumbateman, Lake George, and Brindabella Hills. They also offer a balance between self-exploration and structure to give you a personalised journey that caters for your personal tastes and wine vintage preferences. Plus, they're dog friendly and can accommodate special dietary requirements.
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unitywedding · 1 year
How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Cake
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If you're planning your wedding, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make is what kind of cake you want. A wedding cake is not only a delicious dessert, but also a symbol of your love and commitment, a centerpiece of your reception, and a reflection of your personality and style. But with so many options out there, how do you find the one that suits you best? Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect wedding cake for your big day.
Consider Your Budget
Before you start browsing through Pinterest or Instagram for inspiration, you need to have a realistic idea of how much you can afford to spend on your wedding cake. According to The Knot, the average cost of a wedding cake in the US in 2019 was $500, but this can vary widely depending on the size, design, flavor, and baker you choose. Some factors that can affect the price of your cake are: - The number of servings: The more guests you have, the bigger the cake you'll need, and the more you'll pay. A good rule of thumb is to order one slice per guest, plus some extra for unexpected attendees or leftovers. - The shape and structure: Round cakes are usually cheaper than square or hexagonal ones, because they're easier to cut and serve. Stacked cakes are more expensive than single-tiered ones, because they require more support and stability. Sculpted or 3D cakes are the most costly, because they involve more labor and skill. - The decoration: The more elaborate and intricate the decoration, the higher the price. Fondant icing is usually more expensive than buttercream, because it's smoother and more durable. Fresh flowers, edible gold leaf, sugar flowers, lace, pearls, and other embellishments can also add to the cost. - The flavor and filling: The more complex and exotic the flavor and filling, the more you'll pay. Vanilla, chocolate, and lemon are usually cheaper than red velvet, carrot, or coconut. Buttercream, ganache, and cream cheese are usually cheaper than custard, mousse, or fruit curd. To save money on your wedding cake, you can: - Choose a simple design with minimal decoration - Opt for a smaller display cake and supplement it with sheet cakes or cupcakes - Order a naked or semi-naked cake without icing or frosting - Use fresh flowers or fruits instead of sugar flowers or other adornments - Stick to classic flavors and fillings that are in season
Match Your Theme and Venue
Another thing to consider when choosing your wedding cake is how it will fit with your overall theme and venue. You want your cake to complement your color scheme, style, and mood, as well as the setting and atmosphere of your reception. For example: - If you're having a rustic or boho wedding in a barn or outdoors, you might want a naked or semi-naked cake with fresh flowers or fruits, or a simple buttercream cake with natural elements like wood or greenery. - If you're having a classic or elegant wedding in a ballroom or hotel, you might want a fondant cake with smooth edges and sophisticated details like lace, pearls, or monograms. - If you're having a modern or minimalist wedding in a loft or museum, you might want a geometric cake with sharp angles and clean lines, or a marble cake with metallic accents. - If you're having a vintage or romantic wedding in a historic or garden venue, you might want a buttercream cake with ruffles or rosettes, or a naked cake with drips and macarons.
Choose Your Flavors and Fillings
One of the most fun parts of choosing your wedding cake is tasting different flavors and fillings. You want your cake to be delicious and satisfying for you and your guests, as well as match your preferences and personalities. Here are some tips to help you choose your flavors and fillings: - Think about what kind of flavors you like and dislike. Do you prefer something light and fruity, rich and chocolatey, spicy and nutty, or creamy and tangy? - Consider the season and the weather. Do you want something refreshing and cool for summer, cozy and warm for winter, bright and colorful for spring, or earthy and spicy for fall? - Try to balance the flavors and textures. Do you want something moist and fluffy, dense and fudgy, crunchy and crumbly, or smooth and creamy? - Don't be afraid to mix and match different flavors and fillings. Do you want to combine classic flavors like vanilla and chocolate, or experiment with exotic flavors like passion fruit and pistachio? - Sample different combinations before making your final decision. Do you want to taste them yourself, or invite your partner, family, or friends to join you? Some popular flavors and fillings for wedding cakes are: - Vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream or cream cheese frosting - Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache or mocha buttercream frosting - Lemon cake with lemon curd or raspberry buttercream filling - Red velvet cake with cream cheese or white chocolate frosting - Carrot cake with cream cheese or caramel frosting - Coconut cake with coconut cream or pineapple filling - Almond cake with almond buttercream or apricot jam filling - Spice cake with cream cheese or apple butter filling
Find Your Baker
The last step in choosing your wedding cake is finding the right baker to make it for you. You want someone who can create the cake of your dreams, within your budget and timeline, and with professionalism and quality. Here are some tips to help you find your baker: - Do your research. Look online for reviews, ratings, and portfolios of local bakers. Ask your friends, family, or wedding planner for recommendations. Visit bridal shows, fairs, or expos to meet bakers in person and see their work. - Narrow down your options. Contact a few bakers who match your criteria and style, and ask them about their availability, pricing, and services. Request a consultation and a tasting session to discuss your vision and preferences. - Book your baker. Once you've found the baker you want to work with, sign a contract that outlines the details of your order, such as the size, design, flavor, filling, decoration, delivery, setup, and payment. Confirm your order a few weeks before your wedding date, and make any final adjustments if needed. Choosing the perfect wedding cake for your big day can be a daunting task, but it can also be a fun and rewarding one. By following these tips, you can find the cake that suits your taste, style, and budget, and that will make your wedding day even more special and memorable. #WeddingPlanning #WeddingDirectory #WeddingTips #Weddings #unitytheweddingdirectory #unity #weddingdirectory #weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #weddingcake Read the full article
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downtoearthmarkets · 1 year
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Independence Day is almost upon us with the long holiday weekend stretching out into next Monday and Tuesday for many American workers. The current weather outlook looks favorably conducive for a host of outdoor festivities this year, which is a welcome development after the streak of unseasonably cool and overcast conditions we’ve had of late. Along with July 4th fireworks, parades, concerts and baseball games comes the opportunity for indulging in a rather underrated summer pastime – the wholesome yet eminently enjoyable, open-air picnic. So, to move the dial on everyone’s farmers market shopping goals beyond farm-to-table this weekend, I present to you a platter of options for some fabulous farm-to-blanket dining. For amber waves of grain … Above the fruited plain The annual Fourth of July picnic when we gather around to nosh on good food, gaze at the fireworks and kickback with family and friends is as American as apple pie. Given our country’s rich history as an agrarian-based society and culture, it’s also an important and, some would argue, patriotic gesture to consider the source of the food you’re spreading out on your picnic blanket. With regional family farms disappearing at an alarming rate in the face of competition by multinational food conglomerates and large industrial farming operations, shopping at your Down to Earth farmers market is a great way to show your support for small-scale farmers and food creators while strengthening the local food economy. Not to mention that the foods you’ll find at the farmers market are typically better for you in terms of health, wellness and nutritional value. Setting the stage When deciding on what foods to prepare for your picnic party, you’ll want to review several factors – namely food safety, portability and ease of consumption. For starters, if the food you’re bringing is perishable and is going to sit idle for a while before being consumed, make sure that you keep it safely stored inside a portable freezer bag or cooler with plentiful ice packs. Given that you’re going to have to transport the food to your al fresco dining destination, selecting lighter weight options that are easy to pack and carry in a hamper is definitely worthwhile. Plus, more durable foods that travel well and don’t require a lot of serving materials make a great addition to any picnic extravaganza. Picnic perfect sandwiches For all the reasons outlined above, there is perhaps no better setting in which to enjoy a variety of delicious homemade sandwiches than a festive Fourth of July picnic! And we’re not talking sad-looking fillings slapped hastily between two flimsy white slices, as your farmers market bread vendors offer an exciting variety of freshly baked artisanal loaves for you to choose from. Here are a couple of easy-to-assemble ideas to stoke your sandwich hankerings ahead of the holiday weekend:1. Mozzarella, Salami, and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich: Instead of the Italian sub roll suggested online, try switching it out with tasty farmers market baguette or savory focaccia. The key to keeping this sandwich picnic-ready is to place the roasted red peppers and mozzarella in between slices of salami to prevent the bread from getting soggy during transit.
Baguette or Focaccia: Wave Hill Breads
Olive oil: Arlotta Food Studio
Mozzarella: Maplebrook Farm
Roasted red peppers: Dr. Pickle
Tomatoes: Lanis Farm; Sun Sprout Farm; Great Joy Family Farm; Orchards of Concklin; Newgate Farms
Basil: Lanis Farm; Sun Sprout Farm; Great Joy Family Farm; Orchards of Concklin; Newgate Farms
Salami: Goode and Local by Don Rodrigo
2. Cheddar, Tomato and Romaine Sandwich: Simply drizzle EVOO on the inside of two ciabatta, sourdough or other thick artisanal slices then stuff them with sturdy romaine leaves, cheddar (or other hard cheese) and freshly sliced, ripe tomatoes and salt & pepper to taste. Again, to prevent sogginess from the tomatoes, position the romaine lettuce directly against the bread to act as a moisture barrier.
Ciabatta, sourdough or other artisanal loaf bread: Wave Hill Breads
Olive oil: Arlotta Food Studio
Cheddar: McGrath Cheese Company
Romaine lettuce: Lanis Farm; Sun Sprout Farm; Great Joy Family Farm; Orchards of Concklin; Newgate Farms
Tomatoes: Lanis Farm; Sun Sprout Farm; Great Joy Family Farm; Orchards of Concklin; Newgate Farms
Sides and sweet treats A variety of green and grain-based salads will make ideal side dish additions to your sandwich-based picnic entrée. Just be sure to add the dressing only when you’re ready to eat, not ahead of time. For easy to munch on appetizers, cut up an array of raw veggies to bring along and dip in a tub of fresh hummus from Nana's Home Kitchen. And dessert presents the perfect opportunity to celebrate the red, white and blue with fruit pies from Newgate Farms, star-shaped cookies from Croatian Confections and a fruit salad made with blueberries, strawberries and raspberries from the farmstalls then dusted with confectioner’s sugar or topped with vanilla ice cream.
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Why is pizza so popular in the world?
Pizza is a universal food that has captured the hearts, and taste buds, of people all over the world. It's hard to resist the mouthwatering aroma of melted cheese and savory toppings on a crispy crust. But have you ever wondered why pizza is so popular in the world? In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons behind its worldwide appeal – from its affordability to its versatility – and discover why it continues to be one of the most beloved foods around. Get ready for your cravings to kick in as we delve into all things pizza!
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Pizza has been around for centuries
Pizza has a rich history that dates back centuries. In fact, the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were known to have enjoyed flatbreads with toppings, similar to modern-day pizza. However, it was the Italians who really put pizza on the map. The first recorded pizzeria in Naples opened its doors in 1738, serving up simple tomato and mozzarella pizzas that quickly became popular among working-class people.
click here for more By the late 19th century, pizza had become a staple food of Italy and Italian immigrants brought their beloved dish with them when they migrated overseas. It wasn't long before pizza parlors began popping up all over America and other parts of the world. Today, there are countless variations of this classic dish available around the globe – from traditional Margherita pizzas to gourmet pies topped with everything from prosciutto to pineapple. But no matter how you slice it (pun intended), one thing is for sure: pizza's popularity shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon!
It is a universal food
Pizza is a universal food, loved by people of all ages and cultures. It has become a staple in many households, restaurants, and countries around the world. One reason for its universality is that it's easy to make and can be customized according to local tastes. In Italy, where pizza originated from, it's traditionally made with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on thin crust dough. However, as the pizza spread across the world different variations emerged. In America for example, toppings such as pepperoni or pineapple are popular while in Japan seafood toppings are common. Another factor that makes pizza so universally appealing is its convenience. Pizza can be served whole or sliced into individual portions making it perfect for large gatherings like parties or family get-togethers. Also, due to globalization and international chains like Domino’s Pizza or Pizza Hut opening up franchises worldwide have helped introduce this dish to new cultures along with familiar flavors which allows people who miss their traditional foods can now find them even when they're away from home. Pizza being a universal food not only speaks volumes about how delicious it is but also highlights how adaptable humans are when it comes to food preferences- we love exploring different dishes yet still crave some familiarity at times!
Pizza is affordable
One of the main reasons why pizza is so popular around the world is its affordability. Unlike other popular dishes that can be quite expensive, pizza is a food that can fit into any budget. Whether you are a student on a tight budget or a family looking for an affordable dinner option, pizza has got you covered. You can find pizzas at different price points depending on where you buy them from and what toppings you choose. For example, if you're looking to save money, many fast-food chains offer pizzas at reasonable prices without compromising on taste. Moreover, making your own pizza at home with simple ingredients like flour and cheese is cost-effective compared to dining out in fancy restaurants. Plus, it's also fun to get creative with toppings and make your customized version of the dish. Affordability makes pizza accessible to people from all walks of life. It's undoubtedly one of the reasons why this delicious dish continues to be loved by many around the world today!
People love pizza
It's no secret that people all over the world love pizza. Whether it's a classic Margherita or loaded with toppings, there's something about this dish that just makes us want more. So why is pizza so universally beloved? For one, pizza is incredibly versatile. It can be enjoyed as a quick snack on-the-go or as a sit-down meal with friends and family. And because it can be made in so many different ways, there's always something new to try. Another reason people love pizza is its convenience factor. With delivery options widely available and frozen pizzas at every grocery store, we can indulge in our cravings without much effort. But perhaps the most important reason for our collective obsession with pizza is simply because it tastes amazing. The combination of crispy crust, melted cheese, savory sauce, and flavorful toppings hits all the right notes for our taste buds. Whether we're looking for comfort food or trying out new flavor combinations, pizza has become an iconic dish beloved by people of all ages and cultures around the world.
Pizza is delicious
Pizza is undoubtedly one of the most delicious foods in the world. Its combination of flavors and textures makes it an irresistible treat for many people. The crispy crust, melted cheese, tangy tomato sauce, and flavorful toppings are just some of the elements that make pizza so incredibly tasty. One thing that sets pizza apart from other foods is its versatility. With endless topping combinations to choose from, everyone can find their favorite flavor profile. Whether you prefer a classic Margherita with fresh mozzarella and basil or a meat lover's pie loaded with sausage and pepperoni, there's a pizza out there for every palate. Another factor that contributes to pizza's deliciousness is its simplicity. It doesn't require fancy cooking techniques or exotic ingredients to taste amazing. In fact, some of the best pizzas are made with just a handful of high-quality ingredients cooked to perfection. The pleasure derived from eating pizza goes beyond just satisfying hunger; it’s also an experience shared among friends and family over a slice (or more) on movie nights or parties - this could be what makes it even more special! Whether enjoyed at home or in your favorite pizzeria, there’s no denying that pizza is one of life's simple pleasures – always ready to satisfy our cravings for something savory!
Pizza can be made in many different ways
Pizza is one of the most versatile foods in the world. It can be made in countless ways and with a variety of toppings, sauces, and crusts to suit different preferences. Some people prefer their pizza loaded with meats like pepperoni or sausage while others opt for vegetarian options that include fresh vegetables like mushrooms or bell peppers. One way pizza makers experiment with flavor is by changing up the sauce. Traditional red tomato sauce remains popular, but white sauces made from ingredients such as garlic or Alfredo are also common. Pesto sauce is also an option for those who love basil's distinctive taste. Crust thickness is another variable when it comes to making pizza uniquely yours. Thick crusts give an overall chewier texture while thin crusts provide a crispier bite that some individuals prefer. Moreover, there are various styles of pizzas depending on where you live in the world; New York-style pizza has a thin crispy base and large slices; Chicago deep dish has thick doughy crust filled with cheese followed by meat and veggies on top; Neapolitan Pizza originated from Naples features simple ingredients such as San Marzano tomatoes mozzarella cheese Fresh Basil leaves cooked at high temperatures resulting in crispy based soft-centered pizzas. Pizza's flexibility means that there’s something out there for everyone regardless if they want their pie vegetarian or meat-heavy!
To sum up, it's clear that pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. It has been around for centuries and has become a universal food enjoyed by people all over the globe. Pizza is affordable, delicious, and can be customized to suit any taste preference or dietary need.
It's no surprise that pizza continues to be a favorite among people of all ages and cultures. Whether you're grabbing a slice on-the-go or treating yourself to a gourmet pie at your favorite restaurant, there's never a bad time for pizza.
So next time you bite into a cheesy slice of your favorite kind of pizza, remember why this classic dish has remained so beloved throughout history - because it simply satisfies everyone's cravings!
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crystalgood · 2 years
If you're looking for ways to make dinnertime simpler and easier, the ability to quickly and efficiently slice cooked meat is an invaluable skill. But what if you don't have a meat slicer? Fear not – slicing up cooked meat at home doesn't require any special gadgets or expensive equipment; it's all about choosing the right knife for the job and employing some basic cutting techniques. In this post, we'll provide some tips on how to slice cooked meat without a slicer so you can get dinner on the table faster! [caption id="attachment_2105" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] How to Slice Cooked Meat Without a Slicer?[/caption] What Is a Meat Slicer? A meat slicer is a piece of kitchen equipment that can cut cooked meat, cheese, and other food into thin slices. It is typically used in restaurants, but it can also be useful in a home kitchen. Buying the best meat slicer for your needs involves a few factors, including how often you plan to use the machine and your budget. There are entry-level, mid-tier, and heavy-duty models available to meet your needs. Entry-level slicers have smaller blades, lower horsepower motors, and are typically designed for operations that will only be using the slicer for an hour or two per day. These are not recommended for slicing cheese or other high-volume foods and may not offer as many safety and convenience features as higher-end models. Medium-duty meat slicers have larger blades, higher horsepower motors, and are generally intended for operations that will be using the machine for a few hours or more per day. These are primarily used for cutting deli meats and vegetables, but some can also be used to slice cheese. The Kolossal 300 VK BV is a commercial grade slicer that is suitable for all types of meat and sausage. It has a locking system to keep the product in place, allowing it to be sliced smoothly and evenly. It also has a built-in sharpener that can be removed to make cleaning easier. Benefits of Using a Meat Slicer Whether you're making holiday charcuterie boards or just need to turn some leftover turkey into lunch meat, a meat slicer can help save time and effort. Plus, they're an essential kitchen tool for any serious cook who appreciates great food! A good meat slicer will allow you to cut meats into thin slices with a high level of consistency and precision. This makes it an ideal tool for preparing all types of sandwiches, charcuterie and other dishes. It also allows you to choose the thickness of your sliced meat, which is perfect for people who enjoy paper-thin cuts of ham or thicker slicing of aged sausage. Many commercial meat slicers come with a variety of slicing thickness options, which means you can get exactly the right slice size for your dish. Before you buy a meat slicer, make sure it has all the features you need. For example, a blade guard is helpful for preventing injuries and should be included with your purchase. It's also important to choose a model that has a large, easy-to-use on/off button. Additionally, you should choose a model with a blade that's made of stainless steel instead of carbon steel, which will last longer and won't oxidize as easily when used frequently. How to Slice Cooked Meat Without a Slicer? The easiest way to slice cooked meat is with a sharp knife and a cutting board. It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but once you do, you’ll have deli-quality slices in no time. The first step is to choose a good cut of meat for slicing. You should select a boneless cut of meat like flank steak or top round roast. You can also try using a thin ham or turkey breast. To slice a piece of meat, use a sharp knife and apply even pressure. Then, use long, smooth strokes to slice the meat against the grain. Another technique is to place the slice of meat on a cheesecloth or cloth napkin. This will help absorb some of the juices as you cut it. You can also use a meat tenderizer if the cut of meat has tough fibers. This will break these fibers down and make slicing easier.
It’s also a good idea to freeze the meat before slicing it. Meat that is left at room temperature loses its stiffness and can be difficult to cut into uniformly thin slices. This can lead to uneven cuts and a sloppy final result. Steps to Slice Cooked Meat Without a Slicer: When you’re looking to turn a meat dish into something more flavorful without the hassle of going to a deli, thinly slicing your own meat can be the solution. It’s a low-tech way to make delicious cuts of beef, pork, or lamb that taste just as good as the ones you get from the deli, and it requires no special equipment other than a sharp knife and a good cutting board. The key to successfully slicing cooked meat is patience. Start by letting the meat rest for about 10 minutes so it can cool down and firm up enough to hold its shape. Once the meat has cooled down, slice it against the grain using a sharp knife. This will help it become tender and juicy. To get a really nice slice, you can also trim any excess fat off before cutting it. This will make the slices even thinner and more evenly cut. To get the best results, it’s important to use a sharp kitchen knife and lubricate it with cooking oil or butter before you start slicing. This will reduce friction and make slicing the meat much easier. Tips for Successfully Slicing Cooked Meat by Hand: When cutting meat, it's important to make sure that you do so correctly. Slicing meat thinly without a slicer isn't as difficult as it may seem, and with the right techniques you can produce paper-thin slices that are ready for use in any recipe. First, you'll want to identify the direction of the grain, which is the set of lines that run parallel to each other in meat. It's easier to see in tougher cuts like flank, hanger, and skirt steak than leaner tenderloins. Place the cut of meat on a cutting board and position it so that the grain is parallel to the length of the cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut against the grain by pulling your knife across the meat and applying downward pressure. You can also slice the meat against the grain by making diagonal cuts, but you will end up with thinner slices. This method can be particularly useful when you need to create matchstick-size strips for stir-frying or cubed meat for stews. To keep your sliced meat tender, be sure to thaw it prior to cutting. It's easiest to freeze it partially, but you can also thaw it in the refrigerator for about 45 minutes. Cleaning Methods for Manual Meat Slicers: It is important to clean and sanitize meat slicers regularly in order to prevent foodborne illnesses. While it is challenging to take apart and clean meat slicers, proper maintenance will help you keep consumers safe and pass health inspections. To begin, you’ll need to disassemble your slicer and set the blade to zero. This may require the use of a knife removal tool if the slicer includes one, but check the owner’s manual for details. Then, remove the blade, product tray, carriage, and pusher. Once these pieces are in a sink with hot water and detergent, you can begin to wash them. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and spray them with sanitizer. After the parts have been washed, it’s time to reassemble your slicer. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific parts, such as the center plate and face plate. Then, perform a light cleaning by inserting a paper towel between the blade and the blade guard and working it along the far side of the blade. This will remove any stuck-on food residue from the backside of the blade. You can also wash and sanitize all parts of the slicer, including the housing, on/off switch, food chute, and motor cover. This will get rid of any trapped food residue that could be a breeding ground for bacteria. Conclusion: Slicing cooked meat thin without a slicer can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the right technique and using the proper tools, you can easily make perfectly thin slices of meat to use in stir fries, sandwiches, or any other cooking purpose.
Calls to action, or CTAs, are part of an advertisement or marketing message that aims to persuade a user to take a certain action immediately. They usually have a short length, a strong sense of urgency, and an action verb such as “buy,” “register,” or “learn more.” If you are looking for ways to boost your conversion rate, try testing out different CTAs on your website or social media channels. Find out which one prompts the most responses from your audience and incorporate them into your next advertising campaign. You can also experiment with different calls to action in your email newsletters or sales messages, as these can improve your conversion rate even further. In summary, a call to action is a critical element of any online marketing campaign. It helps your target market take the next step and convert them into customers and clients. Get started with a call to action today!
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