#The watchers are assholes except for like
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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My first Tulia let Watcher X go, just because she was my first DS!Agent and most of her choices were driven by being sort of comically evil, but this time around, I am being a little more careful about her choices in terms of her actual motivations (which, to be fair, I didn't really know when I played her the first time around, since all I had in my head for her was tol murder machine hurr durr and then she started simping at Zhorrid)
but anyway
This time she shanked Watcher X. While it was tempting to get Dirt on some folks who had annoyed her, Tulia's loyalty (at the moment, anyway), is primarily to Intelligence and she has a lot of faith in Intelligence as an Agency. 100%, her true loyalty is to herself and to staying alive at all costs, but she did the math on it and decided that the risk that he's a fucking liar far outweighed any possibility of him having good information (especially if his information might lead her to have an Existential Crisis about why she's doing what she's doing).
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He talked to her like he was better than her when, in her mind, he's not, so fuck him.
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thetommoway-oioii · 3 months
Rant Time™ !!!
so i recently became invested in the 9-1-1 universe. not gonna lie I started with lone star because tk and carlos kept popping up all over my feeds everywhere with their wedding pics and of-fucking-course I immediately looked up the show because I'm not gonna pass up any canon queer rep?? hello!! anyway this ain't about tarlos. after I was done with lone star I started interacting with stuff from that fandom and came to find that one of the characters from the main show recently came out as bi and boy oh boy was I excited as fuck. two days later I'm starting my 9-1-1 binge. I knew absolutely nothing about the characters, storyline or the show except what I saw in the crossover episode and I was so pleasantly surprised that there's already canon queer rep present from the beginning of the show!!! (shout out to henren and michaeldavid absolute legends)
anyway I keep getting sidetracked, what I'm here to rant about is how fucking dumb some of the new watchers like me are?!! I had no idea how this t*mmy person was because all I knew was a gif of him kissing buck. you can imagine my surprise when I first saw him in the flashbacks and found out what an absolute dickwad he used to be?!?! and I could not believe that buck was gonna kiss this dude in the future. there was no fucking way. either there was gonna be a huge redemption character arc or something or he'll have a fuckin twin or something cause no chance they're setting future buck up with this asshole.
anyway lo and behold s2 comes around and in comes eddie diaz with this big brown eyes and slutty tank top and of course I knew who eddie was. come on now be for real. I might have not been a part of the fandom before but there's no way you can exist on tumblr and not know who eddie and buck were. and like any other shipping-prone fan, I thought people were setting buddie up based on subtle sterek-esque subtext but imagine my surprise when slowly throughout the show they became deancas-esque obvious. the connection they developed, the trust, the bond. how they found home and family and sense of belonging and safety in each other. how eddie and chris and buck himself baby trapped himself. I was so sure that buddie would eventually become canon in s7 because there's no other way right. maybe the the whole BT thing was some weird profound realization moment for buck or something.
back to the point. what I'm mad about is how the new watchers are completely Ignoring clear signs of buddie and on top of that shaming or right out calling the buddie shippers crazy all the while blindly supporting a character that is clearly a Major Fucking Dickwad from the beginning. making excuses like he was figuring himself out in the past or he's canonly queer while eddie clearly isn't. as if T*mmy figuring himself out excuses him being a shit person or the literal fact that just because eddie has not come out yet he's not queer. buck was straight UNTIL he came out as bi. anyway that's mostly all I wanted to say. yes I started the show because of a BT kiss gif but once I actually watched the show, it was easy to figure out what was right in front of me.
I urge new watchers like me to take the time and really understand and watch the show and not just look at it from face value or consume information through social media osmosis.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
So I JUST got this idea after reading your mist recent adoptive dad!Kaveh piece and now it WILL NOT leave my mind. You emphasized on how his child's emotions are his emotions and how he's much more empathetic when it comes to them. So naturally, as a connoisseur of all things angst, I keep thinking how Kaveh will handle it when his child has their first heartbreak! Being so emotional himself will he be able to hold up or will he cry with them? and I wonder what the rest of them will do, there's just so many possibilities
how is [name]'s first heartbreak handled?
summary. how does [name]'s platonic co-parenting family respond to their first breakup?
trigger & content warnings. gaslighting, tough breakups, abusive behavior, lots of tears, & medical malpractice (briefly and pretty non-seriously).
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. hurt/comfort. tighnari & reader, alhtiaham & reader, adoptive dad!kaveh & reader, cyno & reader, collei & reader. 1k words. they/them pronouns for reader. this post is an expansion of what if kaveh adopted a child?
author's thoughts. THIS IS SO TASTY THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS.... ive never been in this situation before nor do i really understand what heartbreak feels like so i just kind of went with the flow. focused mostly on what [name]'s lil family would do and how they'd all react. anyway keep sending me your adoptive dad!kaveh thoughts guys i love this kind of interaction haha <3
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tighnari is furious. alhaitham is level-headed and logical as usual, but not indifferent. kaveh cries with them. cyno is livid. collei is calm, comforting.
kaveh is very sensitive to his kid's mood; i have indeed emphasized this already. he knows when something is wrong. he senses the shift in their mood almost instantly. depending on where they are, he may or may not be the first to know.
do they return to gandharva ville after they break up with their first love (for the sake of angst, let's say it's because the ex-lover in question sought to abuse and take advantage of their selflessness, but [name] was not having it, and they were gaslit upon pointing it out and ended up being called needy)? if so, tighnari will know first.
archons forbid their ex ever show up at gandharva ville for any kind of treatment. tighnari will treat them, yes, but he will make it hell. he will make it worse before making it better. medical malpractice? no, that's not what it is, silly. he's not even a licensed doctor! how can he commit malpractice if he doesn't practice medicine in the first place?
tighnari can think all he wants about doing such a thing, but he really wouldn't. he couldn't do something like that. he'd have a guilty conscience forever if he did. however, that does not mean he won't give [name]'s ex attitude. oh archons, he has all the attitude in the world to spare for the asshole who hurt his nibling (a/n: that's the gn term for niece or nephew).
[name] is not needy. sensitive and clingy at times, perhaps, but needy? tighnari scoffs at the idea. they're self-sufficient, if anything. the simple truth is that [name] likes affection because they were spoiled with it when they were little. the fact that their first love gaslit them in such a disgusting way makes the forest watcher's blood boil.
"[name]..." he'd sigh, heart squeezing painfully in his chest as he held them against his chest, unable to do much of anything except listen to the way they sobbed. tighnari's tail instinctively curled around their waist. "it really is not your fault. some people are just... horrible like that. ultimately, you deserve better, so this is for the best. it may not feel that way right now, but one day, it will."
do they return to kaveh and alhaitham's shared home instead? is kaveh home? if not, then alhaitham will know first. it isn't improbable. kaveh is often away on work trips, so it isn't hard to imagine that the akademiya's scribe would know first.
alhaitham hates seeing kaveh cry. he wishes he would stop expending himself to a harmful extent for the sake of others.
he also hates seeing [name] cry. why should they spend time crying over a manipulative asshole who had no capacity to understand them as a person? they shouldn't, and yet... they are.
like tighnari, alhaitham sighs. he's stroking their hair away from their face with one hand, stopping every now and then to gently pat their tears dry, even though his efforts are fruitless; they end up crying more regardless of how many times he dries their face. their head is laid in his lap. it's the least the scribe can do until kaveh gets home.
"[name], they're not worth your time. you were raised to be kind and emotionally articulate. it isn't your fault that they tried to take advantage of that."
he sighs again.
"i'm proud that you refused to let them manipulate you."
alhaitham's blatant, clearly-worded praise is rare. it soothes their soul a little.
if kaveh is home, however...
they will be sobbing in his arms within the hour. he always knows when something is wrong, and when something is wrong? he's there to support and console them. that is what any good father would do. kaveh's heart shatters on their behalf when they manage to choke out between tears that their love had so callously tried to abuse the kindness they offered to all those around them.
kaveh undoubtedly cries with them, holding their figure tightly against his.
"honey, it—" he chokes, aggressively wiping his face with one hand while the other remains secured around their waist. "it's not you, okay? it's not your fault. people, they— they like to try and take advantage of things they don't have. kind people don't take advantage of kindness. good people don't take advantage of goodness. you did well. you handled it well."
cyno will always be the last to know, regardless of what order everyone else finds out in.
cyno is also the most furious.
it's probably in [name]'s ex's best interest to flee the country. the wrath of general mahamatra cyno is an utterly horrifying thing to be the target of. he won't physically hurt them, no (although he would have to put all of his self control into practice in order to not knock all of the kid's teeth out...), but he will make it very clear that he does not want them anywhere near his nibling ever again unless it's to apologize, and even then... he had better not see them lingering too long.
the next time he sees kaveh and his kid, cyno plants a firm hand on [name]'s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, saying, "they won't bother you again."
a slight chill runs up their spine at that. "...what did you do to them..?"
"don't worry about it."
anyway congrats to [name]'s manipulative ex! they have made enemies with four of the most influential people in sumeru <3
(and as a little bonus treat:
collei, now in her late teens, is some kind of mix between tighnari, alhaitham, and kaveh. she's not mad. she's just disappointed, really; she loves [name] like a little sibling and just doesn't understand why anyone would knowingly hurt them. she knows very well that such cruel people do exist—she was the victim of one such person, after all—but... it's so hard for her to fathom. collei is very gentle and understanding in this situation, letting them cry on her shoulder for as long as they need to. once their tears have dried, she takes them out on patrol with her.
she makes them fresh pita pockets over a fire and spends the afternoon laughing and joking around with them to help them feel better. she'll even tell one of cyno's awful jokes if it will make them smile. <3)
adoptive dad!kaveh taglist: @kaoyamamegami. send a non-anonymous ask to be added. please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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moonwatcher was such an asshole in book 8, scratch that, ALL the protagonists except peril were assholes in book 8. Peril got attacked by winter for no reason, she tried to be the better dragon and leave so she didn't accidentally hurt him, only for him to crash into her because he was attacking her, and then blame it on her? Then everyone else arrives and blames her too? Then moon watcher CASUCALLY drops "erm, I bet qibli knows how to kill you in like six different ways already heheh" THAT IS SO FUCKED UP?? HELLO? and then qibli SMILES and says "only 3 so far" like this is NOT a cute moonbli moment they just told peril that if it came down to it they would KILL HER. SHE DID NOTHING Wrong. and when peril pointed out "hey you have no problem with turtle using his powers for the war if his queen asked him but suddenly hate MW when I do?" Everyone just kinda stared at her like "O shit she has a point" AND THEN HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO IGNORE IT? LIKE "she's right... TURTLE you shouldn't have to use your powers for anyone!" WHAT. I hate how everyone treats peril in her book even turtle himself who's supposed to be her friend.
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I want to clarify in advance this is not about anybody specifically in this Fandom, this is just me trying to get my thoughts in order and perhaps to just feel like I am being heard in any regard. Likewise, do not take my word as gospel, for I am merely a lurker of the community who has never truly experienced Fandom outside of looking at fanart and fanfictions. I would like to start creating fanart, fanfictions, and even fancomics should I ever figure out how backgrounds work, but Fandom scares me, especially in regards to one as large as the Fire Emblem community. While I understand that just because one guy sucks in a Fandom it does not mean the whole Fandom sucks, I am also aware of how much damage one person can do, furthermore statistically there are likely to be more bad apples in this bunch then other communities I lurk about in, I mostly lurk in niche Fandoms with the exception being Fire Emblem. I already know my opinions do not tend to align with the majority, and while that is not necessarily a bad thing on its own, it does start to become a bad thing with the horror stories I have heard about Fandom. While I do hope they are just that, horror stories, there is still the nagging feeling of any of them having a basis in reality, I do not want to be a Fandom's punching bag, but I also do not want to remain a mere watcher forever. I have ideas for making fanworks myself, I want to work on these ideas, and I want to share them, perhaps even one day on my own blog instead of just anonymously, but the nagging fear in relation to the mortifying ordeal of being known is making it difficult. Things are only made worse because I find reading people difficult, less so when it is face to face, so the process of understanding whether somebody is jokingly calling something I make awful is completely unknown to me. Yeah, I know just block people who are being assholes, but what if it is taken the wrong way, and I proclaimed a thin skinned idiot who cannot take criticism because the person blocked took it out of context and yelled about it to the rest of the community, who took their word as truth. Only for me to be punished because of those very bad apples I have feared before. I feel as though I am a hypocrite, I have sent anonymous messages in before saying how much I love to see people sharing what they have created, no matter how supposedly cringe people may think it is, I say I live by the motto that cringe is dead, yet I still live in fear of the unknowns of Fandom, all because I have never truly participated in the past. I want to discuss the things I enjoy, yet it appears as though whether it is with those who have never played these games or even fellow fans, I may forever be an outsider in this regard, and I hate that such a thing is even a possibility. I love these games dearly, and I want to talk to people about the games, and all the different concepts I have had about the series, be it fangames, fancomics, fanfictions, whatever. Most of my concepts are in the au category, and as I have stated time and time again, I wish to share my ideas someday. I would like to act like none of this is actually concerning to me, but it would be a lie, no matter how many times I tell people I do not care it is all a facade, I care very deeply. I do not want to be hated because people see that I ship a rarepair and think that means I hate every other ship, I do not want to be hated because people think my au ideas are stupid, I do not want to be hated because I have never written a fanfiction before, nor ever posted about one. The mortifying ordeal of being known is living up to the word mortifying, and I hate this is even a problem for me to begin with, it just makes me feel like such a coward. Besides, I am still using anonymous for this confession, is that not truly the act of a coward?
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tu-es-gegg · 9 months
lmao its so funny the eye guys care so much abt getting luffy back even though in the grand scheme of things its so pointless like
luffy is a tiny fuckin guy and knows nothing, litterally like a kid, its not he has much use if im thinking like an asshole, luffy doesnt seem to have like much actual like grander purpose. for all i know luffy is just like the egg island equivalent of eggs except theres no actual like reason for the watcher to care that much
i feel like luffy is just an excuse torture island residents on quesadilla island with "consequences" because like lmao why you care so much he doesnt even like you and you dont even care abt him, shuddup
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jkl-fff · 1 year
Rereading "Lord of the Rings".
And one thing that strikes me this time around is how vast and especially *full* Middle Earth is. Naturally, one does get a sense of its scale in the films through the sweeping panoramas and the traveling scenes.
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But a subtle way the books establish how *full* it is that isn't really present in the films ... is by the plethora of random stuff the characters encounter en route. So much of which doesn't really have anything to do with Sauron's latest bid for power or the Ring at all, or only tangentially, if so; stuff just happens to be on the way or in the way.
Like a wandering company of Elves who just sorta squat in the Shire like a fabulous and snobbish homeless camp.
Or a sapient fox who notices Frodo's weirdness and goes "But that's none of my business."
Then there's the evil willow tree that tries to drown Frodo and eat Merry and Pippin just because.
To say nothing of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, this basically Ned Flanders of an Earth God and his basically river nymph wife just chillin' in their house and what they've decided is their yard.
And the celtic burial ghosts that manifest as a disembodied hand like some sorta Legend of Zelda monster.
And that's just in and around the Shire!
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After that, you get,
Lots of ruins all over the place. Seems like they can't go five minutes without tripping over some ruins.
A mountain that's an asshole and tries to kill the Fellowship simply for the sake of assholery.
Those things that are "older and fouler than Orcs in the deep places of the world", such as the Watcher in the Water. Or that Gandalf passes while busy fighting the Balrog (and who presumably pulles a sapient fox by going "But that's none of my business."). Or like Ungoliant the Giant Spider-Thing was, and her offspring like Shelob and the giant spiders in Mirkwood.
Seriously, Shelob's not there in Cirith Ungol later on because of Sauron; no, she just lives there. Like a feral cat, except a giant spider-thing.
AND THEN THERE'S THE BALROG! Who, yeah, probably knew Sauron back from when they were both coworkers in Morgoth Inc., but clearly wasn't working for him at the time of the Fellowship. Seems the dude just decided to chill under some mountains after the Feds got their old boss for violatong noise ordinances (meaning the Valar imprisoned him for sowing discord in the divine melody), but then the Dwarves woke him up from his nap *twice* before the Fellowship did it a *third time*.
A lake with weird reflections and a commemorative sign that says one of the Dwarf founding fathers once had lunch there, or whatever.
A river that echoes the voice of a famous Missing Persons case in Elf history.
Ancient Gondor's magic surveillance towers for watching and listening in on foreign nations (but probably their own citizens like the NSA, too), which are way out on the edge of their territory for no particular reason.
Several hundred miles of land that, according to tree-people gender binary, women liked to farm (before a battle happened, somehow turning it into a haunted swamp where good people became vengeful ghosts somehow).
There are more characters for the stories to gravitate around from then on (Rohan and Gondor, Ents and Gollum), and the action between books and movies more closely aligns. But still, it's kinda impressive how crazy Tolkein's world is.
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whoiwanttoday · 2 years
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I had plans this week that have been disrupted due to a death in the family. I don't begrudge anyone that, it sort of means everything has to be moved around and the things I thought I would be doing this week I am not so instead I have had a lot of time home trying to fill some blank hours. This means I ended up watching Georgia Ellenwood on Twitch Last night. I am pretty sure I have never done that, though I did subscribe to her channel when she created it. I actually heard a stat once that 90% of the people who subscribe to a twitch channel never watch it again and that feels about right in my experience. I mean, I know some people are dedicated twitch watchers but I can't watch on my TV so I almost never do, even though I will say I get the appeal. Anyway, it turns out that Georgia Ellenwood is a bundle of charm, which is nice, but the main thing that stood out to me is despite Canadians' reputation as the nicest people on the planet maybe they secretly aren't? Or maybe they are just kind of dumb. She had a story about going to London Drugs because she she needed to rent a camera and she called and they told her they do rent cameras and to come on by. So she did and some guy was very rude to her and told her they don't rent cameras and implied she was an idiot for doing so. She said she talked to someone on the phone who said they did and could she ask if anyone had talked to a woman on the phone and the guy refused to even ask anyone because he had worked there for two whole years and he knew they didn't rent cameras. Like, that's it, won't even performatively pretend to ask. Finally another guy comes out and overhears them and says he is the one who answered the phone and they do rent cameras and he gives it to her. Then the first guy acted like she was an asshole for not just leaving. I bring all this up because it is shocking to me, it doesn't jibe with the reality I know at all. See, like many people, I worked a lot of retail as a teenager and I am here to tell you that there is no place I ever worked where people wouldn't have been falling all over themselves to help Georgia Ellenwood because I hate to burst any bubbles but hot people get better service. Hot women in particular get more retail attention from male employees than anyone else on Earth. And I don't know this guys life but he lives in a suburb of Vancouver and I get that it's a big city and all but I am willing to bet Georgia Ellenwood is the hottest woman he has ever met in person. Just either this guy works at the suburban drugstore that supermodels all go to or this is the hottest woman he has ever seen. And he couldn't wait to get her out of his store. And look, I don't think the guys who fall all over themselves to help someone like her are smart, there is probably no world where Georgia Ellenwood is so touched by the service she got at the drugstore that she falls in love with the guy on the other side of the counter, I am just saying that's how things work. Except in Canada I guess? Where everyone is polite except service employees who are condescending dicks? I dunno, the more I learn about Canada the wilder it is, we haven't even gotten into the part about how impressive it is that they can build entire stores out of ice blocks and then safely store cameras in them. Anyway, that stood out to me and she really is very pretty and very charming and so I am posting her. Today I want to fuck Georgia Ellenwood.
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chase-omega · 3 months
If video game consoles had personalities.
Nintendo would be that eccentric childhood friend you had who hasn't changed much since middle school. In some ways, that's endearing and you love him. In other ways, it's a little embarrassing to bring him around your other friends sometimes.
Playstation is the edgelord and the weeb, but at the same time he isn't an asshole either. But strangely enough, as much as he likes anime, he's a strict dub watcher, no exceptions. He doesn't usually attend gatherings, but when he does, he comes out of his shell and becomes the life of the party.
Xbox is a total dudebro jock. He loves sports and guns and trucks. And he always seems to have some sort of "get rich quick" scheme that usually backfires. Regardless, you have fond memories of the guy.
PC was the rich kid. He thinks he's better than you, and in some ways, he actually is. Though oddly enough, he seems to get along with Xbox a lot. They have the most unlikely friendship you've ever seen.
Mobile is that poor friend who doesn't make the best financial decisions, but at the same time, he's super reliable and literally always there when you need him. He's your ride or die for sure, even if he isn't appreciated as much as he should be.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Hi hi! For the OC ask meme - you pick who you're jonesing to write for! <3
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Oooh, lotsa prompts. :D Thank you!
(Odd OC Asks)
I'm gonna stick with Hector again bc as I said, he's on my mind tonight. XD (Rakha is too - looking forward to getting her liveblog back up and running - but she's still in Act 1 and I don't have strong answers for some of these questions just yet because she's still figuring herself out. :P )
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🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
Indeed! I don't actually think it was Karlach, either, though she is his first relationship/sex. I think I established at one point that Hector had a brief flirtation with a girl in the village near the monastery when he was in his late teens; it didn't get tremendously far but they definitely had a few secret rendezvous to make out.
However - his order isn't celibate but it was sort of frowned upon to get caught up in that kind of thing and so the whole thing got stomped out by the then-Abbot and after that Hector buried himself in his studies and didn't really come out again until the Nautiloid caught him.
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
This kind of relates to the above - Hector has been pretty touch-starved his whole life and also knows that Karlach ALSO has, so their relationship is VERY touch-heavy and he's sort of fascinated by it, by just being able to reach out and feel her near him any time he likes and get that same gesture in return. Any time he's near her and his hands aren't otherwise occupied he almost always has a hand on her arm or around her waist or shoulders, and she is the same way; it's not really even a deliberate thing on either of their parts, just instinctive, automatic.
With friends, he's less touchy-feely (although he got more so over time - there were a lot of hugs during the epilogue party), and I think his biggest gesture of affection comes around discussing each others' interests. He's always very actively interested in the things that are important to his friends (looking back, he absolutely first started to fall for Karlach when she infodumped about demons at him :P ), and super excited when someone (often Gale and Shadowheart) bring up something he's interested in and let him ramble in return.
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Oops. I guess the above answer was supposed to be just about receiving affection, and this one is about giving affection? I sort of answered both at once, lol.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
My initial instinct was to say blasphemy but that's actually super untrue; he got close to Shadowheart even before she gave up on Shar, he was ready to throw hands with Mystra for Gale, etc. So his relationship with religion got very complicated very fast as soon as he left the monastery actually, which is interesting to think about.
Looking at the moments where Hector got the most angry/upset during the game, the answer seems more likely to be cruelty or indifference to those in need and unable to defend themselves. His biggest snap moments were 1) his temper tantrum at Shadowheart in the House of Healing, which was really at Malus Thorm except he was already dead, 2) Arfur Gregorio and the gunpowder in the refugees' toys, 3) Valeria not giving a shit about the outcome of her investigation, 4) seeing the Steel Watcher killing a little girl through the brains in the Foundry, 5) Wulbren Bongle, nuff said, and 6) the asshole running the dog kennel. (And, of course, everything to do with Gortash, Orin, Cazador, Raphael, Viconia, and Mystra.)
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Hm. There isn't a TON of criminal activity Hector would be involved in. In a lot of ways he is the guy from that Club Penguin meme ("They can't do that, that's illegal!") - he got, for instance, super incensed about the djinn rigging the carnival game in Rivington. XD
However - he has definitely killed and will kill again, albeit for self-defense and/or civic duty reasons, so y'know there's that.
The real answer here, however, is that by Act 3 he was SUPER willing to steal all the shit from anyone who was a jerk to him/his friends/those in need (see previous question). It was for the most part a very Robin Hood-esque instinct (he didn't really want the money/goods for himself particularly and definitely paid it forward). But yeah the answer here is definitely petty burglary against jerks. :P
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S1E12 (part 1)
Prophecy Girl
The last episode of season 1. I ended up writing 9 pages (A5 Pages, I don't like writing on A4, A5 is just easier to hold and rest on my lap as I write), so this might be another 3 parter. Here goes:
First thing I noticed was that the sign for the Bronze changed after the last episode still had the fumigation sign on it.
Xander practicing asking Buffy out and using Willow is his practice person. Oh boy.
Buffy is off fighting, and she lands on her back/butt, then she pulls out a stake from the back of her waistband. How did she not get stabbed by it when she fell?
Giles really does put in some serious overtime as a Watcher. The man needs more of a life. But I get the importance of why he's putting in the extra the time.
Earthquake. According to The Master, a possible 5.1. Can someone explain to me how earthquakes are measured? We don't get them here in the UK, except for that one time in 2008? where we had a small one. I slept through it though.
Giles looks like shit, after finding out some very troubling news. As we saw in Episode 10, Giles' biggest fear is losing Buffy so her will try to do anything he can to prevent that from happening. He definitely has a father's love for her by this point.
Okay, here we go, Xander is asking out Buffy. He was direct and to the point, that's good, get's the message across.
THEN HERE IS WHERE HE RUINS!!! Buffy turns him down because she sees him as just a friend only. Her friendship is more important, more valuable than the possibility of starting an ill-fated with him that could ruin their friendship. He likes her ad asking her out was brave, don't have a problem with that. The problem is how he reacts to it. Buffy doesn't feel that same so it wouldn't make sense for her to say yes, that would be leading him on and would be wrong. She also has feelings for Angel and would cause problems there. Turning Xander down was the right thing to do in this situation. However, Xander's snipe 'I guess a guy's gotta be dead undead to make time with you?' was fucking uncalled for and cruel. You can't help who you fall for, but you do not get to punish someone because it's not you. When faced with rejection you accept what the person has said and move on. You don't ever act like an entitled asshole because they said no. And while Xander may have apologised for his little comment after Buffy rightfully calls him out for it, he doesn't mean it. He hates Angel and takes any opportunity to disparage him in front of whoever will listen. He says sorry to placate Buffy, but he doesn't actually regret saying it because he believes what he said. Rejection fucking sucks. Whether it's by friends, partners, jobs or university, it hurts. But it happens. It's a part of life and you need to get used to it, because if you always take it so hard and personally it will eat away at you and leave you bitter and angry at the world. If left like this your mental will be in tatters. Learn to accept rejection and move on. In Xander's case, he can either accept that Buffy's friendship is enough for him, or he can walk away if he can't accept it. To quote Billy Butcher from 'The Boys' (I love this show) 'Don't be a cunt.'
I'm going to leave it there for this part. I will have more to say about Xander in the next part, but it will mostly centre on Buffy. Part 2 tomorrow.
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sodiumlamp · 9 months
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I hate this show so much.
It's not that bad, I guess. I've said before, the actors are talented, and the production values are generally pretty impressive. You can tell a lot of work went into this. It's not like they just put a hand puppet on the screen and had him go "Herpy-derp I am the Picard! Watch me make poopie!" We're a long way from rock bottom.
But it's still really unsatisfying to watch this thing. I find myself thinking of all the "bad" Trek episodes I've seen in the past, and pretty much all of them would be more fun to watch than this. Quark impersonating his mother? Better than Picard. Dr. Crusher fucks a candle ghost? Better than Picard. Warp 10 Humanders? Not even a question, that episode kicked ass. I mean, it was really stupid, but the real worst episode of Voyager was "Retrospect". Still, both of those were better than Picard.
Let's branch out a little. Dragon Ball GT? Better than Picard. The Proposal? Yeesh, that's a close one. No, Betty White was in that. Still better than Picard. Hocus Pocus? I mean, it's shorter than Picard. I'm trying to think of something objectively worse than watching this show, and I think I'm having to dip into just bad life experiences, like getting dumped or being unemployed.
Let me try to get to this particular episode. It's S2E5, "Watcher". They call it that because the Borg Queen advised Picard to locate a "watcher" who was a potential ally in the mission to fix time. Picard found her last episode, but she's actually a "supervisor" like Gary Seven from the TOS episode. See, we're doing callbacks to Gary fucking Seven here, but this show still can't figure out why Picard and Guinan don't remember meeting in 1893.
I don't think they ever named this "supervisor" character. They should call her "Gary Eight" because fuck it. Anyway, her job is to shepherd the career of astronaut Renee Picard, who's due to go on a spaceflight, but she's got the same anxiety/depression that everyone in 2024 has. Also everyone in 2401 has it too, so time is a flat circle.
Renee's therapist, Q, is trying to talk her out of going on the mission, so Picard's like "Aha! That's just the sort of trick that asshole likes to play." Except no it isn't, he's the one who showed Picard the altered timeline and gave him the opportunity to go back and try to fix it. Why would he be the one trying to fuck things up?
Apparently Q's powers don't work right now, so he does a side plan where he contacts Noonien Soong's ancestor and cures his daughter's comic book mutation to save her life. In exchange he wants Soong's help to do... something. I don't even feel like speculating. This show just drains all the enthusiasm right out of me.
There's a lot of doubles in this show. The Watcher/Supervisor/Gary Eight looks like Laris, but without the Romulan ears. This is never explained. When Raffi and Seven save Rios from ICE, there's an Elnor lookalike on the bus with Rios. This is never explained. The Soong ancestors look exactly like Alton Soong and Soji from Season 1. This... kind of makes sense, but there was no reason to have them be the Soongs. If Brent Spiner wanted to be in the show so damn badly he shouldn't keep asking the writers to kill him off.
None of this crap matters. They could have jumped straight from Episode 2 to Episode 6 and it would have been fine. Picard goes straight to the Watcher to find out about Renee, and they can just skip the bit with Jurati merging with the Borg Queen, since I'm pretty sure that won't amount to anything anyway.
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cverthinks · 2 years
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was that EMILY ALYN LIND spotted down at the shoreline of east hamptons main beach? must just be, MARSEMMY MARS VERNON the TWENTY-FIVE year old BAKER. whenever i hear MIRACLE ALIGNER by THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS it reminds me of them. they are known for being SARCASTIC but they make up for that by being LAID BACK. they have been living in the hamptons for ONE YEAR.
howdy, my name is rian (they/them) and this is mars. if ya like what you see, please feel free to like this and i’ll swing into your pms to plot !!
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  marsemmy claudia vernon  ,  mars
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty-five  , february 29  ,  aquarius
hometown  :  geneva  ,  ny
gender  ,  pronouns :  cisfemale  , she / they
orientation  :  bisexual , biromantic ( closeted )
height :  5′4″
relationship status :  single
occupation  :  baker
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent
similar  characters  :  shane madej  (  watcher network  )  ,  max mayfield (  stranger things )  ,  sloane peterson  (  ferris bueller’s day off  )  ,  veronica fisher   (  shameless  )  ,  donna pinciotti  (  that 70′s show  )  , audrey horne  (  twin peaks  )
aesthetics  :   being the big sister to many friends against your will, sharp black lines, tattoos poking out from professional crisp white sleeves, burgundy red lips upturned into a knowing smirk, living alone but always having to cook dinner for ten people, being wrapped in the comforting scent of vanilla, purple under eyes giving away yet another sleepless night, high waisted jeans, paint stained sneakers, saying ‘meh, good enough’, having a worrying amount of red wine in your pantry, the bitterest and hottest cup of black coffee you can find, hating your mom but also missing your mom, perpetual eye rolling, ordering a strawberry milkshake at any diner no matter what, watching a group of friends dance while you’re alone.
TLDR: if shane madej had possessed a small woman’s body and liked baking instead of hunting ‘ghosts’. sarcastic bordering on just plain callous sometimes. owns her own baking company where she makes cakes and pastries for rich assholes in the hamptons. mom friend but in the sense of her grabbing ears and calling her ‘kids’ idiots
a  b  o  u  t  (tw: parent death, grieving)
there’s nothing to really say about marsemmy vernon’s short time spent in brooklyn. the first four years, the only years she has when her family was a trio. her mother, an alcoholic and her father, a workaholic pastry chef. her memories are vague, but mars knows well-enough that they weren’t a happy little family in their one bedroom apartment. 
her parents try fixing their marriage by moving from their shitty situation. geneva was nice, the house they bought a fraction of the price and triple the size of what they had in the city (though, this is hardly a brag). the couple lasts for another two years before her mother leaves for good this time, not before scarring mars by forgetting to pick her up from her first day of kindergarten at the same time.
markus and marsemmy vernon worked much better as a duo, anyways. it was like they had a mutual understanding. they could only depend on one another, there was no one else in this town to call home except for one another. markus had been a baker since he was a teenager, bouncing around from shop to shop. when his wife left him and his daughter, he knew it was only up to him to finally plant roots to help his family grow. valhalla baking company opened in late 2004, priding himself on creative work and a place for any and all souls to find the same comfort he did in baked goods. mars would hang out at the shop daily after school whenever she could. picture, if you will: a small eight year old stepping onto a step stool to ring someone up. it’s no wonder that mars took to baking just like her father did. 
she takes care of herself in her adolescence, and more importantly, their father. the man who raised them, and taught them everything they knew. it was another thing mars was good at; nurturing, being the responsible one of the dynamic duo, even as a teenager. her childhood may have been nonexistent, but she tells herself she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. high school graduation comes and goes, and mars doesn’t go off to college like most of her classmates. instead, she dives headfirst into working full time at the bakery. valhalla is busier than ever after all, becoming a staple business in geneva.her father passed away very suddenly and tragically over a year ago. 
according to many news reports, markus verhoff fell asleep at the wheel after a long day of work, and crashed his car. mars doesn’t talk about him much these days, diving headfirst into her work the same way her father did, and going a step beyond: moving the business to the hamptons. after all, he left the business to her in his will. twenty-five years old and a business owner, it weighs heavy on her. but she tries her best. 
h  a  b  i  t  s
swearing |  fingernail  chewing  | slouching |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  bad  time  management |  slang  |  poor grammar  | overworking  | slacking  off |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast | junk  food  | self  criticism |  procrastinating | day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous | gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  | lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  | impatient | hot headed |  biased | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed | cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming | speeding | hair  pulling | large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  | unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring | spacing  out | ignoring |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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kandadiff · 9 months
Larger Than Life : Season 2
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Larger Than Life gained a huge following which boosted its participants into fame (for better or worse). We are bigger than before but not huge. but it gave nearly everyone in the show enough to be signed to one of the top 2 labels. These labels (Dynasty Studios & Revival Entertainment) are the people you want to be signed with if you want to make it big.  They signed everyone with temporary contracts.
I mean, these management groups have signed people of all professions, with a goal to bring them back home to sunset boulevard to change the direction hollywood is currently headed. These groups are chaotic in their own regard, with a cut throat mission to capitalize and win, but one thing is for sure, they promise you the same: fame and fortune. but is there really enough to go around when everyone is competing for the same thing? 
After all, it’s not all glitz and glamor . what is hollywood without its scandals , after all ? but whatever skeletons reside in your closet will be taken care of … for a price . nothing to fear . besides , it’s all worth it if it means being famous … right ?
Season 2 is all about solidifying your contract and expanding your profile while entertaining millions of watchers weather it be with your talent or drama. Welcome one Season 2!
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Note: the difference in season 2 is the house is bigger. and everyone has their own room. The floors are divided by decade from 50's on the first floor to 2000s on the 6th floor.
There are going to be activities and like before fans can vote people out & challenges will be present.
~ ~ ~
It was no secret that when season 1 wrapped a couple of months ago. I was depressed. I was humiliated by my father, a tape of me was leaked, and I kept receiving hateful or gross messages. I was honestly surprised when people from both Revival Entertainment and Dynasty Studios approached with a temporary contact. It lightened my mood a bit but it was hard to sludge through all the negativity.
Of course, people were keeping an eye on me, trying to cheer me up or keep me out of my apartment. None, more than Robin though who brought me nearly everywhere with him and today was no exception. We were both invited to a house party thrown at an AIRBNB, thrown by Damien, to welcome everyone back into the house. Once the party was done everyone was going to head to the house.
"Try and cheer up, sis." Robin said as we got out of his new sleek black sports car. The party was already in full swing, the music could be heard from down the block and obnoxious lighting danced on the darkening sky. Some people were drinking near the front door or looked like they were waiting for people to arrive though, we arrived late ourselves. I didn't recognize a lot of the people but it didn't surprise me. Given by the state of some of these people I knew it would be a typical Damien Thorne party. debaucherous, loud and hedonistic. Maybe this would be a good time.
I spoke to soon of course because nearly as soon as we walked in and greeted the familiar faces I was met with the flushed face of some drunk idiot. "Hey, kay!" his eyes traveled down to my chest and I stepped back from him Robin quickly putting himself between me and the man. "Your tits looked fucking phenomenal on that boat." he let out a loud donkey like laugh and looked back at the group he came with. They howled in laughter.
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"Fucking" Robin sighed and stepped in front of me taking my arm in his hand and looking around. He stopped when he saw a familiar face. "Hey, Austin can you get her a drink?" Though, it sounded like a question it wasn't. Austin nodded, looked over at the man then Robin and gently took my hand.
"Come on, I'll make you something myself."
I shook my head eyeing the asshole that seemed to take joy in my embarrassment. "I don't want to drink, I want to leave." Robin looked down at me pushing me towards Austin.
"No, you need a drink. Go get one." He said and I opened my mouth to speak but his jaw was tight and I knew this wasn't up for debate. I huffed following Austin and couldn't help but smile when I heard Robins fist hitting the man and the collective gasp of the people around them.
Austin lead me toward the backyard where a large bar station was held and the people could get away from the ear splitting music. I sat on the bar stool while Austin fiddled with various bottles in an attempt to make me the drink he promised. The breeze was nice and warm and people splashed around in the pool and I recognized a few people.
Jennie sat with her feet in the water in barely there bathing suit laughing with Lisa and once they saw me they whispered to themselves and giggled. I sighed and looked toward the house. Justin was smoking and drinking with Selena by the door. Tyler was dancing erratically with Bella in the threshold and I could hear Jackson laugh once the music paused for a second.
"Was everyone invited?" I asked trying to ignore Jennie and Lisa's laughing.
Austin's smile was infectious and he nodded, pouring teh finishing touches on the drink he was making. "Everyone who he heard was going to be in the house this season - or who is on the list anyway." He slid it over to me. "There you go."
"Thanks." I gave him a weak smile looking down at the red and orange liquid. "This isn't the shit you tried to serve me last year right?"
He frowned feigning offense, "Try it, I perfected it."
I crinkled my nose and shook my head. "I don't really want to drink tonight."
"None of that," he shakes his head wrapping my hand around the solo cup with his hand. "Its the last day before the house, let loose" his eyes flicker to the girls in the pool "You got friends here. We'll keep an eye on you."
I sigh looking down at the cup. Since the show ended and everything piled ontop of each other I separated myself from Damien as well. He tried to reach out but I ignored him. He even came over my apartment a few times but I never answered the door. I knew he was checking on me through Robin like I checked on him but I did feel guilty on making him deal with the tape on his own while I felt with it on my own instead of doing it together. And here I was at a party he was throwing for a place that we were going to be stick together.
"Fuck it." I knocked back the drink. I drank it as fast as I could before the taste could hit, it dribbled down my chin as I swallowed and made a face at the bitter taste.
"Thats the spirit!" Austin laughed taking my cup and starting to fill it again. I laughed at his laugh and shook my head getting off the stool to fast and nearly falling then laughing again, Austin quickly grabbed me. "Oh she laughs again!"
"Shut up" I push him away still smiling. "I'll let loose but you have to promise not to make my drinks anymore."
~ ~ ~
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One person that was happy to be there - that was happy to be at any party - was Katya. If she was going to do anything, it was dance like no one was watching. Though she was so good at it - it was hard not to look. She stood at the center of the dance floor, hitting every beat as the music played around her and the lights strobed.
She started dancing with Kassie and Sabrina but of course as more people came to the party, more and more people surrounded her. Of course she didn't mind, she thrived in a crowd. It wasn't until men started getting a little too close to her - contently forgetting she was with V. The two had made it official since the first season ended and they had been very public about it. So the sweaty men who kept flashing his 6 pack at her like it was going to impress her - was annoying to say the least. She pushed him away several times - she even stopped dancing to check her phone to see if Taehuyng was on his way to the party. He said he'd be there soon.
"Why do you keep checking your phone, little mama?" He asked looking at her chest instead of her face. She watched his eyes crawl his way down her body then back up before finally settling on her brown eyes. Katya hoped that he wouldn't be in the house tomorrow as she gave him a big clearly fake smile.
"Checking when I can stop dancing and crawl on my boyfriends dick." She said so bluntly he stopped dancing for a moment and looked at her. His lips curled into a snake-like smile and his hand tried to wrap around her waist.
"I'd never make you wait for me." He said biting his lip. She shoved his hand away.
"Gross." He moved through teh crowd of sweaty bodies towards the cooler of beer. He followed her calling out to her by the wrong name.
"Katie! Katie!"
She rolled her eyes grabbing a beer and looking around the party for an escape when she spotted the familiar red hair of Hoseok. Tae was here! She looked around excitedly for him through teh dense crowd, cursing that she didn't wear taller heels. She was only 5'2 naturally and the 5 inch heels didn't do much to elevate her in the crowd. Plus that annoying guy was still calling her Katie behind her.
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She out a loud scream when she felt someone barrel into her and lift her up. She started banging on his back thinking it was that annoying muscle head when she spotted the familiar shirt he was wearing. A shirt she picked out for him and her angry screams turned into girlish squeals. "Tae!" He started walking her towards the stairs and she laughed trying to steady herself on his shoulder. "what are you doing?"
"Taking you somewhere private." He said as though the answer was obvious. "I have to show my girlfriend how much I miss her!"
~ ~ ~ ~
Its weird what bonds people. Sometimes its similar hobbies, colors or nursing someones bloodied fists after a fight in season one of a TV show. This was the case of Makayla and Draven. The two had gotten close after Draven fought Fletcher Irwin in season 1 of Larger than life. And it was a rough fight, one that permantanly canceled fletcher and one that cemented Draven as a badass. But it also cemented the girls as life long friends when Makayla nursed her cuts and bruises.
It also helped that the girls weren't huge partiers. Sure, they gladly came to the party tonight. After all, how could they not? It was in thaier honor partly but the loud obnoxious people that were there just because - pissed Draven off and made Makayla nervous. So the two girls danced a bit until the dance floor became too full of assholes and chilled by the bar determining to take a good luck shot together - as soon as Makayla came back from the bathroom.
"Finally," Draven laughed moving her hair from her face and holding up the two shot glasses. "I though you fell in."
"Sorry. Damien gave me something." Makayla smiled mischeviously opening her palm revealing two white pills.
"What the fuck is that?"
"Molly." She replied the smirk still on her face. Her big brown eyes stayed on Draven's face testing the shorter girls reaction. When Draven's face didn't show any feeling for or against it she questioned again. "Try it with me?"
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Draven chuckled looking around them, debating it in her head. "Its better to do it in a crowd I guess." Makayla nodded. Draven shrugged and nodded facing Makayla. She opened her mouth and Makayla placed the pill on her tongue then on her own. "Cheers to Molly, mate."
"Cheers to friendship!" Makayla giggled. The girls clinked glasses and swallowed the pill with the bitter liquor coating their tongues.
0 notes
Let's Talk: Death Crawlers
The moral opposites of Night Watchers, and the current high ruling species of the modern world. They have been taking advantage of the fact the Night Watchers cursed them to be unable to physically harm humans by integrating themselves into society.
The Reveal of Monsterkind
Death Crawlers are solely responsible for humanity's awareness of monster/inhuman species. It occurred not long into the 21st century, and was a whole ordeal. There was a world-wide panic and Death Crawlers "stepped up to help ease humanity's fears".
What happened was the Death Crawlers set intentional traps for humans to discover several large vampire nests, werewolf dens, siren pod hideouts, etc. Once everyone began to panic because there was undeniable evidence supporting that monsters exist, Sortis and the Elders stepped forward as public representatives of their species to help humanity. Basically, they're mocking early-day Night Watchers by being the "median" between humans and everything else.
There were a series of "hearings" where Sortis, The Elders, representatives of different countries, and representatives of different species all met to determine ways of easing living for their kind/what their limits would be. Dragons refused to participate, knowing what Death Crawlers are, hence why everyone else pretty much agreed that as long as Dragons remain in their Realm, then there wouldn't be an issue.
Sortis and The Elders
Sortis is the first created Death Crawler. Only he and one of the Elders know the origins of his existence, but there is speculation that he is actually somehow a Demon/Night Watcher. He has a specialization in Time based Magic (for those that know Latin, yes this is where he earned his name). He's very limited in what he can do: he can only see events as they occurred/will occur. Can read people's thoughts (limited to what they actively think in response to something. ie if he says something about Malvo and Maxlar thinks "stfu", he knows it)
Death Crawlers don't have an official sort of government necessarily. They kind of do what they please unless Sortis declares it "unbecoming of our nature". Sortis is hailed as sort of this fictitious god on earth by the Death Crawlers (I mean, let's be honest, if humanity still had the first human alive today, wouldn't we do the same?)
The Elders are technically a second generation of Death Crawlers. Not related to Sortis by blood, but helped create more Death Crawlers so they could naturally populate over time. They're kind of interesting, as they each have a specialty that they use to assist Sortis in his plans. It is unclear why Sortis needs the Elders, but it is clear the Elders are like enforcers of the code of Death Crawlers. They monitor every Death Crawler to determine whether they are staying true to their nature or being misguided.
The first of the Elders is Ancteactus. He appears as an old, black man with a long gray beard. He has golden eyes and an aquiline nose. He specializes on seeing the past, thus meaning he can see much further than Sortis, can project the images of the past he sees whether onto a mirror/window/or directly into someone's mind. Ancteactus, despite being "the past" holds the second greatest honor between the Elders because he once saved Sortis's life.
Hodiernus is a middle aged man with a more Middle Eastern appearance, except his hair is a lighter color. He specializes in the present, meaning he can see your thoughts/hear your thoughts/can share your thoughts with someone else/can project your thoughts onto a mirror/window. He's an asshole, more so than the others. He is constantly interrupting you with your own thoughts and is the poster child for shit-eating grins.
Posterus is the only female Elder and appears as a young woman, very blonde with almost doll-like features. She's the most unpredictable Elder, and more often than not is siding against Sortis, yet he still keeps her in the highest esteem. It is unclear why, but many predict it is because she specializes in the future. She can see options for the future and can choose which one to expand upon. This is partly why she is so unpredictable, because as time unfolds, the original point of choice for her will solidify something and will change the paths once again.
Meaning, if she sees a rock on the ground she sees these options: Sortis steps on it and hurts his foot, Sortis does not step on it and nothing happens, or he sees it and kicks it away. She chooses the first option to expand upon. This will show her him hurting himself on the rock, becoming angry, and now, in a sour mood, is presented with bad news. However, what actually occurs is he sees the rock, kicks it away, is presented with bad news, but is able to handle it due to his mood not being already soured.
So, in a more complicated scenario, she may choose to put her faith into one path, but as time goes on, the path she chose no longer is an option/changes drastically thus presenting new options for her to view and side with.
She plays a massive role in the lives of Maxlar and Malvo Whishling, and the younger Whishling has a certain respect for her. As time unfolds, it becomes increasingly unclear as to why Malvo would respect her, but no one wants to question it.
And those are the villains! Technically! Anyways, soon the character drabbles will be here! They're gonna just be more in-depth descriptions of their appearances, their personalities, and for some of them, backstory that doesn't spoil anything!
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fnafgamer4373 · 1 year
Hey howdy hey!
Here's a list of my Hatchetfield AUs! Why am I giving you this? Because it's funny how many I've created at this point, and I'm obsessed and have serious issues... Anyways:
AU's I've made in order:
- Watcher World: This AU is based around the relationship of Piper (my OC) and Charlotte, who took a trip to Watcher World, and barely made it out alive.
- Sinners: In this AU, Charlotte is a crazy religious woman who kills a lot of people along the way. Until she's killed in the end-
- Hanahaki: This is an AU I made where I'm shipping Melissa and Charlotte together. Why? Because I thought it was a cute ship. Until I decided to give Melissa the Hanahaki disease and make two canon endings: Melissa ends up dying, or Melissa and Charlotte get together and she lives.
- MelChar (regular): It's the much more wholesome version of the Hanahaki AU. No one dies in this, but there is some trauma along the way (COUGH Sam.)
- Escape: This AU is centered around 7 characters: Alexa (OC), Sawyer (OC), Charlotte, Melissa, Emma, Piper, and Harper (OC). They're all captured and thrown into an escape room, and need to solve puzzles in order to escape. Only 6 of them leave alive.
- Silly Apocalypse: I have like 3 posts dedicated to this AU, you can find way more information there. But basically I threw in my own Lord in Black character for shits and giggles and made an Apocalypse AU with him.
- Fusion: I had a Steven Universe moment and decided to take characters and fuse them. Alexa and Henry form Henlexa, and Charlotte and Melissa form Clarissa. There's more fusions I've been messing with recently, but this is mostly an AU I'm still getting ideas for.
- Swap: I decided to swap the Beanies crew and the Office crew. I also swapped a bunch of other characters, especially including OCs because I was running out of characters (I saw a version of the Swap AU on tiktok that I found recently, and they're way more creative with it imo.)
- Hero x Villain: This was based off of an AU idea my best friend had (Half of the OCs belong to him). I'm basically shipping Charlotte with his OC Alexa, because Charlotte can be shipped with a shocking amount of characters and it's hilarious. But with a twist: Charlotte is a hero, and Alexa is a villain. The sidekicks are Harper and Piper, who are upset over how oblivious the two are. I have SO MUCH ART with these guys, and more on the way.
- Deathly Weeks: This AU is all about Piper. Piper's week keeps repeating over and over, starting on the 16th of April, and ending the 22nd. But there's a twist: Every loop on the 22nd, someone always ends up dying. I'm currently writing an entire story on Wattpad about this.
- Were-cat: I was feeling bored and silly and made the classic Werewolf AU with Melissa. Except she's a cat instead of a wolf... That's literally it. Trauma ensues, some comfort here and there, it's just chaos.
- Bloody Sand: This AU is focused around Alexa and Piper's relationship. Piper is uh... Piper is a huge asshole in this AU, we hate Bloody Sand! Piper. They're literally a terror in this, and traumatized everyone, especially Alexa. Also she killed like 2 people-
- Mermaids: Surprise, it's another MelChar AU. Charlotte is a mermaid, and Melissa is a human. Humor and Chaos ensues. This AU is still fairly new, so I don't know if I'm going to traumatize them or not.
Welcome to the crazy world that is my imagination and brain 🧠✨
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