#pocket sized that one
intotheelliwoods · 3 months
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Messy Future Poptart + One doodles from tonight <3 @dianagj-art One is but a sack of pointy potatoes.....
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digit4lech0 · 16 days
Pocket sized medic
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uukipi · 2 months
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lucien on his way to give a gift to elain and b ignored for the 50th time
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leulahart · 4 months
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"I don't know where you pulled that cheery, wavy girl on the chariot from, but I haven't seen her before or since."
just some book 1 capitol styled katniss doodles because she is sooo baby girl
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misc oldish scribbles i found of these two being Sweet <3
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merakiui · 3 months
Okay speaking of magical girls.... Evil villain tako that has a crush on the cute magical girl at NRC but he doesnt know shes the magical girl that's trying to thwart his evil plan of taking over sage's island mwhaha
YES YES YES. And every week he gets his ass handed to him. You're determined to keep Sage's Island safe!!!! He's trying to get to know you through the fights. The (one-sided) sexual/romantic tension is too much. Tako who flirts at every chance during your fights... you genuinely want to take him out (defeat him), but he wants to take you out (on a date). And it's so obvious he's down bad for you, but you have no idea he's Azul Ashengrotto (your fellow classmate) and he has no idea of your identity either. Azul's trying to balance his love for the magical girl he fights on weekends and his darling classmate who he sees during the week hehe. How fortuitous that they are the same person.
Please imagine that trope where the villain ensnares the hero in tentacles, but it ends up looking more erotic than threatening....... orz evil villain tako whose tentacle is holding you upside down by the ankle and he's monologuing about how he'll take over the island and you'll get to watch, powerless against him. But then he looks at you and your skirt has flipped up and he's granted a gratuitous panty shot!!!!!!! Tako who gets a nosebleed on the spot. He's such a loser pervert. <3
Omg omg or you're squirming in the tentacles and ranting about how you'll get him for this, but Azul's trying so hard not to give into the horny thoughts because the way the tentacles are looped around you and squeezing is so attractive to him.
Like that one scene where Stocking's fighting the octopus ghost LOL.
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arolegos · 5 months
LLOYD GARMADOOOONNNNN YESSSS He deserves to be loved 😩🫶🏾
TRUE!!! he deserves all the love fr... :3 his siblings got him tho 💪💪
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sibling love for him!!!! :P
i just think everyone on the team gets the most intense cuteness aggression when they see lloyd ok he's just a little guy . hes their Son (collectively)
And this little xtra :3 :
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i was gonna colour all this but Im lazy ..............
/ DO NOT tag as ship
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fairypaw · 1 year
Because like the moon and the earth i will ALWAYS . gravitate back to the firesand fam in ravens manga you actually dont understand i WILL die for them .
so here have another collage because ive definitely made one before somewhere
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leggalese · 3 months
you are so real for having phoenix as a favorite he's the best character out of everyoen 🙏🙏 he makes me happy by looking at him
we all need a phoenix wright in our lives
It's dangerous to go alone take this
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Haha thanks, and yes the blorbo makes us happy. I like your enthusiasm. Not sure if this was meant as just a private message but sorry I had to draw this...
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donotwishonme · 3 months
march 25: eyeliner - 728 words - @jegulus-microfic - sapphic jegulus
Another Saturday, another night out with her friends. James offered her flat for pre-gaming. She still has about twenty minutes before everyone is here. Though her most important guest is already here.
She enters the bathroom where Regulus is currently applying her lipstick, dark red, the last step in her make-up routine. James knows it, beginning to end. She goes to stand behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist, leaving small kisses on her shoulders.
Grey eyes meet hazel ones in the mirror. It’s not easy having such a pretty girlfriend, but it is a burden James is willing to bear. She grabs the eyeliner off the counter and holds it out to Regulus. “Can you help me with my eyeliner?”
Regulus takes her hand and guides her back to her bedroom and instructs her to go sit on the bed. She does as told. Regulus is standing between her legs, one hand under her chin tilting her head up, with the other she takes the eyeliner from James, using her mouth to uncap it. James takes the cap from between her lips placing it next to her on the bed.
She closes her eyes to let Regulus do her magic, but as soon as the pen touches her eye she flinches.
“James, fucking stay still or learn how to do this yourself,” Regulus told her sternly, pointing the eyeliner at her accusingly where she stood over her.
Regulus tries to continue, but she moves again, with the pencil so close to her eye, it’s involuntary. “Reg, I’m so sorry, I’m staying still now, I promise.”
“I should stab your eyes out, Potter, I swear to God.” A gasp escapes her lips as Regulus pushes her down on her back. Then she climbs on top of James, straddling her waist. James’ hands immediately find their way to Regulus’ hips, playing with the hem of her shirt. Regulus glances down at her hands. “Do not distract me.”
James’ hands have found their place underneath her shirt, palms pressed against the warm skin she finds there. Regulus bends over her again, faces close together, James loves Regulus’ face when she is concentrating, adores the little crease between her brows and the way she is biting her lip. “James, eyes closed.” 
“You’re just too beautiful, sweetheart,” she sighs before she complies with the request. The pen goes over her eyelids in one smooth motion, cold ink drying quickly. Staying still helps, it’s done within a few seconds. 
She hears the cap click back on the pen. Regulus places a kiss on her cheek, then whispers in her ear, “You can open your eyes again.” Regulus is busy inspecting her work, but James is admiring. Regulus looks like an angel. The light behind her, illuminating her. Her dark curls framing her face perfectly and her natural beauty even more enhanced by the make-up she is wearing.
“I love you.” It just slips out, she didn’t mean to say it, but she means it. The focussed look on Regulus’ face melts into a small smile. 
“I love you,” she repeats, this time with certainty behind it. “You don’t have to say it back, but I do, I love you.”
Regulus leans in closer, she can feel her breath on her lips. “I love you, too,” she whispers before connecting their lips.
It starts slow and gentle, with a new meaning. She loves me and I love her. It soon grows more passionate. The hands James still has under Regulus’ shirt roam over her back. Soft nips turn into hungry bites. 
Before it can evolve into anything more the doorbell rings. Regulus groans and lets her head fall to the side on James’ shoulder. “I’ll get it.”
She straightens her shirt and leaves to open the door. James takes a moment before she follows. She loves me and I love her. It’s a wonderful feeling.
She rounds the corner just as Regulus pulls open the door. Before she can even greet them, Barty and Evan burst out laughing. She doesn’t understand until Regulus turns around to shoot her a confused look. The red lipstick. It’s smeared all around her lips and she guesses she is sporting a similar look.
There is a moment of silence between them before, they too, burst out in laughter. This is what being in love looks like.
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minubell · 5 months
could you please mairon giving alue the middle finger sorry
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POV: You are Aule
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addictvettel · 1 month
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Teen Seb I adore you
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jasakime · 4 months
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Kiss the Gale! ♥
I'm late to this trend but I really wanted to do my own version! OG Twitter post Full Page below !
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months
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Welcome to the environmental lore photo collection that took me three weeks to do! We shall see if we can fit all the photos in!
Okay! For purposes of this compilation I'll not be talking about either seasonal areas or the war! Because those are whole separate topics, and well...
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We know enough. Also, I had to lighten several photos, so they might look slightly off to experienced players. It's so you can see!
So, the very first area -
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Forgive the quality, this is their second compression lmao. As you can see, we start off with pretty standard Sky Kingdom architecture - blue stone with pale blue paint, topped with gold almost-spikes. There's a landing area from valley (middle left) but it's almost entirely flooded with cloud so good luck landing on it now lol. An overhead walkway (bottom left) that only appears elsewhere in the valley citadel and skate race. Unsurprising, given the proximity.
The interesting things are the campfire, the lanterns, and the broken bridge (top left, right, and bottom right respectively).
The huge campfire and the rows of lanterns speak of low light levels and temperatures. The nature of the wasteland is pollution and corruption, so it's easy to think the thick, dark cloud layer blocking out the sun is a result of that, and thus came about later in the timeline. But it seems to be early enough that ancestors made their own countermeasures to the darkness.
The broken bridge, of course, led down. It's sizable. I wonder what it looked like, before the hurricane? Perhaps they used shuttle boats like the village of dreams? Unlikely - there's no boat debris anywhere on either side, but it's an interesting thought. Either way, it tells us the hurricane wasn't always there...
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^ Enter the wasteland proper, and you're met with this. Everything is half buried in sand, the water is toxic, and there's not a candle to be seen (except of course on cake days, as you will see later XD) - this will remain true for the whole realm. Under the hooked arch in the bottom pic is the sapling (clinging on for dear life, surely) and the dock leading to Enchantment.
What purpose the listing building in the centre pic does, I don't know, but if you squint under the left arch in the bottom picture, you'll see there's another one (with nothing inside). Given its placement, it could be assumed one had to pass through it to reach the main entrance. It's highly unlikely they were homes.
Similarly, all those giant broken arches could have enclosed a vast area the size of a small town (figuratively, if we consider the dream village and the aviary) - they're all pointing at each other (as best they can). Valley has proven the smaller version of these are to be walked on, so perhaps guards or manta riders could patrol on them? You do crashland enter under the only standing arch, after all.
The paths, centre right, also seem to be doing badly. Their solidity and thickness means they're not simple flagstones or paving like other areas in sky - they're heavy duty, lined with I believe to be more of that golden metal that bent instead of crumbled. They were built over unsteady ground. Whether that be the sand and toxic water they sit in now or just normal water remains to be seen.
If you look left, you'll see a distant... Factory of some kind. Middle left picture. Pipes leading in or out of it. Whatever it is, production, water purification, waste disposal, it probably doesn't work anymore. If you've played Journey (sky's predecessor), it's strongly reminiscent of an area where you build a temporary bridge connecting the broken arches so you can cross into the enormous building ahead. It's a fantastic sense of scale, to realise that this ancient civilisation ringed a significant portion of way around the base of this gargantuan mountain.
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Half buried statues guard the crumbling entrance - smaller than the gigantic ones in the valley stadium, but pretty much the same otherwise lol. Given the amount of buried rubble around them and the chasm in the stone above, did something burst in... Or out? The mystery isn't solved on the inside, but at least the corridor isn't completely blocked. Sky kid (me!) for scale! It's interesting, how apart from the obviously ceremonial dramatic valley statues, these are the first things we see of anything resembling combat or even weapons. A culture which has a concept of militaristic might. They're guarding something important. (Vault, duh.)
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No! Unlike what you'd think, the important thing becomes clear immediately. The collosal, toppled bell (I always wondered if they were hollow), the odd ceremonial structure it landed by (top left), those funny diamond bells (top right, top left if you squint), the studded cylinders (bottom left). The hastily stacked rubble blocking the krill's sight (bottom middle), the ripped open roof (bottom right).
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It's identical to the forest elder shrine. This is a temple. Could this have been the original location of the wasteland elder shrine? The only remaining proof of a secret eighth elder, now subsumed?... A cool shaped building the architects took and ran with? We don't know. Whatever it was, it was clearly of great import. Most likely ceremonial, or for worship, or, heck, the equivalent of a podium specifically for big grand speeches. When the roof was there, it was an enormous, grand room, guarded by stern stone giants twice over and blocked by the same great doors that hide the forest glade. The ones that light up and spin and only open after meditating and meeting the elder...
There's no sign of those doors now, which is impressive. Probably where they got the stone for the krill blockade and the hiding places along the little bridge. Good thing they're gone, then, because those magic hinges seem to have run out of juice and gone dark. My theory is they were there to keep people out - a barrier between the last traces of peace and the battle torn graveyard we're about to walk into. (Another potential point in the 'prev wasteland elder location' - an ancestor would have to pass through him to enter, and the enemy on the way out.)
There's pipes now, too - I can only believe they were a later addition, given how haphazardly they coat the walls, and the industrial pollution aesthetic much more suited to the grimy, bleak wastes of today than the gilded ceremonial hall this once was.
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Just off the left after the main temple area, there's a large room, ceiling also torn off. I can only describe them as pedestals, but what stood on them I don't know. My first thought when I found this place as a moth was a wardrobe/constellation/friend constellation thing, but it's??? Eh. If it were statues, they're long gone with no sign, and they're not big enough for anything mobile. This room served a function, that much is clear, but if decorative or practical I doubt we'll ever know.
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^ The graveyard. This is its actual name, I believe. Fitting. The wasteland title promised us Vault, that's all this place is now good for, so that must be the vault we see looming in the background, tower reaching into the low clouds. (If you've played Journey, you're already familiar with the tower idea, so it's easy to slot the two together.)
Here you'll find, uh, krill. There's four here, the highest concentration of krill in all sky lmao. You'll find giant skeletons. You'll find sand. Toxic water. And that's kind of it.
Interesting things abound, however! There's a fleet of sunken, broken boats (middle left), a campfire now overgrown with dark plants (not shown) and a giant crab roasting campfire with a poor, beloathed by the community, crab loving spirit (middle). We can only assume he's the one who built the campfire! Thanks dude! Please have an easier relived memory! (should we call it a seance??) Now, given the guy is an elderly dude who carries a guitar and spends his time chasing crabs all across the dang map, he's probably not a warrior. Heck, with the amount of crabs, he probably arrived after the pipes. After the war, even? On the middle right pic is the weirdly undecorated entrance to the sunken ship.
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Of course I looked at the skeletons and compared them! Each wasteland one had tiny scratches or notches in the spine spikes, and yes they aren't there on the other, but otherwise the size and shapes are identical! These skeletons are whales, as proven by the skeleton in forest haunted by the whale whisperer! The poor forest whale died of head injury colliding with the building, so there's every chance these guys were also used in warfare for similar reasons - maybe even specifically bred to fight the krill - but it could also have been a tragedy of mass extinction during what turned the graveyard into what it is today. :( That you can find a Rythm spirit in a skull tells us the troupe came about a LONG time after the deaths.
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^ To the shipwreck! The first pic I caught during the shard event (though they landed all the way in prairie!) lol. It looks so ominous... Outside of the seasonal enchantment beauty, this is the biggest vessel in the game, and much more utilitarian. Unlike SS Enchantment, this thing was a tanker, not a home for those on board.
Featuring - the only decorated pipes in the kingdom (middle left)! Life boat deployment cranes (bottom left)! A beached lifeboat, bottom right :(. A boat still attached (feat me). More of those weird diamond bells for cargo, which proves they were a valued commodity and at least semi mass produced and shipped around the kingdom! More than the craftsman in prairie, or the tree fellers in forest, they prove a thriving, stable kingdom steadily advancing in technology and society! And the boat being pointed to the temple - incoming goods? Potentially, for Vault?
The krill decided it didn't want to be in the top pic, but I swear he's there XD... Most likely what sank the ship, tbh. It's not caught on some rock, or ledge, or ditch. In fact, the bottom is more intact than the top!... I think the krill escaped the warzone and caught the arriving ship, possibly spotting an unlucky crewmate through those big arched windows. The memory of the saluting captain walks the wreckage of his ship, sending away a loyal crew member on the second last life boat, back out to sea. Whether it's the boat dashed on the rocks or if they escaped the krill I don't know, but we know the captain didn't. Crab whisperer passes through later, so we know the light seekers are also post event.
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We've reached the entrance to the vault! It's.. Smaller than it looks from a distance. Vault must be a shorter building hidden behind it, or far enough away it vanishes into the smog. Under a shard event sky, the black waters look like blood.
The first thing you see of the battlefield is the large, imposing building, now listing to one side and rimmed with stakes (cheval de freise, if you want to be fancy. Large caltrops... When your mounts and enemies can fly). There's only one spirit here, lookout (middle left). Whether it was supposed to be a temporary building (UNLIKELY) or whether they didn't build it properly and the sandy ground subsided over the aeons that have passed between then and now is up to interpretation, but at least this time the lack of roof seems intentional. I'm more annoyed it doesn't line up with the temple, I had to stand literally on the right wall to get the bottom picture and it's still slightly left!
Lighting the crystal triggers three krill to emerge from the ground and start hunting. (One time I visited some unknowing friends who triggered the gate... A krill emerged less than a metre from me with no warning... Terrifying XD.) Previously they used to spawn basically on top of the players and you had to run for your LIFE, but now they take a leisurely stroll in your direction, so you've got plenty of time to wander your way to safety. Maybe stop and get an ice cream. Boring :/. In terms of lore very fascinating and scary, given the last stand and the aurora concert both seemed focused on defending the crystal. This whole time... It was rigged. By which side, I don't know.
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The shrine! ^
From the outside, a large, ominous building covered in pipes and statue towers. On the inside, an octagonal chamber many stories high. Like the rest of wasteland, what little decor there is is chockers with that hollow star shape that symbolises light, the king, all that good stuff. There's six ginormous double doors ringing the chamber, all tightly shut. My first thought was six realms, one war council. Nothing to prove or disprove that lol. It would have been a great place for diplomacy, though, without the shrine statue. Sand everywhere, probably through the gaps in the ceiling lol. Beautiful door.
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Wasteland elder himself!!! His weapons are the ones arranged on his shrine - whether that means he can manifest in the world and grab them or if they're stone recreations of the ones he carries at all times, I don't know. He's never been seen in any memory or cutscene of war, so maybe he can't manifest... We know the isle elder can, in the song runaway of aurora. His space is the very same place as the Crystal outside his chamber, facing out, and he points his spear towards where the kings star would be, the crowning jewel of his tower. We can safely assume whatever his role, he was defending Vault and Eden behind it. And he succeeded.
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There's so much to talk about with the vault door. Top left, the closed wasteland/vault door. Bottom left and right, the closed forest door. Centre and top right, the open vault door. You'll notice more diamond shapes and boat imagery. But in wasteland, the jewels that presumably power the great door are missing, black. The double switches, inactive. Even when activated, no line traces up and no light appears - only the outlines of the stars and speckled lights hidden on the door itself. If that's not divine intervention from the elder, I don't know what is lol.
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Pass through into vault, and see its beauty untouched. But turn around, and see the mounds of golden sand blown in from Wasteland, settling in the still air. Vault acknowledges its protector.
Some final thoughts:
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^ For some reason, probably that it's the only place it's not very visible, the shipwreck is the only place where the kings star is absolutely massive and has a ring. Every other place, it's normal! It's probably an old design tgc forgot to update with the rest lmao.
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^ An entirely accidental realisation due to my research. Man I love environmental storytelling. Nearly every detail of the mask matches the skull! The IMAGERY.
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^ My first attempt to get a good shot of wasteland instead caught a first person witness to an expert krill dodger! I didn't get to talk to them, but know you were caught being very cool in high definition!!
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^ I didn't get to talk about this theory before, but every entrance and exit to the graveyard and next door shipwreck EXCEPT their connecting corridor are all huge drops in altitude. Both are the only places you find boats. Both are sodden with black water. The ground is uneven. There's whale skeletons. My theory is that these areas were once entirely submerged! Water areas! Shipping and naval battles and cargo! Abyss proves krill can survive perfectly under water - and all emerging krill do so from water!! It'd explain the sand and the debris and the beached boats and all!
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Elder shrines do like their slitted roofs. This is prairie. 'S why I wasn't theorising about the sand in wasteland lol. Gotta get the dramatic shafts of light from somewhere!
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The open door and two beautifully poised strangers - well done on completing wasteland! I hope you enjoy vault!!
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Pipe theory: these things pop up at the entrance to wasteland and follow you all the way through to the shrine, disappear in vault, and then reappear. They go all the way to the point of no return in eden!!! They're either taking something up, or, considering the amount of pipes that open into black water areas, the general gravity situation of vertical pipes... It's likely they were siphoning something away. Sewer pipes, but evil. Maybe trying to wash away whatever corruption happened to the Eye? It didn't work... Poisoned the waters instead. Maybe they carried water up to the Eye like a kingdom sized cooling system and that drained the waters??
And the photo that started this whole thing, the day I climbed the wasteland temple...
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that's not smog. That is a wall. That is the biggest wall I have EVER seen.
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Do you see the line under the clouds? The sky box? The 'horizon'?
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softpine · 5 months
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at midnight last night i finished this bag because i decided i hated the colors too much to continue even for practice and then i discovered it kinda looks like a vagina inside. slay
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