#pmmm theories
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Could this be the mystery girl from the first trailer?
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The sleeves are kinda similar
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pulsarex · 10 months
Something a lot of people don't point out or notice is that (during Rebellion) Kyubey was in the exact same "creation space" as Homura (and Madoka) was. You know, the place where the girls both ended up fully ascending to their respective god forms? This meant that either Kyubey followed Homura to there during her ascension like she followed Madoka in episode 12, or he was dragged there. To get this out of the way: that means a major requisite for following a god to the creation space might be desperation, which fits both contexts.
Furthermore, he was able to directly observe Akuma Homura in the creation space, and they could touch each other (Homura grabbed him). Earlier, Kyubey stated that if he/the Incubators directly observed Madoka in her goddess form, they could trap her and reinstate the witch system (coobie i understand you want to protect the universe but chill bro). If Kyubey was able to observe Akuma Homura so well to the point where he could have physical contact with her, why didn't he just trap her in that moment? Am I missing something?
Assuming I haven't, I have a couple theories as to why:
He's planning something- This is the one that's most likely to be confirmed in 4th movie imo, simply because of what happened in Rebellion.
He already trapped Homura and she doesn't know it- Second most likely. Incubators are opportunistic.
He's sincere about giving up on everything and willingly let himself be enslaved because he trusts Homura- This is a rather unconventional idea that woobifies him a little. But it's possible; Akuma Homura apparently has enough power to give the girls happy lives that not even Ultimate Madoka was able to provide them (revive Sayaka and Nagisa so the former has a second chance with Kyosuke, Hitomi, and Kyouko while the latter becomes Mami's friend and alleviates her loneliness; that may be oversimplifying it but you get the point). She was able to give Madoka her life and family back. If Homura could do the things that not even Madoka could, then to Kyubey she damn well could be able to prevent the heat-death all on her own using her "demonic" love-goddess powers. I just think a scenario where Kyubey was fine with whatever punishment would be dished out on him as long as Homura protected the universe in his stead is interesting.
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madokakanamereal · 6 months
CW FOR POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR MAGIA RECORD AND DEFINITE SPOILERS FOR THE MAIN SERIES AND REBELLION (I have not finished magia season 1, I am just theorizing, but just in case Im tagging it)
So far what Im gathering is that the reason Kamihara has so many witches and the only ones who last long are stronger magical girls is because there are so many weaker magical girls who are freshly turned and regretting their choice who go there, creating a loop effect of fresh magical girls coming in, finding that they cant be saved or being horrified at the lessons from the magius, reaching despair, and thus creating WAYYY more witches- I presume this is also why other areas have so few witches these days, because there are fewer magical girls in those areas.. Watching with that very specific context about the magical girl life cycle adds such a layer of like 'holy shit' moments that Im wondering if the show is gonna explain it, or if its assumed that the viewer has already seen madoka magica. Regardless, Im loving this and Im invested
Im also fascinated by how its apparent that this is all taking place either in an au (unlikely) or in a past timeline prior to madoka's sacrifice? It could potentially be after but based on Mami's line of 'I guided two girls to this fate, after all' Im assuming its in a past timeline- Which makes me wonder the specifics of how this all fits together... Not to mention the Magia record crew encountering the witch that Mami fought when madoka and sayaka were 'apprenticing' under her in the current timeline pre-double world rewrite.. Im so enthralled lol
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hypothetical-pebble · 18 days
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himehomu · 11 months
While we all are pretty much aware that this is Madoka's concept art outfit finally being used for her new Magical Girl design, there seems to be a lock and some chains around her ribcage. The first thing I thought about was the metaphor “hearts are wild creatures, that's why our ribs are cages” which is meant to illustrate that the heart cannot be governed, that it will go anyway it wants, that it is uncontainable, hence the “wild creature” title, and the heart being a “wild creature”, needs to be encased, limited, caged, hence the “rib cage”. This could symbolize a lot in terms of Madoka's character, but one of my theories is that Madoka's memories of every loop where Homura fought for her and never gave up, the realization that someone like Madoka, whom has never seen herself as worthy of anything, let alone love, unless she was helping or being of use to someome else, actually had someone all this time who's loved her for who she is, not what she can do for others, the clarity of “oh. this is the love letter I've always wanted,” the reciprocation of Homura's love that transcends time and space, all of that is locked away with the final memory wipe at the end of Rebellion. Maybe the metaphorical key to unlocking it is her finally regaining all of those memories, all of that love. Of course, she'd have to regain her godhood to do so. My second theory is that maybe this is meant to symbolize Madoka's ultimate sacrifice being locked away both as a means to keep her alive as a human and as a means to spare Homura anymore grief; maybe eventually Homura's acceptance of her death and acknowledgement of her grief will be the symbolical key to unlocking Madokami... which unfortunately will kickstart the inevitable battle between God and the Devil.
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ratssad · 4 months
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Shii, the magical girl who writes Yu’s list is finally out ! I even got to pull her :3
That eye effect in her transformation…. That’s the doppel transformation effect, right….?
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wazzuppy · 6 days
More analysis here.
Okay. So in this clip with Madoka and Homura dancing, Homura's eyes are clearly pink— just like her devil form. Her eyes gained that coloring after she took Madoka's godhood and its a visual indication of her power.
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But in this clip of her looking in the mirror, her eyes are purple again. And she looks shocked.
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She looks confused, like this is something that shouldn't be happening.
Now, what does this mean? I don't know. We've not seen enough of the movie to properly theorize, but I do think there's at least something we can gather from this.
First of all: her outfit is completely different. In the dancing scene, she has a black collar and black headband (one that's distinctly not the black one she usually has— note the silver stripe in the middle). But in the mirror, she has a white collar and is wearing Madoka's ribbons. She wore those ribbons after Madoka ascended to godhood, and also after Homura rewrote the world. When she and Madoka met again at the end of Rebellion, she gave her the ribbons back and doesn't wear them in the final few minutes of the movie.
So I think mirror scene may take place right after Homura reset the world, when she's becoming accustomed to her new powers and how they affect her. Maybe the beginning of the movie will show Homura's process of creating the new world?
Secondly, the hand mirror she has does not at all look like something she'd normally use. She's never been associated with the beach, ocean, or seashells before. But you know who has? Sayaka. Her witch form is based on a mermaid and her attribute in Magia Record is Aqua (water). So this is could be Sayaka's mirror and Homura somehow got her hands on it.
Next, the text surrounding it. "Dumme" is a German word that translates to stupid, and Venus is the Roman goddess of love. Regardless of if the mirror belongs to Sayaka or Homura, the message is the same— they're being called a stupid goddess. Stupid for loving.
Both these girls have a complicated history and relationship to their romantic feelings. Sayaka's reason for becoming a magical girl and eventual transformation into a witch were both kickstarted by her feelings for Kyosuke. As for Homura, she's pretty blatantly coded to have internalized homophobia and she views her feelings for Madoka as being evil.
I have no idea if this mirror or Homura's eye color will have any real significance, but I find it fascinating nonetheless.
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vantascore · 1 year
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I am not joking this is now all I think about
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cocoa-bird · 1 year
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OK last small theorizing off of the trailer on poster but there’s like multiple homura in both the shots with this tower and on the key visual there are multiple homuras??
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willofasherah · 6 days
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I have two theories for what's even going on here
my initial thought was that this is Homura doing...well...something that post-Rebellion Homura would do... there's even her lizard motif showing up again in conjunction with her magic
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2) this is one of the other girls (Mami, Sayaka, etc.) giving a very graphic demonstration of just how much control Homura has over this new world
namely the fact that Homura will NOT let them die because...well, that would just break Madoka's heart
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A very random Scene 0 theory
Okay, hear me out.
Everyone keeps saying Mabayu looks/acts like an OC, being thrown awkwardly into the main cast, and retconned into existence. I’m here to propose that that’s intentional.
Mabayu wasn’t supposed to be part of the main cast and was just “edited out”. Mabayu WISHED to be part of the main cast. She wished to be a protagonist. That’s why everything is film reels, that’s why she has scissors. She isn’t cutting scenes out, she’s PASTING HERSELF IN. She’s splicing herself into a group and a series of events that she was never supposed to be involved with. She’s an editor, not a deletion. Note, too, that her magical girl outfit is centered around the film reels. If she was just a normal magical girl thrown out, why would her magical girl outfit reflect that? Shouldn’t she have made her wish beforehand? Shouldn’t it have been based around the wish she had pre-cut? Unless, of course…the film stuff related to her wish. In the era of film, most editing amounted to literally cutting and pasting on a reel…and she has a pair of scissors. She’s the one doing the editing. She’s the one with the editing tools.
That’s why her color scheme is wrong, that’s why her outfit is different, that’s why her involvement is so freaking forced. She’s a self insert OC of HERSELF.
Anyways that’s my theory of the day have a good night y’all
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i-hear-a-sound · 10 months
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tl;dr if the next time we see accord again she has her hair down you’ll see me on the news
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its-gettin-weird · 6 months
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"People are creatures who cant live without loving someone. But since they're creatures who can't love something that's strange or revolting, then by process of elimination, they can't live without loving something they can love."
It's her. The meat woman.
tbh, I don't really know anything about her asides from the stuff that I read on her wiki / Birth of Authority from Wish document and stuff that people in the fandom have said about her, so idk how accurate this would be to her lol but I think I have a gist for what her deal is XD
For Capella, I was going for a kind of butcher aesthetic, but with some touches of demon / dragon elements because iirc she transforms into a dragon at some point (also I think she already has a demonic vibe to her + just... how she is in general), and she 'butchers' people's bodies into grotesque shit. That's also the reason why her weapons are meat cleavers, to go with the whole 'butcher' theme. I also wanted to have a sort of clashing of cutesy / risqué elements in her outfit to go with the contrast of her appearance versus her personality, hence the ruffles + bows in her outfit paired with the latex top, gloves, and pencil skirt. I had no idea what to do with her at first, because her outfit in canon is literally just. A bikini. And some other shit. Aside from a color scheme I had no real 'theme' to go off of, just scantily clad outfit. I was at first gonna go for something like a mad nurse / surgeon vibe cause of how she alters people, but being a butcher just fits so much better for her and goes with her vibes really well. Also I think she's been called 'meat woman' in the LN or WN before so it makes sense lol XD
The authority from a wish document basically says that she wants to be loved by everyone and believes that people only love someone's appearance / looks are all that matter, so she wants to make everyone else around her look disgusting so that they only love her, and says her 'wish' is to turn others into something revolting, so that's what she probably wished for, giving her the ability to transform herself and others into whatever she wants.
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So, there's the visual elements out of the way.
Furthermore, puellamagi wiki states "In modern film and literature, snow globes often symbolize childhood, innocence or so-called "happy days." (Adding onto the idea that that girl is Elly because shes younger)
She also is the only girl in the trailer (aside from Madoka and Homura) to actually be interacting with anyone else, being Nagisa, which matches up with her familiar's idea of being paired up: one winged angels.
I've had the idea that Elly / Kristen would have been a young girl for a long time, since puellamagi wiki says H.N stands for handle name, and Elly also has references to Idols (on her TV screen, and allegedly her name being a reference to Eri from Idolm@ster), I thought she might have run a fanblog/forum etc.
Thats everything for Cinnamon Buns.
Finally, we move onto our final girl, only left with Elsa Maria:
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To be honest, this is where my theory fails because I don't really know enough to connect the two! We can't see her face or infer anything, and all we see is her shooting an arrow from homura's bow and then jumping off. So for now, she's just taking the final spot. (PART TWO OF TWO)
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terephin · 5 months
Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!
Anyways, I'm gonna ramble now. Introduction segment done.
So, Homura right? Homuhomu, Homegirl herself. She's a deeply broken girl.
I'm gonna talk about what I believe to be some of the why's, beyond just the looping itself.
Now, other than Madoka (A topic for an entirely different rant, honestly) and maybe Oriko (I mean, *gestures vaguely* look at the bitch, she's good at her job (Traumatizing Homosexuals)) I'd say a certain girl has hurt Homura more than anyone else.
Miki Sayaka. (Though you could argue Mami too) Now some might think this has to do with the general fragility of her mental state, but her witching out isn't what I'd say is the focus. It's the distrust.
Sayaka, despite how i usually see it passed over, was in the end one of Homura's first friends (Excluding maybe one or two people from before her surgery, but we haven't seen much implying Homu ever had friends before Madoka picked her up like a stray cat). Sayaka was, and is, someone who's opinion Homura values quite a bit, and her opinion of Homu herself hasn't exactly been good through much of the loops.
And here, I'd like to argue that this is a rather core hurt, part of turning Homura into who and what she is now. That rejection from someone who she knew as among the first to accept her, from one of her first friends.
Imagine, for a moment, the pain each time she was called evil, a monster, by that upbeat girl who was so strong and so brave. The girl that, if you ask me, looking back at Homu with the golfclub, she tried to model herself after.
It really is something I've seen quite a few fics forget, that Homura and Sayaka were friends in the beginning, that in the mind of the broken girl who doomed herself to never grow up they still are. (Sidenote : I've considered writing a snippet of Homura and Sayaka set in the Homurinth, or maybe in that world she made after her apotheosis, have them talk and have Sayaka mention that she came with in part to apologise, for all the hurtful words she'd spoken.)
Miki Sayaka is a brave, headstrong yet fragile girl, one that you can't help but admire, and I believe that Akemi Homura was swept up in that wave too. That, though they've both respectively forgotten and repressed the fact, Sayaka was an idol in the mind of that lost, lonely girl, a Hero amongst those who saved her. And perhaps that, too, is why Homura despises Sayaka's ambition to be such.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 5 months
Crack Madoka theory time
Mami is Gretel. Yes as in Hansel and Gretel.
Mami has a very European theme to her. She wields a weapon first made in Europe, she is blonde (a pretty European trait to posses), she has a whole thing around tea, the dance she does in her Rebellion transformation is based on Ice Skating which originated in southern Finland, and her standard unit Magia Record Transformation gives her a fashion design theme, where she rocks what I’d consider fairly standard modern clothing (which most of originated from Europe because imperialism).
“Oh but briar, sure she has a european theme, but like what the fuck does that have to do with Hansel and Gretel-“ shut the fuck up who told you that you were an adequate enough person to interrupt me while I’m ranting and raving about PMMM again. I don’t know if your familiar, but the names Hansel and Gretel are very European. So there is basis in assuming that Mami of all characters could be tied into a western fairytale. Okay okay okay I know I know, Sayaka is the little mermaid, Homura is Clara and the nutcracker, and Kyoko is Ophelia/the little match girl. And yes, dear viewer, you’d be right, but again, who the fuck told you you got to interrupt me, dick hole??? Now 3/4ths of those come from their witch theming, and if you know absolutely anything about Candeloro, you’d know that she’s just a fucking amalgamations of European things: Tea parties, decapitation, and a hostage taker. Candeloro is a lot of things, but a direct fairytale inspiration she is not.
So let me go over the similarities Mami shares with one Gretel Last-Name-Unknown. She’s an orphaned underaged girl (some of you fucks need to remember that second descriptor) who gets eaten by a witch who lives in a house made of sweets. Well yeah, those are the obvious, but what about the implications?
Gretel and Mami both play the roles of harbingers of what’s to come. Both sew metaphorical and literal breadcrumbs for what is ahead of them and what truly lies behind the fairytale. For Mami, this is her death and the truth behind being a magical girl. For Gretel, this is a bunch of bullshit I made up to sound cool. Mami and Gretel also play the role of a nurturing figure, as Gretel is the eldest of the siblings and Mami of the quin-sex-sept-oct-whofuckingknowsanymore-tet. Gretel and Mami also both die for their cardinal sin: gluttony. Gretel is too eager to escape her starvation and consumes the poor witches house, a misdeed that costs her life; Mami is too eager to escape her touch starvation and tries to convince two of the local lesbians to join her cult so she won’t die alone, and because of that, she’s dies in front of them. Gretel and Mami also both play the role of the fool, with both entering what is clearly a trap.
In conclusion, Mami is Gretel, and if you try to convince me otherwise I’m going to become Mami in that one timeline and shoot you all and then myself.
Thank you and I hope you have a very nice day :3
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