#pokémon 4ever
w3bkinz-t0yb0x · 3 months
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maddymoreau · 1 year
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phlurrii · 1 year
somehow the cage made me think of the ball used on celebi in 4ever(?) but I knew that wasn't quite right
2000 was probably the only oldie movie I didn't manage to watch
I love that a bunch of people immediately caught on the cage ball was from a Pokémon movie, the useless knowledge is strong in this fandom. Though now that you mention it, I can definitely see it!!
But 2000 only came out 2 years before 4ever and was Lugia’s premier too! Initially Lugia was suppose to be a movie exclusive, but it was too good so they added it as the second Gen 2 box legend! That’s more widespread knowledge nowadays tho, I just think it’s neat ;3
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017 + 2020
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Pokemon anime
1 + 2. Harriet
3. Amber
4. Annie
5. Calista
6. Diana
7. Eliza
8. Forsythia
9. Freesia
10. Giselle
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pkmnprideflags · 1 year
Lizzie Watches Anipoke, Special Edition - "Celebi: The Voice of the Forest"
We've moved to the first Pokémon movie not written by Takeshi Shudo, and I can tell the difference. Not necessarily in a bad way; I liked this movie a lot, actually. But this movie is creatively different than the earlier ones. As an artist, Shudo is drawn to telling broad stories about nature in the movies. Despite what Revelation Lugia's English dub title would have you believe, Shudo's three Pokémovies all are less focused on Ash and co. and more on showing off the grand powers of Pokémon. Though this film still features Celebi and Suicune doing epic feats, it is comparatively far more invested in Ash, Sam, and its other human characters. This has both its strengths and its weaknesses; Ash is a far more active agent in this movie than he is in some others, but that is at the price of focusing less on Celebi and Suicune.
Ash and Sam's friendship was really cute, which made me have a kneejerk reaction to ship them, but then I remembered that I've seen this movie before and remembering the twist made me have an Apollo Justice Shipping Moment
Also, can we talk about the implications of this movie on literally the entire anime. Did Oak intentionally save a Pikachu for Ash to obtain when he turned 10 because he knew that Ash had to have one. Did he freak out when Delia had a son and announced his name. Rewatching the first episodes of the anime with this in mind will make you speculate like a madperson
Y'know, for the first 50 minutes of the movie, I really appreciated that it only used CG for the backgrounds and effects, rather than like the Unown in the third movie. I liked that they kept all of the main characters in 2D so we could appreciate their expressions better. And then Celebi made its 3D twig monster thing and I took back all of the above bc that thing looked horrendous
I liked that Team Rocket got a happy ending this time. They were just vibing in a magic lake together after a long day. Honestly friendship goals
I also think it's funny in a macabre way that the movie never clarifies what happened to the Marauder. Like, the implication is probably that after he got tied up he was turned in to the police, but like. We don't know that. What if the Pokémon beat his ass. What if the boat guy who was cracking his knuckles helped. What if Towa and Diana helped
EDIT: something I just remembered that was bothering me - why doesn't Ash recognize Suicune from when he saw it upon first arriving in Johto? I assumed that encointer was gonna come back later so I've been paying attention for signs of Suicune, and now Ash just doesn't remember it? This mfer can remember when he saw Ho-Oh 200 episodes ago but can't remember Suicune
Also I swear to God if this anime never brings back the Ho-Oh thing I am going to fight someone. Either it better appear during his time in Johto or like, his departure episode better feature him encountering it again or something, idk. If Ho-Oh turns out to be another GS Ball then I will flip
Overall, definitely a weird movie and a turning point for cinematic Pokémon. I think I prefer Shudo's style of screenplay just for the sheer sense of scale it gives, but I still liked this one more than The Power of One. A canon-changing but solid entry into the Pokémon franchise.
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
Front facing Wizard Celebi 💪
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Went through the teen plushie liker plight of being made fun of for an impulse buy two seconds after and hating this guy for a while because of that but I've come around because look at that face. Look at that cloak and leaf hat. I'd let them curse my bloodline
oh this is fucking adorable. i didn't know a Wizard Celebi aesthetic even existed, unless this is unofficial—the only thing i remember was the thing they did for halloween one time. i like this. this is good. here have some nose ratings about it:
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dunno about wimpod. i feel like they're just scared. typically this is not a very Good emotion to have. i think it's in the name. Wimp od
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theanontrain · 8 months
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"What a nice lad, it's too bad we never see Sammy again like all the other Pokemon anime characters. Ever. Oh well."
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arabian-batboy · 11 months
Rewatching old Pokémon movies and I came to this conclusion:
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skydalorian · 1 year
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Scenery from Pokémon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest (2001,2002)
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marinecorvid · 7 months
The problem, generally speaking, with having been a paranoid squirrelly little fuck of a kid means when you remember something exists and want to find it, you have to try to remember all fifteen thousand hidey spots in your childhood bedroom, and then wrack your brain trying to remember MORE when what you’re looking for doesn’t turn up in any of the expected locations
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w3bkinz-t0yb0x · 9 days
Hi do you love Pokémon movies and if you do what is your most favorite Pokémon movie? By the way I love your profile It looks incredible🏅🥇🏆🏅🥇🏆💖💝✨️💝💖🫂🫂✨️✨️✨️
hello, thank you! <3 my top fave is pokémon lucario and the mystery of mew! pokémon 4ever voice of the forest is high up there too!
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bens-things · 1 year
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Pokémon 4Ever (2001) dir. Kunihiko Yuyama
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thequantumranger · 7 months
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Pokémon 4Ever (2001)
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factual-fantasy · 2 days
17 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦩
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(Ask is in response to this ask post) (Frank walking in on Julie post) (Frank and Julie talk post)
YES YES!! EXACTLY!! :DDDD What I had in mind was it takes a lot of energy to maintain her "friendly form". So when ever she is sick or injured she has trouble maintain her form.. She usually deals with this by hiding away in her home until she recovers and can safely let people see her. She's also really good about keeping people from visiting her while she's ill. Saying she's too sick to be around..
Well one time she was sick for a biiiit longer than usual. Frank wouldn't admit it but he was worried, so he brought her some food and medicine. Only to open the door and see... well, yeah. Her true form. But in the end Frank accepted her for who she really was. And he respected her wishes and kept it all a secret. That was the day they became true best friends.. 🥺
The second one is more of a joke though XDD Just kind of a gag to hint at what's going on inside my Julies head!
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Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked my Octonauts fanart!! :DD
And I LOVE Octonauts! I'm just on break from drawing it right now.. been having some bad experiences with the fandom so I'm taking a step back for a bit.. <:'//
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Oh no no! Not at all! Don't worry- I didn't even realize you had sent more than one! XDD (If they were separate as asks that is-) I don't mind the extra ideas at all! My ask box isn't nearly as full as people think it is.. <XD
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It looks so soft... I want it... 🥺🥺💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
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@blade-liger-4ever (Uncle Iroh art in question)
AAAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm glad, he's one of my top favorite characters! Right next to Appa XDD
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Daww, thank you so much!! You're too kind!! :}}} 💞💞
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Aww!! Such a little guy :}}}
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I assume you meant for me to create an original Pokémon, but to be honest I think Furret suits me pretty well! <XDDD
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I don't mind at all! :D Let me go down the list-
Gardevoir♀️ - Gloria
Kricketot♀️- Anastasia
Meowscarada♂️- Midori
Ampharos♀️ - Bonnie
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Me? Give someone else a drawing suggestion? Huh.. well, how about a Dusknoir? Its my favorite Pokémon :))
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@volvoxweeb (Recent post in question)
Indeed it is! I couldn't resist buying the pack when it came to the switch <XDD The call is so pretty... 🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Oh! Thankfully I hardly ever get krilled. I have a slick trick I like to call "closing the game as fast as possible" XDD
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Great idea! I'll make a note of this! :))
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Oooo!! :00 I didn't know Avatar had an official comic series! :DD Thanks for letting me know, and I hope you have a nice day too! :))
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I actually love this dog
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da-proti-toku-grem · 3 months
*Knocks on ur door N leaves the package on the doorstep then falls flat on their face* ANOTHER DOUBLE DELIVERY STAMPED WITH MACA ON IT IN HUGE ASS LETTERS COMING IN HOT 4 YA!! :DD
(Fae! Bojan N Black cat! Jan boards cuz I saw those gigs videos N conjured up a whole ass AU where our Bojci’s a pretty lil fae boy who lives in a tiny tulip shaped house with Kris deep into the woods of Ljubljana N they causes chaos N get into misadventures in which domestic shenanigans ensues N then Janci gets a black cat! themed one cuz he’s just a fluffy lil black kitty in a trench coat 2 me ☺️☺️) Bojan would make such a pretty fairy N ofc his wings are pink cuz that’s his favourite colour N he’s so slay 4 that N he can use magic 2 play tricks on humans or other fairy’s while also being able 2 attract animals with his voice like a Disney princess,mostly butterflies or dogs afterall we don’t call him baby metulji or a sopping wet puppy 4 nothing (+ in this AU all the guys are fairies aswell N Jure runs a pretty successful restaurant in a little mushroom hut he built where Jan N Nace work N slowly fall 4 eachother where everyone can see they wanna kiss so badly except 4 them,also Käärijä’s apart of this world 2 but he’s a human who can turn into a fairy at will N he causes mischief with Bojan much 2 Kris’s dread after some of the incidents their chaos has caused😅).But Damon’s always there when he needs a break from the two (they sip tea out of lil flower cups N gossip over brunch).Out of all the Sanrio characters Chococat reminds me of Jan the most N they’d probably get along well together,maybe Igor would like the lil guy 2 + I was scrolling 4 what felt 4ever 2 find good pics N came across that photo of a black cat holding a lil teddy bear N KNEW I had 2 use it cuz of his very ✨noteworthy✨ friendship with a certain turtle owning,Pokémon loving,tattoo having,big brown eyed extremely gorgeous bassist who I am definitely normal about <————— (is lying out of their ass N is so so down bad 4 said bassist it’s not even funny).Also that photo of a cat playing the piano was mandatory cuz our beloved Janci is the prettiest piano man of all time N U just know he would get a tattoo of a black cat or Igor playing a guitar (I would fr die N ascend if he actually got a tattoo like DEAR *LORD* 😩😩) if he were a tiny fluffy black kitten tho he would so have huge “no thoughts head empty” eyes that look like plates N would just blink at U if U told him off 4 knocking glasses off the counter or meowing cuz he’s being picky about his food N won’t stop till U buy the food he wants (based on a true story when one of my cats yelled at me 4 an hour all cuz he was being bratty over not having his fave food in so I had 2 head 2 the store in middle of a snowstorm N they didn’t even have the food he wanted 💀).
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sorry i've been away all week and i'm just going through my inbox 😅
love all the details on the moodboards and the little stories you always write with each of them 🥰
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peekychu · 20 days
hi, ive loved your art forever, finally working up the courage to send an ask ahshdjfjf
when i was a kid i was really attached to the pokemon anime and i remember that one episode about the charmander being left all alone in the rain, and then being saved by ash and given a chance to recover, i remember projecting so hard onto it and wanting to be given that chance as well, to have someone save me like that. anyways, your art has always made me Feel Things, theres a very sentimental quality to your art and the way you design characters. i connect a lot with your sadder stuff as well. youre very good at storytelling in your work, especially that piece with ray about wanting to return to the places in your childhood but not ever experiencing them the same way. man, you hit that feeling right on the head.
anyways, where was i going with this. i struggle a lot with trying to reclaim some parts of my childhood, it took me a lot to even remember that i projected so much onto that charmander. but seeing a pikachu be so.. i dont know, happy about connecting with pokemon so much, it just, it means a lot to me. i used my imagination as escapism and id like to try and reconnect with it. i am using your art as a guide and as inspiration.. i feel like i can get close to that again.
i hope animal friends brings you joy and i will be so happy if you choose to share any of it. and im sorry about your job, ive been in that exact situation, stay strong
sincerely, one online animal beast to another <3
Oh my GOD, this ask is so touching idek where to start answering 😭😭😭 Wow, thank you!!!
Instant follow btw, ur drawings are so dynamic and sensory, and HOLY moly your anatomy skills 🤯 I’m super honored!!!
I honestly forget ppl ever see my more sad/melancholy drawings, I wasn’t expecting it to affect me so hard hearing someone mention it xD Drawing is one of the few vessels I can properly channel my emotions with, and there’s a lot more raw stuff I don’t share online. I never know if the catharsis I feel drawing the Heavier stuff translates, because I still center those drawings around silly animals xD
I’m so happy you were able to rediscover your connection with Ash’s charmander!! That episode always made me emotional too 💔 I can’t say where my lifelong fixation on Pikachu really began, but my mom told me that even before I engaged with anything pkmn related, I was just immediately enamored by seeing it at a store or on TV xD
Eventually she took me to see Pokémon 4ever in theaters, and I vaguely remember being instantly ENCHANTED by the little short movie before the actual film began. Those animated shorts of Pikachu with all its friends, no humans attached, were always this ultimate comfort fantasy for me to watch xD
As my identity and personality fluctuates, I always find it comforting being grounded in my connection to Pikachu. The episode where it refused to evolve stuck with me on a deep level too haha.
ANYWAYS UHH I can’t thank you enough for your kind words!!!! I am holding ur paw, you stay strong too!
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