#pmmm rebellion 5
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[ID: the "Love is love" meme with persona 5 royal and madoka magica characters edited on top. Rumi and Takuto Maruki's sprites are edited together for the "regular couple", the art of Akechi Goro and Joker playing chess in the bad ending is assigned as the "yaoi couple", and a screenshot of Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi sitting in a flower field turning purple from Rebellion is assigned as the "yuri couple". Edward Elric from fullmetal alchemist gives a thumbs-up, and says "I See No Difference" followed by "all of you have loved someone who completely disappeared from your existences/lives, leaving you mourning them even if they aren't dead. This will lead you to rewriting reality so that they will finally be happy in a life that has continuously mistreated them. Even if you erase your relationship in the process. Even if they end up hating you for what you've done. By doing so, you have taken God's power into your own hands. Love is love !" End ID]
I've been having. thoughts lately
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local-lamppost · 1 year
Homura and Sayaka after Rebellion
At the end of Rebellion it’s shown that, despite everything, Sayaka was able to retain her memory(something which Charlotte, the other memory holder for Madoka, doesn’t seem to have). Not only that, she can summon the ghost of her witch to fight, Homura has to make a conscious effort to get Sayaka to fit into her paradise.
Homura’s become the devil to Madoka’s goddess, meanwhile Sayaka has always been the loyal knight. I would wager it is that loyalty that allowed her memory to remain.
So here’s what I want. Throughout whatever plot they have planned I want Sayaka to continuously be suspicious and/or breaking free from the illusion Homura has them under. Homura would always be aware of this, she would have some sort of specter keeping watch of Sayaka, and constantly have to force Sayaka’s memory (her loyalty and love) to submit to the new reality.
More than that, since Homura’s the ruler of this reality-a queen-it would be interesting to see her confide in a knight. I want Homura to either use the times Sayaka’s memory returns or even go out of her way to return it herself in order for Homura to have someone to confide in. There’s Kyubey, but not only does Homura really not care for their opinion, they don’t comprehend Homura’s state or situation. Sayaka could take the place of unwilling confidant in Kyubey’s sted, or even the two of them could act as the two ideological advisors for Homura to keep.
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Botanic Tournament : Cherry Blossoms Bracket !
Round 1 Part 2 Poll 3
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mainyqn · 8 months
Had a thought (from the discord server)
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(spoilers up to act 5 for In Stars and Time and the Rebellion movie for Madoka Magica)
(If i had a penny for everytime i put pmmm and isat together i would have 2 pennies-)
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atamascolily · 10 months
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This is even funnier when you do the math and realize that there are only 12 characters with major speaking roles in the original PMMM anime (5 members of the main cast & Kyubey + 3 members of Madoka's family + Ms. Saotome, Hitomi, and Kyousuke), so the only way to get to 15 is to start listing people like Nakazawa (the one random classmate that Saotome calls on) and various witches. Rebellion single-handedly doubles the character count with the Clara Dolls, all of whom are technically Homura.
Magia Record, on the other hand, has the exact opposite issue--there are so many characters (and that's without taking the alts and dual units into account) that it's difficult to keep track of them all. Fifteen is barely scratching the surface.
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Iconic Homerotice Betrayals: Round 3
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Poll Directory
Summarized by Anonymous Contributor
Ok so Akira(you the player) are the leader of a group of thieves (who are doing good for society) but there are more sinister things happening that also get attributed to your group.
Enter Akechi the famous charismatic detective who’s declared that he will catch you(you can probably already guess where this is going) When you first meet him it is already clear that something is very wrong under that obviously fake smile. Under your civilian identity you befriend him and slowly(or rather fast) he opens up to you showing more of his true self and what pains his heart. Even disclosing sensitive information that could bring him down. Of course this is all just lies he made up to get close to you right? Nope.
You see the betrayal coming from miles ahead. Not only does he betray you, he’s been the real culprit all along.
Despite knowing this loooong ahead you still take him on little gay dates to the aquarium, public bathhouse, pretending to shoot eachother, a café or try to impress him with your amazing darts skills. You may even willingly make wrong choices just for his approval (I did gdi Akechi I trusted you.) And when you come home he's already waiting for you.
After you survive him gleefully shooting you through the head(it makes sense in context) you meet again he admits that he wishes you’d have met earlier, confirming that your bond was genuine, that you could’ve been friends/partners(? It’s complicated) and he really meant it when he said you’re the only one he feels at ease with. But not without having a truly unhinged meltdown about it first, vehemently rejecting your offer to still be friends and turn over a new leaf. (so after he's attempted to kill you at least 2 times and is gearing up for making it 3)
Akechi betraying you is as much a betrayal of himself as it is one of you.
Bonus points:
other characters comment on you being the only one close to him
during one rank he confesses to you…. His hate?
as previously mentioned, your relationship ranks up after he shoots you in the head(you survive, it make sense in context)
he himself compares his betrayal of you to romance(yes after shooting you through the head). On live tv. In the same moment he reminds himself how he’s felt unwanted his entire life, like a reminder he killed the only person who ever made him wanted.
At the end you have the choice to stay in a perfect world where he is alive and never underwent any of the pain in his life turning him into a wholly different person, or let him die(again) as his true self. If you pick the former you can return the betrayal.
*vague description it’s complicated.
Read other summary here.
Summary by Anonymous Contributor
This is the story of 3 betrayals :
1. Madoka and Homura meet and become best friends. Madoka believes in love and justice and helping people as a magical girl. But she gets killed. So Homura, loving her and believing in her cause, becomes a magical girl in order to time travel and save Madoka. Eventually, however, they find out they were being tricked all along, and none of what they thought they were fighting for is real. And this is BETRAYAL NUMBER 1: They've agreed to give up and just die/become monsters Together, when suddenly Madoka sacrifices herself to save Homura. As she is dying in Homura's arms she tells her she has a selfish goal: "you can travel in time, right ? Go back in time and warn me, stop me from getting tricked and becoming a magical girl."
2. So Homura goes back in time and tries to warn Madoka and their friends, but no one believes her. She can't save Madoka from her fate. So she time travels, again and again and again, trying desperately to save Madoka and failing every time, and becoming more and more estranged from her with every timeline. By the time we get to the timeline we know, she's done it so many times that she's become a stranger to Madoka, but Homura has become cold and hardened. It doesn't matter if Madoka doesn't love her anymore, all that matters is saving her. In the end, Homura's time travel has tied the strings of fate around Madoka so much, that Madoka bcomes the most powerful magical girl of all time and is able to essentially become a god, and rewrite the rules of the universe. She's created a better world, but at the cost of erasing her own human existence. Now no one will remember her except for Homura. As they are hugging naked in the cosmos, saying goodbye as the universe rewrites itself, Homura expresses how devastated she is by this turn of events. Madoka has saved her from the time loop she was in, but has sacrificed herself, and thereby Homura has failed to keep her promise of saving her. This is BETRAYAL NUMBER 2: Homura now has to live without Madoka, and all hope of keeping her promise to save her is lost.
3. And so we arrive at BETRAYAL NUMBER 3, the one they're most famous for : Homura tricks Madoka, and steals her godhood. Homura becomes the devil and undoes everything Madoka has fought for just to save Madoka and let her have a human existence, because she loves her that much. It's the ultimate betrayal because she destroys everything Madoka sacrificed herself for, she refuses to let her make the world better because selfishly, she loves Madoka so much she wants her to be able to exist.
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
Any thoughts on the new Madoka trailer?
I got like 5 asks about this so I'll just answer this one, lol
I actually didn't know the trailer was going to drop today so this was a very pleasant surprise!!
First things first, I gotta talk about the music. Yuki Kajiura is a goddess and by far my favorite composer ever. The music is on point and feels perfectly in place with the PMMM verse despite Kajiura not composing for the series since Rebellion (correct me if I'm wrong, I just know that she didn't compose for Magia Record). I absolutely can't wait to hear the soundtrack!
Also, it looks that this movie will indeed be a direct continuation of Rebellion, which I'm excited for. It also looks like Homura is being set up as the antagonist and some visual cues suggest her universe is unstable (this was also the case at the end of Rebellion). I've said this all along, but I hope this movie (movies?) end with the rest of the Holy Quintet reaching out to Homura and telling her to stop taking things on by herself and to rely on them, and her actually taking their advice. This girl needs a hug and some therapy after everything she's been through.
Oh, and of course, there's obvious costume changes- both for the school uniforms and the magical girl costumes. The girls (sans Homura) also look younger. This seems to be a result of Homura's powers, but I'm not sure what the exact meaning is yet.
In any case, I'm really pumped for this movie!! I can't believe we're finally getting a continuation of Rebellion after all these years.
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gallapiech · 5 months
Weekly Tag Game Wednesday
@heymacy ty for making the game :D and thank you @spookygingerr for tagging me!!
name: Pie / Fransie. That's it! No other names! 😊
age: 5, in a way
your time zone: GMT+2
what do you do for work? Art :)
do you have any pets? Got 3 elderly chihuahuas! ♥
what first drew you to this fandom? I never, ever interact with fandoms. But something about shameless just hit differently for me? I don't know what it was. But I'm glad I started interacting! I've met so many amazing, fun & talented people 😭
are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl. definitely.
what are your hobbies? I love to draw, of course. I also like playing multiplayer games with friends :) I love reading... Uhh I love horror media! that's not really a hobby I guess? hm hm.
how tall are you? 6'1
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Anywhere affordable LMAO
favorite color? Pink 🩷
favorite book? hm, 1Q84?
favorite movie? PMMM Rebellion
favorite fic? Battleships and Love Boats
favorite musical artist: Hmm right now Mitski or Laufey?
what is your average screen time so far this week? I'm too scared to check.
what's the first app you open in the morning? ....discord
how long have you been on tumblr? fiiiinally started using it actively in march ehe.
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself:
when i was younger i would bend spoons with my hands and pretend i was uri geller. my mom begged me to stop because we started to run out of usable spoons LMAO
@jrooc @roryonic @creepkinginc @transmurderbug @jfragfan
@doshiart @spacerockwriting @sevvycubed
tags are a little broken, right? I hope this works.
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harleyquilts-fanfic · 4 months
Fanfic Masterlist (2019 - Now)
So it has been waaayyy too long since I updated the last list, and since I have written a lot more works since then and have generally improved in various ways, (I think...), I thought I'd create a second list! (No series has been abandoned, I am simply slow and distracted).
[TG] The Fire That Burns Us All: An Au in which, instead of being taken in by Touka and Yoshimura, Kaneki is instead adopted into the CCG. In a world where Touka and Kaneki share a divided life, Touka dedicates her life to vengeance. And to satiate her thirst for revenge, she first needs to find the Black Reaper.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
[TG] Reconciliation: Instead of fighting Arima Kishou, Kaneki decides to escape with Touka, Hinami, and Yomo. But can he really live on, content with the person he has become after all that has happened? With Touka by his side, as well as their friends, maybe he can live on with some semblance of happiness.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
[TG] A Forgotten Birthday, An Unopened Gift: It's the day after Kaneki is freed from Aogiri and decided to leave Anteiku, leaving both him and Touka lamenting the distance between them.
[DE] Still Calling: Dora is haunted by thoughts of her past after Harry calls her in the middle of the night, just before dawn. She laments what has passed and finds the resolve to continue as she has always done.
[PMMM] The Colour of Love: A small, post-Rebellion fic from the perspective of Homura as she waits for Madoka to arrive at school.
[TG] Control: Kaneki and Touka have some late night fun together... [Warning: explicit smut, 18+]
[TG] Bloodied Lips: A TouKen Vampire Au for @toukenweek, where Kaneki is saved by a mysterious stranger after being attacked by a vampiric being one night.
[SxF] TwiYor ficlets: Restaurant Date | Late Night Bonding
[AnY] Guardian Of My Dreams: The memories of that night still burden Yona, day and night. Even so, she’s never alone when she wakes up. Not anymore.
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mecheye · 5 months
so, about those Magia Records
oh man just finished season 1 of the Magia Records!
After the rides that were PMMM and Rebellion this felt like a normal-ass anime. More critiques and maybe spoilers after the readmo
Okay so magical girl shows amirite well boy oh boy this show certainly has them and more than like two or three as well!
I’m not sure what to think about this one. This show was decidedly “okay”. Part of that is my fault because i went in to this thinking it would be on the same level as PMMM when i really don’t think that is possible. Especially since this is a game tie-in. ESPECIALLY since this is a game tie-in.
And, well, i mean … It was really basic. There is a lot of potential here for good storytelling but they spread themselves way too thin. More on that in a bit. SHAFT pulled their weight as usual by providing brilliant art. Less brilliant than the main series but really not by much! There were a ton of scenes that looked stunning and memorable here, it was just missing that extra layer of polish over the downtime scenes.
Characters are… fine. Iroha is fucking adorable i love her! Futaba is also cute as hell i love her too! Yaychiyo (?) Is an awesome character and ironically both her and Futaba probably got the most development out of everyone! And this is where “spreading too thin” comes in to play. There are way too many characters and ffs i cant remember the names of any of the other ones cause they just don’t feel as important to the story. Like even Futaba isnt a key component to the story AT ALL but i still remember her over the rest of them because her story feels more developed than all of the other side characters.
And that is because there is only a limited amount of time to develop characters in a 13 episode series so when you got more than like 3 or 4 of them you run in to problems assigning meaningful amounts of screen time and that’s kind of what happened here. The plot never really got anywhere until the end of the season which is where ALL the plot was. like some of the plot was sprinkled around here and there but good heavens the last two episodes contained 4 or 5 episodes worth of plot. Some major pacing issues here that would have been resolved If they stopped introducing new characters all the damn time
obligatory shoutout to gratuitous cameos! Some PMMM characters show up and fuck if i know why. It made for a great few scenes at the end but christ they felt shoehorned in for shock value and fanservice. Your could have replaced them with any other new character and nothing would have changed.
ALL THAT BEING SAID I’m going to watch the next two seasons as well. Im curious where they are going to go with this.
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sunlightocean · 2 years
ALRIGHT,, so chapter 7 for twst came out,,, I read it,,, and I had a thought.
Malleus and Yuu = Homura and Madoka dynamic
So we all know that Malleus is scared for Yuu to go away because they are from another world,, right?? His immortality causes his love ones to die before him is obviously, very heartbreaking. And considering that he is one of the top 5 magicians in the world, he can do almost anything, referencing the Halloween event where he stops time.
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so I was concocting a persona 5 royal bad end au and I was like “oh man what if I made Akira give Akechi back the glove he tossed him lol” because I was thinking about a certain pmmm rebellion moment until I remembered that Akechi had tossed him the glove because it represented an invitation to a duel and to keep the tossed glove is to accept it so to give it back is to reject it. and then I realised that I accidentally made Bad End Akira admit that he doesn’t want to fight Akechi anymore in this perfect world he’s doomed them all to, even if when Goro finds out the truth he’ll despise him and they’ll be enemies for sure the next time round. so how’s your day going
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aparticularbandit · 8 months
Top 5 shows of all time?
Ask Me My "Top 5" Anything....
Noir. This is my favorite show. It's an anime from 2001. It's just about these two traumatized assassins finding family in each other. Whatever you want that family to mean, they leave it ambiguous. Also there are no male main characters. None. Only women. It's SO good, y'all. Oh, also, Yuki Kajiura did the music and this is where I found her and how I got into her stuff. You will see her mentioned again later in this list. (I own two of the three soundtracks and want to someday buy the last one. Like the music in this is ACES.)
How I Met Your Mother. This is a personal favorite. I just saw it again in the last year - the whole thing - and it still holds up. Except for the last episode which...like...could have bee okay if it hadn't been compressed into a one hour overview and hadn't come at the end of an entire season of pointing out why Barney and Robin were together. I actually liked it less this last time through. Also. This one is a comfort fave, and I'm not sorry about that.
The Haunting of Hill House. It's just a good show. It is a very good, very tight show. The pacing is great, the writing is phenomenal, the casting and acting are amazing. Like. There's a reason people talk about Hill House, and it's because it's one of the best shows I think I've ever seen. Flanagan knows how to use horror as means to tell a story, and he does it WELL.
Fleabag. Both seasons. I have to be careful with who I recommend this to because especially the first season there is a lot of sex. A lot. But it's also a beautiful, beautiful show. It's hilarious. (And for all that there's a lot of sex in this, I've seen it with my dad, so like. I guess that says something about our family. XD)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. This is where we see Yuki Kajiura again! I also have the double disc CD for this, and I want to get the soundtrack for Rebellion Story, but that's, ah, harder to get, unfortunately. ANYWAY. This show (along with OUAT, which I cannot put on this list. If you know anything about OUAT, you know why it can't be on this list) is one of the primary reasons I got my first tumblr! Because I was writing crossover fanfic, don't judge me. (I've never posted it. Another one of those too ambitious for me trilogy things.) But, like with everything else on this (with maybe the exception of HIMYM), the writing is phenomenal. I identify with Homura so much it isn't even funny and that came on the heels of wait, no, I'm Kyoko, I would totally - like. I can't talk about PMMM much without getting into spoilers, but it is honestly one of the best shows I've ever seen.
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homuracoded · 1 year
give me violence!! 3. 5, 6, 23, 25! TY!
3. Worst take you’ve seen on tumblr: god there’s A Lot but I think the one that made me genuinely convinced the person had a kink for being yelled at was when I came across a person who hatedddd dreamworks movies and insisted HTTYD and ROTG where bad movies but liked Trolls. How in gods grace
5. I’ve left plentyyy of discord servers for being slightly annoying but the BIG magia record discord servers is apparently the 9th circle of hell and I’ve heard horror stories
6. Sorry AkiAngel shippers. And I am an AkiAngel shipper. Holy fuck some of these people are the most annoying on the planet with the way they mischaracterize them and hate on female characters around them holy fuckkk
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to: also AkiAngel but it took until the steam from the anime started wearing off
25. Common fandom complain your sick of hearing: OMG. I’m tired of PMMM Rebellion discourse. I’ve been in this fandom since before high school and I’ve graduated and ppl are still going back and forth about if it’s a good addition to the series. It’s tirreeeddd it’s annoying it’s old I don’t fucking care anymore
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trans-lunarinjection · 11 months
top 5 shows/movies?
because i cant think of 5 for each i'll just go with a few movies and a few shows. not in any particular order
Terror in Resonance, Dr. Strangelove, PMMM/Rebellion, Utena, Princess Principal.
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lesbicastagna · 1 year
to me madohomu is twisted and i really like them but. i was obsessed with pmmm for 5 years so obviously my comprehension of it is off scale compared to the general public. but also a lot of people did not understand rebellion and that's just bc they're stupid
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