#poly architechs
Poly architechs. Reblog. You agree
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hmshermitcraft · 1 month
Poly architechs? Please?
The last time Iskall, Grian, and Mumbo had all been together... Well, even they couldn't quite remember. It feels like Sahara was millions of years ago, even tho it was only a couple.
So Grian decides it's time for a reunion, sending both Mumbo and Iskall a fancy letter a la Iskall's initial invitation to the group. He sets up a fancy dinner for them and everything.
They spend the night catching up, and endlessly teasing each other about various things they've heard through the grapevine. Mumbo and Grian talk about their adventures, while Iskall relays the Vault Hunter news.
If the night ends with a steamy exchange in bed, well... That's their business.
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kingofthewolvez · 2 years
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They’re in love, they hate each other, they’re in a polycule, they’re divorced, they’d die for each other, they would kill the others 100 times what can I say
[ID: Various digital doodles of Iskall, Mumbo, and Grian. One shows mumbo hunched over and looking down at Grian, he says ‘Why are you so small’ and Grian has an annoyed expression. Another has Grian in front of Iskall and Mumbo saying, ‘If he is your boyfriend, why is she my girlfriend?”. Text next to Mumbo shows he is saying, ‘They’re both’. Iskall behind him has their hand on their face and says, ‘Dear me’. Another doodle shows Mumbo burning a pair of pants with Iskall distressed next to him. One doodle depicts Grian licking Mumbo’s face and saying, ‘You taste like drywall’. Mumbo looks disgusted at him, text next to him reads, ‘wtf’. Another image has Iskall holding a carrot towards Grian and saying, ‘Can you eat a vegetable please?”. Grian looks angry in front of him and says no. In the middle of the images are one of all three close to each other with Iskall and Grian on either side of Mumbo and the other of Iskall and Mumbo hugging close while looking at each other. There are hearts around both. End ID]
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Chapter 4- Eye of the beholder
Tw: none
“Come on Grian. You need to lay down.” 
“Mumbo I’m not a child.” 
Grian was trying to get up, to go work on his base. But Mumbo practically strapped him down into a bed. “Grian. You have a fever, and are actually hot enough to cook an egg on.” Mumbo said. Grian grinned widely. 
“Thanks mate.” He said with a soft chuckle. Mumbo’s eyes widened and he smacked the sick man’s arm. 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” He huffed. Grian looked around. Oh, when did he get into Mumbo’s base? He could hardly remember anything. He tilted his head away from Mumbo before sneezing into his arm. 
“Why...Why am I here?” He asked, “And not my own base?” 
“So I can work on mine and make sure you’re okay at the same time. Scar’s working with lava and he didn’t want someone with a fever to be near hot objects for too long. You got here after you passed out on us for a second time. So I picked you up and brought you here.” Mumbo said, standing above the newest hermit. His arms were crossed over his chest and his hip was jutted out. The position drew a giggle from Grian’s lips when he saw it, and he sighed gently. 
“So… I essentially have Mumbo Jumbo as my maid?” 
“Well. No. I’m not wearing a maids dress for you.” 
“Awww come ooon!!! It would really make me feel better.” Grian said cheekily. Mumbo sighed. 
Grian couldn’t believe his ears. This felt like Christmas and his birthday mixed into one! He had to school his shocked expression, before nodding. “Absolutely!” He said, before coughing into his elbow. “I can send you the outfit.” He said. And Mumbo was slightly confused and VERY interested why Grian had a maid’s dress on hand. He saw the sudden notification pop up on his communicator. He sighed, but when to go make his new best friend happy. 
Grian was grinning ear to ear, his eyes were glowing with chaos as he tried not to laugh hysterically. He watched Mumbo walk of into the little room behind his spawner, and laid down with his eyes facing the ceiling to let the other get dressed in peace. He could hear the mustached man complaining loudly, yelling about how he couldn’t even get the damn thing on. He covered his mouth as he listened to this, only having to wait another 15 minutes before Mumbo walked out of the little side room. 
It was short on him. Definitely so. But it was a classic esque black and white maids dress, with a very poofy skirt and a little cat head cut out into the chest, of which Mumbo had exposed. Mumbo’s black wings complimented everything nicely, the iridescent color showing in the torch light. Grian grinned widely, his eyes trailing down the others long ass legs. “D...Do you shave-?” He asked with a small chuckle, sitting up. 
Grian almost instantly fell back down again, his head spinning and his body feeling weak. “Woah there!” Mumbo ran over, the dress bouncing with his movements, “Don’t sit up okay? You might not have enough water in your system.” Mumbo said, digging in his inventory and pulling out a few water bottles and bread. “Eat and drink something okay?” 
Grian looked up and down Mumbo, grinning widely. “Yes maid~” He teased lightly. Mumbo rolled his eyes as his face went bright red. 
“What? You want me to call you master now?” He joked, and Grian laughed loudly. Or tried too, before coughing violently into his arm and groaning. Mumbo sighed, pressing a hand to Grian’s head. “Oh dear, you’re still burning up. I’ll call Iskall over to bring some ice okay?” He said, his voice gentle and full of concern. Grian nodded, turning onto his side and stretching out his wings. Mumbo looked down at the brilliant red color, and absentmindedly pet the shooter limb. He jolted when he felt Grian shudder. 
“Oh-! Sorry I should’ve asked.” He said, looking away. He knew it was rude to do it. So why did he?? Grian just laughed softly, exhaustion getting the better of him. 
“Oh no. Don’t worry. Actually… um… Can you maybe… keep going-?” He mumbled, unsure of how to phrase himself. Mumbo chuckled, sitting down on his legs. Grian folded his wings against his back again, and hummed softly as Mumbo started to gently pet them. 
Oh god, when was the last time he had such a… calm, domestic moment?? He couldn’t remember. Grian sighed, his eyes pulling to a close as his body tried to drag him into sleep. “Ah ah ah.” Mumbo’s voice cut through the serine moment. “No sleeping until you at least finish one bottle of water.” He said. Grian whined, taking a bottle and downing its contents. He heard Mumbo chuckle. 
“If you forced me into a maids dress I can force you to drink water.” Mumbo rested his head against the bed, mindlessly petting Grian’s wings whilst thinking of redstone creations he could make this season. He had an idea for a shop, but it was vague. He only knew he wasn’t it to be huge, and sell everything. Looking down at his communicator he hummed, messaging Iskall to ask if he could get some ice to help calm down Grian’s fever. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the calm atmosphere. He felt connected to Grian, in an odd way. As if they met before in a past life, or some odd romantic crap like that. 
He shook out his thoughts, looking over to Grian. The smaller hermit snored in his sleep, and he chuckled. “Goodnight Grian.” He said softly, standing up. He walked over to a mirror, looking at himself in the glass. 
“Huh. I’m not too shabby now am i?” He asked no one, twirling his hips and watching the dress bounce and spin with his movements. It was honestly a little… short, on him. It went to about mid thigh on him. But he couldn’t help but think how absolutely adorable Grian would look in this. Then his mind wandered. “Wait… why does Grian have this anyways?” He asked, looking down at it. “Ya know… I don’t wanna know.” He said softly, looking back to Grian. “But at least it made him smile.” He sighed, running a hand through his slicked back hair. “At the cost of my dignity.” He chuckled, turning around and walking back over to the sleeping man. He took the bed and water off the bed, putting them back into his bag before he sighed, sitting down next to him- crossing his legs of course he’s no heathen. 
Mumbo climbed out of his starter base to start working on his mega base, just completely chill in working with a dress on. What? It was comfortable. It let his legs breathe more. He paused after around an hour of work, hearing loud coughing from underground. He quickly flew down to check on Grian, shooting Iskall another message asking for ice. He got down and saw Grian was sitting up, coughing into his elbow. The sort of barking cough that leaves your throat sore. 
“Grian lay down, I’ll get you some healing potions.” Mumbo said, Grian shook his head. 
“Mumbo… I wanna work on my base.” He said, clearing his throat and going to stand up. His legs shook under his own weight, and Mumbo walked over and picked him up, plopping him onto the bed again. 
“Not until you’re better.” He said, and Grian just stubbornly went to stand back up again. Mumbo- absolutely not thinking about his actions- just pushed Grian back down and sat on top of him. His legs on either side of Grian and forcing him to stay down. The red winged hermit grunted at the weight, whining. 
“Uhh what do we have here-?” The two squeaked and looked behind Mumbo, seeing Iskall holding a shulker box with the a bright red, flustered face, and a slightly amused smile. Mumbo looked down at the situation just as Grian looked up, the two yelping as Mumbo scrambled to get off Grian. 
“NOTHING!” The two shouted, their faces bright red and Mumbo hiding himself with his wings. Iskall laughed loudly at the scene in front of him, head thrown back and arms around his stomach sort of laugh. The other two couldn’t help but join in. They were only interrupted when Grian erupted into a harsh coughing fit again. 
Iskall rushed over, placing down the shulker box and pulling out some towels, wrapping the ice up and pressing it against Grian’s head. The two watched as Grian relaxed, his eyes closing. “Oh that’s nice.” Grian mumbled, not even realizing he was talking. Mumbo chuckled slightly. 
“Now you better stay in bed Grian! You’re gonna pass out if you stand up again.” Mumbo fretted. Iskall glanced at him. 
“He’s been trying to do stuff?” He asked, being able to feel the heat radiating off of Grian. Mumbo just nodded with a sigh. “Alright. How about you change out of that ridiculous outfit, and I make sure Grian stays in bed.”
“I’m right here you know.” Grian huffed, but made no effort to move his head away from the cold Iskall was bringing him. God it really did feel nice. Iskall laughed, and Mumbo just rushed off in embarrassment to change out of the outfit Grian had given him. 
“Soo.. You’re into maids huh?” Iskall asked, opening his huge brown and white wings. Grian could just barely see a bit of a golden tint to them as well. He stretched out the huge things, and Grian could hardly answer his question, just mesmerized by the beautiful appendages. “Grian?” Iskall looked at him, and Grian snapped out of it. 
“Oh! Uh, no, No i’m not. I just thought it be funny. Which it was.” He chuckled, grinning widely. Iskall laughed and nodded, turning around and leaning his side against the bed. He maneuvered his wings so one of them laid over Grian; effectively keeping him down. Grian started down at the feathers. 
“Yes you can.” 
Iskall’s voice made him jump again, but he nodded, moving his arm out from under Iskall’s wing and running his hand over the smooth, fluff filled feathers. Iskall folded his arms on the bed, leaning his head against them and just closing his one eye. Mumbo came back and gasped at the sight. 
“How come I didn’t  think of that!” He asked. Iskall laughed. 
“Cause you’re an absolute spoon.”
Scar climbed down the ladder into Mumbo’s base. “Hey Mumbo how’s Grian doing?” He asked, not getting an immediate response. He turned around, and his heart practically melted. 
The three hermits were either on or leaning against the bed, the three of them asleep. Iskall and Mumbo had a wing draped over Grian, with the blond hermit asleep. His forehead was covered in a soaking wet towel, and the three of them snored softly in their sleep. Scar chuckled, quietly walking over and around Iskall. He took the cold wet towel off Grian’s head, pulling one out of his inventory and wiping off the water from Grian’s head. He opened the shulker box next to Iskall, and nodded when he saw it was completely insulated on the inside, and the ice was still perfectly frozen. 
“Oh you three, you there are definitely gonna be something huh?” He asked with a soft chuckle. He put down a shulker box of carrots he brought from the shopping district, wrote a note telling the three to eat when they woke up, and climbed back out of the underground base. 
“The avian’s are all there?” 
The beings voice echoed gently. The being in question was tall, slim, and elegant. Their voice matched this perfectly, although having a slight venom in it. The word ‘avian’ was spat out of their mouth as if it were a slur. 
“Yes you’re Watchfulness.” A man bowed before the great being, not daring to make eye contact with them. 
“STOP! PLEASE! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Another voice from across the room sobbed. It was a man, clad in purple and gold robes, with dark brown skin, blond hair, and baby blue eyes. He was locked in a cage, a cage specifically meant to keep him trapped. “HES MY SON I-”
“SILENCE!” The being roared, and the celled man winced, but kept his grip on the bars in front of him. “Builder. You know as well as I do that the avians need to be eradicated. Emotional attachment or not.” 
“But why?! Just because their smarter than the average human?! I-” The celled man, Builder, asked. Tears were slipping down his face. He didn’t want his son to die. 
“That is enough out of you. Guards. Send him down to the jail again.”
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may i get poly architechs pls? 👉👈
Iskall: *hits Mumbo with a rolled up paper ball*
Iskall: Omg I’m so sorry
Iskall: I was trying to hit Grian
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
Pronouns: He/Him and They/Them
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual
Shipping: Poly Architech !! Though i've seen a lil bit of ideas for Mumbo and Scar and gotta say . don't mind that one bit .
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queer-enderdragon · 2 years
soo like, do you have favorite ships (what are they :3)? or do you multiship? just curious
well i do multiship a lot tbh, more with hermitcraft bc there's just. so many combinations and they are all so good in their own little ways
but i also have some favorites! like grumbo, convex, poly hermit gals, jleo, poly architechs, treebark and (rare pair alert) stress x grian/stress x etho/stress x grian x etho :D
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gimblegamble · 4 years
m2 with poly architechs for the ot3 prompts? 🥺
definitely a garden bed canon I think
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blazevillains · 3 years
poly architechs live concorp reaction
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redsandtemple · 5 years
Thank you to my snitches on the shipper safe tumblr gc. Here are the highlights if you can even call them that
-pan poly grian ot3 of course being architechs
-violetstar250 straight up shipping incest and trying to backtrack it by saying they personally don't want it to be incest
-that's all I wanna say honestly my eyes burn still
-someone with the actual url "onesimpleshipper" not wanting to out themselves as a shipper. Honey,
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Hiii!!! I've been following you for a long time. I always wanted to talk to you, but I'm super shy. I just got the guts to do it today (which is weird. this is my first ask ever). I love your posts.
Anyway, a question I've been curious about as a fellow Grumbo shipper: how is the drought treating you? And second, aside from Grumbo, what other hermitcraft/life series ships do you have in your heart?
Hiii omg you're so sweet!!! Thank you!!!
The drought has not been treating me kindly I think I've read every Grumbo fic that's not mumscarian and isn't nsfw on the market,I might have to go and lower my standards soon o7. I'm still holding out hope for that co-owned shop they wanted to make
Other ships I have? Well, Rendoc I think I make that VERY clear.
Also poly architechs/mumskall/griskall, my beloveds, and whatever the fuck Etho/bdubs/joel have going on is really dear to me.
Ranchers and flower husbands I do like, though they're not exactly my faves, you get me?
Anyway I'm not really against any ships per sé (other than Grian/Jimmy but it's cause I see them as brothers), as long as you're not one of those people that force your ships on others I enjoy pretty much anything!!!
Thanks for asking :DD
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
On my knees please some poly architechs 🙏 season 6 the beloved
It was, naturally, Iskall's idea to open their 'Architechs Adventuring Emporium™!' (yes, both the '™' and '!' are necessary.) They make the perfect party, they are in desperate need for cash, and none of them can sit still for longer than a few minutes.
Mumbo and Grian follow along because... Yeah, he's kind of right, isn't he? Mumbo and Iskall's redstone is expensive, Grian keeps trying new things (and sometimes destroying parts of the house - only sometimes though!) And adventuring is a pretty respectable career! They can start with asking around, checking noticeboards, and eventually, they'll become famous!
Well, maybe not famous. But no matter how it goes, they're doing it together! That's what matters, right?
Just beside paying rent.
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
Syren Grian x Shape shifting Demon Mumbo x perfectly "human"(as far as the three know, human) Iskall, pretty please?
The thing is, none of them have the best idea of what 'human' actually means. So, maybe Iskall's eyes slightly glow in the dark and he can hold his breath for a long time, but so can Grian! And Mumbo, when he wants to.
As long as their hands fit together, who's keeping track?
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
Some poly architechs please, we're in the trenches me and the other…
4 shippers
As the day continues, Mumbo is truly wondering why they've been put on a research team together. Iskall seems determined to solve every problem they encounter with his fist, whilst Grian is setting off every trap they come across. Mumbo is fairly sure some of them are intentional, Grian is terrible at hiding his giggles whenever Mumbo jumps (a reasonable reaction to an arrow flying past his head!)
And yet...
Compared to Mumbo's usual missions - silent, filled with the sound of scraping quills and disapproving tuts - this is.. kind of fun? He's laughed, a few times. And it's not like his report is any worse than usual, it's possibly even more detailed.
He thinks he'll put their names down for his next mission. Documenting dungeons doesn't need to be such a serious job.
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hmshermitcraft · 2 years
For the Theme
Mumbo: This... Is a bucket
Iskall: Dear god
Mumbo: there's more.
Cod boy Grian: *pokes out of the bucket* >:)
Iskall: no...
One pro about being short is using Buckets to get on land instead of waiting for rain, even if it's cramped and uncomfortable and kinda bouncy. It also gives Grian more time to subtly flirt with his mustached neighbour.
It's by no means a perfect system. If anything it's a terrible system. Grian either has to get somebody to carry him (which his boyfriends will do because they love him, please pretty please) or he has to leap from bucket to bucket. And cry when he inevitably misses and one of them has to haul him back into the water.
Mumbo at least gets all stressed and worried about him. Iskall literally throws him back in!
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Brain: hey remember that Cod Grian in Bucket ask you sent? With that tech ship?
Me: yeah
Brain: Do it again
Iskall and Mumbo often overwork themselves to exhaustion, and Grian has had enough.
First, he gets everything at Sahara sorted for a week in advance so it won't collapse when they're gone for the whole day. Second, whenever they remark about the lack of tasks, he replies if they want to "hang out at the beach since they've got all this free time?"
Mumbo says ok; Iskall takes a bit more convincing.
At first they were chatting in the sand, then Grian started to splash them, and Iskall retaliated by splashing him back. Soon they're all in a splash fight, soaking wet and laughing.
They manage to drag Mumbo into it as well, the three of them running and falling around in the water. Not an inch of them stays dry, Mumbo's mustache dripping into the water as he laughs.
When they finally collapse onto the sand, Grian has a cooler of drinks ready for them. The weather is nice and they don't think they've laughed like that for far too long. Maybe they should move their meetings to the beach for double the laughs?
Then Iskall makes a joke about the Sahara people having a break on the sand and Grian decides that would be a terrible idea actually.
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