#white shulker box [asks]
New Year, New Me?
Imagine dis…
We all know that when Danny died, he changed. From his black hair and blue-eyed kid to a white-haired and green-eyed ghost kid. We also know that ghosts were once humans just misunderstood, had unfinished business, or were just out for the injustice they have faced in the face of death.
But what if Danny is just a baby ghost in every sense and now, he is getting more powerful and more tuned in with his ghostly side that he began to change?
Danny knew that there was something wrong with him, not just the fact that he had died and came back alive and well that’s a whole other story. The fact that there is something wrong with his ghostly side, that to the point it began affecting his human side. His jaw began to ache and when he looked into the mirror he saw some of his teeth beginning to sharpen like a canine would, his hair looked like it wasn’t held by gravity as his parents had chalked it up with him using a different type of conditioner to make it more fluffy, his skin began having these weird spams in the middle of the day as well his uncanny need to stay in a cold room Mr. Lancer swore 10 book titles under his breath when he saw him taking a nap inside the cafeteria fridge.
But the worst of it came when he fought Skulker, it was another normal Thursday for the Halfa but as he was fighting off Skulker who was already spewing out his usual rant about mounting his pelt he saw another figure. Behind Skulker is another figure that looked like him more shadowy yet bloodied, covered in rusty metal that he swore he heard it creaking as if two metals were grinding to each other, with each move that Skulker made. Seeing he was distracted Skulker made a lucky hit to him as if he was back in his first year as a ghost. Danny shook his head and immediately souped the ghost and tried to forget the more horrific and unsettling version of Shulker.
Danny tried to hide it but when his friends and sister began noticing his changes, they made him visit the Far Frozen.
Frostbite was confused and worried at his changes and explained to Danny in great detail that what he was going through was a ghostly equivalent to puberty.
Since he had recently died his ghostly side had registered him being a baby despite being in his teens in his human. Normally ghost children would not transition after 5 centuries as they have not only been deemed absorbed enough ectoplasm but also have been mature enough a good example would be Box Lunch who was barely 146 years old while Youngblood was nearing his transition.
Frostbite offered a conclusion that it may be a fact that he slept on top of the active portal which leaks massive ectoplasm radiation and when he fought off ghosts who are centuries older and more experienced than him made his ghostly side mature faster, like how children were forced to mature faster when incompetent parents are around. Now that he has not only become more attuned or in one with his ghostly side, but his ghostly side is also slowly forming his eldritch abomination kinda like human symptoms of puberty like broadening of shoulder, pitch voice…etc, Frostbite explained.
Danny asked about his sight when Skulker visited him as well he felt that time. Danny was still distraught when he went home but when he had the time to process what he saw, instead of feeling scared or deep panic at what he saw instead felt a deep relief at the image.
Frostbite told Danny since he is transitioning to becoming a young adult, what he is seeing is the true form of ghosts.
The citizens of the Infinite Realms are naturally terrifying, gruesome, ghastly, ghoulish…etc for years there had been no problem with their appearance but when the first Ancients went to visit a mortal plane for an official Realm duty, they were horrified to see that not only humans scream with pure unaltered fear but also went brain dead the moment they laid their eyes on the said Ancients as their minds cannot comprehend the sheer true form of the said Ancients. As the said Ancients felt guilty for what they had caused the humans went in a vegetable state and began practicing into shifting into a more humane form, something more modest as to when they visit another mortal world in case of another duty. As the practice was only practiced in a small island that the Ancients ruled it soon spread out to the entire Realms. It spread so far that even other Ancients began copying it and it didn’t take too long for it to become a norm.
So when the Fenton portal as well as Vlad’s portal opened it became instinctive for the ghosts to pass through to where their more “humane” side and only show their real appearance in their haunt or when they have a mate or to their respective fight mates.
Frostbite gave him something for the pain and offered to help Danny with his transition, which Danny gratefully thanked the yeti and flew off.
Since then he slowly yet surely became accustomed to the changes to himself as he felt more him. His friends and sister tried to hide it from the Fenton couple despite being oblivious that they would surely notice the changes. Fake teeth and make-up did their thing as Sam may not enjoy the pinkish/feminine side of her make-up collection courtesy of her parents but sure damn well those foundations are of good quality.
His ghostly companions that came for their weekly brawl began noticing the large shadow behind their local halfa, some were horrified as they thought they were fighting a baby all this time and were just in their transition but others had congratulated Danny for basically growing up. Maturing? Transitioning? They don’t know the right word but hell yeah they are proud.
Add to the fact that he just became the Ghost King, which means that his ghostly side will be more horrific, gory, and ghastly than a usual ghost as their real form reflects their strength.
Danny didn’t know but for some reason, Amnity’s CPS launched an investigation into the Fenton couple. Had found out that having a house? Structure? Home? Full of weapons is not a viable home for a teenage boy like himself and was promptly removed from their custody and the premises. Of course, the Fenton couple tried to fight off the verdict, heck even Vlad tried to help the two for the sake of Maddie and even tried to have Danny placed with him.
In the end, Danny is relocated to a far place away from his parents as well as his godfather one of the CPS workers pointed out that Danny has bruises every time, he visits Vlad which puts him under the scrutiny of a different kind of investigation as well.
Jazz was considered out of the hostile environment as she had just moved from their home to her dorm and had just been given a protection order that said that her parents including Vlad were to stay away from her as well as have no contact with the said individuals as it may affect the proceedings.
Danny bounced from one foster to another up until he ended up with the foster parent who had the greatest record, Bruce Wayne himself.
At first, Danny tries every trick he can think of in the book to be removed as well as isolating himself within his room in the manor to be transferred as the moment he went ghost to look at his surroundings and saw the secret basement as well the Wayne family being the glorified furry brigade he wants out! He is not sharing a roof with a fruit loop thank you very much, but as the days went by he began getting used to the Waynes and thought that he may have grown to the Waynes.
Though how come Duke smiled too tight whenever he saw him?
Duke knew there was something wrong with the new kid. Don’t get him wrong black hair, and blue eyes alongside a so, so situation with his parents made him the prime adoption bait for the family. They were just waiting for him to discover the cave on his own to be officially introduced to the family. But there is something so wrong with Danny.
Sure, his diet tends to have his meat lean more on the medium rare side or even to the bloody side, and chalked it up to growing up not learning how to properly cook and brushing it off.
Sure he is too quiet to the point he is scaring and surprising highly trained vigilantes which has multiple people being trained by the best in the world.
Sure he tends to go to places which is cold, too cold for his liking, Alfred nearly had a heart attack seeing Danny sleeping in the large freezer which contained the meat and other perishable items that needed to be frozen to preserve.
But the biggest thing that made Duke uneasy was the shadow looming over Danny. It was huge to the point it reached the manor ceilings. Its very green toxic eyes seemed to lock on him every time he entered the room. Duke accidentally made eye contact when he is hanging out with Dick, Tim, and Danny. It practically swallowed him whole with the way it looked at him, it made all of his hair straighten up. Dick who noticed him froze up and asked him what was wrong, he excised himself and ran to the farthest corner of the manor and proceeded to throw up his lunch due to the unspeakable things that things showed to him.
(In reality, Danny’s ghostly side is trying to show Duke what would he do to his enemies as well as to whomever harmed them)
Duke is now contemplating what to tell the rest of the Batclan how Danny is cursed. Haunted? and have them call Zatanna or Constantine to get rid of whatever it is.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: As you can see I cannot write horror to save my life so please pardon me, I tried my best…:-P
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mawofthemagnetar · 9 months
No Mister Slab, I Expect You(r Keyboard) To Die!
Inspired by THIS tumblr post!
Etho woke up staring at his lap.
He blinked a few times, and lifted his head. Something was bound tight around his wrists, and the chair he’d been tied to was kind of painful.
He blinked, uncomprehending, as he stared into the massive eyes and smug smile of Keralis.
Etho opened his mouth.
And closed it.
Keralis was sitting in a high-backed spiky-looking chair, like something out of a movie. And of course, he was wearing a white suit with a blue flower for a corsage. For some reason, Jellie was sprawled contentedly across his lap. As if that wasn’t enough, behind him, a wall of lava was flowing down. Etho looked around the rest of the (modern and tasteful, natch) room, to see it dominated by suits of armour and other lovely decorations.  
Keralis’ massive desk sat between them, with a shiny new gaming PC and all the trimmings off to the side. Keralis gently stroked Jellie, and locked eyes with Etho.
“Ah, Etho! You’re awake!” he said brightly, and his left eye twitched.
“…Keralis? You okay, buddy? Something wrong?”
Etho would be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly nervous.
“Hm? No, no, no. I’m fine. I’m very, very fine.” Keralis leaned in, grinning nastily.
“So…uh…why am I tied to a chair?” Etho asked, tilting his head, “’Cause, like, I was kind of sending some e-mails to Pause when Doc dropped that bag over my head, and-“
Keralis’ eye twitched.
“I suppose we don’t waste time, then. Etho!” Keralis said grandly, steepling his fingers together on the desk, “I am replacing your entire setup.”
Etho froze.
“…Actually, can I keep my old monitor, I only had, like, the one-“
Keralis’ eye twitched.
“You get two monitors now,” he said grandly, scratching Jellie behind the ears. She hissed and hopped off Keralis’ lap, wandering away.
“YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Etho shouted, “I- man, I have like, emotional attachment to-“
Keralis twitched again.
He pressed a button on his desk.
A massive flying machine flew up at the top of the lava wall, Etho momentarily spellbound by the build that had Doc’s thumbprints all over it. And speaking of Doc, the man himself was standing at the top of the lava wall on a catwalk, wearing a black suit and an evil smile.
The flames danced in his eye as he placed down a shulkerbox containing…something.
“What…what are you going to do?” Etho asked nervously, “What do you want from me?”
“You? Nothing!” Keralis laughed, “your setup, though, sweetface…”
“DOC!” Keralis called, snapping his fingers, “BURN IT!”
And Doc threw the shulker into the lava.
Etho gasped as it broke, as his broken keyboard, his sticky mouse, and his monitor with a flickery line going through the middle of it all fell into the flames. His tissue box, though-
Etho shed a tear as the empty Kleenex box hit the lava and instantly burst into flames.
“You’re a monster!” he sniffled.
Both Keralis and Doc burst out laughing. Grand, evil cackles, that eventually petered out.
“Why? Why would you do this to me!?” Etho protested.
Keralis scowled, clicked a few things on his own terminal, and spun the monitor around to see.
“THIS IS WHY.” He shouted.
Etho’s eyes fell on an email he’d sent out to all of the Hermits the previous week.
“I fail to see how that’s a problem. Or worthy of being on your Bond Villain arc.” Etho huffed.
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theenderwalker · 11 months
hai!! im just curious on what your take is on c!ranboos enderwalk. thats a bit vague actually . like i mean what did you view it as? cus i know some people see it as morally grey, a different part of them entirely, etc. sorry if that doesnt make sense i just havent heard many people's opinion on it lol
ok this is a big and difficult question because ultimately we don’t have a conclusive answer in canon . so i’m gonna synthesize how i interpret what we do know.
i firmly believe that ranboo’s enderwalk state is, well, just ranboo. i think it’s a matter of what memories he has access to at a given point in time, how he acts on those memories, and it’s not nearly as black and white and ‘enderwalking’ and ‘not’.
there are things he knows, and doesn’t know that he knows, things he’s done that he doesn’t remember, and critically, he has relationships with people that he does not know about. it’s not as simple as enderwalking off-stream and not onstream, because we have examples of him acting on information he doesn’t usually have onstream and he has forgotten things he did while fully aware and not under duress (the shulker box deal with foolish, which he didn’t remember later when asked about it during the lessons stream).
it’s implied in some places that it’s a cyclical thing (in the arg, one of the pages refers to ‘the enderwalkers’ as ‘circadian’ (referring to circadian rhythms/sleep cycles)<-i think this is still sort of speculation but people tested it with the font layered over the crossed out section and it fit, arg also deals strongly with the clock motif, clock ticking and stopwatch as teasers for the arg, etc) though its also able to be triggered manually through strong emotions, pain, and fear. (splash water bottle, dream smile). Z claims uncertainly that it may be genetic, and their writings imply that ranboo isn't the only one though there's no suggestions as to where these other enderwalkers may be.
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it oftentime feels like while he's enderwalking he has access to more memories--though it might simply be different memories. he for sure has access to more information about his past (eg. he remembers ender entirely sometimes, while most of the times we see him on screen he's in the process of relearning it, or is at least much more subtle about knowing it.) At times he acts on fully subconscious memories, like when he built the cobblestone end city over l'manhole without realizing exactly what it was or why.
what i think is most important to this understanding though, is that he is SO consistent in what he wants and believes. the things that change are who he knows and associates with, and what he remembers. but ultimately, he has the same goal. he just acts on it differently. people not sides, stopping conflict, being a mediator, ‘one happy family’. these ideas are something he consistently believes in all the time. it’s the context that changes, whether he’s working with dream on the community house, or with tommy and tubbo to kill dream, or wilbur and hitting on 16, he is willing to take extreme measures to pursue these goals.
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IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i don’t believe the purple eyes enderwalk trope is strictly diegetic. we know for a fact that ranboo is visibly indistinguishable while enderwalking and not, as we have seen him ‘enderwalk’ on other people’s streams, and he has interacted with people ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the state without them recognizing any difference. (cphil, cfoolish, and cawesamdude as some notable examples)
TLDR: It's just Ranboo, with more, or different, or all of his memories.
(link is to a clip of c!ranboo saying as much based on the information he had at the time)
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
5) Take a Break!
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"Y/n?" A voice asked them from nowhere and made Y/n break the glass they were working on
so maybe working on their megabase for almost two weeks straight was a bad idea. 
especially with little to no sleeping. 
"I'm streaming," Y/n said weakly and set their extra blocks on the ground within a shulker box. "Sorry, Hey, What's up Etho?" 
"Nothing. I wanted to check up on you." He said "You've been on ever since I got off like two days ago. 
"Has it been that long?" Y/n asked and checked their watch and cringed at the date "Oh- I didn't realize I had been on that long." 
All at once the stars around Y/n's head and Etho started pestering about when the last time they ate was or slept.
"I don't remember." Y/n gave a sheepish smile "My main concern has been to finish this damned sky pillow." 
"Well can I at least get you away from the build to eat?" Etho asked, "or maybe even sleep?" 
"I'm so close to finishing the cloud," Y/n whined "I just need to add some of the polished Diorite for the pathways and maybe map out the building with some red wool. I'm so tired of looking at the color white." 
"Can you do that later?" Etho asked and took Y/n's hand before gently walking away Y/n followed with little hesitation "Let's get you some food Y/n." 
"Okay," Y/n murmured and allowed Etho to drag them anywhere "let me end stream while you drag me along.
Y/n said goodbye to the stars around their head and watched as they also said bye back and vanished. She loved them and they were super understanding. Etho ended up taking them back to their base and making food for them. Y/n ate quietly while Etho hummed and began to clean up their house.
"You didn't need to do this Etho," Y/n said after they finished their food "I would have done this sooner or later." 
"No you wouldn't," Etho said and took their plate "every single year without fail, you get so wrapped up in your builds that you forget to take care of yourself. Y/n you're builds are wonderful but they aren't at the cost of your sanity. You need to take care of yourself." 
"Sorry," Y/n murmured, their eyes feeling heavy from finally relaxing and a full stomach
"Dont say sorry. I get getting wrapped up in a build and making sure it's perfect and I'm sure Scar and Pearl understand more." Etho said and cupped Y/n's face gently. Y/n leaned into the warmth of his hand and gave a soft sigh "You're always so willing to try and help us and take care of us Y/n and we all appreciate it so much So we don't mind helping you, just remember to focus on your needs first." 
Etho leaned and rested his forehead on Y/n's and pressed a soft kiss to it...
right as Mumbo walked in. 
"ETHO!" He screeched and stormed to pull Y/n away and into his chest "What are you doing to them? You said you were just going to check don't them!"
"I did." Etho smirked from under his mask, eyes glimmering with mischief "I was just making sure I scolded them for overworking themself. I was just about to make them lay down and sleep." 
That's when Mumbo looked down to see a half-asleep Y/n, leaning all their body weight on him. Mumbo picked them up bridal style and placed them on the white bed they owned and made sure they were asleep before standing and making his way to Etho who looked panicked. 
"All righty!" Etho grinned and grabbed his rockets from out of his satchel "That's my cue to leave before you or Scar kill me! Bye Mumbo!" 
Etho ran out the door, mumbo sped up to follow him but missed by an inch when Etho flew off with a laugh. 
"Mumbo?" Scar asked and poked his head out of his starter base "Everything okay?" 
"Yeah- Just..." Mumbo took a breath and looked back into Y/n's house where they lay on top of their covers "Just Etho being Etho." 
"Did he do something to Y/n?" Scar moved before his brain could register anything "I swear I'll make him pay if he did anything to them." 
"I don't think so. Although, Y/n was half asleep and he gave them a forehead kiss." Mumbo mumbled and messed with his mustache "No idea if it was just platonic or not." 
"I thought Etho was more into Bdubs or Beef, maybe even Doc!" Scar said and peeked into Y/n's house to see them asleep "Hey, pick them up, we need to cover them up before they get cold." 
"Alright," Mumbo said and moved inside to pick up the sleeping hermit while Scar untucked their bed and moved the cover. The two worked like clockwork to tuck Y/n into bed, it wasn't the first time it happened after all. 
When Y/n woke up, they felt more refreshed than ever before, and when they stood and stretched Y/n couldn't help but cringe when most of their bones snapped, crackled, and Popped. 
"Y/n?" Pearl poked her head in and smiled "You're awake! Oh, You've been alseep for almost 13 hours!" 
"You're kidding," Y/n said and started towards her with a nervous smile "There's no way I've been asleep for basically half a day." 
"You have, Grian and I are in boatem and everyone else is kinda off somewhere." Pearl said "I think Grian wanted to see you though, so you might want to check on that but if he doesn't feel free to bother me. I would love to spend some time with you." 
Y/n smiled at Pearl and nodded their head. "Alright," Y/n muttered and walked outside to stretch their wings "I'll stop by his place but I'm gonna head to the G-Train to buy some golden carrots." 
"Alright!" Pearl smiled and walked out behind Y/n and closed their door "I hope to see you later!" 
"Bye Pearl!" Y/n said and took a stack of rockets to help with their take-off. With two rockets hitting the ground Y/n took off and flew around, the cold wind hitting their face and waking them up even more.  It wasn't needed for Y/n to walk but there was just something but flying that made Y/n feel alive, So within a few minutes Y/n was at Grian's man-made cave filled with about three buildings (After stopping and paying for their food). 
Grian sat on the asphalt he placed in a tank, sweating and drinking water. Grian always looked great when he was building, He usually shed the oversized red jumper he wore in favor of the tanktop underneath (that thing usually got soaked in sweat and dirt, so how was it so white every time?) and showed off his muscles and the skin that's usually hidden. There wasn't anything overtly sexual or eye-catching about it, to be honest, maybe it was the fact that his skin is mainly hidden by the clothes he wore but it made Y/n stare at him. 
At least Y/n stared until Grian caught them. 
"Oh!" Grain smiled at the sight of Y/n and got up from the street and moved towards them, loose and almost translucent shirt handing from a lean frame "Y/n! You're here! That's perfect! I knew you're great with like town themes and so I wanted your help!" 
The second Grian said town themes Y/n snapped to reality and immediately put into building mode and took out their pickaxe with a large grin "What do you need help with?" They asked 
"Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to make a townhouse and decorate it in you're own style. Something similar to this if possible." Grian asked "But I saw you're pretty busy with your own build so it's fine if you don't wa-" 
"I'll do it!" Y/n exclaimed and placed a hand on Grian's shoulder to which he jumped slightly "To be honest, if I don't do anything else I'll probably go crazy from shades of white. I still have a cathedral to make that's gonna be purely from quartz." 
"Yeesh." Grian said before he realized something "Wait- I thought you weren't religious?" 
"Oh! Im not really, I just really like the way Gothic Victorian-era Cathedrals look!" Y/n smiled at him "They look almost like castles and I wanted to practice some more eras of architecture than Classical and Renaissance." 
"Oh! I understand that!" Grian smiled at her "I try to do something new every year or at least try to expand my horizons! Anyway, I leave a space open for you to make your house! Thank you for doing this Y/n!" 
His smile seemed to light up the dim cave and Y/n craved to melt into his arms and kiss him breathless.
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eloquentornot · 2 years
"Happy anniversary!!"
"Wait, what?" Grian spluttered, falling from the shulker monster he was balancing on. "Ren, what are you talking about?!"
"It's been a year, dude! A year since we finally got out of that stinky Hermitheus, finally set foot on real life solid ground once more!"
Grian struggled to parse what Ren was trying to say for just a moment longer, and then it dawned.
"We've been on this season for a year now?!"
"That's right! I can't believe no-one else seems to have remembered the date, I was hoping there would be great celebrations, far and wide! But so far, everyone I've talked to today has been as surprised as you, dude! I'll catch you later, man, I feel like I've got to talk to everyone, now!"
Grian watched blankly as Ren rocketed away.
So. It had been a year. A year since he'd woken from the long dream of the void, with visions in his head, plans from a great beyond… Then that meant, it had probably already been more than a year since he'd first met it, but…
"It's been a year since I made the Entity." A year since he'd carved out that stone form, the perfect boulder, knowing and yet not knowing what it would grow into, what it could become…
Suddenly, feelings he'd forgotten and laid aside came flooding back, the deep waves of something, the blindingly hidden memories of what he had promised and been promised, and he realised once again that he needed to restock the Entity. Did it want another upgrade, too? Or was that feeling his own, his guilt for having forgotten about it, for having needed someone else to remind him of its…
With a gasp, he knew what to do. He dropped whatever random items he was carrying into the nearest box that was empty enough, and rapidly started planning. He'd left this far too late, and only had a few hours…
The sun was setting, and several hermits were gathering in the shopping district.
"So, what do you think this is all about?" Impulse asked Pearl. "Grian hasn't put on a big event like this for his shop here before…"
"Well, it's been a while since I've observed any strange activity from the Entity," she replied, and he noticed she was wearing her fancy suit. "It doesn't look like it's changed appearance again, at least not from what I can see…"
"Maybe he finally figured out how to get his son to send customers inside it?" Cub wondered.
"What? But Grumbot's not here… is he?" Impulse asked.
"No, no. I meant the shulker."
Before the crowds could speculate any further, Grian appeared in a flash of bright red and white fireworks!
"Ow," he said, taking a mental note not to fly so close to the dispensers next time. "Welcome, everyone! Now, as I'm sure some of you will be aware, it's now been a full year since we all arrived here in this world."
"Heck yeah!" Ren cheered. "You set up a party for us in one day?"
"That's right! But, this isn't just a party for our anniversary. On this day, one year ago, I created a vessel for a very special being, known only as the Entity…"
The crowd had started to murmur at Ren's outburst, but now fell silent, as Grian continued ominously.
"This Entity has grown, over the past twelve months. It has grown stronger, wiser, and if I do say so myself, cuter!"
xBCrafted, who was lying in a tree nearby with his bow prepared as usual, glanced upwards at the strange stone monstrosity, a variety of large items protruding from its surface, six mechanical legs holding it high above the ground, green vines growing from a hole with blood slowly dripping down but never seeming to reach the ground beneath, where many shulker boxes full of all sorts of useful things were currently piled even higher than usual. He and a few others hummed in suspicion, but said nothing.
"I cannot say for how long the Entity has truly existed, indeed, perhaps it haunted the void long before what we would consider the start of time itself… But, one year ago today, I gave it the body it asked for, I brought it into this world. So, today, I have more than restocked my shop, I have filled it to overflowing, and I invite you all to join me in celebrating the Entity's first birthday!"
He stepped backwards onto a pressure plate, and several more red and white fireworks went off, accompanied by slight applause from some of the audience. Grian frowned, then sighed.
"And, to celebrate its birthday, the Entity offers a special deal for this evening only, half price for everything, or, only one stack of diamonds for however much of anything you want, whichever would be cheaper!"
The crowd cheered, and Grian stepped aside as they all flooded in, the sounds of shulker boxes being opened and closed blending nicely with the sounds of the actual live shulkers in the small cave beneath.
Boxes were emptied, items were replaced with diamonds, and a warm breeze of contentment filled the air, pouring forth a sweet scent from the Entity's opening. Grian smiled, leaning against one of the Entity's legs. All was right with the world. All hermits would be loyal customers of the Entity. Entity would provide all. All would become Entity. Just as long as he kept remembering to restock…
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queer-enderdragon · 3 years
Moobloom, baby moobloom. And maybe a Katherine with baby moobloom
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ive never seen empires but i hope yall empire enjoyers like this
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covenofwives · 3 years
Ticklish Dolls
Dream and George are bored when DreamXD comes to find them, keeping them entertained by showing of an array of wonderful items they've never seen before. Eventually XD shows the two a small white blob doll, with a wide smile and tiny black dot eyes. George is curious. Dream is panicking.
I swear, hand on heart I started this story way before talk of the ticklish blobs concept started here. Me and Llama were talking about this headcanon of XD having a blob doll of everyone on the server and giving them out in gambles, like they do with the heads, and this beautiful idea was born. And now that everyone is loving the concept this is the perfect time to post.
Please follow @fluffallamaful as she helped create this beautiful idea and gave me so much motivation for it.
This will absolutely be a series. I will be making more of these ticklish blob stories :)
It was almost easy to forget that DreamXD was a literal God. George had grown used to the extra arms, the mask of shifting colours and the fact that he had never seen the protector’s face fully. None of these factored into or changed the fact that XD was a friend.
So when he was always reminded that DreamXD, his friend and protector of the SMP, could create anything he wanted with just a thought, George was amazed.
“What is it?”
“Do you not remember them, Dream? You’ve seen them before.”
The day began with Dream and George hanging out in George’s cottage home. When mid afternoon rolled around, DreamXD had came to visit and the two were already bored out of their minds with every activity they had tried that they begged XD to show them, or take them, somewhere cool.
Perhaps the God was in a cheerier mood than usual, because XD complied and did both.
The God grabbed the two and whooshed them off to a glade neither Dream nor George had seen before. The trees were tall, and looked like oak but the leaves of them held small pink and purple flowers. There was a small pond tucked at the edge, surrounded by what looked like overgrown lilly pads and the bottom of it glittered like a crystal.
Dream and George were in awe of the beautiful glade when XD offered another activity for them.
DreamXD held out one of his hands, and with just the slightest of twitches in his fingers, a golden shimmering apple appeared in his palm. Dream and George were stunned, watching the twinkling fruit as XD held it up, grinning. Of course Dream and George had seen the apple before, but that was after harrowing adventures and in dangerous situations. To see it summoned so casually was beyond amazing
The two were still admiring it before George made a move, quickly trying to grab the apple from XD’s hand. Dream gasped but of course XD was too fast and raised it up, out of George’s reach. Dream was tense for a moment, worried XD would be angry, but his sibling only laughed to George’s attempt. George huffed before he and Dream screamed with a mix of shock and annoyance as XD quickly ate the apple in just a few bites. The God chuckled, relishing in their shock before he offered to show them more things.
And the afternoon carried on from there.
Now XD was sat in front of the two. In their hand they held what they said was a creature. It was a white box shape, similar to a shulker box. George was very excited when he first saw it, but when the box moved on it’s own and small eyes peeked out from the opening, he gave a small yelp, and scurried behind Dream.
“It’s a shulker.” XD chuckled. The top of the box twisted, trying to open itself more but XD placed a hand over the top to stop it.
Dream knew of the shulker boxes, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing one that was alive. He gave a slow shrug. “I don’t remember them…”
XD gave a low hum. “You were young when you saw them last, and it was a while ago.”
“Is that where shulker boxes come from?” George asked.
XD nodded. “They can be crafted from these. But they are locked away where no-one can’t get them.”
The box closed. Whatever creature inside it made a weird gargling noise and then XD tapped over the top and the creature disappeared. While George was clearly glad it was gone, he gave a frown of disappointment at still not getting his shulker box.
While XD had the amazing ability to spawn in anything with a simple thought, they had an annoyingly strong moral code. They refused to give out anything, even something as useless as flowers. So while XD seemed to be in a good mood now and showed off the items they’d usually never before, Dream and George thought it best to stay on XD’s good mood.
“Do you have anything that we don’t know about?” George asked, shuffling out from behind Dream again.
“You didn’t know about the shulker.” XD pointed out.
“Dream did.” George huffed. “Even if he didn’t remember it, he’s seen them before. What about something new?”
XD hummed in thought. He tapped one of his nails against the bottom of his mask before he seemed struck by an idea. “Something new? Well, it’s not exactly new but it’s something.”
While the mask covered XD’s face, the two could hear the grin with their words. Usually that grin meant it would be fun for XD and had some sort of peril for Dream and George, but when XD held out their hand and the next item appeared, the two were caught in different levels of surprise.
The item was about the size of XD’s hand, maybe just a little bigger. George wasn’t even sure what he was looking at. It looked like a white blob but the longer George stared at it, the more he realised that was exactly what it was.
It was a white cylinder shape with a large circular head. The only pattern on it was two little dot eyes and a wide smile stretched over it’s face. A very similar pattern to the face on Dream’s mask.
“It’s…what is that?”
“It’s a doll.” XD’s voice was light with joy. “I made it myself.”
“A doll… Is it of Dream?!”
“Yes!” XD’s voice trilled.
While George shuffled closer to look over the doll with curiosity and a growing amazement, Dream had stayed back and looked to the doll with wide eyed shock and a slow growing dread.
“Y-You… You still have that…?” Dream controlled his voice the best he could. He felt he was playing it cool until XD tilted his head to look at him. The mask covered his face but Dream could physically feel the grin behind the mask, and the blush rose to his cheeks.
“Of course, Dream! I’d never get rid of it.”
Dream repositioned his own mask over half his face, hiding most of his blush as George awed over the doll.
“It’s like a little blob doll.” George snickered. “Aww, it looks just like you Dream!”
“Shut up.” Dream huffed, lightly kicking his leg out to push at George’s hip.
“It’s also soft as well, George.”
XD’s words froze Dream. The blush over the blonde’s face was drained as he paled, but it came back double as quick when George looked up with surprise and scepticism.
“Really?” George raised an eyebrow as he analysed over the doll. “It doesn’t look soft.”
“Oh it is!” XD held out the doll, closer to George. “Feel it.” They insisted.
George hesitated before reaching out. His fingers made contact with the doll, just lightly poking into it’s face and he blinked. “Oh… It is soft!” He poked at the doll again, this time onto it’s body. “It’s squishy!”
Dream pulled the mask over his face just before the squeak passed his lips. George poked, again, into the doll’s side and Dream flinched, pulling his arms around himself.
Fuck! The stupid doll still has that!
DreamXD wouldn’t just use their power to make a regular doll. That would be too simple. The doll wasn’t just modelled after Dream as a kind gift for their brother; it was connected to Dream.
Everything that touched the doll, Dream could feel it too. Each little poke George made into the doll’s side was pressed into Dream’s, bringing a giggle up his throat and shaking his shoulders.
XD was looking over George, watching Dream’s reaction and no doubt grinning under that mask and Dream wanted nothing more than to rush over and grab the doll; but he couldn’t give away his reactions to George. He couldn’t imagine what George would do with the doll if he actually knew the connection.
“Don’t you want to look at the doll, Dream?” XD offered. His voice came out sweet and genuine, yet Dream could hear the smirk laying under that mask. He knew XD had it because that was the same tone of voice Dream used when he was grinning behind his mask.
“No. I’ve seen it…” Dream carefully spoke, trying to watch George and only talk when his friend was never touching the doll. Thankfully George seemed to lose interest in the doll, instead looking back to Dream.
“Why are you wearing your mask?” George asked, his eyebrows raising above his goggles in question.
“Cause I want to.” Dream snapped, regretting it as he saw George’s shoulders flinch. Just as he was thinking about apologising he saw George straighten himself up, puffing out his chest and matching Dream’s same attitude.
“Why are you being so anti-social now? What’s your problem?”
“Nothing…” Dream mumbled. He needed to drop the attitude but he couldn’t relax when XD still had that thing in their hand. It wasn’t helped at all when he saw XD’s thumb curl in and brush up and down the doll’s side. Dream jumped - even though his eyes had never left the doll - as he could feel the thumb rubbing up and down his side, tracing over his ribs and pressing into his side. It wasn’t too ticklish, but Dream’s skin prickled with goosebumps and shivered at even the slightest touch. Something about not having anything actually physically touch him but still tickling him made him more sensitive. “Stohop!”
“Stop what?” George lifted his goggles to get a better look at Dream. While he was frowning, his eyes betrayed his actual concern for his friend. “Why you being weird?”
“I think he’s jealous you’re giving attention to the doll, George.” XD sighed slowly, his voice low and hurt like an injured puppy. He actually sounded like he had been genuinely upset, but Dream knew his sibling better than that. XD was fucking delighted this was happening. “Dream never did like it…”
“What? Why?” George looked back up to XD. “What’s wrong with it? It’s cute.”
“That’s not the problem!” Dream snapped. While he himself knew he was behaving like a child, he wasn’t going to let XD make him seem so petty.
“Then what is?” George looked back to Dream.
“So you like my doll, Dream?” XD made their voice hopeful, annoying Dream all the more.
“No!… But not…ugh!” He glared at XD through his mask. He wished his blush would have went down so his anger could be fully seen. “You’re so annoying!”
George looked back to the doll as XD pressed his hand out, nudging into George’s shoulder to grab his attention. “Would you like to have a closer look, George?” XD offered.
George blinked his mismatched eyes. “Really?” He looked between the doll and XD. “Is that okay?”
“Of course!”
XD and Dream both answered at the same time. George whipped his head between both of them.
“You don’t like it, Dream,” XD spoke calmly, “so what’s the problem?”
“He just…can’t…” Dream shuffled, but he wasn’t moving any closer or letting anything else slip. He’d die if he had to admit to George what the doll did.
“Well it’s not yours to give out,” XD sat up straighter with a matter-of-fact tone. He pressed the doll further to George’ practically putting in into his hands. “Go ahead, George.”
George gave a small giggle of excitement as he carefully rearranged the doll in his hands to have it sitting properly. He brought it close to his face, looking over every small detail and letting his thumb absent-mindedly brush down the front of the doll’s body.
“It’s so soft.” George complimented again. “It sort of feels like those knitted dolls people buy and follow the instructions to make.”
George’s thumb pressed in just a bit much, poking into the doll’s front and Dream flinched. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, puffing out his cheeks and holding back the laugh that almost spilled out. That poke was right above his belly button.
“It feels so firm too!” George carried on. “Squishy but cushiony. It pops back out!”
George squeezed the sides of his doll to prove his point, unknowingly kneading into Dream’s sides. No matter how hard the blonde’s hands rubbed over them, the feeling wasn’t going away. Not until George pulled his hand back, letting Dream give out a quiet sigh and have a moment of peace.
Just a moment though.
George’s fingers left the doll’s sides but they traced down to the bottom edge of the doll’s body. His finger moved unbelievably slow around the rim of the doll and Dream thought he was going to die, feeling that finger trace around his knee. He let out a snort, when the finger touched on the back of his knee, but nothing prepared him for George slipping his finger under the doll, swiping his fingernail along the end.
Dream fell back after his body practically jolted him into a dramatic jump. His legs kicked out, feet stomping into the ground as the feeling of that fingernail still swiped along the sole of his foot.
“G-Ge-ohohOHOhoge! S-Stohohop!”
George did stop. All his attention was onto Dream now after that jump. “What’s wrong?!” He asked, his voice laced with worry. Dream looked like he was having some sort of fit.
“Yes Dream, what’s wrong?” XD joined in to the question, but all fake worry and hurt was gone from his voice. He was very clearly delighted.
“N-Nohothing!” Dream managed to take in a gulp of air, calming his breathing and settling his laugh. His foot was still tingling inside his boots and he could feel the ghostly touches of George’s fingers over his sides but he was in control again. “N-Nohothing wrohohong…”
Perhaps not as in control as Dream thought because George seemed to quickly catch on. His eyes blinked, disbelieving before a small, nervous smile pulled at his lips. “Are you…lahaughing?” He chuckled with the absurdity of the situation. One moment his friend was throwing a tantrum over a doll, and the next he was writhing on the ground, laughing. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing! Just…” Dream managed to calm himself a bit more, his sounded more pleading than laughing. “Puhut down the doholl please!”
George looked between his friend, picking himself up off the ground, to the doll sat perfectly in his hand. His thought process was clearly visible through his eyes; the only way it could be more obvious was if there was a circular loading symbol spinning over his forehead.
Some idea came to George’s head as he looked back out to Dream. His eyes were focused onto his friend but his fingers squeezed into the doll’s side again, kneading into the squishy white fluff.
Dream yelped again, a jolt running through his body as he fell back to the ground, arms wrapping around his torso again for useless protection.
“Geohohohorge! N-Nahaha! D-Dohohon’t doho thahahat…!”
That was all George needed to confirm his theory and he gasped, like an excited child given the best present ever for Christmas. “Does this tickle you?!” His voice squealed in joy as he quickly turned his head to XD. The God saw no need to hide their face anymore, pushing their mask up to show their pleased grin. “Does this tickle him?!” George asked, clearly not trusting any answer from Dream. “Can he feel what the doll feels?!”
“Yes, Dream and the doll are connected.” XD nodded, calm before giving a very fake gasp and raising their hand to their mouth. “Goodness! Did I forget to mention that?!”
“Yohou dick!” Dream cursed from his puddle on the ground. “You absoholute-hahHAHAHA! NN! GEOHohohOHOHORGE!”
George wiggled his finger along the front of the doll’s body and Dream was floored, kicking his legs and rolling on the floor as the ghostly finger wiggled and tickled his stomach. “Geohohohohorge! GEOHOHOHOHORGE!!! S-STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEAHAHAHASE!”
The tickling over his tummy did stop, but was replaced by pokes and kneads into his sides and ribs. George poked up over the left side of the doll, giving his high pitched giggles as Dream rolled on his side and curled up.
“Awww, Dweam! The doll is so cute!” George cooed. He wiggled his finger into Dream’s side again. “How does the connection work, Dream? Do you feel it in your side exactly? Is it different if I poke up here?!”
George poked up by the spot just under the doll’s head. Dream felt an identical poke onto his neck. It didn’t tickle as much but Dream was already giggly and sensitive. He hunched his shoulders, rubbing at his neck and then he felt another poke, but this time it was in his armpit.
“Stohohohop!” Dream giggles, frantically rubbing under his arm.
The tickling stopped with a thoughtful hum. George pulled back his finger, holding the doll gently still. “I poked in the same place, but it tickled somewhere different.”
“It’s not exactly linked to the same spot every time.” XD explained. “The little dolls don’t have exact anatomy. Their spots have a general area relating to the body but it can be different each time.”
XD reached out, giving a small poke with his nail into the blob’s front and grinning as he watched his brother jump and squeal again. “Of course I made sure Dream’s tummy always gets tickles on the front of the doll.”
George giggled along with Dream’s fading giggles. He watched his friend rub away the ghostly tickles along his stomach before a thought came to mind and George’s smile faltered. He held the doll gently in his hand but now he was more aware and self conscious. He tried to keep a light grip over the doll while not letting it fall.
“It’s not… I-I won’t hurt him right? As long as I’m careful…”
XD looked down to George, noticing the worried look right away and they switched from teasing to comforting. “Oh don’t worry! You can’t hurt him.”
XD reached forward, carefully taking the doll from George’s hand. George had to fight back his instinct to protectively cover the doll but he trusted XD and watched with worried eyes as XD lifted the doll.
“The doll doesn’t pass over every feeling. I only designed it so Dream would feel soft touches and tickling. See?”
XD held the doll up between his forefinger and thumb. He squeezed into the doll’s sides with his nails, practically making his nails meet as the doll crumbled and bent in his hands.
George quickly looked over to Dream. Despite XD’s words the brunette still panicked, thinking the pain would transfer over; but just as XD said nothing happened. Dream just picked himself up, recovering from the tickling before and clearly not in pain. George sighed with relief.
“I would never make it harm him.” XD assured George, pulling their nails back and handing the doll to George over as it popped back into it’s perfect shape. “It’s a perfect tickle tool. Nothing else.”
“Perfect tickle tool?! It’s torture!” Dream huffed. He picked himself up, his mask was half hanging off as he stood up and he pulled it off the rest of the way, showing his blushed cheeks. George giggled at the frazzled look of his friend, only making his blush deepen.
“Oh I’m sorry, would you rather feel the pain?” XD argued back.
“I’d rather you forget you ever made that thing!” Dream snapped back before his eyes fell to George. Specifically to the doll. “Give it.”
George blinked before covering over the doll protectively. “N-No.”
“George.” Dream’s voice tried to be serious. It was hard to take him seriously with his pink cheeks and flustered look, but his eyes were stern. “Give me the doll.”
“No!” George now held the doll close into his chest. “XD gave it to me.”
George could see the plan forming in Dream’s eyes. Years of being his friend meant he could pick up the little tells just from the smallest movement. So when Dream launched for George, the brunette saw it coming and pushed himself back just in time. Dream collided with the ground, barely missing George but he picked himself up and tried again.
George had less of an escape this time, but as Dream grabbed hold of his legs, George poked into the doll, tickling over the doll’s front and Dream crumbled.
“Ack!” The hold over George’s leg faltered and George slipped out. “G-Geohohorge! Thahat’s cheheahating!”
“You were just about to steal my doll!” George poked over the doll’s side, watching Dream fall and curl up with giggles.
“Ihihihit’s mihihihiy dohoholl! Yohohou-ACK!”
Dream was suddenly lifted. Between the scuffle of the two, XD slipped behind Dream, wrapping their arms around under Dream’s and pulling him up. “Now that’s not fair Dream. You said you didn’t want the doll.” DreamXD cooed while they pulled Dream back onto their lap.
“I sahaid I dihihidn’t wahahahant the dohohohoholl arohohohound! Thehehe-NAH! AHAHHAHAHAHA!!! G-GEOHOHOHOHORGE!!!”
With a safe distance between himself and Dream, George tickled again, wriggling his fingers against the doll’s side and watching Dream flail like a fish out of water.
“N-NAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHO! THAHAT! THAHAhahat tihihihihickles sohohoho baha-AHAHAHAHAHAD!”
Dream arched his back, pulling at XD’s arms as George’s wiggling fingers came back to his tummy. The ghostly tickles spread over his lower tummy and passed up to his ribs. They covered more area than if George was regularly tickling him.
“S-Stohohohop!!! Enohohohough wihihihith the behehehehelly!!!”
“It’s so fun tickling you there!” George giggled.
“Try another spot, George.” XD encourage. Dream had slipped down over XD’s lap. The God readjust his arms under Dream’s again and lifted him back up. “Dream will get tired out too quickly if you keep tickling him there.”
George pulled his hand back, letting Dream catch his breath as he pouted. “He tickles my worst spots all the time.” He huffed.
“But it’s better if he doesn’t know where the tickling will be.” XD pointed out, grinning as he motioned to the doll again. “Not every spot connects to the same spot on his body…”
George’s eyes sparkled with sudden excitement. He held back his giddy giggles as he looked over the doll carefully, examining over each spot. Dream whimpered, suddenly feeling like caught prey and George’s eyes weren’t even on him.
George thought before making his next move. He ran his finger along the lower part of the doll before poking in, watching Dream’s legs flail and kick out.
“N-Nohoho! Stahahahap!
“Where does it tickle?” George skittered his fingers over the same spot.
“Ihihit-AH!” Dream’s left leg kicked up. “K-Knehehehehess!”
“And what about here?” George ran his finger softly around the edge of the doll.
Dream’s laughter quietened down and his legs didn’t kick up so much. He settled back to soft giggles, wiggling back into XD’s chest. “Th-Thahat…ihihit’s mhiy cahahalvehes.”
“Oho~” George cooed. “Dream has ticklish calves! I didn’t know that.”
“Ihihihit’s nohohot tihihihickly! I-Ihit’s weheheird!”
“Why are you laughing then, Dream?” XD teased behind Dream’s ear. His breath tickled, making Dream hunch his shoulders up to rub at his ear.
“What about now?” George moved his finger up, poking in the same spot as the one before. “Is it still your knees?”
Dream’s laugh turn into a squeak, kicking his legs into the ground more frantically. “Nahaha! Th-Thihihihighs!”
“It does change!” George confirmed gleefully.
George kept his finger at the same level but moved it round to the side of the doll, kneading into the lower part. Dream’s laughter dropped, bringing out a deeper cackle as he squirmed and tried to turn in XD’s arms. “N-Nohoho! I-Ihihihit’s ohohohon mihiy hihihihihips!!!”
George giggled, letting Dream catch his breath and melt further into XD’s arms. “P-Pleheahase…n-noho mohore…”
“I think he’s getting tired, George.” XD purred. He held around under Dream’s arms with his lower set while his upper hands soothed though Dream’s hair. “Only a little more, then we’ll stop.”
George huffed. “He can last longer.”
“George…” XD’s voice came in a warning. “You were the one who taught me not to push someone too far with tickling.”
George’s voice grumbled. “I had to… you near enough killed me every time you used to tickled me.”
“Then you can sympathise with Dream now.” XD pet over Dream’s head, chuckling when their brother sighed and caught his breath. “Just a little longer.”
George pouted, looking over the doll thoughtfully. He carefully turned it over in his hand, poking at the centre of the doll’s back and scratching his nail gently along it. Right on cue, Dream started to giggle. He shuffled in XD’s arms, wiggling and shaking out his back as George’s tickling crawled down his spine.
“Where is it tickling now?” George asked, giggling along with Dream.
“M-Mihihiy bahahahack!” Dream chuckled, jumping up when George’s nail swiped over a specifically ticklish spot above his hip. “Th-Thahaahat’s mihihihiy bahahahack!”
“I tickled there last time and it was the back of your knees.” George thought out loud. “So it keeps in the same spot when you move.” George pulled his hand back. “But if I stop and go back.” George poked in again, watching Dream’s legs twitch and kick. “It tickles on your legs now!”
Dream fell into his giggling fit as George gave a thoughtful look to the bottom of the doll. He remembered the laugh Dream gave before when he had just curiously touched over it, before George had even known the doll was connected. The brunette had a mean thought and before any sense or guilt could talk it out of him, he swiped his finger on the underside of the doll and watched as Dream’s giggling suddenly screamed into laughter. His legs kicked out, before stamping on the ground.
“Where does it tickle?” George asked excitedly while he scratched his nail on the underside of the doll.
“FEHEHEHEHEHEHET! Y-YOHOHOHOHOUR TIHIHICKLIHIHING MY FEHEHEHEHET!!! N-NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GEOHOHOHOHORGE! STAHAHAHAP!!!” Dream fell back into XD’s chest, burying his head into their cloak and muffling his laughter into the fabric. “E-EHEHEX DEHEHE! M-MAHAHAKE HIHIHIM STOHOHOP!”
“Alright, George. That’s enough.” XD brought Dream to sit up again, their head tilted up to look at George. “He’s done.”
“Wait!” George did stop his tickling but he pulled the doll back into himself protectively. “Just one more thing!” He pleaded. He tried his best puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes though Dream probably couldn’t even see them. “One more, then I’ll stop. Please?”
DreamXD gave a low hum with his thought. He gave a look down to his brother who was basically a puddle in their arms. “Dream?”
The blonde whined. He was still coming down from his laughter, only slightly paying attention when he felt the back of XD’s fingers rub over his cheek. He gave a slow look up.
“Can you handle one more thing, or do you want to stop now?”
Dream whined again and George worried he’d refuse. He had every right to and George wouldn’t blame him, but to his utter shock, Dream’s cheeks turned red and he hid his face into the sleeves of his hoodie. He mumbled something that George couldn’t here, but XD spoke fondly.
“He says one more. But it’ll be a quick one, George.” The God looked up. George could feel the stern stare. “Not too long.”
George nodded, though he knew Dream wasn’t going to be able to last this for longer than ten seconds. With a sly grin, and an apologetic thought spared to Dream, George pressed his lips against the doll’s front and started to nibble.
The laugh that tore from Dream’s throat was more a scream than laugh. He arched his back like a shock was going through his spine and struggled in XD’s arms like his life depended on it. Suddenly he went from a piece of jelly in XD’s arms to a live wire.
“Okay, that’s enough.” XD’s voice broke through the laughter and with a click of their fingers, the doll disappeared from George’s hand.
George was disappointed, but it was quickly replaced with sympathy as he watched Dream fall back into XD’s lap. His chest heaved as he gasped for breath and continued giggling. He was curled up, arms wrapped around his stomach. George felt bad as he could see his friend trembling.
“N-Noho…noho mohore…” Dream giggled, nuzzling into XD’s arm. “P-Pleheahase…”
“No more.” DreamXD’s voice purred softly. It was softer, more comforting than his purrs of joy. His hand rubbed over his brother’s back, slowly having him uncurl. “We’re done.”
George shuffled forward beside them. “Is he okay?” He asked tentatively. The guilt weighed in his chest, only lightening when XD chuckled.
“He’ll be fine. He just needs to catch his breath.” XD assured him. “Aren’t you, Dream?”
“Sh-Shuhut uhup.” Dream giggled in XD’s arm. He took in a long sigh before picking himself up. His cheeks were still flushed, making his freckles stand out on his skin. “Thahat was the wohorst…”
“You lasted well.” XD pointed out fondly.
“That nehearly kihilled me.” Dream shuffled off XD’s lap to sit by George. While George had a small moment of worry for revenge, it faded as Dream slumped and leaned his head over George’s shoulder. “It was like…n…tickling all over my stomach. It’s bad enough with regular ones, but that was covering over my whole stomach.”
Dream gave a glare over to XD then, who still sat up straight and held an air of delight. “I’m burning that doll.” He growled.
“You will do no such thing.” XD spoke matter-of-factly. “You used to love the doll.”
“Yeah, until you tickled it and I nearly died.” Dream huffed against George’s shoulder. “Then Drista got a hold of it that once and tickled me till I cried. I couldn’t’ stop laughing for hours.”
“I think they’re fun, XD.” George giggled, getting a glare from Dream below him. “I think you made very good dolls.”
XD perked up suddenly. “I’m so happy you think so, George! Because I have a surprise for you!”
While George was usually nervous to the God’s chipper tone, he was in a good mood so he had no sense for danger. Instead he looked curiously.
XD laid their hand out again and popped another item into their palm. Dream felt a spike of panic through him seeing the familiar shape and whiteness of the doll but then when he took in the details, he realised it wasn’t the same blob. The wide smile was gone and the small dot eyes were replaced by white goggles. The doll wasn’t a replica of Dream. It was a replica of George!
“Is that…”
George had noticed the doll’s appearance as well. His calm mood was suddenly flustered and a slow growing blush grazed over his cheeks.
“Yes.” XD beamed, happily turning the doll in his hand. “A little George doll for little George.”
“W-When did you make th-that?”
Dream noticed the flutter in George’s voice. He was also watching the brunette slowly inching his way up, unfolding his legs as though readying to move.
“Not too long ago! I started practising making new dolls, and got much better at it. I’ve made a good few of them now!”
The last few words stuck out in Dream’s head, though he filed it away for later. Right now he was more focused on George and the slow growing worry on his face. He saw the slight twitches George kept making whenever XD’s fingers brushed along the doll.
“Would you like to see it, Dream?”
Dream looked over to George, just in time to see the brunette lunge for the doll, moving much faster than he had when he was going for the golden shimmering apple. Just like with the scene before though, XD pulled the doll up and out of reach and George flew past them. He turned around, no doubt to make another grab, but XD squeezed into the doll’s side and George was floored, giggling over the forest floor and clutching his sides.
“Would you like a turn, Dream?” XD turned to their brother, their grin wide.
“I would love to.” Dream grinned as well, holding out his hand and carefully holding the doll in his palm. It was so soft, and almost weighed nothing. Dream gave a little experimental poke into the doll’s front with his thumb and George jolted.
“D-Dreheaham! Plehehease…”
“What’s wrong George?” Dream held the doll firmer now and raised his other hand. His fingers on his free hand wiggled, slowly moving towards the doll. “I thought you liked these dolls?”
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stargazersroom · 2 years
Infinity Room Trivia and general thoughts: Mumbo edition
During Architech meeting Grian had around 29,5 levels of exp, while Mumbo had around 2,75 levels. We never asked about exp (or never got an answer) and it's effects on the trapped. And if this looks meaningless to you, then think about the fact that we don't know about anyone's health. Imagine Grian being so sceptical about fistfighting Tango while Tango's on 1 hp. Don't get me wrong - exp is almost surely meaningless in the Room, but can we really be that sure? What if Impulse gets corrupted and his thing is "murdering for exp"? Probably not happening, but there is a slim possibility, you know? And it's also a fun and silly thing to know.
Dimensions of Mumbo's house appear to be 5x5x4 without counting void floor. That means he has 3x3x3 of living space. Don't ask me how I got the idea to measure his box.
Mumbo has placed a chest in his house. We know how he values items more than anything else, likely having his inventory as full as possible. That means that he has more items than he can store in one inventory. From Grian's Architech meeting episode we know that Grian had an empty inventory when Mumbo killed him. Grian had some items on him. So Mumbo either decided to keep extra blocks that he crafted while making his shelter, to store blocks used for his and Grian's chairs, Grian's items after his death or got new items from someone. Mumbo had some space in his shulker boxes. That better be foreshadowing
For the longest time I read Mumbo's thoughts and went "we can't be sure if he's talking about False or Stress", but I've finally done my homework - found the episode where Stress tested flag room and found out the room wasn't finished! It lacked a few white maps! Stress couldn't get stuck in that infinity room! And that's good, otherwise she would probably be even more murdery towards Grians than Tango is. But we can have Grian, the Tester of the Flag Room, since he made at least one test run for his flag defense system, where he entered a fully finished room.
We are yet to learn how exactly Mumbo got to conclusion that "less items you have when you enter a room - faster you get corrupted". Also he worded it in a way that makes me think he witnessed whole corruption process. Poor Mumbo, I'm almost sure he has seen a lot.
Mumbo's Grian is the happiest hermit in the Infinity Room, if you think about it. He never got to respawn in this hell of a place, never witnessed it's horrors, never even considered this place hostile. Somebody should tell Mumbo that he spared his friend from all the horrors and trauma, taking it all for himself and carrying double the weight of this rooms problems. I do see the problem though. We don't know Grian's answer to a very interesting question - "Would you rather live a short but happy life, or long but miserable one? What would you choose if the first option had an added cost of your closest friend's sanity?". Still, I think that Mumbo wouldn't kill Grian if he knew about permadeath, even if Grian valued happiness over longer lifespan (and his friends sanity).
Speaking of not respawning inside the room - maybe Grian just respawned outside of it, on a new regular looking server... wait, then we get panicking and sad Grian cuz he can't return to Mumbo, let him know he's okay and can't get him out of the room. Ouch, I created more angst
Also there was a long rumbling about False and her powers, but I decided to leave it for tomorrow. It just deserves its own post in my opinion and it must be much more interesting than this one
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ura-writes · 3 years
Summary - You’re a player who jumps from server to server, often revisiting several and always trying to find access to new ones. When a victorious game of duos Skywars on Hypixel wins you an invitation to one of the most famous yet exclusive servers in the community, you find a world you never knew existed, allies you’re not certain you can trust, and enemies that may not be just that. Oh, yeah, and an anarchist piglin hybrid.
(c!technoblade/server jumper!reader)
Basic warnings: minor blood, swearing, light threats
A/N - hello! I decided to start this series as a result of a sporadic idea at midnight after quite an odd dream. Some information you might need:
A few select people can jump servers without using portals, and you (the reader) are one of them.
Some servers are public and some require invites. Hypixel and a lot of the other bigger servers are public, while SMPs such as the Dream SMP are private and require an invite.
Jumpers, as they are commonly referred to throughout the series, still require an invite to private servers, though some have figured out loopholes to this process and actively exploit it, earning the title of “Crashers”. You have figured it out but don’t use the ability.
The rating for this series is 14-15+, most likely including minor to graphic descriptions of blood/injuries, violence, swearing, minor manipulation and death.
There are select groups of people who hate Jumpers and actively try to perma-kill them or get them source-banned from servers, leaving them stuck in single player and isolation.
From the author:
This will be in second person.
There will be no use of Y/N or (Y/N) or anything along those lines. I understand some people use them as a descriptor, but in my opinion, it looks a bit messy/choppy.
Feel free to criticize, though don’t be super harsh.
Also gl free to point out spelling mistakes.
I love love LOVE feedback! Gimme it! Please! /lh /gen
Anyway, those are the basics that you need to know! For now, at least… hehe.
Enjoy the first part!
The familiar particles signalling a personal portal opening in the lobby sends a few people scattering, but most just move to the side, though there are a fair few that stay to watch the person step out of the rip in reality.
The person stumbles out, cursing the deities to high heaven, brushing dirt and sweat and even a bug off of their face, certainly looking a bit worse for wear.
This was certainly not what the audience was expecting. They were expecting a prim, proper or at least somewhat distinguished person to step out of the actively sparking spiral, as most Jumpers are that way, even just a bit.
“What are you looking at?”
The people step back a bit, noticing the sword the person clutches in their hand.
That person is you.
“Fuck off, would you? You probably see Jumpers on the daily! Fuckin’ annoying.” you grumble, sheathing the sword at your side. “Fuck… is this Hypixel?”
With a cursory sweep of the attire of the people surrounding you and buildings towering over everyone, you determine that yes, it is, in fact, Hypixel.
Of course, that may have also been the big-ass sign in the sky with the server’s name on it. That too.
With a sigh and a wave of your hand, you pull your inventory up. The typical “please place your personal belongings in a safe place before playing a match, otherwise they may be wiped.” message pops up when you do. You huff, wave your fingers to dismiss the text. Not like you’ve been here a hundred thousand times or anything like that.
The Netherite blade at your side, your armor and any sentimental belongings you have on you go straight into your enderchest, categorized in one of the shulker boxes designated specifically for this purpose.
As you walk along, trying to sort your inventory out (fortunately the server provides a free repair and replace to anyone’s clothing, as yours are beaten pretty much beyond self-help), deciding what match you might want to play, the crowd that was surrounding you quickly scurries off with a few screams.
A quick glance upwards catches your gaze on a red and white nametag.
Huh. Don’t see those often.
Whispers of the name you can’t quite see from where you stand rapidly reach your ears, ringing with slight familiarity.
Odd. The masked man doesn’t often come onto public servers, mainly sticking to his own private server, named after him. The Dream SMP. How egotistical.
Without another glance towards the fan-people, you select a game idly. The blue text pops up in front of you, confirming your want to play the match.
Skywars Duos.
Before you know it, you’re whisked off to the arena, a bit dizzy from your landing, but fine nonetheless. The timer for the start slowly counts down, ticking slowly as people pop into existence with increasing frequency.
A presence behind you alerts you to your teammate. You nod at them just as the beeping of the final ten seconds counts down.
After a few repeated sessions, most being losses, you decide on one more match before you head to a tavern for the night, preferably one with a view.
This time you’re the second one to arrive. And for once, you take a longer look at your teammate.
He’s the guy everyone was freaking out about a few hours earlier… what was his name again? Dr-something. Or was it a Tr-something? Ah, who knows. It doesn’t matter as long as he’s good. You don’t bother to look at his nametag; he’s probably just some hotshot who thinks he’s all that.
“Not going to freak out?” he asks you. You snort at the question, shaking your head with a glance at the timer.
“Just here to kick ass.”
“Fair enough,” he replies. “You any good?”
A laugh from you echoes as the beeping of the countdown starts.
“We’ll see.”
The barrier below you drops, sending you hurtling to the floating island below. You quickly hit the ground, rolling into a crouch while your teammate raids the chest beside you, tossing a few bits of armor and a stone axe as well as a golden apple, which you catch and nod gratefully.
The hood on his head drops when another player attempts to take him out of the game. He ducks, barely avoiding the glimmer of the enchanted sword, sweeping her legs out from under her. The enemy player narrowly rolls out of the way with her shield being knocked out of her hands into the dark blue void below the floating island.
She curses loudly as his axe lands beside her head, kicking it to the side.
In that moment, you shove her hard off of the crumbling stone, jabbing your axe in her shoulder for final measure. Her falling figure flashes red with the loss of hearts, and eventually, she disintegrates into dust, the announcement of her tag being eliminated in the chat making you smirk.
“Well, you are good.”
You send him a smirk and collect the spoils of your kill, mostly a few potions and the iron blade, tossing a few of the former to your teammate and splashing a speed potion on yourself.
With practiced movements you begin to build to the middle islands, your teammate throwing the occasional snowball at any approaching enemy players, even knocking one off their bridge. The message of their death rings in the chat, being the fifth elimination.
The chests there contain better loot, even a diamond sword and chestplate, a strength II potion and a Power I bow with fifteen arrows. You take the bow and chestplate (with permission from your teammate, who gladly takes the sword and potion) and book it to the center chests, almost laughing at the amount of snowballs and arrows lying there.
“Well, I’m not complaining,” you muse.
You hear a yell of your tag, quickly spinning around to block the swing of an enchanted axe, their teammate quickly turning to gang up on you after finishing off another person.
Great. You’re fighting two people now.
Swing, duck, dodge, swipe, duck, swipe, block—shit, you got stabbed! Two hearts disappear from your health bar, sending a flurry of curses flying from your lips.
But luckily, your teammate is fast enough to eliminate the weaker of the two.
The tables turn.
The clash of blades, splash of potions and grunts of pain quickly move to the edge of the center island. It’s two verses one now, and the three of you are the last competitors in the match.
Block the swing, return the blow, duck, block, dodge—
A sudden stab in your shoulder alerts you to an arrow stuck in the skin there, slowly depleting your health.
It’s merely a distraction.
The enemy player barrels into you, sending you stumbling backwards right at the edge of crumbling gravel.
Poison becomes your downfall.
The smack of another half heart.
As one last resort, you grip onto the block with one hand, the other dangling with your bow into the void. Gritting your teeth, you do your damndest to drag yourself up, the poison wreaking havoc through your body and strength.
Shit. I’m not going to survive this, am I?
The one-handed grip on your bow tightens, nocked arrow slipping between your dirt-covered fingers.
You make a decision.
Just as the enemy player comes over, smirking but low on health, you let go of the block, drawing your arrow back as you fall into the void.
The broadhead meets its mark just in time, signalling a victory with a dragon appearing underneath you right before you hit the death line. A sigh of relief escapes your lips; you direct the dragon upwards with a rush of gratefulness soaring through your body. Respawning isn’t a pleasant process.
Twenty or so seconds later, you appear back in the lobby with your teammate at your side. The lobby is nearly empty, only a few people milling around, most having traveled elsewhere or checked into a tavern or hotel.
“You’re good. We could use you on our side.”
“ ‘We’?”
Two other figures appear out of seemingly nowhere, one wearing white-rimmed black sunglasses with a blue hoodie, the other a bandana and a white hoodie with flames on the front of it.
Your fingers twitch at your sides, calling up a portal in your mind, ready to dash through it at the slightest hint of a threat. Sparks form by your palms, their signature color drawing the leader’s attention.
“Calm down. I have no interest in killing you.”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” you retort. “Three versus one isn’t exactly fair y’know.” The sparks grow brighter; though they are primarily used to call up portals, they can deal quite a blow to anyone who forcefully comes into contact with them.
Dream (you now read off his nametag, getting sick of referring to him by random aliases) extends a hand in front of his body. Something hovers in it, glowing a soft white and reading something you can’t quite make out.
“It’s not going to kill you.”
Bandanna laughs at that.
“Reassuring,” you snap, taking a closer look at it.
Invitation: Dream SMP
Active?: Yes
Expires: Never
Taken aback, you sputter out a few jumbled sentences before asking why they’d invite you of all people. Sure, you may be okay at Skywars, but that doesn’t warrant an invitation to literally the most exclusive server in the network.
You take a quick glance at the two others, noting their tags are red and white as well, reading Sapnap and Georgenotfound.
“You don’t have to accept.” Dream steps forward to set the glowing orb in your hands. “Just know that we picked you for a very good reason.
How… interesting.
“Is it ‘cause I’m an inactive Crasher?”
The three stiffen at the moniker used for the infamous Jumpers, the ones who figure out ways around the system, the lines of fate that make up the different servers, finding loopholes that not even the best Mender can. They exploit them, gaining almost god-like abilities on the server only to wreak absolute anarchy on the infrastructure until the admin can step in, if they haven’t been eliminated from the system or perma-killed already.
From what little you know about the Dream SMP, you know the admin is a god of sorts, mostly staying out of the way but occasionally fixing matters that need it. Otherwise they stay… wherever gods stay.
“No,” George pipes up. You note his accent, odd and slightly out of place, but not unpleasant. “You being a Jumper does help, however.”
You’ve heard of elusive servers where Jumpers have access to a lot of power and near-unlimited resources, though no one can quite figure out why. Those servers are typically entirely anarchy.
“Yeah, sure.” But you clutch the invitation closer to your person anyway. It glows a bit brighter at the increased contact.
“Think on it.”
Those words echo through your mind throughout the rest of the night, in your bed, subconsciously in your dreams and into the next morning.
It’s no easy decision. You know you’ll be dragged into all sorts of politics, conflict and battles unlike the Skywars ones you usually find yourself dealing with.
Your hand grips the glowing ball a bit tighter, reading the same three statements engraved on it repeatedly until the words are branded into your mind.
And then it disappears.
“Invitation accepted.”
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redorich · 4 years
I literally woke up, checked tumblr and was like oh shit...that cliffhanger was terrible and I need to know what happens next!
Anonymous said to redorich: Ther Hermitcraft vs Dreamsmp war really is just gonna be a 2 hour long Dreamsmp cringe moment compilation huh. Also I like what you wrote! That fight fic was EPIC, but I do wonder why tf does Dream want Tommy back rn? I guess to solidify his status? Like, look at me I’m the righteous son! I’ve saved this infant child!
Anonymous said to redorich:
how could you end in a cliffhanger my day is ruined- /j /lh (but in all seriousness, HOLY SHIT DUDE IM SO HYPED UP FOR THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA - Art Anon (the one who asked if you liked art of your work and such :>)
The dreamon whispers in his mind. He can’t tell which thoughts are his own. His fingers twitch on the handle of his axe, whether he’s faced with friend or foe. Dream wants to be this insidious person he’s become. He can’t remember why he was ever kind.
Tommy, that obnoxious prick. He’s the only one that ever consistently said no to Dream. It infuriates him. He loves it. He wants that again, for someone to tell him no, you’re wrong, you’re being a dick. The dreamon doesn’t like it, but it does like breaking Tommy’s spirit. Dream has to have Tommy back.
In the end, the kid makes it easy on him: he comes to Dream. Philza’s there too, which is a complication, but Dream knows he’s better than Philza. He can kill him if he needs to. Tommy won’t forgive him for it, though. The thought is delicious.
They face each other on the balcony of the HEP tower. Dream killed all the snipers hiding up here. No doubt they’ve respawned.
“They don’t really care about you, Tommy,” Dream smiles indulgently. Stupid child. “They think you’re a novelty. They pity you, because you know blood like I do. Don’t you miss it? These ‘hermit’ assholes-- they go on and on about how everyone is equal, but it’s bullshit. Where’s your admin?”
Philza shifts uncomfortably from his position behind Tommy, swayed by Dream’s rhetoric but unwilling to compromise on his son’s wellbeing. Tommy snarls. He doesn’t know where Xisuma is, but he knows exactly what the admin is doing.
Dream barks out a nasty laugh. “If the hermits really liked you, if your admin really cared, he’d be here. But I’m here, Tommy. I fight alongside my men. Look around. All the death, all the destruction? I did it all for you.”
Dream slithers closer, still smiling. Phil raises his sword minutely, and Dream stops approaching but doesn’t back away.
“I’m your only friend, Tommy. I visited you every day in exile. Remember the trident I gave you? We had good times together.” Dream’s voice grows hard. “Then you lied to me. You turned your back on me. I have been nothing but patient with you. I’ve given you so many second chances. This is your last one. Come back home with me.”
Tommy meets his father’s gaze. He can barely see past the water in his eyes. His breath catches in his throat as he holds his arms up, silently asking Dream for a hug. Tommy needs this, he needs this to happen.
Knowing that he’s won, Dream grins triumphantly. He wraps his arms around the young man, then chokes. Philza meets the possessed man’s shocked gaze over Tommy’s shoulder as blood flows freely down the blade of his sword, seeps into Philza’s palms as he yanks out the sword that he’s buried in Dream’s chest through his son.
“What--” Dream rasps, trying to pull away from Tommy. The boy’s hands around his back are suddenly a vise grip, nails like claws digging into his shoulderblades.
The hermit admin, unseen til now, swoops down with his elytra and shouts in a language that Dream doesn’t understand. The dreamon knows it, though. As the tall, armored admin flicks through debug screens, the floor glows purple with Aurebesh runes. Dream’s skin feels like it’s melting.
The sky goes black, then white. Consciousness returns to Dream in patches. A short woman with flowers in her brown hair is splashing the two of them with healing potions-- Tommy is still holding him up. All at once, the gravity of the situation hits him.
“Hold your fire!” he roars. Half of his men are dead anyway.
He grips desperately at his hair. “Oh God, what have I done?” He feels physically ill. “Tommy, kill me. I only have one canon life, it’ll stick, I deserve it for what I did to you.”
Tommy hears Philza suck in a sharp breath. The man that he once loved like another brother, the man he’d fought wars both with and against, the man who took everything from him, is laid out in his arms and begging for Tommy to take his revenge. It would be so easy. Tommy wouldn’t even need a sword. Technoblade wouldn’t have hesitated, if it was him here instead of Tommy. Even Tubbo would feel enough pity to put Dream out of his misery.
Tommy remembers when he lost his first canon life to Dream in a duel for his nation. He remembers seeing Wilbur’s unstable features light up when Dream gave him eleven and a half stacks of TNT. He remembers exile, and everything that came before it.
Tommy also remembers when False caught him stealing her cobblestone, and she gave him a shulker box full of it. He remembers when Impulse saw Tommy’s war room, and wept for Tommy’s childhood. He remembers the proud look on Grian’s face when they pranked Doc together. He remembers, at every turn, expecting rejection, and receiving kindness.
“No,” he says, and is taken aback by the firmness in his own voice.
Dream’s face twists in an ugly sneer, more inwardly directed than a jab at Tommy. “So that’s what I get, huh? You’re going to leave me alive to suffer?”
“No,” Tommy repeats. “We’re going to fix things. We’ll make them better.”
“That’s impossible,” Dream says incredulously.
Tommy smiles. “Not impossible-- just hard. You’re up for a challenge, yeah? I believe in you.”
The sun sets on dead bodies and rubble. The moon rises with a gleam of hope.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
hey so here's an idea for a "two best friends but one turned evil and asked the other to kill him before he went too far gone" trope (you know exactly what i'm referring to)
the first character, looking into his friends eyes, stabs him in the heart. then they both fall down and the first character is left on his knees, head down, holding onto the sword embedded into his friend's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
he doesn't touch the sword again and instead ties a ribbon around it in memory of the one he lost
you're welcome :)
- anon fierri
Not that this has been on my brain all day or anything, but... well. Okay. It has been. And then @/3lsmp posted that stuff about a zombie AU and-- well. This happened.
Yay for my first shulker box fic! (1,728 words, with mirrored/connected first and last lines)
Zombie stories don't have happy endings so... neither does this. Be warned.
Jimmy’s waiting when Scott gets back home.
He stands in front of the door to the house they’ve been living out of, with none of his gear or weapons on him. He’s leaning against the old oak that grows next to the sidewalk, one foot perched on a root that ripples out of the ground and cracks through the old concrete. The sun is setting behind him, but the twilight shadows don’t quite hide the bloody stain that spreads from his right shoulder.
Scott’s feet come to a stop of their own accord, and he very specifically does not move his hand to the hilt of his sword. He shifts his satchel— filled with goodies he managed to find today; he discovered an entire village that hadn’t been raided yet— on his arm, its weight heavy after an afternoon of walking. He hates the wary tone in his words when he calls out:
Jimmy, looking up to see him, gives a shrug. “Told ya this would happen,” he says, and there’s a quirk to his smile that could break other hearts.
((hard to break what’s already shattering.))
Scott swallows. “Show me.”
Jimmy pulls the collar of his shirt to the side, and Scott winces at the bloody mess that is his mangled shoulder.
“Skizz got me,” Jimmy says. “It was stupid— I should’a been faster, but… I mean, it was Skizz, ya know? He still kinda looked like himself, and I thought… I dunno what I thought. But by the time I realized he was already gone, he’d got my shoulder in his teeth and…”
((the earth is crumbling away beneath him. this is a nightmare. time to wake up now.))
((please wake up now.))
“Hey, don’t worry.” Jimmy covers the wound back up. “It doesn’t hurt or anything.”
“It doesn’t— No, Jimmy that’s not the way to make me feel better.” Scott takes another step forward, his arms aching to reach out and his gut telling him to get away get away get away— He can feel his throat closing, swallowing emotions he refuses to feel.
“Look— ” Jimmy takes a step forward and Scott backpedals, half-unsheathing the blade at his hip. He hates himself for it instantly, but the instinct—
The instinct is what keeps him alive.
Jimmy just puts his hands up placatingly. “Hey, hey— I’m not that far gone yet.”
“You’re fine.” Scott tries to sound scornful, and nearly succeeds. “We’ll get you patched up and you’ll be good as new in a few days. Don’t be such a drama queen.”
With a laugh, Jimmy shakes his head. “Nice daydream,” he says. “That would be cool.”
They stand there, in a silence that shouldn’t have been awkward, for a long moment. Then, at the same time:
“Scott, you know— ”
“So I picked up a— ”
“You go first,” Jimmy says.
((Jimmy always puts others first.))
Scott grits his teeth and forces his voice to be light and cheerful. Nothing is wrong. They’re fine. “I found canned soup!” he says. “Five cans— one’s a little rusty, but I’m sure it’s fine.”
“That’s… um. That’s good.”
Scott steps around Jimmy—
((not too close. don't get too close— no. damn you, coward, get as close as you want, there’s nothing wrong— ))
— and moves toward the house. “So…” he says, “I’ll just… start up the fire? Get dinner going? I think we’ve still got some— ”
Jimmy’s voice stops him, and Scott winces. He drops his head, unable to look Jimmy in the eye.
“Don’t make me do this,” he says. His voice struggles, and his free hand goes to his throat, as if he can pull the plea from his chest. “You… you can’t make me do this. You can’t.”
((i can’t, i can’t, i can’t— ))
“You gotta.”
((too close!!))
Scott’s head snaps up, and one hand flails behind him, catching against the siding of the house. Jimmy is right there—
((danger! danger!))
But other than the tell-tale red gleam in his eye and the bloody stain on the shoulder of his shirt, Jimmy looks the same. Same golden hair, same dimple as he quirks half a sad smile, same gentle hands spread wide. Unarmed, though that won’t matter soon. He stands close enough that Scott could reach out and touch him— punch him, maybe, for being such an idiot… or wrap him in an embrace that will never let go.
“Skizz got me an hour ago,” Jimmy says, and his voice is as low as a secret. “I’ve got… what. Maybe twenty minutes? Another hour if we’re insanely lucky?”
“You’re fine,” Scott says again. But this time it comes out as a plea and not a statement.
“I’m not.” Jimmy shakes his head. His eyes shift to the side. “I… to be honest, I’m already feeling it.”
“Feeling— feeling what?” Why was he asking. What a stupid question.
And yet… yet he had to know.
Jimmy drops his hands to his sides, and they clench and unclench. Scott watches, mesmerized, his heartbeat fluttering in time with Jimmy’s hands curling into white-knuckled fists and uncurling into trembling claws.
“I can’t— I can’t describe it. It’s like I’m on fire. Only I’m drowning at the same time. Or something. And I— ” he takes a deep breath, and meets Scott’s gaze. A low growl comes into his voice, and the hands squeeze tight into hard twists of bone. “I look at you, and all I can see is how easy you’d be to kill right now.”
Scott’s sword is drawn before his denial can catch up.
((instinct keeps you alive))
Jimmy looks down at the shining blade, and finally his façade of cheerful nonchalance wavers. There’s a crack in his voice as he says, “There we go. That’s… that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
((i can’t, i can’t, i can’t— ))
And then, as if he can hear Scott’s internal scream: “I don’t— I don’t want to become like one of them. I don’t want… you to see me like that.”
Like one of them. Scott’s memories skip over images of white-eyed creatures, people he used to know, monsters with mindless hunger driving them to rip, to shred, to devour—
Jimmy wakes up crying some nights. He tries to be quiet, Scott knows, but in the single room they’ve barricaded against the darkness, every sound is magnified— and Scott's always been a light sleeper. He knows Jimmy dreams of them, dreams of blood and gore and of being left alone— or worse, of being the one to do the shredding.
He knows because he’s dreamed it too.
“I won’t let that happen,” he says, his voice firm. But there’s a tremble in the sword between them.
“You didn’t let it happen. It just… it just did, dude. That’s life.” Jimmy takes a deep breath, and with a far too gentle hand, takes hold of the sword blade and guides it to rest over his heart. “Anyway, you promised.”
“Right so, if I get bit, you have to take me out before I can hurt anyone.”
“Ew. What a horribly morbid things to say.”
“I’m serious! I couldn’t deal with it if I turned into one of those things and came after you or any of the others— ”
“It’s not gonna happen, so don’t be stupid about it.”
“Come on— just say it. Promise me that if I start to turn, you’ll… ya know. Kill me.”
“Jimmy— ”
“Promise me, Scott.”
“…Fine. But only if you promise the same.”
((it won’t happen. it'll be fine. they’ll be fine.))
“Of course, dude. I promise.”
“You promised.”
Scott’s face is wet with hot tears that he can’t feel himself crying, and he wants to drop the sword— wants to fling it away from both of them and let fate do its worst. Who cares if he dies too?
((jimmy cares. If you let him destroy you, it’ll destroy him first.))
“Damn you,” Scott whispers.
Jimmy smiles.
The sword enters his body too easily.
It slides between the ribs, the only sound the soft catch in Jimmy’s throat as the blade bites into his heart.
For a frozen instant, they both stand there, outside the house they’d claimed— the home they’d defended. Jimmy looks down at the weapon in his chest, one hand reaching toward Scott—
And he falls
((he falls and falls and falls and Scott is falling too and the sword clatters to the ground and he’s clutching at Jimmy’s face and bundling the body to himself and pawing the hair away from his eyes and Jimmy’s hand is on his and— ))
There are no final words. No poignant goodbyes, no tearful proclamations or whispered last regrets.
There is only an ending.
There is only Scott, silent and dry-eyed, kneeling on the ground under the oak with Jimmy’s lifeless hand clasped to his chest.
He doesn’t move, even as night falls around him—
— and the cicadas start their mournful chorus. Doesn’t stir until something rattles down the street and he dimly realizes that Jimmy would murder him if after all this, Scott went and got himself shredded by a zombie anyway.
Jimmy’s body is heavier than he expected, and yet somehow lighter than it ought to be. As if it’s missing everything that made it Jimmy. He drags it—
— inside the house and wonders what exactly he’s supposed to do now. Dig a grave, he supposes, but— where? In the yard? It seems so… anticlimactic.
((death is anticlimactic. life is the climax. death is… an afterthought.))
He leaves the sword where it fell. He can’t… he can’t bear to touch it now. Scott doesn’t believe in curses—
((yes you do yes you do you’re cursed this place is cursed and that sword is cursed and the ground where it lays is cursed and— ))
— and yet he can’t bring himself to fetch it. Someone else can find it.
He’ll dig the grave tomorrow.
Tonight… tonight he sits. Keeps watch. Hopes beyond hope that Jimmy will stir— knowing that if he does, it won’t be for any good reason. Knowing that if he does, he won’t be able to kill him a second time.
Tomorrow he’ll leave. Find a new place— far away. Sometime, maybe sooner, maybe later… he’ll find the end of his road too.
He hopes Jimmy will be waiting there, when he finally gets back home.
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-slams fists on table- part two! Notes are that I miss Grumbot and I feel like Scar gives off worried dad vibes and Scar and Grian feel like they’d be bickering siblings. again a ping to @petrichormeraki​ for making this au.
In spite of the revelation of this bee apparently somehow being Tubbo, Tommy did not react with yelling or screaming. Instead he started by just staring at the hive where he had fallen after tripping, thinking about the new knowledge. And then he screamed.
Responding to the scream, the bee, uh, Tubbo. Tubbee? Yeah Tubbee. Tubbee popped out of his hive and flew over to Tommy. Tommy, still not completely okay with what was going on, scrambled back a few blocks. Tubbee didn’t care and just flew all the way until he settled in Tommy’s lap. He nuzzled against Tommy, the spinning compass that was now on the floor once again pointing towards Tubbee before returning to spinning wildly.
“Okay. Fuck. What the fuck. Tubbo I know you like bees but this?” Tommy gave a nervous chuckle. “This is too fucking far.”
Tubbee buzzed happily, not seeming to realize Tommy’s distress about his current form. He then started to fly around Tommy, bopping against him happily as Tommy pulled out his communicator to send a message to all the Hermits that were around. ‘Something really fucking weird happened and I need help. Even from Xisuma if he can come back.’
Almost immediately a new message came in with a buzz. It was from Stress scolding Tommy for his language. The next was from Scar who was surprised Tommy needed Xisuma’s help and asked what was going on. As Tommy typed a response, just along the lines that it was hard to explain, Xisuma replied in the chat saying he was on his way.
Tommy set his phone back down and just sat on the ground in silence as he waited for the admin to arrive. The phone buzzed a few more times, but Tommy ignored it for the most part. There was a distant sound of a firework launching and the teen figured that would have to be Xisuma. Tubbee also seemed to hear the noise, because immediately after it sounded, he flew and hid inside the nearby hive.
A few seconds later, the door opened to Xisuma. He started to speak but was pushed aside by a panicked looking Scar. “What happened?! Why do you need X’s help?”
Tommy shoved away the second hermit who was already looking him over for any injury. “God, stop acting like my fucking mom. I just have a weird bee.”
“A what?” Scar pulled away suddenly, causing Tommy to almost fall over. Tubbee decided this was the perfect time to come out of his hive and fly over to Tommy for comfort. “Oh, that kind of b.”
Xisuma looked between Tubbee and the hive. “It looks like it’s using the hive correctly, though it is still attracted to you. Are you sure you don’t have any-”
“I don’t have any fuckin’ flowers. And it’s not a normal bee.” As Tommy talked, he wasn’t really paying attention to the fact that he was now subconsciously holding Tubbee and petting him. “I think my friend died and is a bee now.”
Both Scar and X just stood there, staring at Tommy and Tubbee. Before either of them could speak, the door slammed open again. “What happened?! Why do you need X’s help?” Grian shouted.
After a bit of calming down and making sure no more hermits would come racing over out of nowhere, Tommy explained about his friend who really liked bees, how the two of them had special compasses pointing to each other, how they would be in different servers but the compass was pointing to this bee. As the various Hermits talked, Tubbee decided it was a good time to explore and buzzed about the old hobbit hole.
“You’re saying this bee is your friend… reincarnated or something?” Grian asked skeptically.
“That’s the best clue I have.” Tommy answered with a shrug. “Not like I have much to go on. I’m not gonna drop back home and ask around saying ‘Hey, Tubbo die while I was gone?’ cause no matter what they wouldn’t let me back.”
“I can try and get some of my old magic crystals and try them on him.” Scar piped up before getting a shove from Grian.
“Those things don’t work.” Grian chided before being shoved back.
“A man-!” “Teen.” “-Teen has been turned into a bee, I doubt my crystals are that useless in a time like this.”
Xisuma carefully separated the two other Hermits. “Before you do that, I’m going to try having a look at his code. See if there’s any truth to the claim first.”
The comment hurt Tommy. “What, you don’t believe me?” Xisuma tried backtracking but Tommy stopped him. “Of course there’s something! Bees don’t just fucking act like that and compasses don’t just point at bees.” Tommy grabbed his compass from the floor and held it up. It spun wildly for a few seconds and one of the hermits was about to point that out when the needle changed its mind and pointed to Tubbee for the same amount of time before spinning around again.
Grian’s eyes widened and he managed to speak first. “That is bonkers. I’ve never seen that before! X, what does the bee say?”
“Can’t say much of anything.” Scar half mumbled, getting a jab in the ribs from Grian.
Xisuma turned his gaze to Tubbee and carefully grabbed him. Tubbee panicked for a few moments, but realized he wasn’t in any harm and let himself be held by such a large and kind looking bee.
X didn’t usually take advantage of his admin powers, at most messing with the end files every so often so the Hermits could get more shulker boxes. This was much different than that. Still Xisuma looked at the code of the bee. There was nothing there that directly seemed to be player code. There was something that resembled it, but nothing concrete. It just seemed like a, pardon the pun, a bugged bee.
“There’s something off, but it doesn’t seem like this bee is another player.” Xisuma informed Tommy, letting Tubbee go.
“What? Of course he is! This has to be Tubbo!” Tommy was taken aback by X’s claims. “Isn’t there someone else that’s better at this than you.”
“Tommy...” Scar spoke gently, but Tommy just turned and yelled at the mayor.
“Shut up! And don’t try using any magic mumbo jumbo on him!” Tommy grabbed Tubbee as he tried to explore again.
Grian tried holding in a laugh, but Tommy noticed and glared at him. “Look, I know some hermits had some machines last season that could tell fortunes or whatever, but we don’t really have that many here this season. I mean, there’s Grumbot, but he’s…”
No longer glaring, Tommy nearly jumped happily at the words. “Who’s Grumbot? Is ‘e another admin here?”
“No, no. He was uh, so I had Mumbo run for mayor and we built this robot to give us information on how to actually help him run for mayor and give mayoral advice, but he didn’t really-” Grian was scratching the back of his head, not sure how to explain it all to Tommy when the teen cut him off.
“Tubbo was president back home, maybe that’s close enough to mayor. Where is he?”
“Tommy, slow down.” Scar chimed in. “ I mean, uh, I’m the mayor, so Grumbot didn’t really help. Plus, didn’t you have to pay him diamonds for every question.”
Grian groaned. “Yes. I don’t know why that was ever a good design idea. He also had a mental breakdown when he thought Mumbo lost so we kinda… lied to him and told him Mumbo did become mayor and now he’s living in a virtual reality box.”
Tommy wracked his brain, trying to remember why that sounded familiar before he remembered. “You mean that mustache box off the coast of the shopping district? I’ve seen it a few times boating back home from there.”
Grian tried to backtrack, but it was obvious anything else was a lie. Tommy ran to the various chests, rummaging around until he found a spare lead.”C’mon Tubbo, let's go see this Grumbot.
Grian tried talking out of it, but Scar stopped him to talk with Tommy instead. Pulling the teen over to the side, he started to scold Tommy before lowering his voice. “Look, I don’t know if that machine is gonna work for you or not, but this seems important to you. From what I can tell you need to put the diamond in and press the buttons in order or something.” As Scar pretended to go back to scolding Tommy, he slipped a diamond into the boy’s hand. “Well, hopefully he’ll listen to reason.”
Getting what Scar was trying to do, Tommy put the lead away and sat down. “Yeah… guess I’ll just have to use what I know right now.”
Grian looked a little suspicious, but Scar managed to lead him out. Xisuma started to follow them out, but turned to Tommy and asked him to send updates. Tommy nodded and pet Tubbee, trying not to get too restless as he sat there to wait.
After waiting so long that Bdubs had to call the sun back, Tommy pulled out his lead again and built a boat. Carefully tying the lead around Tubbee, he climbed into the boat and tied the other end to one of the oars before paddling towards spawn. Eventually, he reached the large white box, and noticed that the mustache was not actually on the box, but a different building further on. Because of that, Tommy doubted about if Grumbot would be here, but when he found an opening and went in with Tubbee, he saw the computer.
Tommy expected something much smaller but Grumbot was huge and a bit overwhelming. He seemed to be staring off into the distance, and when Tommy looked that way, he saw recreation of the shopping district.
Pulling the diamond that Scar gave him out of his pocket, Tommy waked to the base of Grumbot and looked at the labeled buttons. He pressed the one labeled prime Grumbot and flinched at the slight grinding noise that came from the machine. While that made Tommy reluctant about the idea, he had already come all the way out here and started the process, so he might as well finish it up.
Next he pressed the boot load brain button and then the flood mayoral reservoirs one. More noises sounded from the machine and then Tommy looked at the last label. ‘Deposit Question Diamond.’ He was about to just put it in before he saw the anvils. After dying the other day, Tommy didn’t have many levels, but he had at least one.
Putting the diamond in an anvil, Tommy renamed it with a question and placed it in the machine and pressed the final button. Trying to help, Tubbee also bopped against the button as Tommy stepped back to look at the screen of Grumbot. The happy eyes changed to standard ones, and then they looked down as a paper dispensed.
Tommy ran back over to the machine and grabbed the paper to read it. There were only four words on it and just seeing the number nearly made Tommy tear it up, but then he actually comprehended the words. ‘Use the fourth button.’
Tommy looked back at the buttons and noticed the 4th one was made of a block. Pulling it out, he then placed it into the nearby mechanism and pressed the other three buttons. It took a bit of finagling to use the fourth button, what with it now missing. But then the screen glitched and then it glitched again. Tommy looked between the screen and the answer printer, angry to see no response. With that anger, he kicked Grumbot, and then the screen stopped glitching.
“Ah, just what I needed. A good kick to the ribs.” Tommy swore and fell to the ground at the booming voice that came from Grumbot. Tubbee was also scared by it and cowered next to Tommy. Looking up, he saw the screen no longer glitching and the previously stiff face looking very animated as it looked around, eventually looking down at Tommy.
“So, you’re the one who wants my help, yes?” The booming voice spoke again, making Tommy cover his ears this time. “Oh sorry, I guess I’m a bit too loud.” Grumbot apologized as he lowered his voice.
Tommy, having no clue how Grumbot was supposed to act, didn’t find his voice and much more emotive face odd. “Yeah, uh. So Grian told me that you did mayoral stuff and while it’s not the same, I have a friend who is, or was , a president and wondered if you could help with that?”
Grumbot’s face tilted as his computer head could not. “Your first diamond was asking about the status of a ‘President Tubbo’. While I have been here with only the occasional visit, I’ve had time for my redstone brain and so to upgrade and find new databases and reservoirs.”
“Uh… does that mean you know that-“ Tommy started to speak but was cut off.
“Yes. I know now my dad did not win the election. At the time, that was my only purpose. I was upset when I learned the truth when you activated me, but I have new purpose and my dads just did what they could to care for me.”
Tommy just nodded, not completely sure what all of that meant, more from not paying attention. “Okay, well I think my friend who was president elsewhere got turned into this bee.” And Tommy held up Tubbee.
Grumbot ‘leaned’ closer to see Tubbee and then looked at the data he received about a president Tubbo. “Your friend was not turned into a bee.”
Tommy frowned at the answer, arms falling to his sides, Tubbee now free to do more exploring. “What do you mean, my compass is supposed to point to Tubbo and it points to this bee, so it has to be Tubbo! He loves the things so much it makes sense he would become one.”
Grumbot added the new information to his data. “Well, that is neither your dead friend returned to life as a bee, nor your friend disguised as one. It is instead something else.”
Protests Tommy had been about to sling at the robot died in his throat and was replaced with a new question. “What is it then?”
Grumbot paused, making sure he could get all the data he had access to and could help. “Your world is… different.” The AI started slowly. “You can lose lives and eventually truly die. But you don’t just die and decide one is a true life lost. When that happens, you… lose a piece of you. Enough times and what makes you you can’t exist in a body anymore.”
Tommy interrupted Grumbot. “So Tubbo is a ghost possessing the bee?”
The AI glared at Tommy for a few seconds, screen background turning a certain shade of red. But then he calmed. “No, your friend is still alive, but he has had one of those special deaths happened. It was before you arrived here in Hermitcraft. That death broke off a piece of his soul and it managed to end up here. Whether the piece was active the whole time or it only activated once you, a familiar being, drew near, I cannot say.”
Tommy processed the information before asking a clarifying question. So, the bee is only like a piece of Tubbo?”
A piece of paper was printed out and then Grumbot’s screen went dark. Tommy grabbed the paper and read the word ‘Yes.’ There was also a post script asking for Tommy to kill Scar for the AI which Tommy laughed at. He then got the lead back around Tubbee and headed home.
Even if it wasn’t really Tubbo, Tommy found Tubbee comforting. Maybe even if this piece of Tubbo was here, Tubbo could feel Tommy on the other end, trying to care for his friend. Xisuma came to visit Tommy again after a few days and heard from Tommy what Grumbot had said. Grian came later that same day and freaked out when he learned about Grumbot, leaving almost immediately to go find Mumbo who was also online.
Scar was the last to show up. He was glad to find out that Tommy had piece of mind, but was also a bit salty about the fact he was stabbed and killed the moment he walked through the door, though it was his own fault for getting there at half a heart from crashing into so much while flying.
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dreamologisth2o · 3 years
My Thoughts on c!DreamXD
So Ruby’s recent analysis on the different interpretations of c!Dream has me thinking about my own interpretation of c!DreamXD because I feel like it’s fairly different from other people’s.
To start out with, most of what I’ve seen aren’t actually analysis posts. The one off character from 3-4 wacky streams doesn’t have much analysis going on for him, who would’ve guessed? But based on a lot of art and headcanon posts I’ve seen around the c!Dream apologists circle most people believe him to be either full on ancient eldritch god or someone who seeks acceptance through any means necessary and is similar to c!Slime, who’s easily manipulated. Everyone agrees he’s a c!George simp.
Outside the c!Dream apologist circles, of which I have not seen many of and mostly heard second hand, people believe he’s manipulated and cursed c!George into an everlasting contract of being his friend, and that the actions he takes during c!George’s dream are done out of malice and not ignorance.
From here on out I’m only ever referring to the characters and not the content creators unless specified.
First things first: DreamXD has agency. He has things he’s ok with and things he’s not ok with. He has boundaries and he sets those boundaries and when someone infringes upon them he’s not afraid of pushing back or punishing them for said infringement. Yes, George eventually convinced DreamXD to give him netherite armor in exchange for his friendship at the end of his stream. No, DreamXD did not immediately give into George’s demands. In fact he argues against it, multiple times. Constantly pointing out how George only wanted him around for “stuff” and refusing until it seemed to be the only thing he could do that would convince George to stay. That’s nothing like Slime, who pretty much does whatever anyone else asks him to do. 
The way I’ve seen people treat Slime is very similar to the way they treat DreamXD, and that’s not surprising, because both are characters who don’t know much about how humans act and how they work nor how to fit into “human society”. BUT the big difference between the two is that DreamXD has agency while Slime does not. I don’t know if it’s because of their apparent age or because of their origins, but just because DreamXD doesn’t know how “normal human society” works doesn’t mean he has the mentality of a toddler or a new born baby. He’s ignorant, not naïve. He knows when he’s being used and he knows it’s not something he likes.
I also do not believe he is controlled by the book. Quite frankly that entire scene to me felt more like DreamXD sensed a disturbance and much like when Techno and Phil started messing with the portal room, had simply gone and investigated. He was not required to grant them a wish, it was Techno who asked if he could, which he then offered them one. When they try to summon him again, he doesn’t show up, further proof that the book, while having caught his interest, doesn’t actually have any real hold/power over him. Also, he sounded kinda annoyed in the chat log, speaking in short sentences and single word answers.
Another example of DreamXD refusing to be used for items is when Foolish foolishly (haha) asks him for another shulker box. To which he retaliates by summoning lighting on him, multiple times, until Foolish takes back his request.
That said, DeramXD is perfectly fine with giving things away if it’s of his own volition and not because someone demands it of him. When Techno asks if he grants wishes, DreamXD offers them 1 when he could’ve just said no. When Foolish and Bad are having another territory dispute, DreamXD comes by and places heads of the various server members for them. He’s also given George diamonds of his own volition before as well. He’s not opposed to doing things for someone or giving them stuff, it’s only when people try to use him for things (cough cough George) does he get defensive and upset.
Second: DreamXD is not inherently malicious. When he does something bad, he doesn’t do it to be mean or to hurt them. He does it because he thinks it’d be funny, get a laugh out of George, or because he doesn’t recognize that sending someone to hell and back isn’t nice. (it was pretty funny though XD)
What he considers “good” or “bad” or acceptable is very different from “normal” and so most of his actions are born from ignorance of what “normal” is, ignorance he tries to correct by learning from George, the one person he’s been seen talking to outside chat. Which, George isn’t a good teacher, at all, but I’m not here to talk about that.
And more recently, when we see him cause mild chaos with Bad and Foolish, he ultimately leaves things back to the way he found them in. Returning L’Sandburg back to where it was, teleporting Foolish out of the void, showering both Bad and Foolish in EXP bottles to heal their armor and giving them some extra food to help them recover health after smiting them a few dozen times. (he also placed water on the TNT Skeppy lights in Foolish’s summer home at the same time as Bad, to prevent the explosion from blowing the place up.)
Third: There is a non-zero chance that DeramXD is whatever it is the dreamon hunters split from Dream during that first dreamon hunter stream, and not an ancient all powerful god of the server. (Though the members of the server certainly believe him to be which is what I personally believe led to DreamXD calling himself “god”. Because everyone else calls him that) If he’s a god, which considering his abilities he can certainly be counted as one, then he isn’t old, and is in fact quite new.
DreamXD explicitly states "I’m not Dream! ...I... am not Dream, sort of. I’m a part of him.” (Which means Dream came first!) He has also mentioned having been hunted at one point in the past (either as Dream during manhunts or because of the dreamon hunters, we don’t know), and has spoken in Dream’s voice once before switching back and saying “mm, he’s gone.”
Lastly: and, again this is just my personal thoughts on DreamXD and something I find interesting/funny about the fandom’s response but. George and Techno both say DreamXD looks like Dream. Foolish has mistaken Dream’s head for DreamXD before. By all means and canon evidence, DreamXD should look basically identical to Dream. Does this stop the fandom from going wild with his design? Nope. In fact, it’s so wild I have a hard time believing that this 23ft tall eldritch abomination with too many eyes, multiple floating hands, rings of halos around his (usually just an orb) head, twenty pairs of wings and long flowing robes looks anything like this scruffy, homeless, teletubby in a mask. Much less close enough that George keeps accidentally or on purpose mistaking him for Dream.
Like, all these designs are amazing and super duper cool looking and extraordinarily creative but it’s not accurate to canon at all and the spiderman meme makes much less sense when neither of the “spidermen” looks anything like the other. (Unless of course, everyone on the dsmp is mask blind and think anyone with a white mask looks like Dream because they can’t see past that and--)
ANYWAYS, this concludes some of my thoughts on DreamXD. I certainly have more but this has gotten long and kinda rambly. If you’ve gotten this far, then thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
He didn’t hesitate - Dream-ing SMP au
I was one of the people who wanted to see Wilbur blow everything up at the festival, and I also want to see Phil on the Dream SMP, but since he isn’t on the server... what if I mixed these two things that didn’t happen? 
The Dream-ing SMP au is an au where Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo join Phil’s Minecraft hardcore world, right after they joined, Wilbur gets a mysterious fever that makes him sleep for three days, while asleep, he dreams about the Dream SMP. So now, Wilbur will have to deal with the feelings and events that happened in the Dream SMP knowing that he dreamt them himself, All while living in Phil’s peaceful hardcore world.
Cw// Jschlatt, Dream SMP festival - Tw// Swearing, TNT, (almost) Drowning, Angst, lots of angst, mention of nightmares?
This is very angsty, just saying, be ready to cry.
“Let the festival begin!” Tubbo exclaimed, everyone wondered why he had said such a line when the festival of Manburg had been going on for almost an hour now, but the line wasn’t meant for them.
From the top of the building he was standing on, he jumped down in broad daylight, running for the back of the hill, “WILBUR SOOT?” Quackity noticed his brown coat instantly, moving the attention of the president to him.
Both Niki’s and Fundy’s screams of his name were drowned by the adrenaline pumping through his blood, he jumped over the fence and dug the dirt covering the room with the button, he looked once more at the sign singing the L’Manburg anthem, sighed, and pressed the button, bolting outside once again, climbing over the hill to get a better view, he yelled “TUBBO, TECHNO, TOMMY RUN!!!” On cue, Techno started up his elytra meanwhile Tommy jumped off the same building Wilbur did.
Tubbo was about to jump off the stage to run towards him, to run in the woods, and finally join him in Pogtopia, but Jschlatt grabbed his arm,” Where are you going Tubbo? Are you following orders from that guy instead of mine?” Tubbo stuttered, Schlatt giggled, “Of course you would, traitor” To the sight of the president of MAnburg grabbing Tubbo’s arm, Tommy turned around and loaded his crossbow, ready to shoot at Schlatt and free his friend, but it was too late.
Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong in that exact moment.
Techno’s wings got shot, making him fall, Niki kneeled down to help him, the explosions had already made the blackstone stage and the seats in front of it disappear and Tommy, at the sight of his friend disappearing in a cloud of dust, froze still, “TOMMY RUN!!!” Wilbur shouted, running back towards a TNT-danger zone, but the blonde boy had also disappeared in the explosion by now, a cloud of dust engulfed the British boy in the brown coat.
Wilbur sat up, sweat, tears, and heavy breathing clouded his mind and plagued his body, looking around frantically, the sober pattern of smooth stone, cobblestone, and oak fences welcomed him to the simple house, purple shulker boxes disposed in a line pointed at a pair of wings and a striped bucket hat, “P-Phil?”.
By the wall of chests, Phil was grabbing materials and mumbling to himself, his name being cried out by Wilbur made him turn around, “Will! Mate! You finally woke- Are you… ok?” The bright smile turned into a more preoccupied expression. Leaving the lists of things he needed on a shulker and sitting next to Wilbur on the red bed, Phil touched his forehead to find out it was boiling and covered in sweat, “You have a fever… that explains it” he mumbled to himself, making Wilbur even more confused.
“Explains what? And why are you here? Why am I here? I’m supposed to be in the Dream SMP Phil!” It was Phil’s turn to stare blankly at Wilbur, “Dream SMP? What are you talking about? Also, why wouldn’t you be here? You came here with Tubbo, Techno, and Tommy a couple of weeks ago now, did you forget about it?” At the sound of the names of his fellow Pogtopians, he asked where they were, to which Phil simply pointed outside.
The two young boys were playing happily with some of the dogs, giggling and running in the morning’s bright sun, a glass building with bees, and a fence full of cows could be seen in the distance.
“Techno left to mine some more netherite for you all, he won’t be back for a while”.
Knowing that everyone was safe made his heart rest a bit, only to get preoccupied with the fact that the older man didn’t know about the SMP “But what about the war? The election?” Phil sighed, getting up from Will’s bed “The fever must be getting to you Wilbur, you are speaking nonsense” Wilbur tried to complain, telling him about Schlatt and how he needed to get L’Manburg back, but Phil simply brought a hand up in a sign for him to stop rambling.
He took a cloth, dipping it into the cauldron and wringing it, going back to the bed, he gently pushed Wilbur down on his back and placed the damp cloth on his steaming forehead, “You slept for three days straight with a fever mate, it’s normal that your mind can get a bit delirious, I’m sure it must have been a pretty intense dream too, you kept shifting and whimpering, I think you cried a couple of times too.” Phil moved away from the bed again
A… dream? The Dream SMP was all… a dream?”
“Here, drink this” he helped Wilbur sit up-right again, giving him a glass of water, he started gulping down the liquid.
But it was all so detailed… he could feel the heat of the sun and the warmth of the other players…  he could feel the pain with each arrow and fall… everything looked and felt so real!
“Not to be a dick Will, but the sweat is starting to dry, if you don’t go wash you’ll start stinking soon” Phil interrupted his train of thoughts, “Plus, the water today isn’t cold, just a bit chilly, it’ll do you good, collecting your thoughts and waking you up… you might want to consider” Wilbur nodded, giving the blonde man back the glass after murmuring out a thanks for the water and the suggestion.
Getting up, the world started spinning, forcing him to sit back down. He waited a minute or so before slowly standing up again and leaning on the wall for support, his body did feel like he had been asleep for three days, his legs were holding him but they shook. As he looked down at them he realized that he was wearing his old skin: white tee, black jacket, and black trousers, it was definitely more comfortable than the L’Manburg and the Pogtopia skin.
Clicking the button to open the iron door, the bright sunlight blinded him briefly, while his eyes adjusted, some cheers in the distance brought him back to when it was just them, right after Eret betrayed them, Tommy, Tubbo, and himself, rebuilding the blown up L’Manburg while goofing around… the sunlight was just as warm.
The ocean surrounding most of Phil’s house was clear, you could see the bottom, the fishes and the sea lanterns.
Thank god in Minecraft you didn’t have to worry about your clothes getting wet, you could just jump in, feel the water on your skin, and be completely dry a few seconds after getting out.
So he did just that, taking a deep breath and inhaling as much oxygen as he could, he let his trembling legs give out and fall into the water.
In a second, everything went quiet, the cool water washed over him, getting rid of stress, sweat, and the effects of the fever, he felt reborn.
Just as he did when Dream gave him the TNT.
His forehead wrinkled, how was it all a dream? Tommy and Tubbo looked so peaceful while playing earlier, there is no way that they would have looked like that if the SMP happened, and Phil didn’t know anything about it? At this point, it had to have been a dream…
So if… hypothetically speaking… the Dream SMP… the wars… the betrayals… the election… the festival… If they were all a dream…
Did he create all of those situations? Did he think about Eret betrayal, all of those explosions, Schlatt winning, him and Tommy running into the woods…
Did he think about killing his friends? About making them fight in combat?
He made them suffer… he dreamt about making his friends suffer!
What kind of person does that?! What kind of friend dreams about those things?!
A faint voice called out his name, but his vision started to get darker… he was out of oxygen, but he was too occupied calling himself a monster… he was terrified of his mind… he was…
In the last moment of consciousness, a shadow covered the few rays of sun filtered by the water while warm arms wrapped around him, pulling him upwards, then everything faded.
“WERE YOU NOT LOOKING OVER HIM??” “No- I didn’t think he would have just sunk to the bottom like a rock! He looked fine!” “Is he breathing?” “If-... He-... doesn’t-... soon-!”
As if a rock fell on his chest, Wilbur gasped for air as water rose up his throat, using his elbow as support as he coughed out the water that ended up in his lungs. He could feel the presence of people next to him, but he was too tired to turn and see who they were.
As he started breathing air again, he collapsed back on his back, the lights shined on the worried faces of Tommy, Phil, and Tubbo who where standing behind the man that was sitting on his knees in front of him, he was also panting and his clothes were also wet, after focusing on his face harder, he was able to see that it was Technoblade.
He gave him cpr...
“Will? Can you-... hear me? See me?” He nodded, Techno sighed in relief, using his hands to help himself up straight, he allowed Phil to kneel down next to Wilbur, sitting next to him up and cupping his face, “What the fuck crossed your mind, Wilbur?! Why would you not swim up to breathe?!”
He wasn’t paying too much attention to Phil, his eyes were focused on Tubbo that was holding his mouth, and Tommy who was hugging him, eyes clearly puffy from crying.
Then, behind the two teens, Technoblade emerged back from the water, with his royal red cape in a hand, and his shiny crown in the other.
Techno jumped in the water without taking his cape off…
The voice he heard calling his name in fear was Techno’s…
Techno saw Wilbur in the water and jumped in without taking his cape and crown off…
At that point, Wilbur started crying, gripping on Phil’s shoulder as hard as he could.
In the Dream SMP Techno did not hesitate to agree on helping Wilbur in his maniacal plan, without fear of his reputation getting damaged or getting his hands dirty…
… Just like he didn’t hesitate to jump in the water, even with the risk of damaging his cape and losing his crown.
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benchtrio-kin-help · 3 years
Hello! We recently discovered that we have a Shulker Tubbo fictive, do you mind making some headcannons for them? They don't know much about themself
Of course I can :D. I hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with and hopefully this helps some! ^^.
You typically wore baggier clothes since it was a lot easier. Iron armor = full set of diamond, which had to have been heavier as well. Plus it’s a lot more comfortable—your wardrobe consisted of different shades of purple. Not many other colors were seen on you besides maybe black or white.
Being shulk came with its perks, such as being able to speak ender, as well as understand it of course. This makes it a lot easier for you and Ranboo since it’s his first language, and it makes for fun times when confusing your friends. (But it really does come in handy a lot.)
But speaking of Ranboo, you used to get super excited whenever he teleported around. Sure, everyone had some sort of power and it was a normal thing but, you still thought it was super cool. — You and the enderman would hang out in a treehouse you built, and Tommy would join from time to time. You guys would just relax up there whenever it was nighttime and tell random stories.
You could also shrink! This helps when hiding from mobs or when you just messed with your friends. When I say shrink, I mean go down to the size of your protective shulker box that you can make. You could hide inside of it, and it honestly wasn’t that uncomfortable. Oh, and your body would kind of like, harden when you got scared. Like a reflex of some sort. (Almost anything you were holding at the time would break if you were to be startled.)
It was a boredom thing at first, just collecting a bunch of different flowers. But then it turned into gardening and looking after different types of the cute plants. You’d always have one on you, just in case you’d wanna give one to someone. Back to the garden, you had started it a month or so after you got done with the treehouse. It was a nice hobby and it didn’t get in the way of anything, plus it was relaxing. (And you could make flower crowns for others. Niki especially really liked those!! She couldn’t wear them a lot but she did have quite a few from you.)— Wilbur tended to visit said garden a lot, usually when you were there though. He’d ask if you’ve collected any new flowers, how everything was going, basically small talk but turned into longer conversation over time.
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queer-enderdragon · 3 years
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Anon got their priorities straight. here's your cubfan my dude
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